Adventure Activities Cooperative Games, Trust Games, Initiative Activities Unit Plan EDCI 429 Doug Withstandley 1

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Adventure Activities

Cooperative Games, Trust Games, Initiative Activities

Unit Plan

EDCI 429 Doug Withstandley


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Justin Lewis Table of Contents

Class Description 3

Global Goals 3

Learning Objectives 4

Standards 5

Assessment and Grading 6

Developmental Analysis 7

Safety Considerations 7

Equipment List 8-9

Day 1 - The Great Communicator 10

Day 2 - Caution: Construction Zone 11

Day 3 - The Riverboat 12

Day 4 - Skywriters 13

Day 5 - Toxic Waste Transfer 14

Day 6 - Team-A-Pod 15

Day 7 - Ship to Shore 16

Day 8 - Arachnophobia 17

Day 9 - Caterpillar over the Mountain 18

Day 10 - Rope Knots 19

Day 11 - The Revising Pyramid 20

Day 12 - Human Ladder 21

Assessments 22-25


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Resources 26

Adventure Activities Cooperative Games, Trust Games, Initiative Activities

Class Overview and Introduction:

The purpose of each of these activities is to help students develop team cooperation, trust, communication skills, and problem solving skills. Throughout the activities the students will be enhancing their personal development and challenged as individuals to face their own perceived limitations. Teamwork is developed by working, playing, and accomplishing goals together.

Class Description:

Grade: 10th

Number of students: 30

Class Length: 46 minutes

Times per week: 5

Gender: Co-ed


Students will develop the social skills necessary to live and function in a Democratic society for the duration of their lives. Students will gain a knowledge and appreciation for teamwork, which will be of considerable use for the duration of their lives. Students will develop minute and complex skills in a variety of activities that will aid them in everyday activities for the duration of their lives.


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Learning Objectives

These activities are designed to meet the National Standards for Physical Education. After completing this unit, the student will:

Affective Objectives:

• SWBAT apply rules and safety procedures, practice sportsmanship and teamwork, and cooperatively participate in a variety of group and individual fitness activities.

• Students will develop the social skills necessary to comfortably and enjoyably participate in cooperative activities.

• Students will recognize patterns of growth and development among their classmates throughout the unit.

• Students will use communication strategies and skills effectively to present ideas to others.

• Students will analyze and reflect on ideas while paying attention and listening in a variety of situations.

• Students will encourage group members to offer ideas and points of view to help with communication and listening skills.

• Students will respect that a solution may require honoring another students’ points of view.

• Students will show respect for the teacher and peers for the duration of the unit by following directions and rules.

• Students will learn the importance of teamwork while completing team activities throughout the unit.

Cognitive Objectives:

• SWBAT use listening and observation skills to gain understanding of material being relayed to them.

• Students will use a variety of effective listening strategies that will help them in their activities and on any assessments given by the teacher.

• Students will gain knowledge on the importance of teamwork and how to be a team player throughout the unit.

Psychomotor Objectives:

• Students will develop fundamental physical skills and progress to complex movement activities as physically able.

• Students will acquire various minute and complex skills to move safely throughout daily activities.


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• Students will understand concepts of physical fitness while completing the fitness components in the lessons.

National Standards

Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.

9.1.1 Demonstrate the ability to use and appreciate activity-specific skills. 9.1.4 Develop specific skills at an advanced or skilled performance level.

Standard 2: Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.

9.2.1 Synthesize previously learned strategies into advanced game strategies.

Standard 3: Exhibit a physically active lifestyle.

9.3.2 Identify physical activities that contribute to the improvement of specific fitness components.

Standard 5: Demonstrate responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

9.5.1 Demonstrate safe and appropriate use and care of equipment and facilities.

Standard 6: Understands that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self expression, and social interaction.

9.6.1 Identify positive aspects of participation in several different physical activities.

9.6.2 Demonstrate comfort in personal expression. 9.6.3 Identify the positive feelings that result from physical activity and

participation alone and with others.


