Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri- peraturo aomewhat above nor- mal. High yerterday 70; low 37. Low thl« morning 40. , TODAY’S NEWS TODAY •F.O. O R R IS 1 ARKANSASK _QELimm Will Attend 100th Auniversary Celebration Today and Give Major Address CAIJ. c a iC A n o , .lun.) 10 Ti-’ter Rialltli "7, wn.i clinrgi’'! wllh Uurtjijrv tol.iy Ii.j.mu-K- ho almllUtly iiril.- a. Ijnif dl.H- r,ini-i. r.ill__tnJUJ__JL honi.i_bo- rili.'a. Ed aod Eati Minor, wh>.-so Iniis" \v:i;i hiir- BlarlzoJ oifl. lircd, ti\jcoJ iich, parMtf'l convU'. to Poiiliae, when tlipy wer6 l)ilie>i fur ii lcli‘-, t>hnno call lo Ihit city RinUch -utmllte-l tin tlioft, a.?Uln(j '.Ui i-ir.‘ aii-1 pUcinu in cill. SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING _ .+ ' * + ♦— + + * * * * * Offers Reward To A nti-N ew Dealers; Flays “Dictator’' : FOIL DAY.ON SCHEDULE • 0-A3ipaign Maneuver Observed - Iti Radio Timing and Visit To Sen. Eobinson e> FREDERICK A. STORtf n :' — -~i-<Uii~T^<eiMiililcBt*Rooscvclt arrived ttlWnil eary celebration arid to deliver ui.ijor speech tonight at Little Rock. . Mr. Roosevelt waa met at the st'iUon by city and stato officlnla ajiii later began a motor tour .which included several stops at . liUtorlc point* of Interest. Mrs. Roosevelt accompanied him.' , The chief executive was Joined by Mr.1, Roosevelt at Memphis -lai* mornlnf;. Full Day Hi.i achedulo callcd for a full clay .of appearances across tho state, cUmaxed by a broaUcust speech at LlttlQ Rock coding only a few .' minute.? before former President Htwver’s. radio-address-from the • Ropubllcaa national convention In Cleveland, Deapito frequent Whlto Houso statements that tho President'* Roosevolfs own expressed .hopa that broadcasts of his Bpeeches'would not Intcrfcro wllh Renublicaa'radio time, observers . bSw a dcciaed canjpalgn”C6rtplex- loa to his radio timing tonight and to the crowds that greeted him cvfry>vhere, Telli Byrnt SorroM' Mr. Roosevelt made a pUtform . ai>i>earanco at Knoxville. Tcnn, where ttie train stopped 10 tnln ' utea. To 1,000 or more persons ho express!^ regret over the death o Speaker Joseph W. Byms ot th< • house, a Tcnnesseeanl and added be hoped to return In the late summer or early fall for an in apectlon of TVA progress. Country groups of a few d«eD persooi and olty crowds of hun (Continued on Page 2, Column 0) II.MIX EXir..\. ii. ''fr.— Ni^-ht M.ir-<hil R-iy Aa-I.T.-wn iiwol(o, hurrloJ .sl;oplly Into his clolhc.i wh'jn hj noUcoJ the UamlJ-of Iho clock ln-lic.Uln« nlno o’clock. II j Iiid t'> !)•-“ loU| It -MM 3 H. m —Jilt 0 in a.i he thouffht. A ulinn bUckened th? slfy t'l ntght-lili'i dArkno.-M, I 'll XTX NHW«PAPElt Borah Proposals Win Approval of Platform Chiefi Five Giuis lit New Deal jie»U';duw < •• ctiBVcmrnDrJuno lo-a-i']— A drug manuficturur took .id- vintngo of the convention at- uiosphcro today. , Into overy h'He! ro^im In tr)wn, hij agents placed a neat whlto box contalnln? Ihreo bottles and a card. Tho card Bfildr . ‘'You may bo Pre.^jdcnt next .year. ■•But right now yju ar* prolj- ably suffering foim a hoad-iche. up3ct stomach, or Inflamed, Ir- ritated eyc3. Convintlona aro li^ts thlkt." . , Tho bottlejc^ntAlno'l, 1. lioad- acha tablets, 2, stomach aliial- Uer, S. an oya lotion._ raiisim FORIELEC Kimberly Man's Annouaoement First in County; See^ to, Retain floloa Post lEAIFORECAS SHOWS AOM [ W inter OroQ, Eslimato .Places Probable V. S. Yield at ---------------48Bim»,S0O Bnihsli. - W AaHINQtOll, Jime 10 (LT)-^ Till) Bgrlculturo department’s crop rupuriing Ijoard today forecast u winter whoat crop nmountlng to 482,000.000 bushels, baaed on crop conditions as of Juno 1. , Tlio cAtlmato showc<i a slight in- ci'ca;ia over last year's wlnl'^t ' whoat orop, which was .433,417,000 lm.«licH. In Its la»t monthly i‘Htl- njftto of th«-10a0-103U winter whcut crop, iMuet] on May 11, tho board for.‘C!iHi a crop of 403,703,iWO buflieli. Firs', an'aouncemant of candi' dacy for county political office was mad9 today by Jtcp. H, E. Powers, Kimberly; who .will book ronomlnatlon at th» Democratic primaries Aug. 11. Mr. Powara, engaged In tho -la' auranco business at Kimberly, and representing school supply houses, served la tho last seaalon of tho state legislature, and says ha will run on his record. . Will Flleaatordiy . He already has completed bis poUtlon and will fllo It Saturday, ha revealed today. Tho required 10 signers on the blank como from 10 different preclm;ta la tho coun- ty Powers Mrved wiih tho dolegi' non' from tbia county which In- eluded Sen. T. /fan Connor, Filer. Itcp. Hurry Barry, Duhl, and Rep. D- J. Cavanagli. It is bellivod that all will seek rcelectlon. Whilo no other ftiinounft.'ment. have been mode; It 1« known that fHlna_napcra_Alrea!ly_J''VSO wen taken cut at tho ofClo.o oT Franlc .1. Smith, county ivcordor, by Paul 8, Royd. Buhl attonioy, HuK.mc Hcoll and by at l.!.«:it liaH' "f pres.-nt county offlnlals, '•* whom arj Uulln-^d to d' uloctlon. CAHAOAB, Vonexuola, Juno 10 Wl’i —• A gcnoral ntriUo was dO' cUrod today In ^>rotoat ngalnnt Ihc pnipo.wid law of publlo order, aim' Id dt tho aupproaalon of Comniun. I hI and ratllcHl aellvlUes. RriU Htriho waa doolarert In Malaga today nftar- unldantlded tierHi>ns •liol lo doath tho Commiinlsl city councillor, Aiulrcs nuilrlKuei. SliRESlSS By 'lOE AI.KX SIOKKIS (C’.ijPirlglt^ 193^ l/iilf<-d IV,'HK) <r>mhhT’ Pr.ifso Sliowera'Oregon Orilbr After .Vigorous Onslaught Against New Dcril .CMiVRLAND.'Jun-j 10 (URr — Cotiventl.'m dcle§:aj...'6 and promin- ent RcpiiMlcana had noUiing- but praise today for Senator Tre<li-r- ick SlQiwcr'fl keynoto speech, llio opening gun of tho Republican campaign to regain contrifl of national government,' Speaking beforo a packed < ventlott hall, tho Oregon orator AMKKIOAN Hy ITivyi - at, ttV Now Yorl«, ponl iiotittd, I'uln. Clitciigo at 1'hll‘iiiolphlv I>->''t poiiod, rain At Wiwhlngloa— I lov.-Jand .................•... WO 00-r. Wanhlnglon .. . '»>f) Blacholcbr aa>l l>yll'»U, Whit' bill and-Bolton. At Boston- U n ID Dfltrolt .......... ino 010 100- 3 8 0 noHton ...... ii3t ouli oiix-4 n 1 I'hllllna and Roilior; W, l'’orrull id R. li'erroll, Borah May Speak Borah may go to the .convention floor to spealf ag&inst tho Landon platform and In behalf of hla own planka. 'Hint would bo an ousaalou. Tlie convcntipn adopted nilijs u oer which Borah’ would bo i qulrcd to have Iho support of majority of at least thiee atato dolcgations to raiso beforo the del ogatcs tho qucHlloit of wbetlier h' Hliouig bo permitted to npeak. If ho Bpcalia at all. It is llUoly to be with coiwent of tho Luiiilpn ^orcca who.iuivii-Uio volca_lo contr9)-t>'!2 convoiiuon on almost any quoS' tlon. Tha platform controversy bead- lined a iluy of outalandlng ilovci- cpmoiitH and follow«<l tho lamlmHt- lug of Iho Now.neal lust nlnht In a Ijnyiuito iipcAh by Hen. Krrd- irli-k Hlolwer gf OrcKo.*, tempor- iry cuiivfliitlon chiiliniun. Hlciwor's ko.vnoler die 7jod cheora from a crowd of up- ot 18,000 that took civcrj In Clevoland’H vhhI public auilltnrlum. • niH HjHwh made lilin fom of tlio candldiUeu for tho \ laUlenoy noiiilnalion. . NATIONAI. IJCAOI/M H wton at' Bl. l»uln, po.itponod, wat grounds. New V.irlt-CiaolnniUl, poatpon- o"l-r.iln. . N U.H, Hr.K)Ulyn .... OiW DOO 1 0 2 -3 10 -fl L>ll(SbUri|h 0»l iiai OUx-0 11 ~ Clark, ^.iffciitil, Loonard and Horos, i'U-ilpii; Lu< m< i, JIuhIi uii.l Thn I.Midon bandwagi .. lliiufd'lo pick uii fltrnKKllnK ‘Id''' gatofl • ' ' .............. ......... lolal !fnw Short fact that Borah .......... conllmiod tholr noemlngly losing Imtllu for tho nomlnuHon. Thu ho- called "stop Lanrfon" movnmimt had faded lo a Irombllng whisper. Throughout tlio town, the men and Women yoHow aunflow- urNN^lmiod to tholr coata alioutod (Continued on Pago 2, Column 8) MOISIr:. June 10 il'I’i •Itoli.-rt d. Miiloy (If I^iwliiloii, Mu., I' |iin<l<T.Nl liln rcHlHnallon lo (io Ill'll K'lici III) rppvo/K'nlatlvo tr Ht.iiM liininci of ii'pn-fli'iilultvi'fl fiMhi Nc* I’nrco ooiiiity. .• ih« ni luhU. lo do ^utu priiiUng In hla I'wiiilon plant, Tho l eNlgnullua will bo asooplixl. Steiwfjr Yoles Deny Hia 'Speech^—Farley H’AWHJNOroN, pant io nu'.,~ rMMiouratlu Notional Chairman Ifarloy chargod twUy .■.FMdanek M. ■tvlwn'fl h- nUneV oti-^K dly . ........... wllli llin way hn vnteil whnn tho ;Min« inenMurFN wore bcfurfl Ihi 'jonaiiv I “Tho voting roooVd of flen, Htol '« atrnngely at varUnae with ............ Qoernl eon’ --------- “ •* Deal ami .... ^ Ipy Mld,ia * aUtaineat, u . 0113 0 0 -; . <Hia 0 0 -'. ; Wanieho T.hld, l‘bllik4Ht|ihli............... ■IraKo.......................... Kowitllk mill fliiici' O'Dna Arfton Squad Bared By TerrorUt Probe IJKTIlorr, Juno 10 (liri - ArrN.1 and nlght-li)ng quonlliinlnK of f< a v , ' Mlatenw wlUiln tho vlg- llanto orgsulMltcn ot nn "nrooii aquad" otiargeil wllh Uio tnn'UlnK n( home* oocunled by pantoiia nit- lAgonlatio to lha - .. ....... 0, >MoOrM'i(ftld.JadNeu Jie aald "Oftplalu" ITrank Uloo, .•'Motit. Oil," Oliironoo Wrya, “ItoKlinoillAl Clorli" Alboft Hwon* aon and “OuVmel" lt»y Meimer, ar« roaUd by tiU Invoallgntora laat night, had c6nfM»e<l to firing thr farm houao of W, IT. M o lU n U u e i In Oaltlanii oouniy diirlnf tlio auni' mar 61 Ipat. ■ettUy^iLAMin-Jnng-lO ' (Ui»V. _ ____ migj'r‘sta:w *’“or ^v3^1i,•lm E. hornh )i,ul been adcd on I’avonii.ly-uud tiiL- I'diilyjMimlor lijul daciiliid it would In* iiiiuoci-ss/iry for liitn lo ^pMrTiniol'orid ]ii« viow-i. The nmiouticeiiiciit cnnic driiiiiaticiiHy ;i.i lhi‘ coiitfr oE tiir ;v»uvoiitiaii iiiterp.st turned to a clD.scd lioltil. room in wliicli M iieniber.i of tlio rcsolutionn sub-eoiiiiiiiflc‘y wcri.- iiinltiiit' j)ryRriiss" in putting tlic platfurni toi’olhor. (Jliainiiau IL'eriiifni Lang- worthy aiitiouiiccd i Tile sub-connnittof! of tlic cumniiucc! on ro-iuhiliom )uu hod Sonator Borah to niL'til w illi it for an cxcli.inRC of . but lie haw reiiliod tlmt in'view of the fiicL tlial tlic dub-cuiumitlco liad aUcudy tab lU favoiMbli) nation on certain siigKCKtions which ho has Knb. milled, lie fcok (hat his ap- pearance beforo thu sub inittor. is iiiurpcossiiry." _ First break In the i)lalfonn log Join came today with Hub-comniit- teo approval of a relief plank. It would lodge relief adminlstratinn with the atatca but requlro fcd- orol contribution • to tho coat of iring for the needy. , ...... Lindonltes Willing Landonltea were willing foi Bordh to write their antNmoaop' oly- plank. William Alien White, Konsaa member pf tho platform committee, said tho mib-commlt- tee was almost agreed op’ a for- aigif policy plank which -would '■satisfy Senator Borah." , Currency' waa the liigheat hurdle with Landon's coaiern bankcr-con- servatlve supporters pushing for sound money and,tbo west yowling for a G.O. P. APPLAUDS SEN. S IE I IR ’S K[ Fomior Prutidujit llutbcxt . IIcHivec, above, tviut Hcbi-diiled ‘to uiiinaHh tho third ot Iho RepiiliUcJin corivenlloii’rt major aiitl-Now Dojil iittaclu tonight. Tho convention rcct^Hl thin aftvrnoon to rcconvi-iio again itt ti p. m. (fl p. m. MST) to Iwrtr lloovor. lU-p. Bertrand H. Sni>ll, right, iH^riiuiiieiit chairman of tliu (U>iivun^»ti, - a^Lackvd Uia -ItooiM'VfU mlniiiilslrallon In tho fi-aturo ot tho duytlino hcmhIoii tod.iy, and cull.-d on conHtUu-_ tiuniil Denincr;llH to'J.iln with l{epublii-!in4; GOP Chairman ’Sa^s Roosevelt, - Broke Promises RepuhliVans W ill Hoover Address.^Toiiig-ht By l.Vl.K C. W II-SON' lC"P.vrish(. 1-J3<i, UnlU'^l Pfi-Ti.) IM I.A.XIl IJoiHlb ll.M .L, CLKVr ]') — Th Dm SEARCHERS FIND OFFICER’S BODY Qrappling Grows Proaii Hunt For 0,0,0, Mon Drowned At Arrowrook Dnm BOIHIB, Juno 10 (IJ.I!i-floaroh ■It Inloitfiruxl Iholc grappling oporallona at ArniwrauU diun tu- day. Boekliig tho iKntlua, <it two o 6 c fnmllwa wlio wen* arowii- od nnar OottonwiKxl crcioU mitlet loat wMli-amt when .tbo onr In whlnU they wcro riding plunged lift llio hlyhway Into llO favt of water, It repr«ented gov«mment with- out political morality, it hud sti- fled tho American opportunity, tinkered dIaa.'itrouBly with tha eco- nomic aystem: had set up .an over- burdening bureaucracy; had "adopted tho im-Amerlqan tudo of ■flottlng cliiiuf agninat claas"; had advanced a huniani- larlanlsm that waa faUe; had set tho politician against tho poor; had dellboratoly rotjirdod rocov- cry; had iHilraycd agriculture; h.n! tried lo amend tho conslllulior by "duvioiw inoarw." “Aniorlcan D i^ ” ‘Our purpose hero U not only lA-Ai^jiUa-ItcpuUlciuL.plalXgrQi ami l<> nomlnnto u Ucpuhlir.Ln ]ironldunf," ho aald. "A deeper nn<l Ihorouglily American puipoa.! bi ti Htart the drlvo to pul nn Anierl- can deal InUi tbo placo now u.nirp ixl by tho m>lf-«lylcid N..w P.mI In tills nui-vlco t» our C4juiitry, wc Invito tho aid and cpiinJiel of al AnuTlcnns,' rcgnrdlj-M of iH>llt lM\i parly. Tlii'vo am no party lini'i when human .liberty l/i at Htalii'' After raHllgatlng Iho U<K)mivi^t a<lmlnutratloii in dclall, hltilwer apt forth a progrnui he nilv,uiri-<l lu. "Iho way <iut.“ Tlicn bo «iiid; Ituim OppfirttiiilxtM "To preHorvo our rounlry muil gut Into tho American utrlde igalu. Uno way to'do It In lo rid ivory iulinlnlfltratlvo poal ot Iho ;X)llllcal opiHirltinlHla who i Lort llio pollulcMi of our government . ,', ujiblbur way , , . Is to rcdiioo fortliwlth tlio Him of llio fcdrrnl govpnuiiont to alop its wontetul /■pending, , , Abovu (01 also la thi< need for tho old fashlonad hlei thrift, No goveniniont win^l nw lUolf rich, or apond lUiolt pronper<Hi«." Mishap in Hoover Home Kills Man PAix) ALTO, cour, Juno 10 nri!i -David HangiimatU, RO, Hlaiiford mlvomlty gardener, died lato yos- prday ot a biillot wound aiitfured whilo ho waa working In tba linHo- inent of tho Herbert Hoovor hoii\(i In I’alo AUo. llooyur family a ' • • • -looiirrlng uxanilnTng a i unloaded weapon. yMlardBy > i lhay railed tho apot ........... .......... Ilia wroekod automo. bllB Monday. Hia bodlw of liU two oontponlona—Joaeph ICdlfar of UnrterwooiJ, H, D„ and <lor/lon NdlMn, WMhburn, N, O.-woro BXpeAtert to tie found in (iie lame violnlly, Highlights Si . Snell Talk BV UNITED ritpSS . Rep. Bertrand Snoll's addro-w fo tho Republican nitlonil con- vention high-lighted; ____ ■Tbo convonti')n will nomln- ato a man to le»d i new cru- iMdo—u„£rusado. to roatore to tho American pcoplo llioir con- stitution and thWr Iibortle.i" •ThiH ynar tlin IVipubllcan party Is not conlomJmg ag.iUiHt Ibo Dmuocriillc p.irty .u» nuch. It offerA to li»d America against tho unconHlltuilonal ................... ynH, lliu arpiiiant "Whon tho viciory U -.von shall givo America govrn- mont high abovo Uio pi-nio ot ]m rty I)oIHI<'h iin male.- tiuit •ringing ilt'cl'<r.Unin il tlio V'iry oulm;t." lUliV’l "VVu ahali nm^d in c poaitiima tho n<'rvlr<'s jiLIIutloiiHl l).uiiori.iIii tU'i it'!- ]>iib1iciuiit niilK-" "To nil yoiilli w,i .tuv: '^’oniD forth from llio Hnpiilciliro ot .lr>- foat and Iho iloio. TIum wuv 11"'*. life, and hopo and opportunity.’" “Ilow ahiUl you tel\ch y.mr rhlldn-n—a t home, al nuliooi, In tliQ church—liiat a proniiiin Is an InvlolAbla thing, when Ilia govommonl of Ihu tliiUod Htulei and Its chief oxonutiva treat their notomn ph’dgoa aa merit Bcrapa of paper?" AGAINST BOISEAN Arroat Ordorod for IrA High, Olvlo Loader nnd Hoad q( ' Dofunot Ooncorn HOOVER“SIARS" Cl.iaVULAND, June 10 (lll-f I^erbart Itoovar stola tlio etiovii ttxlny from lha Republican nattnn- dreda atormcxl hi* holal to nael him, T}ie waJoomo waa one o? Ihi warmest of hla oareer, Thouaandt Jammed the terminal atation lo cheer htifi. - Bo ma»y friend* crowded f hla Rinall botel rooro t)ut tbi reon>' tlon waa *hlfUd to- mpubllo room, lloovor WM vUlbly moniL ••AVhat a fanlnBlifl scliento ot llfo wo havo iMcii livingi" "What a paltorn has boon aet for thn Amorlcan people!" "What a tangio of contuand purpuQos and bufoggod visionl" .. P.UBLIC HALL. CLEV& ' LAND, June 10 {UP) ^ Ren Bertrand H. Bnel!. liouse ml .• iiority leader became chairman :i-|Of the Rcpiiblican national con. i-lvention today and inWted anti- o'Ncw Deiil Democrats to join a liy cnisade to sivb constitutional II HI. 11 ■i-,iMii.i. l i b e r t i e s . i He charged Prc.sident Rooj». iii;ii,i-i Fr.'d.^’elt with' harboring a ‘'perioa- >••1 ' of.l.iii al affection for a governnient. (I ^•r.»ll^'•dic.tated collectivist ordtr.” and ;i..^^l’.l!Ily,•ptIblfcly offoied to rew.ird d ij-'' I I ) or-i.-r iif.:iident Democrats with po?ts ia i "executive positions" should ' j R e p u b l i c a n s win the No- i^iil'/*^'^ ycinber election.i. f.- m .;,,,..,,.' ‘■™' nmpl! »ro v,,3rv if 1„ fwM.::;:?.';'' «i»« t nr the rrrtoluttoa^'^;^'*' Aiiut. h- '.ent I • lhat - U o , .Hiijll lli,‘ • ,• politi.- llonvr iTiaTT).'n nl R.” PflLlflClHOLDS U. S. SPOTLlGf Convention and F, D. R, Jaunt .Into Arkanfiaii Occupy Stage Center □ y United Preai I*oilirei«l ovonlfl lu'ld tlm il,;lH acio.'W thn iiatlim todilj \ .Today's tlcvel6pmcnta. LanJon leaders strive for -plat' form compromise wllh Sen. Wit. 11am E. Borah; may mako tomor- ............. row "Burah d.iy'-'- wUh iho I4aUo- a<waults upon the liberties ........... an taking the floor to expound hla people." he said. "Is the Prealdcnfs views. Iperjonal affection for a govern- Uiidon Boom (iiilna | metxt-dlclated collectivist order, ■iwasm t™ ,urU H" 1™ »t U.s among big delegation.^; Penn.syl-' vAniu roveaia .V) to 7r. votes fur Lamlon on tirat ballot; Ohio sentl- ilirii'nt.' l llieiiiH.-Ivt'i froi iiihiiHis centered liitloiirO c: lid I' Arkansas. Thu picture; CLIIVMI-ANO llorbrr .■ntirj Midi'l Ho> l|l lhi> Ue]illb (lit.in in Clove Uo.M«v,.it II liil.i U iigoin to< Vlalfi.rni I lgUl ilolmti;.! iiutfoim pUnks I ciiiiy iiKirning mid mot y two hoi icmici; iiropare: a lo iiarly iiii'l nut u, ICST 1(1:10 p. ijor iiddrei at 'H:in p. ' MHT). ' fieoond Mnjor Atiiiidt Cl.KVKl.ANiy-l'i'nmnl, Cltnlr- man liorlrand H, Hnoli aHnunio.H chargo of Itopiiblieiin galhoring;;' preHoiils second major nssault , ngalnst New Doal siiortly and call on anti-Nuw Deal Dcmocrata lo Join cnisado. CLinvill.ANn — Hot platform fight ougugvs Landon fmcos, east- urn Hiipiilillcans anil Borali nup- porlora; battla ^ ly prolong con- vantlon. HOT HI’IUNOH. A ik,— Vrasl- dnnt Itoosiivolt arrivo.i for first ipenoh of his aoutliwi'iitorii Jaunt, flchediilod for 0 p m. CH'}’ (ft p, m, MrtT), WlflHTFIir.I.n, Mass, - • Kornint Oov, Joannh H. JCly ruvoals ha will bolt Oomocrals If 11I3U plut- furm Books to revive Now Dnal miuiniiros oiiiiawed by supr. couit. They wero cln-errd ' liy Wopl from William Allen . 1 Willie, l.andoii conlm't man willi ■‘'•'I- .Sen. Willfnm H. Borah. “V W'hllo (allied with B.>rnh and animmu-eil Ihe platrmm Ideits ol 10 iilKiggy-haireil Malioan woui<l !<'eivii full con.iiiloralion. Hi oinlrtod I.ondon men would sc«k I opportunity for liornli \o ■nt liii views to Ibu convention, iili'iuid they be reji'cted In com " Mr, Ho, HClledulo 1 ver’s addniRR, Now aunflowei's, omblom of lha ciuidldaoy bf ICansaa' Uovornur Al- fred W, Umilon, ffpi-outed over nlglil In llio lapoli of <le1ogiiteu ai )k Uielr coiivonllon seals. liOmiG, Juno 10 m in-Ira High, Jhilse olvlo lo<t(lar nmt tiroaideiit of the dofunot Hnlon Hocurltiou 0OT]H>rAtl0n, w a s being «»oiiglil to - day t>y dojmtloa from tba Ada county flharlff'a otflca nn a war- ^ w or? aian./iiit for.tlio M.,Wlnn, .Wammi nrroat ot H..L. BoQtt. ]l pooled,today. M ., n m n , lurniar ware launu c la. oorporatioD. ana t^ o y . u d fIfiiim iCl WM ofOa avutoi rinn and floott were tampered wt nia oorporatkm' w«nt tiinhrunt )u t Dooembor, it w*a. enwgod In mio of boQtIa an4 »Murlfl<M. Tho complaint* 0li»rge<t "fraudulent UM-«f-fun«la In buying propwty," CABLES SLASHED OUOVBI-AND, June 10 (UUi — Tb9 Olovolaml I'rwis rc|iorlfld to i)ay that two mnlu r " d cut at I'ublla hall yes- ‘ lhat the publlo ad- to wdrk all nlitit to get tho radio ibilq addraw aystem In onlor puMldan naUonal oonvc M gait'ou hour oiul.t This doveloi nit I ) might be . r pi'i ■' might atli 'I'd hopi if ali.govprnnienta-. >f social co-opprstlon connlslonr. , wllh the fnitlirul presurvAtim of lb" lint. ilb-Ttles ot all thj p;,- pie.'’ Hrvhen PrunilM>« Snell pic.ipnted, pntnt-by-polnt, his cliarga of hroMv^prumbeJi. Hneli'.^ record; J. Miirrti 4, 10.'5.1 Prc'.llMit rtiwishvi-ll swore lo preiervo sn i defend'the ciinstlliillnn. July D, 1038, Mr. Koosevelt wrote houao coiuiuitleB tliiit ho hop-'-l "doubtii iin to cnimtiiutlo^iohly, howoyer roa.tonablu" woiiM not MncU fimmpt apitrovni o t tii» miw outlawed (Jiitfoy codl control bill. 1032, Homocratlc platforni promised drairtic gn nonilcs, bolanceil budget. Boy, 8, Drown> oh , ‘Seagoing’ Voyage I'ltOVO, IJIah, Juno 10 IIU!) — Tlio malin-hellovo noauoing pedltloii of two small iM>ys •fttl left plghl-yoar-old Kddle ln» iload todny. Kildln and I.^nh Brown, 10, wero sailing the ratt on a small rofiir-' voir when ^(tdtn fell overlxiard. Lynn attempted to grub him but wna 'unaueaeHtnl, tolaphona, N*ai ’ f, irty ho((r later, «sarthots • .We Iwdy, parUally ffor. • — 1N8ANi*^Am-OAI>TUR8D‘ IT. I'lirrBIt: Minn-, J u n rio (ILG/ WJIburt Jorrlaaen aod Adolph. Wttlwort^ weto vapturod Boar Cologne. Minn,, todoy. leavim-------- Cive u{ 18 men, who eaeaped ......... Spi-akH Tonight esi’leut Het'uecL lloj- iiuiJ a demonatratian , , . - _ thjt brouKhl out ap^iai mounted read from . ..................... . palictf lo hold buck tllRcrowib. ivcord—the 193;: parly piai'iriu Ho planned no In^ediato ap-l>inJ a^J>e^3'Jf PrcalJcni. Rojjs- •ardJiue ia Ilia . convention hall,:'"'^*^ candidile. An 1 to eicH )wever. Tonight ho will take he preaente.l the Republicix rostrum lo lay down Iho thlrd''^'*^*‘Se of biil faith and br»;:^:i birragtf again.st the New Dciil—a'P'‘'>nitscs. barrage surtcd by Keynoter Fred-i He capped this caatigation wit^ crick Steiwer of Oregon la^C night, tho flat portrayal of Mr. RVjv;- ........ -a dictator seeking to usurp . the American hcrltiige of froodmi and confitltullonal government. dictator. •••.Sediicod" Congrcns , "Having soduccil tho legi.il.itlvd .branch by billions in pork barrel patronage, he now cost.i a calcu- lating.eyo upon the Judiciary, iin.J', liy advice lo congro.w'anji snicr and jibo seeks to. usurp tho lxit , ■Jops for reJeaae froi ilolKTl A. TaJt favorlto son pledge ipporl Landon i fir.st imllot, . A'lliecenta Swarm about form .. . . . - I’-tt-alddil iluiivtr-iia lic.arrlvLa.IuribuIw(U-K..C>Llllc„clt,lZfn PgljluL un- loiilghfa convi-iiUrin appeiiniiice; briilled autocracy." rn.Hli bliiaU aeainsl New Deal ex- In contra.it. Snoll presenle.l tlis perti'.l, , ilcpiibllCan party asi Vic- iir.'.il l.-ntliil acrai.ible In full "A political force, which por.vmU i\v1ni{: ii'iom for keynoter Fred- fies tho dceply-ro-ited American , orleli Htvlwer of Orofjon- launched. i iniitlnct for liiw and ordec. for trlii Di'lt'giiles ntra^gl.-d alnwiy lnlo'.‘>>ciai security and the sriuaro de.ti. Hill iiaii, blinliing tholr ryes'for a practical apd workable sys* ,ig.iiiiHt (ho glaio lit floodilgiitn.ltom o( government which drlvei Ki'miliiti'iti>i rciiiimltlc'o mi-nilMTH inc-xorahly.(o tlin great living idoit nl sound ourreney, IDSO, Federal esponses ii.iw double 1092 rale, budget-running (Contlnuc<l on Page a. Column 1) OIAL LACKS21V0IES Nean Amount Needed to Wla Nomlnalloa ou Initial Balloting CUCVRI-^ND, June 10 fttPI— '•* Air M. Undon larkod only 31 votM today of the 002 necoaiiary , \ lot, « Unlteit )>r»M Jaklujglloa alwwod........................................... Tbo 11 volM of M lulttlpl.i th» three of the Dlatcl ‘ ‘ * lumbla who«« deal .unknown, etalfted

•F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-

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Page 1: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-

Weather ForecastF a ir ton igh t and T hursday; tflrri-

p e ra tu ro aom ew hat above nor­m al. H igh ye rte rday 70; low 37. Low thl« m orning 40.




_QELimmW ill A ttend 100th A universary

Celebration Today and Give M ajo r Address

C A IJ.caiC A no, .lun.) 10 —

Ti-’te r R ialltli "7, wn.i clinrgi’'! w llh U urtjijrv tol.iy Ii.j.mu-K- ho a lm llU tly iiril.- a. Ijnif dl.H-r,ini-i. r.ill__tnJUJ__JLhoni.i_bo- r i l i . 'a . E d a o d E a t iMinor, wh>.-so Iniis" \v:i;i hiir- BlarlzoJ oifl. lircd, ti\jcoJ iich, parMtf'l convU'. to Poiiliae, when tlipy wer6 l)ilie>i fu r ii lcli‘-, t>hnno call lo Ih i t c ity RinUch -utmllte-l t in tlioft, a.?Uln(j '.Ui i-ir.‘ aii-1 pUcinu in cill.

SN ELL BIDS FOR DEM OCRAT BACKING ♦ _ ♦ ♦ ♦ . + ' ♦ ♦ ♦ * • ♦ + ♦ — ♦ + + ♦ * * * * *

O f f e r s R e w a r d T o A n t i - N e w D e a l e r s ; F l a y s “ D i c t a t o r ’ '


• 0-A3ipaign M aneuver Observed - Iti Radio T im ing an d Visit

To Sen. Eobinson

e > FR E D E R IC K A. ST O R tf

n :'

— -~i-<Uii~T^<eiMiililcBt*Rooscvclt arrived

ttlWnileary celebra tion arid to deliver u i.ijo r speech ton igh t a t L ittle Rock.

■ . Mr. Roosevelt w aa m et a t the st'iU on by c ity and s ta to officlnla ajiii la te r b egan a m otor tour .which included severa l stops a t

. liU torlc point* of Interest. Mrs. R oosevelt accom panied h im .', The chief executive w as Joined b y Mr.1, Roosevelt a t Memphis

-lai* mornlnf;.Full Day

Hi.i achedulo callcd for a full clay .o f appea rances acro ss tho state, cUmaxed by a broaU cust speech a t LlttlQ Rock coding only a few

. ' minute.? before fo rm er P resident H tw ver’s . ra d io -a d d re s s - fro m th e

• R opubllcaa n a tional convention In Cleveland,

D eapito f re q u en t W hlto Houso s ta te m en ts th a t tho President'*

R oosevolfs ow n expressed .hopa th a t b roadcasts o f his Bpeeches'w ould n o t In tcrfcro w llh R e n u b lic a a 'ra d io tim e, observers

. bSw a dcciaed can jpalgn”C6rtplex- loa to his rad io tim in g ton igh t and to th e c ro w d s th a t g ree ted him cvfry>vhere,

T e lli B y rn t SorroM'M r. Roosevelt m ade a pU tform

. ai>i>earanco a t Knoxville. Tcnn, w here ttie tr a in stopped 10 tnln

' u tea. T o 1,000 o r m ore persons ho exp ress!^ re g re t over th e death o S peaker Jo seph W . B y m s o t th<

• house, a Tcnnesseeanl and added be hoped to r e tu rn In th e late sum m er o r e a r ly fa ll fo r an in apectlon of TVA progress.

