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UALLondon Collage Of Communication

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Interview/ FeedbackWhat is craft?BrandingApp IconApp design Testing

ExhibtionDesign Musiume

Testing ideaPaper porototype

Final outcomeconnects the buyer and maker and making people to make.

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Choose a briefIn this workshop we have chose our project by collecting graphic designs work that we are intrested in. Workshop The workshop wes very helpful for the brief. It helped us to learn how to find the aoudiance and which skills are needed to improve the idea.

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Making it inclusive research

The brief’s Challenge and scopeMaking is what “ makes us human”, a crucial tool for self - expression and to establish a connection with the world around us. Craft could not only be a leisure activity but could easily turn into an income generating skills. Mass - production and fast- fashion had a negative impact on the craft market but in recent years there is a renewed appetite for making. Unfortunately, large part of

society has yet to feel the benefit. As it is observed, ethnic minorities, and around 60% of UK adults have never purchased a crafted object.Thus, It is necessary to point out the beneficial effects of crafts, both in economy and personal well-being. The scope of the brief is to encourage more people to take part in craft activities, either as concerning age or gender.

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What is making?According to David Clifford (EBSB) “ I see making as building meaning between ideas, skills and people.” making which have done intentionally allows human to connect with their world, observe their world and be a part of the world. Making can be every thing which connects ideas and people. It can be cooking, sewing and every thing that allows people to use their body, hands and mind to engage with the world. According to Caleb Adam Haye: “Making is our natural DNA, we makedifferent things to resolve problems. Making everything by hands might not be very safe choice, so he

prefers to make things by using technology. Kyle Metzner mentioned that Making has a very broad meaning. Everything that includes using your mind and your hands to create something is making. Our generation gradually is pulling a way from using their hands in daily life and turned to use computers instead. We don’t engage as often with physical materials as we did before. We usually buy things which are mass-produced in our consumer-based society. We don’t have experience of putting things together or touching raw materials.






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Analysis What is already out there?There are some websites that give you an opportunity to design your own cell phone case, bag and personalised items in general. I found that a bit similar to my idea which is “ Creating activities for people”.IKEA and some other companies also apply some similar process such as allowing kids to make 3D toys from their drawings. During my research, I attended to an event in Coventry about handmade products. There were some activities to make craft with different materials but just a few people were there. I had a chance to speak to some people about that. Someone said “ oh we don’t want to spend all day to just make one thing”. The making space was interesting for them but they feared to fail in front of others and also they didn’t have time.

Nowadays, people prefer to use their phone and spend their time by playing games rather than making something by their own hands.

Thinking How to get consumers attention?What makes them to buy and make craft?_The makers are users.Design a way to motivate people to make craft and become a buyer. By showing the way of making. Showing the materials.Handmade design / Products._Effect on consumers: The feeling and the story of the craft + Quality + price. How can we attract the suppliers at the same time?showing them the process and inform them about the interest of consumers. Find the suppliers that are already existed (Different Brands).

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InterviewMilda, Manager Austinreed brand,_ If I am buying a box made of juwerley I would like to know where is it came from and who has designed it, what material they have used to makeing it ? Once I was in a shop to buy something the customer servise came and showed me a wood box. At first I was not intrested on the box but when she told me the story of making the box, it was very intresting for me and I bought the box. The story is a cuple travled around the

world and callected different woods that they has been broken. They have found many different woods. After that I bought a book about woods. There is a green wood that it is so hard to make things with it. Unfortunately, I could not find a photo of it.

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IssuesOne of the issues that can be very effective is Art education. I believe that people don’t care about Art as much as other academic subjects. There are many campaigns and events for engineering subjects on a daily basis or every one knows what a Medical Doctor do but I can say most people don’t know any thing about Graphic design. I have done some interviews with people to find out whether they have enough information about different subjects in Art or not.

If consumers don’t care about Art, they wouldn’t spend money on it. Hence, I think we should bring a new system of study in schools to fix this issue from the first step. The key is to improve the way of teaching at school by introducing some Art activities.

ComiunicationLast year while I was doing my second year project, I had some interesting chat with some Sculpture students. That time, I was making a book cover with the mud material for sculpture. When they found out that I am studying graphic design they were shocked. One of the students said, “ I thought graphic designers don’t do any hand based designs and just use computer software for designing.”

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QuestionsWhy does Art education matter to you? Does it help you understand other subjects better? Does it make school more interesting?Do you know different subjects in Art? Who is the artist and what they do?

