Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day

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Page 1: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day


Page 2: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day


You are invited to enter this season of Advent with intention and awareness. As we prepare, watch and wait for that wonderful something God is sending our way not just at Christmas, but every single


Set aside the busyness of the holiday and use these daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi-ence will make the Christmas story come alive in your heart and in the heart of our community.

Pick up a copy of this booklet to share with a friend, or download it at our website:


Page 3: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day


Day 1, Page 4: 1st Sunday in Advent. Hope by Sarah Lundholm

Day 2, Page 5: If You Have a Heart by Jenna Schroedel

Day 3, Page 6: God Prepares Us by Linda Crouch

Day 4, Page 7: People of Faith… by Brenda Calovini

Day 5, Page 8: There is Always Hope, by Sue Dietrich

Day 6, Page 9: As Long as Ever You Can by Mary Kotnik

Day 7, Page 10: Happiness Is… by Jeff Hastings

Day 8, Page 11: 2nd Sunday in Advent Love

Day 9, Page 12: Love Came Down at Christmas by Bev Huber

Day 10, Page 13: The Seal Upon Your Heart by Megan Roher

Day 11, Page 14: Pretty Wrapping by Joy Parker

Day 12, Page 15: Are We Ready? by Liz Fredrick

Day 13, Page 16: Just Love ‘Em by Sue Dietrich

Day 14, Page 17: When the Road is Closed by George Gee

Day 15, Page 18: 3rd Sunday in Advent Joy

Day 16, Page 19: God’s Simple Pleasures by Kathy Auble

Day 17, Page 20: This I Believe About Peace by Brenda Calovini

Day 18, Page 21: Defining Peace by Dan Auble

Day 19, Page 22: Prayer on the Go by Jenny Gee

Day 20, Page 23: A Peaceful Time by Jenna Schroedel

Day 21, Page 25: Family Time by Mary Kotnik

Day 22, Page 25: 4th Sunday in Advent Peace

Day 23, Page 26: There is Enough by Melanie Smith

Day 24, Page 27: Merry Christmas! by Rev. Clark Stein

THIS I BELIEVE Reflections on the Season of Advent by the people of

Brecksville United Methodist Church

Page 4: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day




God sees hope in people and ideas. Looking through God’s perspective, I see the hope our church provides to the community. I see hope in the eyes of my friends. I see the people beyond them that they’re destined to help. I see my mom, doing everything in her power to give me a life better than hers. I see heroes, people too humble to understand the depth of what they do, and what they will do.

Hope, to me, is a critical part of the Christmas season. Jesus was born as a light to the world and a beacon of hope offered to everyone. He offered his life for us to become each other’s hope. So, this holiday season, spread the hope and “May the God of hope fill you with all the joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” - Romans 15:13. — Sarah Lundholm

This morning, we will light the first candle in the Advent Wreath, the candle of Hope.

A green Shoot will sprout from Jesse's stump, from his roots a budding

Branch. The life-giving Spirit of God will hover over him, the Spirit that brings

wisdom and understanding, The Spirit that gives direction and builds strength,

the Spirit that instills knowledge and Fear-of-God. Fear-of-God will be all his

joy and delight. He won't judge by appearances, won't decide on the basis of

hearsay. He'll judge the needy by what is right, render decisions on earth's

poor with justice. His words will bring everyone to awed attention. A mere

breath from his lips will topple the wicked. Each morning he'll pull on sturdy

work clothes and boots, and build righteousness and faithfulness in the land.

Jesus was born many years after these words were written; after a long time of waiting. Advent reminds us that as we pray for peace in the world we must be patient and not give up.

The roots of the paper white bulbs grow without being seen. Don’t forget about the many good things happen each day, which are not reported in the news. They are signs of hope. With patience we can all help peace to grow.

Take a Paper White bulb and planting instructions home with you after church today. Wait patiently through Advent. By Christmas Day you will see the beautiful fragrant bloom. Take time each day when you see the potted bulb to say a prayer for peace in the world.


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• What was your best Christmas ever? What made it so special?

• What do you love most about Christmas? What is your least favorite thing about Christmas?

• If you could pick one word to describe what you are looking forward to about this Christmas, what would it be?


If You Have a Heart If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his love has

made any difference in your life, if being in a community of the Spirit

means anything to you, if you have a heart, if you care— then do me a

favor: Agree with each other, love each other, be deep-spirited

friends. Don’t push your way to the front; don’t sweet-talk your way

to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be

obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long

enough to lend a helping hand. Philippians 2:1-4 MSG

When the Christmas season comes around, the feeling of giving comes in abundance. This gives me hope. During the year, people face want and greed, and they often forget to think of what other people need. It is a refreshing sight when the time comes that people step back and consider the needs of others. It gives me hope to know that people can find the place in their heart to give to others during the season of Advent and Christmas.

- Jenna Schroedel

God, help us take the generous spirit of Advent and Christmas

and develop it in our hearts so that it stays with us all the time.

We know this is how you want us to be.



