AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular Meeting Public Meeting: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation 1801 N. Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Due to social distancing requirements, seating may be limited, but for additional public accessibility, in compliance with the Open Meeting Act, this meeting is also scheduled to be streamed live and recorded at www.youtube.com/user/outdooroklahoma The Commission may vote to approve, disapprove or take other action on any of the following items. The Commission may vote to authorize public comment on any agenda item requesting a rule change. 1. Call to Order – Chairman Bruce Mabrey 2. Roll Call – Rhonda Hurst 3. Invocation – Bill Dinkines 4. Pledge of Allegiance – Bill Dinkines 5. Introduction of Guests 6. Presentation of Awards – J.D. Strong, Director No Tenure Awards for June 2020. 7. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on minutes of the May 4, 2020 regular Commission meeting. 8. Director's Report – J.D. Strong a. Federal and Congressional Update Oklahoma Legislative Update – Corey Jager, Legislative Liaison b. Calendar Items – discussion of upcoming department calendar items. c. Agency Update – an update on current activity within each division of the agency. 9. Presentation of the April 30, 2020 Financial Statement and consideration and vote to approve, amend or reject miscellaneous donations – Amanda Storck, CFO and Chief of Administration. 10. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on the Department's FY2021 Annual Budget – Amanda Storck. 11. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on Resolution establishing wild turkey county bag limits – Bill Dinkines, Chief of Wildlife Division. Based on declining wild turkey populations in western Oklahoma, staff recommends changing the bag limit for the 13 counties open to fall turkey hunting with a gun from “either sex” to “tom only”. Staff also recommends reducing the bag limit for the 21 western counties that currently have a two tom limit per county for the spring season to a one tom per county limit. A separate continuing resolution that has been in place since 2011 for the 8 southeastern counties will remain the same and will not be impacted by these changes.

AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular … · 2020. 7. 2. · AGENDA . Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission . Regular Meeting . Public Meeting: Wednesday, June

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Page 1: AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular … · 2020. 7. 2. · AGENDA . Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission . Regular Meeting . Public Meeting: Wednesday, June

AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission

Regular Meeting

Public Meeting: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation 1801 N. Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Due to social distancing requirements, seating may be limited, but for additional public accessibility, in compliance with the Open Meeting Act, this meeting is also scheduled to be streamed live and recorded at www.youtube.com/user/outdooroklahoma The Commission may vote to approve, disapprove or take other action on any of the following items. The Commission may vote to authorize public comment on any agenda item requesting a rule change.

1. Call to Order – Chairman Bruce Mabrey 2. Roll Call – Rhonda Hurst 3. Invocation – Bill Dinkines 4. Pledge of Allegiance – Bill Dinkines 5. Introduction of Guests 6. Presentation of Awards – J.D. Strong, Director

No Tenure Awards for June 2020.

7. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on minutes of the May 4, 2020 regular Commission meeting.

8. Director's Report – J.D. Strong

a. Federal and Congressional Update • Oklahoma Legislative Update – Corey Jager, Legislative Liaison

b. Calendar Items – discussion of upcoming department calendar items. c. Agency Update – an update on current activity within each division of the agency.

9. Presentation of the April 30, 2020 Financial Statement and consideration and vote to approve, amend or reject miscellaneous donations – Amanda Storck, CFO and Chief of Administration.

10. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on the Department's

FY2021 Annual Budget – Amanda Storck. 11. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on Resolution

establishing wild turkey county bag limits – Bill Dinkines, Chief of Wildlife Division.

Based on declining wild turkey populations in western Oklahoma, staff recommends changing the bag limit for the 13 counties open to fall turkey hunting with a gun from “either sex” to “tom only”. Staff also recommends reducing the bag limit for the 21 western counties that currently have a two tom limit per county for the spring season to a one tom per county limit. A separate continuing resolution that has been in place since 2011 for the 8 southeastern counties will remain the same and will not be impacted by these changes.

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In summary, the following proposed changes are: FALL WILD TURKEY GUN SEASON Bag Limit – All counties that are open for fall wild turkey hunting with a gun shall have a “tom only” bag limit. SPRING WILD TURKEY SEASON Bag Limit – All counties shall have a one (1) tom bag limit per county. Atoka, Choctaw, Coal, Latimer, Leflore, McCurtain, Pittsburg and Pushmataha counties shall remain a one tom limit for all eight counties combined.

12. Presentation on the USDA Feral Swine Eradication and Control Pilot Program (FSCP) in Oklahoma – Bill Dinkines, Jeff Pennington, Central Region Supervisor and Scott Alls, Oklahoma State Director of USDA APHIS Wildlife Services.

13. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on an Emergency Rule

prohibiting feral hog hunting on Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) in the Oklahoma FSCP Zones – Bill Dinkines.

Title 800. Department of Wildlife Conservation Chapter 30. Department of Wildlife Lands Management Subchapter 1. Use of Department Managed Lands 800:30-1-7. Livestock and feral hogs [AMENDED] Eliminating recreational hog hunting on these WMA’s with FSCP emphasis will increase the

effectiveness of Wildlife Services control efforts and will reduce the incentive for illegal transport of hogs to the WMA’s. WMA’s included in the rule include Hackberry Flat, Kaw, Sandy Sanders, and Waurika.

14. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on Emergency Rules –

Bill Dinkines.

Title 800. Department of Wildlife Conservation Chapter 25. Wildlife Rules Subchapter 7. General Hunting Seasons Part 19. Seasons on Areas Owned or Managed by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 800:25-7-139.1. Sandhills WMA [NEW] The Department recently purchased approximately 5,212 acres in Woods County. These rules will establish hunting season dates on the newly acquired Sandhills WMA so that the public can utilize this property and the natural resources beginning this fall. Without passage of emergency rules, the public will not be able to access and utilize this property and the natural resources found there until the fall of 2021.

15. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on Emergency Rules – Bill Dinkines.

Title 800. Department of Wildlife Conservation Chapter 30. Department of Wildlife Lands Management Subchapter 1. Use of Department Managed Lands 800:30-1-4. Camping [AMENDED] The Department recently purchased approximately 5,212 acres in Woods County. These rules will establish camping regulations on the newly acquired Sandhills WMA so that the public can utilize this property and the natural resources beginning this fall. Without passage

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of emergency rules, the public will not be able to access and utilize this property and the natural resources found there until the fall of 2021.

16. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on a Resolution to update the Conservation Passport list of Department owned properties to include the new Sandhills WMA – Bill Dinkines.

17. Discussion and action, if necessary, concerning the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Foundation, including a status update, approval of reappointment of members for the Foundation’s Board of Directors, Board Committees, fundraising and other related matters involving the Foundation –Commissioner Barwick.

18. Discussion of the appraisal and/or purchase of certain real property located in Adair County,

which the Commission by majority vote may decide to discuss in Executive Session Pursuant to 25 O.S. 307(B)(3); with any action thereon to take place through discussion, consideration and vote in Open Session – Barry Bolton, Chief of Fisheries Division.

19. Consideration and vote to approve, amend, reject or take other action on the nominations of 2020-2021 Commission Officers – Commissioner Groendyke.

20. New Business – Discussion of any matter not known about or which could not have been

reasonably foreseen 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting. 21. Announce the date for the next regular Commission Meeting on Monday, August 3, 2020 at

9:00 a.m. in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 22. Adjourn

People with disabilities may request accommodations by calling 405-522-6279 at least three days before the meeting.

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Of the Regular Meeting on May 4, 2020 of the

OKLAHOMA WILDIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION This regular meeting was held via Zoom webinar, with teleconference and social media live streaming options for additional public accessibility, in compliance with the Open Meeting Act as amended by SB661. Commission meeting dates are filed with the Secretary of State, Office of Administrative Rules before December 15, annually. The Agenda is listed on the Department’s website and was posted there on April 23, 2020 at 1:56 p.m. Chairman Bruce Mabrey called the Commission in session at 9:08 a.m. Rhonda Hurst, Executive Assistant, called roll MEMBERS PRESENT: BRUCE R. MABREY, Chairman ROBERT S. HUGHES II, Vice-Chairman LEIGH A. GADDIS, Secretary BILL K. BREWSTER, Member* JAMES V. BARWICK, Member JOHN D. GROENDYKE, Member JOHN P. ZELBST, Member C. RICK HOLDER, Member Commissioner Brewster arrived at 9:11 a.m. Director Strong welcomed everyone on the Zoom meeting and reiterated the following information regarding this virtual meeting. Join the Zoom webinar by logging in at the following address and entering the following password: https://zoom.us/j/99532173484?pwd=cHF0M3pma1B1U055blg2dzJadnNlQT09 Password: fishhuntok Alternatively, you can join the meeting by dialing one of the teleconference numbers and entering the ID and password listed below: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 408 638 0968 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 Webinar ID: 995 3217 3484 Password: 076953 This meeting will also be live streamed to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/OkWildlifeDept/ and Outdoor Oklahoma YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/outdooroklahoma for those wishing to simply observe the proceedings. If the meeting is disconnected, the meeting will recess, reconnect and reconvene. If meeting audio or video cannot be restored after 30 minutes, this regular meeting will be continued later in the day at 1:30 PM.

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This agenda and all supporting documents can be found at: https://www.wildlifedepartment.com/about-the-odwc/commissioners Members attending this meeting via Zoom webinar: Bruce R. Mabrey, Chairman; Robert S. Hughes, Vice-Chairman; Leigh A. Gaddis, Secretary, Bill K. Brewster, Member; James V. Barwick, Member; John D. Groendyke, Member; John P. Zelbst, Member and C. Rick Holder, Member. The Commission may vote to approve, disapprove or take other action on any of the following items. Public comment will not be allowed at this meeting, but anyone wishing to submit comments for Commission consideration on any agenda item is being asked to submit such comments via Email to [email protected] or by mail to Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, c/o Rhonda Hurst, P.O. Box 53465, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Comments received before 4:00 PM on Thursday, April 30, 2020 will be distributed to Commission members for consideration before the meeting. No comments were received. Motion was made by Mr. Barwick, seconded by Ms. Gaddis to approve the minutes from the March 2, 2020 regular Commission Meeting. Motion carried with Commissioners Brewster, Barwick, Hughes, Gaddis, Zelbst, Groendyke, Holder and Mabrey voting “Yes”.

Amanda Storck, CFO and Chief of Administration, presented the Financial Statements for February 29 and March 31, 2020. Ms. Storck noted that Bank of Oklahoma (BOK) reported that investments are down 12.49%. BOK will give a full report to the Commission in the near future. Motion was made by Mr. Groendyke, seconded by Mr. Brewster to accept the statements as presented and approve miscellaneous contributions. Motion carried with Commissioners Brewster, Barwick, Hughes, Gaddis, Zelbst, Groendyke, Holder and Mabrey voting “Yes”.

Bill Dinkines, Chief of Wildlife Division recognized Laura McIver for a $10,172.50 donation from Pheasants Forever/Quail Forever Oklahoma Chapters to support habitat projects on Wildlife Management Areas. Motion was made by Mr. Zelbst, seconded by Mr. Barwick to accept the donation as presented. Motion carried with Commissioners Brewster, Barwick, Hughes, Gaddis, Zelbst, Groendyke, Holder and Mabrey voting “Yes”. Barry Bolton, Chief of Fisheries and Chas Patterson, NW Region Fisheries Supervisor, acknowledged a generous donation of a 2013 Mack Truck Tractor from Groendyke Transport Inc. Commissioner John Groendyke completely refurbished the Truck and donated it to the ODWC Fisheries Division. Motion was made by Ms. Gaddis, seconded by Mr. Brewster to accept the donation as presented. Motion carried with Commissioners Brewster, Barwick, Hughes, Gaddis, Zelbst, Groendyke, Holder and Mabrey voting “Yes”. Director Strong gave a brief legislative update. He indicated that the newly appointed Commissioner for District 8, Chad Dillingham, passed through the Senate Committee unanimously and now will go to the full Senate for confirmation. He highlighted the Congressional report submitted by Brittnee Preston, the Department’s part-time Federal and Congressional Liaison. This report was sent to all Commissioners and will be kept with the minutes of this meeting. Director Strong also noted the lengthy Director’s Report, citing that it is evidence that ODWC staff has done an amazing job keeping business up and running for our constituents in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic. This report was given to the Commission and will be kept with the minutes of this meeting. During further discussion regarding the Director’s Report, Mr. Strong said that there has been an overall increase in license sales and although revenue for non-residents is down, resident sales are filling the gap. He indicated that controlled hunt applications will be open until May 20 and successful applicants will be notified on May 29. There has been a lot of interest in re-vamping the controlled hunt program including the preference point system. A committee will be formed to address these issues. Commissioner Zelbst, Barry Bolton and Ryan Ryswyk, Regional Supervisor, were commended for their

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efforts to work with the City of Lawton to keep fishing open for constituents during Covid19. Law Enforcement will be graduating five new wardens soon and the Commission will be invited to the pinning ceremony.

Bill Dinkines presented the Resolution establishing hunting regulations for migratory birds. For 2020, waterfowl zones 1 and 2 will have the same season dates, and the split will be reduced to 5 days. The season will still run as late as allowed by USFWS. Additionally, in March of 2019, the President signed into law Senate Bill 47, which allows each state to open two additional days outside of the federal duck season frameworks for hunting by veterans and active duty military personnel. These days will be the same as our youth waterfowl days. Finally, in accordance with the Federal harvest strategy for scaup, the daily limit for scaup will be reduced from 3 to 1 due to population declines. Other season dates and structures remain the same and are adjusted for calendar wrap to (generally) start on Saturday and end on Sunday. Mr. Barwick stated that the Legislative/Rules/Litigation Commission committee met and reviewed this Resolution and recommends the revisions. Motion was made by Mr. Barwick, seconded by Mr. Groendyke to approve the Resolution as presented. Motion carried with Commissioners Brewster, Barwick, Hughes, Gaddis, Zelbst, Groendyke, Holder and Mabrey voting “Yes”.

