r 'Si II. I., TIIU11SDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER ft, 1891. SUBSCRIPTION Vol. XV. No. 2G J5. HONOLULU, 9 OFNTB PKB MONTU BY AUTHORITY. CASTLE & COOKE. THE " DAILY BOLlillB" J.H0PP& 00 P. HI SIACH. .1. K. MOIMSAX. W. 11. UOOOS. HUSTACE & CO., IfllPOK'J'KKH, Shipoing & Commission Merchants, PLANTATION & INSUKANOE AGENTS, -- DEAI.F.KB THE EWA STRIKE. Editor Bulletin: I notice an article in last night's issue of your paper, referring to the Japanese trouble at Ewa plantation. Please allow ine to stale tliut I, like thousands of your own city, ilid not know it was the Emperor's birthday. The laborers simply said it was a holiday, and I explained to tliein that we were very backward with our work, Laving yet over 3U0 acres to plant, and that we could not possibly let tliein remain at Lome. They weut away, apparently satisfied, but on Tuesday morning dH of one catnp did not turn out, but ISO of the other two camps went to work as usual. I went to this camp and talked with tLe leader (an In Japan and well-know- n to the Japanese olli-cia- is in this city), and Lc said : "No ; we will work but not to- day." TLey did not let me know ILen tLat it was the Emperor's birtb-da- y in fact 1 knew notbing of it until I read an account of it in yes- terday's Advertiser. Had I known what holiday it was, we would Lave given them the day even at the ex- pense of planting, which "Ex Plant- er" knows is considerable at this late period of the year. This is the second time they have refused to work. TLe first time they all came to Honolulu during the night, and at the request of Mr. Masaki they were not brought before tLe Court at all. TLe writer talked Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Ifflpiements, I'LANTATIOJ) Carpenters', Blacksmitbs', Machinists' fe Plumbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ! ' Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods and Blake's Steam Pomps,' Weston's Centrifugals, Wilcox & Gibbs, & Eemlagton Sewing Machines, Dr. Jajne $ Sons Family Medicta 1-- JOHN NOTT Importer and Dealer in Steel ai Iron Han PS, Housekeeping Goods IN Stovss ai Fix (ores. & Kitchen Utensils, FIXTURES. and Shoe! Iron Work. -- r. O. Box S72. Lincoln Block, ON HAND. Lsland VBT- - -- 1. O. Box 297. IO10- - -- Telephone No. 92. IS PUBLISHED lm Afternoon Except Sundays At the Oltlce, Queen street, Honolulu, 11. I. DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Manager FOU THR Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limited.) SUBSCRIPTIONS: Daily Bulletin, 1 year $6 00 " " 6 mouths 3 00 " " per month (de- livered') St Weekly Bulletin Summary, 1 year ft 5 00 foreign. 6 00 m th Telephones No. XSO. -- es Address all business communica- tions "Manager Daily Bulletin." tyAddress all matter tor publica- tion "Editor Daily Bulletin." P. O. Koi HV. Honolulu. H. 1. JM. MONSABBAT, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Merchant street, Honolulu. ALFRED MAGOON. J Attorney at Law and Notary Public. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono- lulu. T1 W. Schmidt & Sons, XX. Importers & Commission Mer-- chants. Fort street, Honolulu. 1 -- 91 HHACKFELD&OO. Agents. Corner Fort aud Queen streets, Hono- lulu, H. I. n W. Macfablane & Co., VJT Importers and Commission Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu, U. 1. GONSALVE8 & CO., Grocers and Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu, H. I. I OHN T. WATKRHOUSE, tl lmporte Merchandise Queen street. Honolulu, II. I 7 ILODEB & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt aud Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort aud Queen streets, Honolulu. L ewers & Cooke, Importers aud Dealers in Lum- ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, I I H. I. Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings; Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to Ship's Blackstnithiug. Job Work ex- ecuted at short notice. T. li. WALKElt, Contractor tmd Uuilder. Brick, Stone and Wooden Building esti- mates given. Cemetary Work and Job- bing attended to. 86 King street, Hono- lulu. Bell Telephone 107. 9-- Pr. EMERSON, Np. 135 JbHjrtT HTftKKT. Hell Telephone SI. HOURS : 8)30 to 10:30 A. M.SU Ml 2 to 3 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 10 A. M. Residence, S School st. Bell Tel. 149. 111-t- f. Atlas Assarance Com OF JLONVON. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. VETERINARY INFIRMARY, 4tlng Street. Honolulu. Excellent accommodation for patients, Pll. A. R. ROWAT, V. S. Office Hours T:30 to 10 a. m.j 12:30 to 2 p. m. ; 4 :30 to 6 p. m. Telephones : Bell 96. Mutual 183, P. O. Box 32fi. 192tf C. B. RIPLEY, AKCIIITKCT. yt kick : Room B. Spreekels' Block. Mutual Telephone 208. New Designs Modern Buildings ! Complete plans and specitlcations for every description of building. Contracts drawn aud careful superintendence of construction given wheu required. Call aud examiue plans. apr 29 ly ISOXIOJEJ ! roil B natrons of the Oceanic S. S. Co, 1 are herebv noilllml that hereitltei no round trip or excuraiou tickets will De issued for any of the through inal' steamers. These tickets will, however, be issued a customary for tlio local suiamers Australia" and Zealandia." ('usseuyFi's who IrnUI round trip tii kuis una wLsu i take the through mail Brt Auier will bti charged au exlia fare of AGATE WARE IN LARGE VARIETY. WHITE, GRAY AND SILVER-PLATE- D S ile of Government Lots on the Lower Side of Prospect Street, Punchbowl Hill, Ho- nolulu, Oahu. On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 11, 1891, at the front entrance of Aliiolani Hale, at 12 o'clock noon, will be Bold at public auction Nine (9) Lots on the lower side of Prospect street, Punchbowl Hill, Honolulu, Oahd, varying in size from 103x188 feet lo 94x107 feet. Upset price: Varying from $100 to $2o0 each lot, according to size ami location. The terms and condi- tion of sale will be cash or, at the option of the purchaser, one-four- th cash and the remainder in equal in- stallments payable in one, two or three years, with interest payable semi-annuall- y at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. The purchaser must within one year from the date of purchase en close the laud bought by him with a good and substantial fence and lay on water from the Government pipes. Royal Patents will be issued for the land upon the final payment of the purchase price. A map of the lots can be seen and full particulars learned at the Land Olllce. Water mains have been or shortly will be laid adjoining all of the above lots. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior. Interior Ollice, Oct. 7, 1891. 238 4t &lo O Lcaoo o Qui ojrn ment Land of Kahoiwai, Ma-no-a, Oahu. On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 18, 1891, at 12 o clock noon, at tne front en trance of Aliiolani Hale will be sold at public auction the lease of that Government land of Kahoiwai, Mu- - noa, Oahu, containing ail area of 17 J acres more or less. , Term Lease fur 15 years. Upset price $20 per annum, pay able semi-annual- in advance. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior, interior Ollice, Oct. 10, 1891. 240 4t lSOl TAXLESS. Tax Payers in this District are hereby notified that the Taxes for the current year will be due and payable at the Ollice of the Tax Assessor and Collector in the Kapuaiwa Building, on the 2d day of November, A. D. 1891. The Ollice is open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. in. daily (Sundays excepted) and on Saturdays until 12 o'clock noon. All amounts over $10 must be paid in U. S. Gold Coin. Taxes not paid befor the 15th day of December next will be liable to suit with 10 per cent, costs added. T. A. LLOYD. Deputy Assessor and Collector of Taxes, District of Kona, Island of Oahu. Approved : Sa.mi'kl Pakkkb, Minister of Finance ad interim. 255 3w Irrigation Notice. HoNOi-- t ut, II. 1., May 27, 1891. Notice is hereby given to all bolder of water privileges that owing to the prolonged drouth, it is necessary that care be used in the use of water. Holders of privileges and Uie public generally are therefore respectfully requested to assist the Department by exercising economy in the use I water. The irrigation hmirn are from 7 8 a. m., and 5 to U o'clock r. M. JOHN C. vVIUTE, Supt. Honolulu Water Works, Approved ; C, N, Sl'fcM'KH, Minister of the Interior. Pl U PHE WEEKLY BULLETIN--- '" 1 l.lllllil.s of interesting reading Announce new importations ex "W. G. Irwin' and Planter" of FURNITURE ! Elegant In design and stylish in make. 1 (' ' ; C, Warilril(M, ' f?!ileloiiilN, Cabinet!, DRESSING (USES liil in; MIiiikK li;il Csu-rh- i i'i C l'illl'N, PARLOR SETS ltutlitii .Ss Iteel IiM-H- , Itulty Viil iuu' Imirw. rolii IK-On- . Cbairs to Rent lur B.lls aud Parties. Ml G. Irwin & Goapany, (1.1 SI ITK1.) OFFER FOB SALE Iimi Cement, PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED'S PATENT Felt Sieam Pipe Covering, all sizes. FKTILIZR3: WOOL DUST, lONE MEAL, FISH GUANO, also BUCK 4 OULANDT'B Blgb Grade Ci'.enical Cane, Manure. GRASS SEEDS : COCKSFOOT, RYE GRASS And CLOVERS, Refined Sugars, Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins. SALMON IN BARRELS. STEAM CANDY FACTOR! A!VI llAKKliy. Ft iiOltt, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook & Baker. 71 Hotel St. Telephone 74, ui C. BREWER & CO.. (I.I.1I1TKH), General Mercantile ANI Commission Agents, list of ofkickks:- - I. O. Carter President A Manage (i. 11. Roberuou. 1 reitsiirt K. F. Bislio .....Secretary W. F. Allen AllilHol HlllF.CTolts: Hun. C. R. Bishop, S. O. Allen, 11. W itteliiouse. CASTLE & COOKE mroiiTrr.itN, Hardware, Shipping ANI ComniiBsion Merchant! I'kAlnrts in General Merchandise J Flaututicu Agent. Lifo, Fits ik Mann I uur..id Area's. i 1 llO.NOl.l 1.1', 11. 1 I 'J LAMPS - AND DRAYM EN . All orders for cartage promptly attended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping Of good in transit to the other Islands. Also, Black & White Sand la quantities to suit at lowest prices. r Office: Next door to Jas. F. Morgan's auction room. Mutual 19 C Telephones peg" Bell 414 FflrMama&Ioi!:fl. STEAMERS OF THE Pacific (Mail Steamship Co. AND THE Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co. Will call at Honolulu on their way to the above ports, as follows; Stmr. "China,' Dec 15- - HaST Round Trip Tickets to Yokohama anil return, via San Francisco, IMO. For particulars apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., 1.18 tf Agents. mm mmm w FOK SALE! HAVE Four Fine Residence Sites, situated on Piikol street, for sale. I'ho Lots have a frontage of 94 feet on Pitkoi street and are aou feet deep, are nicely laid out in fiuit and shade trees and are all covered with grass; water laid on throughout. The situation of these Lots and the limited number make it necessary that intending purchasers should make earlv application to the undersigned, from whom all particulars can be had. JAS. E. MORGAN. 203 tf GEORGE LUCAS, -- An J- i Contractor -- S,lk & Bai'dsr. Honolulu Steam Planing MilJj, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window frames, liliiuls, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of wood work iluisli. Turning, Scroll and Hand Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and PlauiUK, Morticing anil lenanliug. Cf Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other Islands solicited. E. B. THOMAS, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER. Estimates uiveii on all kinds of Brick, Iron, Stone and Wooden Buildings. All kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade attended to Keeps for sale Urick, Mine, Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings, Old and New Corrugated lion, Miuton Tiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes and colors; California and Monterey Sand, Granite Curbinsr and Hlocks, H.tc. teT Olllce and Yard : Cor. King and Smith streets. Ollice Hours: 8 to 12 A. m.i and 1 to 4 i. m. rtr Telephones : Bell, 851; Mutual, 417. Residence: Mutual, 410. P. O Box, 117 12!) ly C11K. GERTZ, . KO Fort Mtrrct. Has received per S. S. "Australia" a large invoice of Gent's, Ladies' & Children's Boots, Shoes & Slippers 211 lm W. T. M0NSARRAT, Veterinary Surge.""- - r Otllee nt Club Stables, Fort street Both Teleohones 477. oct 1 ll NOTICE. 4 1.1. shootiiii of irmue on the lauds u t V Moiinalua, llalawa, Aieaaud Mau- - n,ihm. Island of Oahu, U sirleily without tin, necessary permit, uliieh may lie had on applieatlon to Mr. ,1. M. Mow sett, at the hanking house of Bidioli iV Co., Hoiinliilii, II. I. M Al'X AI.P A K V NCI I CO., ,ia. i. hovh;Ti'. 2JU If FOU SALE I'K I'.W I MA '. Ap-- i V ply at this oll.ee. iVi It Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps, Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes, Plumbing, Tin, Copper Telephones, No. 119.- - GhasrHustace, with the Japanese ollicials yesterday on tliis subject, and they fully agree that the Japanese are wrong, and this being the second time they should be punished. We have been without a judge at Ewa for about two months, and this Las taken advantage many times, during these two motlis to do as lie pleases, and I was satisfied that the only thing to do last Tuesday was to Lave them arrested. I could go on stating facts, but tliink I have said enough to satisfy "Ex-Plante- r" that it is not the desire of Ewa plan- tation to deal unreasonably or un justly wild the laborers. W. J. Lowkik, Manager Ewa Plantation Co. Honolulu, Nv. n, 1891. THE BESI 1'KYSIG. St. Patkick's Pills are carefully prepared from Hie bt material aul according to the most approved form--ul- a, and are the most perfect cathar- tic and liver pill that can be pro- duced. We sell them. Benson, Smith & Co. , agents. SI. I. M. tiOMKZ. HAWAIIAN Electroplating Works, Opposite Moinion Church, Pnnchbowl, Hanging Lamps, C'liandelieis, Brackets, etc , can now be Rclucmh.Tcd and i'jual to new. It makes no differ- ence how dirty and black they are, we can make them look as good as when you bought hem from the store. Try It and be convinced. Mutual Telephone No. 700. 258 tf BEAVER s& SALOON Trio Seal lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours The Finest Brands of Ciprs, jjjk Mace Alwnyti on IJaixl. H. Mm.TK. erpriorr. 1 91 HAWAIIAN OPERA HOOi. 11t K have annoltited Mr. Lewis J VY Levev Agent for the Hawaiian Opera House, and parties wishing to rent same for the. purpose of entertain ments or shows will please apply to mm WJI. G. IKVVIN & CO., L'l. 2."2 1 in Scotch Splint Coal ! "PRE undersigned otter for fale CtX) J tons o( botSeoteh Splint Coal, jiiut arrived per Siiallililane'' from Glas gow, 'l lils Coal is e(iiai lo oesi eiru Coal, and especially suited for steam, household and ploughing engine use. 21 1 tf (i. W. M AC KARLAXK & CO. l'AI'I'.ll II. YIN C IN (11 I. V'.vKii the Painter a rail ("1IVEJ. lnvey mi Paper Hanging done promptly m really. UI0 Fori btivet. P. O. Be M.i. Mutual Telephone sjiltX) !!:VAKU ILL ! " auyoue I'mding a VY li;i::.. il V. hi' h va lo-- l troni its belvi.'. a "I .Mr. isenjes in Nuiianil Valley and the post Mii. e uii Tuesday last. lJ tf 1MINTKUI J oil nl a paint-pi- i' IF et anv ibme, call oil the I i.ielieul l'aiiih'i-,.1- I.. MM only. K.ot ,nvel l.ai. . . Box Jo. Moloal Mi. lju l' t Ifj.ht.hti King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets, IMPORTER & DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed. Fresh California Roll Butter & Island Butter ALWAYS New Goods received by every steamers from San Francisco. All orders faithfully attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. orders solicited and Dacked with care. Telephone 240.- - -- MM LEWIS & CO.. Ill Foit Street, HONOLULU, H. I., Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions Sr- - -- OJN By each steamer of the O. S. B. Co. from California fresh Calafornia Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters and Fretdi California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables, etc., etc. A complete line of Crosse fe Blackwell's & J. T. Morton'n Canned A Bottled Goods always on band. Also, just received a fresh line of German Pates and Potted Meats and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakus and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons and California Riveruid" Oranges, Oregon Buihauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc.. Etc. Balisfac'ion guaranteed. P. O. Box 145.. jgcjur H. E, WclNTYUE Et BRO., JMl'ORTEKS AND DEALERS JN Grocories, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS. mailer. M.wle.l lo loiutgn toimuui, New Omul received by every packet from Eastern Hale anil Europe, Freh California Produce by every cteainer. All unlets faithfully attended to and Uoods delivered to any part of the city (ecu of tint run, Wand orders oliciU)d, t5tufcliou guaranteed. 1 91 I Ui UlitUda, Per order of the Oceania 8. 8. Co, Wm, U.1KWIN A CO., M tf UiuwrirJ Auu.

