A.J.Fowle Dear Sirs I object to the application based on the following concerns: The location is extremely close to quiet residential housing. A business whose principle hours of business are late at night is not compatible with this location. Where alcohol is involved, the possibility for inappropriate behaviour is increased. As there are residential properties and gardens in the immediate vicinity, a service yard with the inevitable opportunities that stored rubbish and materials present to persons that are, possibly not in total control of all their faculties. As there is limited parking on Buckingham Street, a number of residents park at that end of the alley at night. Assuming that the application for these premises has included for adequate provision for parking. The premises has only enough space for 4 cars on its own property. Parking ones vehicle on the street at night has its inevitable risks attached. If that risk of possible damage is increased by introducing a considerable number of people, late at night and having been in an environment where alcohol and possibly other substances are involved, then this is not an acceptable risk to have placed on existing residents. Generally any activity involving increased numbers of people, vehicles, music and alcohol after 11:30 at night is not appropriate for a residential area and it increases the possibility of becoming a public nuisance and significantly raises the risk of criminal and disorderly behaviour. As the application is made for a restaurant, but the business name is ‘Purple Spice Night Club’, one must ask what is the intended activity at the premises, and are they appropriate for the area. Does this constitute a change of use from A3 to Sui Generis If the intention is for the property to be used as a night club, then the potential risks are considerably different to that of a restaurant. The owner has already demonstrated a disregard for the local residents by hosting numerous very noisy events that have gone on till around 3:00 in the morning, where people have been outside drinking and generally making a nuisance. This has had the effect of disturbing people generally and especially the children, who have been unable to sleep because of the noise. I assume that, as this application is for late night licensing, these events were conducted without the appropriate licences. Adrian Jackman I would like to object to the applications for late night music and alcohol licenses at these venues. I have lived at 7 Buckingham Street for around 28 years now and can remember only too well the nightmare when there have been late night bars and music in the Agora, the being kept awake at night, the vandalism to vehicles and property every weekend and the drunk people leaving and making noise and causing damage.

A.J.Fowle Dear Sirs I object to the application based on

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Page 1: A.J.Fowle Dear Sirs I object to the application based on


Dear Sirs I object to the application based on the following concerns:

The location is extremely close to quiet residential housing.

A business whose principle hours of business are late at night is not compatible with this location.

Where alcohol is involved, the possibility for inappropriate behaviour is increased.

As there are residential properties and gardens in the immediate vicinity, a service yard with the inevitable opportunities that stored rubbish and materials present to persons that are, possibly not in total control of all their faculties.

As there is limited parking on Buckingham Street, a number of residents park at that end of the alley at night.

Assuming that the application for these premises has included for adequate provision for parking. The premises has only enough space for 4 cars on its own property.

Parking ones vehicle on the street at night has its inevitable risks attached. If that risk of possible damage is increased by introducing a considerable number of people, late at night and having been in an environment where alcohol and possibly other substances are involved, then this is not an acceptable risk to have placed on existing residents.

Generally any activity involving increased numbers of people, vehicles, music and alcohol after 11:30 at night is not appropriate for a residential area and it increases the possibility of becoming a public nuisance and significantly raises the risk of criminal and disorderly behaviour.

As the application is made for a restaurant, but the business name is ‘Purple Spice Night Club’, one must ask what is the intended activity at the premises, and are they appropriate for the area. Does this constitute a change of use from A3 to Sui Generis

If the intention is for the property to be used as a night club, then the potential risks are considerably different to that of a restaurant.

The owner has already demonstrated a disregard for the local residents by hosting numerous very noisy events that have gone on till around 3:00 in the morning, where people have been outside drinking and generally making a nuisance. This has had the effect of disturbing people generally and especially the children, who have been unable to sleep because of the noise.

I assume that, as this application is for late night licensing, these events were conducted without the appropriate licences.

Adrian Jackman

I would like to object to the applications for late night music and alcohol licenses at these venues. I have lived at 7 Buckingham Street for around 28 years now and can remember only too well the nightmare when there have been late night bars and music in the Agora, the being kept awake at night, the vandalism to vehicles and property every weekend and the drunk people leaving and making noise and causing damage.

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I am sure if you ask anyone who has lived here long enough to remember what it was like before they will tell you how unpleasant it was and the huge expense involved in constantly having to repair property and cars. I really fail to see why extra late night drinking and music venues are required given the number in the close vicinity and especially so close to residential housing. Regards Dear James. Thank you for that information. I would like to object to the late night licenses and late night music on the grounds that whenever there have been late night bars and music in the Agora it has had a very negative impact on my life, both in terms of the sleep deprivation due to the music and drunken people leaving the venue and the cost in constantly having to repair damage to my vehicle and cleaning up the damage, litter and vomit that seems to get left behind every week.

Adrian Moss

To add to and clarify my previous email (having re-read your mail) I understand and agree to my name and address being forwarded to the licence applicant. Adrian Moss James / Licencing Apologies – Neither the communication from the Town Council nor the advice on the MK.gov.uk website seemed to specify that a full address had to be included. To (hopefully) comply with your requirements I include my original text below, amended with full address: - <begins> To whom it may concern I would like to make a representation against two new licencing applications (numbers 133425 and an extension to 099224); notification of which I received today, 13th March thanks to Wolverton and Greenleys Council. Both applications concern the supply of alcohol and refreshments and the playing of music until the small hours of the morning (well after midnight six days a week, just before on Sundays). The applicants are based on opposite sides of a smallish structure known as the Agora. The Agora is located in the middle of residential properties on all sides, principally Church Street and Buckingham Street (I live in the latter) but including Aylesbury Street, Radcliffe Street and others. I personally feel that allowing the sale of alcohol and similar activities this late at night will lead to noise and anti-social behaviour in local streets at a time when most respectable local residents are in bed and trying to sleep. Similar problems were experienced when the Queen Victoria on Church Street was allowed to trade until 01:00 hours at weekends. Residents had to sleep with their windows tight shut and heads under their pillows as groups of “customers” wandered home talking loudly, on their mobile phones or

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screaming at each other in the street. In addition, the application for the proposed Purple Spice Night Club is less than 80 metres from our house (other houses are much closer) and includes an application for recorded music until 23:30 Mon – Thu and (with the addition of live music) until 01:30 at weekends. Again, I feel this is likely to cause a noise nuisance to local residents. Yours sincerely Adrian Moss Local resident for 31 years. <ends> In terms of the communication from the Town Council – I am grateful to them for drawing the application to my attention but my representation is based upon the application; not the Town Council. It may be that “Live Music” is one man and a guitar but the application does not answer the question on whether music is amplified, the Queen Vic and Royal Engineer both being clearly audible in Buckingham Street. Regards Adrian Moss Address as above.

