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  • 8/3/2019 AFO-CGCS-V2-1-pf


    All content 2010 Triple Ace Games. All rights reserved.Document produced by Nestor D. Rodriguez, edited by Steve Ovenell, additional material collected by Keith J. Scherer.


    Character Generation Cheat SheetCharacter Generation Cheat SheetCharacter Generation Cheat SheetCharacter Generation Cheat SheetVersion 2

    By Nestor and Keith

    SourcesSourcesSourcesSourcesAFO All For One EC Expanded Characters WD Wondrous Devices

    DE Daily Expenses CS Creatures of Sin NC Nobles & Courtiers

    NA Nautical Adventures TC The Church RAD Radicals

    FS Fencing Schools VJ Villainy & Justice FC French Colonies

    WAR Warfare SCI Science PG Paris Gothique

    Step One: ArchetypesStep One: ArchetypesStep One: ArchetypesStep One: ArchetypesPick One

    AcademicAFO Natural PhilosopherAFO

    AdventurerAFO NobleAFOCriminalAFO OccultistAFO

    DoctorAFO OutcastEC

    Everyman VJ PatronEC

    GuardianEC SoldierAFO

    HunterAFO SpyAFO

    Judiciary VJ SurvivorAFO

    LuminaryAFO SwordsmanAFO

    Step Two: MotivationsStep Two: MotivationsStep Two: MotivationsStep Two: MotivationsPick One

    DutyAFO LoveAFO

    EscapeAFO MysteryAFOFaithAFO PowerAFO

    FameAFO PreservationEC

    GloryEC Redemption AFO

    GreedAFO RevengeAFO

    HonorAFO SurvivalAFO

    HopeAFO TruthAFO

    JusticeAFO WisdomEC

    StepStepStepStep ThreeThreeThreeThree:::: Primary AttributesPrimary AttributesPrimary AttributesPrimary AttributesSpend 15 Points, on a one-to-one basis, minimum of 1,

    maximum of 5

    BodyAFO CharismaAFODexterityAFO IntelligenceAFO

    StrengthAFO Willpower AFO

    SSSStep Four: Secondary Attributestep Four: Secondary Attributestep Four: Secondary Attributestep Four: Secondary AttributesCalculate; may be affected by Talents

    SizeAFO 0

    MoveAFO Strength + Dexterity(or Athletics)

    PerceptionAFO Intelligence + Willpower

    InitiativeAFO Dexterity + Intelligence

    DefenseAFO Body + Dexterity Size

    (Passive = Body, Active = Dexterity)StunAFO Body

    HealthAFO Body + Willpower + Size

  • 8/3/2019 AFO-CGCS-V2-1-pf


    All content 2010 Triple Ace Games. All rights reserved.Document produced by Nestor D. Rodriguez, edited by Steve Ovenell, additional material collected by Keith J. Scherer.


    StepStepStepStep FiveFiveFiveFive: Skills: Skills: Skills: SkillsSpend 15 Points, on a one-to-one basis, min. of 1, max. of 5.

    Skill Specializations cost Points and add +1 to Skill; no more than one Specialization per Skill at character creation

    Musketeer characters have the following skills as Zero-Level Skills: Fencing or Melee, Firearms, Ride, plus an

    additional Zero-Level Skill fitting their background. = Specialized Skill.Skill Attribute Specializations

    Academics Intelligence History, Law, Literature, Philosophy, ReligionAFO, PGAcrobatics Dexterity Balance, Breakfall, Contortion, Juggling, Tumbling AFOAnimal Handling Charisma Cats, Dogs, Horses, Birds, Rodents AFOArchery Dexterity Bows, Crossbows, Nets, Slings AFOArt Intelligence Music, Painting, Sculpture, Writing AFOAthletics Strength Climbing, Jumping, Running, Swimming, Swinging, Throwing AFO, NABomb Making Intelligence Casing, Fuses, Gunpowder, Placement, TriggerRAD, PGBrawl Strength Dirty Tricks, Grappling, Kicking, Punching, Throws AFOBureaucracy Intelligence Academia, Church, Government, Legal, Military AFOCon Charisma Bluff, Fast Talk, Lying, Tricks, Seduction AFOCraft Intelligence Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Masonry, Medicines, Weaponsmithing AFO, PGDiplomacy Charisma Etiquette, Leadership, Negotiation, Persuasion, Politics AFOEmpathy Intelligence Body Language, Emotions, Intuition, Lies, Motives AFOFencing Strength Anatomie, Cavalerie, Danse, Dardi, Del Rio, L'Epee Gracieuse, Position de Fer, Renoir,

