FNQROC Board Meeting No. 137 Monday, 12 August 2019 Page 1 of 5 AGENDA FNQROC BOARD MEETING NO. 137 12 August 2019 at 10:00 AM Civic Reception Room, Cairns Regional Council, 119-145 Spence Street, Cairns 1 Chairs Welcome & Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners 2 Apologies noted (Including Qld Premier for Aug, Oct & Dec 2019) 3 Board Presentations 3.1 10:10am: Ms Belinda Down, Principal Stakeholder Relationship Officer, Dept of Premier & Cabinet re new regional role (15 Mins + 05 Mins Q&A) 20 Mins 3.2 10:30am: Mr Michael Whereat, Digital Economy Group re Update on FNQROC Mobile Network Testing Project (15 Mins + 15 Mins Q&A) 30 Mins 3.3 11:00am: Ms Crystal Baker, LGAQ and Mr Greg Hoffman (Grassroots Consultants) re Update of Shared Services Toolkit Project in conjunction with CRC (15 Mins + 05 Mins Q&A) 20 Mins 4 Confirmation of Previous Minutes 4.1 Minutes of Meeting held on 17 June 2019 Pages 1-16 5 Business Arising from Previous Minutes: 17 June 2019 Minute Number Action Responsible Person(s) Status 2619 Follow up TMR regarding safety signage on the road to Yarrabah Council D Irvine In progress 2643b FNQROC to circulate all presentations with the minutes L Richardson Complete 2645 FNQROC: 1. Write to the Minister and Shadow Minister for LG outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the IR Act and request this be reviewed; 2. Write to the Minister and Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the IR Act and request this be reviewed; 3. Write to the LGAQ outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the IR Act and request this be reviewed; D Irvine Complete Complete Complete

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12 August 2019 at 10:00 AM

Civic Reception Room, Cairns Regional Council, 119-145 Spence Street, Cairns

1 Chairs Welcome & Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners

2 Apologies noted (Including Qld Premier for Aug, Oct & Dec 2019)

3 Board Presentations

3.1 10:10am: Ms Belinda Down, Principal Stakeholder

Relationship Officer, Dept of Premier & Cabinet re new

regional role

(15 Mins + 05 Mins Q&A)

20 Mins

3.2 10:30am: Mr Michael Whereat, Digital Economy Group re

Update on FNQROC Mobile Network Testing Project

(15 Mins + 15 Mins Q&A)

30 Mins

3.3 11:00am: Ms Crystal Baker, LGAQ and Mr Greg Hoffman

(Grassroots Consultants) re Update of Shared Services

Toolkit Project in conjunction with CRC

(15 Mins + 05 Mins Q&A)

20 Mins

4 Confirmation of Previous Minutes

4.1 Minutes of Meeting held on 17 June 2019 Pages 1-16

5 Business Arising from Previous Minutes: 17 June 2019



Action Responsible



2619 Follow up TMR regarding safety signage on the road to Yarrabah Council

D Irvine In progress

2643b FNQROC to circulate all presentations with the minutes

L Richardson Complete

2645 FNQROC: 1. Write to the Minister and Shadow

Minister for LG outlining the

concerns with section 171(1) of the

IR Act and request this be reviewed;

2. Write to the Minister and Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the IR Act and request this be reviewed;

3. Write to the LGAQ outlining the

concerns with section 171(1) of the IR Act and request this be reviewed;

D Irvine Complete



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Action Responsible





FNQROC: 4. Lodge an annual conference motion

outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the Industrial Relations Act and request LGAQ to pursue this issue with the relevant Ministers.

D Irvine Complete

2646 FNQROC develop and implement a specific advocacy plan aimed at securing the additional W4Q funding round outlined in this paper, including:

Report to/engagement with the LGAQ Policy Executive and LGAQ CEO seeking their support to advocate for the initiative at a ‘whole of Queensland’ level on behalf of the 65 eligible councils;

Direct advocacy to the Premier and relevant Minister (Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP) and Shadow Minister (Ms Ann Leahy) for the initiative;

Direct advocacy and engagement with the four sitting ALP members of parliament within the FNQROC region seeking their support/advocacy for the initiative;

Direct advocacy and engagement with the three sitting KAP members of parliament within the FNQROC region seeking their support/advocacy for the initiative (there are only three sitting members of the KAP in Queensland in total).

D Irvine



2647 FNQROC extend a formal invitation to the Queensland Premier and Shadow Cabinet to convene a regional cabinet meeting in Cairns/FNQ in the coming months and that support for this initiative also be sought from the four local Labor members of State parliament.


D Irvine


2649 T Sydes to present AMWS Technical Committee recommendations for consideration and seek endorsement at the next FNQROC Board Meeting.


T Sydes


See Item


2650 Invite DEG Consultant to present on the

Mobile Network Testing Project update at

the next FNQROC Board Meeting (12



D Irvine


See Item


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2659 Cook Shire Council to draft up a policy to

be circulated by Flying Minute to the

FNQROC Board for endorsement and

inclusion in the LGAQ Annual Conference

(noting 5th August deadline).


P Scott / L



2660a FNQROC to write to the relevant Minister, DG and local MPs expressing disappointment and request immediate stop on any future planned demolishment.

D Irvine Complete

2660b J Andrejic to provide FNQROC with Belcarra clause re conflicts for circulation to the board.

J Andrejic Completed

- Referred

to training

2660c D Irvine to investigate opportunities relating to Regional Deals and circulate to the board

D Irvine Complete

2660d Councils to write to State and/or Federal

members to highlight lack of in region

engagement as required.



Ongoing as


6 Advocacy

6.1 Advocacy update from member Councils

6.2 Advocacy update from FNQROC

6.2.1 Kuranda Range Road Advocacy Action Plan Email sent


6.2.2 In region engagement (Qld Senators l Local MPs) Email sent


6.2.3 Advance Cairns TNQ Convoy to Brisbane (Feb 2020) Verbal

6.2.4 FNQROC Federal Delegation (26-28 Nov 2019) Verbal

6.2.5 Federal Parliamentary Passes Verbal

7 Strategic Operational Plan

7.1 AMWS Technical Committee Recommendations Verbal

7.2 Regional Road Investment Strategy (RRIS) Update Verbal

7.3 Bitumen Reseal Committee R&R (For Endorsement) Pages 17-20

8 Discussion Topics

8.1 Nil to report

9 Incoming/Outgoing Correspondence (23 Mar – 31 May 2019)

9.1 Incoming

Letter from the Premiers office in response to hosting a

Cabinet meeting in FNQ/Cairns (DM#6133259)

Page 21

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Email from the Leader of the Opposition accepting

invitation to host Shadow Cabinet meeting in Cairns in 2020


Letter from Advance Cairns inviting Chair and Executive

Officer to 8+8 Launch (DM#6142658/6142655)

9.2 Outgoing

Letters to the Premier and relevant Ministers re IR Act, W4Q

and hosting Cabinet meeting in FNQ/Cairns as detailed in

Minute 2645, 2646 and 2647 above

Letter to Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald providing thanks

from FNQROC Board for service to the region (DM6106162)

Letters to LNP/Labor Senators providing thanks for meeting

with FNQROC to discuss regional priorities (Various)

