Advanced Web Service Interoperability In Easy Steps This article is intended for programmers who are interested in adding additional qualities to their services, clients or SOA solutions, as well as for beginners in NetBeans Web Service development. You will learn how to use NetBeans 6.0 to develop Java web service clients and services that can interoperate with Microsoft .NET 3.0 clients and services, how to use encryption and signatures to protect confidentiality and integrity of message transmission without need for SSL, and how to use Reliability features to assure none of your application messages is lost or delivered twice. MARTIN GREBAC NetBeans 6.0 comes with enhanced support for web services development, reflecting the state of industry-wide adopted technologies in web services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). NetBeans includes unique and easy to use tools, from visual web service design to enabling powerful technologies for security, reliability or transactions. Bundled together with ready-to-run examples, help and documentation, it provides an easy way for beginners in web service development as well as a broad set of features required by enterprise class solutions and SOA. METRO Overview Most of the web service related features in NetBeans are built with use of Project Metro. Project Metro is the Web services stack (framework) from Sun Microsystems. The stack is integrated in GlassFish V2, a high-performance, production-quality, Java EE 5 compatible application server. The individual components of Metro can be divided in two categories: JAX-WS Implementation – The core Web services platform Project Tango, also referred to as Web Services Interoperability Technology (WSIT) JAX-WS is the core Web Service platform, including all the SOAP message functionality, and Project Tango adds interoperability with Microsoft .NET, Reliability, Security, and Transactions. Get Ready For Web Services Implement and Deploy web service In this example, we will show how to develop a web service. We will enhance this service with additional capabilities in later chapters. Our service will be able to receive banking orders and store them in a map (for more simplicity, we'll skip database in this example). First, create an Enterprise Application in which we will host our web service, by choosing File -> New Project and selecting Enterprise Application. Click Next and name the application BankApplication while leaving the rest with default values. Your wizard screen for Enterprise Application should look similar to Figure 1. Notice that the target server is GlassFish v2. You can have it installed with your NetBeans 6 installation if you choose Full or Web & J2EE download or specifically select GlassFish). If you don't have it, download GlassFish from http://glassfish.dev.java.net , and register it into NetBeans through T ools -> Servers. 1/14

Advanced Web Service Interoperability In Easy …wiki.netbeans.org/wiki/images/4/46/Nbmag-5-grebac-ws...NetBeans 6.0 comes with enhanced support for web services development, reflecting

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Page 1: Advanced Web Service Interoperability In Easy …wiki.netbeans.org/wiki/images/4/46/Nbmag-5-grebac-ws...NetBeans 6.0 comes with enhanced support for web services development, reflecting

Advanced Web Service Interoperability In Easy Steps This article is intended for programmers who are interested in adding additional qualities to their services, clients or SOA solutions, as well as for beginners in NetBeans Web Service development. You will learn how to use NetBeans 6.0 to develop Java web service clients and services that can interoperate with Microsoft .NET 3.0 clients and services, how to use encryption and signatures to protect confidentiality and integrity of message transmission without need for SSL, and how to use Reliability features to assure none of your application messages is lost or delivered twice.


NetBeans 6.0 comes with enhanced support for web services development, reflecting the state of industry-wide adopted technologies in web services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). NetBeans includes unique and easy to use tools, from visual web service design to enabling powerful technologies for security, reliability or transactions. Bundled together with ready-to-run examples, help and documentation, it provides an easy way for beginners in web service development as well as a broad set of features required by enterprise class solutions and SOA.

METRO OverviewMost of the web service related features in NetBeans are built with use of Project Metro. Project

Metro is the Web services stack (framework) from Sun Microsystems. The stack is integrated in GlassFish V2, a high-performance, production-quality, Java EE 5 compatible application server. The individual components of Metro can be divided in two categories:● JAX-WS Implementation – The core Web services platform● Project Tango, also referred to as Web Services Interoperability Technology (WSIT)

JAX-WS is the core Web Service platform, including all the SOAP message functionality, and Project Tango adds interoperability with Microsoft .NET, Reliability, Security, and Transactions.

