SINCE 1928 REG. NO. MCS/048/2015-17; RNI NO. 1541/1957 M.P.C.S office Mumbai-400001 ` 2 VOL. 61 NO. 178 | MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 | 20 PAGES EDITIONS : MUMBAI*, PUNE, INDORE, BHOPAL freepressjournal.in twitter.com/fpjindia WEATHER 30 0 C. 25 0 C. Sunrise: 6.26 am Sunset: 6.38 pm THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Underpaying people is a form of stealing. — Master Choa Kok Sui EDIT SARDAR SAROVAR SPINOFFS WILL BE HUGE PAGE 12 THE CHANGING FACE OF STARDOM PG 16 NAWAZ SHARIF'S AILING WIFE KULSOOM LEADS IN BY-POLL PG 11 Fast News State funeral,flypast for Marshal Arjan Singh NEW DELHI: A state funeral will be accorded to Marshal of the Indian Air Force Arjan Singh and the national flag will fly at half- mast at all government buildings on Monday.The last rites of Singh, who passed away at the Army's Research and Referral Hospital, would be performed at Brar Square at 10 am on Monday.The Defence Ministry said Singh's mortal remains will be taken to the funeral site from his residence in a gun carriage procession. It said a gun salute will be given and a fly past will be organised before the final rites, weather permitting. Arjan Singh, the hero of the 1965 India-Pakistan war and the only Air Force officer to be promoted to five-star rank, died here at the age of 98. Mian ki daud bas masjid tak: India UNITED NATIONS: Taking a jibe at Pakistan, Indian representative to the UN has said Islamabad's decision to raise the Kashmir issue at the UN, which has not been discussed in the world body for decades, is like 'Miyan ki daud masjid tak'. Replying to a question about the expected Pakistani campaign in the General Assembly session, Akbaruddin said,‘‘Those who focus on yesterday's issues are yesterday's people. If this is what they want, to each his own." India would be concentrating on an "inspirational" agenda and a "progressive vision", he added. Pakistan's new Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi is scheduled to address the UN General Assembly this week. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj would deliver her address on September 23. A day earlier, Pakistan's Foreign Ministry had said that Abbasi would be raising the Kashmir issue at the UN. -- PTI Athawale calls for upper caste quota AHMEDABAD: Union Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment Ramdas Athawale on Sunday said that reservations in jobs should go up from the present 49.5 per cent to 75 per cent on economic criteria and higher castes must also benefit. Athawale, who is from the Republican Party and had earlier batted for quota for Scheduled Castes and Tribes in the Indian cricket team, stated: "Currently there is 49.5 per cent reservation. We should increase it by an additional 25 per cent to accommodate Patels, Rajputs, Brahmins, Baniyas and Marathas." Sena lukewarm to Aaditya-Amit meet MUMBAI: A day after Yuva Sena chief Aaditya Thackeray and his estranged uncle Raj Thackeray's son, Amit, were seen together at a programme here, the Shiv Sena on Sunday sought to play down their coming together.The photographs of the meeting went viral amid a buzz that the two were engaged in political parleys. Proposal to do away with boarding pass? NEW DELHI: After doing away with hand baggage tags at over a dozen airports, aviation security agencies are now planning to dump the boarding pass collection system and begin a regime of 'express check-in' aided by biometrics for smooth air travel. The CISF DG told PTI in an inter- view that a recent initiative launch- ed at the Hyderabad airport for 'express check-in' of passengers is an example in that direction. Pg 5 Minister wants petrol under GST HYDERABAD: Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said he has requested the Ministry of Finance to bring petroleum products under the ambit of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the interest of consumers. Justifying the move, he said there has to be a "uniform tax mechanism" all over the country. He also justified the daily price mechanism. AGENCIES New Delhi U nion Minister Alphons Kannan- thanam on Sunday landed at the India Gate lawns here as part of the fortnight-long 'Swachhta Hi Seva' campaign, only to find no garbage at the designated places. To the surprise of ministry officials and volunteers, mostly college students, who frantically went about "ar- ranging" some garbage for Kannanthanam, the newly appointed tourism minister began collecting litter, in- cluding empty water bottles, pan masala sachets, ice cream cups and dry leaves with his hands. Many onlookers did not recognise the minister as he shook hands with them, pat- ted some on the back, while asking people to keep the place clean. He also chatted with those selling street food like gol- gappas, asking them ques- tions about how much they earned and advising them to tell their customers to throw the leftover food and plates into the dustbin. "How much do you earn per day? Do you tell cus- tomers to throw the waste plates and tissues in the dustbin kept with you? Help us in making India clean." The Minister said though a place like India gate is cleaned every day, there was a need to further spruce up the venue. When asked whether he stands by what he had said over fuel price hike, the min- ister did not comment. The India Gate is one of the 15 tourist sites selected by the Ministry of Tourism where the cleanliness cam- paign will be carried out and popularised by roping in celebrities during the 14-day period, the minister said. "We are out here cleaning India Gate. Cleaning pro- grammes are going on across the country. The mes- sage is we have to keep India clean. Everybody and not just government officials will have participate in this. And it has to be an everyday operation, not just once in a year and not just for the cam- era," the minister said. The other tourist destina- tions where cleanliness and awareness activities will be conducted by the ministry include Rishikesh Ghats in Uttarakhand, Juhu Beach in Mumbai & Dakshineshwar. PROACTIVE