Letter to Halpin Partners re FY 2018/19 Audit Engagement


10 FNQROC Policy Review

10.1 Nil to report

11 FNQROC Reports and MOUs

11.1 Nil to report

12 Financial Statements

12.1 Profit & Loss Statement: Financial YTD 30 June 2019 Pages 22-24

12.2 Balance Sheet: Financial YTD 30 June 2019 Page 25

12.3 Profit & Loss Statement: Current to 31 July 2019 Pages 26-27

12.4 Balance Sheet: Current to 31 July 2019 Page 28

13 Meetings attended by FNQROC Executive Officer Page 29

14 Minutes of FNQROC Advisory Committees (24 May – 26 July ‘19)

14.1 FNQROC RRTG Technical Committee (24/05/19) See FNQROC


14.2 FNQROC Animal Management Technical Committee

Meeting (31/05/19)



14.3 FNQROC Regional Waste Management Group Meeting




14.4 FNQROC Natural Asset Management Advisory Group

Meeting (04/07/19)



14.5 FNQ RRTG Technical Committee (25/07/19) Unavailable at

time of circulation

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15 Confidential Meeting Minutes (24 May – 26 July ’19)

15.1 FNQROC Regional Sewer Relining (28/06/19) Available

upon request

15.2 FNQROC Bitumen Reseal 2019/20 (04/07/19) Available

upon request

15.2 FNQROC Regional Collection & Disposal of Ferrous (24/07) Available

upon request

16 FNQROC Western Council Meeting Minutes & Resolutions

16.1 Nil to report – Next meeting 2nd October 2019

17 LGAQ Policy Executive Update (Standing Item) To be circulated


18 General Business

18.1 Date change for FNQROC December Board meeting 2nd

or 17th (currently 9th December)


19 Next Meeting Date

Monday 14 October 2019 in Cairns at 10:00am

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MONDAY 17 June @ 09:00am at PCYC Event Centre, 3 May Street, Cooktown

REPR ES EN TAT IV E S: Cr Tom Gilmore, Mayor, Chair Mareeba Shire Council

Cr Jack Bawden, Mayor Carpentaria Shire Council

Cr John Kremastos, Mayor Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Cr Peter Scott, Mayor Cook Shire Council

Cr Trevor Pickering, Mayor Croydon Shire Council

Cr Julia Leu, Mayor Douglas Shire Council

Cr Warren Devlin, Mayor Etheridge Shire Council

Cr Ramon Jayo, Mayor Hinchinbrook Shire Council

Cr Desmond Tayley, Mayor Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council

CEO’ S : Mr John Andrejic, CEO Cairns Regional Council

Ms Linda Cardew, CEO Cook Shire Council

Mr Bill Kerwin, CEO Croydon Shire Council

Mr Peter Franks, CEO Mareeba Shire Council

Mr Justin Commons, CEO Tablelands Regional Council

Ms Eileen Deemal-Hall Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council

OB SERV ERS : Cr Bing Chew Croydon Shire Council

Cr Ted Loudon Etheridge Shire Council

Cr Mary Brown, Deputy Mayor Hinchinbrook Shire Council

INV I TED GU E ST S Mr Lawrence Booth Cook Shire Council

Ms Merryn Hughes Cook Shire Council

Major General (Rtd) Stuart Smith QRA

Ms Kirsty Beavington QRA

Mr Luke Hannan LGAQ


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Ms Sarah Webster QTC

Mr Anthony Ottaway QTC

Mr Bill Buchanan Qld Reconciliation Council

Mr Tim Wong WTMA

Mr Scott Buchanan WTMA

FNQR OC STA F F: Ms Darlene Irvine Executive Officer

Ms Amanda Hancock Procurement Coordinator

Ms Linda Richardson Office & Project Coordinator

Mr Travis Sydes Natural Assets & Sustainability Coordinator

APO LO G IE S: Hon Jackie Trad MP Deputy Premier I Treasurer

Ms Ann Leahy Shadow Minister for Local Government

Cr Bob Manning Cairns Regional Council

Cr Terry James, Deputy Mayor Cairns Regional Council

Mr Mark Crawley, CEO Carpentaria Shire Council

Mr James Gott, CEO Cassowary Coast Regional Council

Ms Jo Stephenson DLGRMA

Mr Mark Stoermer, CEO Douglas Shire Council

Mr Lachlan Rankine FNQROC

Mr Alan Rayment, CEO Hinchinbrook Shire Council

Cr June Pearson, Mayor Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council

Mr Steve Linnane, CEO Hope Vale Aboriginal Shire Council

Cr Joe Paronella, Mayor Tablelands Regional Council

Cr Ross Andrews, Mayor Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council

2641 Chair’s Welcome & Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners

The meeting commenced at 09:00am.

Cr Tom Gilmore, Chair opened the meeting and acknowledged the Traditional Owners of the land on which

we meet today, paying respects to Elders past, present and emerging.

The Chair invited Cr Peter Scott to provide a welcome to board members and guests as the host of the



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2642 Apologies and welcome to guests

Apologies as noted and roundtable introductions conducted.

Hon Jackie Trad MP, Deputy Premier & Treasurer tendered apologies to the FNQROC Board meeting in

Cooktown due to parliamentary commitments.


3.1 Mr Scott Buchanan and Mr Tim Wong (WTMA)

Mr Scott Buchanan and Mr Tim Wong, WTMA provided an update on the DRAFT Wet TropicsManagement Plan

Key presentation points included:

Overview of consultation phases to date and noted that approval through the Ministerial Forumand the Queensland Government (July-December 2019)

Overview of key changes to the Management Plan and new structure, linking to the Wet TropicsStrategic Plan 2020-2030 and the Wet Tropics Management Plan 1998

Public consultation and submissions with FNQROC (including FNQROC, DSD, CCRC, TRC, CSC, CRC,YASC) and engagement via interdepartmental committee meetings

Interdepartmental meeting (end of June) to finalise amendments to the Plan based on consultationand submissions received, Board endorsement August 2019, Both Ministers to sign (State andCommonwealth), the Qld Cabinet sign off.

The Chair asked for comments from the floor:

Will further endorsement be sought from individual councils or is the final engagement withFNQROC the last step? WTMA advised that the will engage with individual councils on specificsubmissions if further information or clarification required.

Cr Kremastos queried the progression of a CCRC specific submission relating to a reservoir. MrBuchanan advised that is had been reviewed at a recent meeting and will be proceeding.

Noted that Management Plan can be incorporated into the master planning process for manycouncils and WTMA expressed their willingness to be involved where required.

Queried what the effect of removing the Bump Road and H road from the map? WTMA noted thatbecause a lot of roads, including Bump Road are in an extremely degraded state and likelihood isthat they will not come back onto the mapping, but will be recognised as an existing piece ofinfrastructure. Roads are management by local government or forestry, not WTMA.

3.2 Major General (Rtd) Stuart Smith and Ms Kirsty Beavington

Major General (Rtd) Stuart Smith and Ms Kirsty Beavington provided an update on the DRAFT StateRecovery Plan for the Monsoon Trough Disaster.

Update re Part 1 – What recovery activities have occurred so far?

Human and Social Recovery – sustained the Community Recovery Referral Centres in Townsville andCloncurry. Role primarily assisting with financial applications, working at community events,reaching out to the community impacted (assisted 116,000 residents). This role will hand over tothe Community Development Officer.

