AGENDA Planning Commission Meeting Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. Conference Call This meeting will be held via conference call. Phone Number:1-415-655-0001 Access Code: 182 872 3884 Password:19952 To join the meeting by video please click below: https://cityofharrington.my.webex.com/cityofharrington.my/j.php?MTID=m08d6a9c7bdedaa6be2 6f024f395f5ac8 Page 1. Call to Order 2. New Business 2.1. Chapter 440 Zoning - Conditional Use Application - Requesting poultry and farm animals to be permitted on school grounds as an extended educational program. Conditional Use Application - Chipman 2 - 14 3. Public Hearing 3.1. Chapter 440 Zoning - Conditional Use Application - Requesting poultry and farm animals to be permitted on school grounds as an extended educational program 4. Adjourn Posted 03/10/2021 Cheyenne Crawford Clerk of Council Note: 29 Del.C. §10004(e)(2). Agenda items as listed may not be considered in sequence. This agenda is subject to change to include additional items including Executive Sessions or the deletion of items including Executive Sessions, which arise at the time of the meeting. If there are questions or special accommodations are needed, please contact Cheyenne Crawford at City Hall, 398-4476 (at least 72-hours in advance of the meeting for special accommodations). Page 1 of 14

AGENDA Planning Commission Meeting Conference Call

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Page 1: AGENDA Planning Commission Meeting Conference Call


Planning Commission Meeting

Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.

Conference Call

This meeting will be held via conference call.

Phone Number:1-415-655-0001

Access Code: 182 872 3884


To join the meeting by video please click below: https://cityofharrington.my.webex.com/cityofharrington.my/j.php?MTID=m08d6a9c7bdedaa6be26f024f395f5ac8


1. Call to Order 2. New Business 2.1. Chapter 440 Zoning - Conditional Use Application - Requesting

poultry and farm animals to be permitted on school grounds as an extended educational program. Conditional Use Application - Chipman

2 - 14

3. Public Hearing 3.1. Chapter 440 Zoning - Conditional Use Application - Requesting

poultry and farm animals to be permitted on school grounds as an extended educational program

4. Adjourn

Posted 03/10/2021 Cheyenne Crawford Clerk of Council

Note: 29 Del.C. §10004(e)(2). Agenda items as listed may not be considered in sequence. This agenda is subject to change to include additional items including Executive Sessions or the deletion of items including Executive Sessions, which arise at the time of the meeting. If there are questions or special accommodations are needed, please contact Cheyenne Crawford at City Hall, 398-4476 (at least 72-hours in advance of the meeting for special accommodations).

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City of Harrington FileNo.106 Dorman StreetHarrington, DE 19952 AccountNo.(302) 398-3530 Fax: (302) 3984477

Category A Site an Application

o?tce Uxe 0n[}g.'

Application Received Date:_ Plmnihg CommissionDale


ApplicationReceived By: Menod ofPaymenI:1»

Fee Paid: l,';'_BaseFee: cf,’

_ Escrow:ml lufiiv1.1I

Concept: Preliminary: 1/ Final:

Pmjec1Name: _wT{ , Clmt,/La(.t\ J/ be-(‘r],_P1'ojec1Address: L0X VJ i’ “(£31994 _

Kent County Tax Map/Parcel: ‘u.;U‘-!\’ lilij, ,- ‘ii 5.‘ -(4 , i’


Square Footage and use of all existing a(nfl’;;oposc<]suiucturcs:

Square Footage: _ Use: Existing / Proposed

Square Footage: Use: Existing/ Proposed

Square Footage:_ Use:

,77 :__

Existing / Proposed

Square Footage: Use: Existing / Proposed

CumulativeTotal of New Square Footage:

¥ lghxNo. of Shi?s: [ J [A Hours of Operation:

Summary of Proposed Project:7 )1


No. of Employees:

Project Agent

Zoning: 3-‘C "

< l L__,

Page 2 of 14

Page 3: AGENDA Planning Commission Meeting Conference Call

Designated Agent/ Contact Name: Rahal»Telephone No. ofAgent: (W) "21- -8M7


Address: I ye} (“M-gr (Jr

(C). 2a2._L7o_ 3&1

Emai1=&»g4_.xm_¢14;_&1.£..;¢.L3uL.tiu_l;s__j».Current Pmnerg Owner Information

Property Owner Name:

Addressof Property Owner:

Telephone No. of Owner: (W)

Registered Engineer/Surveyor Information

Company Name:

Contact Person:

Telephone No. : (W)é




All applications must complete and submit the followin

l ‘/7,. ‘ 1. Application Fee as determined by the fee sch

2. Ten,,(J£)i)paper copies of signed and scaled sitone electroniccopy in PDF format if practica

l .

_ 3._Ien’(l0‘)paper copies of building elevations,new constructionis proposed.

_v _ 4. (ll0‘)paper copies of existing and propospracticable.

