Issue 4 –2012 www.fvma.org FVMA ADVOCATE 85 th President of the FLORIDA VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION John R. Bass, DVM

Advocate Issue 4

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Advocate Issue 4 2012

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Issue 4 –2012 www.fvma.org


85th President of the Florida Veterinary Medical association

John r. Bass, dVM

Page 2: Advocate Issue 4

President’s MessaGeAdele and I attended the 8th Annual Promoting

Excellence Symposium hosted by the FAEP in Naples. The FAEP Council always assembles an impressive group of speakers and draws attendees from all parts of the country. While I did not attend the continuing education sessions, we both talked with practitioners about the similarities and differences between equine practice and small animal practice in various areas of the United States. We are now in our second year as a

unified group and it is important that the FVMA and the FAEP continue to speak with one voice promoting and protecting the ideals of our profession. Thank you to all those who have made this bond between colleagues work.

By the time you read this, we will have survived another election season. Regardless of the outcome, our society will continue to function. As a pro‑fession, we will have experienced some gains and some losses at the state and local levels. The FVMA will assess these and continue to monitor the challenges to our ability to practice veterinary medicine in Florida.

With the new year, we will turn our attention to the opening of the leg‑islative session in March. Dr. Stephen Shores and Mixon and Associates monitor every bill that deals with animal issues. We will be asking for your help as we present our side of the story. Hopefully, our members have done their job and established a relationship with the elected officials in their respective cities and counties. Protecting the profession is a group effort.

The holiday season is approaching and that allows for reflection. The focus for this time of year is on family, friends, and loved ones. Our rela‑tionship within these groups takes center stage. Veterinary medicine is not just a career, it is a lifestyle. We are always trying to balance practice life with family life. While this task is difficult, I hope the holidays provide a time to reflect on ways to make the balance better. We are all blessed and this is our opportunity to count those blessings.

John R. Bass, DVM

in tHis issUe6 | Meet Dr. John R. Bass

8 | It’s Time To Honor Colleagues and Staff With FVMA Annual Award Nominations

10 | Nominations Now Being Accepted For Executive Board, Budget and Finance

12 | Notice of Rule Change

14 | Wanted: Staff Willing, Eager To Take On More Responsibility

16 | Hide Your Goat - Part 1

17 | PCVMA Political Forum

22 | Classified Advertisements

7131 Lake Ellenor Drive Orlando, Florida 32809 Phone – (407) 851‑3862

Toll Free – (800) 992‑3862 Fax – (407) 240‑3710

[email protected] www.fvma.org

OfficersDr. John R. Bass

PresidentDr. Jerry L. Rayburn

President‑ElectDr. Richard B. Williams

TreasurerDr. James A. Kanzler

Past PresidentMr. Philip J. Hinkle

Executive Director

District representativesDr. Charles P. Hall

District 1–Big BendDr. Richard C. Sutliff

District 2–NortheastDr. Marc A. Presnell

District 3–CentralDr. Donald H. Morgan

District 4–Tampa BayDr. Mark D. Dew

District 5–Treasure CoastDr. Ronald W. Todd Jr.

District 6–South FloridaDr. Richard M. Carpenter

District 7–SouthwestDr. Michael Epperson

District 8–NorthwestDr. Christine M. Storts

District 9–Space CoastDr. Ernest C. Godfrey

AVMA DelegateDr. Stephen Shores

AVMA Alternate DelegateDr. Corey Miller

FAEP Representative to the FVMA Executive Board

Ex Officio Dr. Glen F. Hoffsis, Dean College of Veterinary Medicine

fvMa staffBrenda Eggert Brader

Communications & Public Relations Director

Sandra P. Brooks Accounting/Membership

DirectorAmber Coon

Executive Administrative Assistant

Ralph E. Huber Industry Relations Director

Alssa Mathews Multimedia Art & Design

Kevin Nichols Webmaster & Social Media

Beni Jean Price Financial/Membership


Page 3: Advocate Issue 4

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For more information, contact the FVMA at (800) 992-3862 or by email at [email protected].

www.fvma.org | 3

Page 4: Advocate Issue 4

MeMBer sPotliGHt

Dr. Lisa Conti Appointed Florida Deputy Commissioner, Chief Science Officer

TallaHaSSee – florida Commissioner of agriculture adam putnam announces the appointment of Dr. lisa Conti as deputy commissioner and chief sci-ence officer for the florida Department of agriculture and Consumer Services. Conti fills the vacancy created by the retirement of Dr. Marion aller earlier this year.

"Dr. Conti has more than 23 years of service to the state of florida and will provide invaluable expertise to the con-sumers our agency serves," said Com-missioner putnam. "Dr. Conti is a recog-nized leader in areas of public health and she will lead our food safety and test-ing efforts with the same commitment and dedication she has demonstrated throughout her career."

Conti most recently worked with global one Health Solutions advocat-ing clinical and educational services focused on improving human, vet-erinary and environmental health. She has held multiple leadership positions at the florida Department of Health, including serving as the division direc-tor of environmental Health and as the State public Health Veterinarian. Dr. Conti holds a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Miami, a master's degree in public health from the University of South florida and a doctorate degree in veterinary medi-cine from the University of florida. Con-ti's appointment was effective october 12, 2012.

Gardners Recognized for Swan CarelaKelanD – Dr. Wade g. gardner and Dr. geoffrey r. gardner, father and son, of lakeland were recog-nized by David barber, Swan Marker to Her Majesty Queen elizabeth ii. The presentation was made repre-senting the Queen's Diamond Jubi-lee Celebration and her emphasis on swan conservation. The event was presented by The regal Swan foundation, inc. of Kissimmee, nonprofit swan research group, held on September 8 and hosted by the Junior Women's league of greater lakeland.During the event, barber and his wife, Judy, paid tribute to Dr. Wade g. gardner and Dr. geoffrey r. gard-ner for their many years of caring for the swans in lakeland. Dr. Wade

gardner served as the original vet-erinarian to the swans.

