To HIGH To HIGH, in order to help reduce the cabin in ord er to help reduce the cabin temperature temperature.  To HIGH and c ockp it TEMP SELECTOR to To HIGH a nd cock pit TEMP SELECTOR to HOT in order to have maximum co oling air HOT in order to have maximum c oolin g air to the cabin to the cabin .  With a full load of passengers and in a high temperature area, how shou ld the pack flow be set? With a full load of passengers and in a high With a full load of passengers and in a high temperature area temperature area, how should the pack flow be how should the pack flow be set set ? ?   A  A  B B  C C  D D  To LOW To LOW, in order to min imize the amount in order to minimize the amount of hot air sent to the cabin zones of hot air sent to the cabin zones. To NORM To NORM, as the system is fully automatic as the system is fully automatic apart f rom temperature settings apart from t emperature settings .   AIR COND – 2A00  

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To HIGHTo HIGH,, in order to help reduce the cabinin order to help reduce the cabintemperaturetemperature.. 

To HIGH and cockp it TEMP SELECTOR toTo HIGH and cockpit TEMP SELECTOR to

HOT in order to have maximum cooling airHOT in order to have maximum cooling air

to the cabinto the cabin.. 

With a full load of passengers and in a high

temperature area, how shou ld the pack flow be


With a full load of passengers and in a highWith a full load of passengers and in a high

temperature areatemperature area,, how should the pack flow behow should the pack flow be


 A A 




To LOWTo LOW,, in order to min imize the amountin order to min imize the amountof hot air sent to the cabin zonesof hot air sent to the cabin zones.. 

To NORMTo NORM,, as the system is fully automaticas the system is fully automatic

apart f rom temperature settingsapart from temperature settings.. 

 AIR COND – 2A00


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To regulate the hot air pressureTo regulate the hot air pressure.. 

To regulate the pack outl et pressure toTo regulate the pack out let pressure to

each zoneeach zone.. 

In the AIR COND system what is the funct ion o f the

TRIM AIR valve?

In the AIR COND system what is the funct ion o f theIn the AIR COND system what is the funct ion o f the

TRIM AIR valveTRIM AIR valve?? 

 A A 




To optimize the zone temperature byTo optimize the zone temperature byadding cold air adding cold air .. 

To optimize the zone temperature byTo optimize the zone temperature by

adding hot air adding hot air .. 

 AIR COND - 2A01

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[][][][][][] [][]


With reference to the AIR COND panel, which

statement is correct?

With reference to the AIR COND panelWith reference to the AIR COND panel,, whichwhich

statement is correctstatement is correct??

Pack flow selector is used to select aPack flow selector is used to select a

comfor table temperaturecomfortable temperature..  A A On the ECAM BLEED pageOn the ECAM BLEED page,, the left systemthe left system

pack compressor outlet temperaturepack compressor outlet temperature

should be in amber should be in amber .. BB 

 Al l the indicat ions on ECAM BLEED page Al l the indicat ions on ECAM BLEED pageand AIR COND panel are correctand AIR COND panel are correct

according to the configurationaccording to the configuration.. CC 

It is necessary to select the ENGIt is necessary to select the ENG 11 BleedBleed

pb swpb sw to OFFto OFF.. DD  AIR COND - 2A02

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For the Normal Operation of the CARGO COND


For the Normal Operation of the CARGO CONDFor the Normal Operation of the CARGO COND


The pilot ensures that there are no lightsThe pilot ensures that there are no lights

illuminated on theilluminated on the pb swpb sw and that theand that the

temperature is set as requiredtemperature is set as required..  A A The system display will be found on theThe system display will be found on the


The pilot has no control of the systemThe pilot has no control of the systemtemperaturetemperature.. CC The system display will be found on theThe system display will be found on the










 AIR COND - 2A03

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Which of the following statements is correct?Which of the following statements is correctWhich of the follow ing statements is correct?? 

Crew should SWITCH OFF both packs justCrew should SWITCH OFF both packs justbefore engines startbefore engines start..  A A Crew should SWITCH OFF both engineCrew should SWITCH OFF both engine

bleed valves just before engine startbleed valves just before engine start .. BB 

Crew should select X bleed valve selectorCrew should select X bleed valve selector

to SHUT position to pressurize the leftto SHUT position to pressurize the left

side firstside first .. DD 

During engine startDuring engine start ,, all the currentall the current

indications on ECAM BLEED page andindications on ECAM BLEED page andCOND overhead panel are correctCOND overhead panel are correct .. CC 

 AIR COND - 2A04

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Nothing happens until APU shut down isNothing happens until APU shut down iscompletecomplete..  A A  Al l the indications are correct Al l the indications are correct .. BB 

The crew should set X bleed valveThe crew should set X bleed valveselector to SHUT positionselector to SHUT position.. CC The ENGINE HThe ENGINE H..P valve should be closedP valve should be closed

with the engine at idle power with the engine at idle power .. DD 

Both engines are running and the APU bleed has

been switched OFF.

Which statement is correct?

Both engines are running and the APU bleed hasBoth engines are running and the APU bleed has

been switched OFFbeen switched OFF.. 

Which statement is correctWhich statement is correct?? 

 AIR COND - 2A05

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Hot Air 


Hot Air 



Bleed Air 


Mixing Unit





If the PACK FLOW CONTROL valves close, what wil l

be the subsequent pos ition of the TRIM AIR valves

and the HOT AIR valve?

If the PACK FLOW CONTROL valves closeIf the PACK FLOW CONTROL valves close,, what willwhat will

be the subsequent position of the TRIM AIR valvesbe the subsequent position of the TRIM AIR valves

and the HOT AIR valveand the HOT AIR valve?? 

-- The TRIM AIR valves remain openThe TRIM AIR valves remain open.. -- The HOT AIR valve closesThe HOT AIR valve closes.. AA -- The TRIM AIR valves remain openThe TRIM AIR valves remain open.. 

-- The HOT AIR valve remains openThe HOT AIR valve remains open.. BB 

-- The TRIM AIR valves closeThe TRIM AIR valves close.. -- The HOT AIR valve remains openThe HOT AIR valve remains open CC -- The TRIM AIR valves closeThe TRIM AIR valves close.. 

-- The HOT AIR valve closesThe HOT AIR valve closes.. DD 

 AIR COND - 2A07

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The lower value is the temperature of theThe lower value is the temperature of the

air entering a zoneair entering a zone ((DUCT INLETDUCT INLET

temperaturetemperature).). The upper value is theThe upper value is the

actual zone temperature monito red by t heactual zone temperature monitored by the

zone control computer zone control computer .. 

Have a look at the ECAM “ COND” page. Why are

two d ifferent temperature values displayed for each

zone of the aircraft?

Have a look at the ECAMHave a look at the ECAM ““ CONDCOND””   pagepage.. Why areWhy are

two d ifferent temperature values displayed for eachtwo di fferent temperature values displayed for each

zone of the aircraftzone of the aircraft?? 

The lower value is the pack outletThe lower value is the pack outlet

temperaturetemperature.. The upper value is the actualThe upper value is the actualzone temperature monitored by the zonezone temperature monitored by the zone

control temperaturecontrol temperature..  A A The lower value is the temperature of theThe lower value is the temperature of the

air controlled by the HOT AIR valveair controlled by the HOT AIR valve.. TheThe

upper value is the pack outlet airupper value is the pack outlet air

temperaturetemperature.. BB 

CC The lower value is the BLEED AIRThe lower value is the BLEED AIR

temperaturetemperature.. The upper value is the packThe upper value is the pack

temperature of the MIXED AIR in the zonetemperature of the MIXED AIR in the zone.. DD 

 AIR COND - 2A08

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 Accelerat ing the cabin zones Accelerat ing the cabin zonespressurizationpressurization.. 

 Accelerat ing the removal of cabin smoke Accelerat ing the removal of cabin smoke.. 

What is the funct ion o f the CABIN AIR FANS?What is the funct ion o f the CABIN AIR FANSWhat is the func tion of the CABIN AIR FANS?? 





Extracting air from the AVIONICS BAYExtracting air from the AVIONICS BAY.. 

Reducing the BLEED AIR requirement andReducing the BLEED AIR requirement and

therefore saving fueltherefore saving fuel.. 



Mixing Unit











 AIR COND - 2A09

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To decrease the cabin temperatureTo decrease the cabin temperature.. 

To decrease the HOT AIR demand fromTo decrease the HOT AIR demand from

the engine bleedsthe engine b leeds.. 

 A A 




To decrease the BLEED AIR demand fromTo decrease the BLEED AIR demand fromthe engines and therefore to save fuelthe engines and therefore to save fuel.. 

To decrease the BLEED AIR demand fromTo decrease the BLEED AIR demand from

the APUthe APU.. 

With only a few passengers on the aircraft, the

pack flow control selector should be set to LO:

With only a few passengers on the aircraftWith only a few passengers on the aircraft ,, thethe

pack flow control selector should be set to LOpack flow control selector should be set to LO:: 


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Temperature regulation i s completely lostTemperature regulation i s completely los t.. 

Have a look at the ECAM “COND” page : “ ALTN

MODE” is displayed.

What happened?

Have a look at the ECAMHave a look at the ECAM ““ CONDCOND””   pagepage :: ““ ALTN ALTN

MODEMODE””  is displayedis displayed.. 

What happenedWhat happened?? 

 A A 



ChannelChannel 11  of ZONE CONTROLLER hasof ZONE CONTROLLER has

failed and the pilot has closed the HOTfailed and the pilot has closed the HOT

 AIR and TRIM AIR valves AIR and TRIM AIR valves ..

ChannelChannel 11  of ZONE CONTROLLER hasof ZONE CONTROLLER has

failed and channelfailed and channel 22 has taken over has taken over ,, thusthus

the HOT AIR and TRIM AIR valves havethe HOT AIR and TRIM AIR valves have

closed automaticallyclosed automatically.. 


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Have a look at the ECAM “COND” page : “ PACK

REG” is displayed.

What does it mean?

Have a look at the ECAMHave a look at the ECAM ““ CONDCOND””   pagepage :: ““ PACKPACK

REGREG””  is displayedis displayed.. 

What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

The two packs are lost and there is noThe two packs are lost and there is nomore air conditioningmore air conditioning.. 

 Al l the valves are closed and the RAM AIR Al l the valves are closed and the RAM AIR

must be used for the cabin airmust be used for the cabin air


 A A 




The ZONE CONTROLLER has failedThe ZONE CONTROLLER has failed,,

temperature regulation is not done via thetemperature regulation is not done via the

HOT AIR valveHOT AIR valve..

The ZONE CONTROLLER has failed andThe ZONE CONTROLLER has failed and

the two packs deliver a fixed temperaturethe two packs deliver a fixed temperature 


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Looking at the ECAM BLEED page and AIR COND

overhead panel, what can be concluded?

Looking at the ECAM BLEED page and AIR CONDLooking at the ECAM BLEED page and AIR COND

overhead paneloverhead panel,, what can be concludedwhat can be concluded??

The RAM AIRThe RAM AIR pbpb has been pressedhas been pressed.. 

 A A 

 Ai rcraft is depressurized Ai rcraf t is depressurized,, but after thebut after the

RAM AIR valve opens at least one packRAM AIR valve opens at least one packshould be pressurized againshould be pressurized again.. CC 

 Ai rcraft is depressurized Ai rcraf t is depressurized,, but the X bleedbut the X bleed

valve should be open since both enginesvalve should be open since both engines

are runningare running.. DD 

On the ECAM SDOn the ECAM SD,, the RAM AIR inlet valvethe RAM AIR inlet valve

should be amber if it is fully open in f lightshould be amber if it is fully open in flight .. BB 


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To provide backup pressure if the cabinTo provide backup pressure if the cabinpressure controllers should failpressure controllers should fail ..  A A Monitor the function of the outflow valveMonitor the function of the outflow valve.. BB 

Protect against excessive cabin altitudeProtect against excessive cabin altitude.. 

CC Protect against excessive differentialProtect against excessive differential

pressurepressure.. DD 


function of the safety valves is...


functi on of the safety valves isfunction of the safety valves is...... 

PRES – 2B00

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YesYes,, SYSSYS11 is still controlling the cabinis still controlling the cabinaltitude through the safetyaltitude through the safety valvevalve..

NoNo,, in this case the cabin altitude has toin this case the cabin altitude has to

be controlled throughbe controlled through the LDG ELEVthe LDG ELEV

selector selector ..

On the CABIN PRESS panel wi th a LDG ELEV set

manually, is there still an automatic control o f the

cabin altitude?

On the CABIN PRESS panel wi th a LDG ELEV setOn the CABIN PRESS panel with a LDG ELEV set

manuallymanually,, is there still an automatic cont rol of theis there still an automatic cont rol of the

cabin altitudecabin altitude??

 A A 




NoNo,, in this case the cabin altitude has toin this case the cabin altitude has tobe controlled through the MAN Vbe controlled through the MAN V//S CTLS CTL.. 

YesYes,, SYSSYS11 is still controlling the cabinis still controlling the cabin

altitude through thealtitude through the outflowoutflow valvevalve.. 

PRES – 2B01

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77..66 psipsi  

88..66 psipsi  

In the CABIN PRESSURIZATION system, what is the

maximum allowable differential pressure?

In the CABIN PRESSURIZATION systemIn the CABIN PRESSURIZATION system,, what is thewhat is the

maximum allowable differential pressuremaximum allowable differential pressure?? 

 A A 




55..33 psipsi  

66..99 psipsi  


PRES – 2B02

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11..00 psipsi  

88..66 psipsi  

Regarding the CABIN PRESSURIZATION system,

what should the differential pressure be on the


Regarding the CABIN PRESSURIZATION systemRegarding the CABIN PRESSURIZATION system,,

what should the differential pressure be on thewhat should t he differential pressure be on the


 A A 




00 psips i 

00..55 psipsi  

PRES – 2B03

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 Are contro lled with the DITCHING Are contro lled with the DITCHING pbpb .. 

Can not be controlled manually and areCan not be controlled manually and are

fully automaticfully automatic.. 

On the CABIN PRESSURIZATION sys tem, the

safety valves….


safety valvessafety valves…….. 

 A A 




 Are contro lled with the MAN V Are contro lled with the MAN V//S CTLS CTL.. 

 Are contro lled with the MODE SEL Are contro lled with the MODE SEL pbpb .. 

PRES – 2B04

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600600 ftft .. 

60006000 ftft .. 

 A A 




66 ftft .. 

6060 ftft .. 

On the CABIN PRESS panel, the LDG ELEV has

been set manually.

What is the approximate value ?

On the CABIN PRESS panelOn the CABIN PRESS panel ,, the LDG ELEV hasthe LDG ELEV has

been set manuallybeen set manually .. 

What is the approximate valueWhat i s the approximate value ?? 

PRES – 2B05

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The air outlet valveThe air outlet valve.. 

The safety valveThe safety valve.. 

On the CABIN PRESS panel, pushing on the MODE

SEL pb sw gives control over

On the CABIN PRESS panelOn the CABIN PRESS panel ,, pushing on the MODEpushing on the MODE

SELSEL pb swpb sw gives control over gives control over  

 A A 




The outflow valveThe outflow valve.. 

The air intake valveThe air intake valve.. 

PRES – 2B06

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59005900 ftft .. 

65006500 ftft .. 

On the ECAM STATUS page, as you can see cabin

pressure control is manual. You want descend from

FL 390 to FL 330. What is your target CABIN ATL?

On the ECAM STATUS pageOn the ECAM STATUS page,, as you can see cabinas you can see cabin

pressure control is manualpressure control is manual.. You want descend fromYou want descend from

FLFL 390390 to FLto FL 330330.. What is your target CABIN ATLWhat is your target CABIN ATL?? 

 A A 




00 ftft .. 

50005000 ftft .. 

PRES – 2B07

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ClosesCloses,, the cabin altitude raisesthe cabin altitude raises.. 

ClosesCloses,, the cabin altitude dropsthe cabin altitude drops.. 

On the CABIN PRESS panel, with the MAN V/S CTL

held in the DN, the position, the out flow valve...

On the CABIN PRESS panelOn the CABIN PRESS panel ,, with the MAN Vwith the MAN V//S CTLS CTL

held in the DNheld in the DN,, the positionthe position,, the outflow valvethe outflow valve...... 

 A A 




OpensOpens,, the cabin altitude raisesthe cabin altitude raises.. 

OpensOpens,, the cabin altitude dropsthe cabin altitude drops.. 

PRES – 2B08

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What ventilation configuration is disp layed on the


What ventilation configuration is disp layed on theWhat ventilation conf iguration i s displayed on the


Open configurationOpen configuration ((aa//c on groundc on ground).). 

 A A Closed configurationClosed configuration ((aa//c in flightc in flight ).). BB 

Intermediate configurationIntermediate configuration ((aa//c in flightc in flight,,high skin temperaturehigh skin temperature).). CC 

VENT – 2C00

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What ventilation configuration is disp layed on the


What ventilation configuration is disp layed on theWhat ventilation conf iguration i s displayed on the


Open configurationOpen configuration ((aa//c on groundc on ground).). 

 A A Closed configurationClosed configuration ((aa//c in flightc in flight ).). BB 

Intermediate configurationIntermediate configuration ((aa//c in flightc in flight,,high temperaturehigh temperature).). CC 

VENT – 2C01

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What ventilation configuration is disp layed on the


What ventilation configuration is disp layed on theWhat ventilation conf iguration i s displayed on the


Open configurationOpen configuration ((aa//c on groundc on ground).). 

 A A Closed configurationClosed configuration ((aa//c in flightc in flight ).). BB 

Intermediate configurationIntermediate configuration ((aa//c in flightc in flight,,high temperaturehigh temperature).). CC 

VENT – 2C02

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Please indicate the position of the VENTILATION


Please indicate the position of the VENTILATIONPlease indicate the position of the VENTILATION


 A A



VENT – 2C03

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You are climbing to the altitude set in FCU.

What happens if the V/S-FPA selector knob is


You are climbing to the altitude set in FCUYou are climbing to the altitude set in FCU.. 

What happens if the VWhat happens if the V//SS--FPA selector knob isFPA selector knob is


The aircraft immediately levels off The aircraft immediately levels off .. 

 A A The VThe V//SS--FPA target is unchangedFPA target is unchanged.. BB 

The aircraft follows the selected VThe aircraft follows the selected V//SS--FPAFPA.. 


 AUTO FLT - 2201

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What happens if the HDG selector knob is pushed?What happens if the HDG selector knob is pushedWhat happens if the HDG selector knob is pushed?? 

The aircraft reverts to TRKThe aircraft reverts to TRK.. 

 A A The HDGThe HDG//TRK target changesTRK target changes.. BB 

NothingNothing,, the aircraft follows indefinitelythe aircraft follows indefinitelythe selected HDGthe selected HDG//TRKTRK.. CC The aircraft continues to followThe aircraft continues to follow

the current HDG until Fthe current HDG until F--PLN interceptionPLN interception.. DD 

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What happens if the HDG selector knob is pulled?What happens if the HDG selector knob is pulledWhat happens if the HDG selector knob is pu lled?? 

The aircraft reverts to the original FThe aircraft reverts to the original F--PLNPLN.. 

 A A The HDG target changes to TRKThe HDG target changes to TRK.. BB 

The aircraft follows the selected HDG untilThe aircraft f ollows the selected HDG untilintercepting the lateral Fintercepting the lateral F--PLNPLN.. CC NothingNothing,, the aircraft cont inues on HDGthe aircraft cont inues on HDG

140140 indefinitelyindefinitely .. DD 

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 A A 



Please indicate the position of the two FLIGHT

DIRECTOR (FD) controls.

Please indicate the position of the two FLIGHTPlease indicate the position of the two FLIGHT

DIRECTORDIRECTOR ((FDFD)) controlscontrols.. 

 AUTO FLT – 2204

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Is the aircraft fol lowing a track or a heading?Is the aircraft follow ing a track or a headingIs the aircraft following a track or a heading?? 


 A A HeadingHeading BB 

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Look at the FMA. LOC in blue is...Look at the FMALook at the FMA.. LOC in blue isLOC in blue is ...... 

The active lateral mode which is aThe active lateral mode which is aconstraintconstraint ..  A A The armed lateral modeThe armed lateral mode.. BB 

The armed lateral mode which is aThe armed lateral mode which i s aconstraintconstraint .. CC The active lateral modeThe active lateral mode.. DD 

 AUTO FLT – 2207

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Look at the FMA. NAV in green is...Look at the FMALook at the FMA.. NAV in green isNAV in green is...... 

The active lateral mode which is aThe active lateral mode which is aconstraintconstraint ..  A A The armed lateral modeThe armed lateral mode.. BB 

The armed lateral mode which is aThe armed lateral mode which i s aconstraintconstraint .. CC The active lateral modeThe active lateral mode.. DD 

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 A/THR in b lue means i t is... A A//THR in blue means it isTHR in blue means it is ...... 


 A A armedarmed.. BB 



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 ATC c leared you to FL 150. The PF sets the new

altitude on the FCU. What will happen if he pulls the

 ALT select ion knob?

 ATC cleared you to FL ATC cleared you to FL 150150.. The PF sets the newThe PF sets the new

altitude on the FCUaltitude on the FCU.. What will happen if he pulls theWhat will happen if he pulls the

 ALT select ion knob ALT select ion knob?? 

The aircraft wil l stop the climb at FLThe aircraft wil l stop the climb at FL 6060 

until passing the constraint then continueuntil passing the constraint then continue

climb to FLclimb to FL 150150..  A A The aircraft wi ll dis regard theThe aircraft wil l disregard the constraintconstraint 

and climb to FLand climb to FL 150150.. BB 

 As soon as the ai rcraf t passes FL As soon as the aircraft passes FL 6060,, thethe

target altitude on the PFD will change totarget altitude on the PFD will change toFLFL 150150 and the aircraft continues to climband the aircraft continues to climb .. CC The aircraft wil l level off at FLThe aircraft wi ll level off at FL 6060.. The PFThe PF

must pul l the ALT selection knob amust pul l the ALT selection knob a

second time to climb to FLsecond time to climb to FL 150150.. DD 

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The FCU target altitude is FL 150, you are climbing

toward an ALT constraint.

What will happen if the PF pushes the ALT selection


NOTE: The constraint alt is FL60.

The FCU target altitude is FLThe FCU target altitude is FL 150150,, you are climbingyou are climbing

toward an ALT constrainttoward an ALT constraint..

What will happen if the PF pushes the ALT selectionWhat wil l happen if the PF pushes the ALT selection


NOTENOTE:: The constraint alt is FLThe constraint alt is FL6060.. 

The aircraft wi ll level off at FLThe aircraft wil l level off at FL 6060.. The PFThe PF

must push o r pull the ALT selection knobmust push or pull the ALT selection knob

a second time to climb to FLa second time to climb to FL 150150..  A A The aircraft wi ll dis regard theThe aircraft wil l disregard the constraintconstraint 

and climb to FLand climb to FL 150150.. BB 

 As soon as the ai rcraf t passes FL As soon as the aircraft passes FL 6060,, thethe

target on the PFD will change to FLtarget on the PFD will change to FL 150150 and the aircraft conti nues to climband the aircraft continues to climb .. CC No changeNo change,, the aircraft will stop the climbthe aircraft will stop the climb

at FLat FL 6060 until passing the constraint thenuntil passing the constraint then

continue climb to FLcontinue climb to FL 150150.. DD 

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The FCU target altitude is FL 150, you are climbing

toward an ALT constraint.

What will happen if the PFpulls the HDG/TRK

selection knob now?

The FCU target altitude is FLThe FCU target altitude is FL 150150,, you are climbingyou are climbing

toward an ALT constrainttoward an ALT constraint..

What will happen if theWhat will happen if the  PFpulls PFpulls the HDGthe HDG//TRKTRK

selection knob nowselection knob now?? 

The aircraft wil l conti nue on the presentThe aircraft will continue on the presentheadingheading,, stop the climb at FLstop the climb at FL 6060..  A A The aircraft wi ll stay on the presentThe aircraft wi ll stay on the present

headingheading,, disregard the constraint anddisregard the constraint and

climb to FLclimb to FL 150150.. BB 

The aircraft will fo llow the FThe aircraft will follow the F--PLNPLN,, stop thestop the

climb at FLclimb at FL 6060 until passing the constraintuntil passing the constraintthen continue climb to FLthen continue climb to FL 150150.. CC The aircraft will fo llow the FThe aircraft will follow the F--PLNPLN,,

disregard the constraint and climb todisregard the constraint and climb to

FLFL 150150.. DD 

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On the MCDU, you not ice that some waypoints have

a small triangle behind the name. What does it

stand for?

