TACOMAIMEATERm^ Thursday and Friday June 28 and 29 New York Winter »;jii«l« m siiiiiiimt <Ii >m :i: '.ii»i i !•• coiiuihhi MU-llli <.< 11l ImJ (,lii< Hi, Hill . .ill' illt lilt* MWI vii,li. -t <MlllK'- dlaii. AL JOLSON and lln- cnnii|il<tc 1,1 i'^iiml t-ast, iiioliiilinn >i <iuil orclic^li 11 aiul the fitr-faiiMNl lli«.i Iw^iy llc.iii, linmult in the aeuMilioiuilly -•in i< --ful s. i.. H|i<iiacle, Robinson Crusoe, Jr. He .1 I ii-i \iklK<T anil Try to Muko Your I \< \u25a0- Beliave! Pricrw—Lower Hmt, ii rows .«»;_\u25a0 r.o. 0 ruwn $2.00; Balcony, Uli.lHt. 91.n0 mid $1.00; (iallery, 7»<. S«'at« \\«<lii»vtlii.v. Mini «rt«l«Ts now. Onrtain 8:13. ENSIGN VINCENT ASTOR FLIES FOR U. S. U. S. SENDING MEXICO NOTE Vincent Astor, richest young man in the country, is a full fledged aeronaut now. He has been commissioned ensign in the 11. 8. aero service, has passed all tests and gone through the train- Ing necessary to make him a orach flyer. He is here shown in front of his machine at the Hempstead Plains (N. V.) aviation grounds. (i "Hi ci !'•\u25a0•\u25a0-* I.raxcfl Wire.) WASHiNCJTON. June II. Firm but liiendly representa- tions to Mexico against new lilkli taxes in tho Tamplco oil lielils, and other representations against the 80-called "denatlonaliziitlon" of foreign companies, have been made to the Carranza government by the United States governnu-nt, It wa« learned today. Great Britain is understood to b»ve seconded the rei>renentu- tlons against the oil taxeu, tho whether she took the course of sending the note to Carranza 1b not known. The taxation representations, entirely friendly in tone, but quite insistent upon a change, seek to lower taxes which many oil men now regard bb almost confisoa* tory. The other representations are directed against the Oarranza de- cree compelling all foreign com- panies to operate under a Mexi- can charter, thus taking them out from under the protection of their own governments. tlulled Pre» l.rmrrrt Wire.) WASHINGTON', June ll.—Bx- praaMaat \\'iiiia.iu 11. Tint <»< . .1 at tut' White Hounc thin afternoon on ici|nest of Uie president. It yuan presumed IVtft was to discuss the selective draft exemp- tion regulation*. He hatt Iteen one of the president's principal advisers In the matter which will affect the 10,000,000 meu of America who rvfllftered for ser- vice In the new armies of the re- public. The White House was silent re- KardlUK the personnel of the "su- preme court" of the exemption or- gunlzatlon which will have the last word In exiiming men who claim exemption, altho it was au- thoritatively reported today that 'inn will be asked to nerve an a chief justice of this supreme trifo- unal. WOMEN INJURED IN PANIC ON CAR (t'llllr.ll-rr«. 1 .-n-ir.l Hlrf.l PORTI-ANF), Ore., June 2.r.. Two women are (seriously injured here today ;\s the result of a panic on a streot car when some one shouted "ihe draw is opt'ii" as the car appronrhed the draw of the Steel brldse. Fifty persons in the car rushed toward the door, injur- ing Mrs. J. R. Hemsortli and Mrs. (Jeorpo (iildea. Low Excursion Fares TO ALL POINTS EAST Round Trip Summer Kxcnrsion Tickets on Sole Daily Jun« 204h to .t(Mh. ImiuHivc, and on t'crtuin Dates in July, AuriiM and Noptenilx>r, to Middle West and to K'hst- ern st.H.s and Canada Northern Pacific Ry. DAILY THROUGH TRAINS NOHTH COAST MMITKT), Observation Car tniln, and ATTjAN- TIC KXPHKBS, to CMi-iiko via Mlnneapolis-Ht. I'aul, and one Daily to SI. I « nts Perfect Dining Car Service visit Yellowstone National Park Enroute K«tiii«> full Information as to r:i<« s mid y^?TlJ^s V l,«in« rrom /CYV^M>\ C. B. FOSTER, C. P. A. igf jKA 926 Pacific Aye. P*( I Tel. Main 128 Tacoma. V^S^W A. D. CHARLTON. A. G. P. A. Portland, Ore. TO OAUFORNIA, via O. N. P. 8. ». Co. Palallal Bt«mi*hip. "Northern Pacific" and "Uremt Northern, 11 from Portl«»d, the i|uU-k and pleasant trip TAFT MAY BE A JUDGE OF EXEMPTIONS Promoted, But Can't Tell Why ii i.lit-.i hM i 'ii-r.i Wire.) I.OXOON, Juno 10.—(Uy mail.) --•Ooinuiander QortfM Campliell, inystertous hero of the liritlull navy, leaped 7UO junior iibvhl oftl- ciTs In promotion, bemme a mem- ber of the DintlnKuinlicd Service Order and was decorated with the Victoria CrofcH in less than a ytar mill a half. Yet, with a storm raping around his woret career, he is bound by naval ethics not to tell pulilicb how he won either his promotion or the high honors bestowed by Ktag (!eor«<\ Cmuisily startfil mildly, but wlion ("Hmpliell nnd the admiralty remained silent, the demand for information readied tho proportion of v public uproar. Campbell |b not criticized, exactly; the public ivHllv wants a chance to sing his A high official of the admiralty tod:iy assured the I'nlted Press Ithat Campbell's achievements and brnvery dtirlnp the war deserve every ray of honor turned upon him. When the war is over the people may know what he did and how lip did It. but for the time beiiiß Ills deeds must remain be- hind the veil. LEGAL NOTICES SEAIJOD PROPOSALS will Do re- i tlveri at In 1'M..1 of the Com- n.i- unit i of Public Works, City Hall, City of Taeoina, between the hour* of 12 M. and I p. M., on the 27th day of .lune, 11)17. for furniph- mt, lalioi and material for paving M" Street from North 10th fitroet to North Sth Stred, ;ind North Bth, 9th .ii"l 10th ItTMtl from "L Btrett to "M" Street, with an aiphaltlc pavement