Two swans were originally donated by Her Majesty in 1957 to the city of lakeland. The swan has become the symbol of the city. The greater share of the swans swim in lake Morton with others at lakes Mirror and Wire.

in celebrating her 60 years on the throne, Queen elizabeth sent members of her staff throughout the world to talk about their jobs with the queen; barber was one of those staffers. barber talked about his work and swan conservation. He and his staff oversee the health of hundreds of swans on england’s Thames river.

Dr. Wade G. Gardner and his son, Dr. Geoffrey R. Gardner, both of Lakeland, and both former FVMA presidents, were recognized September 8 for their many years of caring for the swans in the city of Lakeland, by David Barber, Swan Marker to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England, during his visit and presentation representing the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Celebration and her emphasis on swan conservation. The event, presented by The Regal Swan Foundation, Inc., was hosted by the Junior Women's League of Greater Lakeland. From left are Dr. Wade Gardner, Dr. Geoffrey Gardner, Barber and his wife, Judy Barber.


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Jenifer Chatfield, DVM, Named To AVMA Future Leaders Program

SCHaUMbUrg, il – Dr. Jenifer a. Chatfield, Dade City, was named one of 10 veterinarians to the future leaders program (2012-2013) at the annual american

Veteri-n a r y M e d i -c a l a s s o -ciation c o n -vention in San D i e g o , Calif., in a u g u s t when the aVMa offi-cially launched its future leaders program’s second class by announc-ing those who will be taking part in the program over the next year.

The year-long program was cre-ated by the aVMa with support from pfizer animal Health to develop volunteer leaders for the aVMa and other organized veterinary groups. The goal is to help participants to enhance their individual leadership skills and to create useable tools for the wider veterinary profession to benefit from and utilize.

The 10 participants were selected from approximately 60 aVMa member nominees who had gradu-ated from veterinary schools within the last 15 years.

“The hardest part of picking each class over the past two years has

been narrowing down the list of nominees to just 10 participants, because of the qualifications and diverse interests and energy of all the outstanding nominees,” said Dr. ron DeHaven, chief executive officer of the aVMa. “Many of these future leaders are already leaders, taking leadership roles at the state and local levels, so we’re excited by not only what we can teach

them but how much they’ll be able to teach us.”

pa r t i c i -pants will have an o p p o r -t u n i t y to work with pro-fessional facilita-tor Dr. K e n

a n d re w s of High impact facilitation,

who will provide project manage-ment and leadership training. as the year progresses, these young leaders will not only learn new skills, but they will, as a group, develop and collaborate on a proj-ect that will provide the aVMa with a valuable new tool or service that will benefit all members. The first class of future leaders focused on creating a web-based future lead-ers Toolkit that uses videos, instruc-tional materials, and other tools to help all aVMa members improve their leadership skills on the job or within the profession.

Dr. Chatfield of the florida Department of environmental Health, earned her DVM degree from Texas a and M in 2001.

if you know someone....

•The Member Spotlight features

news, important happenings and/or kudos highlighting veterinarian members and their profession. The FVMA welcomes information on you or your colleagues.

Please submit the information as an email attachment to [email protected] attention: ADVOCATE Member Spotlight.

Submit as follows:•Completeinformationinwrittenform •Photographsmustbesubmittedwith entries•Photocutlineinformationwrittenwith everyone identified, left to right •Nameanddaytimetelephonenumber of contact person

Information is welcomed by all members and will be included based on space availability.

Q uest ions may be addressed t o B r e n d a E g g e r t B r a d e r , C o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d P u b l i c Relations Director, at (800) 992-3862.

www.fvma.org | 5

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Active in the FVMA since the 1970s, Dr. John R. Bass is a native Floridian and a second generation Florida veterinarian. Earning his DVM degree

from Auburn University in 1975, he arrived in Daytona Beach and was mentored by Dr. John Langford, a former FVMA president.

“My father and Dr. Langford instilled in me the impor‑tance of professional camaraderie and how organized veterinary medicine was a natural outgrowth of that,” said Dr. Bass. “Since then, there have been many FVMA members who have helped me, trusted me and given me the opportunity to be of service to the profession.”

A native of Sanford and growing up in Naples, Dr. Bass opened his mixed animal practice in 1981 in Port Orange.

Dr. John R. BassFVMA President 2012-2013By BRENDA EGGERT BRADER Communications and Public Relations Director

“In those days, you did everything,” Dr. Bass said. “I castrated horses and performed a C‑section or two on cows and pigs and practiced on a llama here and there. I did a mixed practice for the first 20 years with the last 15 years or so treat‑ing small animals.”

He has treated some birds including cockatiels and some exotics, but refers most exotics to a fellow colleague in his area. But Dr. Bass cites continuing education courses as not only provid‑ing information and instruc‑tion in the everyday practice treatments, but also offering opportunities to gain infor‑mation and instruction on the treatment of animals not always seen in a general practice such as birds and exotics.

Meet our President


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serving the FVMa“I view the role of the FVMA as Continuing Educa‑

tion, Membership Service, Promotion of Veterinary Medicine and Legislation,” Dr. Bass said in his presiden‑tial installation speech.

“My goals this year are few in number, but can have a profound effect on the membership.”

First, he suggests the membership protect and defend the profession legislatively. Second, expand awareness of what the profession stands for dispelling thoughts that veterinarians are more concerned about profit than quality patient care.

“One‑on‑one with our clients is the best way to anchor our professional compassion,” Dr. Bass said. “Finally, in expanding this awareness, I hope we can drive traffic into the clinics. We hope to launch a media campaign sometime this year.

“In a very few years, veterinary medicine has changed tremendously for the better. We are able to practice medicine better than ever, do more for our patients and serve our clients in ways never envisioned 35 years ago. Our evolution as a profession has benefited all concerned.”

Dr. Bass has served previously on the FVMA Execu‑tive Board for more than 16 years; six of those years serving as treasurer. He also served on the Board of Governors and the Budget and Finance Committee, served on the College Advisory Committee four times – 1994‑1995, 1996‑1997, 2002‑2005 and 2006‑2008; served twice as the Legislative Key Contact, 1995‑1996 and 1997‑1998; on The Target 150 New Members Group, 1999; Long Range Planning Workshop, 2002‑2003; Membership Solicitation and Retention Drive Commit‑tee, 2005‑2006; Board of Governors for five years and the Fiscal Advisory Committee from 2007‑2010.