C oun try g roups of a few d«eD pe rso o i a n d o lty crow ds of hun (C ontinued on P a g e 2, Column 0)

II.MIX■ EXir..\. i i . ' 'f r .—Ni^-ht M.ir-<hil R-iy Aa-I.T.-wn iiwol(o, hurrloJ .sl;oplly Into his clolhc.i wh'jn h j noUcoJ the U am lJ-of Iho clock ln-lic.Uln« nlno o’clock. II j Iiid t'> !)•-“ loU| It -MM 3 H. m —Jilt 0 in a.i he thouffht. A u lin n bU ckened th? slfy t'l ntght-lili'i dArkno.-M,

I ' l l X T X N H W « P A P E lt

Borah Proposals Win Approval of Platform Chiefi

Five Giuis lit New Deal

j ie »U';d u w <•• c tiB V c m rn D rJu n o lo -a -i']— A d ru g m anufictu ru r took .id- v in tn g o of the convention a t- uiosphcro today.

, In to overy h'He! ro^im In tr)wn, h i j a g en ts placed a n eat w hlto box contaln ln? Ihreo bo ttles and a card . Tho card Bfildr .

‘'You m ay bo Pre.^jdcnt n e x t .year.

■•But r ig h t now y ju ar* prolj- ab ly suffering foim a hoad-iche. up3ct stom ach, or Inflamed, Ir­r ita ted eyc3. Convintlona aro li^ts thlkt." • . ,

Tho bottlejc^ntA lno 'l, 1. lioad- acha tab lets, 2, stom ach aliia l- U er, S. an oya lotion._

ra iisimFORIELEC

K im berly M an's A nnouaoem ent F irs t in County; S e e ^ to,

— R etain floloa P ost


• W inter OroQ, Eslim ato .Places Probable V . S. Y ield a t

---------------48Bim»,S0O B nihsli. -

W A a H IN Q tO ll, Jim e 10 (LT)-^ Till) B grlculturo departm en t’s crop rupu riing Ijoard today forecast u w in te r w hoat crop nm ountlng to 482,000.000 bushels, baaed on crop conditions a s of Juno 1.

, Tlio cAtlmato showc<i a sligh t in- ci'ca;ia over la s t y e a r 's wlnl'^t

' w hoat orop, w hich w as .433,417,000 lm.«licH. In I ts la»t m onthly i‘Htl- njftto of th«-10a0-103U w in ter w hcut crop, iMuet] on M ay 11, tho board for.‘C!iHi a c rop of 403,703,iWO buflieli.

F irs ', an'aouncemant of c and i' d acy fo r county political office w as m ad9 today by J tcp . H , E . Pow ers, K imberly; who .will book ronom lnatlon a t th» D em ocratic prim aries A ug. 11.

M r. Pow ara, engaged In th o -la' auranco business a t K im berly, and represen ting school supply houses, served la tho la st seaalon o f tho s ta te legislature, and says h a will run on h is record. .

Will F l le a a to rd iy .He a lready has com pleted bis

poUtlon and will fllo It Sa tu rday , ha revealed today. Tho required 10 s igners on the blank como from 10 d ifferen t preclm;ta la tho coun­ty

Pow ers Mrved wiih tho do leg i' non' from tbia county w hich In- eluded Sen. T. /fa n Connor, Filer. Itcp. H urry Barry, Duhl, and Rep. D- J . Cavanagli. I t is be llivod th a t a ll will seek rcelectlon.

W hilo no other ftiinounft.'ment. have been mode; It 1« know n th a t fHlna_napcra_Alrea!ly_J''VSO w e n ta k en c u t a t tho ofClo.o o T Franlc .1. Sm ith, county ivcordor, by Paul 8, Royd. Buhl a ttonioy, HuK.mc Hcoll and by a t l.!.«:it liaH' "f pres.-nt county offlnlals, '•* whom a r j Uulln-^d to d' uloctlon.

CAHAOAB, Vonexuola, Juno 10 Wl’i —• A gcnora l ntriUo w as dO' cUrod today In ^>rotoat ngalnnt Ihc pnipo.wid law of publlo order, a im ' Id d t tho aupproaalon of Comniun. IhI and ratllcHl aellvlUes.

RriU Htriho w aa doolarert In Malaga today n f ta r - un ldan tlded tierHi>ns •lio l lo doa th tho Com miinlsl c ity councillor, A iulrcs nuilrlK uei.

S liR E S lS S

B y 'lO E AI.KX SIOKKIS (C’.ijP irlglt^ 193^ l/iilf<-d IV,'HK)


Pr.ifso S liow era 'O regon O rilb r A fte r .V igorous O nslaught

A gainst N ew Dcril

.C M iV R L A N D .'Jun-j 10 (URr — Cotiventl.'m dcle§:aj...'6 and prom in­en t RcpiiMlcana had noUiing- but praise today fo r S ena to r Tre<li-r- ick SlQiwcr'fl keynoto speech, llio opening g u n o f th o Republican cam paign to reg a in contrifl of national g overnm en t,'

S peaking beforo a packed < ventlott hall, th o O regon o rator


a t, ttV Now Yorl«, ponliiotittd, I'uln.

Clitciigo a t 1'hll‘iiiolphlv I>->''t poiiod, rain

A t W iwhlngloa— Ilov.-Jand .................• . . . WO 0 0 - r .

W anhlnglon .. . '»>f)Blacholcbr aa>l l>yll'»U, W hit'

bill and-Bolton.A t B o s to n - U n ID

Dfltrolt .......... ino 010 1 0 0 - 3 8 0noHton ...... ii3t ouli o i ix - 4 n 1

I'h llllna and Roilior; W, l'’orrull id R. li'erroll,

Borah May Speak B orah m ay go to th e .convention

floo r to spealf ag&inst th o L andon pla tfo rm and In behalf o f h la own planka. 'H int would bo an ousaalou. T lie convcntipn adopted n ilijs u o e r which Borah’ w ould bo i qulrcd to have Iho su p p o r t of m ajority of a t le as t th ie e a tato dolcgations to raiso beforo th e del ogatcs tho qucHlloit of w betlier h ' Hliouig bo perm itted to npeak. I f ho Bpcalia a t all. It is llUoly to be w ith coiwent of tho Luiiilpn ^orccawho.iuivii-Uio volca_lo contr9)-t>'!2convoiiuon on a lm ost any quoS' tlon.

Tha platform con troversy bead- lined a iluy of ou ta landlng ilovci- cpmoiitH and follow«<l tho lamlmHt- lug of Iho N ow .nea l lu s t n ln h t In a Ijnyiuito iipcA h by Hen. K rrd- irli-k Hlolwer gf OrcKo.*, tem por- iry cuiivfliitlon chiiliniun.

Hlciwor's ko.vnoler d ie 7jod cheora from a crow d o f up-

ot 18,000 th a t took civcrj In Clevoland’H vhhI public

auilltnrlum.• niH HjHwh m ade lilin f o m

of tlio candldiUeu fo r tho \ laUlenoy noiiilnalion.

. N ATIONAI. IJCAOI/MH wton a t ' Bl. l»uln, po.itponod,

w at grounds.N ew V.irlt-CiaolnniUl, poatpon-

o " l-r.iln . . NU.H,

Hr.K)Ulyn .... OiW DOO 1 0 2 - 3 10 -fl L>ll(SbUri|h 0»l iia i O U x-0 11 ~

C lark, ^.iffciitil, L oonard and Horos, i'U-ilpii; Lu<m <i, JIuhIi uii.l

Thn I.Midon bandw agi .. l l i iu fd 'lo pick uii fltrnKKllnK ‘I d '''gatofl • ' ' .............. .........lo la l

!fnw Shortfac t th a t Borah ..........conllmiod tholr noem lngly losing Imtllu for tho nomlnuHon. T hu ho- called "stop Lanrfon" movnmimt had faded lo a Irom bllng w hisper.

Throughout tlio tow n, th e men and Women yoHow aunflow- urNN^lmiod to tho lr coata alioutod (Continued on P ago 2, Colum n 8)

MOISIr:. June 10 il'I’i •Itoli.-rt d . Miiloy (If I^iwliiloii, Mu., I' |iin<l<T.Nl liln rcHlHnallon lo (io Ill'll K'lici III) rppvo/K'nlatlvo tr Ht.iiM liininci of ii'pn-fli'iilultvi'fl fiMhi Nc* I’nrco ooiiiity.

.• ih« ni luhU. lo do ^ u tu priiiUng In hla I'wiiilon p lant,Tho l eNlgnullua will bo asooplixl.

Steiwfjr Yoles Deny Hia 'Speech^—Farley

H’AW H JN O roN , p a n t i o n u '.,~ rMMiouratlu N otional Chairm an

Ifarloy chargod tw U y.■.FM danek M. ■tvlw n'fl

h- nU neV oti-^Kdly . ...........

w llli llin w ay hn vnteil whnn tho ;M in« inenMurFN w ore bcfurfl Ihi 'jo n a iivI “Tho vo ting roooVd of flen, Htol

'« atrnngely a t varU nae with............ Qoernl e o n ’ --------- “ •*

Deal ami . .. . Ipy M ld ,ia * aU taineat,

u. 0113 0 0 - ;. <Hia 00-'.; W anieho


l‘bllik4Ht|ihli...............■IraKo..........................Kowitllk mill fliiici'


Arfton Squad Bared By TerrorUt Probe

IJK T Ilo rr , Juno 10 (liri - ArrN.1 and nlght-li)ng quonlliinlnK of f<

a v , ' M latenw wlUiln tho vlg- llan to orgsu lM ltcn o t nn "nrooii aquad" otiargeil w llh Uio tnn'UlnK n ( home* oocunled by pantoiia nit- lAgonlatio to lha- ......... 0, >MoOrM'i(ftld.JadNeu

J ie aald "Oftplalu" ITrank Uloo, .•'M otit. O il," Oliironoo Wrya, “ItoKlinoillAl Clorli" A lbo ft Hwon* aon and “OuVmel" lt»y Meimer, ar« roaU d by tiU Invoallgntora laa t n ight, had c6nfM»e<l to f ir in g th r farm houao of W , IT. M o lU nU uei In O altlanii oouniy d iir ln f tlio auni' m ar 61 Ipat.

■ettUy^i LAMin-Jn n g -lO ' (U i»V. _ ____m igj'r‘s ta :w * ’“o r

v3^1i,•lm E . hornh )i,ul been a d c d on I’a v o n ii.ly -u u d tiiL- I'diilyjM im lor lijul daciiliid it w ould In* iiiiuoci-ss/iry for liitn lo

^pM rTiniol'orid ]ii« viow-i.The nm iouticeiiiciit cnnic driiiiiaticiiHy ;i.i lh i‘ c o iit fr oE tiir

;v»uvoiitiaii iiiterp.st tu r n e d to a clD.scd lioltil. room in w liic li M iieniber.i of tlio rcso lu tionn sub-eoiiiiiiiflc‘y wcri.- iiinltiiit'

j)ryRriiss" in p u ttin g t lic p la tfurni to i’olhor.(Jliainiiau I L 'e r iiifn i Lang-

w orthy aiitiouiiccd iTile sub-connnittof! o f tlic

cumniiucc! on ro-iuhiliom )uu hod Sonator B orah to niL'til

w illi i t for an cxcli.inRC of . but lie haw reiiliod tlm t

in 'v ie w o f the fiicL t l ia l tlic dub-cuiumitlco liad a U cu d y t a b lU favoiMbli) nation on certa in

siigKCKtions w hich ho has Knb. m ille d , lie fco k (h a t h is ap ­pearance beforo thu sub inittor. is iiiurpcossiiry." _

F irs t break In the i) la lfo n n log Join came today w ith Hub-comniit- teo approval of a re lief p lank. I t would lodge relief adm in lstra tinn w ith the atatca bu t requlro fcd- orol contribution • to tho coat of

iring for the needy. , . . . . . .L indonltes W illing

Landonltea w ere w illing foi Bordh to w rite th e ir antN m oaop' oly- plank. W illiam A lien W hite,K onsaa member pf th o p la tfo rm committee, sa id th o mib-com mlt- tee w as a lm ost ag reed o p ’ a fo r- a ig if policy p lank w hich -would '■satisfy Senator Borah."

, Currency' waa th e liighea t hurdle w ith Landon's coaie rn bankcr-con- se rvatlve supporte rs p u sh in g for sound money and ,tbo w est yow ling fo r a


K[F om io r P ru tidu jit llu tbcx t

. IIcHivec, above, tviut Hcbi-diiled ‘to uiiinaHh th o th ird ot Iho RepiiliUcJin corivenlloii’rt m ajor aiitl-N ow Dojil iit tac lu tonight. Tho convention r c c t^ H l thin aftvrnoon to rcconvi-iio again itt ti p. m . (fl p. m . M ST) to Iwrtr lloovor. lU-p. B e rtra n d H . Sni>ll, rig h t, iH^riiuiiieiit chairm an of tliu (U>iivun^»ti, - a^Lackvd Uia

-ItooiM'VfU m lniiiilslrallon In tho fi-aturo o t th o duytlino hcmhIoii tod.iy, and cull.-d on conHtUu-_ tiuniil Denincr;llH to 'J .iln w ithl{epublii-!in4;

GOP Chairman ’Sa^s Roosevelt,- Broke Promises

R e p u h l i V a n s W i l lHoover Address.^Toiiig-ht

By l.V l.K C. W II-SON' lC"P.vrish(. 1-J3<i, UnlU'^l Pfi-Ti.)


ll.M .L , CLKVr ]') — Th



Q ra p p lin g G row s P roaii H u n t F o r 0 , 0 , 0 , M o n D ro w n e d

A t A rro w ro o k D n m

BOIHIB, Juno 10 (IJ.I!i-floaroh ■It Inloitfiruxl Iholc g rappling

oporallona a t A rniwrauU diun tu- day. Boekliig tho iKntlua, <it two o 6 c fnm llw a wlio wen* arowii- od nnar OottonwiKxl crcioU m itlet loat wMli-amt when .tb o onr In whlnU they wcro rid ing plunged lift llio hlyhway Into llO favt of water,

It r e p r« e n te d gov«m m ent w ith­out political m orality , i t hud s ti­fled tho A m erican opportunity, tinkered dIaa.'itrouBly w ith th a eco­nomic aystem : had se t up .an over­burdening bureaucracy ; h a d "adopted tho im-Amerlqan tudo of ■ flottlng cliiiuf agninat claas"; had advanced a huniani- larlanlsm th a t w aa faU e; had set tho politician a g a in s t tho poor; had dellboratoly rotjirdod rocov- cry; had iHilraycd ag ricu ltu re; h.n! tried lo am end tho conslllulior by "duvioiw inoarw."

“A niorlcan D i ^ ”‘Our purpose hero U not only

lA -Ai^jiU a-ItcpuU lciuL .plalX grQ i ami l<> nom lnnto u Ucpuhlir.Ln ]ironldunf," ho aald. "A deeper nn<l Ihorouglily A m erican puipoa.! bi ti Htart the drlvo to p u l nn Anierl- can deal InUi tbo placo now u.nirp ixl by tho m>lf-«lylcid N..w P .mI In tills nui-vlco t» o ur C4juiitry, wc Invito tho aid and cpiinJiel of al AnuTlcnns,' rcgnrdlj-M of iH>llt lM\i parly . Tlii'vo a m no p a rty lini'i when hum an .liberty l/i a t Htalii''

A fter raH llgatlng Iho U<K)mivi^t a<lmlnutratloii in dclall, hltilwer apt fo rth a progrnui he nilv,uiri-<l lu. "Iho w ay <iut.“

Tlicn bo «iiid;Ituim OppfirttiiilxtM

"To preHorvo o u r rounlry muil gut Into th o Am erican utrlde igalu. Uno w ay to 'd o It In lo rid ivory iulinlnlfltratlvo poal o t Iho ;X)llllcal opiHirltinlHla who i Lort llio pollulcMi of o u r government . , ' , ujiblbur w ay , , . Is to rcdiioo fortliw lth tlio Him o f llio fcdrrnl govpnuiiont to a lop its wontetul /■pending, , , Abovu (01 also la thi< need fo r tho old fashlonad hlei thrift, No goven in ion t w in^l n w lU olf rich , o r apond lUiolt pronper<Hi«."

Mishap in HooverHome Kills Man

PA ix) A LTO, c o u r , Juno 10 nri!i -D avid HangiimatU, RO, Hlaiiford mlvomlty gardener, died lato yos- prday o t a biillot wound aiitfured

whilo ho w aa w ork ing In tb a linHo- inent of tho H e rb e r t Hoovor hoii\(i In I’alo AUo.

llooyur fam ily a ' • • • -looiirrlng

uxanilnTng a i unloaded w eapon.

yMlardBy >ilhay railed

tho apo t........... .......... Ilia wroekod autom o.bllB Monday. H ia bodlw of liU two oontponlona—Joaeph ICdlfar of UnrterwooiJ, H, D„ and <lor/lon N dlM n, W M hburn, N , O .-w o ro BXpeAtert to tie found in (iie lam e violnlly,

HighlightsSi .

Snell TalkB V U N IT E D r i tp S S .

Rep. B e rtra n d Snoll's addro-w fo tho R epub lican n it lo n il con­vention h igh-ligh ted ; ____

■Tbo convonti')n will nomln- a to a m an to le»d i new cru- iMdo—u „£ ru sa d o . to roatore to tho A m eric an pcoplo llioir con­s titu tio n and thWr Iibortle.i"

•ThiH y n a r tlin IVipubllcan p a rty Is n o t conlomJmg ag.iUiHt Ibo D m uocriillc p .irty .u» nuch. I t offerA to li»d America ag a in s t t h o unconHlltuilonal ................... ynH, lliu a rp iiian t

"W hon tho viciory U -.von sha ll givo A m erica g o v rn - m ont h igh abovo Uio pi-nio ot ]m rty I)oIHI<'h iin male.- tiuit •ringing ilt'cl'<r.Unin il tlio V'iry ou lm ;t."

lUliV’l"VVu ah ali nm^d in c poaitiim a th o n<'rvlr<'s jiLIIutloiiHl l).u iiori.iIii tU'i it'!- ]>iib1iciuiit niilK-"

"To nil yo iilli w,i .tuv: '^’oniD fo rth fro m llio Hnpiilciliro o t .lr>- foat and Iho iloio. TIum wuv 11"'*. life, and hopo and opportunity .’ "

“Ilow ahiUl you tel\ch y.mr rh lld n -n —a t home, a l nuliooi, In tliQ c h u rc h —liia t a proniiiin Is an InvlolAbla th ing , when Ilia govom m onl of Ihu tliiUod H tulei and Its ch ief oxonutiva tr e a t th e ir notomn ph ’dgoa aa merit Bcrapa of p a p e r? "

AGAINST BOISEANA rr o a t O rd o r o d f o r IrA H igh ,

O lv lo L o a d e r n n d H o a d q( ' D o fu n o t O onco rn

HOOVER “SIARS"Cl.iaVULAND, Ju n e 10 (lll-f

I^erbart I to o v ar s to la tlio etiovii ttxlny from lh a R epublican nattnn-

dreda atormcxl hi* holal to n a e l him, T}ie waJoomo waa one o? Ihi warm est o f hla oareer, Thouaandt Jammed the terminal atation lo cheer htifi. -

Bo m a»y friend* crowded f hla Rinall botel rooro t )u t tb i reon>' tlon waa *hlfU d to- m publlo room, lloovor WM vUlbly m oniL

••AVhat a fanlnBlifl scliento ot llfo w o havo iMcii livingi"

"W h a t a p a lto rn has boon aet fo r th n A m orlcan people!"

"W h a t a tang io of contuand purpuQos a n d bufoggod visionl"

.. P .U B LIC H A L L . C L E V & ' L A N D , J u n e 10 {U P ) ^ R e n B e r t r a n d H . B nel!. l io u s e m l

.• i io r i t y le a d e r becam e c h a irm a n :i-|Of th e R c p iib l ic a n n a t io n a l con. i- lv e n tio n to d a y a n d in W te d a n ti- o 'N c w D eiil D e m o c ra ts to jo in a

liy c n is a d e to s iv b c o n s t i tu t io n a l II HI. 11 ■i-,iMii.i. l ib e r tie s .

i H e c h a rg e d P rc .s id e n t R o o j» . iii;ii,i-i F r . 'd . ^ ’e l t w ith ' h a rb o r in g a ‘ 'p e r io a -

>••1' o f . l . i i i a l a f f e c t io n fo r a g o v e rn n ie n t .(I ^ •r.» ll^ '•d ic.tated c o lle c tiv i s t o r d t r . ” a n d

;i..^^l’.l!I ly ,•p tIb lfc ly o f fo ie d to r e w .ir d d i j - ' ' I I ) o r-i.-r i if .: i id e n t D e m o c ra ts w ith p o ? ts ia

i " e x e c u t iv e p o s i t io n s " sh o u ld ' j R e p u b l i c a n s w in th e N o-

i^ iil '/*^ '^ y c in b e r e lec tion .i. f.- m .;,,,..,,.' ‘■™ ' n m p l! »ro v ,,3 r v i f 1„

fwM.::;:?.';'' « i»«

t n r th e rrrtoluttoa^'^ ;^'* ' A iiut.h-

'.ent I • lh a t - U o , .Hiijll lli,‘ •

,• politi.-

llonvr iTiaTT).'n n l R.”


Convention and F, D. R, J a u n t . In to Arkanfiaii Occupy

Stage Center

□ y United P reai I*oilirei«l ovonlfl lu'ld tlm

il,;lH acio.'W thn iiatlim tod ilj \

.Today's tlcvel6pmcnta.L anJon leaders str ive fo r -plat'

fo rm com prom ise w llh Sen. Wit.11am E . Borah; m ay m ako tomor- ............. —row "B urah d.iy'-'- wUh ih o I4aUo- a<waults upon th e libe rtie s ...........an ta k in g the floor to expound hla people." he said. "Is the P re ald c n fs views. I perjonal affec tion for a govern-

U iid o n Boom (iiilna | metxt-dlclated collec tiv ist order, ■iwasm t™ , u r U H " 1™ »t U.s

am ong big delegation.^; Penn.syl-' vAniu roveaia .V) to 7r. votes fur Lamlon on tira t ballot; Ohio sentl-

ilirii'nt.' l llieiiiH.-Ivt'i froi

iiihiiHis centeredliitloiirO c:

lid I' A rkansas.

Thu p icture; CLIIVMI-ANO

llo rb rr.■ntirj



l|l lhi> Ue]illb (lit.in in Clove

Uo.M«v,.it IIliil.i U iigoin to<

V lalfi.rni I lgUlilolmti;.! iiu tfo im pU nks

I ciiiiy iiKirning mid moty tw o hoi

icmici; iiropare: a lo iia rly iiii'l nut u, ICST 1(1:10 p.

ijor iiddrei a t 'H :in p. 'MHT).

' fieoond Mnjor A tiiiid tC l.K V K l.A N iy - l 'i 'n m n l , Cltnlr-

m an l io r lra n d H , Hnoli aHnunio.H chargo of Itopiiblieiin g a lh o rin g ;; ' preHoiils second m ajor n ssa u lt , nga ln st N ew Doal siiortly and call on an ti-N uw D eal D cm ocrata lo Join cnisado.

C L in v ill.A N n — H o t p la tfo rm fig h t ougugvs L andon fm cos, e ast- urn Hiipiilillcans anil Borali nup- po rlora; b a ttla ^ l y prolong con- vantlon.

H OT HI’IUNOH. A ik ,— V rasl- dnnt Itoosiivolt arrivo.i fo r f irs t ipenoh of h is aoutliwi'iitorii Jaunt,

flchediilod for 0 p m . CH'}’ (ft p, m, MrtT),

W lflHTFIir.I.n, M ass, - • K ornint Oov, Joannh H. JCly ruvoals ha will bo lt O om ocrals If 11I3U plut- furm Books to revive Now Dnal miuiniiros oiiiiaw ed by supr. couit.

They w ero cln-errd ' liy Wopl from W illiam Allen

. 1 W illie, l.andoii conlm 't m an willi ■‘'•'I- .Sen. Willfnm H. Borah.

“ V W'hllo (allied w ith B.>rnh and animmu-eil Ihe p la trm m Ideits ol

10 iilKiggy-haireil Malioan woui<l !<'eivii full con.iiiloralion. Hi oinlrtod I.ondon men would sc«k I opportun ity for liornli \o ■nt liii views to Ibu convention,

iili'iuid they be reji 'c ted In com "

Mr, Ho,HClledulo 1v e r’s addniRR,

Now aunflowei's, omblom of lha ciuidldaoy bf ICansaa' U ovornur Al­fred W, Umilon, ffpi-outed o v e r n lg lil In llio la p o li of <le1ogiiteu ai

■ )k Uielr coiivonllon seals .

liOmiG, Ju n o 10 m i n - I r a High, Jhilse olvlo lo<t(lar nmt tiroaideiit of th e do funot H nlon Hocurltiou 0OT]H>rAtl0n, w a s being «»oiiglil to ­day t>y dojm tloa from tb a Ada c ounty flharlff'a otflca nn a war-

^ w o r? a ian ./iiit fo r.tlio M .,W ln n ,

.W am m i n rro a t o t

H ..L . BoQtt. ] l pooled ,today .

M ., n m n , lu rn iar w are la u n u c la. oorporatioD. ana t ^ o y . u d f I f i i im iC l WM o fO a avutoi r inn and floott were tam pered wt

n i a o o rp o ra tk m ' w «nt tiin h ru n t ) u t D ooem bor, i t w*a. enw god In m io o f boQtIa an4 »Murlfl<M. Tho com plain t* 0li»rge<t "fraudulent U M -«f-fun«la In buying p ro p w ty ,"


T b9 Olovolaml I'rwis rc|iorlfld to i)ay th a t tw o mnlu r "

d c u t a t I'u b lla hall yes- ‘ lh a t th e publlo ad-

to w drk a ll n l i t i t to g e t tho radio ibilq add raw aystem In on lor

puM ldan naU onal oonvc M g a i t 'o u hou r o iu l. t

T his doveloi n it I) m ight be

. r pi'i ■ ■' m igh t a tli

'I'd hopi

if a li.govprnnien ta-.>f social co-opprstlon connlslonr. ,

w llh th e fn itlirul p resurvA tim of lb " l in t . ilb-Ttles o t a ll th j p ; , - ’ p ie .'’

Hrvhen PrunilM>«Snell pic.ipnted, pntnt-by-polnt,

h is cliarga of hroM v^prum beJi.Hneli'.^ record;J. M iirrti 4, 10.'5.1 Prc '.llM it

rtiwishvi-ll swore lo p reie rvo s n i d e fe n d 'th e ciinstlliillnn.

Ju ly D, 1038, Mr. Koosevelt w rotehouao coiuiuitleB tliiit ho hop-'-l

"doubtii iin to cnimtiiutlo^iohly, how oyer roa.tonablu" woiiM not MncU fim m p t apitrovni o t tii» m iw outlaw ed (Jiitfoy codl contro l bill.

1032, H om ocratlc p la tfo rn iprom ised drairtic gn nonilcs, bolanceil budget.

Boy, 8, Drown> oh , ‘Seagoing’ Voyage

I'ltOVO, IJIah, Juno 10 IIU!) — Tlio malin-hellovo noauoing pedltloii of two small iM>ys •fttl le ft plghl-yoar-old Kddle ln» iload todny.

Kildln and I.^nh Brown, 10, wero sa iling th e r a t t on a sm all rofiir-' voir when ^(tdtn fell overlxiard. Lynn a ttem p ted to g rub him but wna 'unaueaeH tnl, tolaphona,


’ f,

irty ho((r la ter, « sa rth o ts • .W e Iwdy, parU ally ffor.

• — 1N 8A N i*^A m -O A I> T U R 8D ‘IT. I 'lirrB It: Minn-, J u n r i o (ILG/ W JIburt Jorrlaaen aod Adolph.

W ttlw ort^ w eto vap turod BoarCologne. Minn,, todoy. leavim--------Cive u{ 18 m en, who e a e a p e d .........

Spi-akH Tonight esi’leu t Het'uecL l lo j - iiu iJ a dem onatratian , , . - _

t h j t brouKhl o u t a p ^ ia i m ounted read from . ..................... .palictf lo hold buck tllR crow ib . ivcord—the 193;: p a rly p ia i 'i r iu

Ho planned no In ^ e d ia to ap-l>inJ a ^ J > e ^ 3 'J f P rcalJcn i. R o jjs - •ardJiue ia Ilia . convention hall,:'"'^*^ c and id ile . A n 1 to eicH )wever. T onigh t ho will take he preaente.l the R e p u b lic ix

ro stru m lo lay down Iho thlrd''^'*^*‘Se of b iil fa ith a n d br»;:^:i b ir rag tf again.st the N ew Dciil—a 'P '‘'>nitscs. •b a rrag e s u r tc d by K eynoter F red-i H e capped th is caa tiga tion w it^ c rick S teiw er of Oregon la^C n igh t, tho f la t po rtray a l o f M r. RV jv;-

........- a d ic ta to r seek ing to usurp .th e A m erican hcrltiige o f froodm i and confitltullonal governm ent.

d ic tator.•••.Sediicod" Congrcns

, "H aving soduccil tho legi.il.itlvd .b ranch by billions in p o rk barrel pa tronage, he now cost.i a calcu- la tin g .e y o upon the Judiciary, iin .J' , liy advice lo cong ro .w 'an ji sn ic r an d jibo seeks to. u su rp tho lx i t ,

■Jops fo r reJeaae fro i ilolKTl A. T aJ t favorlto son pledge

ipporl Landon ifir.st imllot, .

A 'lliecenta Swarm abou t fo rm .. . . . -I’-tt-alddil ilu iiv tr-iia lic.arrlvLa.IuribuIw(U-K..C>Llllc„clt,lZfn P g ljlu L un- lo iilghfa convi-iiUrin appeiiniiice; briilled autocracy ." rn.Hli bliiaU aea in s l New Deal ex- In contra.it. Snoll p resen le .l tlis perti'.l, ■ , ■ ilcpiibllCan p a rty a s i

Vic- iir.'.il l.-ntliil acrai.ible In full "A political force, w hich por.vmU i\v1ni{: ii'iom for keynoter Fred- fies tho dceply-ro-ited A m erican , orleli Htvlwer of Orofjon- launched. i iniitlnct fo r liiw and ordec. fo r t r l i i

D i'lt'giiles ntra^gl.-d alnwiy ln lo '.‘>>ciai secu rity and the sriuaro de.ti. Hill iiaii, blinliing tholr r y e s 'fo r a prac tical apd w orkable sys* ,ig.iiiiHt (ho g la io lit floodilgiitn.ltom o( governm ent w hich d rlvei Ki'miliiti'iti>i rciiiimltlc'o mi-nilMTH inc-xorahly.(o tlin g rea t living ido it

n lsound ourreney,

IDSO, Federa l esponses ii.iw double 1092 rale , budge t-ru n n in g (Contlnuc<l on P age a. Column 1)


N ean Amount Needed to Wla Nomlnalloa ou Initial


CU CVRI-^ND, June 10 fttPI— '•* A ir M. U n d o n la rkod only 31 votM today of th e 002 necoaiiary ,


lot, « Unlteit )>r»M Jaklu jg lloaalwwod...........................................

Tbo 11 volM of M lu l t t lp l . i th » th ree of th e D latcl ‘ ‘ * lum bla who«« deal .unknown, etalfted

Page 2: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-

Page Two tnA H O EVENING .T IM E S TW IN PALLS, IDAHO WednpRiliiy, June ]i). 1MC

m m m w


'TilCLEV i::.A N D . June,- 10 il l:) —

tlmfi fo r todny'» MTfionif llic lU 'piibllcnn iiiitlonnl ci'nvcn-

■ iiidnrj .C a lls S t e iw tr S p c c c h '• S tu r d y , t i ( ,n - ( n l l iim os icttht. A m e r ic a n ” T a lk B u t W a i ts M ouiu.on

P la t f o r m D r a f t i n g ' j - i 'i;00-R p.» . Fro.i..rlcU s r--------- jtc iiiponio’ c liiilim ati, calls a

ll.v IlO N .M J) li. VAN TINK . | " T , ‘i 5 ° " '" , , .o r by Ihe HI cD ;V I:L A N 1), juiU ' lU >r,i;i — . r.inc-Hl I.ynn W iil.Iorf, Met

S<n. \VM:un T . n„n,h. the in im lK(,lw:pui hhihopsi,! CM m;'’ \v)i(- Ii-Avcl.i fill.IK m thia [xililii'alI 11:10 - M iiflr, ' v;iin|)iii};ii, n-M 'no.l ju<lf;iiicnl to-| H : i r i - - Ki-port of crc !. dr.y on tii!' r f" 'ty > f>p<-Tim(; <-all lo coniniiUcrv -

the N<w Dc;il from . W ash- ii:2 0 - UVtiort of rulf.s c<i: Incton, 'Icc. ,

In lyi'li'al Hcrnli fnshUm tlirl ii-^g-n>-]w irt rnnnn in:(Uvcar~.«l<l Miiluiaa r tav c tl ,a;vay.p(.rinanonl-^iK im ta*U ^n.-------rom Uic ccnvcntion Rc.isioiiP, H ull ir:3 (i - Kh-i;iiiai o f Unrtnn I f Kol a Cfijiy <>f ih<' l«'yn<il«|Siicll, U cpiihlicnn iprKlci it M'ccch by Sen, J'icci-|housf. a« pi'j-mancnt chalrniui

:1( RtoUVfi', of OroRo:!, and <lc- of o llict'-pprnianent. convr iiti'c liim l: " It wwi a f lro n g . ^tui-<ly. Ilccrs,Amcrlcnji spccch,” | ll:4S --R pp . Snell delivers a lor*.

UHlilioIils C om nicnl .a ial adJr.'ss,AllhoiiKh S ltiw cr injectcd «)nio 1:00 ji, iiv— (Apprtixim ulc) —

<1 Burnh'fi iilraa inlo hlii p a rly Convenlion adjournH until 8 p. m, , iMltle cry, the fhaE py-nam c.l yen-! 8:00 p. ni —Convention

cfuscd to expand 1 to order, o wait,]

r« so lu tIo n 4 tconiiiiilK c' (Inifbi the- 'p la tfo rm ] 8;JD p, ni,— A ddress by form er w hich Ihc p a rty will <.ffcr to th c ll're s id cn t H erbert Hoover, co iin trv -la 11 s iiU tilu tc fo r Uoa-o-l D;00 p. m ,-- (A p p n ix iin a lr ) — ,

fx/JidM. 'illcprtrt of p la tfo rm com in itltc ,R i.rah r.lannftl to finish w rit- ', 10:30

„ ;jnK hiK, p latform today, , J l -------- ----jbc p lace t -bWoif ' th e co nvcn tknC W Jreda ;^Jjfr-«i»rtr,imli!-irnth;rs- Rlpilf^-' Will- *" lnj;no«j lo . perm it a floot defense of it in Ihe event it is rcjcctcii.

