NAME DATE Progress Test 1–4 American English File 2 1 American English File 2 © Oxford University Press 2008 Photocopiable GRAMMAR 1 Complete the sentence. Use the correct form of the verb in parentheses. Example: I’ve never read (read) a book in English. 1 My sister _______________ (study) really hard right now. 2 Let’s have Thai food for dinner. I _______ never _______ (try) it. 3 We _______________ (fly) to Rio next Saturday. 4 When they got to the hotel, they _______________ (have) dinner. 5 When _______ Pedro _______ (go) back to Ecuador? Is it tomorrow? 6 _______ you _______ (wait) for Paul when I saw you this morning? 7 I _______________ (see) your mom at the mall on Friday when I was shopping. 8 I _______________ (not be) late tonight. That’s a promise. 9 I’ve finished my homework, but I _______________ (not study) for the test yet. 10 _______ you ever _______ (be) to Yokohama before? 2 Choose the correct form. Example: When did you finish / have you finished your work? 1 Who did you see / saw at the party? 2 He is always / always is late for meetings. 3 I was giving / gave him a watch for his last birthday. 4 I’m going / I’ll see you at 6:00. 5 She finished her homework, so / but she watched TV. 6 His mother is a person who / which is never too busy to talk to you. 7 I don’t think it’ll rain / it rains tomorrow. 8 Who did give / gave you those chocolates? 9 What did you do / were you do last weekend? 10 Does he stay / Is he staying with you right now? 11 When did they get back / have they gotten back? 12 I was sitting / sat in the park when it started to rain. 13 Mr. Chee be meeting / is meeting someone at 10:00, but he can see you at 11:00. 14 She usually gets along well / gets along well usually with her brother. 15 That’s the most difficult / more difficult question in the test. 3 Complete the sentence with one word. Example: Excuse me, what did you say? I didn’t hear you. 1 My car was less expensive _________ your motorcycle. 2 I’m sure he _________ be here soon. 3 She passed the exam _________ she studied hard. 4 A pilot is someone _________ flies a plane. 5 It was _________ best vacation I’ve ever had. 6 I’ve _________ seen the movie. I saw it last week. 7 _________ he’s only ten, he speaks English very well. 8 I haven’t been to the new shopping mall _________. 9 The food wasn’t as delicious _________ it was last time. 10 My team _________ the game. They scored more points than the other team. 4 Order the words to make a sentence. Example: excellent / I / new / think / his / will / movie / be I think his new movie will be excellent. 1 your / how / students / are / many / in / there / class / ? ___________________________________________ 2 this / you / go / you’ll / do / camping / think / weekend / ? ___________________________________________ 3 next / going / are / to / where / study / year / you / ? ___________________________________________ 4 as / my / well / older / you / brother / doesn’t / as / cook / . ___________________________________________ 5 car / rented / we / the / I’ve / seen / smallest / ever / . ___________________________________________ 10 10 5 15 40 Grammar total

AEF 2 Progress Test 1-4

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Progress Test 1–4AmericanEnglish File 2

1American English File 2 © Oxford University Press 2008Photocopiable


1 Complete the sentence.Use the correct form of theverb in parentheses.

Example: I’ve never read (read) a book in English.

1 My sister _______________ (study) really hard

right now.

2 Let’s have Thai food for dinner. I _______ never

_______ (try) it.

3 We _______________ (fly) to Rio next Saturday.

4 When they got to the hotel, they _______________

(have) dinner.

5 When _______ Pedro _______ (go) back to Ecuador?

Is it tomorrow?

6 _______ you _______ (wait) for Paul when I saw you

this morning?

7 I _______________ (see) your mom at the mall on

Friday when I was shopping.

8 I _______________ (not be) late tonight. That’s a


9 I’ve finished my homework, but I _______________

(not study) for the test yet.

10 _______ you ever _______ (be) to Yokohama before?

2 Choose the correct form.

Example: When did you finish / have you finished yourwork?

1 Who did you see / saw at the party?

2 He is always / always is late for meetings.

3 I was giving / gave him a watch for his last birthday.

4 I’m going / I’ll see you at 6:00.

5 She finished her homework, so / but she watched TV.

6 His mother is a person who / which is never too busy

to talk to you.

7 I don’t think it’ll rain / it rains tomorrow.

8 Who did give / gave you those chocolates?

9 What did you do / were you do last weekend?

10 Does he stay / Is he staying with you right now?

11 When did they get back / have they gotten back?

12 I was sitting / sat in the park when it started to rain.

13 Mr.Chee be meeting / is meeting someone at 10:00,

but he can see you at 11:00.

