Afghanistan- US- Pak Relations-The Year Past and the Year Ahead -2012

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  • 8/2/2019 Afghanistan- US- Pak Relations-The Year Past and the Year Ahead -2012


    U.S.-Pakistan Relations: The Year Past,

    The Year Ahead

    Speakers: Steve Coll, President and CEO, New America Foundation, Robert Grenier,Chairman, ERG Partners and Daniel Markey, Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan and South

    Asia, Council on Foreign RelationsPresider: Tom Gjelten, Correspondent, NPR

    February 2, 2012

    Council on Foreign Relations

    TOM GJELTEN: So the topic again tonight is U.S.-Pakistan relations. And we really do

    have an all-star panel. Let me just begin with, to my far right, Steve Coll. I'm sure you all

    know him, president of the New America Foundation and staff writer for the New Yorker

    magazine, before that, a distinguished foreign correspondent, the author of two -- not one,

    two Pulitzer Prize-winning books. And the one that is of most relevance tonight is ofcourse "Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan and bin Laden from the

    Soviet Invasion to September 10th, 2001."

    In the middle, Bob Grenier, currently chairman of ERG Partners. But for our purposestonight, he'll be speaking on the basis of his 27 years of experience in the intelligence

    community. A veteran of the CIA, Bob most recently served as director of the CIA's

    Counterterrorism Center. Prior to that, he was Iraq mission manager, and prior to that, theagency's station chief in Islamabad from 1999 to 2002, in other words, spanning the 9/11

    attacks in that post.

    And on my immediate right, Dan Markey, senior fellow for India, Pakistan and South Asiahere at the council. And here he specializes in security and governance issues in South

    Asia. He's currently writing a book -- good luck with that, Dan -- on the future of the U.S.-Pakistan relationship. Prior to that, he was -- he handled the South Asia portfolio in the

    policy planning staff at the State Department. And of course, he was project director of the

    council- sponsored Independent Task Force on U.S. strategy in Pakistan and Afghanistan,

    and some of the recommendations of that task force of course will be the subject of ourdiscussion tonight.

    So tonight we are focusing on one of the most complex and problematic situations in theworld today: the multifaceted and multilateral relationship between Pakistan, the United

    States, Afghanistan and the Taliban. I would say that this is a critical moment in U.S.-

    Pakistan relations, but we have said that so many times before that it's become a cliche. Sorather than make that rather lame observation, let me just roll off a few of the items that

    really set the stage for this discussion tonight.

    Going back just to last May and of course the raid that resulted in the killing of Osama binLaden -- and we've since learned that a Pakistani doctor who provided some of the key

    intelligence that made that raid possible has been arrested and is facing possible treason
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    charges, just one indication of the rage that that raid engendered in Pakistan among those

    who feel that their sovereignty was violated; and of course the United States, in September,

    the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Admiral Mullen, very publicly accusing Pakistan'sintelligence service of supporting the Haqqani terrorist network, which has been the main

    enemy of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, and then subsequent to that, just two months later, the

    U.S. air and helicopter strikes that resulted in the death of 24 Pakistani troops along theborder when they were caught in the middle of that and, of course, the Pakistanis again, in

    their rage at that violation of their sovereignty, in their view, ordered an end to U.S. supply

    and resupply operations through Pakistan for operations in Afghanistan; and then, ofcourse, finally and most recently, the controversy over the memo allegedly written by

    Pakistan's ambassador to the United States, Husain Haqqani, in which he is said to have

    asked for U.S. support to guard against a possible military coup in Afghanistan (sic) on the

    part of the Pakistani army and of course that then provoked one of the most serious civil-military conflicts in Pakistan in many years.

    So that's not even to mention the broader context in which all these things are occurring --

    the prospect of a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in less than two years, and thepreparations that are under way for that including the possible arrangement of negotiations

    with the Taliban in Qatar -- so those are the -- that's sort of the parameters of the situationthat we're going to be talking about tonight.

    Dan, I want to start with you just to give us like a 30-second summary of where you seeU.S.-Pakistan relations right at this moment. Where do things stand in terms of, let's say,

    the aid, the cutoff of aid, the refusal by Pakistan to accept aid, the supply line issue? Sort

    of, in a -- in a nutshell, where do things stand right now?

    DANIEL MARKEY: Well, in a nutshell, we are currently at a place which is certainly

    worse in the bilateral relationship than we've had since 9/11, there's no doubt. So, yes,

    we've seen many crises over the past few years.

    I was just thinking today is my fifth anniversary here at the council and, as soon as I

    showed up, things went haywire. No connection, of course --

    MR. : (Inaudible) -- your area.

    MARKEY: Yeah, no connection. But we've seen crisis after crisis. But, over the past 18months, it's been a step-wise series of events, each one knocking us down from where we

    were to a point which is as low as we've seen since 9/11.

    Now, in terms of our supply routes into Afghanistan and so on, I think some of these are

    sort of transitory issues. It sounds like at least some of that will be reopened in the -- in the

    next few weeks. But there's a broader question here and it's a question that's been certainlyon Pakistani minds over the past two years and, in some ways, much longer than that,

    which is how we intend to resolve this end game in Afghanistan.

    And I think, in many ways, that's the context that they see us in the region. That's how they

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    perceive us. And the question in their mind is, how are we going to leave things? Are we

    going to leave Afghanistan the sort of mess that they -- that we felt we left it at the end of

    the Soviet occupation? Are we going to make it even worse for them, in a sense, by doingthings that might say privilege an Indian involvement in Afghanistan? And will the way

    that we leave it leave us with a really broken relationship between Washington and


    I think that's the framework. When you boil it down, they're -- each one of these incidents

    that we've seen over the past year in some ways relates to that and the deep uncertainty onthe part of the Pakistanis about what our intentions are as we prepare for this departure that

    you mentioned in Afghanistan.

    GJELTEN: Well, and that would be coming up in a couple of years and that's where theUnited States is positioned right now.

