Al Fattah (Wa hua Khair Ul Fatiheen) . 07 th January

Al Fattah (Wa hua Khair Ul Fatiheen) - SISTERSNOTES · This dua that guide me to straight path will make decisions easy for us. ... The Sahabas used to do istikhara even for a pair

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Al Fattah (Wa hua Khair Ul Fatiheen)


07th January

K n o w i n g A l l a h A l F a t t a h 2

18th March, 2014.


We are talking about Surah Fatiha which is connected to the Name of Allah

Al Fattah. This is the best Surah of Quran because it is about Tawheed. He is

the one who is disposing all affairs.

We did till .

May Allah guide us to the straight path. We said last time that Allah guides

us to the straight path and then within the Siraat. There are 10 stages of

guidance according to book written by Ibn Al Qayyim. We say guide me to the

straight path which means that there is only one straight path. Anything

rather than the way of Allah are crocked ways and long ways. There are many

ways that lead to the wrong these are difficult ways and there many ways. The

way to paradise is simple easy and straight.

Stages of guidance:

1. The first stage is asking about knowledge. Guide me to the knowledge

that will benefit me and take me to paradise. No one can give us

guarantee for guidance except Allah.

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2. Sometimes we learn a lot but we don’t have the power to apply the

knowledge. Guidance is not only memorizing things and knowing a lot.

Allah will give us the strength to apply that knowledge. Whatever you

learn Allah will make it easy for you to apply that knowledge.

Sometimes we get confused for what we should be doing for e.g. to keep

balance in your relations. How to do this is from ALLAH. This dua that

guide me to straight path will make decisions easy for us. We need a

straight path for some decisions. Sometimes we want straight path for

small things. The Sahabas used to do istikhara even for a pair of shoes.

We need to know even for small decisions. This is like putting your trust

in Allah. If we want a house then ask Allah that give me a good house.

We want to see the truth. We want the strength to do it. Sometimes we

learn the rights and duties then we feel like how will we do it then ask

this duaa and Allah will give you the power to do it. Knowledge is not

enough by itself we need the ability to apply it.

3. Allah will give you the desire and strong will and determination to do

the good deeds. If you want to be patient Allah will guide you with

knowledge of being patient then He will give you strength and finally

Allah will give you the desire and will to do it. Sometimes you have the

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knowledge and ability but you don’t do it because you don’t have the

desire. If there is a problem in the husband and wife then Quran gives

the solution that make a will that you want to set things right. Both of

them need to make correction.

4. Allah will make you to do the good deed. With knowledge you will

understand what the hidaya is including. Everyone is different in their

own way.

5. Allah will take away any obstacles that will take you away from

guidance. There are many things that stop you from doing good. Allah

will protect you from anything that might drive you away from Deen.

When Allah guides you to straight path He will protect you from

external obstacles that can affect you. This is like a shield that will

protect you from everything that can affect your Emaan. Allah give us

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complete guidance so many times. We should make this Duaa with our

heart and feel it.

6. In our lives we go through so many details. Allah will guide you into the

details of the situation step by step. When you deal with small children

then we take their hand and leave them to class. This is because they

need it and later we don’t need to do this. Allah guides us according to

our situation and step by step. Allah will guide you with every step you

take. You will see that Allah will guide you in each thing. Allah will tell

you which road to take. The moment you open your eyes in the morning

Allah will guide you all day.

7. Throughout your life Allah will remind you that whatever you are doing

it’s for Allah. we need to keep on renewing our intentions so this comes

in Ahdinasiraatal mustakeem. The goal will be exactly in front of your

eyes. We will constantly reminded that we need to do it for the sake of

Allah. This is like all the duas of the Quran are summarized in this one

Ayah. Allah will make you see your goal always. If we see our goal all

the time then we will not commit wrong deeds. Thus Allah keeps us

reminding our goals. We can’t do this until Allah guides us.

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8. Allah will make you poor and in need of Hidaya. Sometimes you think

about yourself and feel that I am self-sufficient. You feel you are doing

enough. This is wrong you need to feel always that I need more

guidance. This will make you appreciate guidance. Allah says that all of

you are misguided until I guide him or her. We need to feel that we are

not doing enough.

9. You will see the other paths that will make you feel blessed. You will

feel protected and blessed. You feel a stranger in such people. For e.g.

you are going in a jungle and you are in a protected car and you see the

people outside in danger you will feel blessed. Allah will show you

examples of misguided ones so that you feel blessed. Nabi sallelaho

alihiwassalm said that being a stanger is a good sign. Sometimes people

around you do so much Bidah and you see them and this is part of

guidance because you feel blessed. Then you make duaa for these people.

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10. Allah will guide you with this and keep you firm till your death. Allah

will bless you with this till your end. This is all guidance in this world is

given so that Allah guides you in the siraat on the Day of Judgment.

Allah will keep you firm and upright on the real siraat ul mustaqeem on

the Day of Judgment.

May Allah guide us all and keep us firm on Hidaya.