AIMS OF SOCIALISM. "E. T. Kingsley Defines the Purpose of the Organization for Industrial Improvement. The advocates of socialism, represented as the American Section of the Socialistic Labor Party, held a well-attended meeting in Pythian Hall last evening. E. T. Kings- ley, was selected to address the gathering upon the aim and tendency of the social- istic movement. The speaker dwelt at considerable length upon the present sys- tem of municipal government and gave emphatic expression to his opinions upon its defects and the methods by which they might be remedied. He declared that in the realization of their purpose the social- ists should aim at the control of no single branch of the government, but endeavor to control all. Socialism, he explained, is not an institution whose purpose is to eliminate the monopolies one by one. If it hopes for success it must secure posses- sion of the entire system of government at one time. Among other things Mr. Kingsley re- ferred to the waste of material which he believed was a result of an improper muni- cipal system. He advocated the destruc- tion of what he called rent, interest and property. To bring about such a condition of things he urged a judicious use of the ballot privileges by all socialists. a— * The modern Caesar. He left the wood-pile and purloined the pie, This tramp, who scorned ail decency and law. He said, and gayly winked his other eye: I came, I conquered, but 1 never saw. —Cornell Era. SAN FRANCISCO "CALL." fT'SINF.-S OFFICE of the San Francisco Caia/- --'"( Market street, open until Pi o'ciock every j ,fl i In the year. BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street, rarer Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock. rfl Hayes street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 717 Larkin street, open until 9:30 o'clock. tW. corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, open ii ill f o'clock. _l3BMission street, open until {"o'clock. --.•.Ninth street, open until 9:30 o'clock. 10 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1805. NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Ifl***- RING BOLOMON'S LODGE NO ft uir*^ 260. F. and A. M.. corner GearV »uT_Z% Steiner sts.— Called meeting THIS (MON-'^fj? DAY EVENING at 7:30 o'clock for thirdrV» degree. By order of the master. HARRY BAEHR Secretary. BprsS= HERMANN LODGE No. 127, F. o HP-*" and A. M.-Called meeting THIS _* DAY' (MONDAY); October 28, 18-15. at">T%' 7:30 p. m. Degree 2. Bvorderof the W. M.'^H L. Mai. Til-.;:, Secretary. llt^S 3 SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTEB NO. ft •isJ^ 1, Royal Arch Masons, meets THIS _\\ EVENING. P. M.L.F. and M.E. M. ,li-Wy gree. H. G. PRINCE, Secretary. /*&x f^g 3 OCCIDENTAL LODGE NO. 22, F. m IS^JS" and A. M. Third decree THIS B\ (MONDAY) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. ""ST 2? By order of W. M. r^\ 11. A. JONES. Secretary. Xg 8 THE PAJARO FRUIT AND LAND m*&. Company— A special meeting of the stock- holders of ibis corporal will be held at rooms 116-122, Crocker building, this city, on TUES- DA>, November 5, 1895, at 8 o'clock" p. m.. for the transac lon of such business as may properly come before ihe meeting. By order of the board of direct- ors. CHARLES HTMAASs; secretary. (Mlice: 421Pacific si., Sun Francisco, Cal. SSSp~LA CANDE LARIA MINING COM- l*-* 7 pany— A stockholders' meeting willbe held on SATURDAY. November 2. 1895. at 10 o'clock a. >f. at 530 California street, room UO, for the pur- pose of amending the by-laws and transacting any business that may come before the meeting. By order of the board of trustees. GEORGE A. HILL. Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. i'A INFFL l-'Ol IT AIL.MF.N l-^I'iVESS- L*-** fullytreated. DR. LLOYD, Chiropodist, Lur- line Paths. W7s7> DB.JOSEPH BAY* 346 SUTTER ST.— '&*& 1 to 3 and 7:30 to 8:80 p. M.; residence 1431 Webster st. sEss=* RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA,GOUT; l*~-£»" special attention to these diseases. .1. A. MCDONALD, M.D., 1236 Market: 2 to 4, 7to 8 p.m. S**_-3=^corns REMOVED without knife. •J^- 7 Chiropodic Institute, room 22,906 Market. Eff-?* ELECTRIC AND MEDICATED BATHS *x*x^ 120 V; Geary, room 11: hours 10 to 10; *1 p"^sp» RAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4. 1> * Collections made, city or country. Paeiflo Collection Co.. 415 Montgy si., room 6. TeL 5580. (fS* WINDOWS cleaned and floors «* >jy scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment for damages guaranteed. C. ROSSI CO., 242 sutler. •rps"r- BOOMS WHITENED,$1 UP: PAPER t** 3 * ,-d S3 50 un. 3171/2 Third. George Hartman. EP~§= COLLECTIONS: TENANTS EJECTED, **-& -. i(i; costs paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. '-'9. SITUATIONS WANTED- FEMALE. V WAITING SITUATIONS— COOKS. CHAM- JX. bermsids and girls for housework. MRS. HiHi), 705 Polk. Telephone, Sutter 671. O WEDISH OIRL, FOB < ' M AND SMALL fcj washing 930, city; girl for housework, good cook; good reference, $25. 11% Antonia St., off Jones, nr. F.llis. THE SWEDISH AND GERMAN EMPLOY- menI Bureau has removed from 332 (leary to 1-115 Sutter, bet, Stockton and Grant aye. THOSE NEEDING THOROUGHLY COMPE- tent help, the Home and Business Bureau rec- ommends: Cooks, $25; general bouseworker, 520: chambermaid and stress, $16; girl to assist, *10; also numerous otlier first-class helpers. Acad- emy sciences, 819 Market st.. room 16. SWEDISH EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 11% Antonio st., off Jones, near Ellis. LADIES WISHING GOOD HELP OF ALL kinds apply at 1004 Market st. 1 EASTERN WOMAN WANTS SITUATION; references; good cook, baker and laundress; also competent baby's nurse wants position: Protestant. Cull 228 Seventh st. WOMAN WANTS a SITUATION AS GEN- »' eral housework and understands plain cook- ing. Please call for 2 days. » Bitch St., off Folsom. "I," I RBT-. LASS COOK .WISHES A SITUATION I-noobjection to large family. Call 1605 Pacific aye.. cor. Polk st. 7TEBMAN WIDOW WITH BOY 4V 2 YEARS Xt old, wishes position Id family: general house- work; small wages; good home. G.W., box 115,1 aIL Scotch woman desirT;s SITUATION; 18 k_J good cook and general bouseworker; willing and obliging: wages $15; city or country. Address 359 Minna st.. nr.Fifth; no postals. SWEDISH GIBL WISHES SITUATION TO DO cooking and .housework In private famiiv. I iL^x 147, CalL KESPECTA BLEW! WISHES A SITUA- tion to do general housework; good' plain cook and laundress; many years' reference. Call 744 F'olsom st. \\- ANTED-BY' COMPETENT " SCANDIN A- XX v. an girl, position as cook or for general housework; best city reference. Call or address I6t : _ Clara St., bet. Fourtb and Fifth. CM an GIKL WISHES SITUATION IN I private family , as cook or general housework. Apply in person.no postals, 322 Twelfth St., up- stairs. . -:y-. •*\u25a0. .*.;\u25a0: ., -.: . -pROTESTANT WOMAN, WORK BT THE A day, washing, Ironingor cleaning: $1. Address U. C, box C, Call Ollir-e. YOUNG. RESPECTABLE GIRL WANTS SIT- X uation, 4or 5 hours daily, without board. Ad- dress D., box 76, tins office. rjOMPETENTWOTfAjTwiSHES SITUATION v_/ to go chamberwork and sewing; has her own sewing-machine 11 required. 520 Stevenson st. |*i? A fc TERN LADY. STK tNGEB, WOULD LIKE J- position is housekeeper. 210 a O'F'arrell st., room 7: call irom 10 to 5. ' WOMAN, THOBOI GHLY COMPETENT 1 1 wishes any kind of housework. Apply 513y a H jrde st. I .1.1. «AMiti-,.> SITUATION FOR GENEBAL xx housework: best of references. Call '60s Liberty St., mar Church. .* A ..IKI. WHO LATELY' CAME FROM GER- ,... many wanta situation tor general housework. 143 ThirdSt., milk depot. V-OUN.. GIHL WANTS A SITUATTON TO -l do general housework and good cook ; no objec- lion to the country :wages from $20 to $25. Please call at 6371*; Natoma st. -'"we Gll'.l. WANTS SITCATION TO DO GICN- vr era! housework. 907% Mission st., room 1. YOUNO WIDOW WISHES a POSITION is -I typewriter. Call or address 8731... Market st room in. s-cond floor. BUSINESSMEN CAN sl-:i' t 111-. FIRST-CLASS stenographers, typewriters, Salesladies, book- keepers and offloe men a-. Home and Business Bu- reau, Academy Sciences, 810 .Market St., room 16. COMPETENT GERMAN GIRL WISHES SlT- nation for cooking in the city or country- is neat and reliable. Address G. (.., box 71, Call. ' 11' 'I.MAN WITH A CHILDS YEARS WOULD " like to go as housekeeper; is a good sewer; a good home more object than money. Call 246 i'ourth st. '"YV" ANTED- P(l_TtloN|asTnFANT''s NURSE * i by an experienced young woman: capable of taking enure charge; good references. Address Nurse, box 71, Call. COMPETENT WOMAN NTs WORK tbe day. washing, ironing or any other work. Apply1444 Jackson SI. "YOUNG lady wishes position AS sten- x. ographer in law oflice; inexperienced law work only:wages no object: experleuce preferred: would. accept position In mercantile house. Ad- dress Cam. el, box 108, Call. "DEFINED WIDOW WISHES HOUSEKEEP- At er s position. 11 Kearny, room 27, first floor. ;7 IODGTVG-UOnSES FOR sal J^__ "^foTTCE-100 LODG ING-HOOSES FOR^SAIS; 1\ from $160 logoC'OO. STRANDA CO, *& Third. *,>)^l HOUSE; 50 WELL-FURNISHED LLOXJ. rooms: 3 cottages Induced; with flower garden: cheap rem: clears *250 a niontli; lies location in city; worth double: great bargain. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. OTi ROOMS, SUNNY CORNER. ONLY'..$l.OpO _!-_- 24 rooms on Geary st. : payments - , j J" 32 rooms, line sunny corner; worth $3000. J.WJO 48 rooms: rent $50: only l.« 60-room hotel and bar **'-\u0084 it, ro'ms Including piano '\u25a0)' 7-room corner flat:central...... 400 10-room house: very central 2..) 16 rooms, all on one floor b..U H.C. DECKER, 1206 .Mar...- sl., cor. Taylor _ /-ILEAif Firs FROM $50 TO 9225. XJ 12 rooms: nice corner; near Call $4,5 15 rooms: Postst.: 1 floor;elegant 1050 16 rooms; Geary St.; very goo ; see It 1000 4:: rooms; line location; paying . JO 60 room; near Baldwin; N. of Market; easy terms. A. M. SPECK * CO., 602 .Mark.-; St. -7-ROOM HOUsE NICELY IT I '.Nl silED AT A _ sacrifice. 1425 Ho.vard st. A ODOING-HOUSE FOB SALE; CHEAP; 16 Ix furnished rooms. 015 Montgomery st. ttl AAA 28 ROOMS: 1.BLOCK FROM THE »_"|±UUU. Baldwin: rent $90: present owner cannot attend ioIt. Address ('.. box 71. Call. FURNITURE FOR SALE: ' t ; 7SR~ > J_XP_7^eT"oF NEW FURNITURE; -T cheap, ..11 account of departure: nice sonny flat tolet reasonable. Address 1237 Eighteenth st. 4 UCTIONEER. J. I. TERRY, 30 MONTGOM- _A cry St., pays highest caah prices for furniture. OMPLETE OUTFITFOR 4 BOOMS $HT Brussels carpet laid 4 »\u25a0* Heavy linoleum -0° Free nacking and delivery across lie hay. Coiim- trv orders solicited. Send for circular, sill MLA SHIREK. 1310-12 Stockton st. Open evenings. K EDUCTIONS ON LARGE 'ITOCK, NEW AND \u25a0 second-band: 400 carpet... good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits, 19 up: linoleum. 45c; I- piece chamber suits, Si4 50: cornice poles, 25c: ranges, $6; cash or Installments: goods shlppel iree. T. 1,. NELSON. 126 Fourth s:. / U.T PRICES IS FURNITURE AN D . A BPE 3 I / thl. ivr»V nt M«-<-.. HKX, . 'x-Q'.'i m -< \u25a0\u25a0 1 .\u25a0 . CARPET CLEANING AII?ET?r^n~ORC>U_ULY^ CLEANED AND renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON A CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, sooth 36. ATATIONALCARPET REATING AND RENO-" XX vating Works HAMPTONABAILLY : laymj and altering. -313-315 Guerrero: TeL Mission 244. ITY STEAM CARPF_T-BF;ATING AND Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighthst. G. H STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., sooth 250. TIT HEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH »» poor work send to SPAULDING'S PloneerCiir- pet Beating Works. 353-7 Tehama: vi. So-40. C~ONKLI.N~S CARPET BEATING WORKS. S.li J Golden Gate ave.; telephone east 126. rpHE J. E. MITCTIELL CARI'ET NING J- Co. (Incorp.); old established carpet cleaniuj machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14l!_. leL 6071. 1 MCQUEEN'S CARPET BR ATTN'O AND BE* 'I . ovating works. 4 A3 •»;.•\u25a0 ,^..n: te,. 3223. PIANOS. VIOLINS, ETC. T^EoXvT^PIANO ; »ST ,":5(.'0; II NE^TONIT; I-X sell at a sacrifice. 777 Market st. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF PIANOS TO \:'- Jx. rive soon and we must have space: we shall close out several elegant Instruments, stateiar.l makes, at much less than they are worth to make Immediate sales; second-band Harilman, 92'J". ; Steinway, $2uo; Fischer. $160; Btedman, $150, etc.: pianos from $41 up. Till. J. DEWINO COMPANY*, ware-rooms second floor FTood build- ing, F'ourth and Market ats. IMPERATIV SALE—FINE STEINXVAy7 $200. See Immediately, rm. 21, 809 Mm s:. ifUSCHER U»RIGHT;FINE ORDER:. PARTY must sell now. Room 10. Flood building. EAUTIFUL LA B iE UPRIGHT TO BE'SOLD this week at your own price. Room 21, l'ioo-l building. ASON A HAMLIN ORGAN; SACRIFICED; 12 stops: perfect order. 1019 Van Ness ave. "\TTCE SQUARE PIANO. S4O; ORDERED SOLD -L> at once. Room 12, SO!) Market St. pHEAP— PIANOS; l -QUABE AND 1 UP- XJ right. Address A., box '_:. this Office. »_> UPBIGHT.