ai w · Tax Payers in this District are hereby notified that the Taxes for the current year will be due and payable at the Ollice of the Tax Assessor and Collector in the Kapuaiwa

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Page 1: ai w · Tax Payers in this District are hereby notified that the Taxes for the current year will be due and payable at the Ollice of the Tax Assessor and Collector in the Kapuaiwa







W. 11. UOOOS.


Shipoing & Commission Merchants,




Editor Bulletin:I notice an article in last night's

issue of your paper, referring to theJapanese trouble at Ewa plantation.Please allow ine to stale tliut I, likethousands of your own city, ilid notknow it was the Emperor's birthday.The laborers simply said it was aholiday, and I explained to tlieinthat we were very backward with ourwork, Laving yet over 3U0 acres toplant, and that we could not possiblylet tliein remain at Lome. Theyweut away, apparently satisfied, buton Tuesday morning dH of one catnpdid not turn out, but ISO of the othertwo camps went to work as usual. Iwent to this camp and talked withtLe leader (an In Japanand well-know- n to the Japanese olli-cia- is

in this city), and Lc said : "No ;

we will work but not to-

day." TLey did not let me knowILen tLat it was the Emperor's birtb-da- y

in fact 1 knew notbing of ituntil I read an account of it in yes-terday's Advertiser. Had I knownwhat holiday it was, we would Lavegiven them the day even at the ex-

pense of planting, which "Ex Plant-er" knows is considerable at this lateperiod of the year.

This is the second time they haverefused to work. TLe first timethey all came to Honolulu duringthe night, and at the request of Mr.Masaki they were not brought beforetLe Court at all. TLe writer talked

Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Ifflpiements,


Carpenters', Blacksmitbs', Machinists' fe Plumbers' Tools,


' Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods and

Blake's Steam Pomps,' Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox & Gibbs, & Eemlagton Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jajne $ Sons Family Medicta1--

JOHN NOTTImporter and Dealer in

Steel ai Iron Han PS,

Housekeeping Goods


Stovss ai Fix (ores.

& Kitchen Utensils,


and Shoe! Iron Work.

-- r. O. Box S72.

Lincoln Block,



VBT- - --1. O. Box 297.

IO10- -

--Telephone No. 92.


lm Afternoon Except Sundays

At the Oltlce, Queen street, Honolulu,11. I.

DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Manager


Daily Bulletin Publishing Company,(Limited.)

SUBSCRIPTIONS:Daily Bulletin, 1 year $6 00

" " 6 mouths 3 00" " per month (de-

livered') St

Weekly Bulletin Summary, 1

year ft 5 00

foreign. 6 00

m th Telephones No. XSO. --es

Address all business communica-tions "Manager Daily Bulletin."

tyAddress all matter tor publica-tion "Editor Daily Bulletin."P. O. Koi HV. Honolulu. H. 1.

JM. MONSABBAT,Attorney at Law and Notary

Public. Merchant street, Honolulu.

ALFRED MAGOON.J Attorney at Law and NotaryPublic. No. 42 Merchant street, Hono-lulu.

T1 W. Schmidt & Sons,XX. Importers & Commission Mer--chants. Fort street, Honolulu. 1 -- 91

HHACKFELD&OO. Agents.Corner Fort aud Queen streets, Hono-lulu, H. I.

n W. Macfablane & Co.,VJT Importers and CommissionMerchants. Queen street, Honolulu,U. 1.

GONSALVE8 & CO.,Grocers and Wine

Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu,H. I.

I OHN T. WATKRHOUSE,tl lmporteMerchandise Queen street. Honolulu,II. I

7 ILODEB & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt aud Building Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort aud Queenstreets, Honolulu.

Lewers & Cooke,Importers aud Dealers in Lum-

ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu.


Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings;Machinery of every description made toorder. Particular attention paid toShip's Blackstnithiug. Job Work ex-

ecuted at short notice.

T. li. WALKElt,

Contractor tmd Uuilder.Brick, Stone and Wooden Building esti-mates given. Cemetary Work and Job-bing attended to. 86 King street, Hono-lulu. Bell Telephone 107. 9--

Pr. EMERSON,Np. 135 JbHjrtT HTftKKT.

Hell Telephone SI.HOURS :

8)30 to 10:30 A. M.SU Ml 2 to 3 p.m.Sundays, 9 to 10 A. M.

Residence, S School st. Bell Tel. 149.111-t- f.

Atlas Assarance ComOF JLONVON.


Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


4tlng Street. Honolulu.

Excellent accommodation for patients,

Pll. A. R. ROWAT, V. S.

Office Hours T:30 to 10 a. m.j 12:30to 2 p. m. ; 4 :30 to 6 p. m.

Telephones : Bell 96. Mutual 183,

P. O. Box 32fi. 192tf


yt kick : Room B. Spreekels' Block.Mutual Telephone 208.

New Designs Modern Buildings !

Complete plans and specitlcations forevery description of building. Contractsdrawn aud careful superintendence ofconstruction given wheu required. Callaud examiue plans. apr 29 ly


roil B natrons of the Oceanic S. S. Co,1 are herebv noilllml that hereitltei

no round trip or excuraiou tickets willDe issued for any of the through inal'steamers. These tickets will, however,be issued a customary for tlio localsuiamers Australia" and Zealandia."('usseuyFi's who IrnUI round trip tii kuisuna wLsu i take the through mailBrt Auier will bti charged au exlia fare of



S ile of Government Lots on

the Lower Side of ProspectStreet, Punchbowl Hill, Ho-

nolulu, Oahu.

On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 11, 1891,at the front entrance of AliiolaniHale, at 12 o'clock noon, will be Bold

at public auction Nine (9) Lots onthe lower side of Prospect street,Punchbowl Hill, Honolulu, Oahd,varying in size from 103x188 feet lo94x107 feet.

Upset price: Varying from $100to $2o0 each lot, according to sizeami location. The terms and condi-

tion of sale will be cash or, at theoption of the purchaser, one-four- th

cash and the remainder in equal in-

stallments payable in one, two orthree years, with interest payablesemi-annuall- y at the rate of 7 percent per annum.

The purchaser must within oneyear from the date of purchase enclose the laud bought by him with a

good and substantial fence and layon water from the Government pipes.

Royal Patents will be issued forthe land upon the final payment ofthe purchase price.

A map of the lots can be seen andfull particulars learned at the LandOlllce. Water mains have been orshortly will be laid adjoining all ofthe above lots.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ollice, Oct. 7, 1891.

238 4t

&lo O Lcaoo o Qui ojrn

ment Land of Kahoiwai, Ma-no-a,


On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 18, 1891,at 12 o clock noon, at tne front entrance of Aliiolani Hale will be soldat public auction the lease of thatGovernment land of Kahoiwai, Mu- -

noa, Oahu, containing ail area of 17Jacres more or less. ,

Term Lease fur 15 years.Upset price $20 per annum, pay

able semi-annual- in advance.C. N. SPENCER,

Minister of the Interior,interior Ollice, Oct. 10, 1891.

240 4t


Tax Payers in this District arehereby notified that the Taxes for thecurrent year will be due and payableat the Ollice of the Tax Assessor andCollector in the Kapuaiwa Building,on the 2d day of November, A. D.1891.

The Ollice is open from 9 a. m. to 4

p. in. daily (Sundays excepted) andon Saturdays until 12 o'clock noon.

All amounts over $10 must be paidin U. S. Gold Coin.

Taxes not paid befor the 15th dayof December next will be liable tosuit with 10 per cent, costs added.

T. A. LLOYD.Deputy Assessor and Collector of

Taxes, District of Kona, Island of

Oahu.Approved :

Sa.mi'kl Pakkkb,Minister of Finance ad interim.

255 3w

Irrigation Notice.

HoNOi-- t ut, II. 1., May 27, 1891.

Notice is hereby given to all bolderof water privileges that owing to theprolonged drouth, it is necessary thatcare be used in the use of water.