    You know, something that all three of you have observed is in reference to Pakistan's

    support for the Taliban or for the Haqqani network -- all three of you have been able to --have focused on sort of the rationality of that position.

    And Bob, I wanted -- I was struck by something that you write in sort of the classic

    analysis of an intelligence professional, talking about Pakistan's support for the Taliban:

    "Given their perception of their national interests and the lack of effective alternativemethods to pursue them, one can readily see why the Pakistanis behave as they do. I may

    disapprove as an American, but as a political realist, I cannot fault them." Do you want to

    elaborate on that a little bit?

    ROBERT GRENIER: That's the problem with writing. Somebody's likely to read it at some

    point. (Laughter.)

    Yeah, you know, the -- one of the real problems, I think, that we all have in dealing with

    Pakistan is it's very difficult to get past one's emotions.The Pakistanis are maddening as so-

    called allies. They -- often, what they do, even when it's in their interests, is, frankly, ratherignoble. Even when we understand it, we certainly can't approve of it. And so I think it's a

    tremendous burden, I think, for policymakers in dealing with those issues in the first place.

    And then, trying to sell them to a political public is almost impossible.

    But, yeah, I think that for just the reasons that Dan has just mentioned, at this point, the

    U.S. has not decided for itself, I think, first of all -- nor, clearly, in conjunction with the

    Afghan government -- what our posture is going to look like in Afghanistan; how are wegoing to perceive our interests in the future and how are we going to try to realize them.

    And under those circumstances, it becomes very, very difficult for the Pakistanis toimagine what that's going to look like. And I'm sure that U.S. policymakers are telling them

    to some degree what that's going to look like, but we have very, very little credibility. And

    it seems to me that unless and until we make very clear what will be the limits, if you will,

    of Pakistani aspirations in Afghanistan, we're not going to be able to get to anything

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    approaching an agreement with the Pakistanis as to what -- how they will pursue their

    interests and how we can work out some sort of a rough -- a rough joint approach in

    coming up with something which at the end of the day will serve our interests and theirs.

    The way things are right now, they assume, as Dan has said, that we're going to be leaving

    very shortly, and the only real ally that they have, potential ally, is the Taliban, and they'recertainly not going to cut ties with the Taliban under those circumstances.

    GJELTEN: Do you think the Pakistanis actually know what their -- what the limits of theiractivity in Afghanistan should be? And are they capable of confining themselves to those


    GRENIER: Well, I don't think that the problem is with the Pakistanis being able to confinethemselves. I think that the problem with the Pakistanis is getting them to do anything at

    all, even in pursuit of their own interests. People tend to think of -- I mean, we see written

    all the time that the Taliban is in thrall to the Pakistanis, that the leadership of the Taliban

    is essentially under their control. I don't think that that could be further from the truth. Ithink they have a very complicated relation with -- relationship with them. I think they try

    to influence them in variousways. They certainly don't control them. And I don't thinkthey've figured out for themselves, quite frankly, as to what are achievable national goals in


    GJELTEN: Steve, I read with great interest the New York Times story today summarizing

    this recent classified report on the state of the Taliban 2012 that's based on 27,000

    interrogations of 4,000 Taliban insurgents. And I think for me, and I think probably for a

    lot of people, one of the lines in that report that really jumped out was an observation thatmany Afghans are already bracing themselves for the prospect of a Taliban takeover in


    To what extent would you say that the Pakistanis are also assuming that? And again, does

    that explain their determination to sort of maintain influence with the Taliban, because they

    see themselves as dealing with the future power in Afghanistan?

    STEVE COLL: Well, I think it's important to recognize that their timelines are quite

    different than our own. I mean, they're in the neighborhood forever. We have a plan that

    we've announced that has very specific calendar dates that relate to our political situation athome and in Europe, and our fiscal sustainability problems. And they're not thinking about

    our timeline; they're thinking about their own, for obvious reasons.

    And my sense of the best guess -- because nobody has a crystal ball about Afghanistan --

    that the Pakistani high command, core commanders, are operating from, is that they're

    doubtful that the Pakistani army that -- I mean the Afghan army that we're -- that we'rebuilding will hold together beyond 2016 or 2018. They see trouble on the horizon after we

    go. And I think part of the way to understand their caution and passivity now is this

    thinking about a longer horizon.

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    Now, I think the second point I'd make about that is that I think the Pakistani Army is

    genuinely in a pretty weak position. They've got trouble on the horizon, and they don't have

    a lot of cards to play. We're not their partners in securing their interests in an Afghantransition, they believe -- at least we haven't established ourselves, in their minds, as

    reliable partners. They see India, Iran and other interests -- other neighbors who don't have,

    in their mind, Pakistan's best interests at heart, already preparing for a post-NATOAfghanistan. And, you know, the Taliban, the Quetta shura leadership that -- the old

    Islamic Emirate leadership that's in Pakistan, and the Haqqanis, as distasteful and difficult

    and troublesome as they are as clients -- and they are difficult clients, who would like,themselves, to be free of Pakistani influence and coercion -- are about the only option that

    they -- that they've got.

    And so caution and a -- and a longer timeline makes all the sense in that respect.

    GJELTEN: Now, you just had a terrific article in the New Yorker on Mullah Omar. And

    one of the things that I thought was most admirable about it was the nuance in your

    analysis. I mean, you know, it's so easy for us to just sort of assume that the Taliban aresomehow operating as puppets of the ISI. You pointed out that -- actually, that there's a lot

    of strains in that relationship.

    COLL: Yeah, well, certainly the Times report that you referred to and the document itself,

    excerpts of which have now been released, make clear how the Taliban themselves seetheir relationship with Pakistan. And they are -- Taliban leaders and middle-level

    commanders are -- they're Afghans, first of all. They wish to operate independently. They

    resent the extent of dependency that they sometimes have on the Pakistani state for travel

    documents, for security, for the security of their family members. If you're living in exile inPakistan, and the Pakistani state knows you're there, and you're a person of significance in

    the Taliban command, you're really not a free -- you're really not a free man. You may not

    be under ISI's control, but you are certainly under their influence, and you're dependentupon them in logistical ways.

