Air Quality Profile Of Curtis Bay, Brooklyn and Hawkins Point, Maryland March 2012 Revised June 2012 © 2011, Curtis W. Wright, All Rights Reserved

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Air Quality Profile Of Curtis Bay, Brooklyn and Hawkins

Point, Maryland

March 2012

Revised June 2012

© 2011, Curtis W. Wright, All Rights Reserved

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About the Environmental Integrity Project

The Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to

the enforcement of the nation’s anti-pollution laws and to the prevention of political

interference with those laws. EIP provides objective analysis of how the failure to enforce or

implement environmental laws increases pollution and harms public health. We also help local

communities obtain the protection of environmental laws.


Environmental Integrity Project Research Analyst Robbie Orvis and Attorneys Abel Russ and

Leah Kelly contributed to this report.

Data Limitations

EIP’s analysis of toxic emissions and potential health impacts is based on publicly available data

retrieved and analyzed from EPA, state agencies and private companies. Occasionally,

government data may contain errors, either because information is inaccurately reported by

the regulated entities or incorrectly transcribed by government agencies. In addition, this

report is based on data retrieved between August 2011 and February 2012, and subsequent

data retrievals may differ slightly as some companies and agencies correct prior reports.

EIP is committed to ensuring that the data we present are as accurate as possible. We will

correct any errors that are verifiable.

June 2012 Revision

EIP revised this report in June of 2012 in order to exclude fine particulate matter (PM2.5) data

recorded at the FMC Fairfield monitor in Curtis Bay during the year 2008. We did this because

we were informed by the Maryland Department of the Environment that this monitor was

removed in August of 2008, meaning that the average PM2.5 concentration for that year did

not take into account the fall months, during which PM2.5 concentrations tend to be lower

than in the summer. We also added language to further distinguish between emissions of toxic

air pollutants and concentrations of those pollutants in the ambient air.

Questions and Comments can be directed to Leah Kelly at [email protected]

Environmental Integrity Project – DC Office

One Thomas Circle, Suite 900

Washington, DC 20005

Phone (202) 263-4449 • Fax (202) 296-8882

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The South Baltimore neighborhoods of Curtis Bay, Brooklyn and Hawkins Point (referred

to in this report as the Baybrook Area or Baybrook) have a long history as the focal point of

industrialization in Baltimore City. This includes two events in which residents were relocated

from the most industrial part of this area because of health concerns. The Baybrook

community presently has high mortality (death) rates from heart disease, chronic lower

respiratory disease and lung cancer, which are diseases that have been associated with air

pollution exposure. Furthermore, 2010 census statistics show approximately 20% of families

living below the poverty line in Baybrook, raising environmental justice concerns.

The Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) is issuing this report in order to provide more

information to the community and to decision-makers about air pollution and health in

Baybrook. However, there is still a great deal of information that is not known, particularly

about the cumulative impacts on residents’ health of the multiple source of pollution to which

they are exposed.

In conducting the research for this report, EIP reviewed air quality information from a

number of different sources, including data recorded by ambient (outside) air monitors and

models and databases developed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency

(EPA) a.

Key findings are summarized below:

Quantity of Toxic Air Pollution Released in Baybrookb

• Each year, from 2005 to 2009, the Curtis Bay zip code was among the top ten zip codes

in the country for highest quantity of toxic air pollutants released by stationary (non-

mobile) facilities.

• In 2007 and 2008, Curtis Bay ranked first in the entire country for quantity of these

releases, with 20.6 and 21.6 million pounds released respectively each year. In 2009, it

ranked second in the nation after the quantity decreased to 13.8 million pounds.

• In 2010, due to pollution control technology upgrades at two coal-fired power plants,

this number decreased to 2.2 million pounds, dropping the Curtis Bay zip code to 74th in

the nation out of 8,949c zip codes reporting toxic emissions.

a This report includes a Data Limitations section at Appendix A that addresses limitations of the different EPA tools

used for analysis. b Findings in this section are based on EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI).

c This figure does not include emissions from U.S. Territories.

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• Even with these reductions, Curtis Bay ranks first in Maryland for emissions of air toxics

from stationary sources. The emissions from this area constitute 37% of the toxic

emissions in the state and more than 87% of all toxic stationary source emissions in

Baltimore City. While emissions of toxic air pollution are not the same thing as the

concentrations of those pollutants in the air, the two may be related, depending on a

number of factors, including wind and whether the emissions are released from a tall


Pollution Contributing To Heart Disease and Death

• It is likely that an important pollutant contributing to risk of death from heart disease or

other causes in Baybrook, is fine particulate matter, or PM2.5, which is a criteria


• A monitor located in Baybrook recorded the third highest PM2.5 concentrations in

Baltimore City in 2007, out of six monitors. That monitor was removed in 2008 and has

not been replaced

• PM2.5 concentrations generally decreased in Baltimore City and in Baybrook between

2003 and 2007. However, average concentrations in Baybrook over that five-year

period were among the highest in Baltimore City.

• Based on the most recent emissions data available, from 2008, primary sources of PM2.5

in Baltimore City were the Fort Smallwood coal-fired power plants and Sparrows Point

Steel Mill. d Pollution technology upgrades installed at Fort Smallwood in 2010, as a

result of the Maryland Healthy Air Act, have significantly reduced PM2.5 emissions,

although this facility remains a major source of PM2.5 pollution in Baltimore City. The

Sparrows Point Steel Mill has reduced its operations recently, which has also reduced its

PM2.5 emissions.

Pollution Contributing To Non-Cancer Respiratory Effectse


• Ground-level ozone is likely contributing to risk of adverse respiratory effects in


• Monitoring data is available for ozone from one monitor located in Northeast Baltimore

but there is no ozone monitor located in Baybrook.

• The Baltimore City ozone monitor has recorded increasing concentrations of ozone in

recent years. In 2011, these levels were higher than air quality standards set by EPA.

d Our discussion of PM2.5 includes PM2.5 and PM filterable and condensable emissions.

e This section does not address risk for lung cancer, which is addressed in the Cancer section of this report.

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Air Toxics

EPA’s National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA) estimates different kinds of health risks from

exposure to toxic air pollution and indicates the following based on 2005 emissions

information, which is the most recent available through NATA:

• Each of the four census tracts within Baybrook ranks between the 87th and the 92nd

percentiles in Maryland for highest risk of developing respiratory effects from toxic air

pollution. Of the three residential census tracts, two are within the top 90th percentile

for respiratory risk. In other words, between 87 and 92 percent of the census tracts in

Maryland have less risk of developing respiratory effects from toxic air pollution than

those in Baybrook

• Compared with the rest of the United States, each of the four census tracts ranks

between the 89th and the 92nd percentiles for highest respiratory risk.

• When looking at which pollutants are contributing to respiratory risk, the primary driver

is acrolein, which is contributing nearly 80% of toxic respiratory risk in Baybrook. Other

pollutants that are significant contributors to respiratory risk include diesel engine

emissions (5%), formaldehyde (5%), acetaldehyde (4%) and chlorine (4%).

Pollution Contributing to Cancer

EPA’s National Air Toxics Assessment suggests the following based on 2005 data, which is the

most recent available through NATA:

• One of the residential census tracts in Baybrook (250401) ranks in the 91st percentile in

the state for risk of developing cancer from toxic air pollution, and another (250402)

ranks in the 81st percentile.

• Compared to cancer risk in the United States, all four census tracts in Baybrook rank

above the 83rd percentile, and tracts 250401 and 250402 rank in the 89th and 86th

percentiles respectively,.

• Over half of the cancer risk in Baybrook is attributable to two chemicals: formaldehyde

(38%) and benzene (16%).

It appears that diesel particulate matter (diesel PM) may be the most important carcinogen

in ambient air in Baybrook. However, diesel PM is not modeled as part of cancer risk under

NATA because EPA has not adopted a value for its strength as a carcinogen (i.e. a cancer

potency value). Based on NATA, Baybrook appears to have some of the highest concentrations

of diesel PM both nationally and within Maryland. The health effects of diesel PM are

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discussed on pages 31-32 of this report, and likely sources of diesel PM concentrations in

Baybrook are discussed on page 35.

Sources of Air Pollution in Baltimore City

EPA’s 2008 National Emissions Inventory (NEI) database, which is the most recent

emissions data available, indicates that the emissions that appear to be driving cancer and

respiratory risk in Baybrook (acrolein, formaldehye and benzene) are primarily coming from

passenger cars, residential wood-burning, and cargo ships, while PM2.5 is coming primarily from

large stationary sources. Additionally, of the on-road mobile sources of diesel PM, heavy-duty

trucks appear to be significant contributors.

Data Limitations

A full discussion of the limitations of the EPA databases and model used to create this

report is included in Appendix A. There are a few basic principles that should be kept in mind.

First, usually the best kind of information that can be obtained about air quality in a particular

neighborhood is data recorded by ambient air monitors. In the present case, because the only

monitor recently located in Baybrook was taken down in 2008, we did not have access to this

kind of data. Second, two of the EPA tools that we used, NATA and NEI, are based on emissions

information gathered in 2005 and 2008 respectively. These are the most recent versions

available, and we have noted the likely effect of significant events that have occurred since the

information was gathered. Additionally, emissions databases are calculated using emissions

factors, which can dramatically underrepresent actual emissions, as has been shown, for

example, in studies on emissions from chemical and petroleum tanks, which exist in large

numbers near Baybrook. Third, information obtained from NATA is based on modeling of

pollutant concentrations and associated health risks. With modeled information, there is

always some uncertainty, particularly when analyzing information for a small geographic area

like Baybrook.


Residents of Baybrook deserve the same quality of life and health as other communities

within Maryland. Steps must be taken to improve the air quality in Baybrook and to fill in the

information gaps about air pollution and health in this area of Baltimore.

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The final section of this report sets forth EIP’s recommendations as steps toward

achieving these goals. Briefly, these recommendations are the following:

• Increase ambient air monitoring in the Baybrook Area. This should include replacement

of the PM2.5 monitor that was removed from the area in 2008, and additional monitors

for ozone, acrolein, formaldehyde, and benzene.

• State agencies, such as the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and the

Maryland Public Service Commission, that issue environmental permits to large

industrial sources of pollution, should consider the cumulative health impacts from

multiple sources of pollution in permitting decisions and should prioritize enforcement

actions in environmentally overburdened communities like Baybrook. EPA has made

clear that state environmental agencies have the legal authority to account for

disproportionate environmental and health impacts in permitting and enforcement.

• The Maryland Port Authority (MPA) should produce a comprehensive updated

emissions inventory which includes emissions from ships, port equipment and vehicles,

and fugitive coal dust emissions. The MPA should also work with MDE to develop a

clean air action plan that sets short and long-term goals for reducing emissions, and

identifies methods for achieving those goals.

• Industrial facilities located in Baybrook should be required to include, as a term of any

new contracts entered into with trucking companies, that all trucks be fitted with diesel

particulate filters, which can routinely remove more than 90% of diesel PM emissions

from truck tailpipes.1 The City and State can and should condition any public subsidies

flowing to such companies on the inclusion of such a term in new trucking contracts.

• City officials should work with residents and community leaders to re-direct heavy truck

traffic away from the residential neighborhoods of Curtis Bay. A key part of this project

should be the conversion of Pennington Avenue in Curtis Bay to a 2-way street on which

heavy truck traffic is prohibited. This will aid community goals to turn Pennington

Avenue into a “Main Street” area where small businesses can flourish and provide badly

needed jobs outside of heavy industry.