14 She usually gets along well / gets along well usuallywith her brother.

15 That’s the most difficult / more difficult question in

the test.

3 Complete the sentence with one word.

Example: Excuse me, what did you say? I didn’t hear you.

1 My car was less expensive _________ your motorcycle.

2 I’m sure he _________ be here soon.

3 She passed the exam _________ she studied hard.

4 A pilot is someone _________ flies a plane.

5 It was _________ best vacation I’ve ever had.

6 I’ve _________ seen the movie. I saw it last week.

7 _________ he’s only ten, he speaks English very well.

8 I haven’t been to the new shopping mall _________.

9 The food wasn’t as delicious _________ it was last


10 My team _________ the game.They scored more

points than the other team.

4 Order the words to make a sentence.

Example: excellent / I / new / think / his / will / movie / be

I think his new movie will be excellent.

1 your / how / students / are / many / in / there / class / ?


2 this / you / go / you’ll / do / camping / think /weekend / ?


3 next / going / are / to / where / study / year / you / ?


4 as /my /well / older / you / brother / doesn’t / as / cook / .


5 car / rented / we / the / I’ve / seen / smallest / ever / .






40Grammar total

Page 2: AEF 2 Progress Test 1-4

NAME DATE AmericanEnglish File 2

2American English File 2 © Oxford University Press 2008Photocopiable

Progress Test 1–4


5 Choose the word that is different.

Example: A sneakers �� B shorts ��� C boots ��D shoes ��

1 A cap �� B T-shirt �� C sweater �� D top ��2 A generous �� B stingy �� C funny ��

D friendly ��3 A polluted �� B noisy �� C crowded ��

D shy ��4 A brain �� B heart �� C hand ��

D stomach ��5 A thirsty �� B windy �� C foggy ��

D cloudy ��6 A buy �� B rent �� C spend ��

D sunbathe ��7 A blouse �� B skirt �� C scarf �� D dress ��8 A arm �� B back �� C knee �� D foot ��9 A campsite �� B mountains �� C hotel ��

D apartment ��10 A teeth �� B eyes �� C mouth �� D foot ��

6 Write the opposite adjective.

Example: noisy quiet

1 dangerous __________

2 hardworking __________

3 outgoing __________

4 interesting __________

5 polite __________

7 Complete the sentence with one word.

Example: Modern is the opposite of old-fashioned.

1 Students, please work in __________. Tell your

partner about a famous photo.

2 When we’re on vacation, we __________ an

apartment because we don’t like hotels.

3 They got married __________ Valentine’s Day.

4 Why do you always use my dictionary? Give it

__________; I need it.

5 I didn’t spend much __________ when I was on


6 I don’t have enough __________ to do my work and

help you.

7 They aren’t at home. They went __________ for the


8 I’m sorry, he isn’t here. He’s __________ work.

9 Did you __________ any souvenirs while you were


10 I have to wear a __________ to hold up my pants.

8 Complete the sentence. Choose the correct word(s).

Example: She tried _____ the dress in the store.

A off �� B on ��� C up ��

1 There were a lot of people here. It was very _____.

A quiet �� B boring �� C crowded ��2 How do you _____ this word?

A repeat �� B underline �� C pronounce ��3 They don’t go _____ in the evening very often.

A off �� B out �� C up ��4 Don’t eat those fries! They’re _____.

A unhealthy �� B uncomfortable �� C polluted ��5 Her back is very red! It was _____ on the beach.

A boiling �� B freezing �� C cloudy ��6 Her bedroom is a mess; she hardly ever _____ her bed.

A does �� B makes �� C clean ��7 Do it like this and you will _____ a lot of time. It’s great!

A spend �� B waste �� C save ��8 We’re going to _____ at a hotel near the beach.

A spend �� B stay �� C rent ��9 He _____ $10 from me yesterday.

A lent �� B spent �� C borrowed ��10 Her birthday is _____ June.

A in �� B on �� C at ��11 I’m going to _____ Shin to have dinner at my house.

A meet �� B invite �� C stay ��12 I am looking _____ going to Singapore.

A for �� B forward to �� C through ��13 If you are busy, I can _____ back later.

A come �� B give �� C take ��14 What did you think _____ the movie?

A off �� B for �� C of ��15 I can never remember what I dream _____.

