Advertising MS1

Advertising lessons

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  • 1. Advertising MS1

2. Lesson 1 To identify key techniques used by advertisers to target audiences To understand the purpose and intent of adverts To identify how audiences are segmented by advertisers 3. Starter activity On a piece of paper, jot down the last 3 items you have purchased If you were persuaded to buy any of these 3 things because of advertising, write this down Discuss with a partner whether you have been persuaded to buy a product in the past because of advertising (a particular brand of perfume, deodorant, clothes etc.) 4. Persuasive techniques Have a look at the key persuasive techniques used by advertisers. Highlight any that may have influenced you to buy products you identified in the starter activity 5. Young and Rubicam Young and Rubicams Cross-Cultural Characteristics are called this because despite different cultures in different countries across the world, their research found that consumers still have the same psychosocial needs. Read through the 4 main ones can you identify any brands or companies that might link to these 4 main consumer groups? 6. Stereotyping In adverts: Come up on your table with stereotypes for the following people: (think about what they buy, what they do for a job and how they behave and look) Men Women (in their 30s) Older people 7. Our first Adidas case study Adidas Originals All Originals Represents Watch the advert through twice Make notes on the following: Representations of people (stereotypes) Representations of place Persuasive techniques Who is the target audience? Can you link it to Young & Rubicam? 8. Lesson 2 - starter Re-watch the first Adidas advert with Nicki Minaj again this time make notes on visual and technical codes 9. To explore how visual & technical codes develop and anchor meaning To consider and understand how race is stereotyped in advertising for Adidas 10. Representations & ethnicity Have a look at the notes on Richard Dyers theory about black representations in the media Are there are any of his categories you can link to the advert? Re-watch again if necessary 11. Back to Young & Rubicam Have a think about the psychosocial theory again can you identify any links to the groups and this advert how are they targeting them? Then write up your ideas into 2 paragraphs (about half a side of handwriting) 12. Print based adverts Have a look at the 3 print based adverts from the Adidas Originals. Annotate around them, commenting on stereotyping, layout and design elements (look for typeface, size and any language used). 13. Are these adverts widening the target audience of the brand? Or are focusing on the target audience youve already identified? 14. Lesson 3 Starter what do you know about the Adidas brand? 15. To understand how brand image and identity is formed and reinforced. To understand how Originals uses heritage and nostalgia to help create a distinct image for Adidas To consider how intertextuality and historical fashion has been reused for a new generation 16. Watch the 2nd moving image advert for Originals, Unite All Originals from Spring 2013, a follow up from the 2012 Nicki Minaj. Make notes on visual & technical codes, persuasive techniques and representational issues. 17. Brand identity (allaboutbrands.com) A unique set of associations that the brand stratgetist aspires to create or maintain. These associations represent what the brand should stand for and imply a potential to customers. Explore the adidas originals website on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/use/adidasoriginals Explore how a sense of nostalgia and retro is created (the Stan Smith interview video is good for this). On your table, write up a detailed list of examples on your A3 paper with examples. Extension Facebook page for the brand, again note how its successful, followers, likes etc. Look at the mediation part of your handout and link this to the page.