Intelligence for the Consumer Energy Management Infrastructure ---- beyond the smart meter -- ‘European Appliance Energy Negotiating Protocol ?’ ‘Energy@Home’ project won the European Utility Award 2007

‘European Appliance Energy Negotiating Protocol · 2019-09-02 · Hanze University 18 schools 20 international courses > 18.000 students > 1.800 intl. students > 70 nationalities

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Intelligence for the Consumer Energy Management Infrastructure ----beyond the smart meter --

‘European Appliance Energy Negotiating Protocol ?’

‘Energy@Home’ project won the European Utility Award 2007

Page 2: ‘European Appliance Energy Negotiating Protocol · 2019-09-02 · Hanze University 18 schools 20 international courses > 18.000 students > 1.800 intl. students > 70 nationalities

Contents presentation

� Hanze University� The demonstrator system � Energy goals� Energy analysis of household appliances� Technology� Negotiating about energy � Scheduling of energy� User interaction� Some first results� Conclusion� Next steps

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Hanze University

� 18 schools

� 20 international courses

� > 18.000 students

� > 1.800 intl. students

� > 70 nationalities

� School of Engineering, Dept. of Electronic Engineering + Energy Knowledge Center

…a few things about Hanze University, Groningen, the Neterlands

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Hanze Universityin Groningen

Page 5: ‘European Appliance Energy Negotiating Protocol · 2019-09-02 · Hanze University 18 schools 20 international courses > 18.000 students > 1.800 intl. students > 70 nationalities

Project teamat Hanze

� Gerard Nanninga� course manager Electronic Product Design & Engineering

� project leader Consumer Energy Management

� Areas of interest: micro-chips, telematics, wireless protocols, control networking, hmi, home automation

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Subject .. reporting about a project at Hanze University about:

� Development of a demonstrator for the purpose of demonstration of communicating consumer household appliances, a gateway and an intelligent meter

� Some first steps at high-level communication between appliances with advanced levels of energy management functionality

It’s not a story of energy experts ………

Page 7: ‘European Appliance Energy Negotiating Protocol · 2019-09-02 · Hanze University 18 schools 20 international courses > 18.000 students > 1.800 intl. students > 70 nationalities

Project partners

� Accenture (NL, innovative technology services)� Nuon (NL, energy company)� Founter (NL, smart metering)� In Accesnetworks (GR, gateway platform)� Hanze University (NL, research & education)� 4HomeMedia (USA, gateway platform)� Feenstra (NL, largest Dutch installer gas heaters for consumer market)

� Echelon (USA, intelligent metering and device communication)

� TNO (NL, national research institute)

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2. Echelon apparaten(Wasmachine, vriezer,microwkk, waterkoker)

1. Interface

3. Gas, Water, Elektra meter

4. WAN(Externe












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5. Algoritme

6. LCD Bewustwording



Powerline Power


WAN adsl / kabel





Energie -leverancier

Project goals

� some first steps at high-level communication between household appliances with advanced levels of energy management functionality

� connecting household appliances using PLC

� development of some basic energy-scheduling software aimed at some energy-management goals

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Project environment …

� a wide experience with distributed controlapplied toward the ‘field of energy’

� focussing at the consumer environment

� using proven technology for communication

� starting with a fresh mind towards the subject

� short time frame of project: demonstrator ready early 2008

� working mainly with students

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Energy related project goals …

� consumer awareness

� dynamic contracted level (peak shaving, code red)

� differentiated tariffing

� delivery back to grid

� maintenance and other services

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System picture

System picture …

House with intelligentenergy infrastructure

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System components

� NES meter

� Gateway

� Fridge

� Freezer

� Boiler

� Water cooker

� Solar system

� Energy display

Intelligent meter:-Including P1 port for metering info foruser, e.g. by means of a display-According to new Dutch NTA 8130 standard

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Energy functionality of appliances

� Current situation: none� technology approach of previous century !!

� Future …..?� Measurement of energy per appliance� Adjust timeframe of energy, if possible� Adjust level of energy, if possible� Coordination between cycling of appliances� Differentiate between various (energy)phases in a complete machine cycle, if possible, and coordination of that …..

Is this possible is an easy way for the normal user ……?

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E.g. a dishwasher

� A machine cycle consists of various sub-phases, each with specific energy consumption characteristics

� Often cycles can paused (interruptable)� Often there can be pauses between cycles (shiftable)� Often cycles can be run at different energy levels (scalable)� As for a possible user interface:

� don’t specify a starting time, but a ready-time� give feedback if restrictions on running time become strong� demand a simple but explicit choice: green and red button

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E.g. fridge/freezer

� Never need to be active at the same time (shiftable in time)

� Can buffer some energy, when surplus is available (energy buffer)

� Cycle can be interrupted

� Energy cycle mostly is accurate predictable

� Energy level can not really be changed, not scalable (although ….?)

