AGENDA 3 - Hornets Touch · 2019. 9. 26. · standard. AirAsia to help support travel. NSWTA/TFA/QTF to hold discussions regarding how selections will take place. c) A brief discussion

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  • AGENDA ______________________________________________________ 3

    MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS AGM _________________________________ 4

    REGIONAL DIRECTORS REPORT _________________________________ 9

    OPERATIONS REPORT _________________________________________ 14

    TECHNICAL REPORTS _________________________________________ 17

    High Performance _______________________________________________________ 17 Referees Report _________________________________________________________ 18 Coaching Report ________________________________________________________ 19 Selectors Report ________________________________________________________ 21 Players Representative ___________________________________________________ 23 Tournaments ___________________________________________________________ 24 Member Protection _______________________________________________________ 25

    FINANCIAL STATEMENT ________________________________________ 26

    Election of Officers ______________________________________________ 27

    Appointment of Life Membership ___________________________________ 27

    SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS ________________________________________ 27

    APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR ____________________________________ 27

    APPOINTMENT OF PUBLIC OFFICER _____________________________ 27

    GENERAL BUSINESS __________________________________________ 27

    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS _________________________________________ 28

    Appendix _____________________________________________________ 29

  • 1. Welcome

    2. Apologies

    3. Registration of Attendance

    4. Minutes from previous AGM

    5. Annual Reports a. Regional Directors report

    b. Operations report [Assistant Regional Director]

    i. Media / Communications ii. Uniforms/Merchandise

    c. Technical report

    i. High Performance ii. Referees report iii. Coaching report iv. Selectors report v. Players vi. Tournaments vii. Member Protection

    d. Financial Statement

    6. Election of Officers

    a. Regional Director (2 year appointment) b. Technical Director (2 year appointment)

    7. Appointment of Life Membership

    8. Special Resolutions

    9. Notice of Motions

    10. Appointment of Auditor

    11. General Business


    AGM MINUTES 2018

    Wests, Nelson Bay NSW

    7:00pm Friday 5 October 2018

    1. Meeting Opened – 7:03pm

    Kim Miller welcomed all and thanked everyone for coming.

    2. Registration of Attendance:

    Kim Miller (Regional Director & Newcastle City TA)

    Rob White (Finance Director)

    Karen Davies (Technical Director)

    Amanda Draper (Parkes TA)

    Amanda White (Newcastle City TA)

    Annie Tolhurst (Volunteer)

    Beau Newell (Referee Director)

    Craig Harris (Newcastle City TA)

    Dean Russell (General Manager, NSWTA)

    Jamie O’Connor (Chief Operating Officer, Touch Football Australia)

    Jay Miller (Players Representative)

    Julie Wiseman (Maitland TA)

    Karley Banks (Coaching Director)

    Melinda Walls (Co-Junior Director & Maitland TA)

    Roger Lang (Mudgee TA)

    Scott Oliver (Wallsend TA)

    Sheralee Langbridge (Doyalson TA)

    Tony Saunders (Head Trainer)

    Welcome to those who Skype or Phone in – Nil

    3. Apologies:

    Wayne Goodchild (Assistant Regional Director),

    Don Green (Selectors Director),

    Megan Constable (Singleton Junior TA)

  • Joel Begnell (Co-Junior Director)

    Aileen May (President, NSWTA)

    Mark Hearnden (Independent Director, NSWTA)

    4. Minutes from Previous AGM Meeting – Saturday 27 May 2017 held at Newcastle Harness

    Racing Club, Broadmeadow at 3:00pm. Review, no amendments. Minutes were accepted -

    Moved Karen Davies, Seconded Jay Miller

    5. Minutes from Special General Meeting – Newcastle Harness Racing Club, Broadmeadow at

    09:00am Saturday 9th December 2017. Review, no amendments. Minutes were accepted -

    Moved Karen Davies, Seconded Rob White

    6. Annual Reports.

    a) Regional Director – Tabled. No questions.

    i. Kim elaborated on the focus to support the western region and improve

    participation levels. Kim also discussed the transition between Beau Newell and

    Amanda Draper in the role of Regional Director of Referees, and thanked Beau

    for his 11 years of service in the role. Kim also made brief mention that Inferno

    has been secured as Hornets’ new official uniforms supplier.

    b) Operations Report – Tabled. No questions.

    c) Technical Reports

    i. Referees – Tabled. No questions.

    ii. Coaching – Tabled. No questions.

    iii. Selectors – Tabled. Kim spoke to Phil Robinson’s departure and thanked him for

    his service.

    iv. Juniors – Tabled. No questions.

    Dean Russell Moved all reports be accepted. Seconded Davies. All in favour. Unanimous.

    7. Finance Reports.

    a) Finance Report tabled.

    b) Audit report was not available as it is still being completed by the appointed Auditors. It

    will be distributed to all Affiliates once it is received and signed off.

    c) Bank Statements were presented.

    d) Profit & Loss unaudited statements were presented.

  • e) There were no questions.

    Moved Karen Davies Seconded Kim Miller to accept the unaudited accounts. Unanimously accepted.

    8. Election of Executive Officers

    Positions are for a two-year term.

    Returning Officers were appointed – Jamie O’Connor and Tony Saunders.

    a) Position of Regional Director was declared vacant. At this point in time, Kim Miller

    stepped down as chairman, and appointed Karen Davies as temporary Chairperson.

    Only one nomination was received.

    Beau Newell, with tabled nomination.

    Beau was nominated by Karen Davies and 2nd by Kim Miller.

    Unanimous YES vote was returned. Beau accepted position, and took over as


    b) Position of Finance Director was declared vacant.

    Only one nomination was received. Rob White who currently holds the position.

    Rob was nominated by Beau Newell and 2nd by Wayne Goodchild.

    Unanimous YES vote was returned. Rob accepted position.

    c) Position of Technical Director was declared vacant.

    Nil nominations received, due to confusion with new constitution.

    Beau advised the Board would discuss with incumbent, and appoint post AGM.

    Melinda Walls Moved that the voting slips be destroyed. Seconded by Karley Banks.

    9. Appointment of Life Member.

    a) One nomination was received for Beau Newell, and tabled at the NSWTA BOM in early


    Beau was nominated by Kim Miller and 2nd by Karen Davies.

    Unanimous YES vote was returned. Beau appointed as Life Member.

    10. Special Resolutions.

    a) Motion for amendment of constitution was proposed. However, Dean Russell advised

    this needed to be endorsed by the NSWTA Board, prior to consideration by the Hornets

  • TA membership. As such, the resolution was withdrawn, with the intention to re-submit

    for consideration at the next AGM.

    11. Notice of Motions.

    a) Nil.

    12. Appointment of Auditor.

    b) Evolution Audit Pty Ltd, Warners Bay are our current appointed Auditors.

    c) Consideration was given to Mark Walmsley Chartered Accountant and agreed to by

    those in attendance to be the new auditor, based on knowledge of sports association

    business and the cheaper cost that Evolution.

    d) Rob White Moved that Mark Walmsely Chartered Accountant be appointed for the next

    reporting period. Seconded by Karen Davies. Meeting unanimously accepted

    appointment by show of hands.

    12. Appointment of Public Officer.

    a) Board asked Wayne Goodchild who has currently held position for the past three years

    if he would continue in the role. Wayne accepted position.

    13. General Business.

    a. Auditors Reports (Year Ending 31 December 2018 and current)

    Auditors report to be done by Evolution for this fiscal period.

    b. NSWTA Tournament Sanctions

    Beau provided an update to the membership on the sanctions applied by NSWTA over

    an email sent form the Tournament Crew which made comparative differences

    between Hornets Championships and the NSW Country Championships, and was

    deemed in breech of NSWTA policy. Hornets appealed the decision, with NSWTA

    reviewing and advising new sanctions. In summary:

    1. No affiliate outside the Hornets region are to participate in the Hornets

    Championships between 1 Sept 2018 to 31 December 2019. Junior

    events are not affected by this penalty.

    2. Formal correspondence needs to be approved by an executive member.

    3. Hornets suspended sentence of $5,000 still remains for the period 1

    Sept 2018 until 31 December 2020.

  • Beau advised that he is still appealing his personal sanctions, with Dean Russell

    confirming that those in place on Beau will not affect his ability to carry out any role

    within Hornets.

    c. Management Committee Positions (Calls for EOI – with appointments to be finalised by

    new Regional Board within 6 weeks).