"I w on 't t;o -bcfo rc th e resolii- tUms rcm m ittee'." he Biid. reject- Inp ,propw.il.'' by prom inent dele- Vatca th a t he should o ffe r hiR phinlis iincfinditioniiliy,

Calliihan to Niunc lll iu The Jianih ijbmiiialinfr sp frch

will be )iia<lc bv wiiite-haifiHl, Don tJalliiJian, of \V.iUace. Idaho. • an


N o ted E c o n o m is t S a y s T liirty . H o u r W e e k A h o 'E sscn tirJ

T o R e c o v e ry

. SAN FR A N C ISCO ,.June id iuPJ . 30-hour w ork w eek and r<sof i*:irty l&tv'ic

i y.uuia t i la b li s h “ th e p rincip les Of th e NRA •,i,.„ 1., n .nkr t t a i.wliKpcnL.Wo In Ulo crannmic''■'S m , r ^ “ A n .c r lc m n n j Ihci.-i'u n ie ., of nnuniploym cnt, th e lU, Rev.

John A. Uyaii, economist of the Calbolic 'U nlvorfilty of A m erita;

:on-r ir h t____ '.uiuuin: uo ivv ip iiy v i m iiv i

,'Va-shlnj:t6n, D. C,, told the c M t^ c nHtfoiin-*-’'*^'''"^ session of th e Catholic

; dustrlal confcrciicc he re la s t ni{{ht.

1:.>• ' I l i ' l c h s W i i

■rd th.n lh :il llir mill C . Ilol

r ’• I 3 K TTiilfccrt'

, Jicitlcd . jliiiiil.rii;lit "waft nol entitle*! I' j,(;its. and Ihiil. the comiiiillec ha'Vi.liii- to" M',it llie dfU>!iiti<.n o J<.M|ih (TulesH .Ic'f) Tc.ll:

ffallnnun reporti'il. (he Jiittu.n >vi|a H'liU'il by a vote of :-0 to in, IndjmtinK a niiux.ii Uiiidcn MrcncHt In the toiin.nUr,- -Mi <iiMni;-.itliinn. • ' 'Mali'

i.rwiN I.. MilUr, of Olli.', Mi;'.' , r u Z

Next to currrncy- and fnrm probli'ni-s, the hottest contest wah around proposala for coii?:tilulionid

(Ir><,Hcrt, •■;ii)iendmciilH, Two of these- *'■ iRcstcil by Larnlon advisers, nnd

I wcie nol prc;i.'iOd after they en- diiTutor. of lhc.,.ountcrcd oppusilloil. One was for,

iliviiiion of umcndmeiil KlvInK fitutc.i the., ____lU'mcnt a'Imini.s- to fix hmir« and wagcn; the: '>>rni' l fioin a tripjotiici* a proposal by William Grccn| , CI.KVELAND.II iiitn noithcrn'of the Americati redcratlon'of -Herbert Hoo'

bor, for aw iwjjcudmcnl rc(;uirln}{ -

Crowd, Wearing Landon |pj); H j(] [j|y[Insignia, Cheers Hoover

‘ IT) T.i:

cln.':c‘ n ttd itio ri i b u t iiitmherH indicated the p latfo

r<.ViDf nH^rburowLbf^^ propo.-?c an alternntlvo •

“ , I T ? "AII A .n » l i« „ . w ho , r c tc m ,- , ' ^ j in e ly concerned w ith 111® Biifety of

..... Jn stltu llona -w ill deman<l ‘


[I.eavrM Hnvplliil


0[I10CRAI H[li toJ o in H iittlo

F ,D ,K , ( . .v .r Mi.' u..nl - f III.\ , Iiiiiil. It b nil'll llj;lili'i


" ;ih(

Ihlrdn m a jo ritv - of the sfi- totkiy lo 'upeaU bcforo the R cpub-j„ig |it o f refreshm ent!', and cheercd lie court t(i dcclare an act of;liciin na llonui convention, • ,i,j, fi nJm or th a t Ihcir 1D30 p la l.

invalid. ' SiiilliiiK am f w aving Ills lia t ln l( „ „ n ,vtiuld soon allde down thp• Channe of H eart ’ 'ih r 'fo rn u T p r S

le nio^it KljiMificiint d e v e l o p - , i , ' i , i a ‘t ,a 'i ,^ to \h i ,- lio te l Cl< t of the day wan ci'n tere.l on |,„ jjnpj.ai-. n l clmnfrr' of heart of Crowil,-! lined the innfourm '........................................ 'Karg •

Hy H EN ItV , McLEM OKE 'L'ceived an eii-] p i 'R i . i c HALL, CI-EVKUAXD,a„ I,,., „rri™i;o,, j„„<. II) N j: .-H ..ir ,a ,r .i by j w il l A lttncl MOth A m lv o K iiry '

th c rrli s,Krab ■ti.ck ^ for • lei:i.,li.U0ii lo cml

to hLs llou-l Tocni, H e spccdilv n« r,r.«ih1^ f)-o m ennr,once, fo r a etru ll U ong th e L ake ,.„ .f 1,L Eric Fhore and aRain fo r ft glimp.ie o f- the cr<iwdcd lobbies where

i F ra n k Knox. C hicago publisher, h.xs £ct up e laborate heatiquarlcra

po,saiblc th e menacc of vast unem ploym ent and to brto;? about a pcnuinu and well-b.'ilancEd prosperity."

U njust D istribution 'Q uotlns liberally from the 1031

yiiei^n Mfiry, Ihi' ItijniblicanH i .................. " jaateinbled ' today lix c

.r^ lU 'W urii to A n ti N ew .iliPK W h o J il in


M SwciU v, la-I.i.iy. l , wi.,'. dir> II).- /rom lY lti

c.:ilabli;,li. tlir Wi-ll( n of ihr

i;old plimU, ''TllcTc will li

|.liinli," they ■iind <:

tel. Mr, H oi by

la.Hlt of choji.-ilnK t lu l r inost forC' 'H ful preHldentlal caiidlilatu aim '• H erbert Iloo

C e le b ra tio n T o d a y a n d JB a k e M n jo r A d d re ss

•luiie friends u n d .p a iiy lead' iR iiiui.i lu nn;,iiii-| J,i (ijo weU'oinuiK croup were ne u iim ik ed th a t furm i.r H iT retaiv « t W ar i ’atrlcjt

Ih.' K'ansii;, bo;iid of !itvati(;y Imd j . .]ii,rlcy, I tobcrt Lfinionl, fo rn i it ic.'omnK'iided (lie . fiub-<(>mmitU'<- „,,crelHry of cdniiiu 'rcc; Republican ilrvir,.' a n ir r r iic y planlt "fom e-■ Njiilonal t>(iji»mUtee Chiilriimn w hrii' bcUvc<'n tlie iiound m oncyirienry 1’, I-'letclu-r: and more than :iii.t iriani.i;nl c iirn 'ney bounilar-tdfto riiembera of th e Ohio League Ir'i.” Hurh a propoflal Inillcated a |„ f Reptililluan d u b s . tc:;(.m tiiriu!all()tr foi-' R rontlm m -| Mr, H oover poHed for pholo- liou of a f 'liin of nuuiaKcd tu r-lp -iip lion i on th r fltop:i of hla npe- leiu'v until im Intrriiatlojm l iii ;iii ;.;.iii l ear. H e w nro H broiid jimilc

'i^tnd (•r<'inrd lo be In fi|;lillnt- tiiiu n il nofil htaiiilai

GUN RRES l l E RHe pliinni'il lo wpuid niosl of thu

■tii-y In hlH liotel NiiKe, iitler eoii- ferrlnt,' w ith CalKoiiilu did.Kiil.H In tliiilr liviid<juartiTii,

lilrli.y .

(Continued from I’age One) (Ireda flocked around th e npc

[ tra lti a t every stiillon a t w lilch itir iv idI (Te.-t.'<il Visit* RoMnsonuK-ndouH' A fte r bin nddresH In the if who


town early l<Mlay iia t the sUitlon by ........................... - ............................ .................... ............tliron t ' of people. inoHl of w ho in lte n n ia l ^talllum n t 0 p‘. m, C.ST,' A p p lic a tio n s B till P o s s ib le fo r Miowed th e ir enthuHliiKiii fo r Iilm he w ill m otor lo Ihe homo of Sen-' by w aving « traw bain w itli " I j in . ln tn r Joe Robinson. «cnnte m a jo rlly i don-for-I’reslilen t” bJindh on llicin, Icailer, for dinner. The vIhII wiih '

il h e a tin g llicli' nclKli'ioi'K on th e In terpreted in m any »ninrlerH aiij

O ld e r O ro n p D cB iring to A tte n d M cO Iuuky

ahina w ith "W in W ith U im lon" tklnK fltleliB,. The form er presl-

d rn l woro biH iniHtomiiry liU:h ta riff w all collar, nml a lnol< w hicli lii'lleated lio <lldn't ijnlto know how

0 .Slanlor<l football tii in l .wan ilntj to n e t iilonK w ltliou l Kull- i( k Hobby (Irayiion iirx l yi iir.


H bi'Iwei

Mr. Ho.

lll.V.I Mr,

[11 .-m. .ill.t' II.

if.TOll..' only tblM[; he will

ll.'ly whil.' h.ie will li. :i]>('i'('h toiiliihl, lll.'h.y III

Niino rif Mr, Hoover’d

L pint . 'ih loniMht,

Ilil eab-,,..,,,,|i

.1 for c .r ti i ln t

iiir <ir th tim e Will-

c ifo r t to help Itohinson, too Hurc of re-eicullon thla fnll. .. i

A t th f wlnil-iii. of the ArkanwiH,-'* 'vbo f.'.sIlvitleH the I’r<,sldent lind liiii [iiirly will Ki'I out for Texan, w h e i.;^ '‘iiop -li

'tomorro',v, Kri.liiv, and pu rl of *“■''*'u rd a y Jie will p itrli.ip iito In I h e l '’" ’' nviiilable, it T.-xa-i (-.•nteniiial reli.tuallon. vIhII-|'*.V , th e A iitl-h ib intr Houiilon, Sun Antonio. A u n l i i l , '* tliilliis, Kort W orth hiid l)eiiiii».iti, h .fo re turiiiiiK iioilht iinlwiird f'Vlni.-nnrn, Iml,

ii.lllti.'a l ii'iii

'J llr le 'tln 'K ii

lit. 111.'


ii.lK ‘ l>v the .np. llliK -All

AAA Inmuhoi i lliiil p'.iliy, ii':r.', I i.iiiiiMinii i


r I hi.lUH

h|l. l,k 01 bill )t I IlKblly. fall.itd ( rieal’N f

Itiii); II"

w jiat

iitl.'d hi' will tillt in e iiiibJr.'tJC "1 Ni-w Ileal, Ih.i N

irtil ie i il . ' or elliin.Ulvl

. Uea.lliiKNinbrm ol I, wri l.lv .11

K dw iiril i jp i 'il ilo n , 24, Ditiii nf l l i i r tn K ecnlvoil S u n d a y In

’ M o lo rn y c lo A cr.iflent


the at-eB of 12 iitid to i.tten .l llle I

a t McCIUHky lii

I'opo 1present and p ax t ecotiomlBts, Mapr. Ryan b itte r ly nssalVd un­just, d istribu tion of w ealth and In*

"Pollyanna tij lk about rer.lcrlnK biisine.HS confldunce, expandliiK In* vestmenlii, makiiiK new invrntlonii to provide new UixiiflDS for the woallliy m inority of the populati.ui . not only ii< futik- bu t n mr>ekcry of human needH an.l hum an hojH'!.,"

Tho speaker nal.1 th n l i>re?ent fnrlH Indi.'ate tlia l even if biiMl- ness were back to the Irvfl,

'llieru Hllil would be belwei n Jive and ei|:h t mjlilon persona ou l of ' woik.■ T he' sponeh of the fam ed rflih - '

oile ehiiiomlMl .wiiii Itio IiIkIi ])Oititi.iof a tw o-day ....... on uflluM-e ltr ia l piobl.infi la il.'it by the A nli- d'bliihop John J , M llly ol i'll.; .Ilociiiu -jof Sail Kran.lH.-o,


Mi». H iirriil t’NviTlt,


ll'l AERIALK wlKhlilK to

i»p I lo|l]>tl('l.1|oll Willi

i.y lii'tw eni a i.iiil fl p. will follow th .' lliiee

for older Kll'".itli#/il.'lll wiih idMi 1

lllrS lioaho iU KiiIIh O oiU intie H ii(]i l '"


thera|ilil.,.i l.ill.


a t llin

W A M l 1 N li ’ Wai.hln/;t..i. iiion li.'lll.l rap lliil’ii III i>'l K lliiielloii, pMMHII. weiil lo tIrot Klialt hint 111

Hpeddrnlnit/iilli.1 hern fihortly lirfmn ;i [I. Ill, or in |u r lr i r rre lv rd Him. Il.i,’ In .1 niol<»i.y<;)e iK.i.I.InnI on tlic U anliiity ii'iulo m>tlliw.;«l of ll.ihl,

.Ju ly i';’, 1011,

le<l iiiilil l(l;:ilJ .1

A h M o ro 'W u te r I k l .f tt O u t o f K otjcrvoir

H loiaj;e la upper liver voiK. now loliih. ;;,iliJ,'.'iiiJ iK'te feel, th.i f.ieatefiL uinoiirit IhinI /i.ii/ioli, aeeolillliK lo W.ilil jeeelv-l

' i i l - a l 111.' ofllee of thu 'J'Win l*-.lih M'liiiiil Co, Jiiel.mni lake held HOI,-

(I N .1,1 • . The ^;:ll a e ie feel of Hui tot.ll, or,W ith- o inil lo Ihe n r.-;u i .Jh,H(HI tei't of eiipa.)ly,III I'opiilar lo u i- i U ilit, W al.'ott hull' l()(l,l)On ucre toliil of U’l . im ii 'f .r l , mill a t A m eii.aii f a l ln ’re/i-

!■ lop i-t Uii- ri.'ifi-, iTVciir Iheie lilo 1,711 'JOd feel, tilh. I I ’eak «r tlie n u i'o fr ' tliln vcarII IhioiiKliiK Itie .w a a .luiin 1 when au.'.’Oll wecon.l

l> ll.iMib.'lli IbiM fri 'l vvrii. KM'Otili'il III ^ieiiie, l o ­ll hi.vi. Iiirn e x -i.o n l liii t to l.vrin i;iitiidall, Wi.ler-

. a t lilKlil' Ii.i./dei' lit M..ho Ki.IIk. lie ou t o({ l^lioidiolie nillK loiliiv . old liliird ''bu ll l<V|iiiiinliii; III a IiIkU II.>w, w illl 1«.- ........ . .. Mill „!■

.if nil N.i an.l Klrlh, iiicnial calilnki'in , I


■, i.ild iiti.f/ ap-

iM-.idl fo r Kaineii :ii/ineH fiir lMiyii li'iy th read , oriiii- i.'ii for th e Klilii' iiiiiiinf; hiiltn and

WIM.OWM. «,'alif, (I'll) — Rico IdaiitliiK by iilano Iuih n.>w bei.nii.i a laajor lii.lu.’itiy In thu l^aua-....... vtilley,

I., p lan ter alono, in.iy.l N-ilta, w iiidnK five Idanen iin.t [Ivii H f.>r w ork on hlii lie iL lieM s”, utt<. ( 11.11111 and Colusa roiiii*

Idiiyed In Iiaeli w ork and b. tu 'eii 'in.lXU) and 'J7,I)(I0 a .uen |iavu b in i.iwn from Iho nir.

■I til 11.1III Ciilvllle,H r him Ik'i


Japiin liiiii lieen i oken dyniiHly of

mi» II, (■;,

I A id . II. 4.KAV IIKRK.Cavl It, ilrny Union I'aelfle hA N ITA U Y HI.OCH! Amnr.-

p i./id e n l, .11 Hiiilo K. K et.'hiiiii in ,.iy H.ilenllfic, i.oww here a tiew iei«,rl hotel lii to bu ii,„||t,„.y devi.ie, Needed In every ■ 111. b.iill, paid hv in li'iiiin a brief i„,iae, 'I'.illel bi.wlri li.ipl eleun and viali yeiitirim v aflevn.wm, Wlifl ,iaiil(Hry.- KUIh ' iupiilaivcTuiloi'fl. i.'.on .|.;m l.'.l by A, ,T, Sell?!, an«l«t-;t^<i|,.|, ,|,.|ii|i i.> ni.illut, Oinlninn a n t (lallK- in iiiia j;'r of Ihe ialM i||i,„iir|||„rbeiix<'ii.i w hich In up- ^ «V"lein, They ]>li.ime,| *.penilj|ii„vei| In fl.m.l lloiiiiiikoiipnc and ‘ two diiyii a t K etehiiin, ^li, h, ,if A»;rifiullure iin niolli

]lilller. Now aviillHblo for. few . rn(n The |(.o);ri.pliie .e n je r of llir tlirou);h Klrnl I'h ilN llan rh iiK h,

lln lleil lilaleh Ih ii, U... clihtei n .I 'lioiir IftVU o r la^H-W l.ir lillerehl- fii.il of J.imIDi .M in h ’, Kiiii, IliiK delallN, Adv,


S k e le to n P u z zIcbI'lU iVO, lllnh d’l'. l-ailii of

i. iivy, tbi.'k 111. ' I.lm i of i. ijni

I'.ljf till pp iiii'ily IInto I . i . h i i l i . l i i r Kliap.- ........ . l l i i|,olil <li)’r..'< null h i.I woili,

Do(r b F ir e F ig h te r' m il.V K A , Ha«ll, d 'l :,- JJul.vra lohf.lK hnMi>i: llie onW .a n ln e the- til-liler in <'iiiindii. He In Jdeh. »■>

.AlKKllan. owm'.l I.y | ih Kin, (,'hb nrne hr.trl-krep>r. Tw ieo l>ltk Jian nivi'.l bln tnam fr’« iirdel »iy hlamp- tnK |iul firi'* w ith, lUa paw a an.l

, llULt.


ll.lillo , llhll

iS w im , L i/o S a v in g I LcsBonR lo S c o u ts IS

nioii .hm r W ti (idvb'r.l by I »lini.li.'> oliJipti

ipiiii.ri IxillKl >>r <i>UlltV •lillllll Wblln the Im.ohI In In m

.llllv VI), Ihi'V ii l . i i a nr Hill , I). A . V.. will


I'A\ liN CO NN 'ril'll U IINAI.I i n dCANl'.', \V iinli. .Ilian ID il'l

W aiihlti((t'ili’/' Iwp iier eer ■.oi„p„n-'atlliK tiiH" wiifl hel.} Ill ..Iintl1ii1li.mil IikImV III a hv.i l<.1111 •le.d/.iiiii lend ......I I.y 1,1111'^•l••l'l^ JiiiIki'N III liivor of II S'lililieili I 'a rill.' Itlillwi.y ......


V n led icto i'fH nM 'l^onr.A 'N I), CiiHf, iM ' ,Ta-

IIII ban iH iileii at leaal on.' v le l.uv n Ihii lln lleil H lalni, The lUIIll a led lrliiilan a1 Ilie W'.oilliin'l b1jil|itl rhool will b<i t'lilyii Uiwdilwaid, a{ api.|irni. c lii. H er i«ver/.(:e ,mi.i <i|* a four yeiir eoiirno wi re W>.



of liinlruvti.in In nwiii:; and Ilfr.mivliiK i.ie beln,r rd Hoy Keoiiln e v .iv dnv nl

in, In lliiD .ion 'pa ili, rie.oi.i- to iiiidiniiiriiinri|t iiindii nl

|i i|ilellii);ii Tii.ii'liiy, Tlm inday . Hint dnv 111.' .'oijihin III.' d. iind Ib .v vMll b.i e.iu- L fur nliui diivii. in.'ii In Junior fiinl al'l will be 'I I'l Il'iV Hemiln and all

.lav III 'J.,,, A iiielli.............................. ...

^^'ynMl l>iiiK|e»i llilM rliihn liiliin iijioe ’I'liiirn'liiy, ,lliMillli Neivleii, llii.ll.iide niaHiioRlN vvilli ie|(iilnr iiirlilln^i. U»(li>nlnH

'I 'n 'aH iiriil, 4'i>ii>itltiilloli Iniii^weeli (ri.iii Ibiil ili.v, I.. T, I.UIi-iiiiiriia. « oiiititiiiiiioii lli li.l Avp. N, n i. i i


Kentucky Coon Hunters. . . ......................................................

s "THE p e r s o n a l it y GIRLS”* Uadla aail N(i«k» Kliiik r jiiye il It....... (,> C.mul kiiiI I'Mttiirr^l j

f i ■ «

r ^im llriiiideahtliiR Hliitliiiin ineliidliiK Alliinlii.

jSutiirday, Jinie 13 iZi M.

■Hk"A«D-I"0»L-A-N»DsS p .' B. - . B lfl OLD T IM E DANOE - I lH , K IT E , JU N E 11 t ■ ^

Page 3: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-

WodiipMlny, .Tiiiip Ifl, in A H O EVEMtNC. TIM E S. TW IX FAI.I.S, IDAHO Page Three

■ i E l S K l f f i • H O lEO N LBiH e r . ' ' FIve’ B l a r S ^ a l s " Have

P lenty of H ints for Men ' And Women

mmmMROXY TODAY v l i ’owevful Offering 1

l i _ ^ h o w s at- O r p h e u i T , 'p „ „ ^ , _ , T c .,1 . i„

[S":;Your Bnby’s Health

Hv (irmi.v Juliiisuii .• H O M .YU 'O O D V.'iMl," ihc n'portci- b<K»i>

•!v, "how fitimil ?oniP »'lvtr<‘ ■

il.io fiiys slio’fl iicvrr . ri-il, ami the roqiiosl st: ■•■A-K'if.' on w h ar— she

'■Lovo," he rrpvatril. ,plc.-

V I'l.riicn. aoloipnly; "IIovv

'(ivi‘-Htar apocliila' nr.;‘buoU.''

H ere they urc:FO K WOMEN '

1. Ktav younp . . , even If you liivo to change the birth J.u c .h in

/k -tho fam ily blblc. Have your face ' " J f t o i It nccciyiary: .It'.i e:i.iier to

lit l ;i sa s s ln p cbln than ll i.i I'), •lift, tliu m ortgage on a sa su l" i; r-J'.

■2. u'e a pat. If you don’t pliy with ihoni. they'll starl "playing fti.iund" with other.i.

A. D on 't d id , ” - - .....

m-vcr JnirtifTWnnian.* -I. P lay dumb. Jiiflt dumb enough' I'l-nuU e a mnn th ink lic’s.sr.ia rt. I t i>"iUu‘3 lil3 vanity.

Love them ; . . b u t-n o t too .miicli. Too much love la Ilk? too iiu 'fh calte.

r o i l MEN' ,n . Make every woman love you

. . . Uul iSot\’l love every V.'lieii T H E -g lrl leniTis, you’re In

Ml'.’iaan 'l, Hhe'll take you ju s t to l:i‘> p the o ther dumes from ge tting you.

in s . MfUCIiJS I ISUUKIN K illlor. .Iim nw l uC tUf Vim-riv.it

ll A .s.i.lalliii.. nii.l of Ih>- iin illii

The iinh:ii>iicy olis-i [icopk- a io mcire

i. vll IhFin i;->o.l of lli.'lr 'piovliioi! I.IIIliiii Il.-lhii|I5ri>:nlway pItiywrii;ljLlllii'me 'If "Thise Thr.']fiorreni)l;iy, fo r" Saliun iwhloh i>(ii'iu-*l u l til jthisttor t(nl;iy, «-iM. \ jltltiR. Merle (Jl'CM'H In tho tit le ri'loH. i I 'r , •

Thii pow .'ifiil Hlury, which offui-.i Vale » ipieluregoora .-lomclhinf; en llic ly lion h now In the w aj’ of jjrippm g dranin- phn al

F r o n t , Scicn ti^ il A a.iorts F ro m Fos.sil S tu d y "

;ii|.lwyn, f lan hniii'd I'.' )riihi‘u m . wilJi the iuici.sli

lli-lam Hop- pr.-iiluii-ly hiiir.n r;<l Joel .Me- trraU nj; hl.i wlfi

1 pr.’.s ■ ili.-pl.uTTmTl

ir.l Ihi' l . 'd ,

I/-U- Avrcn til "1‘nn le on The ■Air." w ith I lo reiico Kill. In u flint m.VHtery tihow in^ how ii net«H('&)iler trii|M n m urUer moh liy nir, pla.vlttK iii U iielc Joe-K'B Itoxy toiluy o.nly.

’Bcnnflalou.i lie, the Invention of a 'li eovcTed in I'atofiim’. i.'<‘ih ii;iveil l<maiil the iiKlit'.spiteful 12-yoar-old schrtolfilrl,. Thin hnmch o( ilie clan. acrDrd- t Ii ;h .s.t Iuus im.ssihllitv; of m iI- ” ..... . •■•"i"-'" •|hurU-a riiln, JlUe a lx>niH-ihcll, Into mg to Dr. MacCunly, even ranio-i f,„.|,n,(i.>n r)f llic jaw .slvnihJ la' a ’ ' I'.*'"'■ the livps of three Innoccnl tukilt , thlnjis a, littlr farther'than nioMt ,i,.ci(ivil waniinL' to parmt.'* t" >\i; jth"f n I■ who would otherwise have, led u ni.-n by pulling out llieir wives somothinK parly alvwt AUrt <• 1 <w.-r lUv lhappy. poaccTul e.xlsU-nce. , jfn.nt leetli. , .,ucldng. If the Imbil n broken b,:- Iww, .vi '.lul Ih.' a;ir.

This vi ;tlms of the vicious licl In explalnnig hia illacoverle.s, the f„rt> the child I.h Ti year.s r‘M. the lion' Ami iiiU .iIIi.t id. |lhnt motlvnte.i the fltory nre Knren>aviint Bald the Natufian hved in-i| .,oriiiilv may .liaanpear within a appluMti.m nf liid.V ii .Wright niiil Martha Doble, tw.., IMlostIno lO.aOO to 20,000 ycur.i^y,..,r jf th.- prac- ih.- tiiui.ili. !li.- u.v- n(.young coUcg<»wonicn who establish;i!Ko. They were long-hoaded with tire ix contini’ied, the ’def'imii’y Mumtnutn mitt.i. nn1 :

mil g irls’ school In New lC ng-;niarked di

In IIwhom M arlhii .w cretly also loves.' C.WIi* I 'lr .M ) TOT.M.S SlSi The nile-s uix-prayed by Merle Oh-1 lUiHL, Juno 10 iS p ec la l |.-T h c 170 ehil.li

, Miriam HopUln.s and Jiiel M c-ioldor girl.s' cafiip fund a t the Me- lialjll.'i a.s Crea, re.speclivoly. w hile the part.C lu i.ky M emorial ram p ban been gora, longii[ ita c y Tllfon l, t)iu li^-yoar-oM inrrrusecf by recent ilonatlrina to TO ,>>urkoii

-Ut Uif! tiirre...iH iiU yjiit.to ..........................

: Thf> olji.n • « th - iii.Mt eflVctivoe slU'ly. n pn>n;l- A innfon.i.d', of p.ivi h'»l' -vi'j-.'.l t'hiit TO iifM-ihn-t urlv riH iiv ^1 di;v.-I.ipo 1 ^Hyrh ,i

iig the thuiub.<, I'in- ' ir.lipH T hirty o( iho i r thiimb.i.

C ranvlllih . w lw )-hn»-»)evn-«3sr> ' fo r the npcnlng-r»frthe c am p -'lre n w;h-i .........;pronounce<l .« geout.ne.."flilll'.’_ iind ,uiiil.aonallOi3rarff?I)Cllsrn!«1tca ro r.- th u ii • tiu tu iu l./ea** r* n r l r• . lIlr\nrrt *.1,.....;...- .u ____ __- i..., ... ... ...-! ia said to give a perform ance

, •brilliant th a t It raiae.H her'i-olo .. ,:m ost to-fltelliir Im portance.,[ • Other.f pr<>mlneni In the ca.it nf

;"The-se Tliree,’’ a ie Cntherlnc Uou- icel, Alma K fuger, M arcia Mao-; yr- Jones, C arm ejiclta JohiiJion. M iir-jiv ?aret H am ilton, -M arie I>iuisij Coupcr uiid W alte r p re ii iu n .

he habit•• 11 .... .. of^K.Ci-

'f,(.iil-H planning to n ltend the cam p .'iiicliefl tho ir tlrjiiih ' ' • ‘aro urged to regi.ster ii3 30on ns 11 flurm g tln 'ir nursing pe

'possible. T w ontv-uno of the 30 children



O ilr ()a rl in liie W h ite Sc'A 'in^ M ach inc C o m p an y 's 6 0 th A n n iv e is a ry E v e n t , . . an ti w e 're iu a k iii" il th e g r e a te s t se w in g iiKicliine sa le in th e h i.slo ry o f Itiiilio . T ru ly th e o p p o r tu n ity o f a l i f e lin jc to g e t a Reail S e w in g M ach ine B a rg a in . B e .it th e h ig h c o s t of re ^ d y m a d e c lo thcs . H a v e ju s t th e - ity le s a n d n i.ite r ia ls th a t y o u w a n t . . , m ore c io th ea fo r m u c h les'j m oney by m a k in g th e m y o u rse lf . '

Up to $50Trade«in Allowance

•J, Pet them. They love It like .. 'v-.uu/ cn t. Occnaionally sugge.it til,It Bhe buy a nev - dies.i even If

, «lie di>e.‘! have enough dre.sae.i to c lo the an 1800 chorus. Tell .them |<inca in a wllllo th a t you rea lize j •Khc m ust be tired ' and ought to

• e i l ou t—even if »ho Ima keen fiit*; Dluiid Ih "Cluirlle Chun in tin g around playing bridge a ll KgyjU,” u l lh I’n t l*Hlenion, m iornoon . ! Thoina.s B erk onU S tcp in Fetch-

a. D on 't bo tig h t—w ith tiioney » i T he-H fo ry . currlc* Charlie or kiiiso."*. Chnn to the m y»lrry-«nren t(^

4. lie a tten tive. When you take •her o tit give her your undivided

-a tten tion , '15- D on't lie to them . . . much.;

TMI the tru th if i t hurta, bu t don 't . , .hnjisp yoiii-flelf b«rtly.- Snm ettmea- r r . bu t (.’hBn'» a lrtl|-n n il .Jl lit tle lie will prevent a w oman ngfi bring th e itiydtery lo a

. fr>ni aUetrW nj; ii lilUe jrT.agiiia- M ev er nohiUan. T ho p rog ram ts - t iJ iiJn lQ .a big bugabiio. ’ , complHcU uU h u coinody, iiov-

' elty»und lle^vs.

B eginning today th e . Idaho th e a te r prcscnifi qa Its regu lar inld-HDcU re tu rn hU .W arner

land of the I’hnroulw w here .. toiiih ha4 been opened th a t had n SOOO-ycariold ciirsc on It. Tho ciirso liringH death nnd fen r to " e en tire fam ily of fhc rxplor-

Home-Makers’ Club Meefs With Agent

Mr. and Mrs. D. H . Gregory has returned from a month'.'» visit in the c en tral s ta te s , vLsltlng Mrs. Gregory'.s pa re n ts a t Springfibld. Mo., and o the r relalivi-a .ftnd frlemla. In D utruil, Oklulioiua, No* bMKku nnd Kumuis,

Hcv, D. W. N uU Ing, pasto r .of the C hristian church, and s is young people from th e church left Sunlluy afternoon for Gooding, where they will a tten d n youths' confcrencc.'

Mrs. O ra . G risw old nnd little daughter, M erylin, Hollywood, a re ' visilinit w ith Mrs, Screna-N ulH hf; her m other, a t A ceqiila. She will also v is it h e r b ro th er. Rev. D. W. N u tting and fam ily n t n iiporl, ai other riJlativea l a th is section, r jia in ing m ost o f th e summ er.;

Sfcvcraf cou rte sie s have been-e: tended Mrs. A lene R lley Jliy of Noniateck, M(ch,.’ w hile n h o haa been visiting h e r mOUier, Mra, Nine

, , Hiley. • Mrs. A rth u r T v rer gtivo. ........ - — ......- - - a kenslnf;ton In he r honor Sa tu r-

«-.rt Uedno.sday n t the home of chapter. F u tu re tn rm e rs . of A iner-lday afternoon.- M rs. Bertlm W hit- Mrs. M, N. Kiindsnn: F ou rlee tf ica. will be held in th e f tg ria iltu rn i iey and Mra B e r th a K ing ontcr- mombens and gue.sts, were pre.sent. room of the high school T hursday i inined a t breiik foat on Tuesday IMl! call wna answered by fa v o r ite 'a t 7:30 p. m„ It is Announced. morning, and M rs. A . E .'Jo h n so n r.'clpcn, g.ven from memory. | A tr ip through Y ellow stone pa rk entertained o t a b rea k fa s t fo r her

l^Ilfw M argare t HIM, S andpoin t.'w ill bo discussed and final a r - a n d he r m other la s t weeV. w in present. She Is the new home rangemont#: made. O th e r bualncas,i Mrs. E d g a r V incent, Filer, diMiionstratlon agent,-and w as ac-Mn addition to rou tine m a tte rs , in -'spendlng the w eek ns house guest fom panled by Mrs. Hurvey H ale,|c ludea purchase of calves and pro- of Mrs, H enry B rcaseal.

; ductlon of hogs nnd ,lam bs to h e ............................. _ _ .All women In the community are!fed" for the San F rancisco Junior

invited to the next meeting, a t the Show next M arrh.Ii'xne of Mrs. Oeurgc C arter the Sum m er F . F. A . ac tiv itie s will Ih .rd W eiinesday in Ju ly .' M i»s' alao be coilalilcred, Melvin Ehlers,H ill will <llw.uHs m uklng kllcherts chap te r president. wlU prcsUle ii’oro convenient. Roll call re- over tho busincsa m eeting : Cordon VpiMises will he 'rec lpca for sum -'C ath ro . chap tcr trea su re r , has niiT drln^.i nr Imverageti. ;chnrgc of en terta inm en t nnd re-

Mist* Hill will hold n m eeting to . freshm ents. All fo rm er members organize tho yciung women of ihe nnd boys wlio expec t to become v 'liiim unltv nt the home of M r.i.;F u tu re Farm ers nex t y e a r nre In-.-.w......Illwoo-i McnatocU June 22 a t 2 vlted to a ttend th is m eeting, the World p m . , ..................... ................ile n d e r atntes. " .' “ ......................................

Future Farmers to Meet on Thursday


Sta.ving in Town or Goiiiir Awa.v— You’ll Feel B etter and Look :

B etter in . . .


