Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary Africa RISING West Africa Review and Planning Meeting February 3-4, 2014; Bamako, Mali Beliyou Haile, IFPRI

Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary

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Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary. Beliyou Haile, IFPRI. Africa RISING West Africa Review and Planning Meeting February 3-4, 2014; Bamako, Mali. Survey design meeting Household survey tool adaptation Community survey tool adaptation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary

Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary

Africa RISING West Africa Review and Planning MeetingFebruary 3-4, 2014; Bamako, Mali

Beliyou Haile, IFPRI

Page 2: Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary

Survey design meeting Household survey tool adaptation Community survey tool adaptation Visits to action communities Re-selection of control communities(next side) Web-based Project Monitoring and Mapping Tool (PMT)

and protocol (also for Mali) Compilation of FtF indicators (joint) Survey firm procurement (Panafields) Hired a survey manager (Cecilia Tinonin, PhD)

M&E Activities (Ghana)

Page 3: Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary

Control sites (Africa RISING)_̂ Control sites (Africa RISING)

_̂ Action sites (Africa RISING)

Tier 2 sites (Vital Signs)

Tier 4 sites (Vital Signs)

High LGP * High mkt

High LGP * Med mkt

Low LGP * Med mkt

Med-High LGP * Low mkt

Med-High LGP * Med mkt

Med-Low LGP * Med mkt

M&E Activities (Ghana)

Selection of new control communities for potential collaboration with Vital Signs in UER and NR

Page 4: Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary

Proposed design for the household survey [# to be confirmed)

Equal # beneficiaries per village List of beneficiaries, intervention type, and their

identifying information will be needed Census vs. sampling of beneficiaries (logistics, budget, “statistical” benefit)

M&E Activities (Ghana)

Unit Action Control Total Community N=25 N=25 50Household NB = 750 (25X30)

NNB = 250 (25X10)NC = 250 (25X20) NT=500

Page 5: Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary

Activity Start date (2014)

Completion date (2014)

Finalization of work plan/survey tools/government clearance

25th Jan 21th Feb

Household listing 10th Feb 24th Feb

Survey personnel training and piloting (Tamale) 24th Feb 9th Mar

Main field work 10th Mar 7th Apr

Data entry, cleaning and processing 17th Mar 14th Apr

Household and Community Surveys - Timeline

M&E Activities (Ghana)

Page 6: Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary

Draft household survey tool adaption Community survey tool adaptation M&E meeting Visits to action communities Compilation of FtF indicators (joint) Survey firm procurement (Marikani) Hired a French speaking survey manager (Patrice Howard,


M&E Activities (Mali)

Page 7: Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary

Proposed household survey design [#s to be confirmed]

Equal # beneficiaries per villages List of beneficiaries, intervention type, and

identifying information will be needed

M&E Activities (Mali)

Unit Action Control Total

Community N=10 N=10 20

Household NB = 300 (10X30)NNB = 100 (10X10)

NC =200 (10X20) NT=700

Page 8: Africa RISING West Africa Mega Site M&E Activities Summary

Activity Start date (2014)

Completion date (2014)

Finalization of work plan/survey tools/government clearance/ recruitment of survey personnel (Aicha Consulting & Audit)

21th Jan 28th Feb

Household listing 17th Feb 28th Feb

Survey personnel training and piloting (Bamako) 3rd March 15th Mar

Main field work 17th Mar 11th Apr

Data entry, cleaning and processing 24th Mar 21th Apr

Household and Community Surveys - Timeline

M&E Activities (Mali)

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Delays in submitting application from ISSER…then withdrawal of its bid (January 17)

Limited options (survey firms) in Mali. CAPI may not work with Marikani

Limited/ineffective communication with Justice Office space at IITA and IFPRI-Accra But Justice nowhere to be found since January 13 M&E team to post a vacancy announcement (potentially

through IWMI). Encourage competent candidates you may know to apply

Challenges and (Attempted) Solutions

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Thank you!

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Africa Research in Sustainable Intensification for the Next Generation