on a mm rete or crushed rock bn>*e. In Local Improvement IXntriot No. 496 kccordinif to plans and specifications on file In the of- fice of the Commissioner of Public \Vorhs. Amount qf bond required will the same ai coittraot price. Proposals muat be mad* on print- ed form fninlsheil by laid Coiiiflnlii- sloner and accompanied by certified cheok for flva per cent of tlin amount of proposal, madu payable to the of der of the clerk of the Commissioner of Public Works. Work to be commenced within 10 <i;iv: after i iKi.ini; contract. Work to be completed within 120 days after signing contract, but If «ald work be not completed within 120 days after signing of contract. laid contract shall become void a* per speciflcntlons. The successful bidder shall agree to accept, at par, In payment of said supplies and work, any and all of the bonds ißßiied In pursuance of Or- dinance No. <\u0084',:<'t .11:, i shall have no claim whatever on account thereof ftgu>iftt the City of Tacoma except solely upon such bonds and doleljr from the Hpccial iiMseH.tmcnt mode and special fund by said Ordinance The Commissioner reserve* th* rl&lit to reject any and all of th* bids. CJIAS. D. ATKINS, Commissioner of Public Worka. .1.i.. 11, 22, 2.1, M, 26, 1917. il\i i.li PROPOSALS will oe re- crlved at the office of the Com- tilHaloner of public, WorkH, Ulty lall, I'ity of Taoonia, between the iouih of 12 M. and 2 P. M. on the !7th day of June, 1917, for furnlsh- uk liilmr and material fur improv- ng "{•;\u25a0 Street from .South 4f,th Jtract to South JSth Htreet. by grad- ing nnd \u25a0"; i \u25a0 \u25a011 n: sidewalks, in Loral I ii![.j \u0084> . i.i, i,i Illstrlot No 745 according to plans anil specifications on file in tlie office of the Coinmls- Hioner of Public Works. Amount of bond required will be the RBine an contract price. Proposals must be made on prlnt- e<l form furnished by nald Commls- Hlonor and •(\u25a0companled by certified check for five per rent, of the amount of proposal, mode payable to the ordrr of the Clerk of tho Commissioner of Public WorkH. Vl'ork to be commenced within 10 day* after slßiilnK contract. Work to In- imnplcjted wllliln ?,(\ ilay« after sljcniiiß loutraot, but tf suld koi k be not completed within 30 daya after slkhliik of contract, Rwlrt fohtrurt Hhnll become void as per Rpecillcjltlons. The ducceKHful bidder shall agree lo accept, at par, In payment of said supplies anrl work, any and all of the bonds Issued In pursuance of Oi.lluame No. flßOf*, and shall hnve no i Iftlm whatever on account there- of iiK.upi < the City of Tacoma cx- c#pt Bolxly upon sin h bondn nnd solely from the special a«sessment made and special fund by aald Ordi- nance created. The Commissioner reserves the riKlit to reject any and all of the bids. C. D. ATKINS, Commissioner of Public Works. June 21. 22. 23. 2G. 2». 1917. $J,A^ pER TON Cumberland Lump Navy Steam, $5 Ton. Navy Furnace, $5 Ton Ml Excellent Coal. Tnke Your Choice. PACIFIC FUEL 00. MAIN 610 TURN TO THE ri.ASSIFIKD WANT AUB ON PAGK 7 FOH iiimiux KBK PAGK gRVHN Monday. June 25, 1917 —THE TACOMA TIMES- Page Threw o What is the nickname by ihleh our soldier boys would liko to be cull I'll" The hoy* at American lake., th* boys who will In- ••\u25a0m to r n«>i < to rmin l>y the Hide of the British "Tommy" and the French "|>ol- IM," ought to have something to nay about the uaine they will liuve to weur. Arthur ('. Oillbo, 6102 fiouth Slii-1 iitii ii a\e., it, strong for Sammy. ' "Alter thinking It over," he writes, "It seems to me that the bf»t nickname for our soldier boys would be '"Sammies,'' Him c I'nclr Suunny iH 111«- pet nickname of the nation we represent. 1 hid an ciiliiird man myself, and 1 don't know of any name I would rather tie known by at the front than 'A Ha id my.' How About It, Hoh)i<MN? "Keep your eyes oil tbe Sam- mies!" How about it, you boys at the army poHt I What shall it be? Write to The Times, giving your choice. The nanir "Johnny" seem* to be running a race wit\u25a0> "Sammy" in popularity. OoKiftf to Hie front for "John- ny" Ik a little patriotic Aber- deen pirl Doriß Nw, age IS, 1012 Bant WiHJikah tit., Aber- deen. Sin thinkts the "Johnnies' of the army should go along with the "Ja«kieH" of the navy. She wrlten: "Dear Kdltor: lam a 13-year- old girl of Aberdeen, and an my parents are subscribers of the Ta- coma Times I would like to do my bit by miggeutlng a name for our KoldierH. "Olory Boyw" Sn«tici«i "An you know, our Bailors are called 'Jackles.' Therefore our land Boldiem must have a corre- sponding name to show that the noldlera of the sea, and those qn land work together, tm they muw! do if they win this great war. 