ELSEVIER Aglicultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121 Agricultural Economics Volumes 1-22, 1986-2000 Volume 1 1986 Volume 2 1988 Volume 3 1989 Volume 4 1990 Volume 5 1991 Volume 6 1991 Volume 7 1992 Volume 8 1992 Volume 9 1993 Volume 10 1994 Volume 11 1994 Volume 12 1995 Volume 13 1995 Volume 14 1996 Volume 15 1996 Volume 16 1997 Volume 17 1997 Volume 18 1998 Volume 19 1998 Volume 20 1999 Volume 21 1999 Volume 22 2000 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS www.elsevier.com/locate/agecon

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ELSEVIER Aglicultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121

Agricultural Economics Volumes 1-22, 1986-2000

Volume 1 1986 Volume 2 1988 Volume 3 1989 Volume 4 1990 Volume 5 1991 Volume 6 1991 Volume 7 1992 Volume 8 1992 Volume 9 1993 Volume 10 1994 Volume 11 1994 Volume 12 1995 Volume 13 1995 Volume 14 1996 Volume 15 1996 Volume 16 1997 Volume 17 1997 Volume 18 1998 Volume 19 1998 Volume 20 1999 Volume 21 1999 Volume 22 2000




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Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121

Author Index Agricultural Economics

Volumes 1-22, 1986-2000



Author Index/ Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-!21 105

A Abbott, J.C., Institutional Reform of Marketing and Related Ser­

vices to Agriculture, With Particular Reference to Africa, I (1987) 143

Abbott, P. and R. Thompson, Changing Agricultural Comparative Advantage, I (1987) 97

Abbott, P.C. and P.L. Paarlberg, Tariff rate quotas: structural and stability impacts in growing markets, 19 (1998) 257

Abdulai, A. and P.P. Regmi, Estimating labor supply of farm households under nonseparability: empirical evidence from Nepal, 22 (2000) 309

Abler, D.O., see Kidane, A., 10 (1994) 179 Acharya, G. and E.B. Barbier, Valuing groundwater recharge

through agricultural production in the Hadejia-Nguru wetlands in northern Nigeria, 22 (2000) 247

Acquaye, A., see Alston, J.M. et al., 20 (1999) 191 Adamowicz, M., Grain Production and Food Security in Arab

Countries, 2 (1988) 39 Adams, G., see Pooynyth, D. et al., 22 (2000) 233 Adesina, A. and J.H. Sanders, Peasant farmer behavior and cereal

technologies: Stochastic programming analysis in Niger, 5 (1991) 21

Adesina, A.A. and B.W. Brorsen, A Risk Responsive Acreage Response Function for Millet in Niger, I (1987) 229

Adesina, A.A. and J. Baidu-Forson, Farmers' perceptions and adoption of new agricultural technology: evidence from analy­sis in Burkina Faso and Quinea, West Afica, 13 (1995) 1

Adesina, A.A. and K.K. Djato, Fatm size, relative efficiency and agrarian policy in Cote d'Ivoire: profit function analysis of rice farms, 14 (1996) 93

Adesina, A.A. and K.K. Djato, Relative efficiencyof women as farm managers: Profit function analysis in Cote d'Ivoire, 16 (1997) 47

Adesina, A.A. and M.M. Zinnah, Technology characteristics, farmers' perceptions and adoption decisions: A Tobit model application in Sierra Leone, 9 ( 1993) 297

Adesina, A.A. and O.N. Coulibaly, Policy and competitiveness of agroforestry-based technologies for maize production in Cameroon: An application of policy analysis matrix, 19 (1998) 1

Adesina, A.A., see Brorsen, B.W., 4 (1990) 287 Afzal, M., see Rodriguez, A. et al., 12 (1995) 79 Agcaoili-Sombilla, M. and M. Rosegrant, International trade in a

differentiated good: Trade elasticities in the world tice market, 10 (1994) 257

Ahammad, H., see Warr, P.O., 15 (1997) 169 Ahmad, Z., see Tetlay, K. et al., 4 (1990) 13 Ahmadi-Esfahani, F.Z. and P.H. Jensen, Impact of the US-EC

price war on major wheat exporters' shares of the Chinese market, 10 (1994) 61

Ahmed, M.M., W.A. Masters and J.H. Sanders, Returns from research in economics with policy distortions: hybrid sorghum in Sudan, 12 (1995) 183

Ahmed, R., Liberalization of agricultural input markets in Bangle­desh: process, impact, and lessons, 12 (1995) 115

Aillery, M.P., see Day, J.C., 2 (1988) 209 Akiyama, T., see Goddard, E.W., 3 (1989) 147 Al-Hamoudi, K.A., S. Sherif and B.E. Sofian, Wheat production in

Saudi Arabia between feasibility and efficiency, 16 (1997) 35 Al-Jabri, O.S., see Omezzine, A., 19 (1998) 349 Al-Kahtani, S.H., see Sherif, S.A., 20 (1999) 69 Al-Kahtani, S.H., B. El-din and E. Sofian, Estimating preference

change in meat demand in Saudi Arabia, 12 (1995) 91 Alauddin, M. and C. Tisdell, Market Analysis, Technical Change

and Income Distribution in Semi-Subsistence Agriculture: the Case of Bangladesh, 1 (1986) I

Albisu, L.M., see Garcia, A., 19 (1998) 359 Alexandratos, N., China's projected cereals deficits in a world

context , 15 (1996) 1 Ali, I., see Rodriguez, A. et al., 12 (1995) 79 Ali, M., see Chaudhry, M.A., 3 (1989) 199 Ali, M., Quantifying the socio-economic determinants of sustain­

able crop production: an application to wheat cultivation in the Tarai of Nepal, 14 (1996) 45

Alogoskoufis, G. and N. Baltas, Price and quantity adjustment in a dual character market The case of the Greek poultry sector, 6 (1991) 79

Alston, J.M., R.J. Sexton and M. Zhang, Imperfect competition, functional forms, and the size and distribution of research benefits, 21 (1999) 155

Alston, J.M., V.H. Smith, A. Acquaye and S. Hosseini, Least-cost cheap-food policies: some implications of international food aid, 20 (1999) 191

Alvarez-Coque, J.M.G. and R.M. Bautista, Sources of EC horti­cultural import growth from developing countries, 10 (1994) 125

Alvarez-Coque, J.M.G., see Bautista, R.M., 10 (1994) 125 Alwang, J., see Carcamo, J. et al., 11 (1994) 257 Amacher, G.S., see Feather, P.M., II (1994) 159 Ames, G.C.W., D.W. Reid and L.-F. Hsiou, Risk analysis of

new maize technology in Zaire: a portfolio approach, 9 (1993) 203

Ames, G.C.W., L. Gunter and C.D. Davis, Analysis of USA-Eur­opean Community oilseeds agreements , 15 (1996) 97

Anand, P., Analysis of Uncertainty as Opposed to Risk: An Experimental Approach, 4 (1990) 145

Anania, G., Welfare Implications of a Preferential Tariff Reduction for Agricultural Exports from Less Developed Countries vs. a Generalized Tarrif Reduction, 3 (1989) 23

Andargachew, K. and R.F. Brokken, Intra-annual sheep ptice pat­terns and factors underlying price variations in the central highlands of Ethiopia, 8 (1993) 125

Anderson, F.M., see Belete, A. et al., 6 (1991) 159 Anderson, F.M., see Belete, A. et al., 8 (1993) 199 Anderson, J.R., P.O. Pardey and J. Roseboom, Sustaining growth

in agriculture: a quantitative review of agricultural research investments, I 0 (1994) 107

Anderson, K., Does Agricultural Growth in Poor countries Harm Agricultural-Exporting Rich Countries? 3 (1989) 309

Anderson, K., On Why Agriculture Declines with Economic Growth, I (1987) 195

Andersson, H., see Ekman, S., 18 (1998) 177

106 Author Index/ Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121

Andersson, H., Lanndlords and farmers: implications, 12 (1995) 151

Andrews, N., see Don, H. eta!., 4 (1990) 267 Antle, J.M., D.C. Cole and C.C. Crissman, Further evidence on

pesticides, productivity and farmer health: Potato production in Ecuador, 18 (1998) 199

Apezteguia, B.I. and M.R. Garate, Technical efficiency in the Spanish agrofood industry, 17 ( 1997) 179

Archer, D.W. and J.P. Shogren, Endogenous risk in weed contol management, 14 (1996) 103

Arnade, C. and A. Sparks, Chile's agricultural diversification, 9 (1993) 1

Arnade, C. and D. Pick, Seasonality and unit roots: the demand for fruits, 18 (1998) 55

Arnade, C., see Gopinath, M. et a!., 16 (1997) 99 Arnade, C.A., Testing two trade models in Latin America agricul-

ture, 10 (1994) 49 Asano, S., see Otsuka, K. eta!., 10 (1994) 283 Asante, F.A., see Asenso-Okyere, W.K. et al., 17 (1997) 59 Asenso-Okyere, W.K., F.A. Asante and M. Nube, Understanding

the health and nutritional status of children in Ghana, 17 (1997) 59

Athanasios, A., M. Bezuneh and B.J. Deaton, Impacts of FFW on nutrition in rural Kenya, 11 (1994) 301

Azam, J.P., The impact of floods on the adoption rate of high­yielding rice varieties in Bangledesh, 13 (1996) 179

Azzam, A.M., Competition in the US meatpacking industry: is it history? 18 (1998) 107

Azzam, A.M., Food subsidies and market interdependence: the case of the Moroccan soft wheat subsidy, 5 (1991) 325

B Babcock, B.A. and J.P. Shogren, The cost of agricultural produc-

tion risk, 12 (1995) 141 Babiker, B.I., see Baldwin, E.D. et a!., 1 (1987) 209 Babu, S., see Goletti, F., 11 (1994) 311 Babu, S.C., A. Hallam and B. Rajasekaran, Dynamic modelling of

agroforestry and soil fertility interactions: implications for multi-disciplinary research policy, 13 (1995) 125

Babula, R.A., F.J. Ruppel and D.A. Bessler, U.S. corn exports: the role of the exchange rate, 13 (1995) 75

Backus, G.B.C., G.Th. Timmer, A.A. Dijkhuizen, V.R. Eidman and F. Vos, A decision support system for strategic planning on pig farms, 13 (1995) 101

Bahhady, F., see Nordblom, T.L. eta!., 11 (1994) 29 Baidu-Forson, J., see Adesina, A.A., 13 (1995) I Baidu-Forson, J., B.R. Ntare and F. Waliyar, Utilizing conjoint

analysis to design modern crop variables: empirical example for goundnut in Niger, 16 (1997) 219

Baidu-Forson, J., Factors influencing adoption of land-enhancing technology in the Sahel: lessons from a case study in Niger, 20 (1999) 231

Bailey, E., see Mazid, A., 7 (1992) 167 Baker, T.G., see Lopez-Pereira, M.A. eta!., 11 (1994) 271

Bakr, A., see Gumaa, Y.T. et a!., 11 (1994) 325 Balcombe, K.G. and J.R. Davis, An application of cointegration

theory in the estimation on the Almost Ideal Demand system for food consumption in Bulgaria, 15 (1996) 47

Baldwin, E.D., B.I. Babiker and D.W. Larson, Spatial Organiza­tion of Marketing Facilities in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Oilseeds in Sudan, 1 ( 1987) 209

Ball, V.E., see Vasavada, U., 2 (1988) 123 Ball, V.E., J.-C. Bureau, K. Eakin and A. Somwaru, Cap reform:

modelling supply response subject to the land ser-aside, 17 (1997) 277

Ballenger, N., see Krissoff, B., 3 (1989) 83 Baltas, N., see Alogoskoufis, G., 6 (1991) 79 Baltas, N.C., Effects of adjustment of the green drachma to its

current exchange rate, 7 (1992) 225 Bar-Shira, Z. and I. Finkelshtain, Labour on the family farm: a

theory under uncertainty - an extension, 8 (1992) 33 Bar-Shira, Z., R.E. Just and D. Zilberman, Estimation of farmers'

risk attitude: an economic approach, 17 (1997) 211 Barbier, B., Induced innovation and land degradation: Results

from a bioeconomic model of a village in West Africa, 19 (1998) 15

Barbosa, M., see Strauss, J. eta!., 5 (1991) 341 Barclay, T. and L. Tweeten, Macroeconomic Policy Impacts on

United States Agriculture: A Simulation Analysis, 1 (1988) 291

Barker, R., see Thapa, G. eta!., 7 (1992) 245 Barkley, A.P., see Ismet, M. et a!., 19 (1998) 283 Barlow, C. and S.K. Jayasuriya, Structural Change and its Impact

on Traditional Agricultural Sectors of Rapidly Developing Countries: The Case of Natural Rubber, 1 (1987) 159

Barrett, C.B., The effects of real exchange rate depreciation on stochastic producer prices in low-income agriculture, 20 (1999) 215

Barrett, C.B., The microeconomics of the developmental parados: on the political economy of food price policy, 20 (1999) 159

Bationo, A., see Jomini, P.A. eta!., 6 (1991) 97 Batterham, R.L. see Soe, T. eta!., 11 (1994) 207 Battese, G.E. and G.A. Tessema, Estimation of stochastic frontier

production functions with time-varying parameters and techni­cal efficiencies using panel data from Indian villages, 9 (1993) 313

Battese, G.E., see Seyoum, E.T. eta!., 19 (1998) 341 Battese, G.E., Frontier production functions and technical effi­

ciency: a survey of empirical applications in agricultural eco­nomics, 7 (1992) 185

Batz, F.-J., K.J. Peters and W. Janssen, The influence of technol­ogy characteristics on the rate and speed of adoption, 21 (1999) 121