On the MCDUOn the MCDU,, you not ice that some waypoints haveyou not ice that some waypoints have

a small triangle behind the namea small triangle behind the name.. What does itWhat does it

stand for stand for ?? 

It means these waypoints wi ll beIt means these waypoints wil l be overflownoverflown ..  A A It means these waypoints are compulsoryIt means these waypoints are compulsory

reporting pointsreporting points.. BB 

It indicates altitude constraints at theseIt indicates altitude constraints at thesewaypointswaypoints .. CC It indicates speed constraints at theseIt indicates speed constraints at these

waypointswaypoints .. DD 

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You get the message DECCELERATE on the FMA.

What does it mean?

You get the message DECCELERATE on the FMAYou get the message DECCELERATE on the FMA..

What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

The FMGC warns you about a possibleThe FMGC warns you about a possible overspeedoverspeed..  A A TCAS discovered a possible trafficTCAS discovered a possible traffic

confli ct and warns you to decelerate toconfli ct and warns you to decelerate to

keep your separationkeep your separation.. BB 

Due to some environmentalDue to some environmental

circumstancescircumstances,, the aircraft missed athe aircraft missed aspeed constraintspeed constraint.. CC You are advised to slow the aircraft toYou are advised to slow the aircraft to

loose energy so that you wil l be able toloose energy so that you wil l be able to

intercept the descent pathintercept the descent path.. DD 

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The a/c is c limbing to FL250 as set on the FCU, an

altitude constraint has been inserted at FL90.

What is the procedure when the a/c reaches FL90?

The aThe a//c is climbing to FLc is climbing to FL250250 as set on the FCUas set on the FCU,, anan

altitude const raint has been inserted at FLaltitude const raint has been inserted at FL9090.. 

What is the procedure when the aWhat is the procedure when the a//c reaches FLc reaches FL9090?? 

The pilot flying must push the ALT knobThe pilot flying must push the ALT knob.. 

 A A The pilot flying must turn the ALT knobThe pilot flying must turn the ALT knob.. BB 

No procedureNo procedure,, the athe a//c will automaticallyc will automatically

resume the climb after having sequencedresume the climb after having sequencedthe constrained waypointthe constrained waypoint..CC The aThe a//c will not match the constraintc will not match the constraint,, thethe

pilot has to climb by using Vpilot has to climb by using V//S modeS mode..DD 

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It is the FMGC corresponding to the APIt is the FMGC corresponding to the AP

engaged or FMGCengaged or FMGC11 when both APwhen both AP

engagedengaged..  A A Randomly at power upRandomly at power up .. BB 

It is the FMGC corresponding to the PilotIt is the FMGC corresponding to the PilotFlying sideFlying side.. CC It is always FMGCIt is always FMGC11.. DD 

In dual mode of operation, one FMGC is the master.

How is the master FMGC determined ?

In dual mode of operationIn dual mode of operation,, one FMGC is the master one FMGC is the master ..

How is the master FMGC determinedHow is the master FMGC determined ?? 

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The autothrust system has two channels. Which

FMGC controls the A/THR (both FMGCs being


TheThe autothrustautothrust system has two channelssystem has two channels.. WhichWhich

FMGC controls the AFMGC controls the A//THRTHR ((bothboth FMGCsFMGCs beingbeing


The FMGCThe FMGC11.. 

 A A The FMGCThe FMGC22.. BB 

The randomly chosen FMGCThe randomly chosen FMGC.. 


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On the FMAOn the FMA,, in the APin the AP//FD and AFD and A//THRTHR

engagement status columnengagement status column.. BB 

On the thrust levers FLEX detentOn the thrust levers FLEX detent.. 

CC On the MCDU takeoff pageOn the MCDU takeoff page.. DD 

On the FMAOn the FMA,, in thein the Auto thrust Autothrust  modemodecolumncolumn..  A A 

Setting the thrust levers onto TOGA wil l arm the


Where do you check that the A/THR is armed?

Setting the thrust levers onto TOGA wil l arm theSetting the thrust levers onto TOGA will arm the


Where do you check that the AWhere do you check that the A//THR is armedTHR is armed??

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Dashes in the FCU window indicate the system has

enough info rmation to manage the settings of the


Why is the altitude window not dashed?

Dashes in the FCU window indicate the system hasDashes in the FCU window indicate the system has

enough info rmation to manage the settings of theenough info rmation to manage the settings of the


Why is the altitude window not dashedWhy is the altitude window not dashed??

The altitude window shows digi ts as theThe altitude window shows digi ts as the

target altitude is always set manually bytarget altitude is always set manually by

the pilotthe pilot..  A A The altitude selector knob has not beenThe altitude selector knob has not been


The altitude selector knob has not beenThe altitude selector knob has not beenpulledpulled..CC Both autopi lots must be engagedBoth autopi lots must be engaged.. DD 

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The target speed is managed by theThe target speed is managed by theFMGCFMGC..  A A 

The pilot has pulled the speed selectorThe pilot has pul led the speed selectorknobknob.. CC TheThe autothrustautothrust mode is speedmode is speed.. DD 

The speed window on the FCU is dashed. What

does it mean?

The speed window on the FCU is dashedThe speed window on the FCU is dashed.. WhatWhat

does it meandoes it mean?? 

 A speed target is selected A speed target is selected.. BB 

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The max limit speed according to theThe max limit speed according to theaircraft configurationaircraft configuration..  A A VLSVLS ++ 2020 ktkt .. BB 


You are in managed speed mode. If you pull the

speed selector knob, which speed value will appear

on the FCU window ?

You are in managed speed modeYou are in managed speed mode.. If you pull theIf you pull the

speed selector knobspeed selector knob,, which speed value will appearwhich speed value will appear

on the FCU windowon the FCU window ?? 

The current speed or mach that is used byThe current speed or mach that is used bythe FMGCthe FMGC.. CC 

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When can you engage autopilots 1+2 at the same


When can you engage autopilotsWhen can you engage autopilots 1+21+2 at the sameat the same


Never Never .. 

 A A For any kind of approachFor any kind of approach ..BB 

 As soon as the APPR mode is armed fo r As soon as the APPR mode is armed fo ran ILS approachan ILS approach.. CC 

 As soon as the APPR mode is armed fo r a As soon as the APPR mode is armed fo r a

non precision approach on managednon precision approach on managed

modemode.. DD 

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 ALT magenta is displayed on the FMA.

What does it mean?

 ALT magenta is disp layed on the FMA ALT magenta is displayed on the FMA .. 

What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

 ALT is armed ALT is armed,, a constraint has beena constraint has beeninserted in the Finserted in the F--PLNPLN..  A A 

The aircraft i s on descent and the targetThe aircraft i s on descent and the target

altitude is higher than the current aircraftaltitude is higher than the current aircraftaltitudealtitude.. CC The target altitude is above the glide slopeThe target altitude is above the glide slope

altitude capturealtitude capture.. DD 

 ALT is armed ALT is armed,, the target altitude is giventhe target altitude is given

by the ALT window in the FCUby the ALT window in the FCU.. BB 

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What is the meaning of A/THR white?What is the meaning o f AWhat is the meaning of A //THR whiteTHR white?? 

 A A//THR is armedTHR is armed.. 

 A A  A A//THR is disconnectedTHR is disconnected.. BB 

 A A//THR is availableTHR is available.. 

CC  A A//THR is acti veTHR is active.. DD 

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Provide guidanceProvide guidance,, if a localizer i s availableif a localizer is availablefor takefor take--off and rolloff and roll --out phasesout phases..  A A Provide guidance after takeProvide guidance after take--off up tooff up to 10001000 

feat AGL to maintain the runway centerfeat AGL to maintain the runway center

lineline.. BB 

Confirm that the aircraft is wellConfirm that the aircraft is well

established in the glide slope on ILS finalestablished in the glide slope on ILS finalapproachapproach.. CC Change over automatically in case ofChange over automatically in case of

localizer failure on ILS final approachlocalizer failure on ILS final approach.. DD 

The yaw bar when displayed on the PFD instead of

the flight director roll bar is used to :

The yaw bar when displayed on the PFD instead ofThe yaw bar when d isplayed on the PFD instead of

the flight director roll bar is used tothe flight director roll bar is used to ::  

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What does MAN TOGA indicate on the FMA


What does MAN TOGA indicate on the FMAWhat does MAN TOGA indicate on the FMA


The thrust has been manually set toThe thrust has been manually set toTOGATOGA..  A A TheThe autothrustautothrust system is inoperativesystem is inoperative.. BB 

The FMGC guidanceThe FMGC guidance autothrustautothrust commandcommandis unserviceableis unserviceable..CC The pilot has disconnected theThe pilot has disconnected the autothrustautothrust

systemsystem.. DD 

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 A/THR is armed. What does i t mean? A A//THR is armedTHR is armed.. What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

TheThe autothrustautothrust will be automaticallywill be automatically

activated by the FMGC without any pilotactivated by t he FMGC without any pilotaction when crossing the thrust reductionaction when crossing the thrust reduction

altitudealtitude..  A A TheThe autothrustautothrust will become active whenwill become active when

the pilot sets the thrust levers in the climbthe pilot sets the thrust levers in the climb

detentdetent .. BB 

The thrust levers must be set to idle andThe thrust levers must be set to idle and

then in the climb detent to activate thethen in the climb detent to activate theautothrustautothrust.. CC 

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“ LVR CLB” white flashing on the FMA indicates :““ LVR CLBLVR CLB””  white flashing on the FMA indicateswhite flashing on the FMA indicates :: 

We have reached the thrust reduct ionWe have reached the thrust reduct ionaltitudealtitude..  AA TheThe autothrustautothrust levers are stuck and canlevers are stuck and can

not be put in the climb detentnot be put in the climb detent.. BB 

The pilot has forgotten to enter the FLEXThe pilot has forgotten to enter the FLEX

temperature on the MCDU taketemperature on the MCDU take--off pageoff pagebefore taking off before taking off .. CC The thrust levers will automatically moveThe thrust levers will automatically move

to the climb detentto the climb detent.. DD 

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The speed is controlled by the thrust andThe speed is contro lled by the thrust andthe rate of climb by the autopi lotthe rate of climb by the autopi lot ..  A A The speed and the rate of climb areThe speed and the rate of climb are

maintained by the autopi lotmaintained by the autopi lot .. BB 

The climb is control led by the thrust andThe climb is control led by the thrust and

the target speed is maintained by thethe target speed is maintained by theautopilot which adjust the pitchautopilot which adjust the pitch.. CC The speed and the rate of climb areThe speed and the rate of climb are

controlled by the thrustcontrolled by the thrust.. DD 

You are established in climb, THR CLB mode is

active :

You are established in c limbYou are established in c limb ,, THR CLB mode isTHR CLB mode is

activeactive ::  

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The aircraft levels off at 13000 feet ALT green on the

FMA, the autothrust i s in SPEED mode:

The aircraft levels off atThe aircraft levels off at 1300013000 feet ALT green on thefeet ALT green on the

FMAFMA,, thethe autothrustautothrust is in SPEED modeis in SPEED mode:: 

The target speed and the altitude areThe target speed and the altitude aremaintained by the autopi lotmaintained by the autopil ot.. A A The target speed is maintained by theThe target speed is maintained by the

autopilot and the altitude is controlled byautopilot and the altitude is controlled by

thethe autothrustautothrust..BB 

TheThe autothrustautothrust system controls the thrustsystem controls the thrust

to maintain the target speed and theto maintain the target speed and theautopilot maintain the altitude byautopilot maintain the altitude by

adjusting the pitchadjusting the pitch.. CC The altitude and speed are maintained byThe altitude and speed are maintained by

the Athe A//THRTHR..DD 

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To disconnect the ATo disconnect the A//THRTHR.. 

Why do you set the thrust levers to IDLE for


Why do you set the thrust levers to IDLE forWhy do you set the thrust levers to IDLE for


To engage the manual mode of theTo engage the manual mode of theautothrustautothrust..  A A To be prepared in case of touch and goTo be prepared in case of touch and go .. BB 


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The pilot flying has set the thrust levers toThe pilot f lying has set the thrust levers toIDLE to reduce the thrust for landingIDLE to reduce the thrust for landing ..  A A TheThe autothrustautothrust is now disconnectedis now disconnected.. BB 

TheThe autothrustautothrust manual mode is engagedmanual mode is engaged.. 


 According to FCU and FMA indicat ions, what


 According to FCU and FMA indicat ions According to FCU and FMA indicat ions ,, whatwhat


 A and B are correct A and B are correct.. DD 

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We can move this page to the rightWe can move this page to the right .. 

 A A  Another page is automatical ly displayed in Another page is automatical ly displayed in

relation to the phase of the flightrelation to the phase of the flight .. BB 

We can access to another page by actingWe can access to another page by actingon NEXT PAGE keyon NEXT PAGE key.. CC 

Have a look at the MCDU F-PLN page. Notice the

small white arrow shown on the right top. It

indicates that :

Have a look at the MCDU FHave a look at the MCDU F--PLN pagePLN page.. Notice theNotice the

small white arrow shown on the right topsmall white arrow shown on the right top.. ItIt

indicates thatindicates that ::  

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 As soon as a CO RTE or a CITY PAIR is entered in

the INIT PAGE A, the displayed coordinates are:

 As soon as a CO RTE or a CITY PAIR is entered in As soon as a CO RTE or a CITY PAIR is entered in

the INIT PAGE Athe INIT PAGE A,, the displayed coord inates arethe displayed coord inates are::  

The runway threshold positionThe runway threshold position..

 A A The aircraft present pos itionThe aircraft present pos ition .. BB 

The airport reference point posit ionThe airpor t reference point position.. 

CC The alternate airport positi onThe alternate airport position DD 

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The F-PLN page shown in the MCDU is :The FThe F--PLN page shown in the MCDU isPLN page shown in the MCDU is :: 

The FThe F--PLN page APLN page A.. 

 A A The FThe F--PLN page BPLN page B.. BB 

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The standard instrument departure is shown on the

navigation display, however an amber line can be


The standard instrument departure is shown on theThe standard instrument departure is shown on the

navigation displaynavigation display,, however an amber line can behowever an amber line can be


It is the secondary FIt is the secondary F--PLNPLN.. 

 A A It is a temporary FIt is a temporary F--PLNPLN.. BB 

It is the engine out standard instrumentIt is the engine out standard instrumentdeparturedeparture.. CC It is the standard departure for li ghtIt is the standard departure for l ight

airplanesairplanes ..DD 

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Have a look at the MCDU, the ILS 23R is a currently

selected approach, the green color means:

Have a look at the MCDUHave a look at the MCDU,, the ILSthe ILS 2323R is a currentlyR is a currently

selected approachselected approach,, the green color meansthe green color means::  

This approach is inserted into the activeThis approach is inserted into the activeFF--PLNPLN..  A A This approach is displayed in greenThis approach is displayed in green

before insertion in the Fbefore insertion in the F--PLNPLN.. BB 

This approach can not be selectedThis approach can not be selected.. 


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The ILS 23L has been currently selected, the yellow

fonts means:

The ILSThe ILS 2323L has been currently selectedL has been currently selected,, the yellowthe yellow

fonts meansfonts means::  

The selection has been made on theThe selection has been made on thesecondary FPLNsecondary FPLN..  A A This selection is definitely done andThis selection is definitely done and

cannot be erasedcannot be erased.. BB 

The selection is temporary and must beThe selection is temporary and must be

inserted to become active or erased to beinserted to become active or erased to berejectedrejected.. CC The crew has made a wrong selectionThe crew has made a wrong selection.. DD 

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To build routes using airwaysTo build routes using airways.. 

CC To enter VIAGOTo enter VIAGO//TO a new airportTO a new airport .. DD 

The lateral revision page from a F-PLN waypoint

shows VIAGO/TO data field, it is used:

The lateral revision page from a FThe lateral revision page from a F--PLN waypointPLN waypoint

shows VIAGOshows VIAGO//TO data fieldTO data field,, it is usedit is used::  

To buildTo build--up a Fup a F--PLN waypoint byPLN waypoint bywaypointwaypoint ..  A A To enter VIA a beacon TO a waypointTo enter VIA a beacon TO a waypoint .. BB 

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 Af ter engines star t which page shall be used to

enter any weight modification?

 Af ter engines star t which page shall be used to Af ter engines s tart which page shall be used to

enter any weight modif icationenter any weight modif ication?? 

The PROG pageThe PROG page.. 

 A A The PERF takeoff pageThe PERF takeoff page.. BB 

The AThe A//C STATUS pageC STATUS page.. 

CC The FUEL PRED pageThe FUEL PRED page.. DD 

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The flaps lever moving onto the take offThe flaps lever moving onto the take offsettingsetting..  A A ZFWCGZFWCG.. BB 

The ZFW and block fuelThe ZFW and block fuel .. 

CC The block fuel onlyThe block fuel only..DD 

Which data do you need to enter in MCDU in order

to obtain the operating speed computation?

Which data do you need to enter in MCDU in orderWhich data do you need to enter in MCDU in order

to obtain the operating speed computationto obtain the operating speed computation?? 

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Have a look at the PFD, the magenta digit value

displayed on the top o f the speed scale is:

Have a look at the PFDHave a look at the PFD,, the magenta digit valuethe magenta digit value

displayed on the top of the speed scale isdisplayed on the top of the speed scale is::  

VV11.. BB 

VV22 ++ 1010.. DD 

VV22 as manually set on the FCU by the pilotas manually set on the FCU by the pi lotflyingflying..  A A 

VV22 as entered on the MCDU takeoff pageas entered on the MCDU takeoff pageby the PFby the PF.. CC 

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What is the meaning of RWY green on the FMA ?What is the meaning of RWY green on the FMAWhat is the meaning of RWY green on the FMA ?? 

The lateral guidance during takeoff roll i sThe lateral guidance during takeoff roll i slinked to the ILS localizer signallinked to the ILS localizer signal..  A A The aircraft is automatically guided toThe aircraft is automatically gu ided to

maintain the runway center linemaintain the runway center line.. BB 

The runway used for takeoff is confirmedThe runway used for takeoff is confirmedby ATCby ATC.. CC 

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FCU clearance is FL150, the aircraft is climbing

toward FL60 as shown on PFD.

Why is FL60 displayed in magenta?

FCU clearance is FLFCU clearance is FL150150,, the aircraft is climbingthe aircraft is climbing

toward FLtoward FL6060 as shown on PFDas shown on PFD.. 

Why is FLWhy is FL6060 displayed in magentadisplayed in magenta?? 

This is an altitude constraintThis is an altitude constraint .. 

 A A  A speed constraint is entered A speed constraint is entered.. BB 

The active vertical mode is not OP CLBThe active vertical mode is not OP CLB..

CC The aircraft rate of climb is too lowThe aircraft rate of climb is too low.. DD 

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Have a look at the ND, ahead of the aircraft symbol

and along the F-PLN, a small magenta arrow is


What does it mean?

Have a look at the NDHave a look at the ND,, ahead of the aircraft symbolahead of the aircraft symbol

and along the Fand along the F--PLNPLN,, a small magenta arrow isa small magenta arrow is


What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

The aircraft i s in OP CLB modeThe aircraft i s in OP CLB mode.. 

 A A The altitude constraint cannot beThe altitude constraint cannot be

satisfiedsatisfied.. BB 

The aircraft will level off at that poin t toThe aircraft wil l level off at that point tosatisfy the altitude constraintsatisfy the altitude constraint .. CC The aircraft wi ll resume the climb at thatThe aircraft wil l resume the climb at that

pointpoint.. DD 

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On the climb f light path, 2 engines runn ing, the SRS

(speed reference system) provides a pitch attitude

to maintain:

On the climb flight pathOn the climb fl ight path ,, 22 engines runningengines running,, the SRSthe SRS

((speed reference systemspeed reference system)) provides a pitch attitudeprovides a pitch attitude

to maintainto maintain::  


 A A VV22 ++ 1010.. BB 

F speedF speed.. 

CC The existing speedThe existing speed.. DD 

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You are flying a selected HDG target. How do you

proceed to resume the normal F-PLN?

You are flying a selected HDG targetYou are flying a selected HDG target.. How do youHow do you

proceed to resume the normal Fproceed to resume the normal F--PLNPLN??

I turn right to intercept the FI turn right to intercept the F--PLN after thePLN after theTO waypointTO waypoint..  A A I maintain the present heading and I pushI maintain the present heading and I push

the heading selector knob to arm the NAVthe heading selector knob to arm the NAV

modemode.. BB 

I maintain the present heading waiting fo rI maintain the present heading waiting fo rthe automatic interceptionthe automatic interception.. CC I pull the HDG selector knobI pull the HDG selector knob.. DD 

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You are flying a selected heading target. A white dot

is displayed on the FCU beside the selected HDG.

What does it mean?

You are flying a selected heading targetYou are flying a selected heading target.. A whi te dot A whi te dot

is displayed on the FCU beside the selected HDGis displayed on the FCU beside the selected HDG.. 

What does it meanWhat does it mean??

The lateral managed mode has beenThe lateral managed mode has beenselected and is armedselected and is armed..  A A The lateral selected mode is notThe lateral selected mode is not

satisfactorysatisfactory.. BB 

The managed mode is activeThe managed mode is active.. 

CC The selected mode is not engagedThe selected mode is not engaged .. DD 

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 ALT mode is engaged, MCDU PERF page indicates

CLB. Why?

 ALT mode is engaged ALT mode is engaged,, MCDU PERF page indicatesMCDU PERF page indicates

CLBCLB.. WhyWhy ?? 

The FMGS is unable to control the climbThe FMGS is unable to control the climb .. 

 A A FLFL290290 is the FCU selectionis the FCU selection,, and is belowand is below

the CRZ FLthe CRZ FL.. BB 

The FMGS assumes that you w ill continueThe FMGS assumes that you w ill continuethe CLB higher thanthe CLB higher than 290290.. CC B and C are correctB and C are correct.. DD 

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 ALT mode is engaged at FL290, MCDU PERF page

indicates CLB. How do you obtain ALT CRZ on the

FMA at that alti tude (FL290) ?

 ALT mode is engaged at FL ALT mode is engaged at FL290290,, MCDU PERF pageMCDU PERF page

indicates CLBindicates CLB.. How do you obtain ALT CRZ on theHow do you obtain ALT CRZ on the

FMA at that altitudeFMA at that altitude ((FLFL290290)) ?? 

Set the new altitude clearance FLSet the new altitude clearance FL290290 ononthe MCDU PROG pagethe MCDU PROG page..  A A Set the new altitude clearance on the FCUSet the new altitude clearance on the FCU.. BB 

Push the altitude selector knob toPush the altitude selector knob tocontinue the climb as programmed beforecontinue the climb as programmed before.. CC 

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We are in OP DES and THR IDLE modes :We are in OP DES and THR IDLE modesWe are in OP DES and THR IDLE modes ::  

TheThe autothrustautothrust maintain the thrust at idlemaintain the thrust at idle

and the auto pilot adjust the pitch toand the auto pilot adjust the pitch to

maintain the target speedmaintain the target speed..  A A TheThe autothrustautothrust adjust the thrust toadjust the thrust to

maintain the target speed and themaintain the target speed and the

autopilot control the descent flight pathautopilot control the descent flight path.. BB 

TheThe autothrustautothrust maintain the thrust at idlemaintain the thrust at idle

and the autopi lot cont rol the verticaland the autopi lot cont rol the verticalspeedspeed.. CC TheThe autothrustautothrust contro l the target speedcontro l the target speed

and the rate of descentand the rate of descent.. DD 

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The approach phase activation can be done:The approach phase activation can be doneThe approach phase activation can be done::  

 Automat ically when the aircraft Automat ically when the aircraft overflyoverfly thethe

deceleration point or manually by the pilotdeceleration point or manually by the pilot

on the PERF pageon the PERF page  A A Only manually by the pilot through theOnly manually by the pilot through the


Only automatically at the decelerationOnly automatically at t he decelerationpointpoint.. CC 

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 As soon as the approach phase is activated, the

managed speed will depend on:

 As soon as the approach phase is activated As soon as the approach phase is act ivated ,, thethe

managed speed will depend onmanaged speed will depend on::  

Which autopilo t is engagedWhich autopilot i s engaged.. 

 A A The vertical mode previously flownThe vertical mode previously flown .. BB 

Which FMGC is the master Which FMGC is the master .. 

CC The aircraft configurationThe aircraft configuration.. DD 

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 At about 400 feet RA the LAND mode engages.

How this mode can be disengaged:

 At about At about 400400 feet RA the LAND mode engagesfeet RA the LAND mode engages.. 