■ Y iiu ’ll liKo ilie lii'h falii-k-s. i.fxvor-slyloi ' • jiiKi siipot'li tiiiloriiii;. tlia l j;o iiito these

f;uii'jns suit-;, (.'dm.- in 'n o w an .r m.ike your .solcelioii niul be n.vsurcil .t li. it .’ y ii i i ’\'e fmiiid nil tli;it is lo i>e in ■(jiKiJlly elotliiiiK at a very iu (hUt :(U- price.

Mr. a n d ^ I ra , A. C. DeM ary and r daughter, Dorothy, le f t Sunday for ■ im extended tr ip th rough th e east. I Mr. DeM ary -will a tten d th e ;40th

I. anniversary o f his c lass a t an lili- 6 nnls cnnege.^anil also th e Interna- a tionsl R o tary convention in Allan- s tic City.

Tho Onlted S tu tes ha.i enB-iged in 27 wars, beginning w ltlt the Fluvolutlon -and ending w ith tho

Behind the Scenes In Nation’s Politics

. OHEfiRPlJL CANDIDATE - Senator Arthur B. Vftnden- borg (left) of Miohigan tells Ron&M 0, 'Van Tine (right) United Pre#i Btflff writer at Waehlnrton, of hU pr ;.ppD<i

, ventloji plfini. Bonitor Vandenborg Ti prominontljr mon. ~ tloncd na n Ropublloivn nominee In the presidential raoe.

* VVIicii llii'i-t' Ik IiIk ji'iliile iil iu’Wh ynu w ill f lin l a U iiili'il Pi'i'Si Ninfr ctiri'c-ilioiiili’iit tlio Hinr.V lic liliiil tlioHtiir,v. ■ ,

\V llh lliii I{i'])iilill('an (111(1 Di'nidiinille I'liiivriilinim (irauinK iivar im]ll!r)< Is fn m t piiKi' iu’Wn.

Thn iiiililiiHfil, I’lim in'i'lii'iiiivi', iii’i'iinilt' ri’pnrtH n f iii-- i iv i l l i ' i ’ of nil pn lilii’iil, ]>in'lit'H ai'(< priiili'il In tlip (liillt'il

(lltipali'lii'H'Tii llilri niiwniHilK'i',IviTj) ii|) w ill) |iii)^ii>'al '<1i‘ViOiipiiH'iiln l>y n 'ailliiK Uioso

I'l'piii'h 111'—

Idaho Evening Times

™ w i - 7

Page 4: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-


Mxxsms:T i- i.i 'i 'U D N i-:

P a r S h o t s


The Gentleman in the Third Row

F O L L Y F A R E W E L L y H omo Bljwrd

Hut It iilio Ihoi

‘ 7 ■■■■vW lN c T i n : c o l 'N T K V

tll .'U till- ■■llClll.

Tlic- .1 • in iiis !'•

-d i.. jir

n i |. lc i . f i l i c i;i. o f (Im; I Ilir

o f « ' l

iiMini ThouQli lov


CHAl'TKn XXII ticU lli.it. I.ln 'lii travcllc l

I'n-; ijt •••Wc; ' < ( I K i l i

iu " t o n -sn > n - .

w li i . 'l i Ills.) i s r a r i 'v i i i j ; iiiaii 'o i\u-. Ik'IIimc r l i e . s .U lm t l u ' i r 'f n T i


iKMt f.ir liii 1...I 111.' ,-<.uni '■.VU’iL'.'i*''-- fli- i l ' I [iUc d ■'/OWELV RO TTEN . SAV W E ' ' TIi..

IIIVI mill'

i.s . 'illir r-vkiuK 10

i n j i lc i t i i 'd i ie

( l l u ' i r l i l .- i Hay* iliiii-ilv , o r i l i i i t I J . / j , |

,,f your nomi'whHt llv-f tlirrr, wum nrtiMi.

coljnim: J IV fiicncl, f.'i'lltiK hifl jn\v^ rcm n rk \llia t W- Bccm.s loi

• oul ft \ i l : "Yes, 1 am ]o r ’ K r l t t n K a b i t ' j o V f l y . ' ’ I

I Ami I comcB bnrlt qulckOlUc n."l. . . . . . ■ . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . l y t ' o o i l f p l l ( . w : ’ ' l

— P u n s te r • i

light: T\^y Tomnh.


ih(> A m c i- iv a n M ’s lc t j i , ' ' a s • f c n t a m f wjIU k f o r f i i t i i r i ' ill b e ii|H>n th e

Iidw ci- Jit t l i i s j i a i

M r . f ^ l r iw c r t a l k s a tn m l, " ih . ! A m e r i c a n n y s lc t j i . '' a s i f il .W ere, so ii ic i li i i i 'r im i u o \v o r a t i o n s v ] io s ( ‘ l i a j ip in i ’;. t o r a t i u i i o f t l i r l t i ‘] )u1 ilit'a ii ]i l a r (‘Ic c l io i i . ■ .

TIiiH ‘• . • r i s i s ’ a l io i i t w l i i . l i t i ic k rv iio t< T a iu l liiw M ! o w o n H o r« ni-«> w oiif. l o f i ic i ik . i« ‘s o ficcloHK t l i a t t l i o p e o p l e - h r t1n*ir 1hi,I1oIh tliiH / a l l a v o R o in j: t o d d c n n iiH * w l ic i l ie r A n i i ' i 'i r i i liv cs^ o r w l n i h c r A n i c r i n i i l i i 's ! J i iK t l l i i i i k o f t h a t ; n o t _Uie w o n i s of. ji ( ic r a n f iH rn t l io r i l , b u t t l i o ^ a v i '- J u l l y c liu .si;u .a d v ic e o f lli i i .spokL -siiiau a l ll iu i i i i t io u a J con - v ( 'i i f io i i (it th e oiie-thiK'. g iv jit Ii(‘ [ iiih lirjin p u r lv : unt) n t n

..t i l in ; .)V h e n t j i c im l i jm in r(‘<,'ov«‘ry in< ; a t a r a j i i d u li- id o f ro m t l i e ( k 'p r e i i s io n i « ( o w l i i r l i i t w a s p ln n ;r ( ‘il a f t e r i'2 yeart:-

My couM.1

robnbly, the<tarlnl ou t I I liyi.notlflt, f .tninK est tx j

n lhi;(e im ris ha.s ever licnrd

o f K ciM iM icun n i l c .I ’a r t .s a r e t ln T o ’ i>

t 'l i r l j r g n t« - n ( io n s a s 'V '- a l is ilo o m c .l t o 1»

n o t tl i f ' n ti} ;li t i 's t p r o V o i 'a l io u fo r IS I i'iw o r H - r io i is lf a s s r r t s aiw l lii. l o s r i n a f l o o d o f . k r i s i o n .

Al i t i n

t in ioopiuillbc»i

i ,c r ( a iu i'Of;i(oi

i t is I w il l «........ a u . lcr'B 1

l l ia t under llic Di'i iiia iK 'r, dll' foiitidat

J ( > :ls M r. irm .v. in ilii' vlicctM if -111' l.ro |.I i- s l r iilK l ila w a . '

■•Will A m m i i i f i.o irr of iIk ' I{r|nilili<

in i( )n iit o f Iccw a.v o n l i n a r i l y c a n Ik; g iv i-n ]i( I in l in r i l aK tln 'v a n - w i i l i llu> Ih)|x> o f p a r i ,

(o lie* c x p f’cN'cJ d i « t p o l i t i c a l Ju lvocaU 'ff m ih k r-fit<-p c i r c i in i s j ie c t d c r o r n i n in < lc n o n n c in K

tp l 'o s i i i , ,! ! |([ir( io K H n t i t is o n l y , t^inci- I l i a t l]i<‘ 'n a l i o n liaK w i h i i ’s s c d t li i^ ( ) l a ta n t ' a l t i - n i j ' t to a|'P<‘:)l f o r volcH On ;:ro iia < ls

• iia i’l y , '« t r ’ a n y j i 'a r iy f u r t i i a t ionv (if th e • 'o v c r n in c n t a r c t l i r c a t c n o d . ■r w lu t d f 'c liir c i l l l i a t w o n ld u r o w

w c iv IK.I i r lm - n c d 1u- i» ff i.- ‘, a n d tin - • p . l r i d o f liini.

<>r ir i lJ A ii t i - r ia i il'iv'.’'’ Jicy-c n l io i i . ^

T l i r a n M v .T iH i b a t A m e r ic a w i l l l iv e l . d l c r a n d f r e e r - i i j id f a U t r d iu 'iiij ;:.x lii; f e w .v c a rs . Ilia .n e v e r lief< ire. T l ie

A n ic r i . a n |>coplc l im e la .s lc d n h i t o f t h e n e w o i j j io r lu n i - t ie h llic p a s t l li i 'c c \ iu i K iin d llie y a r c , n o t ^ 'o in g Im c k . .»

H r hm! fmin-l mit a b o u t ' the chlcUon-hypnotLsm tric k of lioliiinK Iho hcn'B .hcad on th e 'ta b le wUile you firaw a cballt line slow ly but inexorabry beroro he r cyca. So Ib a t wna the Jlre t l i in ff h o 't r ic tl . I t '(llUn'l w ork the n r s l Umc. The hen sh u t her cycB. So th e bci lim e he pu t hla ow n head a!i „

' • the d iic k ca ’f . f ig u r in g 't h a t ■xample In wutchlnR th e chalk

line w ould lead the hen to do like-

B ut thlnpa w en t w rong 'r iR h t ere. Po t Shota, The hen s h u t hoi 'OS apain; m y cousin didn’t. K< ntched the line so fixedly th a t he

hypnoit7.ed him self. Ami doRgohe If he didn’t follow th a t hen a round

farm yard Bubmis.-tively f o r ha lf day before wc could w a k e him

from the trance.— W ho Dlnny


T he firs t th in g t.o do in even t ol ilomciliik n r " te r ro r ' ' c lan tro u ­

ble—lodlt under the hood.— T rilby

I f \ m Hr, W ill ii <len|. o f > icw Y ork C ily e d u c a t io n is wrniif,'. A'

K I » i : < ', \ T l N ( i T O W O IM '

11, t

liiK l. t in . . <'l .ii.ii

ikc a fi'.k i l l . ' .'I. I.f III.'

k.'l'J oi

ly . a'I.....h , tlic wli)r.liiij'l.v, l>r.I> c rliii.'ii l r i 'v i s io a h . i i l io n a l p a t l '. - r n vr

i l i i i i l i o i r l o d a y ,” li<c l i i ld n - i i ill M 'lioo

soi:laf(» H iip criiilen .1.' p la n o f iiio d .T i ( I r a .ly lli in k n It’i

Imv.' dec),II l.iit .

• ’ N i r I I ' . > 1 1 1 . i f I I I ^ ( l l . l l i i i H . w a n I l . l C l l I c r l l i e 1 . ' a n i . ' i l p n

f . ' , ^ H . . a I I t l i c y . ' i i h i i u i I i i n r i l u i l , I I I . ' . w a n t 1 0 I I I ' I n 1 1 1

w h i l e 1 i i l l i i r ^ n n i | > , i i m l w c l i i i v . ' 1 1 1 . ' i n : i | ; . ' . l y o f . '\C I 'M , W

J i n - ( ; i i

m i l l r i '

i t i | ; t o l a n r l . i i i i i i ' . i . l i i . ' c

c M i i h l i h l i I I I . ' . l i ^ i i i l y . ' f I I lltO I'.'’l u . ' i i l l o a i l i i l d i v i l l . '

I ' r . ( r n i i l y ' h h i i | : i ; . ' h l i . i n M - n i i s e i i l i i ' . ' I V K l l l l l l . 1 , T h e Miln r a l i . i t 1 p i l i l l t ill I l l l ' U h i l l - . . . l l l l r a n d l - n i f c M . Mini i ^ n i a p

.>1 llio eaK lc. M', l.llt til.' I

irbtiirr loUaloiK ilioi i I ill baJ (ompfliiy.”


MIS -l'c iJ Mo.oi Cnmpiny In-

(St(>«i4iid, <«)>lld IIOU


I'.il Hlioin:(N.rinl'lcr nil' ii cmili'ntnra In

.Uii.liiiI t(.<il( II of y.-ati. 1 jiliu... wln'if Ihv I u l(.ii|.. lliiI I wanirt l»ill<'(l I..... fly i.iijM'ilK.<h.'l.

. rU o tHurt, I JjiHl

T h i.) . if III

h< in ii’lii 'i

ii^ f., n il. -\l Ic,

” l( Illl l a l . l M o

. M i i v i . ' I l i i c r n o

mi I n ' r t i n l i n t r l i

I m lo n a v c n ij^ c . ,

\h a n o r c l i e h ln i lu ll i .ir lu ip H I

M aylie lli.> W ih.'oiihin prof.'hM.n-, u lm o f veitlnrihK . f a r fro m IiIh liom.', o iikIii (. ttiKl i{i l i t o v i i r wlUi.

i;-lil 1.1 ),-lvc Illl

H l.ll l i l i l

p a y lli i i l . l . ' l 'l "

il:i.nii(i tUn t v.niilil be mill i>c hl!i

nl 'lKil n .akliir lha t .lay. "I left the day liernro

ro.i.':. Nvero Bhot," J.liulil

rnlftd vli]o

foro lliiil Ail jua

r . J i i i J a ’ * I

ho week hefore, don’l ed Bwrctly. i i ' t ’<liillo niljuft h ..It boon a Flip

11 wild TV weei£ be- nnd ■r'liorno . . . of liili.Kn Jumbled

Ifoney! Thorr

And JJilnk -*«tiltt. Df

d for nearly a to rt ic.irU nothing from f) day nho rclurncd

hcimo lie tu rnrd up unexpectedly litr aparlment.

■Ts-o mli-Ecd.ytu," lio said. : Ffilil other tlilTiRH and nh en ho had lolt 1-inda had tbo JecllnR lha t had been tn'inic to forro her to t.onir(h'inr—uhnf *lic «1W not Jfii lull her cnrlicr (cellng of distii awoko OKnin.

However. ®hi> |ind other tlnnfii think nhoiil. Careers V ax and wnnc w llh t-uri'rlnlng flwUtnecB in tho niuviiii: iilrturo busiiieHU, ' I.inUa ki.<-w lliat kI.u had roachcil tlio 'top. but rould plm Blay thcro? H er c.nn- tM ot would lo up in tw o months luui hcr company had no option. I'aui I/Conl.ardt had come out from iho New York offlre to head C«rn- monwenlth.'- and cliangea wero in Iho air. L inda hod oo reason to Ihltik her- contract w ould no t bo ronoweO, On tl.o o the r'band ,-eiie know l^ccnhantt wna brln[;lnir on( new w riurfl. I i wna dlRlijull not to worry.. M nda liad c<mo completely spcnd- th rilt , Rho tbouRht unliapplij’, tliruHlinc tho inonnilnB plio -of blflB back In to 'be r desk. Siie had bought rlolhes rceklctaly, had hi apartm ent reileforaled. eutcrlnim erponslvcly. Sha ' w as Huddcnly appalled 'lo rcaiizo..tliat sIio spent a o ro in a. wocii than eho had li

."nm i't you th ink Iffy inter 'tint . thei

P A U L M A I iL O N ’S

N E W S B E H I N D T H E '■ ■ N E W S

^ E xclusive Kvcnlnp Times Dally Report op the Knst-m oving j;v cn ti! in thcN ntion'fiCni.ltnl By wj t) s p c r t In lefpreler anil Commentntor.

(Copyrlfiht. 1035, Ily Paul Mailon)

r Ctrl, inrfctuK a froc nnii iiT, Is nfiwi n.lBiakeii for S in o I.Iniia pnvo iliiio , pw.i.lc ulio did not in- . It bad lint orc.irrcd to they m lcbt hiire -lieon

p S T I I K a KO\Vi';iJ..' tho fan

Iho I.ancirn C( liav<' j.llpi-0‘1 :

I ti.m ami to rveryixxly cl.ic if ili lone w«.lf from Idaho doe.s no t pc a ll .th a t I-imkin can pow iblv j:*'’ m the w ay of nl«tCorm a n d 'o t l . . '


ot I-lniia’R l)CPt rrienils.

I boutI Linda n I ifTio

1 hn\nicd t

I X n 't^ b e l lc v o a word of II." 8. Howell told her, "Or, It i t Is o th a t you sppnt iho night "'Idi

Thornu;' I nm sure the elrcum- Rlnneca were nfel.lental and entire­ly Innorent. I don’t th ink you are ft fool In any way. And I don’t think you have bnd taste. Don’t n.ake any explanalion to mo If you don’t w ish to ,-hn t If it ifin't Inie, you m ust flop il. I ’vo been hcarlnR It about, nnd it in my imprea^lon

i^jal TJjojtd sfnrted i t - l i t a f d f . ' '■ ■

the I^mdon camp firelni;:tl.- Tiiomcnt, The

1 fne rontru

l .n ic l • 1 In-

ily to h.s p rl- y- cr.(ni>;ilini: i!c wa-s w t c l

of l.l!l nniionn! m m m ill,'© r ap.i in hw p ljce the ik'l(-i;n- li-j;talk'(l (ioci.'Ko K. llar.iini,-,

ij^hly .'luccc.iful businos miui, has p liiyci aruimil In poll-

onlv 111 an avocation.The <M<I Olilo con.mHtceninn w nt

W alter Ur«i

' llC3

oiw Mac peclMio apccch.

if part: T Kenu politic


)>« .■lie of ilie Mf«' lomintaion, x.r the II.-'VCT

jcoutm nsler. In :horen F ra n k r .

:oal man

ntion clim ax .him

"And I’m sure it


XrdB sljw ly. / ’I underKland ■iilinff^when'^you’r / . . r a l e

wondei ?yioney

askcil," Il wan In tcre rllng m aking tho

I don’t know anything ihout tho country around

there and-had Hltlo clianco to pco , 11: wo w orked from elx In tho morning und l mldnlgJit.”

"U’fl InterestlnR a t night.” Honey looked iKjldly nnd meaningly .into Linila’B faco now and n'pHced her

• It'a ilone.”

rrn tE T lE waa no m Ulnkln* her now. • Someliow, th is girl who

haled L inda bccnuBO Llmla had kept Polo G ard iner from her long igo, then- taken Thorno from her Knew th a t aho nnd Thorno bat spent tho n lp h t there, •

Miida had to know how.Sho had to find Thorne. Eh.

telephoned h is h<mie. th« tttnilo, hli .lubn. At la s t sho learned ho waj It San ta Monica, nnd could no t bi reachcd. L inda knew th a t sho mus llscoveV if ho wero responslblp, snd mako-hlm slop tho j

PerhnpB Honey w as th i ivho know, a n d i t Honey did talk Ahat w eight ivould 'h o r Btorli s i r r ;? H er lis tene rs would bo wlao enough lo know th a t Oio gossip ivas m alicious nnd remcmlier Linda had been a TlvaJ oC tlii

•oni Misaillon, Ohio.Tho ncwcoiiier.s a rc certain ly ndt

‘ luibM in the woods. W hat they • a re b rln sinc lo the new <u.ler I.-* .

busine.s.s -JuciRment ami the b u s j- -« j) v.'»y of doing thincs.

ItlMBERLY jM any i.f tjie sludrnt.'i who have

-■ ';cen aw ay to varioiia .hcIwoJh ur«______ , ___________ ■ i.'n in iin i.' to -K im berlv tn fpcn .l’

suro it t.<!timate».' ' a tii: Hummcr. AmonK m em \ i c :rttUCT” — Tfie—««nfirteiltlrtl=‘HiiHvnnce textiMisfl-IjethA-CUonn, .Miss.MU'liL.l>H;:____ _

•• ■■ ---■-o a riiu lly KijardW — «8 m en until <;30 p. m, W lsc |u i ll Lam bing u n i Charles '

___.’cnlion publicity m en w an ted who hnve been ulteiiding•«o keep tbe DeroocratB from f in d ­ing ou t w h at w aa in it. So n o th -

lid be done Im m ed iau ly to

source. I -can-t Imagli Thorn? giving any such Infprmn-

'l ion. W hy, ho has asked mo lo m arry h im l"

, "Men w llhou t prlnclplo havo ............ ....been know n to do Ptrango things O ut th a t U

aciusioi» Iftdlcs to rrlTo a l proper

L inda couldn't IrtMievo lhat ot Thorne. In he r eodo when n man (liouglit enough o t a .woman to ask her to m arry him, he did not Jeup- w dito h e r Tcputaiton.

Slio 'Bot In h e r roadster nnd drovo to Santa Moplco. She found n a sll T horno lunching on the set,

asked him to Join her In her T hcyd rovo to atJcscrtcd'EiJot

(Uid L inda brought tho car to n stop ■ith shriek ing brakes; Sho didn’t

waato any worde. •'’Oasll, someono hnowa apd has

told th a t you and f s ^ n t tha t n igh t (lie tn o i 'n ta in fc ,^ w ant you to

id out whck-'K'^ and slop him by nylng th o ru m o r ." ''80 you'v« decided to m arry m e l”

bo aeked softly.Surprised, sho turned to look a t

h im quickly. H o wan smiling."Of cnurso not, » h a t has noth-

ng lo do w ith th is aituaUon.” "But i t has,” ho said pntlenliy:

’Surely you niupt seo i t that way."ThlB w as new and ahocklog. A

n a n wllHcg to blacken 'a woman’s repuia lion to force her into marry-

hlm i «- •(T o Uo Continued)

.............^ . . held back.The tru th Is th e p rin te rs co m ­

pleted w ork on It only an hou r earlie r. Two in*ertk»na w ere ru sh - oil lo them n l the l iu t m om ent. One w as the lino-about no fo re ign

•ftli), which

H I S T O R Y of Twin Falls City & County

15 YEARS A O O -■ Juno 10, 1031

r ic tu re s w ith r e a l v illain m hnro chamctvrA will bo produc • >r«w wftcm onn on th e (rtrret*

Motion I’lcturo Co,, in w hich varl- will be tnkoti and la ter

'lopnij ami -pro.luce«I a t the nrliis n .'* l P rtilay . M a»y thrlii-

tnir Monoi are promloed.CliUTTfre 0 ’R(nirh% ,‘th e A m erl'

in h’ly,’’ will elim b fHo IloB.'rnor lU'i from th a p a v c in c n t to the irii’n l»»l/)ff no n.nefl. n;

parni.hernnllft fit any hlml. H e will peffofni ««)Verii1 o th r r /iciuia-

il nnd d .'a th .Ii'fylnK xlunljt on rtM.f <'i1ki‘.

TI.I- <'l I II ihl<. <,11..iKht «l..iw« th .it thi

'lV lll,;h t IcaKM., fidUi. i.r.i ivo m .r. .................................... IUI.I Klin

•K in wliiit l{l IV t;»»iiT bn

I.laycd on ibi, «ioun.l«27 Y E A R S A a p -

■incc Moiiilny. H.< wl J u . ure goiiiK lo ­o t h. fa ir lo 1,'iivr iiirnrw llr..«,’ «r.'i| « hiiii Kiiliirdav ot 1 ^-oiiUl liliu III hiivi

0kild%mBy OHve Roberts Barton ^

D ear MrB. H arton ;1 have a Binnll son who wa» 111

ir Hcvernl y<urH in babyhno<l. I t 'su ited in nn trophy of the leg

lh a t preven ted hiii taklnt,' p a rt In ouldour giifjicfl.

I never spoko o f.lt. to. him nnd lid him ttu i t m a n y pconlo could H run fuat. H d knew ho waa

dirfon-iil b u t did n o t fre t about. I . . InHtead-lio bofr«H UKmarehali illicr lota abo u t -him and mnko hem do m he ualil. And thfcy leemed to lll<u I t

Then ho ttlowly recovered and itnrti-il to nehool, I thought 'th a t vould 'cnd hla "bowiy’' ways. Bui .no day I m w him w ith tho whoto •I'crentlon ground lined up, Tho ;hlldren wero g 'd n g throviKh stiintii It hlH urders. f iv c n in a loud com- nnnding voice. A nd they seemetl o 1)0 having n good tline. He hii» KTy orig inal ldnii», I nftiiit'fliiy, lilt I w orry heciuiiw ho will have

lo l.'iirii 1.1 glw . In lo others. Hnve any niiggciillunH to m alic?

iHlgned) Mi

loo Boft, ho c an eaally develop. ~ i unbcom bto nrrogoncc.

The p a re n ts can ta ctfu lly , teach IcMtons In tho quality o t real g r e a t ness, nnd show th iit i t includen gcner<j«j{y, kinilneaa anti npprc- da tlon o f ' o th e r people’s Idean.' rhcro is HO m uch m ateria l to w ork in In ft child of Ti.mmy'fl typb tlm t th e re aiiotild bo no g rea t d lf - flo tilly .- .— -.................. ...........-

You w o n 't havo m uch trouble, I daro say, a s ymi have a lready won n v ic to ry J n you r child’s a t t i ­tude tow ard w hat looked . fo r yeura like u pe rm an en t disability. C opyright, lt)3U. N EA Bervlcf, Inc.

:hem branch a t Poeatellt'; M l« rt P'iBher. Mla.1 Lola Flelch^ Winnie King, M iss G rc tta *

'nioma.i, Misa Cupitoln Drown, Mias Jean M ary W hitney nnd M»h. A nna Cook from Albion; and G (r- . (lid Ridgeway, Mls.i M argftrot B n- vis an<l Miss ICIlen S co tt from U>e U niversity o f Idaho, Moscow.

M ax W hitney, son of Mr. an«l Mrs. Glenn W hitney w as .one o f

iy rw g n lze ^ i aa a bow to B orah . Uie g raduates a t the U -wi?ton th e o th e r was the prom ise to abol- N’orm al schhol. ish monopolies, which w aa a -d e cp - G iena Whl ney spen e r bow- In the ..ame direc tlo r .'nd in Nevada on bualncBS.

Mlsa Alma Mae Grootcf*. who has-bcftn vlstlng h^r p a re n ts .-M r.- nnd Mrs- P . D. G rootes for the , p.iflt week, left Tuesday to rcHUin© ' her studie.9 a t the U niveriity -of Idaho, Moscow.

Mlsa Marjorie, l^ c k h a r t . C a rtle- ford, w as a w eek-end guest -o f . M iss M argare t Silvcrfl.

Mr. and Mrff. Tom Cagcl &rc Rpending a few days w ith th e ir fwOf H ariey Cagel and -fam ily Bt F a r - - ney. Idaho.

M r. an d Mrs. We.«)tmftrk and fam ily nnd Mrs. Nelson of S t. . Paul. Minn., a rc guests n t the

»rkV» V..nifirs“ ih.< innni- «Mi.ntioniJ- O' Schaap home. Mrn. N elson T h a t ty r ltiw .t l 'c p la in in g to spend th e surpm erw ith her daughter. M rs.-S chaap . .

M rs. A m y Tulmadgc tiud wms and J lrs . Wendell Moore Ic lt f r i -

SpiritA ViillRnrAllcn ^VhUc U a p o llll-

c al philosopher. H e U ilnka C harlie Hillon la poison. Mr. H illes In a p rac tica l politician. • ,Ho th in k s W hite Se visionary.

■nie tw o w ere o u t to a law n p a rty lierc. W bito hun g a round akine a t one edge of the g ra s s and Hill«s Btood. unbending, a t th e op*, poaitc edge. , : ...................... .

F inally Hilles strolled ove r lo W hite, draped an a rm a cro ss his shoulder and eaid;.

'"Bill. 1 gnesa v.‘e a re - th e only tw o of the oUl guard left

.................. ’he innersntlonof the RepuWli

w ell os anything. Whili don conusclor, nnd Hllle e m politiclar, rjre on speak ing te rm s fo r pofsnhly the f ir s t tim e in th e ir live?'.- They a re both o n the edge of th e convention g rass, g iv ­ing aw ay to n fresh generation of R epublican lea<lera. b u t a t the sam e Umc dm wn to g e th er them - flelvrs by clrcum slnnces. T hey are the e lder veterans of old s trife , able to look a t the pa.9t nnd fu tu re objectively,

N ew Order .The ''youth moYement" ta k in g

control of the Rrpublicftns hero iq not exactly w hnt the popular te rm

'implies. I t is not an Inaurgcncy, no r a revolution by Inexperlencod bu t youthful c-nthualaatlc m en. It is ra th iT an evoliillon, b r in g in g lo

top not youthful, b u t m lddle- l buslncM and pnrfcaslonal •w ho aro now to po litics bu t

not to th e ways of the world.You can -see th e exac t tom

"t b<^-'movc7nT'nt--*hehlTirt* "w hat -“hTia happened wllhln the Ohio and Illin ­o is <li'U‘gfttlona aini'o they a rriv ed .

The national com inllleeiw m from each sta to gtmerally rcp rc - scnm ttic ehftTftctor of tho doml- nnnl fnellon w llhln th a t s ta le . In

day for Toole, U tah. M rs. Mooro plana to re turn the la s t of th e . week. Mrs. Talmadge will innHe her homo there.

id Mrs. W aller B a irh an d - famlly, Pennsylvania, aro v iw ling friends nnd relatlve.s In KimbcHy

ml vicinity,C. H, Overstreet, Snn Ptilro,

Calif., waa a guest a t tiie hon>o if his daughter, M rs. D. Ccnc Day, -

la s t week.. Mr, and Mrs. Fen ton DouglasH. nnd family. Denver, Colo., w )h> hayo been vlBltlng. friends In K lnv herly, returned to -llieli-‘home thla

Mrs. Elln'RobblnB, Tdalw Falls , wiio huji .heen v isiting her'.lauKl>- ter, M r|. Lloyd KImplon, for tl>e }.aat wcL‘If| returned to b er hoin* - iday.

IDAHO Y ^ i r r i lS AIDKDT O C A T K r.t.O 'nrn--siiice:iirfin ii-- a llon o t Iho national youth move- ent In Miilio, moro tiian «)00

youths hiiv.i been j.liiced in privntv (,'^nploymcnt iind ■tVOO a re being helped through school or to g e t work.


I 'f a . ' t »i ,t Is Kt-.vi'ii ...I :i.'l. I t iH'hiiVi'li . bi..'v If Ilit'V >

You May Not Know' That—

teellngnT H.. junt eaiinix'it th a t, evidently,,

hreaioio lin dora "nrai'.k Itio wlilp’’ I »fl yiAi sa y .,H u t ihu difference Im- Iwren deniiotlniii nnd nilonihip la tli» t'anlontiiiiiiit and hnppliiPM nt llii' wiilijcoiw. Tom m y in.«iea(ic«

.,;tho iiitigl.1 sepret <.f nil Iriio leadrr- .f Kt.lp, ii]i].iirrnlly, and hla fricn.la

neci'iil him w illingly niul, we m lgni nlmiint say , g ratofully , w ith h li iiirw lil.wia an .l nhlllty in orgiinlsa,

(iim rd AkiiIiioI W IlltulnrM Tiioi'.. In n o th ing w rong w ith th«

li'ailri-iihlp lilcii. Homo iiiin hna t.i III' ’’II." Till' only th ing a m other

lii'.;i> nn uyn on In any tend- .'iiry lo til.HtliiMcy ..r Imj.allniine wliuii fi'uoLraUMl. . 1U-- BMiltld -Iw wailii« to llnten l« o th e rijJ iu l ilt . 'i l ( lm r-n i" w h a t lli.'y -V .":

llii.iird III.* ........... M aty .ll.lii’III., .lul h. II.' '/.liiiii (in 11,

O ieuonlan

fA M o im 1- A a r l i n u. . Well, liinylifl not fNt—

hut |>l*<M.itly rutuildl . . . IH L U H NTLkM A N IN


lln ' l . n | l llli„.^ : n . ( i i i i i .'wii.-M, villi Ml,Mill n 'lil m i l n i l n v i ' i n i d

I'liti'.. fill' n fi

A low .vi«M |H>l y iiir in dun l<> lli

n r i l l ( i l i i i i i l

.........I. J i i i . t .rea r

« r 10,00(1

, < - y f a r J t r

■iiHc f o r liiir 1h n lio iil UOli

i H luM ll.n ii g n J a f . t y e a r ,

a o r t . O i l .


M><’.ay. I t .-v .'iy llilng ij^l.H.

Buhl Fin ' Chief Honored at Banquetm ii i i . .

ra tion of lilaflrn rh let, th n tirn depnvlm cnt pro- nentod Hol> H lew iirt w itli a watuh a t ilin haiiijuiil hold in hom.i Ilurlulgh llyd« , w ho Is UuvJiiH t.)i- l^ tira i id ii, Orv. F Ivfl-yo r Vlon infldalH w .tio oi.I.ircd n t the lU iU iurludua u t thy ulty ooiaiull fo r IIy<tfl,«hrldon I’lilley, nnd Dnve H laynir.

Page 5: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-

jWcdncscloy, June 10, 1938


Dean Jam es K, Allen Announces M odernized Program for

193G-37 Term Id


an m.stiiuuoti o hlRhcr Irarr.ln*;'

DE.VN A LLEN , m erilins every. Iihiho high school Bnnluate'.i cun-] flidcratlon." said Jam es K, Allen, j now Ueun o t the colloso, In a c t- i tm u - fo rth Ihe objectlvc.i (,achi)Ol fo r the coming year.' ^

' InaamHch M pro^joiil-'lly living, re ii ilrc s an fffilivklual wh.) has u . h.iLmccil outlonlt.iind who can live| a i,w c ll aa m ake a livinij, Goodjnjji

" la Increasing Ita contrlbii-l to —thcsa—dem ands- w lU i_ a

-T--------iu y d tn il2cd ._ tom ::jea r curriculum— — nxa0a;:poM lbl0 'by-.U i0 addition oQ

tecKhrcariy'‘'!railiccl':fneTm}’~niom ^ bcra a n d 'a m ore modern program ,!

• p a rticu la rly In tffe flcl'l o£ hu3ln?sa'j ■ m anagem ent, 1

» » v EmphaHU |"One of th e new emphaSI.? In tUoi

d e p artm en t of buai;icss ailm inlalr i>' tion ,” continued Mr. Allen, "wlU'

* h e .ce n te red Iri the train ing for •leadership In the new economic d e­velopm ent known na Ihe co-opera- tivn iiin 'Tjnent. This movement,

‘ftfreatiy w en under way In the mld- dle-west, now haa 84 u 'n l lj'in the n o rth w est w ith more un its plan-

L a n d o n R m c d s - ^ , , - ,

B y N o t - t o d - G o o d M o v i e s p r i n g d a l e '


A movif yon may safely tak e th e 'n s . wliole fam ily flJ see (provided •■'''•I'S. « you 're man omiugli to luke 'em s' on one a t a time, when they g e t; >«'* you home) hiid its world prem iere,suapen , ■ . voaleniay In the •'Landon;(or-Prea- rcclor, hmnvlnff he h;

p ro fiail)i'cchca by M rs. Ida U; W ise'!Sm ith, prealdont of th<* national';.U '.C.T.U.; M rs. A m elia ICarhnrt'Putnam , fam ous w oman aviator; | Mr. ami M rs. M,

lo on th e 'D r , Charle.-* Claude Selceman.' yiMitcd lu"-e vim ivfrsily build- piv-sldent of Sou thern ile thoO lsl ' ' .

ir vivl.l trea tm en t of stone university. , lia llu s ; M ary I la r r l3 ^ " '" ' ''‘“ ' ’ • “ doubt if the movlea h a v e Arm or, n a tional cvangelbtlo d l-ifam lly .