Bill Dinkines presented the Resolution establishing antlerless white-tailed deer seasons and bag limits. A continuing resolution has been in place for a number of years that established the antlerless deer seasons and bag limits. Based on recent antlerless harvest levels, staff recommends additional opportunity for antlerless harvest in terms of altered season bag limits and season dates as appropriate. No changes are being proposed for antlered deer. In summary, the following changes were proposed:

Zone 1 will increase to allow antlerless hunting all 16 days of gun season with a one antlerless bag limit, white-tailed deer only. Zones 2, 7, & 8 will double the antlerless bag limit from 2 to 4 for muzzleloader and gun seasons. The special holiday antlerless season will be extended from 10 days to 14 days, running from December 18-31. The holiday antlerless bag limit will be increased from 1 to 2. Zones 3, 4, 5, 6, & 9 will double the antlerless bag limit for muzzleloader and gun season from 1 to 2 for each season. The special holiday antlerless season will be extended from 10 days to 14 days, running December 18-31. The holiday antlerless bag limit will be increased from 1 to 2. Zone 10 will increase opportunity to allow antlerless harvest all 16 days of gun season. The bag limit for this zone remains at 1 antlerless deer for muzzleloader and 1 antlerless deer for gun season. In ALL MANAGEMENT ZONES all deer taken count toward the hunter’s combined regular season limit of six deer. Antlerless deer taken during the special holiday antlerless season are bonus deer and do not apply towards the hunter’s regular season bag limit. Nels Rodefeld, Chief of Information & Education, presented a brief slide presentation on the

promotion of more antlerless deer hunting, referring back to a successful campaign in the early 2000’s called ‘Hunters in the know, take a doe’. There was a full discussion on the need for more processors if we are encouraging hunters to take more antlerless deer. Several ideas will be explored through Wade Free, Assistant Director and the Hunters Against Hunger Program. Mr. Barwick stated that the Legislative/Rules/Litigation Commission committee met and reviewed this Resolution and recommends the revisions. Motion was made by Mr. Barwick, seconded by Mr. Zelbst to approve the Resolution as presented. Motion carried with Commissioners Brewster, Barwick, Hughes, Gaddis, Zelbst, Groendyke, Holder and Mabrey voting “Yes”.

Director Strong requested approval of a new full-time position for Boating Access/Shooting Range Coordinator. He stated that over the past five years that more Sportfish money has been put into boating access projects and more shooting ranges are being built statewide. This position would be housed in the federal aid section to work on boating access projects and shooting ranges full-time as well as increase public awareness of these opportunities for constituents. Motion was made by Mr.

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Zelbst, seconded by Ms. Gaddis to approve the new full-time position as presented. Motion carried with Commissioners Brewster, Barwick, Hughes, Gaddis, Zelbst, Groendyke, Holder and Mabrey voting “Yes”.

Chairman Mabrey appointed Commissioner Zelbst to chair the committee for the FY21 Commission officers. Mr. Zelbst will pick two other Commissioners to serve on the committee and the announcement of the FY21 officers will be presented at the June 1, 2020 Commission meeting.

Chairman Mabrey announced the next Commission meeting will be Monday, June 1, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in Oklahoma City.

The meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m.

OKLAHOMA WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION __________________________________________ Bruce R. Mabrey, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: ____________________________________ Leigh A. Gaddis, SECRETARY

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Personnel Actions

May 2020

New Hires




Zachary Handke - Wildlife Technician, Packsaddle, Resigned 5/31/2020

April Butler – Secretary, J. A. Manning State Fish Hatchery, Resigned 5/8/2020


Robert Wichers - Hatchery Technician, Durant State Fish Hatchery, 5/31/2020

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CALENDAR ITEMS: May 20 Strategic Plan year 1 wrap up meeting May 21 SEAFWA Spring Directors’ meeting via webinar May 29 Finance Committee meeting Jul 9-14 WAFWA Summer VIRTUAL Meeting Jul 17-18 Ducks Unlimited state banquet Aug 3 Next Commission Meeting Oct 15 John D. Groendyke ODWC Building Dedication and celebration of 44 years of

dedicated service to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation Commission.


● LEGISLATURE: ● The legislature officially adjourned Sine Die! ● There were no Title 29 (Game & Fish statutes) bills passed during this legislative

session. ● With some very last minute momentum, we were able to replace the language in SB

927 (originally a bill that opened up night hunting of hogs) with language that would authorize the Wildlife Commission to establish the types and prices of hunting and fishing licenses by rule, rather than statute. Within a few hours of drafting the floor amendment, the bill was heard by the House and the new language was passed by a vote of 77 Y / 12 N. The bill then headed back to the Senate for them to approve the amendment, but unfortunately it did not receive a Senate hearing before they adjourned.

● Legislators have begun filing interim study proposals. ● HUMAN DIMENSIONS

● The Deer Hunter Survey report was posted to the ODWC website for public view ● We created a preliminary draft of the private lands survey with input from all

divisions. In May it was circulated through divisions to gain feedback on beneficial topics. The survey continues to be fine tuned before being sent out to private landowners

● Oklahoma State University hired a new graduate student to complete work on an economic impact analysis study. Dr. Omkar Joshi will lead this project looking at the economic benefits that wildlife management areas have on local communities across Oklahoma.

● Work continues on analyzing 2019 Game Harvest Survey data and completing the federal aid report. Preliminary data show that participation remained consistent in 2019 compared to previous years.


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FISHERIES DIVISION April Statewide Fish Stockings Species Number Fish Size Number Locations Florida largemouth bass 1,050 1-4” 2 Rainbow trout 2058 9-14” 1 Rainbow trout 255 14-24” 1 Walleye 110,000 1.5” 2


● Jeremy Duck, fisheries biologist in the NC Region, completed and successfully defended his Master’s thesis.

● Phase 2B of the Durant SFH renovation project is progressing well. The contractor has been removing suitable material inactive pond levees to build back a substantial portion of the inner and outer canal levees.

● Collected, boxed, and shipped fish to The Southwestern Native Aquatic Resources & Recovery Center for fish disease testing.

● Northern largemouth bass brooders were collected from American Horse Lake and stocked out into spawning ponds for production of farm pond fish.

● Planned for and performed egg mat pilot project in the Neosho River to document paddlefish spawning. This was our first attempt, and we were successful collecting paddlefish eggs.

● Staff continues to work with Close to Home Fishing Program (CTHFP) partners to plan two fishing docks at CTHFP waters .

● Staff stocked CTHFP waters with hybrid sunfish raised at ODWC hatcheries. ● Staff constructed and deployed several large, complex fish habitat structures in

Dahlgren Lake. ● Conducted spring electrofishing surveys on Arbuckle, Spavinaw, and Chimney Rock

lakes. ● Assisted Kaw Nation with collection of fish for contaminant testing. ● Coordinated with Skiatook Lake Association and USACE to place artificial spawning

structures for threadfin shad in Skiatook Nursery Pond. May Statewide Fish Stockings Species Number Fish Size Number Locations Channel catfish 2,871 14-18” 3 Florida largemouth bass 974,553 1.5-1.75 14 Florida largemouth bass 100 22” 1 Hybrid striped bass 2,020,000 Fry 1 Hybrid sunfish 13,755 5-7” 25 Largemouth bass 58 Mature 1 Rainbow trout 14,979 9-14" 2 Rainbow trout 160 14-24” 1 Saugeye 525,600 1.25-1.7” 4 Threadfin shad 4,500 3-5” 3


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Walleye 234,820 1.25-1.6” 3 Activities

● Certified a new 143 lbs. state record paddlefish caught at Keystone Reservoir. ● Completed spring electrofishing surveys on Vincent and American Horse reservoirs. ● Angler pressure counts were completed at Watonga, Elmer and American Horse

reservoirs. ● The Lake Watonga access road was completed in preparation for a major renovation

effort. ● Road maintenance at Lake Hall continues, and fishing access sites were improved. ● A leaking dam valve at Lake Hall was repaired. ● Conducted routine maintenance of the Dahlgren Lake public access area, including

making additional boat ramp improvements to remedy loose gravel at the head of the ramp.

● Six peer-reviewed manuscripts were edited and submitted for publishing in various journals.

● A CTHFP draft cooperative agreement has been crafted with the City of Yukon to construct a fishing dock to improve angler access.

● Staff worked with Outdoor Oklahoma staff to video and document production of hybrid striped bass for pending video segment production.

● The safety and aesthetics of the Blue River PFHA was improved by removing old restrooms and fire pits

I&E DIVISION ● Our communications staff has continued to press the message of the “Outdoors Are

Always Open,” and we continue to see great success and participation from outdoor enthusiasts.

● Our Education Staff has developed extensive guidelines to make sure we keep our customers and our employees safe as we begin to hold events such as fishing clinics and hunter education classes. These plans are currently under review by the state Department of Health.

● The agency sold 1,711 Argentina dove hunt raffle tickets. We saw a major spike in sales when we instituted a cross sell for controlled hunt applicants and an increase following a targeted marketing email to all the HIP license holders in the state.

● Controlled hunt applications were up by more than 25% totalling 25,731 applications. This was likely due to few reasons including the fact that it is easier than ever to apply, increased interest in some of the new hunts (including turkey and walk-in elk hunts at Wichita Mountains) and a change in approach to increase application numbers. In years past the strategy was to remind past applicants to re-enter and this year we broadened the net to seek out first time applicants or those who have not applied in years.

● Lance Meek continues to make progress on shooting range renovations and new construction around the state:

o Lexington, Cherokee, Pushmataha, Beaver WMAs all have completed renovations and are being used daily by hunters and shooters.


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o Renovations are underway at Okmulgee and James Collins WMAs, and are anticipated to be completed by July 15. As these are complete we plan to have a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the renovated ranges.

o Environmental Assessments are complete at Sandy Sanders, Packsaddle, Kaw WMAs, and we will start the engineering in July.

o Currently working on the Environmental Assessments at Atoka and Copan WMAs .

o The location that was selected at the Hugo WMA is not suitable, and we will need a new location before moving forward

o A Federal Aid Grant has been submitted to start the shooting range work at Heyburn, Cimarron Hills, Hulah, Waurika, Robbers Cave WMAs.

● The information section has drafted a communications plan aimed at increasing the overall percentage of does harvested in the upcoming hunting seasons. We will use a blend of different strategies including the traditional venues such as news releases, expanding opportunities such adding private lands youth hunts and leveraging new tools such as geo-fencing to direct market to active hunters in areas where we want to see more antlerless deer harvested.

● Darrin Hill has been following along the fisheries crew as they collect fish to produce another round of striped bass hybrids. This has been a very productive year and we look forward to seeing the story in video once the hybrids are stocked.

● Jena Donnell worked with Matt Mattioda to create the very first educational driving tour at Heyburn Wildlife Management Area . This has been very well received by the public and a good example of quick thinking, good partnerships and rolling out the welcome mat on our public lands.

● The NRA Hunter Education course has been a big success raising more than $80,000 in federal matching funds. For more details about this unique program here.

● Don Brown took photos of some of the Professional Bull Riders when they were in town at the Lazy E and took a break to do some shooting at Silverleaf Shotgun Sports. It’s always good when we can show athletes and celebrities engaging in hunting, fishing and shooting sports. Coincidentally, we are partnering with Silverleaf on a Fed Aid grant to replace all their machines -- around 100 machines -- to provide increased recreational shooting opportunities in central Oklahoma. This will be the first 90/10 split using new grant provisions from the Target Marksman Act.

● Communications staff assisted in promotion of the national junior duck stamp contest. The agency is now accepting art submissions for the 2021-22 stamp where the American Wigeon will be featured.

● Skylar St. Yves is working closely with Keith Thomas to maximize opportunity and exposure for the Close To Home Fishing Program. As a reminder we were awarded a competitive grant from the RBFF to receive a fully outfitted trailer to use at fishing events and CTHF areas. Additionally, Michael Bergin is executing a targeted communications campaign surrounding major holidays, using zip code proximity, to remind anglers they have fishing spots near where they live. Fisheries is emphasizing stocking lots of catchable size sunfish in these smaller ponds and lakes.

● Oklahoma Fishing Trail stickers have been delivered to marinas around the state, and the new metal marina signs are in and will be delivered and hung by


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game wardens. This is great timing as ODOT will also be installing Fishing Trail signage this summer.

● Daniel Griffith continues to make improvements every day to the agency’s website. Just in the last two months over 1,400 pages have been eliminated. This makes it easier for the public to find the information they are looking for, decreases load times and increases search engine functionality.

● Due to the Commission meeting being a little later than normal this year, our regulation books will also be delivered a little later than normal. It is likely that they won’t be on store shelves until late July or early August.

● Colin Berg is leading an effort for the Education staff to create a series of short educational videos on basic how-tos such as how to catch a sunfish or proper stance when shooting a shotgun. Look for these soon on social media or the agency’s website.

● Damon Springer is working to locate 10 high school shooting teams to participate in a special sporting clays event in Wynnewood on August 8th. These students will be able to attend as guests at no charge and shoot alongside the pros.


● The migratory bird biologist is making preparations to begin the dove banding process for this year. Locations around the state are staffed by Wildlife Div. biologists and technicians where doves are baited, trapped, and then banded and released. This ongoing program provides information on bird movement, harvest rates, and survivability. Should any Commissioners wish to participate or observe, opportunity will exist in each region of the State.

● Similarly, preparations and locations for resident goose banding are beginning. Each year during the summer molting period the geese become flightless for a short period of time. When that occurs, the birds can be herded into capture pens where they will be aged, sexed, banded and released. Like the dove bands, this program helps determine movement, survival, and harvest information. Opportunity exists for Commissioners to participate as several locations will be selected based on bird numbers and location.

● The peak deer fawning period is coming to an end for does bred during the first estrous cycle (rut). Abandoned deer calls will likely be high. It is important to remember that most fawns are not abandoned and that the mother is likely close by, but only returns to the fawn to feed it. Removing any fawns potentially spreads disease and likely will harm the fawn.

● Road maintenance/enhancements were made on 35 miles of roads, 2,117 tons of gravel placement/spread, 12 gates were maintained, 1.25 miles of new fence was constructed, and 119 parking areas were maintained.

● 866 acres of wetland unit draining was completed for management and to allow for summer vegetative growth.

● Controlled burns were conducted on 7 WMA’s totaling 10,993 acres and preparation began for growing season burns.

● Mowed/ strip disked / applied herbicide to manipulate 45 acres of habitat. ● Worked on and submitted new WMA plans and continued work on the WMA Plans



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● Several staff were interviewed as part of the ongoing Pcard audit by OMES. ● 54 acres of food plots were planted to spring crops and food plot preparations were

made. ● Continuing monitoring grazing leases, water maintenance - solar pumps, windmills,

submersibles. ● Acoustic bat surveys were completed on several WMA's. ● Completed NRDA cedar/brush removal project at Ft. Supply WMA, and is still

ongoing at Canton WMA.