Page 6: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day



God Prepares Us For you have been my hope, O Sovereign Lord,

my confidence since my youth.

From birth I have relied on you.

-Psalm 71:5-6a

Have you ever thought how God has prepared you to face and deal with the events in your life? I have been thinking about it a lot!

My grandma raised me until I was 9 years old and instilled in me the qualities that have made the person I am today. She was a school teacher, a violinist, and a Sunday School teacher in the Evangelical United Brethren Church (the EUB and Methodist Churches united in 1968 to become the United Methodist Church). I went to a United Methodist college because my grandma had taught me the value of an education. I was loved and mentored by my two religion professors and a wonderful Christian roommate. They let me find my faith on my own terms—lots of intellectual questioning, seeking and finding. My career in social services taught me that those who think and act differently have value in God’s eyes and so they must have value in my eyes. I learned that life is not a nice, neat package but it is full of shades of gray; that many questions have no answers or many answers; that sometimes choices choose me; that how I choose my attitude sometimes is the only thing I can control.

God gave me a grandma, a college experience, and a profession to prepare me

to the calling that I am following today. I can look back and know that God

was preparing me to have the skills, the temperament, and the knowledge to

follow this calling. - Linda Crouch

O God, help me to see how you have woven people and events into a tapestry

that has formed me into the person I am today. Help me to be patient as I

watch my life unfolding into the person you would have me become.



UMC #GivingTuesday Today is UMC #GivingTuesday. For one day only, on December 3, 2013 gifts made online to any project through The Advance will be matched dollar for dollar (up to $500,000) funding important missions through UMCOR.

If you are moved to give, please visit www.UMCMission.org/give

Page 7: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day



People of Faith are a People of Hope

Romans 5:1-5

“I was raised in the church” For some of us it's part of our true story. As I was growing up, I took it for granted and was more than once shocked when I would hear a classmate say they had never been to church. I would think, “How can you live without church?” As I have gotten older, my appreciation for that blessing of my church upbringing continues to grow. Optimism was always a natural outlook for me. When you don't have lots of hardships, it's not difficult to be upbeat and hopeful and so I skipped through much of my child-hood, but I was always observing and watching others close to me. Being part of a close-knit church family, you get to know one another's stories quite inti-mately. I saw people struggle with health issues, emotional challenges, and financial burdens but I also saw them persevere and even stand up and give testimonies about how God brought them through trials in amazing ways. They didn't all have cures of their horrible health challenges, they weren't completely released from their mental health issues, nor did they receive a windfall of cash. So what were they praising God for? Blessings beyond what they were asking for that increased their faith, made life sweeter, changed them for wanting to live a life of service to others, made them stronger for a battle they didn't even know would be part of their story. After our first son was born, I had severe post-partum depression. He was healthy and beautiful, yet I felt depressed be-yond belief. For a year, I cried and had difficulty attending worship services. Intrusive and unwanted thoughts were always plaguing me. The days became a cycle of taking care of our son and sleeping to escape the unwanted, dark and abhorrent thoughts. In one of my moments of desperation, I turned to music and wrote a song that became an important part of my healing. Then came a call from a counselor asking if I could speak to another young woman who was experiencing the same depression and felt like it would never get better. Driv-ing home from having spent time with that woman, I was overwhelmed with the blessing of being able to give someone else hope. I was crying out....in gratitude! There were many difficult days in that year but they pale in compari-son to the joy I felt when I could share the gift of hope. It was never what I prayed for; I was only concerned about making it through each day. I know this is one example of many. You know these stories, you've lived them, too. Some of you have even shared your stories of hope with me or as I was seem-ingly skipping along, I observed your story and I saw HOPE written all over it. People of faith are a people of HOPE and I have been blessed to be among them all my life! - Brenda Calovini

Dear Lord, We are all a story in the making. We live each day trying to do our best and

hoping to make a difference. Thank you for those who are willing to share the darker

pages of their story. We are privileged to pray for one another, walk along someone in

their pain, and watch one another's faith journey unfold. We are always blessed to see

the way you move and bestow the most beautiful blessings in the most challenging cir-

cumstances. Hope is believing that you hear our prayers and answer according to what

we truly need as opposed to what we want or think we need. For that I am so thankful.

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There is Always Hope

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,

so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

- Romans 15:13

Wow. Were my eyes opened Sunday, November 3, 2013. My good friend vol-unteers with the St. Joseph Byzantine Church’s Outreach program every Sun-day, feeding the homeless in the Men’s shelter in Cleveland. They have been doing this for 14 years. I offered to help, and I got the call. I said sure, not real-ly quite sure what I was saying yes to!