MINISTER Alphons goes scouring for garbage at India Gate R K MISRA Dabhoi (Gujarat) Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday dedicated the Sardar Sarovar Narmada dam project, whose founda- tion stone was laid by India’s first Prime Minister Jawa- harlal Nehru in 1961, to the nation, linking it with his "mission" to create a new In- dia. "I will live for your dreams, I will die for your dreams," he roared at the mammoth event that coincid- ed with his 67th birthday. The project, which took 56 years to complete, has seen major upheavals and resis- tance from NGOs worldwide. At one point of time even the World Bank had refused as- sistance and the then chief minister Chimanbhai Patel had launched Narmada deep discount bonds to finance it. Delving into the history of the dam, the prime minister told a massive gathering at Dabhol, an hour's drive from Ahmedabad, that over the last six decades the dam had faced many obstacles, but In- dia overcame them with her "blood and sweat." Warming up to the theme, he said many people had con- spired to stop the project which was an engineering marvel. ‘‘Even the World Bank said it would not fund it,’’ he added, as they felt it would ruin the environment. "It did all it could to ensure India does not have such a mega project... But India too had decided that World Bank or no World Bank, it would build the Sardar Sarovar Dam," he asserted. "I have knowledge ('kacha chittha') of everyone who tried to stall this project, but I will not name them as I do not want to go on that route," the Prime Minister said. Noting that shortage of water was a major factor in Contd. on Page 4 FINALE: P V Sindhu, after defeating Nozomi Okuhara of Japan 22-20 11-21 20-18 in a thrilling summit clash to clinch the women's singles title in the Korea Open Super Series in Seoul on Sunday. See Page 20 for full report IN FULL CRY M S Dhoni slammed a grand 88-ball 79 to steer Team India to post 281/7 against Australia in their first ODI in Chennai on Sunday.This was Dhoni's 66th half-century in ODIs and 100th overall across all formats of the game. Sachin Tendulkar took to social media to congratulate the former India skipper and his Twitter post read:Yet another 100 for @msdhoni! This time in front of the stumps!’’India won the match by 26 runs. See Page 20. READY FOR BEHIND THE STUMPS, NOW Thousands join in Jalsatyagraha BHOPAL: Even as Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Sardar Sarovar dam, thousands staged a 'Jal Satyagraha' – with protestors immersed barefoot in water.The protesters, led by Narmada Bachao Aandolan founder Medha Patkar, lamented that the water from the dam is likely to affect 40,000 families in Madhya Pradesh who might be uprooted if their homes were submerged. The epicentre of the protest is a village Chota Barda in Dhar, about 300 km from Bhopal, where the water level is increasing gradually. The rising water level has already submerged Nisarpur and the historic Rajghat. Narmada Bachao Andolan had approached the Supreme Court over environmental and rehabilitation issues, and obtained a stay in 1996.The court allowed resumption of work in October 2000 with some restrictions. “I will live for your dreams, I will die for your dreams.” World Bank had tried to stall Narmada dam: PM AGENCY Mumbai India is likely to overtake Japan and Germany to be- come the third largest econo- my in the next 10 years but needs to be consistent in re- forms and focus more on the social sector, British broker- age HSBC has said. Social capital is "insufficient" in the country and spending on as- pects like health and educa- tion "is not just desirable for its (India's) own sake, but is also central to economic growth and political stabili- ty", it said. India also needs a lot of fo- cus on ease of doing business and related aspects like con- tract enforcements. "In over the next ten years, India will likely surpass Germany and Japan to become the world’s third largest economy in nominal USD terms and the transition will happen even more quickly on a PPP (pur- chasing power parity) basis," its economists said in a note. Demographics and macro stability were pointed out as key strengths for the country by the brokerage. Its esti- mates show India will be a USD 7 trillion economy in 2028, as compared to less than USD 6 trillion and USD 5 tril- lion for Germany and Japan, respectively. Presently, India's GDP is around USD 2.3 trillion (fiscal 2016-17). It stands at the fifth spot in global rankings. The brokerage said the growth rate, which will be lower in FY18, as against that a year ago at 7.1 per cent, due to the introduction of Goods and Services Tax, will recover from next year in a sustain- able fashion. It also made a case against "stray re- forms", terming them as "harmful". ‘‘There are limits to one-off reforms. India needs to create an ecosystem of continuous change," it said. Citing the case of GST, it said the informal enterprises that create a bulk of jobs in the country may respond to higher taxation by shutting shop or laying off workmen. With concerns being raised about jobless growth, it said the e-commerce sector will create 12 million jobs over the Contd. on Page 4 India is likely to be third largest economy by 2028: HSBC report ANANYA SENGUPTA New Delhi The Railways has decided to cut down sleeping hours in trains by an hour: in other words, passengers in re- served coaches can only sleep between 10 pm and 6 am to allow others to sit on the seats for the rest of the time. This is essentially aimed at putting an end to those petty squabbles that break out due to oversleeping pas- sengers on the middle and lower berths. Earlier, the existing permissible time for sleeping was between 9 pm and 6 am. The circular, however, makes an exception for cer- tain passengers. "Passengers are, however, requested to co- operate with the sick, persons with disability, and pregnant ladies in case they want to sleep beyond permis- sible limits," it says. Another railway official said the sleeping time was reduced by an hour because there were