Dr. Bass was presented the FVMA Distinguished Service Award in 2010 given to FVMA members who have shown they have been fully dedicated to veterinary medicine, have made a commitment of time and energy beyond reasonable expectation, and have been active in the FVMA for at least 15 years.

communityHis commitment to

service does not only include the FVMA. He is a supportive member of the Volu‑sia County Veterinary Medical Society, has been involved in the Halifax Humane Soci‑ety in Daytona sitting on its Board of Directors for four years, has been involved in the Rotary Club in Port Orange for 20 years and is a past president. Dr. Bass is also a member of The Dean's Circle of Excellence at the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine.

Dr. Bass officially retired in February and sold his practice. However, he still keeps a hand in by working some at his former practice. Of course, being FVMA president keeps him traveling and busy.

Dr. Bass has three siblings, a brother and two sisters. He and his wife, Adele, have five grown children, and share their home with two Chihuahuas.

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E ach year, the Florida Veterinary Medical Association conducts an Awards Ceremony to honor

outstanding members and individuals whose service has contributed signifi‑cantly to advancing veterinary medi‑cine or the status of the profession. The awards, and the ultimate presentation, hold considerable significance within the organization. Not only is the event the honoring of veterinary peers and col‑leagues in recognition of their careers, achievements and contributions, but some awards are given to honor and com‑pliment the veterinary staffers who are dedicated to their clinics and profession.

Nominations for the various awards may be made by a current FVMA member or local veterinary medical association or society. Each eligible nomination is con‑sidered by the FVMA Awards Committee, chaired this year by FVMA Immediate Past President Dr. James Kanzler.

All award winners will be invited to attend the annual Awards Ceremony held during the FVMA's 84th Annual Conference in Orlando on Friday, April 5, 2013.

A separate form must be completed for each nomination. Forms may be found at www.FVMA.org. Completed forms need to be submitted to the FVMA Awards Committee, Dr. James Kanzler, Chairman. The address, fax number and complete instructions are provided on each form. A high resolution photograph of the nominee must accompany each submission. Nominations must be sub‑mitted to the FVMA Awards Committee no later than January 15, 2013.

Questions on the nomination proce‑dure should be directed to the FVMA at (800) 992‑3862 or [email protected].

The winner in each category will be notified approximately six weeks prior to the FVMA’s 84th Annual Conference.

The categories for awards bestowed by the Association, and for which nominations may be made, are as follows:

Gold Star Awards – To be awarded to members who have contributed much of their time and energy to the Association and/or local association for the advance‑ment of Veterinary Medicine and the Profession. In any given year, no more than two percent of the total member‑ship may be awarded a Gold Star. To be eligible for this award, the nominee must have been an active member of the asso‑ciation for at least the past three years.

Veterinarian of the Year – To be awarded to a member for distinguished and unselfish dedicated service to the Association for the advancement of Veterinary Medicine and the Profession. To be eligible for this award, a nominee must have been an active member of the Association for at least the past 10 years.

Lifetime Achievement Award – To be awarded to senior active and retired members who have made outstand‑ing contributions to the Association and Veterinary Medicine. To be eli‑gible for this award, a nominee must have been an active or retired member of the Association for the last 30

by Brenda eGGert Brader, Communications and public relations Director

It’s T ime To HOnOr COllEaguEs & staff WithFVMA AnnuAl AwARD noMinAtions

CatEgOriEs fOr awards

gOld star awards

VEtErinarian Of tHE YEar

lifEtimE aCHiEVEmEnt award

distinguisHEd sErViCE award

CitizEn Of tHE YEar

PEt HErOCErtifiEd VEtErinarY tECHniCian

& tEam mEmbEr Of tHE YEar


Page 9: Advocate Issue 4

January 15, 2013





consecutive years and must be at least 65 years old. In exceptional cases, the service requirement may be reduced to 25 years.

Distinguished Service Award – To be awarded for exceptional achievements and contributions by a member towards the advancement of Veterinary Medicine and the Profession. To qualify, a member must demonstrate that he/she has been fully dedicated to veterinary medicine and given time and energy beyond reasonable expecta‑tions. To be eligible for this award, a nomi‑nee must have been an active member of the Association for at least the past 15 years.

Citizen of the Year – To be awarded to any non‑veterinarian who has made an out‑standing contribution to the advancement of the Association and Veterinary Medicine.

Pet Hero – There will be one inductee selected for one of the following categories: 1. HERO – Pets who have unselfishly saved or

preserved human life (non‑professional).

2. COMPANION – Pets who have provided a benefit and contributed to the qual‑ity of life of their human companions.

3. PROFESSIONAL – Specialty trained as a physically challenged person's assis‑tance animal or used in law enforcement.

Certified Veterinary Technician and Team Member of the Year – These two awards recognize the many outstanding contributions made by Certified Veterinary Technicians (CVT) or any other special team member to the overall success of the veterinary practice operated or staffed by an FVMA‑member veterinarian. The criteria for nomination requires that the individual be a full‑time employee of an FVMA‑member practice for a minimum of 3 years and demonstrate the following: • CARING – Provides animal health

care services in a compassionate and clinically appropriate manner.

• COMMITMENT – Works in sup‑port of the employing veterinarian to achieve a high level of client satisfac‑tion and established annual perfor‑mance goals of the veterinary practice.

• LEADERSHIP – Assumes a leader‑ship role in creating and maintain‑ing an efficient and highly moti‑vated animal health care services delivery team among all employees.

• EDUCATION – Regularly strives to further develop his/her knowledge and skills by participating in continu‑ing education seminars, formal study at a junior college or university, or by undertaking self‑directed study through journals, online programs, etc.

Honor a colleague or staff member for their contributions to our profession; submit your nomination today!

www.fvma.org | 9

Page 10: Advocate Issue 4

Nominations Now Being Accepted2013By Brenda eGGert Brader,Communications and Public Relations Director

Executive Board Budget and Finance CommitteeSeats Open:

Two officer positions and three district representatives’ seats are up for election in 2013 on

the FVMA Executive Board, as well as two seats, by district, for the FVMA Budget and Finance Committee. The continuous success of the FVMA is contingent, to a large degree, on the caliber of individuals that fill these key leadership roles.Open Officer Seats on Executive Board

The offices of President‑Elect and Treasurer for 2013 are open on the Ex‑ecutive Board.

