wm wmmmm •jHf'i^pwWHiW "T if" w Attention Farmers! 1 am new offering you one -f th m >-*\ completa Hues l PRY coons, SIIOKS. mm PACTS SHIRTS. ll.v,;i>.v M«S •riNVKAi:. «GLAHBWARK, POCKET -ml TABLK il II.KIIY at very reasonable prices. My li"'' "f ,vlii«h i> the •tondntd of any market ure Iresh and i-U-aj When you mnra to town again gi'- m a Dial. 1 » ln.t V i liny* Shouts Know. IVMTI beaatistad witnyostrboj "s education says the 'ISeheol Bnpple- meat," until yon ait MN itwl he i.n. \\ rite a good, legible hand. S|., || nil the wordshe knows ho» to use. Bpeak and write good English. Write i good eoclal letter. : PLUCK WHICH BRED PLUCK. nnf Tlilnc* BwM <*• Tr»t- .nnl b? IrtaS I .-.,1- PraviTV ».i« etuaf la rhS Transvaal. 1 knew -o liciiiv lira,,- "ion, ao many vbo had SOBS tu-mle thliiR*. that I loo* mane* m s manor *l cave* As my pUalSjIiw expressed It, -Tiuck »»• 1 always mi tup" Then wore, however, l.\.> or lln.v ...line Irish la.la who car- ' rifti narase to taa verge of racklsas. neps ami who In conaoiut'iK-o wcr. kill- ' e.1 nil ton untimely 1 bad one yoiinjr- Her of alxut 111, rather small for lilt Write a go- .1 buriDeai letter. \«ld a column of figure* rapbllj.' ream, toad of wearing tap feasts halt Make out an 01 dinar? account. ! » s ""a lls "Baa^M a.i.l altogether one of Deduct 161 per cent front the the beet tn>.>|>or» In Booth Africa*ami therefore lii the woil.l. 1 have seen th. Get a good bale I :.\ MT.ll I), I he Victor SAW is ill ! , ii Ml vouieut for home, torm, "Hi'- md --' Every sale sol 1 wiiii a guaruitoe to Dioof Print's range trow $15 n L. SUG(i, Aoi f.in- lire (ace of it Receipt It when paid. Wi lie MI ordinary receipt. Write tti ndveHlsemeol tor I ;""• \\ ilieu i utice or report ol pub ,.- mccli £ Write an ordinal) promissory note. Beckon the intereat or dlseoual ou 11 fordays, roontha or yean. Draw anordinarj bankeheok. Take it to 'he proper plaee la a Lank to gel the eaah. nil ihe number of yard* of oar- pr-t required for yourparlor him rl.lo iloun hill nt n - lmlng l«cc, while lie turned half roinul In the sait- ille. hol.llim a I'kln-- eoiiversatlon with H'tnc .'ouira.l, s hehln.l. lie collt.1 also shoot like a .lemon, line ihiy he sal.l his horse v, as .lone op. He wanted an- other. I replied J,.klncly. "Take one from the r.n;!Uh" The next .lay ha went PfOWllag near their iniun. Tie saw an otlleer tunl . er.lerly oouic out |0 look nroun.l. lie ihot the officer, the orderly laUoaed off, and Bobby, waking op, canoht th* otllcor'a horw, monated it and and* off. The BagUaa flnsl at him With their rifles ami then with their Maxim, but Bobby como galloping back to oar laager, grtanlag all oxer I.is fa.v. 'Von s.eine.l to bt In a hurry to get nwny, Bobby," I Bald. "I goon i wii-v" he repUod, hutching. To those living: in ni.il.iri.il districts Ttttt'a PuM arc indispensibtcthe) keep the •,\ 1. i,i in periect order and ai a at absolute; cure f.T s k headachei Endigestkmi ni.il.ui.i. torpid liver, cooatipa- tionand .ill bilious diseases, 1 utts Liver Pi I is ATLANTIC tX)A8T L1KK KMLROADOO- OOMUWUD acBKW'LKj tailMS 001NU IHllTL Norfolk, Va. Cottoa ltuvcrs ami Broken in SiiH-ks. t'ntt»n. Grain and Proviav ions. Private Wlm Sew York, Chicago and New Orntaa. TAKEN UP. A nil eow with hrtadhj ilrlpa, crooked horns, nnm.irke.!, ftppuaatb about two yean old, ins been In »v HaM about four nioiiih- Owner hiharalnr notified to call fiw same an.1 |«v otalgn for keoping and coal oftdTmUnc. W. I.. WOOTTOX, QraeuvrUle, N. 0, Jan B UOt, I1ATKII jniT n rnv l^*i.re Mr:.I,in »r Ho, kt Mo ml Laavo r»riw,rw L> K.ickr a.rarl Leave Wlhna I .are s,.lnw r»..lle»llle \r Klomnee ir n,,;<l«b»rn I I i... I bo- , IT V)».-,o|.i Wi:n..n*-'ou cU "* eas o3 Of AM I'M ' « ra 11 >i » M I 00 :n >i : /• I'.lllll f i- II 1.1 4 30 it a : e m ra AM 100 I <? 1 II II M 110 is; «I 1 r » HI 3 III 4 M I I 4" 400, ra AM lltAIS* I.HINU M1KTIU ?.z ??S at st U ».s r.Sl r.S r.a ri l.T n.'U'lll'W Lv K«y,-ll«vliU' lA»vv Srlirj Arnre WritH Lv Wlliulnal.iu l.v Ma>noll> l.T Uul.UtKin, Leave Wllaon Ar Roeky Mounl Airlve Tarhoro Leave TarlHTO LT lu^ky Moat 1 Ar WeMna Ya.lkui I).VIM,,11 Mai r. A M I 10 la ac 1' M : as 41 10 M n » AM IMA 700 »*> I HI 11 10 i » o r * ra A M iM I'M I as I u n m i. c I ta i m «io it»! n i I 41 llll a so u o. in io. A II I t,i '.•llVlll. N C. SCHDOIi BOOK , Thov were imttlni: Kliells after me Make neat and comet entries »! .„„,; , „,„ „' v ,,. „,„ r i.icc."-coiiUT-8 ike day twok and tbe ledger. I weekly. Measure ike pile of Inmbei in I npBOy Wlt ~ ^ i.nir >tie.l. i One ImiKirtant feature lii connection i j;.V r.Utbeunmlajr of bushel* of with the coodncttai;ot mlBlng «g<sr« 1 lions III Siherla Is the nplltuilo of the Raaalan workman for the ni. Wood is .i plentiful In Ik.- country that In no ease will the price for fuel exceed JJ1 l>er cor.l, :i"<l mining tlnihero may lie Ognred on MI a rorreopondlngty low rate. The rurrcut nnee.lote that a Una sian workninn will, for n 20 kopeck niece, lay Ms loll hand, with liiiRen I iprctul, on :. I sinl anil with full KOTICB. Kottcc is berohj Riv.-n that ipptiealioo will be mode to the Qeoeml Aneoiblj of North t'.irolina to j.rohihit the .ale of llooor wiihin two ntilei of the Missionary llaiitiht chunkaear the town of Bethel, " This Jan 7. MM. ion V 00 a m, nrriT Fayeitrr ille IS i leave* Kiyetti'Ville 1126, p m.arriTea '.-heal in your largest blu, and it» value n i rent rale-. Fell auiueiblng about the great ,iniii"i^ and atateameu of the pn»' e :t iluy. It lie can do all liiis ami more, it j. liki \\ I..' li is siilVaieu' e.lu.'.i ti n !.i enable him to ..«i, way 'o tbe world. THE COUNTY BOA It I > OV si llocl. lUKtt lt>lt> HAVK APPOINTED THE ^oflsctov 3oolJ ) to depositories toi I'til I ' !l lli! *'° We handle the il '' I'M* n;..|- whai- c iis one of lh' Pitt County. Stale I isl f..i ill.' public schools :i .1 l'»n ever yon need. We also have 3PY BOOKS slant and vettica doubli i il tablets, fool's i"i.' i>aiH»r, |H-H crayons, colored crayons, inks ,\n Unfair Rut*. The llirmmgham, Ala., Age Herald disciiKiug Ike oandidaov— now pretty generally reeogni/ed nf .'\ Sen itor Hill, of New York, 1 ...i the I'ciiioi'i'.itic presldeuial UOmi Mil III in 1904, says Ml'. iliUi Mr. VVtiitue}', Mr. liryun, or who over else aapirea 10 tlii* holler must j case. Ural demonstrate bis ability wear- ry his n Sue; lh.it any one of ibis three must lirst ran for Oov rain it. n ake his lir onfth make nn as out tietwoea each linger eaun t tic roucbed for. but It Is eerlalnly true that III pick timbering in bad ground, In erecting baUdUiga, log cabins and all manner Of wood Joining the equal of tho Riunlnn paasaat can- not l*' follll.l. y forbid* the ein- i un.ler IS years of ililisliiucni4. wheth- itato or prlTate in- Ilussia nluotutc ployinent of el IW oge in Induetrl il i - er conducted by ill dlvlduala New Zenhuil ihtrci with Iceland the distinction aver other parts of the earth in freedom from all forma of cattle dl»- [GfUBCLUlHBO IN 1WHJ.J J. I. FERBY & CO. Norfolk, Va. Cotton rnctors anil lianillers of Bagging, Ties anil Ban, Correspondence and shipments toiieited. com I ttiioii radii >• « lit'iif! '' oka ..:. i!., -!:;...., wl it" eruor ol his State and s , ,.. t . I'ni- I- li.nill.i a logical neccaoity. jC.iiiilbl.iles.il all parlies, il is true, are geuerally noailnated wltb re- fereuce to their ability i" carry ' their own Ml ale-. IMII this has not always be. n the ease ami is not log- * liwillj neccasary. Mr. t'levelaml 0 snaps.one pencila l cent, 3 plain l-ad i-etuils i cent, was nominated iu HMttwhenTsia 1 rubber tipped lead pencil I cent, n uice inMel with|manj Hall was tigbtiu pretty over 1 cent, Bassnrlel crayons, with metal hold- er, in nice wood box B Pt>nts, .end twiicil, slate pen cil, penholder and pen, ami mle, nil in ai< «1 box, ' cents. A great big wide taHei ,1 « m- im A Our School Spalfa: Hottle of l-st ink on the market, A cents. (.' ; > laaiks .1 fi White crayons, gross in box, H CHIPS Good \<iper It' coins i .•: .p for the Busine s Can t i i Ills ..ar We .any u nic lilt - ol J.'i); day books, join na order books, ''ecelpt ftc, *C. an 1 I i . i ml r b ii\ . li ; nd no: e ni i. -"•'Is. >r .inlinns, !. '.:.!• ."iks itor S ciety People VV nave llll kinds and si \ i uv.-l.• !" so s. visii iin: caiil He i ' \ I pi r- aii 1 ant al'lets. The Famous Park-v Fountain -: :-:• si'tlSt'ltll'i rOX* TA KKN H> M.I. MAGAZINES. linn tiKith ami nai an.l declaring that if he were the nominee he would lone I be vote «f New York, aud when the rouvvutiou probably believed ii. one ..i the most promising |m !; aii.il p ssibllilies f ItMM is Mi. lin 1 . nil Oluey. Nobody woulilcxpect him to cany Maaaa- fhuselto but he could likely do better iii.in that—that is. carry No.. Y«rk and other States which ure gci.erallj acoounted doubtful. Mi. ii .nan lias lost Maryland, itud bNMMiatonhlpalong »ith it. but il is doubtful if any Xcv V.nkii could e.iiiimaiiil mote v.itis than lie in New York or any Mary lnuder emue »> near reclaiming M.nj'aii.l. ii bo did not do ibis ab- solutely, ua il is alinosl sine he would. I'lic rule ni cot ilnci which ibi- Biunluglmiu paper preserlbee asiuitrsui} is neither fair not po- ll tie, but us Buggeatiou thai "a Ibiiinii.ii may arise la Ohio, la- .liana or Illuoia" giving avideooaa p»gjj ol liis lUutUblltty, seems (0 lM -* iquite s.iui.il;and hence the unwis- ,1,1,11 ofcbooaingao far In advance, , He may be any one of a iln/.eu pre* -i-iii possibilities, or Destiny may ' pi ii nle R in.in at pMaonl unknown ni UUtbOUgbl ol".-(hail.illi' Ok« semi. ': eil ill u Wound Rcccivvd In the War. Tkie Slool ,if llfirnuniT. "Any lnfi-actlon of the rubs at ill- ran! .oliei;.'." says the Philadelphia Record, "is pontahed with SO miaatea on a Itool of r. 'n'liianee. When the b> Mltatlon Brat ndopted this scheme of inmisiiini nt, one stool was enough, as the college eniianite.l Ibe stools multi- plied, and lodnj ao lees llinn IN four leageil, pslnlesi Instruments of dlsd- pllne are hi more or HMS eonstaat ine in a room devoted exclusively to the punishment of those who ha..- trans- gressed the rules. There is absolutely BOthlog to the dlselpllnlui exeepi Ibe order to «lt on n ennifortsl le stool for ".II iiiiiiniis an.l -il.ail. Il over." Any <>f the bids would sooner Hike u soirud thrashing ami larv doue wltb It. but Hi.- siool ni i, jieiitaii'i' has proved It self an 111. .il |>un -io ' nt. an.1 ii has come to stay nt Ulranl i-ollegc." 4 fll.oIS TI icon »n i ronii itn ' tai , " \i > has i i er, il 4. O. I . . ll.il'.llnit. I . I ., I VVo . ,. mn, I) In ..ol „r i III del la llnf •,,;-, , I „l ;o , .: i ; , II iltlil Hie SlUtl ,1 I ,• -...I (..1 Ihe ,...,., I llll I ihe IMll \ ll I I . I .! . Will i,-.». IV I illld .. , . ,,.^ •. . fo, nil i .. , >lle,»l i o Kl 8T1I.L AT KIVK POINTS, with a good slock of O rooeries consisting of meat, meal, Hour, sugar, coffee, molas- ses, syrup, tobacco, elgan siiufi, canned goods and anything visually found iu n grocery store. Thank- ing you for your liberal pain nape iu Hie past ami hoping by fair dealing Io liuiil your favors in the future, I am ltespeclfully. alilg leave* San lot U'ville Slip ui leav bed 1 43 ji m. Hi-iurniu, 2 30 |i in. arrive KayetU Fajelieville 3 M p in, arrnea Wilminglou >i 40 c m lieiineltsville Uran.h—Train leavm Ben .,:i..wl!cS0r. am, Mait.m 9 10, a ui. lie iprlBga V 40a ni, 'lope Mills 10 U a in.nr rive l.iyistiWllhj 10 6i. ltellllning have, r'ayitleville 4 40 )• in, HOPS Mill* 4 66 p n i:. i s; !.:.-,'. 'I;, p in. Mavton b 1-1 p r irrives lb iimtsillki 7 lib Si indigestion dyspepsia biliousness and the hundred and one sin» UVf ills caused by impure blood or inactive liver, quickly yield to the purifying and cleansing properties contained in QUART aOTfLB. It cures permanently by acting naturally on all organs of the body. Asa blood-cleanser, flesh- builder, and health-restorer, it has no equal. Put us in Quart Bottles, and sold at $i each. "TUB MICNIOAN llBl'.l COMPANV Unroll. Mick. Take LlTsntMfgiLlTsr nit »st SOLDBY.MoG. KKNUI,. OLD DOMINION LINE IVmi.vl . >,:< T(< M Mut-Ti ni Faytlttvilicwithnnln Nc iIti tlif (.':ii...i!,.t I'mLi-. milratni. MI Ued >i :~ with tbu l«.«. SprisHSa Dowmott i«ilr' , 4Vtil al Siinftiri! rtillitli.'Sfiil.«ar.I Air Line ami Soulhcri- RaUwu al Quli wilh ttkfl Durham ant' Obariollfl Kailnsn... Trnln oil Ine bt'oliainl Ncrk Itrant'tt WoaO loarf*WpM..ni la i> m, ilallfat 4 17 a to. ar riv«-«s, , .... Keok ... ^ «*pm. iitwntlilr* N. pm. Kltioton T aft MB, IU*Iurnlri|C l©»Tr» Ktn-t.i J M.tf.ii.i.rwiiTillfMW am. arrlvlm. lUIITai at 11 1H am, Wrldoo ll u am. dallT uauerv Soadar. Trilnf on Wujihlneton Itranvh ItaT© Wta '.i.i;'"'i !* 10 K tu liii..'.' *' it m, arriTty rarnieiV I a niiiml Itvinii. reiurnuiK leyave I'armclf I - a. tu .in I ' k> I. in. .iillW .V*4h.UKt.