Holders of privileges and Uie publicgenerally are therefore respectfullyrequested to assist the Departmentby exercising economy in the use I

water.The irrigation hmirn are from 7

8 a. m., and 5 to U o'clock r. M.


Supt. Honolulu Water Works,Approved ;

C, N, Sl'fcM'KH,

Minister of the Interior.Pl U

PHE WEEKLY BULLETIN--- '"1 l.lllllil.s of interesting reading

Announce new importations ex "W. G.Irwin' and Planter" of


Elegant In design and stylish in make.

1 (' ' ;C,

Warilril(M, '


DRESSING (USESliil in; MIiiikK

li;il Csu-rh- i i'iC l'illl'N,

PARLOR SETSltutlitii .Ss Iteel IiM-H- ,

Itulty Viil iuu' Imirw.

rolii IK-On- .

Cbairs to Rent lur B.lls aud Parties.

Ml G. Irwin & Goapany,





Felt Sieam Pipe Covering, all sizes.




Blgb Grade Ci'.enical Cane, Manure.




Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.



A!VI llAKKliy.

Ft iiOltt,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook &


71 Hotel St. Telephone 74,ui


General MercantileANI

Commission Agents,

list of ofkickks:- -

I. O. Carter President A Manage(i. 11. Roberuou. 1 reitsiirtK. F. Bislio .....SecretaryW. F. Allen AllilHol

HlllF.CTolts:Hun. C. R. Bishop, S. O. Allen,

11. W itteliiouse.

CASTLE & COOKEmroiiTrr.itN,

Hardware, ShippingANI

ComniiBsion Merchant!I'kAlnrts in

General Merchandise J

Flaututicu Agent.Lifo, Fits ik Mann

I uur..id Area's.i 1 llO.NOl.l 1.1', 11. 1 I 'J



All orders for cartage promptly attendedto. Particular attention

paid to the

Storing & ShippingOf good in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black & White Sand

la quantities to suit at lowest prices.

r Office: Next door to Jas. F.Morgan's auction room.

Mutual 19 C Telephones peg" Bell 414



Pacific (Mail Steamship Co.


Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co.

Will call at Honolulu on theirway to the above ports,

as follows;

Stmr. "China,' Dec 15- -

HaST Round Trip Tickets to Yokohamaanil return, via San Francisco, IMO.For particulars apply to

H. HACKFELD & CO.,1.18 tf Agents.

mm mmm wFOK SALE!

HAVE Four Fine Residence Sites,situated on Piikol street, for sale.

I'ho Lots have a frontage of 94 feet onPitkoi street and are aou feet deep, arenicely laid out in fiuit and shade treesand are all covered with grass; waterlaid on throughout. The situation ofthese Lots and the limited number makeit necessary that intending purchasersshould make earlv application to theundersigned, from whom all particularscan be had. JAS. E. MORGAN.

203 tf


Contractor -- S,lk & Bai'dsr.

Honolulu Steam Planing MilJj, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window frames, liliiuls,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of woodwork iluisli. Turning, Scroll and HandSawing. All kinds of Sawing andPlauiUK, Morticing anil lenanliug.Cf Orders promptly attended to and

work guaranteed. Orders from theother Islands solicited.


Estimates uiveii on all kinds of Brick,Iron, Stone and Wooden Buildings. Allkinds of Jobbing in the Building Tradeattended to Keeps for sale Urick, Mine,Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Fittings,Old and New Corrugated lion, MiutonTiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes andcolors; California and Monterey Sand,Granite Curbinsr and Hlocks, H.tc.

teT Olllce and Yard : Cor. King andSmith streets. Ollice Hours: 8 to 12

A. m.i and 1 to 4 i. m.rtr Telephones : Bell, 851; Mutual,

417. Residence: Mutual, 410. P. OBox, 117 12!) ly

C11K. GERTZ,. KO Fort Mtrrct.

Has received per S. S. "Australia" alarge invoice of

Gent's, Ladies' & Children's

Boots, Shoes & Slippers211 lm


Veterinary Surge.""- -

r Otllee nt Club Stables, Fort streetBoth Teleohones 477. oct 1 ll


4 1.1. shootiiii of irmue on the lauds u

t V Moiinalua, llalawa, Aieaaud Mau- -

n,ihm. Island of Oahu, U sirleilywithout tin, necessary permit,

uliieh may lie had on applieatlon to Mr.,1. M. Mow sett, at the hanking house of

Bidioli iV Co., Hoiinliilii, II. I.M Al'X AI.P A K V NCI I CO.,,ia. i. hovh;Ti'.

2JU If


I'K I'.W I M A '. Ap-- i

V ply at this oll.ee. iVi It

Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes,

Plumbing, Tin, Copper

Telephones, No. 119.- -


with the Japanese ollicials yesterdayon tliis subject, and they fully agreethat the Japanese are wrong, andthis being the second time theyshould be punished.

We have been without a judge atEwa for about two months, and this

Las taken advantage manytimes, during these two motlis to do aslie pleases, and I was satisfied thatthe only thing to do last Tuesdaywas to Lave them arrested. I couldgo on stating facts, but tliink I havesaid enough to satisfy "Ex-Plante- r"

that it is not the desire of Ewa plan-tation to deal unreasonably or unjustly wild the laborers.

W. J. Lowkik,Manager Ewa Plantation Co.

Honolulu, Nv. n, 1891.


St. Patkick's Pills are carefullyprepared from Hie bt material aulaccording to the most approved form--ul- a,

and are the most perfect cathar-tic and liver pill that can be pro-

duced. We sell them. Benson,Smith & Co. , agents.

SI. I. M. tiOMKZ.


Electroplating Works,Opposite Moinion Church, Pnnchbowl,

Hanging Lamps, C'liandelieis, Brackets,etc , can now be Rclucmh.Tcd and

i'jual to new. It makes no differ-ence how dirty and black they are, wecan make them look as good as whenyou bought hem from the store. Try Itand be convinced.

Mutual Telephone No. 700.258 tf


Trio Seal lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 HoursThe Finest Brands of

Ciprs, jjjk Mace

Alwnyti on IJaixl.H. Mm.TK. erpriorr.

1 91


1 1 t K have annoltited Mr. Lewis JVY Levev Agent for the Hawaiian

Opera House, and parties wishing torent same for the. purpose of entertainments or shows will please apply to mm

WJI. G. IKVVIN & CO., L'l.2."2 1 in

Scotch Splint Coal !

"PRE undersigned otter for fale CtX)

J tons o( botSeoteh Splint Coal, jiiutarrived per Siiallililane'' from Glasgow, 'l lils Coal is e(iiai lo oesi eiruCoal, and especially suited for steam,household and ploughing engine use.21 1 tf (i. W. M AC KARLAXK & CO.

l'AI'I'.ll II.YIN C IN (11

I. V'.vKii the Painter a rail("1IVEJ.lnvey mi Paper Hanging donepromptly m really. UI0 Fori btivet.P. O. Be M.i. Mutual Telephone

sjiltX) !!:VAKU

ILL ! " auyoue I'mding aVY li;i::.. il V. hi' h va lo-- l troni its

belvi.'. a "I .Mr. isenjesin Nuiianil Valley and the post Mii. e uiiTuesday last. lJ tf


J oil nl a paint-pi- i'

IF et anv ibme, call oil

the I i.ielieul l'aiiih'i-,.1- I.. MM only.K.ot ,nvel l.ai. . . Box Jo. Moloal

Mi. lju l't Ifj.ht.hti

King Street, bet. Fort & Alakea Streets,


Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.Fresh California Roll Butter & Island Butter


New Goods received by every steamers from San Francisco.

All orders faithfully attended to and satisfaction guaranteed.orders solicited and Dacked with care.

Telephone 240.- - -- MM

LEWIS & CO.. Ill Foit Street,HONOLULU, H. I.,

Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions

Sr- - -- OJNBy each steamer of the O. S. B. Co. from California fresh Calafornia RollButter, Frozen Oysters and Fretdi California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables,etc., etc. A complete line of Crosse fe Blackwell's & J. T. Morton'n CannedA Bottled Goods always on band. Also, just received a fresh line of GermanPates and Potted Meats and Bottled Preserved Fruits, Lewis & Co.'s MalteseBrand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream OatFlakus and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lemons and California Riveruid"Oranges, Oregon Buihauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc.. Etc. Balisfac'ion guaranteed.

P. O. Box 145.. jgcjur


Grocories, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

mailer. M.wle.l lo loiutgn toimuui,New Omul received by every packet from Eastern Hale anil Europe,

Freh California Produce by every cteainer. All unlets faithfully attendedto and Uoods delivered to any part of the city (ecu of tint run, Wand ordersoliciU)d, t5tufcliou guaranteed. 1 91

I Ui UlitUda,Per order of the Oceania 8. 8. Co,Wm, U.1KWIN A CO.,

M tf UiuwrirJ Auu.

Page 2: ai w · Tax Payers in this District are hereby notified that the Taxes for the current year will be due and payable at the Ollice of the Tax Assessor and Collector in the Kapuaiwa

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.Auction Sales by Lswis J. Levey.BY AUTHORITY. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEW YORK.UH'H AKII A. McCUUDY,

of incurring the awful responsibilityof helping on the catastrophe. Withthis reduction given due exercise,with the patent facts of Anglo-America- n

diplomatic relations in re-

spect to other matters in view, and

realizing that Imperial statesmenknow well the jealous regard the

United States has for the Inlands,can any sane man conceive of the

Issues Every Desirable Form of Policy I

It has paid its members since its organization THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

Its New Distribution Policy is the most liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company.ties' For full particulars apply to

fl General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

Stamped Goods for Etching



Stamped Toilet Covers,Stamped Vegetable Covers,Stamped Bibs and Doylies.

: AT

N. S. SACHS',1 04 Fort Street, - - Honolulu.


Stamped Sideboard Scarfs,Stamped Bureau Scarfs,Stamped Splashers,Stamped Tray Covers,


Stumped Newspaper & Letter Bags, Stocking Bags, Laun-dry Bags, Etc., Etc.

Linen Floss & Working Cotton in all Colors !

Fancy Colored Silk Fringe for Fancy Work!

lummy Clott ft Uin for Stamft If 11b Yard !

PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., LU,Fort Street, Honolulu. -

fcTOiTi'''Ll '"-'-' A';: til B



Motto: "The Survival of thd Fittest.'


The Old Favorite "Eddy"STOCK



IXLPocketiOutleryWade & Batchers' Razors,

Shelf Hardware, Agrieultnral Imple-

ments, Vaeuum Oil,

Plantation Supplies in Great Variety.

Of the best withquality, our specialKUDDM HUM! KUDOM tWODcouplings. No Leaking at the joints.

Art Rooms, : : Rftclnerny Hall.11 CT Lit 12 FItlMIXO TO ORlKKIl !

Residsflce n Beretania St.



At my Salesroom, oueen street, I willsell at Public Auction,

The Premises on the Corner of

Beretania & Punchbowl


At present occupied by Mr. O. West asa residence.

The Lot has a frontage of 121 feet onBeretania street and W0 feet on Punch-bowl street. There is a Large dwellingHoiHe, One Cottnce, Hani and CarriageHouses on the property.

HT For further particulars apply to

J VS. F. MORGAN,2"j0 tt Auctioneer.




I have been Instructed to sell at PublicAuction at my Salesroom,

Queen street,


That Desirable Resilience on Hotelstreet, adjoining the Hawaiian Hoteland known as the

SNOW COTTAGEThe Property has a frontage of H0.8

feet on Hotel street and is from 12 to2li!i feet deep. There is a Commodious)Dwelling House and Two Cottage onthe Property. The grounds are nicelyplanted witli sli ne trees and ornamentalshrubbery. The piemises are at presentrented at $750 per annum. -

a)' For further particulars apply to

JAM. F. MORUAV,'i")ii 15t Auctioneer.




On SATURDAY, Nov. 1 ltli,AT I O'CLOCK H0.,

At my Snlesiooin, Queen street, I willsell at Public Auction,

Fine Seasifls RESifieacs Sites

At AValltllil,Being a eubdivislon of the seaside resi-

dence of .Mr. J. Kna.

The lits have a frontage of 00 feet onthe beach and a depth of 250 feet with afro n Inge of 00 feet on Keakalam street.The proposed new Government roadfrom King street to the bench will runalong tie) westerly boundary of the Lots.

Tho Lots all face on a magnificentbeach, iriving purchasers of these Lotsthe finest bathing and boating beach atWaikiki.

lf Parties wishing to view the Lotsshoulil make application to the A lietioneer.