Get Ready For Web ServicesImplement and Deploy web serviceIn this example, we will show how to develop a web service. We will enhance this service with

additional capabilities in later chapters. Our service will be able to receive banking orders and store them in a map (for more simplicity, we'll skip database in this example). First, create an Enterprise Application in which we will host our web service, by choosing File -> New Project and selecting Enterprise Application. Click Next and name the application BankApplication while leaving the rest with default values. Your wizard screen for Enterprise Application should look similar to Figure 1.

Notice that the target server is GlassFish v2. You can have it installed with your NetBeans 6 installation if you choose Full or Web & J2EE download or specifically select GlassFish). If you don't have it, download GlassFish from http://glassfish.dev.java.net, and register it into NetBeans through Tools -> Servers.


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Figure 1. Creating Enterprise Application

Now create the web service itself in the EJB module. Right-click BankApplication-ejb node and select New -> Web Service menu item. In the wizard window, name the web service BankOrderService and place it in package bankorder.service as shown on Figure 2.


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Figure 2. Creating Web Service in an EJB module

After clicking Finish, you should see the Visual Designer window for your web service. It is empty, because we did not define any operations for the service yet. Our application should be able to receive orders, and we would like to model them as a Java class with 3 fields for recipient account number, sender account number, and the actual amount being transferred. We will represent this data in a class called bankorder.data.BankOrder. Create the class as shown on Listing 1, and then use Refactoring -> Encapsulate Fields feature in editor to generate setters and getters for all fields.

Listing 1. BankOrder.java Class for transferring information about the Banking orders between service and client

package bankorder.data;

public class BankOrder { private int id; private String receiverAccount; private String sender Account;}

With having the data transfer class ready, we are able to implement the web service itself. Return to the web service BankOrderService we created in previous step, click Add Operation in the visual designer, and fill in the details as shown on Figure 3. The operation should return String as a status code to reflect if the order has been successfully submitted or not, and will take our BankOrder data transfer object as a parameter. When you added the operation, select Source tab at


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the top of the visual designer, which will navigate you to the service source code. There, make sure the implementation of the receiveBankOrder() operation corresponds to Listing 2.

Figure 3. Creating Data Transfer Object

Listing 2. BankOrderService.java Banking Web Service implementation

package bankorder.service;

import bankorder.data.BankOrder;import java.util.HashMap;import javax.jws.*;import javax.ejb.Stateless;

@WebService()@Stateless()public class BankOrderService {

public static final HashMap bankOrderStorage = new HashMap(); @WebMethod(operationName = "receiveBankOrder") public String receiveBankOrder(@WebParam(name = "order") BankOrder order) { String status = ""; try { order.setId(bankOrderStorage.size()); bankOrderStorage.put(order.getId(), order); return "OK"; } catch (Exception e) { status += e.getLocalizedMessage(); } return "FAIL" + status; }


Implementing the web service is final step, and we're ready to deploy the web service to application server (GlassFish). Right-click the BankApplication node, and select Undeploy & Deploy menu item. Once the application is deployed, verify your service by invoking BankOrderService -> Test Web Service action. After invocation, your browser window should show page similar to Figure 4.


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Figure 4. Web Service Tester Page

Implement Client to call the web serviceWe will continue in our sample with Client implementation. The client will be a web application,

which will show a simple form to input the data for a bank order together with Submit button. Clicking Submit will submit the form data to a processing servlet, which will call the web service and based on success or failure feedback from service, it will redirect to success,jsp or failure.jsp pages. To implement what we described, create a simple Web Application by selecting New Project -> Web Application. The name of the application is going to be WebBankClientApplication. The wizard screen is shown on Figure 5.

Figure 5. Creating Client Web Application

Continue with creating a Web Service Client. Right-click the WebBankClientApplication node, and select New -> Web Service Client. In the wizard window, select the service we implemented by clicking Browse button next to the project field. Please the client to package bankorder.webclient. The details are shown on Figure 6.


