ADSP Essay Assignment

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  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment





    ADSP Individual Essa Assi!n"#n$

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  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


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  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    Assignment Submission Declaration

    S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies


    Matriculation No: 43037

    Title: Individual Essay Assignment

    Course and Code: ADSP

    LecturerTutor: Assoc Pro! "ernard #oo $ Assoc Pro! Alan %&ong

    Submission Date: 23 April 20'2

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  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    Ar# $# r#0#n$ ,#a-n a09uisi$i-n r-0#ss#s in S-u$#as$ Asia 0-nsid#r#d

    an ar"s ra0# and l#ad $- $# d#s$a%ilisa$i-n -1 $# r#!i-n:


    :ising de!ence spending -e) SIP:I data on international arms trans!ers re!lect arms race

    concerns, 20'01 in t&e region during recent years and increasingly rapid acuisitions o! ne)

    types o! plat!orms and capa*ilities -"it;inger, Everyt&ing

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    *e !uelled *y suc& acuisitions *e!ore descri*ing some o! t&e measures t&at &ave put in place

    to mitigate arms competition and rising tensions

    #astly, t&e paper )ill conclude *y reiterating t&e arguments against t&e eistence o! an arms

    race in t&e region and argue t&at alt&oug& military spending and procurement are increasing,

    t&ere are measures to ensure regional sta*ility *e!ore t&e situation spirals out o! control

    8or t&e purposes o! de!ining t&e term recent+ in t&e title, t&e paper )ill con!ine t&e discussion

    to a !ied period and concentrate on arms procurements made !rom t&e '0s to t&e present


    &e p&rase arms races+ &as *een loosely used *y sc&olars to denote t&e process o!

    competitive arms acuisition *et)een rival nations )&en arms competition+ is per&aps a

    more accurate term !or t&e competitive approac&es represented *y !orce increases, military

    researc& and development, )eapons production and deployment, and acuisition o! military

    tec&nology *y ot&er means -#ong, 'F1G

    &ere!ore, in order to provide a systematic analysis o! t&e eistence o! a possi*le arms race

    )it&in t&e SEA region, it is use!ul to provide a clear de!inition o! t&e term =ray proposed

    !our !undamental criteria to *e !ul!illed in order !or an arms acuisition process to *e

    considered to *e an arms race -=ray, &e Arms :ace P&enomenon, '7', p 4'1'6

    ' &e eistence o! t)o or more rival !actions consciously a)are o! t&eir opposition

    ' Interestingly, =ray su*seuently reects t&e very concept o! Arms :ace as an eisting p&enomenon in &is later)or(s -=ray, Arms :aces and Ht&er Pat&etic 8allacies6 A %ase !or Deconstruction, '?1

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    2 &e organi;ation o! t&eir armed !orces planned in mind to de!eat, or to deter, t&eir rivals

    3 &ere must *e competition in terms o! uantity and uality

    4 &ere must *e rapid increments in said uantity and uality

    ammond+s de!inition o! arms race as an attempt to intimidate an adversary to gain some

    political advantage t&roug& t&e acuisition, not use, o! more or *etter military capa*ilityG

    !urt&er re!ined on =ray+s conditions o! arms racing *y speci!ying eig&t conditions to *e

    satis!ied in order !or t&e process to *e classi!ied as arms racing -ammond, '3, p 3'16

    ' A primarily *ilateral relations&ip

    2 Eac& party speci!ically designates t&e ot&er to *e a rival

    3 Intense pu*lic &ostility and resentment displayed *et)een t&e t)o parties

    4 Eac& partys military and political planning is directly *ased on t&e capa*ilities and

    intentions o! t&e ot&er party

    5 Involving constant and etraordinary increments in military spending and arms

    acuisitions in ecess o! FJ =P per annum

    ? Intention to dominate one+s rival *y intimidation

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    7 Political and military lin(ages o! state actions *et)een or among t&e rival !orce

    structures and strategies

    F A !ocus on a speci!ic )eapons environment or plat!orm in relation to one+s rival

    e also suggests t&at milder !orms o! rivalry not !ul!illing all o! t&e a*ove conditions *e

    termed as military competitionG and t&ose o! a lesser degree to *e considered as ust normal

    improvements to a nation+s military capa*ilities


    "u;an and erring reasoned t&at t&e lac( o! an epression to descri*e t&ese normal activities

    o! t&e arms acuisition process &as led to t&e term arms race+ *eing overused and misused

    &ey also suggested t&at previous de!initions may not &ave !ully captured t&e )&ole range o!

    processes in t&e arms acuisition contet

    &ere!ore, *uilding upon t&e a*ove concepts, a compre&ensive t&eoretical !rame)or( )as

    introduced K t&e Arms Dynamics+6 encompassing a continuum o! t&e arms acuisition

    process c&aracterised *y increasing levels o! intensity, *eginning )it& *uild>do)n+ and

    escalating to maintenance+, competition+ and arms race+ )it& t&e latter as t&e most etreme

    as illustrated in 8igure '-"u;an $ erring, 'F, pp 7>F'1

    8igure ' 6 Illustration o! t&e Arms Dynamic

    Main$#nan0# > C-"#$i$i-n > Ar"s Ra0#

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    "uild>do)n+ is descri*ed as t&e process o! decommissioning )eapons and plat!orms

    perceived to *e more t&reatening to ot&ers and su*stituting t&em )it& less capa*le systems or

    limiting t&eir num*ers in t&e interest o! introducing sta*ility

    An eample is t&e Strategic Arms :eduction reaty -SA:1 *et)een /nited States -/S1

    and t&e /nion o! Soviet Socialist :epu*lics K aimed at reducing t&e total num*ers o! nuclear