J AS. F. MORGAN,251 !)t Auctioneer.

r Cm; r. so

IJAUTIES desirous of improving their1 i'iir Slock should communicatewitli, or inspect the stock at tho

iCapahulu Farm,WalklHl.

Where some of the Finet Thoroughbred

BEKKSHIRE STOCKIs now offered for sale, which are youngand hardy and being bred here and ac-

climated are less liable to succumb todisease than import, d animals. In breed-ing has been carefully avoided, and thesloek is carefully f. d on steamed potatoesanil biau and alfalfa.

YOUNG SOWS, about one year old,served by sires registered in the Ameri-can Berkshire Association.

YOUNG PIGS of thoroughbred parents,singly, in pairs or trios.

SOWS of graded stock eanylng 3rdand lib lilters by thoroughbred sires.

MATURED BOARS from Imported pedi-

greed Berkshire stock, aud 1 Jtegislerediiiipoiied Uonr.

SUCKING PIGS in ni.y .;tuntity.1IAKKV CAN NOX.

M imager.

loT Mutual Tihph infl No. 352. "Xu25;t 2w

Germania Market,J'rl Hlreel,

- IIA Illll nAll.i

Head Cheese, Bologna,Pork 4 OtHur Kind if ban.igej

lif uniiirp.issilile i, utility, Hindu by ihi)Well kiniuii I n i in. in

maker ii. .Si il li A Hi ii,

104 E0T9 TCFKFUONKS 1"2.'..i ;iiu

Honolulu Ailiktic ssocUUoo.

'I'llK iiiuiiiai n,,iiiiij ol be iilioveI " .I..'.. 'I III llli Ill ll llli!

I., iioi.i-iu.- ... n.i li iv n IMi,f'b. H.i li.ii olli.ei. eic.

t I, Mi r.HililV,' ft hiinirfiy,

1 am instructed tiy Messrs. Thro. 11.

Davie A Co. to offer at I iiblic Auctionat my Salesroom,

On FHIDAY, Nov. (lh,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. SI..

A general assortment ul New and Desir-alil- e

Goods ex reeent arrivals, to be dis-

posed of without reserve to close con-

signments, consisting of

FINE CHINA.Crockery Glassware, Tumblers,Wine Classes, Toilet iSets.Elegant Vases, Ewer & l'.asins,Soup, Dinner & Dessert Plates,Etc., Kle., Etc., Etc.

A general assortment of

IIV GOODSrndcrvests. Rugs, Etc., Etc.,lilue Mottled Soap,Groceries & 1 a. d ware.

LKW1S J. LEVEY,200 lit Auctioneer.

Assignee's SaleBv order of .Tas. T. Stacker, Assignee

nf the Bankrupt Estate of Wing Lee (orYee) Chan Co., rice planters of Hono-lulu. I will sell at Public Auction, at mySalesrooms,

On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 11,


All the Property of said Bankrupt Es-

tate,' consisting of

Six Leases of Bice Laud

Now under cultivation and Rice nowheaded, situated at Kalihi and Palolo.and containing til) Acres moie or less;also

One Rice Mill,Situated at the comer of Beretania andPuliation streets, and built on an acre ofground. There is an Artesian Well on"lie property and sunk especially forthis Mill, aud

6 Good Working Oxen,

6 Good Working Horses,

:i Plows, Hoes, Shovels, Forks, Ox Bows,Rice Baskets, Harrows, and sundry otherarticles belonging to a Rice Plantation.

- also -

2 Wagons & Harness,Anil 1 lniw Houlo.

s The inventory and leases can beexamined on application to

LEWIS J. LEVEY,201 fit Auctioneer.

Y ( have recently madearrangements with a Co-

pying Company in theStates, hy which we areenabled to Enlarge Por-

traits in Crayon or IndiaInk tit the following ex-

tremely low rates :

14x17 in. : $10.00.10x20 in. : 12.50.18x22 in. 15.00.L0.2i in. 17.50.22x27 in. 20.00.25x80 in. 25.00.

These prices includeframing in 1, 5 or (J inchPlush ami Gold, "White

and Gold, "White andSilver or Bronze Mould-

ings, titled ready forhanging.

Jfyou have anythingin this line which youwish to have done, giveus a trial, and we. gua-

rantee satisfaction or wewill not expect you topay for it.


Dealers in Pictures amiArtists' Material, Etc.,Hotel street,

200 tf

The Phonograph !

117 ll.T. be on Kxhibitlon again atT? l.uilvigeii iV C'ron's this even-

ing, with New Selections of .Music.Iioii't fail to hear it.

i i'J lui O. STOICCKI.K.

Check lor SlJO Lost.

VI.I. peiMiiiH aiu eamloiied ii','iilnlif'goiiuiing a t'lierk (or ;iij ,j

favor ol Hutchinson Plantation Co.,drawn hy (feu. A. Howard. Paymenthas been Sloppeil, atii ill

ii?jimo notici;.

KNOW all men hy IliU noliee Ibat,and all, i iliis iluie, have

tins day di.M 'luii'geil .Mr. II. t' IIiiImiii(hiiii lining a mi iieiii for urn In any

i ue w I, oi vet ', in i U ehiiiii alidad-inhii-ii.il- li

.ii of nil mv piopi r y, ami Init, 1, Mil i ion i, nil line, anil upon

ui ,o, I ..il ) e l.il" ill III. IviiiiIohi,Aa. on,- mIio.i.. .i K in .l'-- l Til

ol iillV i".rll) ni ullo I,. - HhV til. illi'c-i- ,l

I'. , lin I, i." In II, ll.r, W I.I H i, .11 , lln'ro in.' llli Hie pel oi. . v Hi l"l plil'T I

,i..l I, .1 ,llll,.ll. Il.ll.li.h Wn. AM.

Pel N ,111 llli..,ii, .u! i, .Su. ,1, :i. 4 i'i Jm

Homestead Lots in Puna, Ha-


Notice is hereby given

1 That 20 Luts in Nunuwule, Puna,Hawaii, have been eet apart for t lie

urione of conveying to such personsus may wish to acquire Homesteadsupon which to live.

2 Maps of these Lots can he ex-

amined at the Land Otticc, InteriorDepartment, Honolulu, or at the of-

fice of J. E. Eldcrts, at Kapoho, Puna,Hawaii.

3 J. E. Eldcrts will point out theLots to any person desiring to see

them, for which service lie will be

entitled to a fee of 1 from the person

applying.4 Persons who may desire Lots

shull apply in writing to the Ministerof the Interior, upon a blank form,

copies of which may he obtained free

of said J. E. Eldcrts.5 No application will be con-

sidered from persons who alreadyown land.

(I Every applicant must be of full

age.7 The applicant will be allowed

ten years in which to pay for theland, during which time it will he

exempt from taxes.8 He must within one year build

a dwelling house on the Lot and be-

gin to occupy the same and continue,

to occupy it for the remainder of theterm of ten years.

9 He must within three years en-

close the Lot witli a substantial fence.10 He must pay quarterly in

advance interest upon the unpaidpurchase price at the rate of 5 percent, per annum. 'J he purchasermay pay the whole or any part of thepurchase price at any time, whichwill stop interest.

11 The preliminary agreement i

and the land cannotbe sold until all conditions are ful-

filled.12 Failure to comply with any of

the conditions will work a forfeitureof the. land.

C. N. SFENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Otlice, Nov. 4, 1891.203 3t

T 11 lil

Pledged to neither Sect nor 'arty,But established for the. benefit all.

THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 1891.


That "fake" story of the Queen

Regnant and the Queen Dowager'sbeing both momentarily expected to

depart this life, with which was eon-join-

a most, ridiculous story ofliritish intrigues to add these islandsto the jewels of Victoria's crown,

has been spread far and wide. Thereigning Queen's retirement fromIolani Palace to Washington Place,together with the Queen Dowager'sprostration by a paralytic strokefacts that nobody here would denygave a tint of plausibility to the first,

story. There was not a thread ofevidence for the fatile about liritishattempts or even aspirations to seizethe country. It is a wonder thatwell-inform- journals in the UnitedStates, much more in the very capi-

tal, should have given space, not to

mention seemingly serious editorialattention, to such a palpable absurd-ity. Here is Great Hritaiu, yearafter year, for ahout a quarter of acentury, engaged in diplomaticfencing with the United States, overinternational questions of vastlymore material moment to both coun-

tries than has been the occasion of

scores of great wars of history. Thematters in question are seemingly as

far from settlement as ( ver, eachone of them being held in abeyanceunder one mudui) vinundi after an-

other. All this diplomatic wrestlingand skirmishing is heroically enteredinto by each succeeding administra-

tion in either country. It is a greatburden that would have been sum-

marily thrown off, hy any adminis-

tration on cither side, long ago in

favor of a final stand with back tothe wall, hut for one supremely con-

trolling reason. T hat reason is thatthe statesmen of both nations rouliefully that, whatever the outcome ofa resui l to arms might I e as to theimmediate issues involved, war

these mighty nations, mid in

origin and speech us wi ll ai part-

ners iu the mightier vMuksof civ dil-

ution, Minihl lie a i al. unity so uppulbiug in magnitude u- - to make theImldi sl spil 111 of 14 r iu t it' ulult sinuil- -

feliiji lllilik flnlii thu try thought !

Government of Gnat Uiitain as giv-

ing the faintest countenance to anyscheme for the acquisition of this

group by the Empire either through

patient intrigue or hasty violence?No. The conception would only

tind lodgment iu the skull of

either u very ignorant or a veryaddlepateil biped. Hut how have

such positive-appearin- g narra-

tives had. their origin? There is

not only a plausible but a highlyprobable solution of the conundrumavailable. Two or three space writerson the California press and corres-

pondents for news bureaus were here

to describe for the press the circum-

stances of the late King's burial and

the present Queen's accession. Whilehere they acquired a little knowledge-o-

the political situation, which is

proving a dangerous thing in theirunscrupulous hands. One of them

impudently boasted when enjoyingHonolulu's hospitality that he would

conjure up as good a sensation as an-

other fellow had done who had earnedmuch admiring contempt for theclever vulgarity with which he misre-

presented the funeral scenes at thePalace. The boaster was afterwardthwarted in a plan fully worked up

for- - interviewing the Queen with

questions as to her respective regardsfor the American and the British peo-

ples, lie, however, "faked" an inter-

view that has been quoted all over theUnited States as authentic, putting HerMajesty in a very invidious light bymaking her praise the English at theexpense of the Americans. His re-

venge for the snubbing he got at thePalace is fertilized by the space ralesof from So to $10 a column which he

gets for every fresh sensation he canmanufacture about the Hawaiiansituation. That is all. If anybodyconcerned in the Washington admin-

istration has aspiiations for the Presi-

dency, he will not allow rubbishycorrespondence about Hawaii to

his conduct. When theAmerican taxpayer as represented in

Congress has any bills to "dig up"for in connection with Hawaiianotaroo, he will take pains to get attho bottom uf tne grounds ior theexpenses. Then pity the statesmanwho may have adopted a tlimsy pre-

text for giving a squadron a holidaytrip to these waters, when the honorand dignity of the Stars and Stripesrequire the ships elsewhere. It is aswell for us here to be honest with

Uncle Sam in this respect, particu-

larly when we can honestly assurehim that, as a place for "waitingorders" for any portion of his fleet,

there is none better in the Pacific,especially after the cable be laid,than Honolulu beg pardon, Mr.

Dillingham we mean Pearl Harbor.


A few weeks ago we published,from a health magazine of the Const,a short account of a girl's havingbeen cured of leprosy in San Fran-

cisco by being subjected to oxygenbaths. To-da- y we copy from theSan Francisco Examiner another ac-

count of the case, which seems somuch like matter of fact as to dis-

arm the chronic credulity born offrequent disappointment in allegedleprosy cures. Mr. Sachs of Hono-

lulu, whose attention was called tothis report, on his recent visit to theCoast, and who carefully preservedit for the Hiu.ETiN-- , was assured byan acquaintance that the facts wereas there publicly recorded. If thatfair Californian has had her llesh be-

come as that of a healthy childagain, then there is at last a tangibleground of hope that the thousandsof allhcted people in these islandsmay be restored to health and home,and that after all these years of the

terrible scouage the plague may hecommanded, "Thus far and no

farther." It will cost the Hoard ofHealth but a trillu to secure full in-

formation from California regardingthis appaiciilly successful experi-ment, which, if it prove what is as-

serted of it, constitute one of themost moult ntous blessings that liasi ver descended on buffering Immuni-


Ku I. eo charges u high Govern-

ment ollieiiil, without miming him,

with meddling iu polities and writingeditorials for the Illl.lMlN. If thelondiii lo (,f (:i 1 en s not il coward,he will haute the ollii i.i. (he i lmriiis u lulse, imdii ions, ulld Wllfiil ,

tthocu r the ollii iul i. Siiu e

tin pi est lit editor ol llii pupil Imi

III lilktll the I'Oallloll, DtUlujinoiilhi ago, iioluel) 1 r h i, ui li n

a i i, I poiitii d ilil,i,il ul.it h li;n

l'pi Uled III ll.u III i I MIN.

