Volume 6 - January 2015 The American International School of Bucharest

AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 6 - January 2015

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American International School of Bucharest (AISB, AISBucharest) Monthly Newsletter - Volume 6 | January 2015

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Page 1: AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 6 - January 2015

Volume 6 - January 2015

The American International School of Bucharest

Page 2: AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 6 - January 2015

In this volume:

Message from the Director

engage | prepare | inspire

School-Wide News

Message from the PTO

Bucharest Buzz

The Month Ahead

Volume 6 - January 2015

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Director’s Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 1

Message from the Director

Dr. Robert Brindley, Director

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Dear Parents,

Happy New Year and welcome back to AISB for

the remainder of what has proved to be a very

successful year so far. I hope you all had a safe

and relaxing winter holiday.

As I mentioned in last month’s Newsletter, the

School will be undertaking some significant chang-

es over the coming months as we re-focus our at-

tention on key strategic goals to ensure the best

possible outcomes for our students. In terms of the

curriculum, we have launched and will undertake

a number of initiatives directed at teaching prac-

tices and policies in order to improve student

learning. These will be:

Language Philosophy Committee (started last


Language learning is not a separate disci-

pline and cannot be isolated from other


Learning the host country language is im-

portant: for non-Romanian speakers, its ac-

quisition will allow students to gain new per-

spectives of their temporary home;

Language acquisition is important for cog-

nitive development;

Language is integral to exploring and sus-

taining personal growth and cultural identi-


Language is a tool for making meaning of

the world: balanced bilinguals gain deeper

understanding of culture and have more

opportunities for success in an increasingly

global society.

MYP Learning Committee

How does the MYP encourage teachers

towards a deeper understanding of this

program and its ties to PYP and DP?

Teacher Professional Growth and Evaluation


Friday, January 30, 2015

Dragi parinti,

Doresc sa va urez un an nou fericit si bun venit in-

ca o data in acest an scolar care pana acum s-a

dovedit a fi unul de succes! Sper ca v-ati petrecut

vacanta in siguranta si intr-un mod cat mai relax-

ant cu putinta!

Dupa cum am mentionat in buletinul anterior, sco-

ala noastra va trece prin cateva schimbari semnifi-

cative in urmatoarele luni deoarece dorim sa ne

concentram asupra principalelor obiective strate-

gice si sa ne asiguram ca vom obtine cele mai

bune rezultate pentru elevii nostri. In ceea ce

priveste programa scolara am demarat mai multe

initiative, in special in ceea ce priveste practica

de predare cu scopul de a imbunatati metodele

de invatare. Aceste schimbari sunt formarea:

comitetului pentru Filozofia Predarii Limbii

(infiintat anul trecut)

invatarea unei limbi nu reprezinta o disci-

plina separata si nu poate fi izolata de ce-

lelalte materii predate;

este importanta invatarea limbii tarii gaz-

da: elevii care nu sunt de nationalitate

romana vor capata noi perspective asupra

caminului lor temporar prin invatarea limbii


invatarea limbilor este importanta pentru

dezvoltarea cognitiva;

cunoasterea unei limbi este esentiala

pentru a explora si sustine atat dezvoltarea

personala cat si identitatea culturala;

limba reprezinta o unealta cu ajutorul

careia putem descoperi sensul lumii in care

traim; cei care stapanesc doua sau mai

multe limbi straine pot intelege in profun-

zime cultura tarilor respective si au mai mul-

te sanse de succes in aceasta societate


comitetului pentru Programul Middle Years

Program (MYP)

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Director’s Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 2

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How do we support our teachers’ profes-

sional growth?

How do we evaluate effective teaching

and student learning?

Academic Calendar Committee

This committee will coordinate all school-

wide events to ensure even spacing and

reduce time pressures.

A subset of this committee will look at our

homework policies to ensure that student

homework is meaningful, relevant and time


Technology Committee

How effective are we at integrating tech-

nology into the learning process?

