PaloAltoOnline.com Airport faces financial uncertainty in takeover Page 5 Pulse 15 Transitions 16 Seniors 20 Movies 27 Eating Out 28 Shop Talk 29 Puzzles 42 Vol. XXXV, Number 39 July 4, 2014 Arts Community connections make theater work Page 24 Home Bidding wars and cash offers Page 31 Sports Stanford runner makes up for lost time Page 44 Palo Alto celebrates the Fourth of July with annual Chili Cook-Off PAGE 18

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P a l o A l t o O n l i n e . c o mAirport faces financial

uncertainty in takeoverPage 5

Pulse 15 Transitions 16 Seniors 20 Movies 27 Eating Out 28 Shop Talk 29 Puzzles 42

Vol. XXXV, Number 39 July 4, 2014

Arts Community connections make theater work Page 24

Home Bidding wars and cash offers Page 31

Sports Stanford runner makes up for lost time Page 44

Palo Alto celebrates the Fourth of July with annual Chili Cook-Off


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A s Palo Alto prepares to take full control of its namesake airport for the fist time

in nearly half a century, city of-ficials are wrestling with gaping uncertainties about how much it will cost to fix up the small but bustling Baylands facility — and where the money will come from.

The city has been preparing to

take over the airport from Santa Clara County for about eight years, a process that is finally expected to be completed later this year. Both the City Council and the county’s Board of Supervisors are sched-uled to consider in August a trans-fer agreement for Palo Alto Air-port, which hosts about 180,000 landings and takeoffs annually.

Following the operation’s trans-fer, however, the city will still have to navigate its way through bureau-cratic obstacles before the airport becomes economically viable, as council members had envisioned when they directed staff in 2010 to negotiate an early termination of the county’s 50-year lease.

The county, which runs three airports, has had a hard time mak-ing Palo Alto Airport profitable. According to a 2006 business plan, the county’s investment in

the facility has exceeded revenues by $808,000 in the first 39 years of the lease, which was originally set to expire in 2017.

Even in the best case scenario, the airport’s operations will be fu-eled for at least three years by loans from the city’s General Fund. The council agreed last year to loan $325,000 to the newly created Airport Fund. Earlier this month, the council adopted a budget that raises the sum by $235,000 for a total loan amount of $560,000. The

airport plans to hire a new manage-ment analyst (who will earn a sal-ary of $155,000) and spend close to $300,000 on maintenance work, inspections and ground support for the airport’s control towers, ac-cording to the budget.

The facility is expected to stay in the red at least until fiscal year 2018.

The city has at least one big rea-son for optimism, though. In 2010,

UpfrontLocal news, information and analysis

Palo Alto hopes to reach deal with county in August over small but busy hub

by Gennady Sheyner

S eventy-two years after a Japanese ship fired 8-inch shells into the USS Hous-

ton, Palo Alto resident Ned Gal-lagher still vividly recalls how he escaped the sinking ship near the island of Java during World War II.

From his battle station near the quarter deck, Gallagher, a U.S. Marine, could see the dark water was just 4 feet below. The bugle call signaled for all hands

to abandon ship, and the Hous-ton was listing about 20 to 25 degrees. He simply stepped off the side and dropped into the sea, he recalled.

As his shipmates struggled for survival, Gallagher saw the ship’s chaplain, a man named Rentz, give his life preserver to another man. Then the chaplain drowned, he said. More than 700 men of the approximately 1,000-person crew lost their lives during the

Battle of Sunda Strait.The Houston was the flag-

ship of the Pacific fleet, a suc-cessfully elusive target dubbed “The Galloping Ghost of the Java Coast.” It was President Franklin Roosevelt’s favorite ship, Gallagher said. The ship was part of an Allied force that included British, Australian, Dutch and American ships. A few days prior to sinking, the heavy cruiser had taken a few

hits during the Battle of the Java Sea, but it was not enough to knock the ship out.

On Feb. 28, 1942, only two Allied ships were still afloat: the Houston and the Austra-lian light cruiser HMAS Perth. Shortly after midnight on March 1, a Japanese onslaught over-whelmed them. The Perth went down first; the Houston fought

At 99, Palo Altan recalls WWII ship’s sinkingNed Gallagher is one of a handful of living USS Houston survivors

by Sue Dremann

Council race adds one

College Terrace resident Seelam Reddy hopes

to join city leadershipby Gennady Sheyner

A s a retired aerospace en-gineer and a newcomer to Palo Alto, Seelam P. Reddy

is at once a perfect representative of the city’s technological might and a total outsider to the local political scene.

Reddy, who announced Tuesday that he plans to run for the City Council, is not at all deterred by his status as a political neophyte. He also seems to be the only can-didate in the race with no strong opinions about the types of issues that have dominated City Hall con-versations in recent years: parking, building density and downtown growth. He is quite confident that if elected, he’ll have no trouble bringing himself up to speed and doing his part to improve the way the city functions.

Born in India, Reddy moved to the United States more than four decades ago to attend Texas Tech University. After living in Sweet-water, Texas, he moved to Califor-nia in 1977 and lived in Newport Beach before arriving in Palo Alto a year and a half ago. His resume includes stints at McDonnell Douglas, Ludlum Measurements, Hughes Electronics and Boeing Company, where he spent a de-cade before retiring in 2010. These days, the College Terrace resident, who goes by “Sea,” works as a consultant in mergers and acqui-sitions for VMWare while looking for ways to contribute to the city where he chose to retire.

In discussing with the Weekly his desire to serve, Reddy focused on his personal attributes rather on

World War II veteran Ned Gallagher, 99, talks with his daughter Mary Gallagher about his memories surviving the attack and sinking of the USS Houston in 1942. He later became a prisoner of war.


City braces for financial uncertainty in airport takeover


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Around TownFOR THE BIRDS ... Architecture is always a hot topic in Palo Alto, but it’s rarely framed as a matter of life and death. Unless, of course, you’re a bird lover. Shani Kleinhaus, an environmental advocate with the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society, says buildings with too much glass pose a danger for birds, particularly ones that are young or in the midst of migration. To that end, she is trying to encourage Palo Alto officials to adopt bird-friendly design guidelines for new buildings (she was set to give a presentation on the topic to the Architectural Review Board on July 3). Kleinhaus said recent research shows that while glass buildings are generally thought to be energy efficient, the optimal proportion of glass wall is between 25 and 40 percent. Going beyond 50 or 60 percent becomes both wasteful, she said, and hazardous for birds. The danger is particularly severe when the glass is reflective or when it’s placed around an attractive destination such as a green roof or a passageway. From that perspective, the city’s new Mitchell Park Library and Community Center (which features both glass walls and a green roof) “looks like a model example of what not to do,” Kleinhaus told the Weekly. Some cities and companies have already taken actions to deal with the problem. San Francisco and Oakland have ordinances for bird-friendly building designs, Kleinhaus said, and companies such as Apple and Google have been working with the Audubon Society to reduce the threat posed by their glassy buildings. She noted that the new developments on San Antonio Road will have ceramic outlines around glass panels, which will serve as a warning to birds.

BOOSTED BENTLEY ... “It was the best of times: He found a parking space for his Bentley. It was the worst of times: His Bentley vanished.” One Town Square poster on PaloAltoOnline.com adeptly described this case of a missing six-figure Bentley that was reported stolen from the 800 block of Stanford Avenue in Palo Alto last Friday. Police located this week the blue 2013 two-door Bentley Continental GT convertible — which has a manufacturer’s suggested

retail price (MSRP) of just under $177,000 — far away from Palo Alto, in Los Angeles. Palo Alto Det. Sgt. Brian Philip said an initial report stated the car had been parked for a “significant amount of time, six weeks or something,” on Stanford Avenue though he didn’t yet know if the owner had reparked it in the same area or if it hadn’t been moved during that time. Residential Palo Alto streets generally have a 72-hour limit on continuous parking. The car was noticed missing when the owner went to retrieve it just after 8 p.m. on Friday, June 27, according to the San Jose Mercury News. The car registration had a Menlo Park address, Philip said. He said the Bentley was found unoccupied in Los Angeles, is being recovered and will be returned to its owner. “There are a lot of things we still have questions about,” he added. “We will be continuing the investigation to determine how exactly it ended up down there.”

NO SPILT MILK PAIL ... Fans of Mountain View’s Milk Pail Market, the European-style grocer on California Street near San Antonio Road, are rejoicing this week with the announcement that an agreement with developer Merlone Geier is allowing the business to stay put. Threatened with not having enough parking as redevelopment of the San Antonio Shopping Center moves ahead, Milk Pail Market owner Steve Rasmussen said Tuesday he had reached a last-minute deal with Merlone Geier that grants Milk Pail customers access to 11 parking spaces in a new parking garage, enough to meet city requirements for the store to stay in business past 2016, when its current parking agreement expires. According to the Mountain View Voice, Rasmussen said the length of the agreement term is “substantial” — giving people plenty of years to enjoy the imported cheeses, fresh produce and imported food stuffs the Milk Pail specializes in. Merlone Geier’s second phase of development at the center is slated to replace Ross and BevMo with a 167-room hotel, a large public square, 109,000 square feet of retail space, two six-story office buildings, a 50,000-square-foot movie theater and six-level parking garage with more than 1,300 parking spaces, and an office garage with 1,174 spaces.

We’re basically ignoring the elephant in the garage.

—Jim Barbera, an electric-vehicle advocate, on the need to deal with cars as emitters of greenhouse gases. See story on page 7.

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F aster than a speeding Tesla, Palo Alto has dramatically expanded its requirements

for electric-vehicle chargers, which thanks to a recently passed law must now be present at every new apartment complex, hotel and commercial building.

After the briefest of discussions and without a word of opposition, the City Council adopted on June 16 a new ordinance that requires all new multi-family develop-ments, office buildings and hotels to provide the needed circuitry for easy installation of car-charging equipment. The requirement fol-lows the city’s action last year, when it passed a law mandating that every new single-family home be wired for electric chargers.

The new ordinance, which the council approved by an 8-0 vote (Greg Schmid was absent), sets different requirements for vari-ous types of new developments, though in each case it calls for a large proportion of parking spots to either include charging equip-ment or provide the circuity that would make it easy to install such equipment. The ordinance was drafted by a specially appointed

Electric Vehicle Supply Equip-ment Task Force and endorsed unanimously by the council’s Policy and Services Committee before earning the approval of the full council.

The law requires new multi-family residential developments to include one charging outlet or one actual charger for each housing unit. In addition, they will have to install either outlets, chargers or circuitry to enable future outlet installation for at least 25 percent of guest parking spots.

New hotels will also be re-quired to accommodate electric vehicles at 30 percent of their parking spaces. They will have the option of doing so by sup-plying a conduit, an outlet or charging equipment. In addition, they will be required to include charging equipment at 10 percent of their spaces.

Similar rules will apply to other new commercial developments, though the ordinance requires 25 percent of their parking spaces rather than 30 percent to accom-modate electric vehicles. They will also have to include charging equipment at 5 percent of their

parking spaces.City officials estimate that the

new law will raise the cost of con-structing a new development by less than 1 percent. Peter Pirnejad, the city’s director of development services, estimated that a develop-er building a 30,000-square-foot commercial building would have to spend about $7.5 million in construction costs. Installing the electric equipment is expected to cost about $64,170, he said.

For a 30-unit residential com-plex, complying with the ordi-nance would add about $81,000 to a construction bill of about $9 million, he said.

In adopting the ordinance, Palo Alto’s officials and electric-vehi-cle enthusiasts stressed the envi-ronmental benefits of promoting the switch from gas to electric. Last year, the city hit a big mile-stone in its green efforts when it adopted a carbon-neutral electric-ity portfolio. Now, officials want to spread this clean electricity to cars, which are responsible for an estimated 40 percent of the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, ac-cording to a report from the city’s Planning and Community Envi-

ronment Department.Craig Lewis, executive director

of the local nonprofit Clean Co-alition, called the new ordinance a “tremendous opportunity” be-cause it allows the city to link its transportation and electricity efforts.

“Now, we have a chance to take that ‘carbon-free’ and extend it to the transportation sector,” Lewis told the council.

The report from city planners cites a 2012 study by the Califor-nia Center for Sustainable Energy and the Air Resources Board, which found that about 1,000 new plug-in vehicles are sold in the state every month. At that time, Californians owned more than 12,000 plug-in electric vehicles — roughly 35 percent of the nation’s total. The rate is particularly high in Palo Alto, where Tesla Motors is based. Michael Thompson, an early convert to electric vehicles who now serves on the citizens task force, estimated that close to 5 percent of the drivers in Palo Alto use electric vehicles.

Jim Barbera, who also drives an electric vehicle, lauded the new ordinance and stressed the

significance of cars as emitters of greenhouse gases. Other eco-friendly measures such as switch-ing to LED lights or weather-proofing your house help, he said, but by focusing on those “we’re basically ignoring the elephant in the garage.”

“This is a long way toward moving us in the right direction,” Barbera said.

The council agreed, with coun-cilmen Pat Burt and Greg Scharff both lauding the new ordinance for furthering the city’s status as a leader in the emerging electric-vehicle field. Scharff, a Tesla driver, noted that many people who live in apartments want to buy electric vehicles but find it challenging when their buildings don’t have charging equipment. In many cases, apartment owners aren’t willing to install the equip-ment, he said.

“Hopefully, this will move the process forward to make it easy and effective for anyone who wants to own an electric vehicle to be able to do so,” Scharff said.

Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be e-mailed at [email protected].

P alo Alto officials won’t have to venture far this summer for signs that construction

season is now in full bloom.With the long-delayed construc-

tion of the Mitchell Park Library entering its final stretch and the controversial makeover of Cali-fornia Avenue in full swing, the city is embarking on an ambitious, $4.5 million renovation of City Hall, which includes a new glass-walled meeting room, renovated lobby, refurbished conference room, new carpets and upholster-ing in the Council Chambers and a personnel shuffle that will shift staff from at least four different departments to new locations.

Much like the ongoing revamp of California Avenue, the City Hall renovation started as a mod-est concept before expanding in ambition and cost. Two years ago, the chief goal was to refurbish the perpetually cramped Council Conference Room, which is lo-cated next to the Council Cham-bers and regularly hosts meet-ings of council committees and city commissions. The acousti-cally challenged room with low ceilings, stacked chairs and the dim fluorescent ambiance of a 1970s classroom has been bear-

ing the brunt of council ridicule for years for its spartan accom-modations. With the renovation project, the room will be refur-bished, enlarged, stripped it of its role as a public-meeting space and turned into a staff-training room, Public Works Director Mike Sartor said.

In addition, the city has been looking at expanding and refur-bishing the Human Resources Conference Room, a narrow space next to the Council Chambers. The smaller room is routinely used by the council for closed-session deliberations.

With the Council Conference Room relinquishing its status as the default meeting space outside the Council Chambers, the city is now looking to build a larger and more modern public-meeting room in a corner of the City Hall lobby, a location currently oc-cupied by a portion of the city’s People Strategy and Operations Department (commonly known as Human Resources).

The new meeting room will have glass walls, space for 55 chairs and sliding doors so seat-ing can extend into the lobby if needed, Sartor said. It will also be equipped with modern media

equipment, including multiple LCD screens, high-definition cameras and wall-mounted speakers, according to a recent report from the Public Works Department.

Sartor said the scope of the project began to change in 2012, after staff held a series of design charettes to consider the best way to transform the first floor of City Hall. That’s when the ideas for new meeting spaces and shuffling departments began to take shape.

City Manager James Keene said the focus of the project is to make the ground floor of City Hall “welcoming to the public and also work for the public’s business.” The Hamilton Avenue building, which was designed by architect Edward Durell Stone in 1967, was built in what Keene called “probably the absolutely worst time in American his-tory for a college town.” The atmosphere of civil unrest and turmoil, he said, may have con-tributed to the fact that the city ended up with an “almost win-dowless building with glass that can’t be broken” and a ground floor that immediately leads a visitor into an empty “dead space.” It perhaps doesn’t help,

he quipped, that the first city employees visitors encounter are in Revenue Collections.

“Nobody was going to build a City Hall, in the era of taking over City Hall and school administra-tions and everything else, that was going to be welcoming to the pub-lic,” Keene said.

The renovation project aims to change that, he said.

“The public really comes here to participate in the civic life of the city,” he said. “We need to have space that works.”

Once the project is complete, visitors to City Hall will be greet-ed with a giant digital touchscreen that could be divided into numer-ous smaller screens and will feature art projects, information about city events, videos, photos of local neighborhoods and live broadcasts of public meetings.

The city is also planning to un-veil an extensive wayfinding and

building-signage program in City Hall — a component that is set to be evaluated by the Architectural Review Board on July 17. The city also plans to replace the carpets and the bench upholstery inside the Council Chambers, the large meeting room where the council holds all of its regular meetings. The work will be concluded in the next month while the council is away on its July recess.

For many city workers, the project will bring more than just aesthetic enhancements. The renovation plans include what Sartor called a “domino effect” of shifting departmental locations. The first-floor offices of People Strategy and Opera-tions, for example, will be con-solidated with the rest of the department on the second floor to make room for the expanded



Palo Alto speeds ahead with new electric-vehicle requirementsCity to require all new multi-family complexes, hotels and commercial buildings to accommodate car-charging equipment

by Gennady Sheyner

Palo Alto launches City Hall makeoverCity to create new meeting space, refurbish old rooms in building’s lobby

by Gennady Sheyner

Revamping Palo Alto’s City Hall will include renovation of the lobby, with a digital media art display on a large wall near a new glass-walled meeting room.


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A s Americans debate revela-tions about sweeping data collection by the National

Security Agency, the secretive federal department has funded a seemingly more benign agenda at Ohlone Elementary School in Palo Alto.

In a summer program known as STARTALK, 20 fifth- and sixth-graders are honing their Manda-rin speaking, listening, reading and writing skills through in-depth study of the centuries-old Chinese folk tale “The Magic Paintbrush.”

Students have read the text in Mandarin, sung its stories, incor-porated its lessons into their own 21st-century versions of the folk tale and created iMovies of the rewritten versions. On Thursday, July 3, they were to perform the original story in colorful, hand-made costumes for their parents.

The Ohlone program is one of more than 100 similar sum-mer initiatives across the country aimed at boosting Americans’ abilities in Chinese languages

and other “less commonly taught languages,” said Duarte Silva, the Stanford University-based ex-ecutive director of the California World Language Project.

Those “strategic languages” include Arabic, Russian, Hindi and Farsi, with Korean soon to be added to the list.

Since the federal program be-gan in 2006 Silva has been secur-ing summer STARTALK grants, $90,000 of which this year is fund-ing the four-week Ohlone program as well as a program for Sunny-vale middle school students that began this week. Later in the sum-mer Silva and Stanford colleague Helene Chan will present their re-search about language training in a workshop for language teachers from across the nation.

STARTALK had its origins un-der President George W. Bush, Sil-va said, when in the wake of Sept. 11 the State Department realized it was “having trouble finding in-dividuals with the language skills to fulfill our diplomatic missions. The Department of Defense was

having the same issue, especially with cultures and officers not un-derstanding the cultures where they were going.”

The multi-agency federal effort known as the National Security Language Initiative, aims to “dra-matically increase the number of Americans learning critical-need foreign languages ... through new and expanded programs from kin-dergarten through university and into the workforce.”

Such details were probably lost on the fifth- and sixth-graders in the Ohlone classroom of co-teachers Claire Albert and Sha-ohua She as they crafted clay sets for their iMovies, sewed cos-tumes, sang a song with paint-brush props and rehearsed their lines — all in Mandarin.

Most students in the class are recent graduates of Ohlone’s K-5 Mandarin Immersion Program and several others are “heritage speakers” at a similar level, Silva said.

In Mandarin testing, the Ohlone students are performing at the

level of students who have taken three years of high school Chi-nese, Silva said.

“They have a considerable amount of language behind them,” he said.

Since Mandarin Immersion in Palo Alto ends with fifth grade, students will try to maintain the language by other means through middle school until they can resume school study in high school.

The kindergarten-through-college STARTALK program is one of more than a dozen edu-cational and exchange programs

for students and teachers under the National Security Language Initiative, a joint effort of the U.S. Departments of Education, State, Defense and the Office of the Director of National Intelli-gence Programs.

STARTALK is led by the Of-fice of the Director of National Intelligence Programs, with the NSA as “executive agent for the intelligence community,” accord-ing to a federal circular describing the program.

Staff Writer Chris Kenrick can be emailed at [email protected].


In NSA-funded initiative, Palo Alto students sharpen their Mandarin skills

Study of traditional Chinese folk tale is part of U.S. ‘strategic language’ programby Chris Kenrick

Mandarin students Hannah Schendel and Juliana Steil rehearse their lines for a performance of “The Magic Paintbrush” as part of a federally funded program at Ohlone Elementary School to promote “strategic languages.”

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the specific issues that the city is facing. Palo Alto could use more grocery stores offering affordable goods, he said, such as a larger Safeway. He also said he supports better coordination with local cor-porations to provide housing for employees. It’s “inevitable that the city is going to grow,” he said, but the growth shouldn’t be dictated by corporations.

But Reddy is also quick to acknowledge he doesn’t have a particular agenda or specific so-lutions in mind. (“No one person has solutions,” he added.) In a broad sense, his goal is improve governance and lead the city to “10x improvement,” a term bor-rowed from his decades in the corporate world.

“In almost every area, there’s always room for improvement,” Reddy told the Weekly.

Palo Alto is an ideal place to re-

tire as it is gen-erally accept-ing of diversity, he said, but if there’s one sub-ject on which he disagrees with the council, it’s taxes. He said he opposes the council’s plan to raise the ho-tel-tax rate in November. This is consistent with his general opposition to taxes.

“We need to get money from dif-ferent means,” Reddy said. “I don’t believe we should raise taxes for anybody. We should lower taxes.”

He also said he believes the city needs “more governance than gov-ernment.” Rather than making new rules, the city should focus on over-seeing and improving its existing operations. His believes his expe-rience in the corporate sector — which includes work on budgets, audits and personnel decisions, and his numerous leadership positions

— lends itself well to this task. In May, Reddy took his first stab

at civic participation when he ap-plied for a spot on the Planning and Transportation Commission. In his application, when asked about commission issues that are compat-ible to his experience, he listed as an entry, “Integrating all people to work for Palo Alto to be the best place to live on Earth.” And when asked about specific goals that he believes the commission should fo-cus on, his answers included “den-sity,” “educating to succeed” and “commitment to innovate.”

But his specific positions proved hard to pin down. During the in-terview with the City Council, Reddy stressed his experience in management and in long-term planning at Boeing but gave only a vague answer when Councilman Greg Schmid asked about the up-side and downside of increasing density in Palo Alto — a key issue in the council campaign. Reddy explained that in a capitalist so-ciety, the question of growth is a

constant concern. “You always have this give and

take. How much industry do we want in this town? How many units do we need for people to live comfortably so people don’t have to drive 40 to 50 miles?” he said.

The issue is likely to take center stage in the race, which will see five seats up for grabs. Council-man Larry Klein will be termed out at the end of the year and Councilwoman Gail Price, who is concluding her first term, said she will not be seeking a second. Mayor Nancy Shepherd and Coun-cilman Greg Scharff will both try to retain their council seats while Councilwoman Karen Holman has not yet declared her decision.