LAW ENFORCEMENT DIVISION ● Covid-19 update, all wardens have cloth masks, N95 masks, hand sanitizer and

sterile gloves for their everyday work. We have had no wardens test positive for Covid-19 across the state.

● Fishing activity has been very high over the Covid-19 epidemic. More people out fishing than we have ever seen in most areas.

● Emergency Management requested that we put four teams of 5 wardens each on standby in case of rioting during the protest in OKC and Tulsa areas. None of the teams were ever activated, but we did have a team of wardens at the office during the BLM march to the State Capital. No damage or problems occurred during the protest though.

● Vehicle exchanges have been going smoothly with the help of Johnny and Jimmy from the Property Section. I would like to thank both of them for their hard work during the pandemic to ensure that our trucks were still getting issued out the wardens.

● Training: District 1: Firearms training and qualifications June 19th at Owasso. District 2: No training scheduled for June. District 3: No training scheduled for June. District 4: Firearms training and qualifications June 12 at Tish. District 5: No training scheduled for June. District 6: Low light firearms training June 26 at Duncan. District 7: Firearms training and qualifications June 12 at Weatherford District 8: Firearms training and qualifications June 6 at Enid.

● Over the pandemic we have transitioned many of our in class training to online training. This has saved us money for fuel and travel time. It has also allowed officers from all over the state to attend the same training at one time.


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We manage and protect fish and wildlife, along with their habitats, while also growing our community of hunters and anglers, partnering with those who love the outdoors, and fostering stewardship with those who care for the land.


Bruce Mabrey CHAIRMAN


Leigh Gaddis SECRETARY

James V. Barwick MEMBER

Bill Brewster MEMBER John D. Groendyke MEMBER Rick Holder MEMBER John P. Zelbst MEMBER

P.O. Box 53465 Oklahoma City, OK 73152 (405) 521-3851

MEMORANDUM DATE: June 3, 2020 TO: OK Department of Wildlife Commission and Staff FROM: Brittnee Preston RE: Report on April and May Federal and Congressional Issues for June Commission Meeting

COVID-19: Since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic, Congress has passed four bills to address the crisis and the effect it has had on the country. Below is a brief description of the bills passed so far and information on what is potentially on the horizon for future bills. Phase 1 Congress passed and the President signed a $8.3 billion package to address the coronavirus on March 6th. The package included extra funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), the State Department, the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Also, it included $5 billion for coronavirus testing loan subsidies for small businesses. Phase 2 Passed on March 18th, the second stimulus bill includes $100 billion for paid sick leave, free coronavirus testing, expanded food assistance and expanded unemployment benefits. Phase 3 Congress passed the third stimulus package in response to COVID-19 on March 28th. The package includes $2 trillion for unemployment, individual and family relief aid, business loan funds and health care provisions such as hospital funding, required medical supply boost and requirements for coverage of COVID-19 testing and treatment. This marks the largest relief package in U.S. history. Phase 4 and possibly Phase 5 to come… The House and Senate have also discussed the possibility of working on two more stimulus packages. The fourth is expected to expand and extend the help to small businesses and health care that was in the last stimulus package and has seen an overwhelming amount of interest. The fifth could potentially come a bit later this spring and would be focused on infrastructure and creating jobs to get people back to work. On April 23rd, Congress passed a $484 billion stimulus package, their fourth since the start of the pandemic, which extended the small business payroll payment protection (PPP) program and relief for the healthcare industry. The House released their version of the next phase of stimulus aid this week and are slated to pass the bill tonight. It includes a few things directly related to wildlife. Below is a brief highlight of the wildlife provisions:

• HR 6800 “Health and Economic 6 Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act” (HEROS Act)- o Additional $50 M for State and Tribal Wildlife Grants o Additional $40 M for USGS Surveys, Investigations, and to remain available until September 30, 2021, for

technical assistance, bio surveillance of wildlife and environmental persistence studies and related research, database development, and accompanying activities

o Wildlife-Borne Disease Prevention Act of 2020 to address species that pose a risk to human health.




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We manage and protect fish and wildlife, along with their habitats, while also growing our community of hunters and anglers, partnering with those who love the outdoors, and fostering stewardship with those who care for the land.

Instructs secretaries of relevant agencies to work together and maintain a list of species determined to be a risk.

Establishes a National database of wildlife disease. Requires recommendations and framework for mitigation strategies.

Establishes a one-time grant program for states to conduct epidemiological surveillance, research, management, and education relating to emerging wildlife disease

The House version of the bill is not expected to move in the Senate. I would assume the Senate will author their own version of the next stimulus package. The packages would then be negotiated at a leadership level before a final package is released. It is rumored that negotiations are underway. Wildlife update: Congress –

> The House passed a rule change to allow proxy voting due to the pandemic for those members unable to be physically present in DC to cast their vote.

> Appropriations update: o The House gave notification that committee markups for the FY 21 Appropriations bills will start in June.

> Committee work: o The Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee released their draft WRDA 2020 bills: the American

Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) and the Drinking Water Infrastructure Act. Due to the pandemic the Committee took a different approach to the typical hearing process for draft bills. They introduced the bills, and then accepted comments from the would be witnesses if an in-person hearing were held. The Committee passed the two water packages during the Senate’s first week back in session in May. The AWIA bill included provisions on handling invasive species and a provision instructing the

Army Corps of Engineers to make modifications at Lake Tenkiller to support the downstream fishery.

Agencies – > Department of the Interior (DOI)

o The Department of the Interior is beginning to reopen National Parks across the country. > Environment Protection Act (EPA)

o The EPW Committee released their draft WRDA 2020 bills this week, titled the American Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA).

> U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) o The USFWS gave notice of receipt of permit applications to conduct activities intended to enhance the

propagation or survival of endangered or threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. This included an application TE62311A from Mary Gilmore from Stow, OH to add gray bat to existing permitted species: Indiana bat, northern long-eared bat.

o The USFWS announced that they are adding 75 and removing 8 migratory bird species from the List of Migratory Birds protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA).

o The USFW published an amended list of the nonnative bird species that have been introduced by humans into the United States or U.S. territories and to which the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) does not apply.

o The USFWS gave notice of receipt of application for permit to conduct activities intended to recover and enhance endangered species survival. Applications affecting OK species include:

▪ TE50643B by Vaughn Weaver of Wichita, KS for the American Burying Beetle, Neosho Mucket and the Topeka shiner.

▪ TE168185 by Cox McLain Environmental Consultants of Austin, TX for the Golden Cheeked Warbler, interior least tern, Houston toad, Atwatter’s prairie chicken, gray bat, red-cockaded woodpecker, Ozark big eared bat, piping plover, and northern aplomado falcon.

▪ TE144755 by Reagan Smith Energy Solutions of Oklahoma City, OK for the Interior least tern ▪ TE63522B by Everett Laney of Muskogee, OK for the American Burying Beetle ▪ TE60013D by Owen Bryce of Wylie, TX for the American Burying Beetle ▪ TE37418B by Brown and Gray Engineers of Frisco, TX for the American Burying Beetle, Golden

Cheeked Warbler and the red cockaded woodpecker

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We manage and protect fish and wildlife, along with their habitats, while also growing our community of hunters and anglers, partnering with those who love the outdoors, and fostering stewardship with those who care for the land.

o The USFWS is proposing to reinstate a previously approved information collection with revisions. They are seeking information on the reporting burden to the public and whether the information collected in conjunction with use of funds received under the Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Act and the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act.

o The USFWS announced they have received applications for permits to conduct activities intended to enhance the propagation or survival of endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. There was one application affecting OK:

▪ Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK (Application no. TE045150-4) for the American Burying Beetle to “pursue for presence/absence surveys. Hold in captivity for captive breeding and rearing, for reintroduction purposes.”

o The USFWS announced an additional $6 M for the Wildlife Sport Fish Restoration program to fund multistate conservation project grants. Applications are due by August 7th.

Coming up...

• This summer is forecasted to host bills on the following issues: FY21 Appropriations, stimulus, infrastructure bills on both roads and bridges and water and defense.

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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

Financial Statement

For the period July 1, 2019 Through April 30, 2020

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Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types and Accounts Groups

April 30, 2020

Account Groups

3,268,090 3,268,090 Amount To Be Provided

For Payment of

Net Pension Obligation 11,509,243 11,509,243

Amount To Be Provided

For Payment of

Compensated Absences

96,633,279 96,633,279 Land

69,511,899 69,511,899 Fixed Assets

7,000 Legacy Permit / Operation game Thief

268,100 268,100 Monthly Lifetime License

3,545,705 3,545,705 Accounts Receivable

216,831,554 216,831,554 0 Investments

15,858,178 3,494,241 Cash 12,363,937


Other Debits:

Assets and Other Debits:







Fixed AssetsTrust




Fund Types

Governmental Fund Types

220,600,895 166,145,178 14,777,333 421,188,779 Liabilities and Fund Balance:


Accounts Payable (accrual)

Due to Other Funds (current month Lifetimes)

Compensated Absences Payable(leave accrual)

Net Pension Obligation





Total Liabilities





976,890 14,777,333 15,754,223

Fund Balance:

Reserved for Employee Pension Benefits

Investment in General Fixed Assets 166,145,178


Fund Balance

Total Fund Balance


220,600,895 18,688,483 166,145,178







19,665,373 220,600,895 166,145,178 14,777,333 421,188,779 Total Liabilities and Fund Balance



















382,863,138 0

0 0 0



3,755,731 3,762,731.00 4,332,155.00

Reserved for Defined Contribution Benefits (DC) 3,338,940



3,338,940 2,921,848


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Combining Balance Sheets

April 30, 2020

Restricted Assets (OP. Game Thief)

Due From Other Funds


Cash (Wildlife Heritage)




Fund Balance:

Fund Balance Reserved for

Employee Pension Benefits

Fund Balance




Totals Totals















10,980,685 92,451,788 113,829,482 220,600,895


10,980,685 92,451,788 103,432,473

10,980,685 92,451,788 113,829,482 220,600,895 Total Fund Balance












3,338,940 117,168,422



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OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATIONCombined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances

All Governmental Fund Types and Expendable Trust Fund

For the Period July 1, 2019 Through April 30, 2020

Governmental Fund TypesFiduciary

Fund Type

Grant Revenue

Agriculture and Oil Lease

Other Wildlife Sales

Licenses (without Lifetimes)






Totals Totals





Percent of

Inc. or Dec.

Total Expenditures

Investment Income


16,127,274 16,127,274


















Total Revenues 70,786 47,105,726 47,176,512 48,220,995



Law Enforcement

Information and Education

Capital Improvements

Land Acquisitions














47,155,922 53,916,735







Excess(deficiency) of Revenues

Over (Under) Expenditures (50,196) (6,760,813) 70,786 (6,740,223) 2,127,959

Other Financing Sources(uses):

Sale of General Fixed Assets

Operating Transfers In

Operating Transfers Out











Total Other Financing Sources(uses) (1,195,087) (5,076,017) 489,709 6,561,679

Excess of revenues & other financing sources

over expenditures & other financing uses (1,245,283) (5,005,231) (6,250,514) 8,689,638

Fund Balances, Beginning of Year: 19,933,766 0 15,985,916 35,919,682 27,919,159

Fund Balances April 30, 2020: 18,688,483 0 10,980,685 29,669,168 36,608,797



























Operating Transfers Out (215) 0





0 0 0.00




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OKLAHOMA DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATIONCombined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances

Trust Funds

For the Period July 1, 2019 Through April 30, 2020

Fiduciary Fund Types

Employer Contributions

Interest and Investment Income

Other Sales (Senior Citizen Licenses)

Licenses (Lifetime)

Operating Revenues:

Operating Expenses:


Benefits and Participant Refunds


Totals Totals





Total Operating Expenses

Employee Contributions

Total Operating Revenues










2,324,295 2,974,421 5,729,502 11,670,801




6,927,647 6,399,298

Operating Income (3,953,226) (1,253,935) 5,271,503

Nonoperating Expenses:

Transfers Out 0

Total Nonoperating Expenses 0

Net Income 2,324,295 (3,953,226) (1,253,935) 5,271,503






90,127,493 117,782,708 210,874,145 204,471,000 Fund Balances, Beginning

Fund Balances, April 30, 2020 92,451,788 113,829,482 209,620,210 209,742,503



(164,350) 34,973

342,943 2,630,443

252,193 739,791


5,178 279,811

50,612 6,703,626

55,790 6,983,437

















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Order ID Order Date Total Payment Amount

Name Of Individual Or Business

19513065 4/24/2020 4:04 PM $40,000.00 Chickasaw Nation19502034 4/21/2020 2:04 PM $75.00 Network for Good19481075 4/16/2020 3:16 PM $20.00 Karen Blazing19473801 4/14/2020 2:16 PM $50.00 Chad Brumley19473796 4/14/2020 2:15 PM $100.00 Kathleen Nangle19453190 4/7/2020 12:48 PM $850.00 Quail Forever19453186 4/7/2020 12:47 PM $850.00 Quail Forever19453181 4/7/2020 12:46 PM $487.50 Quail Forever

Total $42,432.50

In Memory of John Pat In Memory of John Pat McCurtain County WildernessMcCurtain County Wilderness3 Rivers

Wildlife Contributions Report

Description Of Contribution

Arbuckle Springs WMA Facebook DonationsIn honor of John Patrick

Page 1 of 1 Report Date: 5/28/2020 10:35:54 AM Current Time: 5/28/2020 10:36:00 AM

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FY 2021


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FY 2021



Budget Comparison Pg. A-1 Capital Expenditures Pg. A-2 Budget Proposal Pg. 1 - 11 Permanent Additions Pg. 12 - 15 Budget Base Calculations Pg. 16 - 17 Budget by Division Pg. 18 - 29

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FY 2019 Baseline Budget

1 Time Add-Ons

FY 2019 Budget

FY 2020 Baseline Budget

1 Time Add-Ons FY 2020 Budget

FY 2021 Baseline Budget

Net of 1 Time


FY 2021 Budget

FY21/FY20 Percent

Increase/ Decrease

Administration 3,117,899 0 3,117,899 3,195,482 0 3,195,482 3,265,756 -42,202 3,223,554 2.2%Wildlife 7,526,593 0 7,526,593 7,936,591 0 7,936,591 8,052,108 0 8,052,108 1.5%Fish 6,409,035 0 6,409,035 6,586,062 0 6,586,062 6,624,418 0 6,624,418 0.6%Law Enforcement 9,987,481 0 9,987,481 10,391,122 0 10,391,122 10,349,259 -91,523 10,257,736 -0.4%Information & Education 1,847,608 0 1,847,608 1,929,325 0 1,929,325 2,019,385 0 2,019,385 4.7%TOTAL 28,888,616 0 28,888,616 30,038,582 0 30,038,582 30,310,926 -133,725 30,177,201 0.9%