    And another point that Afghans have often made to me -- and I -- when I was in Kandaharthis last time in December, I heard it again and again -- you know, from the Taliban's

    perspective, if you're trying to even consider conversion from revolutionary violence into

    political negotiation, it is not in your interest -- it's not viable to enter those negotiations

    while being seen by other Afghans as an instrument of the Pakistani state because thatweakens your own credibility with your countrymen. The Afghans who are in the Taliban

    leadership who are exploring negotiations, I think, would like to enter those negotiations

    from the most independent posture possible.

    GJELTEN: Bob and Dan, Steve mentioned the sort of weakness of the -- of the Pakistani

    army, which may strike some as kind of an odd observation given the role that thePakistani army has played in Pakistani politics for so many years. But I'm curious what

    your view is of the position of the Pakistani army right now vis-a-vis other institutions in

    Pakistan and in the midst of this crisis.

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    Now, Bob, you wrote that they are, in some ways, the most competent institution in

    Pakistan. And yet you don't seem to thinkthat they're really in much of a position to exert

    that competence right now, it seems.

    GRENIER: I think that if you view the situation from the perspective of the senior

    Pakistani officer corps, they're in a very difficult situation. They are facing multipleinsurgencies within their own country, which they're having a very difficult time managing.

    They are very concerned lest the Afghan-focused militants in the area combine efforts with

    the Pakistan-focused militants against them. And that's something that they absolutely haveto avoid and is one of the root causes for some of what we would regard as their very

    unfortunate behavior vis-a-vis the Afghan Taliban.

    They have lost a great deal of credibility, particularly -- well, since the reign of GeneralMusharraf, and now most particularly since the raid at Abbottabad. They don't have the

    domestic political support to step in and take over the government if they felt the need to

    do so. And so they are having to make accommodations all the way around, whether it's to

    the Americans, the Afghan Taliban, to their own militants and to a civilian government,which they don't like and don't trust.

    GJELTEN: And Dan, what does this mean for the United States? You know, Musharraf

    was a very important ally of U.S. administrations. You know, does the U.S. have a dog in

    this fight? I mean, what is -- what is the outcome sort of with -- internally in Pakistan thatwould be most favorable to U.S. strategic interests?

    MARKEY: Well, it's a -- it's a really different and unusual time in Pakistani history insofar

    as, as Bob pointed out, the military doesn't have the legitimacy, the credibility, the strength,the political punch that it had had in previous generations.

    And I remember reading not long ago an interesting Pakistani column that pointed out thatnot long ago you would have expected, given the range of crisis that we've seen over the

    past year, that at any given time you would have seen a Pakistani, probably General

    Kayani, come onto the television sometime in the evening and announce that he had beenforced, for national security reasons, to assert the army's control over the state.

    And yet you haven't seen that.

    And you've seen the rise -- and Bob alluded to this -- of other independent power centers in

    Pakistani politics. It's partially the fact that the army was tarnished by the years of

    Musharraf's rule. It's partially that it was tarnished even by recent events by being tooconnected to the United States, by looking weak, by looking weak after the bin Laden raid

    and so on. It's partially those things, but it's also the rise of the -- of a more independent

    media, of political opposition, politicians and so on, and by the judiciary, which also hasasserted itself in ways that we'd never seen before in Pakistani history. So they do feel --

    the army does feel somewhat more constrained than it has in the past.

    And yet, if you peel away some of these pieces, you see that they're still pulling a lot of the

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    strings from behind the scenes, particularly with respect to national security strategy and to

    regional strategy. There's no one else who's really running that policy other than the army.

    So while they feel very constrained and hemmed in in ways that they haven't before, theydon't have that free hand, and it also makes it somewhat more complicated to figure out

    who's really in charge, because it's not transparent, yet there's no one else -- the president,

    the prime minister, the parliament as a whole, the public or some other -- you know, youcan't find somewhere else where you would find that power center. So it does complicate

    things for us in a -- in a diplomatic sense.

    And it also -- I think it leads to a certain amount of stalemate and gridlock in their own

    system, and it's not surprising that they seem sometimes sort of befuddled and caught

    unaware by events as they happen and that we get somewhat contradictory or confusing


    GJELTEN: Now, another cliche in talking about Pakistan is that they view India as their

    existential enemy, and you have to sort of keep that in mind always in analyzing Pakistani

    behavior. Sort of bring up to date on that relationship and that focus, because, you know,one of the developments in the last few months that hasn't gotten a tremendous amount of

    attention is the sort of very tentative rapprochement -- that might even be too strong a word-- between India and Pakistan; some confidence-building measures, I think, is probably the

    best to categorize it. And what's the significance of that? And has this changed at all the

    strategic outlook of the Pakistani military and security forces? MARKEY: And it'sinteresting; you have seen this surprising mellowing of the relationship between, in a sense

    -- between Islamabad and New Delhi -- certainly unanticipated in New Delhi, as far as I

    can tell. I think Indians were somewhat caught by surprise by some of the overtures that the

    Pakistanis have made in recent months, including on the trade front. The Indians that Ispoke with were sort of, where did this come from? What's driving this?

    And I don't really have an answer, except for two observations. One would be that on thepart -- on the part of the Pakistani civilian politicians, there has been an openness and an

    eagerness to engage, particularly on the economic front, with India for quite some time.

    And if given the opportunity, they have been inclined to seize that opportunity. So they'vemoved forward or tried to move forward on most favored nation status agreements, to open

    up a variety of -- trade in a variety of sectors that had been closed.

    At the same time, it appears that the army may have been looking, as it felt hemmed in onall of these other fronts, to try to at least ease the pressure on the Indian front and therefore

    open the door a bit to the Indian politicians -- sorry, to the -- to the Pakistani politicians to

    make that overture to India.

    But it has only gone so far. It's not -- this is -- there's nothing that is irreversible about this.