>n 11 00 u m and T 30 r n. dallv o KOQ| I Sunday" T»aln IMTM Tarbi»r«> iaflf cicrpt Humlaf tt .%*> ii m. Sumlar 4 15 i»m, arrives riy- m»uii. T40|. m ClOpin, returning;, IMTPI I'lf moatadailv.axoepl Sunday, tan a ia. ami Sin darV ooam.arrKcsilKr'Kiro 10 10»«D, 11 OP am. Train in Midland N I' In.'wh UaTMthiM* bom ,Uilv. i'K< .<i>t BtttKtar, ft *> a m. arrtT u Stniihtirld 6 40 a in, reiurninf Wsfti Mnliun ikd 715 a u,aniresat<.r»ldsbun> V a ra. Trtiln M Nashvlll© Rramli laav* *j Mount at»»» am. 3 io a m, arrivu NaaLv Hi UMl m. «m pin, BprtBi Hope II am. »» tin. Ui'lurninif loivo Sntluu H«>1« Il *- » J>n 68 p m. KaaariUa ll U a m. irrfi. at Km ky Mount U (Oa in.''iHittm. daily «i'*|4 Sund*y. Train un i'ltnion Uramh leave* Waraaw ft* C'llntou dally, faoei't Sunday. T4»«maBd ta pm.rriurnlnsTl-'avos 1'llntua at e4» am i.na 10 Ml p in. Train N0 7J|aad«l '"lose OsMaWMttjM ••J don for all pulnu NurtL dally, all ral. T.aH»D mond. U. M. BHEBSON, ticn'l 1'ass. Agent', J. It. KKNLY. Qea'l Manager. T. M. BUBKBOH. 'I'mffiells' agcr HXVEB SERVICE Siciitnir Byrea leave Washing- ton daily St6 A. M. for Green- ville, leiivo Greenville dally t" 1- M. fur Waahiogton. Strainer Ktlgccomlie leaves Greenville Mouila.vs, W'eilnesilay nuil Fridays Bt 7 A. B. forTar- iioio, leaveTmrboro for Greeuville Tuesdays, Thnrdays and Saturdays at 6 A", M. ctrriea freight only. Conucctiiio at Washington wilh Steameia for Norfolk, Baltimore, Philalielphiii. New York and Bos- Inn, aud for all points for the West » ith railroads at Norfolk. Bhippers should order freight by the Old Dominion B. S. Co. from New York; Clyde Line from Phila- delphia; Buy Line from Baltimore; Merchants' and Miners' Line from Boston. JHO. MY EBB' BON, Agt. Washington, N. C. J. J.CHKKBY, Agt., Greenville, N. V. T.F. SSOO H.V.AKD VT. v.'I! pa' tl'i" *ti"Te rew,.r.l for uliT >'»I4 of t.lv.-r '..iiii-liklTir. Iiv.p, |.-ti.. SWl ll.vlaeh. •n.lUv-lioii.liiii.-liei.lioii or Cmtlnwu TM.MUI ml i-nr,- wilh I.oiTilii, llir I |. I„ lute l.illl» li.nr Pill, when llir .llwllon. are ..llrllf eomplle I .vltli lii.v ir,- pnr.-ly ., L-.-IHOII' nnd n^Trr l.illlo tflv.- .ntl.f i. 'ton "'- l„,\.-> i-on- •.illi.l.i' flit'. IU line- .olil.iln *l l-lIK &T hnlM , . I,lull! I.li-lll*. H.'WKI.' of -lll'.mntloni. «n.l Imil.ulon. s.-nl 1„ in.ill M.11111- llkea. SallV r.\ MKOIi.M. CO., i"r. I'llii.tin «nd l.„k-.,- Stneta ,'IIII-M,I. Ill l'or.»lel.v 1 I, won'KS. in U-.-..1-I ' -.'.•''.'"•>•• > c LAM ISA I.E. By lirtueof the power vested Iu DM i»y n rkeroe made in a apei Isl Hi ecollag no« pemllBit in il"- Supeiior Court of I'm eoiiniv eatuMJiata A. Tyson, Admllt - irstor ,.f l.v.lin Jsa-eait .1. I, Mills, 8rs - ml Hills .ii'.l the other beira .' law of l.y- ,lia Jnnrrs, ilu' aaderslgiad v. ill on Uoadaj ibe 4iu itsjr of February, ISOL expose t, anli- before the t'oiirl fliMiao ouoi In the loan of Orecnrllle. to tin highest bidder. Ibe following descr l'«l piece or porcat ol .ami. io win' That certain tract adjoining ItwafoM* Wllloaihb) laait, JT, Allons JollV IsOll, tin' I"'"'!' IISM of.'essi A. Ty son nii.l otiiiri.. rantalng eight {") sere more or leas and being tat Identical eight nere tract of It",.I thai \v:m i-oiivcve.1 liy I., P. llnr.Wey ! I.)llll .Inllles. TerOll of sale cash. IIABM W. iVllK.llllV.K, CouiHiihaioniT. J,inunv 4lh. Itm. NEHVITA PILLS Restore Vliallly, Loil VI&: and Miahood l'i;ri'!i'|. !-'..rv. Niicht t*rr.i --ir>t. Loss of Mftn- t.rj', all Wiiaiiii* dtseanc*. r ._ j.'! . tui.l tiitl.-rrt'ttiin. #IA narva tonic tnd \ibloo4 bulldar. Briusrs 11.-. pink k-l.-v to p.l. i 1 -"bi- and roaturea Ine 60 PILLS 50 CTS. fin, of yoiiili. Hy moll .. 'fJOe prf oof 6 DOM fat U.fiO, with our bankablo rrauranUe to euro or refund the r >ney paid. Send Tor rircular i - i . ' . .Laolo Buarautoe bund. EXTRA STRENOTn NervitaTablets tvltiTol/ mmr'tnl"-! rare fur lrlr.<.f-, Ci. I -i-'oi-M or St. And wher? it co-Ties to »JOJB - The Reflector Office Can't lie Beat. for I.- - of Poinr, Hlir.iiihni Oa'«n% I'.ire «I», IA .or Alaila. N. rum Pn..lr«. Mill mi -. Hv.t, -r i. I.I-. Ii,-.n.ilv. rnr.lj. 1 . nml Uw , B..-iill« of l'.,-.~.|T0t'i."olTolwirc..l>i..iiiT, or .Mll'kll'lllllirtf l.iqoor. li, ni UI laplala wckwIlflO , [..,. 6 t, i ' IO wl'.fi o-ir bankable ra»r- cniinn. I u veteran of Ibe civil ant*, toi sapi ui ao aata or ntuni iviti-.dleilathlahoine In MalUrdl MERVJTA MRDICAL CO. Olnton A .'ackaon 80k, OHIOAQO, IU. Mr, ll iln'ii Uarrlaon, known rlti/l'll nt t nil, township, at ^S o'clock >es leiil.iv illlemuou. III-, .lentil was tin rcaull ..fa wniiml ii'i'.'ivril in the war, thirl] rigbl yean ago.— t 'II.II lolloOlsMrvvr For Nil- i .1 I. OOTK.N, llrnge «t, Uneoville. N (J NOTIGK. A|iplii*nii<iii ..i,l be made to il:e Legla laliire to lunTnliiti cb.vrternf the town of nicy baa ay hits OiUBi Ksn.tr.,Barer, Ilu iniioii li.nnl III Ismkl" ileiii nnli-il Hie «n ..i.ni. "I oiuuul lell jini that, ,n kihtui," replied lbs smn benlnd T i io gi iilug " A'ky, iliey lolil .1. C Oafjuas, Okak. laimarv Ifitb i" 1 1 ST PKESCntPflON F0H CHI'.LI and fever is ii liotlie of Grove'* I'liMi'lees Chill Tonic. It is simple you were the teller.' SMPP ,,. Il . oliaiKllluill i llcirill s , eIPMf p r ' m - awrai. So ourn-no jay. PrlDeWc. IW. HAHDEE, —DKAI.F.K IN— L. ii. Pender, GHEESVILLE, N. C. T.ilnuco l-'lues. Tin Booting, Bo. Bxpert GiniMiiiiii employed. All kinds linn and locksmith work lit>t class. He 'Stocking of guns a specially. Agent for The Oliver Typewriter NOTICE. I forbid trapaadng by my ono i.i any i, inner wbeleaovori i»v hnaang «Ith gon oi dog nt nnv time. Rablag and trapping, ei ttlng lilnlier n! wood, passlDg over ri.lillg oi ,ii I. ol, i.rin any other manner. OB Say ol ibe following lead*; Oie trail knows ** Ibe John I'.alU'. Mini in Falkland town- ship, n.li iniii? It. It. Outl le""' Sofllh, ami I rniher. Ihu Koieamn luml ami Others lying on Ihe loath ikta of Til river. ' line tniei knows »• ikeUkmdp and Ben Barae 'urn. in Kalhltad township ii.lHn BgBrs Kiimlolpli, the Hesbles larm ami oiium, lying o i ilu- soath itde ofTsi riv.-r. Tic-luia-ei" will lie iiro-e. ule.l. It. J.I.I1TIK. The Commoner ISHII:D WI.KKI.Y. WILLIAM ,1. BRYAK, Editor a PnbUiber, LlSIXiI.N, Nl'.IIK.ISKA. TEHMS-rnyalilc in Ailvance. One Year »l, Six Booths liOc, Three Monthsline, Sing, t lopy -V. Nn traveling eunvasscrs are cm ployed. HuWriplloiis taken nt Tu I ItKFt.KiTiiu olllre. The Semi- Weakly BHPLBCTOB and ••'! li<- t'niuiiiiiiiei" will is- sent together mn' year (or I1.75 1 or Tin: DAILI RBrUtOTOI nml "Tlie I'..niniinipr" one year for 13.00 peyuble in ad ranee. Tho Ono Day Cold Cnro. For culd in Ihe h< .a tnd -,ur iltroat .-' Kcr- ansi'. chamliie. titiii,- rmiilBe. ill. ' Oat ta; Cold Cure.' AT e You Hungry ? Satisfy Your Appetite at the Carolina Cafe, Next door to Slu-llm11.':-. Everyih'ng New and Clean. Oysters. 6lM, Alltklit C«d tt Elt. Regular Dinner from 12 o2 o'clock 25 Cents; Soup, 2 knnl- iiieal, 4 kinds Vegetables, Bread, Ooffae and i>e- serf, all for 98 cents. IS. W. KLEIHACKEK, Ma miger GREENVILLE N. C. 6,-J o—a . Cottou Bagging and rios always —on has t— Fresh gooda kept constantly en baud. Country protluoebougt and sold. A trial will convince you. O. W. HARDEE. W, R. WHICHARD & BRO,, —DEALGBM IN— J^lforohandisQ Whichard, N. 0. The Stock complete in every de liart in out and prices na low as the lowest, liigheet market prices paid for country produce. F8TA III i.-11 i;n J>!76. ;. iii. Schultz, Wholetiiiie unit reluil Grocer and •'limitlire Dealer. Caah paid for Bides, Fur, CottonSeed, Oil Bar- rels, Turkeys, Kgg, etc. Bed- steuds, Matties.se*, Dak Suits, Ba- by Carriages, Go-Carts, Parlor Suits, Tables, Lounges, Safes, P. Lorrillard and Guil&AxSnuft,!tcd Bent Toliacco, Key West Cheroots, American BenttS Ciearettes,-tin- ned Cherries, Teaches, Apples, Pine Apples, Syrup, Jelly, Milk, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap, Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil, Cottou Seed Meal and Hulls, Gar- den Seeds, Oranges, Apples, Nut", Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches, Ptuncs, Currents, Raisins, Glass I and China Ware, Tin aud \Yooden, Ware, Cakes nml Crackers, Mara "J r.nii, ( li -I'M', Bent Butter, Stand- ard Sewiug Bach i nes . and nu- merous oilier gisals. On,lily nml Quantity. Cheup for ciudi. Come to see me. . I. COPIT, -DEALEB IN- —A GENERAL LINE OF— 8 in Also a nice Liueof Hardware. OOME IX) 8KB MB. J. B. COBBY. Phone 8t PATEN1 rtOff CTOIT "ft^io'fvlrl, ttkrU-h.orpht.Ut, ] for fr«« •tacalaaUoa a*d a-uica. ] BOOIOIPITaTSKb!^"^,: l>.lWB»\.SWS\.>>»t4>Vtsv.>W*rV\ Jfows Hham Weeh -FOB— B THE EASTERN REFLECTOR ! MF t m D. J. WttlSHftf^D. EDITOR ftRD OWI^BR Tf(UTH II] PREFEP^OSE'TO ¥Wl TERTJQZ. $1.00 PBRYBft] :.:...'. 'qcsdqy? •I'M* rFifiaajr -AT— VOL, XX. GREENVILLE, PITT COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 I90I. NO 7 (f li NEW GOODS ARE NOW COMING IN. We sell the Celebrated AKMOSIDE OOBSlrT. The only corset that will uot break down nt Ihe sides. Our line of Bu- reaus, Tables, and Wash Stand Covers is beaiilifnl and very cheap. Bee us for haui- burga, allovers, iwtss, torchon, & val laces. W. T LEE &C THE CHIEF CAUSE OH CKIUl. Iu Ihe year 1000 tnere were 8,878' of dignity: murders in the United Slates and yourself. only 1U8 hangings. Iu Canada Of nnseinslineesi Never to remeiu- for the previous year there were| ber yourself. CelyM indielments for uiiirdcr., Of a clerk: Not what he earns. The population of this country is but whal he spends. only alsjut thirteen times as large! Of happiness: The art of for- iu-("ann.In, but the number of our murders is .'t.SO times aa large. A single one of our citieeof the liist i forgettiug actual happiness rank furnishes a larger criminal list every year than the vast great er half of the continent to the north of us. The Canadians have a right to their boast that as compared with us they are a remarkably law abiding people. This showing which is so unfav- orable to the 1'uitedStates is part WASHIISOTON LBTTBK. From Oa- K«.iiii«r I'lirre'iKinili-nl. WAstiiNiiTox, U. v., Jan. 21th. As the administration doesn't wish tn take any more chances, the conferees ou the part of the Bouse on the Army bill, have orders to agree to the bill as it passed the Senate. II is expected to go to Mr. McKiuley iu a day or two, and mouths are already watering for the uiee little coiiiinissious thai he will distribute under the ne»- law. The Ship Subsidy bill h is been patched up so as to placate repub licun opposition, and it is uow claimed that it will get the vote of every republican .Senator, if it gets | voted upon, ll is lobe consider- ed in the Senate ivheuever no regu- ar appropriation bills are ou bend, for a time, but Senator Aldrlch re- minded Senator Ilatma that the time would be limited when he gave notice that Ihe Finance Com- mittee would, iluiing the present week, report the revenue reduc- tiou bill. The prediction has been made by a Senator that if the Ship subsidy bill was not passed before the rcvouue redaction bill, which will have the ri",ht of way got before the Senate, il would not pa»s ai all. it't he democratic Sen- ators choose they can easily pie- vent ihe Ship subsidy bill getting Ol'n millionaire- Not what he to a vote, but they inny conclude These Are th, i. ia Never to forget get ting actual uiihnppiness. Of utihappincss: The habit of spcuds, but what he earns, Oflieauty: Not that it is per feet, but that it always attracts. thai it .vill be good port}' policy allow ihe republicans to pass it. While p otCSttng all the time Of a good comrade: How much that he would uot be a candidate, you enjoy talking to him. Senator Banna is constantly busy Of purity: Not what it has not I layinj, wires lo bring about his seen but what it has not touched, nomination for President, by the Of charm: Not how much you republicans in 1904. His latest ly accounted for by the fact that | feel '! but how keculy you remein-, move in thai direction was Io make Canada has no great cities aai"*' 1 '- j a bid for Ihe soldiers vole, by un- breedcrsof crime and is inhabited; Of a student: Not how much he noimcing bis iuleution lo joiu Ihe by a homogeneous people iustead know! but how much he wauts tojO.A. B. [f the democratic lead- of a conglomeration of races and na - j know. icrs can help Banna gel that noni- tiom,. The French live mostly toj Wareslhlt! Not that he never inatiou, they will certainly do so, themselvesin a single province; 'depicts ideally, but that he never | because of their oelief that his nom- ine Indiaus sre mild and easily depicts falsely. j inatiou by the republicans would controlled; there has been little iin ' Ofa fine roan: Not the harm, assure the elect iou of any dem poratiou of the forcigucrs aud all i thttt he (loe8 " ot ' lo but the good ( ocrat. I TO THE PEOPLE, OIK FBIBND8 AND