In announcing his candidacy this week, Reddy became the fourth non-incumbent to enter the race and the first who hasn’t had a regular presence at City Hall. He will vie for the seats with Claude Ezran, a former member of the Human Relations Commission and founder of Palo Alto’s World

Music Day; Tom DuBois, a Mid-town resident who co-founded the citizens group Palo Altans for Sensible Zoning; and Eric Filseth, a Downtown North resident who has been a leading proponent at council meetings for solutions to his neighborhood’s growing park-ing problems. Both DuBois and Filseth were active in last year’s Measure D campaign, which over-turned an approved housing devel-opment on Maybell Avenue.

Reddy acknowledged that his status as a City Hall newcomer may be a disadvantage in the council campaign but said he doesn’t care. With his experience in long-range planning and management, he be-lieves he has the skills necessary to change the culture at City Hall and improve relations between the city and its residents.

“There isn’t an immediate so-lution I have,” Reddy said. “All I want to do is contribute.”

Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be emailed at [email protected].


S arahi Espinoza Salamanca doesn’t want her story to repeat itself.

Some years ago, she was a promising high school student in Los Angeles, so much so that the University of California at Los Angeles recruited her for her high grades and many extracurricular activities. But Salamanca is an undocumented immigrant. Her parents brought her to the United States from Mexico when she was 4 years old. Without a Social Se-curity number, she could not apply for the financial aid she needed to pay for UCLA tuition.

“I felt like I had my ticket to go — but I didn’t have the money,” she said. “So I didn’t go.

“That was very difficult for me to find out that I wasn’t going to be able to go to the college that I wanted to because I didn’t have the money and I didn’t know any-body who could help people in my situation at the time.”

The 24-year-old East Palo Alto resident has set out to be that person for other undocumented students. Last year she launched a website, sarahi.tv, with links to scholarships available to undocu-mented students, local networking events and conferences, news ar-ticles on immigration reform, vid-eo interviews with undocumented youth and personal writing pieces. Her website — which was built by a friend, but she has since taken over after teaching herself how to write HTML — also caught the attention of Facebook’s immigra-tion-reform lobby group FWD.us. She was one of 20 undocumented

students invited to participate in a national DREAMers hackathon, which focused on immigration-reform projects and culminated in a 24-hour coding session at Linke-dIn last November.

She was also honored at the White House June 17 as one of 10 Deferred Action for Child-hood Arrivals (DACA) recipients President Barack Obama’s admin-istration dubbed “Champions of Change,” illegal immigrants who “serve as success stories and role models in their academic and pro-fessional spheres,” a White House statement read.

“I wanted to make a difference for students who go through high school and are undocumented and to advocate the resources that are out there because you don’t re-ally know,” Salamanca said of her website. “Especially being undocumented, you’re scared to tell people.”

She said that fear, coupled with the fact that talking about one’s legal status is a “taboo” topic, makes it difficult for undocu-mented students to find help or support if they want to pursue higher education.

After graduating from high school, she moved back to the Bay Area — where she originally came with her parents when they first immigrated — and attended Foothill College. Because she graduated from a California high school, she qualified under state law AB540 to attend Foothill Col-lege and pay in-state tuition, rather than the much higher international cost. She worked the summer be-

fore entering college — babysit-ting, washing people’s clothes, any cash-only jobs — to pay her own way, she said. She had been mostly on her own since she was 16, when her mother, in the process of secur-ing residency, returned to Mexico to request a waiver required as part of the application process. She was told she would be able to return, legally, in six months, but that turned out not to be true.

This November, it will be nine years since she left.

“She’s still in Mexico,” Sala-manca said. “She was caught in the system.”

Salamanca’s father, who went back to Mexico years before, was diagnosed with cancer in 2009 — creating a circumstance Salaman-ca said is common for immigrant youth: choosing between further-ing her education and supporting her family financially.

“I stayed for as long as I could (in school) but my mom just couldn’t handle the bills and my dad always being sick and having to take a taxi to the hospital every time he got sick or calling an ambulance,” she said. “She couldn’t do it by her-self anymore. ... So then I made the decision — do I stay and kind of ignore everything that’s happening or do I just drop out of college and work as much as I can and send them as much money as I can?”

She dropped out of Foothill and worked full time for the next two years, sending her parents as much money as she could until her father died in March 2011.

“Our parents don’t motivate us to go to school,” she reflected.

“They motivate us to go to work and make money because we need to make ends meet because we need to feed our younger siblings. We need to pay the bills. We need to pay the rent.

“So it’s very difficult to go to school and hear ‘Education is first’ and then to go home and your par-ents are like, ‘No, education is not first; first you need to bring in the money, and then go to school.’”

Salamanca said she also wants to serve as a resource for immi-grant parents.

“One of my passions is not just to educate the students on what’s out there and motivate them to go to school, but also to change the mindset of the parents and be like, ‘You know what, I understand where you’re coming from be-cause I grew up in the same home where education wasn’t a priority, but that needs to change in order for you to see a change in your family. ... You have to let your kids go to college and come back.”

Salamanca has since returned to her own education, re-enrolling in Canada College last August. She has yet to pick a major, having trouble deciding between computer science, broadcast journalism and political science, she said. She also now has a Social Security num-ber and a driver’s license through

DACA, the federal program that al-lows undocumented young people who came to the U.S. as children to obtain temporary legal status. The passage of DACA in June 2012 was seen as a victory for immigration reform, but its recipients and sup-porters wait with baited breath to see what the next president might do with the Obama administra-tion’s program.

DACA allows Salamanca to work this summer, which she does for the Girl Scouts of Northern California. She also continues to advocate for immigration reform and work on her website. This week, website visitors will find a recent video of Obama speaking about delayed im-migration legislation; a scholarship opportunity for eighth graders; the California DREAM Act financial aid application; and a post asking others to share testimony on how DACA has changed their lives.

“That’s why sarahi.tv started, so that my story wouldn’t repeat and somebody who’s in high school who has the grades and the potential to go straight to college doesn’t have to feel like there is nothing out there for them because there is,” she said. “It’s difficult to find, but it is out there.”

Online Editor Elena Kadvany can be emailed at [email protected].


Undocumented immigrant aims to give others a leg up

Young East Palo Alto woman recognized at White House for her advocacyby Elena Kadvany

Sarahi Salamanca was honored in June at the White House for her advocacy as a “Champion of Change,” one of 10 illegal immigrants who serve as role models and success stories.

Seelam “Sea” Reddy


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YMCA exec to head nonprofit Abilities UnitedCharlie Weidanz, longtime head of two Bay Area YMCAs, will

take the helm of Palo Alto nonprofit Abilities United, the organiza-tion has announced.

Weidanz began his new position as executive director on June 30, replacing Lynda Steele, who officially retired the same day after serving as executive director since 1993.

The organization helps children and adults with developmental and other disabilities in Santa Clara and San Mateo counties to live independently and to gain acceptance in the community.

Weidanz brings more than 30 years of nonprofit leadership experi-ence to the job, having served as the executive director at organiza-tions across the United States. Weidanz spent 24 years as executive director of Bay Area and East Coast YMCAs. He has a personal pas-sion for supporting those with disabilities and has been an innovator in inclusive programs throughout his life, Abilities United’s board of directors said in a statement.

Weidanz’s immediate areas of focus will include continuation of redevelopment planning and the completion of the organization’s “United for the Future” fundraising campaign, which is currently underway, Board of Directors President Karen Moore said.

As a senior executive, primarily with the YMCA, Weidanz has worked in a variety of communities including Milpitas, San Fran-cisco, New York City, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. He prides him-self on creating a collaborative culture at all levels, according to the statement.

— Sue Dremann

Fire Department unveils new ladder truckDozens of firefighters and community members gathered outside

of Palo Alto City Hall on Monday afternoon to welcome the fire department’s newest member, a $1.2 million ladder truck.

The star of the ceremony, the Pierce Tractor Drawn Aerial Lad-der Truck, glistened, parked in front of the City Hall flagpoles. Eric Nickel, Palo Alto’s fire chief, and Mike Sartor, director of the Public Works Department, introduced those in attendance to the new truck before cutting a ceremonial ribbon strung along its side.

The old ladder truck that this one replaces was purchased in 1997 and features a 75-foot-long ladder that falls short of current standards for reaching high-rise buildings, Sartor said. Though high-rise build-ings are uncommon in Palo Alto, firefighters maintain that an extra 25 feet of ladder will benefit the community.

“In our line of work, sometimes inches and feet is the difference between life and death,” Palo Alto Fire Captain Bill Dale said. “If you’re on the sixth story of a building, and I can only make it to the fifth, there’s no chance of helping you. Now, I can make it to the sixth, seventh, eighth.”

The new ladder truck also offers increased storage for equipment used in vehicle extrication, technical rescue operations and water evacuation.

The truck will last 20 years, with 15 years in front-line service and five years as a backup, Sartor said. The fire department plans to keep the old ladder truck in reserve.

— Benjamin Custer

Re-entry center saved through SeptemberEast Palo Alto’s prisoner re-entry program received financial

backing from the City Council on Tuesday night to stay open until the end of September.

Council members approved $20,460 through Sept. 30 to give the David Lewis Community Reentry Center and San Mateo County time to negotiate a potential contract for maintaining the program.

The center helps formerly incarcerated persons reintegrate into the community by providing case management and referrals to medical care, drug and alcohol treatment, job training, college and housing support and classes for job skills, among other services.

Under the potential contract, the center would provide some re-entry services for the county. The agreement would include ex-ploring how East Palo Alto youth in the juvenile-justice system can achieve higher graduation rates through academic assessments, tutoring and mentoring.

East Palo Alto would continue to provide the facilities for the program and would share information about best practices with the county. If there is no contract with the county by the end of Septem-ber, the program will be phased out.

The David Lewis center has an 8 percent rate of probationers/parol-ees who return to crime compared to approximately 67 percent state-wide, Program Director Robert Hoover told the Weekly last year.

Since its inception in 2011, the program has served 130 formerly incarcerated clients. It currently provides services to 76 adults and 30 juveniles, according to a city staff report.

— Sue Dremann

News Digest

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Mountain View Center Sleep and Your Child

Sept. 22, 7 – 8:30 p.m.

Barbara Erny, M.D., PAMF Health Education

San Carlos Library Don’t Turn Green, Live Green!

Sept. 23, 7 – 8:30 p.m.

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Sunnyvale Public Library Supplements, Vitamins and More

Aug. 27, 6:30 – 8 p.m.

Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program

(HICAP) community educator

Palo Alto Center Medicare Updates and Changes

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R eps. Anna Eshoo and Jackie Speier will host a town hall meeting on ac-

cess to care at the Palo Alto VA Hospital on Monday, July 7, to provide veterans and the com-munity with the opportunity to ask questions and get answers about the VA’s appointment pro-cess. Eshoo and Speier will be joined by Director of the Palo Alto VA Lisa Freeman.

“Amid deeply disturbing revela-tions about delayed care of veter-ans throughout the nation and the scandal of information being ma-nipulated, it is critically important to not only review wait times for care but also have veterans ask their own questions and have them addressed,” Eshoo said in a press release. “This town hall meeting

will provide a forum for veterans in our region to share their expe-riences with access to care at the Palo Alto VA, and, moving for-ward, help to develop even better systems to improve the VA hospi-tal for our veterans.”

A 35-page independent report conducted by the VA’s inspec-tor general and released May 28 found that 1,700 veterans using a Phoenix VA hospital were kept on unofficial, secret wait lists, a practice that helped staff to cover up delays in treating patients. The report drew from reports of 226 veterans who had sought appointments at the hospital in 2013, finding that 84 percent had to wait more than two weeks to be seen. At least 40 veterans died waiting for appointments in

Phoenix, according to CNN. Though the report focused on

evidence from the Phoenix hos-pital, it called the practices a “systemic problem nationwide.” Similar allegations have emerged at other VA hospitals across the country, with 42 centers now un-der investigation for falsifying wait records.

As of June 19, the Palo Alto VA reportedly scheduled about 89 percent of its appointments in 30 days or less and about 10 percent in more than 30 days, according to U.S. Department of Veterans Af-fairs data. The department is now posting twice-monthly updates in the middle and end of each month to show the current status of wait times at all VA’s.

According to the latest data, new Palo Alto patients (those who have not been seen in this specific clinic in the last year) seeking fu-ture primary-care appointments have an average wait time of 73 days, while established patients seeking primary care wait an av-erage of five days. New patients seeking specialty care wait on av-

erage 43 days for an appointment; established patients wait an aver-age of six days.

New patients seeking mental health appointments at the Palo Alto VA wait an average of 24 days and established patients about four days.

During the month of April, the average wait time for completed primary-care appointments for new Palo Alto patients was 18 days; for specialty care, 25 days; and mental health care, seven days.

In early June, a Department of Veterans Affairs audit found that one of the Palo Alto Health Care System’s three inpatient fa-cilities required further review, with one employee in Livermore raising concern about scheduling

practices. Palo Alto VA spokes-man Michael Hill-Jackson said Wednesday that the organization has not received any further re-quests for a visit to or informa-tion on the Livermore facility.

Monday’s meeting will be held in Building 101 at the Palo Alto VA, 3801 Miranda Ave., from 1 to 2:30 p.m.

Online Editor Elena Kadvany can be emailed at [email protected].


Eshoo and Speier to host meeting on VAOrganization hopes to provide transparency in midst of national scandal

over wait times, scheduling practicesby Elena Kadvany

CorrectionThe June 27 article “The Burning Question” included an incorrect figure in discussing the greenhouse-gas emissions from Palo Alto’s incineration of sewage sludge. According to a 2009 analysis by a citi-zens task force, the process releases more than 20,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. To request a correction, contact Editor Jocelyn Dong at 650-223-6514, [email protected] or P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302.

The Palo Alto VA Hospital in August 2008.

How do you think the Palo Alto VA Hospital is doing in providing timely services to veterans? Share your opinion on Town Square, the online discussion forum on Palo Alto Online.

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on, lasting about an hour and 15 minutes until it was hit by three torpedoes and numerous shells.

Gallagher was an experienced swimmer. He didn’t try to get into the crowded lifeboat. He had a better chance of making it to land than other shipmates, he reckoned. Looking around, he could make out Krakatoa and its distinctive remains after a 19th-century volcanic explosion be-came his directional gauge.

“I knew that the direction was west from where I was, and I didn’t want to go that way,” he said. Supported by a life jacket, he headed for the nearest island, Java, a grueling journey that took nine hours.

Looking up at the vast sea of stars, Gallagher became aware that he was entirely alone. No one — not his shipmates, the captain nor his mother and father — knew where he was.

“No human being knew where I was. Only God knew where I was,” he said.

Faith, his constant companion, sustained him through the treach-erous swim.

“I had ‘escape’ in mind all of the time,” he recalled.

The sun was breaking when Gallagher hit land.

“When I came ashore on the is-land, I couldn’t see anybody,” he said. “I was exhausted and very weak. I tried to stand up and I fell down. It took three efforts before I was successful.”

After a time, other survivors ar-rived on shore. The southern part of the island at the port of Tilpjap had been under Allied possession, and they headed there, he said. In the distance, they saw a group of men. From the shape of their hel-mets, they thought they were Dutch soldiers. But they were a Japanese platoon, and Gallagher and the oth-ers were captured, he recalled.

Back home, he was listed as missing in action, and his prep school, Lawrence Academy, had

dedicated a page in its yearbook to him. In his hometown of Wa-terveliet, New York, someone put his name on a list of men killed in action. His mother stormed into town to have it removed. After a

year, his captors allowed him to send a postcard home, he said.

Gallagher and the other men remained prisoners for 3.5 years. They were moved to a prisoner-of-war camp in Japan. They received barely more than a half-cup of in-sect-infested rice to eat a day, he said. One more year of war, and Gallagher would not have sur-vived. He was emaciated when he got out, he said.

But the men often talked about food. Gallagher kept a tiny note-book hidden in which he wrote down the best places and dishes his imprisoned mates remem-bered. He still has that notebook. Mendota figs, pecan pie, scrapple; fishing locations in Brownsville, Texas, and local attractions — the Snake King, the largest snake farm in the world.

“It actually helped,” he re-called.

Gallagher prayed often. One of the older prisoners at 27, on his knees he asked God for a woman to marry when he got out of the war.

No one announced when the war ended, but Gallagher knew, he said. Suddenly the camps were silent; the Japanese soldiers just disappeared. Then food in large cans rained down from Allied planes and the men were rescued by the American Red Cross. He was boarded on the USS Wiscon-sin, a good omen it would turn out, as his wife, Tae, would come from that state.

Gallagher returned to the U.S. and served a total of 22 years in the Marine Corps, ending his career as a lieutenant colonel. He went to work at Stanford University as the director of married-student hous-ing. He and Tae, now 92, had six children. He was elected to the Palo Alto City Council and served as its vice mayor in the 1960s.

Gallagher, who today is slim, handsome, ramrod straight and possessing of a keen mind, is one of eight or nine remaining survivors of the USS Houston. A team of U.S. and Indonesian Navy divers returned to the site where it sank with an archaeologist on June 9 to document its remains. The dive is part of a 20-year U.S. Department of the Navy effort to survey some of the 17,000 sunken ships and aircraft worldwide that

are considered fragile cultural re-sources. These relics of war still safeguard state secrets, often carry environmental and safety hazards and forever remain war graves.

On June 11, the divers laid a wreath on the Houston’s wreck-age.

Gallagher this week sat and talk-ed with the Weekly in the living room of his spacious, colonial-style Palo Alto home, with light flowing in through floor-to-ceiling win-dows that look out onto a yard of flowers. A picture of the Pope and a statue of the Virgin Mary were prominently displayed on a table in the center of the room, amid the blue-and-white Chinese porcelain, family photos and colorful paint-ings. With July 4 approaching, he said he doesn’t spend any time thinking about patriotic holidays. But he does have strong feelings about the importance of dedication to his country.

“I don’t think there’s any coun-try in the world that has as much to offer to an individual as America. Guide it ... and fight for it when it becomes necessary,” he said.

And as he did in the prison camp, every morning and night since then he has prayed.

The lifelong pattern only re-cently changed, his daughter Mary Gallagher said.

“Because of his age, this year his doctor gave him special dis-pensation to get off his knees.”

Staff Writer Sue Dremann can be emailed at [email protected].

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A photo of Ned Gallagher in his late 20s when he was a U.S. Marine Corpsman.

Palo Alto resident Ned Gallagher still has his U.S. Marine Corps medallion and the notebook in which he jotted notes about food and restaurants to help his fellow WWII prisoners keep their minds off their captivity.

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the council commissioned a busi-ness plan to determine whether the airport can be profitable. The plan, produced by Kentucky-based firm R.A. Wiedemann & Associ-ates, was predicated on the city taking over the airport by 2012. It predicted that the airport can gen-erate a cumulative profit of either $13.7 million or $16.2 million by 2037, depending on whether the facility is run in-house or by a third party, respectively.

At the May 27 meeting of the council’s Finance Committee, City Manager James Keene cited three glaring issues that the city faces when it comes to the airport takeover. First is the issue of de-ferred maintenance and how to pay for it.

According to a letter Keene submitted in November to Santa Clara County Executive Jeffrey V. Smith: “The city is ... aware the county has engaged in substantial deferred maintenance at PAO, which has resulted in deterioration of PAO’s runway, taxiways and apron. The city hopes the county will have sufficient time to fully address the city’s concerns regard-ing these matters before the transi-tion is completed.”

One thing that is clear, Keene told the Weekly, is that the city “is not going to have a fully modern

airport turned over to us.” The city and the county, he said, are still working out the details of who will pay for the needed repairs.

“There seems to be a reticence for them (the County) to meet us where we believe it should be,” Keene said, referring to the level of investment that needs to be made.

A draft transfer agreement calls for the county to make numerous repairs to the airport, including the remediation of contaminated portions of the airport, and to help fund some of the repairs, the No-vember letter stated.

According to a report released by the Public Works Department last week, the county’s deferred maintenance “appears to create the potential for safety concerns to arise after the city gains man-agement and control of PAO.”

A second issue is the potential pressure to increase services at the airport.

“We’ve always acknowledged that once Palo Alto takes it over, we’ll probably have more demands from folks to do things and feel compelled to be more responsive than the county,” Keene said.

Third is the issue of the two fixed-base operators that serve the airport: Roy-Aero Enterprises, which manages offices, hangars and tie-down rentals at the airport; and Rossi Aircraft, which provides fueling and aircraft-maintenance services. Both operators have leas-es from 1969 that are set to expire

in 2017. Once the leases expire, the city is expected to raise rents and bring in more revenue. Exact-ly how much more money the city could bring in remains unknown. At the May 27 meeting, Council-man Pat Burt asked for a range of potential increases. The city’s Airport Manager Andrew Swan-son declined to give an estimate, noting that the city is preparing to conduct a “full evaluation” of the airport’s condition and that citing specific numbers would be pre-mature. But given the high level of activity at Palo Alto Airport and the high demand for airport services, the increases could be

significant. The 2010 Wiedemann report notes that “a minimum 50 percent increase in rents will be assessed” after the leases with the two operators are reappraised.

On the more-immediate revenue front, city officials hope that they will be able to apply for and receive Federal Aviation Administration funding by August. The FAA has encouraged the city to apply for $610,000 in “entitlement funds” that are earmarked for deferred pavement maintenance, with the understanding that if the transfer of airport ownership does not take place in August, the funding re-quest will not be considered.


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8:30 A.M., Thursday, July 17, 2014, Palo Alto Council Conference Room, 1st Floor, Civic Center, 250 Hamilton Avenue. Plans may be reviewed at the Development Center at 285 Hamilton Avenue or online at: http://www.cityofpaloalto.org/planningprojects; contact Diana Tamale for additional information during business hours at 650.329.2144.

250 Hamilton Avenue [14PLN-00053]: Request by Philip Ciralsky of the Department of Public Works Architectural Review of a Master Sign Program with Sign Exceptions to allow the installation of way finding signage at City Hall. Zone District: Public Facilities (PF). Environmental Assessment: Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Section 15311.

Amy French Chief Planning Official

The City of Palo Alto does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. To request an accommodation for this meeting or an alternative format for any related printed materials, please contact the City’s ADA Coordinator at 650.329.2550 (voice) or by e-mailing [email protected].

NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETINGof the City of Palo Alto

Architectural Review Board (ARB)

meeting areas. Utility Depart-ment employees who deal with customer service and currently are on the second floor will be moved down to the lobby, where they will share space with the Revenue Collections staff of the Administrative Services Depart-ment. This will allow residents who have questions about their utility bills to get answers and make payments in the same loca-tion, Sartor said.

The city is also looking to liven up the lobby area by installing a digital media art display on a large wall near the meeting room. The city is now in the final stages of selecting an artist for the dis-play, according to Matt Raschke, the city’s project manager for the remodeling effort.

Despite the broad scope and significant expenditures, the project has not faced much scru-

tiny from the council. On June 16, the council approved more than $4 million in expenditures for the City Hall renovation, which includes a $2.7 million contract with the firm D.L. Falk Construction, Inc., and an addi-tion of $141,565 to its contract with WMB Architects, which brings that total contract to a not-to-exceed amount of $426,256. The council also authorized a budget amendment that allo-cates another $1.6 million for the project. Some of the costs will be funded by impact fees from

developments and by transfers from various utility funds and from the Technology Fund.