Education Week Lack of Funding or Lack of Faith?According to Ginsburg, (2014), cutting Arts education, is often attributed to a lack of funding. It seems that it’s a lack of faith. Lack of faith in the inherent value of the Arts and its role in children’s overall development. I have found out that they have done some changes in the way of teaching Art, but still they may not teach it on the basis of different Art subjects.



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Life On Foot / Design MuseumThe Design Museum explored the design and manufacturing process of the company’s instantly recognisable products from their design studios in Mallorca to their high-tech mass production facilities in the far east. Sketched concepts, prototype products and as yet - unreleased pieces.

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LearnedWhat I have learned from the exhibitionHow to design unique things?Contemporary design, Personalised products.

The Exhibition cleared my mind and helped me for my project. I came up with some ideas after visiting the exhibition.

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Bilateral direction Developing ideas and directions.My aim is to develop a solution to interact with potential buyers of crafted products in the UK. The idea is coming from the key problems that I have observed. I want to design a way to motivate people in making something without being afraid of failure. The idea is to make a safe environment for them plus making the process as easy as possible. On the other hand, this idea should possibly increase the potential buyers in the UK and ease the process of finding the suppliers.

ThinkingHow can I design an easy way to make something? Making needs time, tools and free space.Some tools are easy to find and they could be found at home. If I design a different way of teaching Art in schools, it will affect the new generation. Then, it will make people to care more about Art. It would be good if we learn what is Art in detail by knowing the different subjects of Arts such as graphic design, Illustration, products design and etc. According to Graphic designer student Samira Sarparast: “Most people think Art is a really easy subject to study but when they start study at University then they find out that they have to research and do lots of reading plus being creative and innovative.“

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The first ideaStarting workshop with tools and different materials for kids and young parents to work together to create something for their selves. I thought, it would be good to add recycle collection in the workshop. As crafts are relatively expensive, it can help to decrease the price. For example, making a new paper from recycling papers.At the end of the workshop, every one can put their work in special exhibition. In addition, they can post their Artwork in some social network platforms such as instagram.

This idea will help people to make something by using their mind and body. The materials for the workshops could come from donating or everyone can bring everything they don’t use at home anymore to use them for creating something new How market getting better? 1. Makers are buyers. 2. People who make things can put their craft in the shops and our website for sale.After more research, I found out some people don’t have enough time to read how to make something or they don’t have time to make a craft. Thus, I thought about making an app which enables people to make crafts like as if they are playing games. Moreover, it can attract more people by allowing them to use new and trendy technology for making crafts. It is also compatible with the modern world.





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Key points Making is effectiveAccessible / cost effective / using their mind, hand and body / bring making into daily routine / everyone can make it / connect makers, consumers and suppliers.The secound idea Cook & design. Simply design different packages for consumers. In the package, we put the materials to make a nice lunch, dinner or snack with a guide of designing for special events or for routine food.

It could be designed for kids to play and eat their snack or food.Quick ideas generation: Cook special meals or snacks and learn new skills.Strength: It is simple and don’t need to spend long time to make their meal at home. They will touch the raw materials and using their hands and mind. Weakness: It already exists by different shopping brands such as Asda, Tesco and etc.

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Third ideaUsing public location where people have to wait for tube, bus and etc. The idea is to design weekly guide to make something for themselves such as gifts. People will be interested about how to make different things and it also shows them the process of the production. Some people will experience the first approach to craft.

When they connect to the design, it will motivate them to buy the craft. Quick ideas generation: Using the time, they can learn how to make something special for themselves such as gifts. Some people would like to make unique products. Strength: Easy to be done every one can do it.Weakness: May not find the materials easily to make it.


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Fourth idea Public areas such as bus stations and underground. Usually, people have to wait a few minutes to get the bus or tube. Kids could be the main audience and other people like tourists as well. It would be interesting for them, because they can share their drawings and take photos of their works and post them in Instagram or Twitter and etc. The goal is to motivate people to make something by using their hand and their mind. It might affect people better than it looks.Quick idea generation: using the spare time, join people to write or draw and being creative, specially kids. Strength: easy to do, not afraid of failing.



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Fifth ideaPublic exhibition. Open week for every one to go to the exhibition and make something with the materials that they find there. In the end, they can sell their works or they can keep it for themselves. This idea gives consumers an experience of making.