To be eligible for nomination as President‑Elect, an active member must have served as a District Representative to the Executive Board or as Treasurer and have been an FVMA member in good standing for the past five years preceding nomination. The President‑Elect shall serve one year as President‑

Elect, one year as President, then one year as Past President on the Board of Governors and Executive Board.

To be eligible for the office of Trea‑surer, an active member must be a resident of Florida and a member of the association in good standing. The Treasurer shall be elected for a three (3) year term and may be re‑elected to serve one additional three (3) year term. Dr. Richard Williams, current Treasurer, has completed his first three‑year term and is eligible for a second term.

All members of the association are encouraged to suggest names of pos‑sible candidates to the Nominating Committee.

Open District Representative Seats on the Executive Board

There are three seats open on the FVMA Executive Board representing Districts 1, 2 and 5. Dr. C. Pat Hall,

current Representative of District 1, and Dr. Richard Sutliff, current Repre‑sentative of District 2, have each com‑pleted their first terms and are eligible for second three‑year terms. Dr. Mark Dew, current District 5 Representative, has completed his second term and is ineligible for re‑election.

To qualify as a district repre‑sentative, the candidate must reside in the district they will

represent and be a member in good standing. Each District Representative to the Executive Board shall serve a three (3) year term and may be elected to serve two (2) successive terms.

Nominees for District Representa‑tives to the Executive Board shall be submitted by the local associations lo‑cated within the respective districts to the Executive Director at least sixty (60)



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days before the annual meeting of the Association.Open Seats on the Budget and Finance Committee

There are two seats open on the FVMA Budget and Finance Commit‑tee representing District 4 and 7. The Budget and Finance Committee’s duty is to prepare a budget for the ensuing fiscal year and to develop plans for added or alternative FVMA financing. The Com‑mittee consists of the FVMA President‑Elect, who serves as Chairman, FVMA Treasurer and one representative from each of the nine Association Districts. Each District Representative shall be elected for a three (3) year term and may be elected to three (3) successive terms.

To qualify as a candidate for the Bud‑get and Finance Committee, a member in good standing must reside in that respective district.

Dr. Douglas Spiker of District 4 has completed filling a vacant term and is eligible for his own first three‑year term. Dr. Jack Beal Jr., currently fulfilling the position in District 7, is eligible for a third term.

Nominees for Budget and Fi‑nance Committee members shall be submitted by the local

associations located within the respec‑tive districts to the Executive Director at least sixty (60) days before the annual meeting of the Association.

In the event there is only one nomi‑nee for a specific office, that nominee shall be considered elected by a unani‑mous vote and a ballot for office shall not be sent to membership.


2013 OPEN SEATSExecutive Board Officers

Executive Board Representatives

Budget & Finance Committee

Send Nominations To:FVMA7131 Lake Ellenor Dr.Orlando Fl. 32809



District 1

District 2

District 5

District 4

District 7

www.fvma.org | 11

Page 12: Advocate Issue 4

notice oF rUle cHanGeRule 61G18-16.002Continuing Education Requirements

Biennial license renewal requires 30 hours of approved continuing education

Approved CE is provided by:

National, State and International veterinary association meetings and board meetings Board certified specialties recognized by the AVMA University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine sponsored courses RACE approved courses

5 hours in laws and rules may be obtained once per biennium by attending eight (8) hours of a Board of Veterinary Medicine meeting

2 hours must be in Florida laws and rules governing veterinary medicine 1 hour must be in dispensing legend drugs

Not more than 15 hours shall be non‑interactive correspondence courses

Not more than 5 hours shall be business, practice management courses or stress and impairment seminars

No CE is required for a veterinarian’s first license renewal, but is required for every subsequent renewal.

The Florida Board of Veterinary Medicine amended its rules regarding continuing education requirements for Florida licensed veterinarians. Previously, the board required two hours in dispensing legend drugs as part of the biennial renewal requirement of 30 approved hours. That rule has now changed and the requirements are:

No less than one (1) hour in the area of dispensing legend drugs No less than two (2) hours in the area of the laws and rules governing the practice of veterinary medicine.

These new rules went into effect June 1, 2012 and will apply for the upcoming license renewal period ending May 31, 2014.

The FVMA is currently developing a correspondence course that will satisfy these new requirements. You will be notified by email and by mail once these materials become available.

As a courtesy to our members, we are providing you the entire section of Chapter 61G18‑16.002 in reference to continuing education requirements. We also have provided a bulleted summary of the rule for your review below. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact the FVMA helpline at: (800) 992‑FVMA (3862)

Summary of CE Requirements For Florida Licenses Veterinarians


Page 13: Advocate Issue 4

notice oF rUle cHanGe

(1) All licensed veterinarians shall be required to obtain continu‑ing professional education which contributes to the advancement, extension or enhancement of professional skills and knowledge in the field of veterinary medicine.(2) Licensed veterinarians shall complete a minimum of thirty (30) hours of continuing professional education in veterinary medicine every biennium. Beginning on June 1, 2012, no less than one (1) hour of continuing education shall be in the area of dispensing legend drugs and no less than two (2) hours of con‑tinuing education shall be in the area of the laws and rules gov‑erning the practice of veterinary medicine. For the purposes of this rule, the laws and rules governing the practice of veterinary medicine are Chapters 455 and 474, F.S. and Rule Chapter 61G18, F.A.C.(a) One (1) hour equals a minimum of fifty (50) minutes and a maximum of sixty (60) minutes. Total hours of lecture time can‑not be added up and divided into 50 minute intervals to obtain 1 hour credit for each 50 minute interval.(b) Not more than fifteen (15) hours shall be non‑interactive, cor‑respondence courses. Computer on‑line programs that involve on‑line, real time, live or delayed participatory questioning or responses are not correspondence courses.(c) Five (5) hours of continuing education in laws and rules may be obtained once per biennium by attending one full day or eight (8) hours of a Board meeting (whichever is shorter) at which disciplinary hearings are conducted by the Board of Veterinary Medicine by complying with the following:1. The licensee must sign in with the Executive Director of the Board or designee before the meeting day begins.2. The licensee must remain in continuous attendance.3. The licensee must sign out with the Executive Director of the Board or designee at the end of the meeting day or at such other earlier time as affirmatively authorized by the Board. A licensee