Bautista, R., Effects of Increasing Agricultural Productivity in a Multisectoral Model for the Philippines, 1 (1986) 67

Bautista, R.M., Trade and agricultural development in the 1980s and the challenges for the 1990s: Asia, 8 (1993) 345

Becker, N., A comparative analysis of water price support versus drought compensation scheme, 21 (1999) 81

Becker, N., Value of moving from central planning to a market system: lessons from the Israeli water sector, 12 (1995) 11

Author Index! Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121 107

Bedingar, T, see Masters, WA et aL, 19 (1998) 81 Beghin, J. and R-e. Chang, Differentiated products and supply

controls in the analysis of agiicultural policy reform: the case of tabacco, 7 (1992) 30 I

Beghin, J., see van der Mensbrugghe, D. et aL, 19 (1998) 87 Beghin, J., S. Dessus, D. Roland-Holst and D. Van der Mens­

brugghe, The trade and environment nexus in Mexican agii­culture. A general equilibrium analysis, 17 (1997) 115

Beghin, J.C., see Kherallah, M.W. et aL, 11 (1994) 99 Beghin, J.C., A.B. Brown and M.H. Zaini, Impact of domestic

content requirement on the US tobacco and cigarette indus­tries, 15 (1997) 20 1

Belete, A., J.L. Dillon and P.M. Anderson, Development of agri­culture in Ethiopia since the 1975 land reform, 6 (1991) 159

Belete, A., J.L. Dillon and P.M. Anderson, Efficiency of small­scale farmers in Ethiopia: a case study in the Baso and Warana sub-district, 8 (1993) 199

Berentsen, P.B.M., see Giesen, G.W.J. et aL, 3 (1989) 231 Bernard, A., see Parikh, A., 2 (1988) 167 Berte, K. and P.M. Epplin, Evaluation of the Influence of Agri­

cultural Pdce Policy on Cotton Production in Cote-d'Ivoire, 3 (1989) 69

Bessler, D.A., see Babula, RA. et aL, 13 (1995) 75 Bessler, D.A., see Taylor, E.L. et aL, 14 (1996) 123 Beuchat, L.R., see Florkowski, W.J. et aL, 22 (2000) 173 Bezuneh, M., see Athanasios, A. et aL, 11 (1994) 301 Bezuneh, M., Application of stochastic dominance criteda to eval­

uate bean production star, 7 (1992) 289 Bigman, D., Appoximation methods for ranking risky investment

alternatives, 12 (1995) 1 Bigman, D., Cardinal criteria for ranking uncertain prospects, 8

(1992) 21 Blake, RW., see Howard, W.H. et aL, 7 (1992) 77 Blanco, M., see Varela-Ortega, C. et aL, 19 (1998) 193 Block, S.A., Agriculture and economic growth in Ethiopia: growth

multipliers from a four-sector simulation model, 20 (1999) 241 Blue, E.N. and L. Tweeten, The estimation of marginal utility of

income for application to agricultural policy analysis, 16 (1997) 155

Bollman, R., see Bryden, J., 22 (2000) 185 Bollman, R., see Kimhi, A., 21 (1999) 69 Bonny, S., Effects of the Energy Cdsis on French Agdculture

between 1974 and 1984, 1 (1987) 259 Bottomley, P., see Thirtle, C. et aL, 19 (1998) 127 Boussard, J.M., The impact of prices and macroeconomic policies on

agricultural supply: a synthesis of available results, 21 (1999) 19 Bowen, B., see Don, H. et aL, 4 (1990) 267 Bowen, R. and R. Young, Appraising Alternatives for Allocating

and Cost Recovery for Irrigation Water in Egypt, 1 (1986) 35 Brandt, J.A., see Savadogo, K., 2 (1988) 345 Brandt, L., see Li, G. et aL, 19 (1998) 63 Braverman, A., J.S. Hammer and J.J. Morduch, Wheat and Maize

Price Policies in Hungary: Tradeoffs between Foreign Exchange and Government Revenue, 1 (1987) 273

Bravo-Ureta, B.E. and R.E. Evenson, Efficiency in agdcultural production: the case of peasant farmers in eastern Paraguay, 10 (1994) 27

Brehmer, B., see Ohlmer, B. et aL, 18 (1998) 273 Brennan, J.P., E.J. Warham, D. Byerlee and J. Hernandez-Estrada,

Evaluating the economic impact of quality-reducing, seed-borne diseases: Lessons from Kamal bunt of wheat, 6 (1992) 345

Brennan, J.P., I.P. Singh and L.G. Lewin, Identifying international rice research spillovers in New South Wales, 17 (1997) 35

Brennan, J.P., Spillover Effects of International Agdcultural Research: CIMMYT-based Semi-Dwmf Wheats in America, 3 (1989) 323

Brinkman, G.L., see Fox, G. et aL, 6 (1992) 267 Brokken, R.F., see Andargachew, K., 8 (1993) 125 Bromley, D.W., see Elnagheeb, A.H., 10 (1994) 193 Brooks, K. and Z. Lerman, Restructuring of tradtional farms and

new land relations in Russia, 13 (1995) 11 Brooks, K., see Lerman, Z. eta!., 13 (1995) 27 Brooks, K.M., Challenges of trade and agricultural development

fir East/Central Europe and states of the former USSR, 8 (1993) 401

Brorsen, B.W. see Chellaraj, G. et aL, 7 (1992) 1 Brorsen, B.W. and A.A. Adesina, A test of whether millet acreage

in Niger is determined by official or private market pdces, 4 (1990) 287

Brorsen, B.W., see Adesina, A.A., 1 (1987) 229 Brorsen, B.W., see Chellaraj, G., 1 (1988) 355 Brorsen, B.W., see Mdafri, A., 9 (1993) 155 Brown, A.B., see Beghin, J.C. et aL, 15 (1997) 201 Brown, A.B., see Rezitis, A.N. et aL, 18 (1998) 217 Brown, A.B., see Rezitis, A.N., 21 (1999) 269 Browne, W.P. and W.K. Paik, Farmers and the U.S. Congress:

rethinking basic institutional assumptions about agdcultural policy, 11 (1994) 125

Bmnstad, RJ., I. Gaasland and E. Vardal, Agriculture as a provi­der of public goods: a case study for Norway, 13 (1995) 39

Bryden, J. and R, Bollman, Rural employment in industrialised countries, 22 (2000) 185

Buhr, B.L. and H. Kim, Dynamic adjustment in the US beef mar­ket with imports, 17 (1997) 21

Bullock, D.S. and K. Salhofer, Measudng the social costs of sub­optimal combinations of policy instruments: A general frame­work and an example, 18 (1998) 249

Bureau, J.-C., see Ball, V.E. et aL, 17 (1997) 277 Butcher, W.R., see Day, J.C. et aL, 7 (1992) 267 Byerlee, D. see Tetlay, K. et aL, 4 (1990) 13 Byerlee, D., see Brennan, J.P. et aL, 6 (1992) 345 Byerlee, D., see Hussain, S.S. et aL, 10 (1994) 39 Byerlee, D., see Maredia, M.K. et aL, 14 (1996) 159 Byerlee, D., see Maredia, M.K., 22 (2000) I Byiringiro, F. and T. Reardon, Farm productivity in Rwanda:

effects of farm size, erosion, and soil conservation investments, 15 (1996) 127

c Cmargo, G.S.A., Effects of international shocks and domestic macro­

economic policies upon Brazillian agriculture, 7 (1992) 317

108 Author Index/ Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121

Campbell, M.H., see Jones, R.E. eta!., 22 (2000) 91 Capalob, S., see Friesen, J. et al., 6 (1992) 251 Carcamo, J., J. Alwang and G.W. Norton, On-site economic evalua-

tion of soil conservation practices in Honduras, 11 ( 1994) 257 Carey, M.B., see Moore, M.R. eta!., 11 (1994) 143 Carley, D.H., see Zhang, P. eta!., 11 (1994) 51 Carter, C.A. and W.W. Wilson, Emerging differences in state grain

trading: Australia and Canada, 16 ( 1997) 87 Chai, J., see Riethmuller, P. eta!., 20 (1999) 51 Chakravorty, U., see Umetsu, C., 19 (1998) 181 Chalfant, J., see Lariviere, E. et a!., 22 (2000) 147 Chandra, S. and A. Hallam, Evaluating Agricultural Energy Poli­

cies Under Uncertainty: The Case of Electricity in South India, 3 (1989) 187

Chang, R.-e., see Beghin, J., 7 (1992) 301 Chaudhry, M.A. and M. Ali, Measuring Benefits to Operation and

Maintenance Expenditure in the Canal Irrigation System of Pakistan: A Simulation Analysis, 3 (1989) 199

Chavas, J.P., T.L. Cox and E. Jesse, Spatial allocation and the shadow pricing of product characteristics, 18 (1998) 1

Chellaraj, G. and B.W. Brorsen, An Evaluation of Indian Govern­ment Rice Policy in Tamil Nadu, 1 (1988) 355

Chellaraj, G., B.W. Brorsen and P.L. Farris, Effects of subsidized wheat consumption by state in India, 7 (1992) 1

Chen, D.T. see Ito, S. eta!., 4 (1990) 315 Chen, K.Z., K.D. Meilke and C. Turvey, Income risk and farm

consumption behavior, 20 (1999) 173 Chern, W.S., see Zhao, F. eta!., 5 (1991) 311 Chetty, V.K. and P.V. Srinivasan, Welfare Effects of Selected

Food-grain Policies in India, 4 (1990) 179 Chew, T.-A., Transactional framework of sharecropping: empirical

evidence, 18 (1998) 47 Chinnan, M.S., see Florkowski, W.J. et a!., 22 (2000) 173 Chomo, G.V., see Tobey, J., 10 (1994) 207 Christiansen, S., see Nordblom, T.L. eta!., 11 (1994) 29 Cochran, M.J., see Govindasamy, R., 13 (1995) 137 Coelli, T., see Vo, T. et a!., 9 (1993) 183 Coffin, G., see Kebede, Y. eta!., 4 (1990) 27 Coffin, H.G., see Suwartini, E. eta!., 16 (1997) 237 Cole, D.C., see Antle J.M. eta!., 18 (1998) 199 Colyer, D., see Kapombe, C.M., 21 (1999) 295 Conway, R., see Isard, P. et a!., 1 (1988) 309 Cordova, V.G., see Otsuka, K. et a!., 4 (1990) 297 Coulibaly, O.N., see Adesina, A.A., 19 (1998) 1 Cox, T.L., see Chavas, J.P. et a!., 18 (1998) 1 Cramer, G., see Fan, S. et a!., 11 (1994) 61 Cramer, G., see Fan, S. et a!., 11 (1994) 71 Cramer, G.L., see Wang, J. et a!., 15 (1996) 17 Crissman, C.C., see Antle, J.M. eta!., 18 (1998) 199 Csaki, C., see Lerman, Z. eta!., 13 (1995) 27 Csaki, C., Agricultural higher education in transforming Central

and Eastern Europe, 21 (1999) 109 Csaki, C., Agricultural reforms in Central and Eastern Europe

and the former Soviet Union: Status and perspectives, 22 (2000) 37

Cummings, R.W. and D.G. Dalrymple, Development Assistance and Exports: The Case of the United States, 3 (1989) 293

D da Cmz, E.R. and V.H. da Fonseca Porto, Simplified Risk Analysis

in Agricultural Extension, 1 (1988) 381 da Fonseca Porto, V.H., see da Cruz, E.R., 1 (1988) 381 da Silva, O.M. and T. Grennes, Wheat policy and economy-wide

reform in Brazil, 20 (1999) 143 Dalrymple, D.G., see Cummings, R.W., 3 (1989) 293 Dalton, T.J. and W.A. Masters, Pasture taxes and agricultural

intensification in southern mah, 19 (1998) 27 Dalton, T.J., W.A. Masters and K.A. Foster, Production costs and

input substitution in Zimbabwe's smallholder agriculture, 17 (1997) 201

Damianos, D. and D. Skuras, Unconventional adjustment strategies for mral households in the less developed areas in Greece, 15 (1996) 61

David, C.C., see Huang, J., 8 (1993) 107 David, C.C., see Otsuka, K. et a!., 4 (1990) 297 Davis, C.D., see Ames, G.C.W. et a!., 15 (1996) 97 Davis, J.R., see Balcombe, K.G., 15 (1996) 47 Dawson, P.J., Labour on the Family Farm: a Theory under Uncer­

tainty, 1 (1988) 365 Day, J.C. and M.P. Aillery, Soil and Moisture Management

in Mali: A Case Study Analysis for West Africa, 2 (1988) 209 Day, J.C., see Deuson, R.R., 4 (1990) 255 Day, J.C., D.W. Hughes and W.R. Butcher, Soil, water and crop

management alternatives in rainfed agriculture in the Sahel: an economic analysis, 7 (1992) 267

de Gorter, H., see Meilke, K.D. et a!., 14 (1996) 185 de Gorter, H., see Swinnen, J.F.M. et a!., 22 (2000) Ill de la Torre, A., K. Fickenscher and H. Luft, The zip (postal) code

difference: methods to improve indentification of rural sub­groups, 5 (1991) 253

de Londono, N.R., see Janssen, W., 10 (1994) 13 de Piiieres, S.A.G., Externalities in the agricultural export sector

and economic growth: a developing country perspective, 21 (1999) 257

Deaton, B.J., see Athanasios, A. et a!., 11 (1994) 301 Debertin, D.L., see Gallacher, M. et a!., 11 (1994) 289 del Ninno, C., see Dorosh, P. et a!., 13 (1995) 89 Delforce, J.C., Separability in farm-household economics: an

experiment with linear programming, 10 (1994) 165 Delpachitra, S.B. and R.L. St Hill, The law of one price: a test

based on prices for selected inputs in New Zealand agriculture, 10 (1994) 297

Denny, M., see Friesen, J. eta!., 6 (1992) 251 Dessus, S., see Beghin, J. eta!., 17 (1997) 115 Dessus, S., see van der Mensbrugghe, D. et a!., 19 (1998) 87 Denson, R.R. and J.C. Day, Transfer of sustainable technology in

dryland agriculture: Lessons from the Sahel in the 1980's, 4 (1990) 255

Deuson, R.R., see Jomini, P.A. et al., 6 (1991) 97 Devadoss, S. and J. Kropf, Impacts of trade liberizations under the

