B USINESS & FINANCIAL the announcement of a Special Recognition Award for the de- velopers of a patented bearing that cuts fuel consumption in vehicles. Of the 149 US patents issued to Ingersoll-Rand in 1996, six were to Dresser-Rand and three to Ingersoll-Dresser Pumps. Both Dresser-Rand and Inger- soll-Dresser Pumps are joint ventures of Ingersoll-Rand and Dresser Industries. The figure of 149 US patents compares with 111 issued in 1995, 101 issued in 1994 and 122 issued in 1993. Contact: Ingersoll-Rand Limited, PO Box 2, Choriey New Road, Horwich, Bolton, Lancs BL6 6JN, UK. Tel: +44 1204 690690; Fax: +44 1204 690516. DuPont raises cost of Teflon DuPont Fluoropolymers has an- nounced price increases ranging from 10 to 15% for certain grades of Teflon effective from 1st July 1997. The increases reflect current market demand and are report- edly designed to ensure that DuPont is able to continue to invest in both capacity expan- sion and environmental prefor- mance. Contact: DuPont (UK) Limited, Wedgwood Way, Stevenage, Herts SG1 4QN, UK. Tel: +44 1438 734833; Fax: + 44 1438 734550. Ii Fugitive emissions conference for Dusseldorf The European Sealing Associa- tion is sponsoring the 2nd European Conference on Con- trolling Fugitive Emissions from Valves, Pumps and Flanges in September next year. Reinforcing the success of the 1st Conference (held in Antwerp during October '95), the 2nd Conference aims offer delegates practical, cost-effec- tive solutions to meeting the requirements of emission legis- lation across the EU. It will be particularly valuable for all per- sons responsible for environ- mental compliance - both in industry and the regulatory authorities. Key aims of the 2nd Confer- ence... to help industry in general contribute towards the pro- tection of the environment to minimise barriers to in- dustry in complying with environmental protection measures to create a forum for the exchange of information $ to contribute towards the harmonisation of emission legislation across the EU The Call for Papers will be issued during Autumn '97 and the 2nd Conference will be held in Dusseldorf on September 8 and 9, 1998. The event will be organised by the VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, the Asso- ciation of German Engineers) on behalf of the ESA. Contact: Dr Brian Ellis, European Sealing Association, Bowerham House, The Grove, Lancaster LA1 3AL, UK. Tel: +44 1524 844 222; Fax: +44 1524 844 222. AES incorporates NI distributor AES Engineering completed the acquisition of its Northern Ire- land distributor, Sealteck MCI~ on July 1st 1997. Financial de- tails of the agreement have not been disclosed. AES has worked closely with Sealtec MCK Ltd and its foun- der, Jim McKeever, for many years. They acted as distributor for the Irish market and AES already held a equity stake in the business. Engineering seal- ing systems developed by Seal- tec MCK will now be marketed by AES Engineering on a world- wide basis. Mr McKeever, as managing director of Sealtec MCK, will now assume responsiblity for the development of engineered sealing systems across the world. Contact: AES Engineering Ltd, Mangham Road, Barbot Hall In- dustrial Estate, Rotherham, South Yorkshire $61 4RJ, UK. Tel: +44 1709 369966; Fax: +44 1709 720788. [] Metallic gaskets buy spiral-wound Garlock Metallic Gaskets has recently purchased the assets of Signum Manufacturing Company from Virginia Sealing Products. Signum produces premium spir- al-wound gaskets used in the nuclear power industry, chemi- cal plants and the production of valves. The machinery required to manufacture these sealing products is being moved from Virginia Sealing Products' facility in Prince George, Virginia, to the Garlock Metallic Gaskets plant in Houston, Texas. Virginia Seal- ing Products is one of the largest distributors of Gariock products. Garlock believes the ad- vanced technology comple- ments the Flexseal spiral- wound gasket business that it acquired last year. In addition, this acquisition enables it to redeploy manufacturing equip- ment for spiral-wound gaskets from the Houston facility to Garlock Sealing Technology's plants in Singapore, Australia, Mexico and Canada. As Garlock expands its penetration into global markets, it feels it is becoming increasingly impor- tant to be able to manufacture high-quality spiral-wound gas- kets in those markets. Contact: Garlock Sealing Technol- ogies, 1666 Division Street, Pal- myra, New York 14522, USA. Tel: +1 315 597 4811; Fax: +1 315 597 3173. II Guests go half- price to fluid sealing conference Organisers of the Fluid Sealing Conference in Maastricht next month are encouraging even more industrialists to attend and participate. There are, in particular, many representa- tives from user companies for whom the opportunity to hear the presentations, see the ex- hibition and share in the dialo- gue between delegates, might be an invaluable experience. The Fluid Sealing Confer- WORLD PUMPS AUGUST 1997

AES incorporates NI distributor

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the a n n o u n c e m e n t of a Special Recognit ion Award for the de- ve lopers of a p a t e n t e d bear ing t ha t cuts fuel c o n s u m p t i o n in vehicles.

Of the 149 US p a t e n t s i ssued to Ingersol l -Rand in 1996, s ix were to Dresser-Rand and th ree to I n g e r s o l l - D r e s s e r P u m p s . Both Dresser-Rand and Inger- so l l -Dresse r P u m p s a re j o i n t ven tures of Ingersol l -Rand and Dresser Indust r ies . The figure of 149 US p a t e n t s compares wi th 111 i ssued in 1995, 101 issued in 1994 and 122 i ssued in 1993.