'The Britlyh call their soldiers 'Tommies.' Great Britain is our ally, we must work with her, hiii) to ahow that we do we should call our soldiers by some name which would meet thelre. I can think of no such name unlenn it should be Johnnies' Hoping that the name of Johnny will meet your approval, 1 am your faithful reader, Moris Nush." Ruth Hayward of 112U South fißth St., TVoma, Is another girl who has a suggestion to offer. "As our soldier boys are fight- ing for Old Glory, I would sug- gest to call them 'Glory Boys,' " she says. AFTER 19 YEARS FINDS BROTHER ••DEAD" IN BATTLE VANCOI VKR, Wub., June 28. —Believed killed in t!be charge up Ban Juan hill in the Sfmnisli-Ainer- ir.in war, John A. de Lotal has been found here, alive and well, by his sister, Mm. Adeline Hous- ton of Cincinnati, 0., after 19 yearn' separation. De Lotal Is a sergeant in the Vnlled States en- gineers stationed at the barracks here. Don't permit yourself to become too serious, too high - tensioned; laugh with the Duffs and Everett True daily. "The barrage ran along In front of ue, whipping up the earth in spray, Just you see a heavy rain etorm •paaehlnft off an asphalted pavement," said an N. C. 0. ot the New Armies. \u25a0We followed so close that some of our men got toekled up with clods of earth, and we were cough- ing with the Bmoke. For two days we had been punishing counter at- tacks and the ground was Miff with dead Huns. Before long we got into a whlsp of the Boche counter barrage and It was pan- icky work when their heavies came all around us. Still you can be missed liy the heavies. "We got to our objective all right and had it In good defensive order before Fritz tried to get it bark. He got a surprise then, too, for a bunch of our men who had got too far ahead the day before, and had been lying doggo in a bit of old trench, fairly browned them with the Lewis guns before we could open on them. "We got to our fellows a bit later; there was only half a com- pany of them and they had fin- ished their iron rations. They were just hanging on until »otne'| one would come up and get them out. '•It's a queer mix-up, this open fighting, but take it from me. the Germans have very little stomachj for open fighting and none at all, for hand-to-hand work with the steel." TRY NEW MARKET LAW The b«w m«rketli)K law, providing for oo operative market inn MMftattMM and a market director, will be tried nut In the 111k Uo< torn country, according: to State Henator Halph Metcalf, who with 1). U Waller, vice president of the WaxhiiiKton State eollcB«, and A. (i. Bantley of the Milwuukee railway, has returned to Tacoma from Raodle. where they addrewsod the tiununl meeting of the i'ltl- zens li'jiK'i" <»f eastern I,ewin county. That is a wonderfully rich vaJley." says Metcalf. "They entlmnte they can Hhlp from 1,000 to 1,500 tons from It thin year. Their chief need in an organized marketing asMOtlatlon and adeijnate tranupor- tatlon. The UH-mbvra of the league are ready to organize a co-op- erative marketing a*nociatk>n under the new law, juh' bh noon hn the newly appointed lnarkrl dlrwtor can i-onuult with them." A 'MUSHROOM' WARNING (Vultftd I'iox I tMix-.l Wire.) WASHING-TON", V. ('., .lune 26. —Inexpert per*ons who liinlnt on collecting "niUßliroomit" and afterward die of NfIVX and poison - on learning they picked UM polHonoun hiiul art; warned l>y the <le- 11.Him hi of agriculture that there 1h no simple tent lor distinguish- ing ilx fiitaiili 1 Iroin the other. For example, the common beliel that miy niUMhrooni may he. eaten with mifety If the nkm 04111 lie peeled rendlly from the cap It* un- founded. The name peellnn Ik pOMtMt wit It many polMinoiis npec)es. The pretence of Ihm-ili on iihihliiooiiik. too. in no proof they an 1 safe for liuuihii consumption, 'i'lic common ln'licf that If MttSkNOai are soaked or boiled In Bait water they will do no liaiiu ulvo in a iluu- (ji'.roiiß and uulouiuled MppMtttoa. FAMOUS SINGER COMING Mine Marie Bundellus, the famous singer of the Metroiuilitan Opera house, belter known as "The Swedish Nißhteiißule.' will lie one of the ninny Swedish singers at the Swedish musical festival to be held In Tacouia July 1 1-14, On the evening of July 12 a lar».e musical nrosrnm will be held In the Stadium, with hundreds of voices Kinging. Karl Wallers and several mcml'irs of nil committee, have none- to the Mtfhborlni towns and touiniunitiis of the touthwcht to advertise the festival. GERMAN IS INTERNED HeluHßl of Heter Christenson to donate to the Ue«l CrOM and lilh alle«ed Htatemout that he "would only give to a society oiKani/ed to the Orman cause," haw cost him his Jot) as iiuarteiiiuiHter on the Sound steamer Indianapolis, menu* his Internment until the cml of the war and then bin deportation to (ieriiiany. CbilHlciiHOii in the first German subject to be interned in Tni imiii. WILL CUT OUT FRILLS fH|>t . ial to DM Tillies.) rrYALI-TP. June It.- With planH to cut out all IrillK and Mick to nnirxes thai will bring immediate practical results, the Puynllup hninuier ucliooj Btarted toda> in the high school for v nix weeks' count The school will be liigger than ever. One of the drawing <;trdn in the tamp for Ktudents at Maplewood Bprißgl, where students will enjoy all the pamimep of a «uuiuier resort while ntudylnn. CONFERENCE ENDS HERE Miss Afnes Anderson of Taeoma was elrttrd secretary of the new En worth league cabinet, nt the cloeo of the. Swedlnh minlHterK 1 district conference Sunday night. The conference nan been in M- «ion since last Wednesday. It will meet again next June in Seattle. Rev. J. O. Waldbog of Pasadena, Cal., district Bupei iutendent, delivered the dosing addrene. Germans Do Not Like Open Style Fighting I csn^^l |^^ enjoy myself afain since I\gsinolooap cleared my skin When my complexion was red, rough in«l pimply, I was to as/mmfti that I lever had any fun. 1 imagined that people avoided me —perhaps they dvi! But the regular use of Kesinol Soap with a little Kesinul Ointment just at first—has given me back my clear, healthy skin. I ivish you'd try it! /^ =fc:^^j =^ Retincil Snap and L. \u25a0 n. i //^£s£k&^\ Ointment are sole) by nil illtig ( *^tfST tei \u25a0 t^*l*- 0F »aniples of each. K^* 4**^/^ free, write to Drrt. 9-N, Ke»- V^/^^^^^^jß^B inol, Baltimore, Md. Italians Lift Heavy Guns To Mountains The Italians lutve <«nr<nintered mowt difficulty, In tlieir advance a«»tniit tlw Aufltrians, in in<nlng 0«e h««vy «nm«i anil other rqiilfMiKnt arroiw the Alp*. The only w»y poMiM« Is l>y strinKinK » ">™e from one height to another ami llftinn tlie gun* in t*art« to the advanced »pot*. A h^vy gun in her© •Jimvn Iwinj; lntiiN|i<ir<t <l this way. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 HHTABIJMHKII tHHf> mimmmmm^ m^ggm B(>MKTIIIN<I XKW KVKKY DAI tiik won btohkon i-acihc avkni k Mmx-i^h 111 Apparel for An Enjoyable Summer We have e\ eryl liing in 1 li<' way of apparel youiJ need for your holiday ami summer wear, You will find the qualities »M worthy <>r your atten- tion and the prices very moderate, In many easef you will I'ind summer apparel priced t\i a considerable saving. Summer Blouses Wash Skirts Our BtOCkl !(ic urouiM'd «'<ni- HoKiilar mill IMru Si/.r*. vriilcn: l> ii.s In prICM and mil terlßlii it is May to Imi»c« Npw nil(1 chtrmtai w«Hh each aepantt whoHbsml al \u25a0 skl|lN lllivi> rtcwtlj n.iiveji price or the entlr. Hm Itm '""' J<; ll'" "<">";'"<'« mo.l- urartMMti of toeonlM "lli illr', l"v lls;4'''" 'l(; (1 \u25a0\u25a0" Btylm so imm.l tlml .>voiy <lc- »PI»™1 1- "»!• !\u25a0 \u25a0 "'"-X* Kir.' DM) l.r Mtlaftod. M-M,rt.M..nt Ot th« snu.rtrHt Hai.l. Plih.m, o«r, *i.4H, '"'" '""^ .KfiV,,;'^ £ Ml ON iH'MIH Hiiinincr, |ilnlii while or iolnr *I.I»M,K10.50. fIJMi *!••«. *<•'»*•. If-IH. Wash Suits Lingerie Frocks Humit 5p.,11 MM *C 00 sl'"' •\u25a0'«'*•'•"—l» ''I(M > r<>|- niui HkiH $oi3o <«i<'<i PaMnm KriirofliirtionH of n|)ori mod- Wonicn who llko lo iipiioar all that Wan worn curlier in frenh and COOI und lovely on ••xiioiiHive- lienvy fabricH. Juwt Iwit Hiiinnier ilays inall/o that iiK stunniiiK. too, In tlie Him- there in a wimple cliarni to lilicity of collar, boll niul Lingerie Frocks quilt' irteiils- pockot treatiuont, wlih'h Ib tild^ and not to l>o met with their most dlstliiKninlinl'le In "»>' other ilressen for mim- Ftyle feature. And for mich mrr woar. Utit im show you a llttlo price, ffP QQ koiiio protty little »M QA too dreBHPR at i^HiJU Here and Elsewhere It^cruitH n( the Marlnn rorpx utatlon at Port Royal, S. ('., have hiilihcrlbed lo $90,700 worth of Liberty bonds. Owners of Ihip n»<^mer BlimJoa, whlrh went aßhore a week ago at Cape Blanco, announce that they plan to salvage the vessel. Dr. Cozza, dentist, 201 Provi- dent, adv. Artnal ronM ruction ha« Itet-n b*OM on a naval training station on the University of Washington campus. Tlie foriiMi' car ferry THOonii* that ha« been made over into a car barge, left Sunday night for Everett, where it will be used by the Milwaukee railroad for tar traiinfer work between Everett, Seattle and Port Townnend. War BimHitx—they're delicious. Duenwald's, 1112 Rroadway. adv. « Ik-li.ilK farmer i< in-. M to pay any money for the Rod Cross to Chehaliß women, so k* wrote a check for $2o to I'rpsidpiil Wilson. who in president of the National in ii Cross so< lety. Lumber, Sash, ltoors. Keystone I.br. Co. adv. Fxiward Kiirron, who was ar- rested Sunday nlpht on a obiirne of drunkenness, was found to have no registration card, when searched at the city Jail. M\ workmen were seriously In- jured Saturday night when the Th« Koslne Treatment for EPILEPSY should be used by all who suf- fer from this nervous disease. Tfce Kosine Treatment relieves all fear of tbe attacks so fre- quent In cases of Epilepsy or Pits. We want the most skepti- cal to try Koslne, for the suc- cess of tbe treatment In the past bas proved it to be of un- usual merit. Large bottle $1.00. If, after using, you are not entirely sat- isfied your .nonpy will be re- funded. Booklet giving com- plete dietary, etc., free on re- quest. French Drug Co., 11B« Pa- i.i. iiti'tiiirir. - ;11. 11.-1 in Herlln ex- ploded, says the Berlin Vorwaertk. Si i<4 ii doom HII<I liin^i v—9l.(M) and hi 1';i 1.1 •\u25a0•* Hardware U*> \u25a0 1& 11 Pacific aye. adv. Dki I,Hikin and Hill Km both above 70 yearn of awe, who have been In the Sacramento prison for 37 and 14 years respectively, wandered nway from the peni- tentiary Sa'urday. The prlMB authorities do not plan to \u25a0eartn for them, eh they know the mejt will come back, an the "pen" M the only home they have. COMMERCIAL It.MHItV * PRINTING CO. Main 417. adv. Ma.|. Orvllle .1. Xave, a 1 hapUln in the 11. S. army und formerly grand chaplain of Hie Grand Army of the Republic, died Hun- day In Lob Angeles, as the result of injurieH sustained when he wag struck by a street car. ll'-fMc<i<-i— lioa your fi«liing tackle. 1303 Pacific aye. adt. X. V. offering 10 jobs In th« Kllonsburg roundhouse to women. TOOAY REGEMT THEATER Hippodrome Vaudeville 7_HT.\i: IKATIREH—7 PRINCK6B KalxjT" The \iunplrp l>anr«"r ROY HAIIRAIIAM) (.lltl.M Sk;ifitiii Novelty otfiii.il dloverniiicnt PktavN «>f "TMK WAR" For the Benefit of War Roliof Kiinds "IZIttTH XI»ISI«~AC!T»^4 Matinees Hall}. 10c. ICvrnlmi*, IRc. i m;vi \i.i:i> v.v L>KViiLM "HEMiO JAPAN" Oomlc Operetta In 8 Hcenca With a Dozen l*eopl« <»—OTIIKK ACTS —« I tally Mhilivw^, 100, lSe Twlw NlKhtly. 10c, lftc,