Uruguay Round on the world sugar market, 15 (1996) 83 Devadoss, S. and W.H. Meyers, Variability in wheat export

demand elasticity: Policy implications, 4 (1990) 381

Author Index/ Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121 109

Devadoss, S., see Lanclos, D.K. eta!., 14 (1996) 201 Diagne, A., see Zeller, M. eta!., 19 (1998) 219 Diakosavvas, D., How integrated are world beef markets? The case

of Australian and U.S. beef markets, 12 (1995) 37 Dijkhuizen, A.A., see Backus, G.B.C. eta!., 13 (1995) 101 Dijkhuizen, A.A., J.A. Renkema and J. Stelwagen, Modelling to

support animal health control, 5 (1991) 263 Dillon, C.R., see Oriade, C.A., 17 (1997) 45 Dillon, C.R., Advanced breakeven analysis of agricultural enter-

prise budgets, 9 (1993) 127 Dillon, J.L., see Belete, A. eta!., 6 (1991) 159 Dillon, J.L., see Belete, A. eta!., 8 (1993) 199 Dillon, J.L., see Okunev, J., 2 (1988) 273 Dillon, J.L., see Ran, G. et a!., 12 (1995) 69 Dillon, J.L., see Wan, G.H. eta!., 2 (1988) 73 Dillon, J.L., see Zhou, Z.Y. eta!., 6 (1992) 201 Dimara, E. and D. Skuras, Adoption of new tobacco varieties in

Greece: Impacts of empirical findings on policy design, 19 (1998) 297

Dinar, A. and A. Keck, Private irrigation investment in Columbia: efffects of violence, macroeconomic policy, and environmental conditions, 16 ( 1997) 1

Dinar, A. and D. Yaron, Adoption and abandonment of irrigation technologies, 6 (1992) 315

Djato, K.K., see Adesina, A.A., 14 (1996) 93 Djato, K.K., see Adesina, A.A., 16 (1997) 47 Don, H., B.H. Gunasekera, B. Bowen and N. Andrews, Developing

country debt: implications for agricultural trade, 4 (1990) 267 Dorosh, P. and S. Haggblade, Agriculture-led growth: foodgrains

versus export crops in Madagascar, 9 (1993) 165 Dorosh, P., C. del Ninno and D.E. Sahn, Poverty alleviation in

Mozambique: a multi-market analysis of the role of food aid, 13 (1995) 89

Dorward, A., Modelling embedded risk in peasant agriculture: methodolgical insights from northern Malawi, 21 (1999) 191

Dries, M.A. and L.J. Unnevehr, Influence of Trade Policies on Price Integration in the World Beef Market, 4 (1990) 73

Dronne, Y. and C. Tavera, Short-run dynamics of feed ingredient prices facing the EC: a causal analysis, 4 (1990) 351

Drynan, R.G., see Soe, T. et a!., 11 (1994) 207 Dubin, H.J., see Morris, M. eta!., 10 (1994) 269 Due, J., Agricultural Policy in Tropical Africa: is a Turnaround

Possible? 1 (1986) 19 Due, J.M. and F. Magayane, Changes needed in agricultural policy

for female-headed farm families in tropical Africa, 4 (1990) 239

E Eakin, K., see Ball, V.E. et al., 17 (1997) 277 Easter, K.W., see Hearne, R.R., 15 (1997) 187 Eboli, M.G. and E. Turri, Toward a Behavioral Model of Multiple­

Job-Holding Farm Families, 2 (1988) 247 Edwards, G.W., see Voon, J.P., 20 (1999) 11 Ehui, S., see Gavian, S., 20 (1999) 37

Ehui, S.K. and D.S.C. Spencer, Measuring the sustainability and economic viability of tropical farming systems: a model from sub-Saharan Africa, 9 (1993) 279

Ehui, S.K., see Freeman, H.A. eta!., 19 (1998) 33 Eicher, C., Building African Scientific Capacity for Agricultural

Development, 4 (1990) 117 Eidman, V.R., see Backus, G.B.C. eta!., 13 (1995) 101 Ekboir, J.M., Technical change and irreversible investment under

risk, 16 (1997) 55 Ekman, S. and H. Andersson, The economics of on-farm proces­

sing: model development and an empirical analysis, 18 (1998) 177

El Obeid, A.E., see Smith, L.C. et al., 22 (2000) 199 El-din, B., see AJ-Kahtani, S.H. et al., 12 (1995) 91 El-Jafari, M., The West Bank olive Market, 5 (1991) 153 Elamin, E.M. and L.F. Rogers, Estimation and use of risk aversion

coefficient for tradtional dryland agriculture in western Sudan, 7 (1992) 155

Elliot, H., see Pardey, P.G. et a!., 3 (1989) 261 Ellis, J.R., see Lee, J.G. eta!., 2 (1988) 319 Elnagheeb, A.H. and D.W. Bromley, Extensification of agriculture

and deforestation: empirical evidence from Sudan, 10 ( 1994) 193

Elnagheeb, A.H., W.J. Florkowski, C.-L. Huang and C. Halbrendt, Willingness to pay for pST-treated pork, 8 (1992) 45

Emana, B. and H. Storck, Improvement strategies for farming systems in the Eastern Highlands of Ethiopia, 8 (1992) 57

Ennew, C.T., A.J. Rayner, G.V. Reed and B. White, An application of optimal control theory to agricultural policy analysis, 4 (1990) 335

Epplin, P.M., see Berte, K., 3 (1989) 69 Epplin, R.M., see Jabarin, A., 11 (1994) 191 Ethridge, D., see Hudson, D., 20 (1999) 263 Evenson, R.E., see Bravo-Ureta, B.E., 10 (1994) 27

F Fairlamb, C.D. and W.L. Nieuwoudt, Economic factors affecting

human fertility in the developing areas of Southern Africa, 6 (1991) 185

Faki, H.H., see Gumaa, Y.T. et al., 11 (1994) 325 Farninow, M.D. and J.M. Laubscher, Empirical testing of alterna­

tive price spread models in the Soth African maize markets, 6 (1991) 49

Faminow, M.D., see Jeffrey, S.R. et al., 8 (1992) I Fan, S. and V.W. Ruttan, Induced technical change in centrally

planned economics, 6 (1992) 301 Fan, S., G. Cramer and E. Wailes, Food demand in rural China:

evidence from rural household survey, 11 ( 1994) 61 Fan, S., G. Cramer and E. Wailes, Impact of eliminating govern­

ment interventions on China's rice sector, II (1994) 71 Farris, P.L., see Chellaraj, G. et a!., 7 ( 1992) 1 Feather, P.M. and G.S. Amacher, Role of information in the adop­

tion of best management practices for water quality improve­ment, 11 (1994) !59

110 Author Index! Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121

Featherstone, A.M., see Kaliba, A.R.M. et al., 17 (1997) 133 Featherstone, A.M., G.A. Moghnieh and B.K. Goodwin, Farm­

level nonparametric analysis of cost-minimization and profit­maximization behavior, 13 (1995) 109

Feinerman, E. and I. Finkelshtain, Intoducing socioeconomic char­acteristics into production analysis under risk, 13 (1996) 149

Feinerman, E. and Y. Kislev, Agricultural settlement with joint production services, 6 ( 1991) 1

Feinerman, E., see Finkelshtain, I., 15 (1997) 155 Feinerman, E., Groundwater Management: Efficiency and Equity

Considerations, 2 (1988) 1 Feinerman, E., Value of information on crop response function to

soil salinity in a farm-level optimization model, 10 (1994) 233 Fender, G., T. Onchan and T. Raparia, Collateral, Guaranties and

Rural Credit in Developing Countries: Evidence from Asia, 2 (1988) 231

Fenyes, T.I., see Zyl, J.V. et al., 1 (1987) 241 Fernandez-Cornejo, J., Environmental and economic consequences

of technology adoption: IPM in viticulture, 18 (1998) 145 Fickenscher, K., see de la Torre, A. et al., 5 (1991) 253 Finkelshtain, I. and E. Feinerman, Framing the Allais paradox as a

daily farm decision problem: tests and explanations, 15 (1997) !55

Finkelshtain, I., see Bar-Shira, Z., 8 (1992) 33 Finkelshtain, I., see Feinerman, E., 13 (1996) 149 Fleming, E., see Vo, T. et al., 9 (1993) 183 Fleming, E.M. see Seyoum, E.T. et al., 19 (1998) 341 Fleming, E.M., see Hardaker, J.B., 3 (1989) 279 Fletcher, S.M., see Zhang, P. et al., 11 (1994) 51 Fliegel, F.C., see Sofranko, A.J., 3 (1989) 99 Piorkowski, W.J., see Elnagheeb, A.H. et al., 8 (1992) 45 Piorkowski, W.J., W. Moon, A.V.A. Resurreccion, J. Jordanov, P.

Paraskova, L.R. Beuchat, K. Murgov and M.S. Chinnan, Allo­cation of time for meal preparation in a transistion economy, 22 (2000) 173

Foster, K.A. see Dalton, T.J. et al., 17 (1997) 201 Foster, K.A. and A. Mwanaumo, Estimation of dynamic maize

supply response in Zambia, 12 (1995) 99 Foster, W.E., see Rezitis, A.N. et al., 18 (1998) 217 Fotopoulos, C.V., A partial adjustment model with rational expec­

tations applied to the goat sector in Greece, 12 (1995) 163 Fox, G. and A.K.E. Haque, A test of the underinvestment, myopia

and commodity bias hypotheses for U.S. agricultural reseasrch, 4 (1990) 209

Fox, G., B. Roberts and G.L. Brinkman, Canadian dairy policy and the returns to federal dairy cattle research, 6 (1992) 267

Francis, P.A., Small-Ruminant Marketing in Southwest Nigeria, 4 (1990) 193

Freeman, H.A., S.K. Ehui and M.A. Jabbar, Credit constraints and smallholder dairy production in the East African highlands: application of a switching regression model, 19 (1998) 33

Friesen, J., S. Capalob and M. Denny, Dynamic factor demand equations in U.S. and Canadian agriculture, 6 (1992) 251

Frisvold, G. and K. Ingram, Sources of agricultural productivity growth and stagnation in sub-Saharan Africa, 13 (1995) 51

Fuglie, K. and V.W. Ruttan, Value of External Reviews of Research at the International Agricultural Research Centers, 3 (1989) 365

Fulginiti, L.E. and R.K. Perrin, Agricultural productivity in devel­oping countries, 19 (1998) 45

Fulton, M., see Giannakas, K., 22 (2000) 75

G Gaasland, I., see Brunstad, R.J. et al., 13 (1995) 39 Gafar, J., The supply response of aggregate agricultural output in

Jamaica, 16 (1997) 205 Gallacher, M., A Note on Private Farm Management Consulting

Services: The Case of Argentina, 2 (1988) 335 Gallacher, M., S.J. Goetz and D.L. Debertin, Managerial form,

owership and efficiency: a case-study of Argentine agriculture, 11 (1994) 289

Ganerjee, A.N., see Swinnen, J.F.M. et al., 22 (2000) 111 Gapud, V., see Tjornhom, J.D. et al., 18 (1998) 167 Garate, M.R., see Apezteguia, B.I., 17 (1997) 179 Garcia, A. and L.M. Albisu, The demand for meat and fish in

Spain: Urban and rural areas, 19 (1998) 359 Garrido, A., see Varela-Ortega, C. et al., 19 (1998) 193 Gascon, F., see Otsuka, K. et al., 10 (1994) 283 Gavian, S. and S. Ehui, Measuring the production efficiency of

alternative land tenure contracts in a mixed crop-livestock sys­tem in Ethiopia, 20 (1999) 37

Gemma, M., see Kako, T. et al., 16 (1997) 193 Ghadim, A.K.A. and D.J. Pannell, A conceptual framework of

adoption of an agricultural innovation, 21 (1999) 145 Giannakas, K. and M. Fulton, The economics of coupled farm

subsidie sunder costly and imperfect enforcement, 22 (2000) 75

Gibson, R.R., see Jeffrey, S.R. et al., 8 (1992) 1 Giesen, G.W.J., A.J. Oskam and P.B.M. Berentsen, Expected Eco­

nomic Effects of BST in The Netherlands, 3 (1989) 231 Gil, J.M., see Zapata, H.O., 20 (1999) I Gjolberg, 0., Are piglet prices rational hog price forecasts? 13

(1995) 119 Gladwin, C.H., Gendered impacts of fertilizer subsidy removal

programs in Malawi and Cameroon, 7 (1992) 141 Gleckler, J., see Makki, S.S. et al., 10 (1994) 71 Gnaegy, S., see Petit, M., 8 (1993) 267 Gnaegy, S., see Valdes, A., 14 (1996) 143 Goddard, E.W. and T. Akiyama, United States Demand for Coffee