The city contracts were signed last week and much of the work on the first floor will take place in the next three months. The next three phases will then com-mence on the mezzanine level and on the second floor, with each phase expected to take about 45 days, according to a Public Works report.

Staff Writer Gennady Sheyner can be emailed at [email protected].

City Hall

Developers could pay low-income-housing feeEast Palo Alto developers could be required to pay a fee for

low-income housing if the City Council approves a staff recom-mendation Tuesday, July 1. (Posted July 1, 10 a.m.)

Fund provides more than scholarshipsAmong low-income students who are the first in their families

to go to college, less than 50 percent graduate from college in six years, according to the Peninsula College Fund. (Posted July 1, 8:36 a.m.)

East Palo Alto asks for community inputThe city of East Palo Alto is asking community members to

choose a final design for a new playground at Bell Street Park, which the city will build in August in partnership with the YMCA of Silicon Valley, Mountain View-based retail savings company Coupons.com and national nonprofit KaBOOM!. (Posted June 27, 4:19 p.m.)

Man in FBI custody after skipping court dateThe FBI has located the Mountain View man who is one of the

alleged proprietors of a sex listings website MyRedBook.com who missed his scheduled appearance in federal court today. (Posted June 27, 1:20 p.m.)

Missing East Palo Alto man located in HaywardAn elderly East Palo Alto man reported missing earlier this

week has been safely located in the city of Hayward, police said Thursday. (Posted June 27, 7:57 a.m.)

Online This WeekThese and other news stories were posted on Palo Alto Online throughout the week. For longer versions, go to www.PaloAlto Online.com/news.

Council CouncilThe council did not meet this week.

Historic Resources Board (July 2)Preservation: The board discussed its upcoming joint meeting with the City Council, design guidelines for Professorville and other matters relating to the Historic Preservation ordinance. Action: None

CityViewA round-up of Palo Alto government action this week

CITY COUNCIL ... The council has no meetings scheduled this week.

PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ... The commission is scheduled to discuss its priorities and hold a public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan update to consider issues to be evaluated in the Environmental Impact Report for the document. The meeting will begin at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 9, in the Council Conference Room at City Hall, 250 Hamilton Ave.

Public AgendaA preview of Palo Alto government meetings next week

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At 95, our beautiful and loving mother, Ulele C. Hamway, died peacefully at The Sequoias Portola Valley on June 15. She was born on May 29, 1919 in British New Guinea to parents who were Methodist missionaries. Her name, Ulele, means “rainbow” in one of the two native dialects spoken by her father. As much as she disliked her name for its difficulty, she tolerated it because “rainbow” in the other dialect her father spoke was “Lubakaidorga.”

Ulele attended Auckland University College and Teachers Training College. On graduating in 1940, the British Empire was at war. Wanting a change from her life in New Zealand, she answered an ad for teachers in Suva, Fiji Islands, a garrison station for the New Zealand forces. There she met her future husband, Sam, a U.S. Navy Lieutenant who was assigned to Suva as a liaison officer to New Zealand military headquarters. Ulele and Sam were married in San Francisco after the war and eventually settled in Atherton. A long, happy marriage and five children followed.

Ulele was an inquisitive thinker, passionate reader, warm and gracious conversationalist, witty writer of verse she called “doggerel,” and loyal, loving mother and friend. Her love of community and organizational talents led to her key positions over many years in the Woodside Atherton Auxiliary, Committee for Art at Stanford, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church and a succession of P.T.A.s.

Following Sam’s death, Ulele moved to The Sequoias Portola Valley in 2001 where she found a new community of lifelong friends and new outlets for her administrative, organizational and poetic talents. There, she continued her journey to expand her knowledge and understanding beyond the confines of her restricted life as the daughter of missionaries. Journey complete, Mom, and job well done.

Ulele leaves her beloved children Geoff, Pamela, Alison, Gregory and Melinda, their spouses Mary, David, and Preston and three cherished grandchildren, Sophie, Max and Stephen.

In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Holy Trinity Church, 330 Ravenswood Ave., Menlo Park, CA 94025 or the Tomorrow Fund at The Sequoias Portola Valley, 501 Portola Road, Portola Valley, CA 94028. Funeral services will be privately held.

Ulele C. Hamway

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POLICE CALLSPalo AltoJune 25-July 1Violence relatedChild abuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Domestic violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Elder abuse/physical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Suicide attempt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Theft relatedChecks forgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Elder abuse/financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Identity theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Residential burglaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Vehicle relatedAuto theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Driving with suspended license . . . . . 11Driving without license . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Misc. traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Vehicle accident/minor injury . . . . . . . . 4Vehicle accident/property damage . . . 5Vehicle impound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Vehicle tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Alcohol or drug relatedDrinking in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Driving under influence . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Drunk in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Possession of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Possession of paraphernalia . . . . . . . . 3Sale of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1MiscellaneousElder abuse/neglect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Found property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Misc. penal code violation . . . . . . . . . . 2Other/misc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Possession of stolen property . . . . . . . 1Suspicious circumstances . . . . . . . . . . 4Unattended death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Warrant arrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Warrant/other agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Menlo ParkJune 25-July 1Violence relatedAssault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Assault with a deadly weapon . . . . . . . 1Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Domestic violence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Theft relatedFraud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Grand theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Petty theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Vehicle relatedAuto recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Auto theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Driving with suspended license . . . . . . 3Hit and run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Misc. traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Theft from auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Vehicle accident/minor injury . . . . . . . . 2Vehicle accident/no injury . . . . . . . . . . 4Vehicle tow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Alcohol or drug relatedDriving under influence . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Drug activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Drunk in public . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Possession of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Possession of paraphernalia . . . . . . . . 1Under influence of drugs . . . . . . . . . . . 8MiscellaneousAPS referral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1CPS cross report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1CPS referral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Coroner case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1False ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Found property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Gang info . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Info case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Lost property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Missing person . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Outside assistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Property for destruction . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Psychiatric hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Vandalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Warrant arrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

VIOLENT CRIMESPalo AltoLoma Verde Avenue, 6/26, 1:49 p.m.; elder abuse/physical.Tanland Drive, 6/26, 11:31 p.m.; child abuse/physical.University Avenue, 6/27, 1:49 a.m.; domestic violence/battery.Forest Avenue, 6/28, 4:28 p.m.; suicide adult attempt/misc.El Camino Real, 6/29, 3:18 p.m.; child abuse/physical.Menlo ParkLocation undisclosed, 6/26, 10:40 p.m.; domestic abuse.1100 block Windermere Ave., 6/27, 6:10 p.m.; report of battery between relatives on 6/23.Location undisclosed, 6/29, noon; assault.2000 block Sand Hill Road, 6/29, 8:45 p.m.; assault with a deadly weapon.1400 block Almanor Ave., 7/1, 5:13 p.m.; battery.1200 block Sevier Ave., 7/1, 8:08 p.m.; domestic violence.

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James Henry PoppyMay 18, 1927 – June 18, 2014

James Henry Poppy, 87, of Hailey, Idaho, passed away on June 18. He is survived by his four children and nine grandchildren.

“Jim” was born on May 18, 1927 in Iron Mountain, Michigan. He attended the University of Michigan where he earned his medical degree in obstetrics and gynecology. Jim married Martha Chandler in 1951 and they lived in Ann Arbor for eight years, where their four children were born: William, James, Susan, and Martha. In June 1959 the family moved to Atherton, California where they lived until Jim retired from medical practice in 1987.

Jim and Martha fell in love with the Sun Valley, Idaho area after their first visit in 1961, and they returned annually with family and friends until they became full-time residents in 1987. They were avid skiers and passed along their love of winter sports to their children by enrolling them in the Sun Valley Ski School during their annual ski vacations. The family also enjoyed hiking, backpacking, tennis, and water skiing.

Jim and Martha hiked and climbed many of the tallest mountains in the United States. They also hiked to the K2 base camp, and to Gaserbrum 1 and 2 and Broad Peak in the Baltoro Karakoram. And they skied the Haute Route in the European Alps on standard Nordic skis with pin bindings.

“Dr. Poppy” was highly regarded among his peers as an exemplary physician and skilled surgeon, and his patients respected and admired his gentle and compassionate manner. He made an extra effort to stay in touch with friends and extended family across the United States, and he was universally admired for his integrity, sense of humor, and thoughtfulness.

Jim derived immense satisfaction from his philanthropic endeavors. In 1991 he funded a trust to provide ongoing support to the Stanford University tennis team. In 2004 Jim and Martha created the Martha Chandler Endowed Scholarship Fund for the School of Art and Design at the University of Michigan, and Jim also established a scholarship fund at Iron Mountain High School in Michigan to provide financial assistance to local students who will be attending the University of Michigan.

A memorial service will be held in Hailey, Idaho. More information is available at www.woodriverchapel.com.

Memorial contributions may be made in Jim’s name by sending a check payable to the Poppy Family Scholarship to the Scholarship Administrator, Iron Mountain High School, 300 West B Street, Iron Mountain, MI 49801.


Catherine Rees Latimer was born and raised in Seattle. She resided in California for the last 55 years. She passed in her sleep Wednesday, June 25th, 2014 at the age of 90. She is survived by her daughters Leanne Latimer Troy, Tara Latimer Brock and four grandchildren-Matthew, Malia, Cortney, & Chelsea.

Please sign Catherine’s online guestbook at www.Legacy.com.

Catherine Rees LatimerAugust 5, 1923 – June 25, 2014



Jeff Campbell


Roem Baur

Renzo Staiano

Johnny Neri Band

Hands on Fire

David Luning

Megan Slankard

T. Clemente Band

Jacob Jeff ries Band

Corner of Lytton & Ramona


Susan KazulSusan Catherine McGlaughlin

Kazul, a resident of and volun-teer in Palo Alto, died on June 3 surrounded by her family at her home. She was 73.

Also known as Suzy, she was born on Aug. 5, 1940, in Wyan-dotte, Michigan, to Nicholas and Charlotte McGlaughlin. She went on to study nursing at the Univer-sity of Michigan, receiving her

degree in 1962. Afterward she worked as a registered nurse in both hospitals and the community. In 1968, she married Stanley Ka-zul, and together they raised a fam-ily in Grosse Pointe, Michigan.

In 1997, she and Stanley retired in Palo Alto. She volunteered with the Palo Alto Medical Foundation Com-munity Health Resource Center as a nurse health educator. Throughout her life, she played golf devotedly,

appreciated the arts and created nu-merous family traditions.

She was predeceased by her two brothers, Patrick and Michael McGlaughlin. She is survived by her husband, Stanley Charles Kazul; daughter, Charlotte Van Wagner of Sacramento; daugh-ter Jennifer Saavedra (Raul) of Tiburon, California; son, Timo-thy Kazul (Julia) of Mill Valley, California; and four grandchil-dren. She is also survived by four sisters: Mollie Weber (Tom) of Saugatuck, Michigan; Katy Mc-Cord (Rob) of San Rafael, Cali-fornia; Janie Zemba (Richard) of Dearborn, Michigan; and Annie Sexton (Jim) of Eugene, Oregon.

A memorial service will be held on July 12 at 10 a.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church in Palo Alto. Interment will be in St. Paul on the Lake Columbarium in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, on Sept. 6. In lieu of flowers, memo-rial donations may be made to the University of Michigan School of Nursing Class of 1962 Funds for the Future (leadersandbest.umich.edu/tributes).

Alvin MentingAlvin “Al” J. Menting, a former

resident of Palo Alto, died on June 8 at Holy Cross Village in Notre Dame, Indiana. He was 87.

He was born on April 23, 1927, and grew up with 11 other siblings on a dairy farm in Phlox, Wiscon-sin. He served in the Navy’s Air Force during World War II.

Not long after, he began work-ing for United Airlines, a career that lasted for more than 33 years until his retirement in 1981. He lived in Palo Alto for about 50 years, flying a 747 route for Unit-ed Airlines between San Fran-cisco and Hawaii. He married his second wife, Montel, in 1972.

Beyond work, he served as an officer with the Palo Alto Elks and volunteered for many years at Stanford Hospital. He also helped lead relief efforts in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Palo Leyte, Philip-pines. He enjoyed building, con-structing his own swimming pool and modifying automobiles. He and his wife also traveled often.

He and Montel moved to the Holy Cross Village retirement community in Notre Dame in 2002, and as his health declined he was cared for at the Dujarie nursing facility there.

He is survived by his wife, Montel Hawkesworth Menting, and four children he adopted with his first wife, Marion, who is de-ceased: Tina Smith, Tony Ment-ing, Terri Setnick and Ted Ment-ing. He is also survived by seven grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.

Memorial donations may be made to the Mary Grabner Em-ployee Assistance Fund, P.O. Box 839, Notre Dame, IN 46556, or to a charity of the donor’s choice.

Births, marriages and deaths

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Cover Story

O n a summer afternoon calling for lemonade and Popsicles, Palo Alto’s

avid chili chefs will fire up their stoves, hover over giant stockpots and contend for the title of this year’s best bowl of chili. With 12 returning teams, four new competitors and three ice cream booths to temper the heat, the event is expected to draw thou-sands — food-lovers and children alike — to Mitchell Park Friday afternoon.

The festival, now in its 33rd year, celebrates all things summer, using chili only as a starting point. Ad-ditional food will be available from vendors, while live music by San Francisco-based band La Gente will energize the park with its own fusion of reggae, salsa and rock. Kids’ activities will include arts and crafts, bounce houses, classic party games, airbrush tattoos and a screening of the World Cup game at 1 p.m., according to organizers.

The festivities begin at noon, and

chili tasting opens to the public at 1:30 p.m. with tasting kits available for purchase.

Both professional and hobbyist chefs have been preparing care-fully for July 4 — cooking practice batches, making tough ingredient decisions and designing booth decorations.

For the cook-off, teams are split into two divisions, Open and Cor-porate, in which they compete for first, second and third places. The Corporate Division encompasses teams entering as a company or organization, while Open Division includes all other teams. Five over-all titles are awarded: Best Overall, Best Spirit, Best Booth, People’s Choice and Youth Choice.

Team Vineyard — which took Best Overall and first place in Corporate Division last year — is returning this year with confi-dence. After the 2013 competition, the judges sent a wrap-up email to all teams summarizing what chili characteristics they had looked for.

“And they pretty much described everything in our chili,” Team Vineyard leader Marius Milner said.

Milner is “the keeper of the recipe” and adjusts it slightly each year, he said. “I’m of the unpopular school that likes beans in chili. ... It gives it nice texture.”

He refers to the International

Chili Society (ICS) rule that “true” chili does not contain beans.

Altogether, Team Vineyard cooked up 19 gallons of chili for last year’s competition — and there were no leftovers.

“Half of (the cook-off) is being able to cook; the other half is being able to manhandle such enormous quantities,” Milner said.

Team Vineyard was formed by a group of friends at Vineyard Chris-tian Fellowship of the Peninsula, and Milner had non-competitive chili cooking experience. The team gains additional experience each year cooking an 8-gallon batch of chili for a church fundraiser.

“Three years ago we decided, ‘Hey, let’s try a chili cook-off,’” Milner said. “I’m not a chef. I just really enjoy cooking.”

This year, the team plans to add a vegan chili to its arsenal and, at the same time, keep a lookout for Rich Chili, a team largely comprised of

professional chefs for Google. Milner said he is also interested in trying some of Rich Chili’s famed creation.

Rich Chili took three titles last year: People’s Choice, Youth Choice and First Place in the Open Division, a title previously held by longtime competitor Elmo & the Old Quackers.

Elmo, which came in second place in the Open Division last year, had a 10-year win streak in its division before Rich Chili entered the competition three years ago. In addition, the team has taken home the Best Overall title four times in its 22 years of competition.

Formed in 1992 by a group of lifeguards at a local pool, Elmo & the Old Quackers begins preparing for each year’s competition months in advance, focusing on both chili and the team’s other forte — booth decorations, with a different theme

Jodi Scherer of Elmo & the Old Quackers pours onions and other vegetables into a large chili pot in preparation for this year’s Palo Alto Chili Cook-off.

A Palo Alto firefighter gives tasters some toppings for their chili at the 2013 Chili Cook-off in Mitchell Park. The firefighters came in third in the contest’s corporate division.

Rory Haley organizes items that members of Elmo & the Old Quackers will hand out to tasters at the Chili Cook-off competition July 4.

Palo Alto Chili Cook-off attendees wait in line to taste chili at 19 different booths on July 4, 2013, in Mitchell Park.

July Fourth chili competition to heat up

Mitchell ParkSixteen teams to compete in Chili Cook-off and Summer Festival,

ice cream taste-off introducedby Christina Dong





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Cover Story

each year. Elmo took first place last year in Best Booth category, a title the team wins consistently.

“Half my garage is dedicated to the Chili Cook-off,” team Elmo leader Jodi Scherer said of her team’s commitment.

The “Elmo” in the team’s name comes from an alcoholic drink, while the “Quackers” harkens back to sweatshirts that Scherer and her fellow lifeguards had to wear one

year when their manager imposed a short-lived duck motif at the pool.

As for the award-winning chili, Elmo’s team leader Jodi Scherer describes it as

“just the right combination of ev-erything. It’s not so spicy it burns your mouth ... and (you) don’t just taste the heat.”

Scherer, sticking to ICS guide-lines, agrees that beans have no place in chili. The team’s 20-gal-lon batch last year contained 60 pounds of meat, she said, noting the recipe’s signature thickness. Scherer created the recipe herself more than 20 years ago, and this year she plans to add one more ingredient: bacon. The team is un-sure how the addition will affect their chances.

“It really depends on the judges,” Scherer said. “We don’t know what they like. ... You never know.”

Scherer looks forward to see-ing other veteran competitors at this year’s cook-off, including the Lounge Lizards, the Palo Alto Fire Department and Margarita Meeta Chili.

“It’s like a family. ... We see these people once a year,” she said.

Also returning to the cook-off are Good King Wench & Lass, The Triumphant Toques, Bierhaus and corporate teams Whole Foods Palo Alto, EPA Can Do and the Palo Alto Family Y & The Ace of Sandwiches. Entering the competi-tion for the first time this year are Downtown Streets Team, Golden Slaters, Glenn’s Hawaiian Style Chili and the Hope Center of Palo Alto.

New to the event this year is the Stanford Federal Credit Union Ice Cream Taste Off, which will pro-vide a sweet accompaniment to the cook-off — and a handy dessert for chili tasters. Local purveyors Tin Pot Creamery, Cream and Green Girl Bake Shop (featuring vegan ice cream) will compete for two titles, People’s Choice and Best Overall.

“It’s just a little starting place to see what people think,” City of Palo Alto events coordinator Ali Williams said of the inaugural ice cream competition.

Community members can take part in the competitions by voting for their favorite chili and ice cream. They can also help choose a Palo Alto-based community orga-nization to which Team Vineyard will give a $1,000 donation.

Editorial Intern Christina Dong can be emailed at [email protected].

On the cover: Design by Shannon Corey.

Those hankering for a hunk of watermelon, piping hot chili or a dazzling fire-

works finale need wait no lon-ger. The Peninsula has whipped up a feast of family-friendly events to mark Independence Day. With parades, festivals and even a rodeo to enjoy, the time is ripe to join in this celebration of summer, good neighbors and the nation.

Menlo ParkFor the 4th of July Parade &

Celebration, community mem-bers can decorate bikes, wagons, golf carts and floats and parade down Santa Cruz Avenue to Burgess Park. The parade be-gins at 11:45 a.m. at the parking lot behind Wells Fargo bank at Chestnut Street and Santa Cruz Avenue. At the park, there will be music, food, games, bounce houses, crafts, face painting, rock walls, laser tag and more until 2:30 p.m. Musical group Mustache Harbor will perform.

The event is free, but a $7 wristband is required for some activities and can be purchased in advance at the Arrillaga Fam-ily Gymnasium from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, visit men-lopark.org/events or call 650- 330-2220.

WoodsideMore than 100 young people

from around California will test their skills at the Woodside Ju-nior Rodeo on July 4.

Events will include roping, women’s barrel racing and bull riding. For family activities, there will also be pony rides, pig scrambles, a petting zoo and more; food and beverages will also be available for purchase.

The event will take place on the Mounted Patrol Grounds at 521 Kings Mountain Road in Wood-side. Gates open at 8 a.m. and the main event begins at noon. Ticket prices are $15 for adults,

$10 for children and free for kids 6 and under. Go to mpsmc.org/rodeo or call 650-851-8300 for more information.

Canada College at 4200 Farm Hill Blvd., Woodside, is opening its parking lots for the public to view fireworks displays on the Peninsula. The upper parking lots on the campus open at 6:30 p.m.

The main entrances on Farm Hill and Canada Road will allow cars, bicycles and pedestrians. Barbecuing, cooking, alcohol and fireworks are not allowed.

Redwood City“Through the Eyes of a Child”

will be the theme of the 76th an-nual Independence Day Parade in downtown Redwood City.

The parade begins at 10 a.m. at the corner of Winslow and Mar-shall streets.

After the parade, there is the 28th annual Independence Day Festival with booths located throughout the downtown area. The event takes place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The festival will have arts and crafts booths, food and beverages, and other enter-tainment. Go to parade.org for more information.

Nearby, the San Mateo County History Museum at 2200 Broad-way in Redwood City is hosting an Old-Fashioned Fourth event where children can hand-crank homemade vanilla ice cream and make traditional Independence Day crafts. The event takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is an admission fee of $2.50 for adults and $1.50 for students and seniors. For more information, visit historysmc.org or call 650- 299-0104.

San FranciscoPier 39 celebrates Indepen-

dence Day with live music and entertainment in the Entrance Plaza. Mobility, a group from the U.S. Air Force Band of the Golden West, will perform from

noon to 3 p.m. Cover band Taint-ed Love will take the stage from 5 to 8 p.m. At 9:30 p.m., the City of San Francisco will present a grand fireworks display over the Bay, with clear views from Pier 39. Go to pier39.com for more info.

Palo AltoThe City of Palo Alto will hold

its 33rd annual Summer Festival and Chili Cook-off (see story, at left) from noon to 5 p.m. Chili tasting opens to the public at 1:30 p.m.; tasting kits will cost $5. The event will also include music, an ice cream taste-off and kids activities. The free event will take place at Mitchell Park on 600 E. Meadow Drive. Go to tinyurl.com/Chili-704 or call Ali Williams at 650-648-3829 for more information.

Also, all Palo Alto parks and preserves will close at 9 p.m., ex-cept for the Baylands, which will stay open for a fireworks show at Shoreline Ampitheatre in Moun-tain View (see below).

Mountain ViewThe San Francisco Sympho-

ny will give its annual concert at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View at 8 p.m. There will be music from the movies and American symphonic favorites leading up to a fireworks show.

Limited areas of the golf course and driving range will be open for the public to view the show. Shore-line has limited parking that fills early in the day. One access point will be available from Garcia Av-enue, where city staff and volunteers will guide the public to safe viewing lo-cations. Both the Stevens Creek Trail and Perma-nente Creek Trail hours will be extended for the day. Go to tinyurl.com/Shore-704 or call 650-967-4040 for more infor-mation and tickets.