CTJBTOBEBS OF PITT AND ADJOINING COUNTIES. CV *-' ••-'•«'.. ! :. an We are still in the forefront of the race after your patrouag We offer yon the beat selected line of kinds have Hooded this cotintry and there is no race problem sucn as ours. But, as stated this cau accouut | elsc > ou forget. only in part for the astonishing dif- ference between the criminal re- that he doeu do. That "pull" under this adiiiin- Of fascination: Not how keeu-iistrutiou is stronger than the Civil ly you remember it, but how much service Law is nothing new, but a disgraceful proof oi it has just been Of the worst pessimism: Lead-! given by the appointment of Win. ing a poor life aud preachiug what Hamlet, of Barylaud, who was cords of the two countries. There j)" 0 " practice. | forced lo resign as a general iu. must be some other aud a weight- Of a woman's power: Not how spectorot Ihe Post Office Depart- ier reason. This is uo doubt to oe I exclusively you thiuk of her when | meut, for having hired out. his gov- found in the certainty aud prompt-1 "be Is there but how often you eruiueut railroad pass, to be an ill- ness with which puiiishmeut Is th ink of her wheu she is notjapeotor in the ' there. Of virtue: Not what it does uot ill but what it does uot waut to do. meted out to offenders by Canadian representatives of law aud order. The guilty are not only not allowed to escape, they are not allowed to delay the processes of conviction ami punishment. "There nre uo methods," says the Chicago Times Herald, "whereby Canadian crim- inals cau have the proceedings t tyed from month to month and fr JPI year to year or, after being convicted, appeal from one court to another until the witnesses die of old age or opportunities lorcorrup tion cau be found. Nor does this switt method of floating with wrong-doers in Canada leave the lnnooout unable to properly defend themselves. They have all the privileges snd opportunities that our own laws extend to them. The Intent to shield the guilty is lack- ing—that is all." Of the twenty-five indictments for murder in 189fl, only two were left without final action, while el- even of the indicted were hanged, nine acquitted and three oontlued aa insane. The same policy would hang nearly 4,000 of our murdei- ers for the year 1000 instead of only 119. It canuot be doubled that the weakneaa in our judicial system, or rather lack of flrmnees io the application of the system, which permits so many red-hamled murderers to escape their just de sorts, is the chief cause ol the shocking record of growing crime in oun country.—Macon, Ga., Tel- egraph. Words To Think Over. To do God's work we must do it His way. The rays of happiness, like those' of light, are colorless when iinbro ken. Too much sensibility cicavsmi- happiness; too much iuseusibility ereates crime. There arc thousands of people who live ou the cold, dark side of life. What tbey need is light aud love. No matter iu what land tbet'bris tian is, or under what sky, he turus his eyes kouvcuward, he looks homeward—to the bliss and rest above. More than half of the tiuhappi- uess of the world anBMI from a per- verse unwillingness to look ou the bright side so long as a dark side cau be discovered. The Christian who works as hard as if everything depended ou him- self and as unconcernedly us though everything depended upon God, has a uearly perfect workiug theo- ry. The girl with the rainy day skirt ; ought not to have trouble in catch- ing a hnsband—she can run after a man so much better. Baltimore .'ustom House. Iu other words, a man v, lui has shown his unliUiess for a positiou under one departiueut of the public service, has becu given an equally responsible position in another. The secret of Hamlet's "pull" is his ability, or bissiippos ed ability, to control the negro j voters of Maiyiaud. A sensational scandal ill the dead letter often of the Post or lice Department, has resulted in the dismissal of the Chief iu the property division end three clerks Under him, and will probably re- sult in the entire te-orgauization of the dead letter ollicc. The clerks dismissed were guilty of COD spiriug to get valuable properly lor nominal prices, by menus of bidding iu certain packages, im- properly described iu thecatalogne of the annual dead letter auction sale. One of tbetn made a coufes- sion wheu cornered with a lot of the improperly descrilied packages iu his possession, and uncovered the conspiracy. "Where Ignorance Is Bliss.' With yellow fever lurking in the bite of the BMBfloUo anil dangerous microbes clinging to almost every thing with which we come in tact, the average man faces death a dozeu times a day aud would have been much happier if he had never ncard of such things—that is, if he believes them.—Duiham Herald. General Merchandise to be found la any store in I'itt Oonoty. Well bought choice selections, the creations of the beat manufacturers of America and Europe. Seasonable all the year round, spring. Summer and Winter. We are at work for yours and our mutual ad- vantage. It is our pleasure to show you whal you want and to sell you if we cau. We offer you the very best service, polite attention, and the most liberal terms consistent with a well established business built up strict!], ou its own merits. When you come to market you will not do yourself justice if you do not see our immense stock before buying elsewhere. Benwmber us ami the following lines of general merchandise. Drv Goods and Notions, Hats iiinl Caps, Silks and Satins, Dies.-. Drimmings Ladies' Jackets and I apes, Carpets, Battings and Oil Cloths. Shoes. Is Dancing a i'osi Fancy. One of the well known ballet | . trainers of the cit) i'i discussing the subject one I > last week said: -lv pie will not dance al all with in a very few yeai-. Von see, dancing is not meaul to be distort- ed as n now i>. 'I'., dai.ee one most be graceful, bnl to dance after the picvailiug ballroom tUNhloU one I ill-' lie very angular. Iii the iii>i pla.e. ihi ,e nothing to dance. People uo longer wait/.. and when they do walli they do nut waltz well: it is a kind of w\ I. ' ward whirling around, with no I Every cotton planter should opportunity or design for a grace- write for ourvaluable illustrated iha> v ''" pamphlet, "Cotton Culture." nl Ihe c , lt is sent fr. e. All I'm movement. graccfi I ' •• »ali/ past has been taken from it to please Ihe hopper, who would pre fer to whirl uround on one toe, I with no though I of dancing. Bow can niic expect ilia' u would be I any different with this two-step I till ning even mi.'.- head .' No one * . .,u s.., K. V. How'» This 't We ;;• i One Hundred Dollars Reward for nay case of Catarrh that eaa not be cured by Hall's Oa- li.aii lure. Meu's, Women's and Children's Bhoea. ^Saddlery ami Harness, Horse Blankets and Dusters. Groceries. Flour. Meat, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses,:,Lard, Bead ts,| | Hardware, Plows, Castings anil Plow Fixtures, Nails and Hope. Furniture. Headquarters for Furniture and everything in thai line. We buy Strictly for Cash, but sell for Either "ash or on Approved Credit. Our motto is Honesty, Merit and Square Dealing. Your Friends, 1.1. OK!**? 6.00. I cau think to dance well when all i'.,i.i hciiey& Co., Prop. Toledo O. be dances from one mouth's cad lo We the undersigned, baveknown another Is Ibe Uo step. There i- '"• •'• ''beney for the last US years, nothing graceful n it that. Vou and K ' lil '\V 1 ' : '". Perfectly honor- ,, , . I'.ie in ail luiMuc.-s (rai'sactiotis can't get any kind o training out , , ,- , . ,,, ,, , ' B and I . alielndv aide In Carry out "in- ft" no ilauce, Did you a ny obligations made by their Arm. ever analyze il '" West S h-iias, Wholesale Drug- The maslei began to dance, turn gists, Toledo, O. ing from the evolutions ol tl .1- v ' "'""f- Biuuau & Marvin, \\ boleaale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall'-, Catarrh Cure Is taken In- ternally, acting directly upon the : In 1 and in a ni- -oi lae, - ol (he system, frice 73c. per bottle. Sold l.y nil Di'UggiaU, Tc-tiuioli- inls free. Hall's I'.,,mi., PUb, are the best fashioned dauees to the waits and the two step. With hi- bands on hi- hip- lie glided back ami forth, all the tvhilcstuiliugcynically. "Can't yon see ii"» foolish it i.-.'" he said. "Can't you sec therei is nothing to this wonderful two- step 1 One doesn't have to dauoe I -just take so many glides, turn, ... . .... desiring i in irrj uud nol having glide again ami again turn. When- , ,. . . . a your opportuoit) lor grac^i Every man, woman and child in tlie country c tuld 11 this if be wanted to Oar only good forl is thai they do not want to." "Ibii what difference does it make that the two-stop is, as yon say, a dau.-c any one can do .' Does a thing need to be difficult in or- | der to be popular I" some one ask- iwn young people of Jersey city, siring i 'iin;, uud nol Inn ing enough money, b re entered iulo eeuiei t, , bicb was duly I drawn up before a Justice of the : I'l-ace. toeoa;ill,ale weekly to the raising ofa fund I $1300. If in two years the sum shall not have been completed the idea of mar- rioge is to be forever abandoned. It is provided that the woman is to contribute $10a week and the man may >'i. 'Ibis is not because his incidental expenses will be greater I than those of the woman during | the two years, bul because he is king only $10 a week while she uiaki - •— l i. We have long considered that if j±jsrr> Ranges! If yon want stoves or ranges constructed upon scientific principles which are economical, durable, and convenient, as well as beautiful and artistic, look for the tiaile mark, which is shown upon every genuine "Garland" Btove or Range, and do not be deceived by worthless Imitations and substitutes. "Garlands" lead all others ill yearly sales aiul popularity, cd him. "That is iin secret of the whole thing—it il.,..- have to bojust ill,.;. No nn,-wool.-. In i'....... .-,,a., thiu^ ever) living creature can dance, a .d if the) do tiny ought not to, for il is a bad thing for our pro- I'.-s-i-.ii. I caul see what Ihe so- ciety master- live on with this kind of thing going on, and you v "-Kbim should adopt the plan of know they do protest. Tin, tried r *'| ui,iu " tUe l'"'l">''"'»' »• 'be ... hud some way out of the ditU N> tax the great ma ' negro culty last Buiumcr."-Chicago "*»«»" faa *»W u P >nd •» Chronicle would disftunchue themselves, I Lmisaaia's experience coufirms us I in ilu- view, but, iiulnrtiinatcly, Stamp Tines. , hl , „[,„,,, ,,, , Ua| „,.,,,. M ,. |n ,„ ,^ |almost as indifferent ::s the blacks. ill can, the thanks of \ V( , do „„, idinc, however, that the general public by specdliy re- pealing Ihe war revenue act linpos ing a stump tax. Taxes collected b) stamps ol small deiininili.it nil are at the lu-l picayuuisb. Anidial government would never impose them nnless under strcas ol war or ret euue dc llcieney, Nearly three yean have passed since Congress authorixeil the raising of revenue by the small -lamp tax. ll is a lax which the everyday citizen rnusi liear al nl We aee It staled that there were loss of time and a coustuul irrita- about five hundnd divorces gran- it wuiilu be so in Virginia. We believe that If the poll tax were re- quired to be paid twelve months in udvance of the election Ihe great lardy of white men would protect their fiauehiae, while the great body of negroes would befound de- linquent oa election day.—Klch- moud Times. I) I voices la Xortli Carolina- Sold Exclusively by BAKER & HART. tion that make Ihe coal of I he stamp -light in ciiiiipaiisoii. ta comparison with tin- total Qovernmenl receipts, Ihe proceeds of the stamp tax ure hardly worth considering. ihe -in ill -lamp doesnol raiae enough to justify the i linual li.'t li,-l in. :il ii I the tax- payers.-- Si. I.oiiis Kepiililic Uund Hunt. Mi. Ola Forbes ami bianorthern led in N'orth Carolina dining ihe pa-i nai. 1 Iii- : - a laniciitable fact. The Legislature can per* form a great public duty by enact- II L. a a< a. -ii logo ii divorce law. Ihe evils incident to divorces are nan i. and when the marriage tie is regarded as ol uo permanent bind- ing effect it will lose much of the -aeicdiii-s wbit li should attend it, and the home, Ihe loin,lain head of society, Cbristiunit) and civill- /..itiiiu, will ia aiiousiy threaten No.3, Phconix Bnlldlnr. QRERMVILLB, N. C. friends who arc visiting him, Mesa. led. Divorcee nre too easily ob- .1. s. Bund) HndSamuclStreitundltalned. Tho marriage union lsnn< Br. Buudy, Jr., killed U.1 pur-1 thoughtodl) forme<l aud as njwere- mouiously broken. rShelbj Mar. I ridges ou a hunt Ihe) took Bon* day. Thai WB' a line .lay's I t ing. They are all MthoslSBtk hunters ami arc good shots. WithUail] pi ople I he only creed is ihal of in-ati.iie greed. & i I ' i DM