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E.g. water heater (boiler)

� Current designs are on/off of 2 KWatts or more

� Is an energy buffer

� Is schedulable, interruptable, more or less predictable

� Energy level can be easily modulated between 0 – 100% (scalable)

We deduced certain common energy properties

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Technology used

� distributed control technology:� ‘computer’ chips + tranceivers

� communication protocol

� interfaces to internet

� Functionality of such a system is distributed across the nodes

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Communicating Appliances

� Technology:� Appliances using a micro-chip communicating by means of so-called Network Variables (datapoints)

� User:

� Consumer appliances are installed automatically (plug & play)

� An appliance that is not connected, should operate in normal stand-alone mode

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Distributed system dilemma

� The total functionality (e.g. an energy managed house) has to be split up across the appliances

� What functions should be placed where?

� Split-up of functions determines the level at which devices communicate

data ….

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Functional profiles

� Profiles are descriptions used to describe in a standardized way functions, (i.e. energy behavior)

� For smart appliances: a profile describes the energy-functionality

� Allows full differentiation between manufacturers

Project goal: specification of ‘energy aware profiles’

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‘The Appliance Energy Negotiating protocol’

Basic idea: greatly automatedinfluencing the actual moments of energy-consumption of consumer by means of flexible

contracted levels, flexible pricing or


using nowadays technology

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High Level Transactions

� Smart Appliances ask before using energy

� Scheduler (at gateway) has total overview

� Request / response

� Broadcasts Request:- Timeframe + power level- ID + sequence no.

Response:- ACK or NACK- Fault, status- Can also mean an abort- Cancel request (by device)

Energy Requests

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HLT’s complexity

� Appliance may perform multiple requests at the same time

� Rescheduling of previously allocated energy slots:� External events

� Events caused by other appliances

� User interaction

� Appliance action

� Scheduler transmits beacons:� Summarized total energy status + future projection

� Appliances may/should react

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HLT’s complexityappliance gateway

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the Energy scheduler

Energy scheduler

Scheduler is running at the gateway

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Scheduling examples

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Inputs to the scheduler

� Smart meter: home energy balance (consuming <> producing registers

� User: user settings e.g. appliance properties (e.g.priority), tariff information/choices

� External: tariff, max. level, code red, internet (eg. weather forecast)

� Appliances:� Energy requests

� Self learning intelligence (?). Or in gateway ?

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User interaction

� Simple, but ‘confronting’changes to appliance interface

� Simple setting of energy settings through gateway’s Web Interface

� Energy Consumption Info panel provides continuous feedback (P1 port of meter) Ordinary users have to use advanced appliances

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Developments at Hanze University

� Developing (designing, implementation, simulation) a basic model communication model for energy aware appliances (the Appliance Energy Negotiating Protocol)

� The AENP is a protocol at the application level

� Redesign of a few straightforward appliances to make them Energy Smart� I/O to hardware, user I/O, implementing protocol

� Implementing the protocol� In simulator� In real appliance

� Defining a roadmap to the future� starting with reading-out -> switching -> scheduling appliances� continuing with energy smart appliances

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Simulator for Appliance Energy Protocol

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World’s 1st Energy Smart Appliancesusing networking & smart metering


Smart watercooker

Smart fridge


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Consumer Energy Display

� Conforming to NTA8130 standard

� In/outgoing energy:

� total home

� per appliance

� data logging, allows comparisons

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Appliance reading + switching using smartplugs; 2 approaches

� Switching per appliance, using one or more time frames per day, provided by energy company

� total Load Profile per home, provided by energy company, allows simple local scheduling

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Appliance reading&on-switching using Smartplugs

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Smart Meter, gateway & SmartPlugs

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1. Smart appliances are asking for energy before using it 2. In this way we can time of energy use in a user-friendly and greatly automated way’

3. User will become aware of energy and act accordingly by:� Giving a way to reduce costs (the bill)� Asking simple, but explicit choices when using some appliances

� Constant feedback (display)4. Standby consumption is about 20% in an average household. An intelligent infrastructure should also address this

5. A roadmap approach is needed (centralized ->decentralized ?!)6. An intelligent standardized infrastructure creates lots of possibilities

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Contact ‘Energy@Home’project

ir. Gerard NanningaHanze University of Groningenwww.hanze.nl

email: [email protected]

We are planning next–phase project to develop this AENP in cooperation withAppliance manufactures

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Questions ?