Learning Support Committee

How are we differentiating instruction to

ensure that all students are academically


Mathematics in the PYP Committee

The outcomes from these teacher groups, once

implemented, will have a profound effect on how

we educate our students. As the various commit-

tees report on their recommendations, I will pub-

lish, through this Newsletter, the various initiatives

and the implied changes.

All of the reports will also be presented to the Edu-

cational Policy Committee for their input and


Additionally, I would like to thank you all for your

responses and comments to the Calendar Survey

from our October 2014 Newsletter. The revised cal-

endar for the next academic year has been re-

viewed by our Board of Trustees and can be found

on our website: 2015-2016 School Calendar.


Robert Brindley

cum incurajeaza acest program profesorii

pentru a-l intelege in profunzime si care

sunt legaturile sale cu programele Primary

Years Program (PYP) si Diploma Program


comitetului pentru Dezvoltarea Profesionala si

Evaluarea Profesorilor

cum incurajam dezvoltarea profesionala a


cum putem evalua eficient atat metodele

de predare cat si nivelul de invatare al ele-


comitetului pentru Calendarul Academic

acest comitet va coordona toate even-

imentele scolare pentru a putea aloca

fiecarei activitati in parte spatiul si timpul


o parte a acestui comitet va analiza

politicile actuale referitoare la temele

pentru acasa si se va asigura ca acestea

sunt semnificative, relevante si rezonabile

din punct de vedere al timpului

comitetului pentru Tehnologie

cat de eficienti suntem in ceea ce priveste

implementarea mijloacelor tehnologice in

procesul de invatare

comitetului de Matematica in cadrul program-

ului PYP

Odata implementate, rezultatele muncii acestor

comitete didactice vor avea un profund impact

asupra educatiei elevilor nostri. Vom publica in

continuare, prin intermediul acestui bulletin difer-

itele initiative propuse de catre aceste comitete

cat si schimbarile pe care acestea le implica.

Toate rapoartele vor fi transmise Comitetului pentru

Politica Educationala care la randul sau va prezen-

ta concluziile si recomandarile sale.

Doresc de asemenea sa va multumesc atat pentru

participarea cat si pentru raspunsurile si comentar-

iile dumneavoastra legate de sondajul de opinie

referitor la calendarul scolii prezentat in buletinul

din luna Octombrie . Noul calendar pentru urma-

torul an scolar a fost revizuit de catre Consiliul Di-

rector si poate fi gasit pe pagina de website a sco-

lii noastre la sectiunea: 2015-2016 School Calendar.

Cu stima,

Robert Brindley

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School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 3

School-Wide News

We are the AISB Vampires! | Community Time at the Gazebo

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Annual AISB PTO Auction Gala Online Space Now Live!

This year we are proud to honor our host city’s 555th

anniversary with the chosen theme of Bucharest, My

Little Paris for the Annual Auction Gala. On March

28th, 2015 the Radisson Blu Hotel will host this event in

the beautiful atmosphere of the Little Paris of the East

with music, drinks, great food, distinguished compa-

ny, and wonderful conversation in what promises to

be a delightful occasion.

We have just launched our NEW online space—an

extra tool to better promote our sponsors and host

anything and everything Gala-related: http://

blog.aisb.ro/ptogala/. Visit the Gala website to find

out all you need and want to know about the special

evening that will be March 28th.

Don’t forget to pick up your Gala tickets from the

atrium at AISB. Reserve your table and choose your delectable dinner from a Vegetarian, Meat, of Fish

Menu at the same time. Find out everything you need to know about the website and how to get around,

here: http://blog.aisb.ro/ptogala/?p=3062

HR Corner with Roxana Lungu, HR Manager at AISB

Happy new year dear AISB readers,

To start 2015. I bring you 2 pieces of information to cater both to the believers

and the scientologists:

For the believers:

Maybe you know this already, or maybe you just read about it, 2015 is the

year of the Wooden Sheep in the Chinese Zodiac.

The lucky number is 8 and the lucky color is green.

The Year 2015 is the 4712th Chinese Year. The first day of the Wooden Sheep

is on February 4, 2015.

2015 is the last year of the Fire cycle (that started in 2013) with 2016 being the

year of the Monkey (the first year of the Metal cycle), therefore, 2015 will be a

turning point year for many people.

