AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why not? “All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to remain

AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

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Page 1: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler?

Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why not?

“All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people

to remain uninvolved!”

Page 2: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

What do you think you would have done if you were in Germany? Would you have spoken up or would you have remained silent? Explain your answer.

Page 3: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

Review: Life Under Nazi Rule

Page 4: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

As you watch the video think about the

Aim and the Do Now!

Page 5: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

The Germans used the Jewish badge, often in the form of a yellow Star of David, to harass and isolate the Jews. In that way, they were able to create a wide rift between the Jews and the rest of the population. Why did Germans and others allow this to happen?

Jews were forced to wear the star of David in Nazi Germany, so that they could be easily identified.

Page 6: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

So, what are some of the reasons you think so many

people in Germany may have remained silent?

Page 7: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

•Hitler tries to gain power in 1923 but his plan fails and he is arrested.

•When he gets out of prison in 1924 he revives the Nazi Party.

•Hitler gains power in 1933 by being appointed Chancellor.

•Hitler passed the Nuremberg laws in 1935.

•Nazi’s carry out Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) in 1938.

Remember, Hitler didn’t take over Germany overnight.

Page 8: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why


•He promised to stabilize the economy.

•He promised to strengthen the military.


•He promised to stabilize the economy.

•He promised to strengthen the military.

He started by making promises

Page 9: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

The indoctrination process to turn Germans against Jews took time.

Indoctrination = the teaching of ideologies (ideas).

The indoctrination process to turn Germans against Jews took time.

Indoctrination = the teaching of ideologies (ideas).

Also, Hitler could manipulate huge audiences with his fiery oratory (speech). Making speeches was crucial to Hitler. He believed: “All great world shaking events have been bought about… by the spoken word!”


Page 10: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

He wanted more than just economic and political power. He also wanted to control every aspect of German life. To shape public opinion and to win praise for his leadership, Hitler turned the press, radio, literature, painting, and film into propaganda tools.

Hitler Used Propaganda!Propaganda = information or material spread to advance a cause or to damage an opponent.

Page 11: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

Use the photograph of Adolf Hitler and yourknowledge of world history to answer the questions below.

Q. Why do you think Hitler had his photograph taken with this little girl?

A. to demonstrate his powerB. to frighten his enemiesC. to make him appear more humanD. to demonstrate his hatred for the Jews

Q. How do you think this photograph made Germans feel in the beginning?

A. AngryB. FearfulC. OptimisticD. Upset

Page 12: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

Read handout, Why Didn’t the German People try to Stop Hitler?

Complete documents # 1and 2

Homework: Read and Complete Handout, Economic Depression and it’s Consequences.


Page 13: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

1. What did Andre’s family lose by leaving Germany?

2. What did Andre’s family gain by leaving Germany?

3. Why doesn’t Andre’s family protest to the Government about this problem?

4. “Running from a problem instead of fixing it is a sign of a coward.” In the case of Andre and his family, is this true?

5. If you were Andre, what decision would you have made? (Be Honest!)

Reading ReviewDocument # 1

Page 14: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why

The following quote is from Father Niemoller, a German Lutheran Protestant priest who was sent to a concentration camp for publicly speaking out against the Nazi’s. He later dies in the prison camp of Auschwitz.

“When they came for the Gypsies, I did not speak up because I was not a Gypsy.

When they came for the homosexuals, I did not speak up because I was not a homosexual.

When they came for the Jews, I did not speak up because I was not a Jew.

When they came for the Communist, I did not speak up because I was not a Communist.

When they came for the Catholics, I did not speak up because I was a Protestant.

And when they finally came for me, there was no one left to speak up.”

What is the moral of Father Niemoller’s message?

Reading ReviewDocument # 2

Page 15: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why
Page 16: AIM: Why Didn’t the German People Try to Stop Hitler? Do Now: Read the quote below then write down what you think. Is this a true statement? Why or Why