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  • 7/29/2019 aipg2012


    1) Syphylis + Pregnancy > Penicillin G

    2) Secondary Amyloidosis > AA

    3) Bruise + Accused + Provocation > NONE (Rs 500 / 1month jail / Both)

    4) Non-Disclosure of Rape Victim > IPC 228A

    5) Japanese Suicide Technique + home detergents > H2S + other poisonous gases

    6) Osteomalacia > Phenytoin

    7) Not used for MM Hypercalcemia > Thiazide

    Thiazide NOT used for > Idiopathic hypercalciuria + Nephrocalcinosis

    9) Flower Petal > Cystoid Macular Oedema

    10) Limbal scar + Deep Chamber + 11D correction > Aphakia

    11) Brain Stem Death > Fixed Unreactive Pupil

    12) Apixiban > Xa Inhibitor

    13) MC Metastasis in Spleen > OVARY(checked myself)

    14) Left Varicocele.. Rule out > RCC

    15) Sodomy Active agent finding > Smegma16) Child with bullous lesion.. Scrapped on friction > Epidermolysis Bullosa

    17) Meningomyelocele Sac before Sx shud be covered with > NORMAL SALINE(checked myself)

    18) Cardiac Mortality is associated with > Rofecoxib

    19) Amylin is secreted by > Beta Cells

    20) Neonatal Jaundice > Can be seen after Ventouse Delivery

    21) One qust relatd to carban mono oxide poison,wrong statment is..1.oxygn disocitn curve shiftd to

    right? (checked myself)

    22) Elderly diabetic with Facial palsy > Malignant otitis externa

    23) Pharyngeal arches all except > LPS

    24) Auricle nerve supply A/E > TYMPANIC BRANCH OF GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL (checked myself)

    25) Tumour from olfactory mucosa > Esthesion-neuroepithelioma

    26) True about Houston Valves > Lost after mobilisation of Rectum

    27) LH Surge > Increasing Estrogen

    28) Little Finger > C8

    29) Normal MCHC, Raised MCV > Cobalamin Def.

    30) True about SACH (Solid Ankle Cushioned Heel)

    31) Raised in Pader Wili Syndrome > Grehlin

    32) MRI Not True > Can detect calcification accurately

    33) Standard error of mean > 0.1 [REPEAT]

    34) SLE Probability > Prior prob *REPEAT+

    35) Corneal lesion + Vegetable matter injury > Fusarium

    36) Contact lens + Acute keratitis > Acanthamoebea

    37) Structure eroded in Post. Duodenum perforation > Gastrodudenal Artery

    38) Extensor plantar + Absent Knee, Ankle + Pes Cavus > Friedrichs Ataxia

    39) DIC A/E > Inc. Fibrinogen / Decreased Prothrombin time

    40) Pneumococcal meningitis > Poly pleocytosis + Inc Proteins + Highly dec. sugar

    41) Basal exudates + infarcts + Headache + hydrocephalus > TB Meningitis

    42) Pareital lobe tumour + resected + vomiting + headache.. IOC > FDG PET

    43) Asbestos exposure + comet tail + pleura thickening > Round Atelactasis44) Nocardia characteristic lesion > Brain Abcess

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    45) Strabimus + ptosis + diplopia > Occulomotor Nerve

    46) Contraindicated in Renal Faliure > Pethidine

    47) Slow Acetylators INH toxicity > Peripheral Neuropathy (checked myself)

    48) Fibromyalgia True is > EEG Abnormalities

    49) Depth of Anaesthesia > Bi Spectral Index [REPEAT]

    50) Alcohol consumption before and after > Paired T Test [REPEAT]

    51) Reids Index Increased in > Chronic Bronchitis

    52) RTA + unable to abduct shoulder + flex elbow + rest normal > Upper Trunk Injury

    53) Wilms tumour stage 1 other kidney normal > Open Nephrouretectomy (checked myself)

    54) During Pathogenesis true A/E > Screening dosent help change course/ Tertiary prevention

    55) Latest trend in Drug designing > Target Drug Design

    56) Diff between Case Control and Cohort > Less time, More time

    57) Reporting of health statistics done for > To know trend of disease

    58) Vaccine NOT given to elderly man > Measles

    59) Disease Spread by Culex + Aedes + Anopheles > Filiariasis60) Vision deteriorate after Phaco + flare + redness > Post op Endoophthalmitis

