Advance Infusion technology and Excellence nursing

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  • 8/14/2019 Advance Infusion technology and Excellence nursing


    Advances InfusionTechnologyVS

    Excellent Nursing Practice

    Pongpak Pittayapan. R.N, IV Therapy and Oncology Nursing. UK.

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  • 8/14/2019 Advance Infusion technology and Excellence nursing



    Solution containerMaterialSizes

    Types of containers

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    Clinical Considerations1. Wash hands before opening or spiking

    solution containers2. Inspect bags and bottles before use for

    cracks , leaks , damaged

    ports or seals , expiration date , clarity ,discoloration , turbidity , andparticulate matter ; discard if problemsfound

    3. Label bags and bottles with date andtime the solution container was opened

  • 8/14/2019 Advance Infusion technology and Excellence nursing


    Clinical Considerations5. Change solution containers in accordance with the

    Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice (Intravenous Nurses Society [INS ], 2000),particularly if a closed system is not maintained ,to prevent the potential growth of

    microorganisms that might have entered thesystem6. Discard solution containers removed from the

    intravenous system ; do not save for later use

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    Administration setTypesDrop factorConstruction

    Internal administration set diameterClampsInjection /access ports

    Considerations When Using Administration Sets

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    Considerations When UsingAdministration Sets1. Assess product and package integrity before use ; do not use

    if violated2. Assess patient for latex sensitive ; some administration sets

    contain parts with latex3. Determine appropriateness of administration set based on

    medication /solution to be administereda . Certain medications , such as Taxol , must be given through

    administration sets not made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC )b . Administration sets used to administer other medications

    such as propofol should be replaced every 6 to 12 hours oraccording to manufactures recommendations

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    4. Change peripheral and central primary and secondary

    administration sets in accordance with the Infusion Nursingstandards of practice (INS , 2000) and organizational policiesand procedures

    5. Change administration sets at the time of the peripheralcatheter change or when a new solution container is initiated

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    6. Discard administration sets used to administer lipid emulsions

    after each unit unless additional units are administeredconsecutively and immediately if contamination is suspectedor product integrity is compromised ; change sets used toadminister consecutive units every 24 hours

    7. Change administration sets used to administer blood andblood products after each unit or at the end of 4 hours ,whichever comes first , and immediately if contamination issuspected or product integrity is compromised

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    Add-On and Junction Securement deviceExtension SetsStopcocksConnectors

    Securement DevicesInjection /Access PortsSolid Caps

    Vented Spike AdaptersTransducers and Domes

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    FiltersFeaturesTypesStructural Configuration

    Surface AreaPressure LimitationsIndications for Use

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  • 8/14/2019 Advance Infusion technology and Excellence nursing


    Flow-control devicesElectronic Infusion DevicesMechanical Infusion DevicesImplanted Pumps

    Mechanisms of DeliveryIndication for UseFeatures

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    Selection of devicea . safety features : prime consideration

    1) Automatic anti -free flow is essential (when door is openor administration set is removed , fluid flow is stoppedby a mechanical clump usually initiated at the time thedoor is opened )

    2) Guardrails that set dosage limits for the administrationof medication can prevent serious medication errors atthe bedside

    3) Audible alarms4) Appropriate grounding to prevent electrical hazards

    and interference from other electrical equipment5) Features to minimize tampering6) Delivery rate within 3% to 5% accuracy

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    Risk Factors

    Human ErrorRelated with using medicineRelated with using infusion pump

    Infusion devices/ Infusion pumpGeneral pumpPatient-controlled analgesia (PCA)

    (Medical centers Safe Medication Administration Committee)

    Pongpak Pittayapan Pongpak Pittayapan

  • 8/14/2019 Advance Infusion technology and Excellence nursing


    Med Errs and FactorassociatedA significant percentage of medical errors are

    medication-relatedthese errors account for 1 of 131 outpatientand 1 of 854 inpatient deaths

    include prescription and pharmacy-dispensingerrorsunintentional noncompliance with medicationinstructionsinfusion device account for up to 35 % of allmedication error

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    Technology to reduce thepotential for error

    Computerized prescribe order enter( CPOE)Chemotherapy -specific software

    programsComputerized nursing documentationsystems with links to pharmacologyreferences

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  • 8/14/2019 Advance Infusion technology and Excellence nursing


    personal data assistantsrobots in pharmacies

    bar codingFDA Bar Code Label Requirements forHuman Drug Products and biological


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    estimate will reduce the risk that apatient will receive the wrongmedication or wrong dose or that wrongpatient will receive a medication (FDA,2004 a )FDA estimate Bar code rule will reduce