How this mode can be disengagedHow this mode can be disengaged:: 

By pulli ng the heading selector knobBy pulling the heading selector knob.. 

 A A By pulling the VBy pulling the V//SS -- FPA knobFPA knob.. BB 

By pressing the approach modeBy pressing the approach modepushbuttonpushbutton.. CC By setting TOGA to engage the go aroundBy setting TOGA to engage the go around

modemode.. DD 

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Warn the pilot about a possible wrongWarn the pilot about a possible wrongaltitude setting on the FCUaltitude setting on the FCU..  A A 

Warn the pilot that the speed must beWarn the pil ot that the speed must be

reduced to regain the computed descentreduced to regain the computed descentprofileprofile.. CC Indicate that the expedite mode must beIndicate that the expedite mode must be

engagedengaged.. DD 

You are in descent. A small magenta dot is

displayed beside the altitude scale.

It is used to:

You are in descentYou are in descent.. A smal l magenta dot is A smal l magenta dot is

displayed beside the altitude scaledisplayed beside the altitude scale.. 

It is used toIt is used to::  

Highlight any vertical deviation of theHighlight any vertical deviation of the

aircraft from the computed descentaircraft from the computed descent

profileprofile.. BB 

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We are at go around, GA TRK is shown on the FMA

lateral mode.

What does it mean?

We are at go aroundWe are at go around,, GA TRK is shown on the FMAGA TRK is shown on the FMA

lateral modelateral mode.. 

What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

The aircraft is guided by theThe aircraft is guided by the autoflightautoflight

system along the programmed missedsystem along the programmed missed

approach navigationapproach navigation.. A A The aircraft is guided along a new rou te asThe aircraft is guided along a new rou te as

the navigation accuracy level reverted tothe navigation accuracy level reverted to

““ lowlow””  at the time of go aroundat the time of go around..BB 

The aircraft maintains the track followedThe aircraft maintains the track followedat mode engagementat mode engagement.. CC The aircraft p roceeds on the fastest wayThe aircraft p roceeds on the fastest way

to come back for a new approachto come back for a new approach.. DD 

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 Any t ime the alpha f loor protect ion is t riggered,

TOGA thrust is automatically set by the autothrust.

When is this pro tection available?

 Any t ime the alpha f loor protect ion is t riggered Any t ime the alpha f loor protect ion i s t riggered ,,

TOGA thrust is automatically set by theTOGA thrust is automatically set by the autothrustautothrust.. 

When is this protection availableWhen is th is protection available?? 

Throughout the whole flight envelopeThroughout the whole flight envelope.. 

 A A Only available on configurationOnly available on configuration 22,, 33 or fullor full

((with f laps extendedwith f laps extended).). BB 

From lift off untilFrom lift off until 2020 feet on approachfeet on approach.. 

CC From lift off untilFrom lift off until 100100 feet on approachfeet on approach..DD 

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First time to disconnect the autopilotFirst time to disconnect the autopilot .. Second time to confirm the disconnectionSecond time to confirm the disconnection ..  A A For the first time to disconnect theFor the first time to disconnect the

autopilot for the second time to get aautopilot for the second time to get a

definite priority on his sidedefinite priority on his side.. BB 

For the first time to disconnect theFor the first time to disconnect the

autopilot for the second time to reset allautopilot for the second time to reset allthe related warningsthe related warnings.. CC For the first time to disconnect theFor the first time to disconnect the

autopilot for the second time to reset theautopilot for the second time to reset the

master FMGCmaster FMGC.. DD 

Why must the pilot press the take over pushbutton

on the side stick twice to disconnect the autopilot?

Why must the pilot press the take over pushbuttonWhy must the pilot press the take over pushbutton

on the side stick twice to disconnect the autopiloton the side stick twice to disconnect the autopilot?? 

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TheThe autothrustautothrust is active but the thrust isis active but the thrust is

limited by the thrust levers positionlimited by the thrust levers position ..

TheThe autothrustautothrust is still active but canis still active but cancontrol the thrust to IDLE onlycontro l the thrust to IDLE only .. 

What does the autopi lot “ ATHR limited” amber

message disp layed on the ECAM E/WD mean?

What does the autopi lotWhat does the autopilot ““ ATHR limited ATHR limited””  amberamber

message displayed on the ECAM Emessage displayed on the ECAM E//WD meanWD mean??

 A A 


TheThe autothrustautothrust is active but only oneis active but only onechannel is operativechannel is operative.. CC The maximum engine thrust has beenThe maximum engine thrust has been

automatically reduced by theautomatically reduced by the FADECsFADECs.. DD 

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Both autopilots are engaged which FMGC is


Both autopilots are engaged which FMGC isBoth autopilots are engaged which FMGC is

master master ?? 



It depends on the active flight phaseIt depends on the active flight phase.. 

CC None as the twoNone as the two FMGCFMGC’’ss are actingare acting

independentlyindependently.. DD 


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The switching occurs at every FMGCThe switching occurs at every FMGCpower uppower up..  A A It depends on which ATHR channel isIt depends on which ATHR channel is

engagedengaged.. BB 




FD1 +2 are ON, no AP is engaged, which FMGC is


FDFD11 +2+2 are ONare ON,, no AP is engagedno AP is engaged,, which FMGC iswhich FMGC is

master master ?? 

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In independent operation mode which FMGC is


In independent operation mode which FMGC isIn independent operation mode which FMGC is

master master ?? 



NoneNone,, the twothe two FMGCFMGC’’ss are actingare actingindependentlyindependently.. CC It depends on which FMGC was theIt depends on which FMGC was the

master at the time of dual mode failuremaster at the time of dual mode failure.. DD 


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The “ OPP FMGC IN PROCESS” message is

displayed in amber on the scratchpad of the


What does it mean?

TheThe ““ OPP FMGC IN PROCESSOPP FMGC IN PROCESS””  message ismessage is

displayed in amber on the scratchpad of thedisplayed in amber on the scratchpad of the


What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

MCDUMCDU11 is dr iven by FMGCis dr iven by FMGC22.. 

 A A The FMGCThe FMGC22 is now master is now master .. BB 

The FMGCThe FMGC22 performance became betterperformance became betterthan the FMGCthan the FMGC11.. CC 

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The message “ SET OFFSIDE RANGE MODE” amber

appears on the ND1.

What does it mean?

The messageThe message ““ SET OFFSIDE RANGE MODESET OFFSIDE RANGE MODE””  amberamber

appears on the NDappears on the ND11.. 

What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

The selection of the offside range modeThe selection of the offside range mode

will allow the display of the navigationwill allow the display of the navigation

map on this sidemap on this side..  A A The selection of the offside range modeThe selection of the offside range mode

will make thewill make the FMGCFMGC’’s resynchronisations resynchronisation

shorter shorter ..BB 

The selection of the offside range modeThe selection of the offside range mode

will make the return on FMGC dual modewill make the return on FMGC dual modeeasier easier .. CC The selection of the offside range modeThe selection of the offside range mode

will reduce the FMGCwill reduce the FMGC11 reset duration atreset duration at

one minuteone minute.. DD 

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Normal use of the FCU as the FCUNormal use of t he FCU as the FCUchannelchannel 22 has taken over automaticallyhas taken over automatically..  A A The FCU is totally unserviceableThe FCU is totally unserviceable.. BB 

Only the lateral modes can be set from theOnly the lateral modes can be set from theFCU panelFCU panel.. CC Some FCU funct ions LOC and APPSome FCU functions LOC and APP

pushbuttons are not availablepushbuttons are not available..DD 

The FCU1 has failed, how can we use the FCU now?The FCUThe FCU11 has failedhas failed,, how can we use the FCU nowhow can we use the FCU now?? 

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The FCU 1 and 2 have failed, how the pilo t can

contro l the vertical and lateral modes?

The FCUThe FCU 11 andand 22 have failedhave failed,, how the pilot canhow the pilot can

contro l the vertical and lateral modescontrol the vertical and lateral modes?? 

Both APBoth AP’’s are lost but the FCU controlss are lost but the FCU controlsand indications are still availableand indications are still available..  A A Only the FDOnly the FD11 andand 22 are availableare available.. BB 

The vertical and lateral modes cannot beThe vertical and lateral modes cannot be

contro lled from the FCUcontro lled from the FCU.. Only the manualOnly the manualflight on raw data is possibleflight on raw data is possible..CC The pilot can control the lateral andThe pilot can cont rol the lateral and

vertical modes using the MCDUvertical modes using the MCDU.. DD 

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The message “ independent operation” is displayed

on both MCDU scratchpads.

What does it mean?

The messageThe message ““ independent operationindependent operation””  is displayedis displayed

on both MCDU scratchpadson both MCDU scratchpads.. 

What does it meanWhat does it mean??

The pilot can engage both AP in allThe pilot can engage both AP in allphases of flightphases of flight..  A A The cross talk functi on is lostThe cross talk function is lost ,, each FMGCeach FMGC

will work independentlywill work independently,, the same entrythe same entry

has to be made on bothhas to be made on both MCDUsMCDUs.. BB 

There is no more radio updating of theThere is no more radio updating of the

FMGC position and only the mix IRSFMGC position and only the mix IRScoordinates are provided for thecoordinates are provided for the

navigationnavigation.. CC 

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Due to a major mismatch (data base validi ty), we are

on FMGC “ independent operation” mode. When the

discrepancy disappears, what will be your action to

recover the dual mode?

Due to a major mismatchDue to a major mismatch ((data base validitydata base validity)),, we arewe are

on FMGCon FMGC ““ independent operationindependent operation””  modemode.. When theWhen the

discrepancy disappearsdiscrepancy disappears,, what will be your action towhat will be your action to

recover the dual moderecover the dual mode??

I will reset the two FMGC circuit breakersI will reset the two FMGC circuit breakers.. 

 A A I will select MCDU menu and FMGC onI will select MCDU menu and FMGC on

each FMGCeach FMGC.. BB 

 As the FMGC As the FMGC11 is now the master is now the master ,, I willI willonly reset the FMGConly reset the FMGC22 circu it breaker circui t breaker .. CC I do nothing as the system revertsI do nothing as the system reverts

automatically toautomatically to ““ dual modedual mode”” .. DD 

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The FMGC1 failed and “ OPP FMGC IN PROCESS” is

displayed on the MCDU1. The FMGC2 has taken

over automatically :

The FMGCThe FMGC11 failed andfailed and ““ OPP FMGC IN PROCESSOPP FMGC IN PROCESS””  isis

displayed on the MCDUdisplayed on the MCDU11.. The FMGCThe FMGC22 has takenhas taken

over automaticallyover automatically ::  

The entry can be done from either MCDUThe entry can be done from either MCDU.. 

 A A The entry can be done from MCDUThe entry can be done from MCDU 11 onlyonly.. BB 

The entry can be done from MCDUThe entry can be done from MCDU 22 onlyonly.. 



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You are in “ THR IDLE/DES” modes with autopilot 1

engaged and the FCU 1 fails .

What is the action required?

You are inYou are in ““ THR IDLETHR IDLE//DESDES””  modes with autopilotmodes with autopilot 11 

engaged and the FCUengaged and the FCU 11 failsfails.. 

What is the action requiredWhat is the action required??

 As the autopilot As the autop ilot 11 disengagesdisengages,, engageengageautopilotautopilot 22..  A A The PFD barometric reference is now onlyThe PFD barometric reference is now only

available on standard and the pilot mustavailable on standard and the pilot must

set the currentset the current barobaro setting on thesetting on the

standby altimeter standby altimeter .. BB 

The FCUThe FCU22 has taken over automaticallyhas taken over automatically

and theand the barobaro reference must be crossreference must be crosscheckedchecked.. CC 

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I use VHFI use VHF 33 to call himto call him.. 

CC I select the MECH transmission keyI select the MECH transmission key 

on the ACPon the ACP.. DD 

You want to speak to the mechanic. He is

somewhere around the aircraft but you can’t see

him. How do you get his attention?

You want to speak to the mechanicYou want to speak to the mechanic.. He isHe is

somewhere around the aircraft but you cansomewhere around the aircraft but you can’’ t seet see

himhim.. How do you get his attentionHow do you get his attention?? 

I open the side window and try toI open the side window and try toget his attentionget his attention..  A A I use the MECHI use the MECH pb swpb sw on the CALLSon the CALLS 

panelpanel.. BB 

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On the RCDR control panelOn the RCDR contro l panel ,, press thepress the

GND CTLGND CTL pbpb  to switch the CVR ONto switch the CVR ON,, thenthen

press the CVR TESTpress the CVR TEST pbpb .. BB 

The CVR TEST can only be performedThe CVR TEST can only be performed

after one engine is started thenafter one engine is started then ““ BB””  answer is appliedanswer is applied.. CC Be sure the PARKING BRK is ON thenBe sure the PARKING BRK is ON then

repeatrepeat ““ BB””  answer answer .. DD 

During Preflight, check of the CVR operation is

performed as follow.

During PreflightDuring Preflight,, check of the CVR operation ischeck of the CVR operation is

performed as followperformed as follow.. 

The system being operative as soon asThe system being operative as soon as

aircraftaircraft ElecElec Power network is poweredPower network is powered,,

on the RCDR Control panelon the RCDR Control panel ,, press thepress the

CVR TESTCVR TEST pbpb ,, you get an audio signal foryou get an audio signal for

correct operationcorrect operation.. 

 A A 

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The aircraft must be on the ground withThe aircraft must be on the ground with

at least one engine runn ingat least one engine runn ing .. BB 

The aircraft must be off the groundThe aircraft mus t be off the ground.. 

CC The engines must be shut down for atThe engines must be shut down for at

leastleast 55 minutesminutes.. DD 

 Af ter landing , to erase the CVR... Af ter landing Af ter landing ,, to erase the CVRto erase the CVR...... 

The aircraft must be on the ground withThe aircraft must be on the ground withthe parking brake setthe parking brake set..  A A 

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It is an indication that the VHF used onIt is an indication that the VHF used on

RMPRMP 22 is not the standard oneis not the standard one.. BB 



On the RMP control panel, what does the white SEL

light mean?

On the RMP control panelOn the RMP control panel,, what does the whi te SELwhat does the wh ite SEL

light meanlight mean?? 

It is an indication for a SELCALIt is an indication for a SELCAL..  A A 



It indicates that RMPIt indicates that RMP11 is configured tois configured totune VFHtune VFH22.. 

It indicates that RMPIt indicates that RMP22 is configured tois configured to

tune VHFtune VHF22.. 

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Pressing the VHFPressing the VHF 11 and SELand SEL pbpb  on RMPon RMP 11.. BB 

Pressing the SELPressing the SEL pbpb  on RMPon RMP 22.. 

CC Pressing the VHFPressing the VHF 22 on RMPon RMP 22.. DD 

Pressing the SELPressing the SEL pbpb  on RMPon RMP 11..  A A 



How do you extinguish the white SEL light?How do you extinguish the white SEL lightHow do you extinguish the white SEL light?? 

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FalseFalse.. BB 

On the VHF system, in case of RMP 1 failure, VHF 1

is lost.

On the VHF systemOn the VHF system,, in case of RMPin case of RMP 11 failurefailure,, VHFVHF 11 

is lostis lost.. 

TrueTrue..  A A 

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FalseFalse.. BB 

With the AUDIO SWITCHING knob in the CAPT 3

position, the captain subs titutes ACP 3 for ACP 1.

With the AUDIO SWITCHING knob in the CAPTWith the AUDIO SWITCHING knob in the CAPT 33 

positionposition,, the captain substitutes ACPthe captain substitutes ACP 33 for ACPfor ACP 11.. 

TrueTrue..  A A 

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FalseFalse.. BB 

On the communication control panel, the amber

CALL light indicates that somebody is trying to

reach you via VHF 3.

On the communication control panelOn the communication control panel,, the amberthe amber

CALL light indicates that somebody is trying toCALL light indicates that somebody is trying to

reach you via VHFreach you via VHF 33.. 

TrueTrue..  A A 

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 As you enter in the dark cockpit you f irst check the

battery vo ltages.

What are the necessary checks before checking the


 As you enter in the dark cockpit you f irst check the As you enter in the dark cockpit you f irst check the

battery voltagesbattery voltages.. 

What are the necessary checks before checking theWhat are the necessary checks before checking the


 A A 


You must check that the external power isYou must check that the external power isavailable and then switch it onavailable and then switch it on .. 

You can read the battery voltagesYou can read the battery voltages

immediatelyimmediately.. No actions are requiredNo actions are required.. 

You have to switch each battery on by i tsYou have to switch each battery on by i tsassociatedassociated pb swpb sw to check the voltageto check the voltage.. CC 

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 According to these indicat ions, which s tatement is

true ?

 According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions ,, which statement iswhich statement is

truetrue ?? 

Both battery voltages are above theBoth battery voltages are above theminimum ofminimum of 2020 VV..  A A Both battery voltages are below theBoth battery voltages are below the

minimum ofminimum of 25.525.5  V V.. BB 

I can only check the battery voltages onI can only check the battery voltages onthe ECAM ELEC pagethe ECAM ELEC page.. CC I can only check the battery voltagesI can only check the battery voltages,, withwith

batteries onbatteries on.. DD 

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You want to recharge the batteries.

How do you proceed?

You want to recharge the batteriesYou want to recharge the batteries.. 

How do you proceedHow do you proceed?? 

External power is availableExternal power is available.. I only have toI only have to

switch the batteries to on and they will beswitch the batteries to on and they will be

chargedcharged.. A A I have to swi tch the external power andI have to swi tch the external power and

the batteries to on and the batteries will bethe batteries to on and the batteries will be

chargedcharged.. BB 

I have to switch the external power to ONI have to switch the external power to ONand the batteries will be chargedand the batteries will be charged.. CC I have to call a mechanic because theI have to call a mechanic because the

batteries can only be charged bybatteries can only be charged by

maintenancemaintenance.. DD 

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What is the meaning o f the green AVAIL light ?What is the meaning o f the green AVAIL lightWhat is the meaning o f the green AVAIL light ?? 

The external power is pl ugged in and theThe external power is plugged in and the

voltage and frequency parameters arevoltage and frequency parameters are

normalnormal..  A A The external power is plugged inThe external power is pl ugged in .. BB 

The external power panel door has beenThe external power panel door has beenopenedopened.. CC The AVAIL light always illuminates onThe AVAIL light always illuminates on

groundground.. DD 

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 Af ter having switched the external power to ON, you

get the following indications. How do you interpret

the amber generator parameters and the generator

fault lights ?

 Af ter having switched the external power to ON Af ter having switched the external power to ON,, youyou

get the following ind icationsget the following indications.. How do you interpretHow do you interpret

the amber generator parameters and the generatorthe amber generator parameters and the generator

fault lightsfault lights ?? 

You have to switch the generators to ONYou have to switch the generators to ON.. 

 A A  A failure has been detected A failure has been detected.. TheThe

generators wil l not be able to supply thegenerators will not be able to supp ly the 

electrical system after engine startelectrical system after engine start  BB 

There is an internal self test in p rogressThere is an internal self test in progress .. 

The fault lights and the amber indicationsThe fault li ghts and the amber indications  should disappear aftershould disappear after 3030 secondsseconds.. CC On ground these indications are normalOn ground these indications are normal

when the engines are not runningwhen the engines are not runn ing .. DD 

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1010 minutesminutes 

 A A One hour One hour  BB 

2020 minutesminutes 

CC Several hoursSeveral hours  DD 

Both batteries are now being charged by the

external power unit.

 Approximately how long does the charging process

take ?

Both batteries are now being charged by theBoth batteries are now being charged by the

external power un itexternal power un it .. 

 Approximately how long does the charging process Approx imately how long does the charging process

taketake ?? 

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 Af ter 20 minutes you check the ECAM ELEC page


Which statement is true ?

 Af ter Af ter 2020 minutes you check the ECAM ELEC pageminutes you check the ECAM ELEC page


Which statement is trueWhich statement is true ?? 

Both battery voltages are still below theBoth battery voltages are still below theminimum voltageminimum voltage..  A A To check the battery voltages I have toTo check the battery voltages I have to

switch them OFF firstswitch them OFF first .. BB 

To check the battery voltages I have toTo check the battery voltages I have todisconnect external power firstdisconnect external power first .. CC Both battery voltages are now above theBoth battery voltages are now above the

minimum voltageminimum voltage.. DD 

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You have started the APU.

Observe ECAM ELEC page !

Why is the electrical system still suppl ied by

external power only ?

You have started the APUYou have started the APU.. 

Observe ECAM ELEC pageObserve ECAM ELEC page !!  

Why is the electrical system still suppl ied byWhy is the electrical system still suppl ied by

external power on lyexternal power on ly ?? 

External power was connected firstExternal power was connected first .. 

 A A External power has priority over the APUExternal power has priority over the APU 

generator generator .. BB 

The APU generator is s till switched off The APU generator is st ill swi tched off .. 

CC The external power vol tage is more stableThe external power vol tage is more stable.. DD 

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The APU generator i s supp lying the electrical


By the way, do you know the order of priority for

the different generators ?

The APU generator i s supp lying the electricalThe APU generator is supply ing the electrical


By the wayBy the way,, do you know the order of priority fordo you know the order of priority for

the different generatorsthe different generators ?? 

enginesengines,, external power external power ,, APU APU.. 

 A A  APU APU,, enginesengines,, external power external power .. BB 

external power external power ,, enginesengines,, APU APU.. 

CC  APU APU,, external power external power ,, enginesengines.. DD 

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On the ELEC Panel, you have lifted the IDG red


How do you disconnect the IDG now ?

On the ELEC PanelOn the ELEC Panel ,, you have lifted the IDG redyou have lifted the IDG red


How do you disconnect the IDG nowHow do you disconnect the IDG now ??

I push the disconnect button and releaseI push the disconnect button and release

it immediately in order to prevent theit immediately in order to prevent thedisconnect mechanism from beingdisconnect mechanism from being

damageddamaged..  A A I push the disconnect button until theI push the disconnect button until the

GEN FAULT light comes on and then forGEN FAULT light comes on and then for

at leastat least 33 more seconds in o rder to ensuremore seconds in order to ensure 

the disconnectionthe disconnection.. BB 

I push the disconnect button for at leastI push the disconnect button for at least 1010 seconds to ensure the disconnectionseconds to ensure the disconnection .. CC I push the disconnect button until theI push the disconnect button until the

GEN FAULT light comes on but not moreGEN FAULT light comes on but not more

thanthan 33  seconds otherwise the disconnectseconds otherwise the disconnect

mechanism may be damagedmechanism may be damaged.. DD 

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CONFIGURATION, shortly after the fault occur red,

you notice the red FAULT light on the RAT & EMER

GEN pushbut ton.

How do you interpret this indication ?


CONFIGURATIONCONFIGURATION,, short ly after the fault occurredshortl y after the fault occurred,,

you notice the red FAULT light on the RATyou not ice the red FAULT light on the RAT && EMEREMER

GEN pushbuttonGEN pushbutton.. 

How do you interpret this indicationHow do you interpret this indication ?? 

The EMER GEN is not supplying theThe EMER GEN is not supplying the systemsystem..  A A The fault l ight on the RATThe fault l ight on the RAT && EMER GENEMER GEN 

pbpb  will extinguish by depressing itwill extinguish by depressing it .. BB 

The FAULT light is always on when youThe FAULT light is always on when you  are in ELEC EMER CONFIGare in ELEC EMER CONFIG.. CC 

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To separate both s ides of the electricalTo separate both s ides of the electrical systemsystem..  A A To connect both generators directly to theTo connect both generators directly to the 


To connect both si des of the electricalTo connect both s ides of the electrical systemsystem.. CC To switch both generators to the oppositeTo switch both generators to the oppos ite 

side AC BUSside AC BUS.. DD 


CONFIGURATION, on ELEC panel you have

depressed the GEN 1 and GEN 2 pb for reset.

The reset was unsuccessful.

Why must you push the BUS TIE pb sw to OFF ?


CONFIGURATIONCONFIGURATION,, on ELEC panel you haveon ELEC panel you have

depressed the GENdepressed the GEN 11 and GENand GEN 22 pbpb for resetfor reset.. 

The reset was unsuccessfulThe reset was unsuccessful .. 

Why must you push the BUS TIEWhy must you push the BUS TIE pb swpb sw to OFFto OFF ?? 

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after performing the initial ECAM procedure, you

have separated both sides of the electrical system.

Why do you have to try another generator reset ?


after performing the init ial ECAM procedureafter performing the initial ECAM procedure,, youyou

have separated both s ides of the electrical systemhave separated both sides of the electrical sys tem.. 