Administration 3,052,996 525,000 3,577,996 3,052,996 711,469 3,764,465 3,193,175 17,965 3,211,140 -14.7%Wildlife 6,544,337 213,783 6,758,120 6,544,337 727,872 7,272,209 6,725,246 6,955 6,732,201 -7.4%Fish 5,914,265 -275,000 5,639,265 5,914,265 -73,122 5,841,143 5,815,278 -512,603 5,302,675 -9.2%Law Enforcement 2,118,998 0 2,118,998 2,118,998 0 2,118,998 2,118,998 -702,000 1,416,998 -33.1%Information & Education 1,505,340 100,000 1,605,340 1,505,340 290,347 1,795,687 1,520,687 -126,877 1,393,810 -22.4%

19,135,936 563,783 19,699,719 19,135,936 1,656,566 20,792,502 19,373,384 -1,316,560 18,056,824 -13.2%

Total for Divisions 48,821,329 1,818,923 50,640,252 49,174,518 1,656,566 50,831,084 49,684,310 -1,450,285 48,234,025 -5.1%

Capital Expenditures 0 24,349,523 24,349,523 0 22,892,616 22,892,616 0 12,408,262 12,408,262 -45.8%Refunds 0 673,000 673,000 0 673,000 673,000 0 680,000 680,000 1.0%Transfers to LT License Fund 0 2,500,000 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 2,500,000 0.0%GRAND TOTAL 48,024,552 28,086,306 76,110,858 49,174,518 27,722,182 76,896,700 49,684,310 14,137,977 63,822,287 -17.0%


Salary & Benefits

FY21, FY20 & FY19 Budget Comparison


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Shooting Ranges Panhandle State University Shooting Range 483,798 - 483,798 - 200Shooting Ranges Tribal Government Archery Parks 200,000 - 200,000 - 200Shooting Ranges Silver leaf Shooting Range 300,000 - 300,000 - 200

Ranges 983,798 - 983,798 - Buildings Shop Building - Sans Bois WMA 175,000 43,750 131,250 - 200

Shop Buildings 175,000 43,750 131,250 - Equipment Statewide Equipment 20,000 - 15,000 5,000 210

Equipment 20,000 - 15,000 5,000 Renovations Durant SFH - Phase 2B 935,122 595,417 - 339,705 200/210Renovations Manning SFH - Station Intake 1,641,300 - - 1,641,300 210Renovations Watonga Lake Renovation 2,263,533 1,697,650 565,883 210Renovations Jap Beaver Dam Renovation 1,000,000 - 750,000 250,000 210Renovations Statewide Habitat Renovation 1,938,000 - 1,453,500 484,500 210

Renovations 7,777,955 595,417 3,901,150 3,281,388 Land Land - Sans Bois Inholding 100,000 - 75,000 25,000 210Land Land - Baron Fork 1,300,000 - 975,000 325,000 210Land Land - Sandy Sanders 100,000 25,000 75,000 - 220

Land 1,500,000 25,000 1,125,000 350,000 Land Lease CLO-Beaver WMA 30 Yr Lease - VOP 39,882 39,882 - - 220Land Lease CLO-Drummond Flat WMA 30 year lease 8,297 2,074 6,223 - 220Land Lease Hamby - Packsaddle 1,200 1,200 - - 220Land Lease OLAP - NRCS 750,000 - 750,000 - 220Land Lease Honobia Creek Lease 343,037 85,759 257,278 - 220Land Lease Three Rivers Lease 809,093 202,273 606,820 - 220

Land Lease 1,951,509 331,189 1,620,320 -

TOTAL 12,408,262 995,356 7,776,518 3,636,388

FY 2021 BudgetCapital Expenditures

Category Description FY 2021 Budget Federal ReimbState /

License NRDA Fund


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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Commission Book

Budget Proposal

Expenditures FY:


Budget FY:


Budget FY:

2021Budget FY: 2021

Description Amount Amount Amount

$6,434,694.00 $6,959,947.00 ADMINISTRATION $5,448,699.42

$14,784,309.00 $15,208,800.00 WILDLIFE $12,415,414.16

$11,927,093.00 $12,427,205.00 FISH $10,440,253.35

$11,674,734.00 $12,510,120.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT $10,962,489.97

$3,413,195.00 $3,725,012.00 INFORMATION & EDUCATION $3,488,979.02

$50,831,084.00 $48,234,025.00 Total for Divisions $42,755,835.92

$12,408,262.00 $22,892,616.00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $11,290,012.18

$680,000.00 $673,000.00 REFUNDS $724,153.50

$2,500,000.00 $2,500,000.00 TRANSFERS TO LIFETIME LICENSE FUND $2,016,600.00

$26,065,616.00 $15,588,262.00 Total for Non-Operations $14,030,765.68

Grand Total $76,896,700.00 $63,822,287.00 $56,786,601.60


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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Commission Book

FY 2021 Revenue Summary Report


Actual RevenueFY 2019

Estimated RevenueFY 2020 Amount

Estimated RevenueFY 2021 Amount


Lifetime License Sales $2,109,200.00 $2,500,000.00

Senior License Sales $166,081.75 $150,000.00

NONSPENDABLE REVENUE $2,275,281.75 $2,650,000.00


License Sales (w/o Lifetime and Senior Citizen) $16,308,112.61 $17,000,000.00

Other Wildlife Sales $3,190,521.70 $2,870,000.00

Agriculture & Oil Lease $1,620,598.08 $1,230,000.00

Grant Revenue $21,566,619.43 $29,336,133.00

Interest Income $7,603,308.47 $2,430,000.00

Miscellaneous Income $10,524,614.89 $5,046,388.00

Sale of Fixed Assets $697,002.50 $875,000.00

TOTAL $1,422.00

SPENDABLE REVENUE $61,510,777.68 $58,787,521.00

Unexpended Funds $1,856,188.00

Available Funds $60,643,709.00

Lifetime Lic Transfer & Refund





Budget (w/o) Lifetime Lic Transfer & Refund $60,642,287.00


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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Commission Book

FY 2021 Revenue Detail Report


Actual Revenue

FY 2019


Estimated Revenue

FY 2020


Estimated Revenue

FY 2021


License Sales (w/o Lifetime and Senior Citizen)

License Sales w/o Lifetime and Senior Citizen $16,223,151.61 $16,506,297.00 $17,000,000.00

New Youth License Codes $84,961.00 $0.00 $0.00

License Sales (w/o Lifetime and Senior Citizen) $16,308,112.61 $16,506,297.00 $17,000,000.00

Other Wildlife Sales

Land access fee $139,950.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00

Fines $231,800.98 $225,000.00 $225,000.00

Magazine Sales $39,867.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00

Land Acquisition Fund $325,388.50 $330,000.00 $330,000.00

NG Sales $6,520.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

Wildlife Expo Contribution $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $0.00

Online Sales Convenience Fee $223,254.00 $0.00 $0.00

Fish & Hunt Legacy Permit $1,517,506.00 $1,525,000.00 $1,530,000.00

Fish & Hunt Legacy Operations $375,761.00 $410,000.00 $400,000.00

Paddlefish Caviar $300,218.85 $250,000.00 $200,000.00

Other Wildlife Sales $3,161,766.33 $2,926,500.00 $2,870,000.00

Agriculture & Oil Lease

Oil and gas production $275,298.77 $200,000.00 $200,000.00

Oil and Gas Lease $127,241.48 $133,000.00 $0.00

Seismic work $0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00

Oil and Gas Surface Damages $346,368.00 $325,000.00 $100,000.00

Grazing lease $403,748.50 $413,000.00 $500,000.00

Ag lease $467,941.33 $0.00 $430,000.00

Agriculture & Oil Lease $1,620,598.08 $1,076,000.00 $1,230,000.00

Grant Revenue

PR $12,860,482.12 $17,385,702.00 $15,363,054.00

DJ $7,252,444.88 $9,700,000.00 $11,354,963.00

BOR $150,389.95 $150,000.00 $160,000.00

Endangered Species $113,913.32 $115,000.00 $110,561.00

Fed - other $503,150.34 $317,695.00 $431,648.00

State Wildlife Grants $686,238.82 $767,648.00 $963,407.00

Landowner Incentive Program $0.00 $115,000.00 $0.00

N R C S $0.00 $775,370.00 $952,500.00

Grant Revenue $21,566,619.43 $29,326,415.00 $29,336,133.00


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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Commission Book

FY 2021 Revenue Detail Report


Actual Revenue

FY 2019


Estimated Revenue

FY 2020


Estimated Revenue

FY 2021


Interest Income

Interest fund 205 $15,732.47 $13,000.00 $20,000.00

Interest fund 210 $120,032.17 $60,000.00 $175,000.00

Fund 215 interest $73,418.14 $60,000.00 $80,000.00

LT interest $7,250,000.00 $8,066,705.00 $2,000,000.00

Fund 200 interest $49,373.19 $45,000.00 $60,000.00

Fund 220 Interest $94,752.50 $70,000.00 $95,000.00

Interest Income $7,603,308.47 $8,314,705.00 $2,430,000.00

Miscellaneous Income

Tag Agent Remittance $86,545.00 $65,000.00 $80,000.00

Boat & motor $207,338.47 $200,000.00 $200,000.00

Miscellaneous $582,266.11 $500,000.00 $500,000.00

Contributions $347,991.92 $300,000.00 $390,000.00

Timber cut $120,515.14 $0.00 $150,000.00

Non Game OTC $0.00 $15,000.00 $10,000.00

Wildlife Restitution $48,882.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00

GRDA $0.00 $40,000.00 $40,000.00

NRDA $9,120,213.25 $8,157,954.00 $3,636,388.00

Miscellaneous Income $10,513,751.89 $9,317,954.00 $5,046,388.00

Sale of Fixed Assets

Sale of machinery and equip $106,302.50 $125,000.00 $125,000.00

Sale of land $13,000.00 $1,000,000.00 $0.00

Sale of vehicles $577,700.00 $550,000.00 $750,000.00

Sale of Fixed Assets $697,002.50 $1,675,000.00 $875,000.00

$61,471,159.31 Total Spendable Revenue $69,142,871.00 $58,787,521.00

$1,856,188.00Unexpended FY 2020 Funds

$60,643,709.00 Total Available


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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Commission Book

Overall Budget

Budget FY: 2021


Obj. Code Object Code Description

Expenditures FY:


Budget FY:


Budget FY:


$17,238,971.70 $18,416,847.00 $18,153,270.00 111100 SALARIES

$519,868.68 $517,134.00 $512,366.00 112100 LONGEVITY PAYMENT

$177,630.98 $0.00 $0.00 113100 TERMINAL LEAVE

$295,558.61 $301,766.00 $234,898.00 114200 EXCESS BENEFIT ALLOWANCE

$4,458,054.69 $4,924,624.00 $4,953,592.00 121100 HEALTH/LIFE

$397,849.32 $447,446.00 $438,682.00 121400 HEALTH INS./RETIREES

$0.00 $20,000.00 $30,000.00 122300 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP REIMBURSEMENT

$272,698.00 $375,000.00 $375,000.00 123100 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE

$1,091,194.77 $1,471,577.00 $1,445,936.00 131100 F.I.C.A.

$258,953.46 $0.00 $0.00 131200 STATE SHARE FICA - MEDICARE/FEDERAL

$360,350.35 $432,619.00 $522,419.00 132200 DEFINED CONTRIBUTION

$2,500,000.00 $3,050,000.00 $3,420,490.00 132400 RETIREMENT

$78,297.18 $81,569.00 $90,548.00 132800 STATE MATCH & ADMIN FEE - STATE ANNUITY

$36,283.52 $0.00 $0.00 191300 SOONER FLEX

$30,177,201.00 $30,038,582.00 $27,685,711.26 TOTAL FOR SALARIES AND BENEFITS


Obj. Code Object Code Description

Expenditures FY:


Budget FY:


Budget FY:


$250,962.09 $552,885.00 $531,886.00 111300 WAGES

$15,559.66 $42,317.00 $40,709.00 131101 F.I.C.A. - WAGES

$72,684.24 $120,000.00 $90,000.00 150100 OFFICES OF LAWYERS

$13,705.64 $46,800.00 $400.00 150300 OTHER LEGAL SERVICES

$62,760.25 $42,000.00 $59,660.00 150600 ACC/TAX/BOOK/PAYROLL

$23,781.51 $0.00 $0.00 152200 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES

$196,546.15 $1,129,754.00 $731,891.00 152400 ENGINEERING SERVICES


$81,898.35 $366,878.00 $255,500.00 152800 SURVEYING AND MAPPING (EXCEPT GEOPHYSICAL)

$18,958.00 $20,600.00 $20,600.00 152900 TESTING LABORATORIES

$31,060.25 $57,100.00 $55,000.00 153200 GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES

$0.00 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 153300 OTHER SPECIALIZED DESIGN SERVICES


$1,720.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 153600 COMPUTER SYSTEM DESIGN SERVICES5

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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Commission Book

Overall Budget

Budget FY: 2021


Obj. Code Object Code Description

Expenditures FY:


Budget FY:


Budget FY:


$189,539.74 $48,330.00 $91,000.00 153800 OTHER COMPUTER RELATED SERVICES

$183,124.20 $146,750.00 $0.00 154400 OTHER MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES

$98,276.40 $35,000.00 $0.00 154500 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES

$50,500.00 $247,426.00 $223,076.00 154600 OTHER SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CONSULTING


$2,913,663.80 $3,476,776.00 $3,562,650.66 154700 RESEARCH AND DEVLOP IN THE PHY/ENG/LIFE SCI


$147.81 $0.00 $0.00 154900 ADVERTISING AND RELATED SERVICES

$449.42 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 155000 MARKETING RES AND PUBLIC OPINION POLLING

$0.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 155100 PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES

$4,799.58 $2,000.00 $0.00 155200 TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION SERVICES

$348,989.37 $533,065.00 $521,410.00 155400 ALL OTHER PROFESSIONAL, SCIENCE AND


$18,679.90 $35,000.00 $50,000.00 155700 EMPLOYMENT PLACE SERVICES

$71.20 $0.00 $2,650.00 155800 BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES - PRESORT

