Adverbs of Degree García Domínguez Francisco English VI Flores Macías Montserrat

Adverbs of Degree

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Page 1: Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of Degree

García Domínguez FranciscoEnglish VIFlores Macías Montserrat

Page 2: Adverbs of Degree


An adverb is a word that modifies a verb. It tells us more about the verb.Example: Tina sang softly to herself as she finished

her work.

An adverb can also modify an adjective.Example: The ship was very huge.

An adverb can also modify another adverb.Example: Geraldine carried the suitcase pretty easily.

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Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs that answer the question: how much? Or to what extent? are known as adverbs of degree.

The view from the top is very beautiful.Why are you doing eating the popcorn so quickly?I totally enjoyed the ride.

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Adverbs of Degree

How hard is your homework? It’s not so hard. It’s fairly hard It’s very hard. It’s extremely hard It’s completely terrifying!

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Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of Degree tell us about intensity or degree of action, an adjective or another adverb.

Common examples of adverbs of degree:





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Adverbs of Degree

Adverb• Almost• Completely• Entirely• Nearly• Partially• Perfectly• Pretty• Quite• Rather• Very• Wholly

Adverbio• Casi• Completamente• Enteramente• Casi• Parcialmente• Perfectamente• Bastante• Bastante• Bastante• Muy• Enteramente

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Placement of Adverbs of Degree

Adverbs of Degree are usually placed:Before the adjective and adverb they modifyBefore the main verb.

Examples:The ride was really exciting.The car ran very swiftly.I almost finished my homework.

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It is very  hot (adverbio + adjetivo).Hace mucho calor. He travels to New York quite  often (adverbio + adverbio).Viaja a Nueva York bastante a menudo. It is hot enough  to go to the beach (adjetivo + enough).Hace calor suficiente para ir a la playa. We ran fast enough  to win the race (adverbio + enough).Corrimos lo suficientemente rápido para ganar la carrera. We have enough tomatoes.Tenemos suficientes tomates.

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Suelen ir delante del verbo principal, detrás del verbo "to be" y detrás del auxiliar en los tiempos compuestos.

I have hardly  known her.Apenas la he conocido. I completely  forgot our date.Olvidé completamente nuestra cita. You were really  trying to help her.Estabais realmente intentando ayudarla.

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Los adverbios "absolutely", "completely", "totally", y "rather" pueden ir en posición final.

I forgot our date completely.Olvidé nuestra cita completamente.I completely  forgot our date.Olvidé completamente nuestra cita

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Choose an adverb of degree to complete each sentence. Which word is the adverb modifying?

I’m so tired that I can ______ keep my eyes open.I _____ believe you will make the team.Be careful! You ____ fell from that _____ tall tree.Can I ____ come to the game?

Also much hardly greatly very

Rather so firmly almost nearly

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Choose an adverb of degree to complete each sentence. Which word is the adverb modifying?

I’m so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open.I firmly believe you will make the team.Be careful! You nearly fell from that very tall tree.Can I also come to the game?

Also much hardly greatly very

Rather so firmly almost nearly

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