Afghanistan's Fading Hopes

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  • 8/12/2019 Afghanistan's Fading Hopes


    Afghanistans fading hopes

    All the wrong messages

    Expediency and parsimony will undermine the modest aims of the Afghan strategy

    THE news from Afghanistan gets grimmer. The massacre of 16 civilians, nine of them children, by an

    apparently deranged American marine sergeant came swiftly after the killing of six British soldiers by

    a roadside bomb. That followed a wave of violent protests, leading to 29 deaths including the

    murder of two American military advisers, which resulted from the burning of copies of the Koran on

    an American base. Shortly before that, video footage showed American troops urinating on the

    corpses of recently slain Taliban.

    These dreadful events reinforce the widespread feeling in NATO countries that Afghanistan is a

    hopeless cause, that the presence of Western troops is making things worse, and that the sooner

    they are brought home the better (see article). Barack Obama, Americas president, and David

    Cameron, Britains prime minister, who met this week, were keen to point out towar-weary voters

    that an end of sorts is in sight. Both leaders are now talking about American and British troops

    pulling back from their lead combat role by the middle of 2013. Mr Obama, who will have reversed

    the 33,000-strong troop surge he ordered in late 2009 by the end of this summer, would like to

    announce a further drawdown of forces in good time for the presidential election in November. This

    will be made to look just about consistent with NATOs policy of foreign combat forces leaving by the

    end of 2014 after a transition in which the responsibility for security, region by region, gradually

    passes to well-trained Afghan forces.

    NATO has a clear strategy designed to leave the Afghan government able to cope after foreign

    combat troops have gone and to foster political reconciliation with the Taliban, but the sense that a

    scramble for the exit is already under way is giving encouragement to the enemy. The original

    timetable was tight, counting on the ability of increasingly competent, well-trained Afghan forces to

    fill the space left by NATO soldiers withdrawing from their combat roles. But senior commanders felt

    it to be realistic. Accelerating it, they believe, risks demanding too much of Afghan forces too soon.

    Not victory, but not defeat or betrayal

    For Afghanistan to have a stable future, the government needs to be reasonably solid, the security

    forces reasonably competent and the Taliban convinced that their only access to power lies through

    reconciliation. In this, the strategic partnership agreement that the American and Afghan

    governments have been negotiating for the best part of a year is vital. For the Afghans, it will

    determine what kind of military help America provides after 2014. Their wish-list includes

    surveillance and reconnaissance, close air support, air transport and medical evacuation. In return,

    America will keep bases from which it can conduct counter-terrorism operations to prevent core

    al-Qaeda from re-emerging as a threat to the West.

    Thanks to compromises on both sides, an agreement seemed closeuntil the marines rampage last

    weekend. Now a fresh complication may be the issue of whether American forces get immunity from

    prosecution in Afghanistan. America will insist on immunityit pulled its forces out of Iraq rather

    than accept that they could be prosecuted there, as Afghan ministers well knowbut on other

    issues it should show more patience and generosity.

  • 8/12/2019 Afghanistan's Fading Hopes


    The second area of strain is over the cost of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) in the years

    to come. The target strength of the ANSF, which includes the army and the police, is 352,000

    smaller than the recommendation of the previous American commander in Afghanistan, General

    David Petraeus. But America and its allies, who will be footing the bill, have quietly decided that

    even that number, which will cost $6 billion, is too big. After an initial surge, the ANSF will have to

    slim down to about 230,000, with a price tag of around $4 billion a year.

    This parsimony is a mistake. The aftermath of the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan is a warning

    against abrupt departures, leaving ill-resourced governments behind. The country collapsed into a

    civil war that killed many thousands of civilians and spawned the Taliban. NATOs strategy is

    designed to prevent a repeat of that disaster by providing the Afghan government with adequate

    security forces and encouraging political reconciliation between it and its enemies.

    Avoiding chaos would not be victory; but nor would it be defeat and betrayal. Even that modest goal

    is now threatened by the creeping reluctance of Mr Obama and his allies to stick to their guns.

    Afghans deserve better.