I set my alarm for 4:45 Sunday morning. She picked me up at 5:15 and our journey began. We went to the warehouse to pick up the food. A couple makes stew the night before and the church ladies and men make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on Saturday. We get milk, orange juice, bags of chips, and this day we were lucky enough to have desserts donated by Heinen’s. We loaded up the vans and 6 of us headed downtown. As we arrive at the shelter we are greeted by some strong men who help unload. We head off to a room the size of a small gym. Men are already waiting at tables. In a very orderly fashion they are called to the “food line.” They are served stew, two peanut and butter sandwiches, juice or milk, and dessert. My job was to pour milk. With each pour, I would look up with a smile and “good morning.” Most smiled back and were very appreciative. Some looked so sad and tired. Many stories to share I am sure. There was small talk about the Browns game to come or the weather. I looked down for a bit and kept pouring. This time when I looked up to greet, I was startled. This young man couldn’t have been much older than my son Matthew. He seemed put together and dressed well. I couldn’t help but wonder what circumstance brought this young man to the stage of homeless-ness. He politely smiled back and kept on moving. One requirement of the shelter is that the men must have a job. The shelter also will hire men to work. There is HOPE that this shelter is a temporary bump in the road. My friend has developed a relationship with some of these men. Talking about life and asking for anything “chocolate” in the dessert section. Some craving interac-tion, some preferring to be left alone. Some appeared physically fit, some had physical disabilities. All HOPING for a better future and life. One man stops by and says “Guess what?! I won’t be seeing you anymore. I am getting my house Monday!!” Yes, there is HOPE. He is leaving the shelter and moving on. I truly HOPE it all worked out. So, my eyes were opened in many ways. I thought we would serve about 50. Well, try 250. Last week I heard over 300. And this is just one of several shelters in Cleveland.

Last call for seconds. The food is finished. We pack up and move out. As we leave we pass several men in the hall who say thanks and have a blessed week. Minutes later we are on our way back to the burbs, just 15 minutes away. Two different worlds just minutes away.

- Sue Dietrich

Page 9: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day



As Long As Ever You Can

“Do all the good you can,

By all the means you can,

In all the ways you can,

In all the places you can,

At all the time you can

To all the people you can

As long as ever you can”

-John Wesley

I have always like this quote, and it especially comes to mind this time of year – the holidays. It also ties into the church's “Extravagant Generosity” theme. There are so many ways and places we can give to others. It can start with simple gestures of politeness, friendliness and helpfulness – holding a door open, helping a neighbor with their lawn care or snow removal, aiding a strug-gling individual at a grocery store or helping them to their car, providing a meal, inviting someone who is alone to a holiday dinner etc. It can be a more long term commitment of helping a charity or organization. Many hands do lighten the work load and brings a great feeling to one's heart. There is also the monetary aspect of helping others; sharing your financial blessings with those in need, charities and church. And there is prayer which can be per-formed anywhere, anytime of day.

John Wesley's quote is a really great quote to live by. Just imagine if everyone tried to live by it, how fabulous our world would be!!! - Mary Kotnik

Please remember the homeless. Pray for them.

They are always in need but especially as the cold, winter months are ahead.

There is always HOPE. Never, ever give up on anyone.


• Picture the shepherds that visited Jesus. What do they look like to you?

• The real shepherds (the ones in the Bible) were really poor and outcast from everyone else. Can you think of people like that today?

• The shepherds were the first ones the angel visited to tell about the birth of Christ. What does that tell you about how God feels about people like the shepherds? How do you think this relates to Christmas?


Page 10: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day



Happiness Is...

When I was growing up, an expression I often heard my dad say was, "Happiness is the anticipation of the fulfillment of a dream". This was his ra-ther eloquent way of saying that it is good for me to wait. At the time I did not appreciate how waiting could possibly make me happy. But I now understand that waiting is what gives us dreams and hope. It can also give us time to un-derstand what is truly important.

During this season of Advent we again wait to celebrate the wonderful gift God has given us in the birth of his son Jesus Christ. Unlike the Israelite peo-ple who waited for thousands of years for the Savior, we have already received the gift and only wait to celebrate. During this time of anticipation, may we all be truly happy - for the dream has already been fulfilled.

- Jeff Hastings


Thank you, God for the wonderful gift of your son, Jesus, as we celebrate His

birthday. Help us to remember Him as we give and receive gifts, taking time to

pray for each person and for those who have nothing.

Help us, Lord, to fill this Christmas with you and

with your love, peace and joy.



On Wednesday a team of volunteers from our church will be lending a

hand with Brecksville’s Yuletide Hunger, a program providing food for

those in need this holiday season. Want to help? Contact Jenny Gee:

[email protected] or 440-526-8938 ext 230

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This morning, we will light the second candle in the Advent Wreath, the candle of Love. We will ask: do we have passionate love for a world that still needs to see Jesus born into their midst? Do you believe that we can become a people of deep and abiding love?

Brecksville Community Chorus Christmas Concert at the Church Today at 4 pm!


Scripture Lesson: Isaiah 11:1-10

The Messiah, Jesus, that Isaiah was talking about has come and is here. All the

prophecies were true. And He has called together His people. Jesus has taken

fallen, flawed, weak, broken, and sinful people and, by the power of His sacri-

fice on the cross and His resurrection, He has redeemed us. And Jesus is

changing us, maturing us, step by step, into His image.