Economic Recovery – focus has been on small business and primary producers specifically in thedeeply impacted areas. $66m in finance assistance grants to primary producers + $6.6m financeassistance to small business $6.6m applied in small loans/grants. Liaise with Kirsty Beavington inrelation to further assistance available to small businesses.


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Roads and Infrastructure – restoration and continued repairs of Mt Isa line and good repairs on theFlinders Hwy and deployment as assessment teams to many council areas to understand thereconstruction and repair bill from councils and to turnaround the application process. Latestadvice from TMR is that further repair works are planned for Flinders Hwy, Landsborough and someelements of the PDR coming into July and forward. Aware there needs to be a trickle effect ofrepairs into the future so that the continued flow into the economy can be progressed as part ofthe TMR infrastructure development.

Update re Part 2 - Where the recovery plan is in its submission?

The Plan was submitted three (3) weeks ago in DRAFT for final consultation and this week will go toCabinet. If successful, the plan will be made public by the Premier.

(Still to be approved) $242m to be provided in a number of funding streams, in additional to existingdisaster funding.

One funding line is for the appointment of Community Development Officers x 2 years to fosterhuman recovery. It has been noted that two (2) Councils did not apply for the funding of theseappointments and it has been recommended that these 2 spare spots be reallocated into the region.

$10m will be provided for resilience, repair and rebuild to small business and primary industry andfurther funding to complement existing funding in the area of Weed & Pest Management.

Psychological support needs to be locally led. Local government to determine where and how theywould like to allocate this support within their communities (i.e. events, facilities or programs).

Community Information & Education funding stream – theme of resilience. Spreading info how toprepare for disasters and having a community approach to distributing that information.

Emphasis that this funding of $242m is for Category C & D but does not restrict councils fromparticipating in other funding lines, such as Qld Disaster Resilience Fund, Tourism funding + W4Qfunding – multiple funding opportunities to assist with solutions.

Long term view to recovery and building resilience through Community Development Officers,Mayors and CEOs. Important to keep narrative alive that this recovery will take time and theStrategic Plan must compliment what is already been rolled out across Queensland (not contradict).

The Chair asked for comments from the floor:

A number of FNQROC Council members extended their thanks to both Stuart and Kirsty for theirongoing support during these events.

Need to look at linking subsequent disasters (ie Cyclones, floods, etc) that jointly impact theregion/infrastructure. Sharing one person across the Cape in the role of Community DevelopmentOfficer is a big area, so if extra resources available to support the region Cook Shire Council wouldwelcome it. Carpentaria also supported resources for the region noting the difficulty in sourcinglocally.

Continuing stories for communities to learn and understand disaster related experiences important.Douglas Shire have engaged a local author to record stories for future generations and humaninterest.

Noted that whilst on this occasion the FNQROC Western Council members (ie Croydon) had notbeen as affected as other Western shires (i.e. focus needs to be on Cloncurry, Mt Isa and Townsville),in the past these councils have felt left out. Etheridge agreed that in the past they have slippedunder the radar, particularly 2 years ago when they experience substantial flooding and thereappears to be no evidence/data of this event. Mr Smith confirmed that future support has beennoted to be equitable.


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How best can we leverage the funding to ensure the work of the Community Development Officer is enduring beyond the 2 years and there needs to be the development of brief and specification of what we need to achieve so these officers can respond quickly. Consider regular networking opportunities for officers across the region. Current approach to take – once all officers identified, would be to bring in for an induction day suggesting what duties and responsibilities be to councils and utilise an existing officer as a mentor, sharing experiences to nurture a long term and centralised approach on pathways.

Noted $100m allocation within the $242m to ‘betterment’ of road infrastructure available for Council identified projects. Funding has been approved, guidelines and protocols are awaiting approval. Working with Commonwealth to develop sustainable funding for “betterment” use utilising case studies that demonstrate cost savings.

Recovery Plan progressing towards a template (utilising the Bush Fire recovery plan to a Monsoon Trough plan). It was noted that this template could be used to influence State/Federal government to ensure the effective allocation of funding for roads & infrastructure project in the future for disaster resilience and mitigation.

3.3 Mr Bill Buchanan, Co-Chair of Qld Reconciliation

Mr Bill Buchanan provided an overview of his role as Co-chair with Qld Reconciliation

Key presentation points included:

National network of reconciliation organisations, including COAG focussed on Closing the Gap addressing such issues as stolen generations, stolen wages and a number of issues around welfare

Reconciliation is a national priority and fast becoming a priority in our communities, with suicides still at high levels. This is about all the citizens of this county.

Local governments need to be committed to the priority and he invited all councils to the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) incorporating native title and economic development opportunities for their communities.

Concerned about the length of time it is taking for reconciliation to occur (10-20 years’ usual timeframe, whereas Australia is already approaching 26 years)

Setting up local reconciliation groups in FNQROC regions (TRC and CRC engaged). Next step is to hold community meetings and appoint an interim community group to establish local reconciliation group – assist with the development of RAPs for councils. Important to have social cohesion within communities

2016 – COAG received report from Qld Reconciliation setting out a new framework which has been adopted and focussed on 5 key Dimensions of Reconciliation including:-

1. Race Relations 2. Equality and equity 3. Institutional integrity 4. Unity 5. Historical Acceptance

3.2 Mr Lawrence Booth and Ms Merryn Hughes, Cook Shire Council

Mr Lawrence Booth and Ms Merryn Hughes provided an overview of the Cooktown Expo 2020.

Key presentation points included:

Introduction to Merryn Hughes who has been engaged as the Project Director

Cooktown Expo 2020 is a long term bi-annual event focussed on creating new job and business opportunities, fostering regional collaboration and innovation.


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The 2020 expo will be delivered over 3 weeks (July 11-12 – Reconciliation Rocks Music Festival, July17-19 – Discovery Festival, July 24-26 – Endeavour Festival noting the Endeavour will be inCooktown x 2 weeks from 25th July)

Promotion across the nation, collaborate with Cairns and Port Douglas to expand visitation, andleverage regional events (ie Laura Festival, Port Douglas Carnival and CIAF) to maximiseattendance/awareness

Key objectives:- Build relationships and capacity in the region- Showcase economic development initiatives and business innovation (strong indigenous

focus)- Celebration and promote unique heritage, arts & culture- Create an opportunity for shared innovation- Build a sustainable future- Inspire, challenge and educate

ACTION: FNQROC to circulate all presentations with the minutes

Mr Scott Buchanan, WTMA extended thanks to the FNQROC Board for advocacy support to continue the Yellow Crazy Ant Eradication Program of which funding has now been secured (Federal and State).


2644 Confirmation of Minutes

MOVED: Cr Bawden


That the minutes of the 135th FNQROC Board Meeting held on 08 April 2019 be confirmed.