    There's nothing that's really been accomplished that is concrete. But it's certainly positiveand it's certainly a welcome change.

    GJELTEN: Steve, with all of this as background -- you know, the situation between

    Afghanistan, the Taliban, Pakistan, the United States, India -- what's your sense of

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    Pakistan's view of the prospect of negotiations between the United States and Taliban --

    initially kind of a two-sided negotiation? It's kind of strange that Pakistan doesn't seem to

    be as much of a party to that process as you might think they should be. What's your senseof what their view of it is and their interest in it?

    COLL: Well, I think they have an interest in it. I think they do feel aggrieved about theextent to which they've been involved. Whether their grievances are justified or not is

    another matter; they feel aggrieved about quite a lot of things about the U.S. relationship.

    The Afghan government and other parties to the negotiations, I think probably including

    sections of our government, are not persuaded that putting the Pakistanis in the lead in this

    negotiation is a really wise way to get it started.

    So there's been tension about the extent to which the United States has been briefing the

    Pakistanis. That yielded, I think, over the last six months or so to a much franker exchange

    between both the Pakistanis and the Americans about where this thing was going, what it

    was going to look like.

    But I -- my sense is that the Pakistanis have been reluctant to take risks on behalf of thesenegotiations, that it's not clear to them why it's in their interest to really put their cards on

    the table at this stage for the reasons that I described before in part, that their timelines are

    quite different. We're in a rush because we would like this all to be wrapped up with a --with a bow in time for 2014, but that doesn't make -- that doesn't align with Pakistani


    You know, I think there are easy metrics to test Pakistani decision-making about thesenegotiations. They've -- as I pointed out in The New Yorker piece, they've remained silent

    on the desirability of the negotiations. They could issue a statement saying, we think these

    are a good idea; we think the Taliban ought to participate. They could release someimportant Taliban figures who are in custody in Pakistan, (the "Liberator" ?) being the most

    notable of those, and perhaps they will over time.

    I think that this is not a static stalemate between the United States and Pakistan. I think the

    next -- I think we've possibly touched bottom in the last cycle. I don't want to be too bold to

    predict that because every time I see my friends, who I've been in touch with in -- about

    Pakistan since the late '80s, they always -- this one friend of mine has the repeated line, thegood news is next year it'll be worse. (Laughter.) And he's been right for about 20 years.

    And -- but there's -- there -- there's a sense that, on both sides, there is activity under way,one step at a time, to at least clear the brush. Husain Haqqani is out of Pakistan; that matter

    is resolved. The crisis between the army and Gilani has been smoothed over. The

    negotiations over transit are under sail and will probably be resolved. And outreach isgoing on.

    So I think, over the next six or eight months, there will be an effort on both sides to try to

    define a limited agenda of shared interests in which the stability of Afghanistan would

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    loom as an obvious subject because it is in Pakistan's interest to preventAfghanistan from

    cracking up. There is no doubt that if Afghanistan cracks up, Pakistan will suffer even

    more than it already has from the violence and conflict in the region and the United Stateswould also wish to construct a transition in which Pakistan remains stable and intact as a

    state and so that is a pretty powerful common agenda. It would be irrational if the two sides

    could not find a way back to it. Whether negotiations with the Taliban are best understoodas the central element of that shared agenda or not, I'm not --

    MR. GJELTEN (?): Yeah.

    COLL: -- I'm not so sure.

    MR. GJELTEN (?): There's one other issue I want your thoughts on, and then we're goingto turn it over to the audience so you can ask your own questions.

    But, over the last 10 years, the one enduring principle guiding U.S. policy with respect to

    Afghanistan has been the determination to deny, dismantle and defeat al-Qaida. Of coursein the eve of -- and you were there, Bob -- in the eve of the -- going to war in Afghanistan,

    the Taliban leadership in power at that time did have the opportunity to avoid war bysimply getting the al-Qaida out of Afghanistan. And now when we talk about these

    negotiations, there's a lot of confusion about what the red lines of the United States are. But

    one pretty clear red line is that the Taliban would have to sever their relations with al-Qaida. I'm curious, among all three of you, where do you see al-Qaida right now in this


    Bob, do you want to start?

    GRENIER: Well, I think, in a way, al-Qaida is a little bit peripheral in the context of the

    dynamics on the ground and among ourselves, the Pakistanis and the Afghans. And yes,absolutely, it would be a red line for us that the Taliban would have to, in some way, you

    know, formally, you know, cut ties with al-Qaida. The problem is that I'm just not sure

    what that would mean.

    I mean, at the end of the day, from the Taliban's perspective, these are good Muslims who

    are behaving in the right way, who are coming to us and asking for our aid and succor. And

    they tend to see things -- I mean, we hear that this is not your father's Taliban and thatthey've evolved in terms of their thinking, but it's hard for me to imagine them being put in

    that situation where they wouldn't see the question in a very binary way.

    And the correct answer, by their likes, is, well, of course; you are welcome.

    Now, they might try to put limits on them. We've seen what that looks like before. Giventhe weakness of al-Qaida, what I've just said may not matter all that much, particularly if

    there is a continuing unilateral U.S. role in Afghanistan so we can control that situation

    with al-Qaida should it get out of hand in certain localities. But at the end of the day, I just

    don't see what those sorts of promises from the Taliban would really mean in a practical

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    GJELTEN: Well, Dan, if in fact al-Qaida is peripheral to this -- to this situation, I mean,what does that imply for the United States? Because every time you ask a U.S. official,

    what's the justification for our involvement there, al-Qaida comes up.

    MARKEY: Well, I think how a U.S. official justifies our involvement in the region on the

    basis of al-Qaida has something to do with American politics and so on.

    And -- but the -- let me -- let me take a slightly different stab at the al-Qaida. I wouldn't say

    that al-Qaida is peripheral, although it is significantly diminished. What I would also

    observe is something that's -- getting back to the report from a year ago, pieces of it are, I

    think, somewhat dated. So much has happened over the year. But one of the pieces that,looking back, I thought was useful and important --

    GJELTEN: You're talking about the task force report?