In verse four of the text the prophet says Jesus will judge the needy with right-

eousness and will be just to the poor. As His emissaries, He empowers us to

serve the needy and the poor. In a world where 6,000 children die of hunger or

hunger-related disease every day while one of the most prosperous nations on

earth throws away 33 million pounds of food a year, God’s people must make

a difference.

Stop Hunger Now is not an idle wish; rather it is an achievable goal in which

Christians can participate. The simple act of packing nutritious meals for hun-

gry children is God using you as He is being righteous and just to the needy

and poor.

Prayer: Dear Lord of mercy and grace, thank You for redeeming me and for

giving me opportunities to serve You by serving others. Help me to make a real

difference in the lives of the needy and the poor for Your glory. I look to You

for the strength and inspiration to do that. Amen.

- Cliff Hall, Volunteer, Stop Hunger Now, Yorktown, Virginia

He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears

with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he

will give decisions for the poor of the earth.

- Isaiah 11: 3 - 4 NIV

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Love Came Down at Christmas I believe what is written in a Christmas hymn,

that Love Came Down at Christmas.

Love came down at Christmas,

Love all Lovely, Love divine;

Love was born at Christmas;

star and angels give the sign.

Worship we the God-head,

Love incarnate, Love divine;

Worship we our Jesus, but where-with for sacred sign?

Love shall be our token; love be yours and love be mine?

love to God and all men, love for plea and gift and sign.

- Christina G. Rossetti

- Bev Huber

Page 13: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day



The Seal Upon Your Heart

Set me as a seal upon your heart,

as a seal upon your arm,

for love is strong as death.

Many waters cannot quench love,

neither can the floods drown it.

- Rene Clausen

These are the words to Rene Clausen’s Set me as a Seal, taken from Song of Solomon 8:6-7. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines ‘seal’ as “something that confirms, ratifies, or makes secure.” What is the seal upon your heart? It is what you hold tightly to, what is secured within your heart. Is this the same seal you have set upon your arm, the one visible to the world? Confirm the love you have for what is secured in your heart by displaying it on your arm to all who see you. A seal worn on your arm but not secured to your heart is lacking in strength, as is a seal secured to your heart but not worn on your arm. Love marked by both seals is strong. It transcends the physical world. This love cannot be taken away by death nor destroyed by powerful, natural forces. It is nurtured in individual hearts and shared with others, ensur-ing that it is always felt both spiritually and physically. What are the seals upon your heart and are they the same seals as the ones on your arms? I chal-lenge you to express the love within your heart and to secure the love you ex-press to your heart, for then, the love God has given us will not only be a pre-cious gift within our hearts, but also a precious gift shared with others.

- Megan Roher

Dear God,

Thank you for loving us despite our flaws and for giving us the means to love

and worship you. Help us evaluate the seals upon our hearts and upon our

arms so that we can share the love in our hearts and the love you have for us

with our brothers and sisters around the world. Amen.


Page 14: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day



Pretty Wrapping

I love Christmas. Love it. I love color-coordinated Christmas trees with unique decorations that all match perfectly. I love pulling out my boxes of Christmas decorations and bringing a sense of festivity to my own home. I love people’s fabulous front-yard displays and the brightness it brings to a street when every-one participates in some neighborhood decorative lighting scheme.

One of my favorite little joys during the holidays is creating pristinely wrapped gifts. I love fancy wrapping paper and gift bags, beautiful ribbons, and big bows. I want people to be impressed with a gift before they even open it. In fact, I can easily get carried away and spend more on the wrapping than I spent on the gift!

Sometimes I feel a little like that… like an underwhelming gift wrapped up in fancy packaging. A lot of effort goes into maintaining the appearance of being perfectly put together, but no one would be very impressed if they actually opened me up and saw what’s inside.

Jesus is the opposite… a perfect gift in the plainest paper imaginable. I want to be like that.

This I Believe… God isn’t interested in my “outer wrapping.” Garnering fa-

vorable public opinion doesn’t change the world. My prayer is that God would

be at work in my heart so that what is found there will shine most brightly.


Soup Supper and Advent Worship Service This Evening at Church! If you’re able, come to Fellowship Hall this evening at 6 pm for a

soup supper, then join us in the sanctuary for a simple worship service welcoming the season of Advent at 7:30 pm.

[Samuel seeks a successor to the throne of Israel from among Jesse’s sons,

assuming the chosen one will be the oldest or the one of greatest stature.]

But God said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of

his stature; for God does not see as mortals see;

they look on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart.”

- I Samuel 16:7 NRSV

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As you’re out and about, consider picking up a hat, scarf, gloves or mittens to

help trim the BUMC Hat and Mitten Tree! Donations to this year’s tree will

be sent to the Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center of Cleveland

(DVCAC.org) and help warm those who would otherwise be cold this winter.


Are We Ready?

There is a letter on West Point stationery tucked away in my secretary. It is written by a cadet to a girl at Miami University. This letter is one small chap-ter in a long correspondence between the two, each one convinced of their indi-vidual vision of the world.