Quick ideas generation: Highly accessible and very challenging, appealing to a large target audience of kids and parents, give them the experience of making.

Weakness: May not catch the audience that they don’t have time or they are not interested in this kind of campaign.


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EvolutionDesigning tools to easily connect the buyer and maker. The ideas are coming from the key points on the brief. The idea is to design a way to ease the process of making. Based on the observations from the interviews and research, it is clear that people are willing to make different crafts but for example they don’t want to work with dangerous tools. In addition, sometimes people would like to make a craft but it is hard for them to find the materials that they need.Thus, I aimed to design a way to ease the process of making and designing for people who are keen to make and design or like to find a unique product for their selves. By designing an App it would be possible because it will facilitate the process of making and also it is easy to access anytime they want in some comfortable environment like their home.

Designing an App: This app will work like puzzle or Tailoring. You can choose an object then put it into another object. The consumers can create a profile for themselves to share and sale their crafts, if they want to. Every year, there will be an exhibition that every one can join to show their crafts. We will have a winner of the year. It will make it more interesting for people to join, make and buy plus we can find more and more suppliers. The products (crafts) would deliver to consumers partly made. They have to finish the making their selves. It would deliver like puzzle and they would need to use simple tools that usually can be found at home like scissors or glue and etc. The craft will deliver with relevant guide and instructions. I also want to make it more known by advertising the sample guide for craft makings in public areas such as underground stations.

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FeedbackYour idea has some merits but needs to be clearly communicated via vis-uals-not verbally.I suggest you begin to visually explain your ideas by simple but well drawn info graphics (do this in Illustrator).Step by step diagrams or icons of how the idea works.Focus on addressing:Who this is for and who else is involved (how you connect buyer and maker).How the idea will work & how to show this. This is a service you are offer-ing, so consider the stages, process and function of the service.Where and when are other aspects to consider and importantly Why this is a good idea. Classmate comments: Have a look at “ Not on the high street “ website.

It is similar to your idea. I have done some researches about the website. It was a great website for buying gifts. I have found it quite similar to the idea I have. However, there is still a big differences between the “Not on the high street” website and the idea that I have. First, They sell the products which are almost completely made. Sec-ond, some of the products have a famous brand that actually you can find in the high street. The consum-ers can just put their names on the product. However, my idea is not about famous brands. It aims to en-able people to do crafting business more easily by creating elaborate en-vironment in which unique products can be created in a very interesting process and can be easily traded.

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Final idea Key pointsAccessible / cost effective / using their mind, hand and body / bring making into daily routine / Make crafting interesting/ everyone can do without fear of failure. / Connect makers, consumers and suppliers/

AudianceInterested on gift, having unique products, audience age between 16 to 35, Designers.It would be like simple software especially for designers.

BenefitsMake a simple and safe space for consumers to make something with a new technologies and help makers to sell their works. Providing spaces and accessible places to make things. It can support the makers, such as Designers, Carpenter, Glassmaker and etc.Can approach suppliers easily by sharing their works on their profile.Find every material that they need very easily.It can help the consumers having something unique. Can be used for gift as well. Consumers can make everything they want. In this app, we will have a section for Artists where there would be some ready designed products

as well. The idea will come up as an app for cell phones, tablets and laptops. It wouldn’t need internet before doing the order or selling.Cost cheaper than buying something that it has been designed and made. With this idea, I motivate people to make something because makers are usually buyers as well and it will Increase the sale. Moreover, when users go to the blog that everyone shared their works; they probably will find something interesting to buy. Those products also are partly made and will be delivered to them in parts to be attached like puzzle. Thus, even if they buy products from the blog, there will be still involved in some sort of making.

Improve the ideaUsing all of my ideas in this outcome such as the exhibition. Every year, there will be open exhibitions that consumers can show their works and sell everything that they have made. I plan to use previous ideas that as advertising tools for my final idea.

Strength: Highly accessible and challenging, appealing to a large target audience.

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Key points of the books_ A quick path to your app’s unique selling point._ 8 tips to boost user interaction and gain more money._ 3 ways to combine an app, a server and content into a solid system._ Right questions to ask designer and marketing teams. _ select the key features of your future product and specify approximate app budget and timeframes.

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App Design First stepI have done some drawings to show how the app will look like and also to make it clear that how many pages it should be. I have chosen Making as a brand and I also had a look at some software icons.

