il Aixtron grows Taiwanese business Aixtron continues to grow its business in Taiwan, with orders from Epistar and Uni Light Technology. Epistar has placed an order for two AIX 2600G3 HT Multiwafer Mass Production Reactors for MOVPE. Epistar manufactures Ultra- High-Brightness LEDs, for use in cellular phones, automotive lighting, full colour screens, traf- fic signals and indicators for electronic equipment. Dr. Ming-Jiunn Jou, Executive VP of Epistar said: "The quick qualification and excellent performance of ore" existing Abxtron 24x2" reactors in pro- duction prove that it was a right decision to chooseAixtron GaN mass production technology. With these additional two tools we will be able to ramp-up our production capacity quicMy and in a most cost-efficient way. We welcome this fruitful partnership between Epistar and Aixtron." The AIX 2600G3 HT reactor, with its capacity for 24x2" wafers, "allows for laminar gas flow with- out turbulence for precise mate- rial composition control and ultra-sharp interfaces. Ultra-high ulaiformity along with high growth efficiencT on multiple 2" or 3" wafers is achieved through wafer rotation with Aixtron's patented Gas Foil Rotation. Uni Light Technology, offering InGaN epitaxial foundry servic- es, has ordered Aixtron's MOCVD system in a 24x2" wafer configuration. Mr. Hun-Huang Liu, President of Uni Light Technology said: "We have been actively evaluating today's high capacity GaN MOCVD systems and have decided to choose Aixtron's 24x2" reactor to start our aggres- sive expansion plan for the year 2003.AL-~tron is offering, with the AIX 2600G3 HT, concrete performance advantages such as high throughput at highest pre- cursor utilization and extremely high device performance. In today's market, it is mandatory, for epitaxial foundries to pro- vide highly maiform epitaxial products in a consistent quality to meet the stringent quality requirements of customers. With Aixtron's well proven large scale GaN Planetary Reactor, we will continue to play a leading role in the market with competitive production costs and highest quality epitaxial products." Accent's DiVA on stage Accent Optical Technologies has launched an addition to its DiVA product line. The new D210E has been designed specifically for university research, and is ideal for study- ing semiconductor devices, device modelling and RF EDA- centric application design. Graham Riley, Product Marketing Director, DiVA commented: "Students today need to fully understand the characteristic of the devices they work with, and fast pulse IV is a well under- stood method for providing key insights.Where they exist, cur- rent pulsed IV solutions tend to be large and relatively slow, and often reserved exclusively for graduate level programs and research. DiVA speaks directly to these needs." The university, community chal- lenged Accent to provide a product with sufficient capabil- ity at an acceptable price. These aims led to the develop- ment of the D2IOE.The model is able to handle a broad spec- trum of moderate size FET and Bipolar devices, and uses pulse DiVa D2 I OE handles a broad spectrum of moderate sized FET and Bipolar devices lengths short enough to clearly show the effects of thermal and trap based dispersion. £ £ 7 : : : EMF gains research business Essential Research Inc. has pur- chased EMF's MRI02 MOCVD tool. The nmltiwafer tool will be used in the manufacture of custom epiwafers for high power A1GaAs lasers and InGaAs photodectors. Essential Research also offers in-house microfabrication and post epi services, these include cleaving, metalisation and indi- vidual die tests. As well as the MR102, EMF sup- plied Essential Research with the system's MO requirements, including the EMF DEOX grade, TMA,TMG and TMI. EMF's Jim Dixon said: "EMF is unusual in the industry in its ability to supply both equip- ment and MO's. This is a major advantage to EMF and provides us with constant feedback from our customers." August Technology's AXi Series An automated wafer inspection system for use in front-end wafer labs, the new AXi Series from August Technology pro- vides affordable advanced macro defect detection, review and classification.The system can detect defects at over 0.5micron. "The AXi's combination of high resolution, throughput and affordability extends our proven inspection technolo- gies throughout the lab to include After Develop Inspection (ADD and final quality control," said Dan Nelson, strategic marketing and corporate development for August Technology. The AXi fits into facto W automation networks and can inspect up to 120 - 200mm wafers per hour. III-Vs R EVI EW .. VO L 16 - N 0 3 - APRI L 2oo3

Aixtron grows Taiwanese business

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Aixtron grows Taiwanese business Aixtron con t inues to g r o w its

bus iness in Taiwan, wi th orders

f rom Epistar and Uni Light


Epistar has p laced an order for

two AIX 2600G3 HT Mult iwafer

Mass Produc t ion Reactors for


Epistar manu fac tu r e s Ultra-

High-Brightness LEDs, for use in

cellular p h o n e s , au tomot ive

lighting, full co lour screens , traf-

fic signals and indicators for

e lect ronic equ ipmen t .

Dr. Ming-Jiunn Jou, Executive

VP of Epistar said: "The quick

qualification and excellent

per formance of ore" existing

Abxtron 24x2" reactors in pro-

duct ion prove that it was a right

decision to chooseAix t ron GaN

mass product ion technology.