It was the seventies, and the Women’s Movement was particularly strident. At the time of his writing the cadet had endured the rigors of military life at West Point for less than a year. In response to my letter, the cadet emphatical-ly stated, Girls will never be admitted here, because they cannot meet the chal-lenge.

What neither of these correspondents ever anticipated was how much the world was about to change. Neither could have imagined that not only would many young women graduate from The Academy with honors, but also the girl would someday have a daughter-in-law serving her country as an army captain in the Middle East. Neither could fathom what new thing God was already doing.

I’ve written this not because it is unusual, but because it is ordinary. Those of us with a few decades behind us have all witnessed many transformations in our lives and world. Some of them have been difficult because we loved things just the way they were. Some of our long cherished beliefs and ideas had to be abandoned in order to accommodate new insights.

Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old.

I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

- Isaiah 43:18-20 NRSV

Although Isaiah is usually cited for prophesying the birth of Christ, I believe this is a message to all of us not to cling too tightly to the past or cherish our traditions too much. Transformation is a way of life for followers of Jesus Christ.

God is already at work doing something new. Are we ready? - Liz Fredrick

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Just Love ‘Em

We know how much God loves us, and we have to put our trust in his love.

God is love, and all who live in Love live in God, and God lives in them.

1 John 4:16

There are over 120 songs with LOVE in the title. Obviously it has been on the minds of many for a long time. Love is unconditional. Love is unselfish.

Love endures. Love is available to everyone.

When I am faced with conflicts, concerns or worries I ask my soul mate of 25 + years for advice. With all my questions, he had one simple answer: Just Love ‘em. When your child is injured, sick or emotionally hurting and you feel helpless…..just Love ‘em. When your teenager makes a decision you don’t agree with… just Love ‘em. When a family member has disappointed, or hurt you… just Love ‘em. When you find a good friend has totally opposite politi-cal views than you…….just Love ‘em. When a family member has lost a spouse way too early …….just Love ‘em. When an aging parent makes inap-

propriate comments in public……just Love ‘em.

Often pride gets in our way. We feel our way is the only way. We talk and

talk and fail to really listen.

We are so Blessed to have the best love of all. It is better than any human love.

GOD’S unfailing, everlasting love. It does endure forever. God’s love is love that will last throughout eternity. The Hebrew language has a word “hesed” for

this lifelong love that is richer and deeper than we ever dreamed.

“For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my faith-

ful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be broken.”

says the Lord, who has mercy on you. Isaiah 54:10.

We are saved by God’s love. Salvation and blessings of God are his gifts to us. Our role is to receive them. Gods’ love is unfailing. Have I mentioned


- Sue Dietrich

We all want to be loved and to love. The only place we can find true love is

through God. God is Love. HE is our father. We are chosen and created by

God for God. Help me in my daily walk to love God and love others.



Page 17: Advent Devotional 2013 - Brecksville United Methodist Church · daily Advent devotions in this booklet to dive into the Word of God. Our prayer is that this experi- ... For one day



When the Road is Closed

The human mind may devise many plans,

but it is the purpose of the Lord that will be established.

- Proverbs 19:21 (NRSV)

What do you mean the road is closed?! I had left my house with my in-laws at 4 am with plans of dropping them at the Kennedy airport and then heading into Queens to visit my parents and sister for about four hours. I could get back on the road and be asleep in my own bed by midnight. Instead, I found myself exiting Route 80, wondering if they would reopen soon enough to even get my passengers to the airport in time for their flight. I was frustrated that my well laid plans were ruined and that I was not in control of the situation.

We exited onto Highway 119, along with every truck and car that was planning an eastward trip that day. Out came the maps and the GPS as we worked to find an alternate route. 119 would have worked, except word spread among those of us sitting in gridlock that two trucks flipped over in the town just ahead and it would be some time before they could tow them out of the way.

I felt grateful that I was only waiting to move forward and that I had not been involved in an accident myself. I quickly said a prayer for the safety of those who were. The end result: a four hour delay. The rest of the trip was smooth and we arrived at the airport with just enough time for my in-laws to make it through security and get to their gate.

I headed towards my parents’ house, arriving around 4 p.m. I decided to not worry about the time, I played with my nephew’s little son and ate dinner with my family. My sister, who has been worn down by her daily radiation treat-ments, was so energized by our visit together that she insisted she help with dinner preparation. I decided to spend the night on the couch. We talked and played games and ate cookies into the night. What began as a roller coaster of emotions, frustrated with the weather, irritated by the road closure and worried about time constraints turned to absolute gratitude for time well spent.

- George Gee

Lord, help me to remain grounded and in the moment during this season, and

always. Help me to appreciate where I am and who I am with. Please extend

travelling mercies to those who find themselves on the road visiting friends and

family this Christmas season.



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This morning, we will light the third candle in the Advent Wreath, the candle of Joy. We will ask: what things rob us of our spiritual joy? How could we fill a hole in our Christmas by becoming truly joyful people?

This week we light the third candle on the Advent wreath, the pink candle symbolizing JOY! Today we shift from the more solemn tone of the first two Sundays of Advent to a more joyous atmosphere of anticipation and expectan-cy.