Why do you have to try another generator resetWhy do you have to try another generator reset ?? 

If there was a short circuitIf there was a short circuit ,, you mightyou might recover one generator nowrecover one generator now..  A A Because the generators had time to coolBecause the generators had time to cool  

down and now a reset might bedown and now a reset might be 

successfulsuccessful .. BB 

You should always try two resets if youYou should always try two resets if you have a generator failurehave a generator failure.. CC 

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Reconnect the generator to it s driveReconnect the generator to its drive


Disconnect the corresponding generatorDisconnect the corresponding generatorfrom its drive shaftfrom its drive shaft .. 

Cut the corresponding generator supplyCut the correspond ing generator supply

to the ESS AC busto the ESS AC bus.. 

Cut the corresponding generator supplyCut the correspond ing generator supplyto AC busto AC bus 11 oror 22.. 

The purpose of the Integrated Drive Generator (IDG)

pb sw is to:

The purpose of the Integrated Drive GeneratorThe purpose of the Integrated Drive Generator ((IDGIDG))

pbpb  swsw  is tois to::

 A A 




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GEN 1  GEN 2 


The engine dri ven generators are running.The engine dri ven generators are runningThe engine dr iven generators are running .. 

 At the engine RPM trough their gearbox At the engine RPM trough their gearboxconnectionconnection..  A A  At constant speed by a dr ive mechanism At constant speed by a dr ive mechanism

between the generator and ENG gearboxbetween the generator and ENG gearbox.. BB 

 At a in termediate speed control led by an At a in termediate speed control led by anelectronic computer electronic computer .. CC No necessity to contro l the generatorNo necessity to contro l the generator

speed because the AC network operatesspeed because the AC network operates

under variable frequencyunder variable frequency.. DD 

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 AC ESS bus is fed by AC bus AC ESS bus is fed by AC bus 11.. DC ESS bus is fed by DC busDC ESS bus is fed by DC bus 11..  A A  AC ESS bus is fed by AC bus AC ESS bus is fed by AC bus 22..

DC ESS bus is fed by DC busDC ESS bus is fed by DC bus 11.. BB 

To balance theTo balance the ElecElec load GENload GEN 11 is directlyis directlysupplying the AC ESS BUSsupply ing the AC ESS BUS.. CC To balance theTo balance the ElecElec load GENload GEN 22 is directlyis directly

supplying the AC ESS bussupply ing the AC ESS bus.. DD 

The Electrical System includes two buses: AC ESS


In normal configuration :

The Electrical System includes two busesThe Electrical System includes two buses ::  AC ESS AC ESS


In normal configurationIn normal configuration ::  

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From AC busFrom AC bus 22 to AC busto AC bus 11.. 

 A A From AC busFrom AC bus 11 to AC busto AC bus 22.. BB 

From the APU generator From the APU generator .. 

CC From ESS DC busFrom ESS DC bus.. DD 

The purpose of AC ESS FEED pb sw is to enable

the pilot to switchover the supply of AC ESS bus.

The purpose of AC ESS FEEDThe purpose of AC ESS FEED pb swpb sw is to enableis to enable

the pilot to sw itchover the supply of AC ESS busthe pilot to swi tchover the supply of AC ESS bus .. 

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Please indicate the position of the ELEC panel.Please indicate the position of the ELEC panelPlease indicate the posit ion of the ELEC panel.. 

 A A  BB  CC 

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Please indicate the position of the EMERG ELEC

PWR panel.

Please indicate the position of the EMERG ELECPlease indicate the position of the EMERG ELEC

PWR panelPWR panel.. 

 A A  BB  CC 

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 A A FalseFalse.. BB 

The emergency electrical generator used as a back

up is hydraulically driven by the RAT which

automatically extends when both AC BUS 1 and AC

BUS 2 are lost and the aircraft speed is above


The emergency electrical generator used as a backThe emergency electrical generator used as a back

up is hydraulically driven by the RAT whichup is hydraulically driven by the RAT which

automatically extends when both AC BUSautomatically extends when both AC BUS 11 and ACand AC

BUSBUS 22  are lost and the aircraft speed is aboveare lost and the aircraft speed is above


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There is defect on the APU GEN out putThere is defect on the APU GEN out put .. 

From ECAM ELEC page, the APU GEN box

information indicates that:

From ECAM ELEC pageFrom ECAM ELEC page,, the APU GEN boxthe APU GEN box

information indicates thatinformation indicates that:: 

The APU GENThe APU GEN pbpb SW on overhead panel isSW on overhead panel is

of f of f .. BB 

The APU is no t ful ly available yetThe APU is no t ful ly available yet.. 

CC There is defect on the APU GEN out putThere is defect on the APU GEN out put .. DD 

The APU GEN does not have priority overThe APU GEN does not have priority overthe external power the external power ..  A A 

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Push APU GENPush APU GEN pb swpb sw located overheadlocated overheadpanelpanel..  A A Wait untilWait until 11st Engine is Startedst Engine is Started.. BB 

Deselect EXT PWRDeselect EXT PWR.. 


Looking at the ECAM ELEC Page, to connect APU


Looking at the ECAM ELEC PageLooking at the ECAM ELEC Page,, to connect APUto connect APU


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What does the APU GEN % indication mean ?What does the APU GENWhat does the APU GEN %% indication meanindication mean ?? 

 APU GEN shares APU GEN shares 3636%% of theof the elecelec networknetwork

loadload,, the remainingthe remaining 64%64% being taken bybeing taken by

the external power the external power .. A A 

The external power is supplying theThe external power is supplying thenetworknetwork.. CC 

 APU GEN is supplying the network at APU GEN is supplying the network at 36%36% 

of its maximum loadof its maximum load.. BB 

ELEC – 240S

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Switched ONSwitched ON.. 

 A A Switched OFFSwitched OFF.. BB 

 Any posit ion Any posit ion,, the voltage indication beingthe voltage indication beingall time availableall time available.. CC 

During preliminary procedure to check the battery

voltage, the associated BATT pb sw should be:

During preliminary procedure to check the batteryDuring preliminary procedure to check the battery

voltagevoltage,, the associated BATTthe associated BATT pb swpb sw should beshould be::  

ELEC – 240U

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The minimum battery voltage for normal operation

should be:

The minimum battery voltage for normal operationThe minimum battery voltage for normal operation

should beshould be:: 


 A A 25,525,5VV.. BB 



ELEC – 240V

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The EXT PWR AVAIL illuminated green on the

overhead panel means that :

The EXT PWR AVAIL illuminated green on theThe EXT PWR AVAIL illuminated green on the

overhead panel means thatoverhead panel means that ::  

The ground cart is supplying the aircraftThe ground cart is supplying the aircraftnetworknetwork..  A A The external power is pl ugged in andThe external power is pl ugged in and

delivers bleed air delivers bleed air .. BB 

The connected ground cart voltage andThe connected ground cart voltage andfrequency are normalfrequency are normal..CC 

ELEC – 240X

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On EXT PWR pb sw, the i lluminated cyan light

means that:

On EXT PWROn EXT PWR pb swpb sw,, the illuminated cyan lightthe illuminated cyan light

means thatmeans that::  

The ground cart is supplying the aircraftThe ground cart is supplying the aircraftelectrical networkelectrical network..  A A External power is plugged in but notExternal power is plugged in but not

supplying the networksupplying the network.. BB 

External power is plugged in and deliversExternal power is plugged in and deliversbleed air on lybleed air on ly .. CC 

ELEC – 240Y

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 Af ter start ing engine n°2, is the present ECAM ELEC

page a correct confi guration?

 Af ter start ing engine n Af ter start ing engine n °°22,, is the present ECAM ELECis the present ECAM ELEC

page a correct configurationpage a correct confi guration?? 

NoNo.. ENG GEN nENG GEN n°°22  should power allshould power allaircraft networkaircraft network..  A A NoNo.. The APU GEN should continueThe APU GEN should continue

powering all aircraft networkpowering all aircraft network.. BB 

YesYes.. ENG GEN nENG GEN n°°22  is now powering itsis now powering itsown sideown side.. CC 

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Is the ELEC ECAM system page in accordance with

the both engines running electrical configuration ?

Is the ELEC ECAM system page in accordance withIs the ELEC ECAM system page in accordance with

the both engines running electrical configurationthe both engines running electrical configuration ?? 


 A A NoNo.. The APU should continue poweringThe APU should continue powering

the aircraft until crew switch it off the aircraft until crew switch it off .. BB 

NoNo.. GENGEN11 should supply ACshould supply AC11 and ACand AC22.. 

CC NoNo.. GENGEN22 should supply ACshould supply AC11 and ACand AC22.. DD 

ELEC – 2410

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 At the gate, wi th both eng ines shut down, i s this

ECAM ELEC page configuration correct ?

 At the gate At the gate,, with both engines shut downwith both engines shut down,, is thisis this

ECAM ELEC page configuration correctECAM ELEC page configuration correct ??


 A A NoNo.. BB 

The crew should shut down one engine atThe crew should shut down one engine ata time to reach this configurationa time to reach this configuration .. CC The crew should select EXT POWER ONThe crew should select EXT POWER ON.. DD 

ELEC – 2411

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You are at the gate, APU GEN is supplying the

network, the EXT POWER is plugged in.

What wil l happen when EXT POWER is selected


You are at the gateYou are at the gate,, APU GEN is supplying the APU GEN is supplying the

networknetwork,, the EXT POWER is p lugged inthe EXT POWER is p lugged in .. 

What wil l happen when EXT POWER is selectedWhat will happen when EXT POWER is selected


The APU GEN will be disconnected andThe APU GEN will be disconnected andwill stopwill stop..  A A The EXT POWER wil l supply the AThe EXT POWER wil l supply the A//CC

networknetwork.. BB 

The APU and ground power will bothThe APU and ground power will bothsupply the Asupply the A//C networkC network .. CC The transfer between APU supply andThe transfer between APU supply and

ground power will take place only afterground power will take place only after

depressing the APUdepressing the APU//GENGEN pb swpb sw to stopto stop

the APU supplythe APU supply..DD 

ELEC – 2412

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GEN 1 is now inoperative due to the ECAM

procedure application following an IDG OIL LO PR


Is the associated AC BUS still available?

GENGEN 11 is now inoperative due to the ECAMis now inoperative due to the ECAM

procedure application following an IDG OIL LO PRprocedure application following an IDG OIL LO PR


Is the associated AC BUS still availableIs the associated AC BUS still available?? 

YesYes.. AC ESS is supplying the AC AC ESS is supplying the AC 11.. 

 A A YesYes.. GENGEN 22 has taken over has taken over .. BB 

NoNo.. GENGEN 22 will be disconnected from ACwill be disconnected from ACBUSBUS 22 withinwithin 1010 minutesminutes.. CC NoNo.. APU must be started to recover AC APU must be started to recover AC


ELEC – 2413

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MinimumMinimum 33 secondsseconds.. 

 A A MaximumMaximum 33 secondsseconds.. BB 

Until fault amber light goes outUntil fault amber light goes out.. 

CC No time limitNo time limit .. DD 

When executing ECAM action following an IDG OIL

LO PR, the crew will have to hold IDG pb sw

pressed for:

When executing ECAM action following an IDG OILWhen executing ECAM action following an IDG OIL

LO PRLO PR,, the crew will have to hold IDGthe crew will have to hold IDG pb swpb sw 

pressed for pressed for ::  

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By starting the APU to connect a thirdBy starting the APU to connect a thirdgenerator to share the loadgenerator to share the load..  A A By switching OFF the galleyBy switching OFF the galley.. BB 

By transferring load on GENBy transferring load on GEN11 in order toin order tokeep the galley operatingkeep the galley operating.. CC 

In case of GEN 2 OVERLOAD ECAM caution, how

do you of f load the generator?

In case of GENIn case of GEN 22 OVERLOAD ECAM cautionOVERLOAD ECAM caution,, howhow

do you off load the generator do you o ff load the generator ?? 

ELEC – 2416

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Following a GEN 2 OVERLOAD and the shedding of

the galley is the ELEC page correct?

Following a GENFollowing a GEN 22 OVERLOAD and the shedding ofOVERLOAD and the shedding of

the galley is the ELEC page correctthe galley is the ELEC page correct?? 


 A A NoNo.. The GEN overload should stay amber The GEN overload shou ld s tay amber .. BB 

NoNo.. The GALLEY SHED message shouldThe GALLEY SHED message shouldbe removedbe removed.. CC 

ELEC – 2417

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In flight, following an AC BUS 1 FAULT, AC ESS

FEED pb sw must be depressed in o rder to:

In flightIn flight ,, following an AC BUSfollowing an AC BUS 11 FAULTFAULT,, AC ESS AC ESS

FEEDFEED pb swpb sw must be depressed in order tomust be depressed in order to::  

Recover AC ESS FEED from AC BUSRecover AC ESS FEED from AC BUS 22.. 

 A A Recover ACRecover AC11 busbus.. BB 

Recover ACRecover AC22 busbus.. 


ELEC – 241A

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 AC BUS 1 FAULT wi ll def in it ively lead to the DC

and AC ESS buses loss:

 AC BUS AC BUS 11  FAULT will definit ively lead to the DCFAULT will definitively lead to the DC

and AC ESS buses lossand AC ESS buses loss ::  


 A A NoNo.. Only AC ESS bus is recoverableOnly AC ESS bus is recoverable.. BB 

NoNo.. DC and AC ESS buses wil l beDC and AC ESS buses wil l be

recovered by pushing on the AC ESSrecovered by pushing on the AC ESSFEEDFEED pbpb  swsw .. CC 

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To recover the AC ESS BUS power onlyTo recover the AC ESS BUS power only .. 

 A A To recover the DC ESS BUS power onlyTo recover the DC ESS BUS power only .. BB 

To recover AC and DC ESS busesTo recover AC and DC ESS buses.. 

CC To recover AC BUSTo recover AC BUS 11 power power .. DD 

Following an AC BUS 1 fault, push ing the AC ESS

FEED pb sw on ELEC overhead panel allows you:

Following an AC BUSFollowing an AC BUS 11 faultfault ,, pushing the AC ESSpushing the AC ESS

FEEDFEED pb swpb sw on ELEC overhead panel allows youon ELEC overhead panel allows you::  

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We had an ELEC EMER conf igurationWe had an ELEC EMER configuration,, thetheRAT is extendedRAT is extended..  A A The fault stays illuminated even afterThe fault stays illuminated even after

emergency generator connectionemergency generator connection .. BB 

The emergency generator is notThe emergency generator is notconnectedconnected..CC 

Following the RAT extension due to ELEC EMER

CONF, the RAT and EMER GEN FAULT light is


What does it mean?

Following the RAT extension due to ELEC EMERFollowing the RAT extension due to ELEC EMER

CONFCONF,, the RAT and EMER GEN FAULT light isthe RAT and EMER GEN FAULT light is


What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

ELEC – 241D

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In case of ELEC EMER CONF, LAND ASAP in red is

displayed on the E/WD.

This message will stay:

In case of ELEC EMER CONFIn case of ELEC EMER CONF,, LAND ASAP in red isLAND ASAP in red is

displayed on the Edisplayed on the E//WDWD.. 

This message will stayThis message will stay:: 

 As long as the Red warning ELEC EMER As long as the Red warning ELEC EMERCONF persistsCONF persis ts ..  A A Even after having reset one generatorEven after having reset one generator

successfullysuccessfully .. BB 

Even if BUS TIEEven if BUS TIE pb swpb sw is pushedis pushed.. 

CC Even if APU is startedEven if APU is started.. DD 

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Push BUS TIEPush BUS TIE pbpb SW located on ELECSW located on ELECsystem overhead panelsystem overhead panel..  A A Reset each AC generator Reset each AC generator .. BB 

Manually lower RAT by pushing itsManually lower RAT by pushing its pbpb SWSW 

CC Nothing has to be done because theNothing has to be done because the

segregation i s done automaticallysegregation i s done automatically .. DD 

In case of an ELEC EMER CONFIG situation, how

can the two sides of the electrical system be

segregated e.g to isolate a short circuit ?

In case of an ELEC EMER CONFIG situationIn case of an ELEC EMER CONFIG situation ,, howhow

can the two sides of the electrical system becan the two sides of the electrical system be

segregated esegregated e..g to isolate a short circuitg to isolate a short circuit ?? 

ELEC – 241H

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Being in an EMER ELEC configuration what is

happening when A/C speed drops below 140 kts?

Being in an EMER ELEC configuration what isBeing in an EMER ELEC configuration what is

happening when Ahappening when A//C speed drops belowC speed drops below 140140 ktskts??

Electrical network i s automaticallyElectrical network is automatically

transferred to the batteriestransferred to the batteries.. BB 

You have to stop AC generator byYou have to stop AC generator bypressing thepressing the ““ MAN ONMAN ON-- AUTO AUTO””  pbpb switchswitch.. CC You have to switch ON the both batteriesYou have to switch ON the both batteries.. DD 

 AC generators are less powerfu l due to AC generators are less powerfu l due toRAT speed decreaseRAT speed decrease..  A A 

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In ELEC EMER CONF, you are in single display

mode on the ECAM.

Can you manually call an ECAM system page ?

In ELEC EMER CONFIn ELEC EMER CONF,, you are in single displayyou are in single display

mode on the ECAMmode on the ECAM.. 

Can you manually call an ECAM system pageCan you manually call an ECAM system page ?? 

NoNo.. The upper ECAM screen is only usedThe upper ECAM screen is only usedfor Efor E//WD displayWD display..  A A YesYes,, by pressing and holding itsby pressing and holding its

associatedassociated pbpb SW on the ECAM controlSW on the ECAM control

panelpanel.. BB 

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 A A The complete DC networkThe complete DC network.. BB 


CC The AC and DC ESSThe AC and DC ESS.. DD 

In EMER ELEC CONF, when the RAT stalls due to

 A/C speed decreasing, the s tat ic inverter wi ll

become active in order to supply :

In EMER ELEC CONFIn EMER ELEC CONF,, when the RAT stalls due towhen the RAT stalls due to

 A A//C speed decreasingC speed decreasing,, the static inverter willthe static inverter will

become active in order to supplybecome active in order to supply ::  

ELEC – 241N

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In case of avionics bay smoke, GEN 1 LINE pb is

selected OFF.

What will happen?

In case of avionics bay smokeIn case of avionics bay smoke,, GENGEN 11 LINELINE pbpb isis

selected OFFselected OFF..

What will happenWhat wil l happen?? 

 Al l warnings wi ll be reset Al l warnings wi ll be reset .. 

 A A The smoke in the avionic bay will beThe smoke in the avionic bay wil l be

evacuatedevacuated.. BB 

GENGEN11 will be disconnected from thewill be disconnected from thenetworknetwork.. CC Fire extingu isher bott le will be armedFire extingu isher bott le will be armed.. DD 

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 Av ionic bay Avionic bay..  AA Cargo compartmentsCargo compartments.. BB 

EngineEngine // APU APU.. DD 

CabinCabin.. CC Which of these areas have NO fire extinguish ing

system installed?

Which of these areas have NO fire extinguish ingWhich of these areas have NO fire extinguish ing

system installedsystem installed?? 

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 Av ionic bay Avionic bay..  AA Cargo compartmentsCargo compartments.. BB 

EngineEngine // APU APU.. DD 

CabinCabin.. CC Please identify which of those area has a FIRE and

OVERHEAT DETECTION system installed.

Please identify which of those area has a FIRE andPlease identify which of those area has a FIRE and

OVERHEAT DETECTION system installedOVERHEAT DETECTION system installed.. 

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It is the first fligh t of the day.

Before performing the APU fire test, you have to

check that...

It is the first fligh t of the dayIt is the first flight of the day.. 

Before performing the APU fire testBefore performing the APU fire test,, you have toyou have to

check thatcheck that...... 

The APU FIREThe APU FIRE pbpb  is in and guarded andis in and guarded and  AC power is suppl ied AC power is suppl ied ..  A A The APU FIREThe APU FIRE pbpb  is in and guarded andis in and guarded and 

the APU is runn ingthe APU is runn ing .. BB 

The APU FIREThe APU FIRE pbpb  is in with the guard inis in with the guard in  

the UP position and the AGENT light isthe UP position and the AGENT light is  extinguishedextinguished.. CC The APU FIREThe APU FIRE pbpb  is in and guardedis in and guarded 

and the AGENT light is extinguishedand the AGENT light i s extinguished.. DD 

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The aircraft is no t yet supplied with AC power.

Can you perform the APU FIRE test?

The aircraft is no t yet supplied with AC power The aircraft is not yet supplied with AC power .. 

Can you perform the APU FIRE testCan you perform the APU FIRE test?? 


 A A NoNo.. BB 

FIRE – 2603

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In this case, during the preliminary cockpit

preparation the APU FIRE test will trigger the

following indications:

In this caseIn this case,, during the preliminary cockpitduring the preliminary cockpit

preparation the APU FIRE test will trigger thepreparation the APU FIRE test wi ll t rigger the

following indicationsfollowing indications:: 

On the FIRE Control PanelOn the FIRE Control Panel,, the APU FIREthe APU FIRE

lightlight,, the SQUIB and DISCH lights willthe SQUIB and DISCH lights willilluminateilluminate.. Addi tionally Addi tionally,, APU FIRE APU FIRE

warning wil l be triggered on ECAMwarning wil l be triggered on ECAM.. 

On the FIRE Control PanelOn the FIRE Control Panel,, the APU FIREthe APU FIRE

red light and SQUIB light w ill ill uminatered light and SQUIB light will ill uminate..

But the APU FIRE warning will not beBut the APU FIRE warning will not be

triggered on ECAMtriggered on ECAM.. 

No test is possible until AC power isNo test is poss ible until AC power isconnected on the Electrical networkconnected on the Electrical network .. 

 A A 



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The APU FIRE test is successful.The APU FIRE test is successfulThe APU FIRE test is successful .. 


 A A FalseFalse.. BB 

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 A A NoNo.. BB 

Does the APU fire test on battery trigger the CRC


Does the APU fire test on battery trigger the CRCDoes the APU fire test on battery trigger the CRC


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With the following indication on ECAM, what is the


With the following indication on ECAMWith the following indication on ECAM,, what is thewhat is the


One fire detection loop has failedOne fire detection loop has failed.. 

Fire detection for both engines is stillFire detection for bo th engines is still  

availableavailable..  A A Both fire detection loops of engineBoth fire detection loops of engine 11 havehave 

failedfailed.. Fire detection for engineFire detection for engine 11 isis  

inoperativeinoperative.. BB 

One fire detection loop of engineOne fire detection loop of engine 11 hashas  

failedfailed.. Fire detection for engineFire detection for engine 11 is stillis still  availableavailable.. CC One fire detection loop of engineOne fire detection loop of engine 11 hashas  

failedfailed.. Fire detection for engineFire detection for engine 11 isis  

inoperativeinoperative.. DD 


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 According to this ECAM E/WD page, the associated

procedure is

 According to this ECAM E According to this ECAM E//WD pageWD page,, the associatedthe associated

procedure isprocedure is 

 An indicat ion present ing the FWD CARGO An indicat ion presenting the FWD CARGOSMOKE condit ion onlySMOKE condit ion only..  A A To press the illuminated red FWD SMOKETo press the illuminated red FWD SMOKE


To lift the red guard and press the DISCHTo lift the red guard and press the DISCH pbpb .. CC This is an automaticThis is an automatic  fonctionfonction and youand you

have to press FWD SMOKEhave to press FWD SMOKE pbpb  to confirmto confirm.. DD 

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The FWD and AFT fire bottles have bothThe FWD and AFT fire bottles have both  

been discharged into their associatedbeen discharged into their associated 

compartmentcompartment.. BB 

Now there is no longer any available agentNow there is no longer any available agent

which can be discharged in either thewhich can be discharged in either theFWD or the AFT cargo compartmentFWD or the AFT cargo compartment.. CC The FWD and AFT fire bottles have bothThe FWD and AFT fire bottles have both  

been discharged into the FWDbeen discharged into the FWD compartcompart -- 

mentment.. DD 

There is only one fire bottle which hasThere is only one fire bottle which has 

been discharged into both cargobeen discharged into both cargo 

compartmentscompartments..  A A 

On the CARGO SMOKE control PANEL both DISCH

lights illuminated mean that:

On the CARGO SMOKE control PANEL both DISCHOn the CARGO SMOKE control PANEL both DISCH

lights illuminated mean thatlights i lluminated mean that:: 

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 Ai lerons and rudder  Ai lerons and rudder .. 