A about �� B for �� C with ��





40Vocabulary total

Page 3: AEF 2 Progress Test 1-4


Progress Test 1–4AmericanEnglish File 2

3American English File 2 © Oxford University Press 2008Photocopiable


9 Which is the stressed syllable? Choose the correctanswer.

Example: A along �� B along ���

1 A pronounce �� B pronounce ��2 A jacket �� B jacket ��3 A sweater �� B sweater ��4 A forget �� B forget ��5 A freezing �� B freezing ��6 A stomach �� B stomach ��7 A sunbathe �� B sunbathe ��8 A generous �� B generous ��9 A impossible �� B impossible ��

10 A polluted �� B polluted ��

10 Write the word with the same sound.

smell windy hot arm e-mail lazyfunny cloudy watch sightseeing boring

Example: page lazy

1 head _________

2 polite _________

3 stomach _________

4 heart _________

5 positive _________

6 warm _________

7 crowded _________

8 touch _________

9 knee _________

10 miss _________



100Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total

20Pronunciation total

Page 4: AEF 2 Progress Test 1-4


Progress Test 1–4AmericanEnglish File 2

4American English File 2 © Oxford University Press 2008Photocopiable


1 Read the article. Choose the correct answer.

I have often thought about moving from my small town toa big city like New York. Life in a small town is quiet, andI’ve always found the bright lights and crowded streets ofa city very exciting. However, after a recent visit to NewYork to do some holiday shopping and see the holidaydecorations, I was very happy to get back home!

There seem to be more people in New York than everbefore! It was crowded everywhere I went: the streets,the sidewalks, the stores, the restaurants, and thesubway. Everyone was trying to get somewhere quickly.

I traveled to New York by train, and the train was so fullthat I had to stand for the whole trip. Then I wanted totake the subway. That was a big mistake! There werehundreds of people on the platform, and when the trainarrived, it was full! But the people on the platform justpushed and pushed and finally got on the train! I didn’t. Iwent back to the street and walked to Fifth Avenue. Itwas raining and freezing cold, but it was better than thecrowded subway.

After an expensive coffee, I did my shopping. Well, I triedto do my shopping. There were so many people on thesidewalk that I had to walk in the street. Everyone was ina hurry. They were pushing and bumping into each otherwith their bags. No one talked or smiled. Then, of course,it was time to go home! My feet were hurting, and it wasraining again, so I decided not to walk. I got a taxi, but theride took 45 minutes because there was so much traffic. Ican’t remember the train trip home. I slept.

Now I know why I live in a small town. Life may not be asexciting or as fast as in the city, but there’s more room onour buses and in our stores, and the people talk to you.But the holiday decorations in New York were beautiful!

Example: The writer went to New York to do some


A True ��� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��

1 The writer lives in a small town.

A True �� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��2 The writer lives an hour away from New York.

A True �� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��3 The place where the writer lives is noisy.

A True �� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��4 The writer went to New York a short time ago.

A True �� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��

5 The writer traveled on a subway.

A True �� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��6 The writer bought a lot of things.

A True �� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��7 It was busy in New York.

A True �� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��8 Most of the people the writer saw in New York were

very friendly.

A True �� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��9 The writer’s cup of coffee was cheap.

A True �� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��10 The writer liked the holiday decorations.

A True �� B False �� C Doesn’t say ��

2 Match five of the underlined words / phrases in thearticle to the definitions below.

Example: causing strong feelings of pleasure and interestexciting

1 full of people __________

2 a railway system under the streets of a city __________

3 causing (me) pain __________

4 a surface next to the street for people to walk on


5 the part of a train station where people get on and off

trains __________


Answer these three questions. Write a paragraph(25–35 words) for each question.

1 Describe a town or city in your country.

2 What plans or arrangements have you made for next


3 Describe an interesting person you have met.



15Reading total

25Reading and Writing total

10Writing total

Page 5: AEF 2 Progress Test 1-4


Progress Test 1–4AmericanEnglish File 2

5American English File 2 © Oxford University Press 2008Photocopiable


1 AE F2 T18 Listen to Jim’s story. Choose the correctanswer.

1 Jim has been to _____.

A China �� B Egypt �� C Mexico ��2 Karen was sitting _____.

A in a cafe �� B at a table under a tree ��C at a table with friends ��

3 Karen was wearing _____.

A a blouse �� B shoes �� C sunglasses ��4 Jim ordered _____.

A coffee and cake �� B tea and cake ��C only coffee ��

5 At the club, Jim and Karen _____.

A drank �� B sang �� C kissed ��

2 AE F2 T19 Listen to five conversations. Match theconversations (1–5) to the speakers (A–E).

Conversation 1 _______

Conversation 2 _______

Conversation 3 _______

Conversation 4 _______

Conversation 5 _______

A A tourist

B An interviewer on a radio program

C A hotel guest

D A patient

E A business traveler


Work in pairs.

Student A, look at Speaking Test A.

Student B, look at Speaking Test B.



10Listening total

25Listening and Speaking total

15Speaking total