Contact: Ingersoll-Rand Limited, PO Box 2, Choriey New Road, Horwich, Bolton, Lancs BL6 6JN, UK. Tel: +44 1204 690690; Fax: +44 1204 690516.

DuPont raises cost o f Tef lon

DuPont F luoropo lymers has an- nounced pr ice increases ranging f rom 10 to 15% for c e r t a i n grades of Teflon effective from 1st July 1997.

The increases reflect cur ren t m a r k e t d e m a n d and are repor t - edly des igned to ensure t h a t DuPont is ab le to cont inue to invest in bo th capac i ty expan- sion and env i ronmenta l prefor- mance.

Contact: DuPont (UK) Limited, Wedgwood Way, Stevenage, Herts SG1 4QN, UK. Tel: +44 1438 734833; Fax: + 44 1438 734550.

Ii Fugitive e m i s s i o n s conference for Dusse ldor f

The European Seal ing Associa- t i on is s p o n s o r i n g t h e 2nd European Conference on Con- t ro l l ing Fugit ive Emiss ions from Valves, Pumps and Flanges in Sep t ember nex t year.

Reinforcing the success of the 1st Conference (he ld in Antwerp dur ing October '95), the 2nd Conference a ims offer de lega tes prac t ica l , cost-effec- t ive so lu t ions to mee t ing the r equ i remen t s of emiss ion legis- la t ion across the EU. It will be pa r t i cu la r ly va luab le for all per-

sons r e spons ib l e for environ- men ta l compl iance - bo th in i n d u s t r y a n d t h e r e g u l a t o r y author i t ies .

Key a ims of the 2nd Confer- ence...

• to he lp indus t ry in general con t r ibu te towards the pro- tec t ion of the env i ronment

• to min imise bar r ie r s to in- d u s t r y in c o m p l y i n g w i th e n v i r o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t i o n measu res

• to c rea te a forum for the exchange of in format ion

$ to c o n t r i b u t e t o w a r d s the h a r m o n i s a t i o n of emis s ion legis la t ion across the EU

The Call for Papers will be i ssued dur ing A u t u m n '97 and the 2nd Conference will be he ld in Dusse ldor f on Sep t ember 8 and 9, 1998. The event will be organised by the VDI (Verein Deu tscher Ingenieure, the Asso- c ia t ion of German Engineers) on beha l f of the ESA.

Contact: Dr Brian Ellis, European Sealing Association, Bowerham House, The Grove, Lancaster LA1 3AL, UK. Tel: +44 1524 844 222; Fax: +44 1524 844 222.

AES incorporates NI distributor

AES Engineer ing comple ted the acquis i t ion of i ts Nor thern Ire- l and d is t r ibu tor , Seal teck MCI~ on Ju ly 1st 1997. F inanc ia l de- ta i l s of the ag reemen t have not been disclosed.

AES has worked closely with Seal tec MCK Ltd and i ts foun- der, J im McKeever, for many years. They ac ted as d i s t r i bu to r for the Ir ish m a r k e t and AES a l r eady he ld a equi ty s take in the business. Engineer ing seal- ing systems deve loped by Seal- tec MCK will now be m a r k e t e d by AES Engineer ing on a world- wide basis.

Mr McKeever, as managing d i rec to r of Seal tec MCK, will now assume re spons ib l i ty for the deve lopment of engineered sealing systems across the world.

Contact: AES Engineering Ltd, Mangham Road, Barbot Hall In- dustrial Estate, Rotherham, South Yorkshire $61 4RJ, UK. Tel: +44 1709 369966; Fax: +44 1709 720788.

[ ] Metallic gaskets buy spiral-wound

Garlock Metal l ic Gaske ts has recently purchased the assets of Signum Manufacturing Company from Virginia Sealing Products. Signum produces p remium spir- al-wound gaskets used in the nuclear power industry, chemi- cal p lan t s and the product ion of valves. The machinery required to manufac tu r e these seal ing produc ts is being moved from Virginia Sealing Products ' facility in Prince George, Virginia, to the Garlock Metallic Gaskets p lan t in Houston, Texas. Virginia Seal- ing Products is one of the largest d i s t r ibu tors of Gariock products .

G a r l o c k b e l i e v e s t h e ad - v a n c e d t e c h n o l o g y c o m p l e - m e n t s t h e F l e x s e a l s p i r a l - wound gasket bus iness t ha t i t acqui red las t year. In addi t ion , th is acquis i t ion enables i t to redep loy manufac tu r ing equip- men t for sp i ra l -wound gaskets from the Hous ton faci l i ty to Gar lock Sea l ing Techno logy ' s p l an t s in Singapore, Aust ra l ia , Mexico and Canada. As Gar lock e x p a n d s i ts p e n e t r a t i o n into g lobal marke t s , i t feels i t is becoming inc reas ing ly impor - t an t to be able to manufac tu re h igh-qual i ty sp i ra l -wound gas- kets in those markets .

Contact: Garlock Sealing Technol- ogies, 1666 Division Street, Pal- myra, New York 14522, USA. Tel: +1 315 597 4811; Fax: +1 315 597 3173.

II Guests go half- price to fluid seal ing conference

Organisers of the Flu id Seal ing Conference in Maas t r ich t nex t m o n t h a re encou rag ing even more i ndus t r i a l i s t s to a t t e n d and par t i c ipa te . There are, in p a r t i c u l a r , m a n y r e p r e s e n t a - t ives from user compan ies for whom the o p p o r t u n i t y to hea r the p resen ta t ions , see the ex- h ib i t ion and share in the dialo- gue between delegates , might be an invaluable exper ience .

The F lu id Sea l ing Confer-