    Vacant committee positions to be finalized within the next six weeks. Some positions

    that were previously split (e.g. Western/Eastern) are no longer split. Joint nominations

    will be considered if received.

    14. Other Business.

    b) Jamie O’Connor was given the opportunity to speak to the membership. He advised

    that within the NRL Touch Premiership, the New Zealand Warriors were coming in.

    Some operational issues need to be sorted, however there is a number of NRL clubs

    interested in joining the premiership. The 8th team needs to be strong, and not sub-

    standard. AirAsia to help support travel. NSWTA/TFA/QTF to hold discussions

    regarding how selections will take place.

    c) A brief discussion was held about the Under 20’s at NTL. Both TFA and NSWTA

    believed there was enough competition for the younger ages, however there was

    opportunity for further consideration in due course.

    Meeting Closed: 8:14pm.

  • The Hunter Western Hornets have gone from strength to strength over the

    2018/19 fiscal year. With fresh blood on our executive we have benefited from

    the new influx of passion, dedication and determination while maintaining our

    drive to build and strengthen our region moving forward.

    Possibly one of the most intense twelve month periods of touch football, the past year has seen a

    roller coaster of triumphs and tribulations for all areas of the game. When considering the

    representative arm of our sport, this past twelve months saw 15 representative tournaments that

    impacted our region alone, without even looking at tournaments outside of our regional scope;

    1. Vawdon Cup (Jul-Oct 2018)

    2. Youth World Cup (Aug 2018)

    3. National Youth Championships (Sep 2018)

    4. Hornets Championships (Oct 2018)

    5. State of Origin (Nov 2018)

    6. Don Green Western Junior Championships (Nov 2019)

    7. NSW State Cup (Dec 2018)

    8. Central Coast Junior Championships (Dec 2018)

    9. Peter Wilson Memorial Championships (Feb 2019)

    10. NSW Junior State Cup – Northern Conference (Feb 2019)

    11. NSW Junior State Cup – Southern Conference (Feb 2019)

    12. National Touch League (Mar 2019)

    13. NRL Touch Premiership

    14. NSW Junior State Cup – Finals (Apr 2019)

    15. Touch World Cup (Apr-May 2019)

    16. NSW Junior Regionals (Jul 2019)* [not in the reporting period]

    Not only is this unprecedented, it created an enormous level of burnout across all arms of our sport.

    While many of them are outside of our control, it has been important for our Board to ensure we

    consider the effects of other events on our players.

    While burnout is a factor, the ability to embrace this intense period was exactly what a number of our

    players did, including the likes of our Hornets Mens Open side, who were crowned Premiers at the

    2019 National Touch League. For the first time ever, this achievement was made by a dedicated

    group of individuals who embraced each other and the true team spirit to take out the win.

  • In addition to success on the field, it would be remiss of me not to recognise the hard work that has

    taken place off the field, as well.

    2018/19 also saw these highlights:

    - Launch of new Hornets website

    - Release of the Hornets Travel & Reimbursement Policy

    - Release of the Hornets Junior Rep Network – Framework for Use

    - Release of the Hornets Family Financial Support Policy

    - Introduction of the Hornets High Performance Unit

    - New partnership agreement with Inferno as official apparel supplier

    - Launch of first ever Junior High Performance Campaign

    - Development of the first ever Hornets Strategic Plan

    - Maintained Good Sports Level 3 accreditation

    - Participation in the Pride in Sport Index

    - Mens Open Team crowned premiers at NTL

    - Hornets referee, Kim Skelly, named #3 referee in the world at World Cup, and leading referee

    at the NRL Touch Premiership.

    While there are many more items that could be listed, these are just some of them. Furthermore, this

    past twelve months has seen Hornets in the best financial positions we have ever seen. This is due in

    part to a much more diligent process towards budgeting, and an enhanced focus on finance

    management. While we have managed a tidy surplus, we have already seen a commitment to giving

    back to our membership.

    At the 2019 National Touch League (NTL) Hornets committed over $22,000 worth of levy subsidies to

    players, with an additional $53,000 worth of subsidies for the 2019 NSW Junior Regional

    Championships (JRC) and over $12,000 worth of subsidies for those who will be attending the

    National Youth Championships (NYC), later this year. This equates to over $87,000 worth of player

    subsidies given out in under a twelve month period.

    Ultimately, this has been a pleasing year all round. My sincere thanks to all of our amazing Hornets

    volunteers, from committee members, to coaching staff, referees, tournament crew, selectors, and

    parents. You are all the reason this region can boast our success, as without all of you we would not

    be where we are today.

    Beau Newell

    Regional Director

  • Milestones

    Farewell of Kim Miller

    It would be remiss of Hornets not to acknowledge the extended service and dedication of Kim Miller,

    who stepped down as Regional Director during this reporting period. Hornets hosted an informal

    farewell event, held in Newcastle, which was a great evening with many special guests. During the

    evening we were also able to get video messages from different attendees who gave their best wishes

    to Kim and his future (available for viewing from our Facebook page). Hornets would like to thank Kim

    for his enormous effort over his 10+ years in our region.

    Record breaking funding for Hornets players

    As part of this years JRC campaign the Hornets Board undertook research on the expense of being in

    a team, with a particular focus on players from clubs that have a greater distance to travel to/from

    trials, high performance camps and alike. This research took into account the following;

    • Players who have to travel over 300km on a round trip, using the model of the Hornets

    travel rebate amount of 0.39c p/km;

    • Costs of accommodation requirements; using the ATO’s tiers of accommodation costs for

    respective regional/rural locations of trials/camps etc.

    The research revealed that a player who meets the above, would pay in excess of $785 on

    accommodation and travel just for the three High Performance Camps and training sessions. After

    confirming this unbelievable information, the Hornets Board had extensive discussions on how we can

    better support those with higher levels of cost involved in playing for our region, and devised the ‘2019

    Support Contribution’ which after a JRC Audit of players attendance will provide the 28 individuals

    affected a financial contribution towards their travel and accommodation expenses.

    Over the past twelve months the Hornets Board have been working hard to ensure that we have

    supported our members in every way possible, both on and off the field. This has included significant

    financial investment towards those representing our region at tournaments across the state and

    country, to reduce the financial burden of those playing our sport at a higher level.

    At the 2019 National Touch League (NTL) Hornets committed over $22,000 worth of levy subsidies to

    players, with an additional $53,000 worth of subsidies for the 2019 NSW Junior Regional

    Championships (JRC) and over $12,000 worth of subsidies for those who will be attending the

    National Youth Championships (NYC), later this year. This equates to over $87,000 worth of player

    subsidies given out in under a twelve month period.

  • While we will continue to support players, where possible, the Hornet Board have agreed to introduce

    an eligibility criterion for those representing our region and wishing to take advantage of any future

    subsidy from Hornets.

    Don Green Life Membership to NSWTA

    Hornets wish to formally congratulate Don Green on his induction as a NSW Touch Association Life

    Member, during the reporting period.

    Don’s involvement in the sport far exceeds that of many of his fellow countrymen. From grass roots

    touch football all the way to the very top, Don has poured an immense amount of his life into the game

    we love so dearly.

    In the early days, Don began playing touch football for his local club and then represented Region 2

    (Western Region) in the early 1990’s.

    After a brief time as a representative player, Don soon found enjoyment selecting representative

    teams for affiliates, regions and schools across the Hunter and Western areas of NSW. This

    proceeded into Don becoming the Director of Selectors for Region 2 in 1995, until the regions merged

    with Hunter (Region 5) at which time Don oversaw the Selecting arm for the entire Hunter/Western

    Hornets Region from 1998 to 2013.

    From 2013 until 2017 Don held the position of Junior Director (Western) for the Hunter Western

    Hornets Touch Association. During which time his focus and dedication to junior representative

    advancement saw great success, particularly with the formalisation of the Hornets Western Junior


    At the height of Don’s involvement in the junior arm of our sport, the Hunter Western Hornets

    bestowed the honour of naming the Western Junior Championships after Don. An honour greatly

    deserved for Don’s dedication to the junior arm of our sport, particularly in Western NSW.

    From an affiliate level, Don’s home affiliate was Wellington Touch Association, in the Central West of

    NSW. For many years Don led the Wellington TA Executive, and in his capacity as President saw

    steady growth of the local competition into the 21st century.

    In addition to Don’s involvement at local and regional level, Don has advanced into the state arena as

    one of NSW’s most respected and valued Selectors.

