United Nations E/CONF.105/INF/4 Economic and Social Council ADVANCED UNEDITED VERSION Distr.: General 11 August 2017 Original: English 12-45469 (E) 080812 *1245469* Eleventh United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names New York, 8 17 August 2017 Provisional List of participants* * Please send your additions/corrections to the Secretariat (e-mail [email protected] and [email protected]).

ADVANCED UNEDITED VERSION - United Nations · 2017-08-11 · United Nations E /CONF.105/INF/4 Economic and Social Council ADVANCED UNEDITED VERSION Distr.: General 11 August 2017

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United Nations E/CONF.105/INF/4

Economic and Social Council


Distr.: General

11 August 2017

Original: English

12-45469 (E) 080812


Eleventh United Nations Conference on the

Standardization of Geographical Names New York, 8 – 17 August 2017

Provisional List of participants*

* Please send your additions/corrections to the Secretariat (e-mail [email protected] and

[email protected]).

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A. States Members of the United Nations


Head of delegation

Mr. Hamid Oukaci, Secretary General of the National Geospatial Information



Head of delegation

Mr. William Hughs Watt, South Australian Department of Planning, Transport and

Infrastructure, Chair of the Committee for Geographical Names in Australasia


Ms. Susan Jaye Birtles


Head of delegation

Prof. Dr. Peter Jordan, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna


Dr. Gerhard Rampl, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna


Head of delegation

H.E. Mr. Yashar Aliyev, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United



Mr. Nazim Ismayilov, Head of the Production Policy Division of the Ministry of

Ecology and Natural Resources

Ms. Lala Mehdiyeva, Attaché, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to

the United Nations



Mr. Pascal Buffin, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Mr. Jeroen Cooreman, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Mr. Jean-Yves Pirlot, Deputy Administrator-General, National Geographic Institute,


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Head of delegation

H.E. Mr. Charles T. Ntwaagae, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the

United Nations

Alternate head of delegation

Mr. Bareng C. Malatsi, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Land Management, Ministry

of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services


Mr. Montshiwa Montshiwa, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Policy Development ,

Ministry of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services

Mr. Tshiamiso T. Oitsile, Director, Department of Surveys and Mapping, Ministry of

Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services

Ms. Baboloki Gabalape, Senior Cartographer, Secretariat, National Interim

Committee on Geographical Names, Department of Surveys and Mapping, Ministry

of Land Management, Water and Sanitation Services

Dr. Edgar Sisa, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Botswana to the

United Nations

Mr. Tihalefo Madisa, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Botswana

to the United Nations

Ms. Lorato L. Motsumi, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of

Botswana to the United Nations



H.E. Mr. Ith Sotha, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Land Management, Urban

Planning and Construction


Head of delegation

Mr. Steven Westley, Manager, GNBC Secretariat, Canada Centre for Mapping and

Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada


Ms. Kristina Kwiatkowski, Toponymy Specialist, Canada Centre for Mapping and

Earth Observation, Natural Resources Canada

Mme Marie-Ève Bisson, Coordonatrice de la toponymie municipale, Commission de

toponymie du Québec

Ms. Helen Kerfoot, Former UNGEGN Chair, Emeritus Scientist, Natural Resources


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Head of delegation

Col. José Riquelme Muñoz, Director del Instituto Geografico Militar

Alternate representatives

Maj. Juan Pablo Palacios Cergna, Jefe de la Seccion Cartografica, Instituto

Geografico Militar


Head of delegation

Mr. Chen Deyu, Deputy Director General, Department of Administra tive Boundary

Division and Geographical Name Management, Ministry of Civil Affairs


Mr. Cao Ruichang, Director, Department of Administrative Boundary Division and

Geographical Name Management, Ministry of Civil Affairs

Mr. Song Jiucheng, Deputy Chief, China Institute of Toponymy

Mr. Wang Chang, Deputy Director, Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Chu Chenxu, Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs, Ministry of Foreign