Alan Sivyour,

Dear Sir/Madam, I write to object to the planning application made for Purple Spice, 44 The Agora Shopping Centre, The Square, Wolverton, MK12 5DG. I object on the following grounds:- 1. The Agora Shopping Centre is located fairly and squarely in the middle of a densely populated residential area. The playing of either recorded or live music to as late as 1:30am will have an intrusive effect on the residents living nearby. Already we have to endure excessive noise from Memlings Grill located in The Agora. My wife and I are senior citizens living within 50 yards of The Agora. There are 4 more houses even closer to The Agora than us, the closest of which has 4 young children living there. I'm sure neither they nor us nor those in between wish to have their sleep interrupted by such intrusion. 2. Sale of alcohol - there is already far too much drunkeness and disorder in The Square, The Agora car park and the surrounding streets. We certainly don't need any more. 3. Sale of late night refreshments - each day from early afternoon to late in the evening we in Buckingham Street have to put up with a blue haze and obnoxious hot fat smells billowing from Memlings Grill across our gardens and through our houses. WE DONT WANT ANY MORE FROM ANY MORE

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PREMISES! Yours sincerely, Alan Sivyour,

Andrea Nixon

Dear Sir or Madam, I write to STRONGLY OPPOSE the plans for licensing at two nearby venues proposed at The Agora, Wolverton. It is a residential area, with families, and is no place for a NIGHTCLUB or a late night DRINKING VENUE! I am also totally disappointed at the short time frame to voice our concerns. The letter was delivered to our home on Friday 13th March, with comments to be with you by Monday 16th March. I believe there are many residents that will not have the media available to them to comment on the proposed planning applications within your unrealistic time frame. I am shocked these plans have even been considered. This will increase out of hours noise to family homes and the potential for anti social behaviour as well as increasing nightime taxis and road traffic, adding to already difficult parking problems and is likely to increase the need for more street cleansing in the area. All of which will be on the doorstep of a large residential community and a no alcohol zone (The Square)?! I urge you to decline the application. Would you want this on your doorstep? A residential street within a conservation area is no place for a nightclub or late night drinking venue (of which already causes problems for the residents). Again please, I strongly urge you to decline these applications. Regards, Andrea Nixon

Aurora Austin and I live at

Please accept this email as an objection to both of the licensing applications in Wolverton for the Purple Spice and Memlings Grill. I am Aurora Austin of , and I object for the following reasons,

1. Night club visitors are not noted for their good behaviour after leaving their night-club in the early hours of the morning. They are known for loud noise, arguing and urinating in front gardens, and as Buckingham St houses front directly onto the pavement, this means any wall will do. Also, the windows facing the pavement will be a target for smashing. In the news at the moment is a story of 1 dead and 2 injured outside a nightclub in Coventry, after a fight, and we do not want that type of behaviour here.

2. We are not sure what the Purple Spice hopes to be....a restaurant, a bar or both? If it is being licensed until 1.30am from Thursday-Saturday, people could still be drinking until 3am, having bought their last orders at

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1.30am. And Memlings Grill hopes to be licensed until 2am on Friday - Saturday. Late night licensing can result in several issues. Local residents can experience loud noise, arguing and urinating in front gardens, and as Buckingham St houses front directly onto the pavement, this means any wall will do. Also, the windows facing the pavement could become a target for smashing.

3. Cars are parked along Buckingham St overnight, another easy target for drunken club goers.

4. As houses immediately front the pavement, when leaving the club, the noise from the night club leavers will awaken the sleeping residents and as there are many children living in these houses, this is very unfair to them, as they will want to be fresh and alert for schooling the following morning.

5. Car parking in the area is at a premium anyway, and extra parking from night club and restaurant goers will make a bad situation even worse. It's bad enough when the Square is overflowing with parking when the Masonic Hall have their meetings.....where would residents park if coming back late? Also taxis could clog the road waiting to collect club goers.

6. Bad parking down Buckingham St and the square could result in ambulances or fire-engines not being able to get through to an emergency in the area. Already lorries have problems getting down those roads as it is.

7. Presumably this would also result in extra policing, for which the Wolverton residents will have to foot the bill.

This highly residential part of Wolverton is not the place to have a night club, or an early hours licensed restaurant with live music and dancing. I am not a killjoy, but this is NOT the right area for these premises. Just two more questions, why were we given only 4 days to lodge an objection? And why have Milton Keynes Council recommended that these two new licensing applications be passed for approval? It seems that they have given these applications very little thought.

Aurora Austin

Dr Rebecca Thorn

Dear Licensing people I am a resident and homeowner in Wolverton, and I very much object to a late license at the Agora. The noise would be very disruptive to the local area especially residents in Buckingham Street in such close proximity.

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The whole look of the Agora is very run down with repairs taking a long time. Add to that late license customers and we could see it go into worse repair with more litter. We are expecting the Agora to be knocked down. I don't see why a really successful place like Buskers is hidden away under the railway bridges. We need more places like that in Radcliffe square and Church street, not nightclubs. Wolverton could easily be made a much nicer area for a broader range of people. Instead it is remaining like other run down high streets a place of gambling shops, tattoo parlours and if you let this through nightclubs! Please I understand that this could promote business in the area but at least not don't let them create a loud noise. This really would affect the mental health of those living in Buckingham Street if they can't sleep. Thank you for considering this view point. Yours sincerely Dr Rebecca Thorn 21 Stacey Avenue Wolverton

