Aerokinesis is defined as ones natural ability to manifest energy and control air. Aerokinesis tech 1 So go outside and meditate for an hour, this only takes a small amount of concentration.Now, think how that wind would feel hitting you from the direction of your choice.Then, once you feel the wind start to kick up,try to make it as strong as you can. Aerokinesis tech 2 Imagine strings of psi stretching off of your finger toward the winds. Pull not jerk, you hand where you want the wind to blow.This takes a while to master and eventually you will be able to bring strong winds Practicing Aerokinesis (Indoors) Hold your hands about four inches away from your face. Keep them about three inches apart from each other. Blow air in between your two hands. Choose one hand to move the air with. Make sure the other hand cannot feel the wind being blown past it. With the hand you've chosen, try to push the wind towards the other hand until you can feel it against your skin. Medium tornado To start off you need to meditate for at least an hour and after that you have to feel the wind and be one with the wind feel it rage form that rage in circles going up in the air. Hand tornadoes First you need to mediate for an hour, imagine strings of energy connecting you to the wind now that you can feel the attachment to the wind, control the wind, and let it blow in the two directions to know what it feels like. Now imagine that tornadoes are forming around your hands and feel the wind getting stronger around your hand and blowing in your face with a lot of power, now let all your bad emotions go in the tornado around your hand and let it rage with power. When you have done it the wind is suppose to be blowing like a tornado is in front of you. Air balls First, call a wind summon. Next gather air energy in your hands. Form it into a ball-like shape. Gather until there is nowhere for the energy to go but out. Release all

Aero Kinesis

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Aerokinesis is defined as ones natural ability to manifest energy and control air

Aerokinesis is defined as ones natural ability to manifest energy and control air.

Aerokinesis tech 1 So go outside and meditate for an hour, this only takes a small amount of concentration.Now, think how that wind would feel hitting you from the direction of your choice.Then, once you feel the wind start to kick up,try to make it as strong as you can.

Aerokinesis tech 2 Imagine strings of psi stretching off of your finger toward the winds. Pull not jerk, you hand where you want the wind to blow.This takes a while to master and eventually you will be able to bring strong winds Practicing Aerokinesis (Indoors) Hold your hands about four inches away from your face. Keep them about three inches apart from each other. Blow air in between your two hands. Choose one hand to move the air with. Make sure the other hand cannot feel the wind being blown past it. With the hand you've chosen, try to push the wind towards the other hand until you can feel it against your skin.

Medium tornado To start off you need to meditate for at least an hour and after that you have to feel the wind and be one with the wind feel it rage form that rage in circles going up in the air. Hand tornadoes First you need to mediate for an hour, imagine strings of energy connecting you to the wind now that you can feel the attachment to the wind, control the wind, and let it blow in the two directions to know what it feels like. Now imagine that tornadoes are forming around your hands and feel the wind getting stronger around your hand and blowing in your face with a lot of power, now let all your bad emotions go in the tornado around your hand and let it rage with power. When you have done it the wind is suppose to be blowing like a tornado is in front of you.

Air balls First, call a wind summon. Next gather air energy in your hands. Form it into a ball-like shape. Gather until there is nowhere for the energy to go but out. Release all air energy in a form of a ball. Air Blade Basically use your ablility to sharpen the air. Condense the air into a blade; this may help you visualize a sword or a knife. After it's condensed, focus on sharpening the blade, just keep sharpening until you feel that it's razor sharp, then either swing it,, or launch it in a wave.

Air Jump First, concentrate on controlling the air around you. Then jump into the air. Then, when you reach the peak of your jump, focus and condense the air underneath your foot to become as hard as stone. Vacuum Speed Control the air in front of your leg, and in the path of the leg and move it somewhere else to create a vacuum. The lesser air pressure means lesser air resistance, and you will kick faster.

Resistance shield Visualize the molecules in the air being drawn to you, and compacting tightly as a shield around your body, visualize the shield being a sphere over your body bonded by the air molecules and time you breathe, more molecules compacting on the sphere, keep visualizing the sphere becoming denser.