•jHf'i^pwWHiW w wm Attention Farmers! : PLUCK WHICH BRED ... · wm wmmmm •jHf'i^pwWHiW "T if" w Attention Farmers! 1 am new offering you one -f th m >-*\ completa Hues l PRY coons,

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  • wm wmmmm •jHf'i^pwWHiW "T if" w

    Attention Farmers! 1 am new offering you one -f th m >-*\ completa Hues l

    PRY coons, SIIOKS. mm PACTS SHIRTS. ll.v,;i>.v M«S


    at very reasonable prices. My li"'' "f

    ,vlii«h i> the •tondntd of any market ure Iresh and i-U-aj When you mnra to town again gi'- m • a Dial.


    » ln.t V i liny* Shouts Know.

    IVMTI beaatistad witnyostrboj "s education says the 'ISeheol Bnpple- meat," until yon ait MN itwl he i.n.

    \\ rite a good, legible hand. S|., || nil the wordshe knows ho»

    to use. Bpeak and write good English. Write i good eoclal letter.


    ■nnf Tlilnc* BwM l» or lln.v ...line Irish la.la who car-

    ' rifti narase to taa verge of racklsas. neps ami who In conaoiut'iK-o wcr. kill-

    ' e.1 nil ton untimely 1 bad one yoiinjr- Her of alxut 111, rather small for lilt Write a go- .1 buriDeai letter.

    \«ld a column of figure* rapbllj.' ream, toad of wearing tap feasts halt Make out an 01 dinar? account. ! »s ""a lls "Baa^M a.i.l altogether one of Deduct 161 per cent front the

    the beet tn>.>|>or» In Booth Africa*ami therefore lii the woil.l. 1 have seen


    Get a good bale I :.\



    I he Victor SAW is ill ■!,ii Ml vouieut for home, torm, "Hi'- md --' Every sale sol 1 wiiii a guaruitoe to Dioof Print's range trow $15 n

    L. SUG(i, Aoi



    (ace of it Receipt It when paid. Wi lie MI ordinary receipt. Write tti ndveHlsemeol tor

    I ■;""• • \\ ilieu i utice or report ol pub

    ,.- mccli £■ Write an ordinal) promissory

    note. Beckon the intereat or dlseoual

    ou 11 fordays, roontha or yean. Draw anordinarj bankeheok. Take it to 'he proper plaee la a

    Lank to gel the eaah. nil ihe number of yard* of oar-

    pr-t required for yourparlor

    him rl.lo iloun hill nt n - lmlng l«cc, while lie turned half roinul In the sait- ille. hol.llim a I'kln-- eoiiversatlon with H'tnc .'ouira.l, s hehln.l. lie collt.1 also shoot like a .lemon, line ihiy he sal.l his horse v, as .lone op. He wanted an- other. I replied J,.klncly. "Take one from the r.n;!Uh" The next .lay ha went PfOWllag near their iniun. Tie saw an otlleer tunl . er.lerly oouic out |0 look nroun.l. lie ihot the officer, the orderly laUoaed off, and Bobby, ■waking op, canoht th* otllcor'a horw, monated it and and* off. The BagUaa flnsl at him With their rifles ami then with their Maxim, but Bobby como galloping back to oar laager, grtanlag all oxer I.is fa.v.

    'Von s.eine.l to bt In a hurry to get nwny, Bobby," I Bald.

    "I goon i wii-v" he repUod, hutching.

    To those living: in ni.il.iri.il districts Ttttt'a PuM arc indispensibtcthe) keep the

    •,\ 1. i,i in periect order and ai a

    at absolute; cure f.T s k headachei Endigestkmi ni.il.ui.i. torpid liver, cooatipa-

    tionand .ill bilious diseases,

    1 utts Liver Pi I is



    tailMS 001NU IHllTL

    Norfolk, Va. Cottoa ltuvcrs ami Broken in

    SiiH-ks. t'ntt»n. Grain and Proviav ions. Private Wlm l» Sew York, Chicago and New Orntaa.


    A nil eow with hrtadhj ilrlpa, crooked horns, nnm.irke.!, ftppuaatb about two yean old, ins been In »v HaM about four nioiiih- Owner hiharalnr notified to call fiw same an.1 |«v otalgn for keoping and coal oftdTmUnc. W. I.. WOOTTOX,

    QraeuvrUle, N. 0, Jan B UOt,

    I1ATKII jniT n rnv

    l^*i.re Mr:.I,in »r Ho, kt Mo ml Laavo r»riw,rw L> K.ickr a.rarl Leave Wlhna I .are s,.lnw L» r»..lle»llle \r Klomnee

    ir n,,;

  • ,mv^w*


    .). .1. WHILHARD, lid.&Owucr

    Kmomlut tue Post Ofbce at Qreeuwlle. N. C, M Second-Class Mail Matter.