    MARKEY: -- the task force report, yeah -- is the -- its focus on LeT, Lashkar-e-Taiba. Not

    all assessments of the regional threat from Pakistan and Afghanistan, certainly focusingmore on Pakistan, really emphasize this as an issue. And the U.S. government has certainly

    ramped up its concern and some of its rhetoric about LeT, particularly after the 2008

    Mumbai attack. And yet if you look at the region and you look at al-Qaida as increasingly adiminished or spent force, the question is whether you're likely to see follow-on groups,

    organizations that are still motivated to undertake similar types of attacks in the region and

    globally. If you had to put your finger on any of the groups that might be the one, today it's

    LeT. And its continuing ties or apparent ties with the Pakistani state make it exceptionallydangerous and in some ways unique. And even over the past few weeks you've seen stories

    about its sort of -- he would say he's no longer the leader of LeT, but Hafiz Saeed -- you've

    seen some stories about increasing public appearances, demonstrations. This is anorganization that is still strong, still active. And if we keep -- if we take our eye off that

    ball, even if we have seriously decimated al-Qaida, I think we will be underestimating the

    nature of the threat -- the terrorist threat from the region that will persist for a significantperiod of time.

    GJELTEN: Steve, do you agree with that, that al-Qaida is really no longer the story that it

    was and that other actors are more important?

    COLL: Well, I mean, let's remind ourselves of the -- of the background. By 2005-2006 al-

    Qaida in the tribal areas had become a revived international menace -- the planes-bombingconspiracy of 2006, multiple attacks in Britain, the Zazi case, up -- moving forward

    through 2007-2008 after the Red Mosque, when even more radicals flushed out and went

    up to the tribal regions, there was a gathering there of international capacity that al-Qaidahad put together circa that period. Then the United States started pounding them and has

    pounded them pretty relentlessly for a period of two or three years, starting toward the tail

    end of the Bush administration, but picking up intensively in the Obama administration.

    And that has had a big impact on them. They've obviously -- culminating in bin Laden's

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    killing last May.

    Now, there is a -- there is an interesting question, which is if al-Qaida is diminished to thepoint that it is no longer a global strategic threat, how would we ever recognize that; what

    would the implications be? And I think the critical question is are there individuals, groups,

    networks who still intend to carry out attacks outside the region, and that there willprobably always be some who -- about whom that can be said. They may be splinters from

    groups like Lashkar and Jaish-e-Muhammad and some of the sectarian groups. That's the

    form of al-Qaida that probably has the most durability.

    You know, in Afghanistan, al-Qaida really is peripheral. I mean, it maybe a hundred, 200

    people, and that's being generous to the Uzbeks and others who fly under the al-Qaida flag.

    And the interrogations of the -- of the Taliban, though you know, obviously, it's in theinterest of detained Taliban to -- they know what the Americans want to hear about al-

    Qaida, so they distance themselves.

    But I had this interesting experience in December where I traveled independently inKandahar, so I had to kind of dress local.

    And all my Kandahari friends were very anxious that I look authentic so that I didn't attract

    attention to the cars we were riding around in. And I remember I went shopping in Kabul to

    get all of my Kandahari fashions right. And --

    MR. GJELTEN (?): Where'd you find a beard?

    COLL: Well, so I -- well, I did try. And -- (laughter) -- but I remember -- I remember -- Iremember the night before I flew down, I looked in the mirror and I said, OK, I do not look

    like a Kandahari at all, but I do look like a Syrian al-Qaida facilitator. (Laughter.)

    And in fact, on the ground, riding around, I presented as basically al-Qaida to -- because I

    was -- looked -- blended dresswise, but fair -- and all of my Kandahari friends and contacts

    and everyone I dealt with said, you watch; as soon as anyone picks you up, they're going toturn and run in the other direction. Nobody wants anything to do with al-Qaida because it is

    nothing but trouble. And it was actually a very useful position for me to be in. (Laughter.)

    (Chuckles.) Just turn and look the other way.

    But yeah, so I -- and I did not -- I have not heard in years, outside of a few little places

    where -- certainly not in the south -- of any significant al-Qaida presence in Afghanistan.

    GJELTEN: Yeah. Well, I'm curious what some of you might think about the implications

    of al-Qaida being such a diminished sort of part of the narrative in South Asia right now.

    I'm been dragging these guys hither and yon all over the strategic landscape in South Asia.

    Maybe you folks can focus this discussion a little bit more. So this is your chance. Raise

    your hands. Identify yourself. Wait for the microphone. You know the drill.

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    Ambassador Schaffer.

    QUESTIONER: Thank you. Tezi Schaffer, Brookings.

    I'm troubled by all three presentations because I think all three of them dramaticallyunderplay the conflict in strategic objectives between the United States and Pakistan. I

    don't think the Pakistanisare ambivalent about U.S.-Taliban negotiations; I think they want

    to be in charge. I don't think they're unwilling to take risks for an outcome in Afghanistanthat the U.S. would find acceptable. I think that's not what's important to them. What's

    important to them is being the dominant power and freezing out India.

    The key question facing the U.S., it seems to me, is, is Pakistan willing and able to reachsome kind of strategic agreement with the United States? I am deeply skeptical that this is

    the case now, not just because of all the emotion churned up in the past year, but also

    because as time has gone on, these strategic conflicts have become deeper and edgier, so

    that a year or two ago, there would've been a strong case to make for the U.S. humoringPakistan's sensitivities in Afghanistan in the hopes of getting agreement on some outcome

    we could all live with; I think that case is much weaker now. And I think is the big problemthe U.S. faces, plus the fact that Pakistan is a bigger prize than Afghanistan.

    GJELTEN: Who wants to take a crack at that?

    MR. GRENIER (?): Well, I agree with Tezi. (Chuckles.) In fact, I think that that's

    absolutely right. I think that the Pakistanis are focused like a laser beam on their own

    interests. And under these ambiguous circumstances, they have no assurances that theirinterests will be taken into account by any process which is led by the United States. And I

    think that you're right, that the influence of India in Afghanistan figures very, very heavily

    within the Pakistani calculation.