AL JOLSON A Robinson Crusoe, Jr....of proposal, madu payable to the of der of the clerk of the Commissioner of Public Works. Work to be commenced within 10

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Page 1: AL JOLSON A Robinson Crusoe, Jr....of proposal, madu payable to the of der of the clerk of the Commissioner of Public Works. Work to be commenced within 10

TACOMAIMEATERm^Thursday and Friday

June 28 and 29New York Winter »;jii«l« m • siiiiiiimt <Ii >m :i: '.ii»i i !•• coiiuihhi• MU-llli <.< 11l ImJ (,lii< Hi, Hill. .ill' illt lilt* MWI vii,li. -t <MlllK'-


AL JOLSONand lln- cnnii|il<tc 1,1 i'^iiml t-ast, iiioliiilinn>i <iuil orclic^li 11 aiulthe fitr-faiiMNl lli«.i Iw^iy llc.iii, linmult in the aeuMilioiuilly-•in i< --ful s. • i.. H|i<iiacle,

Robinson Crusoe, Jr.He .1 I ii-i \iklK<Tanil Try to Muko Your I \< \u25a0- Beliave!

Pricrw—Lower Hmt, i i rows .«»;_\u25a0 r.o. 0 ruwn $2.00;Balcony, Uli.lHt. 91.n0 mid $1.00; (iallery, 7»<.

S«'at« \\«<lii»vtlii.v. Mini «rt«l«Ts now. Onrtain 8:13.



Vincent Astor, richest youngman in the country, is a full

fledged aeronaut now. He hasbeen commissioned ensign in the11. 8. aero service, has passed all

tests and gone through the train-Ing necessary to make him a orachflyer. He is here shown in frontof his machine at the HempsteadPlains (N. V.) aviation grounds.

(i "Hi ci !'•\u25a0•\u25a0-* I.raxcfl Wire.)

WASHiNCJTON. June II.—Firm but liiendly representa-tions to Mexico against new lilklitaxes in tho Tamplco oil lielils,

and other representations against

the 80-called "denatlonaliziitlon"of foreign companies, have beenmade to the Carranza governmentby the United States governnu-nt,It wa« learned today.

Great Britain is understood tob»ve seconded the rei>renentu-tlons against the oil taxeu, thowhether she took the course ofsending the note to Carranza 1bnot known.

The taxation representations,entirely friendly in tone, but quiteinsistent upon a change, seek tolower taxes which many oil mennow regard bb almost confisoa*tory.

The other representations aredirected against the Oarranza de-cree compelling all foreign com-panies to operate under a Mexi-can charter, thus taking them outfrom under the protection oftheir own governments.

tlulled Pre» l.rmrrrt Wire.)

WASHINGTON', June ll.—Bx-praaMaat \\'iiiia.iu 11. Tint <»< . .1

at tut' White Hounc thin afternoonon ici|nest of Uie president.

It yuan presumed IVtft was todiscuss the selective draft exemp-tion regulation*. He hatt Iteenone of the president's principaladvisers In the matter which willaffect the 10,000,000 meu ofAmerica who rvfllftered for ser-vice In the new armies of the re-public.

The White House was silent re-KardlUK the personnel of the "su-preme court" of the exemption or-gunlzatlon which will have thelast word In exiiming men whoclaim exemption, altho it was au-thoritatively reported today that'inn will be asked to nerve an achief justice of this supreme trifo-unal.


(t'llllr.ll-rr«. 1 .-n-ir.l Hlrf.l

PORTI-ANF), Ore., June 2.r.. —Two women are (seriously injuredhere today ;\s the result of a panicon a streot car when some oneshouted "ihe draw is opt'ii" as thecar appronrhed the draw of theSteel brldse. Fifty persons in thecar rushed toward the door, injur-ing Mrs. J. R. Hemsortli and Mrs.(Jeorpo (iildea.


Round Trip Summer Kxcnrsion Tickets on Sole Daily Jun«204h to .t(Mh. ImiuHivc, and on t'crtuin Dates in July,

AuriiM and Noptenilx>r, to Middle West and to K'hst-ern st.H.s and Canada


NOHTH COAST MMITKT), Observation Car tniln, and ATTjAN-

TIC KXPHKBS, to CMi-iiko via Mlnneapolis-Ht. I'aul, and

one Daily to SI. I « nts

Perfect Dining Car Service

visit Yellowstone National Park Enroute

K«tiii«> full Information as to r:i<« s mid y^?TlJ^s Vl,«in« rrom /CYV^M>\

C. B. FOSTER, C. P. A. igf jKA926 Pacific Aye. P*( I

Tel. Main 128 Tacoma. V^S^WA. D. CHARLTON. A. G. P. A.

Portland, Ore.

TO OAUFORNIA, via O. N. P. 8. ». Co. Palallal Bt«mi*hip.

"Northern Pacific" and "Uremt Northern, 11 from Portl«»d,

the i|uU-k and pleasant trip



Promoted, ButCan't Tell Whyiii.lit-.i hM i 'ii-r.i Wire.)

I.OXOON, Juno 10.—(Uy mail.)

--•Ooinuiander QortfM Campliell,inystertous hero of the liritlullnavy, leaped 7UO junior iibvhl oftl-ciTs In promotion, bemme a mem-ber of the DintlnKuinlicd ServiceOrder and was decorated with theVictoria CrofcH in less than a ytar

mill a half.Yet, with a storm raping around

his woret career, he is bound bynaval ethics not to tell pulilicbhow he won either his promotionor the high honors bestowed byKtag (!eor«<\

Cmuisily startfil mildly, butwlion ("Hmpliell nnd the admiraltyremained silent, the demand forinformation readied tho proportionof v public uproar. Campbell |b

not criticized, exactly; the publicivHllv wants a chance to sing his

A high official of the admiraltytod:iy assured the I'nlted PressIthat Campbell's achievements andbrnvery dtirlnp the war deserveevery ray of honor turned uponhim. When the war is over thepeople may know what he did andhow lip did It. but for the timebeiiiß Ills deeds must remain be-hind the veil.


itlveri at In 1'M..1 of the Com-n.i- unit i of Public Works, CityHall, City of Taeoina, between thehour* of 12 M. and I p. M., on the27th day of .lune, 11)17. for furniph-mt, lalioi and material for pavingM" Street from North 10th fitroet

to North Sth Stred, ;ind North Bth,9th .ii"l 10th ItTMtl from "L Btrettto "M" Street, with an aiphaltlcpavement on a mm rete or crushedrock bn>*e. In Local ImprovementIXntriot No. 496 kccordinif to plansand specifications on file In the of-fice of the Commissioner of Public\Vorhs.