Imports, 3 (1989) 147 Goetz, S.J., see Gallacher, M. et al., II (1994) 289 Go1etti, F. and S. Babu, Market liberalization and integration of

maize markets in Malawi, II (1994) 311 Gollehon, N.R., see Moore, M.R. et al., 11 (1994) 143 Gomes, R., see Strauss, J. et al., 5 (1991) 341 Goodwin B.K., see Featherstone A.M. eta!., 13 (1995) 109 Goodwin, B.K., see Ortalo-Magne, F., 7 (1992) 65 Goodwin, B.K., Empirically Testing the Law of One Price in an

International Commodity Market: A Rational Expectations Application to the Natural Rubber Market, 4 (1990) 165

Gopinath, M. and T.L. Roe, Modeling inter-sectoral growth lin-kages: An application to U.S. agriculture, 21 (1999) 131

Author Index/ Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121 Ill

Gopinath, M., C. Arnade, M. Shane and T. Roe, Agricultural competitiveness: The case of the United States and major EU countries, 16 (1997) 99

Gotsch, N. and U. Regev, Fungicide use under risk in Swiss wheat production, 14 (1996) I

Govindasamy, R. and M.J. Cochran, Implications of alternative environmental policies on phosphorus load from poultry litter, 13 (1995) 137

Govindasamy, R. and W. Huffman, Efficiency of U.S. conserva­tion-compliance program, 8 (1993) 173

Grabowski, R., S. Kraft, S. Mehdian and C. Pasurka, Technologi­cal Change in Illinois Agriculture, 1982-1984, 2 ( 1988) 303

Grennes, T., see da Silva, O.M., 20 (1999) 143 Grepperud, S., Soil conservation and government policies in tro­

pical areas: Does aid worsen the incentives for atTesting ero­sion? 12 (1995) 129

Griffith, G.R. and N.E. Piggott, Asymmetry in beef, Iamb and pork farm-retail price transmission in Australia, 10 (1994) 307

Grisley, W. and E. Kellogg, Risk-Taking Preferences of Farmers in Northern Thailand: Measurements and Implications, I (1987) 127

Grisley, W., Farmer-to-farmer transfer of new crop varieties: an empirical analysis on small farms in Uganda, 11 (1994) 43

Gumaa, Y.T., H.H. Faki, A. Bakr, I. Mohamed and M.A. Ismail, Profitability analysis of foodgrain in the Sudan's irrigated agri­cultural sector, 11 (1994) 325

Gunasekera, B.H., see Don, H. et a!., 4 (1990) 267 Gunjal, K., see Kebede, Y. eta!., 4 (1990) 27 Gunjal, K., see Suwartini, E. et a!., 16 (1997) 237 Gunter, L., see Ames, G.C.W. et a!., 15 (1996) 97 Guyomard, H. and D. Vermersch, Derivation of Long-run Factor

Demads from Short-run Responses, 3 (1989) 213 Guyomard, H., C. Laroche and C. Le Moue!, An economic assess­

ment of the common Market Organization for bananas in the European Union, 20 (1999) 105

H Haddad, L., The income earned by women: impacts on welfare

outcomes, 20 (1999) 135 Haggblade, S. and P. Hazell, Agricultural Technology and Farm-

Nonfarm Growth Linkages, 3 (1989) 345 Haggblade, S., see Dorosh, P., 9 (1993) 165 Halbrendt, C., see Elnagheeb, A.H. eta!., 8 (1992) 45 Haley, S.L., Capital accumulation and the growth of aggregate

agricultural production, 6 (1991) 129 Hallam, A., see Babu, S.C. et a!., 13 (1995) 125 Hallam, A., see Chandra, S., 3 (1989) 187 Hallstrom, D.G., see Sumner, D.A. eta!., 21 (1999) 309 Hamdok, A.A., see Young, T., II (1994) 335 Hamm, S., see Kuchler, F., 22 (2000) 299 Hammer, J .S., see Braverman, A. et a!., I (1987) 273 Haque, A.K.E., see Fox, G., 4 (1990) 209 Hardaker, J.B. and E.M. Fleming, Agricultural Research Problems

in Small Developing Countries: Case Studies from the South Pacific Island Nations, 3 (1989) 279

Hardaker, J.B., see Torkamani, J., 14 (1996) 73 Harsh, S.B., see Ngategize, P.K. eta!., 5 (1991) 385 Hassan, R.M., Planting strategies of maize farmers in Kenya: a

simultaneous equations analysis in the presence of discrete dependent variables, 15 (1996) 137

Hassan, Z.A., Agreement on agriculture in the Uruguay Round of GATT:from Punta del Este to Marrakesh, 15 (1996) 29

Hawkins, M.H. and M.L. Lerohl, The Alberta hog industry problem of the 1960's: its definition and resolution, 5 (1991) 211

Hayami, Y., M. Kikuchi and E.B. Marciano, Middlemen and pea­sants in rice marketing in the Philippines, 20 ( 1999) 79

Hayami, Y., M. Kikuchi and K. Morooka, Market Price Response of World Rice Research, 3 (1989) 333

Hayami, Y., T. Kawagoe, Y. Morooka and M. Siregar, Income and Employment Generation from Agiicultural Processing and Marketing: The Case of Soybean in Indonesia, I (1988) 327

Hayes, D.J., T.l. Wahl and S.R. Johnson, A proposal for the reduc­tion of domestic price variability dming the phase-in period of trade liberalization, 7 ( 1992) 55

Hazell, P., see Haggblade, S., 3 (1989) 345 Hearne, R.R. and K.W. Easter, The economic and financial gains

from water markets in Chile, 15 (1997) 187 Hedley, D.D. and S.R. Tabor, Fertilizer in Indonesian Agriculture:

the Subsidy Issue, 3 (1989) 49 Heisey, P.W., see Hussain, S.S. eta!., 10 (1994) 39 Henneberry, S.R., L. Tweeten and K. Nainggolan, An analysis of

U.S. Aggregate Output Response by Farm Size, 5 (1991) 1 Henneberry, S.R., M.E. Khan and K. Piewthongngam, An analysis

of industrial-agricultural interactions: a case study in Pakistan, 22 (2000) 17

Herdt, R.W., see Lynam, J.K., 3 (1989) 381 Hernandez-Estrada, J., see Brennan, J.P. et a!., 6 (1992) 345 Hertel, T.W., see Lanclos, D.K. eta!., 14 (1996) 201 Heshmati, A., Estimating random effects production function mod­

els with selectivity bias: and application to Swedish crop pro­ducts, 11 (1994) 171

Hiemstra, S.W., Production and uses of subject-matter research in federal service: observations from research on Farmer Mac, 5 (1991) 237

Hien, V., D. Kabore, S. You! and J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, Stochastic dominance analysis of on-farm trial data: The riskiness of alternative phosphate sources in Burkina Faso, 15 (1997) 213

Hitzhusen, F., see Zhao, F. et a!., 5 (1991) 311 Holden, S.T., see Shiferaw, B., 18 (1998) 233 Holden, S.T., see Shiferaw, B., 22 (2000) 217 Holden, S.T., Peasant houshold modelling: Farming systems evo­

lution and sustainability in northern Zambia, 9 (1993) 241 Holloway, G.J., Measuring research benefits in an imperfect mar­

ket: second comment, 22 (2000) 123 Honfoga, B.G., Maize acreage response under differtial prices in

the Republic of Benin, West Africa, 9 (1993) 215 Honma, M., Growth in horticultural trade: Japan's market for

developing countries, 9 (1993) 37 Hosseini, S., see Alston, J.M. eta!., 20 (1999) 191 Houck, J.P., Link between Agricultural Assistance and Interna­

tional Trade, 2 (1988) 159

112 Author Index I Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-12 I

Howard, W.H. and I. McDonald, Linkages between Regulated and Unregulated Markets: the Case of Milk Supply in Kenya, 2 (1988) 223

Howard, W.H., see Tabi, J. et a!., 6 (1991) 177 Howard, W.H., R.W. Blake, T.O. Knight, C.R. Shumway and M.A.

Tomaszewski, Estimating the effectivesness of extension infor­mation systems using farm trials and subjective probabilities, 7 (1992) 77

Hsiou, L.-F., see Ames, G.C.W. et a!., 9 (1993) 203 Huang, C.-H., Inefficiency due to tenancy protection: a new tenure

problem in Taiwan, 5 (1991) 121 Huang, C.-L., see Elnagheeb, A.H. et a!., 8 (1992) 45 Huang, J. and C.C. David, Demand for cereal grains in Asia: the

effect of urbanization, 8 (1993) 107 Huang, J., see Widawsky, D. eta!., 19 (1998) 203 Huang, Y. and K.P. Kalirajan, Potential of China's grain produc­

tion: evidence from the household data, 17 (1997) 191 Hudson, D. and D. Ethridge, Export taxes and sectoral economic

growth: evidence from cotton and yarn markets in Pakistan, 20 (1999) 263

Huffman, W., see Govindasamy, R., 8 (1993) 173 Huffman, W.E. and R.E. Just, The organization of agricultural

research in western developed countries, 21 (1999) 1 Huffman, W.E., see Warjiyo, P., 17 (1997) 223 Hughes, D.W., see Day, J.C. eta!., 7 (1992) 267 Huime, R.B.M., see Rougoor, C.W. eta!., 18 (1998) 261 Hushak, L.J., see Nagarajan, G. eta!., 12 (1995) 171 Hussain, S.S., D. Byerlee and P.W. Heisey, Impacts of the training

and visit extension system on farmers' knowledge and adop­tion of technology: Evidence from Pakistan, 10 (1994) 39

Hutabarat, B., see Riethmuller, P. eta!., 20 (1999) 51 Hwang, T.-C., see Thraen, C.S. eta!., 6 (1992) 365

I Iglesias, E., see Varela-Ortega, C. et a!., 19 (1998) 193 In, F., see Ran, G. et a!., 12 (1995) 69 Ingram, K., see Frisvold, G., 13 (1995) 51 Isard, P., B. Lowrey, P.A.V.B. Swamy and R. Conway, The U.S.

Demand for Imported and Domestically Produced Foods: An Investigation of Intertemporal and Substitution Effects, 1 (1988) 309

Islam, N., Toward the Rural-Based Development of Commerce and Industry: Selected Experiences from East Asia, 21 (1999) 217

Islam, Z., see Turvey, C.G., 12 (1995) 23 Ismail, M.A., see Gumaa, Y.T. et a!., 11 (1994) 325 Ismet, M., A.P. Barkley and R.V. Llewelyn, Government interven­

tion and market integration in Indonesian rice markets, 19 (1998) 283

Ito, S., see Kako, T. et a!., 16 (1997) 193 Ito, S., see Wesley, E. et a!., 6 (1991) 67 Ito, S., D.T. Chen, E. Wesley and F. Peterson, Modeling interna­

tional trade flows and market shares for agricultural commod­ities: a modified Armington procedure for rice, 4 (1990) 315

Itty, P., Profitability, efficiency and comparative advantage of Afri­can cattle meat and milk production: the case of trypanotoler­ant village cattle production, 14 (1996) 33

J Jabara, C.L., Effect of Sugar Price Policy on U.S. Imports of

Processed Sugar-containing Foods, 3 (1989) 131 Jabarin, A. and R.M. Epplin, Impacts of land fragmentation of the

cost of producing wheat in the rain-fed region of northen Jor­dan, 11 (1994) 191

Jabbar, M.A., see Freeman, H.A. et a!., 19 (1998) 33 Jabbar, M.A., Buyer preferences for sheep and goats in southern

Nigeria: a hedonic price analysis, 18 (1998) 21 Jansen, H.G.P., Gini's coefficient of mean difference as a measure

of adoption speed: theoretical issues and empirical evidence from India, 7 (1992) 351

Janssen, W. and N.R. de Londono, Modernization of a peasant crop in Columbia: evidence and implications, 10 (1994) 13

Janssen, W., see Batz, F.-J. et a!., 21 (1999) 121 Jayasuriya, S.K., see Barlow, C., 1 (1987) 159 Jeffrey, S.R., see Xu, X., 18 (1998) 157 Jeffrey, S.R., R.R. Gibson and M.D. Faminow, Nearly optimal linear

programming as a guide to agricultural planning, 8 (1992) 1 Jensen, H.H., see Smith, L.C. et a!., 22 (2000) 199 Jensen, P.H., see Ahmadi-Esfahani, F.Z., 10 (1994) 61 Jesse, E., see Chavas, J.P. eta!., 18 (1998) 1 Jha, R., K.V.B. Murthy, H.K. Nagarajan and A. Seth, Components

of the wholesale bid-ask spread and the structure of grain markets: the case of rice in India, 21 (1999) 173

Jha, S. and P.V. Srinivasan, Grain price stabilization in India: Evaluation of policy alternatives, 21 (1999) 93

Jin, L., see Wesley, E. et a!., 6 (1991) 67 Jin, S. see Widawsky, D. et a!., 19 (1998) 203 Johnson, D.G., Role of agriculture in economic development revis­

ited, 8 (1993) 421 Johnson, S.R., see Hayes, D.J. et a!., 7 (1992) 55 Jomini, P.A., R.R. Denson, J. Lowenberg-DeBoer and A. Bationo,

Modeling stochastic crop response to fertilisation when carry­over matters, 6 (1991) 97

Jones, R.E., D.T. Vere and M.H. Campbell, The external costs of pasture weed spread: an economic assessment of serrated tus­sock control, 22 (2000) 91

Jordanov, J., see Piorkowski, W.J. eta!., 22 (2000) 173 Junguito, R., see Schuh, G.E., 8 (1993) 377 Just, R.E., see Bar-Shira, Z. eta!., 17 (1997) 211 Just, R.E., see Huffman, W.E., 21 (1999) 1 Jutting, J., Transmission of price shifts in the context of structural

adjustment: An empirical analysis for staple food after the devaluation of the franc CFA in Ivory Coast, 22 (2000) 67

K Kabore, D., see Hien, V. eta!., 15 (1997) 213

Author Index/ Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121 113

Kako, T., M. Gemma and S. Ito, Implications of the minimum access rice import on supply and demand balance of rice in Japan, 16 (1997) 193

Kaliba, A.R.M., A.M. Featherstone and D.W. Norman, A stall­feeding management for improved cattle in semiarid central Tanzania: factors influencing adoption, 17 (1997) 133

Kalirajan, K.P., see Huang, Y., 17 (1997) 191 Kaneene, J.B., see Ngategize, P.K. et al., 5 (1991) 385 Kang, M.S., see Pardey, P.G. et al., 3 (1989) 261 Kapombe, C.M. and D. Colyer, A structural time series analysis of

US broiler exports, 21 (1999) 295 Karagiannis, G., S. Katranidis and K. Velentzas, An error conec­

tion almost ideal demand system for meat in Greece, 22 (2000) 29

Karemera, D., see Koo, W.W. et al., 10 (1994) 81 Katranidis, S., see Karagiannis, G. et al., 22 (2000) 29 Kawagoe, T., see Hayami, Y. et al., 1 (1988) 327 Kebede, Y., K. Gunjal and G. Coffin, Adoption of New Technol­

ogies in Ethiopian Agriculture: The Case of Tegulet-Bulga District, Shoa Province, 4 (1990) 27

Keck, A., see Dinar, A., 16 (1997) 1 Kellogg, E., see Grisley, W., 1 (1987) 127 Kennedy, J.O.S., Principles of Dynamic Optimization in Resource

Management, 2 (1988) 57 Kerr, J.M., see Pender, J.L., 19 (1998) 113 Kerr, J.M., see Pender, J.L., 21 (1999) 279 Khan, M.E., see Hennebeny, S.R. et al., 22 (2000) 17 Kherallah, M.W., J.C. Beghin, E. Wesley, F. Peterson and F.J.