    61) Dialator Pupilae supply > Post Gand Symp from Cervical Chain [REPEAT]

    62) Age related dementia associated with > Homocystiene

    63) Night Blind + Tubular vision + Abnormal ERG + Waxy appearance > Pigmentary dystrophy

    64) Electromechanical systole > QS2

    65) Best MI Marker in Athlete > Trop T,I

    66) Child on Rx with Tacrolimus + Na 136, Ca 7.5, Creat .5, Urea 78 + seizures.. Cause > Tacrolimus

    Toxicity (Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome) (checked myself)

    67) CT + Atherosclerosis + CAD Screening > Calcification

    68) Keratin diff in Skin and Nails > Disulphide Bonds

    69) Enhancing Dural Lesion > Meningioma [REPEAT]

    70) Yoga + Modern Medicine > Physiotherapy IgA + IgG2

    72) Hisrshprung + Diagnostic investigation > Rectal Biopsy [REPEAT]

    73) URI + Fatty Stool + 1yr old Child > Cystic Fibrosis

    74) Mean 105, 95% confidence > 85 125 [REPEAT]

    75) Branching septate fungus in Diabetic > Option D Some phyces(checked myself)

    76) Proteinuria + haematuria + Anti HCV +ve > Mixed Cryoglobulinemia (checked myself) [REPEAT]

    77) Hematemesis + Splenomegaly > Portal HTN

    78) MC cause of Bone # in India > Nutritional

    79) Urine Alkalinasation for > Phenobarbitone

    80) White disc + retina totally normal > Primary Optic Atrophy

    81) Least common presentation of MM > Anemia(checked myself)

    82) ASHA Training > ANM + MPW

    83) Cyst in Cerebellum Mural nodule VHL > Haemagioblastoma (Dont remember this question)

    84) True about VHL > Haemangiblastomas in cranio spinal region

    85) SAH + Blood in 4th Ventricle > PICA

    86) A Blood Group > AO

    87) Diurnal variation in Eosinophils > Cortisol Variation

    88) Episodic Generalised weakness A/E > Hyperphosphatemia(checked myself)89) Lid Lag + Diplopia + ext. Starbismus > Thyroid Ophthalmopathy

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    90) Old Blood Stain > Infra-Red / Luminol

    91) Right Side pain + ventrolateral cordectomy > Left Lateral Spinothalmic

    92) Resistant to Disinfectants > Prions/Spores [REPEAT]

    93) Germ cell tumour A/E > Granulosa Tumour

    94) Tumour detected in fetus > Sacrocoxygeal teratoma

    95) Thiopentone + cerebroprotective Why > Decrease Cerebral Metabolism and Oxygen


    96) Misinterpretation of object > Illusion

    97) Hand wash 40 times/day OCD Rx > Response Prevention

    [snip]) Most potent cerebral Vasodialator > Hypercarbia

    99) Prevents Cerebral Casospasm > Nicorandil

    100) Aquous flare + corneal diameter 13mm + 1yr old > Congenital Galucoma

    101) Sinus Tachycardia A/E > Nifedipine (checked myself)

    102) Paracentral scotoma + Disc Atrophy + normal pressure > Normal tension glaucoma103) Delusion NOT a feature of > Conversion Disorder

    104) Without external cue, Sleep cycle is > {>24hours}

    105) Not a component of India Vision 2020 > Vit A deficiency

    106) Angioneurotic oedema A/E > Pitting Oedema

    107) Yellow Flag sign for Back pain > ??????????

    108) Mast Cell Stabaliser MOA > Dec Ca Efflux

    109) Mobius syndrome > Misoprostol

    110) Millenium Development Goals A/E > IMR 2/3 by 2015

    111) 9yr girl + lesion tibia .. which Translocation > 22 q 12(checked myself)

    112) Extended criteria for Liver Transplant A/E > Hepatitis core Antigen positive(checked myself)

    113) General Adaptation Syndrome seen in > Stressful conditions

    114) NDPS Act True is > User sent to Rehab

    115) Conductive deafness A/E > Menniers Disease

    116) Iodine + hyperthyroidism > Jod Basedow!