2624a Minute – FNQROC Councils to extend an invitation to the Integrity Commissioner to discuss indigenous Conflict of Interest issues specific to their council

Ongoing – to be removed from actions

2624b Minute – CCRC to liaise direct with the Integrity Commissioner re advice relating to the Corporations Act

Ongoing – to be removed from actions

2624c Minute – Cr Devlin to detail scenarios re MPI challenges and send to the Integrity Commissioner for advice

Ongoing – to be removed from actions

2624d Minute – FNQROC to circulate tabled Fact Sheets and Councillor Guides



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2624E Minute – FNQROC to circulate all board presentations with minutes


2618 Minute – CRC to send copy of Letter of Support re closure of BOM Cairns office to FNQROC


2619 Minute – D Irvine to follow up TMR regarding safety signage on the road to Yarrabah Council

In Progress

2628 Minute – T Sydes to update on Navua Sedge Select Committee outcomes at June Board meeting

See Item 7.1

2629 Minute – FNQROC to circulate RRIS DRAFT Tourism Road Network report with minutes for comments


2632 Minute – FNQROC to facilitate a meeting with TTNQ (Pip Close) and Outback Qld Tourism Association (OQTA) (Peter Homan) and the four (4) affected councils to discuss the boundary realignment proposal

Pending for development.

2637A Minute – L Hannan to send public responses/emails to the Premier re “Hands-off our Council” campaign

L Hannan advised although detailed feedback is not available, overall campaign highlights include:

Received over 2600 emails to the Premier

Received over 24k unique website hits

Had over 11.7 million impressions on Facebook and Instagram

Over 200k video views on Facebook and Instagram

Had over 1.9 million impressions on Twitter

426 retweets and 217 replies on Twitter.

2637B Minute – D Irvine to draft a letter to the Premier regarding proposed Local Government Reforms and seek interest from TCICA and NWROC to be included

Complete. D Irvine thanked all council members for their support and noted that the Premiers response

had been emailed out to board last week (Item 9.1)

2651 Minute – FNQROC to circulate accommodation bookings for June FNQROC Board Meeting (Cooktown)



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2645 IR Issues Briefing Note

J Andrejic spoke to briefing note in relation to IR issues noting that for Cairns and many other FNQROC

Council members, section 171(1) is impacting successful EBA negotiations. This section of the Act means

that one union can stop an agreement going to the employees for a vote. This one union may have no

current members. Cairns Regional Council proposes that FNQROC lobby on behalf of member Councils for

this to be reviewed.

A number of council members supported the recommendation and agreed it was a key element for change.

Cook Shire Council noted that they had received 100% success rate across the board during their EBA

negotiations, but also noted this was rare. Douglas Shire about to commence negotiations and aware of

the landscape.

It was noted that the advocacy letters to Ministers/Shadow Ministers should include the Case Studies as

outlined in the Briefing Note.

L Hannan noted that he had spoken with Tony Goode, LGAQ Workforce who was aware and shared concerns

as raised by CRC. Concerned that this government was not going to change position and LGAQ were in

discussions with opposition. Advocacy by all groups welcomed.

MOVED: Mr Andrejic



1. Write to the Minister and Shadow Minister for Local Government outlining the concerns with section

171(1) of the Industrial Relations Act and request this be reviewed;

2. Write to the Minister and Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations outlining the concerns with

section 171(1) of the Industrial Relations Act and request this be reviewed;

3. Write to the LGAQ outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the Industrial Relations Act and

request this be reviewed; and

4. Lodge an annual conference motion outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the Industrial

Relations Act and request LGAQ to pursue this issue with the relevant Ministers.”


2646 Works for Qld (W4Q) Briefing Note

J Andrejic spoke to the briefing note in relation to Works for Queensland (W4Q), noting there is a window

of opportunity for State Government where they can demonstrate investment in job creation for the region

and local government will deliver the projects.

Noting the recent Federal election outcomes for ALP, this presents an advocacy opportunity leading into

the next Queensland election.

The Chair noted that direct advocacy should be undertaken with the opposition as good support had

previously been provided by Ms Deb Frecklington, Leader of the Opposition during FNQROC delegations.

MOVED: Mr Andrejic

SECOND: Cr Kremastos


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“It is recommended that FNQROC develop and implement a specific advocacy plan aimed at securing the

additional W4Q funding round outlined in this paper.

Advocacy activities should include:

Report to/engagement with the LGAQ Policy Executive and LGAQ CEO seeking their support to

advocate for the initiative at a ‘whole of Queensland’ level on behalf of the 65 eligible councils;

Direct advocacy to the Premier and relevant Minister (Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP) and Shadow

Minister (Ms Ann Leahy) for the initiative;

Direct advocacy and engagement with the four sitting ALP members of parliament within the

FNQROC region seeking their support/advocacy for the initiative;

Direct advocacy and engagement with the three sitting KAP members of parliament within the

FNQROC region seeking their support/advocacy for the initiative (there are only three sitting

members of the KAP in Queensland in total).


2647 Invitation to host Cabinet Meeting in region

Mr Andrejic spoke to this item noting it was an initiative of RDA Chair, Mr David Kempton. In light of recent

Federal Election swings on opportunity exists to host a regional Cabinet meeting, providing State

Government to be seen and listening to regional issues and an opportunity for extended engagement to

highlight FNQROC priorities and issues. Noted that this invitation should also be extended to the Shadow


MOVED – Mr Andrejic

SECOND – Cr Jayo

“That FNQROC extend a formal invitation to the Queensland Premier and Shadow Cabinet to convene a

regional cabinet meeting in Cairns/FNQ in the coming months and that support for this initiative also be

sought from the four local Labor members of State parliament.


2648 FNQROC State Advocacy Report (14-15 May 2019)

As noted and available via the FNQROC Website


2648 Navua Sedge Select Committee Update (Board directed project)

T Sydes provided an update on the Navua Sedge Select Committee noting that the committee will be reconvening to compile recommendations into 2 streams and other elements to condense all findings, working with biosecurity and industry. Initial discussions have seen a lot of consistent messaging.

2649 Animal & Wildlife Stewardship (AMWS) Update

T Sydes provided an update on the Animal Management and Wildlife Stewardship program, noting: -

The AMWS Regional Local Laws Technical Working Group has been formed;

FNQROC pursue a ‘no surprises’ policy agreement with relevant state departments acting in theAMWS space

FNQROC working with Hope Value, Wujal Wujal and Yarrabah to initiate an Animal ManagementForum to address the specific requirements of ASC’s, their communities and the AMW program.

Convening a regional Customer Service AMWS Forum and Workshop (identified, currently on hold)


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The outcomes of the regional local laws and Customer Service technical working group/forum/ are used to inform the development of a regional project proposal for a coordinated communication/behaviour change strategy (identified, currently on hold)

Opportunities/Outcomes of first AMWS Technical Committee:

Opportunities for partnerships and regional collaboration – good buy-in and discussions;

Domestic Dogs space, noting success with CCRC Good Dog Owners Guide and CRC Aggressive Dog Campaign. Consider adoption/adaptation of CCRC “Good Dog Owners Guide” across broader FNQROC member councils (CCRC campaign brochures tabled)

Stock Management MOU with Qld Police (Stock Squad), Department of Ag & Fisheries (Animal Biosecurity) and Queensland Health. Wandering stock on unfenced roads is an ongoing issue.

Resource Sharing MOU – natural asset management to include animal management and wildlife stewardship (local laws) or development of Local Laws specific (MOU tabled)

Skills and capacity matrix (regional/local/individual) – identify and prioritise opportunities for training, skill sharing, mentoring and procurement of professional services

Build links with other FNQROC Technical Committees (ie procurement, planning and natural assets)

Recommendations (5) will be presented to the board for consideration and seek endorsement.

