Aim: How did the Cold War begin? Do Now: Watch the Cold War/1960’s video. Homework: Read Ch. 26, sect. 2, and answer ques. #4 Date: 4/26/10

Aim: How did the Cold War begin?

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Aim: How did the Cold War begin? . Do Now: Watch the Cold War/1960’s video. Homework: Read Ch. 26, sect. 2, and answer ques. #4 Date: 4/26/10. Soviet Communism vs. U.S. Capitalism. What do you know about communism? Communism State controls property and economic activity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Aim: How did the Cold War begin? Do Now: Watch the Cold War/1960’s video.Homework: Read Ch. 26, sect. 2, and answer ques. #4Date: 4/26/10

Soviet Communism vs. U.S. Capitalism What do you know about

communism? Communism State controls property

and economic activity Totalitarian govt. with no

opposing parties Capitalism Private citizens control

economic activity People vote for officials

from competing parties

The “Iron Curtain”

The Soviets installed communist gov’ts. in many countries within Eastern Europe

Dubbed “Iron Curtain by Winston Churchill

These countries were called Satellite Nations and included Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland

U.S. responds with a policy of containment- preventing any extension of communist rule to other countries

The Truman Doctrine Cold War- conflict

between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. in which they never met on a battlefield

Truman Doctrine- policy of the U.S. to support free peoples who are resisting attempted control by armed minorities or outside pressures

Do you feel it is the responsibility of the U.S. to defend people all around the world from attempted takeovers? If so, then why? If not, then why?

Pres. Truman signing doctrine

The Marshall Plan

U.S. plan to provide aid to all countries in Western Europe that needed it after the war

“Not against any country or doctrine, but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos.” – Sec. of State George Marshall

What effect would the Marshall Plan have on communist appeal in Europe? Why?

InternationalOrganizations North Atlantic

Treaty Organization (NATO)- a defensive military alliance of several countries in Europe and North America

Brought on by Soviet aggression

Ends U.S. policy of isolationism

United Nations- Group of more than 50 nations sending delegates to resolve disputes peacefully

What’s the difference?

Aim Revisited: How did the Cold War begin?

Soviet Union emerges powerful from WW2 and looks to extend communism to other European countries

USSR installs satellite governments in “Iron Curtain” countries

U.S. practices policy of containing the spread of communism

United Nations established to promote peace N.A.T.O. established to defend capitalist democracies

Aim: How did the Cold War spread to Asia?

Do Now: What do you know about Korea? Homework: Read Ch. 26, sect. 3 and answer

ques. # 3 Date: 4/28/10

The Berlin Airlift After WW2 Berlin divided

into 4 regions to be controlled by 4 Allies

West Berlin unified in 1948 but surrounded by Soviet controlled East Germany

Stalin’s response was to cut off West Berlin

For 327 days planes took off and landed every few minutes bringing in supplies

Blockade eventually lifted What affect would this have

on U.S.? On Soviet Union?

Chinese Civil War


Led by Chiang Kai-shek

Ruled in southern and eastern China

Relied on aid from U.S.

Struggled with inflation and failing economy

Weak leadership and poor morale


•Led by Mao Zedong• Ruled in northern China• Relied on aid from Soviet Union• Attracted peasants with promises of land reform• Highly motivated leadership and guerrilla army

Nationalists and communists fight Civil WarU.S. tries to keep peaceCorrupt nationalists collapse and flee to TaiwanEstablish independent govt. thereWhy didn’t the U.S. intervene militarily?Does this conflict reflect U.S. policies? (Containment, Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan)

Korean War (1950-53) After WWII, Japanese troops north of 38th

parallel surrender to Soviets Troops south surrender to U.S. Creates two nations, one communist and

one democratic N. Korea attacks S. Korea Communist China assists N. Korea U.S. assists S. Korea Should the U.S. directly attack Communist

China? Should the U.N. or N.A.T.O. intervene? If so,

in what way?

Gen. MacArthur and Korea MacArthur called for an extension of

the war into China Truman rejects- could set of WWIII MacArthur publicly bashes Truman Truman fires MacArthur Korean War ends in stalemate Cost = 4,000 American lives, $67

billion Korea remains divided today Was this the right way to handle this


“Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.”