  • One of only few people to hold the Level 7 Selectors pin, Don has led the selection of countless NSW

    state representative sides. Something which he continues to this day as a current member of the NSW

    State Selection Panel.

    Further to Don’s achievements within affiliated associations, his professional influence as a school

    teacher helped with the advancement and promotion of touch football as a sport of choice for school

    students within Wellington and the Western region of NSW.

    Don regularly runs technical courses, as a Selector Course Presenter, and has successfully

    accredited hundreds of selectors for NSW throughout his presenting career.

    In 1999 Don Green was awarded an NSW Touch Association ‘Blues Award’, for his voluntary services

    to the sport. This recognition continued throughout the years after being inducted as a Life Member of

    the sport at both Wellington Touch Association and the Hunter Western Hornets Touch Association


    Congratulations, Don, on your years of services to our state. You are a now a valued Life Membership

    with NSW Touch Association.

    Pride in Sport Index Participation

    For the first time ever, Hornets took part in a benchmarking

    submission through the Pride in Sport Index (PSI). The PSI is an

    initiative developed through Sport Australia and the Aust Human

    Rights Commission and is a tool to measure the inclusivity of

    LGBTI+ people in a sport/club.

    The Hornets received a ‘participation’ acknowledgement for its first year, with much of the content for

    the submission derived from TFA and/or NSWTA governance. We encourage other regions and clubs

    to take part in this index in the future as well as the state body itself, to help touch football improve is

    position on LGBTI inclusion, something which Hornets believe are leading this space across our sport,

    but also recognising there is much more we can do to improve.

  • Meetings Attendances Record 2018/2019

    Reporting period: July 2018 until June 2019

    Board Meetings Number of Meetings Held Meetings Attended

    Regional Director 3 3

    Assistant Regional Director 3 3

    Technical Director 3 3

    Finance Director 3 3

    Management Committee

    Meetings J A S O

    [AGM] N D J F M A M J

    Regional Director ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ NM ✓ NM NM ✓ ✗ NM 7/8

    Assistant Regional Director ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ NM ✓ NM NM ✓ ✓ NM 7/8

    Technical Director ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ NM ✓ NM NM ✓ ✓ NM 8/8

    Finance Director v ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ NM ✓ NM NM ✓ ✗ NM 6/7

    Tournament Director ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ NM ✓ NM NM ✓ ✓ NM 8/8

    Tournament Associate ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ NM ✓ NM NM ✓ ✗ NM 7/8

    Coaching Director ✗ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓ NM ✓ NM NM ✓ ✗ NM 5/8

    Referee Director ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ NM ✓ NM NM ✗ ✓ NM 7/8

    Selector Director - Hunter ✗ ✗ ✗ ✗ 0/4

    Selector Director - Western ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗ 1/4

    Selector Director ✗ NM ✗ NM NM ✓ ✓ NM 2/4

    Junior Director - Western ✓ ✗ ✗ ✗ 1/4

    Junior Director - Hunter ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4/4

    Junior Director ✓ NM ✓ NM NM 2/2

    Players Representative ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ NM ✓ NM NM ✓ ✓ NM 7/8

    Tour Leader v v v v ✓ NM ✗ NM NM ✓ ✓ NM 3/4

    MPIO v ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ NM ✓ NM NM ✓ ✗ NM 5/7

    High Performance Director v v v v ✗ NM ✓ NM NM ✗ ✗ NM 1/4

    Media & Comms Manager v v v v v NM v NM NM v v NM 0/0

    Merch & Uniform Coord v v v v ✓ NM ✓ NM NM ✓ ✓ NM 4/4

    LEGEND: ✓ = Attended ✗ = Apology v = Position Vacant NM = No Meeting

  • Website

    Hornets migrated to its new website platform in Nov/Dec 2018, and included a period of nil

    analytics being collected, due to the transition of websites. It’s important to note, however,

    that the old website is still in use for display of tournament fixtures and results and as such

    will still be reported on.

    Hornets Social Media Likes/Follows








    Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19

    Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19

    Fixtures/Results 5621 4781 11264 59926 31145 42516 31631 78594 3558 3241 3706 2420

    Main Website 0 0 0 0 0 0 8922 17694 19101 1728 2196 3010




    Platform Likes/Followers

    Facebook Twitter Instagram

  • Membership Communications

    Hornets currently have capacity to reach the following, when considering membership registrations for


    Season 2, 2018 = 3,491 individuals

    Season 1, 2019 = 2,145 individuals

    Total 2018/19 Membership = 5,636

    Total All-Seasons Membership = 8,461

    Uniforms & Merchandise

    After some challenges with getting contract sorted we finally got uniforms for NTL and junior regionals.

    They looked fantastic. There were some teething issues with being my first year and hope to make

    some changes to take the stress out of orders.

    Some changes that need to happen, cut off time for orders and no changes accepted, unless it’s a

    shadow player coming in, parents are to sign off on all junior orders. I think possibly need to look into

    maybe eftpos or square pay that way parents can pay on the day, if we don’t do uniforms through

    online shop. I have counted all the excess stock I have collected from Beau and will do an updated

    spreadsheet as soon as I can. Next year orders should be easy with only new teams for 12s and new

    players needed to be fitted.

    Julie Wiseman

    Uniform & Merchandise Coordinator

    0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000








    Facebook Instagram Twitter

  • High Performance

    Progression within the High-Performance unit has commenced, and

    several areas are beginning to take shape.

    Recently Hornets conducted three junior high-performance camps. They

    were successfully run across three areas within the Hornets region in

    Singleton, Tuggerah and also at Wallsend.

    Whilst I feel these camps went well and we had a phenomenal turn out to each camp, we can

    only improve on these camps with better planning to ensure all participants are receiving as

    much support as we can give.

    It was also great to see a large turnout of players attend and trial for the junior regional teams.

    The selection process appeared to run smoothly due to the buy in of the coaches, selectors

    and players. Once again it would be great to hold discussions around this area further as a

    committee to iron out any creases in the process.

    We also recently conducted the NYC trials, which saw a great turn out of development players

    within our Region. We trialled some additional testing at these tournaments, which allowed us

    to collect some additional data to assist in the final selection of the teams.

    Moving forward we still have a lot of planning and work to do in the high-performance area. We

    are off to a great start with lots of good ideas and discussion around opportunities for

    improvement to ensure our teams, coaches, selectors and referees are in the best shape to

    take Hornets to the position of number 1 Region.

    Craig Harris

    High Performance Director

  • Referees Report

    2018/19 was a successful year for many Hornets Referees. We currently have the

    World Number #3 Referee with Kim Skelly and 5 other referees who obtained grand

    finals at World Cup in Malaysia. Those referees being Rob Bowen, John Clark,

    John Frost, John Taylor and Amanda Draper.

    We had many Hornets referees at State of Origin, Youth World Cup and NRL

    Premiership – too many to name. We have two up and coming referees awarded positions in the TRYS

    program being Cody Reynolds from Parkes and Sam Mackay from Forbes. There were four 5 year

    service awards also obtained by Hornets referees with the recipients being Amanda Draper, Chris

    Reynolds, Tim Ah See and Barry Nichols.

    Upgrades 2018-2019 season:

    Level 6 - Tess Leahy, Bec Rogers, Tony Bradley

    Level 5 - Paul George, Mya Cooke, Josh Fishlock, Lachie Bradley, Ivan Cole

    Level 4 - Marty Robinson, Mason Colwell, Deacon Cameron, Jackson James-Walsh, Bryce Lucas,

    Warren Steedman, Ryan Wake

    Overall Referee Winners for 2018/2019 Season:

    - 2019 Christine Sterling Memorial Trophy for Hornets Referee of the Year

    o John Clark

    - 2019 Hornets Most Improved Referee of the Year

    o Lachlan Bradley

    - 2019 Hornets Referee Coach of the Year

    o John Turnbull

    - 2019 Peter Wilson Memorial Championships John Frost Award for Referee of the Tournament

    o Alec Clark

    - 2018 Don Green Western Junior Championship Referee of the Tournament

    o Tim Ah See

    - 2018 Hornets Championships Referee of the Tournament

    o Kim Skelly

    - 2018 Central Coast Junior Championships Referee of the Tournament

    o Barry Nichols

    Amanda Draper

    Regional Director of Referees

  • Coaching Report

    It’s been a very productive 12 months for the coaching arm of the Hunter Western

    Hornets Region from July 2018- July 2019.