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Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................... i

Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 1

PART 1 – BAYBROOK COMMUNITY PROFILE .................................................................................. 2

Geography ................................................................................................................................... 2

History of Industry in the Baybrook Area ................................................................................... 3

Racial and Socio-Economic Makeup ........................................................................................... 7

Health .......................................................................................................................................... 8

Past Studies Of Air Pollution and Health in Baybrook .............................................................. 10

PART 2 - AIR QUALITY PROFILE ..................................................................................................... 12

Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 12

QUANTITY OF TOXIC AIR EMISSIONS RELEASED IN BAYBROOK ............................................... 13

HEART DISEASE AND DEATH ..................................................................................................... 16

Fine Particulate Matter ......................................................................................................... 16

Health Effects of Fine Particulate Matter ......................................................................... 16

Concentrations of Fine Particulate Matter in Baybrook ................................................... 17

Sources of Fine Particulate Matter in Baltimore City ....................................................... 20

RESPIRATORY EFFECTS (NON-CANCER) .................................................................................... 22

Ozone .................................................................................................................................... 22

Health Effects of Ozone .................................................................................................... 22

Ambient Air Levels of Ozone ............................................................................................. 23

Air Toxics ............................................................................................................................... 24

Respiratory Risk in Baybrook Compared To Maryland and The United States .......... 25

Pollutants Contributing to Respiratory Risk in Baybrook ................................................. 26

Sources Contributing to Respiratory Risk in Baybrook ..................................................... 27

CANCER ..................................................................................................................................... 29

Cancer Risk in Baybrook Compared To Maryland and The United States ........................ 29

Pollutants Contributing to Cancer Risk in Baybrook ......................................................... 29

Sources Contributing to Cancer Risk in Baybrook ............................................................ 32

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SOURCES OF AIR POLLUTION IN BALTIMORE CITY ............................................................... 35

1. Passenger Cars ........................................................................................................ 35

2. Commercial Diesel Marine Vessels ......................................................................... 35

3. Major Stationary Sources ........................................................................................ 36

4. Heavy-Duty Diesel Trucks ....................................................................................... 36

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................... 37

Appendix A .................................................................................................................................... 41

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 46

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EIP became interested in the Curtis Bay, Brooklyn and Hawkins Point neighborhoods in

South Baltimore while working to reduce pollution on a state-wide basis in Maryland. A large

number of pollution sources are located or proposed in these areas, and we were concerned by

data showing that very large quantities of toxic air pollutants are released there. Further

investigation revealed that there are comparatively high rates of chronic lower respiratory

disease, cancer and heart disease, which are diseases that have been associated with exposure

to air pollution, in these neighborhoods

Additionally, when working class neighborhoods like Curtis Bay, Brooklyn and Hawkins

Point, are disproportionately exposed to pollution, it is often because individuals in those

communities have not historically had a voice in decisions that affect their immediate

surroundings and their lives. In addition to receiving equal protection under environmental and

land use laws, all communities, regardless of affluence, should be made equal partners in

environmental decision-making.2

As discussed in the history section of this report, it appears that the residents of Curtis

Bay, Brooklyn and Hawkins Point have not historically had a voice in many of the decisions that

now affect their environment, health and well-being.

On February 2, 2012, EIP held a forum, in coordination with partner groups Chesapeake

Climate Action Network and Clean Water Action, in Curtis Bay to listen to residents’ concerns

about air pollution in their neighborhoods. One problem raised at this forum, which we discuss

in this report, was diesel exhaust and other impacts of heavy trucks traveling through

residential neighborhoods in Curtis Bay. We will hold another forum during the spring to

address potential tools that residents can use to address this and other concerns.

We hope that these community events, as well as this report, will serve as steps toward

a sustained partnership with leaders, residents and workers in these communities.

This report is organized into two parts, a community profile and an air quality profile.

We have also set forth some preliminary recommendations for gathering additional pertinent

information and beginning to improve air quality and health in these neighborhoods.

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The neighborhoods that are the focus of this report are located in the southernmost

part of Baltimore City. These neighborhoods, known as Curtis Bay, Brooklyn, Hawkins Point,

Fairfield, and Wagner’s Point are collectively referred to in this report as the Baybrook Area or

Baybrook. This area can be identified by the four census tracts (250600, 250500, 250401,

250402) or two zip codes: 21225 and 21226. Fairfield, Wagner’s Point, and Hawkins Point are

primarily industrial areas while Curtis Bay and Brooklyn are primarily residential areas.

Baltimore City, in which Baybrook is located, is not part of any county and is treated as

its own county for a number of purposes.

Figure 1: Baybrook Area

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History of Industry in the Baybrook Area

The history of Baybrook as the center of industry and manufacturing in Baltimore is long

and fraught with conflict.

Up until the early 1800s, Baybrook was primarily farm land due to its separation from

the rest of Baltimore City by water. In 1956, the construction of the Light Street Bridge

connected Baybrook directly to the rest of the city, paving the way for industry.3 The bridge

was underutilized for several years because of the steep tolls its owners charged for passage.

However, the State purchased the bridge in 1878 and eliminated the tolls, significantly

increasing the Baybrook Area’s connection to the city.4

Additionally, in 1882 the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was extended into Baybrook,

allowing railroad access into these neighborhoods. In 1892, a streetcar line was installed across

the Light Street Bridge into the area,5 allowing a large work force to commute there and

encouraging industry to locate in the region. These changes led numerous companies to set up

shop in or near the Baybrook Area, including the Baltimore Sugar Refinery, the Monarch

Engineering and Supply Company, which built smelting furnaces, the National Supply Company,

which manufactured bolts and hardware fittings, the Ryan McDonald Manufacturing Company,

which built railway construction supplies, and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad coal and ore

shipping facility. This was once the largest such facility in the world and is still in operation

today, although it is now owned by CSX Transportation. As these projects were built in the

Baybrook Area, workers settled near the facilities, and the population swelled.6

The population continued to increase in the early 20th century as the area became a

primary manufacturing and industrial center during World War I. In 1918, Baybrook was

annexed into Baltimore City as part of a larger annexation of land surrounding the city. 7 An

earlier bill put forth in 1912 had been defeated because opponents believed that the residents

of the area being annexed should approve the annexation, which was considered unlikely. 8 In

1918, the Maryland legislature passed the Annexation Act of 1918 in response to arguments by

Baltimore City leaders that the annexation would keep Baltimore in the top ten urban areas in

the 1920 census and would help the City to address increasing industrial needs. The

Annexation Act of 1918 allowed annexation of lands surrounding Baltimore City, including

Baybrook, without the consent of residents. 9

When the United States entered World War II, the Baybrook Area became one of the

major shipbuilding centers on the East Coast. The immense demand for labor to construct

ships for the War – the Baybrook Area alone employed more than 47,000 people and produced

over 384 ships by the end of the War – further industrialized, and dramatically increased the

population of, the area. 10 By 1943, federally subsidized and private home construction spurred

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by wartime labor demands led to nearly construction on nearly every square inch of available


In the years following World War II, Baybrook gradually became the focal point of

industry in Baltimore. In addition to the manufacturing infrastructure left in place after the

War, it is also likely that companies flocked to the area because of the construction of the

Harbor Tunnel in 195712 and Francis Scott Key Bridge in 1977.13

In 1966, relocation of residents from an area within Baybrook was proposed for the first

time by the City because of a nine-alarm fire at the Continental Oil Company. Thirty two people

were injured in this event. Shortly thereafter, City officials proposed to relocate residents of

the industrial peninsula, but this proposal did not come to fruition.14

In 1971, the City again took steps toward relocating some of the residents living on the

Fairfield Peninsula, by budgeting for the relocation after the City designated Fairfield an “Urban

Renewal Area.” However, this plan was abandoned and the relocation was called off. 15 The

trend of disinvestment in the community continued in the 1970s, with the Fairfield community

losing access to water in 1972, despite being located adjacent to the Patapsco Wastewater

Treatment Plant, and not regaining this access until 1976.16 While residents continued to wait

for the City to agree to help them relocate, 17 a series of accidents and spills took place, which

included the overturning of a CSX railroad car in May of 1979, resulting in a spill of 9,000 gallons

of sulfuric acid and forcing the evacuation of 700 people.18 In July of 1979, there was an

explosion at the BP Oil Company, and, in 1988, chromium-contaminated soil was discovered at

the Patapsco Wastewater Treatment Plant.19

Finally, the City agreed to an initial relocation of approximately 100 residents in 1988.

This relocation was of the Fairfield Homes community and part of the Old Fairfield community,

but did not include any funding for the residents of Wagner’s Point, a community located on

the southernmost part of the Fairfield Peninsula and also exposed to industrial pollution.

Additionally, the values received for the residents’ homes tended to be low, the residents were

often required to move to an area defined by the City, and many were sent to public housing

instead of their own homes.20

The inadequacy of the City’s relocation policies combined with the continued pollution

drove Baybrook Area residents to petition to reverse Baybrook’s annexation to Baltimore City in

1991, but the residents were unsuccessful. In the ensuing years, the Baybrook Area continued

to bear the brunt of industrial accidents and uncontrolled pollution. Spills and accidents during

this time include a 1996 explosion at the FMC plant, a 1997 spill of 100 gallons of toluene (a

toxic pollutant) by the FMC Corporation, the 1998 release of a toxic cloud of gas from FMC, a

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tank explosion at FMC in May of 1998, and an explosion and fireball at a Condea Vista Company

plant in October of 1998.21

Between 1996 and 1998, the relocation movement picked up steam as residents formed

the Fairfield and Wagner’s Point Neighborhood Coalition, which was strengthened by

collaboration with clinical programs at the University of Maryland Law School. Despite

suffering a terrible setback when the Neighborhood Coalition’s leader, a woman named

Jeannette Skrzecz, passed away from cancer in 1998, residents ultimately obtained a seat at the

negotiating table with the City in 1998. In 1999, a deal was struck for residents to receive funds

to relocate. The deal included up to $30,000 for each homeowner to relocate and residents of

both the Fairfield and Wagner’s Point communities were eligible to receive funds. This

resettlement has only just concluded, with the last residents moving out in March of 2011.22

Today, the list of facilities located in the Baybrook Area includes oil and petroleum

processors, two coal-fired power plants, a chemical manufacturing facility, a wastewater-

treatment plant, a medical waste incinerator, a major coal shipping terminal, as well as many

others. Furthermore, new or expanded facilities continue to be sited here. Examples of

modern industrial facilities recently or soon-to-be added to the area include the Energy

Answers trash incinerator (which will be one of the largest trash burning incinerators in the

country), a coal ash landfill (currently owned by Constellation Power Source Generation, Inc.)

and two dredge handling facilities (one in Masonville, the other in Hawkins Point). See Figure 2

below for active facilities with major air permits.

Community groups are still working to address impacts of industrialization in the

Baybrook area. To counter heavy truck traffic in residential neighborhoods in Curtis Bay, some

community members started a campaign in 2008 to reduce or eliminate the large diesel trucks

that are traveling through these neighborhoods to and from the industrial area on the Fairfield

Peninsula. Based on counts by residents, these trucks, primarily gas tankers, are traveling

through these neighborhoods at a rate of 400 trucks per day, and often up to twenty per hour,

or one truck every three minutes. The trucks emit significant exhaust fumes, the health effects

of which are discussed below in our report, and also damage roads, cause excessive levels of

noise and create serious safety hazards for pedestrians, especially children. Additionally, the

presence of the trucks is impeding community goals to convert Pennington Avenue, currently a

route used by the trucks, back to a “Main Street” area where small, non-industrial, businesses

can flourish, and improve the economies of Curtis Bay and Brooklyn by providing badly-needed

jobs that are not associated with heavy industry.

Residents met with representatives of the Baltimore City Department of Transportation

in late November of 2011 to discuss these goals and how to achieve re-routing of the trucks and

conversion of Pennington Avenue into a main street. The City agreed to perform studies to

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count the number of trucks traveling along Curtis Avenue, which is another problem route, and

to record their speed. At the time that this report was published, the City was planning to

survey residents who live along the truck routes as part of their initial investigation into plans to

calm traffic. 23f

f This list was created using EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) database. Each facility

shown is registered with ECHO as having a Major Air Permit, meaning it is classified as a major source of air

pollution under the Clean Air Act. Additionally, each facility shown was listed as active in ECHO as of February 27,

2012. Additionally, the Millennium Inorganic Chemicals plant, located on Hawkins Point, was idled in 2009 and, in

2011, announced plans to close by 2013. In 2009, this facility reported 429,317 pounds of toxic air releases. While

there were no TRI reported toxic air emissions from this facility in 2010, this facility renewed its Title V air permit in

2010, had an air permit compliance certification test in April of 2011, and continues to discharge waste in water

and into a landfill, with numerous violations in the past few years. See endnote 23 for citations.

Figure 2: Active Facilities in Curtis Bay with Major Air Permitsf






















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Racial and Socio-Economic Makeup

In 2010, the Baybrook population was 14,243. 52.1% of Baybrook residents were

White, 36.5% were Black or African, 9.8%, were Latino or Hispanic, 1.9% Asian, and

approximately 2.3% were at least 2 races or “some other race.” This is markedly different from

the racial composition of Baltimore City as a whole, which, in 2000, was comprised of almost

two thirds Black or African American residents, less than one third White residents a little less

than 5% Hispanic or Latino residents, 2.3% Asian residents, and 5.5% at least 2 races or “some

other race.”24

The median household

income of the four census

tracts within Baybrook was

$32,192 in 2010. This was

slightly lower than that of

than the median household

income level in Baltimore City,

$32,675, and significantly

lower than the United States

median income of $51,914

and the Maryland median

income of $70,647. In 2010,

the percentage of families in

Baybrook living below the

poverty level was almost twice

as high as in the United States,

more than three times higher

than in Maryland, and also

significantly higher than in

Baltimore City. Lastly,

unemployment in Baybrook

was also higher than in the

United States, Maryland, and

Baltimore City, although not

significantly higher than in the

City as a whole.25

$32,192 $32,675












Baybrook Area Baltimore City United States Maryland

Figure 3: Comparison of Median Household Income



12% 12%










Percent Unemployed Percent Families Below Poverty


Baybrook Area Baltimore City U.S. Maryland

Figure 4: Comparison of Unemployment and Poverty Rates

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In terms of educational attainment, approximately 3/4 of Baybrook’s residents 25 years

and older had a high school degree or less, and approximately 6% of Baybrook residents 25

years and older had a bachelor’s degree or more. 26

However, education statistics indicate that the schools in the Baybrook Area are fairly

good compared with the rest of the city. While significantly fewer kindergarteners in Baybrook

are assessed as “fully ready to learn” compared with the city overall, reading proficiency levels

measured in 3rd and 8th grade were higher in Baybrook than city-wide. The juvenile arrest rate

among 10-17 year-olds is also substantially lower in Baybrook, approximately 2/3 of the rate in

Baltimore City as a whole.27


According to a health profile recently released by the Baltimore City Health Department,

the Baybrook Area has notably high rates of mortality (death) from certain diseases that have

been linked28 with exposure to air pollution.29 The profile reveals that the rates of mortality in

Baybrook between 2005 and 2009 from heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic lower

respiratory diseaseg were among the highest mortality rates for these diseases in Baltimore

City.30 These results are particularly troubling in light of the fact that Baltimore generally fares

worse than the rest of the state and the rest of the country in the same health outcomes.

