1 UNGEX Pty. Ltd. (ACN 168 075 885) & Universal Green Experts Sdn. Bhd. (948434-T) Presentation June 2015 www.ungex.com.au


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AGENDA FOR HAIR MITES TREATMENT. Basic hair structure knowledge Basic healthy hair scalp knowledge What are hair mites? Demodex hair mites check-up How do hair mites damage the hair? Demodex hair mites life cycle How to eliminate hair mites? Ungex product strength Ungex treatment steps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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1UNGEX Pty. Ltd. (ACN 168 075 885) & Universal Green Experts Sdn. Bhd. (948434-T)

PresentationJune 2015


1Personal care industryEliminate mitesEducate people Unique product & methodHQ in Australia & MalaysiaGlobal outlookBest invention award

About Company223Seyed M. Behbahani Solution-driven business administrator since 1993

Founder and Managing Director:Goal:Not only to help those who suffer from mites with our invented care plan, but also to double the income of our associates with our unique business plan. UNGEX Pty. Ltd. (Australia)UNIVERSAL GREEN EXPERTS Sdn. Bhd.(Malaysia)EME (Dubai)

Founders ProfileINDEX

33Demodex Folliculorum approx. 0.3mm in lengthlives in the hair follicles

Demodex Brevis approx. 0.2mm in lengthlives in sebaceous glands

65 species are known 2 species live on humans

What Are Demodex Mites?565B2B Global AgentsBusiness Partners

UNGEX supports through:- Websites (B2B & B2C support)- Customer Care Lines- Fairs & Trade Shows - Training (at no cost)

TOP AGENTSSUB-AGENTSBusiness ModelUNGEXTop AgentTop AgentSub-AgentAgentSalonSalonAgentSalonSalon45


This is what a mite looks like under a microscope (x400 magnification).IdentificationWalks 6-18cm an hour 67High Density of mites?2/3 of seniors1/2 of adults1/3 of children Mites are transferred through:Physical contactPersonal items e.g. pillow -towel -hairbrush


Most hair loss and skin problems are linked to mites.

Most skin and hair treatments are useless, unless eliminating mites first.

Cosmetic and hair styling products are feeding mites.

Facts89Mites have been linked to around 50% of skin problems.

Such as:hair losshair thinningitchingaging skinlarge poresrosaceaacnefacial rednessand many more



What are mites? (go back)11

5. Healthy Garden & FlowersPests are gone, flowers can grow again.3. GARDENERHelpless2. PESTFind pests1. GARDENFlowers wilt4. PEST CONTROLSolve problemHEALTHY SCALPMITESSCALP/HAIRUNGEXSALON

The Garden Concept(metaphor)1012

Mites on Mammalsscientists for 173 yearsvets for 30 yearspublic not yet (mites on humans)If a dog goes to the vet with a skin problem, one of the first tests they will do is for mites.

Known to:When Ungex started in 2011 if you were to look up Demodex mites in google image search, the only thing that would appear is related to animals. It is now a very different story

Mites, not bacteria

Why dont our specialists follow the same procedure?Why have most never heard of mites?

13Products + Method= Care plan

Products:Help eliminate the mitesNatural based ingredientsPrevention of infestation

Method:ConsultationIndividualisedProduct information

Product & Care PlanINDEX


Beauty14 expoSalon Melbourne15

Articles in H4ufme & Beauty (Malaysia)INDEX16

Article in InfoMed (Malaysia)17

Trade Shows 18VIDEOS


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