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Figure 6. Creating Web Service Client

Once the client is created, you should see a Web Service References node in the project view, and expanding all nodes underneath should reveal the web service operation. Now let's use the client and call the web service operation in a processing servlet. The servlet will accept requests coming from JSP page, and will transform the data from request into our data transfer object called BankOrder. Then it will invoke the service with BankOrder object as a parameter. Create the servlet by choosing New -> Servlet in your client project context menu, name it OrderSubmission and place it to bankorder.web package. Then implement the servlet according to Listing 3. To help with web service invocation, drag the receiveBankOrder() web service operation from Web Service References into your servlet source code – directly into processRequest() method. NetBeans will generate the necessary annotations and web service invocation code for you.

Listing 3. OrderSubmission.java Processing servlet, processRequest() operation implementation

response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8");try { bankorder.webclient.BankOrderService port = service.getBankOrderServicePort(); bankorder.webclient.BankOrder order = new bankorder.webclient.BankOrder(); order.setAmount((String)request.getParameter("amount")); order.setReceiverAccount((String)request.getParameter("recAcc")); order.setSenderAccount((String)request.getParameter("senderAcc")); java.lang.String result = port.receiveBankOrder(order); if (result.equals("OK")) { response.sendRedirect("success.jsp"); } else { response.sendRedirect("failure.jsp"); }} catch (Exception e) { System.err.print(e); response.sendRedirect("failure.jsp");}

Next, create the pages where the servlet redirects to. Their names shall be failure.jsp and success.jsp. Contents for both is in Listing 4 and 5.


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Listing 4. failure.jsp Failure notification page

... <body> <h2>Service invocation failed! Check server log for more info.</h2> </body> ...

Listing 5. success.jsp Success notification page

... <body> <h2>Bank Order successfully submitted!</h2> </body> ...

As a last step, we're missing the web form to fill the bank order data into. The form can reside in the default index.jsp which is already created in your project. Listing 6 shows the form, which will submit the data to already implemented OrderSubmission servlet.

Listing 6. index.jsp Form for entering bank order data (account numbers, amount)

... <body> <form name="OrderSubmission" action="OrderSubmission" method="POST"> Amount: <input type="text" name="amount" value="100" /><br/> Sender Account: <input type="text" name="senderAcc" value="5678" /><br/> Recipient Account: <input type="text" name="recAcc" value="1234" /><br/> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" /> </form> </body> ...

And we're ready! Run the web application, enter some data, click Submit and observer the message flow in GlassFish output window.

To see the messages and HTTP requests and responses flowing between services and clients, add following Java options to your GlassFish domain.xml ($GLASSFISH_DIR/domains/domain1/config/domain.xml):



Enhancing your service/client with Security and Reliability The work we have done so far was in the grounds of the web service implementation. However, to make our example look a bit more real, we need to assure several things. It would be very bad if your bank order requests have been lost during transmission and you wouldn't know about it. Also, it would be wrong if banking orders are executed in a different order than you submit them. Reliability features of Metro will help us here, but the list of complaints against the basic implementation is longer. From security perspective, we need to make sure that only certain users are able to submit the orders. Also, when they are sending the orders, we should make sure the communication is encrypted so that nobody can read what kind of banking orders are we submitting, and we need to use signing of messages to assure that the message has not been tampered with on the route from service to client and back. Performance is also important, so we'd not like to establish the secure session for each message, but do it only once, send more messages during the session and then terminate it, or set timeout when the session should terminate. To help with these additional requirements on our service implementation, we'll use the WSIT NetBeans plugins, which are directly included in NetBeans Full or Web & Java EE bundles. To invoke the WSIT functionality for your web service, click Advanced... button in the bottom of the


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Visual WS designer, or right-click your web service in project explorer window and select Edit WS Attributes action. You should see a dialog corresponding to Figure 7.

