Advantages And Medicinal Benefits Of Nigella Sativa Seeds

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Page 1: Advantages And Medicinal Benefits Of Nigella Sativa Seeds
Page 2: Advantages And Medicinal Benefits Of Nigella Sativa Seeds

• As a natural plant, Kalonji is a type of shrubs which develops all around India,

Bangladesh along with other Eastern nations around the world.

• The Kalonji plant seeds, also called black seeds or even nigella seeds, are

usually the little black color triangular-shaped seeds having extreme heady

odor as well as significant amount of oil.

• Most of these Kalonji seeds appeared as the most effective curing natural

herbs of all periods which are widely used because of their curative properties.

Page 3: Advantages And Medicinal Benefits Of Nigella Sativa Seeds

• Kalonji, both as seeds as well as oil is generally used for decades to reinforce

disease fighting capabilities, to clean up your body, to cleanse your blood

vessels, for defense against annoyances and to back wellbeing longetivity.

• Often known as black caraway seeds or black cumin seeds, the Kalonji seeds

carry exclusive dietary structure of various important fatty acids which will

better assists in breathing diseases, to further improve your skin layer, and

finally to deal with digestive system problems.

Page 4: Advantages And Medicinal Benefits Of Nigella Sativa Seeds

• Kalonji, mainly known as the black nigella seeds, is normally put into several

dishes such as curries and pickles, definitely makes your cooking nourishing

which is good for your body system.

• Kalonji is a member of the family of plants called Renunculcea and it's mainly

present in great quantities in Asian countries.

• Kalonji, biochemically abundant in monosaccharides as well as non-starch

polysaccharides; they are an excellent basis of nutritional fiber.

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• Furthermore, the seed is usually rich in vital fatty as well as unsaturated acids

along with 15 various kinds of amino acids.

• Arginine, a significant element of Nigella Sativa seeds is greatly suited to


• Kalonji is extremely abundant in carotene, which is outstanding in avoiding

the cancer.

• It's also incredibly rich in terms of calcium, sodium, iron and potassium.

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• Kalonji is quite outstanding in constructing body strength in opposition to

several diseases and assists in curing of your entire body.

• Bronchial asthma along with several allergies formed from histamine are

often very successfully cured by Nigellone, a material taken out via Kalonji

seeds, which usually prevents selected proteins which will discharge histamine;

additionally, it lessens the uptake of calcium supplements in mast tissues.

• In this way it performs a significant role in treating cancer and aids.

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• Nigella sativa, yet another element within Kalonji seeds, is extremely

powerful versus tumors and may totally stop tumors' growth.

• In addition there are sturdy antibacterial as well as antifungal characteristics

similar to particular sorts of widely used antibiotic medicines like ampicillin,

nalidixic acid, gentamicin, cotrimoxazole and tetracycline.

• It is usually effectual in gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting, diarrhea

and flatulent colic.

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• Due to its effective anti-inflammatory attributes, Kalonji may also lessen joint

disease. Kalonji seed is furthermore very useful in stimulating lactation, hence

helpful in breastfeeding.

• Bulk Agro (India) Pvt. Ltd. is the top manufacturer and exporter of Kalonji

seeds and Kalonji oil that are generally known as Black Seeds, Nigella Sativa,

Kalounji in Hindi, Nigelle in French, Habbah Sauda in Arabic, and black caraway

in English etc. By using perfect processing amenities we offer real Kalonji Oil

prepared from Nigella seeds.