    Mentoring assistance & peer coaching support for coaches has been provided in

    the lead up to Senior NTL and NSWTA Junior Regional Championships and other

    events such as the Hunter Western Hornets Regional Championships and the

    NSWTA Country Championships which has enabled many coaches within the Hornets region to access

    coach education information, seek advice and receive feedback around their own coaching endeavours,

    observe and attend higher level representative training sessions, and have player groups at both junior

    and senior levels from grass root to elite being exposed to current and relevant specific technical and

    tactical game skill sessions and information from the coaching arm during this period.

    Hunter Western Hornets coaches in the affiliate and representative framework have taken opportunities

    offered up by the parent bodies of the sport in the FTEM Coaching accreditation system to advance

    themselves in terms of their technical qualifications and their ongoing knowledge acquisition through

    our own regional coaching workshops and organized assistance offered at training camps, clinic days,

    NRL Touch Premiership training observation and in pre and post tournament mentoring and assessment


    These coach development initiatives have contributed to the commendable performances across the

    board of our players, teams, and coaches at Affiliate, School & Community, Regional, State, National

    and International level & reflects a very strong coaching culture that has developed out of a desire to

    create a collaborative environment and a brotherhood of coaching that is resulting in the cross

    pollination of ideas and the sharing of knowledge that gives coaches and players within our region

    access to development opportunities that allows us to up-skill & maintain currency and consistency with

    up to date coaching trends and information in the sport and paves the way for the attainment of a raft of

    admirable outcomes and results at every level of participation despite the tyranny of distance and

    associated financial hardship providing challenging scenarios and placing constraints on time,

    resources, and opportunities to interact and connect face to face as regularly as desired.

    In 2019 The Hunter Western Hornets were the 4th most successful region at the National Touch League,

    with 6 top 4 placings out of 10 entered teams. The highlight being the Hunter Western Hornets Men’s

    Open winning the region’s first ever Men’s Open National title.

    Hunter Western Hornets junior representative teams also achieved fantastically well at the NSWTA

    Junior Regional Championships in Orange making 6 out of the 8 divisional finals (including both the new

  • 12 years age divisions) and winning both the 12 years boys & 18 boys divisions and finishing 7points

    shy of winning champion region. All coaching staff did a wonderful job and utilized the new 3 camp high

    performance program very well to prepare their teams optimally for what was ultimately extremely trying

    conditions with freezing conditions & snow falling at Orange.

    The implementation of a player mentor for some teams and coaching groups during the preparation

    phase assisted teams exponentially and we look to continue strengthening these connections with our

    elite regional representatives and our junior representative players and coaches going forward.

    The above results coupled with domination by Hunter Western Hornets teams in many divisions at the

    2018 NSWTA Country Championships and strong participation and commendable results in the 2018

    Vawdon Cup and both Junior and Senior NSWTA State Cup competitions by many of our Hornets

    affiliates and the presence and rise of many of our junior and senior players and coaches to elite level

    representation in the game speaks volumes for our progress and development across the board.

    Special mention to Hunter Western Hornets Affiliate the Doyalson Dragons who became the first open

    team in the history of the sport to win the “Triple crown” in a calendar (the Country Championships, the

    Vawdon Cup & the State Cup)

    58 players, 6 coaching staff & 4 managers from the Hunter Western Hornets region were selected in

    2018 NSW State of Origin squads. 17 Hunter Western Hornets players were selected in 2019 National

    Youth Training Squads for consideration for the 2020 Youth Trans-Tasman Series to be played in

    Newcastle in January next year. 10 players and 1 coach returned from the FIT YWC in Malaysia as

    world champions as Australia made a clean sweep of all six divisions on offer. 2 coaches, 2 managers

    and 8 players represented Australian at the 2019 World Cup in Malaysia with Australia victorious in 8

    out of the 11 contested divisions.

    Hunter based players, coaches & managers made up a healthy representation to 2019 NRL Touch

    Premiership this year representing the Newcastle Knights and other entities in both Men’s and Women’s

    divisions. The Newcastle Knights men’s team will contest the upcoming 2019 NRLTP Grand Final at the

    SCG against the NQ Cowboys and we can look forward to stronger representation from the Hunter

    region in the years to come as the competition expands.

    At the recent 2018/19 Blues Awards Hunter Western Hornets coaches Karley Banks (Open) and Jay

    Miller (Senior) were named NSWTA Coach of the Year in their respective divisions.

  • Massive thanks and congratulations to all the coaches across the Hunter Western Hornets region who

    largely operate in volunteer capacities and have worked tirelessly to achieve such fantastic results and

    progress in the last 12 months in their affiliates and for the region.

    Many thanks also to the Hornets executive, fellow general committee members, and our constituents

    and stakeholders across the region for their support and encouragement of many of the coaching arm

    initiatives that have been piloted in the region in 2018/19.

    Looking forward to a number of coach development initiatives tied to high performance workshops and

    accreditation and possible participation in a regional administered super series for representative

    players, coaches, managers and referees in the future.

    Thank you also to NSWTA Coaching Director Tony Trad for his guidance, advice and support around

    coaching activities and initiatives in the region.

    With new and innovative coaching initiatives from the NSWTA to be rolled out in the High - Performance

    area in the future, it is anticipated that the coaching arms in all NSW regions will benefit exponentially

    and Hunter Western Hornets will be looking to compliment the State body’s efforts and provide our

    coaches with further growth opportunities under this developing structure.

    It’s been a very busy but positive 12 months and the region can look to the future with confidence that

    the technical arms are making commendable progress and that in particular the coaching arm is

    providing development opportunities for growth and progression at the various levels of participation for

    all our members.

    Karley Banks

    Regional Director of Coaching

    Selectors Report

    The 12 months from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 has, as usual, been busy for

    the small band of Hornets Selector’s with NTL and Junior selections.

    NTL squad selections came first with Hornets Champs and Country Champs.

    This NTL period saw Hornets try something new with squads being selected

  • only for the Opens divisions (Men’s, Women’s and Mixed). All Senior divisions were set as an open trial,

    with players asked to submit an Expression of Interest and turn up at the final selections at the start of

    November in Newcastle. It was disappointing that a number of these divisions did not have a good roll-

    up of players and the decision was made not to send teams in the Men’s 30’s, 50’s, 55’s and 60’s

    divisions. However, it was pleasing to see that there was enough interest to be able to send a B team

    in the Mixed Opens division, with the players acquitting themselves well in Coffs. Congratulations must

    go to the Hornets Men’s Open team who were crowned Champions, defeating the Central Queensland

    Bulls A team 8 touchdowns to 7 in the Grand Final.

    The Junior Selection Calendar started with the Don Green Western Junior Championships in Mudgee

    in November 2018, followed by the Peter Wilson Memorial Junior Championships in Nelson Bay in

    February 2019. These two tournaments were the only ones used by Hornets to select squads to trial for

    the Junior Rep teams due to NSWTA splitting the Junior State Cup into two conferences due to the large

    number of teams in previous years in Port Macquarie. This meant that the coastal affiliates went to Port

    Macquarie on the third weekend of February and the western affiliates going to Wagga the flowing

    weekend. It was logistically impossible to send the same group of Selectors to both tournaments. Also,

    this year saw the 12’s divisions being added to Junior Regionals and it was very pleasing to see the

    number and quality of players who made themselves available for selection in the new age group.

    Final Selections for the eight Junior Representative teams were held in early March and this year was

    one of the toughest in a while as the standard of players selected to trial in all divisions was extremely

    high. All Hornets Junior Teams performed well at the NSWTA Junior Regional Tournament held in

    freezing cold weather in Orange. The 12 Boys and 18 Boys won their divisions, both beating Scorpions.

    The 12 Girls, 16 Boys, 16 Girls and 18 Girls made their respective Grand Finals and the 14 Girls and

    Boys were knocked out in the Semi-Finals. This goes to show, once again, that the Selectors and

    Coaches did a very good job in selecting and coaching the teams.

    There have been three Selectors Level 1 Courses run by Don Green over the 12 months with 18

    participants in total. What is disappointing is that, of the 18, only 2 have made themselves available to

    select for Hornets. There are a number of qualified Selectors within the Hornets region and it is hoped

    that, in the future, some of these people will make themselves available to assist in selecting both our

    Junior and Senior teams.

    Don Green

    Regional Director of Selectors

  • Players Representative

    This previous year has been a successful year for hornets in regards to performance

    from within our playing group as well as the fact that it has been a very quiet year in

    terms of any issues raised or areas of concerns that needed reviewing

    Hornets players were very successful in terms of representative achievements all

    the way from juniors thru to our opens and seniors divisions.