    And so I think that if there is any hope for us to reach some sort of a strategic

    accommodation there, I think we have to realize a couple of things. One is that, as much aswe would like to sort of have the equal involvement of all of the -- of the neighbors of

    Afghanistan, in fact, there is one neighbor that counts much more than all the others, and

    that's Pakistan. It's just a reality and something that we have to accommodate, at least to

    some degree.

    I think that it's also true, therefore, that any achievable accommodation in Afghanistan that

    could have some support from the Pakistani side would require a great deal of difficultnegotiation between ourselves -- well, I guess, amongst ourselves, the Afghans -- if you

    will, the Northern Alliance-dominated Afghans -- and India. And it's easy for me to sit here

    and say that it would be a grand exercise in enlightened self-interest if the Indians were topull back to some degree in Afghanistan. It's going to be very, very difficult to convince

    them of that, however.

    But the other real trump in all of this is that, you know, it would be nice if, at the end of the

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    day, we could reach some sort of an -- of an accommodation with the Afghan parties and

    with the Pakistanis, which we might not particularly like, but we'd swallow hard and agree

    to if the Pakistanis could deliver. And I just don't think that they can deliver. I mean, I sortof fantasize about havingsort of a Bashar al-Assad-type conversation with the Afghan

    Taliban where he sits down and says, look, you know, you're my brothers.

    And we are with you, and we want to do everything we possibly can for you, but this is the

    best we can do. And it's up to you whether you accept it, but you should accept it.

    There's no one in Pakistan who can have that kind of conversation with them, and that, to

    me, is what scotches the whole thing. If the Pakistanis could actually deliver at the end of

    the day, we could use some kind of a deal. I just don't see how they can deliver.

    COLL: But you know, I would just add -- I mean, Pakistan has a record of miscalculation

    in Afghanistan that is just appalling and persistent. It must reflect in a failure to understand

    Afghanistan adequately to manage Pakistan's own interests there.

    They've picked the wrong clients again and again. They -- they'll lecture Americans about

    how Afghanistan is, but in fact their understanding of Afghanistan's internal dynamics,factions and decision-making is misguided. They misapprehend India's intention and

    presence in the country to a great degree. And they make -- they've made strategic

    judgments on the basis of bad analysis.

    Now, I think there is some recognition in Pakistan -- quiet, unadmitted -- I don't -- I --

    which shouldn't be a requirement that they come forward and confess these errors publicly;

    they're written into history. I think there's a recognition, at least in some quarters, that thesemistakes are grave and part of a pattern of overreaching. And there's -- you know, there's a

    sort of tentative search for, well, what would a Pakistani strategy in Afghanistan that wasn't

    overreaching look like? And I haven't heard an articulation of that from the Pakistani sidethat any Afghan I know in a position of authority would recognize as a plausible basis for a


    So, at best, you could say we're at the very beginning of a new imagination. But then you

    look at Pakistani conduct, and Pakistani conduct is the "same old, same old" --

    GJELTEN: Now you --

    COLL: -- whether it's out of weakness or aspiration.

    GJELTEN: Well, you said before that they speak -- that they think in the long term; yet in

    some ways it seems like they have a very short-term perspective and kind of, as you've all

    agreed, kind of lack strategic sort of depth in their thinking sometimes. COLL: Yeah, theyhave a language of strategy and certainly enduring interests and an acute sense of

    prerogative about Pakistan's national security, you know, which is -- which is the --

    justified in any sovereign country in principle.

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    But as to Afghanistan, they have proceeded from flawed assumptions about the pliability of

    Afghanistan to their strategy, about who -- what clients are durable, about the nature of

    power- sharing in Kabul, about the enmity of the Northern Alliance. I mean, they'vemiscalculated on big questions again and again.

    GJELTEN: Chris.

    QUESTIONER: Thanks. Chris Isham from CBS. I think we're kind of dancing around

    something here, and I wonder -- maybe the land of fantasy -- it's unclear to me what kind of

    a deal might possibly exist. What kind of a deal could we negotiate with the Taliban, withPakistan, as their supporters, that could even be conceivably realistic? I mean, India out,

    girls' education, participation in the democratic process -- I mean, you know, what kind of a

    deal, even in -- even in the fantasy world do you -- do the three of you think could youpossibly put on the table that might have a chance of getting off the ground? And also

    considering that the unpopularity of the Taliban, which continues -- we continue to see in

    the polling.

    COLL: Well, I mean --

    GJELTEN: Go ahead.

    MR. : Sorry.

    COLL: Well, I mean, it's just worth pointing out there are former Taliban sitting in

    Parliament now. There are former HezB (ph) sitting in Parliament now. History is full of

    insurgent movements that converted to politics. So the idea generally would be to convert

    the Taliban into a political party or some section of the Taliban into a political party.

    Obviously not every Taliban under arms -- and perhaps not even half of Taliban under

    arms -- would follow such an agreement, but to reduce violence, to sustain the state inAfghanistan, it's certainly conceivable that a section of Taliban could be persuaded to enter

    politics. That's the -- I'm not offering odds; I'm just saying that's the conceivable


    And then power-sharing in the center, but not control; it -- devolved administration in

    which former Taliban are governors of provinces where they've historically beeninfluential. Those are the sorts of things that people talk about. Even Afghans talk about


    Afghans can imagine a stable -- a semistable power-sharing arrangement. They've already

    negotiated such an arrangement with weakperipheral members of the Taliban. They know

    how to make those deals sustainable. But whether a strategic partnership of that type is

    conceivable, that's another matter.

    GJELTEN: Go ahead -- go.

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    MR. : All right.

    MARKEY: I would only make the observation that it doesn't have to be a grand bargain

    that everybody's included, and I think you're alluding to this.