    11. r «■]»!) PlHtl Away

    Tar (|l«l'i Faaallr.

    l'KIU>Y. JAM'ABV 25, INI.

    To I be Mitor of The Olmerver: 1 i u-r jns»rr the following i

    l-Vrlbe la-'. CM nave "Jao.-u ^uolknis regardiiu; tbe I'ueeu's Victoria Great BritUu'i beloved family, aud you will oblige • uuui-

    !■■-. IK-.II ciiti.M'ly ill. and l.er ■•! leadi-M tiwic b»ve been I, WTt aniline anefnaaros King

    (Mings of deeped eyntpatfc) and | George! much ;n v.8t.1 as,to her condition. g. Wm.se daugblcrwasi.be! Sumiu ike a-aa alinoat iu extrenale| :f. \V bow did ..lie marry!

    Gl.MiHAl, AiSlillBLV

    Wka» The La'* maker* arc Us- ing-.

    BATWDAV, 1».

    ■HaWL Oov. Aycis-k made bis lin-t visit

    to tbe Senate since tbe iuaugura tion. His DMB0MB nMIMtMal by tbe Sergeaut-at Anns aud be

    - and it waa not tboiiglit she could 1. HJW many children bad ulie . mas received with applause aud iu-

    apoaAtstof Ike Weigh le.irvive the „,„.,. in a letter chatn- rlw a:.d ■ la

    —bow many Iwys aud bow|iiuiiiy ; vitej to a se.ik. girls! Senator James presented a peti-

    She did BUT-

    living today, 00 nope that the .1. If the 1'iiuceof Wales dies, j two from the citizens of Fftteonn

    end could be long stayed, arbo will aaeand the tbroue.

    A corns Post come* out iu a letter photos tbe dog and pulling >» •'" olywiioii to levying ■   tax on ca ^^ bnJletiua nave told of her •:. What is a l>uke-bow are) proviJe Making total cost for rail feme

    in 10 years HUH p»-r 100 yards to say uolhing of the loss of land taken.

    Cost of walling.

    Can we not serve you in footwear- Hamster's for men, SIrootman for ladies.)

    The afcatpagt, but the best gjooda will be kept at our store. A complete stock of everything and we ■vant you to

    LKikeof Haxe-Cobnrgl

    • I her cousin,

    .,-.■• . a-'i!> siiuiiuoncl tothe licit- l-i-.i ii.l I'like of Kent, and I'li"

    M.le "i the Queen. eras ITietorla Mary L»ai«, daugh \ ,, :. ,. i; teen is sli kiug ter of the

    I,,.,,,.;,. ;i, to s have abaud med Uaalfeld. giving stimulants aud her sireugtfa 3. abc umrrio .,,,,. rapid failttn ' ■"■   end r,;n.. Wbert, |of.| BMeOobarg Meuis lo be drawing u< u. i. tba, ou Kebrnar) 10, 1M0.

    Ihe t >ueeu is dead. . I. Nil": n.e girli ami four llwye.

    Therivilized world will j«la la s, Hiseldost ana, who boeoaiei m . : death of the nolde I f Wales and DalteofCora

    . ,-: woaiau the


    The House had a iiuict day. most' fSO fex-t plank at *l. per of the time bun; taken up in di-j- j huudreil deliveied e;..'»0 rimlfni. Id" patl at to each, delivered 2.oo

    ItepraaMaatire Winston, of ta> • n" u;,il" "*:k' P*r "' tie. intredaead ■ bill which pro °"< uf '»a"ing walling \ nle« thai the io..nlies shall lea*!' .„

    , ., , . I total farms I'i 'In- pnipoae ot working; their coin bis. and also making provision for theui to work the

    T •a




    l ,1 : | .

    woi Id has evei


    Irii:ii» College Notes

    'i in- - i, 1,11- Club held ' • reeu- ar in.i'i g Saturd ij evening i he

    wall when the Prince ateaad throne.

    ... rhe ruler of a Stale called a D chy. In Uraal Britain. Kiaine. i uiy, Spain and Portugal a beradi ilarj title of u ibility, ranking pi si : 'lo» lb i' of Prince,


    Happ-niugs iu ."(ortli

    The nexl union Meeting of thi 2nd disi riel "i tbe Central ' infer- ence will be held al (inn

    bat in

    meeting »us devoted to a . ueral soute iuatauccs a sovereign title. rev .■■■■■. oil hi i|i I seleii ;. Sejlheyeau be created by tlli-iic ii tsof the Nineteenth ibe Kiug. Kor instawe the puke

    ;,.: Pegram, •! Ibe'of Argyleand the Duke of Marlbo- ■ • ■ : , .111.i■.- : l)r Man, roare not of (royal Jblood.—Char-

    laker ul lh« uViiai uteui 'i lit"." lone Observer. i I'I.II. i:.',v. II ■.... ihi i■•

    aroliiia.' part menl Physic*, dbu-uweu tb* iprogiess in Ihe »"ork of iheir He |

    pun - ;•; if, Pegi rn. has received,

    ihei very rare rliemlenhi. I lii

    hlk' III' V.

    Dialled BuCCtSa !■ 


    Every w«,

    tbe public road*. sariiii.iv, 10.

    This Icing firu. 11. K. Lee's birthda) and ■ ;al holiday, bith aoatea adjourned earl) in honor oi liis memory.

    A lew bills ,,f | minor charac- Putting up leuce HI van intio'iiieiei.

    N M'U". II. SBKATR.

    (iov. Avc.sk cit his lirsl mes

    Average cost of plauk wall- ing 7.1(1

    I17.M Wire feme 100 yards.

    100 janl» at 10c per ;anl 20 post at la each ■i (ti staples at Be

    1.00 u


    113.16 Vour rail fence takes a large

    . ■ teuce row that is worth something

    Ii :>

    i * 11 fereuci

    ihe King's Daughter* hadquite i . ecAssnl Ihelr birlhd i) ii a lo ihe opera bouse, Taetdaf night,

    PPI com.ly, commencing on ■" _ . .I;,I ,. ■ day before the 5th daudajr '"•... investigated - t-trW ihe opera bouse, Xuesdaj Mare Prce Will Baptist. _., ., , •..,..; ..|.., „;,;, lefereno lioih uaan eolerUiaaaeal and ii

    \V-i.ni" licit revenue oibcei- to its ai-tini:-properties. |uaueiall>. Tha progniuuie of n»U- Bali :. sei/ed .1. .1. Potter's li.r :.- ■ . Hot-let] I bold sic and lablmas waa splendid, Ibia wiii-'.i . .iis'.ilb-ry near Sno-.v Hill, a Civic IVW>rUl »1 but event! us. Sot a of writing

    ■ : the pafM au I About W veterans, most of them bit in] bleu bo I this

    battle - .:■■• I pai look of I b< i le ■ day i I imps I i end

    u l-t'-r di I I tot ■ be of tin iu- \V.

    inn of | : \ i' ■  ; . V' ' • ' no! ic !

    : nd Ibut ii c

    . i|

    -. .1 une* P, nib i ;.•:■ dis-

    |j in. pare I repaat. About i . i-..r the Chapter were :■■•

    n v, illiug and eager bai i| ■ ululsiering to tbeaa beloved beroe*

    of mi; : el eanse, many of I hem led by wonn - . eai Ij youth

    md a . growing old in tba rough .all ". t life.

    The weal her was fair, though

    Id. and the day waa one wbleh seeniul to be milch enjnjed bnlh by the old snldiers and Ibe men. here of tba Chapter who n is present.

    The Chapter desires aapaidall) lo thank t'apt.!!. h.Oarr—worthy oflhe.!,;. of '.I to U.S. though bom some IS years lalei for p" r son il -"r\ ens, and also lo him and

    in- roiapaii) tor lha fraa use of the :u n. i.. and lo Mr. K. II. Plrklen, JIi. ii, I. -Minlord aud Ihe editor of Tin; ItiTt.r.i run for aarvleai rendered. AMEMIIKII.

    .: joy forever, '.'.■liii n I '• win ' diet —Miss

    j Delia I'orl' "and Mr. i'.beihurdi. Tableau Sweet dreams '! mdolin s.4o—Dr. Willard.

    rn!:■   and ■in (Ireaaville to

    .,". id \|. : | | ao ., I.- -. i- .M lo :iu

    II 4. li II uli U :. i'"i It ... '.I.i i SO "' i ■•■   ■  in i \,., I :'.n

    4a . : -;!..■ .! .,.■    ..,

    . i ■ ■:; its a-'si r- ".i

    1 M Warn-iii.'ii ■ ■   " .\. II ib i. •,.'._"■  HVM..H 4 11» vrii ., s to i win.'- i a

    !■'. C. TnKIM.M '\, (Jen. Sopt

    sage to tba he a. aoailuatlng Jas. it. VouugasI - iraotwCommlatloD* er to succeed himadf. An laaaa- live session was held and he was etatti d

    A petltloc waa Mad asking for a change in theImuudary lines i>e t«ien Wilsm and Pitt counties, and Hen.itor Wo da id Introduced a bill to thai effect,

    \ lii!! wat inlroduead providing loi a '.'lit'.ona! CpUdingSal the A. and M. Collage.


    Among Ihe new bills lotrodaaad were the*:

    11 v I urtis: To lax dealers iu pistoU,

    lly N'ichoU: To appoiol Jus- lii i Hie paaea in ''in.

    By Ebbs: To prevent kidnap- ping and to punish persons for coalmining tbat crime.

    Iiy .McKilliai,: Heliaiug the

    liability of Insurant*"companies In cerlaln eases.

    Iiy I! iliiiison: The prohibit BOoll Iruats, iiiou uspiracies locoiitiiil business and prices ol arlic'i's aud to |irevi.nt tbe foraia lion ul i|iliiatiiu of poola, trusts, in mop lies and coiMbiuali'JII Of i-li ul* of corporal ions lhat vio lal tin- lerutS of this act and to authorise the luatllotloii of paras> cations and suits tbereior.

    llailnxst West Post.

    Wash ngton, .Ian. •.•!.— TiieCin- gressional Committee that iuveatl- g.iiei baaing eoadUtona al West Point, tomorroa will nuke a rs> port ai.d rccoliiini nd legi lal ion wblrb tbe* believe will reaull iu the ab 'inion of basing tor all time Iu tbe academy. The committee Will liid what I lie imjiiiry develop- ed, that hazing baa been generally practiced and I bat in many In- stance* il has been of a brutal idiurncter, aid will also lind that I!.../, v..;- brtltaiiy hazed, but will Dul ascribe bl' death to .the result -f t'n h ;■ ;. The maj nity of

    Hie cumin i>"- favor the statute which will iiei ile not only for the expolsi . : a cadet who ii found guilty oiTie/.ing, but a pio rbiionl II inlet expelled for such Cull ill not Iu eligible for raappollli I an I shall lie forever disliaiii I i in li ddiug a coiiiiuis- sioii in i .- ai nt of ihe Halted rtlatea, I'his, probably, will be the leglslattou raeoasasaodasl lotha House,

    jf Tbe luck] p.iiKer jilayer has a II good deal to be Ihankful for. jjU| The busaalsaa sgaaj and the beau- so less girl arealike In thatlmtb have

    now lore lo lay their head. One srai 1° makoa hoVM last is

    10 Stop his feed.

    eacn year and your fence is subject to be thrown dos n by atOrfc, blow n down iu storm, or Iniriieil when tire gets to II.

    Your plank fence is a strong fence, but is subject lo be burn- ed and when your post- d e.iy some the force of wind against the plaik will break Ihe poste off before en tirely rotten The uirc fence ii lire aud storm proof and eta* k can p()t throw it down as they "o a rail fence. The posts will iasl longer bceauai tba storm has no power on Ihe wire, ami will lasi U yeais bsatead of 10 years with re- pairing of poste.

    This wire fencing can lie had by applying to the Wiuterulle \V ire KeiccCi.. Wiiiteryille, S.i\

    H ins'...II 11 ,T y Paid HI \ .ilII.