Figure 5 below compares the mortality rates set forth in the Baybrook Area Health Profile with

g Chronic lower respiratory disease is a category of diseases that affect the lower respiratory tract and includes

asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).








5.1 4.2











Heart Disease Lung Cancer Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease

Baybrook Area (2005-2009) Baltimore City (2005-09) Maryland (2005-09) U.S. (2005-09)

Figure 5: Comparison of Baybrook Area Specific Mortality Rates per 10,000 to Baltimore City,

Maryland, and United States

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city, state and national mortality statistics.31 This figure shows that the rate of heart disease

mortality in the Baybrook Area is more than twice the national and state rates. Mortality rates

from lung cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease were also notably higher in Baybrook.

Additionally, while we could not locate asthma statistics for smaller areas within

Baltimore City, statistics from the Maryland Asthma Control Program show that the City, as a

whole, has the highest rates of adult asthma prevalence, asthma-related hospitalization and

asthma-related mortality in the state.32 Asthma-related hospitalization in Baltimore City in

2009 was more than double the Maryland rate of hospitalization. Asthma-related mortality in

Baltimore City in 2005-2009 was also more than double the Maryland mortality rate over the

same time period. Adult asthma prevalence (the number of adults with asthma divided by the

adult population) in 2007-09 was 12.4% in Baltimore City, compared to a statewide average

prevalence of 9%. We assume that asthma prevalence in the Baybrook area is similar to that in

Baltimore City as a whole.

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Past Studies Of Air Pollution and Health in Baybrook

Two studies of air pollution and health in Baybrook have been conducted in the past.

One is a Johns Hopkins study of exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and the other

is an EPA study of large point sources.

Volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, are a group of chemicals from natural and man-

made sources that easily change from liquid to gas at room temperature. Benzene and

formaldehyde are familiar examples. The study conducted by Johns Hopkins University

researchers looked at exposure to 15 VOCs in the Baybrook Area and in the central Baltimore

neighborhood of Hampden.33 The researchers compared measured and modeled outdoor

concentrations to indoor concentrations and “personal exposures,” which were measured by

personal badges worn by local residents for 72 hours. The results of the study were published

in 2005. In general, this study found that exposure to VOCs in the Baybrook Area was similar to

exposure in the Hampden neighborhood. The study also found that indoor exposures to the

measured VOCs were higher than outdoor exposures, which suggests that there are significant

indoor sources of VOCs in both Baybrook and Hampden. These indoor sources include

secondhand smoke, paints and varnishes, and drinking water disinfection byproducts, among

others. Finally, the study estimated the cumulative cancer risk of the 15 VOCs in Baybrook. The

risk estimate based on measured outdoor concentrations was roughly 4 in 100,000. The risk

based on personal exposure was roughly 18 in 100,000. The principle limitation of this study is

that it did not assess exposure to any pollutants other than VOCs. In fact, it did not even assess

all VOCs, omitting formaldehyde, which the NATA model estimates to be a major cancer risk

driver (discussed fully below in the Air Quality Profile section of our report).

In the late 1990s the U.S. EPA conducted a community-based air quality screening project in

the Brooklyn/Baybrook Areah as a case-study for further community-based air quality

research.34 The project was similar in some ways to the National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA),

which we discuss in detail below, but was much more limited in scope. Specifically, the project

only evaluated emissions of twenty-nine chemicals from 125 facilities in the neighborhood. Of

these twenty-nine, EPA concluded that only benzene posed a significant health risk by itself.

The study did not find, however, that other chemicals and other sources were not a problem,

and it left critical questions unanswered: First, the study did not include many important

pollutants. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and acrolein, for example, both appear to present

significant risks based on newer information. Second, the study did not examine all sources of

h The EPA project focused on the neighborhoods of Brooklyn/Brooklyn Park, Cherry Hill, Curtis Bay, and Wagner’s


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pollution, notably omitting mobile sources and sources outside of the study area. Third, the

study did not estimate the cumulative impact of multiple chemicals, which is a crucial issue

affecting health in an area exposed to multiple sources of pollution. The NATA model,

discussed in detail below, helps to address many of these lingering questions.

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EIP has reviewed information from a number of different sources in order to paint a

picture of the air quality in Baybrook. We have presented our findings based on the likely

health effects of the pollutants for which information was available to us. The first section of

this profile addresses the amount of toxic air pollution released in the Baybrook area. We then

discuss what we know about pollutants that contribute to heart disease and death, pollutants

that can cause harmful respiratory effects, and pollutants that can cause cancer. At the end of

this profile, we identify activities in Baltimore that are likely contributing large amounts of key

pollutants affecting health in Baybrook, and we set forth recommendations for improving air

quality and gathering additional information.

In general, we have found that, when we are able to rank Baybrook against other areas

of the state and the country, it has some of the worst air quality in both. This is true when it

comes to the quantity of toxic air pollutants released by stationary sources in Baybrook and

also true when it comes to respiratory and cancer risks attributable to toxic air pollution.

Additionally, Baybrook was registering some of the higher levels of fine particulate matter

(PM2.5), a pollutant which can have significant health effects, in Baltimore City before the PM2.5

monitor was removed from the neighborhood in 2008. Although city-wide PM2.5

concentrations have decreased since 2008 due in part to reduced emissions from two major

industrial sources, a monitor should still be located in Baybrook because levels recorded there

were in the top half of those recorded in the City before the monitor was removed, and even

small differences in PM2.5 levels can have significant health impacts.

It should also be noted that Baltimore City air quality is generally poor. Perhaps one

indicator of poor quality is the fact that, as discussed in the health section of our report above,

Baltimore City asthma hospitalization and death rates are the highest in Maryland, and have

been twice the Maryland rates in recent years. EPA has found that Baltimore is not attaining

federal air quality standards for ground-level ozone, and, as discussed in the ozone section

below, ozone levels in Baltimore City have been generally increasing in the past several years.

Fine particulate matter levels have generally been decreasing, and EPA has recently proposed

to find the Baltimore Area in attainment with federal standards for fine particulate matter.35,i

However, studies have shown that even levels below the federal air quality standards can cause


i Earthjustice and EIP have objected to this proposal because of the insufficiency of the monitoring data on which it

is based.

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An important fact to keep in mind while reading this profile is that there are two groups

of pollutants: toxic air pollutants and criteria pollutants. Toxic air pollutants are emitted in

smaller amounts, and, therefore, are generally measured in pounds. Criteria pollutants, on the

other hand, are emitted in greater amounts and measured in tons.j The EPA develops federal

air quality standardsk for criteria pollutants based on concentrations that have been found

harmful to human health. EPA does not establish legally enforceable health-based air quality

standards for most toxic air pollutants. Because of this, less ambient air monitoring is generally

done for air toxics, and we rely more heavily on EPA tools and models to assess the effects of

air toxics on Baybrook.l


One of the first databases that EIP reviewed when looking into air quality in Baybrook

was EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI),37 which stores annual estimates of toxic emissions

from stationary sources and can be searched by zip code and by facility.

One way to evaluate an area using TRI is to simply add up the pounds of chemicals

released in the zip codes within that area. While this does not provide concentrations of

pollutants in the air over time, it can be related to such concentrations, depending on how

much the emissions disperse, and may influence the likelihood that the zip code will be exposed

to “spikes” in pollution, i.e. high levels of pollution for short time periods. When adding up the

pounds of chemicals released, we can see that, in recent years, Baybrook has had some of the

highest quantities of toxic emissions from facilities in the nation. From 2005 to 2009, the Curtis

Bay zip code, 21226, ranked among the top ten zip codes in the country for quantity of air

toxics released. In fact, in 2007 and 2008, Curtis Bay ranked first in the entire country for toxic

air pollution from stationary sources, with 20.6 and 21.6 million pounds released respectively

each year. More recently, the quantity of toxic releases has decreased to 13.8 million pounds in

2009, dropping 21226 to second in the nation for that year. In 2010, this number dropped to

2.2 million, dropping the Curtis Bay zip code to 74th in the nation. However, Curtis Bay remains

the top zip code in Maryland, even with the recent reductions in 2010.

j While there are only six criteria pollutants (particulate matter, ozone, carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide

and sulfur dioxide), there are over 180 toxic air pollutants. k These federal standards are called National Ambient Air Quality Standards or NAAQS.

l Two HAP monitors are located in Baltimore – one in downtown and one slightly north of downtown. However, of

the three pollutants we have identified as contributing most to cancer and respiratory, only one, benzene, is

measured by these monitors.

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These reductions are primarily the result of upgrades to the pollution control technology

at the Fort Smallwood Complex, two coal-fired power plants located immediately south of

Baybrook in Anne Arundel County. However, even with these reductions, emissions from this

zip code constitute 37% of the toxic emissions in the state and more than 87% of all toxic

stationary source emissions in Baltimore Citym

. Furthermore, even with the 2010 reductions,

Curtis Bay still ranks first in Maryland for most toxic releases from stationary sources. It also

ranks 74th in the nation– out of a total of 8,949n zip codes reporting toxic emissions – and is

therefore above the 99th percentile in the country for highest quantity of toxic releases.

Another way of evaluating toxic releases in an area is to use TRI in conjunction with

toxicity weights, which measure how toxic a pollutant is to human health, as each pollutant is

not equally toxic to people.o


Our calculation of toxic emissions from stationary sources in Baltimore City includes toxic emissions from two

facilities, the Ft. Smallwood Complex (two coal fired-power plants) and the Sparrows Point steel mill, which are not

technically located in Baltimore City but which are significant sources of toxic pollution and located immediately

adjacent to the City borders. n This number does not include U.S. Territories.

o Toxicity weights are numerical weights assigned to chemicals based on each chemical’s most sensitive health

effect, and provide a rough ranking of toxicity. For example, the toxicity weights for acrolein and benzene, both

very toxic, are 180,000 and 28,000, respectively, while many other chemicals have weights of less than

100. “Toxicity-weighted emissions” are chemical-specific emissions multiplied by chemical-specific toxicity


Figure 6: Map of 21225 and 21226 Zip Codes

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When accounting for toxicity in this way, Curtis Bay still ranks among the top zip codes

in the country for toxic air emissions. From 2005 to 2009, Curtis Bay was consistently above the

98th percentile for toxicity-weighted emissions, with this number dropping slightly to the 96th

percentile in 2010. In other words, despite a nearly 90% reduction in releases of toxic air

pollution, and a 77% reduction in toxicity-weighted emissions from peak levels in the last five

years, stationary sources in Curtis Bay still emit more toxic air pollution than 99% of the zip

codes in the country, and more toxicity-weighted air pollution than 96% of the zip codes in the


Table 1: Stationary Source Toxic Air Emissions Reported to the Toxics Release Inventory in

21226 Zip Code Relative to Other Zip Codes in the U.S.

Year Total Air Emissions Toxicity-Weighted Air Emissions

Rank Percentile Rank Percentile

2005 7 99.93% 70 99.27%

2006 9 99.91% 135 98.58%

2007 1 99.99% 72 99.24%

2008 1 99.99% 104 98.88%

2009 2 99.98% 108 98.80%

2010 74 99.17% 289 96.77%

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It is likely that an important pollutant contributing to risk of death from heart disease or

other causes in Baybrook is fine particulate matter, or PM2.5, which is a criteria pollutant. Air

monitoring data from Baltimore City shows PM2.5 concentrations decreasing throughout the

city, although, in 2007, a monitor located in Baybrook recorded the third highest average

concentration, out of six monitors located in the city. That monitor was removed in August of

2008, and there is currently no PM2.5 monitor located in Baybrook.p

Fine Particulate Matter

Health Effects of Fine Particulate Matter

Particulate matter (PM) is a “mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the

air . . . and can be composed of many types of materials and chemicals.”38 PM is produced in

many industrial processes, primarily during combustion (e.g. the burning of coal to produce

electricity or the burning of gasoline in cars). Recent studies have shown that PM exposure in

the U.S. may cause excess deaths that number in the tens of thousands per year, and many

more cases of illness.39

While PM ranges in size, PM2.5, meaning PM no larger than 2.5 micrometers in diameter