Ruppel, Impacts of official development assistance on agri­cultural growth, savings and agricultural imports, 11 (1994) 99

Kidane, A. and D.G. Abler, Production technologies in Ethiopian agriculture, 10 ( 1994) 179

Kikuchi, M., see Hayami, Y. et al., 20 (1999) 79 Kikuchi, M., see Hayami, Y. et al., 3 (1989) 333 Kim, H., see Buhr, B.L., 17 (1997) 21 Kimhi, A. and R. Bollman, Family farm dynamics in Canada and

Israel: the case of farm exits, 21 (1999) 69 Kimhi, A., Fanners' time allocation between farm and work and

off-faun work and the importance of unobserved group effects: evidence from Israeli cooperatives, 14 (1996) 135

Kingwell, R.S., D.J. Pannell and S.D. Robinson, Tactical responses to seasonal conditions in whole-farm planning in Western Aus­tralia, 8 (1993) 211

Kiros, F.F., see Odulaja, A., 14 (1996) 85 Kirsten, J., see Townsend, R.F. et al., 19 (1998) 175 Kislev, Y., see Feinerman, E., 6 (1991) 1 Knight, T.O., see Howard, W.H. eta!., 7 (1992) 77 Koester, U., International trade and agricultural development in

developing countries: Significance of the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations, 8 (1993) 275

Koo, W.W., see Yang, S.-R., 9 (1993) 347 Koo, W.W., D. Karemera and R. Taylor, A gravity model analysis

of meat trade policies, 10 (1994) 81 Kraft, S., see Grabowski, R. et a!., 2 (1988) 303 Kramer, R.A., see Zuhair, S.M.M. et al., 6 (1992) 333 Krishnamoorthy, S., see Tadesse, B., 16 (1997) 185

Krissoff, B. and N. Ballenger, Agricultural Trade Liberalization in a Multisector World Model, 3 (1989) 83

Krissoff, B., see Pick, D., 8 (1993) 91 Kristjanson, P. and W.E. Tyner, Impacts of feed ingredient subsidy

removal and concurrent trade liberization in Tunsia, 7 (1992) 331

Kropf, J., see Devadoss, S., 15 (1996) 83 Kruseman, G., see Kuyvenhoven, A. et al., 19 (1998) 53 Kuchler, F. and S. Hamm, Animal disease incidence and indemnity

eradication programs, 22 (2000) 299 Kuhlmann, F., see Wagner, P., 5 (1991) 287 Kumar, A.G., see Parikh, K.S. eta!., 17 (1997) I Kumbhakar, S.C., Efficiency estimation in a profit maxumsmg

model using flexible production function, 10 (1994) 143 Kuroda, Y., Biased Technological Change and Factor Demand in

Postwar Japanese Agriculture, 1958-84, 2 (1988) 101 Kuroda, Y., Labor productivity measurement in Japanese agricul­

ture, 1965-90, 12 (1995) 55 Kuroda, Y., Research and extension expenditures and productivity

in Japanese agriculture, 1960-1990, 16 (1997) 111 Kuyvenhoven, A., R. Ruben and G. Kruseman, Technology, mar­

ket policies and institutional reform for sustainable land use in southern Mali, 19 (1998) 53

Kwon, Y.D. and H. Yamauchi, Agricultural policy adjustments in the Korean rice economy, 9 (1993) 335

L Lacewell, R.D., see Lee, J.G. et al., 2 (1988) 319 Lamb, R.L., Food crops, exports, and the short-nm policy response

of agriculture in Africa, 22 (2000) 271 Lanclos, D.K., T.W. Hertel and S. Devadoss, Assessing the effects

of tariff reform on U.S. food manufacturing industries: the role of imperfect competition and intermediate inputs, 14 (1996) 201

Langlois, C.C., A markup over average cost pricing rule for meat and poultry in the United States, 8 (1993) 227

Lansink, A.O., see Woldehanna, T. et a!., 22 (2000) 163 Lapar, Ma.L.A. and S. Pandey, Adoption of soil conservation: the

case of the Phillippine uplands, 21 (1999) 241 Lariviere, E., B. Larue and J. Chalfant, Modeling the demand for

alcoholic beverages and advertising specifications, 22 (2000) 147

Laroche, C., see Guyomard, H. et al., 20 (1999) 105 Larson, B.A., Principles of stochastic dynamic optimization in

resource management: the continuous-time case, 7 (1992) 91 Larson, D.W., see Baldwin, E.D. et al., I (1987) 209 Larson, D.W., see Thraen, C.S. et al., 6 (1992) 365 Larue, B., see Lariviere, E. et al., 22 (2000) 147 Larue, B., see Sabuhoro, J.B., 16 (1997) 171 Laubscher, J.M., see Faminow, M.D., 6 (1991) 49 Lawerence, P.G., J.H. Sanders and S. Ramaswamy, The impact

of agricultural and household technologies on women: a con­ceptual and quantitative analysis in Burkina Faso, 20 (1999) 203

114 Author Index/ Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121

Le, C., see Guyomard, H. eta!., 20 (1999) 105 Leathers, H.D., Allocable fixed inputs as a cause of joint produc­

tion: an empirical investigation, 7 (1992) 109 Lee, C., D. Wills and G. Schluter, Examining the Leontief Paradox

in U.S. Agricultural Trade, 2 (1988) 259 Lee, H., see Sumner, D.A. et a!., 21 (1999) 309 Lee, J.G., J.R. Ellis and R.D. Lacewell, Crop Selection and Impli­

cations for Profits and Wind Erosion in a Semi-Arid Environ­ment, 2 (1988) 319

Lerman, Z. and C. Parliament, Size and industry effects in the performance of agricultural cooperatives, 6 (1991) 15

Lerman, Z., see Brooks, K., 13 (1995) 11 Lerman, Z., K. Brooks and C. Csaki, Restructuring of tradtional

farms and new land relations in Ukraine, 13 (1995) 27 Lerohl, M.L., see Hawkins, M.H., 5 (1991) 211 Lenng, P.S., see Sharma, K.R. et a!., 20 (1999) 23 Leuthold, R.M., see Sarassoro, G.F., 6 (1991) 31 Lewin, L.G., see Brennan, J.P. eta!., 17 (1997) 35 Li, G., S. Rozelle and L. Brandt, Tenure, land rights, and farmer

investment incentives in China, 19 (1998) 63 Lilja, N. and J.H. Sanders, Welfare impacts of technological

change on women in southern Mali, 19 (1998) 73 Lin, J.Y., Impact of hybrid rice on input demand and productivity,

10 (1994) 153 Llewelyn, R.V. and J.R. Williams, Nonparametric analysis of tech­

nical, pure technical, and scale efficiencies for food crop pro­duction in East Java, Indonesia, 15 (1996) 113

Llewelyn, R.V., see Ismet, M. et a!., 19 (1998) 283 Lohr, L. and L. Salomonsson, Conversion subsidies for organic

production: results from Sweden and lessons for the United States, 22 (2000) 133

Lopez-Pereira, M.A., J.H. Sanders, T.G. Baker and P.V. Preckel, Economics of erosion-control and seed-fertilizer technologies for hillside farming in Hounduras, 11 (1994) 271

Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., see Hien, V. et a!., 15 (1997) 213 Lowenberg-DeBoer, J., see Jomini, P.A. et a!., 6 (1991) 97 Lowrey, B., see Isard, P. et a!., 1 (1988) 309 Luft, H., see de Ia Torre, A. et a!., 5 (1991) 253 Lutz, E. and Y. Saadat, Issues relating to Agricultural Pricing

Policies and their Analysis in Developing Countries, 2 (1988) 19

Lynam, J.K. and R.W. Herdt, Sense Sustainability: Sustainability as an Objective in International Agricultural Research, 3 (1989) 381

M Magayane, F., see Due, J.M., 4 (1990) 239 Makki, S.S., L. Tweeten and J. Gleckler, Agricultural trade nego­

tiations as a strtegic game, 10 (1994) 71 Maleka, P., An application of Target MOT AD Model to crop pro­

duction in Zambia: Gwembe Valley as a case study, 9 (1993) 15

Mamingi, N., The impact of prices and macroeconomic policies on agricultural supply: a reply, 21 ( 1999) 323

Mamingi, N., The impact of prices and macroeconomic policies on agricultural supply: a synthesis of available results, 16 (1997) 17

Marciano, E.B., see Hayami, Y. et a!., 20 (1999) 79 Maredia, M.K. and D. Byerlee, Efficiency of research investments

in the presence of international spillovers: wheat research in developing countries, 22 (2000) 1

Maredia, M.K., R. Ward and D. Byerlee, Econometric estimation of a global spillover matrix for wheat varietal technology, 14 (1996) 159

Martin, W.J. and P.G. WatT, Determinants of agriculture's relative decline: Thailand, 11 (1994) 219

Martin, W.J., see Salazar, A., 8 (1993) 313 Martinez, J.C., G. Sain and M. Yates, Toward farm-based policy

analysis: concepts applied in Haiti, 5 (1991) 223 Masters, W.A., see Ahmed, M.M., et a!., 12 (1995) 183 Masters, W.A., see Dalton, T.J. eta!., 17 (1997) 201 Masters, W.A., see Dalton, T.J., 19 (1998) 27 Masters, W.A., T. Bedingar and J.F. Oehmke, The impact of agri­

cultural research in Africa: aggegate and case study evidence, 19 (1998) 81

Mataya, C., see Zeller, M. eta!., 19 (1998) 219 Mazid, A. and E. Bailey, Incorporating risk in the economic ana­

lysis of agronomic trials: fertilizer use on barley in Syria, 7 (1992) 167

McCalla, A.F., Prospects for food security in the 21st Century: with special empasis on Africa, 20 (1999) 95

McClatchy, D., see Meilke, K.D. et a!., 14 (1996) 185 McDonald, I., see Howard, W.H., 2 (1988) 223 Mcintosh, C.S. and C.R. Shumway, Evaluating alternative price

expectation models for multiproduct supple analysis, 10 (1994) 1

Mckee, V.C., see Tefertiller, K.R. et a!., 5 (1991) 193 McKillop, W. and A. Sarkar, Sustainable development of forest

resources in industrialized countries, 14 (1996) 175 Mdafri, A. and B.W. Brorsen, Demand for red meat, poultry, and

fish in Morocco: and almost ideal demand system, 9 (1993) 155

Mdoe, N. and S. Wiggins, Returns to smallholder dairying in the Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania, 17 (1997) 75

Medd, R.W., see Pandey, S., 6 (1991) 115 Mehdian, S., see Grabowski, R. et a!., 2 (1988) 303 Meilke, K.D. see Chen, K.Z. eta!., 20 (1999) 173 Meilke, K.D. and R. Sarker, Four case studies of agri-food CVDs

and a proposal for reforming national administered protection agencies, 17 (1997) 14 7

Meilke, K.D., D. McClatchy and H. de Gorter, Challenges in quantitative economic analysis in support of multilateral trade negations, 14 (1996) 185

Mercer, D.E., see Pattanayak, S., 18 (1998) 31 Mergos, G.J. and Ch.E. Stoforos, Fertilizer demand in Greece, 16

(1997) 227 Meyer, R.L., see Nagarajan, G. et a!., 12 (1995) 171 Meyers, W.H., see Devadoss, S., 4 (1990) 381 Mills, B.F., Ex-ante agricultural research evalution with site spe­

cific technology generation: the case of sorghum in Kenya, 16 (1997) 125

Author Index/Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121 115

Mirotchie, M. and D.B. Taylor, Resorce allocation and productiv­ity of cereal state farms in Ethiopia, 8 (1993) 187

Mishima, T., Changes of the rice distribution and the functions of the food control system in Japan, 7 (1992) 39