 A A 

Which cont rol surfaces are used for the mechanical


Which cont rol surfaces are used for the mechanicalWhich cont rol surfaces are used for the mechanical


THS and rudder THS and rudder .. BB 

Elevator and aileronsElevator and ailerons.. 

CC THS and elevator THS and elevator .. DD 

FLT CTL - 2701

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How many actuators are provided to control the

ailerons and how many hydraulic sources supply

these actuators?

How many actuators are provided to control theHow many actuators are provided to control the

ailerons and how many hydraulic sources supplyailerons and how many hydraulic sources supply

these actuatorsthese actuators?? 

 A A 




22 hydraulic sources withhydraulic sources with 44 actuatorsactuators 

11 hydraulic source withhydraulic source with 22 actuatorsactuators 

44 hydraulic sources withhydraulic sources with 44 actuatorsactuators 

33 hydraulic sources withhydraulic sources with 44 actuatorsactuators 

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What does the white cross indicate?What does the white cross indicateWhat does the white cross indicate?? 

It is an indicator for theIt is an indicator for the sidesticksidestickdeflections during the flight control checkdeflections during the flight control check..  A A It is an indicator for the control surfacesIt is an indicator for the control surfaces

deflections during the flight control checkdeflections during the flight control check.. BB 

It is an indication fo r the rudder pedalsIt is an indication fo r the rudder pedalsdeflections during the flight control checkdeflections during the flight control check.. CC 

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In Normal Law, if one sidestick is rapidly pulled

fully back, can the airplane’s maximum allowable

“ G” load be exceeded ?

In Normal LawIn Normal Law,, if oneif one sidesticksidestick  is rapidly pulledis rapidly pulled

fully backfully back,, can the airplanecan the airplane’’s maximum allowables maximum allowable

““ GG””  load be exceededload be exceeded ?? 





YesYes.. RapidRapid sidesticksidestick  deflection must neverdeflection must neverbe madebe made.. 

YesYes,, until maximum pitch attitude isuntil maximum pitch attitude is 


NoNo.. At maximum At maximum ““ GG””  loadload,, thethe sidestickssidesticks  are deare de--activated foractivated for 55 secondsseconds.. 

NoNo.. The load factor lim itation overridesThe load factor limi tation overrides 

sidesticksidestick  commands to avoid excessivecommands to avoid excessive 

““ GG””  loadsloads.. 

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With the sidestick fully fo rward, what will be the

maximum airspeed indication?

With theWith the sidesticksidestick  fully forwardfully forward,, what will be thewhat will be the

maximum airspeed indicationmaximum airspeed indication?? 

 A A  BB  CC 

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 A A 




 According to these indicat ions, if you release the

sidestick now…

 According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions ,, if you release theif you release the

sidesticksidestick  nownow…… 

The bank angle will automatically return toThe bank angle will automatically return to3333ºº.. 

The bank angle will not changeThe bank angle will not change.. 

The bank angle will return to wings levelThe bank angle will return to wings level,,because the bank protection is activebecause the bank protection is active.. 

The bank angle will return toThe bank angle will return to 2020ºº.. 

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In Normal Law, what is the maximum bank angle

you can reach with the sidestick ful ly deflected ?

In Normal LawIn Normal Law,, what is the maximum bank anglewhat is the maximum bank angle

you can reach with theyou can reach with the sidesticksidestick  fully deflectedfully deflected ?? 

 A A 





There is no bank limi tationThere is no bank lim itation .. 

8080 ºº 

6767 ºº 

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 According to these indicat ions, which f light control

law is active ?

 According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions ,, which flight controlwhich flight control

law is activelaw is active ?? 

 A A 




Normal LawNormal Law.. 

 Al ternate Law Al ternate Law.. 

Direct LawDirect Law.. 

Mechanical Back UpMechanical Back Up.. 

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 According to these indicat ions, which f light control

law is active ?

 According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions ,, which flight controlwhich flight control

law is activelaw is active ?? 

 A A 




Normal LawNormal Law 

 Al ternate Law Al ternate Law 

Direct LawDirect Law 

Mechanical Back UpMechanical Back Up 

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 According to these indicat ions, which f light control

law is active ?

 According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions ,, which flight controlwhich flight control

law is activelaw is active ?? 

 A A 




Normal LawNormal Law 

 Al ternate Law Al ternate Law 

Direct LawDirect Law 

Mechanical Back UpMechanical Back Up 

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 According to these indicat ions, which f light control

law is active ?

 According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions ,, which flight controlwhich flight control

law is activelaw is active ?? 

 A A 




Normal LawNormal Law 

 Al ternate Law Al ternate Law 

Direct LawDirect Law 

Mechanical Back UpMechanical Back Up 

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Observe the PFD.

Without any sidestick inputs...

Observe the PFDObserve the PFD.. 

Without anyWithout any sidesticksidestick  inputsinputs...... 

 A A 




The aircraftThe aircraft ’’s attitude wills attitude will sstay constanttay constant.. 

The pitch will stay constantThe pitch will stay constant ,, thethe 

bank angle will slowly decreasebank angle will slowly decrease.. 

The bank angle will stayThe bank angle will stay constantconstant ,, thethepitch will slowly decreasepitch will slowly decrease.. 

The aircraftThe aircraft ’’s attitude will slowly tends attitude will slowly tend 

towardstowards ““ wings levelwings level””  andand ““ pitchpitch 00”” .. 

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 According to the fol lowing indicat ions... According to the fol lowing indicat ions According to the fol lowing indicat ions ...... 

 A A The Alpha Floor protection is activeThe Alpha Floor protection is active.. BB 

The Load Factor Limitation is activeThe Load Factor Limitation i s active.. 

CC There is no protection active yetThere is no protection active yet.. DD 

The High Angle Of Attack protection isThe High Angle Of Attack protection i sactiveactive.. 

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Let’s assume, you have set idle power and pulled

the sidestick back to maintain altitude. Observe the

PFD. If you release the sidestick now...

LetLet ’’s assumes assume,, you have set idle power and pulledyou have set idle power and pul led

thethe sidesticksidestick  back to maintain altitudeback to maintain altitude.. Observe theObserve the

PFDPFD.. If you release theIf you release the sidesticksidestick  nownow...... 

 A A The aircraft w ill descend atThe aircraft w ill descend at 150150 ktskts.. BB 

The aircraft will maintain altitude untilThe aircraft wil l maintain altitude until120120 ktskts are reachedare reached .. CC The aircraft will maintain altitude until aThe aircraft wil l maintain altitude unti l a

stall occursstall occurs.. DD 

The aircraft w ill descend atThe aircraft wi ll descend at 135135 ktskts.. 

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 According to these indicat ions... According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions ...... 

 A A 




The Alpha Floor protection is activeThe Alpha Floor protection is active.. 

The Load Factor Limitation is activeThe Load Factor Limitation i s active.. 

There is no pro tection activeThere is no protection active.. 

The High Angle Of Attack protection isThe High Angle Of Attack protection i sactiveactive.. 

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 According to these indicat ions, if the sidestick is

held in the full back position...

 According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions ,, if theif the sidesticksidestick  isis

held in the full back positionheld in the full back position ...... 

 A A 




The speed will fall belowThe speed will fall below 120120 ktskts.. The airplane might stallThe airplane might stall .. 

The speed will fall belowThe speed will fall below 120120 ktskts.. 

To avoid a stallTo avoid a stall ,, climb power will beclimb power will be 

automatically setautomatically set.. 

The High Angle Of Attack protection willThe High Angle Of Attack protection wi ll  

override theoverride the sidesticksidestick  inputinput.. The pitch wi llThe pitch wi ll  be lowered to maintainbe lowered to maintain 120120 ktskts.. 

The speed will fall further The speed will fall further .. 

 At At 114114 ktskts the pitch will be lowered tothe pitch will be lowered to 

maintainmaintain 114114 ktskts.. 

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 A A 




Observe the PFD.

Which statement is true ?

Observe the PFDObserve the PFD..

Which statement is trueWhich statement is true ?? 

The Alpha Floor protection hasThe Alpha Floor p rotection hasautomatically set CLB power automatically set CLB power .. 

The Alpha Floor protection hasThe Alpha Floor p rotection has

automatically set TOautomatically set TO//GA power GA power .. 

The Alpha Floor protection wil l overrideThe Alpha Floor protection will override sidesticksidestick  inputsinputs.. The nose will be loweredThe nose will be lowered.. 

 A s tal l is detected A stal l is detected .. 

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 A A 



To fly a coord inated turn...To fly a coordinated turnTo fly a coordinated turn...... 

No rudder inputs are requiredNo rudder inputs are required.. 

You have to center the sideslip indicatorYou have to center the sideslip indicator

with the rudder pedalswith the rudder pedals.. 

Only small rudder inputs are requiredOnly small rudder inputs are required.. 

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 A A 




In Normal Law, is there a maximum pitch attitude ?In Normal LawIn Normal Law,, is there a maximum pi tch attitudeis there a maximum p itch attitude ?? 

YesYes,, indicated by the green dashesindicated by the green dashes (( A A).). 

YesYes,, indicated by the green dashesindicated by the green dashes ((BB).). 


YesYes,, pitch is limited topitch is limited to 2020ºº  nose up nose up.. 

 A A 


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In Normal Law, is there a maximum bank angle ?In Normal LawIn Normal Law,, is there a maximum bank angleis there a maximum bank angle ?? 

 A A 





YesYes,, indicated by the green dashesindicated by the green dashes ((bb).). 

YesYes,, indicated by the white dashesindicated by the white dashes ((aa).). 

YesYes,, bank is limited tobank is limited to 8080ºº.. 



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How do you in terpret the amber crosses on the


How do you in terpret the amber crosses on theHow do you interpret the amber crosses on the


TheThe autotrimautotrim is lostis lost.. You have to useYou have to usemanual pitch trimmanual pitch trim..  A A The ailerons are contro lled directly by theThe ailerons are controlled directly by the 

sidestickssidesticks .. BB 

The bank angle limit p rotection is lostThe bank angle limit protection is lost .. 

CC The bank angle protection is activeThe bank angle protection is active.. DD 

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The CPT’s sidestick is deflected fully l eft and the

FO’s sidestick is simultaneously deflected fully


Which indications do you expect ?

TheThe CPTCPT’’s sidesticks sidestick is deflected fully left and theis deflected fully left and the

FOFO’’ss sidesticksidestick is simultaneously deflected fullyis simultaneously deflected fully


Which indications do you expectWhich indications do you expect ?? 

 A A  BB  CC  DD 

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If both pilo ts deflect their sidesticks fully back...If both pilots deflect their If both pilots deflect their  sidestickssidesticks  fully backfully back...... 

 A A 




TheThe ““ pitch uppitch up””  order is twice as great withorder is twice as great withonly one stick deflectedonly one stick deflected.. 

TheThe ““ pitch uppitch up””  order isorder is 1.51.5 times greater times greater  

than with only one stick deflectedthan with only one stick deflected.. 

No inputs are send to the flight contro lNo inputs are send to the flight control  

computers unless one pilot presses thecomputers unless one pilot presses the take over take over  pbpb  on his stickon his stick.. 

TheThe ““ pitch uppitch up””  order is equal to a singleorder is equal to a single 

stick fully deflectedstick fully deflected..

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The CPT is unable to reThe CPT is unable to re--activate hisactivate his sidesticksidestick ..  A A TheThe CPTCPT’’s sidesticks sidestick is still activeis still active.. It will beIt will be

dede--activated afteractivated after 4040 secssecs.. BB 

The CPT can reThe CPT can re--activate hisactivate his sidesticksidestick  byby  

pressing the take over pressing the take over  pbpb  for more thanfor more than 4040 secssecs.. CC 

DD  The CPT can reThe CPT can re--activate hisactivate his sidesticksidestick  

immediately by pressing h is take over immediately by pressing his take over  pbpb .. 


If the FO presses the take over pb...If the FO presses the take overIf the FO presses the take over pbpb ...... 

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 A A 




Let’s assume the FO presses his take over pb and

releases it after more than 40 secs...

LetLet ’’s assume the FO presses his take over s assume the FO presses his take over  pbpb  andand

releases it after more thanreleases it after more than 4040 secssecs...... 

TheThe CPTCPT’’s sidesticks sidestick is deis de--activated unlessactivated un lesshe presses his take over he presses his take over  pbpb .. 

The CPT is unable to reThe CPT is unable to re--activate hisactivate his 

sidesticksidestick  for the rest of the flightfor the rest of the flight .. 

BothBoth sidestickssidesticks  are activeare active.. 

TheThe CPTCPT’’s sidesticks sidestick is active as long asis active as long as

the FOthe FO’’ss sidesticksidestick  is in neutral positionis in neutral position  


40 sec4040 secsec  

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With either AP engaged, which statement is true ?With either AP engagedWith either AP engaged,, which statement is truewhich statement is true ?? 

 A A 




BothBoth sidestickssidesticks  are locked in neutralare locked in neutral  positionposition.. The lock can not be overriddenThe lock can not be overridden 

BothBoth sidestickssidesticks  are deare de--activated unti lactivated unti l  

the AP is d isengagedthe AP is d isengaged.. 

BothBoth sidestickssidesticks  are locked in neutralare locked in neutral  

positionposition.. By applying a certain forceBy applying a certain force,, thethe lock can be overridden but the AP remainslock can be overridden but the AP remains


BothBoth sidestickssidesticks  are locked in neutralare locked in neutral  

positionposition.. By applying a certain forceBy applying a certain force,, thethe 

lock can be overridden and the AP islock can be overridden and the AP is 


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What will happen next ?What will happen nextWhat will happen next ?? 

The left SPLRThe left SPLR 33 will be retractedwill be retracted,, the rightthe right

SPLRSPLR 33 will be inhibi ted to preventwill be inhibited to prevent

asymmetryasymmetry..  A A The right SPLRThe right SPLR 33 will be extended towill be extended to

prevent asymmetryprevent asymmetry.. BB 

Left SPLRLeft SPLR 33 remains extendedremains extended,, spoilerspoileroperation is not possible anymoreoperation is not possible anymore.. CC 

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 A A 




The left SPRLThe left SPRL 33 failed to extendfailed to extend.. 

The right SPRLThe right SPRL 33 failed to extendfailed to extend.. 

The left SPRLThe left SPRL 33 failed to retractfailed to retract .. 

The right SPRLThe right SPRL 33 failed to retractfailed to retract.. 

 Af ter a turn, you have the fol lowing message. What

happened ?

 Af ter a turn Af ter a turn ,, you have the following messageyou have the following message.. WhatWhat

happenedhappened ?? 

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What will happen just before the speed reaches VFE

Speed (red barber pole)?

What will happen just before the speed reaches VFEWhat will happen just before the speed reaches VFE

SpeedSpeed ((red barber polered barber pole))?? 

 Auto flap retract ion at Auto flap retract ion at 210210 ktskts.. 

 A A  Auto flap and s lat ret raction at Auto flap and slat ret raction at 210210 ktskts.. BB 

High Speed protection wil l become activeHigh Speed pro tection wil l become active,,the autopi lot will i ncrease the pitchthe autopilot will increase the pitch .. CC High Speed protection wil l become activeHigh Speed pro tection wil l become active,,

thethe autothrustautothrust will reduce thrustwill reduce thrust.. DD 

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MAX SPEED . . . . . . . .

The message WING TIP BRK ON appears on the

E/WD. What does it mean?

The message WING TIP BRK ON appears on theThe message WING TIP BRK ON appears on the

EE//WDWD.. What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

 A A 




 A hydraulic device locks the flaps in their  A hydraulic device locks the flaps in their  present positionpresent position.. 

To reduce structural stressTo reduce structural stress,, the slatsthe slats

movement is being slowed down throughmovement is being slowed down through

the wing tip brakesthe wing tip brakes..

To avoid asymmetryTo avoid asymmetry,, the outer slats arethe outer slats arelocked in their present positionlocked in their present position ..

Because of the locked flapsBecause of the locked flaps ,, the wing tipthe wing tip

brake also lock the slatsbrake also lock the slats .. 

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 A A FalseFalse.. BB 

 According to this SD FUEL page indicat ions, on ly

the Center Tank Pumps are feeding the engines.

 According to this SD FUEL page indicat ions According to this SD FUEL page indicat ions ,, onlyonly

the Center Tank Pumps are feeding the enginesthe Center Tank Pumps are feeding the engines.. 

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The Center Tank Pumps aloneThe Center Tank Pumps alone.. 

 A A The Center Tank Pumps and the innerThe Center Tank Pumps and the inner

tank pumpstank pumps.. BB 

The inner Tank Pumps aloneThe inner Tank Pumps alone.. 


 According to this FUEL SD page indicat ions, which

pumps are feeding the engines?

 According to this FUEL SD page indicat ions According to this FUEL SD page indicat ions ,, whichwhich

pumps are feeding the enginespumps are feeding the engines?? 

FUEL – 2801

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On the ECAM E/WD page the message REFUELG

appears in the MEMO. What does it mean?

On the ECAM EOn the ECAM E//WD page the message REFUELGWD page the message REFUELG

appears in the MEMOappears in the MEMO.. What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

The aircraft systems are ready to startThe aircraft systems are ready to startrefuelingrefueling..  A A The refueling control panel door is notThe refueling contro l panel door is not  

closedclosed.. BB 

Refueling i s completedRefueling i s completed,, the requiredthe required

amount of fuel has been pumped into theamount of fuel has been pumped into thetankstanks.. CC 

 A reminder that you sti ll have to refuel A reminder that you sti ll have to refuel .. DD 

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On this ECAM FUEL SD page what does an amber-

boxed FOB indication mean?

On this ECAM FUEL SD page what does an amber On this ECAM FUEL SD page what does an amber --

boxed FOB indication meanboxed FOB indication mean?? 

The fuel temperature exceeds a limitThe fuel temperature exceeds a limit .. BB 

 A fuel imbalance has been detected A fuel imbalance has been detected.. 

CC  A d isagreement between fuel measured A d isagreement between fuel measured

and fuel entered on the MCDU has beenand fuel entered on the MCDU has been

detecteddetected.. DD 

Not all the fuel on board is useableNot all the fuel on board is useableanymoreanymore..  A A 

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On the ECAM FUEL SD page what does th is

indication of a Center Tank Pump mean?

On the ECAM FUEL SD page what does th isOn the ECAM FUEL SD page what does th is

indication of a Center Tank Pump meanindication of a Center Tank Pump mean?? 

It is switched on with the Mode SELIt is switched on with the Mode SEL pbpb  inin  

MAN and CTR TK pump not supplyingMAN and CTR TK pump not supp lying

fuelfuel..  A A It is switched on with the Mode SELIt is switched on with the Mode SEL pbpb  inin  

 AUTO and supplying fuel AUTO and supplying fuel BB 

It is switched on with the Mode SELIt is switched on with the Mode SEL pbpb  inin  MAN and supplying fuelMAN and supplying fuel .. CC It is switched on with the Mode SELIt is switched on with the Mode SEL pbpb  inin  

 AUTO but no t supplying fuel AUTO but not supplying fuel.. DD 

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This is your ECAM FUEL page after engine

shutdown. You not ice the transfer valves are open.

What are your actions to close them?

This is your ECAM FUEL page after engineThis is your ECAM FUEL page after engine

shutdownshutdown.. You notice the transfer valves are openYou noti ce the transfer valves are open..

What are your actions to close themWhat are your actions to close them?? 

You have to switch the inner tank pumpsYou have to switch the inner tank pumpsof f of f ..  A A You have to push the MODE SELYou have to push the MODE SEL pb swpb sw toto  

manualmanual .. BB 

You have to open and then close theYou have to open and then close the crossfeedcrossfeed valve againvalve again.. CC There are no actions requiredThere are no actions required.. The valvesThe valves

will close automatically during the nextwill close automatically during the next

refuelingrefueling.. DD 

FUEL – 2806

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On the ECAM, the message OUTER TK FUEL XFRD

appears in the MEMO. What does it mean?

On the ECAMOn the ECAM,, the message OUTER TK FUEL XFRDthe message OUTER TK FUEL XFRD

appears in the MEMOappears in the MEMO.. What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 

Fuel is transferred from the inner tank toFuel is transferred from the inner tank to the outer tankthe outer tank..  A A Fuel is transferred from the outer tank toFuel is transferred from the outer tank to

the inner tankthe inner tank.. BB 

Fuel is transferred from the inner tank toFuel is transferred from the inner tank tothe center tankthe center tank.. CC Fuel is t ransferred from the center tank toFuel is transferred from the center tank to

the inner tankthe inner tank.. DD 

FUEL – 2807

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To keep the center of gravity as low asTo keep the center of gravity as low aspossiblepossible..  A A During takeDuring take--of f of f ,, the center tank fuel isthe center tank fuel is

pumped to the rear to tr im the aircraftpumped to the rear to trim the aircraft.. BB 

To feed theTo feed the 22 engines fromengines from 22 differentdifferentsourcessources (( the inner tanksthe inner tanks ).). CC 

What is the reason the center tank pumps switch

automatically off when the slats are extended for


What is the reason the center tank pumps switchWhat is the reason the center tank pumps switch

automatically off when the slats are extended forautomatically off when the slats are extended for

taketake--of f of f ?? 

FUEL – 2808

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What is the minimum fuel quantity for take-off?What is the minimum fuel quantity for takeWhat is the minimum fuel quantity for take--of f off ?? 

24002400 lbslbs.. 

 A A 33003300 lbslbs.. BB 

47004700 lbslbs.. 

CC 53005300 lbslbs.. DD 

FUEL – 2809

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Which ECAM FUEL page corresponds to this E/WD?Which ECAM FUEL page corresponds to this EWhich ECAM FUEL page corresponds to this E//WDWD?? 

 A A 




FUEL – 280A

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The fuel system is not connected to theThe fuel system is not connected to theFlight Warning Computer Flight Warning Computer ..  A A Due to redundancyDue to redundancy,, loss of one pump isloss of one pump is

only levelonly level 11 cautioncaution.. BB 

Inner tank pump failures never trigger aInner tank pump failures never trigger a

warning because the fuel can be used bywarning because the fuel can be used bygravity feedinggravity feeding.. CC 

You are in cruise and according to those

indications, a failure occurred in the fuel system.

Why didn't you get a master caution or a chime?

You are in cruise and according to thoseYou are in cruise and according to those

indicationsindications,, a failure occurred in the fuel systema failure occurred in the fuel system..

Why didnWhy didn'' t you get a master caution or a chimet you get a master caution o r a chime?? 

FUEL – 280B

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In case of R TK PUMP 1 + 2 LO PR, can you s til l use

fuel out of the right inner tank?

In case of R TK PUMPIn case of R TK PUMP 11 ++ 22 LO PRLO PR,, can you still usecan you still use

fuel out of the right inner tankfuel out of the right inner tank?? 

YesYes,, the fuel of this tank is available bythe fuel of th is tank is available bygravity feedinggravity feeding..  A A NoNo,, the fuel of this tank is lostthe fuel of this tank is lost.. BB 

YesYes,, the fuel flows via transfer valves tothe fuel flows via transfer valves tothe outer tankthe outer tank.. CC YesYes,, the fuel flows via spil l valves to thethe fuel flows via spill valves to the

center tankcenter tank.. DD 

FUEL – 280C

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The normal pressure for the hydraulic system is

2000 psi

The normal pressure for the hydraulic system isThe normal pressure for the hydraulic system is

20002000 psipsi

 A A 




HYD - 2900

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20002000 psips i  

30003000 psips i  

What is the normal pressure in the hydraulic


What is the normal pressure in the hydraulicWhat is the normal pressure in the hydraulic


 A A 




500500 psips i  

10001000 psips i  

HYD – 2901

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The PTUThe PTU.. 

Both the GREEN and YELLOWBoth the GREEN and YELLOW systemssystems.. 

 According to this ind ication, the BLUE system is

powered by...

 According to this indication According to this ind ication ,, the BLUE system isthe BLUE system is

powered bypowered by...... 

 A A 




The ELEC pumpThe ELEC pump.. 

The RATThe RAT.. 

HYD – 2902

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Users connected to the YELLOW systemUsers connected to the YELLOW system

are no longer supplied with hydraulicare no longer supplied with hydraulicpressurepressure.. 

We have completed the procedure for HYD Y RSVR

LO AIR PR, what does the YELLOW indication in

amber mean?

We have completed the procedure for HYD Y RSVRWe have completed the procedure for HYD Y RSVR

LO AIR PRLO AIR PR,, what does the YELLOW indication inwhat does the YELLOW indication in

amber meanamber mean?? 

 A A 



YELLOW is amber because ENGYELLOW is amber because ENG 22  is notis notrunningrunning.. 