$1,049.71 $0.00 $0.00 155900 DOCUMENT PREPARATION SERVICES

$41,918.87 $10,600.00 $6,600.00 156100 BUSINESS SERVICES CENTERS

$3,311.28 $0.00 $5,000.00 156300 CREDIT BUREAUS

$878.08 $0.00 $0.00 156400 OTHER BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES

$10,324.97 $9,020.00 $5,824.00 156500 INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY SERVICES

$67,751.18 $27,500.00 $40,700.00 156600 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES

$0.00 $1,000.00 $2,600.00 157000 OFFICES OF PHYSICIANS

$0.00 $250.00 $250.00 157100 OFFICES OF PHYSICIANS, MENTAL HEALTH SPEC

$50,120.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 159500 COMMUNITY FOOD AND HOUSING, AND EMER AND


$1,600.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 159800 ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, AND RECREATION


$124,774.75 $204,380.00 $153,490.00 210000 TRAVEL - REIMBURSEMENTS

$262,263.92 $289,910.00 $143,573.00 220000 TRAVEL - AGENCY DIRECT PAYMENTS


$433.59 $0.00 $0.00 221140 OUT-OF-STATE PURCHASE OF LOCAL


$71,452.89 $0.00 $0.00 221310 DIR PURCH FOOD & LODGE - IN STATE

$369.03 $0.00 $0.00 221400 OUT-OF-STATE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES

$245.00 $0.00 $0.00 221410 IN-STATE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES6

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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Commission Book

Overall Budget

Budget FY: 2021


Obj. Code Object Code Description

Expenditures FY:


Budget FY:


Budget FY:


$1,806,318.80 $2,794,834.00 $2,840,007.15 310000 MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES -


$12,375.00 $0.00 $0.00 312300 ERP SYSTEM SERVICES

$1,904,059.71 $2,072,316.00 $2,307,041.86 320000 RENT EXPENSE

$2,180.87 $0.00 $0.00 321410 RENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES

$1,594,839.49 $1,378,638.00 $1,578,525.07 330000 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR EXPENSE

$1,104,867.25 $1,296,829.00 $939,871.00 340000 FUEL, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES EXPENSE

$254,212.94 $284,603.00 $255,066.13 350000 PRODUCTION, SAFETY, & SECURITY EXPENSE

$621,376.10 $638,480.00 $577,019.00 360000 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE

$1,026,016.49 $1,307,660.00 $1,230,984.95 370000 SHOP EXPENSE

$80,742.24 $0.00 $0.00 371500 SHOP SUPPLIES - NON PRODUCTION

$373.31 $0.00 $0.00 371900 LABORATORY & MEDICAL SUPPLIES & MATERIAL

$1,756,921.98 $5,057,520.00 $1,965,549.16 410000 EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES

$54,394.73 $486,470.00 $100,000.00 411200 DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT

$54,571.13 $315,241.00 $172,600.00 411300 DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE

$6,494.28 $8,188.00 $8,250.00 420000 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT & RESOURCES

$9,743.00 $0.00 $0.00 430000 LEASE PURCHASES

$601,764.91 $8,597,766.00 $1,751,630.02 450000 LAND AND RIGHT-OF-WAY

$4,337,290.84 $0.00 $0.00 451000 LAND PURCHASES

$4,823,206.08 $10,180,173.00 $7,347,664.00 460000 BUILDING AND OTHER STRUCT - PURCH, CONSTR, &


$10,700.67 $45,900.00 $15,800.00 470000 CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, & REPAIRS OF HWY


$0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 521100 SCHOLARSHIPS

$41,045.28 $0.00 $5,000.00 530000 REFUNDS, INDEMNITIES, & RESTITUTION

$645,513.50 $600,000.00 $600,000.00 531901 LICENSE REFUNDS

$334,856.74 $385,751.00 $1,168,841.00 540000 PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENTS, LITIGATION COSTS

$617,021.61 $1,249,408.00 $1,381,467.00 550000 PAYMENTS TO LOCAL GOV SUBDIVISIONS &


$50,597.16 $0.00 $0.00 590000 INTER AND INTRA AGENCY PAYMENTS FOR


$78,640.00 $73,000.00 $80,000.00 611801 SPECIAL HUNTS, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT

$2,016,600.00 $2,500,000.00 $2,500,000.00 612301 TRANSFER TO LIFE-TIME LICENSE FUND

$8,155.00 $0.00 $0.00 621400 TRANSFER TO CLEARING ACCOUNTS

$33,645,086.00 $46,858,118.00 $29,100,530.64 TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS


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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Commission Book

Overall Budget

Budget FY: 2021$56,786,241.90 $76,896,700.00 $63,822,287.00 Grand Total


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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Commission Book

Refunds and Transfers Budget FY: 2021

Object Code Object Code Description

Expenditures FY:


Budget FY:


Budget FY:


$600,000.00 $600,000.00 $645,513.50 531901 LICENSE REFUNDS

$80,000.00 $73,000.00 $78,640.00 611801 SPECIAL HUNTS, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT

$2,500,000.00 $2,500,000.00 $2,016,600.00 612301 TRANSFER TO LIFE-TIME LICENSE FUND

$2,740,753.50 $3,173,000.00 $3,180,000.00 Grand Total


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Budget FY:


Budget FY:


Expenditures FY:


Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Commission Book

Percentage of Total Budget

Budget FY: 2021

Division Percentage Percentage Percentage

ADMINISTRATION 9.60% 10.08% 9.05%

WILDLIFE 21.86% 23.16% 19.78%

FISH 18.39% 18.69% 16.16%

LAW ENFORCEMENT 19.30% 18.29% 16.27%

INFORMATION & EDUCATION 6.14% 5.35% 4.84%

CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 19.88% 19.44% 29.77%

REFUNDS 1.28% 1.07% 0.88%

TRANSFERS 3.55% 3.92% 3.25%

Grand Total 100% 100% 100%


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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Commission BookPersonnel Budgeted Report

Budget FY: 2021

FY 2021DIVISION FY 2020FY 2019


11 WILDLIFE 93 96 96

21 FISH 80 80 80

31 LAW ENFORCEMENT 118 118 118


TOTAL 350 353 353


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Permanent Additions to the Operations Budget

Permanent additions to operations budgets increase the baseline amount that is available to be used by the Divisions to meet all operational needs. These additions were based on previous fiscal years one-time add-on requests; however they are available for future research and operational needs.

Administration Pg. 12 Wildlife Pg. 13 - 14 Fish Pg. 14 - 15 Law Enforcement Pg. 15 Information & Education Pg. 15

Page 42: AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular … · 2020. 7. 2. · AGENDA . Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission . Regular Meeting . Public Meeting: Wednesday, June

Fiscal Year Description Amount Division Total

Administration2003 Increase in Risk Mgmt Premium 16,000.002003 Postage Increase to .37 7,000.002003 Data entry cost increase @ Mabel Bassett 18,000.002004 Infrastructure 41,000.002005 Computer infrastructure 50,000.002005 Warehouse utilities 20,000.002005 Annual audit fee increase 10,000.002007 Fuel increase 15,000.002007 Land/Mineral Coordinator - operating cost 7,500.002007 Wildlife Expo 100,000.002008 Agency membership fees 15,000.002008 License Refunds 100,000.002008 Wildlife Expo 75,000.002008 Postage Increase 37,500.002008 AG contract increase 8,000.002009 Lawn work 10,000.002009 Wildlife Expo 75,000.002009 Fuel increase 6,000.002012 AG contract increase 5,000.002012 BOK retirement defined contribution fees 5,000.002012 OSF - email migration 34,400.002012 Wildlife Expo 50,000.002013 Agency membership fees 20,000.002013 Ad Valorem taxes 10,000.002013 Computer infrastructure 25,000.002013 Leadership Training 10,000.002013 Federal Aid - operations 10,000.002013 AG contract increase 8,600.002013 Marketing/Responsive Management - operations 46,800.002014 IT Consolidation to OMES 25,000.002015 IT - Google Email Services 34,000.002015 IT - Server Lease 113,000.002015 IT - Carnitech Maintenance Contract at RPC 7,500.002015 IT - Wildlife GIS Operations 26,700.002016 Controlled Hunts Payment 67,000.002016 Legal Fees - Consulting (Cassidy Litigation) 50,000.002016 Pool Vehicles - 2 60,000.002016 Lease moving/furniture 50,000.002016 IT - SQL Server Enterprise License 78,500.002016 IT - 3 LT Card Image Printers 10,000.002016 IT - Asset & License Management Software 60,000.002016 IT - Training 20,000.002016 IT - Antivirus Software 35,000.002016 IT - Operations 540,055.002020 Central Office Maintenance 125,000.002020 Department Food Functions 6,500.00




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Fiscal Year Description Amount Division Total


Wildlife2004 Infrastructure 297,000.002006 Oklahoma Coop Fish & Wildlife base funding increase 6,667.002007 Research - bear, river otter, etc. 60,000.002007 Fuel increase 44,000.002007 Data warehouse software project 12,000.002007 Hunter against hunger 20,000.002007 NAWMP 75,000.002007 NBCI Coordinator 5,000.002007 Playa Lake Joint Venture Coord. 5,000.002007 Playa Lakes landowner payments (10 yrs) 18,747.002008 Fuel increase 38,600.002008 Blue River 5,000.002008 Hackberry Flat Center 27,465.002008 Diversity Operations 40,007.002009 Fuel increase 115,000.002011 Oil & Gas - operating budget 9,773.002012 OSU Coop Unit Base Grant 6,667.002012 Drummond Flat - operations 5,000.002012 Hackberry Flat Center - advertisement 750.002012 Candy WMA 2,000.002013 LIP - Based on 3 yr avg 257,650.002013 WHIP (Partners) - based on 3 yr avg 50,000.002013 Endangered Species - based on 3 yr avg 111,000.002013 McGee Creek (BOR) - based on 3 yr avg 74,336.002013 Agriculture (Ag/Hay) 306,000.002013 BOR Ag/Grazing Lease 20,000.002013 COE Grazing Lease 50,000.002013 LMVJV 5,000.002013 WMA - Operations & Maintenance 270,000.002013 SEAFWA - Southern Wings Coop 2,000.002013 Southeastern Coop Disease Study 15,000.002013 CLO-Beaver WMA 30 year lease 28,122.002014 Hunters Against Hunger 30,000.002014 OSU Coop Unit Base Grant 10,000.002014 WMA - Operations & Maintenance 500,000.002015 Additional CNG Vehicles 111,000.002015 LPC Biologist 12,000.002015 GIS Section 63,000.002015 Beaver - Quail Research Building Operations 7,000.002015 Packsaddle - Quail Research Building Operations 7,000.002015 Cross Timbers Operations 30,000.002015 SGPRHI Coordinator 20,000.002015 IT - Wildlife GIS Operations -26,700.002015 CLO-Drummond Flat WMA 30 year lease 7,375.002016 CLO-Beaver WMA 30 year lease (Moved to Capital Exp.) -28,122.002016 CLO-Drummond Flat WMA 30 year lease (Moved to Capital Exp.) -7,375.002016 LPC/BTPD Surveys-Zoo Donation 11,000.002016 OWPHA Coop Agreement- Trail OM 20,000.002016 Honobia/Three Rivers Operations 44,451.002016 OK Prescribed Burn Assoc 20,000.002016 Beaver River-McFarland 90,100.00


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Fiscal Year Description Amount Division Total


2016 Sandy Sanders - Hollis/Blaine Start-up 53,500.002016 Energy Specialist 11,300.002016 DU Agreement 25,000.002016 Ag, BOR & COE (ag, hay & grazing) leases 175,000.002016 Southeastern Coop Disease Study 15,000.002016 Contributions-(NWTF, QF, RMEF, NatureWorks & Fed Match) 315,730.002016 Beaver - Quail Research Building 23,500.002016 Quail Research 633,000.002016 MoRap Landcover analysis 85,500.002016 Bear Research 257,440.002016 Upland Game Research 14,000.002016 Pushmataha Tall Timbers Research 20,000.002016 Federal SWG 222,100.002016 CNG Vehicles 110,000.002016 Transfer-IT Operations to Admin -161,369.002020 Tranfer from Fish - State Widlife Grants 134,750.00


2004 Infrastructure 180,000.002006 Oklahoma Coop Fish & Wildlife base funding increase 6,667.002007 Fuel increase 28,000.002007 USFWS trout contract 25,000.002008 Diversity Operations 26,341.002008 Fuel increase 35,000.002008 Infrastructure - vehicles & equipment 225,000.002009 Fuel increase 116,465.002009 Paddlefish Operations 440,000.002010 Higgins Office - operations 24,860.002013 ANS Program - operations 23,000.002013 Paddlefish RPC - operations 20,000.002013 Paddlefish RPC - interns 21,000.002013 Paddlefish - Dr. Scarneccia & Univ. of Idaho 38,500.002013 Marketing/Responsive Management - operations -46,800.002014 Operations & Maintenance 500,000.002016 Boating Access Projects - 100% Reimb 1,600,000.002016 ESA Section 6/ANS Grants - 100% Federal Reimb 38,000.002016 Donations 189,300.002016 Fishing Access Projects - 100% Reimb 200,000.002016 Lake Maintenance Equipment 260,000.002016 Sport Fish Grants - F-78 Fish Kill Investigations 10,000.002016 Sport Fish Grants - F-88 Standardized Sampling 92,491.002016 Sport Fish Grants - F-43 Black Bass Genetics 15,000.002016 Sport Fish Grants - F-90 Fine Scale Genetics 62,800.002016 Sport Fish Grants - Small Mouth Bass 65,766.002016 SWG - T-57 Mussels in SE OK 16,100.002016 SWG - T-61 Grotto Salamander 53,200.002016 SWG - T-68 Sturgeon 50,000.002016 SWG - T-69 Blue Suckers 88,500.002016 SWG - T-70 Bighead Carp 33,000.002016 SWG - T-71 Surface Groundwater 64,600.002016 SWG - T-74 Muddy Boggy Survey 36,200.00


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Fiscal Year Description Amount Division Total


2016 SWG - T-75 Chicken Turtles 30,000.002016 SWG - New Projects Approved by Committee 120,000.002016 CNG Vehicles 60,000.002016 Transfer-IT Operations to Admin -153,162.002020 Transfer - Wildlife State Wildlife Grants -134,750.00