times when pas- sengers went to sleep as soon as they boarded the train -- day or night -- leav- ing the co-travellers on the upper and middle berths high and dry. Conversely, officials said, problems also arise when passengers on the middle berths refuse to get up so that those on the lower berths could sit comfortably. Railways cuts down your night-time snooze on train AGENCIES New Delhi BJP president Amit Shah on Sunday bracketed Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Sardar Patel and BR Ambedkar and said Modi had started the eco- nomic integration just as the other two leaders had achieved the country's ter- ritorial and social unifica- tion. Lavishing praise on Modi on his 67th birthday, Shah said the PM's life was a "per- sonification of the spirit of India" and claimed his sen- sitivity towards the aspira- tions of the poor had led to "historic poverty alleviation initiatives tak- ing shape at a scale unheard of in the history" of India. Modi's heart, he said, "beats for the poor, downtrodden, marginalised and the farm- ers of India". Targeting the prime min- ister’s critics, Shah said Modi had ruffled several feathers by his action against the corrupt and sta- tus quo – “after all, years of privilege of a select few are now over and the poor are now getting their due”. Shah brackets PM Modi with Sardar Patel Yesudas furnishes declaration of faith in Hinduism Christian singer seeks visiting rights to temple AGENCY Thiruvananthapuram Eminent Carnatic vocalist and play- back singer K J Yesudas has sought permission to offer prayers at the centuries-old Padmanabha Swamy temple here, where only believers in Hinduism are permitted. The temple authorities said, the singer, a Christian by birth, has sent them a re- quest letter and declaration of his faith in Hinduism through a special messenger. The temple executive offi- cer, who is from the IAS cadre, said though Yesudas did not mention any particu- lar date, the messenger in- formed that the singer would like to visit the shrine on Vi- jayadasami, which falls on September 30. "As per our customs, anyone who be- lieves in Hinduism can visit the temple and offer prayers. There are no restrictions on that," he told PTI. "We all know about Yesu- das's faith in Hinduism and Contd. on Page 4 AGENCIES New Delhi Congress leader Manish Tewari on Sunday triggered a row with a Twitter post con- taining abusive language against Prime Minister Narendra Modi, evoking sharp reactions from the BJP and the denizens of Twitter who demanded an apology from party president Sonia Gandhi. Tewari is the second Con- gress leader after party gen- eral secretary Digvijaya Singh to come under fire for using foul language against Modi. Singh had recently retweeted a post which con- tained expletives against the prime minister. In his post, Tewari wrote in Hindi in Roman script about how Modi “befooled” people and that, “Even Mahatma cannot teach MODI Deshb- hakti (patriotism)”. He was responding to a re- mark made by a person on the microblogging website that patriotism is in the DNA of Modi and even Mahatma Gandhi cannot teach him that. It was made in response to a short video clip put up by Tewari about a gaffe commit- ted by Modi abroad, when he had started walking even as the national anthem was be- ing played. Reacting sharply, Union minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said a desperate Con- gress and its leaders have “lost their mental balance” after being rejected by people. He said they are using foul language against the prime minister as they have run out of logic to counter him. “A depressed Congress has become an expired bubble of abuses. When they do not have logic they take to such cheap language. The Con- gress has been rejected by the people and since then its lead- ers have lost their mental bal- ance. They are in need of ur- gent psychiatric treatment," Naqvi told PTI. He said it is unfortunate that they have forgotten the dignity and decorum that is required while targeting the BJP and the prime min- ister. Cong leader triggers free-for-all on Twitter ARUL LOUIS United Nations "The clock is ticking" for Jaish-e-Mohammed chief Ma- sood Azhar regardless of whether the UN is allowed to act against him or not, India's Permanent Representative Syed Akbaruddin has warned. "We will pursue Azhar," he said on Saturday. "Be certain about it. The clock is ticking." By blocking UN sanctions against him, China has re- peatedly come to the aid of the terrorist, who masterminded the 2016 Pathankot Air Force base terror attack that killed seven Indians. Asked about it at a news conference here, Akbaruddin declined to directly comment on it saying the matter was pending before a UN commit- tee and it was, therefore, the UN equivalent of "sub judice". But he issued a direct warning to Azhar, who is liv- ing in Pakistan. Early last month, China blocked a proposal by Britain, France and the US to desig- nate Azhar as an internation- al terrorist and impose sanc- tions freezing his assets and ban international travel. Beijing exercised what is called a "technical hold" in the Security Council mandated committee to act on Al Qaeda, Taliban and related organisa- tions and terrorists. The hold will be in place till early No- vember. Earlier this month, China had named LeT and JeM as terror outfits. I A N S Clock is ticking for Masood STAFF REPORTER Mumbai The Metrological Depart- ment has predicted spells of heavy showers in the next 72 hours in Mumbai. The BMC disaster management control cell has also issued an adviso- ry alerting citizens about the weather condition. The civic body had earlier faced flak for not alerting Mumbaikars about the weather conditions on August 29 – the day Mum- bai and adjoining areas had heavy rainfall -- despite the IMD having intimated them about it. The weather department has also warned of heavy rainfall in the coastal Konkan region in the next three days. The districts in Konkan and Goa are likely to receive heavy rain at isolated places in the 72 hours. Heavy rainfall in next 72 hrs