    Scarlotti, Spanish AFO, PGFirearms Dexterity Arquebus, Blunderbuss, Musket, PistolAFOGambling Intelligence Active Games, Board Games, Card Games, Cheating, Dice GamesAFOGunnery Intelligence Falconet, Falcon, Legitimate Culverin, Bastard Culverin, Great Culverin, CannonAFOIntimidation Charisma Interrogation, Orders, Staredown, Threats, TortureAFOInvestigation Intelligence Crimes, Enigmas, Interview, Research, SearchAFOLarceny Dexterity Alarms, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Sleight of Hand, Strong Boxes AFOLinguistics Intelligence Codes, Deciphering, Gestures, Lip Reading, Translation AFOMagick Willpower (Requires Magickal Aptitude Talent) Aeromancy, Alchemy, Benignus, Cryomancy,

    Divination, Enchantment, Faunamancy, Floramancy, Geomancy, Herbalism, Homomancy,Hydromancy, Necromancy, Pyromancy, Transmutation, Transportation AFO, PG

    Medicine Intelligence Diagnosis, Diseases, First Aid, Surgery, VeterinaryAFOMelee Strength Axes, Clubs, Knives, Spears, SwordsAFO

    Natural Philosophy Intelligence Biology, Chymistry, Engineering, Geology, Physics AFOPerformance Charisma Acting, Dancing, Musical Instrument, Oratory, Singing AFORide Dexterity Dismount/Mount, Galloping, Jumping, Remaining Seated, VehiclesAFOSeamanship Intelligence Knots, Navigation, Pilot, Rigging, Sea LoreNASpying Intelligence Alias, Bribery, Forgery, Speed Read, Unobtrusive WDStealth Dexterity Camouflage, Disguise, Hiding, Shadowing, SneakingAFOStreetwise Charisma Black Market, Carousing, Haggling, Rumors, ScroungingAFOSurvival Intelligence Foraging, Hunting, Navigation, Shelter, TrackingAFOWarfare Intelligence Logistics, Organization, Strategy, Tactics, Terrain AFO

    StepStepStepStep FiveFiveFiveFive----A:A:A:A: Fencing StylesFencing StylesFencing StylesFencing StylesStyle Disarm Feint Parry Thrust Slash

    Anatomie 1 +1 +1 1

    Cavalerie +1 when fighting from horsebackDanse 1 +1 1 +1Dardi +1 +1 1 1Del Rio +1 +1 1 1L'Epee Gracieuse +1 -1 +1 -1Position de Fer 1 +1 +1 1Renoir 1 1 +1 +1Scarlotti +1 +1 1 1Spanish 1 1 +1 +1

  • 8/3/2019 AFO-CGCS-V2-1-pf


    All content 2010 Triple Ace Games. All rights reserved.Document produced by Nestor D. Rodriguez, edited by Steve Ovenell, additional material collected by Keith J. Scherer.


    StepStepStepStep Six: TalentsSix: TalentsSix: TalentsSix: TalentsPick one Talent or Resource

    Musketeer characters begin with the Followers and Rank Resources at Level 0.

    Talent Prerequisite Benefit

    Accuracy Reduced called shot penalties AFOAgile +1 Dexterity rating AFOAlertness +2 Perception rating AFO

    Animal Affinity +1 Charisma bonus dealing with animalsAFOAttractive +1 Charisma bonus dealing with peopleAFOBarbed Tongue Charisma 3 +2 bonus in social duelsAFOBerserker Fury Fencing: Spanish 4 Exert to gain Strength-based Skill bonus FSBlind Fight Reduced penalty for poor visibilityAFOBlock Brawl 4 Perform block as a reflexive actionAFOBlunt Strike Melee 4 Do nonlethal damage with lethal weaponsAFOBold Attack Charisma 3 Use Charisma with a specific combat SkillAFO