Notice of Removal!

The undersigned has thi dayopened his


On his Old Stand

Vllll.wlU KJl'UMi

With a Large Assortment of


In every line, suitable for gen-tlemen's wear.

S. ROTF.Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1891. 250 lw

a Hc &a


W Hi? 2 "o 0 - S g

n N t?d0go

01 V 8x z fin-- oG $do M


s " S ao at O I $ DOP re 5 5hj : 2. o 7 oo ,7,PI




The Celebrated Thoroughbred Stallions

"Joe Daniels" & "King William"

Formerly owned by Or. John Uroilie,to be seen al the slahlos of the Wood-law- n

Dairy it Stock Co,, rimaliou.taT' Those who waul to nirchase good

Stallions should make early application.210 lin


AT tho annual nii'cliiijj of the ntnek-holdcr- s

of the I'aia rianlatiuiiheld at the ollice of Oatle &. Cook-o- n

the 2(il.h instant, the followiofrwere elected for the ensuing

year:If. P. Baldwin Presiih nt,W. 0. A I water.. . .Vice-Presiden-

J. 13 Atherton Treasurer,T. W. Hobron Secretary,

V. A. Bowcn Auditor.W. A. I50WEN,-25- 0

lw Secretary jiro teni.


AT the annual meeting of the Hai- -

ku Kuiir Company held at theollice of Castle & Cooke on the 27 hinstant, the following ollioers wereelected for the ensuing year:

II. V. Baldwin President,S. M. Damon .,

S. N. Castle .Treasurer,J. H. Athcrtoii Seiaeiiiry,K. W. Peterson Auditor.

W. A- BOWKN,250 w Si.pretary pro teni.


AT tho annual meeting of the stock-holders of the Kohala Sugar

Company held at the ollice of Castle& Cooke on the 27th instant, the fol-

lowing nUicois were elected for theensuing year:

S. C. Allen President,J. Mutt Smith. . . .Vice-Presiden- t,

H. N. Cuslle Treasiin r,J. II. Athertiiu Secretary,C. M. Cooke Auditor.

V. A. HOWEN,2;"i(l lw Secroliiry pro teni,


)KSIIKNCK on l.uinililo....H 1 lar. v l.i..ll.lt,il

TW4s iiy nr. .1. a, bi'iiiii'iiv, emiI, lining d.nible parlors, (our beil'iioms,.liuiiiy-iooi- n, biilhroiiin, hiK diniuK-rooi- n,

kilclii'ii liiul paiiiry; tci vunl'dloiiiii, iitiibliiii;. lie, mi leur of uiuliil,uil.ili. (ilolllldi,, ailOxlli'i fi'Kl, Wi'laid on!. Vacuiil in, Iul, .li'il .olii lj.iiili'Lf ilihiilo;, ..ii may bcpnii biiM.)oil irrt-i- i.ihlu (villi.,

II. I. I ll I IK,llilt l Willi Thill. II. IlilWr. I'll,


A 'PHI ..ll.ll li.'ti.lrliri.1 I lll. ,l.' In lUli l V'Hljt

- .Ik itiitl hinii hvi'li, ln'.ir hi i .in.. 'KM siu'i'l li" ii iijiii il a ml ! li in j4

lOO Fort Mtivt, - Brewer Block.o

Have just received by last "Australia" complete stock in every department.

GLOVES, LACES, EMBROIDERIESliibbons, Handkerchiefs, Curtains, Portieres,

8oy's Clothing, Straw & Felt Hats,rXViiuliH, "Valisew,



i TO



B" All our GOODS greatly reduced in order to make room for NewImportations to arrive.

Stti? Island orders will receive prompt attention and will be filled atthe same low prices.

:o :

Dressmaking Department under the management of Miss K. CLARK.


RUGS-N-uw & BUcut Patterns in all Sizes RUGS

Chinese Matting, White & Fancy

English Bedroom Sets, complete;IIJUN LKDSTKAPS, COTS & CUIUS,


Gent's Furnishing Goods !


Ladies' & Oent'a Waterproof Coats with Sleevci or Cape,

(! I I. I.IMi Of



Barron's Rotary Kaifo Cloanors I

A UlftY auuntf imtilunu wiilunit uliieli no kiuliiitu fninplnle,

I'll lit), il. DAVIKS & CO.lllj( III l.illl .l II. III '.Mill lll.ll U

nil Hit: (.H'llil .i;i I..j III.


Page 3: ai w · Tax Payers in this District are hereby notified that the Taxes for the current year will be due and payable at the Ollice of the Tax Assessor and Collector in the Kapuaiwa


Raining this afternoon.OAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO.'S




Perhaps you do not believe thesestatements concerning Green's Au-

gust Flower. Well, we can't makeyou. We can't force conviction in-

to your head or tned-Doubti-

icine into yourthroat. We don't

Thomas. want to. The moneyis yours, and the

misery is yours; and until you arewilling to believe, and spend'the onefor the relief of the other, they will




AAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,Fort street, oppo. Spreckels' Bank, Honolulu.

An Entire New Stock of

Dry Goods El Fancy Goods,M ILL! N E K Y


N. S. SACHS',104 Fort Street, - - Honolulu.

New Dress Goods, Dress Silks & GrenadinesA New Assortment of

Fancy Draperies, Scrims, Madras & CurtainsLatest l'atlcrns in

Sateens, Fancy Cotton Pongees, Ginghams & Cotton CrapesNew Novelties in

Parasols, Silk Shawls & Fancy Cashmere Shawls

Iil Glovew. Kid (ilovcw,A Full Assortment of Sizes and Colors.


8-- leijrib fcpMrs Kid Gloves tm $1.00.

Don't bite off wire withyour tooth 1

Don't pull up tacks with aso row fliivor !

Don't open tin cans with a.1 t t

niionor Kline l

Don't split wood witli ahammer !

Don't sharpen your knifeon the stove !

Don't borrow vour neighbor's shovel !

Don't forgot that you canbuy


Hoiiulola, II. I.


KveninH till 1) o'clock.'

The lew Detective Camera

Base Ball Association Grounds,

I'llliOl NTItKKT.

On SATUKDAY, Nov. 7th,At 3:3(1 1 M.


Aliiolani vs. Iwilei.KATES OK ADMISSION :

Adults ': cts.Children 10 cts.(g No extra charge for carriages.

mi at


a ' I 1 E Stock ami Fixtures offilSAi L Iheftore of the late A.

.ilW L. Smith are for sale. Inventories of smiie can be seen at the ollieeof B. K. Dillingham, who will entertainany offer made. The Iiiiihling contain-ing Store. Cellar ami 4 Jtuoms upstairs,is lor rent.

Ii. F. DILLINGHAM.For tho Estate of A. L. Smith.

2(i2 lv


1)OSTAL Savings Bank Book No.Finder will please leturn to

James ( Quinii, United Carriage Stand,corner King and Fort sis i!li0 3t


V De i ve ry W ago n ,must be iu good order.

Address P. O. Box 25." iiill Iw


Nuuanii Avenue, single' or u" Sllile with bath.S !lllteil to nrlit lwiiicitL.,i.,tl,iir

Apply at this olliee. 2r; tf


irtg, DESIRABLE Building$tJ4-ff- i Lot on the upper side ofriaHSs6 Young street anil opposite J.

Leal's residence, having 50 ft. frontageanil ."() fl. deep, well planted with treesand tlowers, water laid on and allfenced. Apply to J LEAL.

2.1!) 1m

FOR SALE.House forJTTKXISllED parlors,

three bedrooms, dininif-i'oon- i.

kitchen, pantry, bathhouse ami out-houses, witli lease of lot. Inquire onpremises on Young street, betweenThomas Square aud Alapal street.

25G tf

Family Residence To Let.

rl1llE Handsome ResilienceJ. on Beretaiiia street, be- -

lll.rlli.r i ll.n ll..l. ur.n

occupied by Mr. 3. If. Sopor is for renton November 1st. For parli ul.irs in-

quire of . V. ALLEN,Bishop & Co.'s Building, Kaahu-inan- u

street. 'llo lm


bought the leasei--rm ot this well-sno-

Lodging Establishment, Iwould call attention to its Kio rooms,which I intend to kept in the best con-dition. Anybody desiring lodgings willplease take notice.

255 1m JOHN KADIS.


Sjjvk'? 1 deuce located on Kinau"i'street near the corner of I'eu- -

saeola street, presently occupied hyl1' . August Elders. House contains par-lors, oiiiing-rooi- n, kitchen, three cham-bers, bathroom, pantry, veranda roomsand ample closet space. Possession givenDecember 1st. Inquire at

HAWAIIAN llAKDWAKE CO.,tf Fort street, opp. Spreckels.



Electroplating Works,OppoBito Mormon Church, Punchbowl.

Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers. Brackets,etc , can now be llclaeqiieied and

equal to new. It makes no differ-ence how dirty and black they are, wecan make them look as good as whenyou bought them from the store. Try itand be convinced.

Muiual Telephone No. 700,258 tf


The Beat Lunoh in Tcwn,

Tea and Coffee at 111 HoursThe Finest Brands of

Ciprs, MrL TBtaCl

itlwuyH mi llunct.M. Mtl.lK. Proprietor.

1 !H


rsorioic.'",v" "I'l"'!11'"! Me- - LewU .1,

Levey Agi-ii- for Ilie Hawaiian(l,iiH I,iii-i- ', ami lie. g inll III s.llllf ful lln- - piuiiiiaO of I'lilrl lalll-iiii'ii- ls

or Uov will 'ii lie apply to linn,WW, ti. IliHIN ,VC(., I.'n,

JoJ I "I

Soot oh aplinTCoal I

11 K uuilei-ian- otter for ille Mm1

lon ,ll ill .1, Oil ll Mil lul 1 oil I. illUlllllilll pi " .illlll Hill" 1 will lil.ls-- !

'Illl-,- ' I',' - III In l ti lii oul, lino i.il nileil lur i' .on,hoii-- i lii'lil . 'I li'i'Ui.nm i nline ue,Sl 11 Ii. , MA I ,ii;..S, .V I U,

i'.VI'i;U II MilNd I

i i IS I .1 I. Mm i. i ,i i .illI ,ii I li ... .hi I' I .., i...; .1 l"

i .ii. I ... .,.i o .., i i, 1.

I ii.,, .. , .M l .,ii I.I. , i.' i..I'..!. I 'W ll

Au. around town Fire politics.

Mud ii the fashionable grumblenow.

Thk Arion will meet at 7 :30 o'clockthis evening.

"A night with Schubert," nt OuliuCollege, I'unahou, this evening.

Fkkhh oysters on ice will be re-

ceived at the Heaver by the Australia.

WILLIAM Huopii alias BarefootedBill is working in the carpenter shopof the Government stables.

The Board of Representatives ofthe Honolulu Fire Department willmeet in regular monthly session thisevening.

The Road Supervisor lias made athorough job of the long-neede- d re-

pairs to King street, between Betheland Numuiu.

A water tank capable of holdingseveral hundred gallons of water isbeing set up in the stable- - yard ofHustace & Co.

The sale of seaside residence sitesat Waikiki is postponed to Saturday,Nov. 14tb, at 12 o'clock noon, at Mor-gan's salesroom.

Major J. H. VVodebouse, BritishCommissioner, was present in thePolice Court y during the Bloomand Douglas proceedings.

Elder G. B. Starr will bold anothermeeting at the Y. M. C. A. ball thisevening at 7:30 o'clock. Subject:"Fruits of Righteousness." Biblereading from Romans, chap. 0.

A report from the Bell Telephoneoperator at 1:30 o'clock, says it israining very bard at llanaunia andHauula. Slight showers of rain arefalling at Waianae and Waialua.