- SAC. .II- sTKI.NU'AY, O Schubert and Decker Pros. 1019 Van Ness a\ -. WE BUY' FOR CASH IN LAROE QLANTI- Ix ties; low expenses and low prices. BOWERS ASON, Metropolitan Temple, Fifth st. T $3 75 PER MONTH: BUY OB RENT NEW uprights. HEINF*. 410 lost st. MANUFACTURERS OF GUITARS, VIOLINS, mandolins, zithers, lutes, etc. •-'l7 Ellisst. WE ABE NOW SOLE AGENTS FOB THE celebrated Knabe Piano: new styles inst re- ceived. BENJ. CUBTAZA SON. 18 O'Farrell -.:. STEIN WAY'. $300; WEBER $275: SOH ME 0 $250; Emerson, $225. BBUENN'S, '-'_- Post. UPRIGHT PIANOS FROM 9100 ' pT~HOJ_U *U NUNI.-s. leading piano-house, -210 Post st. - INEYVEBER UPRIGHT! AT A oBEAT'SAC- -1 riflce. HEINE, 410 Post. EMME A LONG rIA.N'O CO. HAVE 1;::- -moved 10 735 Market st. CIELEBRAT£"D BUSH A OERTS PIANOS; ' tone unsurpassed: cases unique. A. L. RAN- CROFT &CO.. 324 Pie si. SUPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD&NEW H. MILLER, maker, repairer, 'J Latham place. KEMOY*ED— XV. SPENCER - * CO. \u0084 < ::.'.i Post. st., near Powell, sole ..cents Conover, Colby and Spencer pianos. 333 po st. XJLTM. G. BADGER WITH KOHLER ACH AS '' 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. The finest line of new pianos for rent and sale In San Francisco. J. HARRY SCOTT, 929 Market St., Spreckels building. L ASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KoHLEB A r_ CHASE ABETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER A CHASIvS. 28 end 30 O'F'arreU st. DECKER BROS.. STETNW AY. FISCHER AND other first-class makes or pianos: little used; clieap for cash or on easr terms. KOHLER a CHASE "8 and 30 O'Famdl St. BA RGAINS INHIGH-GRADE PIANOS; EASY payments. 81 1 1 M1 i/. * CO., 935 Market st. IN ELEGANT DISPLAY OF MANDOLINS; JA guitars and banjos at MAUY'AIS'. 769 Market. UY'RON MAUZY'. 308 POST SoIIMEitT .1 > Newby &Evans, P.ri--g>. rnd other piano*. TECK. CHICKERINO A SONS., VOSK AND 0 Sterling pianos so'd on $10 installments. REN./. CURTAZ A SON, sole agents. 16-20 O'Farrell st. SlAIlM; MACHINES. ALL KINi>^ SEWING-fACHIN I- s n (UGHT sold, rented, exchanged and repaired: lowest rales. 205 Fou.-.l: *'... near Howard. .. :\ . —— —^ _________ WW ____. _\u25a0 1 _______________________\u25a0___, ENGINE FOR SALE. "^'*._ I NEW STEAM PUMPING ENGINE; " x^lu^OxJ . capacity 8000 gallons per hour. Per- kins Pump and K;i_i'n-ro., 117 Mains'.. >. F. *j ' 11 \u25a0 \u25a0 >—^^» FOR SALE— MI CELLAN hOi s. For SALE—FINEST BRED ' h JT spaniels on the coast; Irish Duke, dam Bridget O'Donoghue.sire Pat, whelped September 25,1893; also Handy Andy, dam Dool of Cnunangbt, sire Champion Shanghran; bred by George Miller Of Edinburgh, Wales; price 9126 each. JOHN H. SAMMI, 114 Sacramento st. . \u25a0• -"- yz. urf:-rlooded esq'u! m"ad dog. i yea old, Insplendid health. M. P., 11 Van Ness ave. OOD BUILDING SAND: HANDY; CHEAP. 214 Langion st. Qt 1(J GOOD" NEW; DOMESTIC SEW I Nol «_P 1 XJ. machine. 1915 Mission, bet. I.VI * 16th. 1 AAA AAA lIMCKS "and - lumber at 1 .UUU.UUU Eighth ann II rris.... 0 FRESH HOLSTEIN COWS FOR SALE. 537»£ Wolf st., Bernal Heights. ARGAINS IN ALL OF OUR Dl PART- ments: baby-carriages, rockers, crib., stools, eas_* chairs, music-stands, etc., at our factory. CALIFORNIARATTANCO.. 65 to 61 First st. GAS ENGINE; 5-HOKSE POWER: NEW; ... your own price. 820 Kearny st. J DOT FORFEITED 2 UPRIGHT PJANoS. 1 fine guitar. 6 gems' an I 8 ladies' fine gold watches, and 4 pairs Of diamond earrings, all ior ; x/3 original cost. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant eve. ALL MAKES OF TYBEWR IT EBS BOUGHT -^"V and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California. \u25a0\TICTOB PNEUMATIC SAFETY; GOOD CON- > condition; only$80. 328 McAllister st. ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZE fire and burglar proof safe. 221. 238 Market st. ALL TYPEW KITERS BKNTEDJ ' including Smith Premier. LEO. K. ALEXANDER &BRO., sole agents., 218 Sansome St.. 8. F. V at" loh ai. CASH BFXJISTEK, SAFE, Xx scale, letter-press, desk : cheap. 102 Clay st. MEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- AY hand. W. S. RAY' Mfg Co.. 12 California a: fX O lNTEIt S. SITEL Y'ING. SIIOWOASES \ ' boutht ami uold l_l2HAMarket leu 7th*andBt_i _^ _ . PROPOSALS. = PROPOSALS Foil MOVING A SCHOOLHI ' 1 and Making Improvements on Schoolnous-'s— Sealed proposals will he received by the Superin- tendent of Common Schools lnopen session of ihe Board of Education, New City Ball, San Francisco on Wednesday, October 30, ItO, 1 .. at 8::'0 o'clock p. xi., lor moving the sutro Fcbool buildingnom Nineteenth avenue, near Point Lobos nv-mue 10 the school lot on Twelfth avenue, between -\u0084,.., . and California streets, and for underpinning th» frame, building L-nces ami sheds, plankin/ portion of the yards and providing a Den sys.eni ot water closets and drainage. * *er 1-ealed proposals will also be received at the s-i-.._, time and place for furnishing a new system ,* water-closets and drainage at the Rich moat School, on First avenue, near Toiir Lt.hoVavm ,? e of ihe" „rd nCeS and ' '* U "' l p!an * :ln PoS I All of the work will lo done In -online- \u25a0I _ 1 runs and specifications at the oflice of "-harleil Havens, architect of the Board, room 55 [ \u25a0 \u0084'i building, corner of Four.li and Market sin- .'-» °^ The Board reserves the right to , v ,„., \u0084,'*' \u0084 bids as the public good requllre ' Myor all i . GEORGE BEANa.TON.SecwiMy, ' BUSINKSS CHANCES. Q9HO GBO- lEByVbaB; V LIVING-BOOMS. tg.__^UU. BARRETT &SKIFF, 865i/ a Market st. * (*\ ( . .1 BAKERY: iWESTEBN ADDITION; lire"-'"* counter trad? Sl6 day; splendid loco- tion: rare chance; must sell account of sickness; offer wanted.. BARRETT &CO., B(35V a Market st. ©OAA BAKERY; SPLENDID LOCATION; tJpOXJXJ. brick oven; m us: sell on account other business; call, see and make offer: living-rooms: rer;t?2o. BARRETT & SKIFF, 86614 Market St. c?9?;aa EXPRESS BUSINESS; Has THE VpAOUXJ. cream of trade between this city and Oakland: clears $201) to $300 per month; estab- lished 16 years: sure income. STF.NBERG, 632 Market, opp. Palace Hotel. CJ7AA CIGAR -STORE, WITH LARGE tip i OXJ . clubrooms: cheaprent: stock invoice, $600; give trial. STENBERG, 632 Market st. fIJjQAAA FIALF INTEREST: PAY' B A K- •J. OXJxJxJ. ery, restaurant; principal business street: remaining partner responsible and practi- cal business man; will teach Incoming party the business: clears $400 10 $500 monthly; opportun- ity seldom, if ever, offered. STENBF:RG, 632 Mar- ket st., opposite Palace Hotel. OALOONI L~U CHHOUSE, AMONG LUM- -0 ber-mllls and factory; receipts $20; rent $22 60: bargain. STENBERG, 632 Market St., op- posite Palace Hotel. "V"OTICE- ALL BARGAINS THIS WEEK: i->. Corner saloon, best location, pays we11... $450 Grocery and bar, near Market St., pays well.. 200 Restaurant, bargain to-day 505 Branch bakery, 4 rooms, rent $18. pays well. 150 Corner grocery and bar, value in sight, rooms 750 Lodging-house, IS rooms and bath, rent $40. 650 Partner In saloon, clears $75 month to each.. 250 Harbor-shop and cigar-store... 250 Frultstore, horse, wagon, etc., pays well 700 Partner wanted In livery stable, good chance 2500 To buy or sell see STRAND &CO., 45 Third st. t'->nn partner wanted in CoSlMIS- •Ir»->VVf. sion: will clear $75 per month each; see to-day. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st. jjj OC A for sale^s"hoestore~in OAK- t£)OO\J. land; on a principal street; stock and fixtures complete; doing a good business: satisfac- tory reasons given for selling; this isa good chance for one or two men. Particulars Of J. B. Mill AN, 509 Kearny st. ffif I AAA STATIONERY' AND VARIETY tJpil'c'V.'. store, suitable for man or woman; good living 10 be made: will sell at inventory; business could be greatly Increased byproper atten- tion, owners having too much other business: best references from leading firms of San Francisco. GEO. STEERS &CO., 22 Kearny st. CM^O PORK AND DELICACY STORE x£DIOXJ. with rooms; rent, $13: flrst-class pay- ing. Inquire 533 California st., Phoenix Bar. ©Q( ) A SALOON ON MARKET STREET, IiPoUU. one block from Baldwin Hotel; must sell at once; owner keeps two places. Particulars 533 Californiast.. Phcenix Bar. Ul;] H- PAYING"BRANCH BAKERY, GRO- «U XI O. eery, etc.: sacrifice: investigate Im- mediately. 9211/a Howard at. pA RTNER IN FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS 1 proposition; big inducements: large profits; must have $500 to $1000. Address H. F., oox 19. Call Oflice. , &] XA PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT **-?. ~y.« husiness: suited to steady man satisfied witn $15 to $20 per week: too much trade for one man to look after. 9 Geary si., room 2. PARTNER, WITH NOT LESS THAN $3000. x. wanted in a manufacturing business making the most salable line of goods; must furnish good references; object, extension of business. Address D.J., box 119. Call Office. . "POR SALE-BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY I and notion store: 4 pleasant living-rooms. An- ply929 Oak st. * ' \\T ANTED-EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN 11 with about $10,000 to purchase Interest in a flrst-class electric-light plant in interior city ex- cellent opportunity; principals only; references. Address n.Z., box 20, this oflice. " T-IRANCH BAKERY FOR SALE; DOING A JJ good business; reason for selling,: ill health. 514 Castro st. ? , °' \u25a0-: T>ARGAIN-FOR SALE, RUTCHEK BUSI- xj ness; good stand: good trad?; low rent. Ap- plyto P. W. ANDERSON. 28 San Pablo ave., Oak- land. .- . ..„ W N ' I _,-:- D ~ TO - BUY SMALL HOTEL OR xx 'boarding-house In or near Oakland. Address C. P.. box 11, Call Offlce. Oakland. AMID - GROCERY, LODGING-HOUSE "or fair paying business In exchange for 6- room cottage in Oakland. Address 8.C., box "2 Call Offlce. .... '..\u25a0*\u25a0.; V? K SALE-FIRST-CLASS GENTLEMEN'S x furnishlng-goods business: best location in the city; about $6000 required. Address F. S., box 78 Call Oflice. . ... ' pOR SALE—S6OO; GOOD RETAIL BUSINESS^ A nice every-day trade; clears $100 rnonthlv : fair trial given. Address C. 8., 48 Walsworth ave., Oakland. ' W A NTED—PARTNER OR A LOAN INTHE xx best manufacturing business in the State- party must have $10,000 or $12,000: will give good, ample security for lean: will give the party a reasonable salary that makes the loan for book- keeping and corresponding. Address T. J. S., box 71, Call Office. BUT. 11l- BUSINESS FOR SALE, CHEAP- good business street. Address T., box 5, Call. SALOON AND 4- LI VINO-ROOMS; OWNER O leaving (ity. Apply Call Office. (x I ASH RAID KOK GROCERIES. SALOONS \J merchandise; confidential. A., box 30. Call. POR BAKERY, DOING A PROFIT- J- able business: 20 miles from the city; very cheap; owner going away. Call on or address P. W ILBERT, Hayward, Cal. ' *£"?(. BESTAUBANT IN GOOD - LOC'A- -u''X'. tion; can show good paying business- must be sold; owner going East. J. S. HAN'LE 1351 Park St.. Alameda. OTORE-NOTTONS, ETC., FOR SALE; A BAR- k_3 sain to the right party; good reasons for sell- ing. 219 Steiner st. "OAKERY—SI2OO; DOING FINE COUNTER XJ trade; grand opportunity for man and wife to get into before the holidays, 3023 Sacramento. P,_ ,AK AND STATIONERY STORF;7~I. AC N- Polk"' ° C: \u25a0lv ' ! ' '* rooms; private yard. 1804 <B;7R FRUIT,CANDY, CIGARAND COFFEE 1 i O. siamd, opp. Page-st. entrance to G. G. Park; rooms: $10. 425 Stanyan st. V SMALL BOARDING-HOC-E. WITH 12 BEDS JJ groceries and saloon attached. Inquire 430 Brannan st. .' L'OR SALE-MILK DEPOT, WITH LAUNDRY A office; cheap. 335Va Fourth. FOR SALE-GOOD ROUTE ON EVENING paper. Address E., box 56, Call Office. SALOON FOR SALE, OR WILL TAKE PART- h___ < _ good corner. ApplyCall Office. QALOON. DINING-ROOMAND 7 F'URN ISHED •--•rooms; range: present owner 14 vears; reut $25; cheapest on the city front. J. It., box 14.: ABLISHED COUNTRY* NEWSPA- V/ per for sale ; county seat ; prosperous and grow- ing mining district; fine field; price reasonable. Address C, box 63, Call Office. <wu"uoie. \\ A NTED TO BUY-WOOD AND COAL, HAY 1 x and rain business, in good location: must bear investigation: state full particulars, price, etc. Ad dress J. IC, 946 sixth st. ' . i^UOITO i> " A A ',' 5 [~GOoS LOCATION'" $UUUU. well advertised; established 7 yeara^ total running expenses $125 a month: doingcash business of $1000 amonth; could be greatly Un- Proved with proper attention, owners bavin- too much other business: will sell at inventory no r f l e ng f c r 0., e 6°^C^ 1 - Bt. Addre!t3 °< ™» rpiip: palace HOTEL 1 AT UKIAH. MENDOCINO CO CAL. TO RENT OR FOR SALE ' AU * _.'.',': ON LIBERAL TERM& Inquire of J. M. GANNON, Ukiah. or WIT_- LIAM HEESER. Mendocino. pALL ROUTE F..R SALE IN INTERIOR V town. ApplyCall Offlce. wijvniui. O°S_S "SALOON' AND RESTAURANT: V best location in city: receipts about $40 a day; trial given uutil satisfied: no triflers need answer Address c. s., box 140. this offlce. l") l i£S ! TO-_ £ ICI1 Cl . ITY C °KNER: BARGAIN: good for physician. Searchlight. 602 Market st. "YEWS STATIONERY. CANDY AND TOY -n ore for sale: reasonable. 1650 Polk st. *<'-*_. 