If Fire brought you luck in 2013 and 2014, then your luck in 2015 will continue, however, you need to pre-

pare to adjust your approaches to maintain your achievements.

If you were out of luck in the last two years, then 2015 brings you the opportunity to create your new fu-

ture, it will foster your creativity, but you need to think twice to well prepare your next path to advance,

give time to turn seeds into flowers and fruits.

Friday, January 30, 2015

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For the scientologists:

For those of you who have a different approach on how to start a new year, I encourage you to watch this

2 minute video based on the book “Drive” by famous author Daniel Pink. (Please copy and paste the fol-

lowing address into your browser if it doesn’t open: http://www.danpink.com/2010/01/2questionsvideo/)

Regardless of the path you choose, I wish you have a balanced, happy and fulfilled year in every area of

your life.

It is my pleasure, and my honor to present you the School Personality of the Month of January, Ms. Doina


I am sure there isn’t a breathing soul within AISB who does not know and appreciate Doina; she is a syno-

nym of AISB’s past, present and future, so let’s read about her experiences.

1. As a little girl what did you want to become when you grew up? What do you

do now at the school? I always wanted to be a teacher. Unfortunately, my

experience as a teacher in the Romanian education system, after I graduated

university, was a huge disappointment, so I ended up doing other jobs before

joining AISB. At AISB I’ve always been assistant to the Director, but I also covered

a variety of other jobs as needed, when the school was smaller than it is now,

including: admissions, college admissions, Gr. 3-12 school secretary, cashier,

overseas teachers housing, staffing and personnel manager, and many more.

2. Tell us a few words about your family and your upbringing. I’ve been

blessed with five men in my life. My husband, Eugene, three sons (26, 32 and 41

years of age), and my 90 year-old father. Lucky number!

3. Please continue the sentence: I love to… spend my summer vacations in a

little mountain pension we usually rent, with my family and friends.

4. Because everyone lives for a bit of intrigue: are there any intriguing or funny stories from the school since

1993, when you started, that you can share with us? Ah! There are so many that it’s hard to pick one.

Here is one. Back in 1993, we started school in September in a newly rented, partially remodeled histori-

cal building, with no power supply, no running water, one phone line and a phone set on the outside

windowsill of a satellite building, and half-built stairs to the main building access door. Those were may-

be the most funny and fun couple of weeks, when we relied on natural lighting, had to run outside

(sometimes with an umbrella) to make a phone call, and had a

scarce supply of running water only in the basement bathrooms.

5. What is the craziest life experience you have lived so far? Maybe

the craziest experience was back in 97-98, at Doro2. In 1997 we

moved the Director’s, Admissions, and Business offices to an apart-

ment building, a block away from the Secondary School rented

building on Calea Dorobantilor. We used to call the offices “Doro

2”. I shared my office with Magda Ionescu, the Admissions Officer

at that time, and she had her meetings with applying families in

that office. On a particular day, Magda had a meeting with a po-

tential student’s father, when all of a sudden she became nervous

and tried to catch my attention. The man she had the meeting

with was very vocal, bragging about who he was, how powerful he

was and that he even carried a gun. And he actually showed the

weapon to us. It was a real challenge for the two of us to keep

calm and gently make him go. No need to say that the child was

never admitted!

6. Do you think penguins have knees? Absolutely! Elbows too.

Doina (bottom) with her friend and

colleague Magda (top) in the 90s.

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Update on the ‘The Giving Tree’

In total, 100 people from AISB filled shoeboxes full of things and put 100 smiles on children’s faces.

The children from PAVEL Children’s Cancer Hospital, Second Chance, and Fundatia Sf. Dimitrie want to say

a big THANK YOU to all of you for the wonderful presents they received for Christmas. Check out some of

the happy recipients below:

Dear American International School of Bucharest,

On behalf of Touched Romania, I want to thank you for your generous donation

of Christmas gifts this past Christmas. They brought great joy and excitement to

the children we work with. For many, they may be the only new gifts that they

receive this Christmas.