4,460,078.00Law Enforcement

2004 Infrastructure 346,000.002007 Fuel increase 118,000.002007 Maintenance & repairs 19,960.002007 4 additional vehicles 88,000.002007 Youth Camp 6,000.002008 Fuel increase 58,350.002009 Fuel increase 185,000.002013 Youth Camp 15,000.002013 Temporary License Sales 46,240.002013 Restitution Collection 40,000.002015 Law Enforcement Equipment 100,000.002015 Additional CNG Vehicles 111,000.002015 Uniform Allowance 12,000.002016 Training 14,739.002016 Vehicle Maintenance 9,200.002016 CNG Vehicles 200,000.002016 Transfer-IT Operations to Admin -146,324.00

1,223,165.00Information & Education

2004 Infrastructure 8,000.002008 Archery in the schools 50,000.002008 Diversity Operations 32,710.002009 Fuel increase 6,000.002010 Higgins Office - operations -26,933.002011 Arcadia Conservation Education Area - maintenance & utilities 15,000.002013 STEP - Operations 25,651.002013 State Duck Stamp Contest Donation - NatureWorks 1,200.002013 Archery in the schools 35,000.002013 Section 10 Hunter Ed Improvements - STEP 143,000.002013 Project Wild 52,562.002014 Operations & Maintenance 150,000.002016 Explore Bowfishing Equipment 50,000.002016 Outdoor Education Program Equipment 200,000.002016 Aquariums for Medicine Park Museum 100,000.002016 CNG Vehicle Conversion 20,000.002016 Transfer-IT Operations to Admin -79,200.00




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ADMINISTRATIONLifetime License Transfers 2,500,000Refunds 680,000Building Signage, Plaque and Building Drain 100,000Federal Legislative Liaison 45,000Economic Impact Study 46,279Law Enforcement Body Cameras (IT) 200,000OLAP RAMS Access System Database (IT) 30,000

3,193,175 3,601,279 6,794,454 3,265,756 (445,516.00) 9,614,694Professional SvsIT Expenses

FY 2020 Operations Budget 6,794,454 Vacancies

WILDLIFEOLAP O&M 74,500LPC Obligations 218,888Sans Bois WMA start-up 138,000Woods County WMA start-up 224,500Arbuckle Springs WMA start-up 160,000Comanche Pool Prairie Project 200,000

6,725,246 1,015,888 7,741,134 8,052,108 (1,008,933.00) 14,784,309FuelTravel

FY 2020 Operations Budget 7,741,134 Vehicles, Equipment

FISHNW Region Shop Buildling - transfer to CE -275,000Watonga Dam Project - transfer to CE -92,603Lake Bixhoma Boating Access Project 653,000

5,815,278 285,397 6,100,675 6,624,418 (798,000.00) 11,927,093FuelTravel

FY 2020 Operations Budget 6,100,675 Vehicles, Equipment


2,118,998 0 2,118,998 10,349,259 (793,523.00) 11,674,734FuelTravel

FY 2020 Operations Budget 2,118,998 Vehicles, Equipment

INFORMATION & EDUCATIONCAHSS (R3 Symposium) 25,000ODWC Branding Initiative 75,000R3 Hunting Coordinator (NWTF) 75,000

1,520,687 175,000 1,695,687 2,019,385 (301,877.00) 3,413,195 Travel

Vehicles, EquipmentFY 2020 Operations Budget 1,695,687 Professional Svcs



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CAPITAL EXPENDITURESODWC WMA Shooting Range Renovations 1,470,000 (1,470,000.00) Panhandle State University Shooting Range 483,798Archery Parks 200,000Silverleaf Shooting Range 300,000 2,453,798

NRDA - Equipment 20,000NRDA - Statewide Habitat 1,938,000 1,958,000

Watonga Dam Renovation 2,263,533Lake Jap Beaver Dam Renovation 1,000,000J.A. Manning SFH Renovation 1,641,300Durant SFH Phase 2B Renovation 935,122 5,839,955

Shop Building - Ouachita 175,000 (175,000.00) Shop Building - San Bois 175,000Shop Building - NW Region Heavy Equipment 275,000 625,000 (275,000.00)

Land - Sans Bois Inholding 100,000Land - Baron Fork 1,300,000Land - Sandy Sanders WMA 100,000 1,500,000

CLO-Beaver WMA 30 Yr Lease - VOP 39,882CLO-Drummond Flat WMA 30 year lease 8,297Hamby - Packsaddle 1,200OLAP - NRCS 750,000Hancock - Honobia 241,223Southern Diversified - Honobia 82,127Rayonier - Honobia 19,687Weyerhaeuser - Three Rivers 809,093 1,951,509

0 14,328,262 14,328,262 0 (1,920,000.00) 12,408,262

TOTAL $19,373,384 $19,405,826 $38,779,210 $30,310,926 -$7,187,849 $63,822,287


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FY 2021



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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021


All Regions

All Areas


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$1,822,663.77 $1,995,339.00 $1,982,652.00 111100 SALARIES

$46,471.28 $44,908.00 $47,206.00 112100 LONGEVITY PAYMENT

$15,374.04 $0.00 $0.00 113100 TERMINAL LEAVE

$20,668.00 $21,722.00 $18,073.00 114200 EXCESS BENEFIT ALLOWANCE

$390,555.01 $468,795.00 $450,133.00 121100 HEALTH/LIFE

$31,687.20 $36,953.00 $37,358.00 121400 HEALTH INS./RETIREES

$0.00 $20,000.00 $30,000.00 122300 UNEMPLOYMENT COMP REIMBURSEMENT

$28,828.07 $39,643.00 $40,254.00 123100 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE

$113,812.46 $157,745.00 $156,670.00 131100 F.I.C.A.

$27,048.29 $0.00 $0.00 131200 STATE SHARE FICA - MEDICARE/FEDERAL

$52,595.81 $65,459.00 $74,939.00 132200 DEFINED CONTRIBUTION

$276,005.72 $336,727.00 $377,392.00 132400 RETIREMENT

$7,759.18 $8,191.00 $8,877.00 132800 STATE MATCH & ADMIN FEE - STATE ANNUITY

$3,009.73 $0.00 $0.00 191300 SOONER FLEX

TOTAL FOR SALARIES AND BENEFITS $2,836,478.56 $3,195,482.00 $3,223,554.00


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$21,731.21 $41,239.00 $41,250.00 111300 WAGES

$1,347.34 $3,156.00 $3,156.00 131101 F.I.C.A. - WAGES

$72,684.24 $120,000.00 $90,000.00 150100 OFFICES OF LAWYERS

$62,760.25 $42,000.00 $59,660.00 150600 ACC/TAX/BOOK/PAYROLL

$0.00 $10,000.00 $0.00 152700 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYING AND MAPPING


$165.00 $500.00 $500.00 152900 TESTING LABORATORIES

$0.00 $2,100.00 $0.00 153200 GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES

$2,419.00 $0.00 $0.00 153500 CUSTOM COMPUTER PROGRAMMING


$1,720.00 $0.00 $100,000.00 153600 COMPUTER SYSTEM DESIGN SERVICES

$189,539.74 $48,330.00 $91,000.00 153800 OTHER COMPUTER RELATED SERVICES

$183,124.20 $146,750.00 $0.00 154400 OTHER MANAGEMENT CONSULTING


$0.00 $35,000.00 $0.00 154500 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES

$0.00 $2,500.00 $51,300.00 154700 RESEARCH AND DEVLOP IN THE


$15,840.00 $0.00 $0.00 154800 RES AND DEV IN SOCIAL SCIENCES AND


$2,329.58 $2,000.00 $0.00 155200 TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION


$9,949.00 $40,000.00 $47,500.00 155400 ALL OTHER PROFESSIONAL, SCIENCE AND


$18,679.90 $35,000.00 $50,000.00 155700 EMPLOYMENT PLACE SERVICES 18

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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021


All Regions

All Areas


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$71.20 $0.00 $2,650.00 155800 BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES - PRESORT

$4,268.18 $8,000.00 $4,000.00 156100 BUSINESS SERVICES CENTERS

$3,311.28 $0.00 $5,000.00 156300 CREDIT BUREAUS

$878.08 $0.00 $0.00 156400 OTHER BUSINESS SUPPORT SERVICES

$6,210.00 $5,000.00 $1,800.00 156500 INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY SERVICES

$1,611.18 $2,500.00 $5,000.00 156600 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES

$0.00 $0.00 $1,600.00 157000 OFFICES OF PHYSICIANS

$1,064.20 $0.00 $0.00 159900 OTHER SERVICES (EXCEPT PUBLIC


$14,504.19 $21,500.00 $29,040.00 210000 TRAVEL - REIMBURSEMENTS

$108,923.67 $139,625.00 $85,700.00 220000 TRAVEL - AGENCY DIRECT PAYMENTS

$333.59 $0.00 $0.00 221140 OUT-OF-STATE PURCHASE OF LOCAL


$6,276.51 $0.00 $0.00 221310 DIR PURCH FOOD & LODGE - IN STATE

$36.00 $0.00 $0.00 221400 OUT-OF-STATE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES

$30.00 $0.00 $0.00 221410 IN-STATE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES

$971,122.08 $1,286,549.00 $1,454,499.00 310000 MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE


$12,375.00 $0.00 $0.00 312300 ERP SYSTEM SERVICES

$201,379.43 $164,367.00 $239,008.00 320000 RENT EXPENSE

$80,213.58 $88,886.00 $218,586.00 330000 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR EXPENSE

$36,580.86 $22,250.00 $38,471.00 340000 FUEL, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES EXPENSE

$20,150.61 $4,900.00 $7,300.00 350000 PRODUCTION, SAFETY, & SECURITY EXPENSE

$54,488.08 $40,800.00 $50,870.00 360000 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE

$5,444.62 $5,250.00 $1,650.00 370000 SHOP EXPENSE

$3,022.02 $0.00 $0.00 371500 SHOP SUPPLIES - NON PRODUCTION

$139,196.32 $439,052.00 $74,000.00 410000 EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES

$52,944.81 $486,470.00 $100,000.00 411200 DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT

$54,571.13 $315,241.00 $172,600.00 411300 DATA PROCESSING SOFTWARE

$610.75 $500.00 $0.00 420000 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT & RESOURCES

$9,743.00 $0.00 $0.00 430000 LEASE PURCHASES

$41,045.28 $0.00 $5,000.00 530000 REFUNDS, INDEMNITIES, & RESTITUTION

$645,513.50 $600,000.00 $600,000.00 531901 LICENSE REFUNDS

$140,773.59 $205,000.00 $180,000.00 550000 PAYMENTS TO LOCAL GOV SUBDIVISIONS &


$50,597.16 $0.00 $0.00 590000 INTER AND INTRA AGENCY PAYMENTS FOR


$78,640.00 $73,000.00 $80,000.00 611801 SPECIAL HUNTS, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT

$2,016,600.00 $2,500,000.00 $2,500,000.00 612301 TRANSFER TO LIFE-TIME LICENSE FUND

$8,155.00 $0.00 $0.00 621400 TRANSFER TO CLEARING ACCOUNTS

TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS $5,352,974.36 $6,937,465.00 $6,391,140.00


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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021


All Regions

All Areas$8,189,452.92 $9,614,694.00 Grand Total $10,132,947.00


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FY 2021



Page 53: AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular … · 2020. 7. 2. · AGENDA . Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission . Regular Meeting . Public Meeting: Wednesday, June

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021

Division: 11: WILDLIFE

All Regions

All Areas


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$4,414,999.89 $4,832,592.00 $4,842,515.00 111100 SALARIES

$144,654.78 $143,580.00 $147,988.00 112100 LONGEVITY PAYMENT

$35,368.37 $0.00 $0.00 113100 TERMINAL LEAVE

$78,154.63 $79,033.00 $53,885.00 114200 EXCESS BENEFIT ALLOWANCE

$1,194,477.08 $1,376,681.00 $1,388,105.00 121100 HEALTH/LIFE

$82,347.20 $91,874.00 $85,950.00 121400 HEALTH INS./RETIREES

$72,459.76 $99,643.00 $101,695.00 123100 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE

$282,187.38 $386,746.00 $385,920.00 131100 F.I.C.A.

$67,311.54 $0.00 $0.00 131200 STATE SHARE FICA - MEDICARE/FEDERAL

$94,304.06 $119,718.00 $117,128.00 132200 DEFINED CONTRIBUTION

$646,142.32 $788,294.00 $907,972.00 132400 RETIREMENT

$18,258.49 $18,430.00 $20,950.00 132800 STATE MATCH & ADMIN FEE - STATE ANNUITY

$8,987.69 $0.00 $0.00 191300 SOONER FLEX

TOTAL FOR SALARIES AND BENEFITS $7,139,653.19 $7,936,591.00 $8,052,108.00


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$90,762.61 $242,289.00 $242,278.00 111300 WAGES

$5,627.32 $18,541.00 $18,539.00 131101 F.I.C.A. - WAGES

$93.00 $100.00 $400.00 150300 OTHER LEGAL SERVICES

$7,144.11 $0.00 $0.00 152400 ENGINEERING SERVICES

$0.00 $100.00 $0.00 152700 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYING AND MAPPING


$30,398.35 $73,000.00 $24,500.00 152800 SURVEYING AND MAPPING (EXCEPT


$220.00 $600.00 $600.00 152900 TESTING LABORATORIES

$110.00 $0.00 $0.00 153200 GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES

$5,000.00 $234,726.00 $214,576.00 154600 OTHER SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL


$1,411,557.65 $1,707,448.00 $1,589,002.00 154700 RESEARCH AND DEVLOP IN THE


$7,160.00 $0.00 $0.00 154800 RES AND DEV IN SOCIAL SCIENCES AND


$147.81 $0.00 $0.00 154900 ADVERTISING AND RELATED SERVICES

$449.42 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 155000 MARKETING RES AND PUBLIC OPINION


$0.00 $1,400.00 $0.00 155100 PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES

$43,826.50 $115,602.00 $104,510.00 155400 ALL OTHER PROFESSIONAL, SCIENCE AND


$1,049.71 $0.00 $0.00 155900 DOCUMENT PREPARATION SERVICES

$2,903.50 $2,600.00 $2,600.00 156100 BUSINESS SERVICES CENTERS

$1,621.30 $2,581.00 $2,585.00 156500 INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY SERVICES 21

Page 54: AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular … · 2020. 7. 2. · AGENDA . Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission . Regular Meeting . Public Meeting: Wednesday, June

