Advent 2010 Newsletter Rector’s Message Dear friends, We are about to begin the season of Advent a season of hopeful expectation. There is so much to be hopeful for in our lives in Christ. We have hopeful expectation as we look forward to the annual celebration of the birth of the Christ child at Christmas. In this newsletter, you will find much information detailing Advent and Christmas happenings in our parish. Let me assure you, there is much to enjoy and enter into during this Advent - Christmas Season to help us get in the Spirit! Plan to come out and participate. The Scriptures of Advent also call us to be awake and alert to the presence of Christ in our lives and world right now. Advent means ‘coming’ and so we are invited to recognize Christ’s com- ing in the midst of ordinary life, with its routines, demands, obligations and joys. It can be both excit- ing and challenging to discern Christ’s action in our world in the present moment. In this newsletter, you will hear a voice of hope from Louis Quennelle who is presenting himself for ministry in our par- ish. As a parish, we are invited to discern and journey with him along this process, seeking signs of the Lord’s light and guidance along the way. Parish Council has established a group to advise coun- cil and to receive your comments, responses, questions etc. Wilfred Moore has agreed to chair this advisory group along with the Rector, Warden and several parishioners. Your input will be kept con- fidential and can be sent to the parish office, marked: Discernment Advisory Group. In the weeks to come, the Advisory group will outline a plan to engage parishioners in discussion. On December 12 th , St. John’s will welcome our Diocesan Bishop, Sue Moxley. Bishop Sue will preach at the Services followed by a Potluck luncheon with an opportunity for us to meet her. She will also sit down with parish council (meetings are open and you are welcome) to talk together about the discernment of ministry. In response to the letter from the bishops inviting discussion about human sexuality, we will have opportunity to talk directly with her. We also give thanks for the ministry of retired clergy in our midst, some of whom are introduced in this letter, along with our postulant, Helen Chandler who continues to prepare for ordination. Advent is not only about Christmas and seeing Christ in the here and now, it is very much about staying awake and being vigilant for the final Coming of Christ at the end of time. We know not the day or the hour, which is why scripture urges us not to be anxious, but rather to be hope-filled people who are actively doing God’s work in our world here and now. There is so much good work to be done. Let us enter the spirit of this Season and may it lead us to the joys of Christmas. Your brother in Christ, Michael+

Advent 2010 Newsletter - St. John's Anglican Church...Advent 2010 Newsletter Rector’s Message Dear friends, We are about to begin the season of Advent – a season of hopeful expectation

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Page 1: Advent 2010 Newsletter - St. John's Anglican Church...Advent 2010 Newsletter Rector’s Message Dear friends, We are about to begin the season of Advent – a season of hopeful expectation

Advent 2010

Newsletter Rector’s Message

Dear friends,

We are about to begin the season of Advent – a season of hopeful expectation. There is so much to be hopeful for in our lives in Christ. We have hopeful expectation as we look forward to the annual celebration of the birth of the Christ child at Christmas. In this newsletter, you will find much information detailing Advent and Christmas happenings in our parish. Let me assure you, there is much to enjoy and enter into during this Advent - Christmas Season to help us get in the Spirit! Plan to come out and participate.

The Scriptures of Advent also call us to be awake and alert to the presence of Christ in our lives and world right now. Advent means ‘coming’ and so we are invited to recognize Christ’s com-ing in the midst of ordinary life, with its routines, demands, obligations and joys. It can be both excit-ing and challenging to discern Christ’s action in our world in the present moment. In this newsletter, you will hear a voice of hope from Louis Quennelle who is presenting himself for ministry in our par-ish. As a parish, we are invited to discern and journey with him along this process, seeking signs of the Lord’s light and guidance along the way. Parish Council has established a group to advise coun-cil and to receive your comments, responses, questions etc. Wilfred Moore has agreed to chair this advisory group along with the Rector, Warden and several parishioners. Your input will be kept con-fidential and can be sent to the parish office, marked: Discernment Advisory Group. In the weeks to come, the Advisory group will outline a plan to engage parishioners in discussion.

On December 12th, St. John’s will welcome our Diocesan Bishop, Sue Moxley. Bishop Sue

will preach at the Services followed by a Potluck luncheon with an opportunity for us to meet her. She will also sit down with parish council (meetings are open and you are welcome) to talk together about the discernment of ministry. In response to the letter from the bishops inviting discussion about human sexuality, we will have opportunity to talk directly with her.

We also give thanks for the ministry of retired clergy in our midst, some of whom are introduced in this letter, along with our postulant, Helen Chandler who continues to prepare for ordination.