5. Completed checklist addressing all requireme

6. Complete the adjoining property owner(s) to


r Category A Site Plans:

d le adopted by the City Council.

larrsioféqtlivrllcntapprovedby the City Manager. and


ord one electronic copy in PDF format if practicable. it‘

?oor plans, and one electronic copy in PDF forinzltit

nt‘ for Category A Site Plan submittal.

1 n on Page 4.

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W.T Chipman Agriscience Expansion Project

Chicken Coop:

The chicken coop will be located inside the fenceaddition, the chicken coop will have additional fechickens to have access to the outside, yet keep thescaping during the times we are utilizing the greapproximately 10 hens. I hope to have a variety 0

?ock will be registered with the Delaware Departme in providing food and water to the chickens, cof this project is to teach students about various bDelmarva poultry industry. The eggs produced bfor fundraising purposes or donated to the consuproviding the WTC consumer science class with eanimals can help us produce other goods (“farm t


0 I would like to raise goats, sheep, and dairplan is to begin with goats since they requ

i in area surrounding the greenhouse. Incing surrounding it. This will allow for the

em in an enclosed area to prevent them fromnhouse. The chicken house will havebreeds that lay various colored eggs. The

nent of Agriculture. The students will assistllecting eggs, and cleaning the coop. The goal

eeds of chickens, the care of chicken and thethe chickenseither be sold to the communityer scienceclass for cooking projects. Byggs, it will help teach our students how raisingtable".)

calves at W.T. Chipman Middle School. Myre minimal maintenance and would serve as a

perfect starting point for the educational program. I’d gradually expand by including theother species. The dairy calves would be pmanaged by the Sylvester family. The dairduring late spring and the summer so thatmay be times throughout the year that theat the school for a short period of time, so

rovided by the dairy lease program that iscalves would primarily be at the school

tudents can prepare for the State Fair. Therealves and other species will periodically stayhat students in my class would be able able to

gain experience and complete lessonswith the calves.Please be aware that the animals will onlyThe students will help feed the animals, clhelp with other general care/needs of the aThis will allow students to obtain hands 0

with knowledge about the proper care for <opportunity to participate in CDEs (Career

UltimateGoal:0 To keep our students engaged and investe

be on W.T. Chipman property.an pens, and walk the animals. They may alsoimals.experience with the animals and provide themach species. It will also provide them with an

Development Events) at the state fair.

1 in our Agriscience programs starting at themiddle school level transitioning to Lake Forest High School. The goal is to worktogether make LFHS the number one choiCreate a strong presence of Lake Forest S

cc for our middle school students.hool District students at the State Fair.

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Mr. Butler presented his idea for this project as aThe objectives we plan to accomplish during this time period are as follows:

Barn clean upClean out the WTC barn, and recy

Set up pens in the barn to house a

New exterior paintCreate a water source at Lhebarn.Connect electricity to the barn.Add fencing


Additional caretakerso If Mr. Butler was unable to overse

include the following communityI Alumni members

HS advisorsDairy Lease participants a

Hay familySylvester familyMurphy family

Hands on Agriculture experienceHandling livestockBuilding maintenanceResponsibilityMentoringInternship opportunitiesScience

I CompostingI Soil testing

0 0000000

5 year plan.

.le, sell or dispose any ofits contents.Make the building solid and secure for both animals and students.

imals at night and during inclement weather.Replace the roof (looking into donations and grants to complete this project.)

3 care of the animals the backupplan wouldnembers:

1d their parents

The Lake Forest School District educatior al bene?ts of this project:

Marketing-accountingfbusiness Clcsseso Create awareness of the career op; ortunitiesin the Delmarva agriculture industry.

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‘n !Page 7 of 14

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Chapter 440. Zoning

Cityof Harrington, DEFriday, March 5, 2021

Article XVI.Conditional Use Permits

§ 440-241. Purpose.

A. The intent of the conditional use is to maintain aon the entire community. Generally, conditional

measure of control over uses that have an impactJSSS may be desirable in certain locations for the

general convenience and welfare. They must use the property in a manner that assures neither anadverse impact upon adjoining properties nor the creation of a public nuisance. In short. becauseof the nature of the use, it requires sound planni

Conditional use permits may be issued for any

g judgment on its location and site arrangement.

of the conditional uses for which a use permit isrequired by the provisions of this chapter, prsvided that the City Council shall ?nd that theapplication is in accordance with the provisionsin accordance with provisions of § 440-242C.

fthis chapter, after duly advertised hearings, held

§ 440-242. Application and approval procedures.

A. The application for a conditional use shall firstforward the materials to the Planning Commission.

See § 440-287, Uses requiring site plans.

The Planning Commission shall hold a publicrecommendations to the City Council within 60Commission.

The City Council shall then act within 60 darecommendation to either approve with conadvertised public hearing. Council's decision shof the use is appropriate, it is not in con?ict

consistent with the purpose and intent of this ch

§ 440-243. Evaluation criteria.

be made with the City Manager, who shall then

hearing and study such information and makeays of the City Manager's referral to the Planning

5 of the receipt of the Planning Commission'sitions or deny such use after holding a duly

allbe based on the determination that the locationwith the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and ispter.