Mr. Li Sihai, Director, National Marine Data and Information Service

Mr. Lu Zhongjin, Director, Map Service Center of Sinomaps Press

Mr. Zhang Qiang, Senior Engineer, China Surveying and Mapping Technology

Services Company

Mr. Wang Hai, Deputy Chief, Navigation Guarantee Bureau of the Chinese Navy


Mr. Cui Hongsheng, Senior Engineer, PLA Navy Press


Head of delegation

Mr. Andreas Hadjiraftis, Acting Chief Land Officer, Department of Lands and

Surveys, Ministry of Interior; President of the National Permanent Committee for

the Standardization of Geographical Names

Alternate representatives

Ms. Monika Pachoumi, Attaché, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Cyprus to

the United Nations

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Head of delegation

Mr. Peder Gammeltoft, Director, Department for Name Research, University of


Alternate representative

Mr. Jens Bo Rykov, Senior Cartographer, Danish Agency for Data Supply and


Democratic Republic of the Congo

Head of delegation

M. Augustin Fuka Nzau, Directeur de Cabinet du Ministre


M. Albert Mbuyu Numbi, Professeur Géographe et Directeur Général a.i. de

l’Institut Géographique du Congo

M. Pax Mbuyi Mucici, Géographe expert, Directeur Technique et Chef de

Département de Cartographie a l’Institut Géographique du Congo

Mme. Virgine Osako Omekenge, Attachée de Bureau 1ere Classe au Ministère des

Affaires Etrangère et Intégration Régionale



H.E. Mr. Amr Abdellatif Aboulatta, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,

Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Mr. Ihab Awad Moustafa, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Dr. Mohamed Omar Gad, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of the Arab

Republic of Egypt to the United Nations

Ms. Sheyam Elgarf, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Arab Republic of

Egypt to the United Nations

Ms. Eman Ahmed Mohamed Oriby, Egyptian Central Agency for Public

Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS)



Ms. Kadri Teller-Sepp, Adviser, Department of Regional Administration, Ministry

of Finance of Estonia


Mr. Peeter Päll, Head of the Department of Language Planning, Institute of the

Estonian Language

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Head of delegation

Ms. Ulla Onkamo, Senior Specialist, Institute for the Languages of Finland


Mr. Teemu Leskinen, Senior Expert, National Land Survey of Finland



Mme. Elizabeth Calvarin, Présidente de la division francophone du Groupe

d’Experts des Nations Unies pour les noms géographiques, Rapporteur de la

Commission nationale de toponymie (CNT) du Conseil national de l’information

géographique (CNIG)



H.E. Mr. Juergen Schulz, Ambassador, Chargé d’Affaires and Deputy Permanent

Representative of Germany to the United Nations


Mr. Pier-Giorgio Zaccheddu, Chairman, Dutch- and German Speaking Division of

UNGEGN; Convenor, Working Group on Toponymic Data Files and Gazetteers of

UNGEGN; Vice-Chair, Permanent Committee on Geographical Names (StAGN),

Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)

Mr. Reinhard Krapp, Minister, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United


Mr. Matthias Loehrl, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United


Mr. Bernd Edwin Beinstein, Secretary, Permanent Committee on Geographical

Names (StAGN), Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)


Ms. Vera Ibes, Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations


Head of delegation

H.E. Mr. Dionyssios Kalamvrezos, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United



Mr. Dimitrios Gioldassis, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Greece to the

United Nations

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Ms. Vaiani Gaidatzi, First Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Greece to the United


Mr. Spyridon Pagkratis, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Greece to the

United Nations



Mr. Gabor Mikesy, Senior Counsellor, Department of Geodesy Remote Sensing and

Land Offices of the Government Office of the Capital City of Budapest


Head of delegation

H.E. Mr. Syed Akbaruddin, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United



H.E. Mr. Tanmaya Lal, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the

United Nations

Maj. Gen. Mr. Girish Kumar, Additional Surveyor General, Survey of India, New


Mr. S. K. Sinha, Director, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi

Cdr. Mr. Amit Pant, Joint Director, Directorate of Hydrography, Ministry of


Mr. Pankaj Mishra, Deputy Director, Survey of India, Dehradun

Mr. Abhimanyu Kumar Manish, Under Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs

Mr. Ashish Sinha, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations

Mr. Sushil Dobhal, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of India to the United


Mr. Bamadev Dash, Attaché, Permanent Mission of India to the United Nations


Head of delegation

Prof. Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, Head, Geospatial Information Agency of the Republic

of Indonesia


Mr. Ida Herliningsih, Head of Center for Topographic Mapping and Toponym

Geospatial Information Agency

Mr. Eko Subowo, Director General for Administrative Regional Affairs, Ministry of

Home Affairs

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Mr. Brahmantya Satyamurti Poerwadi, Director General for Marine Spatial

Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

Mr. Dodi Sukmayadi, Deputy for Basic Geospatial Information, Geospatial

Information Agency

Brig. Gen. Yasid Sulistya, Assistant Deputy for Coordination of Regional Borders

and Defense Spatial, Ministry of Defense

Mr. Ayodhia Geha Lakunama Kalake, Assistant Deputy for Maritime Zone

Delimitation, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs

Mr. Tumpak H. Simanjuntak, Director for Toponym and Regional Borders,

Ministry of Home Affairs

First Admiral Bambang Supriyadi, Director for Territorial Defense, Ministry of


Rear Admiral Harjo Susmoro, Head of Hydrography and Oceanography Center,

Indonesian Navy

Prof. Multamia RMT Lauder, Professor of Linguistic Faculty of Humanities,

University of Indonesia

Mr. Laniy Meitia Putri, Head of Sector for Mapping and Maritime Toponymy,

Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs

Mr. Endah Kastanya, Head of Sub Directorate for Regional Toponymy 1, Ministry

of Home Affairs

Mr. M. Fifik Syafiudin, Head of Sector for Toponymy, Geospatial Information


Mr. Heri Rasdiana, Head of Section for Archipelagic Management, Ministry of

Marine Affairs and Fisheries

Mr. Rizka Windiastuti, Toponym Researcher, Geospatial Information Agency

Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Head of delegation

H.E. Mr. Eshagh Al Habib, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the

United Nations


Mr. Ali Nasimfar, Second Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic

of Iran to the United Nations

Ms. Masoumeh Parsoun, Expert, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic

Republic of Iran

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H.E. Mr. Yasuhisa Kawamura, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of

Japan to the United Nations

Mr. Hiroshi Tanabe, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo

Mr. Kazuhiko Akeno, Director General, National Mapping Department, Geospatial

Information Authority

Mr. Hiroyuki Nagasawa, Director, Specialized Agencies Division, International

Cooperation Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate representatives

Mr. Yota Kato, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations

Mr. Takashi Morita, Professor Emeritus, Hosei University

Mr. Kohei Watanabe, Associate Professor, Teikyo University


Mr. Motoyasu Yamada, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Japan to the

United Nations

Mr. Yu Ukawa, Official, Specialized Agencies Division, International Cooperation

Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Yoshiyuki Mizuta, Deputy Director, Geographical Name Information Division,

National Mapping Department, Geospatial Information Authority


Head of delegation

Brig. Gen. Dr. Eng. Awni Kasawneh, Director General of the Royal Jordan

Geographical Council, Chairman of the Arab Division of UNGEGN


Dr. Eng. Ebrahim Alnsour, Director of Technical Services Department

Maj. Ali Al-Olimat, Head of Cartography Section, Production Department

Ms. Lana Hasan Abdallah Abu Tarboush, Adviser



Ms. Vita Strautniece, Head of Laboratory of Toponymy, Department of

Cartography, Latvian Geospatial Information Agency

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H.E. Dr. Nawaf Salam, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United


Ms. Caroline Ziade, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Ms. Maya Dagher, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United


Mr. Hassan Abbas, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United


Mr. Marwan Francis, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the United




H.E. Muhammad Shahrul Ikram Yaakob, Ambassador, Permanent Representative

to the United Nations

Mr. Kennedy Mayong Onon, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United


Sr. Dr. Zainal Bin A Majeed, Representative of the Chair of the National

Committee on Geographical Names, Director of Survey and Mapping, State of

Selangor, Malaysia

Mr. Mohd Ridzwan Shahabudin, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Malaysia to

the United Nations


Head of delegation

H.E. Mr. Juan Jose Gomez Camacho, Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the

United Nations

Alternate Head of delegation

H.E. Mr. Juan Sandoval Mendiolea, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent

Representative to the United Nations


Mrs. Judith Marcia Arrieta Munguia, Minister, Permanent Mission of Mexico to

the United Nations

Ms. Sylvia Paola Mendoza Elguea, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of Mexico

to the United Nations

Ms. Eva Romulus Ortega, Adviser, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United


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Ms. Mayra Bravo Lozano, Adviser, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United




Mme. Zineb Didouz, Chef du Département d’Etablissement et de Révision des

Cartes de Bases a l’Agence Nationale de la Conservation Foncière, du Cadastre et

de la Cartographie

M. My Abdellah El Abdi El Alaoui, Chef du Département de la Cartographie

Générale et Thématique a l’Agence Nationale de la Conservation Foncière, du

Cadastre et de la Cartographie



Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Jan Ormeling, Chair of the Commission on Foreign

