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After About Two Centuries (2)

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Page 1: After About Two Centuries (2)

After about two centuries, human population has increased like never before. Overpopulation

is an undesirable condition where the amount of existing human populace surpasses the

convey limit of Earth. The world is experienced in dramatic increase in population. This is

causing problem not only in poor, undeveloped countries but also in industrialized and

developed nation (Overpopulation is Causing Problems, 2012). There are many factors which

lead to overpopulation which in turn has many effects on the world.

At the base of overpopulation is the distinction between the general conception rate and

demise rate in populaces. In the event that the number of youngsters conceived every year

parallels the amount of mature people that kick the bucket, then the populace will stabilize.

Discussing overpopulation indicates that while there are numerous elements that can build the

passing rate for a brief period of time, the ones that expand the conception rate do so over a

long period of time. The disclosure of agriculture by our progenitors was one variable that

gave them the capacity to maintain their sustenance without chasing. This made the first

unevenness between the two rates.

Developments in technology with each impending year have influenced mankind from

numerous points of view. One of which has been the capability to save lives and make better

medication for all. An immediate consequence of this has been expanded lifespan and the

development of the populace. Diseases that had asserted many lives work now were cured

from the idea of immunization. Science was ready to transform better method for generating

nourishment, which permitted families to sustain more mouths. Joining together the

expansion in nourishment supply with fewer methods for mortality tipped the equalization

and transitioned into the initial stage of overpopulation.

Most developing nations have large number of illiterate people, who live below the poverty

line and have little or no knowledge about family planning. Getting their children married at

an early age increase the chances of having more children. Those people are unable to

understand the inflicting effects of overpopulation and lack of ignorance prompts them to

avoid family planning measures (Overpopulation, n.d.).

Overpopulation remains the leading driver of hunger, desertification, species depletion and a

range of social maladies across the planet (Tal, 2013). The unprecedented growth of

population during the recent years has brought about a series of serious consequences. One of

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which most people believe to have had the most impact on the world is the depletion of

natural resources. The Earth can just produce a restricted measure of water and nourishment,

which is falling short of the current needs. One out of every seven living people, go to bed

hungry. Every day, 25,000 people die of malnutrition and hunger-related diseases. Almost

18,000 of them are children under the age of five. Food production and distribution could

catch up if our population stopped growing and dropped to a sustainable level. About one

billion people lack access to sufficient water for consumption, agriculture and sanitation.

Aquifers are being depleted faster than they can be replenished. Melting glaciers pose an

enormous threat to the water supply for billions. Half the world's population relies on burning

wood and dung for cooking and for heating. More and more people live in these regions and

have to travel further each day to collect wood, and are often exposed to adversities and

danger (Overpopulation Problems, n.d.).

Overpopulation does not only affect the standard of living, but also the environment. Each

individual on the planet consumes up room; however, space is required for farmland, and

woodlands. Individuals discharge squanders and contamination that stream into water

frameworks, and creature territories, contaminating water, and slaughtering untamed life.

Numerous individuals can't bathe or brush their teeth in view of the status of the water in

their territory. Woodlands are continuously torn down as additional wood and area is required

to backing our regularly developing populace. The misfortune of these backwoods prompts

the termination of plants and creatures. These plants could, possibly, hold cures for maladies

that will never be found.

Secondly, rise in unemployment is also an after effect of overpopulation. The point when a

nation gets overpopulated, it offers ascent to unemployment as there fewer employments to

help expansive number of individuals. Climb in unemployment offers ascent to wrong doing

as individuals will take different things to bolster their family and give them fundamental

civilities of life. Furthermore, overpopulation has also contributed to the fall in economies of

the several countries all over the world. Essentially, when countries are overpopulated, they

hardly have enough food to support themselves, never mind the hope of having a surplus to

sell (Overpopulation Problems, n.d.). This can contribute to a low GDP per Capita which is

an effect overpopulation has on the economy. In an attempt to save the people from the

starvation, the government will most likely have to rely on foreign debt. This puts the

country in debt and stretches the government’s already meagre resources.

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In conclusion, all of this will only become worse if solutions are not sought out for the factors

influencing the population. We can no longer prevent it, but there are ways to seize over it

(Overpopulation, n.d.). As Brian Czech once said “If you haven’t witnessed it yourself,

common sense will tell you that a certain forest can carry on a certain amount of deer”

(2000). Populace development continually pushes the results of any level of singular

utilization to a higher level, and diminishments in singular utilization can just be

overpowered by increments in populace.


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Overpopulation. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2014, from Conserve Energy Future: http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/causes-effects-solutions-of-overpopulation.php

Overpopulation is Causing Problems. (2012, April 25). Retrieved March 22, 2014, from Essay Forum: http://www.essayforum.com/writing-feedback-3/topic-overpopulation-causing-problem-poor-developed-both-39167/

Overpopulation Problems. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2014, from How Many Organisation: http://howmany.org/environmental_and_social_ills.php

Pansare, N. (2012). Effects of Over Population. Retrieved March 22, 2014, from Share Your Essays: http://www.shareyouressays.com/85933/essay-on-effects-of-over-population

Tal, A. (2013, September 27). Overpopulation Is Still the Problem. Retrieved March 22, 2014, from Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alon-tal/overpopulation-is-still-t_b_3990646.html