Kind regards > Mr & Mrs Brown >

We would like to object to the proposed license applications for Purple Spice & Memlings Grill at the Agora, Wolverton. > > We object to these license applications for the following reasons: > • we do not believe they are suited to a predominantly residential > area; • we are concerned about the extra traffic they will generate on > Buckingham Street especially and the knock on effect this will have on > The Square (which already has it's own problems with parking, traffic, > people ignoring the one way system and speeding); • we are concerned about the potential for drink driving and the dangers this brings not only to our community, but the wider area; • we are concerned about the potential increase in anti social behaviour this will ultimately bring to the heart of the community. The proposals fall within the shopping area of Wolverton, it is a very busy place with young families, children and older people; and • we believe that Wolverton already has a serious problem with drugs being produced, brought and sold in the area, this will make the problem worse. Wolverton has many vulnerable adults who suffer with alcohol and drug addictions, it is not a suitable place for these establishment and in approving these licenses, the council will be ignoring their social responsibility! > > Kind regards > Mr & Mrs Brown

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Mr and Mrs Chapman Hill

To whom this may concern – licensing applications We recently received a letter from Wolverton & Greenelys Town council regarding the following licensing applications:

Purple Spice – new premises license application

Memlings Grill – license extension My wife and I are residents of Buckingham street and would like to raise the following objections to the above license applications.

1. The hours stated for both premises are not to our liking as this is a residential area and already there is a significant amount of noise generally around 11pm to 12am from the surrounding businesses of the Agora which we can hear on a regular basis and we have found this disruptive to our sleep.

2. The opening of a new restaurant – purple spice will increase this noise and number of people in the areas surrounding the Agora, which is already significant especially from Memlings Grill clientelle.

3. The issue of a live music license is one we don’t want as already we can hear music clearly and loudly when standing outside the front and back of our house and when our windows are open at night as well as when they are closed, especially on Friday and Saturday nights. This is especially the case with Memlings Grill.

We have some very strong objections to the extension of the Memlings Grill license hours and activities – our objections are as follows:

1. On numerous occasions we have been woken at around 2am with clientele leaving the Memlings grill way passed their current licensed hours.

2. I have contacted the police on one occasion when disturbed by clients leaving the Memlings Grill, after having asked them to move away they told me to Fuck off, to shut up and threatened my wife and I in our own home resulting in the police being called and them arriving 10mins later to address the disturbance.

3. On 5-6 occasions I have asked clients from Memlings grill to move away from Buckingham street as they have been full blown rows / conversations and loud discussion directly outside our front door – which has disturbed us during our sleep at around 2am each time.

4. On 4 or 5 occasions I have heard conversations from clients of Memlings Grill being on the phone and be shouting down the phone to the person on the other end, like they were in another country – this is when they were standing by the entrance to Memlings Grill.

5. The music volume from Memlings Grill has been too loud and can be heard when we have been at home.

6. We thought Memling Grill was a restaurant but it appears it has been used as a club or bar on Friday and Saturday nights with large parties occurring, causing to disturb my wife and I when at home on Friday and Saturday nights.

Finally I have been a resident of Buckingham street for 4 years and love living

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in this area and community. As my wife and I are expecting a baby in July who will be sleeping in the front bedroom, the increased traffic, people number, potential noise and rude, offensive and abusive language that has been heard from new restaurants (Memling grill) as well as loud live music into the late hours of Friday and Saturday nights will be of a disturbance and if persistent will force us to move home which we don’t want to do. We are not the only residents from Buckingham street that have strong objections to the new license and extension applications. We hope you seriously consider our objections as it is affecting our lives at present. If you wish to discuss this matter further, please don’t hesitate to contact us on the following numbers: Kind regards Mr and Mrs Chapman-Hill

Christopher Tilley

In response to your letter dated 12th March 2014, it is with regret that I raise objections to proposed licence applications for: Purple Spice, 44 The Agora Shopping Centre Memlings Grill, The Agora Shopping Centre In both cases due to their proximity to dense residential and both the noise and parking impact to Buckingham Street. As is well know in Wolverton, parking is at a premium on Buckingham Street, with the existing housing on Buckingham street and business in the square, compounded by both Buckingham and Ayelsbury street being one way and having staggered single side parking. Memlings Grill is better served with the specific Agora off street parking (off Church Street) but the proposed Purple Spice parking is already full every evening with Buckingham Street, Masonic Lodge and general square parking overflow. Along with this, Buckingham Street has many houses which retain the original single glaze sash windows, that coupled with how noise reverberated down the narrow street and the increase in late night traffic (extra custom, taxi collection, late night revellers), let alone the already proven sound disturbance from the previous roller skating venue, means music after 9pm is all the more prominent and means the proposed location for Purple Spice and extended hours for Memlings Grill are less than ideal. The beginning of Buckingham Street is of course one way, so the ideal entrance to Purple Spice, if not both the proposed licences, but I fear not a sound infrastructure for the increased traffic. To have a residential only street feeding the majority of commerce traffic is not realistic. Conformation of receipt of this email would be very much appreciated.

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Many thanks, Christopher Tilley

Cllr Miles To Whom It may Concern Licensing Applications “Purple Spice” The Agora Shopping Centre; The square; Wolverton; MILTON KEYNES; MK12 5DG New Premises Application I wish to object to these applications; having received them as one notice iI trust that a single response is acceptable. (a) Holistic nature of the applications Before dealing with the Licensing Objectives, I would invite those considering these applications to consider them as being in a single building with a history additional to any issues relevant only to one objective of the individual applicant premises. I make this point on the obvious basis that both premises share the same entrances and accesses and such issues are common to both. The Agora is situated in a mixed area of Wolverton, much of which is residential with a substantial number of families in very close proximity especially on Buckingham Street and Church Street. In my twenty or more years as a Local Councillor, The Agora as a building, has a long history of annoyance, especially noise, to local residents. Other issues have included littering, over-boisterous behaviour to passers-by, urinating in the streets and, doorways, vehicular issues and albeit substantiated to a limited degree, drug offences. (b) The Licensing Objectives (i) The prevention of crime and disorder: In this heavily residential. area, I am very concerned at the potential for disorderly behavior if large numbers of people congregate on in and around The Square and Agora car park. It should be remembered that the two main exits from the Agora give out onto The Square (Buckingham Street) and Church Street. (ii) Public safety: The same concerns apply to this objective as for objective (i) (iii) The prevention of public nuisance: The “Purple Spice” premises face outwards to the southwest of the Agora, directly towards family houses in Buckingham Street. There must be a real