Aim Revisited: How did the Cold War spread to Asia?

Berlin Airlift wins America worldwide public support and Germany (Berlin) permanently divided

Chinese civil war fought between nationalists and communists ends in communist victory

Korean War fought as extension of Soviet/Chinese communism

Ends in stalemate and remains divided today

Aim: How did the Cold War affect Americans at home?

Do Now: What was the “Red Scare” during World War I about?

Homework: Read Ch. 27, sect. 1 and answer ques. #4

Date: 4/29/10

Red Scare 2 (This time it’s scarier!!!) Fearing spread of communism

people were investigated by gov’t for involvement in communist activity including; federal employees, people in films industry

Those found guilty were blacklisted- unable to obtain a job or imprisoned

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were put to death for being accused of leaking secrets on atomic weapons to the Soviets

Why do you think people like this were targeted as being communist? The Rosenberg’s

Senator Joseph McCarthy McCarthy used America’s fear of

communism to gain support for re-election

Guilty of McCarthyism- the unfair tactic of accusing people of disloyalty without providing evidence

Supposed 200 people working in gov’t were communists but he could not produce any names

As a result: 1) Many are now afraid to speak

out on public issues 2) Millions are forced to undergo

loyalty investigations 3). People afraid to speak out

against gov’t. 4). Artists were suppressed,

blacklisted and stopped performing

The Race for the H-Bomb U.S. develops Hydrogen

(H) bomb in 1952 Soviets develop their

own in 1953 Leads to U.S. policy of

brinkmanship: 1) U.S. could prevent

communism by promising to use all of its force (including H-Bombs) against any aggressor nation

2) U.S. trims army but builds up nuclear weapons and air force (to drop nukes)

H-Bomb 67 times more powerful than A-Bomb

The Warsaw Pact and the C.I.A. In response to NATO and

the CIA, Soviets form the Warsaw Pact

Defensive alliance linking Soviets with 7 other eastern European countries

CIA begins covert actions to take down gov’ts unfriendly to U.S.

Helped overthrow Iran’s Prime Minister giving us greater access to oil

Supported guerrilla army to overthrow Guatemala’s president

What are we doing?

Cold War in the Middle East Egypt received aid from

both U.S. and Soviet Union

When U.S. stopped sending aid for their involvement with USSR Egypt closed Suez Canal

Backed by U.S. nation of Israel created in 1948 as homeland for Jews

Eisenhower Doctrine: U.S. would defend the Middle East against an attack by any communist country

Why does the middle east matter in all of this?

The Cold War takes to the Skies When Stalin dies in 1953, Nikita Khrushchev

takes over Believed communism could succeed and

compete with capitalism peacefully Believed in economic and scientific competition Sets off the “Space Race”- Russians launch

Sputnik- 1st satellite to successfully reach space U-2 incident- U.S. spy plane shot down over

USSR US has to admit guilt of spying Any benefits to “space race”?

This U-2 Not this U-2

Aim Revisited: How did the Cold War affect Americans at home?

Red Scare escalates and artists among many other accused of communism

Senator Joseph McCarthy begins “witch hunt” to expose and blacklist supposed communists with no success

Race for more powerful H-bomb escalates fear of Cold War

Middle East becomes involved because of spread of aid to oil rich countries

Scientific advancements leads to space race and more spying incidents

Aim: What was Cold War American culture like?

Do Now: What is the “American Dream”? Homework: Read Ch. 28, sect. 1 and answer

ques. #3 Date: 4/30/10

The American Dream Economic Growth occurred

after war b/c Americans had war bonds and service pay to spend

Suburbia- communities outside of cities accessible by car

Consumerism- purchase of material goods as a reflection of success

Car Culture- cars became cheaper and highways grew

Interstate Highway System created by Eisenhower to foster trade and economy

How does the car, suburbia and consumerism reflect the American dream?

GI Bill 1946- 10 million people

released from military GI Bill of Rights- pays

part of tuition to college for GIs, unemployment benefits, low interest loans to buy homes

How would this affect the country?

Baby Boom Generation Babies born

postwar through 1960s known as baby boomers

Over 4 million born in 1957, one every 7 seconds

Overall 40 million people

How would this affect the country?