Moghnieh, G.A., see Featherstone, A.M. eta!., 13 (1995) 109 Mohamed, I., see Gumaa, Y.T. eta!., I I (1994) 325 Moon, W., see Florkowski, W.J. eta!., 22 (2000) 173 Moore, M.R., N.R. Gollehon and M.B. Carey, Alternative models

of input allocation in multicrop systems: Irriagation water in the Central Plains, United States, 11 (1994) 143

Morduch, J.J., see Braverman, A. eta!., 1 (1987) 273 Morooka, K., see Hayami, Y. et a!., 3 (1989) 333 Morooka, Y., see Hayarni, Y. eta!., 1 (1988) 327 Morooka, Y., see Nanseki, T., 5 (1991) 39 Morris, M., H.J. Dubin and T. Pokhrel, Returns to wheat breeding

research in Nepal, 10 (1994) 269 Morris, M.L., Wheat Policy Options in Sub-Saharan Africa: The

Case of Zimbabwe, 3 (1989) 115 Moschini, G., Economic issues in tariffication: an overview, 5

(1991) 101 Mukhebi, A.W., see Nyangito, H.O. eta!., 13 (1996) 163 Mundy, D.S., see Nyangito, H.O. eta!., 13 (1996) 163 Murgov, K., see Piorkowski, W.J. et a!., 22 (2000) 173 Murthy, K.V.B., see Jha, R. et a!., 21 (1999) 173 Mustafa, U., see Rodriguez, A. et a!., 12 (1995) 79 Mutangadura, G. and G.W. Norton, Agricultural research priority

setting under multiple objectives: an example from Zimbabwe, 20 (1999) 277

Mwanaumo, A., see Foster, K.A., 12 (1995) 99 Myers, R.J., Intervention bias in agricultural policy, 7 (1992) 209

N Nagarajan, G., R.L. Meyer and L.J. Hushak, Segmentation in the

informal credit markets: the case of the Philippines, 12 (1995) 171

Nagarajan, H.K., see Jha, R. et a!., 21 (1999) 173 Nagy, J.G. and M.A. Quddus, National agricultural commodity

research priorities for Pakistan, 19 (1998) 327 Nagy, J.G., J.H. Sanders and H.W. Ohm, Cereal Technology In­

terventions for the West African Semi-Arid Tropics, 2 (1988) 197

Nainggolan, K., see Henneberry, S.R. eta!., 5 (1991) 1 Namken, J., see Nyangito, H.O. eta!., 13 (1996) 163 Nanseki, T. and Y. Morooka, Risk preference and optimal crop

combinations in upland Java, Indonesia: an application of sto­chastic programming, 5 (1991) 39

Narayana, N.S.S., see Parikh, K.S. eta!., 17 (1997) 1 Negatu, W. and A. Parikh, The impact of perception and other

factors on the adoption of agricultural technology in the Moret and Jiru Woreda (district) of Ethiopia, 21 (1999) 205

Nersoyan, N., see Nordblom, T.L. et a!., 11 (1994) 29 Ngategize, P.K., S.B. Harsh and J.B. Kaneene, Application of

replacement theory in dairy cows and it's use in disease treat­ment, 5 (1991) 385

Nicholson, C., see Weersink, A. et a!., 18 (1998) 127 Nieuwoudt, W.L., see Fairlamb, C.D., 6 (1991) 185 Nkonya, E.M. and J.L. Parcell, Redistribution of social benfits

from advances in extension and research in the Tanzanian maize industry, 21 ( 1999) 231

Nordblom, T.L., D.J. Pannell, S. Christiansen, N. Nersoyan and F. Bahhady, From weed to wealth? Prospects for medic pastures in the Mediterranean farming system of north-west Syria, 11 (1994) 29

Norman, D.W., see Kaliba, A.R.M. et a!., 17 (1997) 133 Norton, G.W., see Carcamo, J. eta!., II (1994) 257 Norton, G.W., see Mutangadura, G., 20 (1999) 277 Norton, G.W., see Tjornhom, J.D. eta!., 18 (1998) 167 Ntare, B.R., see Baidu-Forson, J. eta!., 16 (1997) 219 Nube, M., see Asenso-Okyere, W.K. et a!., 17 (1997) 59 Nyangito, H.O., J.W. Richardson, D.S. Mundy, A.W. Mukhebi, P.

Zimmel and J. Namken, Economic impacts of East Coast Fever immunization on smallholder farms, Kenya: a simulation analysis, 13 (1996) 163

Nyaribo, F.B. and D.L. Young, Impacts of capital and land con­straints on the economics of new livestock technology in wes­tern Kenya, 6 (1992) 353

0 Obben, J., Cost structure and technical change in rural banking, 8

(1993) 243 Oczkowski, E., Price and quantity controlled agricultural markets

and disequilibrium econometrics: a survey, 9 (1993) 53 Odagiri, T. and P. Riethmuller, Japan's Large Scale Retail Store

Law: a cause of concern for food exporters? 22 (2000) 55 Odulaja, A. and F.F. Kiros, Modelling agricultural production of

small-scale farmers in sub-Saharan Africa: a case study in western Kenya, 14 (1996) 85

Oehmke, J., Persistent Underinvestment in Public Agricultural Research, 1 (1986) 53

Oehmke, J.F., see Masters, W.A. eta!., 19 (1998) 81 Oehmke, J.F., see Schwartz, L.A. et al., 8 (1993) 161 Oehmke, J.F., The Calculation of Returns to Research in Distorted

Markets, 2 (1988) 291 Ohlmer, B., K. Olsen and B. Brehmer, Understanding farmers'

decision making processes and improving managerial assis­tance, 18 (1998) 273

Ohlmer, B., On-farm computers for farm management in Sweden: potentials and problems, 5 (1991) 279

Ohm, H.W., see Nagy, J.G. et a!., 2 (1988) 197 Okorie, A., Rural banking in Nigeria: Empirical evidence of

indicative policy variables from Anambra State, 7 (1992) 13 Okunev, J. and J.L. Dillon, A Linear Programming Algorithm

for Determining Mean-Gini Efficient Farm Plans, 2 (1988) 273

Olsen, K., see Ohlmer, B. eta!., 18 (1998) 273 Omezzine, A. and O.S. Al-Jabri, Price supply response of vegeta­

ble growers in the Sultanate of Oman, 19 (1998) 349 Onchan, T., see Fender, G. eta!., 2 (1988) 231

116 Author Index/ Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121

Oriade, C.A. and C.R. Dillon, Developments in biophysical and bioeconomic simulation of agricultural systems: a review, 17 (1997) 45

Ortalo-Magne, F. and B.K. Goodwin, An economic analysis of U.S. vital wheat gluten imports, 7 (1992) 65

Oskam, A.J., see Giesen, G.W.J. et a!., 3 (1989) 231 Otsuka, K., see Thapa, G. et a!., 7 (1992) 245 Otsuka, K., F. Gascon and S. Asano, Second-generation' MVs and

the evolution of the Green Revolution: the case of Central Luzon, 1966-60, 10 (1994) 283

Otsuka, K., V.G. Cordova and C. C. David, Modern rice technology and regional wage differentials in the Philippines, 4 (1990) 297

Oustapassidis, K., see Vlachvei, A., 18 (1998) 191 Ozsabuncuoglu, I.H., Production function for wheat: a case study

of Southeastern Anatolian Project (SAP) region, 18 (1998) 75

p Paarlberg, P.L., see Abbott, P.C., 19 (1998) 257 Paik, W.K., see Browne, W.P., 11 (1994) 125 Palladino, P., see Thirtle, C. eta!., 19 (1998) 127 Panda, M., see Parikh, K.S. eta!., 17 (1997) 1 Pandey, S. and R.W. Medd, A stochastic dynamic programming

framework for weed control decision making: an application to Avena fatua L., 6 (1991) 115

Pandey, S., see Lapar, Ma.L.A., 21 (1999) 241 Pandey, S., Risk-Effcient Irrigation Strategies for Wheat, 4 (1990) 59 Pannell, D.J., see Ghadim, A.K.A., 21 (1999) 145 Pannell, D.J., see Kingwell, R.S. et al., 8 (1993) 211 Pannell, D.J., see Nordblom, T.L. eta!., 11 (1994) 29 Pannell, D.J., Pests and Pesticides, risk and risk aversion, 5 (1991)

361 Pannell, D.J., Sensitivity analysis of normative economic models:

theortical framework and practival strategies, 16 (1997) 139 Paraskova, P., see Florkowski, W.J. et a!., 22 (2000) 173 Parcell, J.L., see Nkonya, E.M., 21 (1999) 231 Pardey, P.O., see Anderson, J.R. eta!., 10 (1994) 107 Pardey, P.O., M.S. Kang and H. Elliot, Structure of Public Support

for National Agricultural Research Systems: A Political Econ­omy Perspective, 3 (1989) 261

Parikh, A. and A. Bernard, Impact of Risk on HYV Adoption in Bangladesh, 2 (1988) 167

Parikh, A. and M.K. Shah, Measurement of cost inefficiency with safety first measure of risk, 11 ( 1994) 197

Parikh, A., see Negatu, W., 21 (1999) 205 Parikh, K.S., N.S.S. Narayana, M. Panda and A.G. Kumar, Agri­

cultural trade liberalization: growth, welfare and large country effects, 17 (1997) 1

Parliament, C., see Lerman, Z., 6 (1991) 15 Pasurka, C., see Grabowski, R. et a!., 2 (1988) 303 Patrick, I.W. and D.T. Vere, Ex ante assessment of the returns to

livestock disease control in Indonesia, 11 (1994) 83 Pattanayak, S. and D.E. Mercer, Valuing soil conservation benefits

of agroforestry: contour hedgerows in the Eastern Visayas, Philippines, 18 (1998) 31

Pautsch, G.R., see Shousha, F.M., 17 (1997) 265 Peerlings, J., see Woldehanna, T. et a!., 22 (2000) 163 Peeters, L. and Y. Surry, Estimating feed utilisation matrices using

a cost function approach, 9 (1993) 109 Pender, J .L. and J .M. Kerr, Determinants of farmers' indigenous

soil and water conservation investments in semi-arid India, 19 (1998) 113

Pender, J.L. and J.M. Kerr, The effects of land sales restictions: evidence from south India, 21 (1999) 279

Pender, J.L., Population growth, agricultural intensification, induced innovation and natural resource sustainability: An application of neoclassical growth theory, 19 (1998) 99

Perrin, R.K., see Fulginiti, L.E., 19 (1998) 45 Perrin, R.K., Intellectual property rights and developing country

agriculture, 21 (1999) 221 Perry, V.G., see Tefertiller, K.R. eta!., 5 (1991) 193 Peters, G.H., Agricultural economics: an educational and research

agenda for nations in transition, 12 (1995) All Peters, K.J., see Batz, F.-J. et a!., 21 (1999) 121 Peterson, F., see Ito, S. et a!., 4 (1990) 315 Peterson, F., see Kherallah, M.W. et a!., 11 (1994) 99 Peterson, F., see Wesley, E. et a!., 6 (1991) 67 Peterson, F., see Wesley, E., 1 (1988) 341 Peterson, W., International Supply Response, 2 (1988) 365 Petie, M., The Agricultural Trade Confrontation between the Unic

ted States and the European Community: a Challenge to our Profession, 2 (1988) 185

Petit, M. and S. Gnaegy, Trade and Development, 8 (1993) 267 Phillips, T., see Tabi, J. et a!., 6 (1991) 177 Pick, D. and B. Krissoff, Will developing country debt forgiveness

increase agricultural trade, 8 (1993) 91 Pick, D., see Arnade, C., 18 (1998) 55 Piewthongngam, K., see Henneberry, S.R. eta!., 22 (2000) 17 Piggott, N.E., see Griffith, G.R., 10 (1994) 307 Pinckney, T.C., Effects of pricing policy on seasonal storage of

wheat in Pakistan, 5 (1991) 135 Pokhrel, T., see Morris, M. et a!., 10 (1994) 269 Pooynyth, D., P. Westoff, A. Womack and G. Adams, Impacts of

WTO restrictions on subsidized EU sugar exports, 22 (2000) 233

Preckel, P.V., see Lopez-Pereira, M.A. et a!., 11 (1994) 271

Q Quddus, M.A., see Nagy, J.G. 19 (1998) 327

R Rae, A.N., Interaction between livestock and feeds policies: evi­

dence from Southeast Asia, 7 (1992) 25 Rae, A.N., The effects of expenditure growth and urbanisation on

food consumption in East Asia: a note on animal products, 18 (1998) 291

Author Index! Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121 117

Rajasekaran, B., see Babu, S.C. eta!., 13 (1995) 125 Ramaswamy, S., see Lawerence, P.G. eta!., 20 (1999) 203 Ran, G., F. In and J.L. Dillon, Effects of agricultural production

fluctuations on the Chinese macroeconomy, 12 (1995) 69 Rao, D.S.P., see Sharma, K.C. eta!., 4 (1990) I Rao, J.M., Agricultural Supply Response: A Survey, 3 (1989) I Raparia, T., see Fender, G. et a!., 2 (1988) 231 Rask, K., Evidence of the empirical relevance of the infant indus­

try argument for the protection of Brazilian ethanol production, 10 (1994) 245

Ratner, A., see Yaron, D., 4 (1990) 45 Rausser, G.C., see Swinnen, J.F.M. et a!., 22 (2000) Ill Rayner, A.J., see Ennew, C.T. eta!., 4 (1990) 335 Reardon, T., see Byiringiro, F., 15 (1996) 127 Reed, G.V., see Ennew, C.T. eta!., 4 (1990) 335 Regev, U., see Gotsch, N., 14 (1996) 1 Regmi, P.P., see Abdulai, A., 22 (2000) 309 Rehman, T., see Shafiq, M., 22 (2000) 321 Reid, D.W., see Ames, G.C.W., eta!., 9 (1993) 203 Renkema, J.A., see Dijkhuizen, A.A. et a!., 5 (1991) 263 Renkema, J.A., see Rougoor, C.W. eta!., 18 (1998) 261 Renkow, M., Technology, production environment, and household

income: Assessing the regional impacts of technological change, 10 (1994) 219

Resurreccion, A.V.A., see Piorkowski, W.J. et a!., 22 (2000) 173 Rezitis, A.N. and A.B. Brown, Pass-through of exchange rates and

tariffs in Greek-US tobacco trade, 21 (1999) 269 Rezitis, A.N., A.B. Brown and W.E. Foster, Adjustment costs and

dynamic factor demands for U.S. cigarette manufacturing, 18 (1998) 217

Richardson, J.W., see Nyangito, H.O. eta!., 13 (1996) 163 Rickertsen, K., The demand for food and beverages in Norway, 18

(1998) 89 Riethmuller, P., see Odagiri, T., 22 (2000) 55 Riethmuller, P., J. Chai, D. Smith, B. Hutabarat, B. Sayaka and Y.