Advent is not only about Christmas and seeing Christ in the here and now, it is very much about staying awake and being vigilant for the final Coming of Christ at the end of time. We know not the day or the hour, which is why scripture urges us not to be anxious, but rather to be hope-filled people who are actively doing God’s work in our world here and now. There is so much good work to be done. Let us enter the spirit of this Season and may it lead us to the joys of Christmas.

Your brother in Christ,


Page 2: Advent 2010 Newsletter - St. John's Anglican Church...Advent 2010 Newsletter Rector’s Message Dear friends, We are about to begin the season of Advent – a season of hopeful expectation

Advent 2010 Page 2

Music At St. John’s

A note from Barbara …..

Among the recent highlights for all of us this fall was „Back to

Church Sunday‟. St. John‟s extended a warm welcome to new friends and

visitors in the community. I feel that the spirit of that event is still with us and

I‟m sure that it is just how it should be. One of our new choir members, Suz-

anne Spare, came as a guest of Dale Little and Blake Starratt and how de-

lighted we are that she has decided to stay with us. Now we say goodbye to

Dale and Blake as well as Patty Rhinelander as they go south for a few

months. Our choirs are getting into high gear for the busy weeks ahead. We

have expanded our choral library with a number of new pieces and you will

hear some of them throughout November and December.

Musique Royale, in appreciation for the support by our wardens and

many, many volunteers here at St. John‟s, provided the means to purchase

new music folders for the chancel choir. St. John‟s is a busy place for con-

certs and frequently the chancel needs to be cleared, posters distributed, or

volunteers needed to work at the door…all of this valuable assistance is most


A benefit event was also held for the roof campaign. Called „Breakfast for Shingles‟ the event took

place at my home in Oakland on Saturday, November 6. Everyone enjoyed a hearty breakfast while a host of

musical friends provided entertainment.

I want to thank Brian for his very interesting article on hymns, ancient and modern. Yes, we do have a

wonderful hymn book that continues in a long, established tradition that is so much a part of Anglican liturgy.

We add to that rich heritage with music from more contemporary resources, which often speaks in the lan-

guage of our time. We really can and do experience the best of both worlds.

As always I invite you to note the concerts taking place at St. John‟s during the fall months. The Nova

Scotia Youth Orchestra will have come and gone by mid November but in the list below you will spot the

presence of many other young talented musicians.

Opéra Elisir d'Amore by Donizetti, with young operatic professionals from Jeunesses Musicales of Can-

ada - Sat, November 20 at 7:30 pm

Symphony Nova Scotia with 15 year old piano prodigy Jan Lisiecki - Friday, November 26 at 7:30 pm

Bowls of Cheer with Blue Engine String Quartet and actress, Shelley Thompson - Sunday, December 5 at

7:30 pm

A King’s Christmas with the Chapel Choir of the University of King’s College conducted by Paul Halley

with narrator Eleanor Wachtel– Friday, December 10 at 7:30 pm

Music and Meditation

Wednesdays at noon throughout Advent at St. John’s – Dec 1 - 22

The congregation and public are cordially invited to attend these half hour presentations.

Warm Regards, Barbara

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Advent 2010 Page 3

Something New by Louis Quennelle

As human beings two forces are at work within most of us . The first is wanting to be secure in know-

ing that no new surprises are in our lives. We can count on our lives from day to day, the people we love, the

job we do, and the lifestyle we have. At the same time we search for novelty. We like new cars. We enjoy

travelling to new places. We like to learn new skills, sing new songs, read new books.

The coming of the season of Advent seems to bring both of these experiences to us. We count on it to

celebrate once again all the traditions which lead up to and are part of our Christmas. It also reminds us of

something new – the coming of our Saviour, Jesus. What could be more new or challenging than the everlast-

ing, all powerful God becoming one of us and making the eternal and universal into the here and now?

In my own life, many times the comfort of the known has taken precedence. It is the easiest and most

comfortable way to go. It is true, however, that life becomes more real and more meaningful if we take up the

challenge and do something new. The first major event in my faith life as an adult was when with knowledge

and of my own will, I renewed the vows of Baptism which were said on my behalf as a baby.

I was raised in a devout Roman Catholic family. Faith and daily prayer were an integral part of family

life. With this foundation and my baptismal commitment as an adult, I sensed a call to ordained priesthood. I

was ordained in 1985 in Calgary. Ordained ministry was very fulfilling for me, but once again something new

challenged my comfort. I realized that the Roman Catholic Church was becoming less and less the faith home

in which God was calling me.

In 1987, I left active ordained ministry and continued to search. Robert, my partner of 23 years, intro-

duced me to the Anglican Church tradition. From about 1990 I have been active in finding my way there.