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Assessment Materials

Evaluation Practices Influence:

• Students’ ability to retain and apply varied contexts and ways the material is learned.

• The development of students' learning skills and styles. • Students' continuing motivation, both in particular subjects and more

generally. • Students' self-perceptions, such as their perceptions of their self-efficacy

as learners.

Assessment: Notebook 50 %Attendance and Participation 10 % Social Development (see below) 20 %Written Assignments and Quizzes 20 %

Notebook: includes completion of debriefing questions and team report cards after each activity. All of the write-ups will be presented in a notebook at the end of the year. The notebook will also include any other materials that the students find appropriate, as well as various work samples for other parts of this class. Social Development: includes attitude, cooperation with teacher and students, leadership abilities, and following directions.


90-100% = A 80 - 89% = B 70 - 79% = C


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60 - 69% = D less than 59% = retake

Developmental Analysis

TC = Teamwork, Cooperation CL = Communication, Listening Skills T = Trust L = Leadership

PS = Problem Solving

Activity TC CL T L PS Riverboat X X X Skywriters X X X X Toxic Waste Transfer X X X Caution: Construction Zone X Great Communicator X Arachnophobia X X X X Team-A-Pod X X X Caterpillar over the Mountain X X Ship to Shore X X X X Rope Knots X X Human Ladder X X X X X Revising Pyramid X X X X

Safety Considerations

All Safety rules should be dated, distributed and discussed in class.

Safety rules should be posted for students to see.

• Self Awareness: Is critical that each student knows where he or she is at, location wise, for the duration of each lesson.

• Spotting: Spotting of partners or group members is very crucial when

certain activities are being performed. Students should always help spot their teammates and other students while they are completing a task.


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• Attention: Paying close attention to the teacher’s directions will lead to a decrease in the number of problems that could possibly occur. Students should always pay close attention to teacher’s instructions.

Equipment List

Day 1:

Keep it Clean basketballs, yarn balls, footballs, gator-balls Push-up Routine none The Great Communicator Pencil and Piece of Paper for each student

Picture for the Great Communicator to describe Clipboard for Great Communicator

Day 2:

Frisbee Catch and Throw 15 Frisbees Circuit Training 10 cones, 10 sign holders Caution: Construction Zone 1-4 blindfolds per group

Puzzle pieces - color coded Day 3:

Mirror, Mirror none Stretching Stations 10 cones, 10 sign holders The Riverboat 2 standard tumbling mats or pieces of plywood 2 small tires 2 long jump ropes or pieces of rope

Day 4:

Equipment Fun Scarves, mats, balls, Jump Ropes 30 Jump Ropes Skywriters Cargo net

Soft surface to crash on to for safety Shapes to be built (square, circle, triangle, etc.) Paper and pencils

Day 5:

Scarf Tag 60 scarves Interval Training none Toxic Waste Transfer 5-gallon bucket (attach 10-12 ropes, 8 feet in

length by drilling holes in the bucket)


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5-gallon bucket to transfer material into Protective clothing

Day 6:

Foot Tag soccer balls Pillar Series none Team-A-Pod Cones to mark start and finish points

Soft surface to go across (grass will work) Day 7:

Paper or Plastic? 15 paper bags and 15 plastic bags ½ Mile Run 15 Frisbees Ship to Shore Places designated as shore and ship

Ways for students to get across ocean Day 8:

Jewels of the Crown Bean bags (as many as possible) Push-up Routine none Arachnophobia 2 high balance beams or other sturdy supports

20 to 30 yards of elastic string or yarn Area for the students to fall

Day 9:

Pac-Man Tag none Circuit Training 10 cones, 10 sign holders

Caterpillar over the Mountain mats, benches, blocks, carpet squares Day 10:

Moon Ball balloons, gator-balls, volleyballs Dyna-bands 30 dyna-bands Rope Knots none

Day 11:

Roll with It basketballs, soccer balls, footballs Stretching Stations 10 cones, 10 sign holders The Revising Pyramid none