1 J- A " FIXTURES, COMPLETE; MUST •jg UV. be sold at once. It; 85 Mission st. pOR SALE-A LONG WELI^-ESTABLIsHED x- .first-class corner grocery and saloon in flue lo- cality: present owner will give reasons for sell- ing. Address or Cull 201 Powell st. EESTAURaNT; BEST LOCATION IN CITY. XI, ApplyS. F. Breweries. Limited, 403 Market St. Mi IST CONVENIENT AN RESPECTABLE: \u0084„7_' Winchester House, 44 Thirlst., near Market: 200 rooms; 25c to 51 60 per night: $1 60 10 $3 per week ; free bus to and fiom the ferry. TNTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PAPER FOR ir_ , _<,: , pays over *-00 per month net: price $5000: for particulars apply at this offlce; none but principals need apply; terms cash. OR SALE-DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING AND shoe business: stock $7000: In a city of Oregon which for special reasons nas an exceptionally bright future; cash trade only; terms cash. Ad- dress this office. PARTNER WANTED BUSINESS RfITAB- -1 lished since I860; capital requited frori 845,000 to $50,000. Address B. M.. P. O. box 243.*. QALOON FOR SALE CHEAP. 341 SIXTH ST. P OR SALE-GROCERY AND BAR; CHEAP. x. Appiy NE. corner F'rancisco and Mason. }j*< I N STAND FOR A BUTCHER IN ALA- meda: low rent. 410 Montgomery st.. room 2. '**, HORS. S. A A HORSES FOR SALE: ALSO WAGON* 7XXJ buggies, carts, harness; Grand Arcads Horn Market, 327 Sixth St. ; auction sales everv Wednes- clay. sullivan A DOY'LE. Auctioneers. I 00 SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL - LV^'-' kinds; second-hand wagons, buegy, cartj- also 20 horses. Fifteenth and Valencia ms. VfJUHJS". A_M> «JAIIUIAGES. FOR SALE—A FTNE TOP-BUGGyT^EARLY new. ApplyNevada Stables. .-.:_'___'__ Ri c cles. " PARK CYCLERY~NEW' wiikelTtolft' best \ accommodations. Terminus Geary, Mfr Alllsier and Powell si. csr hues. '\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0- .. PERSONALS. TO CUTTERS AND TAILO^S^TIIE UNDER- signed would respectfully stale that he has opened a school for teaching Hand's System of cut- ting garments on scientific pr nciples. in accord with his novel invention, "The Solution," and that he has no hesitancy in guaranteeing that, under his Instructions, the student will learn", by one lesson, more of substantial value with respect to the true fundamental principles of garment cutting and practical tailoring than he could learn by a life-long study of any other system ever practiced or now in vogue. Class nights. Moudays and Thursdays; private lessons. Tuesduvs, Wed. and Saturdays. J^S. HAND, 431 Kearny st: hours, 7 to 9 P. M. XpiNE HEALTHY* BABY BOY FOR ADOP- X. tion. Address F. A., box 55, Call Office. I HUH BUSINESS CARDS, $150:- TELE- .-_____ phone "Black 141." I 724 V 2 Market. "C'LECTROLYSIS— BY EXPERIENCED OPER- XX ator: terms reasonable; onlv cure for warts, moles and superfluous hair. Reply, withaddress, E- 11., box 150, Call Olllce. SCHOOL OF MAGAZINE AND NEWSPAPER O illustration; in response to many urgent re- quests the school willbe shortlv opened for even- ingclasses. Particulars at 424 Pine st. TiOOKS WRITTEN UP AND BALANCED XJ periodically by expert accountant; moderate terms: highest references M.,P. 1 1. box 2504, S. F. PR I VATE LESSONS IN MILLINERY; terms reasonable. 922 O'Farrell st. OPANISH, FRENCH, GE_TmTn7~MODERATE 0Mcls'.erBchaft School of Languages,l22 O'Farrell PECIALSALE IMPORTED HATS; $8 TO $10; stylish hatB.bonnets,ss up. DIN* AN. III Stocktn. TM PORTED HAY'ANA, KEY XV EST AND X high-grade domestic cigars at the tobacco bazaar, 1027 Devisadero st., near Sutter. REMOY'ED —DE GARMO URFiSSOUTTING Institute, from 219 Powell street to 313 Geary. I am prepared to execute orders at short notice; all the la' est styles received direct; suits made from 95 up; goods and Undines complete, from9l2 up: perfect fit guaranteed: patterns 25c to?3sc: country orders solicited: personal fitting not necessary. MRS. A. J. BRADLEY, 313 Geary st. TRY* HENRY' Y'OLL, 37 AND 51 CENTRE Market, for oest hams, sausages, preserves, etc. 1 ADY CAN SECURE - THE VERY BEST XJ home inconfinement with widow by addressing j Widow, box 112, Call. MBIOT HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE best ami freshest of butter, eggs and cheese. Center Market, cor. Sutter and ('rant ave., stall 52. T BISHOP. CHIMNEY SWEEP. ADDRESS 0 . 823 Market. Phoue Main 441 at C. BROWN'S. ARTISTIC HAIRDRESSINO, MANICURE, -CA switches, bangs, 91; wigs from 95: hair dress' d, 25c. To keep hair soft have it shampooed and dried in sun at La Verite Toilet Bazaar, 6 O'Farrell st. A DY'ICFI FREE; DIVORCE AND PROBATE -TV laws a specialty; suits, Superior, Justice and Police Courts; terms reasonable: collections, etc. G. W. HOWE, att'y-at-law, 850 Market, cor. Stockton. A TTENTION-F. JOSEPH LOCHER BEGSTO -rxa»nounce that he will open about October 28 a first-class tailoring establishment at 32y Oeary St., and willbe pleased to see all his former friends and customers. ...i. -. ." ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM—WlN- chester House, 44 Third St., near Market: 200 rooms, 25c to $1 60 per night: $1 50 to 96 per week : free bns to and from the ferry. "PAILOR-MADE SUITS TO ORDER ETC.; J- reasonable prices; by CHAS. JAOER, ladies' tailor, 246 suiter st.. California building, rms 14-15. SUITS MADE TO order OK ELEGANT 0 remnants for $10; samples and self-measure- ment on application. LEON LE.MOS, Merchant Tailor, 1332 Market st., San Francisco. ALL PA INS CURED NATURAL MAGNETIC electric healing. MRS. HILL, 216y 2 Mason st. HAIRDRESSING. S5&. ANY STY'LE; ESTAB. lished 1869: natural curl" front-piece and first- class switch 91 each. BERTHA SPITZ, 111 Stock- ton ; strictly one price. G. LEDERER, successor. Q-A A ROOM: CARPETS CLEANED ONTHE \u25a0J. I floor. 20« Leavenworth st. EGYPTIAN HENNA. 91: HAIRDYE, PER- x fectly harmless. Laugley-Michaels Co.: all chemists: Hubbard's 923, Hauptli's, 1156 Mktst. "V" XV PROGRESSIVE WINDOW ANDHOUSE T-i cleaning Co.;floors scrubbed :contracts;day.wk or mouth. I. CARNOVAL &C0.,121 O'F'arreU st, AIRSREMOY'ED BY ELECTRICITY* PAlN- lessly; busts enlarged; freckles, wrinkles and other facial blemishes removed; we guarantee satisfaction. MME. KARROW, Woman's Dis- pensary, 1206 Market st. rpilE ECONOMY'," 40 SIXTH ST.. RET. MAR- -1 ket and Mission (old No. 46)—Millinery. Cheap- est house Inthe city;styllsh trimmed hats, 9'J: hats trimmed, 25c;hats pressed, feathers curled, sc. MIM FIOG RAPH, TYPEWRITER AND OF- lice supplies; all classes of typewritten and mimeograph work promptlv done; typewriter rib- bons. $6 doz., guaranteed. ANNAC. BUSTEEDE, phone—Main. 5807: 630 Market. El IIN D HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, 0 showcases, counters, shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, ef., and a very large stock of them, loo; be sure and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NooNaN, 1017, 1019, . 1021, 1023 Mission st., above Sixth. OLD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD; store fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.: cheap. Y'ard 1166 Mission St., near Eighth. CIOLLECTING; TRACING, SHADOWING AND Xj locating at GRAHAM'S Agency, 330 Finest. MACHINE WHITE WASHING; CONTRACTS -l'ltaken; whitewashing and tree-spraying: rooms whitened, $1up. 1560 Market St., near Hayes. A LTZ GUARANTEED: PRIVATE OR IN »» class. PROF. FOSTER'S Dancing School, 997 Market st. . (£« I LX SUITS TO ORDER; SAMPi.E BY MAIL. <IPA^_j NEUHAUS. Merchant Tailor. 115 Kearny. L*< INE~ SUITS, *16: DRESS PANTS, $4 75. xz Misfit Clotnlng Parlor*. 435 Montgomery st. ONE MOREIJUT^ Oak Roll Top Desks $14 to $35 Oak Chiffoniers ' From $10 up Oak Bed Sets *17 60 up oilcloths and Linoleums 30c up Stoves and Ranges 33 up Thousands of bargains. We keep everything. Cash or time payments. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st., above Sixth. CLOAKs, i APES .c-U sl'i 1 - RETAILED AT mfrs' cost. Factory. 20 Sansome s:.. upstair*. / iLDGOLD, sn_VER. GENTS' AND LADIES I / clothing boucht. COLMAN. 41 Third st. WINDOW SIIAItM MANUFACTURED TO xl order be WILLIAM Mil'H UN. 1195 Market. DRESSMAKERS. Dresses"! 2~a nd wrappers; 35c and up. I'dtD/fe Shipley st., near sixth, upstairs. DRESSES CUT AND FITTED, $3; DRESSES popular prices: engagements bv dav. 11 Pear v. _____ . LOSi. T OST-BETWEEN PARK ENTRANC^AND J J ('lift',gold meda', marked -First Class, 1892," and "L. G. C"; return to 115 Main st. and receive reward. - - . TOST OR STOLEN— LIGHT RAY' MARE: XJ swelled right lore foot. Liberal reward ifre- turned to J. MEILLETTE, 3001 Mission st., cor. Twenty-sixth. p BEYHOUND PUP ONE BLUE FEAR XI and one blue eye; reward. 105 First or 1311 Steiner. .. '; -y -.;.:: -- . T isi-RKTWKEN ALAMEDA MOLE AND .1 J San Francisco, October 23. one railroad pass In name of Mrs. C. L. Crabtree and daughter. Finder return 10 616 Fifteenth st.. Oakland, and receive reward. 1 os '.'-PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBEBNIA lx Savings and Loan Societv of San Francisco in the name of Patrick RYAN. No. 1781168. The finder will please return to bank. "I O 3T— A YELLOW GREY" HOUND DOG, -l-i white ring around neck. Return to Rirlly's saloon, corner Twenty-fifth and Y'alencia sts.; "re- ward. . T OsT—A PASSBOOK WITH TIIEHIBERNIA XX Savings and Loan society of San Francisco, in the name of SOLOMON DIAMOND, No. 1991-445. The finder will please return to bank. GIOLD GLOVE - - BUTTO NER, OCTOBER TiT I" Return to 427. Valencia st. ; receive reward. t OST—PUG PUP. REWARD ON RETURN TO XX 1010 Mason st. , . DENTISTS. ' " RITTCRANZ^EXTinrc^ crown work, bridge work and teeth without plates a specialty. 103 Geary St., cor. Grant ave. D R.REA.3OO TURK ST—ALL DENTALWORK at lowest prices and warranted ; open evenings. METAL PLATE $5: TEETH EXTRACTED' or filledpainlessly by my patent aniesthetic, fioc: won 28 prizes. Obdontunder Dental Parlors, 81534 Geary st., bet. Larkin and Hvde, opposite Saratoga Hall. R. L. WALSH, D.D. is. ROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, MAR- XJ ket. bet. 3d and 4th, gas specialists; onlyreli- able agent for painless extraction: artificial" teeth trm $5: fillingsfrm$1; extracting 50c. with.gas $1. i^7 a SET FOR TEETH: WARRANTED AS »4P good as can be made: filling 1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market St.. next Baldwin Theater. DR. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. DR. LUDLUM HILL,, 1443 MARKET ST., near Eleventh: no charge tor extracting when plates are made: old plaies made over like new; teeth from $8 per set: extracting 50c: gas given. / MiLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR XJ ket St. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. DR. J. J. LEEK, 1206 MARKET, COR. GOLDEN Gate ave.—Open evenings: Sundays till noon. A U_ WORK REASONABLE AND -YVAR XI. ranted. DR. J. W. KEY. 1122 Market st. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK, THE ""GENUINE Leek dentist, discoverer of painicss extraction and patentee of. Improved bridge work or teeth without any piate. moved from 6 to 20 O'Farrell st. "" " PHYSICIANS. \u25a0 ~ LADIES— PHYSICIANS OF TIIE AMER- ican Surgery and Dispensary,*, 14 McAllister St., guarantee to cure you of all your troub.es for $5 to $10: no cure no pay. \u25a0 TO J,EASE^ ' ' : -- - ~ '|i O LKa s E -"LA.RoE~ WAREHOUSE ON -I Townsend, . near Fourth St.; rent cheap; Will make necessary al erations. ApplyO'FARRELL &CO., 1.1 Montgomery st. . _ . TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. ; "I N V IIfCTBt-^r^tlßßO^ AN D CXlt BON*S I are absolutely guaranteed. ,"\u25a0 United Typewriter and Supplies Co., 413 Montgomery st. HELP "WANTED— Continued. T) ARBERS— for EMPLOYMENT CALL SEO- a Vr"" "•" rocr3 ' Association, 325 Grant ave. S. __ UCHS.' -r-,'-'-'*: i-.-'i \\7 INCHESTER HOUSE, 44 TH D ST., NF. A 11 Market; 200 rooms, 25 cents a night; reading- room: free bus to and from Mie ferry. \\" ANTED— ALL CARPENTERS TO KNOW ill that there are plenty of carpenters in San Francisco: all advertisements to the contrary are misleading. All help can be supplied by applying to carpenters' headquarters, 115 Turk or 23 Ninth st. District Council meets at 115 Turk st. on \\ ed nesday evening. Tj*- I RST-CLASfTXADIES' TAILOR WANTED" J BOWHAY. 504 Sutter st. DAKHKIIi., FuR EM YMENT CALL SEC. IJ Barbers' Assn.. 12 Seventh. H. SCHEUNERT. T BARN A TRADE— OR PICTORIAL IX painting taught for $5: 1000 references. D. LEY ,35 Eighth st., San Francisco. rjYHErailroad house, 633 commercial J- St., below Montgomery: single rooms 15c night, 25c ior two; best and cleanest house in town. EST place IN city FOR SECOND-HaND shoes, 726*/2 opp. lloward-sl. Theater, or 129 Sixth St.: misfit shoes bought or exchanged. MEN YVANTED .TO SELL MANHATTAN Stock Food: it is best. C. KERTELL, San Mateo A MERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL,319 SAN- u.\. some st.—ReoDeued; European plan; light airy rooms, 25c to $1per dav, $1 to $4 per week, $4 to $15 per month. Housekeejiing rooms $4 per month up. \1 EN'S SHOES % SOLED 40c: LADIES' 3So. HA done In10 minutes. 959 Howard st. MOZART, 819 ELLIS, looms 260 TO 50C night, $1 25 to 315 week; reading rooms. W HA I' CHEER HOUSE, 629 SACRAMENTO " st.: 100 outside rooms; best spring beds; single rooms, 20c a day; $1 a week; meals, 10c. 7\f EN'S SHOES '%:SOLED.