You, at Saint John's have been an integral part of this journey to something new. Through membership of our

parish, I have come to hear God calling me to make a public commitment to my new faith home in the Angli-

can Church. In November 2003, I was officially received. The privilege and joy of serving in various minis-

tries within the parish and the gift of being ministered to by our parish community have allowed me once again

to hear God calling me to something new!

I feel God calling me to expand the ministry to which I am called in our community to encompass the

ministry of ordained priesthood. Over the next months and possibly years, I look forward to a journey of dis-

covery with you in discerning this call. Is God truly calling me once again to ordained ministry? Is God call-

ing you, my sisters and brothers in faith, to journey with me ? Is there a need for the presence of more or-

dained ministry within our parish and region? Will our parish community be enriched in faith through my

ministry in particular as a priest in your midst?

These are some of the questions which we together can come to answer. Come, let us make something

new for God. Wherever this leads us – let it be towards God; let it be towards the Kingdom!

Louis Quennelle

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Halloween Theme Party & Craft Night for the Sunday School

On October 30th

we had our first annual

Halloween Party with the

Sunday School and what a

success it was!! We had

tons of fun doing a spider

craft with Janice Kenefick

decorating cookies with

the "devil", Jennifer Parks,

face painting and tattooing

with Abbey & Brianna

plus the most fun was

carving of our pumpkins

with Kelsie, Jennifer

Findlay, Alicia and my-


Twenty-five children attended, lots of help was

provided and we all dressed for the occasion.

The evening ended with treats and loot bags which

were brought by some of the parents. The next event

we are looking forward to is the Santa Claus parade

on November 27th at 3pm. We will soon be plan-

ning our Christmas activity night. Thanks to every-

one for the support and help.


Pumpkin Carving

& Painting

Making Spiders

Face Painting

Decorating Cookies

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We are blessed at St. John‟s to have several retired clergy residing in our Parish who are willing to help

out whenever and wherever needed. Most folks know Rev. Capt. Reg MacDonald, especially those of you who

were parishioners when he was the Rector at St. John‟s. He is now our Honorary Associate Priest. Also very

familiar is Rev. Linda Macdonald who has frequently stood in for Michael while he has been absent for vari-

ous reasons.

We have two other retired priests with whom you may not be so familiar and so we take this time to

have them introduce themselves to you.

Reverend Alvin Westgate

I was born and raised on a farm in South-western

Ontario. I attended University of Windsor and the At-

lantic School of Theology.

Ordained Deacon in May 1975 and Priested in

Oct. 1976, I served the Parishes of Hammond

River, Cambridge and Waterborough, ( 5 pt. farming

Parish ), New Bandon (fishing community with 3

churches), Ludlow and Blissfield ( 4 point Parish) and

in March 2000 I went to the Parish of Millidgeville

and remained until my retirement in Sept. 2010.

My entire ministry was in the Diocese of

Fredericton. Having married a Lunenburg County girl, I had little chance of my retiring anywhere except here!

Reverend Oliver Osmond

Oliver Osmond spent forty years in active par-

ish ministry in Toronto Diocese, Sackville NB, Lower

Sackville NS, and at John Keble Church, Mill Hill,

London, England, an outstanding twentieth-century

church building, where he was Vicar from 1981 until

his retirement in May 2009.

Throughout that time he and his family have

been summer worshippers at St. John‟s. Since return-

ing to Canada, Oliver has spent ten months as Priest-in-

Charge of the Parish of New Germany and has offici-

ated occasionally in five other South Shore parishes.

He is married to Lunenburg native Rosalie

(Beck). Her ancestor Michael Beck was married in St

John‟s in December, 1754, and the house Oliver and

Rosalie have built stands on land originally granted to

Jean Baptiste Moreau, the first Rector here.

Retired Clergy Still Helping in St. John’s Ministry

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Advent and Christmas Service Schedules

December 19th

Advent 4: Wait upon the Lord with Love

8:30am - Holy Eucharist (BCP)

10:30am - Advent Lessons and Carols

December 24th - Christmas Eve (Friday)

4:00pm - Christmas Family Eucharist with

Children‟s Pageant & St. John‟s Ringers

10:00pm - Christmas Eve Candlelight Sung

Eucharist (BAS) with Organ, Choir, Brass Ensem-

ble and St. John‟s Ringers

December 25th - Christmas Day (Saturday)

10:30am - Holy Eucharist (BCP)

with music

December 26th - First Sunday after Christmas


11:00 am



Join our Lutheran brothers and sisters from

Zion Lutheran Church.