MOVED: Cr Kremastos SECOND: Mr Commons “The FNQROC Board endorsed the progression of the following activities by the AMWS Technical Committee:

Resource sharing and partnerships in delivery of community awareness and education and consider adoption/adaption of CCRC “Good Dog Owners Guide” in other LGs or region

Begin development of Stock Management MOU with Qld Police (Stock Squad), Department of Agriculture & Fisheries (Animal Biosecurity) and Queensland Health

Revision of the Resource Sharing MOU for Natural Asset Management to include AMWS (local laws) or development of Local Laws specific MOU

Build links with other technical committees (ie Procurement, Planning and Natural Assets)

Develop a regional skills and capacity matrix, identify and priorities opportunity for training, skill sharing, mentoring and procurement.”


ACTION: T Sydes to present AMWS Technical Committee recommendations for consideration and seek endorsement at the next FNQROC Board Meeting.

2650 Mobile Network Testing Project Update

D Irvine provided an update on the Mobile Network Testing Project noting the Digital Economy Group (DEG) had been engaged for the project and will be commencing on the 22nd June 2019 reaching from Cape York, south to Ingham and west to Carpentaria.

This work compliments the Regional Road Investment Strategy (RRIS), particularly in relation to the tourism network. The project will take a staged approach with recommendations coming back to the board for consideration and endorsement.

It was noted by councils that all information could be harnessed and taken to State Government for ongoing advocacy relating to connectivity and roads, particularly the importance of the PDR.

The consultant will be invited to provide a status update report at the next FNQROC Board meeting.

ACTION: Invite DEG Consultant to present on the Mobile Network Testing Project update at the next FNQROC Board Meeting


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FNQROC Board Meeting No. 136 Monday 17 June 2019 Page 11 of 16

2651 RRIS Update re DRAFT Tourism Road Network

D Irvine provided an update on the Tourism Road Network component of the Regional Road Investment

Strategy (RRIS) project noting that the DRAFT is now completed for council members to review and provide

comments. Methodology places a number and value of tourism vehicles to the region.

Member council Engineers will be meeting with Jacobs on the 25th July to discuss feedback relating to Stage

1 (tourism) and present Stage 2 (Heavy Vehicle Network). The third component will be focussed on

First/Last Mile.

2652 Procurement Advisory Committee TOR

Both the TOR and Process Guide are documents used as guidance tools for new council and/or committee

members. They have been presented and endorsed by the Procurement Committees and now seeking

adoption from the FNQROC board.

MOVED: Cr Kremastos

SECOND: Cr Warren Devlin

“The FNQROC Board endorse the Terms of Reference for the Regional Procurement Advisory.”


2653 Process Guide for Procurement Contracts


SECOND: Cr Tayley

“The FNQROC Board endorse the Process Guide for Procurement Contracts.”











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FNQROC Board Meeting No. 136 Monday 17 June 2019 Page 12 of 16


2654 Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet Financial YTD

MOVED: Cr Ramon SECOND: Cr Pickering

That the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet Reports for the financial year to date be accepted. CARRIED


2655 Meetings Attending by Executive Officer


2656 FNQROC Advisory Committee Minutes (20 Mar – 24 May)


2657 Confidential Meeting Minutes (20 Mar – 24 May)


2658 FNQROC Western Council Meeting Minutes & Resolutions (29/05/19)

D Irvine provided an overview of the new structure of the Western Council Meeting and noted that any

resolutions (as noted in Item 16) will be included into future FNQROC Board agendas.

Cr Devlin noted that a meeting regarding the future of GSD will be held on the 24th June.


L Hannan provided an overview of the circulated LGAQ Policy Executive Update and a brief overview of the State Budget handed down last week, noting no big cuts, steady as it goes is the order of the day.

Belcarra (Stage 2)

Minister Hinchliffe introduced the Bill into parliament on the 1st May and the Economics and Governance Committee report is due by 21 June for debate expected to take place during the August sitting week. LGAQ continue to work with opposition the best they can re Belcarra matters. Raised by MSC if there was any update that further consultation on deferred items would take place later in the year (Wait and see).

Mr Andrejic noted Legal provided training last week at CRC and suggested other councils identify mechanisms of training. Imperative councils have clear understanding, so no mistakes are made over the next 6 months leading up to the local government elections.

Other matters discussed:

State Budget: Highlighted funding packages for FNQ include Works for Queensland (W4Q) Programremains as is, $7m boost over 4 years for Building our Regions Program, TIDS continues and newfunding for drought reform over 4 years


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FNQROC Board Meeting No. 136 Monday 17 June 2019 Page 13 of 16

Federal Election: 2019 Scorecards reflective on commitments by the major parties to waste, indigenous housing, regional telecommunications and airports are proving effective each time released;

Waste Levy (Effective 1 July 2019): all CEOS from councils affected have been contacted. The State Government is seeking to partner with local councils/ROCs in relation to potential impacts of illegal dumping;

Qld Indigenous Waste Project: LGAQ is partnering with State Government and indigenous councils to develop a Qld Indigenous Waste Strategy; Project Steering Committee, including Doomadgee, Torres Strait and Hope Vale. Presented at Indigenous Leaders Forum in Cairns last week;

Waste Reduction and Recycling Update: Will affect individual councils differently. In contact with Minister Enoch’s office – coming back onto the agenda;

Reef Councils Major Integrated Projects (MIP): Stage 1 of the Reef Councils MIP Wastewater Stewardship initiative underway.

Comments from the floor:

In relation to the Waste Levy, Cook Shire Council raised the issue of removing rubbish from National Parks and indicated that State Government needs to take responsibility, this should not be a council or commercial operator issue. No subsidisation provided to councils by Qld Parks. Noted is a solution as simplistic to have a Qld Parks bin positioned inside the National Park and therefore their responsibility?

Cook Shire Council appreciated feedback from ROC council, asking if a policy should be drawn up and taken to the LGAQ Annual Conference and if so, requested assistance in framing up a specific motion. It was agreed that the introduction of the Waste Levy was the tipping point for this problem to be raised by councils.

ACTION: It was agreed that Cook Shire Council should draft up a policy to be circulated by Flying Minute to the FNQROC Board for endorsement and inclusion in the LGAQ Annual Conference (noting 5th August deadline).


Housing in Croydon

Cr Pickering raised the matter that a home had been demolished in Croydon (under State orders) despite

advocacy around Vacant Housing at the recent FNQROC delegation. Requested support from FNQROC to

preserve the remaining 3-4 houses.

ACTION: FNQROC to write to the relevant Minister, DG and local MPs expressing disappointment and

request immediate stop on any future planned demolishment.

Council Committee Meetings

Cr Kremastos asked if other councils hold committee meetings, identifying the complexities in light of recent

Belcarra (Stage 2) changes. Many councils have abolished committees now, stating less complicated and

easier to manage. Mr Andrejic highlighted that council members need to be aware of some specific changes

in relation to conflicts.

ACTION: J Andrejic to provide FNQROC with Belcarra clause re conflicts for circulation to the board.