Figure 7. Quality Of Service Settings in NetBeans 6.0

Reliability Let's start with solving the first two complaints first. To assure the messages are not lost on the wire, click the Reliable Message Delivery checkbox, as shown on Figure 8. Right below that, click Deliver Messages In Exact Order to solve the seconds complaint. That sets up the reliability features of project Metro. Close the dialog, redeploy the service BankApplication and the client, and submit several orders again.


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Figure 8. Setting up Reliability and Ordered Message Delivery

If you look closely to your application, you might notice the dialog created one configuration file, called wsit-bankorder.service.BankOrderService under project's src/conf folder. The file includes the settings in the form of Policy expressions, understood by WSIT implementation.

With this setup, you can observe the message communication has changed a bit. In the message log, you may find the messages contain new headers, such as those from Listing 7. Some namespace declarations are removed from there for more clarity.

Listing 7. Message Headers with Reliable Messaging turned on

<MessageID>uuid:eb7be0e5-00c4-40b1-a9f0-9557caadd9c5</MessageID><RelatesTo >uuid:fcd8cf00-3f97-49b6-a290-58fb7c8afdd5</RelatesTo><ns2:Sequence> <ns2:Identifier>uuid:bd42d7f6-56e1-47a7-ae63-772c691c5bf5</ns2:Identifier> <ns2:MessageNumber>1</ns2:MessageNumber></ns2:Sequence><ns2:AckRequested>

Presence of those headers means that Reliable Messaging is active. You might notice the Sequence identifiers and MessageIDs. Those are used to assure proper delivery so that the Metro runtime knows which message to resend if it has been lost, and also how to order the messages correctly on receiving side.

Security - ServiceNow focus on the security requirements. NetBeans allows you to secure your service in one step.

Return back to the Quality Of Service dialog, choose Secure Service option as shown on Figure 9 and redeploy the application. That's all you need to do on service side to secure your service. If you try to invoke your client again, you'll see it fails because it does not specify required credentials for the service.

Figure 9. Setting up Security on service

For development purposes, NetBeans with Metro provides certificates to be used. These development credentials are used if you click Use Development Defaults checkbox, which is chosen by default. For your production purposes, you will need a real certificates issued by appropriate certificate authorities.

In real world, security considerations are much more broad, so the default settings might not apply for your real life scenario. NetBeans 6 defines several Security Profiles, which are designed for different security scenarios. The default profile is called Username Authentication With Symmetric Keys. The profile uses message level security, and protects your application for integrity and confidentiality, which means that the communication between service and client is encrypted, and signed. With this profile, symmetric key cryptography is used – it relies on a single, shared secret key that is used to both sign and encrypt a message. Symmetric keys are usually faster


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than public key cryptography. For this profile, the client does not possess any certificate/key of his own, but instead sends its username/password for authentication. The client shares a secret key with the server. The shared, symmetric key is generated at runtime and encrypted using the service's certificate. The client must specify the alias in the truststore by identifying the server's certificate alias. From other profiles, you may choose different security mechanisms with message level security or SSL transport, using SAML tokens, or using Secure Token Service (STS). STS profiles are used to introduce 3rd party into the client-service communication. Client authenticates with the 3rd party (STS provider), and further requests to the service are made using security tokens issued by the 3rd


Each security profile can be configured more through Configure button. The settings do correspond to the profile chosen, but for most non-SSL based security profiles you can specify the key lengths used (128-256bit), configure Secure Conversation and other settings. Secure Conversation is switched on automatically when Reliable Messaging is used, and improves performance of secure communication between service and client significantly where multiple messages are transferred. With Secure Conversation, the security context is established only once, and further communication happens using derived keys. One of the configuration dialogs is shown on Figure 10.

Figure 10. Security Profile configuration dialog

Whole description of the configuration, security requirements and possibilities would be enough for a whole book or two, so for further information you can consult the Metro documentation,


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where you'll find the list of security profiles with descriptions to easily find which profile match your needs.Security – Client Once we secured the service, our client is not allowed to communicate with it anymore, because it requires the credentials. To fix it, we need to let the client know about the new service capabilities. These capabilities are advertised in service WSDL in form of Policy assertions, such as on Listing 8.