Day 12:


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Balance Tag none Jump Ropes 30 Jump Ropes Human Ladder 15 dowel rods

Day 1: Introductory Activity: Keep it Clean Try to pass the ball between partners without letting the ball touch the ground. If the task is too difficult, then choose another ball that is easier to pass. If the task is too simple, then choose another ball that is harder to pass. Fitness Activity: Push Up Routine Muscular Endurance - students work with one partner. Explain and demonstrate some movements students can do from a push-up position synchronized with a partner. With two people facing one another in push-up position, demonstrate Culminating Activity: The Great Communicator Lesson Focus: Communicating and Listening Objective: Group members need to practice speaking to one another so that they can clearly explain the ideas they wish to put into action. Description: The group members sit either in a semicircle or randomly in an area assigned only to that group. One member of the group is selected as the Great Communicator. The Great Communicator attempts to describe a picture in teams that will allow the group members to draw the objects being described. The Great Communicator may not, however, use certain terms describing standard shapes. Terms such as circle, square, rectangle or triangle may not be used. Also, group members may not ask the Great Communicator questions or request further descriptions. Rules: 1. The Great Communicator may not use certain terms describing standard shapes. 2. Terms such as circle, square, rectangle or triangle may not be used. 3. Group members may not ask the Great Communicator questions or request further descriptions. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult?


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• Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?

Day 2: Introductory Activity: Frisbee Throw and Catch The objective of this activity is to keep the Frisbee under control on the throws. The point of this activity is to get students use to throwing and catching objects to and from each other. Fitness Activity: Circuit Training Muscular Strength & Endurance, Flexibility - students will perform each exercise or stretch as required by each station in the circuit. Culminating Activity: Caution: Construction Zone Lesson Focus: Communicating and Listening Objective: Group members, using verbal clues and cues, will assist other group members (the construction workers), who will be wearing blindfolds, to assemble a large puzzle. The challenge is not only for the blindfolded group members to complete the puzzle, but also for the sighted group members to communicate in a clear manner so that the construction workers can successfully follow the directions given to them. Description: Blindfold as many of the group members as you wish. After blindfolding the designated construction workers, the sighted group members mix up the parts of the puzzle. Although there is no end to the types of puzzles you or your students could create, we assume the puzzle you will use will become a square when assembled. The sighted group-members speak five verbal directions to the blindfolded construction workers. The construction workers will need to be guided to the puzzle pieces and then be guided in assembling them. The sighted groups are not allowed to touch the puzzle pieces or the blindfolded group members. Rules: 1. Only the blindfolded members may touch the puzzle pieces. 2. If sighted members physically touch puzzle pieces, the group must mix up the puzzle again and start from the beginning. Processing Questions:


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• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult? • Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?

Day 3: Introductory Activity: Mirror, Mirror The objective of this activity is to keep the leader within reach when the teacher gives the stop signal. Also, students should be trying to mirror the actions of the leader by doing whatever the leader is doing. The purpose of this activity is to get students use to changing directions quickly and under control.

Fitness Activity: Stretching Stations Flexibility - Students will be paired with one other student and rotate throughout the stations working on the stretches described at the station. Students should work together since these are partner stretches at each station. Culminating Activity: The Riverboat Lesson Focus: Team Cooperation, Trust Development, and Problem Solving Objective: Task is for a group to transport themselves across a large open space. Description: The team will transfer themselves from one area to the other without touching the ground with their bodies. The group may use two folded tumbling mats (or pieces of plywood) to create a riverboat. All members of the team and all equipment must make it to the other side. Rules: 1. If a group member touches the ground with any part of their body, the entire group must go back to the starting position. 2. All equipment must be brought across the river. 3. No one may call a teammate by his or her last name. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult? • Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?