    Some notable efforts include:

    Hornets sending their first under 12 boys and girls teams to Junior regionals in orange

    Hornets having several NSW & Australian Representatives compete at State of Origin & World Cup in


    Hornets also had a number of players nominated for awards at NSW Blues awards including both

    individual and team awards.

    In the past year there was only one minor incident involving player behaviour which resulted In a minor

    suspension from Hunter Western Hornets Champs for a single player.

    Several players have requested feedback for non-selection for both junior and senior Hornets

    representative sides. An area that will always be contentious and one where I believe we can continue

    to improve and streamline the process.

    In the past year the role of player represtitive was advertised more so than in the past but I believe that

    this role could still be advertised more to make our players aware that Hornets do provide and avenue

    for the players to provide feedback or concerns to the board thru this channel.

    Jay Miller

    Players Representative

  • Tournaments

    In this reporting period, Hornets Championships had a change of venue from

    Maitland Park to Tomaree Sports Complex due to a clash of tournament

    dates between Hornets and the NSWTA, leading to the unavailability of the

    Maitland fields.

    A change of venue had little effect on team numbers with 60 teams

    participating over the weekend of 6-7 October 2018. The 2019 tournament will be played back at

    Maitland Park.

    During this reporting period, Hornets were formally notified by NSWTA about the decision to stand its

    ground on the sanctions imposed in late 2018. The Hornets Board and entire committee discussed this

    outcome at length and were not pleased with the decision made. While NSWTA express that the penalty

    imposed on Hornets was warranted, the Hornets committee discussed concerns that the penalty does

    not have the best interest of the sport in mind. A discussion around submitting a final appeal to Touch

    Football Australia was considered, however the Hornets committee reluctantly agreed that it would be

    in the best interest of our relationship with NSWTA to allow the penalty to remain for the time frame


    Our tournaments calendar continued with the running of Don Green Western Junior Championships

    played in Mudgee on 17-18 November 2018. It was a fantastic tournament with a steady increase in

    teams pushing the tournament to 1.5 days. Under 8’s were introduced and from feedback received, it

    is anticipated this division will see an increase in 2019.

    Central Coast Junior Championships in December. Following on from member feedback, this

    tournament was run as a gala day to place more emphasis on participation for our junior members,

    giving affiliates more opportunity to give players of all abilities the change to play.

    February 2-3 2019 was the weekend for Peter Wilson Memorial Championships played again at

    Tomaree Sports Complex in Nelson Bay. This tournament has grown to such an extent now, at 135

    teams we have reached capacity and Hornets Board are now facing the tough task of either moving to

    a larger venue, or declining team entries. Great position for our region to be in that we can offer an

    affordable and local quality tournament. Sadly though, it may mean some teams wishing to attend won’t

    be afforded the opportunity.

  • The tournament calendar continued with Hornets representative teams heading to Coffs Harbour for the

    annual National Touch League. We sent 10 teams and the pinnacle was our Mens Open team winning

    the top title. Great achievement for both the players and our Coaching Director Karley Banks.

    The year was capped off with our junior teams attending Junior Regionals. Whilst the conditions were

    completely unfavourable for playing, our junior kids soldiered on and showed great skills and talent,

    narrowly being defeated by Scorpions.

    Karen Davies

    Tournament Director

    Member Protection

    There are 105 registered persons/members with WWCC's associated with the

    Hunter Western Hornets. At this point in time no member has received a 'Red

    flag' (Unable to work in a child safe environment).

    Renewals have commenced for people that registered early in the WWCC

    process in 2014/2015. A reminder letter will be drafted and sent to all members who's WWCC expires

    in 2019/2020.

    This will aid the renewal process and prevent large numbers of clearance checks prior to Hornets

    Events.Affiliate personnel should also be reminded to review their WWCC Lists to lessen the impact

    around tournament events.

    Riley Sohier

    Member Protection Information Officer

  • Cash Balance:

    At 30 June 2019, the bank balance of the working account was $79,206.15

    and $30,000 in a term deposit account for 6 months and will mature 06-OCT-

    2019 @2.50%. Bank statement number 604 presented to the meeting.

    There are still some large costs relating to junior regionals that are due to be

    paid in the next few weeks that will bring the balance in the working account

    down to around $30,000.

    YTD Surplus:

    For the 2018/19 financial year we have accumulated a surplus of $71,867.28. The main reason for the

    retained surplus is that we have made good profits on junior tournaments throughout the year, but we

    are yet to pay many expenses relating to Junior Regionals that will fall into next financial year.

    Unpresented Cheques:

    As at 30 June 2019, there are currently 9 unpresented cheques, of which only 1 would be considered

    old and is being followed up.

    Outstanding Invoices:

    As at 30 June there were 9 players listed as unfinancial with Hornets Touch relating to 2018 NTL levy

    and uniform invoices. As at today, 4 players have paid their remaining amounts, with 5 still unfinancial.

    NSWTA and these players home affiliates have all been notified and they will remain unfinancial until

    the balance is paid.

    As at 30 June there are four 2019 NTL players yet to finalise their levy/uniform invoices. Consideration

    needs to be made as to whether these players are also placed on the unfinancial list. Since 30 June all

    4 outstanding amounts have been received and these players have been removed from the unfinancial


    Audit Recommendations:

    Two recommendations from the 2016 audit report are as follows:

    1. Payments Authorisation – Evolution has recommended that a payment list from xero is provided

    to each committee meeting for retrospective approval

    2. Sundry Creditor – On September 6, Hornets were able to return the funds to their owner via the

    Commonwealth Bank

    Rob White

    Finance Director

  • Positions declared vacant

    Regional Director [Interested Director] – one nomination received

    Wayne Goodchild

    See formal application in appendix. Summary:

    o Hornets Assistant Regional Director (2012-2019)

    o Junior Director (Hunter) (2011-2012)

    o Committee Member – Newcastle City TA

    o Hornets Tour Leader (Various Years)

    o Team Manager (Club, Region, State, National)

    Moved by: Beau Newell

    Seconded by: Karen Davies

    Technical Director [Interested Director] – nil nomination received

    o NIL.

    o Motion for amendment of constitution

    Refer to Appendix for full details.

    o Mark Walmsely Chartered Accountant

    o Wayne Goodchild, Public Officer.

    o NIL

  • The Hunter Western Hornets Touch Association would like to recognise and thank those who

    have supported the organisation throughout 2017/2018.

    All Hornets Touch Association Affiliates and their members

    New South Wales Touch Association

    Touch Football Australia

    Port Stephens Council

    Maitland City Council

    Mid-Western Regional Council

    Central Coast Council



    Alcohol & Drug Foundation / Good Sports

    Tony Saunders, Roger Lang, Anthony Lang and the Hornets Medical Team

    All NSWTA Volunteers who have assisted us throughout the year

  • 1. Profit & Loss Statement - Master

    2. Profit & Loss Statement - Tournaments

    3. Balance Sheet

    4. Cash Summary

    5. Interested Director Nomination – Wayne Goodchild

    6. Special Resolution – Constitution Amendments

    7. Hunter Western Hornets Touch Association Constitution (2017)

    8. Auditors Report for FY Ending June 2018

  • Profit and Loss NSW Touch Association Hunter Western Hornets

    Profit and LossNSW Touch Association Hunter Western HornetsFor the year ended 30 June 2019Cash Basis

