AIMS Education System Learning with Faith Session 2014-2015 About AIMS Education System AIMS Education System is imparting Islamic Education and Teachings in addition to the modern contemporary education, with a special emphasis on Tajweed, Nazra and Hifz-e-Quran-e-Karim, Translation and Tafseer of Holy Quran, Extensive Islamic studies and Arabic as a language, since 1998. From Montessori to Matric, AIMS Education System’s innovative approach which we call “The Blended Education System” is highly appreciated among the parents who really care for Islamic values and love to see their next generation decorated with them. Newsletter 2014-2015 Orientation Day: The first day of school has always been a source fun and fascination for students. The new session of AES started on April 1, 2014. Students were very happy as they had been promoted to the next classes. On that occasion various Science and fun activities were arranged along with the monkey show in all branches. Students enjoyed their first day at school very much.

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AIMS Education System Learning with Faith

Session 2014-2015

About AIMS Education System

AIMS Education System is imparting Islamic Education and Teachings in addition to

the modern contemporary education, with a special emphasis on Tajweed, Nazra and

Hifz-e-Quran-e-Karim, Translation and Tafseer of Holy Quran, Extensive Islamic

studies and Arabic as a language, since 1998. From Montessori to Matric, AIMS

Education System’s innovative approach which we call “The Blended Education

System” is highly appreciated among the parents who really care for Islamic values

and love to see their next generation decorated with them.

Newsletter 2014-2015

Orientation Day: The first day of school has always been a source fun and fascination

for students. The new session of AES started on April 1, 2014.

Students were very happy as they had been promoted to the next

classes. On that occasion various Science and fun activities were

arranged along with the monkey show in all branches. Students

enjoyed their first day at school very much.

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SSC Results الحمد هلل

Alhamdulillah the students of AES shine in SSC I & II in the

Annual Examination 2014. Our shining stars of SSC I were:

Marukh Mashriq - 1st Position

Summiya Iftikhar - 2nd Position

Ayesha Naveed - 3rd Position

Khadija Ahmed - 4th Position

And in SSC II the position holders were:

Ayesha Shahid - 1st Position

Naema Asif - 2nd Position

Basmah Rehman - 3rd Position

Usama Khalid - 4th Position

Welcome Back Party (Meet & Greet): The new session started with a joyous and colorful welcome back party

which was held on April 05, 2014 in connection with the orientation to

school activities. The theme of the party was “Meet and Greet.” The

students were dressed colorfully and they brought different variety

of delicious food items that made their day a fun. Various fun

activities like making of greeting cards and some educational games

were also organized by the teachers.

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Welcome Party (Meet & Greet): Aiwan-e-Quran department had also arranged a welcome party

on the start of their new session. Students were excited and

overwhelmed for the party which was held on April 19, 2014. The

theme of the party was “Meet and Greet.” It was a fun day for

all Hifz students. They were all in colorful dresses and had

brought the variety of food items which they enjoyed a lot with

their fellows and teachers.

Parent Teacher Meeting: Keeping in view the commencement of the new academic session,

PTM was organized on April 12, 2014 to provide an opportunity to

parents to see the teachers of their wards and to share their

views in the beginning of the session, a large number of parents

visited AES and its branches on that occasion.

Earth Day: Allah’s Apostle said, “There is none among the Muslims who

plants a tree or sows the seeds, and then a bird, or a person or

an animal eats from it but is regarded as a charitable gift for


Earth day is celebrated worldwide on April 22 to create

awareness about how to cop up with the environmental issues like

global warming and pollution etc. AES also gives environmental

awareness to their students by celebrating Earth Day in their

assembly. This day was also celebrated in AES branches.

Students did plantation activities to save Earth.

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National Book Day: Books are the best companions in loneliness. They are food for our

brain. In order to focus on the importance of books and book

reading “April 22” had been announced as the National Book Day of

Pakistan. An exhibition was held from April 22 – 24, 2014 in Pak –

China Friendship Center in connection with National Book Day. The

students of AES also visited the exhibition where they could get

the opportunity to interact with the famous writers and authors. It

was a very informative exposure for the students.

3rd Annual Day (Branches): Annual Day is a very important event in a student’s life because on

this day the students get reward of their efforts. AES celebrated its

3rd Annual Day (Branches) on 17th May, 2014 in A.Q Khan Auditorium

Islamabad in which the great excitement was seen. The colorful

segments from Montessori section had been arranged by Love Islam,

Arabic & Urdu Departments which were highly appreciated by the

audience. The Hadith Quiz competition was also held for the school

section among three branches of AES in which the students had

participated with a great enthusiasm. The Guest of Honor, Syed

Ismail Shah, the Chairman PTA distributed shields and certificates

among students. Overall the function was a great success.