    Allanla. On , '.Iii'iuary 21.—V. II. Pia-ei, of I'uiuii ISjiiings, Ala , whose Sim Bass was kidnapped several we-ks ago while a student at Ihe Technology (School here, has apparently lost |500 by a ileeoy letter sent him. .Mr. Fraser re reived a letter staling that if he would place (WO in gold, the amount IK- oltensi for his son, in a sack with a paak of potatoes and nrOOuwl alo' r the load near Ihe United Bra'-s i'i«t«Tal prison, sev eral miles IV .-u this oily, he would lie met by a negro, who would ask, "Ifaaaa, has you got dem jsita lersf"

    He «as t'.' deliver the suck aud its contents to the negro, and his -on would appear at B hotel in Ibis eily Diking for his father at an early hour Monday morning. Tbe letter was signed "Packard," nailed in Atlanta, duted January liilh and the Instructions were B)|aaM and specilic Threats of exposure and failure to carry out the in-ilruciioiis acre frequently made iu it. Mr. Praser's sou, u borlher of the kidnapped lniy, car- ried out i l.n plan of Ibe letter, met I lie liaglil US arrangisl, and gave him the money and potatoes (Satur- day night.

    Vi-slerilay tarly he was ut tbe hotel inentloned, aud remained lhere all day, but Bass I'ra/.cr did mil appear, and no trace of him or the persons who received tbe iViOO can be found.

    A Colored leap has discover ed a new mineral which In Ihe dark gives out light. Where he discovered It It gave light enough to work bl Wlthoal IbeiMeofci.n dies. A mislerale sized piece of II put iu avusoof waUr will illu- minate a room, He doesn't pro pose lo bide his light under a bushel, but to ulili ■s"..~,n. t I 1 -.• wflll?)










    jJtt) 3rd Vlrs Pres'l

    te-Prea'i. V CAHR

    Th« Ono Dny Cold Our; Col4 i- ti- *a en 1 I..- tfcrpsji (uiM »>v Irs.

    ._*t » C_h.MTo1.Ui -' UsMtl.-iii!/,

    Hcre'SiBargains. I WAIsT MOBE KtKIM Pf>K A LAKt.KK


    nfll-.- . a.« • )l'ss aaasafj Du••

    kUMfBAT, JAM.IIII .1. 1901.

    J. W. Breara asaai ea ibe road tlii" morning.

    Bar. J. B. Morton returned lo laVben Ibis morning.

    Bar. 11. H. ii.nri.i- went :•» Aa- '!' 1. .-.itiuilay evening.

    Mrs. A. M. Moore lelurned Sat unlay from a vim 10 Avoca.

    W. K. Atkins left 'bis morning ou a busiutNi trip to New York.

    Mrs J. A. Dudley returned thi* morning from a visit to her parents at A3 den.

    Dudley leturned a visit to


    tic I Frail of tie Laoas 1 yard side ;*< 5c 1'.:. .••. In... .:! I yard widebeavy f«l unbleacbcl UllWIIIng l)c

    He Arlington Cassemere 1 yard d!«- side all wisil 2IH- eihle. We need what YOU owe us and bope you will not keep us waiting for ft.

    "rV« notice! Una 'Hecross mark on their 1 |per


    (rning. LiltleJohu- nie, tbe three year old son ol Mr. Charlie Tyson, waa standing near tbo beater wuruiiug, when his clotbiug caught flic from the boat- er. Tbo lUiiics roan up over the little fellow. Ills mother bearing bis pitiful screams ran to bis as- sistance. Iu 11 MII,- to exlingnish tbe names, she also wus severely burned. Dr. Dixou beiug called for attended bolb mother and boy. At last accounts both were doliiK aa well aa could be expected.—Ay- dee F. W. Baptist.

    U| Broken

    Mr. B. F. Jolley has a sleeping room iu Ibe second story of Ihe Bernard building, on Tbiid street. When leaving his room Sunday morning he misi-ed his footing and tall down Ibe stairway. Thesmall bone in one leg WHS broken.

    Insolent Beggar.

    A man wilb a baby and a little girl has been begging III town Sun day and today. The i-inldreu are i'i In- |'ii .i"l. luii tin. man is lie- serving of no sympathy whatever. We have been told of iin-tances where he was very insoleut and very abusive to people who did ■nil do for bim what he wanted.

    Doiiiiell Gillian returned toTar l-'ound Head. ''or" IM* morning.

    Mr. James Scales was found! ',u

  • •f "•■-Jr- ^^i^a^i^m


    1 am now oaring v«„ on. of «*—'"-^^


    Interring Observations sad Comment* On Measure FcnS.

    inn In thet*t'»l«tur»-


    KMK.u.ii B.C.. Jan.--'I, 1901.

    Piiriiijittaeiv.iet week the taaaV

    DBY GOODS. BHO! g HATS. PASTS SHIBtS. HABDWABB Ij j^g^y uas pissed ■ ■■■ 


    at verv reasonable prices. My line of

    3ROCEKIB5 ,h,ch i. ,b,.und„d of anv »»*,_, «fc-j £ *-!•

    When TOB •»■« to .own agtia gh«w a mat. Ytnr. «o vJtaw,

    tbixe »bo know bim best.


    That iH'ienuial nm-diou of the taxation or uot of dons is online to the fntit early this session, aurt ou Thursday of this week the Gar- rett bill to levy a tax on canines will be discussed. Its advocates say that it ran be made to raise $75,000 to $JOO,000 for the public school fuud. Its opponents claim —but we are all familiar willi that old store.

    . White.

    bar of more or less iniportaut acts, while as many more are in the hands of (he committee* or ou the (•leaden of the two houses. Some of the most iniportau! bill* of •general character yet to be are:

    Benate bill prorMlBg for the cs- : taUiahMenl of a Kct'omi School for lyoaDgAeiceiieraiaa, inlroducol by Senator Broughtc* of Wake, 't h, the intention of the two commit |0,,aUl|i •„,„.,., W!1V. .,,.. Kirb> ma on Penal wri Ctarltobte to- ttltntloewtobold a Jotot o"*'-"1


    l)r. Murphy asks for $170,000 appropriation this \c.ir for t..e .Morgautou hospital for ilie iusine. A portion of it is wanted for »u

    A Strorz Fortification. | Fort ii) '. he body against disease 1 by 1 mt's Liver Fills, an abso- krte cure for skk headache, dys- pepsia, sour stomach, malari.i.

    const alien, jaundice, bilious- ness nil ;-.ll kindred troubles.

    "IT: Fly-Wheel of Life" Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills arc the fl) -wheel of life. I shall evet

    l>e grateful for the accident that

    brought them to my notice. I feel as if I had a new lease of life. I. Fairleigh. Plattc Cannon. Col.

    Tutt's Liver Pills

    U"«Tf WrMoB Ar Kochy Moaot

    L» Rocky Mount l*» v- WIN L***r* N*>lm* LT raytj|t«*llle \r Klorvoc*

    Ar tioid^btTO LTOold«N>ro LT MacnulU


    TAKKN UP. A portion y u is .«.i...vu ior au

    *^ , , . A ri>. t»» with bnn.1V atripc*. crooked cUi'trii- ligbt ltd pOW-M pWftt. »>ul ,inrn? linm«rkr>». apimrvaily »bont two

    ior tho OWnWiHI *>l a» addi.iou yw* Jf* *•■ \n Jg •filiS'L £5 months. Owm-r WIMMVI'V iMifl^l 10 call

    Get a good baie early this week and give ibis moas are and tkaanbjwl p*tei*U> ear- nest .ml roll ...iisi.leniti.ui. lt is noped and believed that a Kefor. inaton ioalitullon that will meet

    ■  .,,,. :tUc.K:ina"ls",uue.-dsofthcState The Victor safe is made u. all sizes cou-|wlUbepro,^.dfor dm4mtheses

    office .i11* 1 general »8C, ,,,,„. i-vvrjliiiUshave l«cu iu I vement for Uome, .arm, oim , fi ,IolUll,,,,,,,,,i,,,,o provide in> Every Bale b«»H with a guarantee to >»> ^ly foribepublic&«» •choob- proof l'n-.s range irom H5 p

    of the |lilcit;ii liuspHul, I have heard will n..1 ask for more than One half that NUB, including an ap propriation for additional female ward building to cost about fSQ,j D00. Thelattciir. auaoluiely nee- •anuy, if the splendid iei-"rd of this institution is to be maintain- ca.

    MOellMi »»wm» m — f ■        — —-r i..r WIM mil MY itaign f" **n*n >ua ■ -.i of utTcnistne. W. I.. Weonoa

    Umuvillc, N. C. Jan. 8 1901.



    Rana ooiso SOCTI.

    it at 5gf s£ ■4.- /.; x-l x£ '■ 

    IIATUD j»ir « ii

    AM rn n AH r II su • w i a ■■ ;it ti in mil m H:II» 1UMM miS it- t K. II 10 ixuai it m r a AM

    ; M • c •!• Ill IN ■ «> I0>

    I'll AM I■ M

    indigestion dyspepsia biliousness

    and the hundred and one aunl l.u ill* caused by impure Wood or inactive liver, quickly yield to the purifying and deaaawg properties contained in

    Jotyistfft? •I .i.\.N-v..'lN'. KOKTU

    St Stl «» *5 *

    ■roncB. Moflke M li.-fby plv^ii tliAl appli.iitiOD

    wiiibcniaik'to tfw Qenaial aaaatWj «f Nurlh OMettaa U> prohibit Ihu sale of titpior within two miUv Of Ihf HiBnOMIV IUI.U-I rhunh ni^r Ike town S Bvtuil, s. C Tab Jan ;, MI.

    l.t ru.roii,., I.T K»J»lt»Tl|l« U-.V9 selmj ArriTB Ullwn

    Lf A iltnIn(Os>o LT MunuiU t.T OvMvbun.

    u*re entja Ar K.- K j MOQDI Arrtru T»rboro U«r« Tarboro Lt Rock; MOM I Ar Wrlilna


    It cures permanently by acting naturally on all organs of tne body. Asa blood-cleanser, flesh- builder, and health-restojer, it ha* no equal Put us in Quart Bottles, and sold at Si each.


    lUtUitrMtibfUm IDfc tjc



    I L. vSUCi(i, Agt (iieenville. N. C. one of Ihew appropi iattng as muel ;„ fctoo.OOO, another 1230,000 and a tblrtl 0100,000 -and I Bod upon cnuniry tbal Ibe Legislators, of all

    I part lea, an dlspoaed to vote us — linrge anptopiiatlon as Ilia State

    ,-an Hud Ibe meani to provide. , (in Frlda; PcnitorTravhof Hal.

    ifax, lulMiluccd a meritorious bill „ .lesigntd lo provide four monllis"

    gehool in eoituties not now having

    TAKKN UP. A mile h,.g. wciehing IbOUl SO pounds

    The beat SOtli century uiovemeut -.Maefcaad while inoUea, marked ■ . . . - I . tfu d.l'.ktl 111*

    ^e/Zcctor 3oo#,5-° "

    is a move to pay your debts. |MI'1 lifcevvcct and sunny when

    your pocket's full of money! In every soul there i< a cemclery

    in which hi buried liiunlreds ofde- patted hope*.

    The average lawyer will wort liaid on anv ia-i-II ii appear* to tie feesible.

    There arc tome vei} c namon pa persin this country, but t'ol. Ilry- au"s will be OonMBoner.

    People do-i'i sixiii |o lie any bet- ter in the new .ei.tnry than they were iu the old -some are even worse.

    round hole in right ear. Una luken up wilh ■} stoili. Ha*been ihere abort Iwo DOBlbs. Owner It hereby BOtatod lo 0OBM and, Rt hog and p.iy dnqtai.

    Jons uurnit Four mlka north oflirmivillc.

    Jan J1.190I.


    COPY BOOKS. Wholesale Hatters,


    proposed act. IMI ,IKM BOHOOL BOOKS.

    i I'll,- hill klrodnced I »-t Friday in Seuator \yoock of Wayne to]

    As one- of the deposit..lies f,.r I'llblic ~eho..l iM'"lis in ■.,.„„.., l„a,,„m -eric- ol lext |W»4/|SH r rt\ PlttCounty. U.. Iian.ll.' .1." 1 ka designated on the' ^ il( al, ,he free publle sxl I- Q 1 T UCKER & 10. State I ist for the public schools and can supply «"■' „nbeState la auothor highly mi- ever you uee.l- We also have porinnl uieasnre. That sacbalaw

    is neeenary ■eaau to be recognised generally and this bill, with proba-

    | l~.lv some el.a.ig. *■ or a similar one. We carry all style Hats, Al- L;ildo„„!..-s.,o,'o,„e,1iar ^:;;5:::

    (f slant amlv.-tiea double ruled practice writing fan*-! T1icl.ill tains excellen pro gjfjj^ tablets fool's can paper pens, nencila. slates. »UW vuton».»ud among other things ^ |llive made II. f Hooker

    provldcafor a Slate Comn,talon» our »le distributer tor Greenville of whlcu the Governor Is to be «• |aDd you will Bud a full line of offieio chaiiman, with the State I Tucker Hata at htoatort Superlnteudeut e( Inatiuciiuu aodj three memben of the state Board ..I educalion as the other memben hida are to be received andi Irat

    [KSAItTl.lr.nKn IN 1S(>«.J

    J. W. PERRY & CD. Norfolk, Va.

    Cotton Factors and handlers of Bagging, Tira and Hags.