may receive continuing education credit for attending the Board meeting only if he or she is attending on the date solely for the purpose of obtaining continuing education; he or she may not receive credit if appearing at the Board meeting for another pur‑pose.(3) During the license renewal period of each biennium, an ap‑plication for renewal will be mailed to each licensee at the last address provided to the Board. Failure to receive any notification during this period does not relieve the licensee of the responsi‑bility of meeting the requirement. The application for renewal shall include a form on which the licensee shall state that he has completed the required continuing education. The licensee must retain for a period of not less than three years from the date the course was taken certificates of attendance or verification from the provider, to document completion of the continuing educa‑tion certified on the renewal form. The Board will audit at ran‑dom a number of licensees as is necessary to assure that the con‑tinuing education requirements are met.(4) Failure to comply with the continuing professional education requirement shall prohibit license renewal and result in delin‑quent status at the end of the renewal period.(5) A licensed veterinarian shall not be required to complete a continuing education requirement prior to the first renewal of his license, but it shall be required prior to any subsequent renewal.(6) Failure to document compliance with the continuing educa‑tion requirements or the furnishing of false or misleading infor‑mation regarding compliance shall be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including license revocation.Rulemaking Authority 474.206, 474.211, 474.212 FS. Law Imple‑mented 474.211 FS. History–New 11‑14‑79, Amended 11‑1‑81, Formerly 21X‑16.02, Amended 4‑20‑88, 11‑2‑88, 3‑26‑90, For‑merly 21X‑16.002, Amended 8‑18‑94, 2‑6‑95, 3‑20‑95, 9‑24‑96, 11‑28‑96, 12‑30‑97, 5‑22‑12.

61G18-16.002 Continuing Education Requirements for Active State License Renewal. (In Its Entirety)

Should you have any questions regarding your license, contact the Florida Board of Veterinary Medicine, a division of the Department of Business and Professional Regulation,at: Board of Veterinary Medicine 1940 N. Monroe Street Tallahassee, FL 32399 (850) 487-1395 www.myfloridalicense.com

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Page 14: Advocate Issue 4

DENTON, Texas — The staff turn‑over rate in the veterinary hospital is critically high, says Jeremy Nich‑

oles of Animal Care Technologies. While inadequate compensation is not cited as the primary reason for employee loss, it is a consistent contributing factor. In today’s economy, many assistants and technicians cannot earn a sufficient income for their families to justify staying in the veterinary field. The option of being a sole provider is usually out of the question, and many single employees struggle to meet even their own financial responsibilities. Quality of care, as well as practice owner income and satisfac‑tion, suffers as a result of the high turnover rate of veterinary support staff.

The only way to significantly (and jus‑tifiably) elevate the average income of the doctor’s primary delegates, and to reduce employee loss associated with low wages, is to professionalize the veterinarian’s support staff. Properly trained Certified Veterinary Technicians (CVT) and Certified Veteri‑nary Assistants (CVA) consistently provide a higher standard of care, higher productiv‑ity, and subsequently generate more prac‑tice revenue per wage dollar than untrained entry level employees with the same job title. A highly trained staff simply provides a better return on investment for the owner. A practice owner can justify higher wages when fully utilizing the skills of a formally trained staff member.

Looking over the paychecks to be signed and the multitude of bills and statements to be paid each month, it is sometimes easy to forget that clients ultimately cover these costs. Clients will absorb the cost of increased wages either through increased numbers of transactions, or by a higher av‑erage client transaction, both only feasible by increasing staff efficiency and produc‑tion. Many practice owners aren’t complete‑ly convinced that the majority of today’s clients, at least the types of people we want for clients, are quality and value shopping, not price shopping. Value is recognized by the quality/cost ratio, not cost alone. Even in today’s precarious economy, a higher per‑centage of personal income is apportioned to pet care than ever before; the veterinary practice is much more likely to lose a good client over less‑than‑excellent quality of care than over price irrespective of value.

Low wages being high on the list of reasons to quit the veterinary hospital, low expectations are cited even more frequently. Many assistants and techni‑cians are frustrated that their doctors do not delegate enough to them. While this may be true, the employee must remember that the ultimate liability for the safety of the patient lies with the veterinarian. With a full schedule of sick pets, walk‑in emergencies, and surgery, the doctor may find it difficult to trust

advanced responsibilities to the sup‑port staff when they cannot find time for training and supervision. The best way for a technician to earn the trust is to not only express an interest, but also invest their own time and energy into thoroughly researching the treatment protocol through any resources avail‑able to them.

Technicians and assistants have a number of places from which to gather knowledge. There are online training and certification programs such as 4act.com, technician forums, CE periodi‑cals, and traditional textbooks which are under‑utilized by most veterinary employees. With a foundational under‑standing of the subject, the employee will find that doctors are much more likely to consider investing money and time in training programs to facilitate the delegation of advanced responsi‑bilities.

Doctors will respond to an employee who demonstrates initiative. On the other hand, a staff member who only whines that the doctor won’t teach them how to perform regional nerve blocks before a dental extraction will probably gain little ground in earning the respon‑sibility. The self motivated technician


Page 15: Advocate Issue 4

by JereMy nicHoles national Sales Manager animal Care Technologies

has already printed out oral foramen diagrams, and studied text references on local anesthetic drug doses and nerve block techniques. The lazy employee continues to whine, while the respon‑sible assistant presents their research to the doctor and asks for guidance. The technicians who seek responsibility must position themselves for the oppor‑tunity to learn. Most doctors are happy to volunteer their insight to appropri‑ate inquiries about a procedure. They understand that the time spent training and explaining will pay off 10‑fold in future time‑savings through delegation to a trusted team member.