With these additional two tools

we will be able to ramp-up our

product ion capacity quicMy and

in a most cost-efficient way. We

we lcome this fruitful par tnership

be tween Epistar and Aixtron."

The AIX 2600G3 HT reactor, wi th

its capacity for 24x2" wafers,

"allows for laminar gas f low with-

out turbulence for precise mate-

rial composi t ion control and

ultra-sharp interfaces. Ultra-high

ulaiformity along wi th high

growth efficiencT on multiple 2"

or 3" wafers is achieved th rough

wafer rotation wi th Aixtron's

pa ten ted Gas Foil Rotation.

Uni Light Technology, offering

InGaN epitaxial foundry servic-

es, has ordered Aixt ron ' s

MOCVD sys t em in a 24x2"

wafer configurat ion.

Mr. Hun-Huang Liu, President of

Uni Light Technology said: "We

have been actively evaluating

today's h igh capacity GaN

MOCVD sys tems and have

decided to choose Aixtron 's

24x2" reactor to start our aggres-

sive expans ion plan for the year

2003.AL-~tron is offering, w i th

the AIX 2600G3 HT, concre te

pe r fo rmance advantages su ch as

h igh t h r o u g h p u t at h ighes t pre-

cursor utilization and ext remely

h igh device per formance . In

today's market, it is mandatory,

for epitaxial foundries to pro-

vide highly maiform epitaxial

p roduc t s in a cons is ten t quality

to mee t the s t r ingent quality

requ i rements of cus tomers . With

Aixtron 's well p roven large scale

GaN Planetary Reactor, we will

con t inue to play a leading role

in the market wi th compet i t ive

p roduc t ion costs and h ighes t

quality epitaxial products ."

Accent's DiVA on stage Accen t Optical Technolog ies

has l aunched an addi t ion to its

DiVA p roduc t line. T he n e w

D210E has been des igned

specifically for univers i ty

research, and is ideal for study-

ing s e m i c o n d u c t o r devices,

device model l ing and RF EDA-

centr ic appl ica t ion design.

Graham Riley, Product Marketing

Director, DiVA c o m m e n t e d :

"Students today need to fully

unde r s t and the characterist ic of

the devices they work with, and

fast pulse IV is a well under-

s tood m e t h o d for providing key

ins igh ts .Where they exist, cur-

rent pu lsed IV solutions t end to

be large and relatively slow, and

of ten reserved exclusively for

graduate level p rograms and

research. DiVA speaks directly to

these needs."

The university, c o m m u n i t y chal-

l enged Accen t to provide a

p roduc t w i t h suff icient capabil-

ity at an acceptab le price.

These aims led to t he develop-

m e n t of the D2IOE.The mode l

is able to hand le a broad spec-

t r u m of mode ra t e size FET and

Bipolar devices, and uses pu l se

DiVa D2 I OE handles a broad spectrum of moderate sized FET and Bipolar devices

l eng ths shor t e n o u g h to clearly

s h o w the effects of t he rma l and

trap based dispers ion.

£ £ 7 : : :

EMF gains research business Essential Research Inc. has pur-

chased EMF's MRI02 MOCVD

tool. The nml t iwafer tool will

be u sed in the manu fac t u r e of

c u s t o m epiwafers for h igh

p o w e r A1GaAs lasers and

InGaAs pho todec to r s .

Essential Research also offers

in-house microfabr ica t ion and

pos t epi services, t hese inc lude

cleaving, metal isa t ion and indi-

vidual die tests.

As well as the MR102, EMF sup-

pl ied Essential Research wi th

the sys tem's MO requ i rements ,

inc luding the EMF DEOX grade,


EMF's Jim Dixon said: "EMF is

unusua l in the indus t ry in its

ability to supp ly bo th equip-

m e n t and MO's. This is a major

advantage to EMF and provides

us wi th cons t an t feedback f rom

our cus tomers ."

August Technology's AXi Series An a u t o m a t e d wafer i n spec t ion

sys t em for use in f ront-end

wafe r labs, the n e w AXi Series

f rom August Techno logy pro-

vides affordable advanced

macro defect de tec t ion, rev iew

and classif icat ion.The sys tem

can de tec t defects at over

0 .5micron.

"The AXi's c o m b i n a t i o n of

h igh reso lu t ion , t h r o u g h p u t

and affordabil i ty e x t e n d s o u r

p r o v e n i n s p e c t i o n t echno lo -

gies t h r o u g h o u t the lab to

i nc lude After Deve lop

I n s p e c t i o n (ADD and final

qual i ty control ," said Dan

Nelson , s t ra tegic m a r k e t i n g

and co rpo ra t e d e v e l o p m e n t

for Augus t Technology .

The AXi fits into facto W

au toma t ion ne two rk s and can

in spec t up to 120 - 2 0 0 m m

wafers pe r hour.

III-Vs R EVI EW .. VO L 16 - N 0 3 - APRI L 2oo3