Two fines were imposed in thePolice Court y for opium in pos-

session, the culprits pleading guilty.Ah Ti was fined $50 and Ah Lum$150.

A number of Chinese were passen-gers on the bark Velocity y

bound for home. Captain Gill, latemaster of the yacht Beagle, was apassenger also for Hongkong.

A mystkrious expedition is on thetapis by the Custom officials. Aboutseven Customss officers were seenentering the cabin of the bark Velo-city. The tug Alice has been coaledand provisioned for three days.

The ninety-eigh- t Japs who went ona strike at Ewa plantation were order-ed to return and pay $3 costs each.A little misunderstanding betweenthe interpreter and some of thedefendants caused a delay which lostthem the train and they will have tofoot it home.

Five Chinese, for indulging in paka-pi-

were culled for trial in tbo PoliceCourt this morning. There being noappearance their bonds were orderedforfeited. Later, however, A. P.Peterson for the defendants made amotion that the order for the for-

feiture of the bonds be rescinded. Themotion was granted.




Is famous throughout the UnitedStates for its prompt cures of diarr-hoea, dysentery, colic and choleramorbus. It is pleasant to take andcan always be depended upon bothfor children and adults. 25 and 50cent bottles for sale by all dealers.Benson, Smith & Co., agents.


Go to the Central Meat Market forFine Breakfast Sausages.

After shaving use Cucumber SkinTonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents.


Sunburn relieved at once by Cucumber Tonic. Benson, Smith & Co.,Agents. 1-- tf

Aliiolani and Iwilci will be thecontestants on the diamond nextSaturday.

Lewis & Co. have received fromKona by the V. G. Hall some of thedelicious cherimoya fruit.

The Minister of Interior invitesapplications ,giving conditions, for20 homestead lots in Nanawale, Puna,Hawaii.

Gonhalves & Co. ofl'er for sale theleasehold of 1000 acres fine eoli'ueland in North Koiia,

'paid up till the

year 1W7.

Palmer & Kichardi-on- , architects,have removed their office to theChilton block, Fort and King streets,entrance from Fort.

Dklicious coll'ee and chocolate willbe served every morning early at theI'alaee lee Cream Parlors, Ludwigson,& Cum, Hotel street. 21 tf

TllK stock and fixtures of the lateA. L. Smith's store are for sale, andthe building is for rent, application tobe made to B. F. Dillingham.

Ik you want something good for acold lunch, call at Urn Central MeatMarket, where you can get genuineGerman and llulogna Sausages and1'igs Head Cheese, I 2w


There Is little doubt but that manypersons suffer fur years with ailmentsllmt could easily be cured iy theuse of some iinie remedy, Tin1following incident it an illustration oflliis fuel i My wife wua troubled vsuba pull) ill her fcidu Uiu greater puil ofIhu I tint fur Mirca yi'tiii, until curedby ('liaiiilierlHiu's i'uui ll.ilm t

lias, t think, permanently ruled lur,We o Imvii used t'limiiherhiiu'kCollgli ju Uieily ttliclicvci larded Melbt'llevu it to hp Hid Ih.I in the world.)', M. Jinolos, IVliliVille, .VillumiI'll., Miuiii, Ior nulu by till deal,cr. Hnmi'it, hiuuli Ok. I 0., utfcuia,

THE BUI LE I IN h u Ii .oloia

lilO'l'ewMnu Item frum lliimliirol tfor Od'tolit'r.

It is gratifying to announce theappointment' of two of the recentgraduates of Kamehameha to posi-

tions of influence; one, Samuel Kau-han- e,

instructor in forge work at theKauai Industrial School, and theother, Charlie Blake, as instructor incarpentry at Lalniinaluna Seminary.Another, Thomas Ilaae, has accepteda position as .usisiaut in the IlookcnaKuglish School, Komi, Hawaii.

We have received pleasaut tidingsfrom Charles King and Samuel Kelii-no- i

concerning their safe arrival atOswego, New York, whither theyhave gone to pursue u three years'course in the Normal Schocl. Theyreport that those they meet expresssurprise that coming from the Sand-wich Islands they can talk Englishso readily.

Kainchameha has had an accessionto its teaching force iu the arrival ofMr. and Mrs. Geo. II." Babb and Mr.Geo. It. Carothers for the Manual,and Miss A. E. Knapp for the Pre-paratory. Alias Knapp comes fromthe Oswego Normal School. Mr.Babb is a graduate of the MaineState College of Mechanic Arts, andMr. Carothers is a graduate of theRose Polytechnic Institute. Thecorps of teachers in both schools isnow full, and we look forward to asuccessful year's work.

Tho first invoice of books for theLibrary from the proceeds of theCooke Fund has arrived.

The baobab, planted by the classof '91, is doing finely, notwithstand-ing the dry summer. It is well-care- d

for, and we trust will always flourish.The Assembly Room in Bishop

Hall has fine acoustic properties. Atsome date in the future we shall bepleased to try the echoes of the GleeClub among its arches for the publicenjoyment.

John Wise writes cnlhusistically ofhis summer at Northlield where heattended Moody's Summer School.He enters Oberlin Theological Semi-nary this term.

An Edison dynamo with a storagebattery, ' electroliers,- etc., has beenordered from the East through E. O.Hall and Son's, and Bishop Hall willbe lighted by electricity not manyweeks hence.

"We are glad to chronicle the factthat boys are entering KainehatnelriSchool much better prepared in Eng-lish than formerly, a fact thai iscertainly commendatory of the workbeing done in the Governmenttchools.


The monthly meeting of HonoluluEngine Co. No. 1 was held yesterdayevening, about twenty-fiv- e membersbeing present. Foreman RobertMore presided. One new memberwas proposed and unanimously ac-

cepted. After routine husiness theforeman was appointed a committeeof one to get out posters and ballotsfor the coming election for Engineersof the Department. The usual lirepolitics discussion ensued, Mr. Bar-ney Ordenstcin, a veteran fireman,being called upon to voice his senti-ments on departmental matters, whichwere received with applause. Songsand general sociability was then inorder. Music being plentiful a jollygood time was indulged in. Membersfrom the other companies dropped induring the evening and were wel-

comed with the company's usual hos-

pitality. The meeting was enthus-iastic throughout. Pievious to ad-

journment Mr. Robert More made afw pointed remarks which were re-

ceived with, "For he's a jolly goodfellow."

Protection Hook & Ladder Co.had a largely attended meeting,Foreman Julius Asch in the chair.Nothing of importance was transacted. After routine business the meet-ing adjourned to the rooms of EngineCo. No. 2, where fire politics wasbeing discussed.

The members of Mechanic EngineCo. No. 2 held their monthly meetingat the usual place, with Foreman J.II. Hunt presiding, about thirty mem-bers being present. After the read-ing of minutes, the roll of memberswas called to see how many were ingood standing who would be entitledto vole at the coining election ofengineers. The application of Thos.Morrison to become a member of thecompany resulted in that gentleman'sunanimous election, this applicantbeing tho efficient driver who is em-

ployed at the Pantheon Stables. Heis also driver of the horses attachedto the company's engine. An at-

tempt to reconsider the company'sticket for Engineers failed to gutsupport, and after other routinebusiness the meeting adjourned, theboys participating in some light re-

freshments furiiNied to them bytheir popular foreman. There wassome singinat and speeches, and mem-ber of other companies who calledJoined tho Mechanic in their glee.

Cherimoya !

SdMK of ilmi delirium fruit jiitfrom K'Uiii per ' , li.

IhiU'i ami for .ule. Inl lSWIS A HI.,

i at Foil iii et,

I Oil H- - Ml

'I UK li paid upI Hit IlioJ -- ill loon i ie

rim ( oiiie mi. in niiiiKoll I I liU I .lii ll, - nr.illk.lI I I 111 lll'l'l I I i.iU'I lilu. Ill III. ill

III li ' ' It ull'l In .11' ilie Jlllu il'UI o ll.rin w lii.nl In tviilu I ll l iiI-- ii i iii-- e InI lie .iuiiiu I olli e A lit ' In

1 it aie S, ll"'!'""!"!ilie 'I.m , , ai ii i 'Hi .mi - 1 i; 0 -

' OH I'.lili, lli'i I i 'Ii , t ill in 'iI II' I. I III' 1 'I . Il'.l'i .ll II ll,' III. I ,

luiiiill' .il.. .on il to A s 0'JJ in l,u-- .J Alii,


Leave Honolulu. ..6:15 8:45 1:45 4:30fArrive Honouliuli. .7:20 9.4!) 2:4!) 6:35fLeave Honouliuli.. 7 ::io 10:51 1 5:45TArrive Honolulu. ..8:35 11:55 4 mj ():50


Leave Honolulu 5::mArrive Pearl City 0:07$Leave Pearl City.. 6:03Arrive Honolulu... 8:40 .

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted.Saturdnys excepted.

Tides. Nan and Moon.BV C. J. LYONS. '

DAY. S- 3 r vHM!

'a.m. li.in. ii. in. n. in.Mon. 2 8 40 4 )B H 00 10 40Tuts. :)' i oo s 1ft is ll at! 04' S 2:ll 0 514

Wed. 4! 4 SO 6 05; U) 00 11 80 0 06 6 IV 7 47TllUl'8. 6 05; 6 60; 10 AO, 11 65 6 051 6 22 8 40

a.m. D. inFri. 6 20 7 40 .... 0 XS 6 Oil' 6 221 ft 37Kilt. 7 66 8 40 0 16 i 00 6 CN! 5 21 10 80Sun. H 00, 9 40 1 00 4 00 07 6 21U 40

First quuitur of the moon on the 8th at loll.15m. p. m.

1'hu time signal for the port Is given at 12h.0m. Osec. (mldnightl of Greenwich time orHi. 28m. 34sec. p. in. of Honolulu Observatorytime. It Is given by the steam whistle of theHonolulu rinsing Mill, a few doors abovethe Custom House. The same whistle issounded eorrectly at Honolulu mean noon,Observatory meridian, or lOh. 31m. 20seo. ofGreeuwich time

J il

THUKSDAY, NOV. 5, 1891.


Ani bktne Irmgitrd, Schmidt, for SanFrancisco

Brit bk Velocity, Martiu, for Hong-kong


Brit yacht Beagle for a pleasure cruise


For Pukoo per stmr Lehua, Nov 4Dr Mouritz, wife and children.

For Hongkong per bark Velocity, Nov4-- Capt Gill.


II 1 M S Hici, Mori, from JapanS S China, from San Francisco, due

Dec 15Am bktMary Winkelman, Nisscn, from

Fort GambleAm bk Amy Turner. Johnson, from Bos-

ton, Jau. 10-1- 5Am brig Lui line from San Francisco, for

Hilo, Oct 10Am wh bk Morning Star, Mar 25, from

New BedfordAm wh bk Mermaid, Mar 25, from New

BedfordAm wh bk ( alifornia, Mar 25, from New

BedfordAm wh bk James Arnold, Mar 25, from

New BedfordBr bk Pass of Leuy, from Glasgow, due

Nov 80Ger bk Paul fscuberg, from Liverpool,

Dec. 5Am bk Martha Davis from New YorkBL Harrison G Johnson from New YorkGer bk Sabiuo from BremenBr yacht St George from San Francisco,


A large crowd was gathered aroundthe British yacht Beagle this morning.

A young.shark was captured iu theharbor this morning by a native.

The 8 S Australia may be along to-



fhry are Charged by the CunIoiiinwith Mmoffifl'nic Slonry.

Messrs. Douglas and Bloom,owners of the Colonial pleasure yachtBeagle, were arrested yesterdayafternoon at 5 o'clock on a charge ofsmuggling. They were released lateron bail and appeareJ before thePolice Justice this morning, when aformal charge of smuggling wasmade against them. The goods con-cerned are about 30,000 Britishsovereigns which the Customs olli-cia- ls

claim should have been enteredon tlie juward manifest. Mr. A. S.jlartwejl, assisting the prosecution,desired a postponement of the casetill Saturday morning, they not be-

ing ready to go on at the time.Ar. A. P. Peterson for the defense

submitted that British sovereignsyera not dutiable goods aud he askedthat a specific charge be made andthe trial go on.

Hiu Honor finally decided thequestion by postponing the trial till4 o'clock this afternoon.

A. b. Ilartwcll assisting the pro-secution, and A. P. Peterson, K. AI.Hatch and A. Kosa for defendants.


TtuiittnAr, Nov, 5.