*SOc.i if EELS, 25c; \u25a0'- done in 15 minuies. 635 Kearny St.. basement. ] L*REE COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; I single rooms 15c, 20c a night, $1 a week. T IVE men wanted for light OUT- .IJ door work; will pay competent person $3 50 a day. Apply at store, 328 Seventh st. \l'ANTED— SINGLE BOOMS, 16c ADAY; *1 week: rooms for two, 25c 11day, $1 60awee__; reading room- daily papers. 3ft Clay at. TRY' ME HOUBE, !'r>7~7 - ST., BE- low Sixth, for a room ; 25c a night; $1 a week. '>) I ELLIS, ROSED ALE— ROOMS i.sc TO 60c . )__ Ianight: .<-, to $3 p week: open all night. \ .' AN TED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS xl to know that Fid Rolkin, Reno House proprie- tor, still runs Denver House, 217 Third st. ; 150 large rooms; 25c per night; $1 to $3 per week. . \i' ANTED—MEN TO "o ET BOTTLE SHARP xl steam beer, sc; bottle wine, 5-. 609 Clay st. A(\(\ MEN'S SECOND-HANDED SHOES.SOME *_tlJl» nearly new, \u25a0_\u25a0;„\u25a0 to ,<] 25. 562 Mission st. SIIOF.S ~~ HALi^MOLE IN 10 MINUTES: V~ done while you wait: at less than half the usual price; all repaying done at half price: work guar- snto d. 562 Mission st.. bet. F'irst st. and Second st. L INDELL HOUSE, OTH AND HOWARD— single furnished rooms. 75c week, 15c night. 1 r\f\ MEN TO TAKE LODGINGAT 10c, 150 IXJXJ and 20c a night, including coilee and roils. 624 Washington St., near Kearny. BEST IN SINGLE ROOMS. 16, 20 AND 25 cents per night-. Sl. Sl 25, %l 50 per week. Pacific House .Com mercial and Leidesdorff sts. AGENTS ANTED. (7* A LI FOBNIA MUTUALBENEFIT SOCIETY XJ wants good agents to work its accident and sick insurance; liberal Inducements offered. J. W. HANNA. Secretary. Murphy building. ' _ i URN rr ri; F. V. ANti. D. HIO HEST PRICE PAID FOR FURNITURE, carpets, stoves. BROWNE, 103 Oth; postal. \ LWAYS " BEFORE SELLING SEE. 11. J. JA LEUTHPLTZ. 821 Mission, bet. 4th and sth. AMERICAN FURNITURE COMPANY WILL JA pay you the highest cash price for your furni- ture, carpels, etc. 1129 and 1331 .Market. A I'CTIONEKK J. C. MUTHER. 719 MARKET _\u25a0_!_ st., pays highest cash prices for furniture. HO. KRASKY. CARPETS, PICTURES, . folding, iron beds, furniture: low prices: Cal. stepladder manufactd for the trade. 779 Mission. / 'ash PAID for FURNITURE AND MER- XJ chandise. !_. 11. Rl' i: I' A lonei-r 10 Fulton. HOARDING V. AN I ED. X\r ANTED-T^\BLIT^OARD^FTjir~FV_SaLY of 6 near O'Farrell mid Steiner sts. Address G. R. 11., 1501... O'Furrell st. ROOMS WANTED. ANTED—SUNNY ROOM WITIfBOARDIN xi private family where there are no children or noisy neighbors; work nights and must sleep days; willing to pay a good price. Address Reporter, box PI. Ci:ll Ollice. * ' -. yy- HOUSES YVANTED. \\r a n )^-^-sTTrir?TnriM?'R~?r7^^ ix house; 8 to 10 rooms; for 2 families: no chil- dren. Address lloime, box 80. Call Ollice. i WAN IE D— MISCELLANEOUS. SE< 'I N ii- _\ ND LAWBI « A NTEdT^A complete set of works suitable for the Supreme Court course of study ; must be in good condition and cheap; name e eh volume with price. Gradu- ate, box 114, Call Oflice. -\u25a0 SELL YOUR BOOK'S AND CLOTHING TO A. 0 KLEIN. 109 Sixth st.; send postal. QHOWCASESJ SCALES] TOOLS. COUNTERS, t~ shelving, etc. Send postal. 1117 Market st. CLAIRVOYANTS. A A A~~ x X WONDERFUL GIFTS. . Call them what you may people of San Francisco as well as other cities marvel at his power. Law- yers, speculators, business men of all grades and ' ladies from every walk in life together sound his praise for the benefit they have received. His par- j Iprsare always filled with anxious people seeking I reliable information and every reply is most grati- j fying; all are pleased; Professor Eugene gives ad- j vice on business, speculation, investments, love, courtship, marriage and' divorce; settles lovers' j quarrels, reunites the separated and causes a speedy and happy- marriage with the one of yonr choice; he locates mines and buried treasures, tells of your friends and enemies, moves evil In- fluences, gives advice pertaining to lawsuits, lo- cates and recovers old estates; developing me- diums a specialty; the troubled and unfortunate should seek his counsel ; thousands of families long separated have been reunited bv his efforts; thousands of hearts made glad through his truth- ful predictions; he is the only clairvoyant on earth recognized by the profession as their bright- est star; all persons unsuccessful in business, who seem to be unlucky, should visit him, seek his md i snd start aright; thousands have become wealthy j througb his advice: be is ever ready to assist I those withcapital to find a safe and good-paying investment: young men starling inbusiness will iind ii greatly to their advantage io consult himon all matters of financial interest to themselves. Professor J i tenc should not be classed with the many cheap] re who infect cities and bring disrepute to the profession. His past successes in matters of great import are a positive guaranty of his power to perform the wonders that have made him lamous. All are Invited locall. Hours. 10 a. m. to 8 .-. m. F. EUGENE, 1728 Market St., San Francisco, parlors 1, 2, 8 and 1. AN TA WINONA, FORTUNE TELLER AND card reader, 502 Stevenson St.,cor. 6th: lee 25c pLAIRVOYANT; FEE '_!.'»<•: LADIES ONLY. XJ 174 Clementina St., off Third. I_jrof\. LEON, palmist, CLAIRVOYANT, A trance charm. 583 Post; I) to 8; also Sunday. MM E. STEWART, SEVENTH DAUGHTER of Till daughter, a clairvoyant, has read cards since 11 yrs old; ladies.gi nts.oOc. 917 Marketer cl-1. /* 1 YPSY QUEEN; MARVELOUS MEDIUM XIof 19th century; 12 to 8 r.M. R. 2,866 Vi Mrkt. I AT Mli. FRANCES. ~* CLAI RVO Y ANT AND Til card-reader; 10 to C only. R. 22, 105 Stockton. T*»RF_SF.NT, PAST AND FU'l URE, 2*>('. MM E. 1- LEGGETTE. 311 Tehama St., near Fourth. fTIHE BEST NETA RY ( LAIRVOY'ANT ON A earth. 25c. 330 Fell St.; fortunes taught. MM E. MOREAU, TRANCE MEDIUM AND -'I rentier; 25c. up. 764 Howard St., In front. "VI BR GILSON, i i.a I RVOY'NT : CARD READ- -'l er; magnetic treatments. R. l, 1035 Market. "VI ME. RAVKNa 'RETURNED: SITS DAILY; HI names given, 25c up. 828 Howard. bet. MME. ARNDT. REST GERMAN FORTUNE.. TiA teller: only25c and 50c: show you the picture of your future husband orwlfe. 724 Harrison st. "A ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC REY'EAL- XIX er by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs: noth- ing excepted; names, given: good advice: sure help; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake Im- ]..-., Me; fee *} i : letter $2. 929 Post St., nr. Larkin. AL'OUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE 'TELLER;" magic charms: love tokens: true nicture of future wife and husband: teaches forlune-telling; develops clairvoyance, slate writing, etc. ; has the seven holy seali>'and the Palestine wonder chain; c3l and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth. y/7'zy:: : A-- SPIRIT ULL* ADDIE SWAIN. AND MEDIUM T^AT^ -**- tentlon given the poor. Room 6, 105 Stockton. Ml' - CORNJ.LUS. ORDAINED MEDIUM; XU «' i. Mon., Wed., Fri.: sittings daily. 227 Sixth. Mi:*. A. BROCKWAY, INDEPENDENT xxx slatewriter: sittings daily: Indies $1, gents $2^ 10 to 5. 601 Larkin St.. cor. Turk. .\u25a0: "VI RS. MAYO STEERS. TEST AND BUSINESS -.11 medium; readings daily. 101 Grove, cor. Polk. '_ - ASTROLOGY. DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALLQUESTIONS planets from date of birth. HtO 3 Geary st, rm.l A STRAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES, -11 SCOTT -TY st. : horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. -\u25a0\u25a0 . ~~~v~. KTOKAUI- OVERLAND FREIGHT TRANSFER CO., Fifth and Rluxome sts.. furniture and goods packed, shipped and stored: 9 largo fireproof ware- hcuses; low rates; advances made. Tel. south 388. O TORAGE OF FURNITURE, PI ANOS. HOUSE- U hold goods, etc. .). M. PIERCE,- 735 Marketst. UriLSON BROTHERS 1710 MARKET— '' Storage: low rates: telephone South 762. J HRST-CLASS STORAGE : A D Y'ANCES MADB 421-423 Maricet st. .CHAS. L. TAYLOB. | \u25a0 7 HELP WANTED—Contlnned. NTe7)7_COOK~SM RESTAURANT, $25; German cook.small boarding-house, $30; Irish girl, plain wash, $20; German second girl, $20; 2 cooks, $25: 2 cooks, $30. MME. LEO- POLD, 20 Stockton st. _1 A C.TrI. WANTED TO DOLTGHTHOUSE- «SpIIF. work; two in family. 937 Fourteenth si., bet Noe and Castro. , VOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN general -L housework; wages, $10. Apply 1629 Broad- way. - ANTED WASHERWOMAN TO TAKE Ml family's wash and do it at her home. Please call before 10 a. m., 916 Van Ness ave. fX IRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE- work; plain cooking; 2 adults, 2 children. 1217 Webster. *_ *v*EAT YOUNG OIRL TO WORK behind -L\ counter in coffee and lunch house. Address, withreferences, C, box 31. Call Office. ILLINERY "PUPILS - PREPARED FOR .spring; work guaranteed; fine opportunity to learn a trade always in demand. LILLIAS, 214 Post St. ANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 226 Devisadero, near Page. WANTED— A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- II work. 920 Eddy st. /COMPETENT GIRL TO CARE FOR CHIL- XJ dren. 841 Devisadero st. GIRLS FOR CIGARETTE-MAKING. 424 Montgomery st. "YTURSE, $20, FOR CHILD 3*/ 3 YEARS. 17 >-> Widow ave., offLarklu St.. bet. Eddy and EUis. GIRl_ FOR HOUSEWORK; GOOD WAG r 1519 Baker st. G" ~IT/h WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 2731 California st. WANTED— YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH lx housework. 1218b Eddy st. GIKL WANTED. 13 TO 1 6, TO ASSIST IN VJT light housework. 1026 Folsom st. VOUNG GIRL, MUST BE EXPERIENCED J- res:aurant waitress. 120 Ninth st. IRL WANTED GENERAL HOUSE- work. 730 Howard st. WAX TED-GIRL TO TAKE CASH in RES- Ix taurant. 204 Fourth st. G1 lIU_"CO3rPOSITOIt WANTED— DAYS "jt now and then; state exper ence. Address A. 8., box 20, Call office. H" "~ OUSEKEI-ri'ER. HERMAN OR SCANDINA- vian, at 317 Fifth nt. Apply bet. 12 and 4 P. M. pOOD OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. XX 2731 California st. AILOR-SHOP - SALE CIIEAP. APPLY 603 California St., above Kearny. OTeRATORS - NTS'" WHITE SHIRTS; only first-class bands. 521 Valencia st. C-.ALL AT MRS. PARSON'S EMPLOYMENT J office, 1004 Market st. WANTED—PUPILS IN MILLINERY: LES- xI sons in class or private; evening class; hats trimmed; reasonable. 410 Leavenworth St. RESPECTA BLK WOMAN TO DO LIGHT housework in refined family in exchange for good home. F. 11., box 74, Call office. 'Gi'? e^fl LADIES* TAILOR SUIT; ALL *Jp _ .OXJ. shades. N. Y. Sp.ithouse, 1210 Market. WANTED— HOUSEWORK IN EX- " change for room and board. Gentleman, box 1, Call office. ANTED A BRIGHT ACTIVE WOMAN ii for responsible work. Address Responsible, box 2, Call Offlce. pOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOR RE- VJT liable lady. 131 Post St., room 20. j WE ARE PLACING IN GOOD positions ! xx constantly among the leading firms, compe- tent salesladies. If you are in need of a situation or desire to make a change we cuu be of assistance to you. Address room 167, Crocker building. T" HOBO II BUSINESSWOMAN TOTRAVEL good paj-; security required. 131 Post st., rm. 20. KSSM A KERS: FIRST-CLASS SKIRT-MAK- ers; none but experienced hands need apply.- 1 BOWHAY, 504 Sutler st. * I -"NUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A BRIGHT I- woman as managing office agent. Sospita Company, office 53 .Donohoe building. LA NO LESSONS BY THOBOUGII LY schooled artist; lessons 25c. 617 Jones st. Tj-RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR- J made suits: $7; perfect tit. 118 ilcAlllsterst. PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DBESSCUT^ J. tingand making school all branches. 702 sinter. itessmak"e*rs USING the McDowell world's famous system recommended. 213 Powell st.; patterns cut to fit. 25c up. \JOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE: -i'-I Winchester House. 44 Third st., near Market: 200 rooms; 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 10 to $6 per week : free bus to and trom the ferry. \t 11.1.1 ..EKV DoNE AT REASONABLE \u25a0i'l rates; ladies wanted to learn. 234 Taylor st. ANY WOMAN WHO WANTS MONEY FOR i~V herself can easily earn it. Address Ladles' Home Journal. 78 Columbian bldg., San Francisco. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR »» Market— Electric lights in everv room: 200 rooms: 25c to $1 50 per night; $1 60 to $6 per week: free bus to and from the ferry. MALE HEM' WANTED. WaNTED-3 KOBE ~CARP ENT FOR xl Central America, $6 a day silver, part fare ad- vanced; horseshoer, ranch blacksmith, $30 and found; 3 furnace men, $'_: 50 day: sheephenier for Nevaaa; tiemakers, 8 to 10 cents; cook.-, waiters and others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT &CO.. 628 Sacramento st. VAT ANTED— UNDERGROUND MINE FORE- Ix man. Am.rican. young man: two American miners. J. F. CROSETT 4 CO, 628 Sacramentost. I *<RENCHMEATANDPASTRY COOK.SMALL J country hotel, *50: assistant cook, country ho- tel. $35. C. R. HANSEN & CO, 110 (ieary st. 1/1 Drillers. RAILROAD - work, coun- -Ll' try. $1 75 a day; 6 pick and shovel laborers, $26 ana board : vegetable gardner, countrv, $20; 2 ranch teamsters. $20: cook, $30. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. \V ANTKD-WAITER. COUNTRY HOTEL. »» nice place; groom, private family in the coun- try. L. ANDRE, 315 Stockton st. DEAR EDITOR—I~TOOK~*i*OUR ADVICE; made $4 lirst day: $27 first week; iu one month $117 made plating watches, jewelry, table- ware with gold, silver, nickel and white metal: got my plater of Gray ACo., Dept. 6, Columbus, O. 'They are reliable, do the plating and leach their agents; others can do same. J. BERN. 'fX OOD SECOND COOK: CALLEARLY. NEW ' x Continental Hotel, l'otrero, cor. Napa and Lou- isiana sts. ANTED— SOLICITORS FOR MERCHANT xx tailoring: extra inducements. 411i_. Kearny St.. room 2. :. \u0084 . WANTED-CARRIAGE BLACKSMITH. 1114 xx Mission st. A*. ANTED- BOY TO WORK AT TAILORING \u25a0 ft good sewer. 511 1/2 Jones st. PRESSER -- - COATS: STEADY A work. 87 Everett st. BOY FOR PLUMBING SHOP. 807 LARKIN street. -:\u25a0 ;-.:- :* ; \u25a0 Ay ANTED-TAILOBAT _ 722 VALENCIA ST. "j> ESPECTABLE BOY TO PEDDLE FRUIT Il- Meet wagon bet. 8 and 9. Howard and Beaie. SHOEMAKER ON REPAIRING AND NEW work. 707 Fifth ave., Richmond. . BY YOUNG GEBMAN GIBL, TO DO HOUSE" _ work. 1519 Polk st. GERMAN GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE"- VT work. 1904 Butter st. (5 HOEMAKER WANTED ON REPAIRING" 0 202 Fifth st. PANTSM WANTED - WASH- ingtoti st., Oakland. DISHWASHER WANTED AT 1553 MARKET street. . '.;, '-. >;vyu y^ y '•;_•\u25a0 B" OY INSIGN SHOP. O'SULLIVAN BROTh"- ERS, 30 Geary st. \u25a0 ~AOX O'FARRELL-THBEE NICELY~FUR- Aj-ixJ n shed housekeeping rooms. BABBEB WITHIiMFoif ONE-CHAIR SHOP; am anxious to leave city; must be sold to-Aav' 1346 Turk st. BARBERS— GCOD-PAY I SHOP IN COUN- try; u bargain. DECKELMAN BROS., 106 Ellis st. \u25a0-\u25a0 4 BA KB PAYING SHOP FOR SALK; large bathing establishment. A. SCHOEX- FELD, Lurllne Baths, Bush and Larkin. O-CHAIR BARBER-SHOP FOB SALE CHEAP: \u25a0iu must be sold I efore the Ist; can have on trial. Apply 821 Broadway, Oakland. _1 OA RESTAURANT; 2 ROOMS: OWNER xjp x AxJ . has 2 businesses. Apply108 Third st WANTED— MAN WITH $250 TO BUY A lx shoe-flnalngs route in Oakland doing a good business; a big bargain. . STEERS, 22 Kearny st. TjMRST-CLASS CORNICE-MAKERS AT THE -L Forderer Cornice Works, 224 Mission. .OOK WANTED. GERCKE - HOTEL. 922 V' Mattery st. ' . ;.;\u25a0.. UNFURNISHED ROOMS BY 2 ADUITS; east of Larkin, north of Howard. Address E." 0., box 46, Call Office. I.MRST-CLASS WOOD-FINISHER. FINK A r SCHINDLER, 1309 Market si. * ,' A PPRENTICE TO LEARN TRADE; MANU- x\. facturing jeweler. W. A. L. MILLER, 112 ' Slitter st. j C EAM EN FOR ALL PARIS OF THE WORLD. O Apply to W. P. HERMAN. 228 Pacific. BARBERS' PROTECTIVE UNION EMPLOY- meut secretary. CONRAD TROELL, 657 Clay. TND ST RIOCS MAN. WITH $40 CASH. CAN A secure ready profitable emplovment by address- ingL.. box 90. Call Office. 100 MKN TO GET A SHAVE FOR sc, OR Xxjxj hair cut for 10c, at 14V2 Montgomery ave. ffij 1 PER WEEK FOR GOOD BOARD Af~635 tH) I- Clay st, . ;.-',*, WANTED—MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE 11 their wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial collection; no charge unless successful. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 110 Sutter, r. 4. WANTED-15 MEN TO TRY OUR SQUARE " meals for 10c. \u25a0 60 Third st. (ftOXfj BARBER-SHOP~~FOR SALE: FUR- tJP-^OXJ. niture worth the money. 921Market st. i '•V3l_gt_____M_:«______i_n__s --• \u25a0_-»_._. SITUATIONS "WANTED— \ COMPETENT GERMAN NURSE, WITHSu- perior city references, wants a situation; can also sew and do chamberwork: city or country. Address, write or telephone MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutter st. /iood SWEDISH COOK wishes situ- Xj niion in American family: wages $25; without washing. Call Monday at 8 Bond st. CANDINAVIAN GIRL WISHES A SITUA- -10 tion as second girl or good waitress. 635 Stevenson st. VOIFnG GIRL OF SOME EXPERIENCE JL would like a position in candy-store or factory. Address C. F., box 13. Call Office. WET NURSE WITH Fr"eSH BREAST OF xx milk wishes position; city or country; refer- encesghen. Address N. XV., box 75, Call Office. VOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AT x typewriting, stenography and bookkeeping; no experience; salarv no object. Address H. 8., Call Branch Oflice, 717 l_arkin st. - ;\u25a0;•-\u25a0 AIRDRESSING AND MANICURINGPAR- lors. 18 'Turk st. JEWISH GIRL (GERMAN) WANTS A SlTU- ation in small Jewish family. Inquire 236 I Fourth st. * o l - Ni ; WOMAN WISHES A POSITION AS -Ihousekeeper or chamberwork nnd sewing in a private family. Call or tress 1002 Powell st. l) SCO ICH PROTESTANT GIRLS IN SAME family; one as good cook, other as first-class chambermaid and waitress; oest city references. Address C. li.,box 109, Call. j Q ITUATION WANTED BY GIRL TO DO GEN- -0 eral housework or cooking; best of references; 6 years at last place. Apply at 720t/ 3 Folsom st. WANTED-BY YOU GIRL SITUATION "as children's nurse and seamstress; city or country: $20. C. A., box 94, Call. "WOMAN WISHES WORK by the DAY. 1419 y_ Hay.- ss . "WIDOW WANTS A POSITION AS HOUSE- xx keeper. 121 Montgomery st., room 15. WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD ST.. NR. lx Market; electric lights in every 100111; 200 rooms: 25c to $150 per night: $150 to $6 per- week : free bus to and from the ferry. "EASTERN WOMAN, FIRST-CLASS HOUSE- XX keeper, wishes situation; widower's faniiiv referred; no objection to children or country; no triflers. Call or address 1429 Mission st., room 3. P ELTABLE GIRL DESIRES SITUATION TO Jt- do general housework; no objections to chil- dren. Apply at 218 Perry st. "\ " Ol "NG WIDOW WITH A CHILD WANTS -I work as housekeeper iu Oakland or near by. Address— .B&HAGAN, Halfmoou Bay, San Ma- teo County. "*l J OTHER AND SON WISH SITUATIONS; XxX. mother first-class cook: son to assist in kitchen: no objection to country; son, age 27, can plow, milk; is all around man on farm. J. C, room 1. 81 Natoma st. DRESSMAKER, GOOD FITTER, NEAT worker, wishes work In families by the day; reasonable. 1708V2 Sacramento st. VOUXG SPANISH OIRL DOES GENTLE- x. men's mending. 1020 Market, rooms 12 and 13. HOUSEKEEPER— YOUNG LADYWANTS A situation as housekeeper. Room 1, 137 Seventh st. MA NIC RINGPARLORS. 1020 MARKET ST., rooms 12 and 13. WIDOW FROM THE east WOULD LIKE *• any kind of sewing; gents' shirts made to or- der. Room 28, second floor. 142 7th, cor. Howard. ' WOMAN WITH CHILD 2t 3 YEARS OLD j ix wishes position as working Housekeeper; ref- ' erences exchanged. Address l*. T., 820 Vi Treat ave. : DEFINED KASTERN LADY WOULD ASSIST i -It In light work and sewing for small pav with I elderly people. MRS. F., Call Branch, 339 Hayes. "WINCHESTER HOUSE 44 THIRD ST., NB. I 11 Market; 200 r00m..; 25c to *1 50 per night ; i $1 60 to $6 per week ; convenient and respectable; Iree bus to and from the jerry. SITUATIONS \V.v..TED-MALE. Pc. 5. S M IK'S" iocTFUBNISHES 'COOKS; JL . all branches: shortest notice. 14 Geary. MIDDLE-AUED. MAN WANTS A JOB AS watchman; J. B. 11. . 227 Montgomery St.. city. OOD GERMAN COOK AND RAKER WANTS a situation in hotel or boarding-house: city or ; country. Address Cook, box 94. Call office. VOU COLORED MAN WISHES POSiTION | J- in private family as butler or as coachman: best of city reference furnished. Address Butler, box 86. Call Office. VOTINGmarried man wishes SiTUA- . X ttor; is a painter by trade; or willwork in hotel, i and wife as chambermaid. Address A. P. A., box I 71, Call office. "WILL GENTLEMAN WHO "ANSWERED J. j xl Q. Adams, 1075 Fourth ave., Oakland, "under 1 male situations'' send address again, as postal was ' lost? j """THONG YOUNG MAN, 2 WEEKS FROM | the East: is handy at mo.t anything; speaks ! J English and German: would like employment of i any Kind. Call or address 1853*/ 3 Stevenson st. i VOUNG GERMAN, SPEAKS ENGLISH", I -L wishes situation as office bciy or In grocerv- i store. Inquire at 207 Montgomery ave., New At- | lantic Hotel. j OITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED j O man to make himself use'ul about place; un- derstands care of horses, milking and plain garden j work; references. Address A. 8., 413 Natoma st. ATION WANTED - BY A SWEDISH ; O couple; wife a good cook; will take any part in 1 the bouse; man knows how to handle good horses ! ; and garden work: lies of reference. Addiess A. 11.. box 117. Call Office. voung Japanese cook WISHES 6ITUA- i x tion in private family or boarding-house; city or close by; good reference. Address J. li., box 71, Call. ANT EMPLOYMENT AS COLLECTOR OR watchman; can give good securitv and refer- ences. G. P., box 117, Call Office. ORCHARDISx, WITH LONG EXPERIENCE in fruit-raising, pruning, nurs>rv work and I cultivating, is able to take care of orchard, wishes j Miuat'.on. Address Orchardist, box 61, this oflice. : OITUATION WANT DliV SOBER J- TEADY O industrious man: experienced in saloon busi- ness and willingtodoanv kind of work. Address A. B, tox 20, ( a I. MAN AND WIFE DESIRE PLACES AS GAR- >'l dener and cook: city or country: best of refer- ences. Address Work, box 20, Call"Office. SITUATH ' N WANTED BY A SOBER INDUS- O trious elderly man to do light work: small wages: willing to do any kind of work. E. G., box j 23, this office. ELDERLY MAN* WHO THOROUGHLY UN- derstands care of hor.es wants situation; small wages; good home more an object. Address D. 0., box 15, Call Office. COMPETENT "BOOKKEEPER DESIRES A small set of books to keep; best of references; terms reasonable. Address G. R., box 71, this office. MAN OF 25 STOUT ANDABLE TO DO ANY kind of carpenter work, also experienced In bookkeeping and as porter in wholesale business, and able 10 give best security for truthful per- iorniai.ee, wishes employment in city or country. Inquire XV., box 49, Call office. SITUATION WANTED BY A GERMAN gardener, who understands propagating and can take care of horses and cows, and is willing to make himself generally useful around place. Ad- dress Situation, North Temescal. VOUNG MAN WANTS - POSITION IN GRO- X cery-store: understands his business; 8 year3 In the business. Address Y.L., box 74, Call Office. I S COACHMAN— WANTED BY A.a young man, Swedish: understands horses and gar letting; best references. Address box 80, Call Office. Oakland. FEMALE HELP WANTEII. W AN TED^GERJUX OR SCANDINAVIAN lx girl for housework, 3 in family,$20, see ladv here at 10 to-day; 2 German and"French second girls, 930: Protestant laundies*, private family, $25;2ironer8 in laundrv. $9 a week; 6 cookfe In oerman families, $2.". and $30; hotel laundress, $20; 3 restaurant waitresses, $6 and $6 a week; girls for housework in Palo Alto, Stockton, Mill Valley, Alameda, San Leandro, Bakersfield, Brent- wood and girls of all nationalities to fill situations in city. J. F. (IK SETT &CO., 312 Sutter St. "t\ r ANTED STRONG voVnTJ SECoXD GIRL, xx $_;(): young American second girl forAlca'raz island, $15; waiting, small boarding-house. $.0: young second girl, Berkeley; $15; German cook. $30; young general housework girl, San Rafael, $20; cook.small boarding-house, $30: cook for 3 in family,$25, must go home nlgnts; cook and sec- ond girl. Bakerslield, $25 and $20; cook and sec- ond girl. Visalia, $25 and $20; 60 other housework gTls, $-'*>. $2O and $15. Apply MISS PLUNKETT, 424 Sutler st. . HOTEL LAUNDRESSES, $20 AND $25; chambermaid and waitress, $20: chamber- maid and waitress, $20; chamberwork and wash. $15: boarding-house cook, $25; 10 German and Scandinavian girls, housework, etc.; apply early. MURRAYA READY;634 and 636 Clay st. ,-./ 1 WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR NUMEROUS xjxjsituations, f imilles and hotels; good wages. MURRAY A- READV, 634 and 636 Clay st. WANTED—GERMAN COOK. $30 ~ TO~ $35; xl German second, $20; 2 French second girls, $20; Protestant cook, country, tib', nice young girl, second work, $15; housekeepsr, lodging-house. $20. LEONANDRE, 315 Stockton. T AUNDRESS, $20 :~5~" YOUNG - GIRLS FOR J J housework, $15 to $20: German woman, coun- trv,small family, $15: kitchen girl, $16. R. T. WARD A CO., 610 Clay st. WOR K I N G HOUSEKEEPER, COUNTRY, " $25; German or Swedish second girl; 3 iron- ers, $ 1 per week: 2 restaurant waitresses, t?6 per week: French maid, $20; 2 housegirl.., Santa Bar- bara, S'_:o and $16, and other towns: 12 housework girls,city, $16, $20 and $25. MISS CULLEN, 105 Stockton st. -\u0084;/. (X A T l l o C WORKING HOUSEKEEPER. XJ $15. .MISSCULLEN, 106 Stockton st. CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS, BENI- XJ cia, $15; second girl, country, $25: cook, same house. $20. MISS i LEN, 105 Stockton st. j SWEDISH SECOND GIRL $25, COUNTRY; kJ German or Swedisn woman with child, $15, country. Mis- LI EN, 105 Stockton st. SWEDISH. OR GERMAN, CHAMBERMAID, \u0084, private family,$25: girl for general housework, _;..'.'? ,lv - .»2o; 4 hou-iegirls, $20; second girl, $-0; 2 girls, country. Apply to MRS. NORTON, 315 Sutter st. / > I i L FOR HOUSEWORK, $20; ALSO.NURHE- xt girl, same house, $15; chambermaid. . $20; German cook. $30; : nursegirl, $15: invalid's nurse, $25, and 'others. MRS. HIRD, 706 Polk st ,