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concern that residents will be caused a serious noise nuisance in the early hours of the morning from within the buildings and from guests leaving in the early hours. Whilst Memlings' Grill faces northeast, noise issues stand to inconvenience residents in Church Street. It should be born in mind that many of the flats over the shops are occupied and stand to suffer especially from noise from within the premises and from guests when they leave. (iv) The protection of children from harm This is a particular concern in a family area. Families for all ages live here and many have young children who need to have established sleep patterns, uninterrupted by noise in the small hours, regardless of days of the week, not just school days. (c) Summary In summary, these applications are inappropriate in an essentially residential area where family life is important and in premises, which have an unfortunate history of late night disturbance. To grant these applications would affront the Licensing Objectives and for this reason I oppose them Cllr Norman Miles Wolverton Ward Milton Keynes Council

Claudia and Matthew Cowap-Whiskin

To whom ever it may concern, I am writing to express the feelings of myself and my husband at the applications for licences of “purple spice” and “memlings grill”; both based in the agora centre, Wolverton. We are strongly opposed the approval of the licences on the grounds that: a.) Music- it is far to close to residential homes for the use of load music: we own a house on Buckingham Street and could often hear music from the roller disco when it was running due to being in such close proximity to the building. The venues are surrounded by residential properties, many with young families and working people to whom music would cause significant disruption and upset. b.) The likely increase in Anti-socail behaviour and possible risk of crime- as both venues are proposing to sell alcohol, from midday to early hours of the morning most days (including those days preceding normal working days) it is likely that the local area will see an increase in the number incidents of Antisocial behaviour such as swearing and shouting on the street especially late at night, fighting and aggression, loitering, urination in the street. These are unfortunately all behaviours that occur when drinking for extended periods of time. In central venues there is often a large police presence and well trained security from a number of venues on hand to prevent and manage these behaviours. In the area proposed here there is very little police presence and as far as the application goes no mention of security/bouncers therefore it is

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very likely that the local area will suffer as a result of Anti-social behaviour and increase incidents of crimes. c.) Additional flow of late night traffic through the one way streets and through roads- A closing time of 1.30 after a number of hours of serving alcohol would mean that there would be an increase in the traffic flow caused by taxis and other vehicles being used to collect people from the venue. This will add to the noise and disruption in the night. d.) Litter and vandalism- there is restricted off road parking in the street and therefore the majority of people have to leave their cars parked on the street, by increasing the number of people in the area late in the night you put peoples cars at risk of damage; both accidental and deliberate. It is also likely there would be an increase in litter, particularly from takeaway wrappers, cigarette buts and packets, recites and other ticket items. e.) Parking- parking is already a problem for local residents and to add a high volume business will only add to this problem further. We are also disgusted that we only received this letter on Friday 13th of March and therefore given less that 2 working days to formulate a response. Claudia and Matthew Cowap-Whiskin Wolverton

David Hammond

Dear Milton Keynes Council, I would like to object strongly to the following licensing applications, of which we have only been made aware this afternoon: 1. New Premises License for Purple Spice, 44 The Agora Shopping Centre, The Square, Wolverton, MK12 5DG Our experience has been horrendous from activities at the Memlings Grill, with extremely loud music and noisy aggressive groups of people assembled outside until as late as 3am on Friday and Saturday evenings. This is a restaurant, so we expect the levels of noise and nuisance from a nightclub to be even worse. The club is situated very close to residential properties in Buckingham Street and the Square, and is likely to cause nuisance to quite a number of residents. 2. Extension to Hours of Licensable activities at Memlings Grill. The Agora Shopping Centre, Church Street, Wolverton MK12 5LG As mentioned above, our experience with loud music and noisy aggressive groups of people assembled outside this restaurant have been appalling. All through the evening, groups assemble outside the premises to smoke and make phone calls. They seem to be unable to speak at sensible volumes and cause disturbance. These disturbances go on to well into the early hours, sometimes as late as 3am on Friday and Saturday nights. Residents have been threatened with violence when they have asked the

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people politely to keep the noise down or move on and I know the police have been called on more than one occasion. Some of our neighbours have been reduced to tears on occasion! 3. We received notice of these licensing applications this afternoon (Friday 13th March) and we are informed that the closing date for objections for the Purple Spice application is Monday 16th!!! One weekend! This CANNOT BE CONSIDERED A REASONABLE PERIOD OF NOTICE and I wish to object about this also! I look forward to receiving your acknowledgement of receipt of this email and to receiving your comments. Yours sincerely, David Hammond

Hannah Kitchen

Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to express my opposition to the proposal for licensing by two businesses in The Agora, Wolverton. I'm quite certain that I'm not alone in strongly objecting to the proposals put forward by Purple Spice and Memlings Grill: in fact, it is my understanding that the Memlings Grill is already causing nuisance and distress to local residents. I understand that The Square is both a conservation area and an alcohol free zone - it is therefore a ridiculous notion to open up a night club in the building which is adjacent to The Square. If the licenses are granted I believe it will create issues in the town around crime and disorder, public safety and public nuisance. Please do not allow this proposal to go ahead. Yours faithfully Hannah Kitchen I hereby grant permission for my details to be passed to the license applicant.

Jessica and Frederick Holroyd

>> Dear Sir/Madam >> We wish to register our opposition, as Wolverton residents, to the application by Itville Ltd t/as Purple Spice, for a New Premises Licence at 44 Agora Centre Wolverton. We object to different aspects of their request. >> 1. To have a licence to allow recorded music to be played until 11.30 Monday to Thursday and until 1.30am on Friday and Saturday evenings. >> The premises are adjacent to residential properties in Buckingham Street and the Square and even if the licensees take steps to sound -proof the building against ‘leakage' of sound - particularly deep bass sounds, the opening and closing of doors as clients enter and exit will mean that noise will escape and disturb people in neighbouring premises and will disturb the peace of their homes and their sleep patterns.