Overall, assistants and technicians

must show that they are capable and willing to research. They can demon‑strate impressive initiative and gain the confidence of the veterinarian by utilizing training resources and seeking routes to certification. These essential staff members are the primary delegates of the veterinarian. Once trust and con‑fidence is established, the veterinarian will be eager to distribute responsibility through delegation.

Ultimately, an employee’s salary is determined by their level of produc‑tivity, which is directly proportional to their level of formalized training. With more advanced tasks being delegated to the professionalized support staff, the

practice owner can easily justify higher wages, improve staff motivation and morale, and reduce costly employee turnover.

For more information about staff cer‑tification, visit FVMA.org and click on CVA / CVT programs.

Animal Care Technologies, head‑quartered in Denton, Texas, is a world leader in the educational resources for veterinary hospitals. ACT offers four web‑based resources to help veterinary hospitals manage the people side of their business. ACT also is a leading provider in veterinary staff training resources.

WantedStaff Willing and Eager to Take on More Responsibility!

www.fvma.org | 15

Page 16: Advocate Issue 4

by steVe Gilliland, csP, CPAE

turning negatives into Positives

This seven‑part series is dedicated to everyone who has ever put up with a nosy neighbor, fickle friend, sneaky sibling, envi‑ous family member, scheming coworker, manipulative boss, conniving acquaintance, impolite employee, disrespectful adolescent, hypocritical Christian, dishonest subordinate and people who think the world revolves around them. ____________________________________


When someone says something or other "really gets my goat," they mean they are

extremely irritated. A variety of things could contribute to that irritation, ranging from someone else's actions to a series of events. Despite the turn of phrase, however, actual goats are not usually involved. Like many colorful idioms in the English language, the origins of "get my goat" are murky. The first incidences of the phrase crop up around the early 1900s, a great era for colorful slang in America, reflecting the rapid expansion of settlement in the U.S. and the commingling of people from varied social, class and ethnic backgrounds. Some have suggested that "get my goat" may be related to "goad," as in "to prod" or "stick with a pointed end."

Regardless of its origin, "get my goat" resonates with all of us. Our daily lives

intersect with a diverse group of people from different backgrounds, opinions and person‑alities. The fast‑paced and stress‑filled sched‑ules we maintain open the gate and expose our goats to people and circumstances. As you read this series—entitled Hide Your Goat—I'll present ideas on how to herd your goat, lock your gate, identify people who hunt your goat, retrain your goat and provide nutritional (mental) advice on what to feed your goat.

Here's an example of someone getting my goat recently. It's a phone conversation I had with a potential client's receptionist: ____________________________________

Steve: May I please talk with Angela? Receptionist: She's in a meeting. Steve: Yes, I know. She asked me to call her

as soon as I could and give you my name. She said to tell whoever answered the phone to interrupt her in the meeting.

Receptionist: Who are you? Steve: I am an author and speaker. Receptionist: Why do you need to talk with

her? Steve: I'm not sure. She initiated the call

and requested that I reach her as soon as pos‑sible. She said she would be in a meeting but requested that she be interrupted to talk with me.

Receptionist: That's odd. I've never heard of you. Why would she need to talk with you?

Steve: As I already stated, I am returning her call. I assume she has either read one of my books, has heard me speak or is inquiring about me speaking.

Receptionist: How about I just put you through to her voicemail?

Steve: Do you have an email address that I can forward you her email to me requesting that I call her and also stating that it was OK to interrupt her in a meeting?

Receptionist: How will I know it was her original email and that you aren't just making it up to get to talk with her?

Steve: Can I just leave a message with you and you can let her know I called?

Receptionist: I would prefer you leave her a message on her voicemail.

Steve: OK fine, please put me through to her voicemail. ____________________________________

Continued on Page 18

Hide yoUr Goat - Part 1


Page 17: Advocate Issue 4

by Brenda eGGert Brader Communications and public relations Director

County commissioners and state legislators, when making decisions concerning animal health/welfare

issues, should immediately turn to the ex‑perts — a veterinarian or veterinary medical association — for information and advice. That was the strong message brought for‑ward at the Pinellas County Veterinary Medical Association’s political forum held October 15 in Pinellas County.

The PCVMA has a history of encourag‑ing friendly relationships among county commissioners, state legislators and veteri‑narians. The organization has been hosting this particular political rally for more than 14 years with successful results. The bring‑ing together of legislators and veterinarians has resulted in the development of friendly working relationships.

The grassroots event is invaluable be‑cause the PCVMA members who partici‑pate know all of their elected officials on a first‑name basis.

Veterinarian contacts have been consult‑ed and are able to help with all concerns affecting veterinary practices and those of community interest such as issues with feral cats or license fees.

“We need to be the voice concerning animal issues,” said Dr. Donald Morgan, District 4 Representative to the FVMA Ex‑ecutive Board. “I have had commissioners call me. We can offer our opinions. That is what it is all about.”

Dr. Morgan is greatly involved in the planning and hosting of the PCVMA’s political forum that invites the legislators, representatives, senators, county commis‑sioners and local candidates to a speak and meet affair.

“What you have to remember is that state or local legislators all have animals and take them to veterinarians,” Dr. Morgan said. “That’s why we have to get veterinarians engaged in the election process so when an issue comes up, we can have a stronger voice.”

Fifteen candidates attended the recent forum, some accompanied by spouses and legislative aides for a mix of 50‑60 people. Juhan Mixon of Mixon and Associates, who works on behalf of the FVMA in Tallahas‑see, moderated the event.

Dr. Stephen Shores, FVMA Legis‑lative Chairman, addressed the group, emphasizing the impor‑

tance of veterinarians being consulted as the voice on animal issues.

“Dr. Shores made it very clear that legis‑lators need to check with the experts,” Dr. Morgan said.

Once legislators get to know and are fa‑miliar with the veterinarians, it is easier for the veterinarians to discuss issues affecting the veterinary profession with the elected legislators when the veterinarians either visit them in Tallahassee or in their home districts. It is that constant contact promot‑ing familiarity that makes the difference.

PCVMAHosts Another Successful Biennial Political Forum Dr. Donald Morgan, organizer of the PCV‑

MA Forum, welcomes guests and dignitaries to the event.