We focus on the joy that filled the Magi as they found and worshipped the new found King. Or the joy that filled the Shepherds as they heard the proclamation in their fields, and then the adoration they expressed as they knelt before the Child at the manger.

Here are some different ways to write and say the word joy in languages from many different countries around the world. How many can you learn? Spread some joy by including these words on the cards you write or on presents that you wrap.

Language Write it Say it

French joie zhwah

German Freude FROY-deh

Spanish alegría ah-leh-GREE-ah

Italian gioia DJOH-yah

Norwegian glede glyeh-deh

Swedish fröjda fray-da

Dutch vreujde frukh-deh

Greek χαρά khah-rah

Gaelic áthas OH-hass

Hawaiian olioli OH-lee-OH-lee

Polish radość rah-DOHSHT’CH

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Encourage your family to focus on love during the Christmas season because

God sent Jesus in love for all people (John 3:16). Pray and look for opportuni-

ties for the family to extend themselves to people they come across. Allow eve-

ry handshake, touch on the arm, or hug to be a chance to point others towards

God. These simple, ordinary gestures at any time of the year can transform

lives and initiate faith.


God’s Simple Pleasures

Mary lived in the corner house in our neighborhood. Mary’s children had grown and moved away. They visited often… but not nearly enough for Mary, so we were blessed because Mary sort of adopted our family.

Mary would walk the block every night. She knew just when the sun was go-ing to set and she would time the walk so it would be dark by the time she got back home. Many times I would join her as she passed our house. We would exchange daily pleasantries ….I would share my day and discuss what the kids were doing. Mary would find such joy in this simple talk. I usually never heard about her day…rather, I heard about her daughters and what they were up to.

One evening, it seemed we were all talked out by the time we made it to our final stretch. In our silence, we both heard the most beautiful song of an even-ing bird. Mary paused….looked at me and quietly said, ”there it is…” I asked “There what is?” That is when Mary shared a “gem” that I think of often as I take my evening walks….. “I like to walk this time of day so I can hear the last bird sing good night” ….such a simple thought that brought such pure joy.

It was a thought that totally dumbfounded me. I have never heard the last bird sing good night because the thought never entered my mind. Mary passed away several years ago, but she has left a lasting impression on me……Thank you Mary for showing me one of God’s simple pleasures in life. May you all be blessed with a Mary in your life.

- Kathy Auble

Come, let’s shout praises to GOD,

raise the roof for the Rock who saved us!

Let’s march into his presence singing praises,

lifting the rafters with our hymns!

- Psalm 95: 1-2

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This I Believe...About Peace

Dear Lord, We know you are now here! Sometimes we get so busy, that we

rush through our morning devotions and check it off our list. We busy our-

selves with doing one good thing after another and we are left feeling exhaust-

ed. We have an agenda for the day and when it doesn't go as planned, we feel

frustrated and begin to lament over all that went wrong. We start to feel as

though you are no where because we haven't taken the time to acknowledge

you. Help us to slow down and reframe our focus and to live in full awareness

of the fact that you are now here and waiting for us to be in relationship with



It was on a postcard and it was clearly a photograph of graffiti. In bold blue letters on a stark and crumbling brick wall it read: GODISNOWHERE! As it was passed around the table, the first person took a quick look and said, “That's awesome!” The second person read it and exclaimed, “How could you say that's awesome?!” When the first responder said the words, “God is now here!” the second observer was embarrassed to realize she had seen “God is no where.” While this was clearly a play on words, I like the illustration of it. I believe we see that which we are focused on and are looking for. I remember when I was hoping to become a mom, it seemed as though everywhere I looked there was a lady expecting. There were days when it honestly seemed every woman around my age was expecting and I wasn't. A dear friend of mine and I were having a conversation about marriage and what it's like 28 years in. She shared that she had recently been thinking about what the years ahead would be like and then saw a couple in their 80's being so sweet to one another and she said, “That's what I want to be like.” I shared with her that I had been praying about marriage in general and during that time of focus on marriage I had a dream. The dream was of married couples smiling and talk-ing, and looking lovingly into one another's eyes and it was honestly one of the most beautiful dreams I've ever had. When I woke up, it was clear to me that God had spoken to me. What would others see of my interactions with my husband? Was I truly focused on all that was good and honorable and excel-lent? When we take Philippians 4: 8-9 to heart and decide to focus on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable, I believe that's what we will see and experience more of. We can know a life of peace, when we are careful to keep our focus on all that is good and of God. - Brenda Calovini

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is

right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything

is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9 Whatever you have

learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice.

And the God of peace will be with you. - Philippians 4:8-9

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A state of quiet or tranquility; freedom from disturbance or agitation;

(applicable to society, to individuals, or to the temper of the mind)


A sign of harmony characterized by the lack of violence

These are two definitions of the word peace, but do these definitions really mean peace? In my opinion life is like a highway; always moving, different routes, hectic pace, construction, dead ends, and yes, sometimes a smooth ride. You may run into a traffic jam that gets you beyond frustrated because you’re late for something. You may even get into an accident, but it will get fixed because there is always someone who can come and help you. Even when your “highway” is smooth, you are still moving faster than you really should. I mean c’mon is it just my parents that “speed on the highway” of life? Have you ever just stopped completely? No?…well that’s the rest stop that everyone passes up on a highway.