AIMS OF SOCIALISM. · AIMS OF SOCIALISM. "E. T. Kingsley Defines the Purpose of the Organization for Industrial Improvement. The advocates of socialism, represented as the American

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  • AIMS OF SOCIALISM."E. T. Kingsley Defines the Purpose of

    the Organization for IndustrialImprovement.

    The advocates of socialism, representedas the American Section of the SocialisticLabor Party, held a well-attended meetinginPythian Hall last evening. E. T. Kings-ley, was selected to address the gatheringupon the aim and tendency of the social-istic movement. The speaker dwelt atconsiderable length upon the present sys-tem of municipal government and gaveemphatic expression to his opinions uponits defects and the methods by which theymight be remedied. He declared that inthe realization of their purpose the social-ists should aim at the control of no singlebranch of the government, but endeavorto control all. Socialism, he explained, isnot an institution whose purpose is toeliminate the monopolies one by one. Ifithopes for success itmust secure posses-sion of the entire system of government atone time.

    Among other things Mr. Kingsley re-ferred to the waste of material which hebelieved was a result of an improper muni-cipal system. He advocated the destruc-tion of what he called rent, interest andproperty. To bring about such a conditionof things he urged a judicious use of theballot privileges by all socialists.•—a—*

    The modern Caesar.He left the wood-pile and purloined the pie,

    This tramp, who scorned aildecency and law.He said, and gayly winked his other eye:Icame, Iconquered, but 1never saw.

    —Cornell Era.

    SAN FRANCISCO "CALL."fT'SINF.-S OFFICE ofthe San Francisco Caia/-

    --'"( Market street, open until Pi o'ciock everyj,fliIn the year.BRANCH OFFICES— S3O Montgomery street,

    rarer Clay: open until 9:30 o'clock.rflHayes street, open until9:30 o'clock.717 Larkinstreet, open until 9:30 o'clock.tW.corner Sixteenth and Mission streets, openiiillf o'clock.

    _l3BMission street, open until {"o'clock.--.•.Ninth street, open until9:30 o'clock.



    Ifl***-RING BOLOMON'S LODGE NO ftuir*^ 260. F. and A.M..corner GearV »uT_Z%Steiner sts.— Called meeting THIS (MON-'^fj?DAY EVENING at 7:30 o'clock for thirdrV»degree. By order of the master.

    HARRY BAEHR Secretary.BprsS= HERMANN LODGE No. 127, F. oHP-*" and A. M.-Called meeting THIS _*DAY' (MONDAY); October 28, 18-15. at">T%'7:30 p.m. Degree 2. Bvorderof the W. M.'^H

    L. Mai.Til-.;:, Secretary.

    llt^S3 SAN FRANCISCO CHAPTEB NO. ft•isJ^ 1,Royal Arch Masons, meets THIS _\\EVENING. P.M.L.F. and M.E. M. ,li-Wygree. H.G.PRINCE, Secretary. /*&xf^g3 OCCIDENTALLODGE NO.22, F. mIS^JS" and A. M.

    —Third decree THIS B\

    (MONDAY) EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. ""ST 2?By order of W. M. r^\11. A. JONES. Secretary.

    Xg8 THE PAJARO FRUIT AND LANDm*&. Company— A special meeting of the stock-holders of ibis corporal will be held at rooms116-122, Crocker building, this city, on TUES-DA>,November 5, 1895, at 8o'clock" p. m.. for thetransac lon of such business as may properly comebefore ihe meeting.By order of the board of direct-ors. CHARLES HTMAASs;secretary.

    (Mlice:421Pacific si., Sun Francisco, Cal.SSSp~LA CANDELARIA MINING COM-l*-*7 pany—A stockholders' meeting willbe heldonSATURDAY. November 2. 1895. at 10 o'clocka.>f. at 530 California street, room UO, for the pur-pose ofamending the by-laws and transacting any

    business that may come before the meeting.By order of the board of trustees.GEORGE A. HILL.Secretary.


    L*-** fullytreated. DR.LLOYD,Chiropodist, Lur-line Paths.W7s7> DB.JOSEPH BAY* 346 SUTTER ST.—'&*&1 to3 and 7:30 to 8:80 p. M.;residence 1431Webster st.sEss=* RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA,GOUT;l*~-£»" special attention to these diseases. .1. A.MCDONALD,M.D.,1236 Market: 2 to4, 7to 8 p.m.S**_-3=^corns REMOVED without knife.•J^-7 Chiropodic Institute, room 22,906 Market.Eff-?* ELECTRIC AND MEDICATED BATHS*x*x^120V;Geary, room 11: hours 10 to 10; *1p"^sp» RAD TENANTS EJECTED FOR $4.1>

    —*Collections made, city or country. PaeifloCollection Co.. 415 Montgy si., room 6. TeL 5580.

    (fS* WINDOWS cleaned and floors«*>jy scrubbed; reasonable rates: payment fordamages guaranteed. C. ROSSI CO., 242 sutler.•rps"r- BOOMS WHITENED,$1 UP: PAPERt**3

    *,-d S3 50 un. 3171/2 Third.George Hartman.

    EP~§= COLLECTIONS: TENANTS EJECTED,**-& -.i(i;costs paid. 420 Montgomery, rm. '-'9.SITUATIONS WANTED- FEMALE.

    VWAITING SITUATIONS—COOKS. CHAM-JX. bermsids and girls for housework. MRS.HiHi),705 Polk. Telephone, Sutter 671.O WEDISH OIRL,FOB < ' M ANDSMALLfcj washing 930, city; girl for housework, goodcook; good reference, $25. 11% Antonia St., offJones, nr. F.llis.

    THE SWEDISH AND GERMAN EMPLOY-menI Bureau has removed from 332 (leary to1-115 Sutter, bet, Stockton and Grant aye.

    THOSE NEEDING THOROUGHLY COMPE-tent help, the Home and Business Bureau rec-ommends: Cooks, $25; general bouseworker, 520:chambermaid and stress, $16; girl to assist,*10; also numerous otlier first-class helpers. Acad-emy sciences, 819 Market st.. room 16.


    11%Antonio st., off Jones, near Ellis.

    LADIES WISHING GOOD HELP OF ALLkinds applyat 1004 Market st.1EASTERN WOMAN WANTS SITUATION;references; good cook, baker and laundress;also competent baby's nurse wants position:Protestant. Cull228 Seventh st.WOMAN WANTS a SITUATION AS GEN-»' eral housework and understands plain cook-ing. Please call for 2days. » Bitch St., off Folsom.

    "I,"IRBT-. LASS COOK .WISHES ASITUATION•I-noobjection to large family. Call 1605 Pacificaye.. cor. Polk st.7TEBMANWIDOW WITH BOY 4V2 YEARSXt old, wishes position Id family: general house-work; small wages; good home. G.W., box 115,1 aILScotch woman desirT;s SITUATION; 18k_J good cook and general bouseworker; willingand obliging: wages $15; cityor country. Address359 Minna st.. nr.Fifth; no postals.

    SWEDISH GIBLWISHES SITUATIONTO DOcooking and .housework In private famiiv. IiL^x147, CalLKESPECTA BLEW! WISHES A SITUA-tion todo general housework; good' plaincookand laundress; many years' reference. Call 744F'olsom st.


    SCANDINA-XX v.an girl, position as cook or for generalhousework; best city reference. Call or addressI6t:_Clara St., bet. Fourtb and Fifth.CMan GIKL WISHES SITUATION INIprivate family,as cook or general housework.Apply inperson.no postals, 322 Twelfth St., up-stairs. .-:y-.•*\u25a0. .*.;\u25a0: ., -.: .-pROTESTANT WOMAN, WORK BT THEA day, washing, Ironingor cleaning: $1. AddressU.C,box C, Call Ollir-e.

    YOUNG. RESPECTABLE GIRL WANTS SIT-X uation, 4or 5 hours daily,without board. Ad-dress D., box 76, tins office.rjOMPETENTWOTfAjTwiSHES SITUATIONv_/ togo chamberwork and sewing; has her ownsewing-machine 11 required. 520 Stevenson st.|*i?AfcTERNLADY.STK tNGEB, WOULDLIKEJ- position is housekeeper. 210 aO'F'arrell st.,room 7: call irom 10 to 5. 'WOMAN, THOBOI GHLY COMPETENT11 wishes any kindofhousework. Apply 513yaH jrde st.I .1.1. «AMiti-,.>SITUATION FOR GENEBALxx housework: best of references. Call '60s LibertySt., mar Church. .*

    A ..IKI. WHO LATELY'CAME FROM GER-,... many wanta situation tor general housework.143 ThirdSt., milk depot.V-OUN.. GIHL WANTS A SITUATTON TO-l do general housework and good cook ;no objec-lion to the country :wages from $20 to $25. Please

    call at 6371*;Natoma st.-'"we

    Gll'.l. WANTS SITCATION TO DO GICN-vr era! housework. 907% Mission st., room 1.YOUNO WIDOW WISHES a POSITION is-I typewriter. Call or address 8731... Market stroom in. s-cond floor.BUSINESSMEN CAN sl-:i't 111-. FIRST-CLASSstenographers, typewriters, Salesladies, book-keepers and offloe men a-. Home and Business Bu-reau, Academy Sciences, 810 .Market St., room 16.COMPETENT GERMAN GIRL WISHES SlT-nation forcooking in the city or country- isneat and reliable. Address G. (..,box 71,Call.