Every Wednesday at 10:00am

Holy Eucharist (BCP)

Every Wednesday in Advent at Noon

(December 1, 8, 15, 22)

Musical Meditations with Barbara Butler and guests

November 28th

Advent 1: Wait upon the Lord with Hope

8:30am - Holy Eucharist (BCP)

10:30am - Family Service with Sunday


December 5th

Advent 2: Wait upon the Lord with Peace

8:30am - Holy Eucharist (BCP)

10:30am - Holy Eucharist & Sunday School

White Gift Sunday

Friday December 10th at 7:30 pm

A King‟s Christmas with Paul Halley

and the Choir of Kings College

December 12th

Advent 3: Wait upon the Lord with Joy

8:30am - Holy Eucharist (BCP)

10:30am - Holy Eucharist (BAS) & Sunday


Parish Pot Luck Luncheon at Noon meet the Bishop

and visit of Father Christmas, St. Nicholas

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The Silent Night Project

You remember The Amazing Grace Project, the wonderful event that brought many Anglicans together

to sing, to make videos and collect toonies for the ministry of the Council of the North. The final result, a

short documentary called “Amazing Together”, won an award for creative excellence at an international film

festival in Houston, Texas. The toonie collection exceeded $100,000! The Council of the North used the funds

to launch a suicide prevention program, which is now being developed across the northern dioceses. We were

truly blessed by this project and by the grace and creativity of all who participated.

At the General Synod in Halifax, the “Silent Night Project” was introduced . Once again we are asked

to contribute a toonie when we sing. At the request of our Primate, Archbishop Fred, all proceeds will go to

the Anglican Military Ordinariate, in support of our Armed Forces Chaplains. Church groups across Canada

are asked to sing “Silent Night” on the first Sunday of Advent (November 28th). Please send any videos or

photos to Bev Murphy at [email protected] .

We are invited to lend our visible and energetic support to the Silent Night Project. Anglican Video

will make a compilation video which will go on the website by Christmas Day, to celebrate our common faith

and raise our prayers for the peace of a “Silent Night.”

Blessing of the Animals Service

` October 3rd was a nice sunny day so this

year‟s Blessing of the Animals Service was held

outdoors on the Parade. Numerous dogs of every

breed and size, guinea pigs and two beautiful

horses attended. All the animals received a per-

sonal blessing from Michael; the dogs got a bag

of treats donated by Ralph‟s Pet Health Food

Store, Lunenburg.

SHAID animal shelter brought a couple

of dogs to share in the blessing service. The col-

lection was donated to SHAID to help continue

its work.

Anglican Society for the Welfare of Animals (ASWA)

The ASWA was founded over 30 years ago in Britain and has since spread around the world. As the

name says the society is all about the welfare of animals everywhere the Anglican Church has roots. The soci-

ety states that “Animal issues are theological issues and should be on the churches' agenda”. In particular, they

are concerned with the abuse of animals.

They have recently (November 12th) launched a website http://www.aswa.org.uk . Anyone interested

in animal welfare should have a look at this site. Membership is £15 (British Pounds) approximately $26 Ca-


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St. John‟s Anglican Church

81 Cumberland Street

PO Box 238

Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

Canada B0J 2C0

Phone: 902 634 4994

Fax: 902 634 4231

Email: [email protected]

we‟re on the web www.stjohnslunenburg.org

Vesey’s Bulbs and Raising The Roof

The Vesey‟s Bulb sale started late this year. Those who bought bulbs will be pleased to know that we

managed to raise $490. We can keep 50% of the price for the church and Vesey‟s pick up the cost of brochures

and postage from their half. This year the money was earmarked for the Raise the Roof Campaign.

Next year Janice will start the campaign off earlier and hopefully we will be able to do even better.

If you know of anyone, inside or outside our parish who would like us to pray for them you may con-

tact Sandy MacDonald at 634-4657 or by email at [email protected].

The prayer chain consists of 13 people who have volunteered to pray daily for anyone who would like

prayers said on his/her behalf. The person who makes the request is responsible for making sure that the per-

son wants this ministry, for keeping in touch with the person and for keeping the prayer chain informed of


Prayer Chain Ministry

ACW Christmas Salad Supper

St. John's ACW will hold a


Friday, November 26, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

Adults $8.00. Children 12 and under $4.00.

Tickets may be purchased by calling Patty Tanner at 543-3474 or the Parish Office at 634-4994.

Take Out Available. Please come and invite your friends.

Donations of baked goods or crafts for the Bake and Craft Table would be greatly appreciated.

Calories are the little so & so‟s that get into your wardrobe at night

and sew your clothes tighter. My closet is full of the little darlings.

So take care because they love this coming festive season as

Weight Watchers already know.

Boxing Day sales in Ladies Dress Stores were brisker because

nothing fitted; now they are losing out by having the sales before the feast-

ing, I wonder if any of them have figured that out yet?

What is a Calorie?