(also known as “fine particulate matter” or “fine PM”), is of particular concern because it can

lodge deep in the lungs. For the purposes of this report, emissions of PM2.5 includes

condensable particulate matter, which is usually formed by the cooling and condensing of non-

particulate compounds and is often reported separately from, or as a subcategory of, PM2.5.40

Condensable PM is important because it is almost entirely a form of PM2.5.41 Fine PM has been

linked to a range of symptoms like premature mortality, reduced lung function, and aggravation

of respiratory and cardiovascular disease like asthma and heart attacks.42 Children and older

adults are particularly susceptible to suffering these health effects when exposed to fine PM.43

Two ongoing epidemiological studiesq have attempted to calculate the impact of

increasing concentrations of PM2.5 on mortality, or rates of death. A recent analysis of one of

p The FMC Fairfield monitor was located in Curtis Bay at the site of the old FMC Fairfield chemical plant, and was

removed in August of 2008 due to demolition of the plant. Because readings were available for only part of 2008,

we have not used data from this year. q These studies are particularly useful because they were conducted with a prospective cohort design. A

prospective cohort study selects a group of people to study (a cohort), collects vital information about each

individual in the cohort, and tracks the cohort over time in order to collect information about health outcomes

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these studies, known as the American Cancer Society Study, found that an increase of 10 µg/m3

(micrograms per cubic meter) in PM2.5 was associated with increases of 4% in mortality from all

causes, 6% in mortality from cardiopulmonary disease, and 8% in mortality from lung cancer.44

A follow-up analysis determined that the largest cardiopulmonary risk estimate was for

mortality from ischemic heart disease (including heart attacks).45 The second study, known as

the Six Cities Study, estimated that the same increase in PM2.5 is associated with increases of

16% in mortality from all causes, 28% in mortality from cardiovascular disease, and 27% in

mortality from lung cancer.46

Concentrations of Fine Particulate Matter in Baybrookr

The most recent ambient air monitoring data available for PM2.5 show concentrations

that were gradually decreasing. However, recorded concentrations were higher in Baybrook

(e.g., disease incidence or mortality) and risk factors (e.g., exposure to air pollution). The two studies discussed

here have been following their cohorts since the late 1970s and early 1980s. r The EPA’s air quality standard is based on annual averages which are then averaged over a 3-year period. Our

chart at Figure 7 shows the annual average not averaged over 3 years, in order to provide the most recent

information about trends in recorded PM2.5 levels in Baybrook.












2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Figure 7: 2003-2007 Average Annual PM2.5 Concentrations at FMC Fairfield Monitorr

EPA Air Quality Standard

(15 µg/m3, 3 Year Average)

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than other areas of Baltimore City.47

Annual ambient air monitoring data for PM2.5 in the Baybrook Area is available only

through 2007. This is because, in August of 2008, the Baybrook monitor, which was located at

the FMC Chemical Corporation on the Fairfield Peninsula, was taken down due to demolition of

the FMC facility and was not replaced. We have omitted the 2008 data from our analysis

because we do not have an entire year’s worth of data from the FMC-Fairfield monitor.s

In 2007, before it was removed, this monitor recorded PM2.5 concentrations that met

federal air quality standards. However, the PM2.5 concentrations measured in Baybrook that

year were the third highest of any area in Baltimore City.t Similarly, the Baybrook monitor

recorded a higher five-year average PM2.5 concentration than all but one other monitor in the

city.u Lastly, it is important to note that studies have shown adverse health effects below the

federal air quality standard of 15 µg/m3. The Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, an

s We have also excluded from our analysis the data that was recorded by a second PM2.5 monitor located at the

FMC-Fairfield site until August of 2008. Although this monitor was recording higher levels of PM2.5 in 2007, it was

taking substantially fewer readings per year than the other monitors located in Baltimore City. t PM2.5 air monitors from 2003-2007 include the following: FMC-Fairfield (24-510-0035), Oldtown 1 and Oldtown 3

(24-510-0040), BCFD – Truck Company (24-510-0008), Northwest Police Station (24-510-0007), and Northeast

Police (24-510-0006) u Five year averages include data from 2003-2007. Data represents the five most recent years for which we have

complete annual data in Baybrook.

Figure 8: 2003-2007 Five-Year Average PM2.5 Concentrations in Baltimore City






















Oldtown 1 FMC-Fairfield BCFD-TRUCK


Oldtown 3 Northwest

Police Station



EPA Air Quality Standard

(15 µg/m3, 3 Year Average)

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independent panel of scientists that provides EPA with advice on setting federal air quality

standards, after considering new evidence, determined that PM2.5 may cause adverse health

effects at annual average concentrations below 15 µg/m3. Based on the new information, they

asked EPA to set a lower annual average standard.48

To illustrate the real-world health effects of the differences in PM2.5 levels within the

City, we can compare the average PM2.5 concentrations measured by the Baybrook monitor

from 2003 through 2007 to average concentrations recorded at the Northeast Police monitor

(located in Northeast Baltimore) during the same time period. Over five years, the difference in

average ambient PM2.5 was 1.7 µg/m3. Based on the American Cancer Society Study and Six

Cities Study, described above, a difference of 1.7 µg/m3 results in a change in the overall

mortality rate of roughly 1-3 deaths per 10,000 people.v

Despite the fact that it was registering among the higher PM2.5 concentrations in the

City, the Baybrook monitor was removed in August of 2008. The air monitoring network in

Baltimore City is now insufficient to provide the kind of information needed to understand the

impacts of PM2.5 on health in the Baybrook community. The closest PM2.5 monitor to the

Baybrook Area is now the BCFD – Truck Company 20 monitor, which is more than 4 miles from

the FMC site, and the remaining Baltimore City PM2.5 monitors are located 4.5-9.5 miles from

the FMC Site. This monitoring network does not presently provide adequate information about

PM2.5 levels in Baybrook, and a PM2.5 monitor should be placed in Baybrook again.

v Estimates based on changes in mortality of 0.4%/ug/m

3 (Pope et al. 2002) and 1.6% ug/m

3 (Laden et al. 2006).

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Sources of Fine Particulate Matter in Baltimore City

In order to provide information about sources of PM2.5 that are likely affecting

concentrations of PM2.5 measured in Baybrook, we used an EPA emissions database called the

National Emissions Inventory (NEI), which contains estimates of the quantities of pollutants

emitted by every outdoor air pollution source in the country.49 The latest version of NEI, which

was published in 2011, was last updated using 2008 emissions information. Additionally, the

NEI only provides information down to the county level, and does not have more specific

information for smaller geographic units (such as town or zip code). Thus, estimates of sources

of Baltimore City emissions are available, but this information is not available for emissions in

Baybrook specifically. Figure 9, below, shows the breakdown of sources emitting PM2.5 in

Baltimore City in 2008.w

Based on NEI, it appears that fine particulate matterx emissions in Baltimore City in 2008

were being driven by large stationary sources, primarily the Fort Smallwood Complex and the


As with any database or model, there are a number of caveats that must be kept in mind with respect to analyses

based on NEI. Our Data Limitations section, in Appendix A, sets forth limitations with respect to NEI. x Fine particulate matter or PM2.5 includes PM2.5 and PM condensable.




Ft. Smallwood + Sparrows Point

Mobile Sources.Marine Vessels, Commercial.Diesel.Port emissions

Stationary Source Fuel Combustion.Residential.Wood.Woodstove: fireplace inserts; non-EPA certified

Other Sources (285)

Figure 9: Sources of PM2.5 (2008 NEI)

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Sparrows Point steel mill. Together, in 2008, Fort Smallwood and the Sparrows Point steel mill

accounted for a total of 66% of PM2.5 emissions in or immediately adjacent to Baltimore Cityy.

Commercial diesel marine vessels (4%), residential wood burning (4%), and 285 “other” sources

made up the rest.

It should be noted that the 2010 upgrades at Fort Smallwood have significantly reduced

the amount of particulate matter, as well as particulate matter precursors such as sulfur oxides

and nitrogen oxides, being emitted from this plant and will likely reduce ambient

concentrations of PM2.5 in Baybrook and in Baltimore City as a whole. These upgrades are an

important step in improving air quality in this area, and are to be applauded. However, this

does not change the fact that a PM2.5 monitor should be located in Baybrook, given that PM2.5

concentrations recorded in Baybrook were the highest in the City before the Baybrook monitor

was removed and that even small differences in PM2.5 levels can have significant health


It should also be noted that the NEI analysis of PM2.5 emissions sources located in

Baltimore City does not account for all sources of PM2.5 that may be affecting Baltimore City

and/or the Baybrook Area. PM2.5 is known for travelling long distances. In fact, some of the

PM2.5 in the air in Baltimore has been shown to travel from as far away as the Ohio River Valley,

where it is produced by combustion of coal to generate electricity.50 It is not clear how much of

the ambient PM2.5 in Baltimore City or Baybrook specifically is from local sources.

y PM2.5 emissions include emissions from facilities along the border of Baltimore City, specifically the Ft. Smallwood

Complex coal-fired power plant and Sparrows Point steel mill. While these are not located within in the borders of

Baltimore City, they are directly adjacent to the city, and in the case of the Fort Smallwood plant, immediately

adjacent to the Baybrook community. Because they are such large sources and likely contribute to the

concentration of PM2.5 in Baybrook, we have included them in our analysis.

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There are a few types of information available regarding risk in Baybrook from harmful

respiratory effects of air pollution. The first is monitoring data from Baltimore City for ground-

level ozone, a criteria pollutant. This data shows that concentrations of ozone are increasing

each year and are above health-based federal air quality standards. For air toxics, there is

limited monitoring dataz, and we have relied on tools and databases developed by the EPA.

These tools indicate how Baybrook compares to other areas in terms of toxic respiratory risk

and where that risk is coming from. They suggest that toxic respiratory risk is very high in

Baybrook compared to the rest of Maryland and to the rest of the country, and that it is being

driven by the chemical acrolein.

Lung cancer, which affects the respiratory tract, is not addressed in this section but is

addressed in the following section on cancer. Additionally, it should be kept in mind that

chemicals discussed in the other sections of this report, including PM2.5 (discussed in the heart

disease and death section), diesel PM, and formaldehyde (discussed in the cancer section) can

also have adverse respiratory effects.


Health Effects of Ozone

Ground-level ozone, which is the type that is harmful to human health, is formed by the

reaction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic chemicals (VOCs) in the presence of

sunlight.51 Because of this, ozone is more problematic in the summer. “Motor vehicle exhaust

and industrial emissions, gasoline vapors, and chemical solvents as well as natural sources emit

NOx and VOC[s] that help form ozone.”52

The health effects of ground-level ozone include aggravation of chronic lung diseases

(such as asthma, emphysema and bronchitis), increased susceptibility to respiratory illnesses

(including bronchitis and pneumonia), airway irritation, coughing, pain when breathing deeply,

and even permanent lung damage after repeated exposures. The people most vulnerable to

ozone exposure are children, older adults, people who are active outside, and people with lung

disease (especially children with asthma).53

z There are two air toxics monitors in Baltimore City. However, they do not measure for two of the three toxic

pollutants that appear to be of most concern in Baybrook: formaldehyde and acrolein.

