Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich [email protected] SAAN ACT Launch Canberra, 29 November 2011

Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich [email protected] SAAN ACT

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Page 1: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Age and Choice in Health Insurance:Evidence from Switzerland

Peter Zweifel

Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich

[email protected]

SAAN ACT Launch Canberra, 29 November 2011

Page 2: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich


• Rising health care expenditure due to more ample coverage in compulsory health insurance since 1996 in Switzerland

higher premiums for health insurance• Political debate focuses on the cost side • Here, issues relate to the benefit side:

...What is the compensation asked by Swiss consumers for accepting more stingy contracts?

... Will such new options not be rejected by the elderly in particular?

Page 3: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

Age and Choice Behavior 3 Hypotheses

H1: increased variance in asset "health" caused by health problems demand for comprehensive coverage increases with age (Arrow, 1971)

H2: demand for health insurance follows the value of life over the life cycle demand for coverage decreases beyond the age of ca. 40 (Shepard and Zeckhauser, 1984)

H3: transition to retirement causes transitory reduction in variance of "health" and in value of life demand for coverage decreases temporarily

Page 4: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

Discrete Choice Experiments (1)

• Allow individuals to express preferences for non-marketed goods

• Is based on the Random Utility Model (Luce, 1959; Manski and Lerman 1977; McFadden, 1973 and 2001)

– individuals choose alternative with the highest utility (hypothetical choice)

– choices are deterministic, but the researcher cannot observe all determinants of utility

Page 5: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

Discrete Choice Experiments (2)

• Comparison of utility values determined by indirect utility function (i=individual, j=product alternative)

• Choice between alternatives j and

}], , s y,, bp[ v], , s y,, bp[ vPr{ P iliilllijiijjjij

),s,y;b,p(vV ijiijjjij

• Decomposition into a stochastic and a deterministic part

]}, s, y, bp[w], s y,, bp[wPr P iillliijjjijilij {

Page 6: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

Setup of the Study (1)

• Sample of 1000 Swiss residents (older than 24)• Telephone survey (two contacts, in 2004)

– questions on utilization of the health care system and socioeconomic variables

– DCE: 10 choices per individual (status quo vs hypothetical alternative)

• Attributes considered:– annual deductible (deduct)– copayment rate (copay)– alternative treatment methods (altmed)– list of medications (generics)– restricted access to innovations (innovation)– monthly premium per capita (premium)

Page 7: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

Setup of the Study (2)

Which of these contracts would you choose?

premium reduction - CHF 50premium: CHF 290/month

This alternative contract My current contract

access to innovative treatments with delay of 3 years

innovation (status quo)

status quogenerics (status quo)

fewer treatments are coveredalternative medicine (status quo)

copayment: 10%copayment: 10%

deductible: CHF 1500 deductible: CHF 230

alternative contractstatus quo insurance contract

Example of a choice card

Page 8: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

Estimation strategy

• Random-effects Probit specification

• Model 1: Serves to check for the relevance of attributes

• Model 2: Designed to capture age-specific effects

simple model, only product attributes included

controlling for all relevant socioeconomic variables (interaction terms)

Page 9: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich


• Derive marginal willingness-to-pay (WTP) for Model 1

marginal WTP (in CHF)

standard errors (bootstrapped)

deductible -0.03205 0.01099

copayment -18.91 3.30448

alt.med (more coverage)

12.36 3.01507

generics -13.77 3.14571

innovation -38.39 3.36486





Page 10: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich











zvalue s.e.  coefficient

Table 1c: Random-effects Probit estimation results (selected interactions)

Page 11: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

WTP for age groups (all interaction terms)- evaluated at the median individual of each subgroup

marg. WTP 25-39 marg. WTP 40-62 marg. WTP 63+

deduct -0.06(0.04)

deduct -0.05(0.02)

deduct -0.03(0.01)

copay -16.64(16.00)

copay -30.36(12.31)

copay -8.24(6.96)

alt.med(+) 67.51(44.88)

alt.med(+) 19.95(10.60)

alt.med(+) 0.77(6.38)

generics -31.77(22.00)

generics -13.81(9.57)

generics -8.91(6.90)

innov. -54.12(35.41)

innov. -25.50(11.57)

innov. -14.10(8.34)

Page 12: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

Age-specific results

Compensation demanded for a 20% copayment

(status quo 10%)

Compensation demanded for delayed access to innovations (3 yrs)

Page 13: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

Conclusion (1)

3 Hypotheses with respect to age

H1: increased asset variance demand for coverage increases with age

H2: demand follows the value of life demand for coverage decreases with age

H3: transition to retirement demand for coverage temporarily decreases with age

• H1 cannot be confirmed (contrary to popular belief)

• H2 and H3 tend to be confirmed for the median individual

Page 14: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

Conclusion (2)

• Estimation results for socioeconomic groups indicate preference heterogeneity Uniform health insurance contracts cause a

welfare loss

• Contracts with certain restrictions but lower premiums might be attractive also for the elderly, affording them a utility gain

Page 15: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

References (1)

• Arrow, K. (1971), Alternative approaches to the theory of choice in risk-taking situations, in: Arrow, K., Essays in the Theory of Risk-bearing, Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1-44.

• Ben-Akiva, M. and S.R. Lerman (1985), Discrete Choice Analysis, Cambridge: The MIT Press.

• Felder, S. (1997), Costs of dying: alternatives to rationing, Health Policy, 39: 167-176.

• Louvière, J.L., Hensher, D.A. and J.D. Swait (2000), Stated Choice Methods. Analysis and Applications, Cambridge: University Press.

• Luce, D. R. (1959), Individual Choice Behaviour, New York: Wiley and Sons.

• Manski, C. and S.R. Lerman(1977), The estimation of choice probabilities from choice based samples, Econometrica, 45(8): 1977-88.

Page 16: Age and Choice in Health Insurance: Evidence from Switzerland Peter Zweifel Dept. of Economics, University of Zurich peter.zweifel@econ.uzh.ch SAAN ACT

Socioeconomic InstituteUniversity of Zürich

References (2)

• McFadden (2000), Economic Choices, AER, 91(3): 351-378.• Ryan, M. and K. Gerard (2003), Using discrete choice

experiments to value health care programmes: current practice and future reflections, Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 2(1): 55-64.

• Samuelson, W. and R.J. Zeckhauser (1988), Status quo bias in decision making, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 1: 7-59.

• Shepard, D.S. and R.J. Zeckhauser (1984), Survival and consumption, Management Science, 30(4): 423-439.

• Telser H. et al. (2004), Was leistet unser Gesundheitswesen?, Schlussbericht, Bern.