aform SARDARSAROVARSPINOFFS ofstealing. … Press Newspaper ad.pdf · THEFREEPRESSJOURNAL MUMBAI|MONDAY|SEPTEMBER18,2017 9 AGENCIES SanFrancisco Twitterhasfixeda“bug”onits platformthatallowedadvertisers

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SINCE 1928

REG. NO. MCS/048/2015-17; RNI NO. 1541/1957M.P.C.S office Mumbai-400001 `2

VOL. 61 NO. 178 | MONDAY | SEPTEMBER 18, 2017 | 20 PAGESEDITIONS : MUMBAI*, PUNE, INDORE, BHOPALfreepressjournal.in twitter.com/fpjindia


300C. 250C.Sunrise: 6.26 am

Sunset: 6.38 pm


Underpayingpeople isa form

of stealing.

—Master Choa Kok Sui






Fast News

State funeral,flypastforMarshalArjanSinghNEWDELHI:A state funeralwillbe accorded toMarshal of theIndianAir ForceArjan Singh andthe national flagwill fly at half-mast at all government buildingsonMonday.The last rites of Singh,whopassed away at theArmy'sResearch andReferral Hospital,would beperformed at BrarSquare at 10 amonMonday.TheDefenceMinistry said Singh'smortal remainswill be taken tothe funeral site fromhis residencein a gun carriage procession. Itsaid a gun salutewill be given anda fly pastwill be organised beforethe final rites,weather permitting.Arjan Singh,the hero of the 1965India-Pakistanwar and the onlyAir Force officer to bepromotedto five-star rank,died here at theage of 98.

Miankidaudbasmasjid tak:IndiaUNITEDNATIONS:Taking a jibeat Pakistan, Indian representativeto theUNhas said Islamabad'sdecision to raise the Kashmir issueat theUN,which has not beendiscussed in theworld body fordecades, is like 'Miyan ki daudmasjid tak'.Replying to a questionabout the expected Pakistanicampaign in theGeneralAssembly session,Akbaruddinsaid,‘‘Thosewho focus onyesterday's issues are yesterday'speople. If this iswhat theywant,toeach his own." Indiawould beconcentrating on an"inspirational" agenda and a"progressive vision",he added.Pakistan's newPrimeMinisterShahid KhaqanAbbasi isscheduled to address theUNGeneral Assembly thisweek.External AffairsMinister SushmaSwarajwould deliver her addresson September 23.A day earlier,Pakistan's ForeignMinistry hadsaid that Abbasiwould be raisingthe Kashmir issue at theUN.-- PTI

Athawalecalls foruppercastequotaAHMEDABAD:UnionMinister ofState for Social Justice andEmpowerment RamdasAthawaleon Sunday said that reservationsin jobs should goup from thepresent 49.5 per cent to 75 percent on economic criteria andhigher castesmust also benefit.Athawale,who is from theRepublican Party andhad earlierbatted for quota for ScheduledCastes andTribes in the Indiancricket team,stated:"Currentlythere is 49.5 per cent reservation.We should increase it by anadditional 25 per cent toaccommodate Patels,Rajputs,Brahmins,Baniyas andMarathas."

Sena lukewarmtoAaditya-AmitmeetMUMBAI:Aday afterYuva Senachief AadityaThackeray andhisestrangeduncle RajThackeray'sson,Amit,were seen together at aprogrammehere,the Shiv Senaon Sunday sought to play downtheir coming together.Thephotographs of themeetingwentviral amid a buzz that the twowere engaged in political parleys.

Proposal todoawaywithboardingpass?NEWDELHI: After doing awaywithhandbaggage tags at over adozen airports,aviation securityagencies are nowplanning todump theboardingpass collectionsystemandbegin a regimeof'express check-in' aidedbybiometrics for smooth air travel.TheCISFDG told PTI in an inter-view that a recent initiative launch-ed at theHyderabadairport for'express check-in' of passengers isan example in that direction. Pg5

Ministerwantspetrol under GSTHYDERABAD:Oil MinisterDharmendra Pradhan said hehas requested the Ministry ofFinance to bring petroleumproducts under the ambit ofGoods and Services Tax (GST)in the interest of consumers.Justifying the move, he saidthere has to be a "uniform taxmechanism" all over thecountry. He also justified thedaily price mechanism.