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Ambient Air Levels of Ozone

Concentrations of ground-level ozone have been increasing in Baltimore City. The larger

Baltimore Area that EPA looks at when it assesses compliance with federal air quality standards,

which consists of Baltimore City and five counties, is not attaining those standards for ozone.54

Surprisingly, the one ozone monitor in this area that is located within the Baltimore City limits

has recorded the lowest ozone concentrations in the Baltimore Area and, up until 2011, those

levels were below air quality standards. This monitor, located a little over 4 miles northeast of

the city center and 6.8 miles from the Baybrook Area (from the old FMC PM2.5 monitor site), has

recorded annual average ozone concentrations that have been gradually increasing. In 2011,

the Baltimore City monitor registered an ozone concentration of 0.082 parts per million (ppm),

which is above the 2008 ozone air quality standard of 0.075 ppm.aa


The ozone air quality standard is expressed as the 3-year average of the annual fourth-highest daily maximum 8-

hour concentration recorded. In other words, 8-hour concentrations of ozone are measured, and the maximum

level recorded each day is logged. The fourth highest such reading is then used to represent each year and is

averaged with other years within a 3-year block. The 0.082 ppm figure for 2011 is the 4th

highest daily maximum













2007 2008 2009 2010 2011








s P





Figure 10: Peak Ozone Concentrations at Baltimore City Ozone Monitor

EPA Air Quality Standard

(0.075 PPM, 3 Year Average)

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As stated above, there is no ambient

air monitor for ozone in or near the Baybrook

Area so it was not possible to assess exposure

to ozone in the Baybrook neighborhoods for

this report. However, given that ozone levels

are generally increasing in the Baltimore Area,

including in Baltimore City, it appears likely

that ground-level ozone levels are also

increasing in Baybrook. Additionally, on

February 1, 2012, EPA reclassified the

Baltimore Area (which also includes

concentrations from monitors in five other

counties) from a moderate nonattainment

area to a serious nonattainment area for the

1997 8-hour ozone air quality standard, which

is 0.080 ppm.55 As with PM2.5, location of an

air quality monitor in, or closer to, the

Baybrook Area, would help to assess ozone

levels in that neighborhood with more


Air Toxics

EIP has assessed the possible health effects of toxic air pollution in Baybrook by using an

EPA tool, called the National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA), which models air quality and

associated health risks in different census tracts based on an inventory of air emissions.56

One type of risk modeled by NATA is the threat of developing a respiratory disease,

which can include health impacts like reduced lung function and tissue damage in the lungs and

upper airways. NATA allows for a comparison of the risk of developing these effects within a

certain census tract against the risk in other census tracts. NATA also allows for a breakdown of

the pollutants and emissions sources that are contributing to respiratory risk. There are a

number of limitations that must be kept in mind with respect to the NATA model. For example,

daily 8-hour reading taken in 2011 but has not been averaged with figures for 2010 and 2009 (which are 0.074 and

0.066 respectively). Peak concentrations in Figure 10 represent annual fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour


Figure 11: Baltimore City Ozone Monitor, 2011

Ozone Monitor


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NATA is not meant to give a precise risk estimate, but allows a rough ranking of census tracts.bb

Additional limitations of NATA are listed in detail in Appendix A.

Respiratory Risk in Baybrook Compared To Maryland and The United States

NATA shows the Baybrook Area as being among the worst in the state and the country

for respiratory risk caused by concentrations of toxic air pollutants. There are four census

tracts within Baybrook, three of which are primarily residential (250401, 250402, 250500) and

one of which is entirely industrial (250600). NATA shows two of the residential census tracts

(250401 and 250402) as being in the 92nd and 90th percentile for highest respiratory risk from

toxic air pollutants, when compared with the other census tracts in Maryland. Each of the four

census tracts within Baybrook ranks between the 87th and the 92nd percentiles for highest

respiratory risk in Maryland. In other words, between 87 and 92 percent of the census tracts in

Maryland have a lower risk of developing a respiratory disease from toxic air pollution.


Based on conversations with EPA, EIP decided to compare census tracts within Maryland and to the national

average. EPA specifically advised against comparing risk estimates to other states, as states have varying

methodologies for reporting emissions to the National Emissions Inventory, which is the basis for the NATA.

Figure 12: Map of Baybrook Census Tracts

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Baybrook has some of the highest respiratory risk in the nation as well, with its four

census tracts ranging from the 89th to the 92nd percentile for highest respiratory risk nationally.

Pollutants Contributing to Respiratory Risk in Baybrook

As shown in Figure 13 above, NATA indicates that nearly 80% of the respiratory risk in

Baybrook is attributable to the chemical acrolein. The acrolein concentration in Baybrook

modeled by NATA is between three and four times the Reference Concentration, which is

essentially the amount determined likely to be without appreciable risk of harmful effects.cc

Acrolein is produced in the burning of organic matter such as tobacco, wood, and

gasoline. It is also used in industrial chemical production and as a biocide. Health effects of

acrolein exposure include eye, nose, and throat irritation, and a decrease in respiratory rate. 57


EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) defines reference concentration (RfC) as: “An estimate (with

uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a continuous inhalation exposure to the human

population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects

during a lifetime.” The reference concentration for acrolein is of 2.0 x 10-5






Respiratory Risk by

Source Category

Point Respiratory Risk

Nonpoint Respiratory Risk

Onroad Respiratory Risk

Nonroad Respiratory Risk

Background Respiratory Risk






Pollutants Contributing to

Respiratory Risk

Acrolein Diesel Engine Emissions

Formaldehyde Acetaldehyde

Chlorine Others

Figure 13: NATA Breakdown of Respiratory Risk by Source Category and Pollutant

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Other pollutants that are significant contributors to respiratory risk include

formaldehyde (5%), acetaldehyde (4%), diesel engine emissions (5%) and chlorine (4%).

Sources Contributing to Respiratory Risk in Baybrook

In terms of what sources are contributing to the overall respiratory risk in the Baybrook

Area, as shown on Figure 13 on the previous page, NATA attributes 6% to pollutants emitted

from large point sources, 49% to non-point sources, 30% to on-road mobile sources, 14% to

non-road mobile sources, and 1% to background sources.

• Point sources are large stationary sources of pollution, including, for example, coal


• Non-point sources are smaller stationary sources of emissions. They might be better

thought of as small point sources. dd

• On-road mobile sources include cars and trucks.

• Non-road mobile sources include planes, trains, ships, and other off-road vehicles.

• Background includes pollutants that were emitted over a year ago or travel from

distant sources.


More specifically, non-point sources are stationary (non-mobile) sources for which EPA does not have a precise

location, such as address or latitude and longitude, and has therefore identified by county. Emissions from these

sites are modeled across the county based on several factors, and, therefore, the correlation between nonpoint

sources and specific census tracts is more attenuated than for point sources.



Point Exposure Conc Nonpoint Exposure Conc

Onroad Exposure Conc Nonroad Exposure Conc

Figure 14: NATA Sources of Acrolein Exposure Concentrations

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Stationary Source Fuel Combustion.Residential.Wood

Mobile Sources.Highway Vehicles -Gasoline.Light Duty Gasoline Vehicles (LDGV)

Waste Disposal, Treatment, and Recovery.Wastewater Treatment.Public Owned

Mobile Sources.Highway Vehicles -Gasoline.Light Duty Gasoline Trucks

Other Sources (27)

Figure 15: NEI Sources of Acrolein Emissions >10%

To further investigate which sources are contributing to respiratory risk in Baybrook, we

looked at sources of acrolein in and near Baybrook because NATA suggests that acrolein is the

main driver of respiratory risk from toxics in Baybrook. As shown on Figure 14 on the previous

page, when using NATA, it appears that over half of the acrolein exposure in the Baybrook Area

can be attributed to nonpoint sources. The rest can be attributed to on-road and non-road

mobile sources.

We also analyzed

source contribution using the

National Emissions Inventory

(NEI) database, which

estimates the quantities of

pollutants emitted by every

outdoor air pollution source in

the country.58 Because NATA

suggests that the chemical

acrolein is a major driver (79%)

of respiratory risk from

hazardous air pollutants in

Baybrook, we used NEI to

analyze which sources in

Baltimore City were emitting

acrolein. There are several

limitations that must be kept

in mind with respect to this

analysis, discussed fully in the

Data Limitations Section at

Appendix A.ee

According to the NEI analysis, shown in Figure 15, it appears that emissions of acrolein

in Baltimore City are primarily coming from residential wood-burning (38.66%), light-duty

gasoline vehicles (passenger cars) (13.53%), commercial diesel marine vessels (10.18%), and

light-duty gasoline trucks (10.17%).


Appendix A sets forth the full discussion of the limitations in our analysis using NEI data to further flesh out what

NATA tells us about acrolein as a driver of respiratory risk in Baybrook. Briefly, those limitations are as follows: (1)

NATA models at the census tract and NEI provides information at the county level, or, in the present case, down to

the level of Baltimore City; (2) NATA models concentrations of pollutants in the ambient air and NEI data is for

emissions of pollutants into the air; and (3) NATA was created based on a prior version of NEI, gathered in 2005,

and our analysis uses the most recent NEI data available, gathered in 2008 (and published in 2011).

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Our information about cancer risk in Baybrook comes primarily from the NATA model

and the NEI database discussed above. Based on NATA, it appears that cancer risk in Baybrook

is very high compared with the rest of Maryland and with the United States. NATA suggests that

cancer risk in Baybrook is being driven primarily by formaldehyde and benzene. Additionally,

when using the risk estimate developed by the California EPA, diesel particulate matter (diesel

PM) concentrations in NATA appear to contribute heavily to total cancer risk.

Cancer Risk in Baybrook Compared To Maryland and The United States

The risk of developing cancer from toxic air pollution is significantly higher in Baybrook

than in Maryland and the United States. Of Baybrook’s three residential census tracts, two

(250401 and 250402) ranked in the 91st and 81st percentileff, respectively, for highest cancer

risk in the state from toxic air pollution. Compared to cancer risk in the United States, tracts

250401 and 250402 rank in the 89th and 86th percentiles respectively, and all four census tracts

in the Baybrook Area rank above the 83rd percentile.

Pollutants Contributing to Cancer Risk in Baybrook

As shown in Figure 16 on the next page, of the cumulative cancer risk in census tracts

250401 and 250402, NATA indicates that over half of the risk (54%) is coming from just two

chemicals: formaldehyde (38%) and benzene (16%).

Formaldehyde is used in resin and particleboard production as well as in the synthesis

of certain chemicals. It is also a byproduct of automobile exhaust, cigarette smoke, paints,

varnishes, and certain fabrics. Human exposure can occur from contaminated indoor air,

tobacco smoke, or ambient urban air. Short- and long-term exposure to formaldehyde can lead

to respiratory symptoms, reduced lung function, and eye, nose, and throat irritation.

Formaldehyde has also been associated with nasopharyngeal cancer, lymphoma, and

leukemia.59 It is currently categorized by EPA as a “probable human carcinogen,” but this

description is outdated and will be soon be revised to reflect that formaldehyde is known to

cause cancer.60

ff These rankings reflect the area’s high cancer risk estimates of 68.1 and 68.2 in a million.

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Benzene is a carcinogen that is both naturally occurring and produced in industrial

processes. Major sources of human exposure include cigarette smoke, gasoline vapors at

service stations, and motor vehicle exhaust. Short-term exposure to benzene emissions can

cause drowsiness, dizziness and headaches, as well as eye, skin, and respiratory tract irritation.

Long-term exposure has a range of impacts including reduced red blood cell and lymphocyte

counts, reproductive effects in women, and an increased incidence of leukemia and other


Finally, diesel particulate matter (diesel PM) may be the most important carcinogen in

ambient air in Baybrook. Diesel exhaust is often treated as a single pollutant for purposes of

risk assessment. In fact, diesel exhaust is a complex mixture of very small particles, pollutants

attached to these particles, and pollutants in a gaseous form. Most estimates of the health

effects of diesel exhaust are expressed in reference to diesel PM. Diesel PM is generally made

up of particles smaller than 2.5 µm (micrograms). Many of these particles are even smaller

(less than 0.1 µm).

The primary health effect associated with diesel PM is lung cancer. There have been

many studies of workers exposed to diesel PM, including railroad workers, truck drivers, and

heavy equipment operators, and these have consistently found an increased risk of lung cancer.







3%3% 2% 8%

Pollutants Contributing

to Cancer Risk

Formaldehyde Benzene

PAHPOMs Naphthalene

Acetaldehyde 1,3-Butadiene

Carbon Tetrachloride Chromium Compounds

Arsenic Compounds Ethelyene Oxide







Cancer Risk by Source


Point Cancer Risk Nonpoint Cancer Risk

Onroad Cancer Risk Nonroad Cancer Risk

Background Cancer Risk

Figure 16: NATA Breakdown of Cancer Risk by Source Category and Pollutant

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The U.S. EPA determined that this evidence was “strongly supportive” of a cause-and-effect

relationship.62 Other types of evidence support this conclusion. For example, there is a likely

mechanism—since diesel particles are so small, they can travel deep into the lungs. They carry

with them many cancer-causing pollutants that might otherwise be trapped in the upper

airways. After considering all of this evidence, the EPA defined diesel PM as a “likely” human

carcinogen in 2002.63 The EPA did not, however, establish a value for how potent diesel PM is

as a carcinogen, known as a cancer potency estimate.

The 2005 NATA results include estimates of diesel PM exposure, but since the EPA did

not have a cancer potency estimate, it did not estimate cancer risks. However, a cancer

potency estimate was derived by the California EPA.64 If we apply the California EPA cancer

potency estimate to the NATA exposure results, we find that the cancer risk of diesel PM in

Baybrook is roughly 3 in 10,000. This is about four to five times greater than the cancer risk of

the rest of the NATA-modeled pollutants combined. Cleaner engines and fuels have likely

reduced exposure since 2005, but the diesel PM cancer risk is in all likelihood still substantial.

Because we know that diesel PM truck exhaust is of concern to some residents of

Baybrook and that is likely a significant contributor to cancer risk from toxic air pollution, we

have also compared exposure to diesel PM in Baybrook to Maryland and the United States.

Baybrook has some of the highest concentrations of diesel PM both nationally and within

Maryland. Table 2 below shows that, based on NATA, the air concentration of diesel PM in

Baybrook is higher than between 90% and 79% of other census tracts in the country. Within

Maryland, these tracts are higher than between 93% and 72% of the state.