    117) AD A/E > Ataxia Telangiectasia

    118) LCH > CD 1a [REPEAT]

    119) Mitomycin C > Laryngeal Stenosis [REPEAT]

    120) Sex Ratio 0-6 yrs > 914

    121) Constipated IBS > Luboprostine

    122) Design effect applicable to > Cluster Sampling

    123) Supra duodenal Bile duct + blood supply > Right Hepatic A, Retroportal A??

    124) Undiff Carcinoma Marker > Cytokeratin

    125) # neck femur complication A/E > Mal Union

    126) GFR + Pre eclampsia > Decrease

    127) Smallest AP diameter > Brachycephaly

    128) Medican value cant be used for > Health expenditure/ BP

    129) Individual unit of study in A/E > Health education

    130) Upr Abdo pain + Panc Head mass + dialated duct + multiloculated > Intraductal Papillary

    mucinous Ca131) Small Bowel carcinoid > Associated with Lung Ca (AA have not given any answer 4 this)[REPEAT]

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    132) White reflex + White opacity with wheel spokes > Lamellar Cataract

    133) Thalidomide A/E > Myocarditis

    134) Autosomal Dominant Porphyria A/E > Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria

    135) Pyogenic Liver Abcess MC Cause > Billiary Tree Infections

    136) Small Fibre Neuropathy > ???

    137) Cyanide toxicity > Na Nitroprusside [REPEAT]

    138) Least recurrence + rectal prolapse repair + middle age man > Rectopexy

    139) HBV+ve Pregnant.. Ig to child > within 12 hours

    140) Pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase inhibitor > Cryptosporidium

    141) Bactericidal A/E > Tigicycline

    142) SHAM Rage > Lateral Hypothalamus removal

    143) Small Vessel Vasculitis > Microscopic PAN

    144) 14 year old girl, quadriparesis, facial palsy, winging of scapula, ptosis, F Fade on EMG>


    145) Ambiguous genetalia + Normal BP + no Hyperpigment > Primary Virilisation/5-5 Reductasedeficiency

    146) Pain on Injection > Rocuronium

    147) Pt for surgery.. Withhold > Statins/ACE INHIBITORS

    148) Pyrogen A/E > IL18

    149) MC Complication of TPN > Canula related

    150) Recent Problem after advances in TIVA >

    151) Proximal Segment Scaphoid AVN due to > Retrograde supply

    152) Quinolone with longest t1/2 > Lomefloxacin

    153) Wide Neural Foramina > NF1

    154) Splenomegaly least likely in > Primary Thrombocytosis

    155) IUCD NOT changed after 3-5yrs > Cu 380A

    156) RA Antibody in Synovial fluid > Anti Collagen Ab

    157) Not done in active management > Methergin [REPEAT]

    158) Deceased FSH,LH,Testosterone A/E > Klinefelter

    159) Antiretroviral causing Hypertriglyceridemia > RITONAVIR(checked myself)

    160) Hypoechoic metastasis in Liver > Mucouscystadenoma

    161) Subclavian Canulation + hypotension + low air entry +hyperesonance > Tension Pneumothorax

    162) Female + finger pain + cant touch Cold > Sausage Digits

    163) Vibrio causing ear infection > V. Alginolyticus

    164) ARC associated with > Lymphadenopathy

    165) Estimate protein content A/E > Bradford???

    166) Dysphagia regurgitation Foul smell from mouth > Zenkers Diverticulum

    167) CRAO seen in > DM

    168) Amputation +Stump neuroma + pain Rx > Ultrasound therapy

    169) Least affected by Anaesthesia > BERA

    170) Region least affected by Neurofibliary Tangles > ???

    171) Splenomegaly + intestine perforation > Longitudinal ulcer

    172) Clozapine True A/E > D2 > D1??

    173) Pregnancy A/E > Reduced SBP174) Bone marrow Stem Cells A/E > Myoblast

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    175) Antigen Antibody Rxn + Protein Structure > Secondary ???

    176) After 12 hour fasting what will not increase in blood > Protein

    177) Consent for MTP > Wife ONLY!!!

    178) Rod used for Rape victim exam > Glaster Keen rod

    179) Best way to test gene function > Knock Out Mice

    180) Hill Sach Lesion > Postero Medial

    181) mRNA True is > Translated from nuclear DNA

    182) Enzyme used in both Cholesterol and Ketone Synthesis > HMG CoA Synthase

    183) Mitochondria A/E > Fatty Acid Synthesis

    184) T & B cells true A/E > Both use Cytokines for action ???