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Day 4: Introductory Activity: Equipment Fun To see how creative they can become while working with the piece of equipment they have chosen. Fitness Activity: Jump Rope Cardio-respiratory Endurance - students will jump rope for a specified time. Teacher will specify time and jump skill. (Regular, R-foot, L-foot, bell, slalom) Culminating Activity: Skywriters Lesson Focus: Communication, Team Cooperation, Trust Development, and Problem Solving Objective: Group members will attempt to build a series of shapes or patterns on a cargo net using the bodies of all the group members to form each figure. Description: Group members begin by standing under the cargo net. All the members must climb onto the cargo net to form a shape. After the shape is approved, all the group members must get off the cargo net before the next shape is constructed. Using paper and pencils, the group can prepare a plan whereby each person is assigned a specific part of the designated shape. Rules: 1. All group members must be on the cargo net and off the floor when the shape is constructed. 2. All group members must be on the same side of the net. 3. All group members must get off the net before the next shape is constructed. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult? • Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?


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Day 5: Introductory Activity: Scarf Tag Students will attempt to get as many scarves as a team as possible. Fitness Activity: Interval Training Muscular Strength - Students will learn the meaning of interval training with muscular endurance by completing an exercise with full exertion for a short time then having a rest period before completing another time period. Exercises include crunches, squat jumps, and push ups. Culminating Activity: Toxic Waste Transfer Lesson Focus: Teamwork, Cooperation, Leadership, and Problem Solving Objective: Task requires each group to transport objects across an open space without directly touching the objects or their container. The group will manipulate a bucket filled with small objects using ropes attached to the bucket. Description: After forming a circle around the 5-gallon bucket and holding the ends of the ropes attached to the bucket. The group will transport the bucket from one location to another. When they reach the location, they will be required to transfer some of the contents of the bucket into the other container. If something is spilled (toxic waste) then the team must choose a member of the team to dress in protective clothing, remove the contents, come back, remove the protective clothing, and then the team goes again. Each time there is a spill, a new team member is the toxic waste expert. Rules: 1. If the toxic waster bucket touches the floor, the entire group must start over. 2. Students without protective clothing may not touch the toxic waste. 3. No last names or put-downs may be used. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult? • Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who?


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• What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?

Day 6: Introductory Activity: Foot Tag Students will attempt to hit as many feet as possible during the time limit. After throwing the ball the students retrieve the ball, return to the playing area, and continue playing trying to hit as many different classmates’ feet as possible. Fitness Activity: Pillar series Muscular Endurance - Students will work through a series of core strengthening exercises on teachers command. Students will perform 3 sets/30 seconds each exercise. Culminating Activity: Team-A-PodLesson Focus: Teamwork, Cooperation, Trust Development, Problem Solving Objective: Members must physically assist and balance one another while traveling across a designated space. Description: The group will creatively sculpt with their bodies a large millipede-like creature that moves with only a limited number of body parts touching the ground. The team will move themselves across an area (about 30 feet) with collectively only five body parts in contact with the ground. This challenge is set-up for a seven member team. The number of floor contact points can change depending on the number of team members. Rules: 1. If more than the number of specified contact points touches the floor, the entire team must return to the starting line. 2. No last names or put-downs may be used. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult? • Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?


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Day 7: Introductory Activity: Paper or Plastic? To see how far apart the students can get and still be able to catch each others bags before they touch the ground. Also, to see how many different forms of movement the students can use while attempting the task. Fitness Activity: ½ Mile Run Cardiovascular Endurance - Students will complete the ½ mile run at the beginning of class. Students who are finished may begin throwing and catching a Frisbee until the rest of the class has completed their run. Culminating Activity: Ship to Shore Lesson Focus: Teamwork, Cooperation, Trust Development, Leadership, and Problem Solving Objective: To work as a team using teamwork, cooperation, trust development, leadership, and problem solving to get across from ship to shore without hitting water. Description: A team is stranded on a sinking ship in the ocean. The team members must devise a way to get back to shore before the ship goes down. Group members will begin to travel with equipment on their stranded ship in the middle of the ocean. All team members must travel from the ship to island 1 and stay on island 1 before advancing to island 2. Teammates must stay at island 2 before traveling to shore. Rules: 1. All group members must reach island 1 before anyone travels to island 2. 2. All group members must reach and remain on island 2 before traveling to shore. 3. Group members may not touch the water with any part of their bodies. 4. If any rule is broken, the person who broke the rule plus a successful member must return to the ship and start over. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task?