San JoseThe Rotary Club of San Jose

invites the community to a free, family-friendly fireworks dis-play at 9:30 p.m. Restrooms and a great view will be available at Discovery Meadow; seating will be handled on a first-come, first- served basis. The city anticipates large crowds and strongly en-courages taking public transpor-tation. VTA will provide special-event transportation to and from the show. For more information, visit rotaryfireworks.org.

San Jose’s annual Rose, White and Blue Parade and Festival is the revival of the Rose Carnival of 1896, later known as the Fiesta de las Rosas Parade in the 1920s. The old-fashioned, family-oriented parade will start at 10 a.m. at the Lincoln High School parking lot on Dana Avenue and will wind through the Rose Garden neighbor-hood, ending on The Alameda with a picnic of local restaurant cuisine. Bands, dancers, homemade floats, antique cars and children on bikes are all expected to turn out. The picnic and festival concludes at 2 p.m. For more information, visit rosewhiteblueparade.com or call Larry Clark at 408-436-8581.

Almanac Intern Tiffany Lam can be emailed at [email protected].

Delaney Butler, left, gets a hold of a pig during the Woodside Junior Rodeo’s annual Pig Scramble, July 4, 2013.

Fireworks go off at the Shoreline Ampitheatre as the San Francisco Symphony finishes its final song. Wyatt Redamonti (860) places first in the Senior Boys Bull Riding

contest during Woodside Junior Rodeo event on July 4, 2013.

A guide to the Fourth

Holiday events serve up food, sights and community

by Tiffany Lam and Christina Dong

File photo/The Almanac

File photo/The Almanac












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Living WellA monthly special section of news & information for seniors

JULY 2014

Agency seeks more space as it braces for building wave of seniors

by Chris Kenrick

A “boot camp on aging” for Baby Boomers is under consid-eration at Avenidas as the senior services agency braces for a spike in the area’s senior population.

The downtown Palo Alto nonprofit, a gathering spot for re-tirees, fields several calls a week from entrepreneurs looking to test their startup products on real live old people.

Executive Director Lisa Hendrickson said she tries to accom-modate the startups whenever she can, figuring that new prod-ucts and services related to aging could only help as the Baby Boom generation morphs into a Senior Boom.

“This work, in whatever small way, is going to support devel-opment of some great stuff that’s going to be fun and helpful to us,” Hendrickson said.

By “us” Hendrickson means herself and the rest of the Boom-ers, born between 1946 and 1964 and now turning 65 in the United States at the rate of 10,000 a day. In Palo Alto, fully one-third of the population already is 55 and older, and the pro-portion of elders is growing.

Boomers will age differently than previous generations, pre-dicts Hendrickson, a former banker who moved to the nonprofit world in mid-career and is now pondering her next professional phase. After 15 years at the helm of Avenidas she recently an-nounced plans to step down and spend at least the next year man-aging a capital campaign to upgrade and expand the agency’s facilities.

The current facility — Palo Alto’s historic fire and police building on Bryant Street — is “bursting at the seams,” she said.

“Baby Boomers are going to want way more choice — we always have — and we’re going to expect services to be available

Boomers will ‘age differently,’

Avenidas director says

Lisa Hendrickson, executive director of Avenidas, plans to step down and spend the next year or so managing a capital campaign to upgrade facilities.

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to us because we’ve always had them available to us.”

Hendrickson expects Boomers to demand — and invent — new solutions, just as they did when their now-adult children were in-fants and they confronted a short-age of child care. “Those of us who found that to be such a prob-lem got involved, and child care options started to surface.

“I believe the same is going to be true for elder care to support Baby Boomers finding them-selves dealing with family care-giver challenges,” she said.

As more adults in their 40s and 50s find themselves caring for their parents due to longer lifespans, Hendrickson has no-ticed a growing — and earlier — awareness of concerns related to aging.

“I think people are finally ‘get-ting it,’” she said. Caring for par-ents has “opened people’s eyes to the issues and is also causing them to become planners. They say, ‘We don’t want our kids to go through what we went through.’

“It’s better to have resources in place and identified ahead of time than to be operating in a crisis. To the extent we can help people plan and anticipate, we’re doing more and more of that.”

With social workers and infor-mation specialists on staff, Aveni-das is better equipped than most traditional city-sponsored senior centers to help people navigate

the housing, financial and health challenges presented by their par-ents’ aging — or their own, she said.

Hendrickson credits decisions made decades ago to establish the agency as an independent nonprofit rather than as a Palo Alto city department, as well as a strategy of charging fees for many services rather than offering them free to all. Fees now generate 30 percent of Avenidas’s $4.2 million budget.

“We keep them low and try to keep them low enough that almost everybody can afford them, and we also give away a lot of services, too, at no cost,” she said. “But the fee revenue from charging from some services has made it possible for us to con-tinue to grow. There are senior centers that are low- or no-cost everywhere in the country, and they’re struggling because they don’t have that valuable source of revenue from those who can af-ford it.”

A woman’s bequest of her house to Avenidas two decades ago sparked establishment of an endowment, which has been built up over the years and now generates nearly a quarter of the agency’s budget. City support — 30 percent of the budget when the agency opened in 1978 — is down to 10 percent.

But the “secret sauce” of Aveni-das is the engagement and diversi-

ty of seniors themselves, she said. “You could be playing chess

or fall into a conversation over a cup of coffee with a retired doc-tor or a retired Stanford professor or a retired postal worker — you just never know. One common denominator in general is that it’s a very well-educated population, and the growth of our program-ming is a result of that.”

Avenidas instituted Mandarin classes recently after a group of English-speaking seniors said they wanted to study the lan-guage.

“These are folks who are full of life, interesting and interested, and want to engage and learn, and we try to be responsive,” she said.

Client demand has driven the closure of some programs, such as a traditional crafts shop, and the opening of others, like Aveni-das Village, a seven-year-old, membership-funded program to support seniors who want to age in their own homes.

In her bid for more space, Hen-drickson said she hopes to expand and upgrade at the current Bryant Street location but also will con-sider satellite venues in southern Palo Alto or elsewhere.

“The next challenge is going to be to take appropriate action and try to get ahead of this demo-graphic change,” she said.

Staff Writer Chris Kenrick can be emailed at [email protected].

Living Well

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To be held at 3:00 P.M., Thursday, July 17, 2014, in the Palo Alto City Council Conference Room, 1st Floor, Civic Center, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California. Go to the Development Center at 285 Hamilton Avenue to review filed documents; contact Alicia Spotwood for information regarding business hours at 650-617-3168.

721 and 725 Webster Street 14 PLN-00160: Request by Jim Toby on behalf of PA Webster LLC for a Preliminary Parcel Map to create a two unit condominium lot where one parcel currently exists. Zone District: RM-30. Environmental Assessment: Exempt from the provi-sions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per CEQA Section 15315.

Hillary E. Gitelman Director of Planning and Community Environment



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Complete schedule or info about Avenidas events, call 650-289-5400

Calendar of EventsLiving Well JULY 2014July 2Mindful Meditation 2-3pm @ Avenidas. Free.

July 3Independence Day celebration @ Avenidas.

Mocktails @10:30am. Free. Lunch 11:15-12:15, $3. Dixieland Jazz Band & dancing ‘til 1pm.

July 4 AVENIDAS CLOSED July 7UNA Film Festival: “I Was Born a Black Woman” @ Avenidas, 2-3:30pm. Free.

July 8Try It! Lazy Yoga 3-4:30pm @ Avenidas Try it free. $20/30 if you decide to sign up

July 9Parkinson’s Disease Support Group 2-3:30pm @ Avenidas. Call Robin Riddle @650-724-6090 for more info. Free.

July 10Drop-in Blood Pressure Screening 10-11:30am @ Avenidas. Free.

July 11“Give Your Life a Detox” presentation by Dr. Patricia Kiser 1-2:30pm @ Avenidas. Pre-register at 650-289-5400. Free.

July 14Historical 16mm Film Presentation: “Mr. Deeds Goes to Town” 2:30 – 4:30pm @ Avenidas. Free.

July 15Tuina Class 10-11am @ Avenidas. Free.

July 16Reiki appointments 9am-12noon @ Avenidas. Call 650-289-5400 to schedule. $30/$35.

July 17Skin Cancer Screening1:30-2:30pm @ Avenidas. By appointment only. Call 650-289-5400 to schedule. Free.

July 18Intermediate Bridge 2-4pm @ Avenidas. Drop-in or call Connie 650-988-9196. Free.

July 21Senior Adult Legal Assistance10am-12pm @ Avendias. By Appointment only. Call 650-289-5400 to schedule. Free.

July 22Avenidas Walkers 10am. Call 650-387-5256 for trailhead info or to schedule. Free.

July 23Drop-in Blood Pressure Screening 9:30-10:30am @ Cubberly Senior Friendship Day (4000 Middlefield Rd). Free.

July 24Movie: “The Great Escape” 1:30pm @ Avenidas. $0/$2

July 25Private Spinal Exam & Stretching Sessions1-2pm @ Avenidas. Appt required. Call 650-289-5400. $25/35.

July 28“Yellow Jackets” Cycling Group 10am. Call Jan @650-529-1829 for info and schedule. Free.

July 29Exercises for Parkinson’s Disease 11:30am-12:30pm @ Avenidas. Free.

July 30 Mindful Meditation 2-3pm @ Avenidas Free.

July 31Massage & Reflexology appointments 9:30am-3pm. Call 650-289-5400 to schedule. $35/45

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Senior Focus KEEPING BALANCE ... Participants can reduce the fear of falling and learn to shift their thinking from self-defeating patterns to positive ones in A Matter of Balance, an eight-week class beginning July 7. The program includes discus-sion, exercises and guest speakers and meets Mondays from 1 to 3 p.m. at Avenidas, 450 Bryant St., Palo Alto. Price is $25 for Avenidas members, $35 for nonmembers. For more information call 650-289-5436.

AT THE MOVIES ... Popcorn and drinks are served at the Avenidas movie showings every Thursday. This month’s selections are “Ameri-can Hustle” on July 10, “Big Night” on July 17, “The Great Escape” on July 24 and “The English Patient” on July 31. Screening time is 1:30 p.m., and the price is free for Aveni-das members, $2 for nonmembers. Also in July, Avenidas will screen “I Was Born a Black Woman,” a United Nations Film Festival Asso-ciation documentary based on the life of the first Afro-Brazilian woman to be elected to Brazil’s senate, on Monday, July 7, at 3:30 p.m. for free; and Frank Capra’s “Mr. Deeds Goes to Town” on Monday, July 14, at 2:30 p.m., for free.

SKIN-CANCER SCREENING ... Palo Alto Medical Foundation dermatologists will check question-able changes on the skin, existing moles, sun-exposed areas and other spots that are of concern. These free screenings are for ages 50-plus; no disrobing is allowed, and waiver is required. Screenings are available on Thursday, July 17, between 1:30 and 2:30 p.m. at Avenidas. Call 650-289-5400 for an appointment.

PLANNING FOR THE INEVITABLE ... Funerals, from a consumer’s perspective, as well as other death-related concerns, will be the topic of a July 20 event, Conversa-tions About Death presented by the Funeral Consumers Alliance of San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. “These discussions are sometimes called ‘death cafes,’” said Jennifer Harris, one of the organizers. “They are becoming increasingly popular as people recognize the inevitability of death and the need to plan ahead for this just as we do for other things.” A similar event held in May attracted 24 community members, Harris said. Underwritten by the Los Altos Community Foundation and the David and Lucile Packard Founda-tion, this month’s event will be held on July 20 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Los Altos Library, 13 S. San Antonio Road, Los Altos. For more information email [email protected] or call 650-424-4427.

Items for Senior Focus may be emailed to Palo Alto Weekly Staff Writer Chris Kenrick at [email protected].

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Arts & EntertainmentA weekly guide to music, theater, art, culture, books and more, edited by Nick Veronin

Community connections make theater workPalo Alto stage company TheatreWorks thrives on Silicon Valley culture

by Nick Veronin

W hile many of the organiza-tions putting the “silicon” in Silicon Valley have

rocketed out of the recession, leaving a trail of higher paid tech workers and higher rents in their wake, other sectors of the local economy are still fighting their way back from the 2008 collapse, and some arts organizations have not been able to survive.

The New York City Opera was forced to close its doors in 2013, and the San Jose Repertory The-atre filed for bankruptcy just weeks ago. However, the Palo Alto-based TheatreWorks, the third-largest theater company in the Bay Area continues to soldier on.

Robert Kelley, founder and ar-tistic director of TheatreWorks thinks his company has been able to weather the storm because of its deep connection to Palo Alto and

the surrounding areas commonly referred to as Silicon Valley.

“I’m very much a part of this area, this region,” Kelley tells the Weekly. “I grew up here. All of my experiences in the theater were here — both at the Chil-dren’s Theatre, the Lucie Stern and at Stanford. I feel that there’s a real strong connection between TheatreWorks and the commu-nity, as a result. And the values of this community are represented on our stage.”

Kelley’s local upbringing is not the only reason his organization has become so intertwined with Silicon Valley. The connection TheatreWorks shares with the Midpeninsula and the South Bay were hard won over years of di-rect outreach through programs and initiatives aimed at encourag-ing the creation of new theatrical work, because ultimately, as Kel-

ley sees it, that is where the future of the theater lies.

Kelley says he started The-atreWorks back in 1970 with the idea that “the art of creating, not just performing” would be heavily emphasized. Indeed, the compa-ny’s first production, “Popcorn,” was written and produced locally and was about local issues, Kel-ley says.

Since then, the company has grown from a grassroots commu-nity theater, to the premier stage company in Silicon Valley and is now nationally recognized both for the high caliber of its profes-sional productions, as well as for its stellar original works and world premiers — such as the play that will lead off the company’s 45th season.

When the curtains part at the Lucie Stern Theatre next Wednes-day, the audience gathered in the

Palo Alto hall will be the first to take in the bittersweet dramedy, “The Great Pretender,” in its fully realized form. However, it’s quite possible that some who plan to attend the first preview perfor-mance of the production on July 9 already witnessed some version of the play last summer, when its director and writer, David West Read, was working out the kinks on the very same stage, at TheatreWorks’ 12th annual New Works Festival.

Kelley launched the New Works Festival during the company’s 2001-02 season. It functions as an extensive play and musical workshop, which affords the cre-ators of five nascent productions the opportunity to have their plays and musicals read before a live au-dience, so that they may see what works, what doesn’t and get direct feedback from the theatergoers so

that they might improve their pro-ductions.

Read is originally from Toronto and has been living in New York for most of the past six years working in theater. He was drawn to the New Works Festival for the opportunity it would afford him to engage directly with a trial au-dience.

“I had a great experience doing the New Works Festival,” Read says. “I think what sets the New Works Festival apart is that you get a number of readings in front of a few hundred people. ... It’s a great opportunity to be in dialog with the audience and also make them a part of the development process.”

Having conversations with au-dience members and seeing what is working and what isn’t was incredibly valuable, he says, es-pecially when it came to writing

Former janitor Bobby (James Monroe Iglehart), center, makes his TV debut on “Rock Shop” in the world premiere of “Memphis” at TheatreWorks in 2004. James Monroe Iglehart won this year’s Tony Award for Best Featured Actor for his work in a Broadway production of “Aladdin.”

Robert Kelley, the founder and artistic director of TheatreWorks.

Megan McGinnis, Hayden Tee, Colin Hanlon, and Riley Krull perform a sing through a live read of “Being Earnest” at the 2012 New Works Festival.

The company rode on a real train in a wild west production of “The Merry Wives of Windsor” in the Fire Circle at Lucie Stern Center in 1981.

David West Read, worked on his play, “The Great Pretender” at the New Works Festival.

David Allen

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Arts & Entertainment

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jokes. When an audience doesn’t laugh, Read reasons, that means it’s time to work on that joke.

The Tony Award-winning mu-sical “Memphis” is perhaps the highest-profile production to come out of the New Works Festival, where it saw its first live read in 2002 and its first proper staging through TheatreWorks in 2004. “There are parts of ‘Memphis’ that were changed and modified because of people right here,” Kelley says of the production. “I find that very exciting.”

In addition to the New Works Festival, TheatreWorks encour-ages the creation of new theater in other ways, such as in its youth programs.

Through various summer camps and other one-off events, such as the 24 Hour Play Festival, TheatreWorks encourages chil-dren from kindergarten through high school to pen and produce their own plays. “All our youth programs are based on the prem-ise that doing new work is what the theater is about,” Kelley says, noting that one recent highlight in his professional life was seeing a group of kindergarten to fourth-graders produce a “hilarious” and “immensely creative” play.

Kelley also says that Silicon Valley, with its do-it-yourself ethos, spirit of entrepreneurship and highly educated, cultured population has had a profound in-fluence on TheatreWorks.

The New Works Festival, he

says, is reflective of the “under-lying spirit of the Silicon Valley and what’s going on here. It’s just a sense of creativity done in collaboration. There is this very palpable sense that the audience is part of the process — because they are.”

Furthermore, Kelley adds, the “professionalization” of the re-gion has resulted in a population that expects “the highest quality of everything,” and TheatreWorks has been doing its best to deliver.

Of course, Kelley allows, Sili-con Valley has also been the cause of some pretty steep competition to the theater business. “People are getting their entertainment on their tablet, they’re getting it on their smart phone,” he says. “It’s a challenge, and it’s a challenge that has grown.”

However, Kelley is hopeful that there are enough people out there who see the world of theater the way he does.

“I want to hear a real voice, I want to see a bead of sweat, I want to have my heart broken or watch it soar,” he says. “What we have to offer is intimacy, the risk, the human connection of live theater. I think our task is to con-vince a new generation that has so many more options for enter-tainment, that the live experience is not only irreplaceable but also unmatchable.”

Arts & Entertainment Editor Nick Veronin can be emailed at [email protected].

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Arts & Entertainment

Worth a LookJuly 12 & 13, 2014, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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MusicStartup hip-hop

“Palo Alto is so lovely; I wish I were there right now.” Kristine Flaherty is sitting on a tour bus, in a parking lot full of other similar coaches, in an ex-pansive parking lot, on a dreary Oregon day. The hip-hop producer, emcee and singer is looking back fondly on the time she spent at Stanford University in the mid-2000s.

F l a h e r t y , better known by her hip-hop nom de plume, K.Flay, has re-cently broken up with her former record label, RCA, and despite her penchant for gloomy lyrics about drugs, doubt and depression, things are look-ing up. Earlier this week, she self-released her latest full-length record, “Life as a Dog,” and she has a prominent slot on the Vans Warped Tour, a country-crossing alternative and punk festival, which has helped launch the careers of many artists.

Back in 2004, when Flaherty was just a freshman at The Farm, she got into an argument with a resident assistant in her dorm, Otero. “I was talking shit about mainstream hip-hop at the time,” she recalls. “It was a time when ‘Get Low’ (the raucous Lil’ John hit) was popular. It wasn’t a great time for radio rap.”

The argument ended with a challenge from her R.A. If it were so easy to make a good rap song, then she should be able to turn one out herself. Before she knew it, Flaherty was working with a fellow student in her dorm with music production software, cooking up a beat and fleshing out some lyrics. And although she entered into the endeavor as a “joke,” she quickly discovered she enjoyed rapping.

“That summer I bought a midi keyboard and mi-crophone,” she says. “I basically taught myself how to make beats.” The rest is history.

After graduating from Stanford, K.Flay hung around the Bay Area for a spell before moving to Brooklyn. The current location listed on her Face-book page is “San Francisco,” although she also notes in her profile that she doesn’t have an apart-ment — a nod to her current nomadic state on the Warped Tour.

For a time she was signed to RCA Records, but said she asked to be released from her contract after the label wanted her to curate a set of tracks that represented one clear-cut genre — either “dance” or “alternative.” Ultimately, she says, she wants to be able to remain “a little bit of everything,” even though its a formula that doesn’t work well in the radio-oriented major label universe.

She self-released her excellent new LP, “Life as a Dog,” on June 24 through iTunes, which is entirely appropriate, considering Flaherty’s ties to Stanford — a university so commonly associated with the DIY ethos of startup culture.

“I like to think of Stanford as a garage,” she says, choosing as her metaphor the space where many great bands — and many great tech companies — have launched. In a way, Flaherty muses, “startup culture and music are actually quite similar. The major steps in the process of development as both an artist, and, let’s say, the CEO of some new startup, I think they very similar.”

K.Flay’s new album, “Life as a Dog,” can be down-loaded on iTunes and Amazon. For more information and to stream some of her music, including tracks from “Life as a Dog,” go to kflay.com.

StageA ‘Ripple Effect’

As rents continue to rise in the wake of the bur-geoning tech sector, those working for companies that don’t make apps or come up with “integrated solutions” aimed at “making the world a better place” are finding that they are being priced out of the places they’ve called home.

Call it gentrification, call it a tech bubble, or call it downright class warfare, the San Francisco Mime Troupe, now in its 55th season, is calling it “Ripple Effect,” the name of the troupe’s latest production, which is being billed as “a musical comedic tale of intersecting lives and cultures that reflect the famil-iar neighborhood tensions that are polarizing San Franciscans today,” and it is coming to Palo Alto on July 10.

It’s the latest in a string of reactionary works from San Francisco artists. Recently, singer, songwriter and cabaret performer, Candace Roberts, released a music video on YouTube called “Not My City Any-more”; and musician Hannah Lew released a com-pilation album, titled “San Francisco is Doomed,” featuring scathing rebuffs from local indie bands, such as Thee Oh Sees and Mikal Cronin.

Velina Brown, an actor in the SF Mime Troupe, plays “The Fiery Activist” in this year’s production. In addition to noting that mimes actually speak and sing on stage — as well as performing exaggerated motions and pantomimes — Brown explains her connection to the underlying themes of “Ripple Ef-fect.”

“For artists, typically an area that other folks might say, ‘Oh that’s a rough area’ — artists will move into that area, because it would typically be cheaper to live in an area where more mainstream people are afraid to move into,” Brown says. “When artists move in, they clean it up, they change the vibe, they make it someplace interesting and colorful to be from a creative standpoint, they tend to really uplift where they are. Then, all of a sudden, it becomes a mainstream place.”

When this happens, wealthier individuals start to move in, and, in the process artists end up getting evicted and rents get raised. Brown says this is what has happened in San Francisco. “It’s really an obnox-ious process,” she says. “It’s particularly annoying to people who rolled up their sleeves and put the sweat equity in and took a warehouse and made it a cool place.”

“Ripple Effect” comes to the south field of Mitch-ell Park on July 10. It begins with music at 6:30 p.m. and the main show starts at 7 p.m. The event is free, but the troupe requests that you RSVP online before-hand at brownpapertickets.com/event/715818. Dona-tions will be accepted at the performance.

— Nick Veronin

Stanford alumna Kristine Fla-herty goes by K.Flay on stage.

Gentrification is explored by the San Francisco Mime Troupe in “Ripple Effect.”

Inspirations is a resource for ongoing religious services and special events. To inquire about or to reserve space in Inspirations, please contact Blanca Yoc at 223-6596 or email [email protected]

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This Sunday:An Unflattering Comparison

Rev. David Howell preachingAn Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ

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Tammy (Century 20, Century 16) By all

rights, the new comedy “Tammy” would be the ultimate expression of Melissa McCarthy’s comedy. Writ-ten by the film and TV star with her husband Ben Falcone — who also directs — “Tammy” should have all the right moves to drive McCarthy fans wild with pleasure. Instead, it’s likely to inspire the question “Is this all there is?”