    Coricspondeucc and shipments solicited.

    • rayons, colored crayons, inks uoropaniou

    Some of Our School Specialties: *■ 

    la.ls are to nerceeiveu iiniionni*-,

    soapatone pencils l cent, 2 plain lead pencils 1 cent, awalded t0 joweat bidder for*sat- rubber tipped lead pencil 1 cent, a nice tab. t( «itn i,|.ll.,„u „,.„.. ofM|,ool boohs toi vtiv cover 1 cent, ii assort-1 crayons, with metal Irani., ^ (li0 it.e 1|lllst ^

    . • . • ,.i i,..„ -, ....nii i-aii ii-nitl. -late pen ■ . , -....




    pretty cover i cent. Basaorted crayons, with metal uo!«J-|a™\^7andtb«^rk» "'«*< be| (mice Henry Clark House, Aral er, in nice wood box B cent*. ead pencil, slate pea- * ^ (m ;:>:- ■:-. Mai D |l|i« TW'l ">" t bl

    Ma 900 a m.arrit M KayrtlrT ille 1J in leave. Kavetlcville Vi ft, 1< m. arrirn c : rl 1 4 11. iu. Keturoinij leavoi Sajifot 2 80 p in. arrive FayeUrtillc S 41 p in IMT Faycltevillv 3 46 p ro, arriTM Wiliuingtor. 6 40um

    nVnooltoville nroiich—Train l«ave» Ben- uctlsville 8 06 a tu, MaxU.n » 10, a m, Kco Sprinn 9 40 a m, '.lope Mllla 10 12 » m,u- rive KayeUcTillc 10 64. Rrturmng leave! FavetlrvillF 4 40 p m, Hope Mills 4 66 p n. Bad SpunitiSU, pro, Maxtor. 6 16 P 1 arrive Ik.uuclavitle ?|16 p m

    Coiimxli'jnt al FayctUiville with train No 78 al M .\' ■:. wilh the Caiuhna « 10-vi pa.

    Trull. NoTemfi'lee cloec oonnecllot Wei; don lor all polnte Norlr. dally, all ral. via Unt-

    il, M. monaoH, (Jcn'l l'liss. Agent,

    J. B. KHHLY, Uen'l Manager. T. M. KMEKSt-N. Traffic M» after

    HZVER SKRVICK Steamer Myree leave Washing-

    ton daily at 6 A. M. for Green- ville, leave Urecuville daily »« 1* M. for Washington.

    Steamer Kdgecotube leaves Orccnville Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at 7 A. M. for Tar- boro, leave Tarboro for Greenville Tuesdavs, Tburdnys and Saturdays at « A. M. carries freight only.

    t'onuceting at Washington with Steamers for Norfolk, llaltimorc, l'hilalielpkin, New York and Bos- ton, and for all points for the West with railroads at Norfolk.

    Shippers should order freight by the Old Dominions. 8. Co. from

    delphia; liny Line from Baltimore; Merehauts' and Miners' Line from Boston.

    JNO. MYKKS'SON, Agt. Washington, N. C.

    J. J.CIIBBBY, Agt., Greenville, N. C,

    0.1. BulSE,

    to.' th Business

    S .» 1«' l" ''HI'' j-teia*. -a-.^ • .- «

    Good fool's cap' I he proper distribution of Ihcl 1 I books ami nil public rree-scbcolj ««

    /iaa. We carry a niee tin • uf «l 11W- and sin IIH ■ ntry le \gm, long day books, Journals, eo-uu-r books, menioraiiiluma order books, receipt', drui and wile In &c, &c.

    ., . 1:1:1

    Pcndcr, GBKKNVILLE, N. 0,

    IF. I

    NERVITA PILLS Ret tort VIUMly. Lott VI|o.' ud MaahooJ

    Cur•ImpotoMr^^i^•*■l UmiMlon-, Ltx«of ako ncr.lM WMfllai diiwaax*! — iillelTacUot •flf.abuiaf'cr

    trici%ss «nd iuiliK-raHm».


    llv virtue- of I lie BOH of natal in »• hj , _.!.. I.. » c iiit.u. i —. - . '. i, dune nmilc in :l >|... ill PneMdlna now

    that la what has beau r-eedd Iu K»perl (Intwmlth empiojod. AH |ine ,„ „„. s.,p?h.a; c«.n ..r }iu , ,. kinds


    SI'liSCI.'ll'I'UiNS TAKKN TO AM.


    Mice a, pel II ion among publishers, Sp(.,.j.,i,,. it i. hoped, will be lively —despite ; Agei-i for The Oliver Tj pen rile. the "bonk trust", far thai trust ilne.'. nit include all the school book! piilili-licrs. I believe

    II i.i I'I'.N OF BUflATOa MIMMONS.

    Tuesday the LegUlature will CflfOUnA Caft3, fornialh ele.t lion. I'lirnifold -M. 3innnol»luboU.8 Senator and| Nexl d.n.r lo Shclburi, s.

    hlasU-vear*Icrui will begin March| I. A i I he Damoorattc emeus he re. eitiii the ilii.iiiiuiolls vole ofllie Leui-'.iti-i-. present. Senator Sinimous was railed t. his old home in'.'ruven oountj iasl Friday bj ibe death "f his mother, who has been ill for some lime, but «ill tot urn in a few days,

    The Republicans will bestow the empty houor of their votes none lion. Richmond Pears of Ashc- vill.-. Whether IIM Bve fopulial ■rill vole Is not known, Ifthey^dol j and ali the anU-DamooralB aro| '* present, Pearson will receive onlj •j'.i voioa of the liOlaJoJatanailon, •I ■ ,..-t. mid if ilie Kips easl ili'ir rive voles for Butler, Pearson two not gel more tbau -'I.

    Five voles fur Butler! What a change in condition* from (hose ex- i^iini in January( 1808.

    Vro YouH angry ? Satisfy Your Appetite ut the

    iyeryih i.gH>* a ii Chn . Oyslers. EMI, A.ytiing Goilj U Eit.

    Rttgul ir Dinner from 12 09o'clock

    •23 Oentr. Soup,- J kinds meat, I kinds

    Vegetables, Bread, (Vffee and Da serl. all for 2'< cents.



    Aaam tonlo and 6,oo4 builder. Urn f.

    'tiie pink flow lo pele clieeke auu NKQiaS Ilie .fire or vtmtti. By mnl.

    ►Oo per box. 0 bc.tei f.,r

    GBKKNVILLE S. 0. ■4 »-- »

    Cotton Bagging and ries always —on has .—

    Fresh goods kept constantly en hand. Country produce bougt and gold. A trial will convince you.

    D. W. HARDEE. art a --aw ^QVQ P^t >■. *» iH-ar^i i.-i 18.60, with our bankablei «»uranua to cora or relund the money paid. Send fur circular i.i J copy of our bankable guarauleo bond.

    EXTBa STRENQTB NervitaTablets (ll.Ll.OW HUI.I..

    pDTidrDJI in ii"- *lt_~. PDuntrrnlllMJiSsaA Ti>on A.lnm. - tr.itnr ,f l.vilia .liir... v» .1. I, Mills, BlM - u, I Mills sad tli>- olhrr Mrs «i l»» of i.>- iHa JtnMs, ti.e tudsrstgasd wlllos Honday the 4th .Uiy.ifFi'l.ruiiry, loni, tspoM U> t«l" townof Greenville, lo tlu blgbeal Wdpw, the f.'ll"«ini: i' rr bed piece or parcel ol land. |o win II l ctttsla tract ml>>ii.ing Ike KOKS VVII!'.I ..•'•> lan.l. J- T. AUaas .lolly tad. lb» aisno uaet of Jaai A Ty- »m and ribtra, eonlalai nsl.l (S acre, more or !.•» and Wing Uie 1.1.inttCSl el|W m re tr.u I ot lui.il llint ass i.nny.il liy I. H. lliirilelcy lo l,yilla Jama*. Krius ol Mil .'.Oil.

    IUHHV W, sraaoaaa, Crinii.ieaioncr,

    J.iniiaiy 4th, IMI.

    Immediate Rtieltk

    Po>llivelr anarant-eo core for LOM of Power, flilllllliTl l'ndove,op~l or Slirunkas llnaui, Pare.li, Locooimor AUtla, (■emmi Pri»"»' 5orVt»tioria. KiuJ baaaiiLP«.«l|.l; awl U« leaulMurKieea.l™ V-e;.'» Tobneen. fJnlum of Clauor. Be mall tn Hata naekftae.a..OO a

    a-lwf WaJM a^ir'rSSS money paw. Addreae

    NERVITA MIDICALCO. airwon* Jaclojon aia., CHICAGO, ILL.

    For talc hy J L OOTRN, IJrtiftirlat, Ureanvill*. N U



    1 fnihid ll4BMtlln| l.y any OM U .my uiannii waattoivci. lo hunting with K"" or doe st sar UaM, .ii.liin>; and tapping, ,utting linil.r "I W.H.I, prnwinpover ruling or on foot, orln anv ...lo-r niaum-r, .m niiy .•! IMfollowing Itacln (1-ictnul known a» the John l'eal.lr* l'.iim ill KalLland l»n-

    1500 R.WSRD We «UI iav Hie above rewapl for any east

    ofl.lver t'oinplahil, li>.;- I-.M... Sick lletilaelit 'in,l-ei-lH>n,|l*iivlll,..llollor Cunltviu-M we , .m l,„l ,-iire will. I.lverlla, Ilie Fu-lo ll.le Mill,. I.lver 111), when the d,re,-ll,a.e are elrh-klv . ,.Mi|-li,-.l wllh. Thi.y are purely vwrelahle and never fiilllo alve Milsfe.-tlon, '.'V liuxea con- tain. I." 1'IIN. Ilk tioxe. contain a) pllle. lo boiei contain II |ilU*. Beware of eub.tllul,ou» i and linltiill,,ii- Sent I'T mall, stiimj,- taken. ! NBPiVITA MBUICAI. CO., Cor. Clinton and Jackson Street.-' hioars in. F.ie sale l.y

    1 L WOOTSN. llrtuillet. o^anvMle. N c


    Whichard, N. 0. The Stock complete in every de

    part iiienl and prices as low as the lowest. Highest market prices paid for country produce,

    \f«„!..«.rMth'--l"l«. r.-..M'« l.tm in Kalkland lowj Manager.. rhi mi|,„lim8 h a, f,.it..n. JeanBinui and l.roiliir, iheForraian l.ui.l sad oilier

    w IIX. 161. 3813 Norfolk, Va.

    lying in ihcFonlh tide of Tar river. " OB* trncl known ni IheUbnilo and ll.n

    llcarni' ram. in Falkland townehip adjoUV ugMia. Kiin.lolpli, Ike Peable. f..nii ami

    ..llicra, lylsg on ll.e south atde ol Tar ritcr. Treenuaeri will be protocoled.

    It. J. LlTTIC.


    The present oociiianl of Hie K\ •native Mausloii i» |alug lo make the arealcal g iveraot Horlh fAiro- |lna bus had, In all our history, in

    Cotton lliiyara and Brokers iu BtOCks, i .linn, Ciuin and Provis- ions. |*i ile Wires to New York, Chicago ii I New Orleans.

    NO IIOB.

    And wiuii it comet? to

    JOB iwiutrapireu -.■. wtaw •■■—rr—" I irou:i„.l.pinline

    r™f"1 "T* ~TV"T~ »f^~** a great uiany neoph All ladlea ,KO cure-no pay _i~ aJLa aaikwtNl %_TT Cilliolls JHiilil to the fultilluiput ofl

    ■ Appliculio.i will he made to the Leg! Inline lo iniiinllhcchurtcrof ll.e town of (ifift»ii •'• t-. Kass,8r., Mayor

    j. (l. Qasuias, Clerk. January, IMh USII.