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>> >> 2. To have licences for Late Night Refreshment and Supply of alcohol until very late at night on most evenings of the week. >> Many years ago we had a Roller Skating facility in the Agora with a licence to supply alcohol, and that caused regular disturbances to the neighbourhood as inebriated people made their way home through the streets. We live about 200 yards away from the Agora in Stacey Avenue, on the route back to Stacey Bushes, Blue Bridge, Bancroft etc and we were woken on many occasions by drunken revellers and we know that there was also many instances of petty vandalism, for example with damage to car wing mirrors en route. On many occasions the police were involved. The licensees might argue that their customers would come and go via the northern (Church Street) side of the Agora where there is less residential accommodation, but we know that those arriving on foot would be travelling through adjacent residential areas. >> We believe that the opening of what amounts to a night club facility in the centre of a residential area is totally inappropriate and we would urge the Licensing Committee to refuse this application. Jessica and Frederick Holroyd

Mrs Kerry Pym

Hi thank you for a reply, I have attached pictures to state it is a night club as it states on this letter I received on Friday 13th March 2015, my name is Mrs Kerry pym address is 22 Buckingham street, wolverton, Milton Keynes, mk12 5je, the reasons why I am strongly objecting to these 2 licenses are as follows, public nuisance, the hours are very inappropriate for a built up residential area. I'm also concerned about the noise from purple spice as I am experiencing it from memlings grill! Thank you Kerry pym

Dear sir or madam, I am writing to express my VERY strong OPPOSITION of memlings grill and purple spice, first off all I have received this letter on Friday 13th March and the due date to comment back is 16th March, this is unacceptable short notice! I live right next door to memlings grill, since memlings grill has been there for 3 years it has been nothing but stressful and emotional, I have to put up with the pollution of the smoke EVERYDAY even through they told the council they only cook twice a week, and there constant shouting and screaming when they come out to smoke or just to hang around in the alley way they are applying for a license to extend till 2am but they go over that now which I have been in contact with the council about I have contacted out of hours noice and 101 so many times but nothing has been done, it is having such a impact on mine and my family's life, I can not peg washing out in the nice weather my children can not go and play in the garden as the smoke from memlings grill, my children are also being woken up due to there shouting and screaming in the alley way I am devastated as I have been in contact with the council regarding this issue and spoke personally to the owner of memlings grill and he 'reassured me he was sorting out a "bouncer" to stand on the door which they constantly slam all evenings with there loud thumping music rattling through my house, and that he was upset we as residents felt this way about his restaurant but he has done nothing to his words, as for having a NIGHT CLUB in a built up residential area is sickening as this is not fair at all and is going to add ALOT more added stress to my family's day to day life, these hours are unacceptable, PLEASE

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PLEASE PLEASE do not let this go ahead as me and my husband and 4 children as a next door neighbour do NOT what this to go head, we was told many of times the agora was going to be knocked down?? What is happening as this is anti social behaviour they no what they are doing and from contacting the council the last month about memlings grill about the hours they work OVER and the noise and music they now want to extend there license, I am shocked as a council you would even accept this in such a built up residential area, please please please think of the residents as I am not the only one STRONGLY against this!! Kerry Pym

Linda hall

I would like to object to licensing applications for 1) Purple Spice and Memlings Grill located in the Agora, Wolverton. The reasons for my objection are; 1) Crime and disorder We already have a problem on Radcliffe street with crime and disorder related to people returning home after visiting the other bars in Wolverton. I have had the wing mirrors knocked off my car by drunken people walking home. (this was not a vehicle it was the pavement side and the person was arrested by the police using DNA) The same person walked the whole street knocking wing mirrors of all the cars and this has happened a few times. When the pubs close there is also a regular spate of emptying the contents of window boxes, scattering the flowers and other contents over the pavement, if the window box is ceramic, it's often broken. Our houses have no front gardens so anyone walking home drunk and disorderly is a real nuisance as they tend to speak loudly which is a real disturbance, particularly in the summer when windows need to be left open because of heat. Increasing the number of establishments with this license and extending the time will increase the number of people in the area drinking late, returning home even later and in turn disorder and the potential for crime. 2) Prevention of nuisance I live on Radcliffe street about 400ft from the Agora, the location of the shopping centre and these establishments requesting licenses are in the centre of a residential estate of homes that would be greatly disturbed by the noise from loud music. There would be an increase in vehicle traffic which is also noisy at night, normally there is very little traffic as all the commercial shops are closed by 10.30pm so there is v little traffic. There would also be increased noise and commotion of people leaving and entering under the influence of alcohol. The proximity to residents home is too close to consider this and many homes are family homes with children whose sleep could be disturbed. On their way home people under the influence of alcohol often urinate in the shop doorways which is a public health and safety issue and I have also witnessed people vomiting on their way home, which they never clear up, not very nice when it's directly outside your front door and your left to clear it up.

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Plus, it is a worry when you hear this going on, you feel duty bound to offer assistance and make sure they get home ok, I have been really concerned about some people, particularly if you hear shouting, you wonder if there is a fight about to break out and if its safe to go outside. They also tend to litter on their walk home leaving half eaten take away packets and/or cans on the pavement outside your house and the window sill's. 3) Public Safety I am also concerned with the safety of the public on the premises, the Agora is in state of disrepair, there are numerous broken windows, the flooring is all coming up and is loosely taped down, no renovation has been done on this property in years as its an extremely unpopular building with local residents and planned for demolition so there is no incentive for the owners to invest in the building. Given this I find it hard to believe that the fire safety, electrical circuitry, lighting, building safety or capacity, and first aid will also meet regulations and these should all be investigated first. I would be grateful if you would confirm receipt and advise me of the outcome. Kind Regards Linda Hall

Meryl Tabner

I would like to object to the the request for two late night licenses within the Agora at Wolverton. These are Purple Spice night club and Memlings Grill. Wolverton is a family orientated town and having loud music and late night drinking is not good. There are several places in Wolverton that already have trouble due to bad behaviour. The proposed sights are also close to residential and a church. The plan should not go ahead. Meryl Tabner Wolverton Resident