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021

Division: 11: WILDLIFE

All Regions

All Areas


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$0.00 $10,000.00 $20,700.00 156600 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES

$50,120.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 159500 COMMUNITY FOOD AND HOUSING, AND EMER


$1,600.00 $0.00 $1,800.00 159800 ARTS, ENTERTAINMENT, AND RECREATION

$30,793.46 $69,620.00 $45,690.00 210000 TRAVEL - REIMBURSEMENTS

$51,532.83 $70,085.00 $31,873.00 220000 TRAVEL - AGENCY DIRECT PAYMENTS

$100.00 $0.00 $0.00 221140 OUT-OF-STATE PURCHASE OF LOCAL


$33,073.51 $0.00 $0.00 221310 DIR PURCH FOOD & LODGE - IN STATE

$154.00 $0.00 $0.00 221400 OUT-OF-STATE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES

$15.00 $0.00 $0.00 221410 IN-STATE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES

$269,922.93 $341,224.00 $302,961.15 310000 MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE


$57,264.66 $63,264.00 $51,668.86 320000 RENT EXPENSE

$273.83 $0.00 $0.00 321410 RENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES

$930,610.65 $816,436.00 $901,923.07 330000 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR EXPENSE

$427,494.38 $514,879.00 $314,329.00 340000 FUEL, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES EXPENSE

$42,557.03 $65,901.00 $58,264.13 350000 PRODUCTION, SAFETY, & SECURITY EXPENSE

$22,648.16 $35,905.00 $32,754.00 360000 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE

$187,834.48 $357,706.00 $310,123.95 370000 SHOP EXPENSE

$50,945.05 $0.00 $0.00 371500 SHOP SUPPLIES - NON PRODUCTION

$629,731.39 $1,155,942.00 $532,402.82 410000 EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES

$1,449.92 $0.00 $0.00 411200 DATA PROCESSING EQUIPMENT

$1,379.48 $3,940.00 $4,250.00 420000 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT & RESOURCES

$471,741.48 $814,466.00 $539,130.02 450000 LAND AND RIGHT-OF-WAY

$4,205.94 $0.00 $0.00 451000 LAND PURCHASES

$20,843.57 $87,603.00 $121,600.00 460000 BUILDING AND OTHER STRUCT - PURCH,


$5,999.18 $2,000.00 $15,800.00 470000 CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, & REPAIRS


$334,856.74 $385,751.00 $1,168,841.00 540000 PROGRAM REIMBURSEMENTS, LITIGATION


$40,542.02 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 550000 PAYMENTS TO LOCAL GOV SUBDIVISIONS &


TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS $5,275,760.97 $7,272,209.00 $6,732,201.00

$12,415,414.16 $14,784,309.00 Grand Total $15,208,800.00


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FY 2021



Page 56: AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular … · 2020. 7. 2. · AGENDA . Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission . Regular Meeting . Public Meeting: Wednesday, June

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021

Division: 21: FISH

All Regions

All Areas


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$3,653,290.36 $3,954,534.00 $3,890,582.00 111100 SALARIES

$108,220.89 $109,316.00 $107,180.00 112100 LONGEVITY PAYMENT

$56,845.79 $0.00 $0.00 113100 TERMINAL LEAVE

$96,792.21 $99,867.00 $80,548.00 114200 EXCESS BENEFIT ALLOWANCE

$995,147.65 $1,126,179.00 $1,139,201.00 121100 HEALTH/LIFE

$98,246.84 $109,255.00 $108,881.00 121400 HEALTH INS./RETIREES

$62,330.97 $85,714.00 $84,746.00 123100 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE

$233,442.24 $318,532.00 $311,999.00 131100 F.I.C.A.

$55,984.31 $0.00 $0.00 131200 STATE SHARE FICA - MEDICARE/FEDERAL

$77,011.62 $96,206.00 $148,005.00 132200 DEFINED CONTRIBUTION

$546,446.12 $666,664.00 $729,485.00 132400 RETIREMENT

$19,072.39 $19,795.00 $23,791.00 132800 STATE MATCH & ADMIN FEE - STATE ANNUITY

$7,071.37 $0.00 $0.00 191300 SOONER FLEX

TOTAL FOR SALARIES AND BENEFITS $6,009,902.76 $6,586,062.00 $6,624,418.00


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$95,789.16 $186,758.00 $186,758.00 111300 WAGES

$5,938.90 $14,298.00 $14,298.00 131101 F.I.C.A. - WAGES

$47,715.50 $0.00 $0.00 152400 ENGINEERING SERVICES

$14,700.00 $0.00 $0.00 152800 SURVEYING AND MAPPING (EXCEPT


$18,573.00 $18,500.00 $18,500.00 152900 TESTING LABORATORIES

$63,636.00 $0.00 $0.00 154500 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES

$13,700.00 $8,500.00 $8,500.00 154600 OTHER SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL


$1,169,408.44 $952,651.00 $863,550.66 154700 RESEARCH AND DEVLOP IN THE


$280,432.63 $303,620.00 $313,000.00 155400 ALL OTHER PROFESSIONAL, SCIENCE AND


$2,573.00 $0.00 $0.00 156100 BUSINESS SERVICES CENTERS

$1,479.85 $1,439.00 $1,439.00 156500 INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY SERVICES

$58,084.73 $84,110.00 $69,110.00 210000 TRAVEL - REIMBURSEMENTS

$62,017.44 $34,000.00 $14,000.00 220000 TRAVEL - AGENCY DIRECT PAYMENTS

$12.50 $0.00 $0.00 221120 OUT-OF-STATE PURCHASE OF TOLL


$13,454.35 $0.00 $0.00 221310 DIR PURCH FOOD & LODGE - IN STATE

$147.03 $0.00 $0.00 221400 OUT-OF-STATE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES

$160.00 $0.00 $0.00 221410 IN-STATE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES

$229,165.76 $328,863.00 $560,183.00 310000 MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE


Page 57: AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular … · 2020. 7. 2. · AGENDA . Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission . Regular Meeting . Public Meeting: Wednesday, June

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021

Division: 21: FISH

All Regions

All Areas


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$15,319.98 $16,856.00 $16,856.00 320000 RENT EXPENSE

$277.64 $0.00 $0.00 321410 RENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES

$354,463.47 $241,807.00 $241,807.00 330000 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR EXPENSE

$215,309.57 $220,200.00 $160,200.00 340000 FUEL, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES EXPENSE

$30,696.97 $43,752.00 $43,752.00 350000 PRODUCTION, SAFETY, & SECURITY EXPENSE

$17,606.31 $27,717.00 $27,717.00 360000 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE

$824,365.61 $903,304.00 $877,961.00 370000 SHOP EXPENSE

$21,328.61 $0.00 $0.00 371500 SHOP SUPPLIES - NON PRODUCTION

$373.31 $0.00 $0.00 371900 LABORATORY & MEDICAL SUPPLIES &


$641,011.10 $1,435,100.00 $724,146.34 410000 EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES

$1,300.20 $0.00 $0.00 420000 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT & RESOURCES

$130,023.43 $12,500.00 $12,500.00 450000 LAND AND RIGHT-OF-WAY

$96,584.61 $0.00 $0.00 460000 BUILDING AND OTHER STRUCT - PURCH,


$4,701.49 $43,900.00 $0.00 470000 CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, & REPAIRS


$0.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 521100 SCHOLARSHIPS

$0.00 $958,268.00 $1,148,397.00 550000 PAYMENTS TO LOCAL GOV SUBDIVISIONS &


TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS $4,430,350.59 $5,841,143.00 $5,302,675.00

$10,440,253.35 $11,927,093.00 Grand Total $12,427,205.00


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FY 2021



Page 59: AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular … · 2020. 7. 2. · AGENDA . Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission . Regular Meeting . Public Meeting: Wednesday, June

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021


All Regions

All Areas


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$6,181,046.14 $6,407,744.00 $6,176,985.00 111100 SALARIES

$191,296.53 $191,000.00 $178,840.00 112100 LONGEVITY PAYMENT

$57,067.34 $0.00 $0.00 113100 TERMINAL LEAVE

$91,505.25 $91,888.00 $76,207.00 114200 EXCESS BENEFIT ALLOWANCE

$1,618,477.65 $1,675,490.00 $1,683,070.00 121100 HEALTH/LIFE

$156,428.16 $180,727.00 $177,407.00 121400 HEALTH INS./RETIREES

$91,938.19 $126,429.00 $125,000.00 123100 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE

$388,069.45 $511,837.00 $492,054.00 131100 F.I.C.A.

$90,758.07 $0.00 $0.00 131200 STATE SHARE FICA - MEDICARE/FEDERAL

$107,302.28 $118,632.00 $147,280.00 132200 DEFINED CONTRIBUTION

$866,953.04 $1,057,683.00 $1,169,290.00 132400 RETIREMENT

$27,943.90 $29,692.00 $31,603.00 132800 STATE MATCH & ADMIN FEE - STATE ANNUITY

$14,637.86 $0.00 $0.00 191300 SOONER FLEX

TOTAL FOR SALARIES AND BENEFITS $9,883,423.86 $10,391,122.00 $10,257,736.00


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 152900 TESTING LABORATORIES

$250.24 $0.00 $0.00 155400 ALL OTHER PROFESSIONAL, SCIENCE AND


$0.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 156600 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES

$0.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 157000 OFFICES OF PHYSICIANS

$0.00 $250.00 $250.00 157100 OFFICES OF PHYSICIANS, MENTAL HEALTH


$8,464.03 $20,000.00 $5,000.00 210000 TRAVEL - REIMBURSEMENTS

$20,489.28 $30,000.00 $5,000.00 220000 TRAVEL - AGENCY DIRECT PAYMENTS

$6,274.00 $0.00 $0.00 221310 DIR PURCH FOOD & LODGE - IN STATE

$21,657.36 $50,000.00 $32,748.00 310000 MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE


$14,048.66 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 320000 RENT EXPENSE

$203,075.76 $195,000.00 $180,000.00 330000 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR EXPENSE

$399,775.65 $500,000.00 $400,000.00 340000 FUEL, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES EXPENSE

$153,536.54 $120,000.00 $100,000.00 350000 PRODUCTION, SAFETY, & SECURITY EXPENSE

$13,160.60 $20,000.00 $10,000.00 360000 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE

$7,407.76 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 370000 SHOP EXPENSE

$242.65 $0.00 $0.00 371500 SHOP SUPPLIES - NON PRODUCTION

$225,715.03 $1,100,000.00 $600,000.00 410000 EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES

$3,203.85 $3,748.00 $4,000.00 420000 LIBRARY EQUIPMENT & RESOURCES

$1,405.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 460000 BUILDING AND OTHER STRUCT - PURCH,


TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS $1,078,706.41 $2,118,998.00 $1,416,998.00 25

Page 60: AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular … · 2020. 7. 2. · AGENDA . Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission . Regular Meeting . Public Meeting: Wednesday, June

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021


All Regions

All Areas$10,962,130.27 $11,674,734.00 Grand Total $12,510,120.00


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FY 2021



Page 62: AGENDA Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission Regular … · 2020. 7. 2. · AGENDA . Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission . Regular Meeting . Public Meeting: Wednesday, June

Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021


All Regions

All Areas


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$1,166,971.54 $1,226,638.00 $1,260,536.00 111100 SALARIES

$29,225.20 $28,330.00 $31,152.00 112100 LONGEVITY PAYMENT

$12,975.44 $0.00 $0.00 113100 TERMINAL LEAVE

$8,438.52 $9,256.00 $6,185.00 114200 EXCESS BENEFIT ALLOWANCE

$259,397.30 $277,479.00 $293,083.00 121100 HEALTH/LIFE

$29,139.92 $28,637.00 $29,086.00 121400 HEALTH INS./RETIREES

$17,141.01 $23,571.00 $23,305.00 123100 WORKER'S COMP INSURANCE

$73,683.24 $96,717.00 $99,293.00 131100 F.I.C.A.

$17,851.25 $0.00 $0.00 131200 STATE SHARE FICA - MEDICARE/FEDERAL

$29,136.58 $32,604.00 $35,067.00 132200 DEFINED CONTRIBUTION

$164,452.80 $200,632.00 $236,351.00 132400 RETIREMENT

$5,263.22 $5,461.00 $5,327.00 132800 STATE MATCH & ADMIN FEE - STATE ANNUITY

$2,576.87 $0.00 $0.00 191300 SOONER FLEX

TOTAL FOR SALARIES AND BENEFITS $1,816,252.89 $1,929,325.00 $2,019,385.00


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$42,679.11 $82,599.00 $61,600.00 111300 WAGES

$2,646.10 $6,322.00 $4,716.00 131101 F.I.C.A. - WAGES

$30,950.25 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 153200 GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES

$0.00 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 153300 OTHER SPECIALIZED DESIGN SERVICES

$0.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 154700 RESEARCH AND DEVLOP IN THE


$4,785.00 $0.00 $0.00 154800 RES AND DEV IN SOCIAL SCIENCES AND


$2,470.00 $0.00 $0.00 155200 TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION


$32,174.19 $0.00 $0.00 156100 BUSINESS SERVICES CENTERS

$1,013.82 $0.00 $0.00 156500 INVESTIGATION AND SECURITY SERVICES

$66,140.00 $0.00 $0.00 156600 EDUCATIONAL SERVICES

$12,928.34 $9,150.00 $4,650.00 210000 TRAVEL - REIMBURSEMENTS

$19,300.70 $16,200.00 $7,000.00 220000 TRAVEL - AGENCY DIRECT PAYMENTS

$12,374.52 $0.00 $0.00 221310 DIR PURCH FOOD & LODGE - IN STATE

$32.00 $0.00 $0.00 221400 OUT-OF-STATE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES

$40.00 $0.00 $0.00 221410 IN-STATE MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES

$279,535.38 $688,759.00 $477,016.00 310000 MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE


$38,075.49 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 320000 RENT EXPENSE

$1,629.40 $0.00 $0.00 321410 RENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES

$26,476.03 $36,509.00 $36,209.00 330000 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR EXPENSE

$25,706.79 $39,500.00 $26,871.00 340000 FUEL, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES EXPENSE27

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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021


All Regions

All Areas


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$7,271.79 $50,050.00 $45,750.00 350000 PRODUCTION, SAFETY, & SECURITY EXPENSE