    Bold Defense Charisma 3 Use Charisma for Active Defense ratingAFOCalculated Attack Intelligence 3 Use Intelligence with a specific combat SkillAFOCalculated Defense Intelligence 3 Use Intelligence for Active Defense ratingAFOCallous Rider Ride 4 Exert your mount to gain Ride bonusAFOCaptivate Performance 4 Temporarily entrance targetsAFOCharismatic +1 Charisma ratingAFOClimb Improved climbing speed AFOCloak the Form Fencing: Dardi 4 Use cloak to gain cover FSCombat Aptitude Intelligence 3 Exchange attack and Defense diceAFOCombat Clinch Brawl 4 Damage opponent with a successful Grapple FSCombat Skill Skill 4 +2 Defense with specific non-combat SkillAFOCounterstrike Brawl 4 Damage attacker with a successful BlockAFODamage Control Craft: Carpentry 4 Reduced penalty for Structure damageNA

    Danger Sense Reduced surprise penaltyAFODanse Macabre Fencing: Danse 4 Use Performance: Dance for synergy when attacking FS

    Deadly Hands Brawl 4 Do Lethal damage with Brawl attacks FSDelayed Blow Brawl 4 Can delay damage from unarmed attack FSDiehard Improved death threshold AFO

    Direction Sense Always know direction AFODirty Blow Fencing: Del Rio 4 Make second attack if stun opponent FSDisarming Strike Fencing: Del Rio 4 Reduced penalty to Disarm maneuver FSDisease Resistance Body 3 Improved resistance to disease and illness FCDodge Athletics 4 Perform dodge as a reflexive actionAFODragoon Ride 4 Use Ride skill for firearm attack when riding FSEscape Artist Acrobatics 4 Use Acrobatics to escape from bonds FSEvasive Riding Ride 4 Use Ride Skill for Defense rollAFOExpeditious Retreat Fencing: Scarlotti 4 Can move away from stunned opponent as a free action FSFamine Hardy Half damage from starvation and thirst FCFearsome Intimidation 4 Temporarily frighten opponentsAFOFearsome Attack Intimidation 4 Use Intimidation skill for unarmed or melee attack rollNCFeign Death Con 4 Can pretend to be dead FS

    Finesse Attack Dexterity 3 Use Dexterity with a specific combat SkillAFOFirst Strike Fencing: Renoir 4 Can make single attack as a free action FSFlawless Accent Can disguise accent PGFlorentine Dexterity 3 Reduced penalty for two-weapon attacks AFOFlurry Dexterity 3 Reduced penalty for multiple strikes AFOFocused Attack Willpower 3 Use Willpower with a specific combat SkillAFOFocused Defense Willpower 3 Use Willpower for Passive Defense ratingAFOFurious Slash Fencing: Spanish 4 Increased bonus for Total Attack action FSGiant +1 Size ratingAFO

  • 8/3/2019 AFO-CGCS-V2-1-pf


    All content 2010 Triple Ace Games. All rights reserved.Document produced by Nestor D. Rodriguez, edited by Steve Ovenell, additional material collected by Keith J. Scherer.


    Talent Prerequisite Benefit

    Guardian Intelligence 3 Provide Defense bonus to allies AFOHeadstrong Willpower 3 Use Willpower for Stun ratingAFOHerb Lore Medicine 4 Use natural supplies for medicineAFOHigh Pain Tolerance Reduced penalty for woundsAFOInspire Diplomacy 4 Provide Skill bonus to allies AFO

    Intelligent +1 Intelligence ratingAFOIron Jaw +1 Stun ratingAFOIron Stance Fencing: Position de Fer 4 Improved resistance to Knockback FS

    Iron Will +1 Willpower rating AFOJack of All Trades Intelligence 3 Improved untrained Skill rollsAFO

    Jump Improved jumping distance AFOKeen Sense +4 Perception rating with a specific senseAFOKnockout Blow Brawl 4 Improved knockout abilityAFOLethal Blow Brawl 4 Do lethal damage with Brawl attacksAFO

    Lifesaver Medicine 4 Improved healing abilityAFOLong Shot Double weapon ranges AFOLucky +2 bonus to any one roll per game sessionAFO