The ELEC pump hasThe ELEC pump has beenbeen switched off switched off .. 

HYD – 2903

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You want to increase the air pressure byYou want to increase the air pressure byisolating the YELLOW systemisolating the YELLOW system.. 

You want to avoid the pressurization ofYou want to avoid the pressurization of

the yellow system by the PTU after youthe yellow system by the PTU after you

switched the ENGswitched the ENG 22 pump off pump off .. 

You get a Y RSVR LO AIR PR message.

The first step of the procedure asks you to swi tch

the PTU off . Why?

You get a Y RSVR LO AIR PR messageYou get a Y RSVR LO AIR PR message.. 

The first step of the procedure asks you to swi tchThe first step of the procedure asks you to swi tch

the PTU off the PTU off .. WhyWhy?? 

 A A 




Because it is f aultyBecause it is faulty.. 

You want toYou want to unpressurizeunpressurize the BLUEthe BLUE


HYD – 2904

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The BLUE and the YELLOW system areThe BLUE and the YELLOW system aresupply ing the GREEN systemsupply ing the GREEN system.. 

The YELLOW system is supplying theThe YELLOW system is supplying the

GREEN systemGREEN system.. 

Which statement is true?Which statement is trueWhich statement is true?? 

 A A 




The GREEN is supply ing by BLUE systemThe GREEN is supplying by BLUE system.. 

The YELLOW system is supplying theThe YELLOW system is supplying the

BLUE and the GREEN systemBLUE and the GREEN system..

HYD – 2905

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 A A  BB  CC 

 As part of the cockpit preparation, you must check

the hydraulic fluid level. What should the indication

look like?

 As part of the cockpit preparation As part of the cockpit preparation ,, you must checkyou must check

the hydraulic fluid levelthe hydraulic fluid level.. What should the indicationWhat should the indication

look likelook like?? 

HYD – 2906

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The RAT is p ressurizing the BLUE systemThe RAT is p ressurizing the BLUE system.. 

What does an amber RAT indication mean?What does an amber RAT indication meanWhat does an amber RAT indication mean?? 

 A A 



The RAT is faultyThe RAT is faulty .. 

The RAT is deployedThe RAT is deployed.. 

HYD – 2907

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What is the correct PTU indication if i t is delivering

power to the GREEN system?

What is the correct PTU indication if i t is deliveringWhat is the correct PTU indication if i t is delivering

power to the GREEN systempower to the GREEN system?? 

 A A  BB  CC 

HYD – 2908

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On the ECAM BLEED SD page, what is the normal

indication in fl ight with WING ANTI-ICE on?

On the ECAM BLEED SD pageOn the ECAM BLEED SD page,, what is the normalwhat is the normal

indication in flight with WING ANTIindication in fli ght with WING ANTI--ICE onICE on?? 

 A A  BB 


ICE - 3000

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Both wing antiBoth wing anti--ice valves failed to openice valves failed to open.. 

Both wing antiBoth wing anti--ice valves failed to closeice valves failed to close.. 

In flight the ECAM SD page displays the following

indications. What does it means?

In flight the ECAM SD page displays the followingIn flight the ECAM SD page displays the following

indicationsindications.. What does it meansWhat does it means?? 

 A A 




The right wing antiThe right w ing anti --ice valve failed toice valve failed toopenopen.. 

The left wing antiThe left wing anti--ice valve failed to closeice valve failed to close.. 

ICE – 3001

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When pushed onWhen pushed on,, window heating willwindow heating will

perform aperform a 3030 seconds test on ground andseconds test on ground andthen switch off until takethen switch off until take--of f of f .. 

When pushed prior to engine startWhen pushed prior to engine start,, thethe

windows are manually heatedwindows are manually heated.. 

Concerning the PROBE/WINDOW HEAT pb, which

one of the following statements is true?

Concerning the PROBEConcerning the PROBE//WINDOW HEATWINDOW HEAT pbpb ,, whichwhich

one of the following statements is trueone of the following statements is true?? 

 A A 




When pushed on after takeWhen pushed on after take--of f of f ,, thethewindows are heated only when necessarywindows are heated only when necessary.. 

When in AUTO modeWhen in AUTO mode,, the windows arethe windows are

heated only when necessaryheated only when necessary.. 

ICE – 3002

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Electrical heating and warm air from theElectrical heating and warm air from thecabincabin.. 

Electrical heating and hot air Electrical heating and hot air .. 

Which sources are used for ice and rain protection?Which sources are used for ice and rain protectionWhich sources are used for ice and rain protection?? 

 A A 




Electrical heatingElectrical heating.. 

Hot air Hot air .. 

ICE – 3003

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If one engine anti-ice system fails, the second one

takes over and provides anti-icing for both engines.

If one engine antiIf one engine anti --ice system failsice system fails,, the second onethe second one

takes over and provides antitakes over and provides anti --icing for both enginesicing for both engines.. 

 A A 




ICE – 3004

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 A A  BB 


When flying in icing conditions, what will be the

correct ECAM BLEED system page indication with

both WING and ENG anti -ice systems ON?

When flying in icing conditionsWhen flying in icing conditions,, what will be thewhat will be the

correct ECAM BLEED system page indication withcorrect ECAM BLEED system page indication with

both WING and ENG antiboth WING and ENG anti --ice systems ONice systems ON?? 

ICE – 3005

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Both wing Anti Ice failed to closedBoth wing Anti Ice failed to closed.. 

The left wing Anti Ice failed to OPENThe left wing Anti Ice failed to OPEN.. 

In flight , after switch ing wing Anti Icing System ON,

the ECAM E/WD page displays “ WING A. ICE SYS

FAULT” which means.

In flightIn flight ,, after switching wing Anti Icing System ONafter switching wing Anti Icing System ON,,

the ECAM Ethe ECAM E//WD page displaysWD page displays ““ WING AWING A.. ICE SYSICE SYS

FAULTFAULT””  which meanswhich means.. 

 A A 




The right wing Anti Ice failed to openThe right wing Anti Ice failed to open.. 

Both wing Anti Ice failed to openBoth wing Anti Ice failed to open.. 

ICE – 3007

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Cannot be used simul taneously with theCannot be used simultaneously with the

wing antiwing anti--ice system due to engineice system due to enginelimitationslimitations.. 

Is controlled manually by the pilot throughIs controlled manually by the pilot through

the ENGthe ENG11 and ENGand ENG22 antianti--iceice pbpb .. 

In case of Icing condi tion, the engine Anti -Ice


In case of Icing cond itionIn case of Icing condition,, the engine Antithe engine Anti--IceIce


 A A 




Operates only in flight and is fu llyOperates only in flight and is fu llyautomatic in case of icing conditionsautomatic in case of icing conditions .. 

Operates automatically after engine startOperates automatically after engine start ,,

the pilots can have manual controlthe pilots can have manual control  

through the ENGthrough the ENG11 and ENGand ENG22 antianti --iceice pbpb .. 

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Because of ice detectionBecause of ice detection,, the system asksthe system asksthe pilot to switch the Athe pilot to switch the A..ICE system onICE system on.. 

 At least one ENG A At least one ENG A..ICE switch is in the ONICE switch is in the ON


 According to the ECAM Memo Page these

indications mean:

 According to the ECAM Memo Page these According to the ECAM Memo Page these

indications meanindications mean:: 

 A A 




The ENG AThe ENG A..ICE system is inoperativeICE system is inoperative.. 

The ENG AThe ENG A..ICE has automatically startedICE has automatically started

without any crew actionwithout any crew action .. 

ICE – 3009

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Both wing antiBoth wing anti--ice valves failed to openice valves failed to open.. 

Both wing antiBoth wing anti--ice valves failed to closeice valves failed to close.. 

You are in fligh t. According to these indications….You are in flightYou are in flight .. According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions…….. 

 A A 




The right wing antiThe right w ing anti --ice valve failed toice valve failed toopenopen.. 

The left wing antiThe left wing anti--ice valve failed to closeice valve failed to close.. 

ICE – 300A

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 A A








Please indicate the ECAM E/WD screen.Please indicate the ECAM EPlease indicate the ECAM E//WD screenWD screen.. 


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Please indicate the PFD.Please indicate the PFDPlease indicate the PFD.. 

 A A









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Please indicate the SD.Please indicate the SDPlease ind icate the SD.. 

 A A









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Please indicate the ND 2.Please indicate the NDPlease indicate the ND 22.. 

BB  A A  CC  DD 


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 A A  Amber  Amber .. BB 


CC WhiteWhite.. DD 

 A A 



Color coding on the ECAM screens: which color

indicates that crew awareness is required?

Color coding on the ECAM screensColor coding on the ECAM screens:: which colorwhich color

indicates that crew awareness is requiredindicates that c rew awareness is required?? 


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 A A 




 A A  Amber  Amber .. BB 


CC WhiteWhite.. DD 

Color coding on the ECAM screens: which color

indicates that there is immediate action required?

Color coding on the ECAM screensColor coding on the ECAM screens:: which colorwhich color

indicates that there is immediate action requiredindicates that there is immediate action required?? 


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 A A  Amber  Amber .. BB 


CC WhiteWhite.. DD 

 A A 



Color coding on the ECAM screens: which color

indicates a normal condition?

Color coding on the ECAM screensColor coding on the ECAM screens:: which colorwhich color

indicates a normal conditionindicates a normal condition?? 


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On the ECAM SD page, what does an advisory

message mean?

On the ECAM SD pageOn the ECAM SD page,, what does an advisorywhat does an advisory

message meanmessage mean?? 

The parameter is about to reach a limitThe parameter is about to reach a limit .. 

 A A The parameter is out o fThe parameter is out of limitslimits.. BB 

The parameter has a faulty indicationThe parameter has a faulty indication .. 


1.1 5.1


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It indicates that there is aIt indicates that there is a STSSTS pagepagebehindbehind..  A A It indicates that there is a system pageIt indicates that there is a system page

behindbehind.. BB 

It means that there is more informationIt means that there is more informationto be seento be seen.. CC 

You have an ENG 1 FIRE warning. On the ECAM

E/WD page, what does the green arrow at the

bottom of the page mean?

You have an ENGYou have an ENG 11  FIRE warningFIRE warning.. On the ECAMOn the ECAM

EE//WD pageWD page,, what does the green arrow at thewhat does the green arrow at the

bottom of the page meanbottom of the page mean?? 


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 Alert Alert .. 

 A A WarningWarning.. BB 


CC  Advisory Advisory .. DD 

1.1 5.1

On the ECAM ENGINE system page, you observe

the VIB (N2) indication. What is the name of such an

indication pulsing?

On the ECAM ENGINE system pageOn the ECAM ENGINE system page,, you observeyou observe

the VIBthe VIB ((NN22)) indicationindication.. What is the name of such anWhat is the name of such an

indication pulsingindication pulsing?? 


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It is an indication that the aircraft has notIt is an indication that the aircraft has notyet reached the shutdown statusyet reached the shutdown status..  A A It is an indication that at least one systemIt is an indication that at least one system

requires crew attentionrequires crew attention.. BB 

It is an indication that there is at least oneIt is an indication that there is at least oneinoperative system in the STSinoperative system in the STS.. CC It is an indication that an aircraft systemIt is an indication that an aircraft system

requires maintenance attentionrequires maintenance attention.. DD 

On the ECAM E/WD page, after the engine

shutdown, you observe a pulsing STS message.

What does it mean?

On the ECAM EOn the ECAM E//WD pageWD page,, after the engineafter the engine

shutdownshutdown,, you observe a pulsing STS messageyou observe a pulsing STS message..

What does it meanWhat does it mean?? 


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Press and hold the corresponding buttonPress and hold the corresponding buttonon the ECPon the ECP..  A A Switch the SD to one of the NDSwitch the SD to one of the ND’’ss.. BB 

Switch the SD to one of theSwitch the SD to one of the PFDPFD’’ss.. 


The upper ECAM DU failed. To see the dif ferent

system pages on the lower DU, you have to:

The upper ECAM DU failedThe upper ECAM DU failed .. To see the differentTo see the different

system pages on the lower DUsystem pages on the lower DU,, you have toyou have to::  


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The EThe E//WD is automatically transferred toWD is automatically transferred toone of the NDone of the ND’’ss..  A A The EThe E//WD is automatically transferred toWD is automatically transferred to

one of theone of the PFDPFD’’ss.. BB 

To get ETo get E//WD informationWD information,, it must beit must bemanually transferred to one of the NDmanually transferred to one of the ND’’ss.. CC To get ETo get E//WD informationWD information,, it must beit must be

manually transferred to one of themanually transferred to one of the PFDPFD’’ss.. DD 

Both ECAM screens failed. What happens to the

E/WD indication?

Both ECAM screens failedBoth ECAM screens failed .. What happens to theWhat happens to the

EE//WD indicationWD indication?? 


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Only ECAM cautions are lostOnly ECAM cautions are lost.. 

 A A ECAM cautions and warnings and auralECAM cautions and warnings and aural 

warnings are lostwarnings are lost .. BB 


WARNING light and aural warnings areWARNING light and aural warnings arelostlost.. CC MASTER CAUTION lightMASTER CAUTION light,, MASTERMASTER

WARNING lightWARNING light ,, aural warnings andaural warnings and 

ECAM cautions and warnings are lostECAM cautions and warnings are lost.. DD 

On the ECAM SYSTEM in case of a doub le FWC


On the ECAM SYSTEM in case of a doub le FWCOn the ECAM SYSTEM in case of a double FWC



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The failure message has been previouslyThe failure message has been previouslycancelled w ith the EMER CANCcancelled w ith the EMER CANC pbpb ..  A A The failure message had occur red duringThe failure message had occurred during

the previous flightthe previous flight.. BB 

The FWC is working in a degraded modeThe FWC is working in a degraded mode

and is not able anymore to detect thisand is not able anymore to detect thisfailurefailure.. CC Because it was a false warningBecause it was a false warning,,

maintenance inhib ited itmaintenance inhib ited it .. DD 

On the ECAM STATUS page , what does a


On the ECAM STATUS pageOn the ECAM STATUS page ,, what does awhat does a



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By resetting the appropriate circuitBy resetting the appropriate circuitbreaker breaker ..  A A By pressing and hold ing any CLRBy pressing and hold ing any CLR pbpb  fo r fo r  

more thanmore than 33 secondsseconds.. BB 

Only maintenance can reset this functionOnly maintenance can reset this funct ion .. 

CC By pressing and ho lding the RCLBy pressing and ho lding the RCL pbpb  forfor

more thanmore than 33 secondsseconds.. DD 

On the ECAM STATUS page, how can you remove


On the ECAM STATUS pageOn the ECAM STATUS page,, how can you removehow can you remove



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 A A 



The location of the DFDR (Digital Flight Data

Recorder) is :

The location of the DFDRThe location of the DFDR ((Digital Flight DataDigital Flight Data

Recorder Recorder )) isis ::  

Inside the CockpitInside the Cockpit .. 

Installed in the tail Section of the aircraftInstalled in the tail Section of the aircraft,,

and the data is stored on a tape Containedand the data is sto red on a tape Contained

in fire and shock proof boxin fire and shock proof box .. 

In the passenger Cabin for pro tectionIn the passenger Cabin for protectionreasonreason.. 


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When is the DFDR automatically energized?When is the DFDR automatically energizedWhen is the DFDR automatically energized?? 

The DFDR wil l be only energized after theThe DFDR will be only energized after thefirst engine startfirst engine start ..  A A The DFDR is energized during the firstThe DFDR is energized during the first 55 

minutes after the aircraft electric networkminutes after the aircraft electric network

is energized and then after the first engineis energized and then after the first engine

startstart.. BB 

The DFDR wil l be energized at lift off The DFDR will be energized at lift o ff ..



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When the GND CTL pb sw light i s ill uminated blue,

it will be automatically extinguished :

When the GND CTLWhen the GND CTL pb swpb sw light is illuminated bluelight is illuminated blue,,

it will be automatically extingu ishedit will be automatically extinguished ::  

 Ai rcraf t l ight ing is selected OFF Ai rcraf t l ight ing is selected OFF.. 

 A A 

 Af ter fi rs t engine star t Af ter fi rs t engine star t .. 

CC When both engines are startedWhen both engines are started.. DD 

On landingOn landing.. BB 


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On the pedestal a DFDR EVENT pb can be used to

signal event mark on the DFDR tape.

On the pedestal a DFDR EVENTOn the pedestal a DFDR EVENT pbpb can be used tocan be used to

signal event mark on the DFDR tapesignal event mark on the DFDR tape.. 


 A A TrueTrue.. BB 


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When a DFDR fault occurs, it wi ll be signaled by :When a DFDR fault occursWhen a DFDR fault occurs ,, it will be signaled byit will be signaled by ::

 A faul t l ight il luminat ing amber on A faul t l ight il luminat ing amber onoverhead paneloverhead panel..  A A  An ECAM caut ion message An ECAM caut ion message.. BB 

 A low frequency signal sounds th rough A low frequency signal sounds th roughthe cockpit loud speaker the cockpit loud speaker .. CC 

 A MAINTENANCE message in the status A MAINTENANCE message in the status

pagepage.. DD 


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On the PFD, what is the actual speed?On the PFDOn the PFD,, what is the actual speedwhat is the actual speed?? 

150150 ktkt .. 

 A A 160160 ktkt .. BB 

169169 ktkt .. 

CC 185185 ktkt .. DD 








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On the PFD, what is the maximum speed for t he

present configuration?

On the PFDOn the PFD,, what is the maximum speed for thewhat is the maximum speed for the

present configurationpresent configuration?? 

180180 ktkt .. 

 A A 191191 ktkt .. BB 

215215 ktkt .. 

CC 250250 ktkt .. DD 








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140140 ktkt .. 

 A A 155155 ktkt .. BB 

175175 ktkt .. 

CC 185185 ktkt .. DD 







On the PFD, what is the maximum speed to select

the next flap setting?

On the PFDOn the PFD,, what is the maximum speed to selectwhat is the maximum speed to select

the next flap settingthe next flap setting?? 


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On the PFD, what is the meaning of the blue ribbon

on the altitude scale?

On the PFDOn the PFD,, what is the meaning o f the blue ribbonwhat is the meaning of the blue ribbon

on the altitude scaleon the altitude scale?? 

It marks the landing elevationIt marks the landing elevation .. 

 A A It marks the selected altitudeIt marks the selected altitude.. BB 

It marks theIt marks the preselectedpreselected  altitudealtitude.. 

CC It marks the decision heightIt marks the decision height .. DD 


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On the PFD, what is the actual vertical speed?On the PFDOn the PFD,, what is the actual vertical speedwhat is the actual vertical speed?? 

8080 ftft //min in climbmin in climb.. 

 A A 800800 ftft //min in descentmin in descent.. BB 

8080 ftft //min in descentmin in descent.. 

CC 800800 ftft //min in climbmin in climb.. DD 


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On the PFD, what is the actual heading?On the PFDOn the PFD,, what is the actual headingwhat is the actual heading?? 


 A A 080080.. BB 




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On the PFD, what is the selected heading?On the PFDOn the PFD,, what is the selected headingwhat is the selected heading?? 


 A A 080080.. BB 




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On the PFD, what is the actual aircraft track?On the PFDOn the PFD,, what is the actual aircraft trackwhat is the actual aircraft track?? 


 A A 080080.. BB 




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The aircraft is in a climbThe aircraft is in a climb ,, drifting to thedrifting to the


 A A The aircraft is in a climbThe aircraft is in a climb ,, drifting to thedrifting to the

rightright.. BB 

The aircraft i s in a descentThe aircraft i s in a descent ,, drifting to thedrifting to theleftleft.. CC The aircraft i s in a descentThe aircraft i s in a descent ,, drifting to thedrifting to the

rightright.. DD 

On the PFD, which of the fol lowing statements is


On the PFDOn the PFD,, which of the following statements iswhich of the following statements is



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On the ND, which o f the following statements is


On the NDOn the ND,, which of the following statements iswhich of the following statements is


The heading to the next waypoint PAS isThe heading to t he next waypoint PAS is 

108108,, it is atit is at 2828 NMNM,, time left to thetime left to the

waypoint iswaypoint is 99 minutes andminutes and 88 secondsseconds..  A A The heading to the next waypoint PAS isThe heading to t he next waypoint PAS is 

108108,, it is atit is at 2828 NMNM,, time to the destinationtime to the destination  

isis 99 hours andhours and 88 minutesminutes.. BB 

The track to the next waypoint PAS isThe track to the next waypoint PAS is  

108108,, it is atit is at 2828 NMNM,, elapsed time of thiselapsed time of thisflight isflight is 99 minutes andminutes and 88 secondsseconds.. CC The track to the next waypoint PAS isThe track to the next waypoint PAS is  

108108,, it is atit is at 2828 NMNM,, it will beit will be overflownoverflown  atat

99::0808.. DD 


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In flight wit h the following display on the PFD speed

scale, which s tatement is correct?

In flight wit h the following display on the PFD speedIn flight with the following disp lay on the PFD speed

scalescale,, which statement is correctwhich statement is correct?? 

The present speed isThe present speed is 250250 ktskts selected byselected by

the crew and the MAX speed for loweringthe crew and the MAX speed for loweringlanding gear is VLElanding gear is VLE 230230 ktskts..  A A The aircraftThe aircraft ’’s speed iss speed is 250250 ktskts which is awhich is a

managed speedmanaged speed.. The symbol atThe symbol at 230230 ktskts

represents the VFE corresponding to therepresents the VFE corresponding to the

next flap lever positionnext flap lever position.. BB 

The present speed ofThe present speed of 250250 ktskts is selectedis selected

by the crewby the crew.. The circle at the bottom ofThe circle at the bottom of

the scale represents green dot speedthe scale represents green dot speed

which is the engine out operating speedwhich is the engine out operating speed

in clean configurationin clean configuration..

CC TheThe == symbol atsymbol at 230230 ktskts represents arepresents a

speed constraintspeed constraint.. The circle on theThe circle on the

bottom represents green dot speed whichbottom represents green dot speed which

is the holding speedis the holding speed.. DD 







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On the PFD, the magenta symbols on the speed

scale represent:

On the PFDOn the PFD,, the magenta symbols on the speedthe magenta symbols on the speed

scale representscale represent::  






The ECON speed range during managedThe ECON speed range during manageddescentdescent..  A A The managed speed by the FMGS duringThe managed speed by the FMGS during

managed climbmanaged climb.. BB 

The upper magenta for high speedThe upper magenta for high speed

protectionprotection,, the lower for turbulencethe lower for turbulenceoperating speedoperating speed.. CC The lower magenta symbol representsThe lower magenta symbol represents



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NoNo,, it is not possible because each airlineit is not possible because each airlinehas its own configurationhas its own configuration..  A A YesYes,, by rotating the outer scale of by rotating the outer scale of   barobaro 

reference selector on the EFIS panelreference selector on the EFIS panel..BB 

NoNo,, the crew should refer to a conversionthe crew should refer to a conversiontabletable.. CC YesYes,, but on ly the Captain side is equippedbut on ly the Captain side is equipped

with this conversionwith this conversion..DD 



Is it possible to change the baro reference display

from Hecto Pascals to inches of mercury and vice


Is it possible to change theIs it possible to change the barobaro reference displayreference d isplay

fromfrom  HectoHecto PascalsPascals  to inches of mercury and viceto inches of mercury and vice



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On the PFD altitude column, which statement is


On the PFD altitude columnOn the PFD altitude column,, which statement iswhich statement is


VV//SS 8080 FPMFPM,, aircraft passing altitudeaircraft passing altitude 57805780’’.. 

 A A VV//SS 800800  FPMFPM,, red ribbon represents thered ribbon represents the

height above the surfaceheight above the surface..BB 

VV//SS 80008000  FPMFPM,, aircraft passing altitudeaircraft passing altitude57805780’’.. CC The blue line represents the MDAThe blue line represents the MDA

selected by the crew on the MCDUselected by the crew on the MCDU.. DD STD 

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On the PFD altimeter scale, which statement is

correct ?

On the PFD altimeter scaleOn the PFD altimeter scale,, which statement iswhich statement is

correctcorrect ?? 

The crew is pushing theThe crew is pushing the  barobaro  referencereference

selector to change from STD setting toselector to change from STD setting to

local QNHlocal QNH..  A A Crew is pushing theCrew is pushing the  barobaro  referencereference

selector to change from local QNH to theselector to change from local QNH to the

STD settingSTD setting.. BB 

The rate of descent isThe rate of descent is 240240 FPMFPM.. 