    2019 2018

    Trading IncomeAccommodation (Revenue) 755.45 1,472.73

    Fines 1,936.36 -

    Grants (Revenue) 9,667.82 2,136.36

    Interest Income 607.95 1,872.04

    Player Levies 222,801.42 187,014.23

    Sponsorship (Revenue) 1,818.18 409.09

    Uniforms & Merchandise Revenue 37,093.62 9,224.53

    Total Trading Income 274,680.80 202,128.98

    Gross Profit 274,680.80 202,128.98

    Other IncomeStripe Fees Reimbursement 139.64 -

    Total Other Income 139.64 -

    Operating ExpensesAccommodation (Expense) 25,824.04 28,226.55

    Accounting and Xero Fees 350.00 1,078.40

    Advertising 742.93 -

    Audit Fees 2,700.00 -

    Bank Fees 157.00 76.24

    Cleaning 2,092.22 -

    Computer Expenses 2,505.27 4,073.00

    Courses 118.18 145.45

    Donations - 1,125.00

    Equipment Hire 31,131.27 26,142.93

    Internet 90.00 -

    Meals and Catering 28,706.57 33,101.24

    Medical and Massage 8,316.62 8,426.91

    NSW Touch & TFA Team Entry Levies 12,000.00 14,400.00

    Office Supplies 1,042.13 902.76

    Phones 530.90 1,943.00

    Photos 3,150.00 2,495.45

    Postage 64.99 296.04

    Prizes 23,116.55 24,059.77

    Security 1,680.00 1,680.00

    Square Fees Account 14.05 -

    Stripe Fees 154.19 -

    Subsidies and Discounts 24,136.50 12,692.00

    Sundry 2,521.44 3,815.26

    Travel Expenses 6,556.69 9,939.19

  • Profit and Loss

    2019 2018

    Profit and Loss NSW Touch Association Hunter Western Hornets

    Uniform & Merchandise Expense 25,251.72 23,123.15

    Total Operating Expenses 202,953.26 197,742.34

    Net Profit 71,867.18 4,386.64

  • Profit and Loss

    Profit and Loss  |  NSW Touch Association Hunter Western Hornets  |  25 September 2019   Page 1 of 3

    NSW Touch Association Hunter Western Hornets All Tournaments 

    1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 Cash Basis 

    Central CoastChamps

    Don GreenJunior Western



    NTL Peter WilsonChamps

    Senior HornetsChamps

    Unassigned Total

    Income Accommodation (Revenue) 85 268 95 - - 307 - 755Fines 818 818 - - 300 - - 1,936Grants (Revenue) - - - - - - 9,668 9,668Interest Income - - - - - - 608 608Player Levies 28,201 16,577 9,429 42,577 86,298 39,720 - 222,801Sponsorship (Revenue) - - - - - - 1,818 1,818Uniforms & Merchandise Revenue - - 13,894 20,903 287 - 2,010 37,094Total Income 29,104 17,663 23,418 63,480 86,884 40,027 14,104 274,681

    Gross Profit 29,104 17,663 23,418 63,480 86,884 40,027 14,104 274,681

    Plus Other Income Stripe Fees Reimbursement - - - - - - 140 140Total Other Income - - - - - - 140 140

    Less Operating Expenses Accommodation (Expense) 441 2,689 10,643 3,388 3,171 4,664 829 25,824

  • Profit and Loss

    Profit and Loss  |  NSW Touch Association Hunter Western Hornets  |  25 September 2019   Page 2 of 3

    Central CoastChamps

    Don GreenJunior Western



    NTL Peter WilsonChamps

    Senior HornetsChamps

    Unassigned Total

    Accounting and Xero Fees - - - - - - 350 350Advertising 200 300 - - - 243 - 743Audit Fees - - - - - - 2,700 2,700Bank Fees - - - - - - 157 157Cleaning - - - - 1,239 853 - 2,092Computer Expenses - - - - - - 2,505 2,505Courses - - - - - - 118 118Equipment Hire 4,158 2,072 - 6,804 9,049 7,646 1,402 31,131Internet - - - - - 90 - 90Meals and Catering 1,431 1,013 84 16,114 5,502 2,501 2,061 28,707Medical and Massage 550 375 - 3,944 2,102 1,345 - 8,317NSW Touch & TFA Team Entry Levies - - - 12,000 - - - 12,000Office Supplies 78 351 106 50 303 - 154 1,042Phones - - - - - - 531 531Photos - - - 3,150 - - - 3,150Postage - - - - - - 65 65Prizes 2,976 4,534 171 - 6,314 9,122 - 23,117Security - - - - 840 840 - 1,680Square Fees Account - - - 14 - - - 14Stripe Fees - - - 5 - - 149 154Subsidies and Discounts 95 516 1,069 9,350 1,538 2,820 8,750 24,137Sundry 28 - - 6 234 107 2,146 2,521Travel Expenses 107 669 2,783 2,202 - - 796 6,557

  • Profit and Loss

    Profit and Loss  |  NSW Touch Association Hunter Western Hornets  |  25 September 2019   Page 3 of 3

    Central CoastChamps

    Don GreenJunior Western



    NTL Peter WilsonChamps

    Senior HornetsChamps

    Unassigned Total

    Uniform & Merchandise Expense - - - 24,112 - - 1,140 25,252Total Operating Expenses 10,065 12,518 14,856 81,140 30,291 30,231 23,853 202,953

    Net Profit 19,039 5,146 8,562 (17,660) 56,593 9,796 (9,609) 71,867

  • Balance Sheet NSW Touch Association Hunter Western Hornets

    Balance SheetNSW Touch Association Hunter Western HornetsAs at 30 June 2019

    30 JUN 2019 30 JUN 2018


    CBA Bank Account 82,071.31 21,779.51

    Term Deposit 30,000.00 30,000.00Total Bank 112,071.31 51,779.51

    Current AssetsAccounts Receivable 18,665.27 1,046.27

    Uniform Stock on Hand 10,155.08 -Total Current Assets 28,820.35 1,046.27

    Total Assets 140,891.66 52,825.78

    LiabilitiesCurrent Liabilities

    Accounts Payable 24,674.82 -

    GST (3,006.80) (1,116.62)

    Rounding (0.06) (0.06)

    Sundry Creditors 1,000.00 1,000.00Total Current Liabilities 22,667.96 (116.68)

    Total Liabilities 22,667.96 (116.68)

    Net Assets 118,223.70 52,942.46

    EquityCurrent Year Earnings 65,281.24 5,192.10

    Retained Earnings 52,942.46 47,750.36

    Total Equity 118,223.70 52,942.46

  • Cash Summary

    Cash Summary  |  NSW Touch Association Hunter Western Hornets  |  25 September 2019   Page 1 of 2

    NSW Touch Association Hunter Western Hornets For the 12 months ended 30 June 2019 

    Excluding GST Jun 2019 Jun 2018

    Income Accommodation (Revenue) 755 1,473Fines 1,936 -Grants (Revenue) 9,668 2,136Interest Income 608 1,872Player Levies 222,801 187,014Sponsorship (Revenue) 1,818 409Stripe Fees Reimbursement 140 -Uniforms & Merchandise Revenue 37,094 9,225

    Total Income 274,820 202,129

    Less Operating Expenses Accommodation (Expense) 25,824 28,227Accounting and Xero Fees 350 1,078Advertising 743 -Audit Fees 2,700 -Bank Fees 157 76Cleaning 2,092 -Computer Expenses 2,505 4,073Courses 118 145Donations - 1,125Equipment Hire 31,131 26,143Internet 90 -Meals and Catering 28,707 33,101Medical and Massage 8,317 8,427NSW Touch & TFA Team Entry Levies 12,000 14,400Office Supplies 1,042 903Phones 531 1,943Photos 3,150 2,495Postage 65 296Prizes 23,117 24,060Security 1,680 1,680Square Fees Account 14 -Stripe Fees 154 -Subsidies and Discounts 24,137 12,692Sundry 2,521 3,815Travel Expenses 6,557 9,939Uniform & Merchandise Expense 25,252 23,123Uniform Stock on Hand 10,155 -

    Total Operating Expenses 213,108 197,742

    Operating Surplus (Deficit) 61,712 4,387

    GST Movements 

  • Cash Summary

    Cash Summary  |  NSW Touch Association Hunter Western Hornets  |  25 September 2019   Page 2 of 2

    Jun 2019 Jun 2018GST Inputs (30,650) (21,087)GST Outputs 29,230 22,823

    Net GST Movements (1,420) 1,736

    Net Cash Movement 60,292 6,123

    Summary Opening Balance 51,780 45,657Plus Net Cash Movement 60,292 6,123Closing Balance 112,071 51,780

  • PART F

    ABN: 92 594 826 967 [email protected]




    DATE: ...…... / ………… / …………

    TO: Assistant Regional Director – Hunter Western Hornets Touch Association

    FROM: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

    EMAIL: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

    PHONE: …………………………………………………… MOBILE: ………………………………………………….…….

    Position sort [please tick]

    Regional Director Assistant Regional Director

    Finance Director Technical Director

    Statement of claim for role sort:










    24 08 2019

    Beau Newell - Regional Director.