Table 2: Comparison of Diesel PM Concentrations to the U.S. and Maryland

Tract Percentile in US Percentile in Maryland

250401 90% 93%

250500 86% 86%

250600 85% 85%

250402 79% 72%

Our Conclusion and Recommendations below sets forth a few recommendations, one of

which is to reduce the effects of diesel exhaust, as well as other impacts, from heavy trucks on

residential neighborhoods in Curtis bay by re-routing truck traffic away from residences. A

community effort to achieve this goal has been ongoing since 2008.

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Sources Contributing to Cancer Risk in Baybrook

As shown on Figure 16 in the

previous section, when we used

NATA to break down cancer risk by

the sources contributing to it, NATA

attributes 3% to large point sources,

32% to non-point sources, 31% to on-

road mobile sources such as cars and

trucks, 6% to non-road mobile

sources, and 28% to background

sources, which include natural

sources and emissions from previous


As we did with respiratory

risk, we also analyzed the likely

sources contributing to cancer risk in

Baybrook by looking at sources of key

pollutants - formaldehyde, benzene

and diesel PM – using NEI and NATA.

NATA indicates that formaldehyde is the primary contributor, at 38%, of overall cancer

risk in Baybrook not including diesel PM. As shown on Figure 17, NATA also suggests that

roughly three-fifths of the formaldehyde concentrations in the Baybrook Area can be attributed

to on-road vehicles.

We also used NEI to break down emissions of formaldehyde in Baltimore City by source

contribution, subject to the same limitations discussed above and set forth in Appendix A. NEI

suggests that emissions of formaldehyde in Baltimore City are primarily coming from residential

wood-burning (34.67%), commercial diesel marine vessels (17.49%), light-duty gasoline vehicles

(passenger cars) (13.87%), and light-duty gasoline trucks (10.81%). Figure 18, showing this

break-down, is on the next page.





Point Exposure Conc Nonpoint Exposure Conc

Onroad Exposure Conc Nonroad Exposure Conc

Figure 17: NATA Sources of Formaldehyde Exposure


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NATA also indicates that

benzene is responsible for 16% of

cancer risk from toxic air pollution

concentrations, not including diesel

PM, in Baybrook. As shown on Figure

19, NATA suggests that roughly half of

the benzene exposure in the Baybrook

Area comes from on-road vehicles, with

non-point and background sources also

providing significant contributions. One

thing that must be kept in mind about

contributions of benzene from mobile

sources is that, in 2007, EPA passed a

strict new fuel standard which will

require a 38% reduction in the amount

of benzene in gasoline. These

standards took effect in 2011.65 Thus,

gasoline-powered mobile sources likely

contribute a smaller portion of benzene

concentrations at the time of this

report’s publication.





Stationary Source Fuel Combustion.Residential.Wood

Mobile Sources.Marine Vessels, Commercial.Diesel

Mobile Sources.Highway Vehicles -Gasoline.Light Duty Gasoline Vehicles (LDGV)

Mobile Sources.Highway Vehicles -Gasoline.Light Duty Gasoline Trucks

Other Sources (47)

Figure 18: 2008 NEI Sources of Formaldehyde Emissions >10%






Point Exposure Conc Nonpoint Exposure Conc

Onroad Exposure Conc Nonroad Exposure Conc

Backgroud Exposure Conc

Figure 19: NATA Sources of Benzene Exposure


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NEI indicates that emissions of benzene in Baltimore City are primarily coming from

residential wood-burning (34.67%), commercial diesel marine vessels (17.49%), light-duty

gasoline vehicles (passenger cars) (13.87%), and light-duty gasoline trucks (10.81%). This is

shown on Figure 20 below.

Lastly, in the case of diesel PM, NEI indicates that commercial diesel marine vessels

(78.3%) and Class 8A/8B (over 33,001 pounds) heavy-duty diesel vehicles (7.35%) contribute

the most to overall emissions of diesel PM. In terms of on-road emissions of diesel PM, or

emissions from cars, trucks, and buses, Class 8A/8B heavy-duty diesel vehicles are driving much

of the pollution, and make up 64.29% of emissions.




Mobile Sources.Highway Vehicles -Gasoline.Light Duty Gasoline Vehicles (LDGV)

Mobile Sources.Highway Vehicles -Gasoline.Light Duty Gasoline Trucks

Stationary Source Fuel Combustion.Residential.Wood

Other Sources (52)

Figure 20: NEI Sources of Benzene Emissions >10%

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As discussed in the respiratory effects and cancer sections above, in 2008, which is the

most recent year for which we have emissions information, emissions in Baltimore City of the

three toxic pollutants most driving cancer and respiratory risk – acrolein, benzene and

formaldehyde - were all primarily coming from three sources. These are light-duty gasoline

vehicles (passenger cars), residential wood-burning (fireplaces and woodstoves), and

commercial diesel marine vessels (cargo ships). PM2.5 emissions are coming primarily from

large stationary sources.

In our discussion of which specific sources in and near Baybrook may be emitting these

pollutants, we have focused on passenger cars, commercial marine diesel vessels and stationary

sources. Residential wood burning, which NATA estimates is a significant contributor of

pollutants driving health risks in Baybrook, is largely in the control of private citizens66, and so it

is not addressed below. We have also added a section addressing heavy-duty trucks because

of their contribution to diesel particulate matter concentrations in Baybrook, and because we

know that they are of concern to the community.

1. Passenger Cars

Light-duty gasoline vehicles, better known as passenger cars, contribute significantly to

pollution in Baltimore City. Baltimore has many major roadways that run either through the

city or encircle it, including the 895, 395, 83, 195, 70 and 95 interstate freeways. In addition to

the volume of cars passing through Baltimore City, it is also among the most heavily congested

cities in the country for traffic. A recent report by INRIX, a consulting firm that specializes in

traffic management, listed Baltimore City as 14th in the nation out of the 100 most congested

metro areas in the country.67 The Baybrook Area, in particular, contains a part of Interstate 895

which continues into the Harbor Tunnel, and the Baltimore Beltway, which continues onto the

Francis Scott Key Bridge. These two thoroughfares are heavily travelled and likely contribute to

vehicle pollution in the Baybrook Area.

2. Commercial Diesel Marine Vessels

Commercial diesel marine vessels, such as cargo ships, are a significant source of pollution

in Baltimore City. The emissions from ships alone, and not from port operations such as

trucking and freight unloading, are on par with that of a major coal fired plant. The Port of

Baltimore has 20 terminals, including six on the Fairfield Peninsula and one closer to the

residential area of Curtis Bay. The terminals in the Baybrook Area include a major coal export

terminal, four automobile shipping terminals, and two chemical and oil shipping terminals.

Because ships are continuously docking, unloading, and loading cargo in this area, it is not

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surprising that emissions from commercial diesel marine vessels are such significant

contributors to air pollution in Baltimore.

3. Major Stationary Sources

Major stationary sources contribute much of the PM2.5 emitted in the Baltimore City area.

Two sites in particular, the Fort Smallwood Complex coal-fired power plant and the Sparrows

Point steel mill make up the majority of major stationary source emissions. Since the 2008 NEI,

the Fort Smallwood Complex has undergone significant pollution upgrades that have cut its

emissions of fine particulate matter by roughly 50%gg as well as reducing emissions of fine PM

precursors like SOx and NOx. Nevertheless, this facility is still a major contributor to the PM2.5hh

emissions produced in the Baltimore City area. Additionally, the Sparrows Point steel mill,

which was shut down for a few weeks in December of 2011, is now reportedly running at

limited capacity.68

4. Heavy-Duty Diesel Trucks

Class 8A/8B heavy-duty diesel trucks (those weighing over 33,000 pounds) are contributors

to diesel PM in Baltimore City. These trucks are also by far the largest contributor to diesel PM

of any of the on-road mobile sources. Much of this traffic is likely associated with the Port of

Baltimore and with the industrial facilities located in and around the Baybrook Area.

As discussed above in the history section, residents report an average of 400 heavy-duty

trucks per day using Curtis and Pennington Avenues to travel in or near the residential area on

the way to the Fairfield industrial area. The use of this road for truck routes is of immediate

concern to the community because of exhaust from the trucks and because of safety problems,

excessive noise levels and damage by the vehicles to adjacent homes and roadways. In 2011,

the City made significant repairs to Curtis Avenue to address this damage. The Community of

Curtis Bay Association has raised the problem of truck traffic and the truck routes a number of

times over the past 4 year with City officials.


The 2008 NEI showed total fine particulate matter (PM2.5+PM Condensable) emissions from Ft. Smallwood of

2,574 tons. 2010 Emissions Certification Reports, submitted by the owners of this facility to the Maryland

Department of the Environment, show that emissions of fine particulate matter in 2010 had dropped 54% to 1,185

tons. The Maryland Department of the Environment emissions inventory shows that emissions from the Sparrows

Point steel mill have remained relatively constant since 2008. hh

PM2.5 includes PM2.5+PM condensable

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The most recent available data shows that the air quality in Baybrook is among the

worst in Maryland and the country in terms of cancer and respiratory risks from toxic air

pollution, and quantity of air toxics released by stationary sources. It also registered among the

highest average levels of PM2.5 in Baltimore City during the five-year period before its monitor

was taken down in 2008, and it is located in a non-attainment area for ground-level ozone in

which ozone levels are increasing. Additionally, mortality rates in Baybrook for heart disease,

lung cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease, all conditions associated with air pollution

exposure, are significantly higher than city, state and country rates for those diseases.

Residents of Baybrook deserve the same quality of life and health as other communities

in Maryland. Steps must be taken to improve the air quality in Baybrook and to fill in gaps in

the available information about air pollution and health in that area.

EIP recommends the actions listed below as steps toward achieving these goals. We are

also continuing to investigate options for addressing emissions from the Port of Baltimore,

passenger cars, and chemical and petroleum tanks located in and near Baybrook.

Increase direct monitoring of ambient air quality in Baybrook. The best kind of information

for evaluating air quality and assessing likely health impacts is direct monitoring data.

• Replace the PM2.5 monitor that was removed from Baybrook in 2008.

There is currently no ambient air quality monitor located within the Baybrook Area. In

2008, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) shut down a PM2.5 monitor that

was located on the Fairfield Peninsula in Baybrook, and has not replaced it. A PM2.5 monitor

should be located in Baybrook. We recommend placing such a monitor at Benjamin

Franklin High School, where it will also be near to Curtis Bay Elementary School. This

placement will record levels that have the greatest health impacts on children, who are

particularly susceptible to health impacts from PM2.5, and may also be educational for


• Place an ozone monitor in Baybrook

There is only one ozone monitor currently located within the Baltimore City limits, and it

is over 7 miles from the residential portions of the Baybrook Area. Car exhaust is a known

contributor of two precursors to ground-level ozone: NOx and VOCs. Given our finding that

emissions from cars and trucks contribute significantly to respiratory and cancer risks in

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Baybrook, and that ozone levels have been generally increasing in Baltimore City, we

recommend that an ozone monitor be placed in Baybrook. Because children are also

particularly susceptible to health effects of ground-level ozone, we also recommend

placement of the monitor at Benjamin Franklin High School.

• Monitor for key air toxics in Baybrook

There is no monitor for air toxics in Baybrook, and the air toxics monitors in Baltimore

City do not measure acrolein and formaldehyde, two of the three toxics that NATA suggests

are driving cancer and respiratory risk in Baybrook. A monitor that records concentrations

of these pollutants should be located in Baybrook. At the very least, air toxics monitors in

Baltimore City should measure for these pollutants.

Additionally, shrinking budgets have made it harder for MDE to maintain local monitoring

networks. Therefore, the Maryland General Assembly should support a modest increase in the

emission fees paid by the largest polluters to cover the cost of monitoring the pollution they


Account for cumulative impacts from multiple pollution sources in permitting and


EPA has made clear that state environmental agencies have the legal authority to address

environmental justice concerns in permitting and enforcement actions.69 MDE and other

agencies, such as the Maryland Public Service Commission, that issue environmental permits to

large industrial sources of pollution, should consider the cumulative impacts from multiple

sources of pollution when reviewing permit applications, as well as prioritize enforcement

actions, for environmentally overburdened communities like Baybrook.

Reduce emissions from commercial marine vessels and other sources at the Port of


Commercial marine vessels are significant contributors of formaldehyde and diesel PM,

which NATAii indicates are two main drivers of cancer risk in Baybrook. Total emissions

associated with the Port of Baltimore, including commercial marine vessel emissions and

emissions from trucks, trains and equipment used at the port, are likely substantial. The

Maryland Port Authority (MPA), as part of its Greening the Port program, has taken a number

of positive steps toward reducing its air emissions, including use of ultra-low sulfur diesel fuel in

ii Diesel PM cancer potency determined using California EPA estimate.