•passeU the w ork here. :rooicr of the W.C.T.U., und M rs.' K arl Uron.s.in Ions fo r a let-down in the Mnyci

th ls.-ttm e. b u t the di- m er nation;

to tra in specifically for th is w ork .’, , In quo ting Dr, Andrew W arner,

acUpB-president of the college, tbe Doun said, “We can place every one o t o u r buairiesa majors in th is new w ork for the next uovoral

• years. H ere Is a field wli.-ro the <lemand Is grea t, but tbe tra ined leaders a rc Xcw.”

The enriched curriculum -Coom ng will offer, Ih' addition,

' tra in in g in the humanities, social science, and pure sclcnee. P r im a r­ily the em phasis hero will bo

' placed upon the-tra in ing of Chris- tion ’charac tcr, biit th a t dooa not

' m ean scholarship Is to bo overlook-,• cd, the new dean Of tho college

rem arked;W ould Acldcvc Good

PJONEER CLUB M EETS c Kl.MlJliilLV, .hii;e 10 i S|ii'iiiil) t

—-gic I.atlic^.' PliUK'.'r chit> wii; ;lucct tomorrow aftcruoou a t th e .’

•liom-' of Mr«. A. .1, WiUon, TUitc furii DiTt Neibion and will be a short Ojii.sine.-is moi-tin^' a t as t U tah , are v isltlni; J;;i0 i..,m .. and a loa from 3 i>. m .'iiis .

,t th e L. C. NeilHon liome. until Ti p. m., com m em orating the theM iss R uth Uronsoii le ft Sunday 30tli annlvrr-sary. iif th e club. All t<>t;.'tti>T witii iiu!

send tb e little o n c s 'ro ck e tin g f iv e 'fa ii Fa ilu re ." ' ‘ jfo r Albion w lie re 'sb e will a ttend present and form er iiiombois u ie Chrintiau StloiK'ofeet Into the a i r again , th e direc-t • The Unitert Dr>-s of Oklahoma the ' sum m er school ses.skfn hI the-c!*pcciaHy invlle<l to a ltem l.

nm g t o organize, There 13 a dl3 -!iaent”'hcadquarter3 In lb‘e 'H o licn -'C lu ‘choH, g iv e s 'you none, h'r^mx Foatuifl 'day ..f th» conventioilln c t dem and fo r Icadcr.sbip U. t h i s i ^ h o t o l , " " ‘ver-Hily wUl be •'Oklahom,. day,” Tuesday,field, and Gooding college propo.ws u is a two-reelcr taken v /lth thc .I'o you diw lly to he lawn .(une K,. On I m l <la>; general pi; ns

•- " - * • -• advanced Brownie No. 2 - l-lw L^milon liumc w here tU c.for Uio OklaUoiua. pruhiblUou.• ooulnment and produced by ih o : K'>'’<?mor is shown pushing his two cam paign w ill b e . outlined Ijefore'Siinunv. e m.hUeltv men for Alf LaniloiVs children In a swing, 'ihu convention; The them e o t the; Mr. and M^ S m i / n , T d o a l s w ith Ihe K an v . *KnWr tho T o rrir r ................Iday',. p ro g ram will be '•keep the family.^M.;h

9 sa^S ^v e rn o r a t home, a t w ork, a t J u s t when you beftln to feel th a t saloon o u t o t O kiabom a.” Mrs.I n^ay ' jy'*'* b ear .to ?ce tbe g o « rn o r,M a ry A rm or w ill spenk on "Repe. '

G reat Ucceptlon ................................

T he movie wiw accorded thc ;^ ,„. jLubltsch. m aybe) wi.soly cuts'-and the W .C.T.U, di.splayed m oat cnthusla-stie reception o f a n y |jn j pre.Mldenttal nom -'lino o t .s tr a te g y 'th e y hope lo ufpic ture smce .tj 'e . .P ‘« l \ . . o f ' ' Nn-.inee'K terrie r pup rolling ab o u t In^in <lef^atli.g ropOHl In thlH Btalo

I } V f . ° y n .w r-‘ sanJ T h e a rr iv a l of the .m onth ago ,, w hen they detldcd II don followers beat th e ir h ands and j,„p j j unexpected, and m altes w llhdraw opposltidn .lo.u', vole ii ■ fe e t a fte r the m anner of a ciLst'-^n ,, fin,l i,ie H enshaw inlllalotT ' jcpe:0 a w a y .on an Ice l ° / « P i s c l f laughing -and -R -onderlngw ot.'am endm cnt.

up circulation, and then w en t in to ,t ln e irs c.rmlng ne.xt, ! N ew Tac(ii-s n irsue.11 snake dance-aa the band p layed j y o iir nerves easc if by this, cnm- They hud fou g h t the :imen<

'•-ilhe cam paign song, V an B e e th o -.g jy d irec to r (L ubltscl. m en l's going lu a vote on the coi0 a haurttm g 0 husanna. E ven .jug^ any th in g to do tenlion th a t s ig n a tu res obiaint

probably D eM lllo);on, the pe tition ne ither w e n m

d cbll-!

, college Is no t,In an Intellectual r e ­gion o f 'm ediocrity , b u t in the d e ­g ree o f a tta in m en t tow ards the goill o t cxcellcnt achievement and, high scholastic endo(ivor. Gooding' n iu a t m ake Its contribution in q tk l- I ty .a n d thereby establish educa- tlona l p reccdent for this region."

, . S tudenln arc to be aided In njec ting thc.se designs by d is tinct fouraes. E very freshm an h to

't a k e a course In methods of effec­tive study , and freahm an girls will

. 1)0 o 'ffo red 'a course in ponilnallty

o the r la rg e r InBllliiilons, ami th e rcuponalbllitlps are dividcil am ong a am nller number, the op> p-trtim ltlea fo r leaderahip nr<: g rea te r, I t la nnaorlcd. A nother fea tu re of In terest to Ida^i) stii ' <leiitn Is th a t GooOlng offcni a more

' ‘jiv^rhgfl and leas lirUficfalTnVIom- n ien t In w hich on, Idaho stu d e n t ta n j l tc e p hla p ractlcftl"Ilfe con- tac la . .

KTFI PROGRAM1?»OI«0, 1,000 w aU t

■ movc- iclim W ithout w arn ing , Guvei'-Uo ob ta in < . A fter :arelul

'•If . th a t picture jloe.sn’t • s to p ,y „ ^d an.i s ta r ts 'c lim b in g un bigger and b la ck c r'

I 'o f numei-ous le tte rs pointing than flaw s in the proposal., they wllh-

. lU can'dM W th e ir opposition and sta ted s ab o ard jth e lr be lief th a t public ,I C lum p 'againat the m easure woulij/llefeat

Thursday1'. M0,00 K tiy K yaer ami his orcht’s

Oil.'l .South Sen IfllaiiilenItudy W oldotl .Sax.lphgiilca Natloiinl (;avallerrt

7;0U I'In to I 'c te tiiid h ( i raneli boyn

7;1.1 (.’hovroli-t MuNlral Mumeiil w ith Uublnoff

7:30 Worlilwldii lra in ;r.id l) nev 7 ;in Ford VH Kevu.- H:l)0 D ram a, Itenetllvm eal A

mlnlntratloii Hi-IO Tho Hanltone fhvecllie.trti

Tho Plano Hlyllnl Hvorilng Ueijuent ilo ilr '

11;0U HlgniUK off tlnii)Friduy

A M .<1:00 r'a rtnpra ' llrniikfiiHt ('lu<) <l:in Ihid & .Too lillllnKn

Farm and lloiniT'fliiahi's . Oonural M ark«t Quotation

7:00 M orning UevoUonaln ,' 7; in Worldvvldn Iraim-riidUi inn

. 7:110 ricorK» Hall and hla ori'hc'

7:4,1 Thu Hiivoh'ia

,...Hiifl.J''iirajnul-aUiin— -----H;:iO Kay Noblo itn-l his o r rh f ’llC'X n:fn'n |>enlng"M iiVI<e(' Qiiolailoiis U:00 norHiUlemnit A dm inlatra ' ' tlcin <lt'iuiiu tl: in Iloy Fox and Ida orohrHtra

{''.vimhiK Tluien iinwa flitnlien (l:in MornlhK MoIImIv C oiitell

]0 ;nn V ictor HtrlMK Kiiaflmblo l(l!4n M arry F . llusMnr N nvi'ltloi 11:00 VIolor Uand L'otincrl l l : l » Tw in FuIIh Miirlodi

1U::I0 F n ts Wnlloi'ji H hythm ia :< n C losing miirkflt iiuotatlonH H ; jn W iirldwldo tniiiA-rndlo iiawi

1:00 M t« i t nam-o Itoloaiea l i i n MlKou UhariM « t lh« O rgan 1;.10 lllulm rd lilm bor ood liU or

nhiiBlralt4 n Uvlnalil W «rriiira th VuoaU U:00 .InvchA Ife ird u VloIjnUt

'a i m PceriPM Trio

Landon,bbrini? In the 'cause of Sena to r. B or-[e^V rA d^nttjre^^ yah said "then no th tag will. T h a t l „ y „ ,it n „ j '^ a v n T ^ ho l.s p a r t of the scenario w hora A lt I n n j heading o ff tow ard a rides a horse down a 'b lll and d u n iij jf woodsn.ear falls o ff^oughta sw ing tlicl ■ \ .v i,i,o ,t I'.'G ov E W MarhTexas, Oklahoma, A rizona, and^ . The horsfr w alk s ' under a trfle didiile! fo r th e U iilK !^'Stall W yom ing delegates to us on th e low -hanging branche.f and th e 'a te a ea t of T l id n j ^ P , Gore, thif i r s t b a lo t .............. jgnvernor, w ith am a«lng qu iekno^sV .bom bshell . i r i ^ d i y

Muiip, uuimou in [,rni, won’t 'h n announced on -M ay :!3 th a t hoThe La^ndon movie, w hich Is n o t ,^,,ock his lieiid off. The L andon lw ns in favo r of repeal f ..r tbu sta le

w ired f o r sound, b u t w hich ha^ ,m - enthusiasm vociferously applaudevl i and .would m ake h is p resen t cam- c lden ta l m u a c dubbed In ( a n d n h , , hit. .A V nndcnberg m an hU - p„tgn on th a t scor.c. . w h c n l m y dubbed iTnenn d u b b e d ),,t,„ j. me biased. Ho had been ' u Is believed M arland will crcate r ' " ' ‘k i r dc a rtm en t fee ling against hisband, playing "D rink to Me O n ly '‘" T j , ; proceedsW ith Thlno Kyea," T hen com es'

:a i)llon :. ’ \•A busy day

The '^¥iT l!c^ 'filoker8 f i f r 'a/l* alm ut a i^dmito and G overnor U ii, ^dbn m akes his f irs t a p p ca ra n co ,!„ |, ^ n ^ ^ a . i u v .sea ted ra th e r > |»comfortably b e - 1, |, , , , _hind a desk In Ihe cap ilo l to v^-eeds, Ipoku. F o r some f.TO feet h<j w ork- lio,inro» im dly Imii.l governof Just M ts the re . Tho horse finally fig h ts hla w a y ' thum bing his .suspemlers and nr- j|,g ii,|eket. and to theciialonally nmMiiig ' ‘h head., The „ ,„ ,riy „icop hill. H avingdli-octor probably fe lt tills W"B no t[„ |read y nolleefl Iho governoVfl ten-> of vita l Interest, fo r _lu. holKhtc-nsi.icncy ,,„„„co In tho aa.ldle. you:

,L-uudldacy for. th e senate . An<l the ' ou t of:W .C .T.U. Is expected to foine out

sigh t behlnil v c lum p of b titih es jtro n g ly In oppbslllon to him,s j , .. land tho d irec to r (DoMillo Justi --------------------------------l i t the executive i|„ .calencd to sue fo r )ll>el, l t | . LUCKY TW E L V E MEET

m usU lw vo-.baoiu.V an -Straiubcrgl)-!— HAZlCLTON,--JuU4- 10-(Spc«lal) ■■ w ith a fliie feeling fo r the b e an tle s :~ T h o L ucky Tw elve club will

uiture, sw eeps th o hlllsble w ith 'm ee t tom orrow lit 2 p. m, a t tho The resu lt Is u sta rk -'iio m e of Mrfl. Don lllgbeu here.

III tho nex t scono, w hen l,aiii(i) |i, Is shown' being photo- gi apiicd bv newsreel men In a co r­ne r of the rapllol lobby. T lieiv In a p,ullculurly gripping dhol of a caiuei'iunan exploding a flash ligh t. bulti. -

aym pathiea quickly] Bhlft to the horse, however, when! IliA desreiit begins, to r Ihn gover-^

given D obbin's nock a sweot I t in th is r ld o .th a t

Tenan ( ’IliiiakI , IThe plctuiH read ies Ihe f i r s t 'o f

lla hrilt dorcu ollnuvxes In the nex lj ^Meene when thu governor’H datigli- [,„i ^v„«hlnKton, w ith thelte r, I'eKKV Ann, a jun ior a t K aii-L ,n ,.^ f lu tte rin g in n '

'■’ |!iaa H lat.1 uiiivrrHity, la show n •■on-'„nr,|ioi.st breeVte., | _ ___ _________________ I p, H. -Von H trom berg JUHliwlrod

land niild he w asn 't the director. :ifl Mvenliig Timea news flaslieN'Maybo thero w asn 't cine.

(nosing Hheep M a ik e t (^uo- , , tallons

AfteraiMMi He(|ueal H our 4:0i> Mlneha Kliiiaii V iolinist 4 :lti Connlo Iloswell .P opu lar V o­

cals•i;aO Paul llohpson V ocal Heloc-

tlonaItudy Vallee and h is o rchra-

n :0 0 'o rg a n Hentlniunts ft:liv Band Coiicorl n:»0 Tiniiis and triins-ia itlo tiuws n:4» Koyal Dndnlun U;t)0 Marnk W eber anil hU

c liuatia


PINTO PETEAnd H ii Rlinoh Bojni

(Ona of tha moit auooouti: I>n)vrami «vor Iroadouit)

Programs Each Tum. and Thun.

— . 7iOO |^ |n,Local KTFI. Station

NponMrwl by Meon'i raint * rufnHur* S io n

Rob Mllnsr BaIm Co.*nd . .

AMoelatod H(«Wii(i>WarnMr

■ New Motftl Tub*. DeLuxo Model

AUTO RADIOIlegular,144,00 valu«

o„„ $ 3 4 . 0 0F o r lim ited tim i na an

lntroducW>ry otfcr I 'ltK R TIIIAI.

M oney-Ilack Nallttiiellon (llI/VltANTRR

Bob Milner Saleft Company

Kolo lildg., nex t to Orphniim Theatro

l i i l c n to I’lNTO I'KTB Hrua<|«y>«t (row K T ri—

4 -w A d v a n t a g e s


4 -Square Lumber


TIiIh Ik l ii i t onu-(»^ iiiHiiy HUggc.iUrd lU 't'aiiKi'- iu o iiIh h ikI H lyli's U m l hoftfc r i i y u l t o ’rt p ln ii- nliiif Hervio'o will work bill to f i t your re(|ulr«- liifiitH , From ItioiiH to liluopiIiilH, n H ln ff o f I 'x p c rio n c o d lionm (li'HiRnorn and d rn ftH in cu i.i a t y ou r Hervitii-. w illiou l c Iuu 'ko o r oljligii- liiin, A«k for F lllIK liomu i)luiin!ng botiklot.




MODERNIZATION................. ................ ,................ ...... luiianfarallnlila fur your ii»n in buildiiiv unitor IIm K H .,\. | iU m.Call ■( }<iur iK'areal IIoIm l> y o iu ultloe o r

kkI niiii hniii Ihl* n<mnrhnhln pbiti «<•plaliiiHl lo ...... Under It, one iiioiiliil|r


,Si-l‘'U>ieo four liinilH-r.bu|rliiic l>r ll«’ MiellKM) and ><iiril chiKWn 1 -K<|ii«nj.< limili.T, |ihi« <.<«» or Intior, dlU di^f li »t MU<<l<M'U>rr MTTl<1'. » lll Kl>« ‘’i>l>nrd.r>ii>I->r;ir." Men^iiti- )iiiir I


KIXTtller, roiiilrucUoa,


lOverr |>le<« of 4>Hi|iiw« liUtiilie liefore II Irntm tlio mill, Tlilii rrnekI.iK ami d io k h u i a rJ c'oiiniriK'ihiii. T lih tcr (llim c ................... mlllini lu n

n ItiMl nlii'liikloff, inluM la 4.N<|iinm ■ID, re»iUlti| from


Tltem mil lie no flooni Ion, flfuwa, Ittenlt t w tfrom now If r "» ••• 4*IH»»r«. WInitnwi «MI ilM|-iltd«‘ ■Miooihir MXl tioon «tlll b« oTBii u i l aquMklcM. llriMlft ar« aoldnm nouMtarr w t iM iJ ^ U A r * laiiitlMV U (■■ed oivlualTrlf, llulld for |>ormaiuIhl M IU I

Stirt You< r u M w i r i i . « , v u L i to

B O I S E P A i a S T l u m h e h f : o M P i | ] v y

Page 6: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-


sm sctifli’sPinSGOilOllE

S ood in g Oirisacs N ow ffii , Biimmpr V aca lion

OOObING, Ju n e 10 (SjifCini) - MrtliD’H iitiile flclionl fur I'm' clriif unil bllnil clof nl v.-ith I)i" c<itn-

. mincomrtit pxcrrlnr" .Tttnr’f),/itlrr an pvcnlfiil yciir of whMosUi- arhli'vriiK'nt, In thr Piiimnti i.f pfttrnn.-*.

Wltli Die c('ini>1fllnn <i' Ihfis w ork tho foIlij»Wnn Mii'IrtUn

_____________ to l i ic lr iKinH etty ■ Jc n u Ariii.MronK,

burn; H elen Arrleif;l..n. Tv.in 'Fall-'i; Olive Ciirol H<irrii, Hurley; Inft Juno U 'tylf. Kcxburj,'; Inn Mfic

. Ciimi'Kin, K im berly; Kmlly Colil), F»l*r; Lource Davis, Shelley; EIbIu D rnninc/M iily> Kalla; V fln ia Dcn- (<.n Tw in F.ttin; F th rJ EttLi.StUfs: Jioris Bllen Cwrj;*-, Clalnc.a ith ru-, Slu-lltvr N cla Hnll. H\. Anih;m y: Ida M ar Hil), Nnmpa,

B clty ilogiin. Hiincrolt;. Kloihc I!iii:.i>hric«, M ontprller: Aila Mue .larl.Vcti. Hoisp; HrlPii .lolmston.i r|ic.k:>nc; Mane,' Joncf, Kimberly; .'•'r.intcH K<'licv, Caldwell; Hvclyn

liliiclttficil; Ui-rmee M iirhcr,: FaUs; Einriin W ufxinan. Ma- ;io Kallt*; K vrlyn Olsim, Arco;


LSovc-Ulatiawil,; & c iy n U n rfr 11. ‘ KlRby; U velyn 'T ’nltitMV

l^\viBt<JTi; i lu th Pclcrson . Shriley; Elolrc I ’h'clpB, BlHC-kfotpl; Ccncva] J'Milton. Biirlpy; A lio fiacCiGooU-! inK i'O rc lft SaKC, 0<KnlUig; Juncj fJittle. Sanilpo in t; Xlary Sm ith,, IJoisc'; D orolliy Slonn, Jerom e;. Dclvft Tbom pson, V ictor; V elma Vim H outcn, N am pa; Zoo WooiX- brldRC, A rco; D clorca June W right, Uol*e: T eruho YamoKato, Jprom e; Lola Younjr, ClelRhton; B arbara Ai*hlcy, Tw in F a lls ; Jessie Gogen- ula, iShbshone; K eith Anclcrson; Cr.odlnjc; L aw rence Anilersoni BlncW oot; D onald Bewion, Mo»> cow; L^G rand Brow n, W elser: WayDO B utler. S t. A nthony; E arl, Chiinslor, R u p ert; Dean Cooto, Idnho Falls.- jo o ” Dcmlclf. ro ca tc llo : R ob rrt Devnncy. Pocnlflllo; Jd c k DowTiey, GoodlDK: Joe Foley, BpoUnne; Cliarlcfl Hill. N nm pa; M orris H u « - iiker, W endelJ; R obert Joneii. Poca-r te lln; N eldon K illinn, Shelley; Fau l Lovclan<l, Caldw ell; F ron lt Male, Spokane; H ow ard Mafileraon, PoJ»c:' D em ar M organ. Pocatello; H aruo M orlta . K im berly; T csaka

■ ■“ ITiinniHl."nc)churg':~S:ugcnc M ur­phy. F irth ; A r th u r N etz. Jerom e; I.flwrencc N etz, Jerom e; Raymond N etr, Jerom e^ L ynn Orgill, Mc- Cammon; M ilford Osborno, Idaho Fa lls ; Dougins Owenn, \V«iocr; Jam es- Pehce, M ountain Home; Di«n J’cttinRill. Je ro m e;' Roland EftuvaRcar, Spokarte; A lbert Scon- ierx, H lackfoot; Melvin ScaUy, rociitclln ; G w rg e Sharp, Burley; Dick Staple.-*. Caldwell; .J a c k Stroud, R u p e r t; Billie- Turnbow, SjK-kace; K enne th Turner, Mur- taugh.

Uoinnrt V an H oulen. V ernon W atte rs . Bonricra Ferrj-; George ynm npa ln , Je rom e; Donald • Ghi* vey, H alloy; Tom m y AihtoD, G fodlng;, E thvln Biilsomer, Bon- lirr« F v n y ; M nn’ln Cash, Bontiera K n tv ; H erbert Clifton. Lew iston; 'Kiii;<‘iic D urick, Spokane; H arold Koil.iiBh, R exburjr; Iloy Johnson, B avton ; L eroy ICnudscn, Idaho

M<rlln I’e tr r s n n , ' D ayton; . Bliaij). H exhurj;; E arl T erry, Buhl; Rf.licTt W alton, M onipellcr; Jtiycu liniiKH, G ooding; N elda Jncknon, J'ocaU llo; E velyn Kldwetl, - Rex- liui'K. niicl. Allin KurokI, Idaho Fit 11H.


Mr, and M rs, J . Rclux.loy, Korl Ucirnan, Colo.. ■ cf Mr. and M C( ntly

Hiiymoml Kliulrrrt was riilled to New I’lym oiith Iwcnusr of the 111- Di'Mi of h is m nthrr.

r i r n n n r P e lrrso n Is ronvalfiirlng from A aevere ratic of larynKitls.

[••rank 1-VrlH', Itm k Htirhii.'S, W yo, l« vif-lllii/- Mr, imd Mrti, M........... .

.Inlin ■(filter )<fl v rfiin liiy wllti A f-nvrrtimt'iil surv<.vi"K < ri'W, iiii-«1i r I iinliic'ci' Holicrt I,, (•'iillcr,

,M fi VtrKliiln Ayliir niid Mlw< llililii Hi'liiii.'iiwin I'lilnInttK 'd (orMiM>. .liiiirjililni' filiiiv iiii'Vliii: to H;ilt l.lini' CUy lo inaki! Jilt lifiinr.

’fill' c larrm ofil \Vi iliirddnv rvflillij: w lill t\’l nii'm- liriK altriicllnt;. N rx l mi'ClInK will U iK'lil .luni' IV nr.d will bo oh- » rrvril an clillillTii’n lil|:ht. All Criiiij;t'rii u m iinlird to iiiliiK ih t'lr elillilri'n a n d each ililld In rtipK'nl f i| III con tribu te oiii' tn im lur i>i III'' |iro|;riiin.

I'-rcd Cftler lin* riiiiiiK il fn>in Uir l)nlv«r«lly «>f Mnlic, m.iilliern briiTuh, a t I'd i'n irll'v

Miks Volmu Miill, ll-lBc, »i>iM IJio w<tpk-«jd tvJIh hiT jum-Jilfl, Mr. and Mrn. H. Moll.

M, . C. H olbrook lins ri liiriicd from lAVA lf» t Oprl'iK"! vvht bsH been tnkinK ii.nllrftl tren l-

.in»aU , and Is inuclt Imprgvvd jn

K o ri 'B t 'llcd d r id IcM I’rlduv iO v is it rcltitivrii 111 Ktevpim JHilnt. W it , mill (.'hlcnn<i.

Mr. mid Vand ilaii|jlil« i, m**" ............-Cil fron t a tr l |i llirouKli 4 'alifornla,

1,/irrulnu and Kliiliic lln K u k l rn- t r r la ln e d f r l rn d i .a l illiiiK-r l’'tlilny <.n ( I f i r «Uv«nUi blrtliiliiy Aiiiilvtr- ■nry,

i.nipli (lon ln^e, Onlilrv, r r r rn tly r r in n ic d 1* H- D. H. mlhslc.iimy tlir r i ts t r rn nliitrB inltHilon, ((i)Vfl r Inllt a t thn M. M, A. r«mJolnl inert' 111/; Kundliy rveitli'K . Jiini jili f iivn r, j iu r iiy . i-n liitiilnc il ivUM U 'ff* iiiiinlrjil numbt-i’n.

Iliii it^ m u l uxM vU u uT llio U nity w iin rw o r* hald n t thu lu lriu l 111.- AlfMrt O runn home, Nornm j'rU:« mod H uby t-’mnjitirll, diiuKh {<•■« o l M r. jim l KliH. KiiKcnn I'rli'' nrirt M r .' n iul Mi». n . c«m)»liDlJ

bii|illr.i«t m id oid«liiii<l mum ’were, buiil i e r s o f itho L. I). H. rliurch.

BUnbleached U n h e m m e d

Is ^ U 5U N

S0 y**-^ A v a lu e f o r e n rly B h o p p m l

^ G E T Y O U R S I' Bavo b y h e m m in g y o u r o w n ! 8 1 x 0 3 In ch c a — U n b le a c h e d .

^ P IL L O W

CASESJ u s t 2 0 A t T h is P r ic e !

. B e a u tifu l R a y o n a n d C f.to ;'.

P ! B E D - '



A R e a l B arfir .in ! S to c k U p N ow !

______ , * j . a a A

Ready-to-Weai| Balcony, Companion Features~7ATPEHHBY»S

F o r Bjilirf.s n n d n f t f n io o n tv c n r l W asViable s ilk s a n d n c c t i i tc s .o f uin iK iial <l\iiili(y. ^V hitc, p a s t c l i fiii<l-pny su m m er p r in ts !

Sizes 1 2 - 4 4

S TA R TS TO M O RRO W !!A n e v e n t Of e a c h tr e m c n J o M im p o r ta n c e t h a t y o n j t a t c a n 't a j f o r d t o m lea H I . . . f e c a J s c i t b r in g s y o n -A m e ric a ’a

Jow eat p r ic e s o n so m e o f A m e r ic a 'i b e s t k n o w n 'in e r ^ a n d is e | i f y o u w a n t q u a l i ty — I f y o u w a n t t o sa v e — d ro p , w h a t -

e v e r y o u ’r e d o in g and -O O M B -'T O T O E " P A I S V l - . ^ ,


^ r ; i l l Mi(-!.Asro«tc<l Uio :- '. . T lu y ' l l Go F a s i :

Companion Features in Our Men's Department

S u m m er



New and B m art! K n ltt« l

S t R I N G C O A T S• W h ilcI

• P a s te ls !

• S t ro l le r L e n g th !

34111'A ;

i o « « * •

f a m o u s N a ^ W i d e T e s t e d


> Siie Sl"x9</'

1>18»H A G S

1 0 ^

R e g u la r or^.

N u-C rjiT t C o lla r s

J u s t ’A r r iv e d I

W O M E N ’S S L A C K S '

$ 1 .4 9I L lch t niibhpll pa ltrm B . P len ty long ror you thll f lr l» -

nnd Knnforlzi'U to s ta y th a t w nyl SIdo buekleat

JuBt Arrivedl W onfen’s

P O L O S i l lR T S

49<iK n itte d a tv le s ' to w ear w ith a k lrts o r slacks, heigc, p m h and white.. Rope tie c o llar a n d belt.


- S E W A N D S A V E ! -# .cw w io a m B .sw iiiw <

F or Smart N tw Frock^

Dress Prints'

' J60\

.^crcerl2cd.S€wlng‘Thrcado',i HiColpw.V > t j50j.V« ..CooU 6 tO .N .T jf O O ;y d s t^

1 r Double'Fold L«wn Bias 7ape*. f : )Penfmald.Sill( T h r e a d y 5 0

‘ ’W a s h a b l « ; ^ F « n c y ^ B u t U m f 5 n d S l i d a i ^ r < l -

' '\Vhlte'.Pearl’ButtonsryL«^i 'OirclS ,.i, ,.So5riapTafltenei^_black7_wbl^'«lVMZca.:;_.^

Needlea; 'S K arp ^ jaob ro id ^ d*mer».\.-^..40

PintliraM,-ni!airpiitt<f .30p^^S afet/

O c g a iiiiT T n n m u n g ^ /U io rt^ 'f ty lc i^ c ^X O C ’

Tarew sfaiaagiyti ^



Save on Linen PMsH'

klainona Cloth^ttowy White, 36 In, Wldii

1 9 ^ yard,R e tlh i iro n ls use It far table c lo ths and napkins. I t 's fine fo r unlfDrtns nn(I'''riim pern too. Closflly wfivent

Save on Good W hite O uting

FLANNELAnit SfwYaur Own Bedwe»ft\


M A K E Y O U R nT .O T H fl T H E B IZ E Y O U W A F T l

‘J’ldM* amd Cot iredTABLE

DAMASKr < i .

A I* exenllsht qu illty of to f t, dow nr uu ting flannd . ilT Jiw U ti wide . . . to ' insha In lo lu h y etolhQA, iilirh lsow nt

- W H n F E - M Q V B - .S ~ r l N « r o » l«,

1 9 0 ,!5usrv;.__

in*"‘ 1 1 ^

Id .


jleM*'* 43cJ j 4*- ■

iftO SEH SliES; ,. ijMlily.that U ttmoat lot KL. aS"i<xy' ■ im i S ear^T fflted m d J M t w d t e .

feimoSrof Pimiiy coitoinerei Large*

Thcro'fc Jiotliijijj lik e h lipp ln u in to a crisp M ltite filiirl fo r coolnc83 on lio tsm n iiic r tlayfi j.a'oi'flij^lits nre riiinit c f q u o lily brom lelotli. F u l l c u t! I’rc-sliruiik for b e lter f i t and lon ger c o n ifo r tl. T a iio ic d lik e n m uch movr c p ensive s li ir t l

------ - - - - -M e n 's— ..... —



B la n k e ts

25cD o cli — L in e n e — M e sh I

....... ....... M e n '* B u m m er


1 0 c ..A tt r a c t iv e p a t te r n s — l ig h t o r d a rk !


IkMUUful'Indlu DMiKnB L A N K E T S

98cCowl bin BlM , . . M mIO In, I

- nulfy PMthw .PILLOWS

O I L C L O T HDrtti Up y«Nr K'iUhtn^

1 9 c yardNrw »umm»r)r p ftlU ir QUtlllv oOeloth. F o r ..

40 In. »(de.lu tl llv oOeloth. F o r labick and

WMhable OUuloM

A m arvel of value! T he Ideal ahcet fo r cam p- ^ iUff ou t and th e Ideal sum m er b ta n k e t, at p home. B eautifu l colors, p la id p a tte rn , 60x76

inches. Y ou'll never h u y tUem lo w e rl ,

lYS’ r>FPT FF.ATIlRES N e w “ N o -B « l t ”

S L A C K S$ 1 .4 9

tw ill In w h ite and ligh t sum- , K ew sty le tb a t boys' like! w a is t band w ith 2 buckles

^ l l e


M en's W hite Duck


9 S C

M E N ’S W H I T E S O C K S

1 0 0Pair

T hey 're fine fiiouph for d r« i* and • heav7 enouRh lo r w tik , Puiti

C heck th e se V a lu es! SAVE!

Iloy*’ Hlnck Style


15c rr.r n n e y patternB l lUlnfprceOI

. -Wide

T h e y r e Smart I CootfW A S H S U I T S


ShadeiiA t a u v in s

* 5 «

R irc llrn t quality, Un, M - ln . I t It. BsBw iMliMled*



79c .Meilliim w ide m rah w lth pa ttern , K u l l Im k Ui ami 4S Inches wlilel

----- nn)H“ R B T m i- -------

f»oSo Shirts79<S


: ii'ff. riain or ftocy.


Penney’s Famous 81" x 99" Pettco

S H E E T S^ Dependable Quality / « r Wear— Appearance

S J . I 9li'fl no w onder Uicy'flcll eoi! fn n ti "Thoy’ro 'sO jmucK] B lronger and m pro duroblo '

Ithan^Y ou .w ou ld expec t f t t j l l i ia ^ w , p rico ., Sm oolh fln-' 'I s h l .Nicely hcm m odi

81x99 W ka rd , Jr.

S H E E T SA Typical, Pemmey Valuel

|C6 9 '

Slie «J"*99V -.

Sii<‘ 8l"xl0e'U ,jpenco C aier


Cellophane wrappedli

SHEETSSift 81. X 99

>?u\'h*i'ttr.u;5:ft.SiVVv7quality m uilln , eloMly woven lo iten d up under h a rd wear and frenuent launderlnga.1 ^

B iu Cut


PUN tllli PrMCk enpal t* c e

4»l-0»rly . nnn.TliiM nli/ed dmnank il<'&ii;iia I n i ^ '

jw itii niliirnl bonlirw . M M d /k iw p r im i r m V



Cheese Cloth23c

F or duatiBiri pollehlnr la u ie bandages. The bandy, Monomlcal way lo buy I

' V d . n g .

Wtmt Coler Tarkkk

TOWELSl I H a M InekMt

1 0 $ e a . .3 WhUfl o r »bU({ eolor'i w U b c o lo n !