    185) Graves Disease Hypersensitivity > Type II

    186) Response to dec in Glucose in Liver A/E > ????

    187) Mediastinal Lymphoma + MC > Diffuse Large B Cell

    188) Scholastic performance affected by all except > PICA

    189) Transmission STOP, Agent still present > Elimination190) Test for Bone Density > DEXA Scan [REPEAT]

    191) Frequency used in Keratoplasty > 193 nm(checked myself)

    192) Ant. Relation of ureter A/E > Iliac artery

    193) Procedure done 1cm away from sternum to > Save Internal Mammary artery

    194) Slit lamp Golden at oblique, Dark in centre > Coloboma lens

    195) Least chance of IE > ASD

    196) Drug user with Hallucination > LSD

    197) Kegels exercises > Jus after delivery

    198) 3rd gen TSH assay > 0.004

    199) Bronchiectasis + nephropathy > Amyloidoisis(checked myself)

    200) Pustules on Leg + cocci > Bacitracin [REPEAT]

    201) Baroreceptor Reflex acts at > Rostral Venterolateral Medulla

    202) Sub Himalayan region + recurrent leg ulcers > Sporothrix [REPEAT]

    203) Inappropriate words + GCS verbal score> 3

    204) Childhood history of paralysis + now pain and fatigue > Post Polio Syndrome

    205) Conduction Block A/E > ????

    206) Infective dose of Salmonella > 10^2 10^5 [REPEAT]

    207) Electrophysiological change associatd with prolonged or absent F potential > ???

    208) Twin True is > 2nd has more chance of Polycythemia

    209) Negative intrapleural pressure > Opposite recoil of Chest and Lungs [REPEAT]

    210) HUS A/E > Rarely associated with Haemorrhagic colitis

    211) Cocaine addict + psychosis > Withdrawal

    212) 20% lipid better than 10% lipid for A/E > Less Phospholipid

    213) Temozolamide is > Alkylating agent

    214) Ch Hypertensive + SAH + Death + kidney appearance > Small Granular / Hemorrhagic Petechiae

    215) Lifting heavy weight + Pain in great toe > L4-L5 (checked myself)

    216) Hypospadias + drug in Pregnancy > Diethylsilbestrol

    217) Girl + rapid height gain + Inability to squat > Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis218) Not associated with Lymphoma > Lynch Syndrome

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    219) Characteristic of ARDS > Diffuse Alveolar Damage

    220) Exfoliative cytology diagnostic for > TCC

    221) Transcranial Magnetic Therapy > Depression

    222) Cervicograph + multigravida + cervix 4cm at present + 5cm after 5hr > Shud have touched action


    223) Glutamate is predominant neurotransmitter in > ????

    224) Structure passing thru inguinal canal A/E > Inf. Epigastric Artery

    225) Amino Acid NOT phosphorylated by kinases > Aspargine

    226) Clopidogrel + PPI metabolism > CYP2C19

    227) Nerve Impulse + muscle contraction > Release of Ca2+ from SR

    228) New Drug B + compare efficacy with existing Drug A > Phase II/III ??? (checked myself)

    229) Direct Brain Stimulation in Parkinsons > Substantia Nigra

    230) Brain area for external self-stimulation > ???

    231) Vaccination is based on the principal of > Immunological Memory

    232) Papilary Ca Thyroid + near total Thyroid + next step > I131 scan233) Pitutary Macroadenoma > 1cm

    234) Child + low IgM + thrombocytopenia + eczema > Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome

    235) Age standardisation done for/ Age related parameter > Crude Death Rate / TFR(checked myself)

    236) 55yr lady + abdo distension + ascites + raised CA 125 > Ca Ovary

    237) Carotid ligated above Carotid sinus > Inc BP + Bradycardia

    238) 2yr Child Plays with himself Doesnt respond on calling > Autism *REPEAT+

    239) Renal scarring > DMSA

    240) Suprasellar mass with Calcification > Craniopharyngioma

    241) True about spinal cord A/E > Central Canal In White commisure

    242) Radioprotective > Amifostine

    243) Linear IgA deposit in BM > Chronic bullous disorder of Childhood

    244) Minimal Pneumoperitonium > Left Lateral Decubitus

    245) T3 lesion + paraplegia + Initial Rx > Steroids

    246) Spasmodic Dysphonia True A/E > ABDUCTOR Palsy l/t strained voice and dyspnea(checked