Amount qf bond required will b»the same ai coittraot price.

Proposals muat be mad* on print-ed form fninlsheil by laid Coiiiflnlii-sloner and accompanied by certifiedcheok for flva per cent of tlin amountof proposal, madu payable to the ofder of the clerk of the Commissionerof Public Works.

Work to be commenced within 10<i;iv: after iiKi.ini; contract.

Work to be completed within 120days after signing contract, but If«ald work be not completed within120 days after signing of contract.laid contract shall become void a*per speciflcntlons.

The successful bidder shall agreeto accept, at par, In payment of saidsupplies and work, any and all ofthe bonds ißßiied In pursuance of Or-dinance No. <\u0084',:<'t .11:, i shall have noclaim whatever on account thereofftgu>iftt the City of Tacoma exceptsolely upon such bonds and doleljrfrom the Hpccial iiMseH.tmcnt modeand special fund by said Ordinance

The Commissioner reserve* th*rl&lit to reject any and all of th*bids.

CJIAS. D. ATKINS,Commissioner of Public Worka.

.1.i.. 11, 22, 2.1, M, 26, 1917.il\i i.li PROPOSALS will oe re-

crlved at the office of the Com-tilHaloner of public, WorkH, Ultylall, I'ity of Taoonia, between theiouih of 12 M. and 2 P. M. on the!7th day of June, 1917, for furnlsh-uk liilmr and material fur improv-ng "{•;\u25a0 Street from .South 4f,th

Jtract to South JSth Htreet. by grad-ing nnd \u25a0"; i \u25a0 \u25a011 n: sidewalks, inLoral I ii![.j \u0084> . i.i, i,i Illstrlot No 745according to plans anil specificationson file in tlie office of the Coinmls-Hioner of Public Works.

Amount of bond required will bethe RBine an contract price.

Proposals must be made on prlnt-e<l form furnished by nald Commls-Hlonor and •(\u25a0companled by certifiedcheck for five per rent, of theamount of proposal, mode payableto the ordrr of the Clerk of thoCommissioner of Public WorkH.

Vl'ork to be commenced within 10day* after slßiilnK contract.

Work to In- imnplcjted wllliln ?,(\ilay« after sljcniiiß loutraot, but tfsuld koi k be not completed within30 daya after slkhliik of contract,Rwlrt fohtrurt Hhnll become void asper Rpecillcjltlons.

The ducceKHful bidder shall agreelo accept, at par, In payment of saidsupplies anrl work, any and all ofthe bonds Issued In pursuance ofOi.lluame No. flßOf*, and shall hnveno i Iftlm whatever on account there-of iiK.upi < the City of Tacoma cx-c#pt Bolxly upon sin h bondn nndsolely from the special a«sessmentmade and special fund by aald Ordi-nance created.

The Commissioner reserves theriKlit to reject any and all of thebids.

C. D. ATKINS,Commissioner of Public Works.

June 21. 22. 23. 2G. 2». 1917.


Cumberland LumpNavy Steam, $5 Ton.Navy Furnace, $5 Ton

Ml Excellent Coal.Tnke Your Choice.



Monday. June 25, 1917 —THE TACOMA TIMES- Page Threw

oWhat is the nickname by

ihleh our soldier boys would likoto be cull I'll"

The hoy* at American lake., th*boys who will In- ••\u25a0m to r n«>i <

to rmin l>y the Hide of the British"Tommy" and the French "|>ol-IM," ought to have something tonay about the uaine they willliuve to weur.

Arthur ('. Oillbo, 6102 fiouthSlii-1 iitiiii a\e., it, strong for

Sammy. '"Alter thinking It over," he

writes, "It seems to me that thebf»t nickname for our soldierboys would be '"Sammies,'' Him cI'nclr Suunny iH 111«- pet nicknameof the nation we represent. 1 hidan ciiliiird man myself, and 1don't know of any name I wouldrather tie known by at the frontthan 'A Ha id my.'

How About It, Hoh)i<MN?

"Keep your eyes oil tbe Sam-mies!"

How about it, you boys at thearmy poHt I What shall it be?Write to The Times, giving yourchoice.

The nanir "Johnny" seem* tobe running a race wit\u25a0> "Sammy"in popularity.

OoKiftf to Hie front for "John-ny" Ik a little patriotic Aber-deen pirl —Doriß Nw, age IS,1012 Bant WiHJikah tit., Aber-deen. Sin thinkts the "Johnnies'of the army should go along withthe "Ja«kieH" of the navy. Shewrlten:

"Dear Kdltor: lam a 13-year-old girl of Aberdeen, and an myparents are subscribers of the Ta-coma Times I would like to do mybit by miggeutlng a name for ourKoldierH.

"Olory Boyw" Sn«tici«i"An you know, our Bailors are

called 'Jackles.' Therefore ourland Boldiem must have a corre-sponding name to show that thenoldlera of the sea, and those qnland work together, tm they muw!

do if they win this great war.'The Britlyh call their soldiers

'Tommies.' Great Britain is ourally, we must work with her,hiii) to ahow that we do we shouldcall our soldiers by some namewhich would meet thelre. I canthink of no such name unlenn itshould be Johnnies' Hopingthat the name of Johnny willmeet your approval, 1 am yourfaithful reader, Moris Nush."

Ruth Hayward of 112U Southfißth St., TVoma, Is another girlwho has a suggestion to offer.

"As our soldier boys are fight-ing for Old Glory, I would sug-gest to call them 'Glory Boys,' "she says.


VANCOI VKR, Wub., June 28.—Believed killed in t!be charge upBan Juan hill in the Sfmnisli-Ainer-ir.in war, John A. de Lotal hasbeen found here, alive and well,by his sister, Mm. Adeline Hous-ton of Cincinnati, 0., after 19yearn' separation. De Lotal Is asergeant in the Vnlled States en-gineers stationed at the barrackshere.

Don't permit yourselfto become too serious,too high - tensioned;laugh with the Duffsand Everett True daily.