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Feedback / Interview What do you think about the app? Jacky blake,Senior Lecturer - Graphic Design- About your drawing to show what them app is and how it will look like, I can say that it is better. Now it is more clear that what is your idea. You should think about the desin of your app. Look at different Icon and App designs. Look at the good once and bad once. The Icon should show what the app is about. It should be clear. Think more about the brand.

Sian CookSenior Lecturer - Graphic Design, LCC School of Design- You can peresent your app design with Paper Prototype. It shuldnt be drawing only. Think about how you want to present it.

Timothy MetcalfOfflineCourse Leader GMD, LCC School of Design Which Idea do you think would be

more suitable for this project? - I think the idea that you will design the app for it is really good. you can connet the Cunsomers & buyers plus you can make people to make something. What do you think about the app design? I dont have any experiance at app design- The Icon design is very important. If you see a Icon doesnt look good you may not downloade it even if you know what the app is. Also there is some free websites that you can show use it to present your app design, such as Marvel which it is really good. We recomend to our students to use it if they want to peresnt their work.

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BrandingWord choice: I chose my top three words and decided to mix them to create a new word with good meaning to show what the app is about. Market, Making instalasion, sale, soled, design, mix & match, ... .

Sole Adjective1. one and only. “ my sole aim was to contribute to the national team. “syn-onyms: only, one (and only), single, solitary, lone, unique, only possible, individual, exclusive, singular“my sole aim was to contribute to the national team”belonging or restricted to one person or group of people.“the health club is for the sole use of our guests”

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Interview / BrandingWhich name do you think is more suitable?_ Illustration Student, I like Geodesign and Sole Design. Geodesign is like good Design.

Which name do you think is more suitable? _ Retail staff in house of fraser, These are good, I prefer the Sole Design more. what about “applyapp”? I dont know the spelling but it is a Swedish word. It means: when you put a cloth

on another cloth. I have done some research to find out about the word and I found out that in English is Revamp. It is more about recycling things. For example, design old furniture with new colour or something else. I think it is quite similar but it is different with the app and my idea.

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First Icon designUsing photoshop to design the icon and show it in better way. by drawing it was not clear how it is look like. The feedback for these icons, It is much more better than before.

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Further research I really liked the idea of making 3D icon design and the packaging icons. For example, the Nike Icon is very interesting that you understand it is related to shopping and it will be deliver very fast. It is like you can get it from your phone. I had a look at some Art drawing icons. I didn’t want to use pen or the other shapes of drawing tools because my app is not about drawing. I have done more research about packaging icons. I was thinking about designing wood

box packaging.

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Key DesignApp icon design is without a doubt one of the most important aspects of an app. When you’ve put your app in app store, the icon represents that app. If it is awfully designed or isn’t eye catching, then people just won’t be interested. Moreover, having a bad looking icon can make the app look unprofessional and it demotivate people from buying and paying attention to the app. Personally, I won’t be downloading an unknown app unless it has a good app icon.

According to Oliur, (2012), if you can’t hire an epic icon designer, take the minimal route and create a simple but representative app icon.

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Icon design I have looked at different things that are related to my App, such as Puzzle, packaging and Geometric shapes. I have remembered in the process that when I was a kid, I was playing with some geometric shapes to create something like cat.









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Final icone designBy playing with geometric shapes, I have created an icon. It will show what the app is about and how it works because in the app consumers have to match objects, material and etc together like puzzle.

Feedback / InterviewWhat do you think about this Icon design? It does show what the app is look like and how it works. Think about the size of your font.Art student in LCC,Can you understand what the app is from the icon? _Yes it is clear that I can design or make something in this app and the brand is good. It shows that you can design unique things. Mariya, Graphic design student in LCC,Do you have any suggestion for the

icon design to show that you can buy things from it?You don’t have to show everything from the Icon only. I think the icon is great.The first small one in the bottom might look like colourful papers.Thomas Hatson, Graphic DesignerWhat do you think about the Icon and the brand?_ I think it has been designed very nicely. Welldone! Is it yur first experiance? The geomatric shaps are really good and it can show how easily you can make, design and creat something. Soledesign is a really good choise beause you can creat your own thing. So, it is unique. For the app design, thnk about different pages. Forexample, you should have inroduction, titorial, signup page and etc.

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App DesignThis is my first experience of designing App or website. Prior to this project, I didn’t know anything about it. I have learned how to design icon, App, Website and the rules for designing these things. I have also read books about making and crafts to understand the concept clearly.