Mrs Nicola Kersey

Dear Sir/Madam As a resident of Wolverton, living just 3 minutes from the Agora on Church Street, I absolutely object to the Purple Spice nightclub application. I have 3 children and I do not want the possible threat and disruption a nightclub would bring. Our town is very small and residential - why would a nightclub be beneficial to our town? I think that the Agora does need to be developed but why not consider more family friendly business opportunties? There are too many risks in introducing a late night license for a club. Our town is changing in a positive way - Wolverton needs a decent high street with shops that reflect our family orientated ways and cultural diversity. This is going to spoil all of the positive

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changes that Wolverton has been through over the last 15 years. The Agora is a controversial building and needs to be dealt with sympathetically based on what will be best for our community - this club will take Wolverton town backwards to a time when it was thought of as cheap and run down. I don't want this and neither will the majority of our neighbours. Do not consider accepting this license - it is totally the wrong thing for all of us. Yours faithfully Mrs Nicola Kersey Wolverton Resident - Church Street

Roger & Jill Kitchen

Wolverton Milton Keynes Dear Sir/Madam We wish to register our opposition, as Wolverton residents, to the application by Itville Ltd t/as Purple Spice, for a New Premises Licence at 44 Agora Centre Wolverton. We object to different aspects of their request on the following grounds: Public Nuisance and the Prevention of crime and disorder. The applicant wishes to have a licence to allow recorded music to be played until 11.30 Monday to Thursday and until 1.30am on Friday and Saturday evenings. We can see this as having the likelihood of creating a public nuisance. The premises are adjacent to residential properties in Buckingham Street and the Square and even if the licensees take steps to sound-proof the building against ‘leakage' of sound - particularly deep bass sounds (which I doubt they will be doing), the opening and closing of doors as clients enter and exit will mean that noise will escape and cause a public nuisance to people in neighbouring premises, disturbing the peace of their homes and their sleep patterns. The applicant also wants to have licences for Late Night Refreshment and Supply of alcohol until very late at night and/or into the early morning on most evenings of the week. We would argue that this is likely (on past experience) to lead to crime and disorder. Many years ago we had a Roller Skating facility in the Agora with a licence to supply alcohol, and that caused regular disturbances to the neighbourhood as inebriated people made their way home through the streets. We live about 200 yards away from the Agora in Stacey Avenue, on the route back to Stacey Bushes, Blue Bridge, Bancroft etc and we were woken on many occasions by drunken revellers and we know that there was also many instances of petty vandalism, for example with damage to car wing mirrors en route. On many occasions the police were involved. The licensees might argue that their customers would come and go via the northern (Church Street) side of the Agora where there is less residential accommodation, but we know that those arriving on foot would be travelling through adjacent residential areas. We believe that the opening of what amounts to a night club facility (although the applicants don’t specifically describe it as such) in the centre of a

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residential area is totally inappropriate and we would urge the Licensing Committee to refuse this application on the grounds we listed above, namely that it would be likely to cause a public nuisance and lead to crime and disorder. Yours sincerely Roger & Jill Kitchen

Mrs Susan Westell

for the attention of James Sloan. Thank you for your helpful email. I am resending my representation together with my address I consider granting this application could increase disorder around the Agora and further afield The noise late at night would be a public nuisance round the Agora and further afield Sincerely, Sue Westell. I would like to register my opposition to this application. I live in Bedford Street which would be one of the routes used by people leaving the Agora late at night. To grant a licence for music to be played and alcohol sold until 11.30 Mon to Thurs and until 1.30 pm Friday and Saturday would be against the public good and to the detriment of peaceful living for the people of Wolverton. I would urge the Licensing Committee to refuse this application. Thank you, Sue Westell.

Amy and paul smith

Dear Milton Keynes Council, We are writing to express our extreme disappointment with the proposal to increase the licensing hours of Memlings Grill in The Agora, Wolverton and the introduction of The Purple Spice Nightclub at 44 The Agora, Wolverton. We object to the proposal on a number of levels but most specifically; 1) The late hours of licensing within a residential area 2) The suitability of legalising very late night music in such an inappropriate building - which has proved to magnify sound because of its structure and materials build. 3) the impact on parking for local residents 4) the impact of the quality of life of wolverton residents in the immediate vicinity and further afield. We believe it would be irresponsible to grant these licences and doing so would open up issues with environmental health, anti social behaviour and resident/ nightclub client disputes. Kind regards, Amy & Paul Smith

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Paul Cox,

Dear Sir / Madam, With reference to the licensing applications for Purple Spice and Memlings Grill at the Agora Shopping Centre, Wolverton. I cannot express my absolute outrage at the council's consideration to allow these applications to pass - the area around the Agora is a residential area, housing families with young children. The serving of alcohol and live music until the early hours of the morning will cause substantial anti-social behaviour that will heavily impact on the lives of people that live in this part of Wolverton, and no doubt negatively impact on the house prices within the area. I would hope that the council listens to the people who live in the affected area and halt these applications forthwith - there is already an area for late night revelry in Milton Keynes in the Theatre District, far away from residential areas. I was also under the impression that the Agora was to be redeveloped - obviously the council is no longer going forward with this plan with such an antiquated, eyesore of a building that would be better demolished. This licensing application makes me wonder why I pay my council tax, for the local council obviously has little regard for it's citizens. I am also disgusted that I found this application notice pushed through my door just 3 days before the deadline - including the weekend when the offices are not fully staffed. I, and I'm sure other residents of Wolverton, will fight these applications tooth and nail. Yours in utter disgust, Paul Cox, Hi James, Re: My representation against the Purple Spice Nightclub licence application. My main concerns are in regards to the late opening hours on the premises and the fact that Purple Spice plans to play recorded and live music during these opening hours. In the original licence application there is NO consideration of how these music levels would affect the quality of life of the local residents, as the area around the proposed premises is a residential area. This very important fact is not mentioned under the section “Prevention of Public Nuisance”. This issue is already evident with the incumbent business (“A Taste of Africa”) where at times, noise levels have been unacceptable and caused disturbance to myself, and my neighbours. Yours, Paul Cox.

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David Whitehall

Re: the Nightclub application at The Agora in Church Street, Wolverton. As a resident of Aylesbury Street, I am strongly opposed to this as I feel it would lead to an increase in noise pollution and Anti-social behaviour. This is a residential area with lots of children and an increase in late night noise would not be tolerable when they are trying to sleep. It is also adjacent to The Square which is a Non-drinking Area so how would this be controlled during the evenings and at closing time? My 15 year old son regularly uses the buses and the Bus Stop is close to these premises and in his words, " why should I be possibly subjected to grief and abuse from drunken idiots?" I sincerely hope this application is rejected.