Iwrders,' o r «M” ‘ctlv« p la id alfo. SaTAl ,

DRY GOODS D m . » ♦ ■» • ' MAIN FLOOR

CiPLED C i l l ■ OPENINC F i f t y

|T \v< )D ay E.':;?niiimtionH L isted f o r Ha;ulir,ii))pcU C hildren

• Of S ix C'oinilica

M B I l K I J f i y . B M i C E C L I K

130I.SIO, jii;ip JO ir.D — 7<laJio'9 tr«.nr,ury U co ittiip fu lle r and full-

.or. A t lon.Hi th e lORular m colbly rf'iiort fo r M;iy givc.s proof to lhn t

Istntemetii.1 On 'MAy .11 of thl.-i year, tha a rc ft.sun r's offico reported co'-h on ' ,h a n .U o be S,H,3H0,«98 ns com parrd I o ! 3,3 I ^ 01.1 „n A pril 30 ft m onth bororc. To show how m uch cnsh hn/j bcou nccumulfttcd In two

' “ 'P " ‘'"nen t Hated only ; J l .J 2.>.3no Rs r.i.sh on imnd n t ibo jcml or Mny in 1031.I O utstandinfj w arran ts inerentcd ;the no t deb t over the m onth r f ;A pril to $1,200,122. B ut .o n - th o ;snm c iifito !n 103I, the ne t debtIwna $3,SM,5S<,.......I N ex t m onth la pay dny for- ccr- |tn tn honrlholdera. On Ju ly i . ,n ii- ipons nn<i Uonr/s to la jin r SJ5 7 . ;740, >0 will be paid out. Influde.J in

|™,S'b.'.5f~ E D E N

Mr. and ^r^B, Rny lle n rv bikI clilUlren left T l.ur«,luy i o r Bw h.Ii' fill, .u m h , to Vl.iit Mra. H en rr 's jmrrntH. .Mr. imd . .Mrs, SamiVl

.N iiylor, Mr, H eniy retu rned I 'l i-

.ilay, ItavinR hl« w ife and children 'ijiere lo vl.slt rela tives fo r some

I Air. ami M rs, Rny Hnrdinir.- ^vl^o imvc- been vl«tiiMK n t tlie home ol

iMr, an. M rs, K. n . H ard ing lo r ;thu post week, le ft F r id a y a fte^-] noon for tHelr home In PoealcDo, ‘I Aim. UBonn Krazello and he r sis* iter. GiileiiQ Stinnfctt, a rc v le ltir lt t ''' lit tho home of tho ir g rnndpnr- ents. Mr. and M rs. A. J . BtloneU,

O. C. »ur<llck n itu rned hnm e from H ot SprinRS. M ont.. recently.

Mr. Him Mrs. T . A. lYiglls and. ' I Mr. a»il Mr«, W. O, Gll>son and »mi Bpcnt thi! w eek-end flahloc ia Hllver and KIMi creeks,

1 MlHfl A flon P e terson le ft fo r .M iiitauKh Kiliiiiy a fternoon , w here lulio Will Djirnd moHt of th e snm - im or w ith iier mint,, Mra. l.)nvl8. • '

I U r. and M rs. A . B. Gish, lUl»<k,hBvn numed to tho I>. L. UlwH*

jhciini in K dcn; Mr. cnsli will a r t oa

N ew teacho rs Ischool n , ............................. ..Miss Llhft OverHtreet. nunecli I»anc. mill M lu Volma A rrlnKtoo, Tw in FnllB. T eachers retum lnK from la s t yen r a rc W illard U t t l -

- ICden Kratl* 1 n|i|)oliili-d hy tlio>bosrd «

Announce Program For Band Conceri

Proxriun to be prcaentert by Twin r a ils municipal band at llai^ nion Held Thuraday, comm enclnc a t 8:10 p. m., will Inolude the (a)« low lns numbers, aooordlDi to Dr.Oi A. l^iller, dlreotor:

March, "AnchorB Awelnh,” Sim* m annani overtur^ "Poei mmI

■uppei- -Truro the V teiW rW w i»;‘'W m M t r - American aketch, “iio w n Somn,'* U ydleton; “Parade of tha Wowtea- Boldlera," Jcasel; Idyll, -aiflWwormr’ ~t.inK6)~i<iTOnoii." "Wbw— M v le ," Prlm l; march, "Colooal B ofey,'' Alford; ••Star BpangJe#' Bannei,"

Paul Couple Murry In Rupert Recently .

Page 7: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-

P a g e X ig h t IDAHO EVENING TIM ES. T W IN FALLS, IDAHO Wcflnosdaj’, June 10, 193B*


T ro y L .u m d ry S l ii« i H u rd lo Siiii'-'lch Jcvoiiie C o -op ’s

' Teniit;-21-C • -

/T O ‘/ /1.VQUAN]if/ li'n,! TtiB <.UtV£LANO //V l9 ^ , f i fO N T Y

Kid Cannon, Now In Army, Keeps On With Boxing

Kirhn.'l.i aiul Tvv;|.Sl. Loui

H ornsby Crew A lm ost O ut ' 'C eliar (is Chief H ogsctt

pubdiios Yflnks •

By L ESLIE AVERY N i;w YOHK. .luiic 10 d l’

o-.TH Hornsliy loUl Iho boys 1


ClnciimaU---------- 2«.Ilo.slcn ...........................i;i 27I'hlla.lolphia ............... I I ' .T2liiooUlvji ................ I 't ":i


,r>oo A ll N e g o tia tio n s f o r F ig h t B y

!f!r)3 ; ' M :ixic H ere H in g e on V isit .,480 j_ ‘... - ^ O f - P r o m o t e r ............

,a73‘,305 All I lotiat

his IJro'.vi beof III*' A

rno?i ,• Yoil< .\V,

3 fi>r I of Mu:

r’.i 17

Idaho Povscr .. . Jironie Co-0[) .. Worker* Altlanc

;,'.Refuse F a ll Bout W ith Qliump

liomc Ihcy woulii ...: along ikt Ihe tall end .....erlcan League proc -lovelnnd . liav 11 appeared ns if la- WflSliliij

knew what lir'was tiilkins nboiit. •ThfT Urowns began llicir riua'nl Phliadel

roa.k trip five Rfimcs bolilnd the St. fouls ... seventh place Philnilelphla Alh-! letlcs, hut loil.iy tlioy are only a p.ame behind thorn and iirc playtiig a Hocd brand of baseball for tlje fir.sl time tlih year.’Tlicy won four' nut of Itieir last six games nnd llj oul 01 their last 'Si. i

Hoosett Big Help !I'arl of the succcus of the

lioin'.livmc:!! was .hie lo the fluo If Kinn Hogfloii.- T»ic W?'

jf lgh t npp P e t, 'l \v )n Tails wciv a i » v)im ai »i .O e7|stm today w aiting ii v isit .if

-HWH' i Inf f ■ c a u- .pr..r>47|ter, wlio wns oxpectPd to hera

Scores Yesterday J

AMERICAN LEAGUESt. Loul.i 5, N ew Y ork 3.


D etroit 8. Bo.ttiChicago 5, Pliiln. 2 (10 innings). W aphlngtnn 2, Clovclan.l 1. .

, NATIO N At. LEAGUE■lleniuM cr fo r Dc-i. '

today to. confer w ith Jim m y Win- ■i:< .510|terli(iler, A m erican LcKlnn bONln? 2r> ,470 nnd w io.ftllng com m itteem an.’31! .333j H offman, who wired n perccnt-

.10 3! .320 age o ffer to the Ivoglon yesterday, wua Informfld by W lntorholer liiat n igh t th a t negotiations could no t be conducted by telegraph.

The qucstfon o f tertns, ouldoor field and o the r a rrnngem ents will form the chief topics of debate 1{ Hoffman comes hero ^or the gcsted flonfcrcaco today.

I'LV N S NE.VKLY K K.\DV BOISE. Juno 10 (UJ:j — P lo a i

i-erc ncarlag com pletion today (of

iiiti’rnatlonal polo sup rem ac jiv 'A crowd of 10,000 — nm g in s

from Bmarlly-dre.Hsed nobility i» London shop-worlcors — Janimed thtf.apa,ciou3-.‘'tandfl,l(),see ,thi‘_fi r_st

• 'A m w lM rT-int^raftU aqai-teain play Tn ICOKliniU'Rinctmi^'.'

U. S. H eavlly Favorea The invaders were favored beriv-

tly to w in the ir fif th s tra lR ht -ser- ie.s. In te n serli'H played since IHKrt.

, a t New port, H, I,. AmilUca has won seven 'and Fiiglam i tbrev.

Uotb teiim s fielded lin< w ith handicaps of 31 goat.i, deaplle thlu apparen t atrcngtli. b e tting w as 3 tn l

cau?c of tliclr b e tter ponies and sm ooth a ttadc , w oahi lrium i)h in

'■•tho opening m atch and r> to J th a t 't iicv 'w ould go 'b ri to Inlie’ llH' l« o ou t’of throe si'Hen.

New Americans Tho new A raerican.i w ere Mi­

chael Phipps. 27, and S tow arl Iglo- !mrt, Phipps played No, ^ iiiid

.iR lfiharl No. 3. AC No; 1 was seven-goal E ric Pedley of C alifor­nia. Pedley, now 40, w as a Rulisii- tu te on tho A m erican te am in lf21

■" and reg'u'lar No.' i in li)30; il i e ’fir^t we.tlorncr ever nam ed to an in ter- cations! Kquad. Win-iltni' Oiiest, la ll. dnrk-lialivd, long-h iltliig s ta r , nt.tvcd l>ack.

vVteranR of the Brltlsli sijuad ■re Gerald Balding a t No. 2 an,l Capl. H um phrey Giiinnes.'!. back. Balding, was A nine-goal handicap. Is’second on the world lis t only lo

. Tom m y Hitchcock of the U. S., w orld's foromo.1t ' In ten iatlonalisis T/ho paused up hla fifth \Ve^tl■hc's- to r scries hocansc of busme.ss, H. Hoilgcpeth H ughes w as a t .Vo. I

■ for E ngland w ith F.ric H. Tyriell* l ln r tln . captain, u t No. 3,

P iT c m ^ fcP i 7rl£ VANK£ES T>I^ - ACQO/HBD ///a/ /.V 4

Ti^AO£ F o rALLB.^W^k) /&—

a of Ih. 1 K,iUn .sofiVall', 'PiiatfttJgr lu i Juu JinuCVAiriid^ liiii'iii-rs . . . . . _

lo W.irk p lenty and H o g se tt h a s ' Chicago 0, Pli.ilu. 3.proved his w orth by w inning fouri P ittsburgh 4, Brooklyn 1.ou t o f five game.-, since .joinUig up! P ittsburgh 7, Brooklyn 8 .(sec-

ith St, Loui.-!.

C.S — ^\\-i^A LD Td P r^~H U ,Tiff~ - S •/■, •' ' j ADW/M-i54v'5 S//Ke .

\ ' . \ OPPOf)l.\Jc, VCCKS'^S

■ * R id e /M l o c r 0:^lEM VE B i A CtfS/fJG m \ OP7/;oiu/.sic-’ ASpirrfc:...


Is Boosted HigherTroy ijH indry iir.rorkcd .several ' ---------

■ad.s of 'I N I It)* steam roller Jc r- ; j \KI''\\*OOD J June

put th e -n ^ n d o -m en la „ „ , y ^ e w ..........-iia inaci lu i ‘''-if,j.||t.],ro iiiu ling . Hi.s chief nionev keos, leador.s of the A m erican.

inm kor. Joe l^ u ls , has rufu.scd Id L eague, to five sc a ttered h its , Hisi 1 1 . i„r;: •‘I con trac t fo r a tit le bout chief trliirtiph, liowcver. w as in'nro ia iiao int. heavyw eight champion J im - bo.sting .•'N’oriioa (L efty i Gomez.'

" ddock in Septemhec. ' IHe was on the mound ntlll hu rling '»'<)-mahagers gave a posi- 'em in Iherc a fte r th e Browns.

" to Jacobs here'yeHterday shelled L efty from tJ'o m ound to ■ offered tho Brown Banibor lak e a .■) to 3 decision. The Y'anks

. . . . r, „ , , cent of the gale recoipt.s, btinehed three hit.s fo r a ll o f the irij) l a safe .“ " '‘’ <l'e‘ reg u la r flbare for Ihe challen- n iiis in the elghtll.

boy,.M ax Baer, ih Boifle Juno i t T h e jo rn ie r w orld’s heavywoljfhl

cham pion will box Bob FrasoT| r ising Bcattlo N egro ' t l | ' ro u M trftl A da oouivty-fal

O akland 5, S eattle 1. - A c^onllng’ to. M a tc h m a k o r-L « lT W tiand 2t Sac ram en to 0. '" U r o ^ n ; 't ’^ e r Xorraerly served ^ Lo.i A ngeles 5: M issions 0. tho Joo L oulj cam p and 1j th«

Chiefs WorSan Diego 7, San Franciaca.3,


l^ookmakers Missed Out By Ignoring Convention

imn In the flr.st lunlut;1 ,v,.ll .0,11 I,.TI.J WBlernoUT cow| :isor Jmi Wiiitcrholer „ hit fo/ hlm.' elf) rolled J binyles o(f (TiF,h an<,

. when h

>id a p i . Wdc . Unig agaln.st F.l- Serpa top- ay Ilf two'

p ijoiit, Brad-K'-i in a champiii dock would get the eh;i viHual .171., per cent. '

D ra u h ig Card. •'We feel Joe i.H JuHl as ..

lirgwlng" c.ird as BriVdaock;"

OUOLEyREllSSHAIEEGRDetro,lt Beats Boston I

Tho ,s.'eond place Boston Red snx failed lo take advantage of gub-Par F ina l R ounds A nnex the Yi ' ---

S . W 4 . " ? 5 n » » • %.OP=n O tam p-

S ' i ' l T S * h “ S ■■ IhiIw ™ u,c' » S ! ? S S J ' S : ■ ’. " i i S , ; " f f ' i S ! ' " ™ ! ; " s ™ v i s " ■s . . a , v n e b :o :j :i ^ u d s o n , p . . .

• ICth «

L o\i1j oam p i only eparrlny p a rtn e r who hasn ’t been knocked o u t by th« Brow n Bomber. F o u r o th e r tw utJ wUl •round Cut tho program .. B aer will a lso f ig b t a t Poca< tetlo. Tlia da te h a s n o t been se t. A Tw in F a lls appcacance is han^«

soyfflPiwoASW S ilM F O E

lid be unfair lo Joe to '’‘ ,,„X ,pV deIpkla today re ta ined Ills Sliaw- „‘e n ! ' t ’'" 'f to 'b eg in I ra in ln g -a l l over W ushingt’on nnd B o -;"” °P‘; " ‘ R®’'c o r e s ' w i t h bv P ie t to de-l^"^ '’

• r.V i.nol.ng.. addml manag.,,' th e Philadelphia A th le tie s S ’f ^ J °f.nhUiri^inhH « JS8 lo b eat o u t U. 5,• im H ^ n k n r f e ^ champion Tony M anero and

.M S ir . Who won tub oSl.on.l r t- .n U f..ii fn „ r n n d .t'llc by a -b r illi a n t com cback a t

_______ ______________________ S<VLT LA KE C IT i'. U tah'., Ju n a .o p e n 'g o lf title by Bhootlng.9 (I'.i!^— Tony Souza, 209-pounil

.................. the la s t 36 boles Portugueae f ig h te r from Califor­n ia ,_w ll!bc_^_xle B aer 's opponent In a ' liiain event" bout' h e r nextM onday n igh t, P rom oters R. Verna McCullough and Ixiu H offm an an ­nounced.

The form er C alifornia Aggies, grid s ta r w as nam ed In preference

H arold (M illionaire) M urphy ofag g re g a te ^ f Hollywood, who w as declaioned ia

. . . . . A ngeles bout w ith K ing L«-vinsky la s t week. • - •

llilUK ii" would ri'KO't I'xi'itedlnK ly, jiJ irlln ilariy In view of Hm’ th a t iilii nain.' I" b<dtiK use connorllntt w llli I w .lif i..r-n l ICnmprnn toum .

(JAItOIA HK.^TH .l,V< KSD.S iX )n A N d ia .m . .tw u’ to ti

C’cforlnf) Onruln, 147, Matillii, ih>- ■ cNIoneil Younif I 'n tr r .laekson, I4’.’, ’ l4i» XflKo'n* (1^) : Aldn M iller, 147,' (.nil AnKolMi ilKiw w llli ro rfo c to IvijlPI, H I , lAilt AhK<'i''" <<i);III,> MnK>i>H, lUl), MukIcu CItv. Unookert ou t l .tl lln Deti.p'tey ia;i,Msalls .(!)• 1 1

\h ii picHeiil h( ui'lKill HlvliiH a■if III »\i et-lille tioldiIi Ahoiiii .rfmiilmik, r l i r n > i i \ lira» uv . IkIH lilnir, riKlil. l» V lv li iK ' Ni'liinrlliiit, iltipn nil IiDit tiK uliiiitfil i vixitii i III* ( i||til tillii ■!<« t.<MiU 111 Viiii Kra klmllun), Jiiiix IH. I’Je lunIVM (uhrii III NrliiiielliiK’k -N»'|iniiiH'li, N, V„ liulidliK t'linip.

...................... lovsa; mil Uin(!».i1l, * "

r^ntlon Dry Chi It ■

'! wilJimI!n' n fn l r l i l f / i lr l tn , < 1 ^ 5 Q U A U T

im rlntlnii' I'liiiili' fiiivetoriniNl "

UNIONMOTOR CO.\ mmmmmm mmmmrnw

Page 8: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-

W cd n p sd a y . J u n e 10, IDAHO EVENING T IM E S . TW IN FAI.I.S. IDAHO Page Niu«


MARV -M A RTllA C IA SS BTL'p iES l lU L l ’ I J IN D ............

A dcacrlpllon of he r vltrit lo Ihc Holy L«nd by M rs, David 3. Koc-

'■ nig, gucBt speaker, w as tho fea tu r­ed event n l yealerday'B meeUn(' <if Ihc M iiry-M arlhft d a m of the Usp- tla t church a t Iho home of Mrs.

■ M. O. KuyUcndall.Fo lliw ing a b rief business bcs-

. (lion, prealde<l .ov fr. by Mr«., Kuy- Ucndalt, a r ro g ra m w as prcserrtcd under th e direction- of Mrs. K KlOdt.

Mrs. SAlflberry dlecuBscd BelhlC' hem ' M rs. M arvin Mayo, Jcruna lem; Mrs. N oah Nichols, th e S tree t

~1. Mnrtyn,Iillgriniago to ra le sU nc.

M rs. M arty n b.itIb ‘‘Tbe Holy a t y . " accom panlctk by M rs. J. ’ Ho(i£cs.

M rs. B, N . H o lt read th e scrip- tu rc lesson, a descrip tion of the m anger sc tn c , m It wtia flromo* lltcd by M rs. M ayo, Mss. Bertha Mulllkln. a n d M rs. C. Z; Boyd.

Tw enty m em bers w ere pre*ent, as well aa th e follow ing gucsls: Mrs. Ida Klnff, Caaper, Wyo., and Mr*. M amie X ^w non.-Fort ColllnB, Colo., sieUrfl of. M rs. R. J . Riley; Mrs, Wllftird Sw artlcy and Mrs. Gordon.

n rfrp n h r ien tn w p re served >»>• the hoslCFF*n8Sistoa by Mrs. D. J. GfblJ nnd M rs M nftyi


CalendarSham rock

TJiurwliiv n Robert Stov

Ealmon Social club will m eet a t th e homo «.f Mrs. \V. F . Thictlen Thursdny.

Pau l CSiIftfft'-olub ' il mtx-t, , . _ , n t tho

homo .of Mrs. Hiirold Morrison, 1420 Poplar avrnuc.

The Catholic W omen’s Lea- guo w l^ j ^ e c t Thursday a t 2

tidglon M emorial hall. A ll w«* m en of the parish a re lnvltc(^.

■ Tho Mlsslonai^M>ocicty o f tho M elhodist Episcopal church will me«t flt th« tiomo o f Mrs. F . H. Black, 804 F ou rth avenue n o rft, T hursday n t 2 p. Pi.

The W om en's Council o f tho F i rs t C hristian church will m eet TJlurfiday a t 2:30 p. m. In the w om en's joom of tho church.

fl.LS.10[L[C 6FF1C

T h i r t y .F o u r t h A n n u a l Sir,!O f G r.in d C h a p te r la

A tte n d e d b y GOO

. RU at-K V . Jiino 10 rSi-ccial) Klccllnli (if otficoiH (if llii! kh ” "! chiipU'r of the O n irr of tlu' c jn S tax waa to ta k e place a t tills aftemoon'H m crlln j; of lh(r a i l l i an ­nual flfsaion. Thcii' in iilallation to ­morrow aftcn ioon will lonoludc

mccllni;. A pproxim ately 000 m em bers nro atlc-ndlntr.

Luncheon In Iho I. U. O. I '. I:;ill

■> M A K K I T Y O n i J S K L F i \ K t : D L K W O i ; K l > A T T K i ; X S

H app iest mlas In nil Forttoitd, O re,, today Is J a n e t Hooay-

'^ m lth .- le , Mho w ae rlNJtcdi l r s . Ulaine Van Ausilem Is m e

new prealdcnt of tho W omen' A uxiliary of the Disabled Amer; can VeteranB,-succeeding Mrs. 1 .

mOTtng-M)« • -m . K night.-X hc group m e t 1q the...... ' i r i o M -niw xteaJl»dB yr-M rB.'^A >iw ri>an '-U gi(m . Merobrlfll hall.Leoqard W Ucrhan enterta ined al, la s t evening, a shmver and bridge p a r ty yc«* o th e r officers n r r : Mrs, Vernon ttid n y a fternoon . ^Lawson, flcnior vi<U! commander;

Many beau tifu l g ifts were prc-,M r8. W illiam W oltcr, junior vice ecntcd to th e honorce, who latcrhcom am nder; Mrs.- E . L. Raybom , neeivcd an elec tric Bllex fr<im|irffl<iiirpr; M rs. Pau l Hiirraon,

tallve.s and pages, and pin offlcor.i will bo honored Kiicxta n l

banqaiet a t C:30 p . 'n i . todny In the I’rcsby terian church,

Ill}.ualiatlc and in itiato ry cerc- •ony la s t n ig h t concluded th e see- id day'H m et'llng. which bIso lii- uded rcportJi by officcrfl- nnil a jslness and m em orial scMion p n '- ded over by M rs. L ucia Z, Hocblp. rco, gran il i^'Oflhy m atw n,

E N T EU T A IN S DKI.EGATI'.S ALBION. Ju n e 10 (Spf-cial) ~

Delegnte.T lo llic g rand chapUT of Ihu O rder of the lia s tc m S U r now m eeting in Hurley w ore fn tf rtn ln - ed here by Naom i ch ap te r n t a

' j;dfly altflrniKiM I n , I hr.

members of h e r m o the r's-b ridge

'*Mrs-. J- E . Cress and Mrs. Wal- • r r H 'osc w on th e bridge prizes. Boufiucls o f sum m er flowers dec­o ra ted -tho rooms.

P resen t la a dd ltloa to M l« B urK haller w ere M rs. Grover Wil- Kin. M rs. Crces, Mrs. Bros«, Mrs,F ra n lt '- .Bcllcvillc.__ Jir f l,__-Joh?lKimcB M rs. P a rk e r nicharde, Mrs. n E Lclphton. M rs. Oliver Qull- ici, M rs. H ow ard Wisemftn, Mr#. Hay Personlus, M rs. Eearlo Burk- hu ltcr and Mrs. Louis H acK Filer.

:haplaln.M rs. W illiam WoUer and Mrs.

Vernon . U iw am ,ecn'c<l refresh- m cnts. The nex t m te ling will be Ju ly 14.


Mias M orj' Hoover, daughicr o f


Mn.'tonic hall.The long tables 'w ere covorcdi

v.'llh- Incc cUithu, (k « ir f tlc d ‘.' w ith piilnle(l (lalNlefl and tupers InJ

CatUcii«c_Gr(?onic,,. P c c a - , Id lo , netom panled by MIs.h Helen W erner.”Bang during the nftcrnoDn.

GueslJt of honor Included. MVs. F rances Faun , M emphis,. mo»t w orthy grand m a tron ; Mr.s. N an M arlin , Omiilia, -w o r th y - g rand Hulh of the general g rand chap te r;

land Ix>uls R. Sco tt, Moscow, 'w orthy gi-and patron.


Proceedings of the Board of Coinimssioners, Twin

Fails County, Idaiio

10 (••'ntsi 'N o . OUii 15 ccnlf-. Or y<ui inav or< lotc.lhfw No, C«OOM. 1 cejil;-'. '.Solid xtnm iif or MAKl'. JT Y OUHSKLt'

a fraid of ’I 'k u N HlUU'.Air, IDAIK

HANSENGOODING, June 10 (Sprcial)-r- '

A g roup of 10 leaehcrs and 63 s tu d e n ts representing Uolso, Buhl,Gooding, Rupert, J6rome. Twin Falls, Caldwell. PocalcUo, Bm ett,

.................... .............. „ N am pa and Burley, a re a ttend --M t.-ana-M rB _H. - g . Hoover, u-ill.nlB-th»-G hriB tiftn-ehH reh-<y>nfer- ■ ■■ ■ • on c o 'b ein g held n t Gooding col­

lege from Juno 7 to i m e H . .. n ing In Hollywoo<l by Dr. Georgej Tho facu lty cWnpoIed of th e .co m m u n ity • church law n. The Llebllng, concert pianist, eom pw j,fo llow ing is conducting cliuw eslbirlhday cake w aa cu t by Mrs,

. 1 p, I

A frog shouldn 't biw aler, bu t th is javi... ___ _ .......keeping dry under the toiul.'i'l)M)l s a .S CITY. .MO. H( iimbrolla. 'fa lie him a long to th e name, Md<lrcsR nnd i g a rden or law n w ith you, fo r h(-'nion ’.vntnp't.|3 ono of tho.se licw pracllcal kneeling pads. In addition you'll find a dozen other u.ii'.-s fo r ihi.i t m o Ija i i Yoiiriw.ir p illow : A lthough clotn can lH?'t ii..... «.v.;„ ,i.,„r„............ . I I-a tte m Burtaii.

Box 16C. K:

■ The P a s t rrt-.sldenl.V club of Cr-AT n ., w ith th e D an McCnok,Lincoln, nnd Sherm an circles, heW luH ed.*this dt.iign is l.e.sf

luncheon F r i.lay on t«e \,vt3 o t givily colored. ^ 5k!oUV.■111 be about H Inches high

Tarsc- fftflerT C.-.ii. i'

ri I'ri.tiKCKOt'..l: Mil.I'll.!*, $! Mr,, i.ri..'

Ur both .p„.v,'M..nv SIV . Walci.ii jn■u

lire ;*() pll.-;.,coin lo aiirl di

PAT- H....W Im-, .■(,.:) KVK- lev Dnijr tj. KAN- j.ilioo: WcM.'i•nt.. pivc (]fi': KvK M.r <.l (u- pairs, 5: i7 r.;- \

sr,V..Mn,: -s U;:

V.Mtirn t ,r.v. I'r.,

i :i ;< ic i.A i{ A i 'i t i i . s ic s s io .v

no Twill Falls High.;■ Mr*,-. C f- sr=rpic

e r and teacher, according to word received here.

She w ill p resen t three numbera, "Rhapsody in B Minor," Brahm s: "N igh t In 'G nm da ," Debussy; and "Gonccrto in A-M tnor," Behumann,^ D r. U ebllng will be th e aecond

CH ILD R EN E N JO Ye a s t e r n s t a r PA E X y . - A - pr«»B«ua and. gameB .were .the

•d iversions ann^^l JuvenMe iji m e a.p a rty given by ^ h e O rder of th e ,piano during th e la s t number. EiiBiern S ta r la s t ‘jj®; MJps H oover and Mrs. Hoover.M asonic tem ple. A pproxim ately California w llh her,25 chUdren w ere presen t. . .. . .. ...................

The p rog ram conslslea o r a dance by M arian M erritt, a song by B arb ara A rnold, and & short Ktory by M rs. E . 'E . B um s. I t waa followed by ft g ran d m arch and games, d irec ted by MISB Alice Reed, Miss J e a n Joneff, and Miss Theora Belle B um s. Favors, p a ­pe r ha ts , a s d -ballooDS w«ro dls-

. tribu ted . • . ' ■- ' Mrs, B u m s w as chairm an of the e v e n t- A ssis tin g her In .aervjB g r^rronhm m ta w ere Mrs. ft. V.

^ _____1 W eaver, Mrs.r, .and Mrs. F . D. A m -

Final Riles Honor * Mrs. Jessie'Bisbee

A final tr ib u te to Mrs. Jessie Bisbee, w ife of C. E , Blsbeo and p ioneer rca lden t Tw in Fa lls , waa


<h ;b s u n rm s E SM EM BER ON BUITHDAY

H onoring the 7 0 lh 'b ir th d a y of H J . P u tile r . a num ber o f m em ­bers , of Tw in F a lls ' Townsend rlub N 05. 1 p leasan tly surprUed him iill:>ni home la st evening. The RToup ’ b rough t refreshm ents and ip en f th e evening: there.

. . ■ * * , ■* p. F* 0 . C nA P T E n M r r a IN H A NSEN

Chapter D . T; E . O., m et for a no-host d inne r la a t evening a t the H ansen hom e o f Mrs, A . II. Scott. Mrs, W lllla Sam|W on prcalded.

Mrs: D . R . ■young and Miss Jcs- sla F ra se r irave a repo rt o^ the

■ M m w ptlon ftl Bondpolnt. Mrs. ’ n , M iisser w aa a j o im I- AaslBlJ .. the hoaless w aa Mrs. Grace Gill, Kimberly.

th roughou t the wccU in an a t- M artha Swilth, honoring he r b lrth - te m p t to fam iliarize th e 'y o u n g Follow ing th e luncheon apeople w Ilh 'B lb lc study ond e t h l - ------■............. . . .cal aocLil conduct;

Rev. W. G. Mosely, Spokane, c a r l and Jam es , le ft Wednesdivy .conference- dean; Rev. L es te rtfo r th e ir hom e In O gilen,follow ing Jones, N am pa, conference direc tor; [a few w eehs’ visit a t the homo of Rev. D . W . N utting , R upert, dean jM rs.. F ra n k Trunkey, h e r sister, o f m en; M rs. Roy Ew ing,. B oise.,and also a t the hom es of -two de an of women; Rev.—WiUiam brotherH nnd a- s is te r In Tw in Falls. S iefkc, Cf^ldwell, d irec tor of n th -l mIbb M aude L ay Cook l | f t fo r . - . 1- - . Nelson, Burley, Rev .[councll Biuffq. la ., w here shk plans

BuKI, and M iss M ildred .to v is it a t tho homo of an uncle.a re ac ting na c lass Sho w as a g radua te stu d e n t this

. Rev. W ilbur G off.lyear n t Gooding college and ne* Is serving as groilndSicom pnnled Mijw Gunderson, who and Mrs. David Byerice, I plans to v is it In hi 'Belgium- Congo, A frica, I yon, Minn.

Enclosed Ih 10 ccn ls Ir (20 ccniH for two p a ltr i 20 ccniti f'-r th r rc ) for

died Sa tu rday afternoon.T he Rev. E . h . W hite officiated.

Mrs. P . T . lie llogg nnd Mrs. T hom ­as M olt sa n g "L ead Kindly L igh t'' and "Tho Old' R ugged Cross."

P a llbeare rs w ere J . E . Crces. F ra n k Rn\Van. W . P . F rw eh , P m n ^ Henly, Eil Belleville, nnd ' Brizcc.

I n te r m e n t . w as In Twin F a lls •metery, under tho direction of

the Tw in Falla m ortuary.Mr. nnd Mrs, E, D. ■ Jones,

b rother-in-law and sis ter of Mr«. Bisbee, w ere-he rn from Kimball, Neb., fo r tbe tervlce.

W PA Project Inaugura ted fo r Undernouriahed Youths

to rin ho te l In N ew Y ork C ity has eyolved a little quirk th a t ahouUl bo of help t<f housewives In hot w eather. Ho suggests th a t the loft over coffee from eoch m eal be pu t Into tho eu b o .iray o f tho refrlg< a to r fo r iced coffee. This saves I le ft over coffee and prevenla the lee<l coffee from being w eak whi " icrved.

O ri^na^lty , slm pHeily nnd youth a re th ree s m a r t , re<]iilBltrs th a t M arian M artin has p u t Into th is p a tte rn — nnd there Isn't am ong u s who wouldn’t II ow n th is dem ure and ie stlve a f te r noon frock. Choose a coo) printetl sheer, cotlon lace or eyelet faotlste, so m uch Id vogue—they 're perfec t l o r th is m odel w ith lU adorable bow s In the back. You’ll love Ihe c lever w ay In which Ihn full bodice l i Joined lo th e round y ih e nnd thecool sleeves f la re geully. I f ’ you

- ' j / i th e r

D esigned to mlnlmlce sewfiig llm r.> nrel

and will mafte an outatandingly novel porch- plHow—la fa<;t, you can* m ako n cumplelo. porch se t from th is design. No. •Cf‘134. ♦ _ ,,

To ordtr, lliK-tor No. CTI31;! T " " '™ 'o r te a r ou t llluatra llon and a c n d .j w ith 10 cents, stam ps or c o ia . ' t (any threu 10 cen t "Mnko II Y o u rse ll" pa ttern s only cen ts i.A ddress your oitli-r lo M AKE IT YO URSELF • PATTP'IRN HU-

l:irly♦ duly♦ twll.p.t.

H ighwiiy., M ur- . .iiirli JliiTliwav. S'M'iP: Indrpcnd- - It .Schoni 1. jr .4.37; Jiid.•iTODl l>ist, No, Cl. In.l,

d Dist. No. 6. J10.5);;Riii-;.1^

[ A ddress .

I C ity ..

e a t Ken-

REAU,TIM ES, BOX ICOl I CITY, MO. Be Nure nam e, address, nnd numb

isign wanted.

So m any readers hn\


m issionary.

IN D PLANM iss E d ith A nderson, Miss H el­

en P rah m and M isa DoroQty HoV lifleld re lu m ed home F r id a y from Pocatello, w ^cre they have been attend ing th e U niversity of Idaho, sbu them branch . •

Several friends and form er ilaasmatcs o f Mliw D orothy M iller

honhr(d h e r a t a p a rty Sa tu rday evening a t tho homo of M r. and Mrs. C harles Bnlfy. Tho group a t ­tended tho carn ival and dance in T\vln F a lls and re lu m ed to the Bally homo fo r refreshm ents.■ R ichard H aag a retu rned home for the sum m er vacation from St.