New Delhi


landed at the IndiaGatelawns here as part of thefortnight-long 'SwachhtaHiSeva' campaign, only to findno garbage at the designatedplaces.To the surprise of ministry

officials and volunteers,mostly college students, whofranticallywent about "ar-ranging" some garbage forKannanthanam, the newlyappointed tourismministerbegan collecting litter, in-cluding emptywater bottles,panmasala sachets, ice

cream cups and dry leaveswith his hands.Many onlookers did not

recognise theminister as heshook handswith them, pat-ted some on the back, whileasking people to keep theplace clean.He also chattedwith those

selling street food like gol-gappas, asking themques-tions about howmuch theyearned and advising them totell their customers to throwthe leftover food and platesinto the dustbin."Howmuch do you earn

per day?Do you tell cus-tomers to throw thewasteplates and tissues in thedustbin keptwith you?Helpus inmaking India clean."

TheMinister said though aplace like India gate iscleaned every day, therewasa need to further spruce upthe venue.When askedwhether he

stands bywhat he had said

over fuel price hike, themin-ister did not comment.The IndiaGate is one of

the 15 tourist sites selectedby theMinistry of Tourismwhere the cleanliness cam-paignwill be carried out and

popularised by roping incelebrities during the 14-dayperiod, theminister said."We are out here cleaning

IndiaGate. Cleaning pro-grammes are going onacross the country. Themes-sage iswe have to keep Indiaclean. Everybody and notjust government officialswill have participate in this.And it has to be an everydayoperation, not just once in ayear and not just for the cam-era," theminister said.The other tourist destina-

tionswhere cleanliness andawareness activitieswill beconducted by theministryincludeRishikeshGhats inUttarakhand, JuhuBeach inMumbai&Dakshineshwar.


Alphons goes scouring for garbage at India Gate


Dabhoi (Gujarat)

Prime Minister NarendraModi on Sunday dedicatedthe Sardar Sarovar Narmadadam project, whose founda-tion stone was laid by India’sfirst Prime Minister Jawa-harlal Nehru in 1961, to thenation, linking it with his"mission" to create a new In-dia. "I will live for yourdreams, I will die for yourdreams," he roared at themammoth event that coincid-ed with his 67th birthday.The project, which took 56

years to complete, has seenmajor upheavals and resis-tance from NGOs worldwide.At one point of time even theWorld Bank had refused as-sistance and the then chiefminister Chimanbhai Patelhad launched Narmada deepdiscount bonds to finance it.Delving into the history of

the dam, the prime ministertold a massive gathering atDabhol, an hour's drive fromAhmedabad, that over thelast six decades the dam had

faced many obstacles, but In-dia overcame them with her"blood and sweat."Warming up to the theme,

he saidmany people had con-spired to stop the projectwhich was an engineeringmarvel. ‘‘Even the WorldBank said it would not fundit,’’ he added, as they felt itwould ruin the environment."It did all it could to ensureIndia does not have such amega project... But India toohad decided that World Bankor no World Bank, it wouldbuild the Sardar SarovarDam," he asserted. "I haveknowledge ('kacha chittha')of everyonewho tried to stallthis project, but I will notname themas Idonotwant togo on that route," the PrimeMinister said.Noting that shortage of

water was amajor factor inContd. onPage4

FINALE: PV Sindhu, after defeating NozomiOkuhara of Japan 22-20 11-21 20-18 in a thrillingsummit clash to clinch the women's singles title inthe Korea Open Super Series in Seoul on Sunday.

See Page 20 for full report


MSDhoni slammedagrand88-ball 79 to steerTeamIndia topost281/7againstAustralia in their firstODI inChennaionSunday.ThiswasDhoni's 66thhalf-centuryinODIsand100thoverall across all formatsof thegame.SachinTendulkar took to socialmedia to congratulatethe former India skipperandhisTwitterpost read:Yetanother100 for@msdhoni!This time in frontof thestumps!’’Indiawon thematchby26 runs. See Page 20.


Thousands join in JalsatyagrahaBHOPAL: Even as PrimeMinister NarendraModi inaugurated theSardar Sarovar dam,thousands staged a 'Jal Satyagraha' – withprotestors immersed barefoot in water.The protesters, led byNarmada Bachao Aandolan founderMedha Patkar, lamented thatthewater from the dam is likely to affect 40,000 families inMadhyaPradeshwhomight be uprooted if their homeswere submerged.The epicentre of the protest is a village Chota Barda in Dhar,about300 km from Bhopal,where thewater level is increasing gradually.The risingwater level has already submerged Nisarpur and thehistoric Rajghat. Narmada Bachao Andolan had approached theSupreme Court over environmental and rehabilitation issues,andobtained a stay in 1996.The court allowed resumption of work inOctober 2000with some restrictions.