Partly this is a function of sea-sonal multiplex expectations (and their attendant marketing). From a distance, “Tammy” looks for all the world like a big, brash com-edy. But seen close-up, it more of-ten evinces a low-key indie, with deep reservoirs of melancholy at best and wan clichÈs at worst. McCarthy plays the titular born loser, who loses her car, fast-food job and philandering husband in rapid succession. Walking home to Mom (Allison Janney) a few doors down, Tammy announces she needs to be anywhere but here and reluctantly accepts her hard-drinking grandma Pearl (Susan Sarandon) as her partner in crime (at one point, literally) since it’s Pearl who has a car and cash in the thousands.

The lazy road-movie formula that immediately kicks in might not have been an obstacle to fun had McCarthy and Falcone been in a quirkier mood. But “Tammy” proves unfortunately unfunny most of the time, and dispiritedly “been there, done that” as the bickering Tammy and Pearl pick up a father-son pair — one horny, one sweet — at a roadhouse (like everything else in the movie, Gary Cole and Mark Duplass seem uninspired). The ostensible end of the line is Niagara Falls, a liberation destination to baptize the heroes for their new life, les-sons duly learned.

McCarthy delivers another all-in performance, but so much so as to be more sad than funny much of the time. This may be no object for her true, mad, deep fans, but the average viewer will expect the raucous comedy “Tammy” has only in short supply (the film’s comic highlight being a passage


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(650) 464-8733 | www.paloaltopetcare.comThe Palo Alto Weekly is for looking for a talented, experienced journalist with a passion for the worlds of art and entertainment.

The ideal candidate for the full-time job of Arts & Entertainment Editor will be knowledgeable about the local scene, from Mountain View to Redwood City. You are as adept at covering the traditional arts as you are great nightlife. You can tweet from events, brainstorm multimedia features and dive into arts education. As A&E Editor, you will be responsible for seeking out and keeping our readership informed of all the significant and interesting arts happenings via our website (www.paloaltoonline.com/arts), weekly print edition and social media.

This is a great opportunity for an organized and creative self-starter who also enjoys working as part of a team. Because this is an editor position, we are looking for someone with a strong journalism background and plenty of ideas. Solid editing, writing and social media skills a must. Please email your resume, cover letter and three A&E-related clips to Editor Jocelyn Dong at [email protected], with “Arts Editor” in the subject line. NO PHONE CALLS, PLEASE.

The Palo Alto Weekly, part of the independent Embarcadero Media group of news organizations, is an award-winning, 35-year-old online and print publication.

We’re HiringArts & Entertainment Editor











3000 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (800) FANDANGO

Tickets and Showtimes available at cinemark.com

Century Theatres at Palo Alto Square

Fri & Sat Chef – 1:20, 4:15, 7:20, 10:00 7/4 – 7/5 Third Person – 1:00, 4:05, 7:10, 10:15

Sun – Tues Chef – 1:20, 4:15, 7:20 7/6 – 7/8 Third Person – 1:00, 4:05, 7:10

Wed Chef – 1:20 7/9 Third Person – 1:00, 4:05, 7:10 Otello MET Summer Encore – 7:00

Thurs Chef – 1:20, 4:15 7/10 Third Person – 1:00, 4:05, 7:10 RiffTrax Live: Sharknado – 8:00

22 Jump Street (R) Century 16: 10:45 a.m., 1:40, 4:40, 7:45, 10:30 & 11:50 p.m. (No 11:50 p.m. on Sun) Century 20: 12:05, 2:45, 5:25, 8:05 & 10:45 p.m.

America (PG-13) Century 16: 9:30 a.m., 12:05, 2:40, 5:15, 7:55 & 10:30 p.m. Century 20: 11:35 a.m., 2:10, 4:55, 7:35 & 10:10 p.m.

Begin Again (R) Aquarius Theatre: 1:45, 2:30, 4:15, 5, 7, 7:45, 9:40 & 10:15 p.m. Century 20: 11:20 a.m., 1:55, 4:35, 7:20 & 10 p.m.

Chef (R) Century 20: 10:35 a.m., 7:45 & 10:25 p.m. Palo Alto Square: 1:20, 4:15, 7:20 & 10 p.m. (No 10 p.m. on Sun)

Deliver Us From Evil (R) Century 16: 10 a.m., 1, 4, 7:20, 10:20 p.m. & midnight (No midnight on Sun) Century 20: 11:10 a.m., 12:40, 2, 3:30, 4:55, 6:25, 7:50, 9:20 & 10:40 p.m.

Earth to Echo (PG) Century 16: 9, 11:25 a.m., 1:50, 4:15, 7 & 9:30 p.m. Century 20: 10:40 a.m., 1:05, 3:30, 5:50, 8:10 & 10:30 p.m.

Edge of Tomorrow (PG-13) Century 16: 9, 11:45 a.m., 2;30, 5:15, 8 & 10:45 p.m. Century 20: 11:25 a.m., 2:25, 5;10, 7:55 & 10:40 p.m.

The Fault in Our Stars (PG-13) Century 16: 12:45 & 10:35 p.m. Century 20: 1:25 & 7:30 p.m.

How to Train Your Dragon 2 (PG) Century 16: 9:10, 11:45 a.m., 2:20, 4:55, 7:35 & 10:10 p.m. Century 20: 10:50 a.m., 1:40, 4:20, 7 & 9:35 p.m. (No 1:40 p.m. on Sun)

Ida (PG-13) Century 16: 9:35, 11:55 a.m., 2:20, 4:45, 7:15 & 9:35 p.m. (No 2:20 p.m. on Sun)

Jersey Boys (R) 1/2 Century 16: 9 a.m., 12:15, 3:30, 7:10 & 10:15 p.m. Century 20: 1, 4:05, 7:05 & 10:15 p.m.

Maleficent (PG) Century 16: 9:20 a.m., 12, 2:45, 5:20, 7:50 & 10:20 p.m. Century 20: 11:50 a.m., 2:20, 4;50, 7:25 & 10:10 p.m.

Obvious Child (R) 1/2 Guild Theatre: 2:45, 5, 7:15 & 9:30 p.m. (No 9:30 p.m. on Fri)

Singin’ in the Rain (1952) (Not Rated) Stanford Theatre: Fri: 7:30 p.m. Sat-Sun: 3:35 & 7:30 p.m.

Tammy (R) Century 16: 9:15, 10:30, 11:50 a.m., 1:05, 2:25, 3:45, 5:05, 6:25, 7:45 & 9:05 p.m. Century 20: 10:30 a.m., 12:55, 3;20, 5:50, 8:20 & 10:45 p.m. In XD at 11:40 a.m., 2:15, 4:40, 7:10 & 9:40 p.m.

Think Like a Man Too (PG-13) Century 20: 12, 2:35, 5:20, 8 & 10:35 p.m.

Third Person (R) Palo Alto Square: 1, 4:05, 7:10 & 10:15 p.m. (No 10:15 p.m. on Sun)

Transformers: Age of Extinction (PG-13) Century 16: 9:55, 11:45 a.m., 1:35, 3:25, 5;15, 7:05, 8:55, 10:45 & 11:35 p.m. In 3D at 9, 10:50 a.m., 12:40, 2:30, 4:20, 6:10, 8 & 9:50 p.m. Century 20: 10:25, 11:45 a.m., 1:20, 2, 3;15, 5:05, 5:40, 6:50, 8:45 & 9:20 p.m. In 3D at 11:05 a.m., 12:25, 12:50, 2:40, 4, 4:25, 6:15, 8 & 9:50 p.m.

Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory (1971) (G) Century 16: Sun: 2 p.m. Century 20: Sun: 2 p.m.

The Wizard of Oz (1939) (Not Rated) Stanford Theatre: 5:35 & 9:25 p.m.

X-Men: Days of Future Past (PG-13) 1/2 Century 16: 9:25 a.m., 4:10 & 7:30 p.m. Century 20: 10:25 a.m., 4:30 & 10:25 p.m.

MOVIE TIMESAll showtimes are for Friday – Sunday only unless otherwise noted. For other times, reviews and trailers,

go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies. Movie times are subject to change. Call theaters for the latest.

A good bet

Aquarius: 430 Emerson St., Palo Alto (266-9260)

Century Cinema 16: 1500 N. Shoreline Blvd., Mountain View (800-326-3264)

Century 20 Downtown: 825 Middlefield Road, Redwood City (800-326-3264)

CinéArts at Palo Alto Square: 3000 El Camino Real, Palo Alto (493-0128)

Guild: 949 El Camino Real, Menlo Park (266-9260)

Stanford: 221 University Ave., Palo Alto (324-3700)

Internet address: For show times, plot synopses, trailers and more information about films playing, go to PaloAltoOnline.com/movies

ON THE WEB: Up-to-date movie listings at PaloAltoOnline.com

involving passive-aggressive apparent armed rob-bery). The utterly reliable Sara-ndon hits no false notes, but the material lets her down, which can also be said for Kathy Bates as the fix-it-minded co-host (with Sandra Oh) of a lesbian Fourth of July party.

Though nothing much lands here in terms of comedy, “Tam-my” attempts to compensate with themes of familial reconciliation (however arbitrary in the choice of grandma over mom or hubby) and redefinition of self. But you can almost feel the movie sheep-ishly shrugging sorry when the credits play it off with a couple of tag scenes and a McCarthy out-take. We still love you, Melissa. Better luck next time.

Rated R for language including sexual references. One hour, 36 minutes.

— Peter Canavese


Melissa McCarthy plays the titular role in “Tammy.”

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Eating Out

Psst. Three-month-old Piz-zeria Delfina is popular and noisy. At lunchtime or

any night after 6:30 p.m., write your name on the chalkboard out in front and feed your antic-ipation with a crowd of fellow trendsters.

It’s fun to be around so many people having a good time, es-pecially out on the 65-seat patio, where trellises, wisteria, Japanese maples and a wall of ivy cool the summer nights and heat lamps await for chillier weather.

If you sit in the sleek 46-seat dining room at peak times, good luck talking. Even outside the noise level can get high, what with lots of children, large cel-ebratory parties and a full liquor license featuring inventive Ital-ian-inspired cocktails.

If you are most interested in romance, conversation and won-derful service, mid-afternoon is the ticket. It offers the same menu from 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily.

Pizzeria Delfina comes to us from Annie and Craig Stoll, who founded the restaurant Delfina 15 years ago in the newly hip Mis-sion District of San Francisco. They added two Neapolitan-style pizzerias in San Francisco and

one in downtown Burlingame before reaching out to Palo Alto. Refreshingly, they treat Palo Alto like a special friend rather than a suburban dolt. It is the only mem-ber of the Delfina Restaurant Group with a full bar and the only one with a spacious patio.

Everybody gets thin, perfect bread sticks and a little plate with grated Parmesan, red chile flakes and dried oregano to chew on while perusing the menu. Feel free to ask about all those pesky Italian words.

Delfina’s Neapolitan 10-inch pizza crusts have swirly ridges on the bottom, like the Indian flat-bread, naan, and puffy edges. The crusts aren’t too thick or too thin.

As for toppings, the classic margherita ($13) sings with a simple tomato sauce. For me, it could use a few more leaves of basil. Know that you need to eat it right away, or the slabs of moz-zarella gum up. Same with the 4 formaggi ($14.50).

Eight regular pizzas range from the Napoletana ($11.75) to the prosciutto pie ($17). There are two daily specials, great choices for vegetarians, and a variety of add-ons from anchovies ($3) to prosciutto ($6).

Pizzas are good, but Delfina’s uniqueness comes with its creative use of market vegetables and its salads, thoughtfully composed but not fussy. Try the tuna conserva salad ($10), with fat and creamy butter beans, crisp watercress and meaty house-cured tuna.

In the same vein, the Monterey Bay calamari and ceci salad ($10) is dominated by garbanzo beans (ceci), but the squid’s flat body and squiggly tentacles are tender, served on arugula with amaz-ingly good half-inch cubes of just softened zucchini.

“Today’s market vegetables” could be tempura-fried fava or green beans ($7) to demolish im-mediately with well-balanced aioli.

A handful of non-pizza entrees include the beloved chicken alla diavola ($16.75) and meatballs in sugo ($14.75). One day they fea-tured a foot-long curl of narrow fennel sausage, mild but flavorful with sweet-and-sour onions and ol-


Downtown Palo Alto’s Pizzeria Delfina offers tasty Italian dishes, full bar

by Sheila Himmel

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Hours: 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m. daily

Sous chef Gonzalo Guerrero makes a Napoletana pizza at Pizzeria Delfina.

Warm, marinated olives at Pizzeria Delfina.

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Eating Out

Discover the best places to eat this week!


Armadillo Willy’s 941-2922

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Cucina Venti 254-1120

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New Tung Kee Noodle House947-8888

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NINTH STARBUCKS OPENS IN PALO ALTO ... Starbucks appar-ently loves Palo Alto. The coffee company is getting ready to open its ninth shop in this city; this time it’s in the newly remodeled Edge-wood Plaza, on Embarcadero Road near U.S. Highway 101. A Starbucks spokeswoman said the store is scheduled for an early August opening. Construction is currently underway for the 1,300-square-foot store. The announce-ment of the newest Palo Alto Starbucks follows the recent reno-vation of the Starbucks store in the Stanford Shopping Center. That one briefly closed so that work-ers could create a more spacious store that allowed for a larger cus-tomer area. Another new tenant, Genius Kids, is also scheduled to move into Edgewood in early September. Genius Kids is an accelerated learning center that focuses on young children. Enroll-ment is open to kids as young as 18 months. Other previously an-nounced shops that will be mov-ing into Edgewood are Supercuts and the environmentally friendly Blu-White Cleaners. They will join the two current tenants, The Fresh Market and Chase Bank.

TEA TIME ... Too much coffee talk? What about tea? A Cana-dian company plans to open Da-vid’s Tea in early August at 318 University Ave. This downtown Palo Alto location is the former site of The Sports Gallery, which closed in April after a 15-year run. David’s Tea has made quite a name for itself in Canada with more than 100 stores in that country and an additional 17 lo-cations in the U.S. Its popularity may be due, at least in part, to the unusual and large selection of tea it offers. In addition to the more traditional black, green and

herbal varieties, flavors such as caramel corn, red velvet cake, and root-beer float grace the tea menu. The shop also carries a vast collection of tea acces-sories. David’s Tea is known for its trendy, contemporary-styled stores, displaying nearly 100 can-isters filled with teas neatly along the walls of its stores.

BOUTIQUE NEWS ... Gone from the Stanford Shopping Center is Juicy Couture. It closed last month as part of the company’s announcement that it is closing all of its Juicy stores throughout the country. That vacancy made way for Kate Spade to relocate its boutique at the former Juicy site. It’s a larger space for the shop, which is scheduled to open by the end of summer. Meanwhile, Kate Spade remains open at its current location in the shopping center. Town & Country Village continues to add new tenants. Jarbo hung out its shingle in late May. The Seattle-based women’s clothing and accessory boutique describes itself on its website as “edgy, modern and wearable ... with European style sensibility.” Jarbo manager Rachel Martinez said that word is getting out about the shop. “People have been very gracious. They’re tell-ing their friends about us,” she said, adding that Jarbo is also getting involved with the commu-nity. “We will be partnering with Four Seasons Hotel in East Palo Alto for a charity fashion show in July,” she said.

Heard a rumor about your favorite store or business mov-ing out, or in, down the block or across town? Daryl Savage will check it out. Email [email protected].

ShopTalkby Daryl Savage

ive oil, baked in a gratin dish. One oily crostino didn’t add value.

Attention to detail is evident in other areas. An order of iced tea ($3) gets you a carafe with a disc of lemon, a glass with a lemon slice and fresh Ceylon black tea. Food-friendly wines by the glass start at $8. On a busy evening, pacing was problematic. Green beans came before wine and were followed too closely by salad and pizza. The hot dishes are better hot.

The gelato-based dessert menu features six flavors “made right here,” which means they do run out. We wanted brown butter and mint stracciatella but cleansed

our palates with chocolate and vanilla (two scoops, $5).

The front room is long and nar-row, lined by blond wood tables and a full-length, sky-blue ban-quette on the window side with cooks and a dining counter on the other side. Exposed beams give the room a more open feel, bright where the previous restaurant in this location, the Empire Tap Room, was dark.

Toward the end of the Tap Room’s 21-year-run, the patio was its main draw. Culinary ar-chaeologists will remember that the “secret garden” also was the best thing about Le Meursault, a crepe-focused restaurant. Lesson to Palo Alto: Treasure your res-taurant patios.

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Parking is limited, please carpool. Free shuttle available from Cubberly Community Center, 4000 Middlefield Rd.

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by Hadar Guibara

I f you’ve been in or around the homes market in Palo Alto during the past couple years,

you’ve probably heard about the intense bidding wars brought

on by too many buyers and too few homes up for sale. What you may not know is that a large p e rcent age of sales are closing with

all-cash buyers, many of whom have considerably more liquidity than they need to land the home they’re interested in.

For these and other related reasons, the first question on the minds of home buyers looking at Palo Alto properties shouldn’t be “What’s the list price?” but rather “What’s the home worth to me?”

This question is important, es-pecially if you plan to go into a deal carrying a loan and all its complexities. Home sellers like cash offers, and they especially like offers — cash or otherwise — for more than the price they listed their home for. In asking yourself how much a given home is worth to you, your answer will give an indication of whether or not you have a chance at it.

In a bidding war, know the lay of the land

All other conditions of an of-fer being equal, many homeown-ers will sell to the highest bidder. Others frequently go with the best cash offer, because it makes the process so much more simple and less risky for them. There is a growing number of buyers look-ing at Palo Alto homes who are prepared to pay cash, as evidenced by the following figures.

In the first five months of 2013, of the 145 properties sold here, 38 percent were sold for cash. Through the end of May this year, 133 properties were sold with 42 percent of buyers paying cash. These figures indicate a trend, but whether or not you’re able to pay cash, here is a very good piece of advice:

Make your first offer your very best offer!

People choose to buy a home in Palo Alto for many reasons other than just the home itself: friendly neighborhoods perfect for families, quiet streets, top-rat-ed schools, the best shopping and entertainment venues all within an easy drive, walk or bike ride. And don’t forget overall lifestyle and pride of ownership.

So when determining what you’ll offer for a home, consider that homes in this market are sell-ing for considerably more than their list price. In the first quar-ter of 2014, Palo Alto properties sold for an average of 10.1 percent above what they were put on the market for. That’s up from 7.5 percent for the same time period in 2013 and 2.9 percent in first quarter 2012. Understanding this

trend, making your first offer the very best one you can isn’t only logical, it’s man-datory.

What sellers want and how to

give it to themMany factors come into play

in buying a home in Palo Alto to-day. Starting with a strong, solid offer is a powerful first step in showing the seller that you’re in the game to win. Other things that can influence sellers include:

as possible in the offer

plan to secure financing)

information about the buyer

who knows the neighborhood and has been successful in placing his or her clients in similar type of homes

tegrity and seem to be good fits for the home and property.

All combined, these strategies for buying a home in this tight seller’s market can get you into the home of your dreams quicker than you imagined.

Hadar Guibara is a Realtor with Sereno Group of Los Altos. She can be reached at [email protected].

T hree local Realtor teams and 12 individuals were among the top 250 salespeople in

the country in 2013, in rankings announced by Real Trends in ads that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on June 27. DeLeon Re-alty of Palo Alto and Mary and

Realtors, Menlo Park, ranked No.

5 and No. 6, respectively.Last year Ken DeLeon’s team

ranked No. 1, with sales of $275 million. This year’s volume reached $332 million, earning his team the No. 5 spot.

The No. 1 spot was taken by The

with sales of $552 million.Top local teams included:No. 5: The DeLeon Team, De-

Leon Realty Inc., Palo Alto, $332 million;

son, Alain Pinel Realtors, Menlo Park, $324 million;

No. 158: Carol Carnevale and Nicole Aron, Alain Pinel Real-

tors, Menlo Park, $95 million.Top individuals included:No. 48: David Troyer, Intero

$133 million;No. 76: Judy Citron, Alain Pinel

OPEN HOME GUIDE 38Also online at PaloAltoOnline.com

LESS-TOXIC PEST CONTROL ... UCCE Master Gardeners are offer-ing a free workshop on “Less-Tox-ic Pest Control” from 10 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 5, at the Palo Alto Demonstration Garden next to Eleanor Pardee Park (garden en-trance on Center Drive near Martin Avenue). The workshop is followed by a plant clinic from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. where master garden-ers will be on hand to diagnose garden problems. Participants are asked to bring fresh samples of plants with problems (a small branch, rather than a leaf); photos can also help with the diagnosis. Information: Master Gardeners at 408-282-3105, between 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or mastergardeners.org

HANDS-ON COOKING ... Classes at Sur La Table, #57 Town & Country Village, Palo Alto, include “10 Skills Every Cook Should Know” (Samantha Miotke, Satur-day, July 5, 10 a.m., $69); “Secrets of Perfect Macarons” (Samantha Miotke, Saturday, July 5, 1:30 p.m., $69); and “Date Night: Great Summer Cooking” (Nicole Henri, Saturday, July 5, 6:30 p.m., $79). Information: 650-289-0438 or [email protected]

DESIGN A CUTTING GARDEN ... Mimi Clarke will teach a class on “Cutting Garden Design” from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sat-urday, July 12, and Wednesday, July 30, at Filoli, 86 Cañada Road, Woodside. The class will deal with materials, evaluating plants and growing tips. Class includes a visit to the Filoli cutting garden. Cost is $45 for nonmembers, $37 for members. Information: 650-364-8300 or filoli.org

ORCHARD WALKS ... Filoli, at 86 Cañada Road, Woodside, is offering a series of daytime and evening Orchard Walks this sum-mer, including from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Saturdays, July 12 and 19. Led by orchard docents, the walks focus on the fruits grown at Filoli (with tasting right off the tree when available). Cost is free for members, $20 for adult non-members, $10 for children; the walks are open to children 7 and older. Information: 650-364-8300 or filoli.org

FREE FABRIC ... The next FabMo free fabric distribution events are Thursday, July 17, 4:30 to 8 p.m.; Friday, July 18, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday, July 19, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Appointments are required, to help manage the crowds (Email [email protected] with preferred date and time), but some drop-in hours are included. The distribution, with a requested donation, takes place at 2423 Old Middlefield Way, Moun-tain View. Volunteer greeters and sorters are also needed. Informa-tion: fabmo.org

Home FrontHome & Real Estate

Send notices of news and events related to real estate, interior design, home improvement and gardening to Home Front, Palo Alto Weekly, P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, CA 94302, or email [email protected]. Deadline is one week before publication.

Local Realtors outselling most in countryTwo teams rank in top 10, a dozen make top 250 list


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Page 33

HOME SALESHome sales are provided by Cali-fornia REsource, a real estate in-formation company that obtains the information from the County Recorder’s Office. Information is recorded from deeds after the close of escrow and published within four to eight weeks.

