Advertising to Children Impossible To Ignore & Avoid Holzworth and Woodruff

Advertising to Children

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Advertising to Children. I mpossible To Ignore & Avoid Holzworth and Woodruff. Advertising to Children. Advertising to Children. The Problem. Children are considered a vulnerable group Yet they are responsible for a large amount of product consumption - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Advertising to ChildrenImpossible To Ignore & AvoidHolzworth and Woodruff


Advertising to Children


Younger children, with less developed critical faculties, were less persuaded by advertising than older children (Ambler 886)

2The Problem

Advertising to ChildrenChildren are considered a vulnerable groupYet they are responsible for a large amount of product consumption Advertising is often blamed for youth issues

Hard to differentiate between kid/adult entertainment

Economic issues if we stop advertising to children

Advertisers are blamed while consumer obsession with media is ignored


1. Advertising to children is impossible to avoid 2. Advertising to children is a response to the market3. Children are smarter than we give them credit for*there will be a quiz later!

Advertising to ChildrenArgumentsRegulation does not work What age is appropriate? No consensus- slippery slope

Directly/indirectly kids influence spending of roughly $400 billion/year

Narirn & Fine suggest the argument that children cannot cope with advertising is flawed They reject what classic (Piagetian) model for papers in the field of the ethics of advertising to children (Ambler 886) 4Human Portrayals in Advertising

Advertising to ChildrenNo Advertising + No Product Placement=No FUNding1. Advertising to children is impossible to avoid FUN

Without Advertising, programming would fail to profitAds generate money for schools and organizations that benefit kids

Without advertising generates moneySo does product placement

5RegulationWhat age would we start?How do we enforce it?Why do current regulations keep failing?

Advertising to ChildrenRegulations are hard to put in place and even harder to enforce

there is no magic age at which children can suddenly resist per- suasion since that depends on the advertising format under discussion and not on the maturity of the child. (Amber 887)

Digital media are owned internationally, not necessarily in the country regulated, the material may dissipate immedi- ately after it has been published and some service providers are unlikely to conform with any rules. (Ambler 889) Word of mouth and email, now sometimes called viral marketing, are also self-policing because the parties conversing are known to each other

FCC rules: limits number of minutes in childrens programming (10.5 per hour on weekends; 12 per hour on weekdays. Regulates program-length commercials (buffer between and no promotion in content) Regulates sponsor identification


Our Suggestion?Make it more profitable for kids to get what they need7

Advertising to Children2. Advertising to children is a response to the market


Which one are children? 8

Advertising to Children

Allow us to remind you 85% of kids- helped parents pick out sneakers90% childrens preference are important in decisions on what to buy (close 84/96% snacks 78/88%) Responsibility/Awareness of products help kids learn to make decisions; kids should have some say otherwise they will never grow up/be free/learn from mistakes etc. (cant shelter forever)

9From cupcakes to sneakers & clothes, oh my!

85% of kids- helped parents pick out sneakers90% childrens preference are important in decisions on what to buy (close 84/96% snacks 78/88%) Responsibility/Awareness of products help kids learn to make decisions; kids should have some say otherwise they will never grow up/be free/learn from mistakes etc. (cant shelter forever)


Advertising to Children

The parents are responsible & they have resources RESEARCHERS FROM BOOK (COUNTERACTIVE MEASURES)Daniel KahnemanRobert Cialdini Daniel Gilbert booksDaniel Myers

70-80% of parents talk to children about TV shows and news stories

Ads stimulate conversation

Responsibility/Awareness of products help kids learn to make decisions; kids should have some say otherwise they will never grow up/be free/learn from mistakes etc. (cant shelter forever)


Work from the earlier period found, for example, that younger children, with less developed critical faculties, were less persuaded by advertising than older children-Ambler 886 Advertising to Children3. Children are smarter than we give them credit for

The dual process model has similarities with the longer-established ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model)

implicit, route that avoids the conscious rational analysis and affects atti- tudes as a result of automatic affective reactions resulting from the particular associations that are activated automatically when one encounters a relevant stimulus (Gawronski & Bodenhausen 2006, p. 693).


Just one more time Remember the Elaboration Likelihood Mode

The ELM is used in the advertising literature with central and peripheral routes corresponding to explicit and implicit routes in the dual process model.

implicit, route that avoids the conscious rational analysis and affects atti- tudes as a result of automatic affective reactions resulting from the particular associations that are activated automatically when one encounters a relevant stimulus13

Advertising to ChildrenThe Dual Process Model Children have not yet had their attitudes MANIUPATED, meaning that all their views are EXPLICITIn turn, they are able to make consumer decisions that are not based on manipulation

Children able to make consumer choices in line with her explicit attitudes, rather than her manipulated implicit attitudes, in reasonably naturalistic choice situations. (p. 459) (Ambler 887)

Attempted persuasion that counters iIn turn, they are able to make consumer mplicit attitude reff14ThusThe argument that children cannot cope with advertising because their rational faculties are not yet developed collapses

the same applies for any age group

15And it all leads back to Dylan

Advertising to Children

Its their path so it really doesnt matter


Advertising to Children


Who is the smartest kid you know? 18ReferencesAmbler, T. (2008). Whose minds are messed up?. International Journal Of Advertising, 27(5), 885-895. doi:10.2501/S0265048708080268The industry must unite against bans. (2002). Campaign (UK), (5), 18.http://mashable.com/2013/10/28/children-under-2-mobile-media-study/