Your thoughtfulness has meant so much to us over the years. This initiative has

had a special impact on the children and their families, as well as it models altru-

ism in a special way. We hope that in return it has also been a blessing to you!

Below, this is what one of our mothers, at Hagar Home, shared about the gift for

her daughter: “I received exactly what I wanted for my little girl, Estera. Thank

you for bringing a smile to my face this Christmas season and for your generosity

that made this possible!”

Once again, thank you for being a part of our Christmas celebration this year.

You made Christmas 2014 very memorable for the children and families in our


Wishing you peace and joy throughout the coming year.


Raegan Glugosh |Founder and President, Association Touched Romania

Baba the Storyteller at our next Library Family Event!

Put this on your calendars!

You won't want to miss Baba the Storyteller at our

next Library Family "Night".

Join us for an engaging and interactive family story-

telling experience for all ages!

Date: Thursday, February 5th, 2015

Time: 4:00-5:30pm *early Family Night for this event

Location: Community Rooms 10 &13

Baba the Storyteller will also be presenting to all students between February 2—

6 at AISB. Don’t forget to ask your child/ren about their experience/s.

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AISB Mascot

Say a big hello to the newest

member of AISB! Watch out for

him at big school events and

make sure you say hello. As of yet,

he doesn’t have a name so we

are looking for suggestions. There

is a box at the reception if you

would like to suggest a suitable

name. Many thanks to our PTO for

their support in purchasing this

great addition to our school.

ISTA is coming!

The International Schools Theatre Association is bringing together 5 art-

ists, and over 100 students and teachers from schools in Kenya, Ethio-

pia, Turkey, Malta, Lebanon and of course our friends down the road at

the British school. The event is 4 days of exciting theatre making be-

tween February 5—8 which culminates in an original performance by all

the students on Sunday the 8th at 11am. Please come along and see

the wonderful work the students will create. The performance is open to

everyone–come and show them what a great community AISB is!

Page 9: AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 6 - January 2015

PTO Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 7

Message from the PTO

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni, President

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Dear AISB Community,

This month of the new 2015 has started with so much

vigor and energy for us in the PTO Team. We are so

busy with the preparation of the Annual Auction Ga-


This year we are proud to honor our host city’s 555th

anniversary with the chosen theme of Bucharest, My

Little Paris. On March 28th, 2015 the Radisson Blu Ho-

tel will host this event in the beautiful atmosphere of

the Little Paris of the East with music, drinks, great

food, distinguished company, and wonderful conver-

sation in what promises to be a delightful occasion.

We are so lucky! Our community of gracious people

has already come forward and started to offer out-

standing items, services and products to contribute

to our cause and make their business more visible.

From restaurants, travel agencies, hotels, and drinks

providers, to printing and design services and so

many more, the list is filling up little by little. We are so fortunate and thankful for such a community of sup-


NEW! This year we are using an extra tool to better promote our sponsors: an online space to host anything

and everything Gala-related: http://blog.aisb.ro/ptogala/. Through this online space, we will be able to en-

sure enhanced visibility by displaying our sponsors’ logos and web links. This ensures direct contact to your

business for everyone who accesses our event site. It is an immediate, efficient, and long-term means of ad-

Friday, January 30, 2015

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PTO Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 8

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vertising and promotion and a bigger commitment

to our generous sponsors from us. Our first sponsors

are already present on the site and enjoying visibil-

ity in our community and not only (as our event is

featured on Facebook as well).

Our wonderful Ticket Sale Team has been doing

such a great job helping people purchase their

tickets and helping them find the best table to

share with their friends. Thank you Jema and Me-

ghan. If you need assistance with the tickets, please

do contact our coordinators: Meghan Currier:

[email protected] and Jema Rah't: je-

[email protected].

An evening to remember, the Gala aims to make a

difference in the lives of young learners, supporting

both local Romanian students, through the AISB

Scholarship Fund, and our international students,

through the Parent and Teacher Organization (PTO)

Grant Program. Funds raised at the Auction Gala

enable us to offer full scholarships to AISB to out-

standing young local individuals, empowering

them, through a world class education, to in turn

transform the shape of tomorrow. Similarly, the PTO

Grants support the aspirations of students at AISB,

with contributions from past Galas helping to enrich

our library collection, enabling our students to be

more innovative in their community service pro-

jects, and opening new paths to a better under-

standing of Romanian and international cultures.