BUHL, June 10 (S p e c ia D -M rs . n t i e v T h a vH ..S . C ha tterton w as elected pres- G l'E b T D \ \ ................... ........Ident of the McCollum club a l th e ir BUHL. Ju n e 10 rS p fc la l) -T h (? to the effec t thn i all s p . ......recen t m eeting u t the home of M rs.jnivviiy club will obflrrve guenl day ore sub ject lo Ih t llrH

Needy nnd undernourished chll dren a t playground cenlers, H ar-

and U m ry parks, wlH bo i ...... o i.served free lunches providing they oenrge . U tah , w here ho h as been

playground a t 0 a . m . „ ttend ing college, arid rem ain during the day under - • - tho supervision of trained cdiica- tlona l leaders. It 1s announced by M rs, Lulu M, Hyde, Boise, supe r­v isor o f w omen's w ork division dJs- Ir lc t No. a-of WPA.

M rs. Jcnm e H arral, Tw in Falls , and M rs. H elen Atwbod, nuh l, will supervlBe tho lunches which will bo cooked nnd served by W PA w orkers, 'Hio commo<llty' d e p art­m ent of T w in Kalin will furnish m ost of tho supplies,


The 4-H BtlteherH club elected Iho following nfricrrn a t Iheir lant m eeting, held n t tho homo of Iheir louder, M rs. Fred Umdoon: presl- dont, R u th Grodoon; vice p resi­den t, Phyllis How ard; secreU ry , IvAura Robertson; re]>urlcr, W ilma K earcher; song and yell leader,

J a c k Osgoodo retu rned home from Moscow Frfday , w hero ho has been a tten d in g the university .

Mr. ond Mrs, F red Brow n nnd n, fitunloy, a n d C larence P a tto n

left Sunday afternoon fo r n few days' tr ip to the hills -north of Shoshone.

M em bers of Ihe H ansen G range m et T hu rsday evening a l th e home of M r. and M rs. J . U. H all. Mr. and Mrs. Roy D urk, K im berly G range, w ere visltoni^ Follow ing tho bitslnesA m eeting ix social hour w as held, w ith M rs. H all nerving refreshm cnls. Tho nex t m eeting will be held a t tho homo of Mr.

lUl Mrs. I laru ld Koenig.Tho Chlldnm 's day prog ram will

..0 held Hunduy a t the regu la r serv- ico a t ll;tfU n. m . W edaosday tind F riday n t 2:30 p. m. will bo la st p ractices. P a ren ts nro naked to son th a t children ta iling jm rt are a l Ihit p raetlces.

Tho Jully Chess 4-H cooking club m e t w llh the ir leader, U lu i IU>a* Kucern, nnd elecled tho foUowlng officers, recently] president, Louise W righ t; vice president, i ^ d l a Ku- c e rs ; secrelnry, K nlherlue Tlllyr

■ • — • and yei;._ eooklng

moklnjr miiffl w as Riven during the afternoon.

th is p a tle rn IB so simple (lint A beginner need no t henllale (o try 11. Send fo r the pa tlern l Com' n le tr, n iag rnm m ed M arian M nrtir Sew Cim tl Included,

VdUtTO Clilft nw y otdurea only In iriees 14, le . 80, 89, (Mi UU, SR. 40 and 42. Hlne 10 reiiulret

yartlH llfl Ineli fabric.Send P IF T 8 EN CENTS In coins

o r s tam ps (coins preferred) fo r 6ACH MARIAN .MARTIN pal- te rn Ho snro to wrllo plainly your NAMB, ‘AD 0 HES8 |~ «ad BTVLB NUMBER.

STATE SIZE OF PATTERN, no suro to order our MARIAN

MARTIN PATTERN BOOK and see how lo grace every summei o c c i^ u » ,w |lU snw rl, i»pprojiil|a-

la te s t vnouUon clullies, beuuh |)U y o u tn ts fur oh lld re^

............... .............. .n a wholehnrely troukseou. Hummer fnbrlo «nd accessory news, loo. Hind for thU book KOWl BOOK F IF T B aN CENTS. PATTBRN F IFT EEN CENTS. TW BN TV-FIV i CENTS FOR BOTH, W HEN ORDERBO TOQBTHBR.

BMd you r order to Idaho Bve* Tlm M , p a t ts m depw lm eot.

lid M rs, 'L ow ell:'.th

niHlv HiK;i Sch(,ol N'i n lv A udito r w asll'i..< l:ai.ry , M S ; Inf.pection. $.06; lv(^rti.«e f c r B:iie Aiii.Tici.n Fiill..t B<m<i. • f 6.12;, in Hlock 61 of AmcricMi Fall..! M clnt.. J 1.C3; ii-w Irt-lotifring to Common Scl»ol UUt, No. 34, t,<.i ii.-ivKi.iiiJ,> fu r-ill-faS ; C a;aa;on School D iit . N o. .

Idohn E vening r.l, 53.21, nnd r:onim(.n School DiM.- ,No. 5P: S2SK08, Crt<m: B u h l ,

lot Inv iii;: 1)cen llif.'hway. M urtaugh Hifc-h-. v,-;.s ta k en im- w ay, SS.-IO; Imippendeht School A. -M., May “■ SSlliT; InilopendenL

■ ,.Sclui(.l Pi,.<t. Nn,. 3, J33.10; Ind.I. S>'ho(d D iat. Nn, $74.'lti; Ind.

f=rli'(.(.l DlBi. No, 8, Sn.CP; Rural______ - ■ llin ii SchoiirN o. 2. S 77; T. .and A.

Twin-Fallf^. I 'iuho iT^Oi. S-45; Produtory, $ i . l 2; In-Mav 18, IWO .spectk.n, Jl.O:!;- A m ericnn F a l ls . '10 00 (I'cl'icli A. M. Hr,n(i,-5 .1S; Anu-rlcan F a lls Mair.t.,

R F .r .ru M ^ A P I in ; s e s s i o n ' Common School D >t. No. P. •tim e Common .School D ia l-N o .

,r,m \ , fill rtninLeiK a n d '^ - . J H S 8. and Common School 'lerk pVe^nit |U lst. No. r,8. $33.19.

/ • A v r ' l . i A V m V OK TAXKS <>KI>Elt TO DRAW W AItK A NT A The CoOnty A uditor w as ordered

W HLKEAS. A c ir la ln declH w arran t on C urren t E x-,f the SupiTine C .airt o f M ah(.|j,,,^^p•la ive to spec.al ueo d Con.ml-ssionor of E m ergency

’1', .* 'Relief and • Rniploym ent Irj'in t o'f $.170.50 In paym ent of

.l.ctc.1 S S r l T r ' r y ‘■■‘ mi TOnAS, l« nrt.r to ,»v,lrrt' ‘S'Vico presiden t; M rs. F. M, C ro f t.’” '’'' ' W iljard Cornelius. M rs. A r. ,hp in te rest of T w in F rIIh County Becretarv-treu.9urer ai«iHiHi1i host- in ihe S W i; S E i ; Section 21,T..wn-

t.hlp 11' South, Range 18 E . H. M..her m olher. Mrs, K. C, Mcrci hostcBa. Tho jirogrjim w as a r- i ranged by M rs. Jam es .Shieida andi Mr«. C. 13. B<Tlalol. Pri*e».w i-re given to Mrs. Brnbb and Mrs. P a u l ' D uffy, j

D uring the businees meeting llie club voted to TVBck sv ba rrel tiC ( ru l l ■ fo r the Uolso Chlklren's home.

M rs. W ah l M ash and Mrs. Lucy M inlun will en terta in thp group a l tho homo of tho form er June

Tho program chairm en will Mrtt. U. V. H erta lo t nnd Mrs.

Clifford Blroud,


M rs. May F cnn la v isiting in F res- Calif,, w ith he r aon-ln-law '

iKien visiting a t Ihe H arvey Htloh'' r home, le ft the f irs t of th e week

r lx>s Angelrs,Key. and Mrs, K, 11, I lerg re ­

tu rned r rl r ta y evening from n tr ipU UumUoWt. la . .....................

M is and Mrs. Italph Morse ar«

W ayne W rst returned home Ha I' u rday (ixiin the UniVi-rally nf Iiln- ho, MusRuw. Wondull (lunnen no< vompunled them as f a r n s Ihilse.

Band Concerts Will


nearch w iirkers of tlio federal writ- em ' pn ijoc t have Juet established th a t A lam edn county has

deer census, I t is estim ated n t le as t 8,000 now ex ist In the county.


M abel M arie D ruuly Rhdp M abel M. D ossctt, Prop,

Pe rm anen ls | 1.R0 to I &.00 HhAinpou nnd Klngiir^vnvo 60o (atu lrw ny N oxt to

ke t) —Mark< - Phono 447

Save with SafetyP r o m p t O airiiH S er> 'ir«

N o R e d | ; a p e

, A gt. Phone SO

It wouU............. . ..county til assum e th e p ayu ien l of surh flrn l m o itgage , and

, W I1I-:RT:A.S. «uch action on thc ;„y„rd-, HJ.OS, iP arl of |lilM board w oujd no t


The Board approved Ju ror* ' Cer- llfiouli's and ordered'- w arran ts

K alph Ilatlcr.

c , l of thn c .uinty. pnv |,,« ,n . j j, th a t Ihe p ro p erl^ i^ ,; 7,,.

$13.3.5; G, E. L, UlggerBtafl,

to the -l)eHl In terest «.f thn the IJouvd dceins th a t Ihe . . gm-.lioii wiiuUl ti« l<> cancel mich 1 j sperlal taxes for the yeara 1020, j.ic.go]ll>3l)t 1031 aiiO lOX'. I jiin iea Field S2f>20

I , NOW TllKUIilKOUlC. 'The taxcaj ^ f irrr lsh . »1216; H.for Ki.id years on said lands a re r.iundon, 112,111; hereby ordered eanrejled.

A, J , D<-v- nlnioDd, $30.]A-,

C, H . D um -

nlution was .mer llarni-s, .slouer Rayl, w as carrlcd

9BI-Z ■»?■! ‘ An idtsUstwbo ni»K*i Ua plus to fit Uii world u hi tUaks it snrht ' iBitMd o t tk a w ar it » • '“ - -- h r mid*



I S c l O c

n u i I U June 10 (R(>eolaI)—I . dor tiio tllreeUoA of John I f . Bby, n Merles of band conoerU lelll be<

fclvoR by Mr, Bby tti wkWWIWjv Ih th e band w ork. T hera w ill ba

tw o ffn iipa, one fo r b e ftiu ie ri on; a ll Instrum ents and one fo r, kd- vaneed players. Those en ro llin f will m eet five momlnKa n w eek for • periotl o f el(ihl lo fen weeHa^

foregoing jofferi'il .by Conn laeconded by ('or land upon roll 1 ^manlnuluttly,

C A N t K I.IA T 10 N o r TAXKH Franic J. Kmlth, Couuty A uditor,

iappearetl before tho Hoard by Inl- i te r and s la ted th a t Ihe Coiifmlfl-

rlonerN' Jnunu il aliowa th e follow- ig described pnil>erly has been

...Id n l lax sale, luid Ih a t llin [irds show tlu it deeds have been ssued for sam e; and r*<iuo»led h a t taxes f(.r th e y^ars Indicated m eoncolkHl, exepiit f«ir ap o d al Im- ■rovomont taxes’,

Ix)t 10. bUick a, and Iota 3 nnd 4, block fl. a ll of Jllckcl A ddition lo Tw in F a lls Tuw nalte, fo r 1U3B and p rio r years; IC'A W>a and M of I.«t 17, lllocU 4 <if MurtnuR F Ire t A ddition to T w in Falla Townalte, fu r 1U33 a n d jir lo r j-.

ITInco Haw kins, $32.1Q; C h ila t ltes».-lhoit. *20,10; Uoy Holloway, J3U,Q0; F ra n k Holman, JD.OS; Ar> Ihu r ilo u k , |3U,G(1; Titos. HOWnrd, $ti.2r.,

lyd Jam es, $24.PO. 'M. K esller, $24.76; Henry,

Kollmeyer, >37.30.Ivuiimers. lAfl.in; J<.hf)

JH.OS; Jam es 11, L<rwln, $i>.AO.

U. IS. McClain, J2fl.70; F lyyd Mc­Kee, »tiJ.4fij u . W. Mc>tn<< 113.00; 1C. I., Mct2, $2(1.10,

P e te r New man, $20.10; J . H . Nye. #112,16,

Ifi, T , flamlnieyer, 1010; L, O. H allerlcc, $32.30; H srlM i See,

L o t 4, Rectlon 21. - S outh Rnngo 13 K. B. M„ nnd 0 and 7, Heel

>itJ>, ............ _...:tlon 2H. TnwnshliSouth Rnngo IS 18. I«. M., fo r 1 and p rio r yeors; an<l Im I 4, l^look 18 of Inveslor'B Beeond A ddition to Uuhl I W n s l le fo r tiu* y e a r 1027 only. Cuncellatlon w as ordered ni

” A u * E « 't O I)HAW w a h u a n t T lie C ounty A ud ito r w ns on le rrd

lo d raw w urriin t in fnvor o f 0 . Uen Ross, O ommlsal«nvr of iCmerRoss. Oon

ly l u W t_ ___ D miiloymeBU inarriou'nr of »203n.«l), In nny-

nipnt o f pcnHltms fo r th e m onlh of Mev

jD iio i tN ' r n i i T i F i

T he Uownl sxundnud Jurtirs C erllflca les ond ordere.l w arran lr draw n oe followsi. , .

Owen » , A dam s, I4.1B; A rchie

Ohas, I.. Coonrad, 14.10.0, W. icdw nnls, M.IO. .N owlon Fos ter, M jn ,

J.Mellon, 14.101 W . ^ MIHer, I4.HJ,

B y lv u te r N ew ton, |4 ; lb ; F loyd N orm kn, 14.80^

B .W , PrNMot!, WO.W. U . J , lleynolda,W . U . SmilvMi, I4.1&. W. U TMM, H iia .0 .

$33.20; H u te Bwntm, $S4.40.A ll business to coma brfore th a

Hotird n o t having been complelwJ, recrsH w as taken un til 10:0Q.

'c lock A . M.. May 20, 1636. JAMIOS L., IIAHNE8 , Chairm an.

A lten t; FR A N K J . 8 MITH, O crk .

Tw in Falls, Idaho, ,M ay 20, 1030.10:00 o'clock A. M.

I lK till lA U A PR IL NEHMION 'I'hn Hoard m et a l Ihlii lim e pur* Mint to reccHs, oil inembtTS ond le cliirk proHont.- IN n i K SlATTRK O F KIXINO

N A IiA llirJl . I 'u rsu n n L . lo. .HBUllon . 30-35fifi, ..

Idaho C<Hln Annututed, the Q m kI .1 ihin lim e, u]H>n a motion made

by Comnilselonur H ar t, secom kd by CoinmlsaliiMer Rayl,' and 11 roll call , unanimously c a m id , iU ed th e sulurics o f elecUva o ffl* . cors Au' thn term beginning on the ascund M onday of J a n u a ry ,U M 7 t-

I follow s;P e r A nnum

Bheriff ........................ l i , 000.00A ssessor ...................... 1.MO.OO ,T reasu re r .P robate Judge ......giiptr rt-flchoola.:S u rv e y o r .........I........... ..........RBBA UCIBNNB Q RA N TSD IJodnse fo r snle of b o t tM Mm!

d r a f t baer livaa r r o i i t ^ to K fft

lo ooma I;H oard AOt bavUif t

...A ^ l

Page 9: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-

Page Ten IDAHO EVENING TIM E S, T W IN FALLS, IDAHO 'Wednesday, .Time 10, 193(5

You'll Find Real Opportunities in the


W A N TED TO BL’Y—1000 cnrfl' to wrock. Farm ers ' A uto. Supply .) U«ecl P a r ts UepU I honc 225-W.

•2G I'OHD COVJ't: - - fJrxtd 'M olor— Iii—


In. 'LiKlil Sin 3 Truclis

lally l-nMlr.l T\vix l'Jin .' lll'ANS - Hoforo

iat. thlH RiTc), Mill

ClassifiedDirectoryilnpnn<iibln fim lnoM Plrm a

iind I’rofcA.flriiitil OHIcm o t Xvtlii l-'aUa

LHE5i2 iil[AlEDSI0

’"i,i;.'ho n .,.! .? ': AU TO TO P & B O D Y W O R K S:itnr C-o,. T\vln Fnll.i nnd Filer


B lue Lflkos Norlli.

N lccly rcclccoraiod

- S P O T CASH— For

USKD CAIIS JOHN 'n. w i i r r E

m SrcoHd No.

_____________________________ Ixpcrt body nnd fender stralRht-• F O I t S A I,K -C u U /(T rn la r'inTr«^">«’fr-;T lio iam T op & Body Works.iipaiiH. lly oriKlnal grower tliroiicli:' _________ ______ :---HhleUla & Ganti-m, bulil, i «'(1 3 yoors. Good yicldor t

■ HIrIip? priceil than Red? ipiclted need, per hui!\V. LPhmon, Buhl, lU 3.

0 bllflit.r. Hand- idrciL F . :

W A N l'B D TO B U Y

rnjni. Adults. Low,Ral.-.i, 222-:,-.b;J Aye, E, Ph. 1G5I, |.1 ATTRACTIVE

; ju,Hi r..mplrt«l.5-room h.yno Near school.


e, all h:irsemenl, piped xiwood floors.

• ROOM AND BOAUD. ■ ’30-Glb J r moiitii.----

W ANTED TO BU Y —A bout 200' tons of choice hay. Phono 1021 a fte r C:30 p, m- |



FOQL GOOD MATERIAL, voikman.ship, plu.i lo;v prlccn, try r\vln F a lls’ Shoe Shop, 132 W est Jlia.nhiinu S t, Phone 3U8.

Today’s Markets and Financial News

D ENV ER LIVESTOCK--nKKVKR, .Tuii? 1ft iri'i-Catttp; i 1.100, .slow, aliMdy-2,')c Iciwor, bo.‘f| !rt*'<-r.H 5tl-H..r.:, rows and heifiT,H' 5r.-s3,i. caUvH luui'-stock S0.7,’i-7,r)0, tnills S.'i-O.iri. I

JluR,i; r>no, filllv sti'ady-slions, Imllfr $!i,sr.-10, packl

ESows ss.(i0-0,, piSH 51*.-. H.7S-0.

Sho.-p: ,|,T00, bi.l


CttlCA CO. June 10 fl’.I'i—W h prlcrn fhicluiitcd w ithin n n a n riin(,'o tfx'lay on the Chlcaffo bo of trade ' nil - trade rs itw altod Hovc'iTimcnt crop report before torint; Into now com m itm ents.

A t the cUme \v1i m I wo-i imcha od to up corn w as o ff i,;c

N .’ . S T O C K S

MCW VO IlIC 'Jiine 10 Ifi:-—Thimarlu‘1 clo.sed firm. —AliLsiia Jiine.iu..... .... ........n^iAllle<l Clie.iiical........ ....... 197Aills Chalmers.......... ....... 45.?;American Can........... ....... 120ii;American Hadiator.... ........ 21 1Ajlierican Smelling.... ........ 771;American Telephone . ........ lOH'iiAmerican TolMe.«o B........... 055-

:u[> and (




, F airlyw ith TuPBduy's ftvernffc

n to 10c higher thun tlic', .top s io ,20: bulk n o - ic o lb.'

$f>,75-10.10; 2.10-300 lb, $9.C0-10;' >WH $s,oo-t>,r.o. ;.C attle: . ao.ooo; calvM l.300;l

m edium welj*bta nnd weljjlity: atcecs iQ Bcll tt l T utaday 'a latss r>c' dow nturn : nl! she stock steady to w eak; fn t cow.i rullnfr weak to 25c. lower thuti early Tuesday; bulls and vealc rs shade Jower u t JO,‘lO down u t< ?10.00 down re.spec- livcly, ■' ,

Sheep: 0.000; <^piinK' lamb,i .steiidv; choice kinds active: o thers

Ik tending low-

naconda Ci)])per I Atchison, Tupplta & Sai'A ubu rn Motors...............B altim ore A Ohio........Bendlx A v ia tion ............


'■ 18^1


N K W Y O ItK , J u n i 10 rra<dng I'it'kod up on ili. ‘xcim nse to.l.iy and p ii .e m Irriigului'-advoiiu^ .. -

A vcrnc‘’-i of liMusUUI, i ind iitlltty ciaHsiric:U'('>n;i

T here was sca ttered buying h e rd Borden C o., .......................in wheat on the rcisttve s lrc n g lh 'j . i C,13C C‘o ... . -r,....shown a t Minneapolis, and W lnnl-; Chi^ MU,. St, Paul & P«cpeg. Continued favorable w e a th e ^ h r y a l e r Corp,'..................reports from ' the no rth w est - a n d ^ o c a Cola.........................sou thw est failed lo n ttra c m uch Conjiuerclal Solvents......u tle filo n ,.- . _______________ uOamnionw«aJth & -fJou t

ICont, Oil o t D elaw are....


Pro f.t tak ln )f the leaders •elativeiy sma

myJ i i \

ectlu , Rail jait

G RAIN T .\Q I.K • CHICAGO, June 10' ilM!.—O ra;

range:Open High L ou Close

W iea J :Ju ly ..........84i; 84>; 84iSop................ .. - -Dec.

C*5m ProducU.,,.D uPont dc N em ours.....EiLstman Kodak..........E lK tric Power & LightCrtnera! E lectric..............General FooiLs..................

ral Mot

domestic and fofcifjti trnder.s. Gen- 0 5 ii ie r a l M otors led a rise in the mo-

.1001; I tors. S teels rested a f te r tlieir r > . . 1 0 > i j cent rise. Oil3, which failed to p.i;- » 3 t.iU lc ipa t«—in ycatuJuy'a-. advance.. .. 29>,4 'firm ed sm all am ounts. U tilities ,. ISVj'ad'Sc'l Vu th e jiTcvifvus acssiosva

gains in active trurtlng..,.102 ,• Jone,-<

erag{ 1 1.V107

* iUoo>Jyoar Tire ..

: fnLi ^ C D

dURtrial ra ilroad IQ.GO up O.tJ, !0 up 0.03.approxim ated 1,0^0,000

h 8SO.OOO s

mihred ,1th

B U S IN E S S O P PO R TU N ITIE S: J ;i P A IN T IN G - D E C O R A TIN G,n j clioico native sprin'j’er.H $ li',2r)- 1.75; fow $!2,0»-t«-packer,s, th a t <>‘'1'

s SI,00 le s s ,'s m a ll lols Sl'2.00- J ' ‘'y ■2,25 to c ity butchers, |Sept,

F A R M S FOR S A L 2 ,

• H E L P W A N T E D ^ B M A L B ^


Work” IrTliomi fur bvirfTir ro..iiv for self uiid bat.y a:i 1 .vi:i wages, Piione 1I)S3J,

Experienceil genori! c:ir;i'’:it.i •Jesircs remodehng, h-ci.Hu-butl.i:r or carpenter work cif any lund.F , McGla.sh

— 'T nnnc -osar-

MONEY TO LO AN n-----Oh T xvT n^Faim iw cllinga, ' Lowest rates. Long leniui.

Quick Service, SA N G PR -JG N ES .

U.Ml i:.stale — I/pans 123 Mala E, Phune 427

- K j ^ a o m l n t i i g . . < w a t - q « n e f « > - P ,l n g . E . L . - S l ' : a T f e r ; P h o n e 1 2 0 -TO^sr-iOTorrsTiT

W ANTED—P a in tin g ' ahd Kal- lomlnlng wUh guarantee. 032 Bluo

weiKbts ste:uiy $9.75; lCO-270 I 3.'iO lli.s, Ss,!*0- $'.1.-10-9.70.

: low. : oiii r Dec,

ir price.s. P uid Wise.

r .a u iv ^ v .i i- .u IWEDDIN'G ANNOUNCEMENTs'K“'>'-n'itci'tl. Alw H:iRgct

. 1 fully;

5th' - J - L .


rngrii.vcd red slvl t the lOv

Ph. 07i !I Skeep: -I,; ^h:iriibs Su'.l-

-ilroiig; top Barley:;9,'l0-:i.70; 370- July ......30 a.Hke I .; MO-170 ll>s.' . .--- -

I CASH (;|{ ,\IN: cnivo,s :200; year- CinCAGO, iOO Ills, and d.)wn Wlu-al: No, 2 hird 1(3 .'.tleis steady; early Oirii: No. 2 mixed id yeariinK.i s 7.00- 3 (il>:,c; N‘>- * fil'-.c;


I ; Kennecolt CoppciLoew's Inc.........

,, Montgomery Ward „I Nash MOtor.s.........

NiitI.mal Dairy IVoJi

. Paiumount Pictures. I Pennu, R. K............

''Markets at a Glance

10 a'i:i — .1

: No.'Shjll Uni:m Oil..

' G3i.j I (Vic:

News of RecordM arringe L h cn tea

lu!— rOTTT^ to

;'and.ird' Brands.......Landard Oil of Calif...tnndnr.l o n or X, J...


trailer hou.se. JOO. M17

;u.lion jin Teceligible $.'1.50 2I5'

RAT!',^ PKR LINK J’!-:H,DAY|M, {n.i'!.'. Twill Kalla.

OGDEN LIVESTOCK;UKN, June lu UM' (USDAi k;s; ;UiO. Steady lu lOe bij'tier, • lop SIO.IO on lh't.1 ioral

rii-:iiil (ind mcdiii

j;Mde . . .Oat.H: No, 2 white 2;ie; No, ;

27i.'.c: No, 1 23i,-.c ti |-4c; .sample urade 22c to 2U'.c Bye: No. 3 r.9>',Buviey: feed <juoted 30c lo 48c .nltin- quoted .-iSr to !>2c. Timjtby •■'cod: S3,10 to $3,3o,. aova-dLOJ; S13.-to-5l0.7r.---

„ S-I-'JhI By U nited Press•^•85n'^--;4•n7^fs‘T^=m-•W■.'Ttlg«^ly m c t- w ^ i -

nctlv ltj '------- ------------------- ---------------• Bond.? h igher; V . S. governm ent• I I . . iirre^um rly lower

Curb stocks m ix ; I.• ' ■ ‘i! Foreign e.-ccbaniie; SUTli;;^• firm : fnuic.i a t goi.l point,

. Colton up 1 point to ,1 low..,;• new crops weak,• ( Grain-'i frac tionally htghc^i, ,• i’.ubljer d:oi)3 3 to 0 poi!):,i.

f ' l* Local Markets 1

, The following inarket quotations laro corrocte<l .Inily Ijy the Idaho ■ Evening Time.s and repre.'ient tho aver.iijt' prices paid, according to 'the available information, The

subject to change wllh- e ijy the dcaler.T-hnwtn'cr.— •are urged lo watch the markcl.H with which tiie.w riielfl-wiit ri«#-and.falL


g c j.l, Phone H 89 235-S'

~ A u to Winds'hTpl.Vanj'Don T hom ctz T op,and B-jJy Wi

i«ht,s I SH.OO;'

FO R S A L E - C n r e fix tu res and plumblnn --

‘ :lnds. iCnrngel's H jn

FO R S A L E - -Two w Wheei trailers a t Idaiio E xch, o r call ^ (il 2tnl

~ l m " s A i > f ~ ‘ lv T eJtc>minglon .22 Ritle c.t Mcm lw rg sights. Iiui Sht.o S h ine 'Parlo r.

I’.ancll, -3 nil. K

" f o r s a l v :


H eavy llrabcra. bridge plank, rough lumber. Wnnrlinwp Lum ber Y ard , opposite Sw ift a Co, I’hone 381,

W A N T E D -M IS C E L L A N E O tJS '

Ivers-Pond jiiuno iin l bench Good a.s now, cost $710)m, will .i.dli fo r $22.% th is )viTl(, Also 3 »et,iil bo.ik:i, l l j , '2 l m id 21 volume.). Cull ; a t 1130-4111 Ave K'lst, ' |1

'F u l l .SAIJO -lir[i,|ii.<I’oi-mlek, Dceriiig, John D.'cio, M.i- line. Miiwaiikre, Diiin and K .ii. 'f «>n inowcrn. All ^\iai.mt<M'd p.irl.i Krengei'fi Hardwur.-

F in tN lT llR IC ' uy used furnit. liivc.sjind ice boi hone n Mixni's.

WANTIOI) •- rind, w e mil luilli' 2'.!i'-l{. Mnc

\ n Mok»er.i (o •• iin.l di'ltvrr, n Iti'pair Siiop,

-sibie.>!d eComj.a

as farty|x>graphical (In an ii.iveiViacKU'n;. tV.e i sixinaibillly of the T im cj Pu iishing Com pany cea.-;es nfl fiifit pubiicution If tl-c 2 'Jv( tl.ser (loVfl r.ol call its .a ttin tii to the error.

Ail Cia,sslfie.l Ad.H are t .stricted t<* their proi«.T clas. f lcation nnd the Idiiiiu Kvvnii Time.i reserves the rlRht • eiuinge the w onling o f ijn n

• if by doing '•lear

which fult.

m ist Ivo . 1-Iea.s - If the

ClJUMlfied A'ind box nvimbiT insiend Iiai.ir of the advertiflec

.vored by letter. 1) no t a sk fo r the iiam? livertlKer which Is obso-

lu lrlv conlideutinl in such TO PI;A CE YOUK CI.AHfiti

FIKD AD, CALL IIH'AND Aitli- FOR Till-: A D -'iA K EIl.

A i.I. CI.AW SIl'IC A T 1 O N H A liilA N lii':i) A L i'l lA lll'rr iC .ALLY.

.A u ln n iw r am i Window GIkhs. ; •e ltln g Elaaa. llririK

Phono 0. Muon’s,

lo eV.r;;.. f .ir;l,„ in Jb n r nn.li i|„ l'rot.-ct yo tiri —

,ir fuel bills ;


BUTTER, EGGS I - J i — ^ ---------•>

D istric t Court

t IK-M■ s'ijro. odii

'■hulls.': 'vealers S7

|S5.00-G.00- ' , Sheep: early , lale bust xvook’ 'l'ues<lav -I Idalio iai hies SI ; .sorted ir

:.,f,CO. N othing e Tue.sday. steady cv lalo advance,1 (loui>lcH 85 to 8; lbs :sU jitruit'hl nd Kl

trip -

IMcir.gIKiec. Auto Lite N all IJi.niiler.s .

' Schenley Di.itiiio: Sliidelj:il:er ........

Sw ift &■ C l. ,. ...r W hite Motor,i ,..y . S ,'P ip e .......A tl:int;c 'Refinin Balew ays ...........

, 2gi

l„t,, LOS ANGELES•ll,rr--,LOS ANCTELr S, Ju n e 10

r 7 lbs.Idiilu I $11

;iuitt.rst,si'r. U]Kkk'


<i-,i-— ; prim e idards



Bc:m; S d.;;j d ealers ou t ;U , -S. G. N. No, 1 .. ■U. S. G. N. No, 2 ,. iSmail R'Xla, No, 1,.

. S.uall Reds, Wo, 2,. Pintos

., S2..SO-2.00-........51.75........... 51.1)5

Herm an C y .ih a U; Ta; qnlel titlw-

' liair »r lot 2

.a tlo in e y for

........... .......... ........ . ..jublea 8'.' lb,'|lduho.s .'>11,01) sorted sam e w ay 10 iui

,H o car. Deck Hli llj, Idahos 5l0.8.’i , ' We,Htorn Iru betid out SW. 'O; bent iruolu 'd-in tr ip le ts ir.c,

I SIO.IH) to 5U1.:.0,. ci.ld lo tii'w ich prints

Amoricnn t C ities Service, com . t^lectrio Bond i Sha Ford Motor L t.l........

I to

Tompcro lures

I PORTLAND LIVESTOCK_ * r O i m .A N n , Oie., June U) d I'I I -HogH; 2.-.0, Active, Strong-Kh'

b ii'liur Cno<l-cbolce <lrivcln.‘' ■ " * ;;ilV2.'.-10.35, Heavies $!i,75. Light

]li«blH ,'5t),7r.-10,10. Packing now.- ,,ci,,.ls7r,»-7,7.’-.. l''eedef pign »carcc

......ta Mi.jn in

c lf|C A (

re;.h grade rcrrip is 2i IrlicH lHi/,1

d /irst,'. 21i,ic, )e, e x tra f im ts , checlts IH ijc,


Suiltcr, W egfner Si Com panj lCli(S Bid),'. — Phnno UlO

Colored MCn-s. Golorc.l hen Lcgliorn hei

I Colore I Boa - “ n l l^ g h o r n fryei

Colored Brnili Colored F ry Old C.ifk-1 ,.

iStoKS ...........,Ca|>oiia ......

lire No, 1 H ens

P o u tlr j



K U B N iT u iii': F o i l ;iAi.v;. and used fiirnilure c,r all

Com ranges, electric lanKc'i

FO R HAi.l'; rew-n In i>ulk. II bring bank whal

jif pnns-nRr: s la j 'f s piissitig

dally nro ns



•;,-27Sic; f itst;. ■-■0!,;-27ii

INVKSTMK.NT X BI STS • ''F ju id Iiiv................................... 52.108 Nc'F und T rust A .........; i:o rp T r u s t ..............Q nar, Inc.................

'M aryland Fund ...,

1 n»it<.TD7 No, 2 B.ilt< ",7ii ■'•UK'’. «P‘' (

............Extr., a;i(li) White;

ISla 'lardsleiiiui

■, Hulls s h o r v W

Randier Shows 2 - I n - l Eftfi A s Nem’i'tJiarity.

1 pel

lltaliei$l.il5-l,7.’i Pullets ........................

IKug.'i. ungraded, in I

$101 12I\-H)I 25 (.'holce L ight llulche . 10;i,d2:.-Hf.l75 l>‘>“ '

m i U U H I . L A N E O U S


HAl.M ItOIKIH I.II.Mlil’ll'. .

.1 by 12s nil len iillir 2 by 12s nil lenK'lin 2 by IIIS-HS 'Iii ln all 1 by 12s, 10», H«. (!■., Is

longlhs.4 by 4a, 4 by tin. I> by il<i

iongtha.J2S jH.r M .. ...... 11 ird ti

'O O DI.AW N J .liM lii;it VA ;I7 4(h Av.i, H .. • I'tii.n.'

Opposilf. Hwiri A i'> "ir ■ ' T ru rk la - -

o. 5ii:i, leav.'f. .............. I:n0 p.Niiillbbninid

llailv l':xi'epl Mundiiy11 ;i;ii). lu Wells, iv ... fi ;io p,

.. ................ ..rt rnun U'.ilia, a r . , 2 ,HO p

UNION l-ACM'IC M'AUKS r:anltiiiiMiil

. t<'i45 H, u.