    247) 4-5 meaningful words + non verbal communication > 12,15,18,2415

    248) Not true abt Resistance in Bact > Plasmid only Vertical [REPEAT]

    249) Antibiotic resistance carried in > Plasmid (dont remember this)

    250) Vibrio acts thru > cAMP [REPEAT]251) Ketoconazole for Fungal Infection, what not to give > Cisapride

    252) MRSA Antibiotic NOT used> Cefaclor [REPEAT]

    253) Pink Papules near limbus + poor background > Phlyctenular Conjunctivitis

    254) Reccurent mebomian infection Rule out > Sebaceous Carcinoma

    255) Laryngomalacia true A/E > Surgical Tracheostomy Best Rx

    256) Short Bowel synd. Affects absorption of > Vit B12

    257) Not a Phase I rxn > Conjugation [REPEAT]

    258) O Site for binding Carbohydrates in > Serine

    259) Advantage of Post Cochlear Implant > Better learning and Voice development

    260) Larvicidal A/E > Malathion261) TB Bone due to > Paucibacillary + Haematogenous ???(reference plz)

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    262) Oral Anti Diabetic causing B12 deficiency > Metformin

    263) Oxygen in Blood at 4 ATM and 100% delivery > 6mL

    264) Gve bacteria whose endotoxin dosent cause injury > Vibrio Cholera

    265) acute SEVERE pulmonary oedema treatment all except morphine,digoxin(ANS),frusemide

    ,positive pressure ventilation(checked myself)

    266) Blood Level Monitoring required in A/E > Warfarin

    267) Which dosent cause Gynaecomastia > TSH Tumour / Prolactinoma(checked myself)

    268) Erethema + Scales of trunk > Pytriasis Rosea

    269) White lesions in mouth + Genital Lesion > Psoriasis / Secondary syphilis(checked myself)

    270) Butterfly lesion on face + blood finding > Anti DsDNA Ab

    271) Pain + shortening of leg + fall + gluteal mass >

    272) Which is Hereditary > Fanconis Anaemia

    273) True about HIV vertical transmission A/E > ???????

    274) Pt of leukemia given induction therapy + persistent pancytopenia A/E > B12 Deficincy

    275) Which is a serotonin Dopamine antagonist > ???276) Blood in vessels dosent clot coz > Antithrombin III

    277) MC Aneurysm in Circle of Willis > Ant. Communicating A.

    278) Labour + leucocytosis + Frangmented rbc A/E > Evans Syndrome

    279) Lethargic baby + Infant of Diabetic Mom + Blood Sugar 35 Rx > IV 10% Dextrose Infusion

    280) Secondary Hemochromatosis A/E > PNH

    281) Restriction endonuclease II function > Cleave DNA at specific palindromic sequences

    282) Protein precipitates at 40deg redisolves at further heating > Bence Jones Protein

    283) DALY > Years lost due to premature death and severity of disability

    284) RTA Type 1 true A/E > Stone formation due to acidic urine

    285) Non-Small Cell Ca Lung True A/E > Single Chemo after 70

    286) CNS tumour Rx with Radiotherapy true A/E > Effect severity dosent vary with Dose of radiation

    287) NOT a feature of drug dependence > Use of Illegal Drugs

    288) Electron Beam Irradiation used in which skin tumour > Mycosis Fungoides

    289) Migraine Pt. + Vasospasm MC due to > Ergotamine

    290) Advantage of stopping smoking > Prevent progression of disease

    291) Flare Pressure 18mm Breadcrumb appearance > Fuchss Uveitis

    292) True about Cardiac Output > reduces from lying to standing position

    293) Infection from middle ear transmitted by a/e > lymphatics (checked myself)

    294) EBV + Autoimmunity > Polyclonal B cell Activation

    295) True about Anaesthesia machine > O2 Sensor in Inspiratory Limb at Machine end

    296) Spontaneous CSF Leak A/E > RAISED ICP [ REPEAT] (checked myself)

    297) Wrong about Central Hypothyroidism > Plasma TSH High

    298) Brain Metabolism completely Stops at > 10ml/100gm

    299) P Value > Probability of Significant result when actually no difference

    300) QuatiferonTB assays True A/E > Cannot diff. b/w Typical and Atypical Mycobacteria!