Dr. Ernest Godfrey, left; Senator Jack Latvala and Dr. Richard Wilkes supported the event.

Dr. Stephen Shores, FVMA Legislative Committee Chair, shares FVMA concerns with legislators and guests.

Representative Larry Ahern presents his political platform during the event.

www.fvma.org | 17

Page 18: Advocate Issue 4




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The next noise I hear is the dial tone after being disconnected! By the time I got off the phone my goat was long gone!

Some people have been put on this earth to push our but‑tons, thereby seizing control over us, but they can't get your

goat if you don't tell them where it's tied up. And just where do you hide your goat? It all depends on what gets your particular goat—or, shall I say, pushes your buttons the wrong way.

Every day, you decide how you will respond to people and circumstances. You either have enough self‑esteem to accept

what life throws at you, or you feel the need to retaliate.

The mastery of life is the mastery of self. We all have our hot buttons that, when pushed, can cause us to emotionally deto‑

nate. However, people can only ruin your day (get your goat) if you give them permission. Allow yourself to acknowledge that emotions are attached to setbacks. I'm not suggesting you punch a hole in the wall or scream at the dog. A healthier alternative would be talking to someone who will act as your sounding board.

When you allow destructive emotions to consume your energy and make you negative, your goat is fully exposed and

vulnerable. When you look backward, trying to right wrongs done to you, you become resentful, angry, hateful and bitter. You cede power to the uncaring perpetrator instead of moving

your mind and energies forward.

Hit the Delete button on the resentment, jealou‑sies and self‑centeredness that consume you the moment someone tries to get your goat—and just let it go. This will free your mind to be receptive to any potentially more powerful messages and life‑changing lessons that could emerge from the experience—and protect your goat from the elements.

Steve Gilliland is one of the most sought-after speakers in the world. His appeal transcends barriers of age, culture, and occupa-tion. His book Enjoy The Ride™ has been on the publisher’s best selling list for seven years and he was named author of the year in 2010. For more infor-mation about his presentations and resources visit his website at www.stevegilliland.com.

Continued from Page 16

Page 19: Advocate Issue 4









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Page 21: Advocate Issue 4

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Page 22: Advocate Issue 4

ASSOCIATES SEEKING POSITIONVeterinary relief SerVice:� TaMpa, orlanDo, SaraSoTa anD SUrroUnD-ing areaS. Short/long term positions accepted. internship trained and in practice for 12 years. references available on request. Small animal, some avian, aquatics, and exotics. enjoy working with staff and clients. Contact Martha Keller, DVM at (813) 434-3070 or [email protected] (exp. issue 5/12:9212)

RELIEF VETERINARIANSexperienced hard working dVM for relief work in hobe Sound area.� proficient in general surgery. Call Todd rieke @ 651-485-4778 or [email protected] (exp. issue 4/12:17508)

experienced SMall aniMal Veterinarian–founded three hospitals, excellent client communication, compassionate care and respect for your staff are of the utmost importance, anywhere in florida r.a. Swiezy, DVM – 772-418-1939. (exp. issue 4/12:557)

WANTED RELIEF VET.� Two weekends a month in Key West, florida. enjoy the weather and work a little. Call 305-396-7628. (exp. 04/12:15392)

aSSociate Veterinarian needed full or part time for a small animal hospital located in Sarasota County, experience preferred. Wages are based on a percentage of gross with guaranteed minimum salary. We are looking for a veterinarian who is practicing high quality medicine, a skilled sur-geon and cares for his/hers patients. Quality and compassionate care is important for our practice. We have a great practice with a great team and look forward to finding a new team member. Send resumes via fax

to 941-473-9193 or email to [email protected]. you may also mail them to Sunnybrook animal Hospital attn: Tiberiu Stein-brecher 4089 South access rd englewood, fl 34224. Call 941-474-6393 or 941-730-4834. (exp. issue 4/12:6672)

part tiMe/relief Vet aVailable-35 yrs. experience, interest aCp(iVaS 2000) and integrative medicine, good surgical skills, Mid gulf Coast/consider travel, available Dec 2012-april 2013; (517) 803-7737; [email protected]; Dr Michael lifsey. (exp. issue 4/12:10738)

relief or part-tiMe Veterinarian aVailable in the taMpa area 30 years of experience as a practice owner. enjoy surgery and working with people, small animal only. Call Dr. Joe priest at 813-230-5998. (exp. issue 6/12:1289)

PRACTICES FOR SALESM a l l an i M a l pr ac t i ce fo r Sa l e - Jack S o n V i l l e , fl Thirty two year old small animal practice at the 5 point intersection of normandy blvd., Jacksonville, florida, for sale. 7500 sq. ft. building, two story facing two streets, vacant site. owner is retiring. Call Dr. D. gopal (904) 786-4919 or [email protected]. (exp. issue 4/12:1106)

SMall aniMal practice for Sale.� good location in Tampa. Hospital has been open since 1990. over 8500 Client bases. business and real estate are for sale. long lake animal Hospital 15415 n florida ave, Tampa, fl 33613. Call Dr. S. andrew Hong at (813) 205-3975. (exp. issue 4/12:9411)



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Florida Practices for Sale PRACTICE OWNERS—We are selling new Florida listings faster than ever before and have buyers lined up! If you have any thoughts of selling your practice, contact us today for a free consultation.

SOLD! North Miami SA, 1.5 dr. Only 5 months on market! (FL91B) SOLD! Space Coast AAHA, 1.5 dr. Only 6 months on market! (FL37E) SOLD! Winter Haven AAHA; busy intersection. Only on market for 6 months! (FL29A) Polk County Impeccable 3,000SF facility on busy 4-lane hwy. Tre-mendous growth. SA, 2 doctors. Compensation to buyer $340K after-debt service! Prx & RE $2,530K (FL72S) North Gainesville Virtual tour video available! AAHA, solo, SA. 2400SF facility. Computerized, paperless, state-of-art digital equipment. Gross $769K. Prx, 2 acres, stable/barn $893K. (FL21A) North of New Smyrna Virtual tour video available! Well-established solo, SA, leased facility. Very impressive equipment. 4.5 day weeks. Low overhead, highly profitable. $325K. (FL50A) UNDER CONTRACT! Jupiter Area. Solo, SA, $587K gross. 6000SF, new, 2 story building. Tremendous growth potential to energetic buyer! Prx & RE $895K. (FL4E)

UNDER CONTRACT! Southwest Coast Open 5.5 days/week. $1M+ gross w/ no brd, grm, nor emgcs. Prx & RE $1,810K (FL60G) BUYERS—If you have a practice in mind that you may like to purchase, we can help you, too! Contact us for a free consultation to learn how. Also, check our website for other listings nationwide.