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• Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult? • Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?

Day 8: Introductory Activity: Jewels in the Crown Students are trying to get as many bean bags as they can. Fitness Activity: Push Up Routine Muscular Endurance - students work with one partner. Explain and demonstrate some movements students can do from a push-up position synchronized with a partner. With two people facing one another in push-up position, demonstrate Culminating Activity: Arachnophobia Lesson Focus: Teamwork, Cooperation, Problem Solving, Leadership, Trust Development Objective: To work as a team using all skills (teamwork, cooperation, and problem solving, leadership, and trust development) needed to get through a horizontal spider-web without touching any part of the web. Description: This is a difficult challenge that requires a great deal of physical help from teammates. All group members must travel from one end of the web to the other-without touching the web or any supports that hold the web. Group members must travel over each web strand. They are not to travel under the web. Rules: 1. All group members must start at one end of the web. 2. Team members must not touch any part of the web or any part of the supports. 3. Group members must never travel under the web. 4. If a rule is broken, the group must sacrifice the one who made the mistake plus one or more successful members as needed for assistance reentering the web. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult?


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• Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?

Day 9: Introductory Activity: Pac-man Tag Students are to stay on the lines and try to tag as many students as they can. Fitness Activity: Circuit Training Muscular Strength & Endurance, Flexibility - students will perform each exercise or stretch as required by each station in the circuit. Culminating Activity: Caterpillar over the Mountain Lesson Focus: Teamwork, Cooperation Objective: A group will attempt to crawl on hands and knees while holding the ankles of those in front of you and crawl over the mountain Description: Groups work together either to construct a mountain or to move it into place. The mountain can consist of a bench, large play blocks, or anything else that appeals to them. Once the group has helped move the mountain, they again work together to put the grass on top of the mountain. A mat draped over the mountain makes good grass. To form the caterpillar, the group lines up on their hands and knees, and hold the ankles of the group member in front of them. Caterpillars can link up with other caterpillars until one giant caterpillar is formed, which crawls over the mountain and slides down the other side. A whole-class caterpillar may need more than one mountain to crawl over. Rules: 1. If a group member touches the floor, that person and one more successful person must return to cliff 1. 2. If a group member falls off a cliff onto the floor, that person and one successful person must go back to cliff 1. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult? • Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?


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Day 10: Introductory Activity: Moon Ball To see which team can keep the ball in play the longest. Fitness Activity: Dyna-bands Muscular Endurance - Students will hold dyna bands and stretch the bands between their hands to the music of a song on the stereo. Students should stretch the band to the beat for the entire song. Culminating Activity: Rope Knots Lesson Focus: Teamwork, Cooperation, and Problem Solving Objective: The group will work as a team to untie the knots without letting go of the rope. Description: Tie three simple slip through knots at about the quarter, half and three-quarter points. Instruct people to take hold of the rope with one hand, making sure that there are 2, 3, 4 people along each quarter of the rope. The task is then to untie the knots without letting go of the rope. Rules: All group members must not let go of the rope at any time. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult? • Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?


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Day 11: Introductory Activity: Roll with It Teamwork and Passing Skills. Fitness Activity: Stretching Stations Flexibility - Students will be paired with one other student and rotate throughout the stations working on the stretches described at the station. Students should work together since these are partner stretches at each station. Culminating Activity: The Revising Pyramid Lesson Focus: Teamwork, Cooperation, and Problem Solving Objective: The groups will reverse a pyramid by moving only three people using communication skills Description: Divide your class into groups and group members to arrange themselves into a stacked standing pyramid. The group then reverses the apex and base of the pyramid (triangle) by moving only three people. Rules: Group members must be connected together at all times. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult? • Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?