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vehicles and equipment, and installation of pollution control technology on cranes.70 It last

completed an air emissions inventory in 2006. However, this inventory does not appear to

have accounted for emissions from cargo ships, tugboats or fugitive dust emissions from coal-

handling processesjj.

The MPA should produce an updated comprehensive emissions inventory, which should be

made available to the public on its website, as many other ports have donekk. This inventory

should account for emissions from port-related ships, trains, trucks, terminal equipment and

harbor craft as well as fugitive coal dust emissions. The MPA should also work with MDE to

develop a Clean Air Action Plan committing to near-term and long-term emissions reduction

goals, and identifying and implementing methods for obtaining those reductions. A plan like

this was adopted in 2006 by the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles in California and

established emissions reduction goals of 45% for the nitrogen oxides (NOx), diesel particulate

matter (diesel PM) and sulfur oxides (SOx) by the end of 2011. This program has been

tremendously successful in reducing air pollution from these ports. Improvements at the Port

of Los Angeles from 2005 to 2010 include a 69% reduction in diesel PM emissions, a 70%

reduction in PM2.5 emissions, a 50% reduction in NOx emissions, and a 75% reduction in SOx

emissions. 71 In particular, this has helped to reduce measured average ambient air

concentrations of PM2.5 by 37%.72

Additionally, the MPA should provide for participation by the public in the development of

its Clean Air Action Plan, as the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach did.73

Reduce emissions from heavy diesel trucks.

Industrial facilities located in Baybrook should be required to include, as a term of any new

contracts entered into with trucking companies, that all trucks be fitted with diesel particulate

filters, which can routinely remove more than 90% of diesel PM emissions from truck

tailpipes.74 The City and State can and should condition any public subsidies flowing to such

companies on the inclusion of such a term in new trucking contracts.

Address heavy truck traffic through residential neighborhoods of Curtis Bay in order to

improve quality of life in Curtis Bay and increase job opportunities with service and retail


jj Coal-handling facilities, such as the CSX coal terminal at the Port of Baltimore are known to produce fugitive

emissions of coal dust, and EIP is aware that coal dust has been a problem in Baybrook. kk

Examples of ports with emissions inventories and climate action plans include the Port of Long Beach and Los

Angeles, the Port of Houston, and the Port of New York and New Jersey

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Community leaders in Curtis Bay have identified heavy truck traffic on residential roads as a

major health, safety and environmental problem. Officials in the Baltimore City Department of

Transportation should promptly begin working with residents and community leaders to

implement a plan to remove heavy diesel truck traffic from the residential Curtis Bay

neighborhoods located closest to the industrial area on the Fairfield Peninsula. Specifically, the

City Transportation Department should take the following actions, which have been identified

by community leaders and are supported by EIP, to achieve this goal:

1) Work with the community to convert Pennington Avenue from a one-way street to a two-

way street for cars and delivery trucks.

2) Prohibit industrial truck traffic on Pennington Avenue. This has proven effective in

improving conditions on the part of East Patapsco Avenue that runs through the Brooklyn


3) Either prohibit industrial traffic on Curtis Avenue or take steps to reduce the speed of

heavy truck traffic on Curtis Avenue.

Taking these steps will promote the conversion of Pennington Avenue into a Main Street

which can attract small, non-industrial businesses and provide badly needed job opportunities.

It will also increase overall quality of life in the residential neighborhoods closest to the Fairfield

industrial area by reducing the diesel exhaust to which residents are exposed and alleviating

the noise, safety concerns and road impacts caused by these trucks.

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Appendix A

Data Limitations

Toxic Release Inventory (TRI)

TRI likely underestimates, possibly by a significant amount, total toxic emissions from stationary

sources, because of the rules governing whether or not a facility must report to TRI.

Specifically, facilities are required to report to TRI only if they: 1) have ten or more full-time

employees or the equivalent; 2) have an NAICS code included in Section 313 of the Emergency

Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) or are a Federal Facility; and 3)

manufacture, process, or otherwise use EPCRA Section 313 chemicals and chemical categories

or exceed any non-PBT chemical reporting threshold by manufacturing or processing 25,000

pounds per toxic chemical or category per year, or otherwise use 10,000 pounds per toxic

chemical or category per year (with the exception of 10 pollutants with very low thresholds).

National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA)

The NATA modeling results are only rough estimates of exposure and risk, and there are several

important limitations and uncertainties that should be kept in mind, including but not limited to

the following:

A limited number of pollutants were modeled. NATA modeled 179 pollutants, and this is only

a subset of the air pollution in the Baybrook area. The estimates of risk would be higher if the

model were to include nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, and particulate matter. In

addition, not all of the 179 modeled pollutants could be modeled for health risk because only

140 had sufficient dose-response information. An important pollutant in this regard is diesel

PM—although NATA modeled exposure to diesel PM and was able to estimate a noncancer

respiratory risk, it did not assign diesel PM a cancer slope factor. This means that the cancer

risk of diesel PM was not accounted for in the model.

Dispersion modeling under predicts ambient concentrations for some pollutants. The models

used to predict the movement of pollutants from emissions sources to points of possible

exposure are complicated, involving assumptions about many variables including weather and

chemical transformations in the air. Where it was possible to do so, the EPA compared NATA

predictions to measured pollutant concentrations in order to check the accuracy of the

model.75 For some pollutants, like benzene and formaldehyde, the model makes reasonably

accurate predictions. For other pollutants, including some metals like manganese, arsenic, and

mercury, the model tends to moderately underpredict exposure concentrations. Other

pollutants, for example chlorine, were dramatically underpredicted, with every monitor

showing much higher concentrations than the model predicted. Sources of underprediction are

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likely to include, among other things, emissions sources that are missing from the National

Emissions Inventory.

Modeling to the census tract is uncertain. Exposure estimates at the census tract level are

uncertain for a couple of reasons. First, NATA estimates exposure at the centroid of each

census tract, and individuals living in a census tract may be closer to or farther from a particular

source of pollution than the centroid. Second, nonpoint emissions are not directly modeled at

the census tract level; instead, these sources are inventoried at the county level, and allocated

to census tracts using “surrogates” like land use or population.76 In part for these reasons, EPA

cautions that NATA results should not be used “to characterize or compare risks at local levels

such as between neighborhoods.”77 In following EPA’s advice, we have provided only rankings

of risk estimates in this report and have not included specific risk levels in different


Indoor air was not addressed. The NATA model estimates outdoor air concentrations and

adjusts these concentrations for normal human lifestyles and the movement of outdoor air

pollution to enclosed spaces like homes and cars. The model does not, however, estimate

indoor sources of air pollution. This can be an important source of exposure—a study of VOCs

in the Baybrook area, for example, found that indoor VOC exposures were much higher than

outdoor exposures, and some of this indoor exposure is undoubtedly coming from indoor

sources of VOCs.78

Health effects estimates are uncertain. As described in some detail below, there is

considerable uncertainty in estimating the risk of a given exposure. Some assumptions used in

the model may overestimate risk, while others may underestimate risk. Taken together, there

is no systematic bias in either direction—the true risk may be higher or lower than what NATA


Cancer risks were estimated using upper-bound estimates of the cancer-causing potency of

each chemical, also known as “unit risks.” These estimates are uncertain, but they are derived

in a way that errs on the side of health protection. As EPA puts it, “the true risk is likely to be

less, but could be greater.”79

The cumulative cancer risk from multiple pollutants was estimated by adding the pollutant-

specific cancer risks. This is a simplification that is likely to overestimate risks in some ways and

underestimate risks in others. Adding upper-bound pollutant-specific cancer slope estimates

tends to overestimate risk. On the other hand, many pollutants may affect the risk of cancer in

a common target organ, for example the lung, in a multiplicative or synergistic way. Additive

risk estimates would in this case underestimate the true risk. Finally, as noted above, not all

carcinogens were modeled.

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Non-cancer risks were estimated by comparing exposure concentrations to “safe”

concentrations, more specifically defined by EPA as concentrations “likely to be without an

appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime.”80 For inhalation exposure, these are

known as “reference concentrations.” Reference concentrations are based on human or animal

studies and incorporate “uncertainty factors” to account for uncertainty in extrapolating from

study conditions (e.g., genetically identical animals in a short-term study) to real-life situations

(e.g., a diverse human population exposed over a lifetime).

Each pollutant-specific non-cancer risk was expressed as a “hazard quotient,” or a ratio of

exposure concentration to reference concentration. Pollutant-specific hazard quotients were

summed for target organ systems (e.g., the respiratory tract) to produce a “hazard index.” A

respiratory hazard index greater than 1 indicates that the total exposure to respiratory irritants

may result in adverse effects. The assumption of additive risks is simplistic and may not

accurately represent the true combined effects, which may be less than additive or more than

additive. Moreover, the estimated cumulative impact of the NATA-modeled pollutants does

not account for the contribution of the criteria pollutants particulate matter, nitrogen oxides,

sulfur oxides, or ozone, all of which have respiratory health effects. There are undoubtedly

combined effects of the NATA-modeled respiratory irritants and these additional pollutants.

Studies of acrolein and carbon black, for example, found that exposure to either pollutant alone

had no effect on lung defenses, but combined exposures did impair lung defenses. This was

likely due, in part, to the ability of carbon black to carry acrolein into the deep lung.81

Comparison of NATA with 2008 National Emissions Inventory (NEI)

NATA models at the census tract level and NEI models at the county level. NEI provides

emissions data at the county-wide level but does not provide emissions information for smaller

geographic units, such as zip codes or census tracts, within a county. In the present case, we

can use NEI to look at emissions in Baltimore City because it is not part of a county and is,

therefore, treated as its own county. NATA, on the other hand, models contributions to risk at

the census-tract level. Because the geographic units for which information is available are

different, it is not possible to do a direct comparison of NATA findings to the NEI emissions

information on source contribution of pollutants. All 2008 NEI estimates are at a city-wide

level and do not necessarily represent the profile of emissions in Baybrook alone.

NATA models concentrations of pollutants whereas NEI data is for emissions. Emissions are

the pollutants being discharged into the air by sources such as cars, trucks and power plants,

whereas concentrations are the levels of the pollutants in the ambient, or outside, air. Because

air pollution can travel, concentrations can reflect emissions from sources located many miles

away. Similarly, emissions from sources located in a certain area may not travel to other areas

and so emissions data for a geographic area does not necessarily correlate to pollutant

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concentrations in the same area. In simpler terms, because pollution travels, at least some of

the air pollution concentrations in the Baybrook Area come from sources outside of Baltimore

City that are not included in the NEI information we are using. However, the NEI provides

additional information about sources that contribute pollution to the ambient air in Baltimore

City, and can help us understand where pollutants that are driving cancer and respiratory risk

and are produced in Baltimore City are coming from.

NATA is based on 2005 NEI data, and our NEI section uses 2008 NEI data. The most recent

NATA database is the 2005 NATA, and it was created using data from the 2005 National

Emissions Inventory (2005 NEI). However, the NEI has since been updated. The 2008 NEI was

released in 2011, as it took EPA approximately three years to assemble the 2008 emissions

data, and is the most recent NEI available. For the purposes of this report, we have used the

most recent NATA, which uses 2005 NEI information, to identify the pollutants driving cancer

and respiratory risk in Baybrook (acrolein, benzene and formaldehyde) and to compare the

Baybrook Area to the rest of Maryland in terms of health risks from toxic air pollution.

However, we have used the 2008 NEI, because it is the most recent set of information available,

to evaluate where emissions of the risk-driving pollutants (acrolein, benzene and

formaldehyde) are coming from.

Problems with the NEI emission factors. We recognize that the NEI is not perfect and is based

mostly on calculations and models using what available data exists. Where possible, we have

tried to identify emissions sources that we believe may not be accurately represented in the

NEI. In particular, EIP believes that the NEI may underestimate emissions of toxic chemicals

from petroleum and chemical storage tanks. Several studies have shown EPA’s emissions

factors for fugitive emissions from storage tanks to be drastically lower than actual emissions.

EPA itself has, on multiple occasions, noted problems with emissions factors, specifically those

pertaining to fugitive emissions from storage tanks. Given the high number of tanks in the

Baybrook area, we believe it is likely that the NEI estimates for toxic emissions from storage

tanks is likely underestimated.

Age of NEI and NATA Data

Our analyses in this report are based on emissions data that, in most cases, is not current.

Specifically, NATA uses information from the 2005 NEI, and, therefore, our NATA information is

based on 2005 emissions. Additionally, our use of the 2008 NEI to illustrate the NATA

breakdown of certain pollutants by source category is based on data that is three years old.

In order to assess how emissions in the Baybrook Area may have changed in the interim, we

have compared the number of facilities that report to the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) for the

years 2005 through 2010. TRI includes a list of facilities that report toxic releases on an annual

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basis and can be searched by zip code. Thus, we were able to view the change in the total

number of facilities located in the two zip codes within the Baybrook Area between 2005 and

2010 that report to TRI. Additionally, we were able to view the differences in the total quantity

of toxic releases, and releases of certain key pollutants such as acrolein, benzene and

formaldehyde, during this time period.



Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

# Facilities 17 15 15 16 15 14

Benzene 4,386 4,443 2,768 1,532 1,373 1,304

Formaldehyde 0 0 0 0 0 0

Acrolein 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total Air

Releases 13,736,701 11,939,949 20,670,032 21,650,018 13,798,727 2,205,260


Acid 10,033,684 8,232,881 17,033,939 18,031,256 11,013,195 1,517,929

The number of facilities reporting to TRI has decreased from 17, in 2005, to 14, in 2010,

representing a difference in the total quantity of toxic air releases being reported from

13,736,701 pounds to 2,205,260 pounds. This represents a slight, but not substantial, change in

the number of facilities reporting. The difference in the quantity of releases is substantial.

However, this appears to be primarily driven by the upgrades to control technology at the Fort

Smallwood plant in March of 2010, as demonstrated by the large difference in releases

between 2009 and 2010 and in particular, the reduced hydrochloric acid emissions, resulting

from installation of as new scrubber at Fort Smallwood. It is also noteworthy that total releases

increased significantly from 2006 to 2007.

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1 Clean Air Task Force Diesel, http://www.catf.us/diesel/solutions/

2 The Principles of Environmental Justice, adopted at the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership

Summit (October 24-27, 1991), available at http://www.ejnet.org/ej/principles.html 3 Brooklyn-Curtis Bay Historical Committee, A History of Brooklyn–Curtis Bay, 1776-1976 (July 4, 1976) at 30,

available at http://www.curtisbay.com/bcb_hist/ebook.html 4 Id. at 31.

5 Baltimore City Department of Planning, Brooklyn and Curtis Bay Strategic Neighborhood Action Plan (June 2005)

at 10. 6 Brooklyn-Curtis Bay Historical Committee, supra note 3, at 31-32.

7 Id. at 33.

8 Blom, Brenda Batton, How Close to Justice? A Case Study of the Relocation of Residents from Fairfield and

Wagner’s Point (2002) (unpublished PH.D. dissertation, University of Maryland) at 70. 9 Id. at 70-71; see McGraw v. Merryman, 133 Md. 247 (1918).

10 Baltimore City Department of Planning, supra note 5, at 11.

11 Brooklyn-Curtis Bay Historical Committee, supra note 3, at 36.

12 Brooklyn-Curtis Bay Historical Committee, supra note 3, at 36.

13 I-695, Historic Overview, Francis Scott Key Bridge, http://www.dcroads.net/crossings/key-MD/.

14 Blom, supra note 8, at 84.

15 Id. at 87.

16 Id.; Phone interview with Professor Nicole King, Ph.D., University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of

American Studies (January 13, 2012); King report notes, “Their Unwillingness to Remain Invisible”: The Lost

Neighborhoods of Industrial South Baltimore, 1880s-2010s (citing “And now? Old Fairfield will finally get its

sewers” Baltimore Sun (March 13, 1976)). 17

King phone interview and report notes, supra note 19 (citing Schidlovsky, John, “Old Fairfield worries about

community’s future,” Baltimore Sun (October 29, 1979)). 18

Blom, supra note 8, at 81. 19

Blom, supra note 8 at 80, 83. 20

Blom, supra note 8, at 90-92. 21

King phone interview and report notes, supra note 19. 22

Blom, supra note 8 at 118-221; King phone interview and report notes, supra note 19. 23

For footnote ii, see http://www.cristalglobal.com/news.aspx?page={C3CA2AF3-DB3B-459E-87C8-

7F52223EB5AF}&type=pressreleaseitem, http://www.dllr.state.md.us/employment/warn2011.shtml,

http://www.epa-echo.gov/echo/compliance_report_air.html. 24

Census 2010. 25

Id. 26

Baltimore City Health Department, 2011 Neighborhood Health Profile for Brooklyn/Curtis Bay/Hawkins Point

(Dec. 2011). 27

Id. 28

Aaron J. Cohen, et. al., Lung Cancer and Pollution, 103 Suppl. 8 ENVTL. HEALTH PERSP. 219 (1995); Hazrije, Mustafic,

et. al., Main air pollutants and myocardial infarction: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 307 JAMA 713 (2012);

see C. Arden Pope et al., Lung Cancer, Cardiopulmonary Mortality, and Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate Air

Pollution, 287 JAMA 1132 (2002); Health Effects Institute, Extended Follow-Up and Spatial Analysis of the

American Cancer Society Study Linking Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality, available at

http://www.healtheffects.org/Pubs/RR140-Krewski.pdf 29

Id. 30

Id. 31

Maryland rates were taken from Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Maryland Vital Statistics

Annual Report 2009, available at http://dhmh.maryland.gov/vsa/Documents/09annual.pdf; national rates were

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taken from various individual files available on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website:

http://wonder.cdc.gov/; http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hus/hus10.pdf#023;



http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr56/nvsr56_16.pdf. 32

Maryland Asthma Control Program, Asthma in Maryland 2011, at 62 (Aug. 2011). 33

See Timothy J. Buckley et al., VOC Exposure in an Industry-Impacted Community (2005), available at

https://sph.uth.tmc.edu/mleland/attachments/Buckley_Report4.pdf; see also Devon C. Payne-Sturges et al.,

Personal Exposure Meets Risk Assessment: A Comparison of Measured and Modeled Exposures and Risks in an

Urban Community, 112 ENVTL. HEALTH PERSP. 589 (2004). 34

U.S. EPA, Baltimore Community Environmental Partnership Air Committee Technical Report, EPA 744-R-00-005

(April 2000). 35

U.S. EPA, The Green Book Nonattainment Areas for Criteria Pollutants,

http://www.epa.gov/oar/oaqps/greenbk/index.html. 36

U.S. EPA, Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee Recommendations Concerning the Proposed National Ambient

Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter 4 (March 21, 2006), available at:

http://yosemite.epa.gov/sab/sabproduct.nsf/CD706C976DAC62B3852571390081CC21/$File/casac-ltr-06-002.pdf 37

U.S. EPA, Toxics Release Inventory, http://www.epa.gov/tri/. 38

U.S. EPA, Particulate Matter (PM) Research, http://www.epa.gov/airscience/quick-finder/particulate-

matter.htm. 39

U.S. EPA, Particulate Matter, http://epa.gov/ncer/science/pm/. 40

U.S. EPA, Module 3: Characteristics of Particles – Particle Size Categories,

http://www.epa.gov/apti/bces/module3/category/category.htm#condensable 41

Id. 42

U.S. EPA, Particulate Matter, http://epa.gov/ncer/science/pm/. 43

U.S. EPA, Particulate Matter: Health, http://www.epa.gov/pm/health.html. 44

See C. Arden Pope et al., Lung Cancer, Cardiopulmonary Mortality, and Long-Term Exposure to Fine Particulate

Air Pollution, 287 JAMA 1132 (2002). 45

See Health Effects Institute, Extended Follow-Up and Spatial Analysis of the American Cancer Society Study

Linking Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality, available at http://www.healtheffects.org/Pubs/RR140-Krewski.pdf. 46

See Francine Laden et al., Reduction in Fine Particulate Air Pollution and Mortality: Extended Follow-Up of the

Harvard Six Cities Study, 173 AM J RESPIR CRIT CARE MED 667 (2006). 47

U.S. EPA, Access to Monitored Air Quality Data from EPA’s Air Quality System (AQS) Data Mart, ,

http://www.epa.gov/airdata/ 48

U.S. EPA, Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee Recommendations Concerning the Proposed National Ambient

Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter 4 (March 21, 2006), available at:

http://yosemite.epa.gov/sab/sabproduct.nsf/CD706C976DAC62B3852571390081CC21/$File/casac-ltr-06-002.pdf 49

See U.S. EPA, Technology Transfer Network Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emissions Factors,

http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/eiinformation.html. 50

See, e.g., Maryland Department of the Environment, Baltimore Nonattainment Area PM2.5 State

Implementation Plan and Base Year Inventory, available at

http://www.mde.state.md.us/assets/document/Air/BNAA_3-24-08/BNAA_PM_SIP_New.pdf. 51

U.S. EPA Ground-level Ozone, http://www.epa.gov/glo/. 52

Id. 53

U.S. EPA, Fact Sheet, EPA Proposal to Revise the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone (January 6,

2010) available at http://www.epa.gov/air/ozonepollution/pdfs/fs20100106std.pdf. 54

See Determination of Nonattainment and Reclassification of the Baltimore 1997 8-hour Ozone Nonattainment

Area; MD, 76 Fed. Reg. 54412 (proposed Sept. 1, 2011) (finalized Feb. 1, 2012). 55

Id. 56

U.S. EPA, 2005 National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment, http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/nata2005/.

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U.S. EPA, Technology Transfer Network Air Toxics Web Site: Acrolein,

http://www.epa.gov/ttn/atw/hlthef/acrolein.html; ATSDR Toxicological Profile for Acrolein (Aug. 2007), available

at http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/tp124-p.pdf. 58

See U.S. EPA, Technology Transfer Network Clearinghouse for Inventories & Emissions Factors,

http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/eiinformation.html. 59

See generally IRIS Toxicological Review of Formaldehyde-Inhalation Assessment (External Review Draft),

available at http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris_drafts/recordisplay.cfm?deid=223614; ATSDR, Toxicological Profile for

Formaldehyde, available at http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/TP.asp?id=220&tid=39. 60

U.S. EPA, Toxicological Review of Formaldehyde Inhalation Toxicity, in support of Summary Information on the

Integrated Risk Information system (IRIS), Volume III of IV, Quanitative Assessment, Major Conclusions in the

Characterization of Hazard and Dose Response, and References at 6-24 (DRAFT, Mar. 17, 2010), available at

http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris_drafts/recordisplay.cfm?deid=223603. 61

See Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, ToxFAQs for Benzene, available at

http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxfaqs/tf.asp?id=38&tid=14; U.S. EPA, Technology Transfer Network Air Toxics Web

Site: Benzene, http://www.epa.gov/ttn/hlthef/benzene.html. 62

U.S. EPA, Health Assessment Document for Diesel Engine Exhaust, 1-4 (2002), available at

http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/cfm/recordisplay.cfm?deid=29060. 63

Id. 64

California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Air Toxics Hot Spots Risk Assessment Guidelines

Part II: Technical Support Document for Cancer Potency Factors, B-483—B-530 (May, 2009), available at

http://www.oehha.ca.gov/air/hot_spots/tsd052909.html. 65

U.S. EPA, Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants from Mobile Sources: Final Rule to Reduce Mobile Source Air

Toxics, http://www.epa.gov/otaq/regs/toxics/420f07017.htm#fuel

66 See EPA Region 1, Questions About Your Community: Residential Wood Combustion,

http://www.epa.gov/region1/communities/woodcombustion.html 67

INRIX, Inc., National Traffic Scorecard, http://scorecard.inrix.com/scorecard/Top100Metros.asp. 68

John W. Miller, Hanging On at Sparrow’s Point, WALL ST. J., Feb. 6, 2012.

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203920204577197201645557704.html?mod=googlenews_wsj 69

EPA Office of General Counsel, Plan EJ2014 Legal Tools (December 2011) available at

http://www.epa.gov/compliance/ej/resources/policy/plan-ej-2014/ej-legal-tools.pdf 70

Maryland Port Administration, Green Port of Baltimore, Air Quality, http://mpa.maryland.gov/content/air-

quality.php 71

The Port of Los Angeles Air Quality Report Card 2005-2010,

http://www.portoflosangeles.org/pdf/2010_Air_Quality_Report_Card.pdf 72

Air Quality Monitoring Program at the Port of Los Angeles, Year Six Data Summary May 2010 – April 2011,

http://caap.airsis.com/Documents/POLA-6th-Annual-Monitoring-Rpt-(final).pdf 73

San Pedro Bay Clean Air Action Plan Frequently Asked Questions,

http://www.cleanairactionplan.org/civica/filebank/blobdload.asp?BlobID=2216 74

Clean Air Task Force Diesel, http://www.catf.us/diesel/solutions/ 75

Eastern Research Group, Inc., Results of the 2005 NATA Model-to-Monitor Comparison, Final Report (Dec. 17,

2010). 76

U.S. EPA, An Overview of Methods for EPA’s National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment, at 27—28 (Jan. 31, 2011). 77

Id. at 5. 78

Devon C. Payne-Sturgis et al., Personal exposure meets risk assessment: A comparison of measured and

modeled exposures and risks in an urban community, 112 Environ. Health Perspect. 589 (2004). 79

U.S. EPA, An Overview of Methods for EPA’s National-Scale Air Toxics Assessment, at 7, 49 (Jan. 31, 2011). 80

Id. at 7, 51. 81

U.S. EPA, Toxicological Review of Acrolein, at 25 (May, 2003).