The following criteria shall be used as a guide in eva uating a proposed conditional use:



The presence of adjoining similar uses;

An adjoining zone in which the use is permitted:

There is a need for the use in the area proposed as established by the Comprehensive Land UsePlan;

There is a suf?cient area to screen the conditional use from adjacent different uses; 51

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E. The use willnot detract from permitted uses in t zone;

F. Suf?cient safeguards. such as traf?c contr l, parking, screening and setbacks, can beimplemented to remove potential adverse in?ue ces on adjoining uses;


§ 440-244. Conditions on approv


§ 440-245. Prohibited uses.

The following are prohibited uses:



§ 440-246. through § 440-255. (R

Minimal effect on neighboring properties.

In granting a conditional use permit, the City Council may designate such conditions as will, in itsopinion, assure that the use will conform to the requirements as stated in this article and that suchuse will continue to do so.

An application that has been denied for a condibe considered by the City Council within a peprovision, however, shall not impair the right ofmotion.

If a conditional use permit is granted under th

ional use permit for the same lot or use shall notion of 365 days from its last consideration. Thisthe Council to propose a use permit on its own

1 provisions of this article. the City Council shalldirect the City Manager to officially notify the applicant in writing of all conditions approved by theCity Council.

The approval of a conditional use is validconstruction or use is substantially underw

or one year. Unless permits are obtained, or

ay, all provisions of the conditional use areautomatically rescinded. Permits may be revoked by Council for failure to comply with the statedconditions of approval or applicable regulations.

Automatic wrecking yards, junkyards, or sortingother scrap material;

and baling of scrap metal, paper, rags, glass, or

The parking, storing, or keeping of a dismantled, inoperative, or discarded motor vehicle or anyparts thereof, unless within an enclosed building

The storage of or keeping of derelict manufaenclosed building:

tured homes or any parts thereof, unless in an

Any uses not permitted by this chapter are prohibited,


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As City Planner, here are my thoughts, suggestions:

The Lake Forest School Districtwould like to provide

livestock as part of their education experience. Howe

(82-13) ”No person shall keep, grow, raise or

and by definition:


professional or higher education."

As such this is not an individual but an expansion 0

State of Delaware, where the "...mission is to empo

education...through innovative practices..."Andwhe

sectors- not only for Delaware's economy, but fort

Farming is still a thriving family business in Delaware

industry, including helping to supply 10% of the worl

70 million dollars to the state's economy.

The school includes students affiliatedwith the FFA ,

organizations that prepare members for leadership 2

of agriculture. Allowing the chickens and cows, as p

School District, not only to meet the mission of Dela

students, providing them with assistance in research

opportunities help students learn more about Dela

allowing them to work directly with the animalsto I

while in the classroom and apply that knowledge by

on chance to learn more efficient and better ways t

This opportunity, in an atmosphere that strengthen

provides students with practical education in the po

the work force with the skills and knowledge neede

an extension of their curriculum by including


3lic...school,or any institution of vocational,

education in an established school district in the

er every learner with the highest quality

e agriculture is one of Delaware's most successful

e U. S. Economy as well.

The number one ag product is the chicken

:i’segg supply. The dairy industry contributes over

and AH, both of which are premier youth

nd careers in the science, business and technology

rt ofthis program, would allow the Lake Forest

are in education, but to serve a wider group of

, training and education. These educational

are's agricultural, dairy and poultry industry -

arn current animal science principles and practices

working directly with the animals. This is a hands

manage poultry and dairy production.

the connections between learners and educators,

ultry and dairy industryls); enabling them to enter

;l to launch their careers.

lwould recommend approval with the following co ditions:

1. Limitthe number of chickens to 30 birds and other livestock to 6

2. Care and maintenance be provided during all school closures (i.e. week ends, spring break,


3. Outside access, exposure cannot be located within 100 feet of any existing or proposed

residence.4. Provide screening, fencing and/orbuffering as needed to limit exposure to neighbors; chickens

and livestock cannot roam at large.

5. Enclosure shall be adequately built and ma ntained to prevent chickens and livestock from

breaking through, out of, or over or under he same.

6. Any barns where livestock are being kept s all be properly constructed and maintained in good

condition and repair at all times.

7. Livestock cannot be staked.

er, " he Charter for the Cig; of Harrington” states:

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Allfences shall be well built and maintained ir good condition, and if they are wire in

construction the wire therein shall be maintained in tight condition, secured to all posts.

Allareas shall be kept in a neat, sanitary condprevent offensive odors, an unsanitary condit

Manure and refuse shall be placed in a flypro

approved by the city code enforcement officer.

Enclosures barns and pens must be sprayed

grounds being limed as needed to control od

tion and must be cleaned on a regular basis to

on or a health hazard.

fcontainer until disposed of in a manner

eekly with an adequate insecticide weekly, with


School District is responsible for protecting the health and welfare of the animal(s)

No rooster/malechicken over 4 months old

Alllivestock must be registered with the DelaYearly permit/license/inspection

are Dept of Agriculture.

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