East Palo Alto1982 W. Bayshore Road #310 Toeppen Trust to L. Hall for $415,000 on 5/30/141140 Beech St. Bayshore Chris-tian Ministries to S. & A. Joh for $490,000 on 5/30/14; previous sale 7/01, $400,000315 Garden St. J. Camacho to Y. Huang for $445,000 on 5/30/142208 Menalto Ave. Gonzalez Trust to A. & L. Alcazar for $550,000 on 5/30/14; previous sale 3/12, $220,000256 Verbena Drive V. Earnest to Q. Li for $422,000 on 5/28/14175 Wisteria Drive C. & M. Calvillo to Y. Zheng for $344,000 on 5/30/14; previous sale 11/02, $410,000

Los Altos687 Camellia Way Boyd Trust to Delprete Trust for $2,350,000 on 6/12/14; previous sale 5/07, $1,710,00011490 Crestridge Drive R. & C. Gerughty to K. Barr for $2,800,000 on 6/16/14; previous sale 11/98, $1,288,0001601 Crestview Drive So-rensen Trust to Baugh Trust for $1,675,000 on 6/13/14760 Dixon Way D. & J. Tarlton to Sullivan Trust for $2,814,000 on 6/16/141482 Frontero Ave. Y. & A. Yo-shikawa to S. Ma for $2,600,000 on 6/10/14; previous sale 7/08, $2,100,0001721 Joel Way Thomason Trust to Lillie Trust for $1,650,000 on 6/13/1428 Los Altos Ave. M. & S. Wadhva to K. Mehandru for $2,845,000 on 6/11/14; previous sale 2/05, $1,205,000305 Quinnhill Road Binkley Trust to J. & H. Burke for $2,700,000 on 6/11/14630 University Ave. J. & M. Tan to Y. Hitz for $8,880,000 on 6/10/14; previous sale 2/04, $2,750,0001240 Via Huerta K. & M. Hirano to S. Ramaswamy for $1,795,000 on 6/11/14; previous sale 9/96, $599,000

Los Altos Hills23651 Camino Hermoso Drive Smith Trust to Amiri Trust for $2,630,000 on 6/11/14830 Los Trancos Road H. Lee to Bower Trust for $625,000 on 6/12/14; previous sale 4/11, $5,000,00027461 Sherlock Court M. &

A. Boerries to J. Bonwick for $6,000,000 on 6/13/14

Menlo Park518 8th Ave. L. Pereda to R. & J. Robles for $1,075,000 on 5/30/14; previous sale 1/05, $711,000712 College Ave. Kong Trust to S. Aasi for $3,650,000 on 5/29/14

Mountain View114 Alley Way Hogan Trust to D. & I. Torokhov for $980,000 on 6/10/14; previous sale 2/11, $625,500102 Avellino Way Tri Pointe Homes to J. Lopez for $1,140,500 on 6/11/14104 Avellino Way Tri Pointe Homes to A. & R. Qizilbash for $1,315,500 on 6/10/14106 Avellino Way Tri Pointe Homes to L. & R. Juang for $1,390,000 on 6/13/14712 Borello Way Gramenz Trust to M. Hill for $1,485,000 on 6/10/141911 Cambridge Drive S. Wang to D. Pletcher for $900,000 on 6/10/14; previous sale 3/09, $625,000301 Eaton Lane #191 Bhatia Trust to S. Hahn for $900,000 on 6/10/14; previous sale 4/98, $318,500149 Eunice Ave. Edge Trust to D. & A. McLoughlin for $1,825,000 on 6/13/142321 Heather Court Jack Myers Construction to N. Cheung for $1,150,000 on 6/11/14500 W. Middlefield Road #144 Hill Trust to W. Fong for $415,000 on 6/11/14905 W. Middlefield Road #912 S. Colombo to Y. Zhao for $590,000 on 6/10/14; previous sale 11/98, $237,000242 O’keefe Way J. & D. Perona to M. Buren for $981,000 on 6/13/14400 Ortega Ave. #322 E. Chan to K. Yoo for $600,000 on 6/10/14; previous sale 5/02, $345,0001773 Vassar Ave. G. Lian to J. Shih for $960,500 on 6/11/14; previous sale 10/13, $640,0002112 Wyandotte St. #D D. Stringer to P. Chuang for $858,000 on 6/12/14

Palo Alto3149 Alexis Drive E. Munro to Levin Trust for $3,500,000 on 6/10/14; previous sale 4/99, $1,300,000101 Alma St. #705 N. Navai to Grand Harmony Investment for $1,320,000 on 6/10/14; previous sale 5/89, $335,000161 Bryant St. Kramer Trust to N. Pisco for $2,220,000 on 6/12/14960 N. California Ave. I. Agam to C. Zhang for $4,988,000 on 6/11/14; previous sale 9/03, $950,0003709 Carlson Circle J. Angwin

to M. Desai for $2,430,000 on 6/13/144250 El Camino Real #302 J. Liang to J. Miller for $642,500 on 6/11/14; previous sale 12/11, $432,0002202 Greer Road T. & A. Tateno to T. Tam for $2,500,000 on 6/13/14; previous sale 11/95, $495,0003217 Greer Road M. Chang to S. Wang for $2,225,000 on 6/13/14; previous sale 3/10, $950,0002071 Hanover St. C. & D. De-monteverde to Nektosha Limited for $2,930,000 on 6/11/14; previ-ous sale 5/90, $587,0004048 Laguna Way J. MacRae to F. Chen for $3,750,000 on 6/12/14; previous sale 5/02, $925,000825 Marshall Drive Hen-solt Trust to R. & K. Nail for $2,800,000 on 6/12/14444 San Antonio Road #9d J. Kim to W. Shen for $1,545,000 on 6/10/14; previous sale 7/10, $850,000

Portola Valley188 Georgia Lane W. & A. Gurley to Screven Trust for $6,750,000 on 5/30/14; previous sale 10/04, $5,250,000

152 Ramona Road A. Ko-strikin to I. & M. Harrysson for $1,070,000 on 5/28/14

Redwood City2651 Briarfield Ave. C. Doyle to M. & H. Doyle for $1,200,000 on 5/30/14; previous sale 8/97, $353,0001587 Cordilleras Road Harker & Knollmiller Trust to T. & L. Mitch-ell for $1,885,000 on 5/29/14; previous sale 9/06, $1,375,0001306 Edgewood Road S. & T. Streets to J. Mulcahy for $1,270,000 on 5/30/14; previous sale 9/02, $800,0001614 Hudson St. #106 C. & F. Perez to B. Chambers for $270,000 on 5/30/14; previous sale 8/06, $325,000684 Oakside Ave. Lurline Assets Group to L. Keith for $925,000 on 5/30/14; previous sale 4/13, $680,0003 Oceanside Way S. & C. Mc-Collam to R. Kim for $1,700,000 on 5/29/14; previous sale 4/00, $1,075,000767 Roosevelt Ave. H. & S. Abboud to P. & R. Bergeron for $799,000 on 5/30/14; previous sale 10/05, $530,0001753 W. Selby Lane Lindgren

Trust to M. Modjtehedi for $1,435,000 on 5/30/1415 Spinnaker Place Seid Trust to S. Ringham for $1,062,500 on 5/29/14618 Topaz St. Stoddard Trust to A. & M. Prunicki for $935,000 on 5/30/14

Woodside295 Grandview Drive Rosenthal Trust to L. Wray for $1,912,500 on 5/30/14; previous sale 12/04, $1,695,000195 Hobart Heights Road N. Chambers to D. Buchanan for $1,695,000 on 5/30/14


183 Creekside Drive kitchen and bath remodel: rewire all elec-trical in bath and kitchen, repair drywall, $10,0003975 E. Bayshore Road struc-tural repair to beams at office space, $10,000640 Forest Ave. dryrot repair for existing second-floor deck: replace posts, deck and guards, $24,0002121 Dartmouth St. re-roof, $8,500

685 Driscoll Ct. re-roof, $13,0003712 Ortega Court remodel master bathroom, $16,7373039 Higgins Place re-roof, $6,5003927 Louis Road remodel kitch-en and bathroom, $69,0004042 Orme St. re-roof, $8,2003409 Kenneth Drive re-roof with foam, $12,5004070 Park Blvd. re-roof, $7,1643945 Alma St. re-roof, $8,381161 Lowell Ave. install resi-dential electric-vehicle charging equipment, $n/a3941 Alma St. re-roof, $8,381345 Chestnut Ave. re-roof, $6,9952121 Dartmouth St. re-roof rear structure,$8,5001530 Page Mill Road tenant improvements, $10,0001531 Skyline Blvd. install solar panels on roof, electric-vehicle charging equipment in garage, $n/a3943 Alma St. re-roof, $9,6373941 Alma St. carport re-roof, $3,590115 Waverley St. remodel bath-room, $6,064118 Charleston Road copper repipe within the house, $n/a 960 California Ave. install residen-tial electric charger located, $n/a

Home & Real Estate

East Palo AltoTotal sales reported: 6Lowest sales price: $344,000Highest sales price: $550,000

Los AltosTotal sales reported: 10Lowest sales price: $1,650,000Highest sales price: $8,880,000

Los Altos HillsTotal sales reported: 3Lowest sales price: $625,000Highest sales price: $6,000,000

Menlo ParkTotal sales reported: 2Lowest sales price: $1,075,000Highest sales price: $3,650,000

Mountain ViewTotal sales reported: 15Lowest sales price: $415,000Highest sales price: $1,825,000

Palo AltoTotal sales reported: 12Lowest sales price: $642,500Highest sales price: $4,988,000

Portola ValleyTotal sales reported: 2Lowest sales price: $1,070,000Highest sales price: $6,750,000

Redwood CityTotal sales reported: 10Lowest sales price: $270,000Highest sales price: $1,885,000

WoodsideTotal sales reported: 2Lowest sales price: : $1,695,000Highest sales price: $1,912,500


A s I sit at my desk here in my garden cottage the tomatoes are ripening on the trellis out-

side. I am planning the fall borders. It’s July and the summer is in full glory.

Water in the bird bath is important now. The creek a mile away is a long flight especially for the finches and chickadees. It’s a pleasure to hear

them come through the forest chirping as they go. I put out seed every morning on the plate I glued to a piece of pipe. Pigeons come too, usually right away, but when the small birds come, the whole garden seems to perk up.

I can hardly wait for my Daphne to bloom. It is a res-cue plant and completely died back soon after I brought it home. Now with fertilizer and regular water it will have a good show, and the fragrance may very well inspire a poem.

With the floor swept and the bookshelves dusted I can go out and harvest the salad greens for tonight’s dinner. Possibly even with some fresh ripe berries.

Here are the tips:1. Do the hardest thing first. If you make a list of chores

and projects for your garden, choose the most difficult to do. When that one is done, every other one will be easier.

2. Spend time with a good book and iced tea. Decide what will make this time special. Choose a book that is worthy of special contemplative garden time. Make iced tea with mint, citrus and possibly a rose petal.

3. Start thinking about harvest time. If it looks like you will have enough squash, cut some blossoms now and make an omelet. Sometimes thinning back now will make fruit bigger as the season progresses. Cull apples,

pears and plums if there are still any on the trees.4. Mulch to save water and keep the weeds down. Of

course, do this after weeding.5. Prune dead, dying and diseased branches throughout

the summer. This saves quite a bit of work in winter and is easier to see when there are leaves on the branches.

6. Correspond internationally about your garden. Find a pen pal by joining a garden club or plant society. Ask friends if they know people who would like to write about their gardens. This makes for interesting and memorable documenting what is going on in your garden as well as your friends.

7. Photograph and journal what is new and different in your garden. If there is an interesting variety you want to remember make note of it and print out a photo. I found a variegated Nasturtium a couple of years ago that has yellow blossoms. It makes me so happy to show it off, even by email.

8. Keep an eye out for squirrels, gophers and fruit-stealing birds. There are a lot of crows these days, and I saw a squirrel crossing the street yesterday with a pump-kin blossom almost as big as it was in its mouth.

9. Cut the whips off of your Wisteria. If you don’t like the seed pods popping in the night cut them all off as well.

10. Pick berries for the table, jam and the freezer. It makes a nice outing with the family to go to a U-Pick farm on the coastside and come back with a few pounds of ripe Olallieberries and lots of stained fingers. Of course you have to taste them a bit too. Be sure to put a little extra change in the sin can when you weigh your pickings.

Good Gardening. Garden coach Jack McKinnon can be reached at 650-

455-0687, by email at [email protected]. Visit his website at www.jackthegardencoach.com.

Time to sit back and anticipate the harvestby Jack McKinnon

Garden TipsRealtors, Menlo Park, $104 million;

No. 79: Kathy Bridgman, Alain Pinel Realtors, Los Altos, $102 million;

No. 80: Tom Lemieux, Pacific Union Real Estate, Menlo Park, $101 million;

No. 84: Judy Bogard-Tan-igami, Alain Pinel Realtors, Los Altos, $99 million;

No. 117: Lan Liu Bowl-ing, Keller William Realty, Palo Alto, $86 million;

No. 130: Terri Kerwin, Kerwin & Associates, Menlo Park, $81 million;

No. 136: Tim Kerns, Coldwell Banker Residen-tial Brokerage/NRT, Menlo

Park, $80 million;No. 167: Hanna Shacham,

Coldwell Banker Residen-tial Brokerage/NRT, Menlo Park, $72 million;

No. 177: Billy McNair, Coldwell Banker Residen-tial Brokerage/NRT, Menlo Park, $69 million;

No. 178: Alex Wang, Sereno Group, Palo Alto, $69 million;

No. 193: Liz Daschbach, Coldwell Banker Residen-tial Brokerage/NRT, Menlo Park, $66 million.

The full rankings of the top-selling 250 — and even up to 1000 — can be found at thethousandreal-estateprofessionals.com.

— Carol Blitzer

Local Realtors

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12390 Hilltop Drive, Los Altos Hills

$5,249,000Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208

5 Betty Lane, Atherton

$22,800,000Listing Provided by: David Kelsey, Tom Dallas, Greg Goumas Lic.#01242399, 00709019, 01878208

12861 Alta Tierra Road, Los Altos Hills

$4,495,000Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208

7292 Exotic Garden, Cambria

Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305

A Luxury Collection By Intero Real Estate Services.

13195 Glenshire Drive, Truckee

Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208

12733 Dianne Drive, Los Altos Hills

$6,398,000Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208

1250 Miramontes Street, Half Moon Bay

Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305

301 Main Street #29A, San Francisco

$2,160,000Listing Provided by: Melissa Lindt, Lic.#01469863

302 Atherton Avenue, Atherton

$5,980,000Listing Provided by: Albert Garibaldi & Giulio Cannatello Lic.# 01321299 & 01911402

2014 Intero Real Estate Services, a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate and a wholly owned subsidiary of HomeServices of America, Inc. All rights reserved.

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10800 Magdalena, Los Altos Hills

$6,995,000Listing Provided by: Cutty Smith, Melissa Lindt, Lic.#01444081, 01469863

5721 Arboretum Drive, Los Altos

$4,198,000Listing Provided by: Gail Sanders & Denise Villeneuve Lic.#01253357 & 01794615

280 Family Farm, Woodside

$10,700,000Listing Provided by: Dana Cappiello, Lic.#01343305

655 Manzanita Way, Woodside

$10,800,000Listing Provided by: Linda Hymes, Lic.#01917074


6 Quail Meadow Drive, Woodside

$19,998,000Listing Provided by: Greg Goumas, Lic.#01878208

600 Hobart Street, Menlo Park

$4,098,000Listing Provided by: David Bergman, Lic.#01223189

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ATHERTON5 Bedrooms

91 Fleur Pl $9,400,000Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111

6+ Bedrooms

498 Walsh Rd $4,998,000Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111


1560 Ursula Wy $488,000Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 325-6161

LOS ALTOS3 Bedrooms

40 Oak St $2,298,000Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111

6+ Bedrooms

789 Manor Wy $4,950,000Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 325-6161

LOS ALTOS HILLS5 Bedrooms 12861 Alta Tierra Rd $4,788,000Sat 2-5 Intero-Woodside 206-6200

MENLO PARK2 Bedrooms323 O’Keefe St $1,200,000Sun Robinson & Co Realtors 854-2700

3 Bedrooms318 Pope St $1,695,000Sun Coldwell Banker 323-7751

4 Bedrooms72 Politzer Dr $2,998,000Sat/Sun 1-4 Alain Pinel Realtors 462-1111

1830 Oak Av $2,575,000Sat 1-4:30/Sun 1:30-4:30 Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111

MOUNTAIN VIEW3 Bedrooms1487 Todd St $1,295,000Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 941-1111

5 Bedrooms

1642 Nilda Av $2,088,000Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 323-7751

PALO ALTO3 Bedrooms

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725 Webster St $1,995,000Sun Coldwell Banker 325-6161

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4 Bedrooms

3236 Ross Rd $2,078,000Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111

5 Bedrooms

813 Sutter Av $3,998,000Sat/Sun Keller Williams Palo Alto 454-8500

3532 Ramona St $3,988,000Sat/Sun Alain Pinel Realtors 323-1111

SAN CARLOS3 Bedrooms507 Exeter Wy $1,399,000Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker 324-4456

SAN MATEO3 Bedrooms4212 Alameda De Las Pulgas $895,000Sun 1-4 Coldwell Banker 324-4456

SANTA CLARA5 Bedrooms1180 E River Py $1,475,000Sat/Sun Coldwell Banker 851-1961

WOODSIDE2 Bedrooms515 Moore Rd $3,595,000Sun Coldwell Banker 324-4456

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Page 40

995 Fictitious Name StatementECAR GARAGE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 592809 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Ecar Garage, located at 445 Lambert Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): MATITYAHU PERFORMANCE MOTORS LLC 445 Lambert Ave. Palo Alto, CA 94306 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on June 5, 2014. (PAW June 13, 20, 27, July 4, 2014)

STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME File No. 592973 The following person(s)/ entity (ies) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s). The infor-mation given below is as it appeared on the fictitious business statement that was filed at the County Clerk-Recorder’s Office. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): 1.) iDesign 360 2.) Interior Design 360 1267 Lakeside Dr., Apt. #2089 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 FILED IN SANTA CLARA COUNTY ON: 10/09/2012 UNDER FILE NO. 570461 REGISTRANT’S NAME(S): PRITI TAMHANE 1267 Lakeside Dr., Apt. # 2089 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 THIS BUSINESS WAS CONDUCTED BY: An Individual. This statement was filed with the County Clerk Recorder of Santa Clara County on June 10, 2014. (PAW June 13, 20, 27, July 4, 2014)


GREATDAY MEDIA GREATDAY PUBLISHING GREATDAY TUNES GREATDAY MUSIC GREATDAY SONGS GREATDAY HITS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 592822 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) GreatDay Records, 2.) GreatDay Media, 3.) GreatDay Publishing, 4.) GreatDay Tunes, 5.) GreatDay Music, 6.) GreatDay Songs, 7.) GreatDay Hits, located at 555 Bryant St. #873, Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Limited Liability Company. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): GREATDAY RECORDS LLC 555 Bryant St. #873 Palo Alto, CA 94301 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on June 5, 2014. (PAW June 20, 27, July 4, 11, 2014)

MY EVENT DESIGNER FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 592343 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: My Event Designer, located at 417 Poppy Place, Mountain View, CA 94043, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: A Corporation. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): VR VENTURES, INC. 2248 Meridian Blvd., Suite H Minden, NV 89423 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 07/13/2007. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on May 23, 2014. (PAW June 20, 27, July 4, 11, 2014)

SWAGELOK NORTHERN CALIFORNIA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 593230 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Swagelok Northern California, located at 3393 West Warren Avenue, Fremont, CA 94538, Alameda County. The principal place of business is in Alameda County and a current ficti-

tious business name statement is on file at the County Clerk-Recorder’s Office of said county. This business is owned by: A Corporation. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): SUNNYVALE FLUID SYSTEM TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 3393 West Warren Avenue Fremont, CA 94538 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 03/01/2010. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on June 17, 2014. (PAW June 27, July 4, 11, 18, 2014)

MASSAGE FOR EVERYBODY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 593433 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Massage for Everybody, located at 585 Ortega Ave., Mt. View, CA 94040, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): TERI STRYKER 585 Ortega Mt. View, CA 94040 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on 7-1-2014. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on June 20, 2014. (PAW June 27, July 4, 11, 18, 2014)

PALO ALTO SOO BAHK DO PALO ALTO KARATE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 593504 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) Palo Alto Soo Bahk Do, 2.) Palo Alto Karate, located at 1107 Trinity Lane, Palo Alto, CA 94303, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): SOFUS A. MACSKASSY 1107 Trinity Lane Palo Alto, CA 94303 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on June 24, 2014. (PAW July 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014)

Translantix FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 593544 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Translantix, located at 762 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): LUCINDA PIEPER 762 Hamilton Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94301 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on June 24, 2014. (PAW July 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014)

AIMEE’S CAKES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No.: 593190 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Aimee’s Cakes, located at 946 Colonial Lane, Palo Alto, CA 94303, Santa Clara County. This business is owned by: An Individual. The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is(are): AIMEE LYSAGHT 946 Colonial Lane Palo Alto, CA 94303 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of Santa Clara County on June 16, 2014. (PAW July 4, 11, 18, 25, 2014)

997 All Other LegalsNOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Trustee Sale No. 127704-1 Loan No. 02-809930 Title Order No. 1540559-05 APN 153-14-010 TRA No. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 10/30/2002. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 07/15/2014 at 10:00 AM, MORTGAGE LENDER SERVICES, INC. as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded on 11/14/2002 as Document No. 16613369 of official records in the

Office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County, California, executed by: SANDY MCTAVISH BUILDING, as Trustor, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). At the gated North Market Street entrance to the Superior Courthouse at 190 N. Market Street, San Jose, CA., all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the prop-erty situated in said County, California describing the land therein: Lot 13 and 14, as shown on that certain Map entitled Tract No. 2736 Mountain View Industrial Park, which Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on July 20, 1961, in Book 135 of Maps page(s) 32 and 33. The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1269, 1271, 1273, 1277, 1279, 1287 AND 1291 TERRA BELLA AVE, MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94043 The undersigned Trustee dis-claims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other com-mon designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $1,538,683.98 (Estimated) Accrued interest and addi-tional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. The Beneficiary may elect to bid less than the full credit bid. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL

BIDDERS: If you are considering bid-ding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the prop-erty itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction, you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence, priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by contacting the county recorder’s office or a title insur-ance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mort-gage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court, pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may call 916-939-0772 or visit this Internet Web site www.nationwideposting.com, using the file number assigned to this case 127704-1. Information about postpone-ments that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected in the telephone information or on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. Date: June 11, 2014 MORTGAGE LENDER SERVICES, INC. 81 Blue Ravine Road, Suite 100 Folsom, CA 95630 (916) 962-3453 Sale Information Line: (916) 939-0772 or www.nationwideposting.com Marsha Townsend, Chief Financial Officer MORTGAGE LENDER SERVICES, INC. MAY BE A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE.NPP0232124 To: PALO ALTO WEEKLY PUB: 06/20/2014, 06/27/2014, 07/04/2014

Public Notices

The historic Clover Valley Ranch is located in a private valley and offers exciting opportunities for recreation and ranching. Surrounded by mountains, this 3,000+ acre ranch has two seasonal trout creeks, expansive meadows, abundant wildlife, pine forests and protection that will ensure your friends and family will enjoy it for generations.Multiple home sites with sweeping views provide fl exibility for a partnership and/or guest quarters. Enjoy horseback riding, hiking, mountain biking, fi shing, bird watching and hunting in complete privacy, all within easy reach of the Bay Area, Tahoe, and Reno International Airport. Proximity to fi ve world-class golf courses, Davis Lake, and the small towns of Portola and Graeagle plus income potential from livestock and agriculture are just a few more reasons to own this amazing ranch. Offered at $3,950,000

Genesee Valley Ranch’s 1,131+/- acres are nestled deeply in Northern California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains in the midst of the Plumas National Forest. A 9,000 square foot handcrafted log home is the centerpiece of this unique property. With six bedrooms, eight baths, and six wood-burning fi replaces, this home is ready for entertaining friends and extended family. The thirty two foot ceilings exemplify the timeless nature of rustic elegance in architecture. Multiple guest homes overfl owing with charm allow plenty of elbow room for everybody. Homesteaded in 1878, this ranch has historical signifi cance and legendary appeal. Endless activities are available on site including fl y-fi shing, hiking, biking, and horseback riding, and more.Offered at $8,950,000


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Page 41

Marketplace fogster.comTM


Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers!

fogster.com is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice.PLACE

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So, the next time you have an item to sell, bar-ter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 read-ers, and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people!!