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Annual Day Aiwan-e-Quran:

Holy Prophet (PBUH) said “On the Day of Qiyaamah a crown

of such brilliance will be placed on the heads of the

parents of one who learnt the Qur’aan and practiced on its

laws, that its glitter will outshine the brilliance of the sun

which penetrates your houses. What then do you think will

be the position of the one who himself learns the Qur;aan

and actes in accordance with it?”

There are many students who complete their Hifz-ul-Quran

every year. This year, for awarding the Hifz Certificates to

all Haffaz Annual Day of Aiwan-e-Quran was organized on

Saturday, May 31, 2014 in Regalia Hotel in which 40 Hafiz-e-

Karam completed their Hifz (Masha ALLAH). It was a soul and

faith reviving event.

14th Annual Day AIMS and Marjan:

Time flows like water and yet another annual day had passed.

It was the 14th Annual Day of our main campuses i.e. AIMS

(Boys Campus) and Marjan (Girls Campus). The event was held

at Sir Syed Auditorium on the 19th and 20th September 2014

for girls and boys respectively. Dr Ameena Nasir honored the

function as the chief guest at Marjan Campus event whereas

Dr Sohail Hassan was invited at AIMS Campus event. The plan

consisted of colorful segments from schooling and Montessori

section in which Islamic values were highlighted. The Chief

Guest appreciated the efforts of students and distributed

the prizes among them. The function was a great success.

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Colors Day:

One of the most interesting and perhaps the hardest stage in the

life of a child of Montessori level is to apprehend the “Concept of

Colors”. But at the same time, they love anything, bright and

colorful. In this correspondence AES had organized the Color’s Day

function which was held on Saturday, May 31, 2014. The cute faces

were all dressed in the colorful dresses, yellow, red, green and blue.

Visiting parents also appreciated tremendous participation of both,

teachers and students.

Month of Science:

As every month has been associated with a subject, so September was

declared as Month of Science. It was celebrated in all branches of AES. The

branches were beautifully decorated with the recourses and the panaflexes

related to different themes of Science. Special assembly presentations were

prepared by the Maths teachers in which the most interesting segments

were quiz and role plays. At the end of the month, students were

appreciated for their over enthusiastic participation and shields were given

to the best decorated branch and teachers, for their great efforts.

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Zil Hajj:

Zil Hajj is the last month of the Islamic Calendar. It has its

significance in Our history. Hajj is performed on the 9th of Zil Hajj

and Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated on the 10th of this month. The animals

are sacrificed on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha in remberance of the

sacrifice of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S and his great son Hazrat Ismaeel

A.S. and to pay homage to them, a special assembly had been

conducted from the 1st of Zil Hajj to the 8th of Zil Hajj. A special

discourse of 3-5 minutes was also presented by the students and the

takberat were recited loudly. Display boards were displayed and Zil

Hajj pamphlets were also distributed.

Achievement: Every student of AES is talented and has a distinct personality of his

own. One of its students demonstrated his talent in a speech

competition organized by Private Schools Network in connection with the

Iqbal Day and stood third among all his competitors. Administration and

all faculty members congratulated him on his success and for making his

institute proud of him.

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Allama Iqbal Day: Celebrating the National Days of Pakistan is the tradition of

AES. On the occasion of Iqbal Day, it was celebrated on

November 27, 2014 with full zeal and zest. Plan included the

thought provoking tableau on “Maa Ka Khawab”, Bait Bazi,

Quiz and Inter-branch speech competition, promoting

Allama Iqbal’s R.A Ideological and philosophical messages

among our students and today’s youth.

The Guest of honor, Mr Rana Abdul Baki appreciated

efforts of the young students and distributed the gifts and

Participation Certificates among students.

Seerat-un-Nabi Conference: Seerat-un-Nabi Conference was celebrated on Saturday,

January 24, 2015. The purpose of its celebration was to

give awareness to the students about Seerah and Sunnah

Ways of our beloved Prophet, Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H).

The event included documentary, quiz on Hadith and Dua,

speech competition, poster making, Asma-ul-Husna

Calligraphy competition and much more. Mr. Raja Zia-ul-Haq

gave a very soul refreshing presentation. The Certificates

and gifts were distributed among the winners.

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In-door Competitions: The group activities are always enjoyable, especially when they are

performed by girls. In order to arrange these group activities, AES

decided to conduct in-door competitions on January 31, 2015 to give a

break from the daily routine. The activities included salad making,

sandwich making and flower arrangement competitions. The girls took

active part in the event and did their best to win. Certificates were

distributed among the winning groups at the end of the event.

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