Laura Evans

Hello, I'd like to register my objection to the proposed licensing change for memlings grill and the purple e spice in the Agora wolverton. I live on Buckingham street and whilst I'm all for new businesses joining the area I really feel that it is not the place for a nightclub. We have already had problems with people fighting in the street, urinating on residents cars and generally being loud and unsociable and these problems are only going to get worse with extended hours and more places to go. They have held private parties which have gone on till 3am and the spill out after those has been extremely disruptive. This is a residential area and should be left as that. Kind Regards

Mr & Mrs D. Lutman

Dear Sirs,

We, as residents on Buckingham Street, are writing to express our opposition to the proposal for licensing the 'Purple Spice Night Club' at 44 The Agora Shopping Centre and also 'Memlings Grill' in The Agora, Wolverton.

Firstly, the notice period was extremely short, having received the notification letter on 12th March and the closing date being today, that was only 3 days of which only 1 was a working day! Surely this also does not provide enough time for other residents who may be away from their home during said dates, to consider and respond to the applications?!

Aside from the short notice, our main concerns fall under the following three objectives; the prevention of crime and disorder, public safety and prevention of public nuisance:

1. Prevention of crime and disorder: the night club will attract venue users who will require adequate door security at the venue as well as additional policing to control any anti-social behaviour that spills out onto the streets (loiterers, pick pockets, drunks and gangs). As well as the additional policing, other public resources such as ambulances may also be required.

2. Public safety: Outside the night club there will be loiterers, gangs and drunks

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which will be a threat to the safety of the passing and residential public. Not to mention the danger from broken glass, vomit, urine etc. outside such establishments - has the proposer advised you of sufficient ways that they will manage the clean-up operation?

3. Public nuisance: Night clubs and late night music venues by their nature inevitably attract all manner of anti-social behaviours from venue users which must be sufficiently managed by the venue. Issues such as alcohol and drug abuse, fighting, shouting and excess noise. Many of these issues heighten during opening and closing time. As this is supposed to be a residential conservation area and also an alcohol free zone, it is highly surprising such venues would even be proposed for this location. Surely the proposers have not considered the impact this will have!

As with many other local families, I wish to bring up a family here in Wolverton as currently it feels a safe, quiet and friendly environment. This will inevitably change with a night club open 7 days a week and a late night music at the grill 3 nights a week - both only few hundred feet away from my home.

Future Wolverton has submitted the neighbourhood Plan to the council, which we understand will be adopted this summer. As you are no doubt aware, the redevelopment of the Agora is included in the plan, along with guidance as to the types of businesses that will be encouraged into the town and provide enhancement. This night club is certainly NOT one of those businesses.

Please kindly consider our views.

Thank you for your time.

Yours faithfully

Mr & Mrs D. Lutman

Margaret Eyres

> We wish to register my opposition, as a Wolverton resident, to the application by Itville Ltd t/as Purple Spice, for a New Premises Licence at 44 Agora Centre Wolverton. 1 To have a licence to allow recorded music to be played until 11.30 Monday to Thursday and until 1.30am on Friday and Saturday evenings. The premises are adjacent to residential properties in Buckingham Street and the Square and the noise caused by people entering and exiting at very late hours will disturb people in neighbouring premises. 2 To have licences for Late Night Refreshment and Supply of alcohol until very late at night on most evenings of the week. I live on a direct route from the Agora through to Greenleys, Stratford Park and

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Wolverton Mill and have been woken on many occasions by drunken revellers and also personally encountered occurrences of vandalism to cars in the area - wing mirrors etc. The licensees will have no control over their customers once they leave the premises. I believe that the opening of a night club facility in the centre of a residential area is totally inappropriate and we would urge the Licensing Committee to refuse this application. Margaret Eyres

Dear Sirs, I, Guy Jones of Wolverton Park am writing as a resident of Wolverton to make representation against the licensing applications for late night music and alcohol sales in the Agora, Wolverton. I believe the two applications are from 'Purple Spice' and 'Memlings Grill'. I'm not sure which one is which but if one of them is currently called 'Taste of Africa' on the outside, then I object even more strongly. Recently this business has caused disruption due to a large truck parked outside for some time (long enough to start attracting graffiti on it). It has now gone but there has been a lot of rubbish and other mess dumped outside the premises. While the truck was being emptied, the whole area was strewn with electrical appliances and other items, taking up a lot of space. My main reasons for objecting are that these premises are too close to what are currently very quiet residential streets. This really isn't the place for what looks like nightclub style activities, whether named as such or not, given the type of licenses being sought. I know several residents very nearby have young children who would be disturbed, I'm sure, by the noise generated. I live in Wolverton Park but spend a lot of time all around Wolverton, with many friends in this area. The impact on the very quiet streets at closing times for this kind of venue would be extremely disruptive. I'm sure there would be an increase in late night traffic, taxis and so on causing noise, disturbance and nuisance. Also, despite there being parking available off Church Street, I suspect that this kind of activity at these premises will increase parking on the square and surrounding streets that are already difficult enough to park in. I hope that the council will not grant these inappropriate licences to these premises. In response to the four licensing objections directly :

Prevent of crime and disorder - I believe the granting of applications will

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bring crime and disorder to the area by there being intoxicated patrons coming and going from the premises which would lead to criminal damage and other criminal acts, and disorder due to excess consumption of alcohol such as fighting in the street. If littering is viewed as a crime, then it applies here, as brining more people to the area for the activities being applied for will lead to littering in the area.

Public nuisance - the increased amount of traffic, be it cars, taxis or persons on foot will be a nuisance to the public and residents in the area. Noise from patrons arriving at, and leaving the premises at night will cause nuisance to local residents, for example, shouting whether in disputes between intoxicated individuals, or just merriment or generally the result of intoxication. Noise from inside the premises would be a nuisance to the public and residents in the area that currently experience a peaceful environment. Parking will be affected in an area already experiencing problems with available parking and inevitably parking in unsuitable areas will become worse, causing nuisance to other road users and local residents. If littering is viewed as a public nuisance, then it applies here, as brining more people to the area for the activities being applied for will lead to littering in the area.