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FNQROC Board Meeting No. 136 Monday 17 June 2019 Page 14 of 16

Regional Deals

Cr Gilmore noted that in the minutes of the Western Council Meeting reference within General Business

relating to Regional Deals and asked Cr Bawden to expand on discussions. Cr Bawden advised that NWQROC

are exploring a Regional Deal linked to the Payroll Tax Threshold, including Salary Sacrifice to put funds

towards housing – greater buy-in to regional area. Still infancy stage via NWQROC. Cr Gilmore noted there

could be opportunity for FNQROC councils to partner up to explore regional deals (ie Croydon/Etheridge for

housing, etc).

ACTION: D Irvine to investigate opportunities relating to Regional Deals and circulate to the board

State and Federal visits to region

Cr Gilmore expressed his disappointment in the lack of regional engagement with Ministers whilst ‘in region’

(i.e. Deputy PM in Cairns recently on a ‘listening tour’ but not engaging with multiple agencies such as

FNQROC to get a regional perspective of issues). Despite mayoral delegations at both a Federal and State

level we need to sharpen our messaging to ensure they don’t forget who we are and engage when in region.

Important to build relationships with local members. The Chair encouraged councils to write to their State

and/or Federal member to highlight this issue.

ACTION: Councils to write to State and/or Federal members to highlight lack of in region engagement as


2661 Next Meeting

The Chair advised the next meeting will be held on the 12th August 2019 in Mareeba.

Meeting Close: 12:23 pm


Cr Tom Gilmore



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Minute Number

Action Responsible Person(s)


2619 Follow up TMR regarding safety signage on the road to Yarrabah Council


In progress

2643b FNQROC to circulate all presentations with the minutes

FNQROC L Richardson


2645 FNQROC: 1. Write to the Minister and Shadow Minister

for Local Government outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the Industrial Relations Act and request this be reviewed;

2. Write to the Minister and Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the Industrial Relations Act and request this be reviewed;

3. Write to the LGAQ outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the Industrial Relations Act and request this be reviewed; and

4. Lodge an annual conference motion outlining the concerns with section 171(1) of the Industrial Relations Act and request LGAQ to pursue this issue with the relevant Ministers.


In Progress

2646 FNQROC develop and implement a specific advocacy plan aimed at securing the additional W4Q funding round outlined in this paper, including:

Report to/engagement with the LGAQ Policy Executive and LGAQ CEO seeking their support to advocate for the initiative at a ‘whole of Queensland’ level on behalf of the 65 eligible councils;

Direct advocacy to the Premier and relevant Minister (Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP) and Shadow Minister (Ms Ann Leahy) for the initiative;

Direct advocacy and engagement with the four sitting ALP members of parliament within the FNQROC region seeking their support/advocacy for the initiative;

Direct advocacy and engagement with the three sitting KAP members of parliament within the FNQROC region seeking their support/advocacy for the initiative (there are only three sitting members of the KAP in Queensland in total).


In Progress

2647 FNQROC extend a formal invitation to the Queensland Premier and Shadow Cabinet to convene a regional cabinet meeting in Cairns/FNQ in the coming months and that support for this initiative also be sought from the four local Labor members of State parliament.


In Progress

2649 T Sydes to present AMWS Technical Committee recommendations for consideration and seek endorsement at the next FNQROC Board Meeting.


ADD to August Agenda


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FNQROC Board Meeting No. 136 Monday 17 June 2019 Page 16 of 16

Minute Number

Action Responsible Person(s) Status

2650 Invite DEG Consultant to present on the Mobile Network Testing Project update at the next FNQROC Board Meeting (12 August)



2659 Cook Shire Council to draft up a policy to be circulated by Flying Minute to the FNQROC Board for endorsement and inclusion in the LGAQ Annual Conference (noting 5th August deadline).

COOK SHIRE P Scott / L Cardew

2660a FNQROC to write to the relevant Minister, DG and local MPs expressing disappointment and request immediate stop on any future planned demolishment.


2660b J Andrejic to provide FNQROC with Belcarra clause re conflicts for circulation to the board.


In Progress

2660c D Irvine to investigate opportunities relating to Regional Deals and circulate to the board



2660d Councils to write to State and/or Federal members to highlight lack of in region engagement as required.

ALL COUNCILS Ongoing as required


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This document aims to set out the roles, responsibilities and agreements of participating Councils, the Program Coordinator and FNQROC in relation to delivery of the annual regional bitumen reseal program.

Whilst there are individual Councils' contracts, the collective benefit to all Councils is of paramount importance.


Participating Councils will nominate a suitably authorised representative who is responsible for working with FNQROC and the Program Coordinator to assist with delivery of the overall program. Council representatives will be required to:

Prepare indicative work schedules for inclusion in Tender/Quotation documents within the agreedtimescale;

Provide recommendations for amendments/additions/deletions to the Tender/Quotation/Contractdocuments (including the Specification);

Participate in the procurement evaluation process and Contractor selection;

Participate in Procurement, Contracts Prestart, Contracts Progress and Contracts Post-Completionmeetings either face to face, via phone or video conferencing;

Complete tasks and actions identified within the minutes of any of the above listed meetings;

Be the point of contact for their individual Council;

Disseminate information within their individual Councils to the appropriate officers and electedmembers;

Liaise with the Contractor and the Program Coordinator in relation to delivery of the agreedprogram.

Participating Councils agree:

All variations to the agreed works program which affect other participating Councils must beauthorised by the Program Coordinator;

Only the Program Coordinator can authorise variations to the agreed works program which affectother participating Councils. Councils will not instruct the Contractor to make variations to theagreed works program;

In the event a Council wishes to vary the agreed works program, it will forward a request to vary theworks program to the Program Coordinator;

Any Contractor ‘float time’ will not be utilised for additional Council work unless authorised by theProgram Coordinator;

The Contractor requires a four (4) week lead time for seal design for individual work sections;

All necessary preparation works (pothole patching, grass removal, crack filling etc) are completed inreadiness for the Contractor's work to proceed in accordance with the agreed works program.


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FNQROC will:

Review and develop the Tender/Quotation/Contract documents (including the Specification) tocapture any required changes on an annual basis;

Initiate and undertake the procurement process;

Oversee the engagement of the Contractor on behalf of the participating Councils;

Assist the Program Coordinator with ongoing contract administration;

Collate and monitor QA documentation;

Provide progress updates to the FNQRRTG and FNQROC Board as required;

Conduct and report on the Cost Benefit Analysis for the program.


The Program Coordinator is responsibility for overseeing delivery of the overall program.

Procurement Phase

Preparation of works schedules & pricing schedules for inclusion with the Tender/Quotationdocuments, based on information provided by participating Councils;

Final checking of Tender/Quotation documents.

Contracts Meetings

Contracts Prestart, Contracts Progress and Contracts Post-Completion meetings. Contracts Progressmeetings to be held generally every two (2) months until program completion;

Distribution of meeting notice, preparation and distribution of agenda;

Preparation of reports for meeting;


Preparation and distribution of minutes;

Follow up of meeting actions.

Works Program

Assessment and analysis of initial works program submitted by Contractor prior to Contracts start;

Liaison with Contractor and participating Councils to agree final baseline works program prior toContract start;

Assessment and processing of any variations to the works program during Contracts delivery.

Extensions of Time

Assessment and processing of any Extension of Time claims during Contracts delivery.

Performance Bonds


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Initial determination of Performance Bond deadline dates for individual Councils' works programscompletion and overall works program completion prior to Contracts start;

Assessment and calculation of adjustment to Performance Bond deadline dates during Contractsdelivery;

Liaison with and negotiation between Contractor and individual Councils should recourse toPerformance Bonds be activated;

Certify release of Performance Bonds.

