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Agenda. Introduction Overview of Technology HAN as a New Computing Realm HAN & Technology RedTacton How It works Features Application Comparison of Network(PAN) Technologies Conclusion Question. Human Area Network ?. Introduction. Human Area network - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Agenda
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AgendaIntroductionOverview of TechnologyHAN as a New Computing RealmHAN & Technology

RedTacton How It works Features Application

Comparison of Network(PAN) TechnologiesConclusionQuestion

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Human Area Network ?

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Human Area network

An emerging field of communications technology with the potential to offer significant advantages to Pervasive computing. (military operations, smart home etc).

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Overview of Technology (1/2)

Is the idea of “Pervasive computing” really old?

Mark Weiser, 1952-1999

Father and founder of ubiquitous computing.

-1988Ubiquitous computing -“era that replaces PCs with invincible computers embedded into everyday objects.”

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Overview of Technology (2/2) Pervasive Computing Network Technologies: WPAN

•Wi-Fi - [ IEEE 802.11 ].

• Bluetooth - [ IEEE 802.15.1 ].

•ZigBee - [ IEEE 802.15.4 ].

•and other RF technologies.

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Human Area Networks as a New, “Adaptive” Computing Realm (1/3) WAN and MAN :: fundamental components enabling

global interconnectivity.The most frequent impacts to an individual are realized in those regions proximate to him.Human Area Networks (HAN), exists within the Personal Area Network (PAN) bubble.

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Human Area Networks as a New, “Adaptive” Computing Realm (2/3)

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Human Area Networks as a New, “Adaptive” Computing Realm (3/3)

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Human Area Network• Its a new technology

which uses human body as transmission media.

• It gives us safe and high speed network transmission.

• Uses weak electric fields on the surface of the body as a transmission medium.

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Enabling Technology


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RedTacton (1/2)

• It leverages the conductive properties of the human body to transfer data among electronic devices.

• Conceived and patented in the mid-1990s by Neil Gershenfeld and Thomas G. Zimmerman at the MIT Media Lab.

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RedTacton (2/2)

Uses the minute electric field emitted on the surface of the human body.

Technically, it is completely distinct from wireless and infrared.

It is a new HAN technology that uses the surface of the human body as a safe, high speed network transmission path.

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How it Works (1/3)

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How it Works (2/3)

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How it Works (3/3)

The RedTacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the surface of the body.

The electric field sensor (transistor or photonic electric field sensor) detects electric field that reaches the RedTacton receiver.

Signals are processed in the receiver circuit and the data is downloaded.




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Block Diagram of Transceiver

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Features of RedTacton

Max. speed of 10Mbps (Duplex)

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RedTacton Prototypes

PC Card Transceiver• Transmission rate: 10Mbp• Protocol: TCP/IP• Transmission method: Half-duplex• Terminal interface: PCMCI

Embedded Receiver•Transmission rate: 10Mbp•Protocol: TCP/IP•Transmission method: Half-duplex•External device interface: 10BASE-T

Web page: http://www.redtacton.com

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Application of HAN (1/2) • One-to-one services : Marketing Application

(Context awareness) Touch advertising & receive detailed information Inside a shop, shoppers can view related

information on their mobile terminals immediately after touching a product.

And since data can pass from one body to another, you could also exchange electronic business cards by shaking hands

•Intuitive Operations : private data exchange

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Application of HAN (2/2) Personalization:

Security application

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Comparing with other Network Technologies

Personal Digital Cellular

Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

Ultra Wideband

Personal Handy-phone System

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Comparison with other network

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Conclusion Unlike wireless, interception is difficult and security can

be considered to be high with RedTacton When we compare this with other technology present

today it can give a better performance over others It conforms to the “Radio Frequency-Exposure

protection Standard (RCR STD-38)” issued by the Association of Radio Industries and Business (ARIB)

Still undergoing development: doesn’t work reliably yet. (common with emergence of new technology)

Supports the vision & future of pervasive computing

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References Kado, Yuichi, “Human-Area Networking Technology as a Universal

Interface”, VLSI Circuits Digest Technical Papers, June 2009. Saranya S. and Srikkanth G. “Mr.Tacton (Mbedded Red Tacton) “, PElTS,,

2010. Harry Goldstein, “Loser: A Touch Too Much”, IEEE Spectrum, Jan. 2006. Mitsuru Shinagawa, Katsuyuki Ochiai, Hideki Sakamoto,and Toshiaki

Asahi,"Human Area Networking Technology: RedTacton" ,NTT Tech Rev,VoI.3,No.5, May 2005.

Brian T. Rideout, and James A. Strickland, “Military Application of Networking by Touch in Collaborative Planning and Tactical Environments”, September 2007.

Mitsuru Shinagawa, Katsuyuki Ochiai, Hideki Sakamoto,and Toshiaki Asahi,"Human Area Networking Technology: RedTacton" ,NTT Tech Rev,VoI.3,No.5, May 2005.

Web page: http://www.redtacton.com Web page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RedTacton

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