    Magickal Aptitude Ability to channel magical energyAFOMagic Sensitivity Sensitive to magickal phenomenaAFOMaster of the Wind Seamanship 4 +2 Seamanship bonus for 1 Structure damageNAMobile Attack Dexterity 3 Move and attack simultaneouslyAFO

    Moneywise Intelligence 3 Improved Wealth Resource AFOMounted Attack Ride 4 Use Ride skill for attack rollAFOMounted Charge Ride 4 May charge without losing Active Defense AFO

    Musketeer Reload weapon in half the timeAFONatural Leader Charisma 3 Recruit temporary allies AFOPack Mule Treat encumbrance level as one level lessAFOPainful Jab Fencing: Anatomie 4 +1 to stun opponent FSParry Fencing School/Melee 8 Perform parry as a reflexive actionAFOPatient Strike Fencing: Scarlotti 4 Gains bonus to attack by Parrying FSProvoke Con 4 Temporarily provoke opponents AFOQuick Draw Draw weapon as a reflexive actionAFOQuick Healer Body 3 Double the normal healing rateAFOQuick Reflexes +2 Initiative rating AFORicochet Shot Firearms 4 Reduced called shot penalty for coverAFORide by Attack Ride 4 Mount may move and attack simultaneouslyAFORide the Wind Seamanship 4 +2 Speed bonus while pilotingNARiposte Fencing School/Melee 8 Damage attacker with a successful ParryAFO

    Rising Handspring Stand up as reflexive actionAFORobust +2 Health ratingAFO

    Run Improved running speedAFOSavvy Fighter Dexterity 3 Improved Defense abilityAFOSkill Aptitude +2 Skill rating with a specific SkillAFOSkilled Assistant Improved teamwork bonusAFOStaggering Blow Brawl 4 Improved knockback abilityAFOStatic Defense Fencing: Position de Fer 4 Forfeit Move and gain +2 bonus to Defense FSStrong +1 Strength ratingAFOStrong Attack Strength 3 Use Strength with a specific combat SkillAFOStrong Defense Strength 3 Use Strength for Passive Defense ratingAFOSubtle Strike Stealth 4 Can use Stealth for attack rollAFOSurgical Precision Fencing: Anatomie 4 Reduced penalty for Called Shots with fencing attack FSSweep Brawl 4/Fencing 4/Melee 4 Reduced sweep attack penaltyECSwift +2 Move ratingAFOSwift Mount Ride 4 Mount gains +2 Move rating AFOSwirl of the Cape Fencing: Dardi 4 +2 bonus when using cloak to perform Disarm or Trip FS

  • 8/3/2019 AFO-CGCS-V2-1-pf


    All content 2010 Triple Ace Games. All rights reserved.Document produced by Nestor D. Rodriguez, edited by Steve Ovenell, additional material collected by Keith J. Scherer.


    Talent Prerequisite Benefit

    Swim Improved swimming speed AFOThe Great Dances Fencing: Danse 4 Use Performance: Dance rating for Active Defense FSTime Sense Always know timeAFOTinker Craft 4 Improved tool bonusAFOTotal Recall Never forget anythingAFOTough +1 Body rating AFOTough Attack Body 3 Use Body with a specific combat SkillAFOTrick Rider Ride 4 Improved riding ability FSTricky Fighter Intelligence 3 +2 bonus when performing tricks AFOUnarmed Parry Brawl 4 Can block melee weaponsAFOVigorous Defense Dexterity 3 Reduced penalty for multiple attackers AFOWary Fighter Fencing: Del Rio 4 +2 bonus to resist Tricks FSWeather Sense Can accurately predict the weather FCWell-Connected Charisma 3 Improved Contacts Resource AFOWell-Educated Intelligence 3 General expertise with one Specialized SkillAFOYield No Ground Fencing: Position de Fer 4 Improved ability to avoid Knockback or Knockdown FS Unique Talent only available during character creation

    Resource Description

    Ally Close friend or relative who can be counted on for helpAFO

    Contacts Network of associates who may be called on for items and/or informationAFOFame Reputation, notoriety, and influence due to your character's popularityAFOFencing School Member of a specific schoolAFOFollowers Faithful friends and retainers who accompany your character AFOPatron A powerful patron, teacher, or protector who looks out for your character AFORank Rank and membership in a secret or exclusive organizationAFORefuge A safe and comfortable home. Private retreat, or secret laboratoryAFOStatus Social status and income due to your character's profession or birthright AFOTalisman Unique and powerful item designed to make magick easier to invokeAFOWealth Income and assets, plus amount of money available to investAFO