    50 % reduction in medication error or500,000 med ass-adverse events

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    R & Din Technology to reduce errorCPOE reduces medication errors andadverse drug event in general medicine(Bates et al., 1998, 1999; Raschke et al.,


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  • 8/14/2019 Advance Infusion technology and Excellence nursing


    Multicenter study of 3,481 COPEPhysicians overload 91.2 % of drug allergy

    89.4 % of high severity of drug interactionDespite the use of an automateprescribing system, a patient received acisplatin dose of 760 mg instead of 190mg, cause

    severe pancytopeniaRenal failure hemodialysis

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  • 8/14/2019 Advance Infusion technology and Excellence nursing


    P Patient S Safety S Standards E Eevidence-based recommendations

    1.Improve the accuracy

    of patientidentification

    1.1use at least 2 patientidentifiers whengiving medications .Neither identifiermay be the patient 'sroom number .

    1.2Proper identifiersare the patient 'sname, telephonenumber , and date of

    birth .

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    RecommendHCP should develop a standard patientidentification policy for use in theirinstitution and consistently adhere to it

    (Parisi, 2003)

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    Measure height and weightin centimeters and kilograms

    Strategie 2

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    Have good light, employmagnification, and use high-

    visibility tools such ascalculators with large-

    number buttons and largelighted data display area

    Strategie 3

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    Ageing VS Nurses Rolein ChemotherapyAging process decreasethe amount of lightentering the eyeDecrease visual acuityand the ability to discernlight or dark contrastand color intensity

    The nurses role inchemotherapyadministration is visuallydemanding, and goodlighting is needed to

    review ordersRead vial or drug labelsPrepare medications

    Enter information intocomputer

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    Organize the work andworkspace for safety andefficiency

    Strategie 4

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    IOM reportKeeping Patients Safe: Transforming thework environment of nurse

    Outlined a blueprint of safety promotionactions that include designing the workplacewith both nurses and patient in mindUsing competent and capable nurse to providepatient care, and creating & sustaining anorganizational culture of safety.

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    Oncology NursingTransforming LeadershipExamining the workload and work flow tomake patient scheduling or nurse staffingadjustments

    Using strategies or resources to maximizetime efficiencyGroup chemotherapy education classes

    Instructional videotapes or computerizedprograms)

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    Providing comprehensive new staff orientationand trainingFostering an atmosphere where safety is thenumber-one goal

    Oncology NursingTransforming Leadership

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    Eliminate the use ofabbreviations and acronyms

    in all clinical documentation

    Strategie 6

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    P Patient S Safety S Standards E Eevidence-based recommendations

    2. Improve the

    effectiveness ofcommunication amongcaregivers.

    2.2 Also, organizationsmust use astandardized set ofabbreviations,acronyms, andsymbols throughoutthe organization, andmust also identify

    those abbreviationsthat will not be used.

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    Provide and use up-to-date,easily accessible information

    at the point of care

    Strategie 7

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    Follow the 80/20 rule

    Strategies 8

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    The principle of 80/20 rule(Reh,2002)

    The 80/20 rule origin in economicsThe principle

    20 % of something is responsible for 80 % of

    the resultUsing this principle in product or deviceevaluations for instance

    A small number of defects (e.g., 20%) willcause the majority (e.g.,80%) of problem

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    Reduce the potential forhuman error

    Strategies 9

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    Include the stakeholder withthe most to lose-thepatient-in chemotherapyerror prevention efforts.

    Strategies 10

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    Partnering with patients to preventchemotherapy errorsVerifying chemotherapyWriting instructions and reiteratechemotherapy teachingCreate a process to ensure that all patientsare given information about their

    chemotherapy treatmentsOngoing reinforcement of information may behaphazard

    Strategies 10

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    Near-miss chemotherapy errors havebeen caught by patients when theyobserve something out of the ordinary

    A larger than usual infusion bagChemotherapy drug of a difference color thanthose previously receive

    Encouraged pt to speak up

    Strategies 10

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  • 8/14/2019 Advance Infusion technology and Excellence nursing


    Prevention and Reporting ofMedical Errors (ONS)

    1) published a peer education newsletter analyzing researchrelated to medication errors,2) developed and circulated a poster on medication errors thatincluded a post-test for staff to complete,3) participated in an institution wide symposium focusing on thefundamentals of dealing with medical errors,4) utilized ONS educational activities and offerings addressingmedication errors, and5) confirmed that all medication-related policies and standardsof practice are current with research findings

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    The post-test results will be used as onemechanism for evaluation of theprogram. Ongoing evaluation, critical toinsuring sustained improvement, isdiscussed using a standardizedperformance improvement model


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