    [email protected]

    0415 391 875

    Wayne has held the role of Assistant Regional Director for Hornets for the past 8 years, and prior to

    that was the Junior Director (Hunter) for two years. Wayne has been an outstanding member of the Hornets Board, with dilligent insight into the operations of the region, and ensuring the region is well managed.


    mailto:[email protected]://www.hornetstouch.com.au/

  • PART F

    ABN: 92 594 826 967 [email protected]


    Meet the criteria for the position description (refer here)

















    Please ensure you forward a current photo and resume with the nomination.

    Moved by: ………………………………………………………………

    Signature: ………………………………………………………………

    Date: ………… / ………… / …………

    Seconded by: ………………………………………………………………

    Signature: ………………………………………………………………

    Date: ………… / ………… / …………

    We confirm the above named meets the requirements of the NSWTA and Hunter Western Hornets

    Touch Association Constitution.



    Affiliate President

    Wayne can communicate effectively

    He is well informed of all organisation activities, and aware of the future directions and plans

    of members

    Wayne has a good working knowledge of the constitution, rules and the duties of all office

    holders and subcommittees.

    He is a supportive leader for all members, and holds a WWCC.

    Beau Newell

    Karen Davies

    24 08 2019

    24 08 2019

    mailto:[email protected]://www.hornetstouch.com.au/http://websites.sportstg.com/assoc_page.cgi?c=0-698-0-0-0&sID=383001

  • Hornets Touch Association

    2018 Special Resolution Constitution Amendments


    Rationale Since the adoption of the new Hornets constitution in 2017, there have been various items that have

    either had incorrect grammar, spelling or references which have made it confusing for members to


    The included amendments suggestions cover such minor alterations to ensure the constitution flows

    with clear reference to specific parties (e.g. NSWTA Board and Hornets Regional Board).

    All items can be adopted as one (within one special resolution), or additional alterations and/or

    removal of items can be made as the membership sees fit, and dealt with individually.

    Proposed Amendments KEY:

    • Existing constitutional text in GREY writing

    • Proposed alterations in BOLD BLACK writing

    1) Legal Name of the organisation:

    Replace all references of “New South Wales Touch Football Association Hunter Western

    Hornets Incorporated” to “Hunter Western Hornets Touch Association Incorporated”. As

    per Certificate of Incorporation (see appendix) (Changes apply to Cover page and Pg4)

    2) Part I, Pt 2: Objects of the Association:

    Replace point ‘a’ from:

    “Remain a member of the NSWTA and abide by all directions of the NSWTA”, to

    “Remain a member of the NSWTA and abide by all relevant policies and by-laws of the


    Replace point ‘c’ from:

    “promote, organise and conduct championships, competitions and other events with NSWTA

    permission and guidance pertaining to the sport as may from time to time be considered

    expedient”, to

    “promote, organise and conduct championships, competitions and other events pertaining

    to the sport as may from time to time be considered expedient”

  • 3) Part III, Point 6.2b: Amendments to Region Constitutions:

    Remove point ‘b’. Which states: “Any alteration or amendment to the Constitution approved

    in accordance with the above sub-clause by the Region requires to be approved by the

    NSWTA Board prior to the alteration or amendment being accepted.”

    4) Part III, Point 7.2: Creation of New Categories:

    Replace “The NSWTA has the right and power to create new categories of membership from

    time to time, in its absolute discretion, with such rights, privileges and obligations as are

    determined applicable (other than voting rights), even if the effect of creating a new

    category is to alter rights, privileges or obligations of an existing category of Members. No

    new category of membership may be granted voting rights.” with

    “The Regional Board and/or NSWTA has the right and power to create new categories of

    membership from time to time, in its absolute discretion, with such rights, privileges and

    obligations as are determined applicable (other than voting rights), even if the effect of

    creating a new category is to alter rights, privileges or obligations of an existing category of

    Members. No new category of membership may be granted voting rights.”

    5) Part III, Point 7.3: Life Membership:

    Replace point ‘a’ from:

    “The Regions Executive may endorse a person who has rendered distinguished or special

    service to the sport of Touch Football at the Regional level, for life membership. The

    nomination must be on the prescribed form (if any), meet the criteria and must be submitted

    to the NSWTA General Manager at least 60 days before the date set down for the Annual

    General Meeting.”, to

    “The Regional Board and/or any member of the Association may nominate a person who

    has rendered distinguished or special service to the sport of Touch Football at the Regional

    level, for life membership. The nomination must be on the prescribed form (if any), meet the

    criteria and must be submitted to the Assistant Regional Director at least 15 days before

    the date set down for the Annual General Meeting.”

    Replace point ‘b’ (this first point ‘b’- as there are two), which states

    “Any Life Membership nomination must be endorsed the NSWTA Board prior to being

    considered by the membership.”, to

    “Any Life Membership nomination must be endorsed the Regional Board prior to being

    considered by the membership.

    6) Part III, Point 7.4: Patrons:

    Replace “The Executive may recognise a person as a patron of the Association. This needs

    NSWTA Board endorsement. The conditions, obligations and privileges of the patrons shall

    be as prescribed in the By-Laws.”, to

    “The Regional Board may recognise a person as a patron of the Association. The conditions,

    obligations and privileges of the patrons shall be as prescribed in the By-Laws.”

  • 7) Part III, Point 8.1: Affiliated Clubs:

    In point ‘c’ replace the word “Board” with “NSWTA”. (one reference in this section)

    8) Part III, Point 13.1: Disciplinary Action:

    Replace the word “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (two references in this section)

    9) Part IV, Point 17.1: Business of General Meetings:

    Replace the word “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (one reference in this section)

    10) Part IV, Point 18.1: Notice of Motion to be submitted:

    Replace the words “30 days” with “15 days”.

    11) Part IV, Point 19.1: Special General Meetings May be Held:

    Replace the word “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (one reference in this section)

    12) Part IV, Point 19.2: Requisition of Special General Meetings:

    Replace the word “Board” with “Regional Board”. (part a, and part d)

    Replace the word “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (part c)

    13) Part IV, Point 21.1: Voting at General Meetings:

    Replace the words “Executive (being four persons)” with “Regional Board”.

    14) Part IV, Point 22.2: Postal Ballot:

    Replace the words “the Executive, on NSWTA approval,” with “the Regional Board”.

    15) Part V, Point 23.1: Powers of the Executive:

    Replace the titles; “The Executive” and “Powers of the Executive” to “The Regional Board”

    and “Powers of the Regional Board”, respectively.

    Replace the words “…by the Executive. In particular, the Board…” with “by the Regional

    Board. In particular, the Regional Board…”.

    16) Part V, Point 24: Composition of the Executive:

    Replace the titles; “Composition of The Executive” and “Executive Composition” to

    “Composition of The Regional Board” and “Regional Board Composition”, respectively.

  • 17) Part V, Point 24: Composition of the Executive:

    Add: “(f) Up to two (2) Independent Directors which shall be appointed in accordance with

    Rule 26. An Independent Director may not serve as Chairman.”

    18) Part V, Point 25.1: Qualifications for Interested Directors:

    Replace the word “Executive” and “Board” with “Regional Board”. (two references in part a;

    one reference in part c).

    19) Part V, Point 25.2: Elections of Interested Directors:

    Replace “a) The Assistant Regional Director shall call for nominations thirty (30) days before

    the date of the Annual General Meeting. The NSWTA and Affiliated Clubs shall be notified of

    the call for nominations.”, to

    “a) The Assistant Regional Director shall call for nominations no less than thirty (30) days

    before the date of the Annual General Meeting. The NSWTA and Affiliated Clubs shall be

    notified of the call for nominations.”.

    Remove the word “forty” from part (c).

    Replace the word “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (three references in part d).

    20) Part V, Point 25.: Term of Appointment:

    Replace “Should any adjustment to the term of Interested Directors elected under this

    Constitution be necessary to ensure rotational terms in accordance with this Constitution,

    this shall be determined by the Executive and require NSWTA approval. Elections to

    subsequent Boards shall then proceed in accordance with the procedures in this Constitution

    with approximately half the Board retiring each year.”, to;

    Replace “(c) Should any adjustment to the term of Interested Directors elected under this

    Constitution be necessary to ensure rotational terms in accordance with this Constitution,

    this shall be determined by the Regional Board. Elections to subsequent Boards shall then

    proceed in accordance with the procedures in this Constitution with approximately half the

    Board retiring each year.”.

    21) Inclusion of new subsection: Part V, Point 26 (new): Add the following as section 26, with all

    remaining sections and references altered according to chronological order of existing

    subsection numbers.


    26.1 Appointment of Independent Director

    The Interested Directors shall appoint up to two (2) Independent Directors.