Jackie Robinson: Mr. Cremeans’ top 10 American Heroes #8

First African-American baseball player- 1947 Won Rookie of the Year Award 1949 won MVP Award 1955 member of champion Brooklyn

Dodgers Faced intense discrimination from opposing

players Could not eat or room with the rest of his

team First African-American Hall of Famer Received death threats daily After baseball got involved in Harlem

politics “Plenty of times I wanted to haul off when

somebody insulted me for the color of my skin but I had to hold myself. I knew I was kind of an experiment.”

Why is this such a big deal?

Rock & Roll Teenage Culture began to

grow What is teenage culture

today? Subcultures grew- alternate

cultural styles Beat Movement- Social and

literary nonconformity in art Rock & Roll artists- Elvis

Presley, Chuck Berry, Bill Haley

What are some subcultures today? Elvis Presley

Aim Revisited: What was Cold War American culture like?

Economic Growth after the war led to a growth in spending

The American Dream offered people consumer goods, a house in the suburbs, a car in the driveway and a “perfect” life

The GI Bill offered former servicemen college tuition, and low interest loans

The Baby Boomer Generation expanded every area of American life

Teenage culture and Rock & Roll created alternate cultures

Aim: What was the role of the Kennedy Administration in the Cold

War? Do Now: What do you know about the Kennedy

Administration? Homework: Read Ch. 28, sect. 2 and answer ques.

#5 Date: 5/3/10

John F. Kennedy Kennedy wins 1960 elections

with a better image than opponent Richard Nixon and promising civil rights laws

Considered young, charismatic, handsome but inexperienced

Sound familiar? First non English Protestant

president (Irish Catholic) Spoke out against arrests of

Martin Luther King Jr. winning approval and votes from minorities

What do you think Kennedy represented?

Kennedy’s Vision

“Let the word go forth from this time and this place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans, born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage, and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed…

Let every nation know, whether it wishes well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.”

“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country.”- Pres. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address

What message is Kennedy sending to the Soviet Union and other Communist satellite countries?

How do you think the American public reacted to this statement? How would McCarthyist thinkers in America react to this statement?

Are there aspects of Kennedy’s vision still burning strong in American foreign policy today?

The Bay of Pigs Invasion CIA was training Cuban

exiles in Florida to invade their homeland and start an uprising to overthrow Castro

Very poorly planned: 1) Air strikes failed 2) 25,000 Cuban troops

with Soviet tanks and artillery were waiting on the shore to fight the 1,500 exiles

3) Exiles were either killed or imprisoned

What were the consequences of this failed invasion for the U.S.?

What would this do for the morale of Communism?

Cuban Missile Crisis Cuban revolutionary

Fidel Castro assumed power in the late 1950’s

Declared himself Communist and openly accepted aid from the Soviets

1962- several Soviet nuclear missiles aimed at U.S.

Missiles could reach NY in 15 minutes

October 22 Kennedy warns USSR that attack from Cuba would mean all out war on them too

Nuclear war feared for 6 days

Imagine what that would be like

Missile Crisis Outcomes World waited for

Khrushchev’s reaction to the blockade

Khrushchev backed down rather than fight a nuclear war

Soviets agreed to dismantle the bases and remove the missiles in exchange for a U.S. pledge not to attack Cuba

Lead to the development of the Hot Line- a phone line that would link the President and the Premier to discuss crisis situations immediately

The Berlin Wall Germans begin fleeing East

Berlin by the millions to escape Communist rule

Khrushchev threatens to close all roads and airports to West Berlin again

Instead of fighting war over Berlin Soviet troops begin to build Berlin Wall- August 13, 1961

What is the symbolism of this wall?

Aim Revisited: What was the role of the Kennedy Administration in the Cold War?

John F. Kennedy elected president 1960 with charisma and promise of change in civil rights

Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba goes terribly wrong making Kennedy and US look bad

Cuban Missile Crisis increases threat of nuclear war but is narrowly avoided

Berlin Wall is constructed in 1961 separating Berlin and creating image of Soviet oppression

Aim: What was President Kennedy’s “New Frontier” plan?

Do Now: What changes might Kennedy want to bring to American society?