Yusdja, The mixing ratio in the Indonesian dairy industry, 20 (1999) 51

Rister, M.E., see Taylor, E.L. eta!., 14 (1996) 123 Roberts, B., see Fox, G. et a!., 6 (1992) 267 Robinson, S.D., see Kingwell, R.S. eta!., 8 (1993) 211 Rodgers, J .L., Differential human capital and structural evolution

in agriculture, II ( 1994) 1 Rodriguez, A., I. Ali, M. Afzal, M.A. Shah and U. Mustafa, Price

expectations of sheep and goats by producers and inermedi­aries in Quetta market, Pakistan, 12 (1995) 79

Roe, T., see Gopinath, M. eta!., 16 (1997) 99 Roe, T.L., see Gopinath, M., 21 (1999) 131 Rogers, L.F., see Elamin, E.M., 7 (1992) 155 Roland-Holst, D., see Beghin, J. eta!., 17 (1997) 115 Roland-Holst, D., see van der Mensbrugghe, D. et a!., 19 (1998)

87 Roseboom, J., see Anderson, J.R. et a!., 10 (1994) 107 Rosegrant, M., see Agcaoili-Sombilla, M., 10 (1994) 257 Rosson, C.P., see Tanyeri-Abur, A. 16 (1997) 67 Rougoor, C.W., G. Trip, R.B.M. Huime and J.A. Renkema, How

to define and study farmers' management capacity: theory and use in agricultural economics, 18 (1998) 261

Rozelle, S., see Li, G. eta!., 19 (1998) 63 Rozelle, S., see Weersink, A., 17 (1997) 95 Rozelle, S., see Widawsky, D. eta!., 19 (1998) 203 Ruben, R., see Kuyvenhoven, A. eta!., 19 (1998) 53 Ruppel, F.J., see Babula, R.A. et a!., 13 (1995) 75 Ruppel, F.J., see Kherallah, M.W. eta!., 11 (1994) 99 Ruthelford, A.S., Meat and milk self-sufficiency in Asia: forecast

trends and implications, 21 (1999) 21 Ruttan, V.W., see Fan, S., 6 (1992) 301 Ruttan, V.W., see Fuglie, K., 3 (1989) 365

s Saadat, Y., see Lutz, E., 2 (1988) 19 Sabuhoro, J.B. and B. Larue, The market efficiency hypothesis:

the case of coffee and cocoa futures, 16 (1997) 171 Saha, A., Compensated optimal response under uncertainty in agri-

cultural household models, 11 (1994) Ill Sahn, D.E., see Dorosh, P. et a!., 13 (1995) 89 Sain, G., see Martinez, J.C. et a!., 5 (1991) 223 Salazar, A. and W.J. Martin, Implications of agricultural

trade liberalization for the developing countries, 8 (1993) 313 Salhofer, K., see Bullock, D.S., 18 (1998) 249 Salhofer, K., Efficient income redistribution for a small country

using optimal combined insturments, 13 (1996) 191 Salomonsson, L., see Lohr, L., 22 (2000) 133 Sanders, J.H. see Ahmed, M.M., et a!., 12 (1995) 183 Sanders, J.H., see Adesina, A., 5 (1991) 21 Sanders, J.H., see Lawerence, P.G. eta!., 20 (1999) 203 Sanders, J.H., see Lilja, N., 19 (1998) 73 Sanders, J.H., see Lopez-Pereira, M.A. eta!., 11 (1994) 271 Sanders, J.H., see Nagy, J.G. et a!., 2 (1988) 197 Sapelli, C., Inflation, capital markets and the supply of beef, 9

(1993) 145 Sarassoro, G.F. and R.M. Leuthold, Managing multiple interna­

tional risks simultaneously with an optimal hedging model, 6 (1991) 31

Sarkar, A., see McKillop, W., 14 (1996) 175 Sarker, R., see Meilke, K.D., 17 (1997) 147 Savadogo, K. and J.A. Brandt, Household Food Demand in Bur-

kina Faso: Implications for Food Policy, 2 (1988) 345 Sayaka, B., see Riethmuller, P. eta!., 20 (1999) 51 Schimmelpfennig, D., see Thirtle, C. eta!., 19 (1998) 127 Schluter, G., see Lee, C. et a!., 2 (1988) 259 Schmitt, G.H., What do Agricultural Income and Productivity

Measrements Really Mean? 2 (1988) 139 Schuh, G.E. and R. Junguito, Trade and agricultural development

in the 1980s and the challenges for the 1990s: Latin America, 8 (1993) 377

Schwartz, L.A., J.A. Sterns and J.F. Oehmke, Economic returns to cowpea research, extension, and input distribution in Senegal, 8 (1993) 161

Seleka, T.B., The performance of Botswana's traditional arable agriculture: growth rates and the impact of the accelerated rainfed arable programme (ARAP), 20 (1999) 121

118 Author Index/Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121

Seth, A., see Jha, R. et a!., 21 (1999) 173 Sexton, R.J. and T.A. Sexton, Measuring research benefits in an

imperfect market, 13 (1996) 201 Sexton, R.J. and T.A. Sexton, Measuring research benefits in an

imperfect market: reply to Holloway, 22 (2000) 129 Sexton, R.J., see Alston, J.M. et a!., 21 (1999) 155 Sexton, T.A., see Sexton, R.J., 13 (1996) 201 Sexton, T.A., see Sexton, R.J., 22 (2000) 129 Seyoum, E.T., G.E. Battese and E.M. Fleming, Technical efficienct

and productivity of maize producers in eastern Ethiopia: astudy of farmers within and outside the Sasakawa-Global 2000 pro­ject, 19 (1998) 341

Shafiq, M. and T. Rehman, The extent of resource use inefficien­cies in cotton production in Pakistan's Punjab: an application of Data Enve1opmetn Analysis, 22 (2000) 321

Shah, M.A., see Rodriguez, A. et a!., 12 (1995) 79 Shah, M.K., see Parikh, A., 1 1 (1994) 197 Shane, M., see Gopinath, M. et a!., 16 (1997) 99 Shariff, 1., World agricultural development - The paradox of

human organization, 18 (1998) 209 Sharma, K.C., D.S.P. Rao and W.F. Shepherd, Productivity of

Agricultural Labour and Land: An International Comparison, 4 (1990) I

Sharma, K.R., P.S. Leung and H.M. Zaleski, Technical, allocative and economic efficiencies in swine production in Hawaii: a comparison of parametric and nonparametric approaches, 20 (1999) 23

Shepherd, W.F., see Sharma, K.C. et a!., 4 (1990) 1 Shelif, S., see Al-Hamoudi, K.A. eta!., 16 (1997) 35 Sherif, S.A. and S.H. Al-Kahtani, Managerial efficiency under 1isk

for broiler producers in Saudi Arabia, 20 (1999) 69 Shiferaw, B. and S.T. Holden, Policy instruments for sustainable

land management: the case of highland smallholders in Ethio­pia, 22 (2000) 217

Shiferaw, B. and S.T. Holden, Resource degradation and adoption of land conservation technologies in the Ethiopian Highlands: A case study in Audit Tid, North Shewa, 18 (1998) 233

Shively, G.E., Consumption risk, farm characteristics, and soil conservation adoption among low-income farmers in the Phi­lippines, 17 (1997) 165

Shively, G.E., Risks and returns from soil conservation: evidence from low-income farms in the Philippines, 21 (1999) 53

Shogren, J.F., see Archer, D.W., 14 (1996) 103 Shogren, J.F., see Babcock, B.A., 12 (1995) 141 Shousha, F.M. and G.R. Pautsch, Economic reform and aggregate

cropping patterns for Egypt, 17 ( 1997) 265 Shumway, C.R., see Howard, W.H. et al., 7 (1992) 77 Shumway, C.R., see Mcintosh, C.S., 10 (1994) I Shumway, C.R., Production economics: Worthehile investment? 9

(1993) 89 Singh, I.P., see Brennan, J.P. et al., 17 (1997) 35 Siregar, M., see Hayami, Y. et a!., I (1988) 327 Skuras, D., see Damianos, D., 15 (1996) 61 Skuras, D., see Dimara, E., 19 (1998) 297 Smith, D., see Riethmuller, P. et al., 20 (1999) 51 Smith, L.C., A.E. El Obeid and H.H. Jensen, The geography and

causes of food insecurity in developing countries, 22 (2000) 199

Smith, V.H., see Alston, J.M. et al., 20 (1999) 191 Soe, T., R.L. Batterham and R.G. Drynan, Demand for food in

Myanmar (Burma), 11 (1994) 207 Sofian, B.E., see Al-Hamoudi, K.A. et a!., 16 (1997) 35 Sofian, E. see Al-Kahtani, S.H. eta!., 12 (1995) 91 Sofranko, A.J. and F.C. Fliegel, Malawi's Agricultural Develop-

ment: A Success Story? 3 (1989) 99 Somwaru, A., see Ball, V.E. et al., 17 (1997) 277 Sparks, A., see Arnade, C., 9 (1993) 1 Spencer, D.S.C., see Ehui, S.K., 9 (1993) 279 Spitze, R.G.F., A continuing evolution in U.S. agricultural and

food policy- The 1990 Act, 7 (1992) 125 Spitze, R.G.F., The Evolution and Implications of the U.S. Food

Seculity Act of 1985, 1 (1987) 175 Srinivasan, P.V., see Chetty, V.K., 4 (1990) 179 Srinivasan, P.V., see Jha, S., 21 (1999) 93 St. Hill, R.L., see Delpachitra, S.B., 10 (1994) 297 Stelwagen, J., see Dijkhuizen, A.A. et a!., 5 (1991) 263 Sterns, J .A., see Schwartz, L.A. et a!., 8 ( 1993) 161 Stoforos, Ch.E., see Mergos, G.J., 16 (1997) 227 Storck, H., see Emana, B., 8 (1992) 57 Strauss, J., M. Barbosa, S. Teixeria, D. Thomas and R. Gomes Jr.,

Role of education and extension in the adoption of technology: a study of upland rice and soybean farmers in Central-West Brazil, 5 (1991) 341

Sumner, D.A., H. Lee and D.G. Hallstrom, Implications of trade reform for agricultural markets in northeast Asia: a Korean example, 21 (1999) 309

Sumpsi, J.M., see Varela-Ortega, C. et al., 19 (1998) 193 Surry, Y., see Peeters, L., 9 (1993) 109 Suwartini, E., H.G. Coffin and K. Gunjal, Economic welfare ana­

lysis of policy-induced structural change in the Indonesian poultry industry, 16 (1997) 237

Swamy, P.A.V.B., see Isard, P. et a!., 1 (1988) 309 Swinnen, J.F.M., G.C. Rausser, H. de Gorter and A.N. Ganerjee,

The political economy of public research investment and commody policies in agriculture: an empirical study, 22 (2000) Ill

T Tabi, J., W.H. Howard and T. Phillips, Urbanization and food

imports in sub-Saharan Africa, 6 (1991) 177 Tabor, S.R., see Hedley, D.D., 3 (1989) 49 Tada, M., Econometlic analysis of expected price formation, 5

(1991) 59 Tadesse, B. and S. Krishnamoorthy, Technical efficiency in paddy

farms of Tamil Nadu: an analysis based on farm size and ecological zone, 16 (1997) 185

Tambi, N.E., Co-integration and enor-correction modelling of agricultural export supply in Cameroon, 20 (1999) 57

Tambi, N.E., The dynamics of household beef consumption in Cameroon, 14 (1996) 11

Tanyeri-Abur, A. and C.P. Rosson III, Demand for dairy products in Mexico, 16 (1997) 67

Author Index/Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121 119

Taslim, M.A., An analysis of population growth, Green Revolution and terms of trade in the presence of cropsharing in agricul­ture, II (1994) 19

Taslim, M.A., Multiple Leasing under Cropshare Tenancy - A Note, 4 (1990) 91

Tavera, C., see Dronne, Y., 4 (1990) 351 Taylor, D.B., see Mirotchie, M., 8 (1993) 187 Taylor, D.B., see Zuhair, S.M.M. et al., 6 (1992) 333 Taylor, E.L., D.A. Bessler, M.L. Waller and M.E. Rister, Dynamic

relationships between US and Thai rice pzices, 14 (1996) 123

Taylor, R., see Koo, W.W. et al., 10 (1994) 81 Tefertiller, K.R., V.C. Mckee and V.G. Perry, Citrus blackfly in

Florida: Eradication or bio-control? 5 (1991) 193 Teixeria, S., see Strauss, J. et al., 5 (1991) 341 Tessema, G.A., see Battese, G.E., 9 (1993) 313 Tetlay, K., D. Byerlee and Z. Ahmad, Role of Tractors, Tubewells

and Plant Breeding in Increasing Cropping Intensity in Pakis­tan's Punjab, 4 (1990) 13