Progress Payment Claims

Assessment of payment claims against spray sheets submitted during Contracts delivery;

Assessment of variation claims;

Process bitumen supply price rise & fall applications to the Contracts;

Preparation and distribution of payment certificates confirming payment approval during Contractsdelivery.

Practical Completion & End of Defects Liability Periods

Assessment and preparation of Practical Completion certificates;

Certify release of first 50% of Retention Moneys;

Assessment and preparation of end of Defects Liability Period certificates;

Certify release of final 50% of Retention Moneys;

Liaison with and negotiation between Contractor and individual Councils should recourse toRetention Moneys be activated.


Assessment, referral (if needed) and process of miscellaneous requests for information;

Dispute resolution (if needed);

Liaison and communication with the nominated representatives from each participating Council,FNQROC and the Contractor;

Calculate rise and fall between council works to allow those councils with a rise to ascertain if theywill seek reimbursement (pro-rata) from those councils benefiting from a fall.

Conduct overall cost summary at completion.


Should it be required, 50% plus 1 of actively participating Councils is required to achieve a quorum for any collective decision making.


The arrangement includes the DTMR rise and fall clauses and conditions for bitumen supply price. It is acknowledged that this may result in individual Councils paying higher or lower rates than others dependent upon the bitumen supply price at the time of the works. At completion of the overall program, individual Councils affected by the rise in price may seek reimbursement from individual Councils unaffected by the rise019

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on a pro-rata basis. Individual Councils who obtain benefit from a fall in price may reimburse individual Councils that did not receive a fall in price on a pro-rata basis. The calculation of this pro-rata share of risk will be undertaken by the Program Coordinator.


An annual one page summary from the Committee will be provided for inclusion within the FNQROC Annual



Where a dispute cannot be resolved between Councils and the Program Coordinator, the issue will be elevated to the FNQROC Executive Officer. If the dispute cannot be resolved between Councils and the FNQROC Executive Officer, the issue will be elevated to the FNQROC Board for resolution.


Date Amended by: Reason Approval Date

21 March 2017 Amanda Hancock Strategic Operational Plan

27 March 2017 Darlene Irvine First Draft

10 April 2017 FNQROC Board Adoption 10 April 2017 16 April 2019 Darlene Irvine Review


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O f f i c e o f the

Premier of QueenslandMinister for Trade

For reply please quote: CAPS/SF—TF/19 /6658 — DOC/19/134115Your reference: #6113292

17 JUL 2019

Councillor Tom GilmoreChairFar North Queensland Regional Organisation o f [email protected]

Dear Councillor Gilmore

1 William Street BrisbanePO Box 15185 City EastQueensland 4002 AustraliaTelephone +61 7 3719 7000Email [email protected] www.thepremier.q1d.gov.au

Thank you for your letter o f 26 June 2019 and your formal invitation for theQueensland Cabinet to visit Far North Queensland. I have been requested to reply toyou on behalf o f the Premier and Minister for Trade.

The Government is committed to governing for all Queenslanders, including those inFar North Queensland who make a great contribution to our State. While theGoverning from the Regions forward program for the remainder o f 2019 is yet to befinalised, should a decision be made to hold a Governing from the Regions inFar North Queensland, staff from the Department o f the Premier and Cabinet willcontact you to discuss the necessary arrangements.

Again, thank you for your suggestion and interest in the Governing from the RegionsProgram.

Yours sincerely



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Profit and Loss - Groups 2 Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241

Profit and LossFar North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241For the year ended 30 June 2019


Trading IncomeFNQROC

FNQROC: Annual Contribution 459,747.00Total FNQROC 459,747.00

Regional Roads & TransportRRTG: Annual 2.75% contribution 159,111.99

RRTG: Funding/Subsidies 142,866.00Total Regional Roads & Transport 301,977.99

Regional Procurement GroupRegional Procurement: Annual Procurement Contribution 150,000.00

Regional Procurement: Regional Scrap Metal Project 20% savings 10,484.12Total Regional Procurement Group 160,484.12

Water: Short Term Projects: QWrap Funding 68,380.05

Total Trading Income 990,589.16

Gross Profit 990,589.16

Other IncomeInterest Income 4,098.37

Total Other Income 4,098.37

Operating ExpensesAudit & Accounting Fees 5,444.91

Bank Service Charges 646.25

FNQROCFNQROC: Subscription/membership 15,207.27

FNQROC: Chairs Honorarium 6,000.00

FNQROC: Mayoral delegations - accommodation, meals, travel expenses 72,517.54

FNQROC: External Meeting Expenses: Registration Fees 3,951.35

FNQROC: External Meeting Expenses: Travel, Accom & Meals 7,774.40

FNQROC: Internal Meeting Expenses: Miscellaneous 4,945.10

FNQROC: Internal Meeting Expenses: Western Councils Forum 446.52

FNQROC: Internal Meeting Expenses: Catering 2,379.96

FNQROC Expenses: Miscellaneous: Staff Christmas Party 626.13

FNQROC: Mobile Phone Expenses 1,149.72

FNQROC: Salaries 205,147.09

FNQROC: Stationery & Office Expenses 9,558.09

FNQROC: Stationery & Office Expenses:Website 1,858.55

FNQROC: Training 466.42

FNQROC: Vehicle Expenses 18,914.88

FNQROC: Miscellaneous expenses 274.87


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Profit and Loss


Profit and Loss - Groups 2 Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241

FNQROC: RMCN reimbursement expenses (software subscription) 12.99Total FNQROC 351,230.88

InfrastructureInfrastructure: Salaries 133,072.75

Infrastructure: Mobile Phone Expenses 643.68

Infrastructure: Subscriptions/membership 1,670.00Total Infrastructure 135,386.43

Regional Roads & TransportRRTG: External Meetings: Registration Fees 1,709.64

RRTG: External Meetings: Travel, Accom & Meals 9,912.28

RRTG: Internal Meeting Expenses: Catering 855.63

RRTG: Right to Information Application 905.10Total Regional Roads & Transport 13,382.65

Regional Urban WaterWater: Internal Meeting Expenses: Catering 249.10Total Regional Urban Water 249.10

Regional Waste & RecyclingWaste: Internal Meeting Expenses: Catering 240.82Total Regional Waste & Recycling 240.82

Regional Natural Asset ManagementNat Asset: Vehicle Expense 7,427.06

Nat Asset:External Meetings: Registration Fees 750.00

Nat Asset: External Meetings: Travel, Accom & Meals 4,856.85

Nat Asset: Internal Meeting Expenses: Catering 581.37

Nat Asset:Mobile Phone Expenses 643.68

Nat Asset: Salaries 120,311.05Total Regional Natural Asset Management 134,570.01

Regional Planning & Economic DevelopmentReg Planner/economic development: Internal Meeting Expenses: Catering 512.18

Reg Planner/economic development: Mobile Phone Expenses 643.68

Reg Planner/economic development: Salaries 44,837.38

Reg Planner/economic development: FNQ Planners Forum 68.18Total Regional Planning & Economic Development 46,061.42

Regional ProcurementRegional Procurement: Bitumen Reseal Project:Project Coordinator Fees 46,800.00