Geographical Names, The Dutch Language Union

Mr. Jasper Hogerwerf, Senior Data Analyst, Kadaster


Head of delegation

Ms. Ingvil Nordland, Senior Advisor, Norwegian Language Council


Mr. Kjetil Ringen, Senior Engineer, Norwegian Mapping Authority

Ms. Lisa Monica Aslaksen, Head of Section, Sami Parliament of Norway


Head of delegation

Brig. Gen. (Air) Ahmed Saif Al-Badi, Head of the National Survey Authority,

Ministry of Defense


Lt. Col. Yusuf Harith Al-Nabhani, Geographical Information Services, Ministry of




Mr. Israel Sanchez Moreno, National Director, National Geographic Institute

“Tommy Guardia”

Mr. Felix Alberto Sanchez, Director of the Cartography School of the University of


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H.E. Mr. Teodoro L. Locsin, Jr., Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the

United Nations

Mr. Peter N. Tiangco, Administrator, National Mapping and Resource Information


Alternate representatives

Ms. Irene Susan B. Natividad, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United


Ms. Maria Angela A. Ponce, Minister, Permanent Mission of the Republic of the

Philippines to the United Nations


Mr. Ruel DM. Belen, Director, Mapping and Geodesy Branch, National Mapping

and Resource Information Authority

Ms. Mary Jane R. Montemor, Engineer III, Mapping and Geodesy Branch, National

Mapping and Resource Information Authority

Ms. Elaine Diana L. Lorenzo, Attaché, Permanent Mission of the Republic of the

Philippines to the United Nations



Mr. Maciej Zych, Vice-President of the Commission on the Standardization of

Geographical Names outside of the Republic of Poland



H.E. Mr. Alya Ahmed Saif Al-Thani, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to

the United Nations

Mr. Abdulrahman Al-Hamadi, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United


Mr. Ahmad Al-Kuwari, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of the State of Qatar to

the United Nations

Mr. Amer Mohammed Abdullah Al-Humaidi, Assistant Director of the Center for

Geographic Information Systems, Ministry of Municipality and Environment

Mr. Mohammed Ali Saleh Al-Merri, Head of Topographic Survey Department,

Ministry of Municipality and Environment

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Republic of Korea

Head of delegation

H.E. Yoo Euy-sang, Ambassador-at-large for Geographical Naming, Northeast Asian

History Foundation

Alternate head of delegation

H.E. Hahn Choong-hee, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the

United Nations


Mr. You Ki-Jun, Deputy Director-General, International Legal Affairs Bureau,

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Rhee Zha Hyoung, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to

the United Nations

Ms. Lee Min-kyong, Director, Territory and Oceans Division, International Legal

Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Yang Jai Ho, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the

United Nations

Mr. Lee Chang Woo, Second Secretary, Territory and Oceans Division, International

Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Jang Kyung Eun, Second Secretary, Territory and Oceans Division,

International Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Jin Eui Lim, Third Secretary, Territory and Oceans Division, International

Legal Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Han Myoung Hee, Director, National Geographic Data Monitoring Department,

National Geographic Information Institute

Ms. Kang Gi Hi, Assistant Director, National Geographic Data Monitoring

Department, National Geographic Information Institute

Ms. Jang Boram, Assistant Director, Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic


Ms. Shin Seung Hye, Research Fellow, Northeast Asian History Foundation


Mr. Choo Sung Jae, Professor, Kyung Hee University

Mr. Ryu Yeon Taek, Professor, Chungbuk National University

Mr. Kim Young Hoon, Professor, Korea National University of Education

Mr. Chi Sang Hyun, Professor, Kyung Hee University

Ms. Ahn Sejin, Research Assistant, Ewha Womans University

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Head of delegation

Col. Ing. Dan Pomirleanu, Head of Office, Directorate for Military Topography,

Secretary of the Technical Commission for geographical names in Romania

Alternate Representatives

Dr. Monica-Stefania Dumitrascu, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geography,

Romanian Academy

Ms. Elisabeta David, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Col. Florin Roman, Military Advisor, Permanent Mission of Romania to the United


Ms. Cristina Popescu, Diplomatic Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Romania to

the United Nations

Russian Federation

Head of delegation

Mr. Alexey V. Trifonov, Deputy Director of the Department of the Ministry of

Economic Development


Ms. Galina V. Asharina, Head of Section of the Federal Service for State

Registration, Cadastre and Cartography

Ms. Olga M. Boronenko, Head of Section of the Federal Service for State

Registration, Cadastre and Cartography

Mr. Vladimir M. Boginskiy, Head of Section of the Federal Science and Technology

Center of Geodesy, Cartography and Spatial Data Infrastructure

Saudi Arabia

Head of delegation

Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Alsamary, Head, National Committee for Geographical