    THE B ST PdESCfllr'riON FOK THM.al

    and fever is a holtlc of Grove's I Pastelev. Chill Tonic. It is simply

    ■Ottta respects -or else .li>npp«.i..t , iro,,;,,,,! .[uiumi- iii a tai-telens form Price SOc.

    Ths One Day Cold Our*. For cold in the head and aatttatat.eet 100.

    I the Hist prediction, and the reali- .... » i o.-* a Fur cold in ibe headend acre throa! ».•< Kev.

    —.._ »>»_ai-._*^_ eat*; . *%__»* !_■»_ ;, I sat ion ol the hopes aud belief of|BOU. ckocoUM latxtrn gUM, iba • Oes The Reflector Offict; Can't Be Beat. 'w,wlacVr..

    The Commoner lHtjl'KD WKKKI.V,

    WILLIAM J. HKYAN, r/lllor ft Publisher,

    I.isi-oiA, PttWaaT*.

    THUMB—Payable iu Advance. One Tear 911 &i* Months liOc, Three .Months ,'l.">e, Sing. Copy.V.

    No traveling canvassers arc cm ployed. Sabaeriptlons taken »t TIIKHKKI .WTunofllw. ThcHcioi Weekly BaWiJBaroB and "Ihe Coinmonei" will lie teal together one year for I1.T6' or Tin. Din.v Bn i WtOB nud "The Commoner" one year for MJN payable in ad- vanw.

    — i-i. i A in ...-'.i .-it 1«76.

    . iii, Sohnltz. Wboleaata ami null (Iroccr and

    /tiruiture Dealer. Cash paid for Hides. Fur, Cotton Seed, Oil Bar- rels, Turkeys, Egg, etc. Iled- steads, Mattretwes, Onk Suits, Ila by Carriages, Oo-Carts, Parlor Suits, Tables, lounges, Safes, P. J/orrillanl aud Oail A Ax Sn u it, Ifed Meat Tobaooo, licy Wast Cheropta, American Heaiity Ciearettea, Can- ned Cherriea, Peaches, Apples, Pine Apple*, Hyrup, Jelly, Milk, Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Soap, Lye, Magic Food, Matches, Oil, Cotton Seed Moal aud 11 nil.-, Oar- den Heeds, Orangea, Applea, Nut"", Candies, Dried Apples, Peaches, Prunes, Currents, Kaisins, Glass and China Ware, Tin acd Wooden Wine, Ciikos and Crackers, Vnca mil!, i Ii w, Kent I in lie. Stand- ard Sewing Machines, and nu- merous other goods. Quality and Quantity. Cheap for wish. Come to see me.

    SAM m stowmuHvi' Ph me oC >



    A 1M. a idee Line of Hardware-.


    J. B. COBBY.


    PATENT aaar tiwm aiaiairHiiiti* mmi .MI varan,

    MM OU PATENTS K^eV,1:.; C. A.SHOW* CO.

    1'au.l Uw/era. WASHINGTON. DO,




    Weeh —FOK—



    HI «i irrn •Tqeaatqyl




    OFFICIAL STATEMENT. Of ill ililm Aidlti. ill sllwii I) till

    is.aid it i-iMlsslturt •( Pitt ttiilf, together with ill Receipts lid Disbarse- ■eiUiiitki Hiuclil Cii.lllii iftki Slid Coiitf tor the Fiscal Yitr ending Diciistr 3rd, 1900.


    > 111 II It II 14 IS 14 IT la- in 9) 21 U £1 :« M :« n ss 29 SO II 22 U 14 SS Se- l- ls St 40 41 42 41 41 IS 44 47 18 la SO SI S2 SI 54 SS s« ST w Si- tu 61 42 43 M 6S 64 47 SS 49 TO Tl Ti T3 74 TS T4 T9 •2

    100 124 1S7 111 in 140 141 141 14S 144 14S 144 147 144 141 ISO 1S1 IU 153 1S4 1SS 1S4 1ST IS* 159 ISO 141 142 141 144 14S 164 1ST 141 14* IT* 171 1TI 171 174 ITS IT* ITT IT. 179 It* 1.1 1S2 161 I.I 1SS 1*4 l.T IU IS* 1** 1*1 It. IU 194 19S 19* 197 IU 199 200 Ml 201 KM 204 906 20* JOT SO* ..'"!' II* ?ll 21. 21* 222

    PAUPERS. To Whom laeueil. Anil.

    Nan.y Muure I 1 l» K II. .1.1. , r-..., .-. Sun 4 On J. H. Uibb 2 Wl I'uily Atlanta Iw Winnie eiunuiiaii 194 Jan.et l»nic 1 '^' 1-Mttlll Huu.loek l''U Ml t'hu... Joyner ISO llaiini.li llupree 1 SO I-. ./.,!,. iii llarna 1 on An.iinJu l-,i..-i I *J Sum eherry IB .'. lli.riun 1 se John Wllaun 1 1 Hardy RanOOank i -'•• j. n. I'UIW 1 a \V. 11. Wlndham I *• Klnn May » *» Marlhe. Trlpp ' "V I'nlhurlne 1'urr 1 B lluvld Albrltton 2 0" !■; NeMl 1 "0 eiiuney liiiinmer 100 JiiRon Parker I a Annie Smlh I H ll.-ilm..nd Fulford 150 PolW Smllll 1 Se S. Ilrnwn 1 •"! VIrrrlBIa Aiklnaon 100 Oliver Hyrd 2 g l'ully Wurlhlnflon I ** Gra.-y llarrl» 1 00 Mary Jnnie 1 00 liymim Teel 1 SO A. mass =•» Ucllle 'lay 1 00 L.. Slmnu.iia IS" II. A. Ilolieraon 1 00 Peter May 1 25 Henry Hall - '"> Toner Heath and wife... 200 Wanhlnaton l'anlel 1 00 laahelln llrlilga 1 SU I'ouni-n caaprasn I tt Harn'l Hlvea 1 00 Mary Brown 1 w

    Klllla BUI* 1 :s

    lluralry Dupree 1 ; llurlmra Cannon Maria Harrington Kiaiik tinmea Mui-y Itoberaon Bettle Keel Willie Johnson & wif« Wright Williams '.'i7 Simon Tucker Ml in.r Joyner '.'.'!. Jennie Mimr* 9i.i Marls Price Oil Palsy l-assltcr Ml ii.iii.ara Cannon |.|1 Maria Harrington lit dunk Orimea MS M..11 Roberson Ml Bettle Keel :«: Willis Johnaon and «ir.- . M« Orlssle Mi I .a whom SI* l.-ii,, Ira Mo, ■          :i'o Jos |,h 1 1.1 1 M I M 1 00

    No To Wham Issued An - - iNivcr Uyrd ; -•■ 

    Ilk* fully M i ,- 1110 Hi .- II i ... | II

    HM .M . . 1 " 1193 Hynum 1 II 'I II- Ilk Uui I ...

    i Siinui. i .. • 11 -II .i

    ;:•; II- :,i i I.... I ... ii - Toney II. ilh nn.l wife.... I "

    Ila ... l ;, - : '' man .... I :.

    I -,|.;.! 11 1 ,,, - ■-- Mai | I-.,-, i i... li ' Klllla Kiln I .-' '.-■"I llurali i Dui -,. I ii i.-.'. .1. w Slilllll i .. III 11 i.mi II- nib) and wife . i-i'i Blmon Tu. ker ! i» ISN I. ii in i Joyner I «■ ll" -i • ul. Mean : .. !'!i Maria I" i ... I ...

    _ I'.,i-i I nai Her l.i 121! ii,i! II Cannon I :-' i-i i M.n ,.i IIH tington I •', 1215 Prank Or -.. ■                    .1 50 i-i'l Mai i Kola i-son I 00 1217 I Keel ... I ■ l.i:. .iii^/i. Mi l..,uh..rn I Si

    - I ibella Moye IN l I.Mteph ' '-'1 i ,'

    I '.--' It. n- i - ,i Pol man I i n I--! U Hi i in- n 1 50 i.'.'l Jlnale lllounl . .. l 50 i '- If. in i .!•■      -ni 1 is. i ■•! David Hoyd I 00 i.'.'T Lailna M. I. iwhorn i oo I----8 Kill II M . lln us ,.., | oO l.-.-> I..,II.S N'obl. s .-.ml wife I ... 12 ' Frank Hi. ...i and wife.... : - i. i trgi HI Smith 2 .M: IN! Wi!li.im w lilts I •"

    Oatsy I l ... i i Marl - Brown I 50 i. '. Margan i Heath I It 12 : Marlnm Smith I 00 I--. Rob. II Richmond 1 50 I. :- Peli r Thoniaa \ ii:i~. Joyner .. 1 "" 1452 Kii/.ii.. iu Harrla I "' 1453 Inmml i l .nun 11.1 .- II,,n.in ,,., ,,., I 30

    1,11 ti- ll .'. .1 I' Poi - I'- ll. U i 1 U in !h.nn ami a Ife I I • II HI Mm 1 :" 1430 Ned I I 50 in„i M.,i it, i Till |. I i ISI . .'l.u Ine Carr 1 '■'■' I..1J U.i. , I li-i.II.ni I oo in.; K N. -a i "" 1 ISI 'ii ine) 111 iiniin i- 1 "" l ll - li.-ii.- Smith 1 "'

    i IM Ki itn.,1. i Pulford I I4S7IN.II! li • I 50 I ;-:i \ .- in i ttklnson l "" I n,.. Oil,, i i:..i.l 2 "• 1170 uui i Harrla ,.., .1 "' III Mar) Jon ■ 1 M II: It) nui - i'- I ■' ' 1471 Hell .: ii I '" I4?l I. Slum s | .- I i.o it A. Rob. is'in in 1471 lb ni i Dall IM I i i Tom 1 11- illi nn.l nlfe . I ■■■ |4T» Isnh. Ila Rrlgga 1 M 11... .-i,nii. ri ,i ipman . I list Baniu, | Rive* .,., i

    M - To Whom lasu d : I-.- Mar) tlroi.n ,

    i ii ,--:. y Dupree -.. ,: IV Bui II.

    ram H.-n ind w Ife - . - ■     ■ 

    - .. ■:--.' i

    - ' ... i i -.

    -.!'•- , ': i llarbars Cannon

    II ■   -ii

    IN I ■    :.:- i. iwhorn

    - : ' Hoy. I.

    ■ i».in I'»l » tllen

    1 ■ ■      

    'i - ,|ll ■        -I.

    5t>4 11 I.I Hoyd ..... .-horn


    , ■   i .- ii and wife i i and ii if.-

    . i Smith ..- ...

    i. iii ■ ■    -.- ■     Smlll

    ■ il i: . ■   ■    ': -1 ■ -. i- i ■   Tl , --

    II Hal ill II i ■■:. I •. 17 I" • ■ . Ila P,

    , , ■         I I ■ in l.utuvc

    1 - ■, , . i : • ii

    It I fl ''' 'I'' ii . r 1040 lVIIII.ii im; I). U. Smiih Bl8N.il ' ......

    .i s- "i ICO J. II. I .-i.i

    ..- i l irth ... ■ E Mr*. .'I ,1 !, I Kilt lln III t' !•' 5 An rl i '-'mi

    -.-■.- .1 ' w

    ISM .' H !' -.; -, \v W.mlhai -.:,:.! F.I Ml! ii,r.i \. . \i .

    1'iinii ;..-• , - -r

    -.-.-I Dm 1,1 iMInillon ... ..... i :. .

    . ' v. tu

    iocs H • : : I .... ism Poll;

    ■ 1071 ...,- r i., • I 1072 Iri.-i- Hori i,7:l M.i-v J. i

    ,-..! ::.. . 1075 11 ' U.i)

    - -. i. Sinn I r.TT i: \ i

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    -ii In H in , -1 . . I.apu : . . .

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    : l.. I7".| li : m IT.-.. I I.I I! li

    : ' M Uiuhorn 17..; I Mi lh- wa

    ' ila, Nid i -.nd Wife , !' • I- i - ■ i „ny 1710 1 ' ! ! ITU ... i i ma l.i! Marlii llrown l.i i Miirinin i II,.,Hi ITU M.n nil Smllh : : - I: i.i Inn .i.i . 1710 P ill.-:,.

    .' li . .'i llraxton l.i. linii;. riiiiii ITU Ha.il I I' i I-I , im.. h i*,,\ m.i A-ife

    :i ii,IM i. :- - .- 1722 Sol i i. i - ■ :. i iii.i - ' leraon 1.21 ii- - w ll i. ma 17:5 \\ illl ' i l> II Smllh 171» Mal-i I. - -, IMS •- ' - -

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