    The process of a reconciliation dialogue can be primarily geared towards a narrower goal

    of peeling elements of the Taliban away, those who are willing in some way to be co-opted

    or encouraged to be a part of some sort of future Afghan politics. And the rest can befurther driven to sort of the irreconcilable category, and then dealt with in other ways.

    I think a broader observation, though: I'm also quite skeptical about the direction that our

    reconciliation agenda is taking, but for a different reason and a -- and a reason that has, Iguess, more to do with Pakistan than with Afghanistan -- although I'm -- I don't know how

    a lot of Afghans would accept any kind of reconciliation.

    But just on the Pakistan side, the message that we send to Pakistan, particularly when ourreconciliation dialogue is increasingly open to all members of the Taliban, including the

    Haqqani network -- or at least apparently that way -- is that their strategy, their connectionswith these groups over the past decade that we have harped on again and again and again as

    being dangerous both to them and to us and to the region -- their strategy, in their mind,

    looks like it's working; that we're coming around -- and I've heard exactly this -- that we'recoming around to their vision of the problem, which is that all of these groups can be

    incorporated and all of them should have a role to play in Afghanistan, no matter what

    blood is on their hands or what their -- the nature of their previous relationship with al-

    Qaida may or may not have been.

    As we come closer to that, I think we send -- it's a missed opportunity, in a sense, for what

    you might call a learning moment for Pakistan to see the danger of its connections withthese types of organizations. And as I mentioned Lashkar-e-Taiba before, the only sort of

    logical conclusion that you might reach out of all of this is that connections with militants

    work; it is a valuable and effective tool for regional diplomacy. And if you're a Pakistani,you might have good reasons to hold onto those tools into the future, even when they are

    exceedingly difficult to manage and exceedingly dangerous to Pakistan itself and certainly

    court the possibility of a future conflict between Pakistan and us, between Pakistan and

    India, and so on.

    So I'm worried about reconciliation more for that reason. And I believe that our

    management of the process and who's in and who's out is meaningful and interpreted inimportant ways by Pakistanis for that reason.

    GJELTEN: Yes, to you, ma'am -- you, yeah.

    QUESTIONER: Avis Bohlen, retired diplomat. I -- I'm sort of puzzled by something I'mhearing several of you saying, which is that Pakistan doesn't understand its own interests in

    this -- in this situation; which implies that somehow we have understood what their

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    interests are and are -- you know, are sort of looking at it from up above and can

    understand what their greater -- what their greater interest is. That doesn't really make a lot

    of sense to me. I mean, I think we've -- for every miscalculation that Pakistan may havemade in Afghanistan, we've made about 10. Why is it impossible that they should -- as

    you've said, there's a longer timeline, and they're looking at a longer situation and how it

    will evolve over time. Why is that not a perfectly valid definition of their own interest,which may not be very much in line with our own?

    And just a second short question. Is India's interest in Afghanistan strategic oropportunistic, economic? What's its game?

    GRENIER: Well, maybe I could just address the first part of that.

    GJELTEN: Yeah.

    GRENIER: And I guess -- I guess what I would say is that even if the combined genius of

    the people on this stage is able to perceive Pakistani interests in Afghanistan better thanthey can -- even if we accept that -- it doesn't matter, because at the end of the day,

    Pakistanis are going to follow their interests as they perceive them. We're going to have toplay that ball where it lies. And, yes, it can be moved, perhaps. They are not -- they are not

    completely immune to some types of suasion -- not pressure, but suasion. But at the end of

    the day, Pakistani views of their interests in Afghanistan are what they are, and we're goingto have to deal with them as they are.

    GJELTEN: One of the points that you've made, Bob, is that this whole idea of carrots-and-

    stick and the transactional sort of approach just doesn't work with Pakistan.

    GRENIER: Well, I think that that raises another question. And that is that at the start of the

    -- of this administration, I was one of the ones in one of the many studies who said, look,we have to get away from this transactional dynamic here; we really need to develop some

    more of a strategic approach to our relations with Pakistan. You know, we'll -- for the long

    term, we'll -- I think we've reached a point now where any kind of a transactionalrelationship would actually look pretty good. (Laughter.)

    So I think that the best we can hope for, at least in the short term, is, yes, a transactional

    relationship, but a transactional relationship that's focused on deals that are actuallymakeable. GJELTEN: Steve?

    COLL: Well, let me just clarify the point that I was making earlier.

    I think Pakistan has a record of failing to achieve its own objectives in Afghanistan. After

    the withdrawal of the Soviet Union, it pursued a (coup-making ?) strategy to seize controlof Kabul through Gulbuddin Hekmatyar's forces and failed to do that. Afterwards it sought

    to control Afghanistan as a -- as a source of strategic depth, as Pakistani generals put it,

    through the Taliban. The -- even after they installed the Taliban in power in Afghanistan,

    that proved not to be a durable strategy because the Taliban were not in fact able to carry

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    Pakistan's interests in the way that the army had conceived. That's the reason that I think

    they have miscalculated again and again.

    I certainly agree that whatever they -- you know, that the sovereign state of Pakistan will

    decide its own interests for itself. And countries, like people, have a funny way of not

    bending to other people's perceptions of what their interests are.

    The -- I think, however, that history of failure is important because it was created by a

    narrow set of institutions in Pakistani national life, the army and the intelligence services,and that the policies that would be constructed by a Pakistan that enjoyed more normal

    civil-military relations and, indeed, more normal civilian control over foreign policy, would

    be far more likely to succeed. And coincidentally, they would also align better with the

    interests of the United States over the long run.

    But the record of failure speaks for itself, and it is not a record that was created by a unified

    or civilian-led Pakistani government.

    GJELTEN: Dan, you had a quick point.

    MARKEY: Yeah, just a quick observation on India. Yes, it does, I think, have a strategic

    interest in Afghanistan. That relates to an interest that's similar to ours, which is that

    they've suffered from terrorist acts that have originated in Afghanistan. They have aninterest in making sure that they don't see a return to a Taliban or Taliban-like regime that

    would play host to those kinds of groups. So that's their first interest.