On behalf of AISB, we would like to invite you to make a difference in the lives of students, while at the

same time taking pride in your company, products, skills, and expertise, in the midst of our international


Join the fun & lend us a hand: You not only can help us with donations, but also by lending a hand to help

the restless team. Even a small task helps a lot. Thank you for considering this request to be our partner in

fun and education. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Thank YOU!

What's ON!

Look for an announcement for a very special Ladies Night Out that the PTO Social Committee is working

on for the month of February. More information to come!

Dates to remember

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni, PTO President | American International School of Bucharest

Date Event

February 3, 2015 MS New Parents Introduction to the MYP

February 5, 2015 PTO General Meeting 13:00 (location TBA)

February 10, 2015 ES Principal/Parent Coffee Morning 8am Room 10

February 10, 2015 MS "Let's Have a Tea Talk" with Ms. Carollo 13:45 Room 10

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Bucharest Buzz | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 9

Bucharest Buzz

Herăstrău Park Cultural Festival | Bucharest Jazz Festival

The Bucharest Buzz section of the Monthly Newsletter is a place to share information about-events and

places with those in our community. Are there events coming up that you want others to know about? Did

you go somewhere worth a visit? Send your Bucharest Buzz items of maximum 150 words and 1 photo to our

Manager of Admissions and External Relations, Ms. Catalina Gardescu, at [email protected] and if

appropriate, your news items will be featured in the next Monthly Newsletter.

engage | prepare | inspire

New Spring Titles at Usborne Books

Usborne Books has a new selection of titles available for spring. Please

see the attached and use the Home and School Spring 2015 Order

Form to complete your order. When you are ready to order, contact

the Usborne representative directly. Please download the catalogs and

order forms here: Usborne Catalogs and Order Forms or by clicking on

the image to the right.

Usborne Books Representative: Elena Iordache

Tel: (0040) 723 317 717

Email: [email protected]

Website: org.usbornebooksathome.co.uk/mayasamazingbookland

“The King has Died! Long live the King!”

Exhibition at the National Museum of History in Bucharest

From now until March 1st, 2015, pay the National Museum of History in

Bucharest a visit to enjoy an exhibition commemorating King Carol I

and King Ferdinand of Romania. The exhibition will include objects from

Peles and Cotroceni Museums, and the National Museum of Art. The

exhibition can be visited from Wednesday to Sunday from 9am to 5pm

with a 25 Ron fee for adults and 7 Ron for students. Children under 7

can visit for free.

Find out more here: http://www.mnir.ro/

DreamHack Bucharest Electronic Gaming Competition

Tickets on sale for April event

Tickets for the largest digital festival in Romania are now on sale at early

bird prices until February 8. The festival itself runs from April 24-26 at Sala

Polivalenta in Bucharest. This year, DreamHack will bring popular games

to the table for all to experience. Tickets can be purchased from

shop.computergames.ro, www.bilete.ro, Romanian Post offices, Inme-

dio shops, and Germanos stores.

Friday, January 30, 2015

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Disney Live! Mickey’s Music Festival comes to Bucharest in April

April 22-26 brings Mickey Mouse and his friends to Bucharest for a new

music show that will take place at Sala Palatului. Together with Minnie

Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy, Mickey will perform songs from Dis-

ney’s best soundtracks. There are five shows scheduled, three evening

shows beginning at 7pm on April 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, and two mat-

inee shows beginning at 11am on April 25th and 26th. Get your tickets

at www.myticket.ro, at Diverta shops, in the Muzica store, and the Mihai

Eminescu book shop.