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Testing the idea/ AppUsing the paper prototype video. Changes the S in the icon/ design some more pages.

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Icon accseptedThe feedbacks and interviews for the icons is the icon with the handmade S looks much more better and it can shows that the app is about craft and making.

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App DesignThis is my first experiance of designing App or website, before I didn’t know anything about it. I have learned how to how to design icon, App, Website and what are the roles to designes these things. I have read books about making and craft to undrestand what is it clearly. I have looked at different type of app designs to fnd out which pages do I need to design. which it is include, introduction sreen page, titorial, signup, main page, research page, design page, materials page, cloloure, upload photo, order page. I think It needs the blog age design as well. If I see I have time I will design the blog page and the porofile page for each clince. Jacky blake,Senior Lecturer - Graphic DesignThink how the clince chose the orginal size. Coloure choiseI tried to use the coloure of the icon which they are the coloure of Geometric game. I was thinking to use the Red, Blue and other coloures for the main coloure. The right coloure should be something that could be for everything. Forexample.

if I chose red It would look like its for girl app may be and it would look good with red coloure. Green is for recycle coulre usually, Blue might shows that the app is for men coloure . I chose the light Green/Blue coloure which it is in the icon as well. It wouldnt have any spacial meaning and it whould be easy to read.

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First screen

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Animation screen icon

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Introduce the app

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facilities, Share their work and more information about the app

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Sign up and Loge in page

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Animation, by click on the loge in button the username and password comes up

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Main page to chose what they want to make. Basket, their shopping information. Blog,Accsess to the blog and their portfolio. About, is the app introduction.

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Main quick search page

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Search to find what clince is looking for in a quickest way.

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Choose the materials, incluade glass, wood and etc. There is a mix material option which can help the clince to create something more unique.

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You can turn the shap it would be 3D

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Chose the orginal size that you need.

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Chose any colour you want for everything, like for sofa.

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Chose any colour you want for everything, like for sofa.

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It is just a quick example to show how the texture will work. In Artboard clince can uploade photo and add text. They can add their name (brand).

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Any time going to the main page, get help, order, share, delet everything they have design in a quickest way and etc.

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How the products would deliverWhat I want to do is The app should give the opportunity to clince to be creative. I don’t what people think very simple and make something that its every where. So with the option of mx materials they can find something very diferent to creat something complitley different, modern and more creative. I have selected some of the intresting creative table designes to show you what I mean exactley. I have callected some designes that

clince do not need to have special toold to make something. So, I can show you what I mean by puzzle or geomatric games for delivery of the products (craft).











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Artboard sectionBy uploading photos or text the clince can design something like this table in the left handside. I prode of my selfe for having this idea for the brief and designing the app. This idea and app needs more time to be done.

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Answer the briefThis outcome will effect on those important pint on the brief. work with their hands/ making is also a much-needed source of income/ 3% are black and minority ethnic/ as many as 60% of people in the UK have never purchased a craft object and those that have are more likely to be educated to degree level or highe/ benefits of making could be opened up/ you may wish to approach the challenge from the perspective of either the producer or the consumer, or both/ ‘making’ encompasses a wide variety of activities – not only crafts but textiles, art, food production and consumer electronics, and more/ advised to consider new technologies/ growing number of makerspaces – open access workshops – may be a valuable source of tools for people who would otherwise struggle to purchase them on their own.

How the idea resolve the briefThe idea make intrest for people to make and design. As making is using hand, body and mind, the idea is making people to use their hand and mind. helping the makers to earn money by sharing what they made

and saling it. The app will give them the opportunity to submite their work with their own name. So, no one can make the same thing and saleing it. Everyone can join and it is very easy to access. Everything will partly make by makers in the UK. The other part is cunsumer’s job to make it done. For bringing this idea to reality, first I need to find the main makers like joineryand etc. Because we need to make different things partly by spacial tools that some consumers would like to work with them. It will effect on that 60% and make it decreace, because people love to have something spacial and unique. Like the gift app “ Not on the high street” which I can see how people like it. but the app is deliver different things completly and consumers can only change something small, like changing name. The idea has valuble benefits which I have explained them in previouse pages. It does have challenge for producer and the consumer. The making is incluse art, food and etc. This is a new technologies. It is simply growing number of makerspaces and workshops which is consumers place. simpley find tools to make

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