Listing 8. Policy assertions describing Reliability settings on service – Reliability enabled, Ordered Delivery enabled

<wsp:Policy wsu:Id="BankOrderServicePortBindingPolicy"> <wsp:ExactlyOne> <wsp:All> <ns3:RMAssertion/> <ns7:Ordered/> <ns8:UsingAddressing/> </wsp:All> </wsp:ExactlyOne></wsp:Policy>

Right-click your WS client under Web Service References node, and select Refresh Client. Choose also an option to replace service WSDL with new version in the next dialog. With this update, client is aware of service security capabilities, but it still doesn't have required credentials. To set them, right-click the client node again, and select Edit WS Attributes action. The client Quality Of Service dialog is shown on Figure 11.


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Figure 11. Setting up Security on client

For development purposes, select Use development defaults button, click OK, redeploy your client application and try to submit several banking orders again. Check GlassFish log for the messages. You'll notice they are encrypted, and you can no longer read the real values being transfered.The development defaults option sets automatically the required certificate aliases, and also creates

and specifies the login credentials for wsitUser. Static specification of username credentials is not preferred in a lot of security settings. For that purpose, you can verify or pass the credentials dynamically using callback handlers. To specify callback handlers, you need to switch the Authentication Credentials combo box from Static to Dynamic, and specify location of your handler classes. More information about this type of authentication/verification can be again found in Metro documentation.

Note that you don't need to change your service implementation at all to enable Reliability, Security, or other features!


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ConclusionsIn this article, we tried to show the web service development features of NetBeans 6 from basic

web service development, to adding more advanced enterprise-class features in a few clicks. For further reading, I'd recommend NetBeans documentation, tutorials, faqs, or documents on Metro web site. If you have specific questions or would like to give us feedback, please use Metro or NetBeans public forums.

Important conceptsCredentials – A set of claims used to prove the identity of a client. They contain an identifier for the client and a proof of the client's identity, such as a password. They may also include information, such as a signature, to indicate that the issuer certifies the claims in the credential.Direct Authentication – A type of authentication where the service validates credentials directly with an identity store, such as a database or directory service.Impersonation – The act of assuming a different identity on a temporary basis so that a different security context or set of credentials can be used to access the resource.Message Layer Security – Represents an approach where all the information that is related to security is encapsulated in the message. In other words, with message layer security, the credentials are passed in the message.Mutual Authentication – This is a form of authentication where the client authenticates the server in addition to the server that authenticates the client.Security Token – A set of claims used to prove the identity of a client. They contain an identifier for the client and a proof of the client's identity such as a password. They may also include information, such as a signature, to indicate that the issuer certifies the claims in the credential. Most security tokens will also contain additional information that is specific to the authentication broker that issued the token.Transport Layer Security – Represents an approach where security protection is enforced by lower level network communication protocols (such as SSL).Trusted subsystem (domain) – This is a process where a trusted business identity is used to access a resource on behalf of the client. The identity could belong to a service account or it could be the identity of an application account created specifically for access to remote resources.

Linkshttp://glassfish.dev.java.netGlassFish application server main web site.http://websvc.netbeans.org/wsitNetBeans WSIT Plugin (Project Tango) related web sitehttps://wsit.dev.java.net/docs/tango-overview.pdfArticle with more information about Metro, JAX-WS and Project Tango.http://blogs.sun.com/mgrebacMartin Grebac's blog

BioMartin Grebac ([email protected]) is a staff engineer at Sun Microsystems, Inc. He worked on JSP debugging and J2EE refactoring features in NetBeans, led Java EE 5 Wed Services efforts in NetBeans 5, and raised WSIT support in later releases. He is a member of GlassFish Web Technologies and Standards team, focusing on Tools integration of web technologies around Project Metro, and involved in other GlassFish integration efforts, such as with Groovy and Grails.


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