„ 7: in |v

TWIN l A M X WI-;i.l.H

>UNIN(i STOf USlu. C ity (’op . .. $fl,70.n.,H5 aiii V'ily {•on»)l , ,20-........................ ‘ - '1 0 2 (5 '

17 1125 ,,5:10-5.05


;t)v ’2511 p.

ii'b lnilerd

'HHf?er\vrtght-HmrnprB, II ,1'10 [ I . . . .Ipaeliinij »ow», l lg l i l ......

lia , pelK-


•M'. .T iiln .n ime


|Xwl N<irt|il«iuni

L n n s T O O K a n d , p o u i .t k y i J

A W aiit-,M -\v .

I fo r i HAI.M I ......I I4i,i m l, N . \V^E<l<iii. J. '1

P o Tj I-TKY TO HELI,',A d will tl" ’ •''O'lT I 'T y i i ' 1

R lA he tl pM't fur yiiiir r a t, OiiloUcna im d-h irU eys, Iiide |ietid -' onv Mnnl Cii, • )

*” w » n l Kl Ill'll T lint lli'iis"': Maite, . I t Idiowii lii .n .eso n ilu jn tn . Vi.ii'ili

r in d n Uiiyor vruniptly . . j

• FO R HALE W nrsknl s tra w b m -' r io i n t F!dm<itiilsoii'n, by thn fl"l <•

T'pichlittf l>y thn cntmn, i>i mt. Nci

...................... ..... ' 1ilINO KIM.I'IIJ MAVi’llK;l.':i dADI'l I'lIJlM YOlill nl.)) Matlt.n»,'n niiMvatrd am fil'd. \V.»i| nii.lliiK. Tivli

Maltrcmi Faclnry. I ’iion.

V\N MIA N4'H( 0 1,IVI‘:S'KI( K , IIOl III'

■ nan •HKS. I'll hr

» a ;•J I'lt ANi'lrtt'i ). June 10 in:i fei*1 Iniiii) ...... Ipt>1 71)0; iielive; Kinikr"i!a

lllrll i'l:) III• fidV lo 1l)e blKlier, I011' aboutlid 1llUlk 1no i'l 2:111 lb Ciilifi'SlI,, every Jiot." In In f10"! 'IMOto ‘.KKI III. Il<I'eniges $tll,00i 1 wiinlii

arkli AVII 511 10 75c hljiher, wbleh laid 11iinliV JH 25 111 H.5«i; lale Tuemlny,' iitdiiiarily la.... 1 ;t iond'l liiciii 1)iil<'lieri< miilii- dlncoii

Ml nliou't a heilie -- ......dpiis I75| cmtiix •iHliy.

Intiilo E qu Perfectllirdde ir. rdlKlilly

nwu.v ,\Vbitn L eg . Iiid IlKMiKh i( him

ri, a|.P''Hliitei.

I lie lius 111!•'iwo

u t w htil ho find ihA hMcly w hich

t only (hlN itxcr«. |i> egu liiit tw o til ling till thcorlen laying only iinc.i

,• plaint«l..iul si..... .. qualKv ii

••-red .mle.t g rass


I nine l„iU .s N.illUpi'iihiliil . L niMli ittflUled,

liillli5 70 down, ('.tU'eii l(0, liireel 10; nli'iidy, par hoieo veitlerii SHVn. llitidi'd: ;.'W ......1 iigill calv. s

Iliiuuii . . Beeripin Y'iO, ditv 001 a .d iv r. lanibfi l!n lo f Oo IiIkIuI'cU ined 111 ihiiiitiy .......1 ......iianl luiiiliH }IO, iioiti'd 15 per reti; iia ri-decli ..... I lamlnt SH.IIwo dc( li« iiicd .......1 ......... lamII, M.ii I.Mi 15 ji.'c ri'til )K; paeka......... . idKiin laililiii 57. iO; iiimAM'ii iiuided lip 111 |: i7 n for lie

.iidv 'idptMload

K inder liriinKlit hin 'sh ib it to thP Hvriili

II niielln III•nin


1 dm tlu-iilicity Ilf,thn fn'iili.

lU ra I 'renk le says ihbi Is ihe flrnl iiiii

iia ever heard of, tiiiil oti 'iewitlg 11 I'KpieiiS ibe opli

. ftuMl flock wll ditiowii hen liiat igimiled ........


X ' Z f ir ■ Inf

n in lh« 1liili.m I

lonsly Sim

N ia v■limey ralri. were lav, Rediacmnit ral

ONION MARKET ’f'H IC A fin , Julje 10 (IT. Oiiloi

rices (50 lb, suckNii Tex.ia yol


uMilu bruKu ull urovluua rucorJa II provl.lliiK |.itiuu« (ur thv luol <>C ho triilled H lates whim 30H tiar oada wnni shlppml In «nn iluy froii httAVi>(noiivlll|'-H,ii|iiiin |i<ttuco dlD

CHICAGO POTATOESC ilB ’A tlO , Ju n e HI '11,Hr I'o .

taloen; new sliitik; supply iiiiiler- ate, denuiii't good, mal'kel wn'ik, MlnHlimipiil. Hilsn TiiumpliH li5< ;i,50, l-onlHliina Hliss T r|iniipbi ):i,'jn-il.OO, Loiilfllnnu Itljsni't Imr- buiiKs Ci.UO, 'i'oxiin IliirH T ihiiiiphi S'MIO-S.OO, T euM (•<.hblers S'.',75, ArkiiiisiiH Bliss 'I'riiim iihs ;:i.2n'> fl.an, tJ, H. No, 2 »2,25,

* For Best Retults Feed Golden Brand J S IMPROVED MEAT & BONE SCRAPS !

TO yoyu OATTLIS - H O D S - P O U I.T K Y S

MiiiMirnrtiirnl In 11 l-'alli liy Ull'

IDAHO HIDE and TALLOW CO. mOiin Mltn rnaji nnd Olln•l lUl1> Hiiiilli <i( .T«\l'n l^illa ■

^ P. «, |ltn »fi7 'IVti'pliniiB JIU ■

■ ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ « ■ ■ « m u i a a W I

Page 10: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-

W cil|ics(ln.vr-liuic lU. 19-36"




P 0 3 C H / A L

t O W O L» n O .U R ED


P L A N E T ,■ 'P i - O T O "


____N E V E R S A W

T H E . P L A N E T I T S E L F

M C O P L E - — B 0 5 6 M 0 0 P L E

1 5 T H E k l A M E — M A T ^ - R - K U M P /

W i T M h ^ V W E L L - O r L E D S T E A M - "C O L U E R M A C M I M E . I M O L D

M V C 0 K J 5 T I T U E M T S I M T H E

m o l l o w o p h a k j d - ^

E 6 A X 5 / T H E W 1 6 M E S T


, K J A T I O M H A V E B E E V J

P T 5 0 F F E R & 0 M E , B U T I ,

: '{ 'A’W AT y S T A T lO M I pT ':? ^U!_ STAJtC—

\ - A - S T n jIo m t,i S T M A T '— \ ‘W ThiE BA R /

B R O A -D C A S riK l6? ^S C U M D S '^ y ^ S K jA T O R - —

L IK E MliBM h e 's .V O L T A G E ^ j ■’’HE CH Aid=r E U R

• ; / O F ^ S T E A M - ''~ V \T 'ROLI,ER.^-RukI B V

H O T A|-R.-p-ROM

s t o r mA R £ A S

M O V E A T A N A V E R /V 5 E S P E E D

O F3£- /^ !L .E :S

'2J5-, A M L E S • A M H o u e .

IN S U M M E R .,

ci-PSs-tnni><TV--r.l Kny>:i'miiCLly..ufiU ;;i'vLii ui.iA/'rThf>»t»

ureas <if imd lew jnvnairo mo mor<.' < ncrfci'tii' n riiTm Tn Tlit a iro rapiil rr.lc' ln cold nir. Thoy tra v il fa stir r.cri.ss the north- 11 Bliltcs tliiin rh<-y Jo'in Ih r fmitli.

Storm r.riaa iidt tiavi;! iicipsi


^ELL MOW I KIN kE t( • K<S rt.:,'Ml' .\ L O ie - C r T ltF K iP ‘ - - AKjD A M ,WITH K>ocv o p 'i .w l l i t •s c r .- l f’r.CMi-':'!'n .Ti.'.iMii;cf.ji .-rc'- RALrvi P lUu M a m p ( I - - I k.-s,’ ;‘ H F iM P AM'r\.ONNlL- c ' . r i [^'v i ( ' T O O c - x a . - ' - . r j , ! r x - ' N ' i K N . ' W

\ 71 TL TCLAl 'I 'M - - - r i . \ S ’..A \ tM AGOUMD r i '-.- l

MOM W ON’T I I.': M E K . r r r T M •. I'vt l.\I CAKI 1 I V ' .

B y w j l l i i i m a

_i\ i SJONL liC O E.lO -v;v




Bj’ George C lark |

J ’i A

"No picnics nllowtd Jn lhl» pnrk, biiiUly."

. oriental LeaderllORIZONTAI. t.ONcw pollll*

cnl lender Jn /the O jltn l .r

n Uncloses,''I3ICnnt.'

•HSwltcWwrtrf-'.'com piirtnicnl.

lO ilnir.17A v o lu m e .O 18 To depnrt b w |J

ib o n l. ' ^JO T u rf J . ilD I^U nctlvo ,

) thforyA i 23 T runk d raw er. - ^•,— ZftMujleol no»c^<®CrnvijU., ZflT oJum p.' .2BAIre#t»n B2 Jntoxlcnnl. 30Antttoxli1>^ MMIddoy.35 T o'cm enotc. BO To nbound.

/A n jw rr U 'f fc v lo u s T um Ic

70 ]!e l a ------WHr,

'.'V KR TIC AI,> M eiuurc, a WllllMnitilB.

.n a in lle n B c .r fiBY-»hiiped «un. 3 P n rro l.30 Popcr m ul- BO To Jog. 4WnyiiUle

Iw iry bark.' fl2 To«xiim !ne t* hotel*. lOKlrccI co r.' llioroiiRlily. (J W ithin, 42Krecs, <!< Tihy pnrllrle, 7Wnn«l.44(.'niiiiliii)t< 00 rnrnillnc. BPocinn.

flUMeloily. , OWcn,Oil Ha In ------of lOM do r rm n ik l

Jiijvnn. • '12Cliitlr.

IS lliillnn cuin,17 T h e ------Jnc-

tlon Is power* 111! In Jn p n n . '

I IOO|i|>oslle uf sbii,

221X108 «pnr.24 12 motilhs.27 Chnste.2p!)crlpturc.

I 31 Ami.132 Knock,133 Jnviincso tree,134 To nbtise,130 To merll.3flTo rcilact,41 Drbndible.43 To pcrcolnto. 40aweelBU b-

stiince.48 More pnlntul, ftoniircin, fl3 8prcdilcMi.83 To bow.07 Mornlnit. BQNiimo.01 IJcveriiRi^.03 Twite,OS Nolo In sciile. 67 No sooil.


T \ m ') \

' i r i .... ..........

\ r -

K y 7 I f ,


t j ’WO\A),VOO <oUOUl ' U P ' VT D O 'lS N iT MWiE \A\.WKV£. .■VVAW OKi'E.O r TV '£M \ ’3G O O D ^-OCV.

S U W i I. o>o'A WO'.'S'b^-

5 W O E .». ^ ^ iO L VO\ V\ VAt\t) . O W c . .....A 6 0 0 0HARO ouE

'6 o o \ -^ - h \ y to o e .K M /-A W AfektOi

J f ^ \By Hftralin


O F . SAW ALLA - / r r l - W ;



I IVE BEEN IW SOME ; T*aMT PLACED, LEIV WEHI ^BLn;ATLEA^.TIHAVE i, KWOWM tW£/a? I W fia • r b u t T H I^ V A y fN E S S '- \= BUT TWI^

P iK g y ra ’



. OPT o c r u o u s




FItL :O K ];«E S.A N D H IS F R IE N D S








Sa'^> 1 SAV/L-, LET’=>. C,nf

By Tliompaoii and Ooll


---------i ' l l F IR E /

|fT|.|E / MOM.LieTEMfD o e s ^ iT ^ s ^ b e R ’


i l l ......) B o n e :. . ,IT S N^ORiHM O M ^ TO A,

MUSKUM.... BLTT O N LY IP w e : g e t

TJ-fE B 0 N E 5 O F THE E h m P K AWlMAL.'c^",

y r . s .AMD FijR f i o o J s T " " r p \M E WANT TO FIWD 'TFiE ' R E C T p F T H E M ? DO 'tt)U R EM liM B ER - WHAT 'ibU DID

w m i t h e i m V

By Blosier

~ i w ii

oii.CR/vriounjp t h c y p e war T}CRE,'tt3lJD B ID TER RUM TO THE DfSUG GIORET


EA lire ll KNOW , I'LL FAIWT.'

Page 11: •F.O. ORRIS SNELL BIDS FOR DEMOCRAT BACKING 1 …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · Weather Forecast Fair tonight and Thursday; tflrri-

Page Twelv® IDAHO EVENING TIM ES. TW IN FALLS. IDAHO AVedncsilny, Ju n e 10, 1936

COHTiACT-iEID'GE. By William E. McKon»ey___________

PLAYS FOR i:\-En BREAKl)v Ul.'i moth')'! (•/ p lay fnllei

'o I tiin ii )ilH ccintnict. Wniit opened 'h e jiu 'k of iRMitfl ami dcclarcr •v‘1,1 in his own Iinnd. Ho then tie- I'l'li'ii to pijiy fell- tlit‘ <iiiUitaii(ling ii'iiiitiH In l\vf> K-.iiis Me loci Uio I. i.iiiy (.1 fln.l U iat W est IicUl nil k iiir 1niiii[).H aiiil tliiil lio liiUHl liow

Iwc) liiiiii]) hh the Jnclt*The piny


Miifeijoliiil Intends to M erge W ar, Navy, A ir C onm and

U nder ^ndgolio

(Copyrigh t, lOaO. IJiilMxl P rem ) ROMK, Juno 10 (U.i:t—P rcm lor

iJcnlto Mussolini intonila to m ereell i o m lniatcrliw of wnr, navy onJ i»ir under Maraliiil 1‘1'jtro lindog- lio, Jici'O of Uio Elhiopiuii ctun-

palgn, u hid nex t movo In a o rgan ization of th e cabinet, It uartcTBtood today.

MuMoIlnl h im scir now bo}<ia the portfolios. I t WB3 cxpcctcd OJ «oon oa the loaguo pcnaltlca ogalnst I ta ly aro rem oved and tho coun­try resum e* JU no rm al plac* In E u ropean po litics ,-M uaso ltn i vrlU give up tho poata.

Badoglio, I t woa underatood, will l>c piiiccO in suprem o c harge of the thrcfl mlnlatrloa aa m in iste r o f na^ tlonai defense, w ith undur-sccro' Liirli-a to aid him.

CI.INIO D A TE CllANGKDTho clinic fo r c rippled chlldrea

indcr tho aponsorahip o f the pub-nc hoalth dm slo n will ta W place In T w in F a lls on F rld u y only, aad n o t Friday and SA lurday ' pro-

clinic 3unc 11 th o cbaagtin e c i^ a ry . T ho T w in F alla clinlo will bo In tho P resby te rian church a ll d a y beginn ing a t 8 a . m .

Jerome Woman Is. Buri^dl in Seattle

tio yesterday fo r M rs. F . H . Mel- .icr, 78, w ho died a t the homo o( her daugh ter, M rs. C thol A dam s, 3alift-ilay a t Seattle , friends hor* have learDcJ.

Surviving a ra hcc liu.iband and -She

home horo a num ber of years ba* tDi6 go ins to Benltl®. SUo U Ui-» m other o f B u rlod MolH'r, Jerom *.

. . -.vhu-h, lindoii JV'V.' L'Mll Irt'.v, ii>iypi s a tto r

T**rr<lei<‘n'l,»n*.-iiT itnc.------Sw niid Heiirlne

A .»'‘c-iii'l snn iiy tn n l fnr Hoyer w.vi' .1 -JuilRfl T ra it nio;in-titiu- » ) 'i,;h t to delcrm lno w hether

^ n<r.v nm n le r tru il ni»') would be T e iv n ''“t- thp flanily-hoariT 'i being conrthlored morely a continuationo f till* 'ing tiia l pwooedin^Ti and

’n'(<uo the flame jury, l i i y . ' r -v.u convictCHl of Slav

10 uSp<>;:i!p-Copv :.)f n'.s.>liili>)n.i .i.ljpto.i a', tho la.U m celiiii; of th^' hor\ril of diri'

.... :;.,saturd«y. ------DffflvB-K-r-Ht-tler, Htwriff, l.-> ILi

, jr,.975.32, pt.Sec.1; D. C. Dally to 'V. Daily.

$•!, M iS E : NICSW; SIiN W , iO- 11-17.

Dec..Dl.it.: C. C. Daily eat. to V

• A A K .r¥ K Q 'ln

'♦ K q j j '• 1C - j ,

None '.u l. O|ioii«‘r

of the Twin K alla 'C uunlyS i't-W . SWN'K, ii - io - .i i ,

Koi);hin, . , ,loath of \V Icr, pre.Hlilent, wt

liy Ih.a n lw lll 'L . lliw U <, IMItl

Mr. -\.l’.voi:U\ s.'rv>,'l r\% of't Uhe niiilu.il ci>ni[i:inv f r j i i i 'h e tlm ci — .. 1 .

Ing Mr.i Uiiinche N'c’Jioi; (Croa.1, ibon slnyln.; thrperd-HU III a wild crinv; or 'v Oc;..,. -13. Tho s la y in g aroij.^o.l iiicb Rplr- " f H--* . l‘G y .......It, in tJi,: KarnilnKtoii nt-vi. |T li.' .llro,:lor.i j.m.Ho.i him ix.'i

AJ< d eputy atienff.i B oyerlf’f ^u r nio.it (h.stiiiguishLvl^ ciU_- f ro m - th e : c o u rt nw m . a flu llcn ;aoJ

tr.»W'l 4 ither'.-l ouisi'lo Somc-gne:-^'‘' ‘ ' rtliout.?.i, "O-^t a miio," tiBt .thei-ojana w ere no furU ior dcni.m.>tratl<in.». ^

B.)y ' r h,i.i hi'en li.'M'Hn tlv' Salt Lal<.? C ity ,i.ili since hU a rrest.

, $12,000, WiC 3E. E'/.dW.

.W hen thi? dum m y-hand w a ,p.>ueil, d cclarcr could sco ..ho-iiai ■no-l‘i;*cr.i In any side Hult, nnd ho Ico u ld 'p lay th e triin ipV SBtT int ho Wi^uM lii.se only ono trlcU la th a t .iiiit, regariilc,s.‘i of dl.itrlbution.

l io .ihnuld havo won th e firal •riclt w ith Iho queen of hearts, nnd th ”n led a trum p from ' dum m y

|N o\v. when E a s t failed to follow t-v.) in iih p a r tn e r* •.iin’l. he hope.^ a tru m p trlc lt should Imvo been •o fmd two, held by ivicU opponent given up to We.it'.^ qupcn, and tho •iivl thu.H drop a ll thu trump.s in n 'ttu iiiiing triimp.H could liavo been t\vc< lea<l-t If.H mi optimlMtlc hnpe.Iplokod up w ith tho nco, Icing, nntl

Noi;nrH bid'lini,', mid Soiilli'.i n.4'ti-n wyil. l4 perf-.'clly corr-j^t. even itiC c.iiyright, 1U3R, N E A Service, Inc.

i-wlio I

of H a h )

F^rm Values Show ■ Cfontinued Increase



nd M n J. E I>.>liin-.an ! I*, dinner'n*. Iheir ht

I'.- t J r i l r . and ilra . n . v r and fatuily, OklaUoina ■:')V.Tl w en' laiii fn r 12.:ea .C ald’.vvll. M cCw ,1-<:'.'1 a t llie home of hii

Mr. and Mvj. A. E. Cald- of th ree iioin'' _iVi-.:lE_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . • '

Knriii.son. s-m nf Mr. and

I BOISE. Juno Ir1 (S p e c la lj—For t h j Ih lr l c jiiaecativ ; v-.mt. ' ' re ( l r i t i t t ' value.? tn th-i pri: ajTricui'.ural .socli'tn.i .iliowed a n in-

iM.so K 'lr the vear cn<led M arch l?3 'i, the inJox of

;pcT ;vcv. pared b;ocomiiiic.H. indicated an incyea/te

the t ’nlte.i S t a j - j n. a whole

.'Monilay, .Iiinn BM- G rayheai to L.

'’i.iheii!, JIO. .Si.’,N E. N E SE , ’ !SU', 2 i) - ll- ll !

Deed; R D urlt to I. W, .J,'n- F a r i i l f - i r ’ n f - !<n.>svillc, Tonn.; Georgia LeonlMU-.H, SI, p'.. SurUc-. U O O d m g - - a 1„-I, W .rll . Curolim i; Q. H . DeahTdivision. • • . • I C , , , „ n , A r P i n n a D altu la; ' F , ' H. McKay,

D eed ;. S. H. H ;m > r Vi C E ' » J » V e S i U m m C r r i a n S Loig Fr^inHham, Bozo-H on.ierinn, $10, I^>t 13, blU. 00,•'T lO O D IN O , Jtm n 10 (Specia l)— Iniiin, M ont.; E dytho Purcoll, Twin F a lls iln s true lo ra in Idalio’,s Htato schooliP lacerviiie, Calif.; L. R. Louder,

Di'csl: C oun 'v 'T re ii? (•> Banlt of i ' 'r th e doaf i>nd hllnil havo on-jG oodijig; Miss La* Pearl Moore, HoiilHl'T. J ll '.'.lO . L-.IU 0-10, blicinoijnn-d Ihoir vacalioa plana and Buisc; Lola- J o Shcllon,..\VarrcnB- 00, Holli.^tcr, ;.i-.Mro.«ei fo r tho Humnior mnntha.

Deed: H. 3. G.wlini: to N'oUle Mr.r 'Laura McDiii Bates, at-, $1, L o t -12 blk. t), T'.v

■rage valuejP '"® Inlands,

0 in New' Y ork; MI.-m K atherine i>y. .niiiiii;tT .ifhool in Georgia;1 Clyde K ing, miinmer .school; 1 N.dlie Lmdsoy, sum m er

t ta r g ro t Mar.ih, Burley:>'{ : u m rea i fM.vtc nvi-h<^*'''aco9 conni.iting of level poni.Li Zoa iU ra U a li, , JacluxitivUle, III.; U ocky M ountain clul •.h-> bureau of .ii'rtcu 'lliira llon m nuntainaide.i. The.ie a re 8o:M iw M M eSaughton, Sullivanr-A lico D urham , sm all •H indicated an increase constructed na ti> provide ■ level'Ind.; MiH-i N ell Niehul, S a n ta B a r- visor, a t homo in C

fromriiK -poir.ls over -1934,- and --n ine points, over 1I>33. w hon ‘.lie lo-.Vcs! level of land values since befor> 1P12 \va.‘( recorded.

in the two prcvloua

A.riU' .............................Mr.s. M N Knu'ls(m, arrived home S a t 'i r d iv from th ; L'niver.^ity ofIdalM. M'Mc:>w . H e wi.'i accom pa-l ........................ ................. _,____ _tiled !);.• An-!r.nv Mar.ih, B iliing*,, jrtcreaso in valuB3 du ring th e y

. Mi»nt wh ) will visit him a f e w .ju s t pa-'it m ay he a ttr ib u te d to In- , Icreaslng farn> Incomes, im proving

M rf A SehtiHz, Portland, Ore., r,jrm real c.Uato c red it conditiona, ( i r n v - i ii.it \voei{ to n ia lte 'a n .l tho ninintenanoe o f lowerh 'T w ith her .son, K n im e tt: icvoi.s of farm real e s ta te taxe.r-

I A lthough a thrne po in t rl.-»a ha,i Mr:. M.irion H um phries nnd 'yoen indicated In tho U nited S ta te s

Mr< <:a uhT Nyi;or I rire a tten d in g j inilex each year since 1933, th e in- >;rind .-Itapler. O. E , a t U urlny-crra.trt of the pa.it y e a r w as m ^re WwK .w-.;V. They are ilnlegalei|w |de.s[)rea.l th in du ring e ith J r ofir-im Ifolli^it'T chapter, of w hlch;thi» two pievli"'^ ........Mr.'i M '!iiiphni-i 1.1 w o rf .............. 'iind M u Nyi; ird «ecre

M r, and .Mia, M. N. K tertiiiiiv‘ 1 a t dinner I'rM and Mr< H. W. Klii.ii f.im liy, O kliihiuiii c n w ere, I m l for Id

CHfr'if.1 Mill.'r, N.inip M.iy l>iven[h>r;, - Kii.' rn.-n.l< 1(1 Ilolll.itnr !.'<

n I Mi.’m I).uvi,|>.

J be hara, Calii ; iH urley,- W ii

burg, Ml),; Mi.ts W nrda Davis, flliiln school flccretarlal duties, Go-Klinc. '

Mr.>). L C. A nder.w ti. o ldsr g irls flupervLior, w ill bo a t homo in Spokime. W ash.; M r H arold E . D unn, older boys supervisor a t Rocky M ountain club, K ctchum ;

“ ■ 11 boys Buper-. .. Caldwell, and

Ml.ss V erona H. G regerson, school n u ra o ,.a t Cetervlllo, South D ahota.

hy m.atrc iicy.

lUT ll-ilM r 1n l M ti

, S tu d e n t F r o m B u h l I W rite s P r iz e P a p e r

'l I l in i l . , .Jutio 10 .(S p e c ia l)—Mr.u n i . \ ln K irl Davis iittcndod tho

, ,;iM duitiiin I'XiTri.io* a t tho tfn i- v.THity c|f m .ih Tue.id.iy fo r th e ir .‘Ion, (ilenn >!. D ivl.t, Who gradual* ed un til ; l i ‘ I'li'otriiMi engineering

,M';IHHtl ill lliMle tMi,i.i Kll/.,ih''l)i I

T h iir.i'lay fioii-, a ■ - Mim .loliii ........... .

' Iiei” .ifle r lUI'-ndlili;

0 wa« voted lo u r papurs II a.H thi) liest ■ l.'tah iitnto : l l t in g engl'

'i 'li li give*It I'.'K'iitiiig Illsil r')nvi-nlti iideiia. <'.illf., r compel.HOV.I lli.i wlie .;


★ P O W E R ★ S A F E T Y

★ E CO N O M YO f a l l i o n i l e a d i n g l e w p ^ e i l o a n . .

T a n a p l a n a U O N E g i v e i d i e M b i g c a > v a l n o t

W a tc h m a n ’s W id o w G e ts C o m p e n sa t io n

A'V»i I o( ti l l perlo.l or 100 (iraiiti'd l.v Uie I board I > Miri Wi (if K r..iili M .'11

.U-hlU.Ml, wa/1 Hiro.-li Uv I. nln-et <om*Ii, .1 ii n .nil'- -1 ’ rl.iv h

■ iti I . In itJidiv) Kie- >' I ,Mo liil.ill >11 " I

l - L A l ’l ’i : i l j 'A N N Y .S A V .S ;



Ili:il ( Ik 'U oIi'I < I.iipo—

$450|li:il ( lii'<Kil<'l .Miiilrr Snlitii-.

':::z:s;..r ..S525l!i:il rmilliii ( oi>|ieMN,-tv llri'ii,

... .... $465s:,!"':.........$295" i r ........ $285

.......... $350ll);l.1 I 'oidlai .Sl( ( o,>i'h—WKIi .......Iniiilt . ^ O v O

r , \ s t ' (1,^1 .\ .c ,


"if e sure got a lot for our money I"

* TERRAPLANC I t BIOOCR w lth ltK U n - 'm c llw h c c l-bli.sc— u p to :i i i id ic .in io ro Ih u n th e o U ie r Ih re o lo a il- iiiK l(nv j)r icc (l e a r n —m a ro le g .fim l H hou ldo r ro o m .

* i n M O RE PO W C R ruL w ith 8 8 o r 1 0 0 s)rio»(/i lio ruopO w er— ; { to 9 m o re l im n ll io olliorH ,

* IT 'B S A f E R w i t h D u o - A u lo n m l i c I l y d r n i i l i c Hr;ilcc.H (i)Hl<!iit u iip l led f o r) — fiiK'sit liydrmilii-B, w ith u ( jo p u ru lo Hikrcty ImiUinK nyH lom oiioniLiiiK n u to rn i i l ic u i ly f ro m (lio mim u h r itk o iic d n l If ove r lu 'c ilw l . A n d a f /n 'n l l»r;ikiHs uyiilviw ( r e n t I h c ciw y o jn 'ia l ln B p u rk in K h ra k o .

* IT 'S MORB B C O N O M IC A L -w itli t m njfidiil TCD- ord of 2U.l)r> inilcH per Halloa in llui Lou Angulen- Yo.soinll« ICtioiioiny Kim.I T 'I MORB B E A U T irU L wii.ll n cltvil^n t.lllll If) cii-

. ^iVfli/jicM’, n o L u iuo(lilk 'iU tlU 5 i)ly lL ‘.

I T ' i MORB R U O O B D -lho o n ly 0110 o f (h o fo u r w ilh h o lly a ll o f H lci'l a n d iiL>aink‘HH iio lld f i le d rou f.

W IT IIT IIE IE EX0LV81VB rC A T U R E If R udllll^ llf i> ty C o n t ro l ( iia lo n i, a iii)!ii'(l fo r) , T h o U h y U im ic U lilu .'I ’n i 'L in o H teoriiiB . A n ti i ii iu iy o LIr t h .

OUV.VI, K. (H A N K Y , Ternipl.iiie l>i-aler


Take a “ DISCOVERV DRIVE" with the Electrlo Hand

T ciiT o rrap lan e sg aln it i^a/nilier low lulced car. over iinji tou io you chooto. W e ll ru rn liliiho csr.O no oFtho nuny iliiiig iyou 'ild licovorlt ilia iifie.ciilcr, •dfcf w»y lo dclvo wl«h clio illoccric 1 Un<l. an op d o iiil » ir< . I'lick « TMtRcr —aiiilK cafiih lfdA clciriliH irln rro iil, no gckr o r brake lover lo *lumblo over.

>00 t l .K . . . I lM n c li w lircllu ii « ../ Ih

iUnJA>J titnli */»<.

Ravii . . , w idi ilifl iiDw H udson* C. I .T , 6 * EliKluct I'Un . , . very low

i iiiiim IiI]' i>«ynienii All* Ipolal Vitiraoi' l«ivt rajfpiiiil riin


Let Twin Falls Owner. Tjll You Why They Bought TERRAPLANES .

H E It^ ARE A yi2W , . . O T IlliR MAMSS ON REQUESTM tA N Ii H itIM n - ............... .. II..1M, 'i'wtii KnIU » , (), < l|in N n V Hulil, KliUieKAUKV D R l'V V nn.riK • . . . ' i v i a rA lU U A U n i U l t t l H I I .............................. lliihl, lOaiio

CHANEY MOTOR CO.P ho tiu KUH ■. 220 &oooi\(l A v o q u o E u i

B oar s r inmtoN-TzaiuiPLANE. i i i i a n d v h mrMON m r i o a n d v ti inm oN t v m ■ntAtairriHiNT, i m AND uf, r .o .B . D v n e ff • ■ •

W ork C lothes...T hat Can...


‘‘Red Ball” -OVERALLS^

F a m o u s for tho long w ea r they givo nnd ar* c u t e x tra full. Made of fu ll 8-oz. Sanforized sh ru n k denim nnd re ­in forced a t alL s tra in po in ts . Priced a s low os you pay for un- lo iow n hraiidB.

Boys’ Blue and Stripe


W ell m ado of good ^quality denim In h im o r express stripe . Sizes


-P«rfcct-flttlnff,-w )ft-aTia- pllable. Comes in open a n d k n it w ris t styles. Low priced.

j^ S m O S H ^ G O S H

Y ou c a n 't go w rong on tliii o v e ra ll . 'W e ’re back q£ It nnd th a fnc to rj’.is bade of as.

Y ou d o n ’t aavo m oney buying 'a d ieap overall. I t 'g o c3 wrong and you hove no coincback. .

W liy inonkoy w ith cheap s tu ff -wlieii th is overall i,i guaran teed to givo you lola of w ear, com­fo r t flnd Biitrsfaetiou! J i is t tr y

- p a - ^ - i r a i r r Y o u 'i n ik - e - i tT o T v l lV you w o n 't w an t to tako it off. AU sizes in stock.

Men’s “ Big Buck”

Waist Overalls

8 9 0Mftdo o£ liCtfvy'S oz. Sanforized dcnim ,' gnarnnt'eed n o t to ehrinlf. F u ll cu t and copper riv e ted a t nil, a trntn poinW. H o re ’a nu ovei'all t lm t will te a lly B tan d lh e hard w oar men oxpoeU I’rieed ao ldon llulo

'lo w n t .............................8 9 ^

Men’s Blue Chambray Shirts


Boya’ Blue Chambray Shirts

25cDoys’ blu« ch am bray w ork flhlrts Ih d t a re , well ni.ido nnd will givo long w ear. Comploto alee raiigo fro m 0 to M h .


19cK very 1.oy will w an t ono and llioy cdiMo In (iiiveral lirlgh t «»lor combinations.


49cIdea l fo r Huninier w iiir iind n l th is prico you ran a fford nov* oral. In nniail, mod. nnd largo.


98ciilrlpi'H, U ltra JO to IH.

Men’s Heavy Covert

Shirts3 9 < s

Mura's n sh ir t th a t can m ii iy ‘'iiiUv II." Made of liiuivy groy co v o rt’ tiloth and full cut. H as tw o l)Ut< ton Ihroiigh pimkein. A low pricod b u t long woar< ing uhirt. ’


10c p.<lciiiilno It«)ol(ford noclis pi'li:ed a s low ail yini pay for iniliiiown b rands. Cum ei In g rny intKluro.

Men’s Firestone KNEE B0GT3

$1.94{•'Irat ( |iiailty Kln-ntoue black riihhnr l(nc-ii l>ool* w ltli Ion#' kveinng rod n.j|ea. Y ou'll navo


Manhattan Knitted SHIRTS and SHORTS

M en'a

Solid Leather S H O E S


it i 'g . [illii i|italil.v M an lia lin u Id iiiic il ih i r t s a ru l H lio rli iii lilno, g ri'c ii y<<U«w, 'I'lu'ri' i-\ ,\ r;iiigit Ilf slzi'rt......... 25c


M im ’d fiiio iio liiin rlliliml niiimi*! In Hhort hlnuvo n.ihl aiikl,* K-iujtli nlyiu. .(Jiinion in tuirn oolor niiit > 1 A a hIkuh U(J lo 4(1.... ................... T v ' '

Aoldeiinule^ l l ^ C. C. Aiidtraon M m w m Companii__i Comoanu