Thapa, G., K. Otsuka and R. Barker, Effect of modern rice vari­eties and irrigation on household income distribution in Nepa­lese villages, 7 (1992) 245

Thirtle, C., P. Bottomley, P. Palladino, D. Schimmelpfennig and R. Townsend, The rise and fall of public sector plact breeding in the United Kingdom: a causal chain model of basic and applied research and diffusion, 19 (1998) 127

Thirtle, C., R. Townsend and J. van Zyl, Testing the induced innovation hypothesis: an error correction model of South African agriculture, 19 (1998) 145

Thomas, D., see Strauss, J. et al., 5 (1991) 341 Thompson, R., see Abbott, P., I ( 1987) 97 Thraen, C.S., T.-C. Hwang and D.W. Larson, Linking to U.S.

monetary policy and exchange rates to world soybean markets, 6 (1992) 365

Timmer, G.Th., see Backus, G.B.C. et al., 13 (1995) 101 Tisdell, C., see Alauddin, M., I (1986) I Tjornhom, J.D., G.W. Norton and V. Gapud, Impacts of price and

exchange rate policies on pesticide use in the Philippines, 18 (1998) 167

Tobey, J. and G.V. Chomo, Resource supplies and changing world agricultural comparative advantage, I 0 (1994) 207

Tomaszewski, M.A., see Howard, W.H. et al., 7 (1992) 77 Tomich, T.P., M. van Noordwijk, S. Vosti and J. Witcover, Agri­

cultural development with rainforest conservation: methods for seeking best bet alternatives to slash-and burn, with applica­tions to Brazil and Indonesia, 19 (1998) !59

Torkamani, J. and J.B. Hardaker, A study of economic efficiency of Iranian farmers in Ramjerd district: an application of sto­chastic programming, 14 (1996) 73

Townsend, R., see Thirtle, C. et al., 19 (1998) 127 Townsend, R., see Thirtle, C. et al., 19 (1998) 145 Townsend, R.F., J. Kirsten and N. Vink, Farm size, productivity

and returns to scale in agriculture revisited: a case study of wine producers in South Africa, 19 (1998) 175

Trip, G., see Rougoor, C.W. et al., 18 (1998) 261 Turri, E., see Eboli, M.G., 2 (1988) 247 Turvey, C. see Chen, K.Z. et al., 20 (1999) 173

Turvey, C.G. and Z. Islam, Equity and efficiency considerations in area versus individual yield insurance, 12 (1995) 23

Tweeten, L., see Barclay, T., I ( 1988) 291 Tweeten, L., see Blue, E.N., 16 (1997) 155 Tweeten, L., see Henneberry, S.R. et al., 5 ( 1991) Tweeten, L., see Makki, S.S. eta!., 10 (1994) 71 Tyers, R., Developing Country Interests in Agricultural Trade

Reform, 3 ( 1989) 169 Tyner, W.E., see Kristjanson, P., 7 (1992) 331

u Umeh, J.C., An economic choice for extension-teaching methods:

the I! orin and Oyo North Agricultural Development Projects' experience, 4 ( 1990) 229

Umetsu, C. and U. Chakravorty, Water conveyance, return flows and technology choice, 19 (1998) 181

Unnevehr, L.J., see Dries, M.A., 4 (1990) 73

v Valdes, A. and S. Gnaegy, Economy-wide reform and agricultural

recovery: Observations of economic Darwinism among transi­tion economies, 14 (1996) 143

Valdes, A., Mix and sequencing of economywide and agricultural reforms: Chile and New Zealand, 8 (1993) 295

Valdivia, C., Returns to investments in small ruminant research in Indonesia The Small Ruminant Collaborative Research Sup­port Program (SR_CRSP) in West Java, 21 (1999) 41

van der Mensbrugghe, D., D. Roland-Holst, S. Dessus and J. Beghin, The interface between growth, trade, pollution and natural resource use in Chile: evidence from an economy wide model, 19 (1998) 87

van Noordwijk, M., see Tomich, T.P. et al., 19 (1998) 159 van Zyl, J., see Thirtle, C. et al., 19 (1998) 145 Van, D., see Beghin, J. et al., 17 (1997) 115 Vardal, E., see Brunstad, R.J. et al., 13 (1995) 39 Varela-Ortega, C., J.M. Sumpsi, A. Garrido, M. Blanco and E.

Iglesias, Water pricing policies, public decision making and farmers' response: implications for water policy, 19 (1998) 193

Vasavada, U. and V.E. Ball, A Dynamic Adjustment Model for U.S. Agriculture: 1948-79, 2 (1988) 123

Velentzas, K., see Karagiannis, G. et al., 22 (2000) 29 Vere, D.T., see Jones, R.E. et al., 22 (2000) 91 Vere, D.T., see Patrick, I.W., II (1994) 83 Vere, D.T., Investigating improved pasture productivity change on

the New South Wales tablelands, 18 (1998) 63 Vermersch, D., see Guyomard, H., 3 (1989) 213 Vink, N., see Townsend, R.F. et al., 19 (1998) 175 Vink, N., see Zyl, J.V. et al., I (1987) 241 Vlachvei, A. and K. Oustapassidis, Advertising, concentration and

profitability in Greek food manufacturing industries, 18 (1998) 191

120 Author Index/Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) /0/-/2/

Vo, T., T. Coelli and E. Fleming, Analysis of the technical effi­ciency of state rubber farms in Vietnam, 9 (1993) 183

Von, S., A critical assessment of the political preference function approach in agricultural economics, 7 (1992) 371

Voon, J.P. and G.W. Edwards, Impacts of foreign policies on the gains from research and promotion, 20 (1999) 11

Voon, J.P., Measuring research benefits in an imperfect market: second reply, 22 (2000) 127

Voon, T.J., Measuring research benefits in an imperfect market, 10 (1994) 89

Voon, T.J., Reply: Measuring research benefits in an imperfect market, 13 (1996) 205

Vas, F., see Backus, G.B.C. et a!., 13 (1995) 101 Vosti, S., see Tomich, T.P. eta!., 19 (1998) 159

w Wagner, P. and F. Kuhlmann, Concept and Impletations of an

integrated decision support system (IDSS) for capital-intensive farming, 5 (1991) 287

Wahl, T.I., see Hayes, D.J. et a!., 7 (1992) 55 Wailes, E., see Fan, S. et a!., 11 (1994) 61 Wailes, E., see Fan, S. eta!., 11 (1994) 71 Wailes, E.J., see Wang, J. eta!., 15 (1996) 17 Waliyar, F., see Baidu-Forson, J. et a!., 16 (1997) 219 Waller, M.L., see Taylor, E.L. eta!., 14 (1996) 123 Wan, G.H., see Zhou, Z.Y. eta!., 6 (1992) 201 Wan, G.H., Institutional effects on changes in Chinese foodgrain

production and its variability, 6 (1992) 217 Wan, G.H., Z.Y. Zhou and J.L. Dillon, On the Reform of Rural

Supply and Marketing Cooperatives in China, 2 (1988) 73 Wang, J., G.L. Cramer and E.J. Wailes, Production efficiency of

chinese agriculture: evidence from rural houshold survey data, 15 (1996) 17

Wang, Z., China and Taiwan access to the World Trade Organiza-tion: implications for U.S. agriculture and trade, 17 (1997) 239

Ward, R., see Maredia, M.K. et a!., 14 (1996) 159 Warham, E.J., see Brennan, J.P. eta!., 6 (1992) 345 Warjiyo, P. and W.E. Huffman, Dynamic input demand functions

and resource adjustment for US agriculture: state evidence, 17 (1997) 223

Warr, P.G. and H. Ahammad, Food aid, food policy and the Uru­guayround: implications for Bangladesh, 15 (1997) 169

Warr, P.G., see Martin, W.J., 11 (1994) 219 Warr, P.G., Predictive performance of the World Bank's commod­

ity price projections, 4 (1990) 365 Weerhewa, J., see Weersink, A. eta!., 18 (1998) 127 Weersink, A., and S. Rozelle, Marketing reforms, market develop­

ment and agricultural production in China, 17 (1997) 95 Weersink, A., C. Nicholson and J. Weerhewa, Multiple job hold­

ings among dairy farm families in New York and Ontario, 18 (1998) 127

Wesley, E. and F. Peterson, Some Lessons from the Modelling of the Spanish Rice Market, 1 (1988) 341

Wesley, E., see Ito, S. eta!., 4 (1990) 315

Wesley, E., see Kherallah, M.W. eta!., 11 (1994) 99 Wesley, E., F. Peterson, L. Jin and S. Ito, An economic analysis of

rice consumption in the People's Republic of China, 6 (1991) 67

Westoff, P., see Pooynyth, D. et a!., 22 (2000) 233 White, B., see Ennew, C.T. eta!., 4 (1990) 335 Whittemore, C.T., Structures and processes required for research,

higher education and technology transfer in the agricultural sciences: a policy appraisal, 19 ( 1998) 269

Widawsky, D., S. Rozelle, S. Jin and J. Huang, Pesticide produc­tivity, host-plant resistance and productivity in China, 19 (1998) 203

Wiggins, S., see Mdoe, N., 17 (1997) 75 Williams, J.R., see Llewelyn, R.V., 15 (1996) 113 Williams, T.O., Livestock pricing policy in sub-Saharan Africa:

objectiveness, instruments and impact in five countries, 8 (1993) 139

Wills, D., see Lee, C. et a!., 2 (1988) 259 Wilson, W.W., see Carter, C.A., 16 (1997) 87 Winter-Nelson, A., Expectations, supply response, and marketing

boards: An example from Kenya, 14 (1996) 21 Witcover, J., see Tomich, T.P. et a!., 19 (1998) 159 Woldehanna, T., A.O. Lansink and J. Peerlings, Off-farm work

decisions on Dutch cash crop farms and the 1992 and Agenda 2000 CAP reforms, 22 (2000) 163

Womack, A., see Pooynyth, D. et a!., 22 (2000) 233 Wu, X. and X. Yao, Relationship between agricultural growth and

farm imports in LDCs: a Sims' casuality test based on 35 countries, 7 (1992) 341

X Xu, X. and S.R. Jeffrey, Efficiency and technical progress in trad­

titional and modem agriculture: evidence from rice production in China, 18 (1998) 157

y Yamauchi, H., see Kwon, YD., 9 (1993) 335 Yamauchi, H., see Yeah, K.L. et a!., 11 (1994) 237 Yamauchi, H., Structural Variations of Agriculture in the Pacific, 1

(1987) 113 Yanagida, J.F., see Yeah, K.L. et a!., 11 (1994) 237 Yang, H., Trends in China's regional grain production and their

implications, 19 (1998) 309 Yang, S.-R. and W.W. Koo, A generalized Armington trade model:

Respecification, 9 (1993) 347 Yao, X., see Wu, X., 7 (1992) 341 Yaron, D. and A. Ratner, Regional Cooperation in the Use of

Irrigation Water: Efficiency and Income Distribution, 4 (1990) 45

Yaron, D., see Dinar, A., 6 (1992) 315 Yates, M., see Martinez, J.C. eta!., 5 (1991) 223

Author Index/ Agricultural Economics 23 (2000) 101-121 121

Yeah, K.L., J.F. Yanagida and H. Yamauchi, Evaluation of external market effects and government intervention in Malaysia's agri­cultural sector: A computable general equilibrium framework, II (1994) 237

Youl, S., see Hien, V. et al., 15 (1997) 213 Young, D.L., see Nyaribo, F.B., 6 (1992) 353 Young, R., see Bowen, R., 1 (1986) 35 Young, T. and A.A. Hamdok, Effects of household size and com­

position on consumption in rural households in Matabeleland South, Zimbabwe, 11 (1994) 335

Yusdja, Y., see Riethmuller, P. et al., 20 (1999) 51

z Zaini, M.H., see Beghin, J.C. et al., 15 (1997) 201 Zaleski, H.M., see Sharma, K.R. et al., 20 (1999) 23 Zanias, G.P., Seasonality and spatialintegration in agricultural

(product) markets, 20 (1999) 253 Zapata, H.O. and J.M. Gil, Cointegration and causality in interna­

tional agricultural economics research, 20 (1999) I

Zeller, M., A. Diagne and C. Mataya, Market access by small­holder farmers in Malawi: implications for technology adop­tion, agricultural productivity and crop income, 19 ( 1998) 219

Zhang, M. see Alston, J.M. et al., 21 (1999) 155 Zhang, P., S.M. Fletcher and D.H. Carley, Japan's peanut import

demand: implications for United States exports, 11 (1994) 51

Zhao, F., F. Hitzhusen and W.S. Chern, Impact and implications of price policy and land degradation on agricultural growth in developing countries, 5 (1991) 311

Zhou, Z.Y., see Wan, G.H. et al., 2 (1988) 73 Zhou, Z.Y., J.L. Dillon and G.H. Wan, Development of township

enterprise and alleviation of the employment problem in rural China, 6 (1992) 201

Zilberman, D., see Bar-Shira, Z. et al., 17 ( 1997) 211 Zimmel, P., see Nyangito, H.O. et al., 13 (1996) 163 Zinnah, M.M., see Adesina, A.A., 9 (1993) 297 Zuhair, S.M.M., D.B. Taylor and R.A. Kramer, Choice of utility

function form: its effect on classification or risk preferences and the prediction of farmer decisions, 6 (1992) 333

Zyl, J.V., N. Vink and T.l. Fenyes, Labour-Related Structural Trends in South African Maize Production, 1 (1987) 241