Aging Baby Boomers & Stress

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Background Information After World War II, (1946 and 1964)there was an increase in the birth rates across the world. Approximately 77 million babies were born in the United states alone. This increase in the population became known as the Baby Boom, and anyone born during this time became known as Baby Boomers. Today these Baby Boomers fall into the 51 - 69 age bracket and make up around 20% of the American population.

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Aging Baby Boomers & Stress
Adam Salvatore, Kelly Vogt, Sophia Wang, Cortlandt Warren Background Information
After World War II, (1946 and 1964)there was an increase in the birth rates across the world. Approximately 77 million babies were born in theUnited states alone. This increase in the population became known as theBaby Boom, and anyone born during this timebecame known as Baby Boomers. Today these Baby Boomers fall into the agebracket and make up around 20% of the Americanpopulation. Common Stressors Money Economy Relationships Family Responsibilities
Cost of Living Personal Health Concerns Job Stability Money/ Health Care Baby boomers have an increased challenge and opportunity for health care Higher rates of hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity despite their longer life expectancy Support likelihood for increased healthcare costs Requires increased numbers of health professionals Death due to multiple conditions rather than one Hospital bills & geriatric physicians Health Issues Among Baby Boomers
Psychological Physical Heart Disease Obesity Cholesterol High Blood Pressure Heart Attacks Strokes Arthritis Cancer Diabetes Osteoporosis Shingles Depression Anxiety Family Responsibilities
Reached the age where they are taking care of children (minor and adult) and elderly parents. Boomerang Children Sandwich Generation Results in moderate to high levels of stress. Cost of Living Health care and hospital bills are one of the biggest expenses for the baby boomer generation Nursing homes and at home care is very expensive They may be missing work from being sick, causing a decrease in money coming in, or even the loss of their job Job Stability Worry about how caregiving is affecting their job.
Miss Work or Leave Work Early Fear they cant afford to retire. Fear losing their job to a younger and more technologically advanced generation. Impacts their productivity and health. Dealing with Stress Yoga Tai Chi Daily Exercise Yoga & Tai Chi Benefits targeting Baby Boomers:
reduces stress and depression increase bone density weight loss increase balance Yoga is a slow pace and has many different types, such as Bikram and Restorative, making it easy for baby boomers to do and enjoy. Tai Chi is also at a slow pace with fluid movements. It gives this older population a way to be physically active and relief their daily stressors. Daily Exercise We all know daily exercise can benefit us in numerous ways, so heres a few examples of exercises the baby boomer population take part in to relief unwanted stress. Chair squats Wall push ups Calf raises Knee lifts Arm circles JEOPARDY Boomer Edition JEOPARDY Boomer Edition Stressors Health Issues Dealing with Stress
General Stressors Health Issues Dealing with Stress Between what years were Baby boomers born?
General Between what years were Baby boomers born? General What percentage of the American population do the Baby boomers make up? How old are these baby boomers today? (Between what ages)
General How old are these baby boomers today? (Between what ages) What are some common stressors of baby boomers? Explain how job stability is a stressor faced by Baby Boomers.
Stressors Explain how job stability is a stressor faced by Baby Boomers. What family responsibilities do Baby boomers have?
Stressors What family responsibilities do Baby boomers have? Name a psychological health issue among Baby Boomers.
Health Issues Name a psychological health issue among Baby Boomers. Name 2 physical health issues of Baby Boomers. Health Issues What are some ways to deal with stress?
Dealing with Stress What are some ways to deal with stress? Name a benefit of Yoga and Tai Chi.
Dealing with Stress Name a benefit of Yoga and Tai Chi. Dealing with Stress Name a type of yoga. DAILY DOUBLE