    26.2 Qualifications for Independent Director

    The Independent Director may have specific skills in commerce, finance, marketing, law or

    business generally or such other skills which complement the Regional Board composition,

  • but need not have experience in or exposure to the sport of Touch. They do not need to be

    Members of the Association.

    26.3 Term of Appointment

    An Independent Director shall be appointed by the Interested Directors in accordance with

    this Constitution for a term of 1 year, which shall commence up to six weeks after the

    Annual General Meeting until up to six weeks after the conclusion of the next Annual

    General Meeting following.”

    22) Part V, Point 27.1: Grounds for Termination of Director:

    Replace the word “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (two references in part e; one

    reference in part k).

    23) Part V, Point 27.3: Casual Vacancies:

    Add “(c) Any Independent Director casual vacancy may be filled by the Interested Directors

    from among appropriately qualified persons, for the remainder of the Director's term.”

    24) Part V, Point 27.4: Remaining Directors May Act:

    Replace the word “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (one reference)

    25) Part V, Point 28: Meetings of the Executive:

    Replace the titles; “Meetings of The Executive”, “Executive to Meet”, “Decisions of Executive”

    to “Meetings of The Regional Board”, “Regional Board to Meet”, and “Decisions of

    Regional Board” respectively.

    Replace all remaining references of “Executive” and “Board” with “Regional Board”.

    Replace the words “General Manager” with “Assistant Regional Director”.

    26) Part V, Point 28.4: Quorum:

    Replace the word “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (one reference)

    27) Part V, Point 28.6: Validity of Executive Decisions:

    Replace the title; “Validity of Executive Decisions” to “Validity of Regional Board Decisions”.

    28) Part V, Point 29: Conflicts:

    Replace the words “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (one reference in 29.1; two

    references in 29.2; two references in 29.3)

    Replace the words “General Manager” with “Assistant Regional Director”. (one reference in


  • 29) Part VI, Point 30: Delegations:

    Replace the words “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (three references in 30.1 – incl title;

    two references in 30.2;

    30) Part VI, Point 30.3: Regional Committee:

    Replace “(a) The NSWTA Board shall establish a regional committee under the power of

    delegation in Rule 31.2.

    (b) The Regional Committee shall meet at least twice a year to:

    (i) inform the NSWTA Board of significant membership issues;

    (ii) assist the NSWTA Board to design or review the organisation’s strategic direction;

    (iii) discuss statewide issues;

    (iv) provide feedback to the NSWTA Board on the results of its governance decisions

    in practice at the Affiliated Club level.

    (c) The members of the Regional Committee shall comprise:

    (i) the Region Delegates or a representative from the Region; and

    (ii) the Directors.”, to;

    (a) The Regional Board shall establish a regional committee under the power of delegation

    in Rule 31.2.

    (b) The Regional Committee shall meet at least twice a year to:

    (i) inform the Regional Board of significant membership issues;

    (ii) assist the Regional Board to design or review the organisation’s strategic


    (iii) discuss region-wide issues;

    (iv) provide feedback to the Regional Board on the results of its governance

    decisions in practice at the Affiliated Club level.

    (c) The members of the Regional Committee shall comprise of various positions as decided

    by the Regional Board from time to time and the Directors.

    31) Part VI, Point 31: By-Laws:

    Replace the words “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (two references in 31.1)

    32) Part VI, Point 32: Records and Accounts:

    Replace the words “Executive” and “Board” with “Regional Board”. (one reference in 32.1;

    three references in 32.3; title of 32.4; one reference in 32.4; one reference in 32.5).

    33) Part VI, Point 33: Auditor:

    Replace the words “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (one reference in 33.1).

    34) Part VI, Point 35: Seal:

    Replace the words “General Manager” with “Assistant Regional Director”. (one reference in

    35.1; one reference in 35.2)

  • Replace the words “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (one reference in 35.2).

    35) Part VI, Point 39: Source of Funds:

    Replace “The funds of the Association may be derived from annual membership

    subscriptions, fees and levies payable by Members, donations, grants, sponsorships and such

    other sources as the NSWTA Board determines.”, to;

    “The funds of the Association may be derived from annual membership subscriptions, fees

    and levies payable by Members, donations, grants, sponsorships and such other sources as

    the Regional Board and/or NSWTA Board determines.”

    36) Part VI, Point 41: Grievance Procedure:

    Replace the words “Executive” with “Regional Board”. (two references in 41.2; one

    reference in 41.3d; one reference in 41.3e).

  • Updated August 2017





    CONSTITUTION ................................................................................................................... 1

    1. NAME OF ASSOCIATION .............................................................................................. 1

    2. OBJECTS OF ASSOCIATION ........................................................................................ 1

    3. POWERS OF ASSOCIATION ......................................................................................... 2

    4. INTERPRETATION ......................................................................................................... 2

    5. REGIONS ....................................................................................................................... 4

    6. REGION CONSTITUTION .............................................................................................. 6

    7. MEMBERS ...................................................................................................................... 6

    8. AFFILIATED CLUBS AND INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS ...................................................... 8

    9. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND FEES ........................................................................................ 9

    10. REGISTER OF MEMBERS ............................................................................................. 9

    11. EFFECT OF MEMBERSHIP ........................................................................................... 9

    12. DISCONTINUANCE OF MEMBERSHIP ....................................................................... 10

    13. DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS ......................................................................................... 11

    14. DELEGATES ................................................................................................................ 11

    15. GENERAL MEETINGS ................................................................................................. 11

    16. NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING ............................................................................... 12

    17. BUSINESS .................................................................................................................... 12

    18. NOTICES OF MOTION ................................................................................................. 12

    19. SPECIAL GENERAL MEETINGS ................................................................................. 13

    20. PROCEEDINGS AT GENERAL MEETINGS................................................................. 13

    21. VOTING AT GENERAL MEETINGS ............................................................................. 15

    22. PROXY AND POSTAL VOTING ................................................................................... 15

    23. POWERS OF THE EXECUTIVE ................................................................................... 15

    24. COMPOSITION OF THE EXECUTIVE .......................................................................... 16

    25. ELECTION OF INTERESTED DIRECTORS ................................................................. 16

  • 2

    26. APPOINTMENT OF NSWTA DELEGATE .................................................................... 17

    27. VACANCIES OF EXECUTIVE MEMBERS ................................................................... 18

    28. MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE ................................................................................ 19

    29. CONFLICTS.................................................................................................................. 21

    30. DELEGATIONS ............................................................................................................ 22

    31. BY-LAWS ..................................................................................................................... 24

    32. RECORDS AND ACCOUNTS ....................................................................................... 24

    33. AUDITOR ...................................................................................................................... 25

    34. NOTICE ........................................................................................................................ 25

    35. SEAL ............................................................................................................................ 26

    36. ALTERATION OF CONSTITUTION .............................................................................. 26

    37. INDEMNITY .................................................................................................................. 26

    38. WINDING UP ................................................................................................................ 26

    39. SOURCE OF FUNDS .................................................................................................... 27

    40. APPLICATION OF INCOME ......................................................................................... 27

    41. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ......................................................................................... 28








    The name of the association is New South Wales Touch Association Hunter

    Western Hornets Incorporated ("Association").


    The Association is the representative the New South Wales Touch Association for the administration of Touch Football in the allocated region of New South Wales. The objects for which the Association is established and maintained are to:

    (a) Remain a member of the NSWTA and abide by all directions of the NSWTA

    (b) promote, encourage, foster, develop, and extend the sport of Touch Football Football in the region for human beings;

    (b) co-ordinate, encourage, assist and support the activities of the Affiliated Clubs and their co-operation with each other;

    (c) promote, organise and conduct championships, competitions and other events with NSWTA permission and guidance pertaining to the sport as may from time to time be considered expedient;

    (d) abide by and maintain standardised playing rules and regulations as issued by the NSWTA;

    (e) select support and/or sponsor any representative team or teams for any purposes associated with Touch Football as approved by the NSWTA;

    (f) act as the disciplinary and adjudicating body where required by the NSWTA in respect to all matters pertaining to Touch Football Football in the Region;

    (g) co-operate with the NSWTA as the controlling body of the game in New South Wales in the promotion and control of the sport of Touch Football Football.

  • 2


    Solely for furthering the objects set out above the Association has, in addition to the rights, powers and privileges conferred on it under the Act, the legal capacity and powers of a company as set out under section 124 of the Corporations Act.


    4.1 Definitions

    In thi