“Iwill live for yourdreams,Iwill die foryourdreams.”




India is likely to overtakeJapan and Germany to be-come the third largest econo-my in the next 10 years butneeds to be consistent in re-forms and focus more on thesocial sector, British broker-age HSBC has said. Socialcapital is "insufficient" in thecountry and spending on as-pects like health and educa-tion "is not just desirable forits (India's) own sake, but isalso central to economicgrowth and political stabili-ty", it said.India also needs a lot of fo-

cus on ease of doing businessand related aspects like con-tract enforcements. "In overthe next ten years, India will

likely surpass Germany andJapan to become the world’sthird largest economy innominal USD terms and thetransition will happen evenmore quickly on a PPP (pur-chasing power parity) basis,"its economists said in a note.Demographics and macro

stability were pointed out askey strengths for the countryby the brokerage. Its esti-mates show India will be aUSD 7 trillion economy in2028, as compared to less thanUSD 6 trillion and USD 5 tril-lion for Germany and Japan,respectively.Presently, India's GDP is

aroundUSD2.3 trillion (fiscal2016-17). It stands at the fifthspot in global rankings. Thebrokerage said the growthrate, which will be lower in

FY18, as against that a yearago at 7.1 per cent, due to theintroduction of Goods andServices Tax, will recoverfrom next year in a sustain-able fashion. It alsomade a case against "stray re-forms", terming them as"harmful". ‘‘There are limitsto one-off reforms. Indianeeds to create an ecosystemof continuous change," itsaid.Citing the case of GST, it

said the informal enterprisesthat create a bulk of jobs inthe country may respond tohigher taxation by shuttingshop or laying off workmen.With concerns being raisedabout jobless growth, it saidthe e-commerce sector willcreate 12million jobsover the

Contd. onPage4

India is likely to be third largesteconomy by 2028: HSBC report


New Delhi

The Railways has decided tocut down sleeping hours intrains by an hour: in otherwords, passengers in re-served coaches can onlysleep between 10 pm and 6am to allow others to sit onthe seats for the rest of thetime.This is essentially aimed

at putting an end to thosepetty squabbles that breakout due to oversleeping pas-sengers on the middle andlower berths. Earlier, theexisting permissible timefor sleeping was between 9pm and 6 am.The circular, however,

makes an exception for cer-tain passengers. "Passengers

are, however, requested to co-operate with the sick,persons with disability, andpregnant ladies in case theywant to sleep beyond permis-sible limits," it says.Another railway official

said the sleeping time wasreduced by an hour becausethere were times when pas-sengers went to sleep as

soon as they boarded thetrain -- day or night -- leav-ing the co-travellers on theupper and middle berthshigh and dry.Conversely, officials said,

problems also arise whenpassengers on the middleberths refuse to get up so thatthose on the lower berthscould sit comfortably.

Railways cuts down yournight-time snooze on train


New Delhi

BJP president Amit Shahon Sunday bracketed PrimeMinister Narendra Modiwith Sardar Patel and BRAmbedkar and saidModi had started the eco-nomic integration just asthe other two leaders hadachieved the country's ter-ritorial and social unifica-tion.Lavishing praise on Modi

on his 67th birthday, Shahsaid the PM's life was a "per-sonification of the spirit ofIndia" and claimed his sen-sitivity towards the aspira-tions of the poor had led to"historic povertyalleviation initiatives tak-ing shape at a scale unheardof in the history" of India.Modi's heart, he said, "beatsfor the poor, downtrodden,marginalised and the farm-ers of India".Targeting the prime min-

ister’s critics, Shah saidModi had ruffled severalfeathers by his actionagainst the corrupt and sta-tus quo – “after all, years ofprivilege of a select few arenow over and the poor arenow getting their due”.

Shah bracketsPM Modi withSardar Patel

Yesudas furnishes declaration of faith in Hinduism

Christian singer seeksvisiting rights to temple



EminentCarnaticvocalist and play-back singer K J Yesudas hassought permission to offerprayers at the centuries-oldPadmanabha Swamy templehere, where only believers inHinduism are permitted.The temple authorities

said, the singer, a Christianby birth, has sent them a re-quest letter and declarationof his faith in Hinduismthrough a special messenger.

The temple executive offi-cer, who is from the IAScadre, said though Yesudasdid not mention any particu-lar date, the messenger in-formed that the singer wouldlike to visit the shrine on Vi-jayadasami, which falls onSeptember 30. "As per ourcustoms, anyone who be-lieves in Hinduism can visitthe temple and offer prayers.There are no restrictions onthat," he told PTI."We all know about Yesu-

das's faith in Hinduism andContd. onPage4


New Delhi

Congress leader ManishTewari onSunday triggeredarow with a Twitter post con-taining abusive languageagainst Prime MinisterNarendra Modi, evokingsharp reactions from theBJPand the denizens of Twitterwho demanded an apologyfrom party president SoniaGandhi.Tewari is the second Con-

gress leader after party gen-eral secretary DigvijayaSingh to come under fire forusing foul language againstModi. Singh had recentlyretweeted a post which con-tained expletives against theprimeminister.