East European Comic Con in Bucharest between

May 8—May 10

The East European Comic Con event will take place at Romexpo be-

tween May 8—10 this year. It is an annual convention dedicated to

fans of comics, animations, video games, and TV series and movies in

Eastern Europe, that is expected to draw 35,000 visitors. Rumors have it

that American actor Kevin Sorbo, known for playing Hercules in the

1990s series, will attend this event. Get your early bird tickets soon from


Famous British Artist comes to Bucharest this Summer

British pop-rock artist, Colin Vearncombe, or Black, as he prefers, will

perform in Bucharest for the first time in May. Songs included will be

1987 hits like “Wonderful Life,” and also pieces from Black’s new album,

which will be launched this year. Tickets for the Sala Palatului gig are

now available from bilete.ro at a discounted price until February 4th

and from February 5th onwards, they will be available from a number

of other suppliers, including bilete.ro, eventim.ro, myticket.ro, sala-

palatului.ro, Diverta stores, Romanian Post offices, Inmedio, and Sala Palatului.

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The Month Ahead | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 11

The Month Ahead

AISB Terry Fox Run 2013 | AISB International Festival 2013

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Sunday, January 25—Sunday February 1, 2015

High School MUN-THIMUN Conference | The Hague

Friday, January 30—Sunday February 1, 2015

High School Boys and Girls Basketball | ISB Belgrade

Friday, January 30—Sunday February 1, 2015

Middle School Boys and Girls Basketball | AAS Sofia

Monday, February 2—Friday 6, 2015

Baba the Storyteller visiting all AISB students

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Middle School Service Learning Time

| 13:00—13:40| CR10

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Middle School New Parents MYP Introduction

| 13:45—14:45 | CR10

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bucharest Primary Years Group Meeting

| 16:30—18:00 | AISB

Tuesday, February 3—Sunday 8, 2015

CEESA MS Band Festival | ISP Prague

Tuesday, February 3—Sunday 8, 2015

CEESA MS Choir Festival | AAS Moscow

February 2015

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Early Childhood STEP Parent Training

| 12:30—13:30 | Faculty Lounge

Thursday, February 5, 2015

PTO General Meeting | 13:00—14:30 | CR10

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Family Night | 16:00—17:30 | CR10 and CR13

Thursday, February 5—Sunday 8, 2015

CEESA HS Knowledge Bowl | AISB Budapest

Thursday, February 5—Sunday 8, 2015

CEESA HS Math | IICS Istanbul

Thursday, February 5—Sunday 8, 2015

CEESA MS Math Counts | ISK Krakow

Thursday, February 5—Sunday 8, 2015

MS ISTA Drama Festival | AISB Bucharest

Friday, February 6, 2015

Early Childhood Principal Parent Meeting

Monday, February 9—Friday 13, 2015

Early Childhood and Elementary School ASA and

Clinics Spring Season Sign Up | Online

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Elementary School Parent Coffee

| 08:00—09:00 | CR10

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Middle School Service Learning Time

| 13:00—13:40 | CR10

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Middle School Parent/Principal Meeting: ‘Let’s have

a tea talk’ | 13:45—14:45 | CR10

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Middle School Girls Basketball | British School

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Early Childhood STEP Parent Training

| 12:30—13:30 | Faculty Lounge

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Early Childhood Gathering | 12:30—13:00 | CR13

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Middle School Boys Basketball | British School

Thursday, February 12—Wednesday 18, 2015

Grade 12 Mock exams

Friday, February 13—Sunday 15, 2015

Vampires Basketball Classic

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Middle School Service Learning Day

| 09:00—14:00 | CR10

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

High School Health: Extending the Curriculum at

Home, Educating and Talking to Teens about Sex for

parents of 9th—12th graders |13:45—14:45 | CR10

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Middle School Boys & Girls Basketball | ISB Bucharest

Wednesday, February 18—Thursday 19, 2015

Middle School/High School Band Solo and Ensemble

Festival | AISB Bucharest

Thursday, February 19, 2015

PTO Executive Meeting

| 13:00—14:30 | Board Room

Friday, February 20, 2015

Elementary School Assembly

| 14:00—15:00 | Theater

Monday, February 23—Friday 27, 2015

February Break

Thursday, February 26—Sunday, March 1, 2015

CEESA HS FTC Robotics | ISP Prague