You see everyone is on the go 24/7 so they often skip the little things in life that you need. In my opinion, an example of that little thing is peace. You can call me weird for saying this, but I find peace on the basketball court. Most people see basketball as a sport that moves fast, but for me it’s different. Bas-ketball is my rest stop. Whenever I step on the court, time slows down…..it’s almost as if time stops “completely”. Although I’m still moving fast, I find a way to have fun and do what I love to do. To sum this up, I think peace means recognizing that you can’t do everything this world offers you, but noticing those rest stops and to take a break from life…that is peace.

I will end with this thought for you to think about, what is your “rest stop” in life? I think you owe it to yourself to find one, after all, no one else but you is living your life. May you find peace in your life.

- Dan Auble


God, help me remember the true meaning of Christmas.

During this busy time, help me stay focused on how I can help others

as I try to become more Christ like. Amen

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Prayer On The Go


I don’t mind being busy. I like being involved in a project or having a million little things to do… as long as I have a list. Every season, every month, every day, I find projects and plans that make demands on my time. I enjoy the pro-cess, and the good feeling that comes with completing tasks. Even though we pack much into the other eleven months of the year, the weeks leading up to Christmas seem to be the busiest of all. In the baking, visiting, decorating and card writing of Christmas I find much joy. I have come to the place where I know some items will not being marked off my list - and that is okay.

I have wonderful memories of baking with my mom, caroling with my church group, and helping my grandparents decorate. I believe that my girls will long remember their similar experiences as we ready the house and our hearts for Christmas each December. I cherish the memories of time spent together as a family, both when I was little and as a parent.

The danger in all this busyness is the potential that the demands of the season might crowd out the time that you enjoy quiet and reflective prayer time throughout the rest of the year. I have to admit that I struggle to have a set block of time for quiet and reflective prayer. When I do try, I am often inter-rupted by a ringing phone or a shout from down the hall. Over the years I have become a huge advocate for integrating moments of prayer all throughout my day.

Try these this week:

• Offer a prayer of thanksgiving for the ingredients as you mix up your batches of Christmas cookies.

• While out shopping- pray for those in line around you, especially those who might be struggling financially and finding it difficult to buy a few gifts for their family.

• If you witness a child having a meltdown in the store; pray for them to find comfort and peace and for their caregiver to remain patient.

• Wrapping gifts in festive paper and sending out cards might prompt us to pray for the blessing of trees and the environment. You might also say a prayer for the safety of the loggers and the truck drivers.

• As you open each Christmas card say a prayer for the sender.

You will find hundreds of other times throughout the Christmas season to offer a prayer of thanks or invocation. As we read in James 5:13, 16: Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing

songs of praise. Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one

another, so that you may be healed. - Jenny Gee

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A Peaceful Time

Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each oth-

er. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankful-

ness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house.

Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good

common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your

lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus,

thanking God the Father every step of the way.

- Colossians 3:15-17 MSG

A time that reminds me of peace is the evening that follows Christmas Day. I can picture family sitting in the living room after a long, fun day of joy and laughter. The preparatory stresses are over, and you can sit and give thanks for all you have and for the people and love in your life. It is such a peaceful time, and it is memorable to me every year.

- Jenna Schroedel

Dear God, help us to develop the sort of calm, thankful hearts that can experi-

ence peace every day. May the joy that comes from time with family and

friends be an example of the joy we can know in our relationship with you.



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Family Time

Be Alert, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong.

Do all your work in love.

-1 Corinthians 16:13-14

I think especially at this time of year when society commer-cializes Christmas, we remember our faith and family. De-cide what is truly important to you, what is best for your family, and question whether you are keeping Jesus and God in the forefront. It is easy and exasperating to get drawn into all the commercial trappings of the holidays – gift buying, decorating, making everything perfect, trying to attend vari-ous Christmas concerts, musicals, plays, dinners, etc. It can be a whirlwind, with perhaps very few long-term, happy memories. Think about the traditions that are meaningful to you and your family, and perhaps focus on those activities.

Quality time with family and friends is what will be remem-bered, treasured and valued long after the gifts are opened, cards are sent and exhaustion sets in. I think one of our fam-ily's favorite traditions and memories of the Christmas holi-day season is going to a Christmas tree farm, walking through the fields with our dogs and searching for the per-fect, or not so perfect Christmas tree. Emily, Monica and Craig take turns sawing the tree, while I videotape. Family time, a treasured commodity.

- Mary Kotnik

Dear God, help us during this holiday season to stay focused on You,

Your Son and the love and peace we receive through prayer and belief

in You and Jesus. Help us pass along that peace and love to friends,

family and strangers.