Air Pressure Wave Visualize air molecules being drawn to your palms, and visualize those atoms stacking up as a wall of tightly bonding air atoms in front of you. Visualize your hands being filled with the substance of air within it. Feel it flowing through your body. And visualize it building up in your palms. Now put your palms on the wall of pressured air and visualize your air ki blasting out at the wall and push it.

WHIRLWIND ATTACK Highly dangerous First do a wind summon and after that spin around making the air go around spinning faster and make the air lift you above the ground and move the whirlwind around the area like a whirlwind and pick up stuff and make it hit something. Flying First you power-up using any method(s) that feel right for you. Now levitate now while levitating use your ki from your chakra point and have your ki come out of your body and push you into the direction in which you want to go. To Summon/Banish the Wind A Beginner

Technique By: Twilar Sylaethus This technique is so simple, yet effective, it will be hard to believe, but it is very real. The process is simple. To summon the wind, thrust your right hand forward, palm facing the direction you want the wind to blow, and focus. See the wind blow in the desired position, and it will come. To banish the wind, thrust your LEFT hand forward, palm facing the direction the wind is coming from, and imagine a force-field surrounding you, blocking the wind on all sides, and the wind will stop. Hope this works for you. Blessed Be. Air speed power up First get into a stance that you are able to draw ki in. now visualize your ki going through your body, now visualize yourself dematerialize into the wind and becoming part of it. Try to become one with the wind. You will feel your ki going through your body real fast. When you do this the air speed of the wind around you will increase but your reaction time, strength, and your speed to gather ki energy will greatly increase more than the ki flame power up. i dequan made this. Air Purification from Page This is a very hard technique to pull off correctly. If done, even the most toxic of air can be morphed into pure oxygen. Stand in a comfortable position, arms crossed at the waist. Now continue on to creating a shield. Add as much energy as you feel is needed for the given situation. Visualize it filled with pure air. Also focus on the edge of the shield as a suction device, pulling in the air around you, and releasing as regular air. When finished, let the shield merge with the air around you. By Dequan.

AeroKinesis Techniques

Aerokinesis is hard and i promise to you that it will take sometime to master.

Flying(Now this is very very hard. Im still trying to find a way to Increase my ki so i can fly longer then what i am doing. I can only fly for 5 Minutes.)

There are many ways of people flying ,but this is my own way. First you power-up using any type of power-up that feels right for you. Now Levitate (if you dont know how to Levitate then your gonna have to wait until i put my intermediate site up)Now while Levitating use your ki from your chakra point and have your ki come out of your body and push you into the direction in whichyou wanna go. This is how i fly, there are many different ways in flying but i prefer my way.

Air Speed Power-Upi prefer this power up when imin a intense battle. First get intoastance that you are able to draw ki in (if you watch Dragonball Z you know what im talkin about).Now visualize your Ki going through your body, now visualize yourself demetrializing into the wind and becoming part of it. Try to become one with the wind.You will feel your ki goingthrough your body real fast. When you do this the air speed of the wind around you will increase. Your Power level will not increase but your reaction time, agility, and your speed to gather Ki energy will GREATLY INCREASE MORE THAN THE KI FLAME POWER-UP.

Cyclone PierceThis one of my most efficient attacks. Get into your fighting stance and Extend both of your hands infront of your chest. Now visualize your ki inside your body and makes it form into your hands in a swirl. Dont make your ki form a ball. Now bring in some energy from your environment and have it swirl around with your ki. Now breathe in some ki and have it go directly to your hands and have it join in the swirl and on the exhale fire it at your target. Now while its heading to your opponent in a tornado kindo of way. Picture a tornado shooting at your opponent. When it hits imagine your ki going through your opponents focus point and out your opponents back. When it goes through your opponens back it should have some of your opponents ki. This attack doesnt do any damage but when your opponent tries to gather ki they should have a automatic burnout if donr right.