    Beyond that, some Indians have greater ambition for more access to Central Asian -- Asia,to energy markets and so on that would only really be possible if there was a relatively

    stable Afghanistan through which they could traverse. But it would also require them tobe

    able to get through Pakistan for the most part, unless they went through Iran.

    GJELTEN: You had a question?

    QUESTIONER: Hi, Pamela Constable from the Washington Post. Just a quick point of

    order: Did I understand or mishear -- is this in fact on the record?

    GJELTEN: Yes, it is on the record.

    QUESTIONER: OK, great. Thanks.

    I sort of wanted to change the conversation a little bit. We've been talking a lot sort of state

    to state and organization to organization and talking about al-Qaida and other groups as

    sort of almost formal entities. I've tried to explore both countries sort of more from theinside, sort of more in terms of public opinion and public sentiment. Very glad Dan talked

    about LeT, because I think -- and in fact, I'd like to ask Steve about this as well, because

    the New America has done some very, very good polling.

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    LeT is a popular organization. The Taliban are a popular organization. In both of these

    societies, we are looking at populations -- Muslim populations who are both more

    conservative, more emotionally defensive and supportive about sort of a muscular version,if not necessarily a violent version, of Islam than we, I think, were expecting or necessarily

    prepared to deal with. I think we've been focusing a lot militarily and a lot, again, state to

    state, making assumptions about who's in power. These are both very weak states,including the Pakistan army, facing increasingly opinionated, vocal and violent populations

    who are -- have very, very strong feelings about Islam and are increasingly anti-Western.

    So I was hoping that the speakers could comment on sort of what they see about happeningin both of these societies as well as the state actors and the organizations that we've been

    talking about. Thank you.

    GJELTEN: Steve, why don't you take a crack at that, because you've got recent on-the-ground experience there, and I want to get to some other questions.

    COLL: Well, just to speak of Pakistan, Pakistan is a very young society. It's also a very

    plugged-in society, and it has a lot of the demographic and connectivity characteristics thatpreceded the Arab Spring. I think the rise of confidence in civil society and the media and

    the judiciary reflects a sense that Pakistan is changing from the bottom up. And I think thearmy recognizes that, and that's why they would, I think, be unwise and recognize they

    would be unwise to intervene in politics the way they have in the past, as Dan was pointing

    out earlier.

    They're -- the polling -- one -- somebody mentioned before about the role the United States

    now plays in the life of Pakistan. We did a -- some polling recently, where it was sort of

    startling to realize that many more Pakistanis regard the United States as an enemy thanregard India as an enemy. Considering that at the time that we did that polling, India had

    recently concluded what you might call its fourth war with Pakistan in 1999, and we were

    providing substantial aid to the country, the sense of being under siege, I think, is verywidely felt in the country.

    GJELTEN: Well, we're going to have to wrap this discussion up. I got time for one morequick question. I see Joe back there. And then you can grab us afterwards or something, but

    quick question from Joe Cirincione..

    QUESTIONER: Thank you. Thank you very much for comments. Joe Cirincione,Ploughshares Fund. And thank you, Tom (sp), for your fluid chairing of this insightful


    Next week I'm going to a meeting where I'm expected to give recommendations for U.S.

    policy towards Pakistan, and I have no idea what to say. (Laughter.) So help me out. Give

    me the one thing, each of you, that the U.S. should be doing with Pakistan that it's notdoing now.

    GJELTEN: One sentence each.

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    Dan, you're a policy planning guy, so you can start.

    MARKEY: Sure. I'll go -- I will -- I will take the safe route -- go back to a recommendationthat was in our task force report, which has been made for about a decade now and still

    hasn't been acted upon, and it has to do with our trading relationship with Pakistan. There's

    a -- there's an opportunity there in the textile sector to open up.

    Now, this is politically dead on Capitol Hill right now because nobody is particularly eager

    to do more for Pakistan. But once we hopefully get back to a position where we recognizethat Pakistan's -- excuse me -- longer-term stability is of a meaningful significance to us,

    and we start to ask how we might do that without spending billions -- tens of billions of

    dollars in aid, trade starts to look more palatable.

    GJELTEN: Bob?

    GRENIER: I guess my first piece of advice would be figure out what the U.S. posture in

    Afghanistan post-2014 is going to look like, and then get there as quickly as you can and ascredibly as you can, because unless we can communicate that in a credible way, we won't

    have the basis on which to reach a whole series of other agreements with the -- with the

    Pakistanis. And a whole series of decisions on the part of other players will be predicated --

    (from ?) the part of the Pakistanis, the part of the Afghan Taliban and others -- on what thecontinuing U.S. posture in Afghanistan for the long term is -- (inaudible) -- going to look


    COLL: Yeah, I think the record of failure of U.S. policy in Pakistan is informed, you know,

    by this pattern of constantly privileging short-term security crises over long-term civilian

    control over the country and the development of normal civil-military relations in Pakistan,

    as well as a pattern of coming and going in emotional states every 10 years.

    And so I would wish to reset, since resetting is now necessary, around a long -- a clear,

    durable, long-term commitment to civilian- led democracy in Pakistan as articulated byPakistanis themselves. That is what Pakistan wishes for itself. It has a constitutional system

    that has often produced very flawed civilian leaders. That policy does not require the

    diminishment of the army's role in protecting Pakistan's borders and national security, but itdoes mean returning to the first principles of American relations with big, large quasi-

    democracies like Pakistan, which to have the courage of our own convictions. Even at

    every moment that we're tested, we are often -- we often mute ourselves in the context ofPakistan in ways we would never would in Indonesia or Tunisia or even Colombia or

    Mexico. And so I think that we've got to stop deterring ourselves from the pursuit of this --

    of the Pakistan that so many Pakistanis themselves envision.

    GJELTEN: Well, Joe, I get -- you've got some talking points now. And I hope that --

    (laughter) -- I hope that's helpful.

    Well, I'd like to thank Steve Coll and Bob Grenier and Dan Markey for coming. I'd like to

    thank you all.

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