    Step SixStep SixStep SixStep Six----A: Fencing SchoolsA: Fencing SchoolsA: Fencing SchoolsA: Fencing SchoolsSchool Style Prerequisites

    Accademia degli Sporchi TrucchiAFO Del Rio Con 4Dardi SchoolAFO Dardi Willpower 3LAcadmie de CavalerieAFO Cavalerie Ride 4LAcadmie de lAnatomieAFO Anatomie Medicine 4LAcademie de lEpee Gracieuse PG LEpee Gracieuse Acrobatics 4LAcadmie de PugilismAFO Pugilism Brawl 4Lcole de DanseAFO Danse Performance 4Lcole de Position de Fer AFO Position de Fer Body 3Renoirs AcademyAFO Renoir Dexterity 3Scarlottis AcademyAFO Scarlotti Intelligence 3Spanish StyleAFO Spanish Strength 3

    Step SixStep SixStep SixStep Six----B: LackeysB: LackeysB: LackeysB: LackeysLackey Rank

    Accountant NC Follower 0

    Agitator CS Ally 1

    AlchemistNC, PG Follower 1

    Animal HandlerAFO Follower 0

    Apprentice MagicianAFO Follower 1

    Armchair General SCI Follower 0

    Aspiring Composer SCI Follower 0

    Lackey Rank

    Ballet Performer PG Follower 0

    Bar WenchEC Follower 0

    Barmaid PG Follower 0

    Beggar PG Follower 0

    Boatman PG Follower 0

    Bodyguard NC Follower 1

    Bomb MakerRAD Follower 0

  • 8/3/2019 AFO-CGCS-V2-1-pf


    All content 2010 Triple Ace Games. All rights reserved.Document produced by Nestor D. Rodriguez, edited by Steve Ovenell, additional material collected by Keith J. Scherer.