UKFOUK POLK, J,II, Bertelinann vu. C. L. Brown,

Assumpsit, lluunl am) tukun underconsideration. A. P. Peterson forplaintiff; Tlmi'stou & Frcur furdefendant." jf. F.'Coliiura vs. joint Hoke, Mo-tiu- ii

to reinstate on calendar, as ita stricken off for want of prost cii-lio- n.

Argued, and motion, overruled,Add for plaintiff j Abhford iifird, for ii!lciiaut.


I tt luttuit' trld 'iuiihi,W,(', lUHN OMIC, MlUilt'lipulis,

Miuu., ,iyi " u.-.-'l il in a imw nHi iiie ilit miiitu. hi, during t'uiividi1 1 nee ; din piiiiiiul.ir yiii'iiiuMli-li- i i In nil. r Mile fii i plr.-ll- iMini in i vmitiii m, ami lla n tiilu wi iuall I i.oiii,.''

stay so. John 11. roster, 1122Brown Street, Philadelphia, says:" My wife is a little Scotch woman,thirty years of age and of a naturallydelicate disposition. For five or sixyears past she has beeu suffering

from Dyspepsia. SheVomit became so bad at last

that she could not sitEvery Meal, down to a meal but

she had to vomit itas soon as she had eaten it. Twobottles of your August Flower havecured her, after many doctors failed.She can now eat anything, and enjoyit; and as for Dyspepsia, she does notknow that she ever had it." 9



Chandeliers.Piano, Banquet and Library

Lamps, in oxidized silver, wrought,black and polished brass, directfrom the factory.

Turkey and Ostrich Dusters.Wire on Spools.Tucks and Square Flax Packing.Disston's Files.Tube Scrapers.Hammers.Carvers, Table and Butcher Knives.Refrigerators and Ice Chests.A fresh invoice of Rubber Hose,

etc., etc., etc.




HAVING become favorably knownthe public of Honolulu

through our management of the EagleHouse for several years past, we nowcall the attention of business men inparticular to our intention of

the Arlington in addition to thepreviously mentioned well-know- n

bouse. The doors will bo open forlunch

On MONDAY, November 9th,

for the first time, and wo ask the co-

operation of the public, iu our venture,with the assuranee that we will do allin our power to make the Arlington nlirst-elai-- s dining hall.

Kaglu House guests will have theprivilege 01 eating their lunch downtown, null we trust we will receive aliberal share of the public's patron-age.



We have been instructed to oilerfor sale the following


Lately Imported from Europe, viz:

2 Tubular Boilers, fift. diani., 20ft. longwith furnaces complete.

1 Fust Kll'oct with ll(K) sq. ft. beatingsurface.

1 Second Effect with l'.KK) sq. ft. beat-ing surface.

1 n Vacuum Pun with all fixturescomplete.

1 Patent Juice Steam Boiler with 1

steam force juice pump.1 Mixer, 60 coolers (each on 3 wheels).1 Fillerpress.1 Moutequcs, 1 Centrifugal Molasses

Pump.1 Upright Exhaust Steam Uebeater.1 Smokestack, liit.xotHt.I llolwater Receiving Tank.1 Horizontal Steam Engine for driv

ing 12 Centril'ugiil Machines.4 (Y utrilugal Machines.2 Large Vaeiiuiu Tumps, si.e of air

cylinder 2lx2.1 Largo Wati rpunip, size of slcatn-cyliuil-

1 1 inches.1 Juice Tank, llitKJ gallons,2 Steam Traps.2 Wrought Iron, ItHHl gallons (.'lari- -

liers.1 ('bailing pan,1 I'iIIumou plant for making 2' tons

Sugar in 22 bonis, eounirtiug offauerlieilig Machine, Strain

12 Cells, I WatilpUliip,II. lit' Hell, K liives, l ie., I'oiopli le.

The above In ing a lull plant fur acomplete kiigar f.o Lay will he oi on

ery ii .ii.nu il. le lino, eiilii r us awhole or iu p. ii I.

V r'or (in i In r pin i u ul.i i .i inpi ii i ili.iu iii, ill., apply to

il. MACKFELD & CO.2 . 7i-- ll It


M' l; I. M. Ll llib li. I" an-t- i.

.ii ill .1 I. - ii ton. 'I Id''... , I il,. p. II I. i. i to. I,. N. p. .in I

i. , iii.il 'li' in' .ili..i..i. .11..I i. il.i o. I. In j.. in 1.0 j.i

I i, ,i . I. ... , ii, li l. I. . i .

i .' U .1 M.i.l II. b.


Every Way Belter than Any Other Hand

Camera !

Just Received and For Sale by

BENSON, SMITH & CO.,ii:mi. F.n t t r' t.

iK'o' 'iox'jso.i J3 "v'r" T"Tj : mutual TEiI'io.:

Went Oor. Auuiiuu At Itinyr !r(rcotM,

All kinds .,f NEW and SECOND-HAN- D FURNITURE sold cheaptor cash at the 1 a Ii.

TlieI X L juiyg the. HIGHEST CASH TRICE for all kinds olSecond-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Sewin.n Machines, Etc., Etc.

0 IE YOU WANT TO SELL out your Household Furniture in itsentirety, call at the 1 X L Auction ic Commission House, corner Nuuanuami King streets.

l'roinpt lictiiriis 31 ado on Ciuoda Sold on CoimnlslouS. W. LEDERER, :

W Store Oprii Saturday

FINE CIGAIIS!We have recoived a Sample Lot of Choice


Which oiler In Govern of I ho Wcctl,


Straiton and Storm Cigars !

Pot Cigarottos and Tobacco

HOLLISTER ik CO.,p 'jii el tin- biii li'ui. .iii

mil.I l.iii

iCUU J'v-- tm . IKI l ul l l l . i. i i I I I INmuImIn,

Page 4: ai w · Tax Payers in this District are hereby notified that the Taxes for the current year will be due and payable at the Ollice of the Tax Assessor and Collector in the Kapuaiwa

S. LEVY.8. EHRLIC1I.Bach, the expert in microbes, haslong been working in the field of THISOceanic Steamship Co.'s


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.


The Bacillus of Cancsf Pitted igalast

That of Leprosy.

Fierce But Ineffectual War.









A Finn Line ol 15 lack Silk CJreiiiulinos,An Elegant Stork of Dress fioods,


46-in- ch All-wo- ol Henrietta Cloth,Just oponeil in all the new shinies;

net lenities in Lacp.s, EiMM, Finn, Ett.


KID GLOVftS!Btir Auentj for "Fostkk's" Gknuine Kid Gi.ovks, every pair war-

ranted and lilted to the hand.


0 , JILIOODO , UilliiLEIlLllI i)


S. KliKLlCH & CO.,Corner 1'ort & Hotel Street

WORKS 00., Id,91


Engineers & Iron Pounders,Office & Works, : Queen Street, Honolulu.


Su2;ar Machinery, Steam Ecgines,Plain or Automatic Cutoff, Boilers for land and marine use,

Vacuum Tans up to 11 feet in diameter,Uoulile, Triple or Quadruple Effects,

Wrought Iron or Cast Iron Tanks for nil purposes,

Cane W 21 ens, Sugar Wagons, Cranes,Hoisting Machinery, Kice Mill Machinery and

Wrousrht & Cast Iron Work for House Building.

A Large & Varied A&tortJUQCnt of Ear Iron always on hand !


Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches.Sole Manufactikehs in Hawaiian Islands kok

William's Patent Furnaces for burning cane trash.

William's Patent Cane Slicing Machines, the most successful and econo-

mical made.Marsden 4 Rickard's Patent Evaporctor, utilizing the waste heat in smoke-

stack the latest improvement.

Molt Aei'iKx.iu ii:rnaiinn iHlandn tor the

rellon Water Vt liee! Co. of San Francisco.Bell's Asbestos Packing Co. of London, England.

Sheet Packing, Stulling Box Packing,Manhole & Handhole linskcls, Steam Pipe & Boiler Coverings.

gflr These Packing are used exclusively by the British Admiralty inwar vessels.

o- - -

JBT Repairs to all kinds of Machineiy done at reasonable rates and atshort notice.

: Manager,supekistendknt.

Life Assurance

bacteria among the antagonisticmicrobes with a view of finding thosethat prey upon each other and fightto the death.

BACIM.I that kkiiit.Long experiment in this microsco-pi- o

world ha3 shown that the bacillusof cancer and that of leprosy aredeadly enemies. In the gelatinewhere they are artificially developed,when the bacillus of cancer andleprosy are brought together theylight the instant they are broughtinto contact and keep it up until oneor the other dies. A record of thebattles has been kept, and in themajority of cases the cancer hascome off victorious. Dr. Debevoisethought that there might be some-

thing to benefit the patient in thisfact, and injected some of the cancerbacilli into her chest. . There was aslight iniprovemci.t following thehigh fever which the introduction ofa foreign substance produced in thebody, but it was not permanent.Again and again was the cancer tis-

sue injected into the patient, but itsoon became evident that althoughthe bacilli of cancer were good fight-

ers, the microbes of lepio .y were toopowerful and would not be conquer-ed. All that apparently remainedfor the patient was to patiently waitfor death and pass through the rot-

ten stages of the disease. Dr. Debe-

voise discovered an entirely newremedy in the cure of this horribledisease. It is a simple one, workedlike a charm, and will undoubtedlyrevolutionize the treatment of thisand kindred maladies.

The patient was buried in oxygengas diluted with air. She was madeto breathe the gas also through atube. This gas is known to be agreat purifier and an antiseptic. Bya new combination of machinery inthe old oxygen apparatus the gas.could be increased in power almostto the extent of burning the fleshand exploding. In this way the mi-

crobes of leprosy were actuallyburned to death in their little cellsin the flesh, and if any of them werein the blood they were destroyed bythe contact of the blood with theoxygen in the lungs. The patientwas kept in the oxygen bath forabout a month and when she wastaken out her skin was as white assnow. Every ulcer had healed andthe contracted muscles in the ex-

tremities regained their power. Thiscase goes on the record as the firstone of leprosy that has been cured,and Dr. Debevoise has been askedto explain his treatment to theCounty Medical Society.

FrilfflF AMiKBt.


ON account of Captain Morisseau'sdeparture by the next outgoing

steamer, anil to close partnership ac-counts Lr. Trousseau offers for sale the

Hawaiian Ostrich & Egg Farm,

Kaplola.nl I'tirlt,Comprising the Freehold of the Pro-perly. Furniture, Agricultural Imple-ments, Windmills, Pumps, Steam e.

etc., etc.

2 Pair of Breeding Oafcrishes,35 more or less Young Ostriches

From a day to 8 months old ;

1 Horse and Brake, 1 Express Wagon, 1

Cart, a large number i.f purebred lirownLeghorn Fow ls and 01 hers.tr The Property will be sold as awhole or everything separately to suitpurchasers.

There are on the Farm over '200 NavelOrange, Adriatic Fig, and Olive Trees,and over lUOO Imported Pineapple Plantsof the best sorts.

The whole of the laud is laid out. f in-complete irrigation, the water Ijriuu sup-plied from 1111 inexhaustible surface wellof very sweet water.

Dr. Trousseau assumes all natalitiesof the Ostrich Farm and would like allaccounts, if any, to bj sent to him bvOctober 3 1st.

Inspection invited. Captain Moris-sea- u

will give every possible informa-tion.

IS6"- - For price and other pai tieidars,apply to


DM Locomotivea

The undersigned having been appointeesole agents for the Hawaiian


For the Celebrated

From the works of

Burham, Parry, Williams I Co.,

rilllttltelpltllt, l'elllAre now prepared to tive estimates andreceive ordcru (or thee, engine, uftm and M) le,

The llAl.liWIN I.OUOMOTIVK WoKKHurn now iniiiiiilacliu tug a style uf l.oco.motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number uf which bitvu rerenlly lieeiireceived ill llu-at- l.ilnU, Uiul ytti willlinvo pKii-ni- e in tiiriii.-ilh- f plantationiivi,u an, milliliter wltli piutli'iiluiof .mm.

l lu. mpi'i lul ly uf i,.i ,i, 11, in,, live,inn nil hi her 1111. U. U im tmly knownlli'l.i lull l tti know Iciljgml Ihl'iilluliulpliu I iiilcd bl.iliu.