"The barrage ran along In frontof ue, whipping up the earth in

spray, Just a« you see a heavy rain

etorm •paaehlnft off an asphaltedpavement," said an N. C. 0. ot the

New Armies.\u25a0We followed so close that some

of our men got toekled up withclods of earth, and we were cough-ing with the Bmoke. For two dayswe had been punishing counter at-

tacks and the ground was Miffwith dead Huns. Before long wegot into a whlsp of the Bochecounter barrage and It was pan-

icky work when their heavies cameall around us. Still you can be

missed liy the heavies."We got to our objective all

right and had it In good defensiveorder before Fritz tried to get itbark. He got a surprise then, too,for a bunch of our men who hadgot too far ahead the day before,

and had been lying doggo in a bitof old trench, fairly browned themwith the Lewis guns before wecould open on them.

"We got to our fellows a bitlater; there was only half a com-pany of them and they had fin-ished their iron rations. Theywere just hanging on until »otne'|one would come up and get themout.

'•It's a queer mix-up, this openfighting, but take it from me. theGermans have very little stomachjfor open fighting and none at all,for hand-to-hand work with thesteel."

TRY NEW MARKET LAWThe b«w m«rketli)K law, providing for oo operative market inn

MMftattMM and a market director, will be tried nut In the 111k Uo<torn country, according: to State Henator Halph Metcalf, who with1). U Waller, vice president of the WaxhiiiKton State eollcB«, andA. (i. Bantley of the Milwuukee railway, has returned to Tacomafrom Raodle. where they addrewsod the tiununl meeting of the i'ltl-zens li'jiK'i" <»f eastern I,ewin county.

That is a wonderfully rich vaJley." says Metcalf. "They entlmntethey can Hhlp from 1,000 to 1,500 tons from It thin year. Their chiefneed in an organized marketing asMOtlatlon and adeijnate tranupor-tatlon. The UH-mbvra of the league are ready to organize a co-op-erative marketing a*nociatk>n under the new law, juh' bh noon hnthe newly appointed lnarkrl dlrwtor can i-onuult with them."

A 'MUSHROOM' WARNING(Vultftd I'iox I tMix-.l Wire.)

WASHING-TON", V. ('., .lune 26. —Inexpert per*ons who liinlnt oncollecting "niUßliroomit" and afterward die of NfIVX and poison -on learning they picked UM polHonoun hiiul art; warned l>y the <le-11.Him hi of agriculture that there 1h no simple tent lor distinguish-

ing ilx fiitaiili1 Iroin the other.For example, the common beliel that miy niUMhrooni may he. eaten

with mifety If the nkm 04111 lie peeled rendlly from the cap It* un-founded. The name peellnn Ik pOMtMt witIt many polMinoiis npec)es.

The pretence of Ihm-ili on iihihliiooiiik. too. in no proof they an 1

safe for liuuihii consumption, 'i'lic common ln'licf that If MttSkNOaiare soaked or boiled In Bait water they will do no liaiiu ulvo in a iluu-(ji'.roiiß and uulouiuled MppMtttoa.

FAMOUS SINGER COMINGMine Marie Bundellus, the famous singer of the Metroiuilitan

Opera house, belter known as "The Swedish Nißhteiißule.' will lieone of the ninny Swedish singers at the Swedish musical festival tobe held In Tacouia July 11-14,

On the evening of July 12 a lar».e musical nrosrnm will be heldIn the Stadium, with hundreds of voices Kinging.

Karl Wallers and several mcml'irs of nil committee, have none-to the Mtfhborlni towns and touiniunitiis of the touthwcht toadvertise the festival.

GERMAN IS INTERNEDHeluHßl of Heter Christenson to donate to the Ue«l CrOM and lilh

alle«ed Htatemout that he "would only give to a society oiKani/ed to

the Orman cause," haw cost him his Jot) as iiuarteiiiuiHter on theSound steamer Indianapolis, menu* his Internment until the cml ofthe war and then bin deportation to (ieriiiany.

CbilHlciiHOii in the first German subject to be interned inTni imiii.

WILL CUT OUT FRILLSfH|>t . ial to DM Tillies.)

rrYALI-TP. June It.- With planH to cut out all IrillK and Mick

to nnirxes thai will bring immediate practical results, the Puynllup

hninuier ucliooj Btarted toda> in the high school for v nix weeks'

count The school will be liigger than ever. One of the drawing<;trdn in the tamp for Ktudents at Maplewood Bprißgl, where students

will enjoy all the pamimep of a «uuiuier resort while ntudylnn.

CONFERENCE ENDS HEREMiss Afnes Anderson of Taeoma was elrttrd secretary of the

new En worth league cabinet, nt the cloeo of the. Swedlnh minlHterK 1

district conference Sunday night. The conference nan been in M-

«ion since last Wednesday. It will meet again next June in Seattle.

Rev. J. O. Waldbog of Pasadena, Cal., district Bupei iutendent,

delivered the dosing addrene.

Germans Do Not LikeOpen Style Fighting

Icsn^^l |^^enjoy myselfafain sinceI\gsinolooapcleared my skin

When my complexion was red, roughin«l pimply, I was to as/mmfti that Ilever had any fun. 1 imagined thatpeople avoided me —perhaps they dvi!But the regular use of Kesinol Soap —with a little Kesinul Ointment just atfirst—has given me back my clear,healthy skin. I ivish you'd try it!/^=fc:^^j=^

Retincil Snap and L. \u25a0 n. i

//^£s£k&^\ Ointment are sole) by nil illtig( *^tfST tei \u25a0 t^*l*- 0F »aniples of each.K^*4**^/^ free, write to Drrt. 9-N, Ke»-V^/^^^^^^jß^B inol, Baltimore, Md.

Italians Lift Heavy Guns To Mountains

The Italians lutve <«nr<nintered mowt difficulty, In tlieir advance a«»tniit tlw Aufltrians, in in<nlng

0«e h««vy «nm«i anil other rqiilfMiKnt arroiw the Alp*. The only w»y poMiM« Is l>y strinKinK » ">™e

from one height to another ami llftinn tlie gun* in t*art« to the advanced »pot*. A h^vy gun in her©

•Jimvn Iwinj; lntiiN|i<ir<t <l this way.