    11' 'I.MAN WITH A CHILDS YEARS WOULD"like to go as housekeeper; is a good sewer; agood home more object than money. Call 246i'ourth st.

    '"YV"ANTED-P(l_TtloN|asTnFANT''s NURSE*ibyan experienced young woman: capable oftaking enure charge; good references. AddressNurse, box 71, Call.COMPETENT WOMAN NTs WORKtbe day. washing, ironing or any other work.Apply1444 Jackson SI."YOUNG lady wishes position AS sten-x. ographer in law oflice; inexperienced lawwork only:wages noobject: experleuce preferred:would.accept position In mercantile house. Ad-dress Cam. el, box 108, Call."DEFINED WIDOW WISHES HOUSEKEEP-At er s position. 11Kearny, room 27, first floor.

    ;7 IODGTVG-UOnSES FOR salJ^__"^foTTCE-100 LODGING-HOOSES FOR^SAIS;1\ from $160 logoC'OO. STRANDACO,*&Third.*,>)^l HOUSE; 50 WELL-FURNISHED

    LLOXJ. rooms: 3 cottages Induced; withflower garden: cheap rem: clears *250 a


    lies location incity; worth double: greatbargain.

    STRAND ACO., 45 Third st.

    OTi ROOMS, SUNNY CORNER. ONLY'..$l.OpO_!-_- 24 rooms on Geary st.:payments-,j J"

    32 rooms, line sunny corner; worth$3000. J.WJO48 rooms: rent $50: only l.« UPBIGHT.- SAC. .II-


    O Schubert and Decker Pros. 1019 VanNess a\ -.WE BUY' FOR CASH IN LAROE QLANTI-Ix ties; low expenses and low prices. BOWERS

    ASON, Metropolitan Temple, Fifth st.T $3 75 PER MONTH:BUY OB RENT NEWuprights. HEINF*.410 lost st.

    MANUFACTURERS OF GUITARS, VIOLINS,mandolins, zithers, lutes, etc. •-'l7 Ellisst.WE ABE NOW SOLE AGENTS FOB THE"» celebrated Knabe Piano: new styles inst re-ceived. BENJ. CUBTAZASON. 18 O'Farrell -.:.

    STEIN WAY'. $300; WEBER $275: SOH ME0 $250; Emerson, $225. BBUENN'S, '-'_- Post.UPRIGHT PIANOS FROM 9100 ' pT~HOJ_U*U NUNI.-s. leading piano-house, -210 Post st. -


    -moved 10 735 Market st.

    CIELEBRAT£"D BUSH A OERTS PIANOS;' tone unsurpassed: cases unique. A. L.RAN-CROFT &CO.. 324 Pie si.


    -* CO. \u0084 < ::.'.iPost. st., near Powell, sole ..cents Conover,

    Colby and Spencer pianos. 333 po st.XJLTM. G. BADGER WITH KOHLERACHAS'' 26, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st.OPEN FOR BUSINESS.The finest line of new pianos for rent and saleIn San Francisco. J. HARRY SCOTT,

    929 Market St., Spreckels building.L ASY TERMS; LOW PRICES. KoHLEB Ar_ CHASE

    ABETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY Agood piano by renting. Be careful to go toKOHLER A CHASIvS. 28 end 30 O'F'arreU st.

    DECKER BROS.. STETNW AY.FISCHER ANDother first-class makes or pianos: little used;clieap for cash or on easr terms. KOHLER aCHASE "8 and 30 O'Famdl St.


    JA guitars and banjos at MAUY'AIS'.769 Market.UY'RON MAUZY'. 308 POST SoIIMEitT.1> Newby &Evans, P.ri--g>. rndother piano*.

    TECK. CHICKERINO A SONS., VOSK AND0 Sterling pianos so'd on$10 installments. REN./.CURTAZASON, sole agents. 16-20 O'Farrell st.


    ALLKINi>^SEWING-fACHIN I- s n (UGHTsold, rented, exchanged and repaired: lowestrales. 205 Fou.-.l: *'...near Howard. .. :\ .——— _̂________

    WW____. _\u25a0 1 _______________________\u25a0___,



    x^lu^OxJ. capacity 8000 gallons per hour. Per-kins Pump and K;i_i'n-ro., 117 Mains'.. >. F.*j

    '11 \u25a0 \u25a0 >—^^»



    JT spaniels on the coast; Irish Duke, dam BridgetO'Donoghue.sire Pat, whelped September 25,1893;also Handy Andy, dam Dool of Cnunangbt,

    sire Champion Shanghran; bred by George MillerOf Edinburgh, Wales; price 9126 each. JOHNH.SAMMI,114 Sacramento st. . \u25a0• -"-yz.

    urf:-rlooded esq'u! m"ad dog. iyeaold, Insplendid health. M. P., 11 Van Ness ave.OODBUILDINGSAND: HANDY; CHEAP.214 Langion st.

    Qt 1(J GOOD" NEW; DOMESTIC SEWINol«_P 1XJ. machine. 1915 Mission, bet. I.VI*16th.1 AAA AAA lIMCKS "and

    -lumber at

    1.UUU.UUUEighth ann II rris....0 FRESH HOLSTEIN COWS FOR SALE. 537»£— Wolf st., Bernal Heights.

    ARGAINS IN ALL OF OUR Dl PART-ments: baby-carriages, rockers, crib., stools,

    eas_* chairs, music-stands, etc., at our factory.CALIFORNIARATTANCO.. 65 to 61 First st.

    GAS ENGINE; 5-HOKSE POWER: NEW; ...your own price. 820 Kearny st.JDOT FORFEITED 2 UPRIGHT PJANoS. 1fine guitar. 6 gems' an I8 ladies' fine goldwatches, and 4 pairs Ofdiamond earrings, all ior;x/3 original cost. UNCLE HARRIS, 15 Grant eve.ALLMAKESOF TYBEWRITEBS BOUGHT

    -^"V and sold. S. F. Typewriter Ex., 310 California.\u25a0\TICTOB PNEUMATICSAFETY; GOOD CON-> condition; only$80. 328 McAllisterst.ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE SIZEfire and burglar proof safe. 221. 238 Market st.ALLTYPEW KITERS BKNTEDJ

    'including Smith Premier.

    LEO. K. ALEXANDER &BRO., sole agents.,218 Sansome St.. 8. F.

    Vat"loh ai. CASH BFXJISTEK, SAFE,Xx scale, letter-press, desk :cheap. 102 Clay st.MEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND-AY hand. W. S. RAY' MfgCo.. 12 California a:fX O lNTEItS. SITELY'ING. SIIOWOASES\ 'boutht ami uold l_l2HAMarket leu 7th*andBt_i



    '1 and Making Improvements on Schoolnous-'s—

    Sealed proposals willhe received by the Superin-tendent of Common Schools lnopen session of iheBoard ofEducation, New City Ball,San Franciscoon Wednesday, October 30, ItO,1.. at 8::'0 o'clockp. xi., lor moving the sutro Fcbool buildingnomNineteenth avenue, near Point Lobos nv-mue 10the school lot onTwelfth avenue, between -\u0084,..,.and California streets, and for underpinning th»frame, buildingL-nces ami sheds, plankin/ portionof the yards and providing aDen sys.eni ot waterclosets and drainage.

    * *er

    1-ealed proposals willalso be received at the s-i-.._,time and place for furnishing a new system ,*water-closets and drainage at the RichmoatSchool, on First avenue, near Toiir Lt.hoVavm ,?eof ihe" „rdnCeS and

    ''*U"'lp!an *:ln PoS

    I Allof the work will lo done In -online- \u25a0I _1runs and specifications at the oflice of "-harleilHavens, architect of the Board, room 55 [ \u25a0 \u0084'ibuilding,corner of Four.li and Market sin- .'-» °^The Board reserves the right to ,v,„., \u0084,'*' \u0084bids as the public good requllre ' Myoralli . GEORGE BEANa.TON.SecwiMy, '


    Q9HO GBO-lEByVbaB;VLIVING-BOOMS.tg.__^UU. BARRETT &SKIFF,865i/aMarket st.*(*\(..1 BAKERY:iWESTEBN ADDITION;lire"-'"* counter trad? Sl6 day; splendid loco-tion: rare chance; must sell account of sickness;offer wanted.. BARRETT &CO., B(35Va Market st.©OAA BAKERY; SPLENDID LOCATION;tJpOXJXJ. brick oven; mus: sell onaccount otherbusiness; call, see and make offer: living-rooms:rer;t?2o. BARRETT&SKIFF, 86614 Market St.c?9?;aa EXPRESS BUSINESS; Has THEVpAOUXJ. cream of trade between this city and

    Oakland: clears $201) to $300 per month; estab-lished 16 years: sure income. STF.NBERG, 632Market, opp. Palace Hotel.

    CJ7AA CIGAR -STORE, WITH LARGEtip iOXJ. clubrooms: cheaprent: stock invoice,$600; give trial. STENBERG, 632 Market st.fIJjQAAA FIALFINTEREST: PAY' BAK-•J. OXJxJxJ. ery, restaurant; principal businessstreet: remaining partner responsible and practi-cal business man; will teach Incoming party thebusiness: clears $400 10 $500 monthly; opportun-ity seldom, ifever, offered. STENBF:RG, 632 Mar-ket st., opposite Palace Hotel.OALOONI L~U CHHOUSE, AMONG LUM--0 ber-mllls and factory; receipts $20; rent$22 60: bargain. STENBERG, 632 Market St., op-posite Palace Hotel."V"OTICE-ALLBARGAINS THIS WEEK:i->. Corner saloon, best location, pays we11... $450Grocery and bar, near Market St., pays well.. 200Restaurant, bargain to-day 505Branch bakery, 4 rooms, rent $18. pays well. 150Corner grocery and bar, value insight,rooms 750Lodging-house, IS rooms and bath, rent $40. 650Partner Insaloon, clears $75 month to each.. 250Harbor-shop and cigar-store... 250Frultstore, horse, wagon, etc., pays well 700Partner wanted In livery stable, good chance 2500

    To buy or sell see STRAND &CO., 45 Third st.t'->nn partner wanted in CoSlMIS-•Ir»->VVf. sion: willclear $75 per month each;see to-day. STRAND A CO., 45 Third st.jjjOC A for sale^s"hoestore~in OAK-t£)OO\J. land; ona principal street; stock andfixtures complete; doing a good business: satisfac-tory reasons given for selling; this isa good chanceforone or two men. Particulars Of J. B.MillAN,509 Kearny st.ffif IAAA STATIONERY' AND VARIETYtJpil'c'V.'. store, suitable for man or woman;good living 10 be made: will sell at inventory;business could be greatly Increased byproper atten-tion,owners having too much other business: bestreferences from leading firms of San Francisco.GEO. STEERS &CO., 22 Kearny st.

    CM^O PORK AND DELICACY STOREx£DIOXJ. withrooms; rent, $13: flrst-class pay-ing. Inquire533 California st., Phoenix Bar.©Q( )A SALOON ON MARKET STREET,IiPoUU. one block from Baldwin Hotel; mustsell at once; owner keeps two places. Particulars533 Californiast.. Phcenix Bar.Ul;]H- PAYING"BRANCH BAKERY, GRO-«U XIO. eery, etc.: sacrifice: investigate Im-mediately. 9211/a Howard at.pARTNER IN FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS1proposition; big inducements: large profits;must have $500 to $1000. Address H. F., oox19.Call Oflice. ,&]XA PARTNER WANTED IN LIGHT**-?.~y.« husiness: suited to steady man satisfiedwitn$15 to $20 per week: too much trade for oneman to look after. 9 Geary si., room 2.PARTNER, WITH NOT LESS THAN $3000.x. wanted in a manufacturing business makingthe most salable lineof goods; must furnish goodreferences; object, extension of business. AddressD.J., box 119. Call Office. ."POR SALE-BRANCH BAKERY, CANDYIand notion store: 4 pleasant living-rooms. An-ply929 Oak st.


    \\TANTED-EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIAN11 withabout $10,000 to purchase Interest ina flrst-class electric-light plant ininterior city ex-cellent opportunity; principals only; references.Address n.Z., box 20, this oflice. "T-IRANCH BAKERY FOR SALE; DOING AJJ good business; reason for selling,:illhealth.514 Castro st. ?,


    T>ARGAIN-FOR SALE, RUTCHEK BUSI-xjness; good stand: good trad?; low rent. Ap-plyto P. W. ANDERSON. 28 San Pablo ave., Oak-land. .-...„W N


    -BUY SMALL HOTEL ORxx'boarding-house In ornear Oakland. AddressC. P.. box 11, Call Offlce.Oakland.


    GROCERY, LODGING-HOUSE"or fair paying business In exchange for 6-room cottage in Oakland. Address 8.C., box "2Call Offlce. .... '..\u25a0*\u25a0.;V?K SALE-FIRST-CLASS GENTLEMEN'Sx furnishlng-goods business: best location in thecity;about $6000 required. Address F. S., box 78Call Oflice. . ... 'pOR SALE—S6OO; GOODRETAILBUSINESS^A nice every-day trade; clears $100 rnonthlv:fair trial given. Address C. 8.,48 Walsworth ave.,Oakland.

    'WANTED—PARTNER OR A LOAN INTHExx best manufacturing business in the State-party must have $10,000 or $12,000: will givegood, ample security forlean: willgive the partya reasonable salary that makes the loan for book-keeping and corresponding. Address T.J. S., box71, Call Office.BUT.11l- BUSINESS FOR SALE, CHEAP-good business street. Address T., box 5, Call.SALOON AND 4- LIVINO-ROOMS; OWNERO leaving (ity. Apply CallOffice.(xIASH RAID KOK GROCERIES. SALOONS\J merchandise; confidential. A., box 30. Call.POR BAKERY, DOING A PROFIT-J- able business: 20 miles from the city; verycheap; owner goingaway. Call on or address P.W ILBERT,Hayward, Cal.