1610 Frederica Road * Saint Simons Island, GA 31522 Toll Free: 800.333.1984 * www.simmonsinc.com

Email: [email protected] Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

Florida Practices for Sale PRACTICE OWNERS—We are selling new Florida listings faster than ever before and have buyers lined up! If you have any thoughts of selling your practice, contact us today for a free consultation.

SOLD! North Miami SA, 1.5 dr. Only 5 months on market! (FL91B) SOLD! Space Coast AAHA, 1.5 dr. Only 6 months on market! (FL37E) SOLD! Winter Haven AAHA; busy intersection. Only on market for 6 months! (FL29A) Polk County Impeccable 3,000SF facility on busy 4-lane hwy. Tre-mendous growth. SA, 2 doctors. Compensation to buyer $340K after-debt service! Prx & RE $2,530K (FL72S) North Gainesville Virtual tour video available! AAHA, solo, SA. 2400SF facility. Computerized, paperless, state-of-art digital equipment. Gross $769K. Prx, 2 acres, stable/barn $893K. (FL21A) North of New Smyrna Virtual tour video available! Well-established solo, SA, leased facility. Very impressive equipment. 4.5 day weeks. Low overhead, highly profitable. $325K. (FL50A) UNDER CONTRACT! Jupiter Area. Solo, SA, $587K gross. 6000SF, new, 2 story building. Tremendous growth potential to energetic buyer! Prx & RE $895K. (FL4E)

UNDER CONTRACT! Southwest Coast Open 5.5 days/week. $1M+ gross w/ no brd, grm, nor emgcs. Prx & RE $1,810K (FL60G) BUYERS—If you have a practice in mind that you may like to purchase, we can help you, too! Contact us for a free consultation to learn how. Also, check our website for other listings nationwide.

1610 Frederica Road * Saint Simons Island, GA 31522 Toll Free: 800.333.1984 * www.simmonsinc.com

Email: [email protected] Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

Florida Practices for Sale PRACTICE OWNERS—We are selling new Florida listings faster than ever before and have buyers lined up! If you have any thoughts of selling your practice, contact us today for a free consultation.

SOLD! North Miami SA, 1.5 dr. Only 5 months on market! (FL91B) SOLD! Space Coast AAHA, 1.5 dr. Only 6 months on market! (FL37E) SOLD! Winter Haven AAHA; busy intersection. Only on market for 6 months! (FL29A) Polk County Impeccable 3,000SF facility on busy 4-lane hwy. Tre-mendous growth. SA, 2 doctors. Compensation to buyer $340K after-debt service! Prx & RE $2,530K (FL72S) North Gainesville Virtual tour video available! AAHA, solo, SA. 2400SF facility. Computerized, paperless, state-of-art digital equipment. Gross $769K. Prx, 2 acres, stable/barn $893K. (FL21A) North of New Smyrna Virtual tour video available! Well-established solo, SA, leased facility. Very impressive equipment. 4.5 day weeks. Low overhead, highly profitable. $325K. (FL50A) UNDER CONTRACT! Jupiter Area. Solo, SA, $587K gross. 6000SF, new, 2 story building. Tremendous growth potential to energetic buyer! Prx & RE $895K. (FL4E)

UNDER CONTRACT! Southwest Coast Open 5.5 days/week. $1M+ gross w/ no brd, grm, nor emgcs. Prx & RE $1,810K (FL60G) BUYERS—If you have a practice in mind that you may like to purchase, we can help you, too! Contact us for a free consultation to learn how. Also, check our website for other listings nationwide.

1610 Frederica Road * Saint Simons Island, GA 31522 Toll Free: 800.333.1984 * www.simmonsinc.com

Email: [email protected] Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker

Florida Practices for Sale PRACTICE OWNERS—We are selling new Florida listings faster than ever before and have buyers lined up! If you have any thoughts of selling your practice, contact us today for a free consultation.

SOLD! North Miami SA, 1.5 dr. Only 5 months on market! (FL91B) SOLD! Space Coast AAHA, 1.5 dr. Only 6 months on market! (FL37E) SOLD! Winter Haven AAHA; busy intersection. Only on market for 6 months! (FL29A) Polk County Impeccable 3,000SF facility on busy 4-lane hwy. Tre-mendous growth. SA, 2 doctors. Compensation to buyer $340K after-debt service! Prx & RE $2,530K (FL72S) North Gainesville Virtual tour video available! AAHA, solo, SA. 2400SF facility. Computerized, paperless, state-of-art digital equipment. Gross $769K. Prx, 2 acres, stable/barn $893K. (FL21A) North of New Smyrna Virtual tour video available! Well-established solo, SA, leased facility. Very impressive equipment. 4.5 day weeks. Low overhead, highly profitable. $325K. (FL50A) UNDER CONTRACT! Jupiter Area. Solo, SA, $587K gross. 6000SF, new, 2 story building. Tremendous growth potential to energetic buyer! Prx & RE $895K. (FL4E)

UNDER CONTRACT! Southwest Coast Open 5.5 days/week. $1M+ gross w/ no brd, grm, nor emgcs. Prx & RE $1,810K (FL60G) BUYERS—If you have a practice in mind that you may like to purchase, we can help you, too! Contact us for a free consultation to learn how. Also, check our website for other listings nationwide.

1610 Frederica Road * Saint Simons Island, GA 31522 Toll Free: 800.333.1984 * www.simmonsinc.com

Email: [email protected] Licensed Florida Real Estate Broker


Page 23: Advocate Issue 4

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