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 HHTABIJMHKII tHHf> mimmmmm^ m^ggmB(>MKTIIIN<I XKW KVKKY DAI

tiik won btohkon i-acihc avkni k

Mmx-i^h 111

Apparel for AnEnjoyable SummerWe have e\ eryl liing in 1 li<' way of apparel youiJneed for your holiday ami summer wear, Youwill find the qualities »M worthy <>r your atten-tion and the prices very moderate, In manyeasef you will I'ind summer apparel priced t\i aconsiderable saving.

Summer Blouses Wash SkirtsOur BtOCkl !(ic urouiM'd «'<ni- HoKiilar mill IMru Si/.r*.vriilcn: l> ii.s In prICM and mil

terlßlii it is May to Imi»c«Npw nil(1 chtrmtai w«Hh

each aepantt whoHbsml al \u25a0 skl|lN lllivi> rtcwtlj n.iivejiprice or the entlr. Hm Itm '""' J<; ll'" "<">";'"<'« mo.l-

urartMMti of toeonlM "lli illr', l"v lls;4'''" 'l(; (1 \u25a0\u25a0"

Btylm so imm.l tlml .>voiy <lc- »PI»™1 1- "»!• !\u25a0 \u25a0 "'"-X*Kir.' DM) l.r Mtlaftod. M-M,rt.M..nt Ot th« snu.rtrHtHai.l. Plih.m, o«r, *i.4H, '"'" '""^ .KfiV,,;'^ £

Ml ON iH'MIH Hiiinincr, |ilnlii while or iolnr

*I.I»M,K10.50. fIJMi *!••«. *<•'»*•. If-IH.

Wash Suits Lingerie FrocksHumit 5p.,11 MM *C 00 sl'"' •\u25a0'«'*•'•"—l» ''I(M> r<>|-

niui HkiH $oi3o <«i<'<i PaMnmKriirofliirtionH of n|)ori mod- Wonicn who llko lo iipiioar

all that Wan worn curlier in frenh and COOI und lovely on••xiioiiHive- lienvy fabricH. Juwt Iwit Hiiinnier ilays inall/o thatiiK stunniiiK. too, In tlie Him- there in a wimple cliarni tolilicity of collar, boll niul Lingerie Frocks quilt' irteiils-pockot treatiuont, wlih'h Ib tild^ and not to l>o met withtheir most dlstliiKninlinl'le In

"»>'other ilressen for mim-

Ftyle feature. And for mich mrr woar. Utit im show you

a llttlo price, ffP QQ koiiio protty little »M QAtoo dreBHPR at i^HiJU

Here and ElsewhereIt^cruitH n( the Marlnn rorpx

utatlon at Port Royal, S. ('., havehiilihcrlbed lo $90,700 worth ofLiberty bonds.

Owners of Ihip n»<^mer BlimJoa,whlrh went aßhore a week ago atCape Blanco, announce that theyplan to salvage the vessel.

Dr. Cozza, dentist, 201 Provi-dent, adv.

Artnal ronM ruction ha« Itet-nb*OM on a naval training stationon the University of Washingtoncampus.

Tlie foriiMi' car ferry THOonii*that ha« been made over into acar barge, left Sunday night forEverett, where it will be used bythe Milwaukee railroad for tar

traiinfer work between Everett,Seattle and Port Townnend.

War BimHitx—they're delicious.Duenwald's, 1112 Rroadway. adv.

« Ik-li.ilK farmer i< in-. M to payany money for the Rod Cross toChehaliß women, so k* wrote acheck for $2o to I'rpsidpiil Wilson.who in president of the Nationalin ii Cross so< lety.

Lumber, Sash, ltoors. KeystoneI.br. Co. adv.

Fxiward Kiirron, who was ar-rested Sunday nlpht on a obiirneof drunkenness, was found tohave no registration card, whensearched at the city Jail.

M\ workmen were seriously In-jured Saturday night when the

Th« Koslne Treatment for

EPILEPSYshould be used by all who suf-fer from this nervous disease.Tfce Kosine Treatment relievesall fear of tbe attacks so fre-quent In cases of Epilepsy orPits. We want the most skepti-cal to try Koslne, for the suc-cess of tbe treatment In thepast bas proved it to be of un-usual merit.

Large bottle $1.00. If, afterusing, you are not entirely sat-isfied your .nonpy will be re-funded. Booklet giving com-plete dietary, etc., free on re-quest.

French Drug Co., 11B« Pa-

i.i. iiti'tiiirir. - ;11. 11.-1 in Herlln ex-ploded, says the Berlin Vorwaertk.

Si i<4 ii doom HII<I liin^iv—9l.(M)and hi 1';i 1.1 •\u25a0•* Hardware U*> \u25a0

1& 11 Pacific aye. adv.

Dki I,Hikin and Hill Km bothabove 70 yearn of awe, who havebeen In the Sacramento prisonfor 37 and 14 years respectively,wandered nway from the peni-tentiary Sa'urday. The prlMBauthorities do not plan to \u25a0eartnfor them, eh they know the mejt

will come back, an the "pen" Mthe only home they have.


Ma.|. Orvllle .1. Xave, a 1 hapUlnin the 11. S. army und formerlygrand chaplain of Hie GrandArmy of the Republic, died Hun-day In Lob Angeles, as the resultof injurieH sustained when he wagstruck by a street car.

ll'-fMc<i<-i— lioa your fi«liingtackle. 1303 Pacific aye. adt.

X. V. offering 10 jobs In th«Kllonsburg roundhouse to women.


REGEMT THEATERHippodromeVaudeville


PRINCK6B KalxjT"The \iunplrp l>anr«"r


Sk;ifitiii Novelty

otfiii.il dloverniiicntPktavN «>f "TMK WAR"

For the Benefit ofWar Roliof Kiinds

"IZIttTHXI»ISI«~AC!T»^4Matinees Hall}. 10c.

ICvrnlmi*, IRc.

i m;vi \i.i:i> v.v L>KViiLM"HEMiO JAPAN"

Oomlc Operetta In 8 HcencaWith a Dozen l*eopl«<»—OTIIKK ACTS—«

Itally Mhilivw^, 100, lSeTwlw NlKhtly. 10c, lftc, M«