Ms. Hend bint Saad Alshalash, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affaires

Dr. Abdullah bin Nasser Alwaliee, Deputy of the Head of the National Committee

for Geographical Names

Dr. Abdulrahman bin Sulaiman Alanqari, Counsellor, Ministry of Education

Eng. Hany bin Hussein Zahid, Counsellor, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affaires

Eng. Tallal bin Rabea Alshafee, Counsellor, General Commission of Survey

Mr. Abdullah bin Mohamed Alghihab, Counsellor, General Commission of Survey

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Mr. Khalid bin Mohamed Alruwayes, Counsellor, National Center for Documents

and Archives

Mr. Nayef bin Nasse Alsudairi, Counsellor, Ministry of Interior


Head of delegation

M. Mamadou Djigo, Directeur Général de l’Agence nationale de l’Aménagement du



M. Oumar Ka, Directeur des Travaux géographiques et de la cartographie de

l’Agence nationale de l’Aménagement du Territoire


Head of delegation

Mr. Soh Kheng Peng, Director, Land Survey, Chief Surveyor, National Land



Mr. Tan Hua Seng, Principal Land Survey Executive, National Land Authority


Ms. Marija Brnot, Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia,

Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning



Mr. Mohamed Rabi A. Yusuf, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Federal

Republic of Somalia to the United Nations

Prof. Ahmed Botan Dhakkar, Senior Adviser

Ms. Siham Ahmed, Adviser, Permanent Mission of the Federal Republic of Somalia

to the United Nations

Sri Lanka

Head of delegation

H.E. Dr. Rohan Perera, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United



Mr. A. Sabarullah Khan, Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative to the

United Nations

Mr. D.N.D. Hettiarachchi, Senior Deputy Surveyor General

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Mr. Niluka Prabhath Kadurugamuwa, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission of

Sri Lanka to the United Nations

State of Palestine

Head of delegation

Mr. Mohammed Al-Jabarin, Chairman of the National Committee on Geographical

Names, Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government


Mr. Khalil Tafakji, Arab Studies Society

Mr. Ahmed Rafat Ghodieh, Head of the Geography Department, Al-Najah


Ms. Sana’a Hasna, Negotiations Affairs Department

Mr. Jehad Robaia, Director of the Department of Surveying and Mapping, Ministry

of Local Government

Mr. Jamal Numan, Director of the Unit on Geospatial Information Systems,

Ministry of Local Government

Mr. Nassar Abujabal, Director of Photogrammetry and GPS, Ministry of Local



Head of delegation

Ms. Annette C. Torensjö, Head of Department of Onomastics, Institute of Language

and Folklore


Mr. Staffan Nyström, Professor and Head of Scandinavian Onomastics, Uppsala


Ms. Ebba Berling Aselius, Senior Advisor, Place-Name Section, Department for

Land and Geographic Information

Ms. Leila Mattfolk, Place-Name Consultant, Department of Onomastics, Institute

for Language and Folklore


Head of delegation

Maj. Gen. Krith Bunthid, Deputy Director, Royal Thai Survey Department, Royal

Thai Armed Forces Headquarters, Ministry of Defense


Col. Attawoot Kiatiwat, Deputy Director of Map Information Center, Royal Thai

Survey Department, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters, Ministry of Defense

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Ms. Warawan Tanakitrungruang, Director of Forest Information Technology

Center, Department of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Mr. Korn Manassrisuksi, Director of Forest Geoinformatics, Forest Land

Management Bureau, Department of Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources and


Mr. Sukan Pungkul, Forestry Technical Officer, Professional Level, Department of

Forestry, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Mrs. Jantra Nganeam, Photogrammetrist, Senior Professional Level, Office of

Engineering Topographical and Geotechnical Survey, Royal Irrigation Department,

Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

Ms. Jitsuda Intumarn, Photogrammetrist, Professional Level, Office of Engineering

Topographical and Geotechnical Survey, Royal Irrigation Department, Ministry of

Agriculture and Cooperatives

Mrs. Siriporn Vuaykadga, Photogrammetrist, Senior Professional Level, Protected

Area Rehabilitation and Development Office, Department of National Park Wildlife

and Plant Conservation, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Mrs. Chayanee Chandraprabha, Photogrammetrist, Senior Professional Level,