    Lackey Rank

    Bomb Throwing RadicalRAD Follower 0

    BouncerDE, PG Follower 0

    Bourgeois Lady PG Follower 0

    Bureaucrat PG Follower 0

    Cabin BoyNA Follower 0

    Camp Follower WAR Follower 0

    Carriage DriverNC, PG Follower 0Choir Boy TC Follower 0

    City Priest/Monk PG Follower 0

    Company Bureaucrat FC Follower 0

    CorsairNA Follower 0

    Counterfeit Crank VJ Follower 0

    CourtierEC, PG Follower 0

    Crier PG Follower 0

    Crusty Old Sea DogNA Follower 0

    Daughter of Charity PG Follower 0

    Daughter of MedeaEC Follower 1

    Day Laborer PG Follower 0Dragoon WAR Follower 0

    EntertainerNC Follower 0

    Experienced Burglar VJ Follower 1

    Explorer FC Follower 0

    Fake Relic Seller TC Follower 0

    Financier PG Follower 0

    First MateNA Follower 1

    Fur Trapper FC Follower 0

    Gambler EC Follower 0

    Garrison Commander FC Follower 1

    Generic Con Man VJ Follower 0

    Grenadier WAR Follower 0Gullible Freshman SCI Follower 0

    Gypsy Dancing GirlEC Follower 0

    HealerAFO Follower 0

    HeraldAFO Follower 0

    Herbalist Friar TC Follower 0

    Highwayman VJ Follower 1

    HunterEC Follower 0

    Indian Medicine Man FC Follower 1

    Indian Scout FC Follower 0

    Indian Warrior FC Follower 0

    Knight of St. Michael TC Follower 1Lady of the NightEC Follower 0

    Lawyer/Judge PG Follower 0

    Legal Secretary VJ Follower 1

    Logistics Arranger WAR Follower 0

    Lovelorn MusketeerEC Follower 1

    Man of Faith & Science TC Follower 0

    MarineNA Follower 0

    Lackey Rank

    Missionary FC Follower 0

    MuleAFO Follower 0

    Musketeer WAR Follower 0

    Navigator NA Follower 0

    Neighborhood Watchman PG Follower 0

    Noble 1 PG Follower 0

    Noble 2 PG Follower 0Nun PG Follower 0

    Officer WAR Follower 1

    Personal ConfessorAFO Follower 1

    Pikeman WAR Follower 0

    Poisoner RAD Follower 0

    Prigger of Prancers VJ Follower 0

    Prostitute PG Follower 0

    Radical ThiefRAD Follower 0

    Renaissance Man SCI Follower 1

    Research Assistant SCI Follower 0

    Rosicrucian ScholarRAD Follower 1Ruffler VJ Follower 1

    Rumormonger RAD Follower 0

    Rural Priest TC Follower 0

    SatiristRAD Follower 0

    ScribeNC Follower 0

    Seductress AFO Follower 0

    Servant PG Follower 0

    Ship's CarpenterNA Follower 0

    Ship's CookNA Follower 0

    Soul in Need of Saving TC Follower 0

    Street Performer PG Follower 0

    Street UrchinNC, PG Follower 0Street Vendor PG Follower 0

    Student PG Follower 1

    Student of Probability SCI Follower 0

    Tavern KeeperDE, PG Follower 0

    Theatre Actor PG Follower 0

    ThiefAFO Follower 0

    Torturer CS Follower 1

    Trainee Master Gunner WAR Follower 0

    TutorNC Follower 0

    Undercity Guide PG Follower 0

    Undercover RadicalRAD Follower 0University Bully SCI Follower 0

    University Clerk SCI Follower 0

    University Professor PG Follower 1

    Upright Man VJ Follower 1

    Wandering EntertainerDE Follower 0

    Witchfinder TC Follower 1

    Woodcutter DE Follower 0

  • 8/3/2019 AFO-CGCS-V2-1-pf


    All content 2010 Triple Ace Games. All rights reserved.Document produced by Nestor D. Rodriguez, edited by Steve Ovenell, additional material collected by Keith J. Scherer.


    StepStepStepStep Seven: FlawsSeven: FlawsSeven: FlawsSeven: FlawsPick one (Optional)

    Flaw Description

    Physical Flaws

    Blind Automatically fail sight rollsAFOClumsy Has poor coordinationAFO


    Cannot walkAFODeaf Automatically fail hearing rollsAFODwarf Not as big or as strong as othersAFODying Has an incurable disease and may soon die AFOElderly Advanced in ageAFOGlass Jaw Easily stunned or knocked outAFOHard of Hearing Poor hearing and may misunderstand speech AFO

    Illness May be incapacitated by illnessAFOLame Has a bad leg or foot and moves slower than othersAFOLandlubber Suffers from motion sickness while on a shipNALice-infested Cannot rid his body of lice NCLow Pain Tolerance Has extreme sensitivity to painAFOMute Can't speak and must write or gesture instead AFO

    Obese Larger and slower then normalAFOOne Arm Missing an arm and has trouble doing workAFOOne Eye Missing an eye and has poor depth perception AFOPoor Vision Bad eyesight and has trouble identifying things AFORavenous Needs to eat twice as much as normal FCSickly Illness causes major discomfort AFOSkinny Has a weak physiqueAFOYoung Child or youthAFO

    Mental Flaws

    Absent-Minded Often forgets or overlooks important detailsAFOAddiction Hooked on a specific substance or activityAFOAmnesia Has lost his memory and may have flashbacks AFOBlabber Mouth Cannot keep a secret SCI

    Blas Easily jaded and boredAFOCode of Conduct Lives by a set of inflexible rules that limit his actionsNCCoward Afraid of conflict and may run from a flight AFOCurious Fascinated by the unknownAFODelusion Suffers from hallucinations AFODepressed Sad and pessimistic AFOEasily Lost Constantly getting turned around and lostNAEnvious Wants what other people haveAFOGluttonous Continually eatingAFOHard to Train Resistant to or inept with all new behaviors WARHesitant Cannot make split-second decisions NCIlliterate Dyslexic or uneducated and cannot read or writeAFOImpulsive Impatient and reckless and often gets in troubleAFO

    Loyal Devoted to one particular cause WARLustful Has an eye for the ladies and a strong libidoAFO

    Megalomania Delusions of grandeurAFOMultiple Personalities Plays host to two very different, often incompatible personalities WARObsession A compulsion to perform a particular activityAFOObvious Too loud or careless to stay hidden or hide his intentions NCOverconfident Foolhardy and sometimes gets in over his headAFOParanoia Anxious and distrusts everyone around himAFOPhobia Scared of a particular thing and will avoid itAFO

  • 8/3/2019 AFO-CGCS-V2-1-pf


    All content 2010 Triple Ace Games. All rights reserved.Document produced by Nestor D. Rodriguez, edited by Steve Ovenell, additional material collected by Keith J. Scherer.