Inhispost,Tewariwrote inHindi in Roman script abouthow Modi “befooled” peopleand that, “Even Mahatmacannot teach MODI Deshb-hakti (patriotism)”.He was responding to a re-

mark made by a person onthe microblogging websitethat patriotism is in the DNAof Modi and even MahatmaGandhi cannot teach himthat. It wasmade in responseto a short video clip put up byTewari about a gaffe commit-ted by Modi abroad, when hehad started walking even asthe national anthem was be-ing played.Reacting sharply, Union

minister Mukhtar AbbasNaqvi said a desperate Con-gress and its leaders have

“lost their mental balance”afterbeing rejectedbypeople.He said they are using foullanguage against the primeminister as theyhave runoutof logic to counter him.“A depressed Congress has

become an expired bubble ofabuses. When they do nothave logic they take to suchcheap language. The Con-gresshasbeenrejectedby thepeopleandsince then its lead-ershave lost theirmental bal-ance. They are in need of ur-gent psychiatric treatment,"Naqvi told PTI.He said it is unfortunate

that they have forgotten thedignity and decorum that isrequired while targetingthe BJP and the prime min-ister.

Cong leader triggers free-for-all on Twitter


United Nations

"The clock is ticking" forJaish-e-Mohammedchief Ma-sood Azhar regardless ofwhether the UN is allowed toact against himor not, India'sPermanent RepresentativeSyed Akbaruddin haswarned."We will pursue Azhar," he

said on Saturday. "Be certainabout it. The clock is ticking."By blocking UN sanctionsagainst him, China has re-peatedlycometotheaidof theterrorist, who mastermindedthe 2016 Pathankot Air Forcebase terror attack that killedseven Indians.Asked about it at a news

conference here, Akbaruddindeclined to directly comment

on it saying the matter waspending before a UN commit-tee and it was, therefore, theUNequivalentof "sub judice".But he issued a direct

warning to Azhar, who is liv-ing in Pakistan.Early last month, China

blockedaproposal byBritain,France and the US to desig-nate Azhar as an internation-al terrorist and impose sanc-tions freezing his assets andban international travel.Beijing exercised what is

calleda"technicalhold" in theSecurity Council mandatedcommittee to act onAlQaeda,Taliban and related organisa-tions and terrorists. The holdwill be in place till early No-vember. Earlier this month,China had named LeT andJeMas terror outfits. IANS

Clock is ticking for Masood



The Metrological Depart-ment has predicted spells ofheavy showers in the next 72hours in Mumbai. The BMCdisastermanagement controlcell hasalso issuedanadviso-ry alerting citizens about theweather condition. The civicbody had earlier faced flakfor not alerting Mumbaikarsabout theweather conditionson August 29 – the day Mum-bai and adjoining areas hadheavy rainfall -- despite theIMD having intimated themabout it.The weather department

has also warned of heavyrainfall in the coastalKonkan region in the nextthree days. The districts inKonkan andGoa are likely toreceive heavy rain at isolatedplaces in the 72 hours.

Heavy rainfallin next 72 hrs










San Francisco

Twitter has fixed a “bug” on itsplatform that allowed advertisersto target "Jew haters" and otherswith racial epithets and termslike "Nazi", the microbloggingsite announced.According to a report by TheDaily Beast on Friday, Twitterads returned 26.3 million userswho may respond to the term"wetback", 18.6 million to "Nazi"and 14.5 million to "n***er".“We determined these fewcampaigns were able to gothrough because of a bug thatwe have now fixed,” recode.netquoted a Twitter spokespersonas saying."Twitter prohibits and preventsad campaigns involving offensiveor inappropriate content, and wewill continue to strongly enforceour policies."Earlier this week, Facebookfaced criticism after reports

emerged that the social network-ing giant allowed advertisers totarget users based on categorieslike “Ku-Klux-Klan” and "Jewhater".Google was also found to allowadvertisers to specifically targetads to people typing racist andbigoted terms into its search bar.