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This morning, we will light the fourth candle in the Advent Wreath, the candle of Peace. We will ask: how do we find peace in a busy, demanding world? How can we learn to rest in God, to find peace? Hear Pastor Clark preach at both ser-vices and music will be shared by The BUMC Christmas Orchestra!

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear

Edmund Sears was a Unitarian minister; but unlike many of his colleagues, he believed strongly in the deity of Christ. He also truly believed in the angels’ message of “peace on earth.” This hymn, written in Massachusetts in 1849, focuses on those angelic lyrics and their dream of peace. Like many other hymns written in America during the mid-1800’s, it might be a called a “horizontal hymn.” Such hymns called people to live well, to be at peace, and to honor God with their lives. The focus of this moving hymn was, and is, on our human struggle in the world as we seek to bring about God’s kin-dom.

Peace was a timely topic when Sears penned these words. Tensions were rising in America, leading toward the Civil War. But the peace promised by the angel is not only for nations and communities; it is personal as well. Sears’s third stanza encourages the weary traveler, which is each one of us, to draw hope from the angels’ song.

Holy and Loving God, one of our most difficult realizations as humans is that

your peaceable kin-dom has not yet come. Nations still war against nations;

violence is still perpetrated against others of your children; and, at the deepest

level, we wrestle even to find peace in our own hearts. Continue to do your

mighty work within us, that the angels’ song of peace might be sung once

again from our own lips. Make us bearers of peace in the world you have so

graciously given us. Amen.


For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be

upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The

mighty God, The everlasting Father, the prince of Peace. - Isaiah 9:6

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Family Worship at 5:00 will include a Christmas pageant,

music from our Children’s Choir and candle lighting.

Candlelight Worship at 8:00 and 10:00 will include the Christmas story, retold in all its wonder with Bible passages,

choir, handbell and organ music, and the lighting of the Christ Candle.


There is Enough

A new command I give you: Love one another.

As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

John 13:33-35

I believe in abundance.

On Christmas Eve, the flame of the Christ Candle is passed from one hand to another. Soon, the whole sanctuary is filled with the glow of hundreds of can-dles lit. We sing, “...All is calm. All is bright...” and it’s true.

When we take the flame from the Christ Candle, it does not dim. It grows and it brightens. When the flame is shared, everything is illuminated.

I believe that the things that matter most in this life are not finite, and that they shouldn’t be hoarded. I know that a joy shared is a joy multiplied. I believe that there is faith, hope, and love enough for everyone — every last one— and it’s possible because God’s love and God’s grace are all encompassing and all inclusive.

Yes, I believe in abundance. I believe that there is enough. - Melanie Smith

All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.

St. Francis of Assisi

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Merry Christmas!

The Spirit of Christmas settled early in me this year. I could-n’t quite figure out why. It usually hits me later in the season, you know, when things slow down a bit and one can breathe again. I think I have traced it to one seemingly silly little thing. A few years ago now, I came across a really wonderful Christmas ornament. Hallmark carries a line of Peanuts orna-ments, and one is entitled, “What Christmas Is All About.” It is an animated ornament. Linus is standing on stage in his shepherd costume. One pushes a button on the side, and a light comes on, and the voice of Linus relates the Christmas story from Luke’s Gospel. The story always puts a catch in my throat. Hearing Linus tell it gets me every time. I came across it early this year, tucked away on a bookshelf, ready to go.

It is silly, I suppose, to be so taken with a plastic object. But I have discovered it is really so much more. I guess it is a touch point for Christmas past for me: Christmases when I was young, and then Christmases when my family was younger, and Christmases when those that aren’t here any-more were still around. I guess I figured it out early this year that it is all related, and the story of Jesus runs right through the middle of it all.

In this season of giving, I ask you to respond to the notion that we are all related. This I believe: that the story that can call us back to Christmases past also relates us to others in this Christmas present. When you think of relationships, I hope your memories are full. I hope you can remember those special folks that made your Christmases meaningful. I hope that you then can take on the mantle of being those kinds of caring, responsive folks for people who need us now.

Thanks for all that you do. I appreciate being connected to you this Christmas.

Peace on earth,

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BRECKSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 65 Public Square, Brecksville, Ohio 44141


[email protected] ~ www.brecksvilleumc.com

We are invited to participate in Rethink Church’s Photo-A-Day Advent. Each day, photographers around the world will focus on one word and will share

pictures they take to illustrate that word:

No explanation needed, unless you want to. After all, a picture is worth a thou-sand words. Tag us on your Instagram photos with @rethinkchurch or on twit-ter [@umrethinkchurch] with #rethinkchurch and #rethinkchristmas. You don't have to be a great photographer. This project is more about the practice of paying attention and being intentional, than it is being the best photogra-pher. If you don't have Instagram or Twitter, we'd still love for you to share your photos. Just share them on your Facebook page and tag us—(or e-mail

them to the church office: [email protected] and we’ll post them!)

If you like to take pictures, will you join in by opening your eyes [and your cameras] to witness the hope that is already springing up around you? Will you open your hearts for Immanuel, God with us?