Win, l. I It WIN & Co., J,M,hole Ajp lila n ll.ioitll.ili I'U'hK

.i'Put but I I I IN hi' .i.".iii KmI 1 i. ill. ill, hi 1. 1 mi) J i(.;l Ii d.tjiy

in W p.ij'i pidilialu i in m billed, 1111,



Arrive from San Arrive from theFrancisco. Colonies.

mov i Mariposa

Australian Mail Service

FOK HATS FKAKCIKCO.The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA "Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

uk une Hfj iioiiiiiuui mini nyuueyand Auckland on or about

Nov. 19. 1891,And will leave for the above port with

mans ana passengers ou orabout that date.

US" For freight or passage, havingecci iui uucuuiiuouaiious, apply 10

Wm G. ISWIN & CO., L'd,Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland !

Tho New and. Flue Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

uc uue ul xiuuuiuiu irum canFrancisco on or about

Nov. 19, 1891,And will have prompt dispatch with

mans anu passengers lorthe above ports.

KIT For freight or passage, havingsuperior accoiiiinouatious, apply to

Wm. 0. IRWIN & CO.. L'd,Agents.

Wisr s utHi in Co.'s


STMR. 'KINAU,'CLARKE, Connnaii-j- r,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock P. M

touching at Lahaina, Maalaea Bayand Makena the same day ; Mahu-kon- a,

Kawaibaeand Laupuhoeboe, thefollowing day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.

Keturning leaves Hilo, touching atLaupaboehoe same day ; Kawaihae,a. m. ; Mabukona, 12 noon ; Makena,6 P. M. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 P. M. ; Lahainn, 10'P. m. the following day : arriving at Honolulu 6 A. m. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.

gjF No Freight will be receivedalter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock P. M., touching at Kaliu- -lui, Huelo, Hanii, Hamoa and Ki pa-

llida. Keturning will arrive at Honolulu every Sunday morning.

$jB No Freight will be receivedafter 4 p. m. on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landingsto receive their freight, as we will notbold ourselves responsible after suchfreight has been landed. While theCompany will use due diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any responsibility in case of theloss of same, and will not be responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe care of Pursers.

W. C. WILDER, President.S. B. KOSB, Secretary.

CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Sqpt.

S. il. GARTER,

No. M King Street,



Deuarturs Bay Goal,



Mr Delivered In any part of thelow 11,

187-BO- TH TEIEPHONES-18- 7.

SIM if

A. G. SILVA & CO,,4 A ? Moirl hin-M-,

Id il HIS I- K-

DRY GOODS,Gntlemn'i furnikhingi,

OarpoM & Matting,llllMTUUi:,

f.urga Sunk Alwayi on Umi,ii I7ui-- f

Are Receiving New Invoices of



at their

Stei Printing Office


Where Miey are fully prepared to do allkinds of work In the latest styles, at

the shortest notlue and at themost Reasonable Rates.

Fine Job Work In Colors s Specialty I


Executed In the Most AttractiveMaimer.




--Printed, and Blocked wheu desired.-

Read the following partial list of spec-ialties and get the Bulletin's prices be-

fore placing your orders. By so doingyou will save both time and money.

Letter Heads,Note Heads,

Bill Heads,Memorandums,

Bills of Lading,Statements,


Agreements,Shipping Contracts,

Check Books,Legal Blapks,

Calendars,Wedding Cards,

Visiting Cards,Business Cards,

Funeral Cards,Admission Cards,

Fraternal Cards,Time Cards,

Milk Tickets,Meal Tiekets, .

Theatre Tickets,Scholarship Certificates,

Corporation Certificates,.Marriage Certificates,

Receipts of all kinds,riantfttion Orders,

trofiiisso'ry $j tyes


Programmes,Labels of every variety,

Petitions in any language,Envelopes & Letter Circulars,

Sporting Scores & Records,Perpetual Washing Lists,

General Book Work,Etc., EM., tic., pic.,

Ujjr No ,lnlt U allowed to leave the of-ll- ru

null) II (rives Kiilufmiioii.



Assets, i

"Facts are Stubborn Tilings."

At every age, on every premium

table, and in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies

of the New York Life Insurance Co.

have been LARGER than those OF


similar policies.

t0T For particulars apply to

(ien'l Agent Hawaiian iHlnnds.





Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, $6,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Inf. Co.

Assets, $4,3 1 7,052.

Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited;,

Assets, $6, 1 24,057.

New York Life Insurance Co.,

Assets, $1 15,947,809.97.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Life, Fire & Marine

insurance Agents !


M England Mutual Lite Ins. Co.,


Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,


Insurance Company.Fire A Jl.irltw-- .


fi 6. Ml & CO,


Win. G. Irwin President fc Manager(Jluus Spveekels V

Walter Al. (jriffardSecretary ft Treasurer

Theo. O. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS OK TUB


Of Hun J.'ruiiriH'4. t'ul.'Jl

Metropolitai! WifBTfiJfSEEyf


t. i. WALLER, Manager.Wholesale & Retail Butchers

a N-




,IMrlir V iii l(iialiir.KUKUI JEEtlir SPECIAfTY.

Ulna Nliri'l, Honolulu, II, 1,

tlT' I'll lit llhtl UlU lUlnn puld u allkill. I llf I' I'.lll I .III


UwiititwUni III. lli dk 4 biiiiia Jiuiut Ab KunU,

I " 'I ll I II. I - .III. nil ..I ( n il ,uil. . I

It llll,, i ,il.....I . Aii.li.......uli '. l,.lr. Illll .( t , , 4,lO ,11, l I


li('l'M.v'M ltd llMUll I 1 !IIV'Il.ut ly u ew nrllioil-Kr- iit In

a Tunlt r vsei

(From the San Frunelseo Examiner.)

Every disease lias its bacillus andnvery bacillus has its natural enemy.The hope of scientists is that theymay discover the natural enemy ofeach disease germ, end by intro-

ducing it into the blood the diseasemay be destroyed. Koch, Yirchow,Pasteur and others are laboring inthis lield, and, while they may meetwith many failures in the practicalapplication of their ideas theybhouldnot be condemned for failure, becauseevery mistake points out stumbling-block- s

to he avoided and really arethe stepping-stone- s to success. Whatof it if Koch's cure for tuberculosisdid not fulfill its promises? asks a

writer in the Albany Telegram. Itwas a start in the right direction, andout of it sonic time there will cer-

tainly come something of benefit tothe human race. It may be yearsbefore the value of Koch's labors will

be appreciated by the too enviousmembers of an altogether too conser-vative profession, but what he hasdone for medicine will have justicedone to it at no distant day.

The recent investigations of Vir-cho- w

with the microscope have shownbeyond doubt that there is a bacillusof leprosy. It resembles in manyrespects the bacillus of tuberculosis,but is about h larger.This has raised an important discus-sion among doctors and scientists asto the possibility of there being arelationship between the two diseases.They have both been classed among,the incurable diseases, and are aboutthe last of the list to be traced tothe bacillus. With this fact wellauthenticated, so that there cannotbe any dispute about it, scientistswill be put 011 the right track for thecure of the disease. Leprosy is themost peculiar disease on the list. Ithas been known as the wave disease.This name conies from its history. Itwas a disease well known in Biblicaltimes, when it was very prevalent.Then after the Christian era it diedout almost completely and remainedquiet for several centuries. It brokeout again in the sixth century andthere was hardly a hamlet in Europeor Asia that did not have its leper.It did not get over the channel intoEngland until the middle of the lastcentury, and then it held high car-nival among the poorer classes. Itinvaded the home of the rich as well,but not in as great a degree.TI1KHE WliliK CHAKNKL HOLSHS KVKliV-WIIKK- E

Established, and lepers were seques-tered as if the very sight of themwould breed contagion. Their dis-ease was believed to be contagious,and charms were worn by every oneto ward off the disease. The diseasedied out in a few years in England,and on the Continent the penthouseswere closed and leprosy was forgot-ten. In the signs of the present theexpert students of the diseases of theworld profess to see that anotherwave of leprosy is coming and willin a few years be at its height andthe disease be found in every com-munity. This country, although itis out of the real leprosy belt, willcertainly feci its power. Scientistsare at a loss to explain this rise andfall of leprosy, particularly as thereis a wide difference of opinion as toits being contagious. There areeminent men upon both sides of thecontroversy, and each side has plentyof tacts to support its position.

The best opinion on the subject isthat the disease is caused by a spreadof the bacillus of leprosy in someway that has not yet been discovered.It is not a matter of diet, condition,age, sex or method of living. Dur-ing the last year there have beenmore cases of leprosy found in thiscountry than in the last fifty years, andthe number seems to be slowly in-

creasing. The AleKinley bill cannotkeep it out, and quaramine regula-tions are powerless to prevent' itfrom coining into the country. Thishorrible disease broke down the baivriers of wealth and luxury and stalkedinto the household of Charles 1).Richards, the prominent tea broker.It of course attacked the fairest111 ember ot his Hock, his favoritedaughter Louise, llow she ever gotthe disease imjst remain a mystery,until, at bust, everything that atpresent is unknow n be known.

The lluest tea that comes to thisinaiket was used in Mr. Richard'family, and Miss Louise was in thehabit of rating it without beingcooked It is possible that I lie bacil-lus of leiirusv niav have been in thelea und Hie voting woiiiun, by eatingit, nbsorbed it into her system, Thedini'iii) ijuM.npci with even gieuterrapidity tliun in the Asiatic Uiidwithin the ii iioi of a year hc hadhe leoniiiii I'a. u nnd her hands, anus

and he, (Men I'ovei'id Willi fi idulcers, I lu lu wt fo liodlllex oil hl'but k, Which WHS Sl!lll0i Willi gl'Ci'llputrid s iiimI I'IiiiiiIm'iI kiiuii In lii :ili

lulu i.li. i ,. lire mind till llilami Hie luuiiii) nf ,cr di 'i usu mukipl lli'lll Inf. 'J'hu bcnl phsirl(ill the iil ,1,, ,rr inn I ili llu u:win tin in Hie ili.i;liiiaio.MllllliVit :t, Mljljji at. . Ii) llu.li'll Wlii, ,l,,,,i ,, In I li'lli I, hillHull' f .lj ,. ll.UIIJC III.,, ll! III u I

ii'inbliiiii i imp, ii ,im 1'iuf

The EquifebieSociety ot the United States.

New Assurance Written in 1SSO .' 8 203,826,107 CO

Income 35,036,683 24Surplus (from which dividend will be made) 23,740-44- 7 M


An Investment Worth Ki owing About !

Before assuring your life, or investing your money, examine the Twenty-Yea- r

Tontine Policies of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S.Policies maturing in l.sy 1 realize cash returns to the owners, of amounts

varying from 120 to 176 pi r cent, of the money paid in, besides the advan-tage Of the Assurance during the whole period of twenty years.

The following is one of many actual cases maturing this year:

Endowment Policy No. 64,925.Issued in 171, nt ae 27. Amount, $5,000

Premium, 12.90. Total Prems. Paid, $4,7lJ8.

at End of Tontine Period in 181)1 :

Cash Surrender Value, $8,449.45

(Equal to JliG.lt) fur each 5100 paid in premiums, which is equivalent tott return of all premiums paid, with interest at 7 per cent, per nnnuui.)

I r, in lieu of cash,

A Paid-i.- p Life Tolicy for $19,470(Equal to $IO'i.! 0 fur each $100 paid in premiums.)


A Lite Annuity of S633.55.

ALX. J. CARTWRICHT,General Agmtt for the Hawaiian Inlands, Equitable Life Assurance So-

ciety of the U. S. H'l

Telephones, No. 17.V J&'t t:"- - K'linl.u rli A Oji.cn KU.


Cili'iniiiii li.it , Oil II i.v, in l.u.i iinl ri ii, ir. .. huh Il.uli y, li. ill. il

A linmiid II ol. y, t'.it.i..iiii.i A N.-- '..l.'ii.l u.H,--, MiMlniL'.--, Bi.iii, I'm ii,t'l.uii.l i'l.iu, Win.. I, Lie, Mi', U ., I'i.', A!m,

Drifted Snow nnd Victor Flour I

I l lilli'M lI UH I

Vu kn p r...ml.iiiil.v Li !' ' k "' " 'I ' H.l " ' " i" ii j.1.1. tun d I'V Mi.

A. ii i.i .1 .in ri n.'i"1. b " v' "i. u I Imim .iii.i i il h iii.ui.rni(.i i 'in..-pii.- .i nil i'i nt'1' ii I" i "I ' i ii"

f I'UH'I I'ldi It i'bl Hi ! Kl'd ("I'I- '"I ll"l fclUI'H.li I i, 09