Public safety - an increase in traffic in the area would certainly be a concern for safety in what are narrow and currently quiet streets. Those visiting the shops in the area at night will feel concerned for their safety given there being people in the area that may have consumed excess levels of alcohol. The risk of public violence is increased in the area with the sale of alcohol and the type of activities proposed. The risk of people suffering abuse other than violence, be it verbal or otherwise, would be increased by the granting of these licenses.

Protection of children from harm. - Noise from increased traffic and from patrons arriving and leaving the premises in states of intoxication would inevitably disturb children's sleep and the experience would be disturbing to them as what is currently a peaceful area would become noisy at times when children are sleeping. Shouting or the noise of any affray connected with the premises or patrons outside the premises would be extremely disturbing for children in the nearby area.

Yours sincerely Guy Jones

Mr Luke Nixon

Subject: Opposition of 2 license applications at the Agora, Wolverton To whom it may concern. As a resident and a parent of a young family I strongly oppose the license of both applications. I live in Buckingham Street and have a real concern for how this could damage and effect the lives of others who live within its proximity of what is proposed. I feel that a late night venue serving alcohol and loud music so close to residential housing will only effect the working lives of people that will suffer from the noise, anti social behaviour and the negative effect it will have on

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Wolverton. I am surprised at the short notice given to reply to this letter that was delivered through our door today. May I suggest that the social media sites such as Wolverton mums and Wolverton massive are viewed before making your decision. This will help indicate what the local people are thinking about the license application. We have many 'long term' residents in our street of whom may not have email or access to social forums and may not get the chance to voice their opinions in this short timescale. I would also ask for the Milton Keynes Council 'out of hours' history log to be viewed to see how residents have found previous 'smaller' venues held within the Agora. I have personally kept my log to MKC over recent years where I have reported loud music, anti-social behaviour and the general cleanliness of the area during or following previously granted licenses within the Agora. The previous venues within the Agora also increased the number of cars /taxis parking on the pavements due to the parking problems within this housing area. Regards Mr Luke Nixon

Amber Sexton

I would like to oppose the two licensing applications; Purple Spice, MK12 5DG an Memlings Grill, MK12 5LG. I oppose on the grounds of noise and antisocial behaviour. These two premises are in very close proximity to houses and it is unfair to be subjected to the noise which will occur from live music and customers arriving and leaving the premises. Regards Amber Sexton

Terri Dent

Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to express my opposition to the proposal for licensing for nearby businesses. A residential area is a very unsuitable and anti social place for a night club. Nearby houses are already having issues with the noise levels from this area, extending these hours will be unfair on the elderly and people with young children. The square is both a conservation area and an alcohol free zone, adding a nightclub so close contradicts this ruling. I'm sure many residents will strongly object to the proposals put forward by purple spice and memlings grill especially as the memlings grill is already causing distress and disruptions to local residents. Kind regards Terri Dent

James Holder,

James, Thanks for the updates and for passing on the note form the applicant., which was somewhat reassuring. However, I'd still like to register the following concerns:

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The proposed location is in mainly residential and already has traffic access issues. Noise from the site at late hours is only one part of the potential problem - a major concern of mine would be the potential for noise etc to spill out into the surrounding streets when customers are leaving the establishment.

My full name is James Holder, and my address is 25 Radcliffe Street, Wolverton. I'm content for this information to be issues. James Hi, I'm writing to express my concerns over the proposed new "Purple Spice" establishment at the Agora in Wolverton. The proposal for late opening hours, alcohol sales, and music sounds, on the face of it, like a very bad idea for a location which is mainly residential and already has traffic access issues. Noise from the site at late hours is only one part of the potential problem - a major concern of mine would be the potential for noise etc to spill out into the surrounding streets when customers are leaving the establishment. I hope these concerns can be taken fully into account when considering the licensing application. James Holder

Carla Boswell


Dear Sir/Madam

As a local resident I have concern for the above licence applications, in terms disturbance from noise, public nuisance, crime and disorder on the local residential amenity and safety.

We have noticed the loud music that has occurred recently followed by a letter of apology to residents.

Buckingham Street is a quiet, residential cul-de-sac and the new activities will increase traffic, noise and disturbance.

I request that in your consideration in granting any new license shorter opening hours, time scale or temporary limit with a review of the licences in 3 months time in terms of the impact on public disturbance.

In addition, I request that either one location or the other, as for two places to have competing music is twice the disturbance than just one unit from the Agora.

Alternatively, I object to the new licence applications for a night club and thank you for your time in considering these comments.

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Yours Faithfully

Carla Boswell

Gillian Bull Mott, Stephen Mott & Harriet Bull

Thank you for your letter dated 12th March regarding the two new licensing applications (Purple Spice and Memlings Grill). As nearby residents to the Agora we would like to oppose the proposed applications. The proposed timings for the Purple Spice night club for both recorded and live music have incredibly late finish times - 11.30pm Mon to Thurs for recorded and 01.30am Fri to Sat for both recorded and live music. This will cause considerable disturbance to us as close neighbours. I know that the residents in Buckingham Street who live closest to The Agora (No. 22) have four young children, and I am aware that they have already had to call out the police because of noise late at night. I am aware too that it is a problem for other neighbours - particularly those on the north side of Buckingham Street, but those on the south side too. The proposed sale of alcohol until 1am, 1.30am and 11.30pm is something to which we are vehemently opposed. Already, the noise of people hanging around Memlings during the late evening can be heard from our house, and serving alcohol until late at night and the small hours will increase this problem no end. Also, I wonder if the the impact of a nightclub on the already stretched residents' parking has been considered. The police have better ways of spending their time than being called out by residents of our street because of noise and disturbances, and so I ask you to oppose the applications. Lastly, we were concerned that we have had very little time to respond to your letter - with the date of the letter being 12th March and the closing date for responses being 16th March, we have been give just 4 days to respond, and 2 of those are over a weekend. I wonder if you could explain your reasoning for this? Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you, Kind regards Gillian Bull Mott, Stephen Mott & Harriet Bull