Lamelles During the Early Paleolithic in SWAsia Examples From Kebara Israel

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  • 8/11/2019 Lamelles During the Early Paleolithic in SWAsia Examples From Kebara Israel


    by Katzman May 4, 2014

    Denominating Lamelles during the Early Paleolithic in S/W-

    Asia: Examples from Kebara / Israel

    These are Bladelets (max 4,5 cm long) f rom the early Ahmarian at Kebara: f rom lef t to right: Two

    unretouched lamelles, the proximal 2/3 of a Font Yves point and an El-Wad point with some (impact?)

    damage at the tip.

    Neuville and Garrod early noticed the similarity between the early Upper Paleolithic retouched lamelles in the

    Levant and points of the Font Yves type. Garrod called these armatures: El Wad point s

    (htt p:// /). Compared to the Font Yves points, which have
  • 8/11/2019 Lamelles During the Early Paleolithic in SWAsia Examples From Kebara Israel


    a f usif orm appearance and direct, bilateral semi abrupt retouches on both ends and are mostly

    weakly curved, the El Wad category is more diversif ied. El Wad points may be described as f lat blades o r

    bladelets, pointed by f ine, semi abrupt or abrupt retouch on the dorsal surf ace at only the distal end. A

    f usif orm appearance may be present or not . The retouch may extend continuously or discontinuously along

    only one or along both margins of the blade/bladelet. The blanks have an almost perf ect shape f or an

    armature and of ten needed only minimal modif ications o r were used without any retouch (the lazy

    Ahmarians). The po ints may be st raight or even curved or twisted (no te that the latter at tribute in the

    European terminology are reserved f or the Duf our category). The Abu Halka variant at Ksar Akil has been

    defined by Azoury as having an inverse retouch on the proximal end.

    While El Wad Points are common during the Ahmarian between 43-20 k.a. cal BP, they are rare, but not

    absent during the short episode of the Levantine Aurignacian at Kebara and Ksar Akil at ca 36-32 k.a. BP

    ( ). Early dates for the Ahmarian around

    45-40 k.a. cal BP have been published f rom Kebara layer IIIa, IIIb, and IVb and IV/V, Qaf zeh level 9 and Boker

    A and Stratum 17 at Ksar Akil. Other dates are younger: azl, layer B is dated between 28 and 33 k.a. BP

    and at Qseimeh I, dates on ost rich samples give an age o f circa 34 k.a. BP. At the sites of Lagama IIID, VII

    and VIII, Qadesh Barnea 601B and 501, Abu Noshra I and Abu Noshra II, most of the dates range between

    36 and 30 k.a. BP.

    The main typological categories of the Aurignacian toolkit

    in the Zagrosshow, together with a clear abundance of

    bladelet tools, primarily Arjeneh points. These are

    defined as bladelets with a nearly rectilinear section, with

    short direct retouch limited to the edges to produce a

    f usif orm contour, very similar to t he original Font -Yves

    points. At Yafteh cave, bladelets were obtained in

    dif f erent ways: f rom bladelet cores, f rom ake edges and

    f rom the proximal ends o f carinated burins. Classic

    Dufour bladelets are also present. The toolkit also

    includes Aurignacian blades, sometimes po inted,numerous burins of dif f erent types, endscrapers on

    blades and splintered pieces. In addition to bladelet too ls,

    tools unique to the Aurignacian carinated endscrapers

    and burins are also present. The calibrated C-14 dates,

    using Bayesian statist ics, show a s ingle chronological

    signal, between 37 and 39 cal BP near the Heinrich 4

    event. In addition radiometric ages from Yafteh overlap

    some of the Early Ahmarian dates at Kebara and Ksar Akil.

    Based on these data Ot te recently proposed: Based on the available archeological and chronologicaldataset, the f ollowing hypothesis is proposed. It is generally accepted t hat Ahmarian and Levantine

    Aurignacian are dist inct technocomplexes. From a phylogenetic point of view, Yaf teh could then be seen as

    a hypothetical taxonomic unit between technological traditions derived from the Early Ahmarian and the

    Levantine Aurignacian.

    During the Protoaurignacian of S-Europe, Bladelets were produced from pyramidal / prismatic cores,

    which were also used for blade production. Several sub-types of lamelles have been described: Firstly,

    Large Lamelles Duf our (subtype Duf our) with s traight o r only slightly curved prof ile. If tipped and alternately

    retouched they are also called Krems Point (o ther researchers subsume the Krems Point category under

    the St Yves points with alternately retouches) and secondly, large St. Yves Points, often with invasive

    retouches. The tools of the classic Aurignacien ancient are absent.

    The Mediterranean Protoaurignacian (at Castelcivita) and Uluzzian

    (at Castelcivita and Cavallo) and similar are f ound below the

    Campanian Ignimbrite (CI) Y-5 tephra and are t herefore older than 39
  • 8/11/2019 Lamelles During the Early Paleolithic in SWAsia Examples From Kebara Israel


    k.a. cal BP. These data are affirmed by the fact that pretreated-AMS

    dated-C-14 samples at of the Protoaurignacian in Italy situate this

    techno complex at ca. 41-40 k.a. cal BP.

    Last but not least, there are analogies to t he EUP of the Levant and

    S-Europa, coming f rom the Don-area: Kostenki 14(Markina Gora)

    The oldest cultural level at this site contains a small lithic

    assemblage (n=340) with no cores and very f ew too ls (ca 1%);

    however, among these to ols are highly characteristic Dufourbladelets similar to examples f rom the Protoaurignacian. The anchor

    f or the early upper Paleolithic Kos tenki chronology is again the Y5

    tephra. The lowest EUP at Kos tenki is immediately before and

    incorporated within the Y5 tephra and therefore ro ughly coincident

    with the Italian Protoaurignacian.

    It is f ascinating to see the rapid development o f bladelet t echnologies over such a vast area almost at the

    same time ( The important quest ions: monocentric or po lycentric

    origin-and if monocentric origin: where did it happen?, and: why did it happen?-have to be resolved in the