Homework: Read Ch. 28, sect. 3 and answer ques. #2

Date: 5/4/10 International Star Wars Day “May the Fourth be with you!”

Test on Thursday on Ch. 26, 27 (sect. 1), 28

Kennedy’s New Frontier “We stand today on the edge of a

new frontier, Americans need to be new pioneers, explore uncharted areas of science and space, explore unconquered pockets of ignorance and prejudice, unanswered questions of poverty and surplus.”

Plans included medical care for elderly, rebuilding run down urban neighborhoods, aid education, fight poverty at home and abroad

Challenges to implementing this new frontier plan- Republican Congress, elected by a slim margin so he lacked mandate, bad economy

Economic Problems

Recession- Decline in GDP (gross domestic product) for 2 quarters (6 months)

Unemployment at 7 percent How would this affect Kennedy’s plans? How would this affect the Cold War?

The Peace Corps

“There is not enough money in all America to relieve the misery of the underdeveloped world in giant and endless soup kitchen. But there is enough know-how and knowledgeable people to help those nations help themselves”- JFK

To ease poverty around the world Peace Corps created- program of volunteers to assist developing nations in Asia, Africa and Latin America

People worked as agricultural advisers, teachers, health aides

By 1968- 35,000 volunteers in 60 nations

Between 1961-1969 $12 billion given to Latin American countries

What might this do for the U.S.? Peace Corps Commemorative Stamp

“Houston, we have a problem!” In response to Soviets

sending first man into space Kennedy begins spending millions to improves space program

Cape Canaveral, FL and Houston mission control centers built

July, 20, 1969 US sends a man to the moon

Is this a good idea? Any problems with spending money on space program?

JFK Assassinated 1963 Kennedy begins to focus on

civil rights issues and loses some popularity

JFK went to Dallas to meet with leaders of Democratic party

In procession on the street Kennedy shot in head and died instantly

Lee Harvey Oswald found later that day and accused of assassination

Oswald shot 2 days later Warren Commission created to

investigate assassination but left many questions

What affect would this have on the country?

Aim Revisited: What was President Kennedy’s “New

Frontier” plan? Kennedy fought a recession, Republican Congress

to implement “New Frontier” plans Peace Corps created to ease global poverty Space Program heavily funded to prove American

prestige Plans halted when JFK assassinated on Nov. 22,

1963 in Dallas

Aim: How did Lyndon B. Johnson work towards

creating a “Great Society”?

Do Now: How would the assassination of JFK have affected the country?

Homework: Study for test tomorrow, Ch. 26, 27 (sect. 1), 28

Date: 5/5/10

President Lyndon Baines Johnson Upheld Kennedy’s legacy by: 1) supporting tax-cuts 2) supporting 1964 Civil Rights Bill-

outlawed discrimination in public housing and jobs based on race, religion, sex

L.B.J.’s own agenda was aimed at alleviating poverty

He began: 1) The Job Corps Youth Training Program 2) VISTA (Volunteers in Service to

America) 3) Project Head Start- education

program for underprivileged school kids 4) Community Action Program-

encouraged the poor to participate in public-works programs

“The Great Society” Johnson’s vision for America where

there would be an end to poverty and racial injustice

Considered education the key- “Every child must have the best education a nation can provide.”

Introduced new programs like:

1) Medicare- hospital and low-cost medical insurance for Americans over 65

When might this become a problem?

2) Medicaid- extended health insurance to people on welfare

3) Immigration- ended quota system of letting in immigrants that favored Europeans

4) Environment- Passed several laws aimed at cleaning air and water

The Warren Court Brought about an era of

liberal reform to the Supreme Court in the 1960’s.

Dealt with such issues as:

1) Segregation- ended with Brown vs. Board of Education case in 1954

2) The Rights of Accused Persons- Miranda vs. Arizona- suspects read their rights

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Earl Warren

Aim Revisited: How did Lyndon B. Johnson work towards creating

a “Great Society”? Continued JFK’s work towards Civil Rights bill With “Great Society” vision he started “War on Poverty”

and implemented man programs such as Medicare and Medicaid

Warren Supreme Court made several decisions dealing with segregation and rights of accused criminals

Topics to Study for Unit 10 Test