Regional Procurement: External Meeting Expenses: Travel, Accom & Meals 587.41

Regional Procurement: External Meetings Expenses: Registration Fees 890.91

Regional Procurement:Internal Meeting Expenses: Catering 1,140.00

Regional Procurement: Mobile Phone Expenses 643.68

Regional Procurement: Salaries 119,329.98

Regional Procurement: Stationery & Office Expenses 270.00Total Regional Procurement 169,661.98

Asset ManagementAsset Management: Internal Meeting Expenses: Catering 250.45Total Asset Management 250.45


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Profit and Loss


Profit and Loss - Groups 2 Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241

Asset: External Meetings:Travel, Accom & Meals 263.33

FNQROC: Uniforms 519.95

Nat Asset:Subscription/membership fees 1,500.00

Payroll Expenses: On Costs - Annual Leave 10,919.00

Payroll Expenses: On Costs - Long Service Leave 9,352.00

Water: External Meeting Expenses: Travel, Accomm & Meals 54.64

Water: Short Term Projects: Q-Wrap Project 7,858.51

FNQROC Short term project - Mobile Black Spot 23,782.84

Regional Road Investment Strategy 88,543.16

FNQROC Advocacy / Emergent Delegations 2,051.07

Regional Procurement: Standardised Procurement documentation (7,500.00)

Total Operating Expenses 994,469.40

Net Profit 218.13


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Balance Sheet Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241

Balance SheetFar North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241As at 30 June 2019

30 JUN 2019


Cheque Account 50,489.91

V2 Account 1,424,396.42Total Bank 1,474,886.33

Current AssetsAccounts Receivable New 64,500.70

Accrued Interest Receivable 980.71Total Current Assets 65,481.41

Total Assets 1,540,367.74

LiabilitiesCurrent Liabilities

*Payroll Liabilities 83,693.52

Accounts Payable 447.00

Accrued Expenses 7,807.87

ANZ Credit Card:FNQROC 12,552.04

GST (6,815.25)

Payroll Liabilities:AL Payable Current 55,480.00

Payroll Liabilities:AL Payable Non Current 730.00

Payroll Liabilities:LSL Payable Current 7,999.00

Payroll Liabilities:LSL Payable Non-Current 87,161.00

Rounding (0.08)Total Current Liabilities 249,055.10

Total Liabilities 249,055.10

Net Assets 1,291,312.64

EquityCurrent Year Earnings 218.13

Opening Bal Equity 293,928.07

Retained Earnings 997,166.44

Total Equity 1,291,312.64


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Profit and Loss - Groups 2 Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241

Profit and LossFar North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241For the month ended 31 July 2019

JUL 2019

Trading IncomeRegional Procurement Group

Regional Procurement: Regional Scrap Metal Project 20% savings 8,014.81Total Regional Procurement Group 8,014.81

Total Trading Income 8,014.81

Gross Profit 8,014.81

Operating ExpensesAudit & Accounting Fees (4,818.18)

Bank Service Charges 37.00

FNQROCFNQROC: Subscription/membership 14,306.36

FNQROC: External Meeting Expenses: Registration Fees 60.00

FNQROC: Internal Meeting Expenses: Catering 9.09

FNQROC: Mobile Phone Expenses 91.91

FNQROC: Stationery & Office Expenses 714.90

FNQROC: Stationery & Office Expenses:Website 29.00

FNQROC: Vehicle Expenses (585.28)

FNQROC: RMCN reimbursement expenses (software subscription) 11.82Total FNQROC 14,637.80

InfrastructureInfrastructure: Mobile Phone Expenses 53.64Total Infrastructure 53.64

Regional Natural Asset ManagementNat Asset: Vehicle Expense 624.65

Nat Asset: Internal Meeting Expenses: Catering 80.91

Nat Asset:Mobile Phone Expenses 53.64Total Regional Natural Asset Management 759.20

Regional Planning & Economic DevelopmentReg Planner/economic development: Mobile Phone Expenses 53.64

Reg Planner/economic development: Salaries 8.10

Reg Planner/economic development: External Meetings Expenses: Registration 186.36Total Regional Planning & Economic Development 248.10

Regional ProcurementRegional Procurement: External Meetings Expenses: Registration Fees (800.00)

Regional Procurement: Mobile Phone Expenses 53.64Total Regional Procurement (746.36)

FNQROC Short term project - Mobile Black Spot 31,806.36


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Profit and Loss

JUL 2019

Profit and Loss - Groups 2 Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241

FNQROC Advocacy / Emergent Delegations 104.41

Total Operating Expenses 42,081.97

Net Profit (34,067.16)


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Balance Sheet Far North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241

Balance SheetFar North Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils 30241As at 31 July 2019

31 JUL 2019


Cheque Account 88,919.22

Reconciliation account 150.00

V2 Account 1,305,377.13Total Bank 1,394,446.35

Current AssetsAccounts Receivable New 11,182.05Total Current Assets 11,182.05

Total Assets 1,405,628.40

LiabilitiesCurrent Liabilities

Accounts Payable 387.00

Accrued Expenses 313.39

ANZ Credit Card:FNQROC 6,530.06

GST (10,217.45)

Payroll Liabilities:AL Payable Current 55,480.00

Payroll Liabilities:AL Payable Non Current 730.00

Payroll Liabilities:LSL Payable Current 7,999.00

Payroll Liabilities:LSL Payable Non-Current 87,161.00

Rounding (0.08)Total Current Liabilities 148,382.92

Total Liabilities 148,382.92

Net Assets 1,257,245.48

EquityCurrent Year Earnings (34,067.16)

Opening Bal Equity 293,928.07

Retained Earnings 997,384.57

Total Equity 1,257,245.48


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04 June Meeting with Ross Hodgman TMR

06 June Meeting with Dr Christian Rowan MP, Shadow Minister for Communities, ATSI & Arts

07 June Meeting with Belinda Down, Stakeholder Relationship Officer, Dept P&C

10 June FNQ & CY RASN Steering Committee Meeting

11 June Savannah Way Board Meeting

12 June NQ Symposium

17 June FNQROC Board Meeting (Cooktown)

19 June DSDMIP FNQ Planners Forum

21 June RDA FNQ&TS Project Expose Meeting

Meeting with Belinda Down, Stakeholder Relationship Officer, Dept P&C

24 June RRTG TIDS Teleconference

27 June Meeting with Digital Economy Group re FNQROC Network Testing Project

08 July Savannah Way Board Meeting

11 July TTNQ Brand Workshop

12 July Meeting with Tania Hall, Arts Qld

13 July Meeting with Ross Hodgman, TMR

Meeting with FNQROC Chair

18 July Meeting with Qld Senators McGrath, Stoker and McDonald re FNQROC Priorities

Meeting with Hon Warren Entsch MP, Member for Leichhardt re Kuranda Range Rd

Meeting with Qld Senator Scarr re FNQROC Priorities

23 July Meeting with Michael Healy, Member for Cairns re Kuranda Range Rd

Cairns Chamber of Commerce Economic Forecast Luncheon with Chair

Meeting with TMR re TIDS Review

24 July CRC Economic Development Priorities and Deliverables meeting

25 July FNQ RRIS Meeting


2019 Wet Tropics Report Card Launch

30 July Energy Qld Board Networking Function