    Flaw Description

    Short Temper Has trouble controlling angerAFOSkeptic Never takes anything at face valueAFOTerritorial Will not share FCThrill-seeker Addicted to dangerAFOTimid Nervous and anxiousAFOVow Sworn to an action or organization AFO

    Social FlawsAlley Child Utterly unschooled and ignorant of social conventionsNCAloof Distant and remoteAFOAnimal Antipathy Animals do not like him FCBad Reputation Character has a bad nameAFOBoring Incites boredom in other people SCICallous Selfish, uncaring, and insensitive of others AFOCondescending He is better than everyone else AFOCriminal Believed to have committed a serious crimeAFODisfigured Ugly, unattractive, and repulsive to othersAFOExiled Driven out of homeland and cannot return upon pain of death FCFanatical Zealous and dedicated AFOForceful Driven to be the one in chargeNC

    Gossip Cannot stop himself from sharing juicy gossip NCGullible Believes almost anythingAFOHerd Mentality Resists individualism and aloneness FCHonest Never liesAFOInscrutable Mysterious and hard to readAFOIntolerant Biased and prejudiced against a certain thingAFOLiar Constantly embellishes the truthAFOLovelorn Lovesick and forlorn AFOMeddler Gets involved in other people's business SCIMerciful Compassionate and forgivingAFONemesis Character has an implacable rival SCIPacifist Opposed to violence and war for any reason AFORepulsive Has some disgusting habit or trait that makes people react badly to himNA


    Derives pleasure from inflicting painNCSecret Has an embarrassing or shameful secretAFOShy Dislikes social situations and tries to avoid themAFOSpeech Impediment Has trouble speaking and may be misunderstood AFOStingy Reluctant to spend moneyNCStubborn Obstinate and hard-headed AFOSubmissive Wants other to make all the decisions NCSuperstitious Goes out of her way to follow her unusual beliefs AFOVain Egotistical and narcissisticAFO

    Miscellaneous Flaws

    Danger Magnet Attracts trouble through no fault of her ownAFOGeis Has a taboo placed upon them that must not be broken PGHunted Pursued by an individual or organization AFO

    Poor Destitute and bad with moneyAFOPrimitive Unfamiliar with modern technologyAFOUnlucky Cursed, jinxed, or otherwise unluckyAFOWeirdness Magnet Attracts supernatural occurrences AFO Severe Flaw Cannot be taken by Musketeers

  • 8/3/2019 AFO-CGCS-V2-1-pf


    All content 2010 Triple Ace Games. All rights reserved.Document produced by Nestor D. Rodriguez, edited by Steve Ovenell, additional material collected by Keith J. Scherer.


    StepStepStepStep Eight: ExperienceEight: ExperienceEight: ExperienceEight: ExperienceSpend up to 15 Points

    (Unspent Points can be carried into play)Trait Experience Point CostPrimary Attribute New Attribute Level x 5Skill New Skill Level x 2Skill Specialization 3

    Talent 15Resource 15

    Step Nine: Finishing TouchesStep Nine: Finishing TouchesStep Nine: Finishing TouchesStep Nine: Finishing TouchesFill in the rest of the details

    What is your characters name? Where did your character come from? What does your character look like? What gear is your character carrying?

    StepStepStepStep TenTenTenTen:::: Starting Style PointsStarting Style PointsStarting Style PointsStarting Style PointsStart play with up to 5 Style Points

    Taking a Flaw at character generation: 1 pt. Writing a character background: 1-3 pts. Creating a plot hook (e.g. a rival or dependent) for

    your character: 1 pt. each

    Using props or costumes for your character: 1 pt. Miscellaneous (e.g., hosting the game): 1 pt