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Day 12: Introductory Activity: Balance Tag Students will attempt to avoid getting tagged; while working on Balance and Chasing/Fleeing. Fitness Activity: Jump Rope Cardio-respiratory Endurance - students will jump rope for a specified time. Teacher will specify time and jump skill. (Regular, R-foot, L-foot, bell, slalom) Culminating Activity: Human Ladder Lesson Focus: Teamwork, Cooperation, and Problem Solving Objective: Students will attempt to walk across the ladder held by their teammates. Description: Group members hold a dowel rod between them at about waist high level. Each partner group should face each other and stand shoulder to shoulder with another partner group. The formation will appear as a ladder with students being the rails, and the dowel rods being the rungs. One student will then attempt to walk across the ladder. Rules: The walker should be instructed not to stay on any one rung for a long amount of time, but the walker also should not run. Processing Questions:

• What was the objective? • Was there anything easy about the task? • Was there anything difficult? If, so why was it difficult? • Did anyone emerge as a leader? If so, who? • What skill(s) was needed to complete the task? • What did you like about the task?


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Notebook Assignment

Throughout the unit we will be completing a variety of activities that you may have not ever participated in. Throughout the semester you will surely have many likes and dislikes for each lesson. The objective of this daily assignment is for you to express those likes and dislikes in a notebook. Directions: After each lesson, answer the processing questions about that activity. Specifications:

1) notebook must be dated on a daily basis 2) notebook entries must be written in pen and legible 3) notebook must have your name and class period on the inside cover

Day 4 Fitness Assessment

Students Name: __________________________ Today for the fitness activity we will be completing a series of jump rope movements. We will record our heart rates prior to jumping rope and immediately after jumping rope. Resting Heart Rate: _________


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Heart Rate After Exercise: ________

Day 6 Team A Pod Assessment

Students Name: _____________________ This assignment will be due tomorrow at the beginning of class. It may be typed or written in pen. In a few sentences explain how the members in your group could have done the activity more effectively. What worked best? What did not work? Also explain how you as an individual contributed to the team’s success.


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Name: ____________________

Adventure Activities Unit Test

Directions: Circle the choice that best answers the question.

1) Muscular strength can best be defined as: a. The amount of force a muscle can move for multiple repetitions b. The amount of force a muscle can move for one maximal repetition c. A muscles ability to hold force at a certain angle

2) When balancing on one leg it is best to:

a. Close your eyes b. Hold arms close to your body c. Keep eyes open and hold arms out from body

3) Cooperation is an important part of Adventure Education. The best way to

cooperate with classmates in a group setting is to: a. Talk when other group member are talking b. Actively listen and play your role in the group c. Not conform with the rest of the group

4) Flexibility is a good measure of overall fitness. A flexible person is likely to

exhibit: a. Flexibility in all of the major joints and muscles in the body b. Soreness and stiffness on a daily basis c. Flexibility in their lower body only

5) The most effective way to complete group activities is to:

a. Allow one person to make all the decisions for a group b. Not to participate and help the group c. Work together as a team to complete the task

Directions: Circle TRUE or FALSE to answer the question or phrase.

6) Cardiovascular Endurance is best described as the hearts ability to pump oxygenated blood throughout the body during strenuous physical activity. TRUE/ FALSE


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7) The best way to be a good listener is to not pay attention while someone

is speaking and talk when they are talking. TRUE/ FALSE

8) Muscular Endurance is a muscles ability to move an amount of force for a high number of repetitions. TRUE/ FALSE

9) Problem Solving is a large part of Adventure Education and is best

completed in groups that have a responsible group leader. TRUE/ FALSE

10) Teamwork is a process in which an individual is heavily responsible for their role in the group activity, while working cooperatively with other members of the group. TRUE/ FALSE


Page 26: Adventure Activities - Tripodkatieseleskie.tripod.com/Final Adventure Education Unit Plan.pdf · Adventure Activities Cooperative Games, Trust Games, Initiative Activities Unit Plan


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