CC  Ai rcraf t passing al ti tude is Ai rcraf t passing al ti tude is 85008500 ftft .. DD 


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With regard to the HDG/compass scale on the

bottom line of the PFD:

With regard to the HDGWith regard to the HDG//compass scale on thecompass scale on the

bottom line of the PFDbottom line of the PFD:: 

The presentThe present magmag .. track istrack is 080080.. 

 A A The present heading isThe present heading is 080080 ((since there issince there is

no driftno drift).). BB 

The selected heading isThe selected heading i s 086086 and the trackand the trackisis 080080.. CC The target selected heading isThe target selected heading i s 080080°°.. 

PresentPresent magmag .. HDG isHDG is 086086°°.. 

PresentPresent magmag .. track istrack is 086086°°.. DD 

17000--- 080


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One of the pilots has pushed the PEDALSOne of the pilots has pushed the PEDALS 

DISC pushbutton located on the steeringDISC pushbutton located on the steering handwheelhandwheel .. 

The nose wheel steering computer hasThe nose wheel steering computer has 

finished itfinished it ’’s self tests self test .. 

Nose wheel steering is now availableNose wheel steering is now available.. 

 A A 




The nose wheel steering has beenThe nose wheel steering has beendisconnected by ground personneldisconnected by ground personnel .. 

 A failure in the nose wheel steering A failure in the nose wheel steering  

system has been detectedsystem has been detected.. 



On this E/WD, how do you interpret the NW STRG

DISC memo?

On this EOn this E//WDWD,, how do you interpret the NW STRGhow do you in terpret the NW STRG

DISC memoDISC memo?? 

L/G BRK - 3200

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The nose wheel steering has been reThe nose wheel steering has been re-- 

connected by ground personnelconnected by ground personnel .. The amber indication wi ll disappear asThe amber indication wi ll d isappear as 

soon as you start taxisoon as you start taxi.. 

The nose wheel steering is s tillThe nose wheel steering is s till  

disconnecteddisconnected.. The memo has becomeThe memo has become 

amber because one engine is runningamber because one engine is running .. 

During push back, engine n° 2 is s tarted. On memo

page this action induces the NW TRG DISC

indication . ECAM changing to amber: For which


During push backDuring push back,, engine nengine n°° 22 is startedis started.. On memoOn memo

page this action induces the NW TRG DISCpage this action induces the NW TRG DISC

indicationindication.. ECAM changing to amber ECAM changing to amber :: For whichFor which


 A A 




The NW STRG disconnect mechanism hasThe NW STRG disconnect mechanism has  failedfailed.. 

The yellow hydraulic system has build upThe yellow hydraulic sys tem has build up 

pressure which might damage the NWpressure which might damage the NW 

STRG system when set to towing positionSTRG system when set to towing posit ion .. 


L/G BRK – 3201

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Push back is completed. Before starting to taxi, you

check the ECAM E/WD page.

Which indications confirm that you can start to taxi


Push back is completedPush back is completed.. Before starting to taxiBefore starting to taxi ,, youyou

check the ECAM Echeck the ECAM E//WD pageWD page.. 

Which indications confirm that you can start to taxiWhich indications confirm that you can start to taxi


 A A  BB 

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You must perform the check again andYou must perform the check again and 

press harder on the brakes until you getpress harder on the brakes until you get  an indicationan indication.. 

The indication is normal because withThe indication is normal because with 

manual braking you are not able to applymanual braking you are not able to apply 

enough pressure to be displayed on theenough pressure to be displayed on the 

BRAKES indicator BRAKES indicator .. 

 Af ter start ing to taxi you perform the brake check.

While pressing on top of the rudder pedals you feel

the airplane decelerating but t he BRAKES pressure

indication remains 0.

Which statement is true ?

 Af ter start ing to taxi you perform the brake check Af ter start ing to taxi you perform the brake check ..

While pressing on top of the rudder pedals you feelWhile pressing on top of the rudder pedals you feel

the airplane decelerating but t he BRAKES pressurethe airplane decelerating but the BRAKES pressure

indication remainsindication remains 00.. 

Which statement is trueWhich statement is true ?? 

 A A 




The BRAKES pressure ind icator hasThe BRAKES pressure ind icator has failedfailed.. 

The indication is normal because theThe indication is normal because the

““ BRAKESBRAKES””  press indicator is active onpress indicator is active on

brake system alternate modebrake system alternate mode ((yellowyellow


L/G BRK – 3203

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Each tr iangle represents one brakingEach tr iangle represents one braking 

systemsystem ((normalnormal//alternatealternate)) available for available for  the associated gear the associated gear .. 

The front triangle indicates thatThe front triangle indicates that

 AUTO AUTO//BRK is available and the one in theBRK is available and the one in the

back means that ANTIback means that ANTI//SKID is availableSKID is available

for that gear for that gear .. 

On the ECAM SD WHEEL page, the 2 triangles

appearing below each landing gear mean:

On the ECAM SD WHEEL pageOn the ECAM SD WHEEL page,, thethe 22 trianglestriangles

appearing below each landing gear meanappearing below each landing gear mean:: 

 A A 




Each tr iangle represents one tireEach tr iangle represents one tire.. 

There are two computers provid ingThere are two computers providing  

information on the gear positioninformation on the gear position.. EachEach 

triangle represents the position detectedtriangle represents the position detected 

by its associated computer by its associated computer .. 


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The LThe L//G is up and not locked in theG is up and not locked in theselected positionselected position .. The LThe L//G doors are openG doors are open 

The LThe L//G control system has failedG control system has failed..

The gear will not extendThe gear wil l no t extend.. 

You have just set the L/G selector to the DOWN

position. According to these indications...

You have just set the LYou have just set the L//G selector to the DOWNG selector to the DOWN

positionposition.. According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions ...... 

 A A 




The LThe L//G is lockedG is locked..The LThe L//G doors are openG doors are open.. 

The computers providing gear positionThe computers providing gear position  

information have failedinformation have failed.. 

L/G BRK – 3206

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One LOne L//G control system is inoperativeG control system is inoperative.. The nose landing gear is notThe nose landing gear is not downlockeddownlocked.. 

The nose gear is down and lockedThe nose gear is down and locked..

The nose gear doors are openThe nose gear doors are open.. 

How do you interpret the following indications?How do you interpret the following indicationsHow do you interpret the following indications?? 

 A A 




The nose gear is in t ransitThe nose gear is in t ransit .. 

 Al l gears are down and locked Al l gears are down and locked .. 


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The ANTIThe ANTI//SKID system is automaticallySKID system is automatically releasing the pressure of that brakereleasing the pressure of that brake.. 

The LThe L//G control system has detected aG control system has detected a

low tire profilelow tire profile.. 

How do you interpret a green arc appearing over

one wheel indication?

How do you interpret a green arc appearing overHow do you interpret a green arc appearing over

one wheel indicationone wheel indication?? 

 A A 




It marks the hottest brake with aIt marks the hottest brake with a temperature of more thantemperature of more than 100100 ºº CelsiusCelsius.. 

It indicates an abnormal high temperatureIt indicates an abnormal high temperature.. 


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I must put the LI must put the L//G selector to the UPG selector t o the UP 

position and immediately to the DOWNposition and immediately to the DOWN position againposition again.. 

I must put the LI must put the L//G selector to the UPG selector t o the UP 

positionposition,, wait unti l the gear has retractedwait unti l the gear has retracted,, 

and then to the DOWN position againand then to the DOWN position again.. 

The pilot fly ing asks you to perform ECAM actions .

What are your actions according to the first line of

the ECAM procedure ?

The pilot fly ing asks you to perform ECAM actionsThe pilot flying asks you to perform ECAM actions .. 

What are your actions according to the first line ofWhat are your actions according to the first line of

the ECAM procedurethe ECAM procedure ?? 

 A A 




I must put the LI must put the L//G selector to the UPG selector to the UP positionposition.. 

The system is trying to recycle the gear The system is trying to recycle the gear  

automaticallyautomatically.. I must wait until the firstI must wait until the first  

line disappearsline disappears.. 



L/G BRK – 3209

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 Af ter GRAVITY EXTENSION the gear  Af ter GRAVITY EXTENSION the gear  

indications on the ECAM WHEEL pageindications on the ECAM WHEEL page are not reliableare not reliable.. 

 Af ter a disagreement on landing gear posi tion , you

have performed the L/G GRAVITY EXTENSION


 According to these indicat ions, which s tatement is

true ?

 Af ter a disagreement on landing gear posi tion Af ter a disagreement on landing gear posi tion ,, youyou

have performed the Lhave performed the L//G GRAVITY EXTENSIONG GRAVITY EXTENSION


 According to these indicat ions According to these indicat ions ,, which statement iswhich statement is

truetrue ?? 

 A A 



The gear is in theThe gear is in the downlockdownlock positionposition.. 

The gear is down but not lockedThe gear is down but not locked.. 


L/G BRK – 320B

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The ANTIThe ANTI//SKID system for wheelsSKID system for wheels 11 andand  33 is inoperativeis inoperative.. 

The AUTOThe AUTO//BRK is applying pressure toBRK is applying pressure to 

brakebrake 22 andand 44 onlyonly.. 

You perform a landing w ith AUTO/BRK selected to

MED. After touch down you observe the following


 At th is moment, which statement is true ?

You perform a landing with AUTOYou perform a landing with AUTO//BRK selected toBRK selected to

MEDMED.. Af ter touch down you observe the fol lowing Af ter touch down you observe the fol lowing


 At th is moment At th is moment,, which statement is truewhich statement is true ?? 

 A A 




The ANTIThe ANTI//SKID system is increasing brakeSKID system is increasing brake pressure for wheelspressure for wheels 22 andand 44.. 

The ANTIThe ANTI//SKID system is releasing brakeSKID system is releasing brake 

pressure for wheelspressure for wheels 22 andand 44.. 

L/G BRK – 320C

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You have just set the parking brake handle to ON.

Which indication CONFIRMS that the parking brake

is actually set ?

You have just set the parking brake handle to ONYou have just set the parking brake handle to ON.. 

Which indication CONFIRMS that the parking brakeWhich indication CONFIRMS that the parking brake

is actually setis actually set ?? 

 A A  BB 


L/G BRK – 320D

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TT//O lightO light.. 

Taxi ligh tTaxi ligh t.. 

During your walk-around, you see that one light

needs a new bulb. What is the purpose of this light?

During your walkDuring your walk--aroundaround,, you see that one lightyou see that one light

needs a new bulbneeds a new bulb.. What is the purpose of this lightWhat is the purpose of this light ?? 

 A A 




Landing lightLanding light.. 

RWY turnoff li ghtRWY turnoff li ght .. 

LIGHTS - 3300

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 A A Where is the location o f the exterior l ight panel?Where is the location of the exterior light panelWhere is the location of the exterior light panel?? 

LIGHTS - 3301

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 A A Where are the controls fo r the seat belts and no

smoking signs located?

Where are the controls fo r the seat belts and noWhere are the controls fo r the seat belts and no

smoking signs locatedsmoking signs located?? 

LIGHTS - 3302

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When the landing li ghts are switched off When the landing lights are switched off .. 

When the last engine has been shut downWhen the last engine has been shut down.. 

On the EXT LT control panel, the STROBE light

selector is set to AUTO. In this position , when do

they stop flashing?

On the EXT LT control panelOn the EXT LT control panel,, the STROBE lightthe STROBE light

selector is set to AUTOselector is set to AUTO.. In this positionIn this position,, when dowhen do

they stop flashingthey stop flashing?? 

 A A 




When the aircraft touches downWhen the aircraft touches down.. 

When the firstWhen the first  reverser reverser  is openedis opened.. 

LIGHTS - 3303

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 A A 





NAVNAV,, BEACONBEACON,, TT..OO.. and LAND lightsand LAND lights .. 

 According to these panels, which l ights are actual ly


 According to these panels According to these panels ,, which lights are actuallywhich lights are actually


LIGHTS - 3304

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 A A


Which of these buttons control IR and ADR?Which of these buttons control IR and ADRWhich of these buttons control IR and ADR?? 

NAV - 3400

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On the GNADIRS control panel, what is the positi on

for the DATA sel to see the remaining time for


On the GNADIRS control panelOn the GNADIRS control panel,, what is the positionwhat is the position

for the DATAfor the DATA selsel to see the remaining time forto see the remaining time for







NAV - 3401

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What does the indication TTN 10 on the GNADIRS

panel mean?

What does the indication TTNWhat does the ind ication TTN 1010 on the GNADIRSon the GNADIRS

panel meanpanel mean?? 

It is an indication that IRIt is an indication that IR33 has calculated ahas calculated aheading ofheading of 1010 degrees to True Northdegrees to True North .. A A It is an indication that it will takeIt is an indication that it will take 1010 

minutes to complete the alignmentminutes to complete the alignment .. BB 

It is an indication that the headingIt is an indication that the heading

calculated by IRcalculated by IR33 differs bydiffers by 1010 degreesdegreesfrom the averagefrom the average.. CC It is an indication that the time to the nextIt is an indication that the time to the next

waypoint iswaypoint is 1010 minutesminutes.. DD 


NAV - 3402

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 An ILS approach is selected. Please indicate the

displays with information about ILS 2.

 An ILS approach is selected An ILS approach is selected .. Please indicate thePlease indicate the

displays with information about ILSdisplays with information about ILS 22.. 

PFDPFD 11 and NDand ND 11.. 

 A A PFDPFD 22 and NDand ND 22.. BB 

PFDPFD 11 and NDand ND 22.. 

CC PFDPFD 22 and NDand ND 11.. DD 

NAV - 3403

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Is it possib le to get information about ILS 2 on the

CAPT side?

Is it possible to get information about ILSIs it possible to get information about ILS 22 on theon the

CAPT sideCAPT side?? 

YesYes,, on the PFDon the PFD 11.. 

 A A YesYes,, on the NDon the ND 11.. BB 

NoNo,, it is not possibleit is not possible.. 


NAV - 3404

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Which Nav-aids are displayed on the DDRMI?WhichWhich NavNav--aids are displayed on the DDRMIaids are displayed on the DDRMI?? 

VORVOR 11 and VORand VOR 22.. 

 A A  ADF ADF 11 and ADFand ADF 22.. BB 

VORVOR 11 and ADFand ADF 22.. 

CC VORVOR 22 and ADFand ADF 11.. DD 

NAV - 3405

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Please indicate the location of the GPWS panel.Please indicate the location of the GPWS panelPlease ind icate the location o f the GPWS panel.. 




 A A NAV - 3406

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Please indicate the location of the ATC and TCAS


Please indicate the location of the ATC and TCASPlease indicate the location of the ATC and TCAS





 A A NAV - 3407

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Which situation corresponds to the WX RADAR


Which situation corresponds to the WX RADARWhich situation corresponds to the WX RADAR


 A A 


NAV - 3409

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It is an indication that at least oneIt is an indication that at least one navaidnavaidhas been manually tunedhas been manually tuned..  A A It is an indication that the WX RADAR TiltIt is an indication that the WX RADAR Tilt

has been manually adjustedhas been manually adjusted.. BB 

It is an indication that the WX RADARIt is an indication that the WX RADAR Gain has been manually adjustedGain has been manually adjusted.. CC  MAN

On the ND.

What does the MAN indication mean?

On the NDOn the ND.. 

What does the MAN indication meanWhat does the MAN indication mean?? 

NAV – 340A

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 According to this ND display p lease select the

present WX RADAR mode, on the WX RADAR

contro l panel.

 According to this ND display p lease select the According to this ND display please select the

present WX RADAR modepresent WX RADAR mode,, on the WX RADARon the WX RADAR

control panelcontrol panel.. 





NAV – 340C

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 According to this ND display p lease select the

present WX RADAR mode, on the WX RADAR

contro l panel.

 According to this ND display p lease select the According to this ND display please select the

present WX RADAR modepresent WX RADAR mode,, on the WX RADARon the WX RADAR

control panelcontrol panel.. 





NAV – 340D

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On the GNADIRS control panel, during the IRS

alignment, the ALIGN lights s tart flashing.

What is wrong?

On the GNADIRS control panelOn the GNADIRS control panel,, during the IRSduring the IRS

alignmentalignment,, the ALIGN lights start fl ashingthe ALIGN lights start fl ashing..

What is wrongWhat is wrong?? 

System discovered a disc repancy betweenSystem discovered a disc repancy between

the position in the database and thethe position in the database and the

position entered on the MCDUposition entered on the MCDU.. A A 

The system is performing a test before theThe system is performing a test before thefinal alignmentfinal alignment.. CC The alignment process stopped atThe alignment process stopped at 11 

minute of the end and is waiting for theminute of the end and is waiting for the

coordinates to be insertedcoordinates to be inserted.. DD 

 At least one of the IR lost the NAV At least one of the IR lost the NAV


NAV – 340E

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Between the ND and MCDU you are performing a

NAV ACCUR check. Does it satisfy you?

Between the ND and MCDU you are performing aBetween the ND and MCDU you are performing a

NAV ACCUR checkNAV ACCUR check.. Does it satisfy youDoes it satisfy you?? 

YesYes,, raw data and FMGS posit ion are theraw data and FMGS position are the

same or the difference is withinsame or the difference is within

acceptable limitsacceptable limi ts ..  A A NoNo,, there is a major discrepancy betweenthere is a major discrepancy between

raw data and FMGS positi onsraw data and FMGS posit ions .. BB 

NoNo,, the accuracy is displayed LOW on thethe accuracy is disp layed LOW on theMCDU PROG pageMCDU PROG page.. CC 

NAV – 340F

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One of the IR has an attitude problem. Please

perform the correct action.

One of the IR has an attitude problemOne of the IR has an attitude problem.. PleasePlease

perform the correct actionperform the correct action.. 

 A A  BB CC  DD 

NAV – 340G

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What is the appropriate ECAM page to get

information about the oxygen system?

What is the appropriate ECAM page to getWhat is the appropriate ECAM page to get

information about the oxygen systeminformation about the oxygen system?? 


 A A 



OXY - 3500

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CC  A A 

BB In case of an ECAM procedure calling for a Manual

deployment of the masks, indicate which control pb

has to be pressed.

In case of an ECAM procedure calling for a ManualIn case of an ECAM procedure calling for a Manual

deployment of the masksdeployment of the masks,, indicate which controlindicate which control pbpb

has to be pressedhas to be pressed.. 

OXY - 3501

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On the passenger OXYGEN control panel, which

indication confirms the deployment of the masks?

On the passenger OXYGEN control panelOn the passenger OXYGEN control panel ,, whichwhich

indication confirms the deployment of the masksindication confirms the deployment of the masks?? 

 A A 


OXY - 3502

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1313 minutesminutes.. 

55 minutesminutes.. 

 Af ter a cabin mask deployment, what is their

effective time of use, once activated?

 Af ter a cabin mask deployment Af ter a cabin mask deployment,, what is theirwhat is their

effective time of useeffective time of use,, once activatedonce activated?? 

 A A 




2121 minutesminutes.. 

3737 minutesminutes.. 

OXY - 3503

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N position cuts the oxygen supplyN positi on cuts the oxygen supply ,, 100%100% position enables normal oxygen supplyposition enables normal oxygen supply .. 

The NThe N//100%100% selector is to be used duringselector is to be used during 

the preflight check to check the oxygenthe preflight check to check the oxygen

supply to the masksupply to the mask.. 

On the crew OXYGEN MASK Regulator Panel, which

statement best reflects the function of the N/100%

supply selector?

On the crew OXYGEN MASK Regulator PanelOn the crew OXYGEN MASK Regulator Panel,, whichwhich

statement best reflects the function of the Nstatement best reflects the function of the N//100%100% 

supply selector supply selector ?? 

 A A 




TheThe 100%100% position provides the maximumposition provides the maximum

pressurepressure,, N provides the normal pressureN provides the normal pressure,,

which is l ower which is lower .. 

The N positi on provides an air The N positi on provides an air //oxygenoxygen

mixturemixture,, 100%100% delivers pure oxygendelivers pure oxygen.. 

OXY - 3504

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 A A The cockpit CREW OXYGEN being operative,

which pb has to be pressed to switch the system


The cockpit CREW OXYGEN being operativeThe cockpit CREW OXYGEN being operative,,

whichwhich pbpb has to be pressed to switch the systemhas to be pressed to switch the system


OXY - 3506

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 Af ter switching the cockpit CREW OXYGEN OFF,

which ECAM indication would you see?

 Af ter switching the cockpit CREW OXYGEN OFF Af ter switching the cockpit CREW OXYGEN OFF,,

which ECAM indication would you seewhich ECAM indication would you see??

 A A  BB 

CC  DD OXY - 3507

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On the ECAM control panel, please select the

appropriate ECAM page to get information about

the PNEUMATIC system.

On the ECAM control panelOn the ECAM control panel,, please select theplease select the

appropriate ECAM page to get information aboutappropriate ECAM page to get information about

the PNEUMATIC systemthe PNEUMATIC system.. 

 A A




PNEU - 3600

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 A A FalseFalse.. BB 

On ground, on the ECAM SD “ BLEED” page the

GND symbol is always displayed.

On groundOn ground,, on the ECAM SDon the ECAM SD ““ BLEEDBLEED””  page thepage the

GND symbol is always d isplayedGND symbol is always displayed.. 

PNEU - 3601

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The engines are running and supplyingThe engines are running and supplyingbleed air bleed air ..  A A The engines are not runningThe engines are not running ,, the APU isthe APU is

supplying bleed air supply ing bleed air .. BB 

The engines are runningThe engines are running,, the APU isthe APU issupplying bleed air supply ing bleed air .. CC The engines are not runningThe engines are not running ,, a GND HP aira GND HP air

unit is supp lying bleed air unit is supplying bleed air .. DD 

 According to the ECAM BLEED page message and

“ AIR COND” contro l panel indications.

 According to the ECAM BLEED page message and According to the ECAM BLEED page message and

““ AIR COND AIR COND””  control panel indicationscontrol panel indications.. 

PNEU - 3602

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The enginesThe engines.. 

 A A The APUThe APU.. BB 

The engines and the APU together The engines and the APU together .. 


 Af ter start ing both engines and according to those

 AIR COND panel and ECAM BLEED page

indications, which source(s) provide the bleed air?

 Af ter start ing both engines and according to those Af ter start ing both engines and according to those

 AIR COND panel and ECAM BLEED page AIR COND panel and ECAM BLEED page

indicationsindications,, which sourcewhich source((ss)) provide the bleed air provide the bleed air ?? 

PNEU - 3603

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 At or close to take At or close to take--off power off power .. 

 A A The engines are not runningThe engines are not running .. BB 

 At or sl ight ly above idle power  At or sl ight ly above idle power .. 


What is the engine power according to th is ECAM


What is the engine power according to th is ECAMWhat is the engine power according to this ECAM


PNEU - 3604

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 According to the present AIR COND contro l panel

switch positions and ECAM BLEED page

indications, which source(s) will supply bleed air

when the APU BLEED pb is pressed.

 According to the present AIR COND contro l panel According to the present AIR COND contro l panel

switch positions and ECAM BLEED pageswitch positions and ECAM BLEED page

indicationsindications,, which sourcewhich source((ss)) will supply bleed airwill supply bleed air

when the APU BLEEDwhen the APU BLEED pbpb is pressedis pressed..

The APU supplies both sides of theThe APU supplies both sides of thesystemsystem..  A A The APU supplies the left side of theThe APU suppl ies the left side of the

system onlysystem only.. BB 

The APU supplies left side and engineThe APU suppl ies left side and engine 22 the right side of the systemthe right side of the system.. CC There will be no bleed air suppliedThere will be no bleed air supplied.. DD 

PNEU - 3605

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The X BLEED valve has failed to openThe X BLEED valve has failed to open.. 

 A A The X BLEED valve has failed to closeThe X BLEED valve has failed to close.. BB 

The X BLEED valve is in transitThe X BLEED valve is in transit .. 

CC The X BLEED valve is openThe X BLEED valve is open.. DD 

The APU BLEED pb has just been switched ON.

On the ECAM BLEED page what do the related

indications mean?

The APU BLEEDThe APU BLEED pbpb has just been switched ONhas just been switched ON.. 

On the ECAM BLEED page what do the relatedOn the ECAM BLEED page what do the related

indications meanindications mean?? 

PNEU - 3606

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Following an ENG 1 BLEED fault, the ECAM E/WD

procedure has been applied; on the ECAM status

page how do we interpret the STATUS information

message in green?

Following an ENGFollowing an ENG 11  BLEED faultBLEED fault,, the ECAM Ethe ECAM E//WDWD

procedure has been appliedprocedure has been applied ;; on the ECAM statuson the ECAM status

page how do we interpret the STATUS informationpage how do we interpret the STATUS information

message in greenmessage in green??