FOR SALE 200-270

KIDS STUFF 330-390


The publisher waives any and all claims or consequential damages due to errors Embarcadero Media cannot assume responsibil-ity for the claims or performance of its adver-tisers. Embarcadero Media right to refuse, edit or reclassify any ad solely at its discretion without prior notice.


115 AnnouncementsPregnant? Thinking of adoption? Talk with car-ing agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families Nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby's One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293. Void in Illinois/ New Mexico/Indiana (AAN CAN)

Ath: Temporary Change in Classified Deadlines Classified deadlines for Weekly and Voice Best Of and Almanac Readers’ Choice newspapers have been changed as follows: July 18 Voice Friday, July 11 at Noon July 23 Almanac Wednesday, July 16 at Noon July 25 Weekly Monday, July 21 at Noon Early deadlines apply to both online and newspaper ads. www.Fogster.com

BINGO! Adult Summer Reading FunBOOK SALE - MPL Friendsnew Holiday musicoriginal ringtonesStanford music tutoringsubstitute pianist available

120 AuctionsInternet Auction BMW and Yamaha of Santa Cruz. Parts, Helmets, Tires, Saddlebags, Seats & More. Selling without Reserve. Shipping or Local Pickup. Â BID TODAY! www.THEAUCTIONARIUM.com

130 Classes & InstructionGerman language classInstruction for Hebrew Bar and Bat Mitzvah For Affiliated and Unaffiliated George Rubin, M.A. in Hebrew/Jewish Education 650/424-1940

133 Music LessonsChristina Conti Private Piano Instruction (650) 493-6950Hope Street Music Studios In downtown Mtn.View. Most Instruments voice. All ages & levels 650-961-2192 www.HopeStreetMusicStudios.com Piano Lessons Senior Special! Fulfill your dream! Start from scratch or refresh skills you learned as a child. Enjoy a relaxed, fun time. Dr. Renee’s Piano 650/854-0543Piano Lessons in Palo Alto Call Alita at 650.838.9772

135 Group Activitiesmusic theory courseThanks St, Jude

140 Lost & Foundpeach-headed love bird Peach-headed love bird is hanging around our yard. Did it escape from you?



For Sale201 Autos/Trucks/PartsToyota 1997 Supra - $4600Toyota 1999 Sienna Single Private owner, 110k miles Leather, automatic, AC, clean http://tinyurl.com/qegq55m

202 Vehicles WantedCash for Cars Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808 www.cash4car.com (AAN CAN)Donate Your Car, Truck, Boat to Heritage for the Blind. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 800-731-5042. (Cal-SCAN)

210 Garage/Estate Sales

Ath: Temporary Change in Classified Deadlines Classified deadlines for Weekly and Voice Best Of and Almanac Readers’ Choice newspapers have been changed as follows: July 18 Voice Friday, July 11 at Noon July 23 Almanac Wednesday, July 16 at Noon July 25 Weekly Monday, July 21 at Noon Early deadlines apply to both online and newspaper ads. www.Fogster.com

PA: 728 Middlefield Rd., Sat., 7/5, 8-? Lots of good old and new stuff. Large frame bike, dining table, etc. Please park on Forest or Homer

215 Collectibles & Antiques1930’s doll - 90.00 0b0

235 Wanted to BuyHorse Wanted Exp. rider looking for potential jumper. 650/533-0524Washing Machine with warm rinse. 650/322-2756

240 Furnishings/Household itemsChest Freezer - $50.00

245 MiscellaneousDirecTV 2 Year Savings Event! Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Only DirecTV gives you 2 YEARS of savings and a FREE Genie upgrade! Call 1-800-291-0350 (Cal-SCAN)DISH TV Retailer Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) and High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available.) SAVE! Ask About SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-357-0810 (Cal-SCAN)Kill Bed Bugs! Buy Harris Bed Bug Killer Complete Treatment Program/Kit. (Harris Mattress Covers Add Extra Protection). Available: Hardware Stores, Buy Online: homedepot.com (AAN CAN)

Reduce Your Cable Bill!* Get a whole-home Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-866-982-9562. (Cal-SCAN)Sawmills from only $4397.00- Make and save money with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N (Cal-SCAN)Egg Incubator - $25.00Paul McCartney One Ticket At , - $220.00Photo Darkroom Equipment Complete darkroom setup of enlargers, drum processors for printing 35mm up to 4x5 films. Sell or consider donation to local school. 650/854-5986

270 TicketsPaul McCartney One Ticket At , - $220.00


345 Tutoring/LessonsDid You Know that not only does newspaper media reach a HUGE Audience, they also reach an ENGAGED AUDIENCE. Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email [email protected] (Cal-SCAN)Reading Tutor

350 Preschools/Schools/CampsFun Programming Summer CampLaces Soccer Camps Youth summer soccer camp in Palo Alto. All proceeds donated to Right to Play Charity. $100 per week for 1/2 day camp. www.lacessoccercamps.com.Martial Arts Summer Day CampsOutdoor Painting Summer CampsSonWorld Adventure ThemePark VBSSummer Chinese Program

403 Acupuncture

Acupuncture in Los Altos If you are bothered by any health condition and haven’t found effective treatments, call Jay Wang PhD 650-485-3293. Free consultation. 747 Altos Oaks Dr.

425 Health ServicesLose up to 30 Pounds in 60 Days with Phentrazine 37.5! Once daily appetite suppressant burns fat and boosts energy for healthy weightloss. 60 day supply - $59.95. Call 877-761-2991 (AAN CAN)

Lose up to 30 Pounds in 60 Days! Once daily appetite suppressant burns fat and boosts energy for healthy weight loss. 60 day supply - $59.95. Restricted calorie diet and regular exercise required. Call: 800-561-9814 (CalSCAN)Safe Step Walk-in Tub Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 800-799-4811 for $750 Off. (Cal-SCAN)

435 Integrative MedicineDid You Know 144 million U.S. Adults read a Newspaper print copy each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email [email protected] (Cal-SCAN)

Jobs500 Help WantedAth: Temporary Change in Classified Deadlines Classified deadlines for the Weekly and Voice Best Of and Almanac Readers’ Choice newspapers have been changed as follows: July 18 Voice Friday, July 11 at Noon July 23 Almanac Wednesday, July 16 at Noon July 25 Weekly Monday, July 21 at Noon Early deadlines apply to both online and newspaper ads. www.Fogster.com

Marketplace fogster.comTM


Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers!

fogster.com is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice.

Jobs500 Help Wanted

Multimedia Sales Representatives Embarcadero Media is headquartered in Palo Alto and operates diverse media enterprises, including the region’s most respected and award-winning community newspapers and specialty publications, websites and e-mail marketing products. Locally-owned and independent for 34 years, we publish the Palo Alto Weekly, Mountain View Voice and Almanac on the Peninsula and the Pleasanton Weekly. In each of these communities our papers are the dominate, best-read and most respected among its various com-petitors. We also operate extremely popular interactive community news and information websites in all of our cities, plus unique online-only opera-tions in Danville and San Ramon. Our flagship website, Palo Alto Online (http://paloaltoonline.com), attracts more than 150,000 unique visitors and 600,000 page views a month. As the first newspaper in the United States to publish on the web back in 1994, the Palo Alto Weekly is recognized throughout the state and nation as a leader in transforming from a print- only news organization to a innovative multimedia company offering advertisers and readers new and effective products. In 2013, the Weekly was judged the best large weekly newspaper in the state by the California Newspaper Publishers Association. Its web operation, Palo Alto Online, was judged the best newspaper website in California. The Palo Alto Weekly and Embarcadero Media are seeking smart, articulate and dedicated experienced and entry-level sales professionals who are looking for a fast-paced and dynamic work environ-ment of people committed to produc-ing outstanding journalism and effec-tive marketing for local businesses. As a Multimedia Account Executive, you will contact and work with local businesses to expand their brand identity and support their future suc-cess using marketing and advertising

opportunities available through our 3 marketing platforms: print cam-paigns, website advertising and email marketing. The ideal candidate is an organized and assertive self-starter who loves working as a team to beat sales goals and possesses strong verbal, written, persuasive and listening interpersonal skills and can provide exceptional customer service. Duties, responsibilities and skills include: * Understands that the sales process is more than taking orders * Has a strong understanding of how consumers use the Internet * Can effectively manage and cover a geographic territory of active accounts while constantly canvassing competitive media and the market for new clients via cold calling * Can translate customer marketing objectives into creative and effective multi-media advertising campaigns * Ability to understand & interpret marketing data to effectively over-come client objections * Understands the importance of meeting deadlines in an organized manner * Can manage and maintain client information in our CRM database sys-tem, is proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel and has knowledge of the Internet and social media * Ability to adapt objectives, sales approaches and behaviors in response to rapidly changing situa-tions and to manage business in a deadline-driven environment Compensation includes base salary plus commission, health benefits, vacation, 401k and a culture where employees are respected, supported and given the opportunity to grow. To apply, submit a personalized cover letter and complete resume to: Tom Zahiralis, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Embarcadero Media, 450 Cambridge Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94306. E-mail to: [email protected]


Classified Deadlines:

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Page 42

Computer Tutor Help adult learn and practice PC skills. Vocabulary; advanced Facebook usage; organizing pictures, files, folders, using Craig’s list. Call Pat, 650/400-5331Director - Avenidas Rose Kleiner Center Avenidas has an opening for the Director of our adult day health and adult day care programs. Our Avenidas Rose Kleiner Center is located in Mountain View and provides health and social services to frail and dependent seniors and their families. Our mis-sion is to support seniors who want to remain in their own homes. Under the general supervision of the Vice President of Programs, the Avenidas Rose Kleiner Center Director is respon-sible for the development, delivery and evaluation of services provided at the center. Responsibilities

the adult day health center


and local regulations including the timely submission of required reports


staff -

ance plan

facility management

professionals, para-professionals and other staff and contractors

the program

the development of individual treatment plans

-ing and educational programs for Center staff

-gram in the community Qualifications

degree in health care administration or related field, or a Bachelor's degree

-ence in a closely related field. A profes-sional in the fields of nursing, social work, psychology, recreation, occupa-tional therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, dietetics, or gerontology is required. At least two years of admin-

a direct service program, preferably in the field of aging is required.

communication skills. Strong organiza-tion skills and attention to detail. Strong computer skills required. Knowledge of older adult and dependent-care issues. Ability to meet deadlines. Must be team-oriented; able to lead, motivate and supervise a diverse group of profes-sional and paraprofessional staff and volunteers. Fingerprints and DOJ/FBI criminal background investigation is required.

benefits. Further information can be found at www.avenidas.org.

Technology Hewlett-Packard Company is accept-ing resumes for the position of Director, Strategy and Planning

Contribute to the overall strate-gic definition of Technology and Operations. Assist with developing strategy and set policy and direc-tion for organization of 30,000 plus global workforce. Mail resume to Hewlett-Packard Company, 3000 Hanover Street, MS 1117, Palo Alto, CA 94304. Resume must include Ref. #, full name, email address and mailing address. No phone calls please. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsor-

550 Business OpportunitiesBe The 1st Medical Alert company in your area! Owning your own

work! Unlimited $ return. Investment required. Free Call 844-225-1200

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602 Automotive RepairDid You Know 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. Adults read content from newspaper media each week? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising. For a free brochure call 916-288-6011 or email

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Ath: Temporary Change in Classified Deadlines

Voice Best Of and Almanac Readers’ Choice newspapers have been

July 18 Voice Friday, July 11 at Noon July 23 Almanac

July 25 Weekly Monday, July 21 at Noon

and newspaper ads.

703 Architecture/DesignBright Designs. Barbie Bright Full service Int. Design. Remods.

Monterey, Carmel. 970/926-7866. [email protected]

715 Cleaning ServicesA Good Housecleaning Service Call Orkopina! Since 1985. Bonded, Ins.

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7 4 11 3 7

7 56 8 9 27 2 68 1 49 4

2 1 33 2 6


11 That lady14 Antiseptic element15 Ampere or angstrom16 Former news anchor Brokaw17 Swirling currents18 One of cartoonist Al’s parents?20 Moines or Plaines lead-in

22 Teach privately


28 Secret sightings29 Rio 2016 org.31 British legislators, for short

33 Timeworn

35 Scottish girl further north in Scandinavia?

39 Peck’s partner40 Some men’s mags

50 See 23-Across

Poseidon53 Virgo preceder54 Temper55 Comet partially discovered

by the guy who wrote about Quasimodo?

62 Kings of drilling63 Snake, to some64 “Divine Secrets of the ___

65 Nook companion

Down1 Make a retro T-shirt2 Competitions with barrels3 Seems reasonable4 Seven, on a sundial

6 Primus bassist Claypool7 Itch-inducing shrub

10 Crackly feedback11 Atlas feature12 Dr. Seuss title that completes

the warning “Stop! You must

19 Dirty dog

24 Cheerful25 Make a buck

34 Not spoken35 Path through the city36 Completely accurate37 Money issue

43 Checker of music

45 Japanese radish46 Ankle mishap47 In plain sight49 Bay area airport letters51 Nasal dividers that may be

56 60 minutes, in Milan

58 Show on TV59 Airport alternative to JFK©2014 Jonesin’ Crosswords (edi-

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Former Stanford All-American Kori Carter ran to her first national title in the women’s 400 hurdles on Sunday at the USATF Outdoor Championships in Sacramento. Her time of 53.84 ranks No. 2 in the world this season.

Stanford grad Chris Derrick (center) took second in the 10K, ahead of ex-Cardinal runners Jacob Riley (left) and Brendan Gregg.


Carter makes upfor lost time

Former Stanford All-American wins U.S. title in 400 hurdles after missing out in ‘13

by Rick Eymer

K ori Carter did not get a chance to compete for a national title last year, de-

spite having the fastest time in the world. She made up for it this past weekend at the USA Track and Field Outdoor Championships at Sacramento State.

Racing against her favorite rival in Arizona grad Georganne Mo-line, Carter went 53.84, the fastest time run by an American this year and No. 2 in the world. She edged Moline by .16 seconds.

Moline, who went 54.00, held the fastest time in the country en-

tering Sunday’s final and would have lowered her mark had it not been for Carter.

“I got a little shady over hurdles five, six and seven but with eight to go I just decided to go for it and got into Kori-Monster mode,” Carter said. “I gave it everything I had, and luckily today it was good enough. It was awesome. I feel so humble, so excited.

“My family is here so it was awesome; it was amazing. Some of the football guys from Stanford are here . . . I have a great support

It takes two to capture Palo Alto Babe Ruth city titleby Andrew Preimesberger

T he Oaks defended their No. 1 seed in the Palo Alto Babe Ruth League Championship

tournament, but it wasn’t easy as it took a pair of games to decide the title on Monday night at Bay-lands Athletic Center.

After winning their first two games, The Oaks needed only to win the opening game Monday.

Ada’s Cafe, however, had other ideas and forced a challenge game with a 15-6 victory.

Ada’s Cafe, however, wasn’t able to duplicate that feat in the second game of the doubleheader and The Oaks prevailed, 8-3, to claim the city title.

“I didn’t say anything after that first game,” said The Oaks head coach Rick Farr. “They just came

out in the second game and took care of business on their own.”

The Oaks had only 10 players (including four 13-year-olds) for both games, but they had new guys step up and make contribu-tions.

“We were missing a few key players,” said Farr. “It gave these other guys a chance to step up and they did it. It definitely made

it more challenging.” Daniel Rabello lined a single to

left field, scoring Lucas Hu from second base, to give The Oaks a 3-0 lead after the first inning.

In the third inning, Jeremy Aki-oka came through for Ada’s Café and knocked in Ryan Chang with a single to tie the game at 3.

NEW COACH . . . The Gunn High girls’ basketball program has a new varsity head coach, Cass Taylor, who formerly coached the JV girls at St. Francis. Taylor, who brings a wealth of experience to the game, last played at St. Francis High under coach Bill Delaney in 1986. “I have been coaching for 20 years,” Taylor said. “I have been coaching at St. Francis for seven years and before that I was over at Lincoln High in San Jose. I coached all through NJB for over eight years and I was president of the Palo Alto chapter for two years. I ac-tually coached a lot of girls that went to Gunn, so I am very familiar with the program and the history.” While Gunn Athletic Director Jill Naylor has filled the position vacated by Melanie Mur-phy, who left to take the girls’ basket-ball job at Sacred Heart Prep, new Palo Alto AD Jason Fung needs to find a new girls volleyball coach and a new baseball coach. Dave Winn, who guided the Vikings to back-to-back CIF state titles in 2010 and ‘11, left to become the new head girls vol-leyball coach at Mountain View. Erick Raich, who guided the Paly baseball program to its first-ever Central Coast Section title in 2011, left to become the head coach at De Anza College.

NBA BOUND . . . Stanford grad Josh Huestis heard from the Oklahoma City Thunder and then he heard from Thunder star Kevin Durant. Huestis was drafted in the first round by the Thunder, and was joined by former teammate Dwight Powell, who went in the second round to the Charlotte Hornets in last week’s NBA Draft. It’s the first time two Stanford players have been chosen in a draft since twins Brook Lopez (No. 10, New Jersey Nets) and Robin Lopez (No. 15, Phoenix Suns) were selected in 2008. Huestis, who was the 29th overall pick, is the first Cardinal player selected in the NBA Draft since Lan-dry Fields was taken 39th overall in the second round by the New York Knicks four years ago. Powell, mean-while, is in limbo for the time being. The Hornets are in discussions to trade the rights to Powell and will not be able to consummate any potential trade until after the moratorium period ends July 10. Stanford players have been picked 11 times since 2000, fourth-best behind UCLA (20), Ari-zona (17) and Washington (10) among Pac-12 schools. A three-time Pac-12 Defensive Team selection, Huestis established a school record with 190 career blocks, an accomplishment for a player who stands 6-7. Huestis appeared in 135 games, second-best in school history, while his 834 career rebounds are eighth on the all-time Cardinal list. Powell became the sixth player in school history to be chosen in the second round, joining Fields, Jarron Collins (2001, Utah Jazz), Tim Young (1999, Golden State Warriors), Kimberly Belton (1980, Phoenix Suns) and Arthur Harris (1968, Se-attle Supersonics).

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group.”Carter, a nine-time All-Amer-

ican with the Cardinal, was un-able to compete in the semifinals of last year’s USA Outdoor Track and Field Championships in Des Moines, Iowa because of an intes-tinal virus.

Carter won the NCAA title in the 400 hurdles last year with a 53.21, the fastest time in the world. She also finished second in the 100 hurdles. She then signed with Nike agent Wes Felix at last year’s USATF Outdoor Champi-onships, giving up her final year at Stanford before she was side-lined by illness.

Carter left the program with 11 school records and three Pac-12 titles to go with her All-American status. She turned 22 earlier this month.

Carter reached the finals by running 55.66 in the semifinals. She was second in her heat. In the first round, she clocked 56.26 for the third-fastest time overall.

She now trails only Jamaica’s Kalise Spencer in the world rank-ings. Spencer ran 53.41 in Kings-ton (Jamaica) just two days before Carter won her title.

Elsewhere on the final day Sun-day, Stanford sophomore Valarie Allman placed 12th in the discus throw with a best of 170-1, more than 17 feet off her personal best of 187-7 that set a Stanford fresh-man record this season.

Allman recorded two throws of 170-1 and fouled in each of her other attempts. She finished second in each the Pac-12 cham-pionships and NCAA West Pre-lims and was 21st at the NCAA championships.

Allman was the national high school leader in the discus with a best of 184-2 at the Texas Relays in 2013, where she set the meet

record by 34 feet.On Saturday, Stanford grad

Garrett Heath, also a nine-time All-American with the Cardinal, finished ninth in the men’s 1,500 race in 3:40.28. Leo Manzano won the race in 3:38.63.

Heath was the national runner-up in the 1,500 in 2009, a year af-ter reaching the semifinals of the 2008 Olympic trials. He was also a member of the NCAA champion distance medley relay in 2007.

On Friday, Cardinal senior Aisling Cuffe ran 15:13.15 to finish fourth in the women’s 5,000 meters. Molly Huddle won the race in 15:01.56. Stanford grad Jessica Tonn was ninth in 15:48.31.

In the men’s 5,000, Stanford grad Brendan Gregg was 13th in 13:56.18, while recent grad Erik Olson did not finish the race.

On the first full day of the meet, Stanford grad Chris Derrick fin-ished second in the 10,000 meters in 28:18.18 and Heath qualified in the 1,500 meters by finishing 13th overall.

“I wanted to try to run hard at the front; that’s something I need to practice,” Derrick said. “I think I did okay. I kind of took stock of the situation with about six to go. I figured he (winner Galen Rupp) might sit on that and kick. I got heavy and for about 30 meters I tried to hold him off as he was preparing to pass and it was over pretty quick. I tried to get my legs moving, they were just a little dead.”

Stanford grads Brendan Gregg finished seventh and Jacob Riley was ninth in the 10,000 meters.

Two current Stanford athletes, each a 2014 NCAA outdoor final-ist, competed on Thursday: junior Luke Lefebure in the men’s 800 and senior Michael Atchoo in the men’s 1,500.

Lefebure ran 1:48.37, his sec-ond-fastest ever, to finish sixth in his heat and 15th overall, 0.35

Stanford senior Aisling Cuffe clocked 15:13.15 while finishing fourth in the women’s 5,000 meters at the USATF Outdoor Championships last week in Sacramento.

Incoming Stanford freshman Harrison Williams won the Junior Men’s decathlon title and qualified for the IAAF World Junior Championships later this month.

Track and field from the final qualifying spot on time. Atchoo ran 3:48.47 to finish 12th in his heat and 24th overall.

In the finals of the muli-events at the U.S. Junior Championships, also held at Hornet Stadium, Stanford-bound Harrison Wil-liams won the decathlon title by scoring the second-highest total in U.S. juniors history.

Williams, who signed a nation-al letter of intent with Stanford in February, scored 7,734 points and qualified for the IAAF World Junior Championships on July 22-27 in Eugene, Ore., by finishing among the top two.

