Advanced Public Speaking & Presentation - Week 14 – Professor Hayashi

Advpres week14final review

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Advanced Public Speaking & Presentation - Week 14 – Professor Hayashi

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CHECKLIST FOR INTRODUCTIONS Attention Getter (rhetorical question,

interesting fact, story, problem) Welcome the audience Introduce yourself (name, position/function) State your topic Explain why your topic is important for the

audience Outline the structure of your talk What comes when? Say when you’ll be

dealing with each point Let the audience know how you’re organizing

the presentation (handouts, questions, etc.)

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Briefly state your topic again. Explain your objective(s). Signal the beginning of each part. Talk about your topic. Signal the end of each part. Highlight the main points. Outline the main ideas in bullet-point form. Tell listeners you’ve reached the end of the

main part.

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What is the rule of six?a maximum of six lines per slidea maximum of six words per line

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CHECKLIST FOR VISUALS 1. Prepare each visual carefully and

separately. 2. Check whether the visual really shows

what you are saying. 3. Make sure your audience can read the

visual (size and colours). 4. Find effective headlines. 5. Keep design and content simple. 6. Use bullet charts for text. 7. Reduce text to a minimum. 8. Always prepare audience for visuals. 9. Present information clearly and logically. 10. Remember the rule of six.

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1. Make your visual as clear and easy to understand as possible.

2. Start by telling your audience what the graph/chart illustrates.

3. Highlight the key points. 4. Say why these points are important (and

explain the cause or effect). 5. Use different verbs to express

movement/development. 6. Use the same key words and phrases

you used on your bullet charts.

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Write 3 verbs used to describe movements or trends (any upward/downward or other trend):

climb/decline/decrease/double/drop/expand/fall/fluctuate/go down/go up/grow/hit a low/increase/pick up/plunge/reach a high/recover/remain stable/rise/stabilize/stay the same

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signal, summarize, highlight, explain, make, invite

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CHECKLIST FOR QUESTIONS 1. Listen carefully. 2. Make sure you have understood the question

correctly. 3. Reformulate the question in your own words. 4. If you wan to postpone the question, say why

politely. 5. If you don’t know the answer, say so and

offer to find out. 6. Answer irrelevant questions politely but

briefly. 7. Check that the questioner is satisfied with

your answer.