One pack has been automaticallyOne pack has been automatically

switched off because one ENG BLEEDswitched off because one ENG BLEED

system cannot supply WAI andsystem cannot supp ly WAI and 22 packspacks..  A A One pack has to be switched OFF if WINGOne pack has to be switched OFF if WING

 ANTI ICE ANTI ICE ((WAIWAI)) is used because one ENGis used because one ENG

BLEED system cannot supply WAI andBLEED system cannot supply WAI and 22 

packs together packs together ..BB 

If WAIIf WAI,, has to be usedhas to be used,, the X BLEED valvethe X BLEED valve

is automatically closedis automatically closed.. ThereforeTherefore,, packpack 11 will no longer be suppliedwill no longer be supplied.. CC 

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NoNo,, APU bleed closed APU bleed closed,, but X bleed valvebut X bleed valvehas to stay openhas to stay open.. A A NoNo,, the crew shou ld select X bleed valvethe crew shou ld select X bleed valve

selector toselector to ((shutshut)) position to close theposition to close the

valve manually after one engine is startedvalve manually after one engine is started.. BB 

NoNo,, IP HP valves should be closedIP HP valves should be closed.. 

CC YesYes,, all the indications are correctall the indications are correct,, HPHP

valves open because of high air demandvalves open because of high air demand

with engine at low RPMwith engine at low RPM.. DD 

Both engines are running and APU BLEED has been

switched OFF. Is the ECAM BLEED page display

correct ?

Both engines are running and APU BLEED has beenBoth engines are running and APU BLEED has been

switched OFFswitched OFF.. Is the ECAM BLEED page displayIs the ECAM BLEED page display

correctcorrect ?? 

PNEU – 360A

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 A A 

The left hand Bleed canThe left hand Bleed can ’’ t be recoveredt be recovered.. BB 

 APU bleed can never supply the left side APU bleed can never supply the left side.. CC 

The ENGThe ENG 11  BLEED valve has beenBLEED valve has been

automatically closedautomatically closed.. 

 An ENG 1 BLEED fault has occurred and is

indicated by the related ECAM E/WD failure


 An ENG An ENG 11  BLEED fault has occurred and isBLEED fault has occurred and is

indicated by the related ECAM Eindicated by the related ECAM E//WD failureWD failure


PNEU – 360C

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The APU is still running because it alwaysThe APU is still running because it always

needs aneeds a 22 min cool down period after themin cool down period after the APU MASTER SW has been switched o ff  APU MASTER SW has been switched o ff .. 

The APU is still runningThe APU is still running .. You have to pushYou have to push

the START SW to initiate the shut downthe START SW to initiate the shut down


The APU is still running, it is in the 2 min cool down

period because you have just finished using the

 APU bleed air .

You notice you st ill have APU AVAIL indications.

What is the reason for that ?

The APU is still runningThe APU is still runn ing ,, it is in theit is in the 22 min cool downmin cool down

period because you have just finished using theperiod because you have just finished using the

 APU bleed air  APU bleed air .. 

You notice you st ill have APU AVAIL indicationsYou notice you sti ll have APU AVAIL indications ..

What is the reason for thatWhat is the reason fo r that ?? 

 A A 




The APU has shut down but the AIR INLETThe APU has shut down but the AIR INLETFLAP is not fully closed yetFLAP is not fully closed yet.. 

The APU is still runningThe APU is still running .. It is in theIt is in the 22 minmin

cool down period because you have usedcool down period because you have used

 APU bleed before APU bleed before.. 

 APU - 4900

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YesYes,, I simply push the APU STARTI simply push the APU START switch to ONswitch to ON.. 

NoNo,, I have to wait until the AVAILI have to wait until the AVAIL 

indications disappear and then start theindications disappear and then start the 

 APU again APU again .. 

 Af ter the engines have been swi tched of f, you

realize that there is no external power available.

 According to the indications can you st il l i nterrupt

the APU shut down sequence?

 Af ter the engines have been swi tched of f  Af ter the engines have been switched of f ,, youyou

realize that there is no external power availablerealize that there is no external power available.. 

 According to the indications can you st il l i nterrupt According to the indications can you st il l interrupt

the APU shut down sequencethe APU shut down sequence?? 

 A A 




NoNo,, I have to wait unt il the APU AIR INLETI have to wait unti l the APU AIR INLET 

FLAP is fully closed and then start theFLAP is fully closed and then start the 

 APU again APU again .. 

YesYes,, I simply push the APU MASTER SWI simply push the APU MASTER SW

back to ONback to ON.. 

 APU - 4901

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 A A  BB  CC 

Which ECAM APU page corresponds to these

indications on the overhead panel ?

Which ECAM APU page corresponds to theseWhich ECAM APU page corresponds to these

indications on the overhead panelindications on the overhead panel ?? 

 APU - 4902

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 Any s tar t at tempt with a detected LOW OIL Any star t at tempt with a detected LOW OIL

LEVEL will l ead to an AUTOLEVEL will l ead to an AUTO SHUTDOWN to prevent the APU to beSHUTDOWN to prevent the APU to be


YesYes.. The APU will run for anotherThe APU will run for another 6060 hourshours

after the LOW OIL LEVEL has beenafter the LOW OIL LEVEL has been


You are attempting to start the APU.

 Af ter 20 seconds you get the fol lowing indicat ions

that you didn’t get during the last APU start.

Can you continue the APU start?

You are attempting to start the APUYou are attempting to start the APU.. 

 Af ter Af ter 2020 seconds you get the following indicationsseconds you get the following ind ications

that you didnthat you didn’’ t get during the last APU startt get during the last APU start..

Can you continue the APU startCan you continue the APU start??

 A A 




NoNo.. A low oi l l evel has been detected and A low oi l level has been detected and any start attempt will damage the APUany start attempt wil l damage the APU.. 

YesYes,, you simp le have to waityou simp le have to wait 2020 sec untilsec until

the LOW OIL LEVEL advisory disappearsthe LOW OIL LEVEL advisory disappears

and then go ahead with the APU startand then go ahead with the APU start.. 

 APU - 4903

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 APU wil l shu tdown only i f external power APU wil l shutdown only i f external poweris connectedis connected.. 

Nothing happen because air condi tioningNothing happen because air condi tioning

is selected onis selected on.. 

 A A 




The APU will sti ll run fo rThe APU will stil l run for 22 minute coolingminute coolingperiod and then shutdownperiod and then shutdown.. 

The APU will shutdown righ t awayThe APU will shutdown right away.. 

 Af ter engine shut down, APU running but APU

bleed has not been used, when you select APU

MASTER SW pb of f.

 Af ter engine shut down Af ter engine shut down ,,  APU running but APU APU running but APU

bleed has not been usedbleed has not been used,, when you select APUwhen you select APU

MASTER SWMASTER SW pbpb  of f of f .. 

 APU - 4904

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1515 000000 ftft   A A 

In flight APU starting limitation isIn flight APU starting limitation isIn flight APU starting limitation is 

3939 000000 ftft  BB 

2020 000000 ftft  


 APU - 4905

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25 00025 000 ftft  

3939 000000 ftft  

What is the maximum altitude the APU may be used

for bleed air supply with 1 pack operating ?

What is the maximum altitude the APU may be usedWhat is the maximum altitude the APU may be used

for bleed air supply withfor bleed air supply with 11 pack operatingpack operating ?? 

 A A 




1515 000000 ftft  

2020 000000 ftft  


20 00020 000

39 00039 000

15 00015 000

25 00025 000


 APU - 4906

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The APU is running and availableThe APU is running and available.. It isIt isprovid ing bleed air and electrical power provid ing bleed air and electrical power ..  A A The APU is running and availableThe APU is running and available.. It isIt is

providing bleed air onlyproviding bleed air only .. BB 

The APU is running and availableThe APU is running and available.. It isIt isproviding electrical power onlyproviding electrical power only.. CC The APU is running and availableThe APU is running and available .. It isIt is

providing neither electrical power norproviding neither electrical power nor

bleed air bleed air .. DD 

 According to the ECAM APU page ind ications : According to the ECAM APU page ind ications According to the ECAM APU page indications ::  

 APU - 4907

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On the ground, during APU start, the master caution

and single chime come ON and you notice on the

ECAM, that the APU won ’t exceed 53%.

Which statement is true?

On the groundOn the ground,, during APU startduring APU start ,, the master cautionthe master caution

and single chime come ON and you notice on theand single chime come ON and you notice on the

ECAMECAM,, that the APU wonthat the APU won’’ t exceedt exceed 53%53%.. 

Which statement is trueWhich statement is true?? 

 An APU AUTO SHUT DOWN wil l occur An APU AUTO SHUT DOWN wil l occurbecause of APU failure to reachbecause of APU failure to reach 90%90%  A A You have to abort the start by pushing theYou have to abort the start by pushing the

 APU MASTER SW to off  APU MASTER SW to of f .. BB 

 An APU EMER SHUT DOWN will occur An APU EMER SHUT DOWN will occur

because APU EGT overheating may causebecause APU EGT overheating may causean APU firean APU fire.. CC The FLAP will remain open after APUThe FLAP will remain open after APU

shutdown to vent the APU compartmentshutdown to vent the APU compartment.. DD 

 APU - 4908

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 An APU AUTO shut down wi ll occur but An APU AUTO shut down wi ll occur but  

you have to discharge the APU fire bottleyou have to discharge the APU fire bottle from the cockpit manuallyfrom the cockpit manually .. 

 An EMER AUTO shut down wil l occur bu t An EMER AUTO shut down wi ll occur but  

you have to discharge the APU fire bottleyou have to discharge the APU fire bott le 

manually either from the cockpi t or bymanually either from the cockpit or by  

pushing the APU SHUT DOWN switch onpush ing the APU SHUT DOWN switch on 

the external power panelthe external power panel.. 

You are performing the walk around with t he APU

running and nobody is in the cockpit.

What will happen in case of an APU FIRE?

You are performing the walk around with t he APUYou are performing the walk around with the APU

running and nobody is in the cockpitrunning and nobody is in the cockpit.. 

What will happen in case of an APU FIREWhat will happen in case of an APU FIRE?? 

 A A 




 An APU EMER shut down wil l occur and An APU EMER shut down wil l occur and  

the APU fire bottle will be dischargedthe APU fire bottle will be discharged 


You have to perform the ECAM actions toYou have to perform the ECAM actions to

shut down the APU and extinguish the fireshut down the APU and extinguish the fire 

from the cockpitfrom the cockpit .. 

 APU - 4909

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Is abnormal because it should be a greenIs abnormal because it should be a greendiscdisc.. 

Is only visib le with either APU started onIs only visib le with either APU started on

 AC GROUND POWER connected AC GROUND POWER connected.. 

During external walk around in the APU area the

checking of APU Fire extinguisher overpressure

indication (red disc) in place means :

During external walk around in the APU area theDuring external walk around in the APU area the

checking of APU Fire extinguisher overpressurechecking of APU Fire extinguisher overpressure

indicationindication ((red discred disc)) in place meansin place means ::  

 A A 




Indication is correct for normal operationIndication is correct for normal operation.. 

Indication is not correct and you call theIndication is not correct and you call the


 APU – 490A

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 A green disc A green disc ,, which means the bottlewhich means the bottlepressure is normalpressure is normal .. 

 A red disc A red disc ,, which means the APU FIREwhich means the APU FIRE

EXTING BOTTLE has not been dischargedEXTING BOTTLE has not been discharged


During walk around, status o f APU Fire extinguisher

overpressure indication (red disc) is made by

During walk aroundDuring walk around,, status of APU Fire extinguisherstatus of APU Fire extinguisher

overpressure indicationoverpressure indication ((red discred disc)) is made byis made by

 A A 




 A red disc A red disc ,, which means the APU FIREwhich means the APU FIRE

EXTING BOTTLE has been discharged dueEXTING BOTTLE has been discharged due

to an APU fireto an APU fire.. 

 A pressure gage visible from outs ide A pressure gage visible from outs ide

which indicates the bottle pressurewhich indicates the bottle pressure.. 

 APU – 490B

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The ENGThe ENG11 and ENGand ENG22 BLEEDBLEED pbspbs.. 

This is an automatic sequence initiatedThis is an automatic sequence initiated

when second or Eng starting is selectedwhen second or Eng starting is selected.. 

 A A 




The APU BLEEDThe APU BLEED pbpb on AIR CONDon AIR CONDoverhead paneloverhead panel.. 

The bleed rotary selector on A IR CONDThe bleed rotary selector on AIR COND

overhead paneloverhead panel.. 

To use the APU bleed system, the crew will select:To use the APU bleed systemTo use the APU bleed system,, the crew will selectthe crew will select ::  

 APU – 490C

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Electric Power for electric system onElectric Power for electric system onground and in flightground and in flight .. 

B and CB and C.. 

The APU providesThe APU providesThe APU provides

 A A 



On ground and in flightOn ground and in flight ,, electric power forelectric power for

the aircraft electric system and b leed airthe aircraft electric system and b leed air

for engine startfor engine start .. 

BB  Bleed air for engine start on ground andBleed air for engine start on ground and

air conditioning on ground and in flightair conditioning on ground and in flight .. 

 APU – 490D

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The Electric Power supplied from the APU

generator i s

The Electric Power supplied from the APUThe Electric Power supplied from the APU

generator isgenerator is 

 Available as soon as APU is running Available as soon as APU is runn ing,, evenevenif APU GEN is not selected ONif APU GEN is not selected ON..  A A Only available if the ground ExternalOnly available if the ground External

Power is already connected to the aPower is already connected to the a//cc

Electric networkElectric network .. BB 

 Available as soon as engines are shut Available as soon as engines are shutdowndown.. CC 

 Available when APU is running Available when APU is running,,  APU GEN APU GEN

is ON and EXT PWR is not ONis ON and EXT PWR is not ON.. DD 

 APU – 490E

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Ground external power sourceGround external power source.. 

 Any of the above Any of the above.. 

The APU can be started usingThe APU can be started usingThe APU can be started using 

 A A 




 Ai rcraf t batteries Ai rcraft batteries.. 

Power from aircraft DC bussesPower from aircraft DC busses.. 

 APU – 490F

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 A A 

Please indicate the stowing place

for the escape rope.

Please indicate the stowing placePlease indicate the stowing place

for the escape ropefor the escape rope.. 


DOORS - 5200

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The door is un lockedThe door is unlocked.. 

The door is inoperativeThe door is inoperative.. 

On the ECAM DOOR/OXY page, what does an amber

door indication mean?

On the ECAM DOOROn the ECAM DOOR//OXY pageOXY page,, what does an amberwhat does an amber

door indication meandoor indication mean?? 

 A A 




The door is fully openThe door is fully open.. 

The door is fu lly closedThe door is fully closed.. 

DOORS - 5201

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 According to this indication, the Cargo door i s


 According to this indication According to this ind ication ,, the Cargo door isthe Cargo door is


 A A 




DOORS - 5202

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You are ready for push-back on the ECAM SD

DOOR/OXY page. What should the DOOR Page look

like now?

You are ready for pushYou are ready for push --back on the ECAM SDback on the ECAM SD

DOORDOOR//OXY pageOXY page.. What should the DOOR Page lookWhat shou ld the DOOR Page look

like nowlike now?? 

 A A  BB 


DOORS - 5203

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NothingNothing.. Opening from outside disarmsOpening from outside disarmsthe slidethe slide.. 

You have reached the gate. Somebody i s about t o

open the left forward door from the outside. What

will happen in this case?

You have reached the gateYou have reached the gate.. Somebody is about toSomebody is about to

open the left forward door from the outsideopen the left forward door from the outside.. WhatWhat

will happen in this casewill happen in this case?? 

 A A 



The slide will be deployedThe slide will be deployed.. 

NothingNothing.. The door canThe door can'' t be open fromt be open from

outside as long as theoutside as long as the slideslide is armedis armed.. 

DOORS - 5204

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The left forward cabin door and theThe left forward cabin door and the 

forward cargo door are unlockedforward cargo door are unlocked,, thethe overwingoverwing exits and the rightexits and the right rear rear  door door  

slides are not armedslides are not armed.. 

OverwingOverwing exits and right rear door sli desexits and right rear door slides 

are not armedare not armed,, left forward cabin door andleft forward cabin door and 

forward cargo door indicating aforward cargo door indicating a


On the ECAM SD DOOR/OXY page this indication


On the ECAM SD DOOROn the ECAM SD DOOR//OXY page this indicationOXY page this indication


 A A 




OverwingOverwing exits and right rear door sli desexits and right rear door slides 

are armedare armed,, left forward cabin door andleft forward cabin door and 

forward cargo door indicate a malfunctionforward cargo door ind icate a malfunct ion .. 

The left forward cabin door and theThe left forward cabin door and the

forward cargo door are unlockedforward cargo door are unlocked,, thethe 

overwingoverwing exits and the right rear door exits and the right rear door  

slides are armedslides are armed.. 

DOORS - 5205

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Regarding engine THRUST LEVERS position, which

detent(s) can be used for take-off?

Regarding eng ine THRUST LEVERS posit ionRegarding engine THRUST LEVERS position ,, whichwhich

detentdetent((ss)) can be used for takecan be used for take--of f of f ?? 

 A A 






ENG - 7000

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You are about to perform a take-off. You don’t have

inserted a FLEX temperature.

Which thrust lever detent shall be used for take-off?

You are about to perform a takeYou are about to perform a take--of f off .. You donYou don’’t havet have

inserted a FLEX temperatureinserted a FLEX temperature.. 

Which thrust lever detent shall be used for takeWhich thrus t lever detent shall be used for take--of f of f ?? 

 A A 






ENG - 7001

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YesYes,, igniter B i s always used for theigniter B is always used for theengine startengine start.. 

YesYes,, igniters are used alternatively forigniters are used alternatively for

engine startengine start,, in this case Bin this case B.. 

During the automatic start sequence of ENG 2, you

notice that only ign iter B is powered.

Is this normal?

During the automatic start sequence of ENGDuring the automatic start sequence of ENG 22,, youyou

notice that only ign iter B is powerednotice that only igni ter B is powered..

Is this normalIs this normal?? 

 A A 




NoNo,, normally ign iter A is used for thenormally igni ter A is used for theengine startengine start.. 

NoNo,, normally both igniters are used fornormally both igniters are used for

engine startengine start.. 

ENG - 7002

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You are performing a take-off wi th the thrust levers

in the FLEX position. Is A/THR now active?

You are performing a takeYou are performing a take--off with the thrust leversoff with the thrust levers

in the FLEX positionin the FLEX position.. Is AIs A //THR now act iveTHR now active?? 

 A A 




ENG - 7003

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 As soon as you engage the autopi lot As soon as you engage the autopi lo t.. 

 As soon as you push the A As soon as you push the A//THRTHR pbpb

manually onmanually on.. 

You are performing a take off with thrust levers in

FLEX position. When does A/THR become active?

You are performing a take off with thrust levers inYou are performing a take off with th rust levers in

FLEX positionFLEX position.. When does AWhen does A//THR become activeTHR become active?? 

 A A 




 As soon as the thrust levers are pulled As soon as the thrust levers are pulledback into the CLIMB posi tionback into the CLIMB posi tion .. 

 As soon as you pass the thrust reduct ion As soon as you pass the thrust reduct ion


ENG - 7004

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 As soon as you engage the autopi lot As soon as you engage the autopi lo t.. 

 As soon as the thrust levers are pulled As soon as the thrust levers are pulled

back into the CLIMB posit ionback into the CLIMB posi tion .. 

You are performing a take-off with TOGA power.

When does the A/THR become active?

You are performing a takeYou are performing a take--off wi th TOGA power off wi th TOGA power ..

When does the AWhen does the A//THR become activeTHR become active?? 

 A A 




 As soon as the thrust levers are pulled As soon as the thrust levers are pulledback into the FLEX positionback into the FLEX position .. 

 As soon as you push the A As soon as you push the A//THRTHR pbpb

manually onmanually on.. 

ENG - 7005

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TheThe reversersreversers are stuckare stuck.. 

TheThe reversersreversers are unlockedare unlocked.. 

What does an amber REV indication mean?What does an amber REV indication meanWhat does an amber REV ind ication mean?? 

 A A 




TheThe reversersreversers are faultyare faulty.. 

TheThe reversersreversers are fully deployedare fully deployed.. 

ENG - 7006

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TheThe reversersreversers are stuckare stuck.. 

TheThe reversersreversers are unlockedare unlocked.. 

On the ECAM E/WD, with thrust levers reverser to

reverse position. What does a green REV indication


On the ECAM EOn the ECAM E//WDWD,, with thrust leverswith thrust levers reverserreverser toto

reverse positionreverse position.. What does a green REV indicationWhat does a green REV indication


 A A 




TheThe reversersreversers are faultyare faulty.. 

TheThe reversersreversers are fully deployedare fully deployed.. 

ENG - 7007

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Before engine starting the Eng FADEC should be

energized: which control do you activate in order to

energize the FADEC prior to engine start?

Before engine starting the Eng FADEC should beBefore engine starting the Eng FADEC should be

energizedenergized:: which control do you activate in order towhich control do you activate in order to

energize the FADEC prior to engine startenergize the FADEC prior to engine start?? 

 A A




DD ENG - 7008

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NoNo,, normally ign iter B is used for thenormally ign iter B is used for theengine startengine start.. 

YesYes,, both igniters are used for every startboth igniters are used for every start.. 

During the manual start sequence of ENG 2, you

notice that both igniters are powered.

Is this normal?

During the manual start sequence of ENGDuring the manual start sequence of ENG 22,, youyou

notice that both igniters are powerednotice that both i gniters are powered..

Is this normalIs this normal?? 

 A A 




NoNo,, normally ign iter A is used for thenormally igni ter A is used for theengine startengine start.. 

YesYes,, for manual start both igniters arefor manual start both igniters are

always usedalways used.. 

ENG - 7009

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It indicates a failure in the engine fireIt indicates a failure in the engine fireextinguishing systemextinguishing system.. 

What is the meaning o f an amber FAULT light on

the ENG panel?

What is the meaning o f an amber FAULT light onWhat is the meaning o f an amber FAULT light on

the ENG panelthe ENG panel?? 

 A A 



It indicates a failure in the automatic startIt indicates a failure in the automatic startsequencesequence.. 

It indicates an engine failureIt indicates an engine failure.. 

ENG – 700A

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It is an indication of a discrepancyIt is an indication of a discrepancy

between the digital EGT indication and thebetween the digital EGT indication and thevalue indicated by the needlevalue indicated by the needle.. 

It is an indication of a discrepancyIt is an indication of a discrepancy

between the value shown on the ECAMbetween the value shown on the ECAM

and the real valueand the real value..

On the ECAM E/WD page, what is the meaning of

the amber CHK indication?

On the ECAM EOn the ECAM E//WD pageWD page,, what is the meaning o fwhat is the meaning of

the amber CHK indicationthe amber CHK indication?? 

 A A 




It is an indication that the EGT of ENGIt is an indication that the EGT of ENG 11 isisout of the normal rangeout of the normal range.. 

It is an indication of a discrepancyIt is an indication of a discrepancy

between EGT of ENGbetween EGT of ENG11 and ENGand ENG22.. 




ENG – 700B

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You are in the middle of the engine start procedure.

Is this an automatic start o r a manual start?

You are in the middle of the engine start procedureYou are in the middle of the engine start procedure..

Is this an automatic start o r a manual startIs this an automatic start or a manual start?? 

 A A 


 Automat ic Automat ic .. 

ManualManual .. 

ENG – 700C

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FADEC does not monitor the manualFADEC does not mon itor the manual

start at allstart at all.. Al l s teps and possible Al l s teps and possiblecorrective actions have to be performedcorrective actions have to be performed

by the pilotsby the pilots.. 

During a manual start, what is the role of the


During a manual startDuring a manual start ,, what is the role of thewhat is the role of the


 A A 



It has a passive monitoring roleIt has a passive monitoring role,, the crewthe crew

has to monito r the start carefully to takehas to monitor the start carefully to takecorrective actions in case ofcorrective actions in case of


There is no difference betweenThere is no difference between

automatic and normal startautomatic and normal start ,, FADECFADEC

monitors and reacts to poss ible failuresmonito rs and reacts to poss ible failures

during the start sequenceduring the start sequence.. 

ENG – 700D

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Fuel flow startFuel flow start.. 

Starter engagementStarter engagement.. 

Which step of a manual start is taken over by the


Which step of a manual start is taken over by theWhich step of a manual start is t aken over by the


 A A 




Ignition startIgnition start.. 

Ignition cutIgnition cut--outout.. 

ENG – 700E