“It’s very motivating going into world junior,” Williams said. “Last year was a little bit of a dis-appointment. I only got third at youth trials and that gave me a lot of motivation to come back and get a spot on the team.”

The score for the Memphis,

Tenn., native was second only to the 7,748 by Gunnar Nixon of Santa Fe High (Edmond, Okla.) in 2011 on the U.S. list for those 19 and under.

“My highlights were definitely the long jump, where I PR’ed by a foot, and the 400, where I PRed by more than a second,” Williams said.

The heptathlon and decathlon were the only junior champion-ship events being contested in conjunction with the senior meet.

Williams, a recent graduate of Memphis Univer-sity School, shat-tered his previous best of 7,181 set in the USA Junior Olympic champi-onships last year. He beat runner-up Gabriel Moore, who is headed to Arkansas, by 140 points. Williams’ won only one event, his specialty, the pole vault (16-0 3/4). However, he was second in the long jump, high jump, and 400.

Next up on the track and field schedule will be the 2014 USATF Junior Outdoor Championships at historic Hayward Field on the Uni-versity of Oregon campus. The meet runs Saturday and Sunday with the top finishers advancing to the IAAF World Junior Cham-pionships at the same site in two weeks.

At the USATF Youth Outdoor Championships in Bloomington, Ind., incoming Stanford fresh-man Lena Giger of Highland, Ill., set a national youth record in the women’s hammer with a throw of 183-1. She defeated her closest opponent by an almost unimagi-nable mark of 30 feet.

At the annual Golden West In-vitational, held Saturday at Sacra-mento State following the USATF meet that day, Menlo School se-

nior Paul Touma finished second in the boys’ triple jump at 45-6 1/2. Griffin Kraemer of Sacred Heart Prep was ninth at 40-11 3/4.

Ross Corey from Priory was fifth in the boys’ 800 in 1:58.23, Pinewood’s Nicole Colonna was seventh in the girls’ mile in 5:26.05, Jonathan Alee of Palo Alto was ninth in the boys’ 200 in 22.47 and Colton Colonna of Pinewood was ninth in the boys’ freshman mile in 4:56.35.

This weekend, recent Men-lo School grad Maddy Price will compete at the Canadian Junior Cha mpionsh ips in Sainte-Therese, Quebec. She needs to finish among the top two in the 200 and 400 meters to qualify for the IAAF World Junior Championships in Oregon.

Price ranks No. 2 in both events for Canadian junior women. Her bests of 23.97 and 53.42 trail only Uni-versity of Oregon freshman Christian Brennan’s 23.61 and 52.81 this sea-son.

Brennan was the silver medal-

ist for Canada at the 2011 World Youth Championships in both the 200 and 400 meters, setting the Canadian youth record in the 400 (52.12). Her Canadian junior record in the 200 meters (23.43) came at the 2011 Canadian Youth Championship, where she won both the 200 and 400 meters.

Price, meanwhile, holds a solid margin over her closest competi-tors, Leya Buchanan in the 200 (24.01) and Kendra Clark in the 400 (53.92). In addition to her individual events, Price will have a chance to make the 1,600 relay team. Finals for the 400 will be Saturday with the 200 finals on Sunday.

Maddy Price will run in Canada this weekend.

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An RBI single by Ben Cleasby in the bottom of the fourth gave The Oaks a 4-3 lead they would not relinquish. Cleasby and team-mate Ethan Stern combined for six hits and two walks in Game 2.

The Oaks broke the game open in the fifth inning and made it an 8-3 game when Nicholas McClus-key scored on a wild pitch.

Cleasby also came on in relief of Stern in the top of the fifth, preserving the victory by strik-ing out the side in the top of the seventh. The two allowed only a combined two earned runs.

“Neither one of these guys has pitched that much,” said Farr. “Ethan did a great job giving us 5 1/3 innings. Ben has only pitched one inning this year and he gave us five outs.”

“You could tell the energy level for us just wasn’t there in the first game,” said Cleasby. “Things

weren’t exactly going our way so we had to regroup and we got our energy level back up and things just started working.”

In Game 1, Ada’s Cafe pounded out 22 hits and scored five runs in the second to force the nightcap. Bradley Smith and Ryan Chang each had four hits for the win-ners.

The top players on each team now move on to District 6 all-star action.

The 13-year-olds from Palo Alto opened Wednesday against Bel-Mateo at McKelvey Park in Mountain View. The winner ad-vanced to Thursday’s winners’ bracket at 6:30 p.m., while the loser plays Friday at 1 p.m. The championship game is set for Sat-urday at 4 p.m., with a challenge game (if necessary) following at 6:30 p.m.

Palo Alto’s roster includes An-drew Bergeron, Shiva Bucklin, Eric Chang, Eric Epstein, Kelly Garret, Daniel Heimuli, Seattle Hmelar, Joshua Kasevich, Robert Lopez, Joey Olshausen, Daniel


The Palo Alto Babe Ruth city championship team The Oaks (front row, L-R) : Zach Weseloh, Ethan Stern, Brett Anchartechahar, Daniel Rabello, Nick Melvin, coach Chris Melvin and (back row, L-R) Nick McCluskey, Kyle Pruhsmeier, Ben Cleasby, manager Rick Farr, Lucas Hu, Seattle Hmelar, coach Dave Guy, and coach Jim Hannan.

Rabello, Spencer Rojhan, Chris-tian Wagner, Anthony Waller, Jackson Yandle. The alternates are Reece Lindquist, Michael

Panitchpakdi and William Camp-bell.

The Palo Alto 14-year-olds also opened District 6 action Wednes-day, facing Mountain View at the Belmont Sports Complex. The winner will play Thursday at 7 p.m., with the loser playing Fri-day at 10 a.m. The finals will be Saturday at noon, with a challenge game (if necessary) set for 5 p.m.

The Palo Alto 15-year-olds will host on Thursday at Baylands, taking on Belmont Red at 5:30 p.m. The winner will face the Mountain View-Belmont Blue winner on Saturday at 5 p.m. A consolation final will be Monday at 7 p.m., with the winner moving on to the championship game on Wednesday, July 9 at 5:30 p.m. A challenge game, if necessary, will be played at 8 p.m.

SemiproThe streak is over for the Palo

Alto Oaks semipro baseball team, which saw its nine-game win streak end in the second game of a doubleheader with Fontanetti’s on Sunday at Sarge Casey field at Baylands Athletic Center. The Oaks took the opening game, 3-1, before Fontanetti’s won the second game, 2-1, on a walk-off single by pitcher and player-coach Derek Luque.

Emerging staff ace Ricky Na-varro started and claimed the vic-tory in Game 1, throwing seven strong innings while yielding only one unearned run on six hits and two walks. Gilbert Guerra finished the final two innings, al-lowing no runs or hits.

The Oaks’ lineup had a differ-ent look this week due to the loss of one player and the acquisition

of another.Outfielder Sheldon Daquioag

accepted an invitation to pur-sue his major league dreams by joining a Canadian Collegiate Summer League team, while for-mer Menlo School standout and Stanford sophomore Freddy Avis joined the Oaks.

Avis is recovering from a red-shirt season after a pitching-re-lated shoulder injury in his fresh-man year at Stanford, so he will be filling the outfield vacancy left by Daquioag.

Avis made a quick impression by tripling in his first at-bat as an Oak. He scored on a double by first baseman Graham Fish-er, who then scored on a single by shortstop Sam Wilkins. The Oaks scored an insurance run in the seventh inning, providing Na-varro and Guerra all the offense they needed.

Game 2 was another low-scor-ing affair with Oaks veteran Brant Norlander taking the mound for his first start of the year. The Temple alum threw 4 2/3 innings, yielding just one unearned run and one hit while striking out five.

The Oaks scored their only run of the game when a bases- loaded walk of catcher Gary Ellis drove in Chase Spivey, who had a 2-for2 game at the plate, in addition to a walk.

Fontanetti’s took advantage of a walk and an error in the final seventh inning, when Luque sin-gled in the winning run to end the game and claim the pitching win for himself.

The Oaks (9-1) will return to action this Sunday at Baylands with another doubleheader sched-uled for an 11:30 a.m. start.

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Most Valuable Player: Cameron Ack-erman (Los Gatos) Sr. P/OF

First TeamJohnny Breidenthal (Los Gatos) Sr.

pitcher/OF; Matt Wilcox (Los Gatos) Jr. SS; Jack Cleasby (Palo Alto) Sr. INF; Chris Smith (Palo Alto) Sr. pitcher; Phil Lewis (Palo Alto) Jr. OF; Chase Eller (Los Altos) Sr. INF; Danny Malave (Mountain View) Sr. SS/DH; Andrew Najeeb-Brush (Wilcox) Sr. pitcher/INF; Lorenzo Martinez (Wilcox) Sr. catcher; Adam Rios (Wilcox) Sr. SS; Drew Strotman (Homestead) Sr. pitcher/OF; Bobby Wood (Homestead) So. pitcher/OF; Davis Berryhill (Saratoga) Sr. OF; Jacob Marr (Saratoga) Sr. OF; Tyler Plesse (Saratoga) Sr. pitcher; Derek Sun (Saratoga) Sr. catcher

Second TeamHunter Bigge (Los Gatos) Sr. pitcher/

utility; Patrick McColl (Los Altos) Jr.; Aus-tin Kron (Palo Alto) Sr. catcher; Bowen Gerould (Palo Alto) Sr. INF; Austin John-son (Mountain View) Jr. OF; Nico Mayoral (Mountain View) Sr. pitcher; Justin Con-treras (Wilcox) Jr. pitcher; Patrick Tol-bert (Wilcox) Sr. DH/INF; Bradley Wilson (Wilcox) Jr. OF; Roy Shadmon (Gunn) Sr. 1B; Ravi Levens (Gunn) Jr. SS/pitcher; Nathaniel Wipfler (Homestead) So. INF; Joey Medeiros (Saratoga) Jr. utility

ALL-PAL BAY DIVISIONCo-Players of the Year: Kyle Barret

(Carlmont) Sr.; Jacob Martinez (Terra Nova) Sr.

Pitcher of the Year: Matt Seubert (Carlmont) Sr.

First TeamErik Amundson (Menlo-Atherton) Sr.

pitcher; Jared Milch (Terra Nova) So. pitcher; Chet Silveria (Half Moon Bay)

Paly’s Jack Cleasby

SHP’s Sean Mayle

M-A’s Scott Morris

Menlo School senior Mikey Diekroeger

Sr. catcher; Will Johnston (Sacred Heart Prep) Jr. OF; Johnathan Englemann (Bur-lingame) Jr. OF; Brett Berghammer (Half Moon Bay) Sr. OF; Mikey Diekroeger (Menlo School) Sr. INF; Aaron Albaum (Carlmont) Jr. INF; Austin Youngdale (Terra Nova) Jr. INF; Brett Moriarty (Menlo-Atherton) Sr. INF; Danny Cody (Sacred Heart Prep) Sr. INF; Steven Sagasty (Terra Nova) Sr. UTL; Macklan Badger (Menlo School) Jr. DH

Second TeamWyatt Driscoll (Menlo School) Sr.

pitcher; Kevin Maltz (Burlingame) Sr. pitcher; Joey Pledger (Terra Nova) So. catcher; Nick Tompson (Carlmont) Jr. OF; Graham Stratford (Menlo School) Sr. OF; Ryan Aguas (Terra Nova) Sr. OF; Gabe Bauer (Half Moon Bay) Jr. INF; Ray Faulk (Terra Nova) Jr. INF; Ryan Kammuller (Burlingame) Jr. INF; An-drew Daschbach (Sacred Heart Prep) So. UTL; Tyler Armstrong (Terra Nova) Sr. DH

Honorable MentionDaniel Kollar-Gasiewski (Menlo-Ather-

ton) Jr.; Nikolai Tarran (Menlo-Atherton) So.; Charlie Cain (Menlo-Atherton) Sr.; Robbie Harrigan (Burlingame) Fr.; Griffin Intieri (Burlingame) Jr.; Connor Loucks (Carlmont) So.; Joe Pratt (Carlmont) Jr.; Cole March (Sacred Heart Prep) Jr.; Chris Lee (Sacred Heart Prep) Sr.;

Jeff Hendricks (Terra Nova) Sr.; Sam Crowder (Menlo School) Sr.; Carson Gampell (Menlo School) So.; Jared Lu-cian (Menlo School) So.; Josh McKnight (Half Moon Bay) Sr.; Mike Rupert (Half Moon Bay) Sr.

GOLFALL-WEST BAY ATHLETIC LEAGUECo-Player of the Year: Bradley Knox

(Sacred Heart Prep) Sr.; Shrish Dwivedi (Harker)

First TeamDerek Ackerman (Sacred Heart Prep)

Jr.; Riley Burgess (Menlo School) Sr.; Rashad Jaymes (Crystal Springs) So.; Bradley Keller (Sacred Heart Prep) Jr.; Dakota McNealy (Harker) So.; Sandip Nirmel (Harker) Fr.; Ethan Wong (Menlo School) Jr.

Second TeamRohin Chandra (Menlo School) Fr.;

Trevor Hernstadt (Pinewood) Sr.; Jeff Herr (Menlo School) So.; Avi Khemani (Harker) Fr.; Taylor Oliver (Sacred Heart Prep) Sr.; Shane Snow (Sacred Heart Prep) So.; Ryan Vaughan (Harker) Fr.

Honorable MentionDouglas Burton (King’s Academy)

Jr.; Andrew Capin (Pinewood) Jr.; Oliver Cho (Pinewood) Jr.; Ryan Galvin (Sacred

Heart Prep) Sr.; David Madding (Crystal Springs) Sr.; Evan Price (King’s Academy) Sr.; Courtney Schulz (Crystal Springs) Jr.; Jordan Stone (Menlo School) Sr.; William Hsieh (Menlo School) So.

ALL-PAL BAY DIVISIONGolfer of the Year: Jeff Carney (Bur-

lingame) Sr.First Team

Jack Tilly (Carlmont) Sr.; Finigan Tilly (Carlmont) So.; Stefan Touhey (Wood-side) Sr.; Grant Johnson (Menlo-Ather-ton) Sr.; Mason Holman (Carlmont) Sr.


First TeamFrankie Hattler (Sacred Heart Prep)

Sr. attack; Colin Johnson (Menlo School) Sr. attack; Duncan McGinnis (Menlo-Atherton) Sr. attack; Jordan Gans (Palo Alto) Sr. midfield; Sean Mayle (Sacred Heart Prep) Sr. midfield; Nick Schlein (Menlo-Atherton) Sr. midfield; Oliver Bucka (Menlo-Atherton) Sr. defense; Alex Castro (Sacred Heart Prep) Sr. de-fense; Peyton Uphoff (Menlo-Atherton) Jr. defense; Will Tully (Menlo-Atherton) Jr. LSM; Jose Morales (Mountain View) Jr. Face-Off; Quintin Valenti (Palo Alto) So. goalie

Coach of the Year: DJ Shelton (Palo Alto)

Second TeamAustin Miller (Los Gatos) Sr. attack;

Matthew Seligson (Palo Alto) So. attack; Dean Trammel (Mountain View) Sr. at-tack; Jack Marren (Menlo School) Jr. midfield; Tully McCalister (Palo Alto) Sr. midfield; Brian White (Sacred Heart Prep) Sr. midfield; Rob Carpenter (Mountain View) Sr. defense; James Harrison (Palo Alto) Sr. defense; Charlie Roth (Menlo School) So. defense; David Peterson (Sacred Heart Prep) Fr. LSM; Charlie Ferguson (Menlo School) Fr. Face-Off; Griffin Waymire (Menlo-Atherton) Sr. goalie

Honorable MentionLucas Flygare (Burlingame) Fr. mid-

field; Joe Zagorski (Burlingame) Jr. defense; Reid Johnson (Los Gatos) Sr. goalie; Marco Sliva (Los Gatos) Sr. mid-field; Holden Kardos (Menlo-Atherton) Jr. attack; Cole Shaffer (Menlo-Atherton) Jr. attack; Bryce Joerger (Mountain View) Sr. midfield; Sam Marks (Mountain View) Sr. defense; Christian Rider (Palo Alto) So. LSM; Josh Stern (Palo Alto) Sr. de-fense; Noah Kawasaki (Sacred Heart Prep) Sr. midfield; Jack Wise (Sacred Heart Prep) Sr. goalie


(Sacred Heart Prep) Sr.First Team

Aaron Huang (Harker) Jr.; Jeremy Chan (King’s Academy) Jr.; Will Con-ner (Sacred Heart Prep) Jr.; Enoch Min (King’s Academy) Fr.; John Reinstra (Menlo School) So.; Harrison Enright (Sacred Heart Prep) Sr.; Nehemi Winn (King’s Academy) Fr.; Scott Little (Menlo School) Fr.; Michael Swart (Sacred Heart Prep) Jr.;

Finn Banks (Sacred Heart Prep) So.; Michael Auld (Harker) Fr.; Nelson Perla-Ward (Sacred Heart Prep) Jr.

Second TeamJackson Enright (Sacred Heart Prep)

Fr.; Jack Farnham (Harker) Fr.; Ryan Hammarskjold (Menlo School) Sr.; John-ny Myers (Sacred Heart Prep) Jr.; Weston Avery (Menlo School) Jr.; Chris Xi (Menlo School) So.; Craig Neubieser (Harker) Jr.; Nick Oliver (Sacred Heart Prep) So.; Ben Barrera (Sacred Heart Prep) So.; Daniel O’Neil (King’s Academy) Jr.; Ben Wagner (Menlo School) Fr.; Jack Hocker (Sacred Heart Prep) So.

Honorable MentionPhilippe Marco (Sacred Heart Prep)

Sr.; Jeff Barratt (Menlo School) Jr.; Tom Morrison (King’s Academy) Sr.; Lucas Carter (Sacred Heart Prep) Jr.; Ryan Palmer (Harker) Jr.; Hollister Van Nice (Pinewood) Jr.

ALL-PAL BAY DIVISIONSwimmer of the Meet: Michael Ma

(Sequoia)First Team

Vincent Busque (Menlo-Atherton); Nico Camerino (Carlmont); Zach Go-land (Menlo-Atherton); Alessio Iacovone (Burlingame); Jake Lin (Mills); Michael Ma (Sequoia); Walker Pease (Burlingame); Drew Quan (Mills); Elias Sebti (Carlmont); Kaelan Tantuico (Mills); Stuart Vickery (Carlmont)

Second TeamWilliam Amundsen (Terra Nova);

Jack Beasley (Menlo-Atherton); Philip Bondar (Terra Nova); Alex Chan (Carl-mont); Michael Cordova (Terra Nova); James Connolly (Menlo-Atherton); Er-nie Ribera (Burlingame); Justin Sasano (Burlingame); Jared Stefani (Burlingame); Johannes Stoppler (Burlingame);

Gordon Williams (Menlo-Atherton)


First TeamScott Morris (Menlo-Atherton) Sr.; Nick

Fratt (Menlo-Atherton) Sr.; Saul Menjivar (Menlo-Atherton) Sr.; Axel Brenner (Men-lo-Atherton) So.; Devon Hughes (Aragon) Sr.; Isaac Wang (Aragon) Sr.; Ben Knoot (Carlmont) Sr.; Hal Tuttle (Woodside) So.; Scott Taggart (Burlingame) Jr.; Bishal Ghosh (San Mateo) So.;

James Tanjuatco (Mills) Sr.Second Team

Reed Fratt (Menlo-Atherton) So.; Casey Morris (Menlo-Atherton) Fr.; Alex Iyer (Menlo-Atherton) Jr.; Drew Mathews (Menlo-Atherton) Sr.; Landers Ngirche-mat (Aragon) So.; Alex Ilyin (Aragon) Jr.;

Vrain Ahuja (Carlmont) Sr.; Kevin Hutchaleelaha (Carlmont) So.; Alex Yang (Carlmont) So.; Michael Mendelsohn (Woodside) So.; Matt Miller (Burlingame) Sr.; Phalgun Krishna (San Mateo) So.; Kevin Reyes (Mills) So.; Jose Lopez (Woodside) So.; Jason Maio (Hillsdale) Jr.

ALL-WEST BAY ATHLETIC LEAGUECo-Most Valuable Player: David

Ball (Menlo School), Gabe Owens (Pin-ewood)

First TeamVictor Pham (Menlo School); Lane

Leschly (Menlo School); Gunther Matta (Menlo School); Vikram Chari (Menlo School); Cameron Kirkpatrick (Sacred Heart Prep); Justin Foster (Sacred Heart

Prep); Tyler Yun (King’s Academy); Na-than Safran (Menlo School); Jackson Lingane (Crystal Springs); Alex Buckley (Crystal Springs); Kevin Xue (Harker)

Second TeamClarence Lam (Menlo School); Alex

Neumann (Menlo School); Carter Kre-mer (Sacred Heart Prep); Will Walecka (Sacred Heart Prep); Scott Evans (Sa-cred Heart Prep); Rajeev Jotwani (Crys-tal Springs); Brendan Chess (Crystal Springs); John Dobrota (Harker); Jason Chu (Harker); Gabriel Morgan (Menlo School);

Alex Mo (Harker)Honorable Mention

Kylee Santos (Menlo School); Michael Boggs (Sacred Heart Prep); Johnny Kung (Pinewood); Kevin Lin (Crystal Springs); Hien Bui (King’s Academy); Shekar Ra-maswamy (Harker); Matt Suber (Priory)


(Priory)Most Outstanding Field: Paul Touma

(Menlo School)First Team

Ricky Grau (Sacred Heart Prep); Grif-fin Kraemer (Sacred Heart Prep); Derek Friske (King’s Academy); Sukhmit Dhillon (St. Lawrence Academy); Daniel Hill (Sa-cred Heart Prep); Fidel Nunez (King’s Academy); Wyatt Welch (Sacred Heart Prep); Wei Wei Buchsteiner (Harker); Ayo Agunbiade (Crystal Springs);

Devon Gonzalez (St. Lawrence Acad-emy); Preston Lam (Crystal Springs); Zac Blackburn (St. Lawrence Academy); Connor Cody (Sacred Heart Prep); Scott Fitch (Sacred Heart Prep); Paul Westcott (Sacred Heart Prep)

Second TeamArjun Kumar (Harker); Brian Gue-

varra (St. Lawrence Academy); Caleb Tan (King’s Academy); Justin Leonard (King’s Academy); Addison Partida (Eastside Prep); Cole Woodruff (Crystal Springs); Erek Field (King’s Academy); Marcus Niksa (Crystal Springs); Niki Lon-berg (Crystal Springs); Yumeto Shigihara (Crystal Springs); Boaz Chum (King’s Academy); Ethan Tom (King’s Academy); Nick Holterman (Crystal Springs)

Honorable MentionAustin Ranson (St. Lawrence Acad-

emy); Garrett Mack (Sacred Heart Prep); Dennis Mandudzo (Menlo School); Keaton Shiveley (Menlo School); Cole Bramlett (Pinewood); Karl Clayter (Crys-tal Springs); Brian Hannah (Crystal Springs); Hugo Pegley (Crystal Springs); Raymond Cheng (Harker); Sriv Irrinki (Harker)

(All-league teams are selected by the coaches)

Menlo’s Paul Touma

Keith Peters

Keith Peters

Keith Peters

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