    *£"?(. BESTAUBANT IN GOOD - LOC'A--u''X'. tion; can show good paying business-must be sold; owner goingEast. J. S. HAN'LE1351 Park St.. Alameda.OTORE-NOTTONS, ETC., FOR SALE; A BAR-k_3 sain to the right party; good reasons for sell-ing. 219 Steiner st."OAKERY—SI2OO; DOING FINE COUNTERXJ trade; grand opportunity for man and wife toget into before the holidays, 3023 Sacramento.P,_,AK AND STATIONERY STORF;7~I. AC N-Polk"'

    °C: \u25a0lv'!''* rooms; private yard. 1804

    "A A ','5 [~GOoS LOCATION'"$UUUU. well advertised; established 7 yeara^total running expenses $125 a month: doingcashbusiness of $1000 amonth; could be greatly Un-Proved with proper attention, owners bavin- toomuch other business: will sell at inventory norflengfcr0.,e6°^C^1


    Addre!t3 °7~7-

    ST., BE-low Sixth, foraroom ;25c a night; $1a week.

    '>)IELLIS, ROSED ALE—ROOMS i.sc TO 60c.)__ Ianight: .('. MME.1- LEGGETTE. 311 Tehama St.,near Fourth.fTIHEBEST NETARY (LAIRVOY'ANTONAearth. 25c. 330 Fell St.; fortunes taught.MME. MOREAU, TRANCE MEDIUM AND-'I rentier; 25c. up. 764 Howard St., In front."VIBR GILSON,ii.aIRVOY'NT :CARD READ--'ler; magnetic treatments. R. l,1035 Market."VIME.RAVKNa'RETURNED: SITS DAILY;HInames given,25c up. 828 Howard. bet.

    MME. ARNDT. REST GERMAN FORTUNE..TiA teller: only25c and 50c: show you the pictureof your future husband orwlfe. 724 Harrison st."A ME.DR. THOMAS,SCIENTIFIC REY'EAL-XIX er by eggs and cards: tells entire life,past,present, future; consultations on allaffairs: noth-ing excepted; names, given: good advice: surehelp; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake Im-]..-., Me; fee *}i: letter $2. 929 Post St., nr. Larkin.

    AL'OUSTA LEOLA, FORTUNE 'TELLER;"magic charms: love tokens: true nicture offuture wife and husband: teaches forlune-telling;develops clairvoyance, slate writing,etc. ;has theseven holy seali>'and the Palestine wonder chain;1» c3l and upward. 2326 Mission, nr. Twentieth.

    y/7'zy:::A-- SPIRITULL*ADDIE SWAIN. AND MEDIUMT^AT^-**-tentlon given the poor. Room 6, 105 Stockton.

    Ml'- CORNJ.LUS. ORDAINED MEDIUM;XU «' i.Mon., Wed., Fri.:sittings daily. 227 Sixth.

    Mi:*. A. BROCKWAY, INDEPENDENTxxx slatewriter: sittings daily: Indies $1, gents$2^ 10 to 5. 601 Larkin St.. cor. Turk. .\u25a0:"VIRS. MAYOSTEERS. TEST ANDBUSINESS-.11 medium; readings daily. 101 Grove, cor.Polk.

    '_ - ASTROLOGY.DR. MEAD ANSWERS ALLQUESTIONSplanets from date of birth. HtO 3 Geary st, rm.l

    A STRAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES,-11 SCOTT-TY st.:horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. -\u25a0\u25a0 .~~~v~.


    OVERLAND FREIGHT TRANSFER CO.,Fifth and Rluxome sts.. furniture and goodspacked, shipped and stored: 9 largo fireproof ware-hcuses; low rates; advances made. Tel. south 388.OTORAGE OF FURNITURE,PIANOS.HOUSE-Uhold goods, etc. .). M.PIERCE,- 735 Marketst.UriLSON BROTHERS 1710 MARKET—'' Storage: low rates: telephone South 762.JHRST-CLASS STORAGE:A DY'ANCES MADB421-423 Maricet st. .CHAS. L. TAYLOB. |

    \u25a0 7 HELP WANTED—Contlnned.NTe7)7_COOK~SM RESTAURANT,

    *» $25; German cook.small boarding-house, $30;Irish girl, plain wash, $20; German second girl,$20; 2 cooks, $25: 2 cooks, $30. MME. LEO-POLD, 20 Stockton st._1 A C.TrI. WANTEDTO DOLTGHTHOUSE-

    «SpIIF. work; two in family. 937 Fourteenthsi., bet Noe and Castro. ,VOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN general-L housework; wages, $10. Apply 1629 Broad-way.



    Ml family's wash and do it at her home. Pleasecall before 10 a. m., 916 Van Ness ave.

    fXIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE-work; plain cooking; 2 adults, 2 children.1217 Webster. *_*v*EAT

    —YOUNG OIRL TO WORK behind

    -L\ counter incoffee and lunch house. Address,withreferences, C, box 31. CallOffice.



    .spring; work guaranteed; fine opportunity tolearn a trade always in demand. LILLIAS,214Post St. •

    ANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. 226 Devisadero, near Page.


    GIRLS FOR CIGARETTE-MAKING. 424Montgomery st.

    "YTURSE, $20, FOR CHILD 3*/3 YEARS. 17>-> Widow ave., offLarklu St.. bet. Eddy and EUis.GIRl_ FOR HOUSEWORK; GOOD WAGr 1519 Baker st.G" ~IT/h WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. 2731 California st.WANTED— YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITHlx housework. 1218b Eddy st.

    GIKL WANTED. 13 TO 16, TO ASSIST INVJT light housework. 1026 Folsom st.VOUNG GIRL, MUST BE EXPERIENCEDJ- res:aurant waitress. 120 Ninth st.

    IRL WANTED GENERAL HOUSE-work. 730 Howard st.

    WAX TED-GIRL TO TAKE CASH in RES-Ix taurant. 204 Fourth st.

    G1 lIU_"CO3rPOSITOIt WANTED— DAYS"jtnow and then; state exper ence. Address A. 8.,box 20,Call office. •


    OUSEKEI-ri'ER. HERMAN OR SCANDINA-vian, at 317 Fifth nt. Apply bet. 12 and

    4 P. M.



    603 California St., above Kearny.


    NTS'" WHITE SHIRTS;only first-class bands. 521 Valencia st.

    C-.ALL AT MRS. PARSON'S EMPLOYMENTJ office, 1004 Market st.WANTED—PUPILS IN MILLINERY: LES-xI sons in class or private; evening class; hats

    trimmed; reasonable. 410 Leavenworth St.

    RESPECTA BLK WOMAN TO DO LIGHThousework in refined family inexchange forgood home. F. 11., box 74, Call office.

    'Gi'? e^fl LADIES* TAILOR SUIT; ALL*Jp _ .OXJ. shades. N. Y.Sp.ithouse, 1210 Market.WANTED— HOUSEWORK IN EX-"

    change for room and board. Gentleman, box1, Call office.


    A BRIGHT ACTIVE WOMANiifor responsible work. Address Responsible,

    box 2, Call Offlce.pOOD BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOR RE-VJT liable lady. 131 Post St., room 20.

    j WE ARE PLACING INGOOD positions! xx constantly among the leading firms, compe-tent salesladies. Ifyou are inneed of a situationor desire to make a change we cuu be of assistanceto you. Address room 167,Crocker building.

    T" HOBO IIBUSINESSWOMAN TOTRAVELgood paj-;security required. 131 Post st., rm.20.KSSM A KERS: FIRST-CLASS SKIRT-MAK-

    ers; none but experienced hands need apply.-1BOWHAY,504 Sutler st. *

    I-"NUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A BRIGHTI- woman as managing office agent. SospitaCompany, office 53 .Donohoe building.

    LANO LESSONS BY THOBOUGIILYschooled artist; lessons 25c. 617 Jones st.

    Tj-RENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: TAILOR-J made suits: $7; perfect tit. 118 ilcAlllsterst.PROFESSOR LIVINGSTON'S DBESSCUT^J. tingand making school allbranches. 702 sinter.

    itessmak"e*rs USING the McDowellworld's famous system recommended. 213

    Powell st.; patterns cut to fit.25c up.

    \JOST CONVENIENT AND RESPECTABLE:-i'-I Winchester House. 44 Third st.,near Market:200 rooms; 25c to $150 per night; $110 to $6 perweek:free bus to and trom the ferry.\t11.1.1..EKV DoNE AT REASONABLE

    \u25a0i'l rates; ladies wanted to learn. 234 Taylor st.

    ANY WOMAN WHO WANTS MONEY FORi~V herself can easily earn it. Address Ladles'Home Journal. 78 Columbian bldg., San Francisco.WINCHESTER HOUSE, 44 THIRD. NEAR»» Market—Electric lights in everv room: 200

    rooms: 25c to $150 per night; $1 60 to $6 perweek: free bus to and from the ferry.

    MALE HEM' WANTED.WaNTED-3 KOBE ~CARPENT FORxl Central America, $6 a day silver, part fare ad-

    vanced; horseshoer, ranch blacksmith, $30 andfound; 3 furnace men, $'_: 50 day: sheephenier forNevaaa; tiemakers, 8 to 10 cents; cook.-, waitersand others. Apply to J. F. CROSETT &CO.. 628Sacramento st.VAT ANTED—UNDERGROUND MINE FORE-Ix man. Am.rican. young man: two Americanminers. J. F. CROSETT 4 CO, 628 Sacramentost.

    I*rv work andIcultivating, is able to take care of orchard, wishesj Miuat'.on. Address Orchardist, box 61, this oflice.:OITUATION WANT DliV SOBER J-TEADYO industrious man: experienced in saloon busi-ness and willingtodoanv kind of work. AddressA.B, tox 20, (a I.

    MANAND WIFE DESIRE PLACES AS GAR->'l dener and cook: cityor country: best of refer-ences. Address Work, box 20, Call"Office.SITUATH

    'N WANTED BY A SOBER INDUS-O trious elderly man to do light work: smallwages: willingto do any kind of work. E. G., boxj 23, this office.

    ELDERLY MAN* WHO THOROUGHLY UN-derstands care of hor.es wants situation; smallwages; good home more an object. Address D. 0.,box 15, Call Office.

    COMPETENT "BOOKKEEPER DESIRES Asmall set of books to keep; best ofreferences;terms reasonable. Address G. R., box 71, this office.

    MAN OF 25 STOUT ANDABLE TO DO ANYkind of carpenter work, also experienced Inbookkeeping and as porter in wholesale business,and able 10 give best security for truthful per-iorniai.ee, wishes employment incity or country.Inquire XV., box 49, Calloffice.

    SITUATION WANTED BY A GERMANgardener, who understands propagating andcan take care of horses and cows, and is willingtomake himself generally useful around place. Ad-dress Situation, North Temescal.VOUNG MAN WANTS

    -POSITION IN GRO-X cery-store: understands his business; 8 year3

    Inthe business. Address Y.L., box 74, Call Office.IS COACHMAN— WANTED BYA.a young man, Swedish: understands horsesand gar letting; best references. Address box 80,Call Office. Oakland.


    W ANTED^GERJUX OR SCANDINAVIANlx girl for housework, 3 in family,$20, see ladv

    here at 10 to-day; 2 German and"French secondgirls, 930: Protestant laundies*, private family,$25;2ironer8 in laundrv. $9 a week; 6 cookfe Inoerman families, $2.". and $30; hotel laundress,$20; 3 restaurant waitresses, $6 and $6 a week;girls for housework in Palo Alto,Stockton, MillValley,Alameda, San Leandro, Bakersfield, Brent-wood and girls of all nationalities to fillsituationsin city. J. F. (IKSETT &CO., 312 Sutter St."t\r ANTED STRONG voVnTJ SECoXD GIRL,xx $_;(): young American second girl forAlca'razisland, $15; waiting, small boarding-house. $.0:young second girl,Berkeley; $15; German cook.$30; young general housework girl, San Rafael,$20; cook.small boarding-house, $30: cook for 3in family,$25, must go home nlgnts; cook and sec-ond girl.Bakerslield, $25 and $20; cook and sec-ond girl. Visalia, $25 and $20; 60 other houseworkgTls, $-'*>.$2O and $15. ApplyMISS PLUNKETT,424 Sutler st. .HOTEL LAUNDRESSES, $20 AND $25;chambermaid and waitress, $20: chamber-maid and waitress, $20; chamberwork and wash.$15: boarding-house cook, $25; 10 German andScandinavian girls, housework, etc.; apply early.MURRAYA READY;634 and 636 Clay st.,-./ 1 WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR NUMEROUSxjxjsituations, f imilles and hotels; good wages.MURRAY A- READV, 634 and 636 Clay st.WANTED—GERMAN COOK. $30


    xl German second, $20; 2 French second girls,$20; Protestant cook, country, tib', nice young girl,second work, $15; housekeepsr, lodging-house.$20. LEONANDRE, 315 Stockton.T AUNDRESS, $20 :~5~"YOUNG


    J J housework, $15 to $20: German woman, coun-trv,small family, $15: kitchen girl, $16. R.T.WARD ACO., 610 Clay st. •

    WOR KING HOUSEKEEPER, COUNTRY,"$25; German or Swedish second girl; 3 iron-

    ers, $1per week: 2 restaurant waitresses, t?6 perweek: French maid, $20; 2 housegirl.., Santa Bar-bara, S'_:o and $16, and other towns: 12 houseworkgirls,city, $16, $20 and $25. MISS CULLEN,105Stockton st. • -\u0084;/.(X ATllo C WORKING HOUSEKEEPER.XJ $15. .MISSCULLEN, 106 Stockton st.

    CHAMBERMAID AND WAITRESS, BENI-XJ cia, $15; second girl,country, $25: cook, samehouse. $20. MISS iLEN, 105 Stockton st. j

    SWEDISH SECOND GIRL $25, COUNTRY;kJ German or Swedisn woman with child, $15,country. Mis- LIEN,105 Stockton st.


    private family,$25: girl forgeneral housework,_;..'.'? ™ ,lv- .»2o; 4 hou-iegirls, $20; second girl,$-0; 2girls, country. Apply to MRS. NORTON,315 Sutter st./ > Ii LFOR HOUSEWORK, $20; ALSO.NURHE-xt girl, same house, $15; chambermaid. .$20;German cook. $30; :nursegirl, $15: invalid'snurse, $25, and 'others. MRS. HIRD,706 Polk st ,