Protected Area Rehabilitation and Development Office, Department of National

Park Wildlife and Plant Conservation, Ministry of Natural Resources and


The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


H.E. Mr. Vasile Andonoski, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,

Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Ms. Tanja Dinevska, Minister Counselor and Deputy Permanent Representative to

the United Nations

Mr. Ivica Jovanovski, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Republic of

Macedonia to the United Nations

Ms. Sara Trajkovska, Attaché, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Macedonia to

the United Nations



Lt. Col. Ing. Ms. Naima Friha, Centre National de Cartographie et de Télédétection


Head of delegation

Mr. Guven Begec, Charge d’affaires a.i., Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United



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Mr. Barbaros Tuna Erdem, Head of Department of Translation, Ministry of Foreign


Mr. Metin Maytalman, Deputy Director General of Provincial Administration,

Ministry of the Interior

Mr. Mustafa Eldivan, Head of Department of Provincial Administration, Ministry of

the Interior

Mr. Bilal Cakici, Vice-President of the Turkish Language Institution, Ataturk,

Culture, Language and History High Authority

Ms. Betul Yilmaz, Expert at the Turkish Language Institution, Ataturk, Culture,

Language and History High Authority

United Arab Emirates


Mr. Abdulwahab Al Bustani

United Kingdom

Head of delegation

Ms. Catherine Cheetham, Head, Permanent Committee on Geographical Names

Alternate representative

Ms. Allison Dollimore, Toponymist, Permanent Committee on Geographical Names

United States of America


Mr. Louis A. Yost, Executive Secretary for Domestic Names, United States Board

on Geographic Names, Chief, Geographic Names Project, United States Geological

Survey, U.S. Department of Interior


Mr. Leo Dillon, Chief, Geographic Information Unit, Office of the Geographer and

Global Issues, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S. Department of Stat e

Ms. Susan Lyon, Geographer, Geospatial Research Laboratory, United States Army

Corps of Engineers, U.S. Department of Defense

Mr. Brooke Marston, Cartographer, Geographic Information Unit, Office of the

Geographer and Global Issues, Bureau of Intelligence and Research, U.S.

Department of State

Mr. Trent C. Palmer, Executive Secretary for Foreign Names, United States Board

on Geographic Names, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, U.S. Department

of Defense

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Ms. Tara Wallace, Chief, Nautical Data Branch, National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce



Lt. Julio Teixeira, Oficial Ejecutivo del Servicio Militar Geográfico del Ministerio

de Defensa

B. International scientific organizations

International Cartographic Association (ICA)

Dr. Paulo Márcio Leal de Menezes, Chair of the Joint ICA/IGU Commission on


Prof. Dr. Ferjan Ormeling, former Secretary-General of ICA

International Geographical Union (IGU)

Mr. Cosimo Palagiano, IGU Chair, ICA Commission of Toponymy

International Consortium of Universities for Toponymic Education (ICUTE)

Mr. Peter E. Raper, Professor Extraordinaire and Research Fellow, Unit for

Language Facilitation and Empowerment, University of the Free State , South Africa

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Mr. Patrick L. Jones

Ms. Veni Markovski

International Hydrographic Organization (IHO)

Mr. Yves Guillam, Assistant Director, Charting & Services

C. Observers

Mr. Ethan Russel, Google Earth

Ms. Crystal Sholts, Google Earth

Mr. John Williams, Google Earth

Mr. Andrew Gove, Google Earth

Mr. Julio César Bermūdez Moreno, Departamento de Geografía, Universidad

Nacional de Colombia Sede Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede


Mr. Luke Croll, Editing Section, Documentation Division, DGACM, United

Nations Secretariat

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Ms. Claire Fellini, Editor, Editing Section, Documentation Division, DGACM,

United Nations Secretariat

Mr. Ren Vasiliev, The Make Things Workshop

Mr. Nelson Ammen Benje, AISDI-CIG

Mr. Amen Ra Mashariki, Head of Urban Analytics, Esri

Ms. Karen Richardson, Esri

Mr. Songtao Ai, Wuhan University, China

D. United Nations Secretariat

Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, Director, Statistics Division, Department of Economic and

Social Affairs

Ms. Sonia Elliott, Secretary of the Conference, Chief, Disarmament and Peace

Affairs Branch, Division for General Assembly and ECOSOC Affairs, Department

for General Assembly and Conference Management

Ms. Cecille Blake, UNGEGN Secretariat, Statistics Division, Department of

Economic and Social Affairs