While both implementedchanges to its targeting platform,the incident has spurred fresh de-bate as to whether these giant in-ternet companies should addmore pro-active human oversightto their algorithms, especially tofilter inappropriate and hatefulspeech. IANS

Anti-Semitic, racistbugfixedbyTwitterTHE SITE prohibits ad campaigns involving offensive content


San Francisco

California lawmakers passed a"sanctuary state" bill to protectimmigrants without legal residen-cy in the US, part of a broaderpush by Democrats to counter thegovernment's expanded deporta-tion orders.The Senate Bill 54 introduced byLos Angeles Senator Kevin deLeon would limit state and locallaw enforcement communicationwith federal immigration authori-ties, and prevent officers fromquestioning and holding people onimmigration violations, reportsthe Los Angeles Times.After debate in both houses ofthe Legislature, the bill was ap-proved on Saturday with a 27-11vote along party lines.The decision came hours after afederal judge in Chicago blockedPresident Donald Trump's admin-istration's move to withhold theJustice Department from grantingfunds to discourage so-called

sanctuary city policies.The Department had pledged toslash government grants for lawenforcement from any so-calledsanctuary cities, which limit thecollaboration between local andfederal authorities on immigra-tion enforcement.On the Senate floor, De Leon saidon Saturday: "These amendmentsdo not mean to erode the core mis-sion of this measure, which is toprotect hardworking families thathave contributed greatly to ourculture and the economy.“This is a measure that reflectsthe values of who we are as agreat state.”Trump signed an executiveorder on January 25 seeking towithhold fal funding for "sanctu-ary states".The nine governments on theblacklist are Chicago, California,New Orleans, New York, Philadel-phia, Nevada's Clark county, Illi-nois' Cook county, Florida's Mia-mi-Dade county and Wisconsin'sMilwaukee county. IANS

California passes‘sanctuary state’ bill


New York

Six Nasa scientists, who were liv-ing in isolation on a Mars-likehabitat in Hawaii since Januaryto determine astronauts' psychol-ogy and requirements duringmanned space missions, will re-turn to civilization on Sunday.In January, the crew of fourmen and two women were quar-antined on a vast plain below thesummit of the giant volcanoMauna Loa—one of Hawaii's fivevolcanoes and the world's largest.They remained there for aneight-month simulation activityto gain a better understandingand to get a bit of a feel for howastronauts would respond men-tally, physically, and most impor-tant, psychologically to a long-term on a manned space missionas well as in an inhospitable envi-ronment.“Long term space travel is ab-solutely possible,” Laura Lark,

specialist at the Hawaii Space Ex-ploration Analog and Simulation(HI-SEAS) project, led by the Uni-versity of Hawaii at Manoa, wasquoted as saying to theinquisitr.com on Saturday.“There are certainly technicalchallenges to be overcome. Thereare certainly human factors to befigured out, that's part of what

HI-SEAS is for. But I think thatovercoming those challenges isjust a matter of effort. We are ab-solutely capable of it,” Larkadded. Their experiment includ-ed everything from being forcedto live in the cramped habitat ofthe dome to having to rely solelyon packaged food - and virtuallyno contact with another livingsoul.The atmosphere was as similaras possible to what life on Marswould be. All of the communica-tions the crew could have withthe outside world was subjectedto a 20-minute delay -- the time ittakes for signals to get fromMarsto the Earth.The data gathered during thismission can better help in choos-ing crews that have certain traitsand a better chance of doing wellduring a potential two-to-threeyear Mars expedition, whichwould then pave the way for hu-mans settlement in the red planetby around 2030. IANS

6 NASA scientists to emergefrom a Mars-like habitat

Thedatagatheredduring thismissioncanbetter help inchoosing crews thathave certain traitsandabetter chanceof doingwell duringapotential two-to-three yearMarsexpedition



A British Airways flight fromParis was evacuated at Charles deGaulle airport here on Sundayfor security reasons after passen-gers were told a "direct threat"had been made towards the air-craft.Flight BA303was due to take offfor London when the incident oc-curred, with police and fire en-gines surrounding the plane onthe tarmac, reports theGuardian.One passenger said those onboard were informed by the pilotthat an individual had made a di-rect threat against the aircraft.Passengers were led off theplane and individually searchedby armed officers, with luggagein the hold searched by dogs.Travellers had waited on theplane for about an hour, at firstbeing told there were "technicalissues"."They were then told the planewas to move to another part ofthe airport. Then they noticed po-

lice and fire engines quickly sur-round the plane and dozens ofarmed officers and firefightersgot out," Anderson tweeted."Every single person and everysingle item of baggage wassearched. That took around an

hour," he told the BBC.British Airways said: "The safe-ty and security of our customersand crew is always our top prior-ity... We would never operate aflight unless it is safe to do so."IANS

British Airways plane evacuated

BritishAirways said:“The safety and security ofour customers and crew is alwaysour toppriori-ty...Wewouldnever operate a flight unless it issafe todo so.”



An ancient Indianmanuscript, dating back to thethird century, has revealed theoldest recorded use of 'zero' -pushing back one of the great-est breakthroughs in the histo-ry of mathematics back byover 500 years, Oxford scien-tists say.Bakhshali manuscript wasfound in 1881, buried in a fieldinwhatwas then an Indian vil-lage called Bakhshali, now inPakistan. It has been at theBodleian Libraries in the UKsince 1902. Researchers at Uni-versity of Oxford in the UKused carbon dating to trace theorigins of zero to theBakhshali manuscript. Theyfound that the text containedhundreds of zeroes, puttingthe birth of 'zero' or 'nought',at 500 years earlier. PTI

Indiansinvented‘zero’ 500 yearsearlier thanthought: Study