$513,472.95 $514,058.00 $455,678.00 360000 GENERAL OPERATING EXPENSE

$964.02 $1,400.00 $1,250.00 370000 SHOP EXPENSE

$5,203.91 $0.00 $0.00 371500 SHOP SUPPLIES - NON PRODUCTION

$111,150.34 $60,000.00 $15,000.00 410000 EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES

$435,706.00 $66,140.00 $33,070.00 550000 PAYMENTS TO LOCAL GOV SUBDIVISIONS &


TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS $1,672,726.13 $1,795,687.00 $1,393,810.00

$3,488,979.02 $3,413,195.00 Grand Total $3,725,012.00


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FY 2021



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Oklahoma Department of Wildlife

Budget by Div, Reg, and Area

Friday, June 5, 2020Fiscal Year: 2021


All Regions

All Areas


Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description



Object Code Budget FY 2021Budget FY 2020Expenditures FY 2019Object Description

$13,612.64 $46,700.00 $0.00 150300 OTHER LEGAL SERVICES

$23,781.51 $0.00 $0.00 152200 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES

$141,686.54 $1,129,754.00 $731,891.00 152400 ENGINEERING SERVICES

$36,800.00 $293,878.00 $231,000.00 152800 SURVEYING AND MAPPING (EXCEPT


$34,640.40 $0.00 $0.00 154500 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES

$31,800.00 $4,200.00 $0.00 154600 OTHER SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL


$332,697.71 $739,177.00 $983,798.00 154700 RESEARCH AND DEVLOP IN THE


$14,531.00 $73,843.00 $56,400.00 155400 ALL OTHER PROFESSIONAL, SCIENCE AND


$34,915.29 $99,439.00 $12,600.00 310000 MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATIVE


$1,577,971.49 $1,779,829.00 $1,951,509.00 320000 RENT EXPENSE

$10,117.80 $867,426.00 $20,000.00 410000 EQUIPMENT & VEHICLES

$0.00 $7,770,800.00 $1,200,000.00 450000 LAND AND RIGHT-OF-WAY

$4,333,084.90 $0.00 $0.00 451000 LAND PURCHASES

$4,704,372.90 $10,087,570.00 $7,221,064.00 460000 BUILDING AND OTHER STRUCT - PURCH,


TOTAL FOR OPERATIONS $11,290,012.18 $22,892,616.00 $12,408,262.00

$11,290,012.18 $12,408,262.00 Grand Total $22,892,616.00


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IN THE MATTER OF ) ) Fall Turkey Hunting Bag Limits ) Spring Turkey Hunting Bag Limits )


WHEREAS, the population of wild turkeys residing in Oklahoma on privately owned and public land, exclusive of Atoka, Choctaw, Coal, Latimer, Leflore McCurtain, Pittsburgh and Pushmataha counties (“Southeast Region”) is established. However, population indices and professional observation recently indicate a declining population statewide, especially in western Oklahoma. Frequent constituent reports of reduced populations further validate field data and staff observations. WHEREAS, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation staff recommends that population concerns should be addressed by adjusting wild turkey bag limits. WHEREAS, Title 29, Section 2-149 of the Oklahoma Statutes, defines the term wildlife as “all wild birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibians and other wild aquatic forms, and all other animals which normally can be found in the wild state, regardless of classification.” Pursuant to that section, wild turkeys are a wildlife species governed by the Wildlife Conservation Code and therefore, the season can be established by resolution under Title 29, section 5-401(A) of the Oklahoma Statutes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED THAT, Wild Turkey County Bag Limits, exclusive of the Southeast Region (which remains the same as set forth in the Resolution dated February 7, 2011), are hereby modified and substituted as follows for fall 2020 and spring 2021 hunting seasons, and shall remain in effect for future years until further modified or revoked:

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FALL WILD TURKEY GUN SEASON Bag Limit – Except for the Southeast Region, which is closed to fall turkey hunting; and except for the counties of Ottawa, Delaware, Mayes, Rogers, Tulsa and Bryan, which are also closed to fall turkey hunting; all other counties shall have a one (1) tom only bag limit per county for the fall wild turkey hunting season. SPRING WILD TURKEY SEASON Bag Limit – Except for the Southeast Region, which has a combined county limit of one (1) tom; all counties shall have a one (1) tom only bag limit per county for the spring wild turkey hunting season. DONE the 17 day of June, 2020 in the regular and open meeting of the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission. _________________________ Bruce R. Mabrey, Chairman ATTEST: _____________________________ Leigh A. Gaddis, Secretary

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SUBCHAPTER 1. USE OF DEPARTMENT MANAGED LANDS 800:30-1-7. Livestock and feral hogs (a) Livestock. It is unlawful for any person to willfully or neglectfully allow unauthorized livestock to encroach upon any lands owned or managed by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. (b) Horses. No person shall ride, drive, lead or keep a horse or other livestock on lands owned or managed by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, except Honobia Creek WMA and Three Rivers WMA, during the period of October 1 through January 1 and spring turkey season, annually without prior written approval from the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation. Individuals or parties of less than 25 may ride on areas with prior written approval of the local biologist during the closed period if no hunting conflict is determined by the biologist. U.S. Forest Service regulations shall apply to those lands owned by the Forest Service. See 800:25-7-71 [REVOKED] (renumbered to 800:30-1-20) also. (c) Use of horses. Hunting on, from or with the aid of horses or mules on WMAs (except U.S. Forest Service lands, Honobia Creek WMA and Three Rivers WMA) is prohibited during daylight hours during the period of October 1 - January 1 and during spring turkey season. Persons holding nonambulatory permits or motor vehicle permits are exempt. (d) Feral hogs. Feral hogs may be taken on lands owned or managed by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation during any established hunting season with methods authorized by the Department for that hunting season, except that during any open deer and/or turkey season only appropriate methods, hunting hours, and weapons for that deer and/or turkey season are authorized for taking or pursuing feral hogs. The following WMAs are closed to all hog hunting: Hackberry Flat, Kaw, Sandy Sanders and Waurika. No feral hogs may be removed alive from a WMA.

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800:25-7-139.1. Sandhills WMA The following hunting and trapping seasons apply to the Sandhills WMA:

(1) Quail: Same as statewide season dates, except closed during the first nine days of deer gun season. Hunting hours close at 4:30 PM daily.

(2) Pheasant: Same as statewide season dates and bag limit, except closed during first nine days of deer gun season. Hunting hours close at 4:30 p.m. daily. (3) Prairie chicken: Closed season. (4) Turkey - Fall: (A) Archery: Same as statewide season dates. (B) Gun: Same as statewide season dates, shotgun only. (5) Turkey - Spring: Same as statewide season dates, 1 tom limit. Hunting hours close at 7:00 p.m. daily. (6) Squirrel: Same as statewide dates, except closed during first nine days of deer gun season. (7) Rabbit: Same as statewide dates, except closed during first nine days of deer gun season. (8) Crow: Same as statewide season dates, except closed during first nine days of deer gun season. (9) Dove: Same as statewide season dates. (10) Rail and gallinule: Same as statewide season dates.

(11) Common snipe: Same as statewide season dates, except closed during first nine days of deer gun season.

(12) Woodcock: Same as statewide season dates, except closed during first nine days of deer gun season. (13) Deer - archery: Same as statewide season dates. (14) Deer - Primitive firearms: Same as statewide season dates, except closed to antlerless hunting. (15) Deer - gun: Controlled hunts only. (16) Trapping: Open to water sets, live box traps and enclosed trigger traps only. (17) Pursuit with hounds: Same as statewide season dates, except closed during deer gun season. (18) Predator/furbearer calling: Same as statewide season dates, except closed during deer gun season. (19) Waterfowl: Same as statewide season dates, except closed during first nine days of deer gun season.

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SUBCHAPTER 1. USE OF DEPARTMENT MANAGED LANDS 800:30-1-4. Camping (a) Camping is limited to a maximum of 14 days, except at areas open only to hunter camping for special season(s). Camping on these areas is limited to 2 days longer than the period which the camper (hunter) is authorized to hunt. (b) Quiet shall be maintained in all camping areas between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Excessive noise during such times which unreasonably disturbs persons is prohibited. (c) All dogs or other pets must be kept on a leash or otherwise confined while in a camping area. (d) No overnight camping is permitted at the following areas unless otherwise authorized by the Department:

(1) Altus-Lugert WMA. (2) Arcadia Conservation Education Area - Any authorized camping must have education or conservation purpose. (3) Broken Bow WMA. (4) Canton WMA (waterfowl refuge portion). (5) Cherokee (GMA portion).

(6) Dewey County WMA. (7) Eufaula WMA (8) Fort Gibson WMA. (9) Gist WMA. (10) Grady County WMA (11) Grassy Slough WMA. (12) Hackberry Flat (waterfowl refuge portion). (13) Hugo WMA (waterfowl refuge portion). (14) Major County Lands. (15) McClellan-Kerr WMA (includes waterfowl refuge portion). (16) McCurtain County Wilderness. (17) Okmulgee WMA (GMA portion). (18) Osage WMA (Western Wall Unit). (19)Ozark Plateau WMA. (20) Red Slough WMA. (21) Sparrow Hawk WMA. (22) Tenkiller WMA. (23) Thomas A. Bamberger Sr WMA (24) Van Osdol WMA. (25) Washita County WMA. (26) Whitegrass Flats WMA. (27) Wister WMA (waterfowl refuge portion).

(e) Hunter and fishermen camping is permitted only in designated camping areas at: (1) Arbuckle Springs WMA (2) Atoka WMA (includes PHA portion). (3) Beaver River WMA including McFarland Unit. (4) Candy Creek WMA (5) Canton WMA (except waterfowl refuge portion). (6) Cherokee WMA (PHA portion).

(7) Chickasaw NRA (Arbuckle). (8) Cimarron Bluff WMA.

(9) Cimarron Hills WMA (10) Cooper WMA. (11) Copan WMA.

(12) Cross Timbers WMA (13) Drummond Flats WMA

(14) Ellis County WMA. (15) Fobb Bottom WMA. (16) Fort Cobb WMA. (17) Fort Supply WMA.

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(18) Hackberry Flat WMA (except waterfowl refuge portion). (19) Heyburn WMA . (20) Hickory Creek WMA. (21) Hugo WMA (except waterfowl refuge portion). (22) Hulah WMA. (23) James Collins WMA. (24) Kaw WMA. (25) Lexington WMA. (26) Mountain Park WMA.

(27) Okmulgee WMA (PHA portion, i.e., the area north and east of the Deep Fork River). (28) Oologah WMA (29) Optima WMA. (30) Osage WMA (Rock Creek Unit). (31) Pushmataha WMA. (32) Sandy Sanders WMA. (33) Sandhills WMA (33)(34) Sans Bois WMA (34)(35) Stringtown WMA (35)(36) Schultz WMA. (36)(37) Skiatook WMA. (37)(38) Texoma-Washita Arm WMA. (38)(39) Tishomingo WMU. (39)(40) Waurika WMA. (40)(41) Yourman WMA. (f) Hunter camping is permitted only in designated camping areas and only during specified hunting seasons at:

(1) Cookson Hills WMA, only during open hunting seasons on the area. (2) Ouachita WMA (Homer L. Johnston portion), only during deer and turkey seasons.

(3) John Dahl WMA, only during hunting seasons. (4) Packsaddle WMA, only during open hunting seasons. (5) Robbers Cave WMA, only during open deer and turkey seasons. (6) Spavinaw Hills WMA, only during open hunting seasons on the area. (g) Hunter and fishermen camping is permitted only within 50 yards of roads designated as open for public use at: (1) Deep Fork WMA. (2) Gary Sherrer WMA, only during open hunting seasons on the area. (3) Keystone WMA. (4) Love Valley WMA. (5) Pine Creek WMA. (6) Wister WMA, (except waterfowl refuge portion). (h) Camping is permitted in accordance with U.S. Forest Service regulations at:

(1) Ouachita WMA - Le Flore Unit (Ouachita National Forest), except Homer L. Johnston Unit. (2) Ouachita WMA - McCurtain Unit (Ouachita National Forest). (3) Black Kettle WMA (Cibola National Forest) - Black Kettle National Grasslands. (4) Rita Blanca WMA (Cibola National Forest) - Rita Blanca National Grasslands. (i) Camping is permitted in designated camping areas only at McGee Creek WMA.

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IN THE MATTER OF: ) ) Wildlife Conservation Passport Fee ) For Department Lands And Lakes ) RESOLUTION WHEREAS, pursuant to the statutory authority granted to the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission ("Commission") in the Oklahoma Wildlife Code, specifically 29 O.S. 4-138, the Commission established a special use fee known as the Wildlife Conservation Passport on certain lands and lakes designated in a Resolution adopted by the Commission at its regular and open meeting on June 7, 2010; and WHEREAS, based on further review and upon recommendation from the staff of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation ("Department"), the list of lands and lakes subject to the Wildlife Conservation Passport and attached to the July 1, 2019 Resolution as Exhibit "A" should be modified by adding the following Department properties: Sandhills NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED AS FOLLOWS: 1) The Department owned lands and fishing areas designated and listed on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof shall supersede and take the place of the Exhibit "A" previously attached to the Resolutions adopted on June 7, 2010, February 7, 2011, July 5, 2011 and July 1, 2019. DONE, the 17st day of June 2020 in regular and open meeting of the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission.

Bruce R. Mabrey, Chairman


Leigh A. Gaddis, Secretary

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Department Owned Lands Arbuckle Springs Atoka Beaver River Candy Creek Cherokee Cimarron Bluff Cimarron Hills Cookson Cooper Cross Timbers Deep Fork Dewey County Drummond Flats Ellis County Gary Sherrer Gist Grady County Grassy Slough Hackberry Flat Hickory Creek James Collins John Dahl Lexington Major County McCurtain County Wilderness Area Neosho Okmulgee Osage Ozark Plateau Packsaddle Pushmataha Robbers Cave Sandhills Sandy Sanders Sans Bois Schultz Sparrowhawk Spavinaw Stringtown Thomas A. Bamberger Sr. Washita County Whitegrass Flats Yourman

Department Owned Fishing Area American Horse Blue River Public Fishing and Hunting Area Burtschi Carl Etling Dahlgren Doc Hollis Emler Evans Chambers Hall Jap Beaver Lower Illinois River Public Fishing and Hunting Area – Watts Unit Naniah Waiya Ozzie Cobb Schooler Vanderwork Vincent Lake Watonga