    )ar&eads as )ell as t&eir means o! delivery in terms o! intercontinental *allistic missiles,

    su*marine>launc&ed *allistic missiles and &eavy *om*ers -8rye, 'F31

    "uild>do)n can *e seen as one o! t&e instances )it&in t&e arms dynamics )&ere deterrence

    and security is traded !or sta*ility resulting !rom an even *alance o! !orces and capa*ilities

    )&ere t&ere is no distinct advantage o! one side over t&e ot&er &e same can also *e said on

    t&e ot&er end o! t&e spectrum t&at arms races &elp avert &ostilities t&roug& mutual deterrence,

    indirectly contri*uting to sta*ility *y preventing an all>out )ar -=ray, &e Arms :ace

    P&enomenon, '7', p 771 A!ter all, t&e purpose o! an arms race is to intimidate a rival *y

    accumulating, )it&out using, military po)er -ammond, '3, p 351

    Hn t&e net level o! t&e arms dynamic scale, maintenance+ re!ers to t&e routine operation o!

    t&e arms acuisition process to)ards t&e continuation o! t&e current situation or status uo In

    t&is case, t&ere is no speci!ic intent on t&e part o! involved parties to actively compete against

    eac& ot&er -"u;an $ erring, 'F, p F01

    In a sense, t&e delivery o! %>'30 spares to Indonesia *y t&e /S in

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    considered a !orm o! maintenance+, t&e normal up(eep o! its eisting !leet Indonesia+s

    transport aircra!ts )ere not deemed air)ort&y due to a lac( o! spares a situation *roug&t

    a*out *y /S sanctions implemented in t&e a!termat& o! atrocities committed *y t&e

    Indonesian military in imor #este a!ter its independence in 200' -Indonesia =iving Priority

    to %>'30 ercules Planes, 20''1

    #astly, to complete t&e arms dynamic !rame)or(, competition+ rests some)&ere in *et)een

    maintenance+ and !ull>*lo)n arms race+ It re!ers to t&e rivalry *et)een its opposing

    participants t&at do not !ul!il all o! t&e a*ove mentioned criteria o! an arms race as de!ined

    previously -ammond, '3, p 3'1 and most interactions *et)een potential rivals )ould !all

    into t&is category

    aving provided t&e arms dynamic !rame)or( !or analysis, it is no) possi*le to eamine t&e

    recent procurement processes using t&is ru*ric to determine i! indeed t&ere is ust cause to

    la*el t&em arm races+


    Hne o! t&e approac&es can *e t&e comparison o! de!ence spending among individual

    countries in uestion and ependiture as a )&ole in t&e region &e general trend o! economic

    gro)t& o! SEA, up to ?J per annum, &as *oosted de!ence *udgets and increased spending

    across t&e *oard -East Asia6 S&opping Spree, 20'21 According to

    t&e Stoc(&olm International Peace :esearc& Institute -SIP:I16

    Transfers to South East Asia have increased dramatically between the periods 2000

    200! and 200"200#$ %ndonesian& Sin'aporean and (alaysian arms imports have

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    increased by )!*& +!,* and -22* respectively$ .New S%/% data on international

    arms transfers reflect arms race concerns& 20+01$

    8urt&ermore, Singapore, accounting !or 4J o! t&e )orld+s total spending on arms imports

    -East Asia6 S&opping Spree, 20'21, is t&e only ASEA mem*er

    state among t&e international top ten arms importers during t&is period )it& t&e ot&er !our

    Asian countries *eing regional po)er&ouses o! %&ina, India, Pa(istan and Sout& @orea

    -oltom, "romley, $ Me;eman, 20'01 H*serving t&ese !igures, it )ould not *e too !ar>

    !etc&ed to in!er t&at t&e state o! a!!airs in SEA is seemingly on par )it& current tensions

    eperienced in t&e India K Pa(istan and ort& K Sout& @orea situations

    M&ile it is understanda*le t&at t&e o*served s&arp rise in military spending can *e seen as an

    indicator o! a possi*le regional arms race as mentioned in t&e introduction, most de!ence

    commentators )ould see t&is development as more o! a !orce moderni;ation programme

    -"it;inger, A e) Arms :aceC Eplaining :ecent Sout&east Asian out

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    competition Also, ependiture can *e attri*uted to in!lation, upgrading o! eisting

    capa*ilities, pay and ot&er &uman resource remuneration adustments, suc& as to pensions or

    retirement *ene!its -ammond, '3, p 3F1

    M&ile previously clari!ied t&at most o! t&is s&opping spreeG relates more to maintenance o!

    t&e status uo and not arms racing per se, some sc&olars advocate t&at t&ese de!ence spending

    can *e regarded as a competitive+ reaction to %&ina+s o)n increasing de!ence *udget

    -Sismanidis, '51 encroac&ing into t&e realm o! competition+ in t&e arms dynamic


    %&ina+s military ependiture &as gro)n !ive>!old !rom in t&e last ten years -

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    -"it;inger, A e) Arms :aceC Eplaining :ecent Sout&east Asian made 8>'5S= advanced et !ig&ters, o!!icially

    announced in 2005 as a replacement !or its ageing A>4S/ Super S(y&a)(s -Singapore+s

    :SA8 Decides to 8ly #i(e An Eagle, 20'01, can *e compared to similar *uys o! eig&teen

    :ussian S/>30

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    Indonesia &as a su*marine>operating &istory going *ac( to t&e '?0+s and currently operates

    t)o ype 20.'300 *oats )&ic& &ave completed com*at systems upgrades o! its radar, sonar

    as )ell as &ull and euipment over&aul in early 20'2 &ey &ave also recently signed a

    contract )ort& /SL'07 *illion !or t&ree Sout& @orean %&ang "ogo>class /20.'200s

    -Su*marines !or Indonesia, 20'21

    As t&e second operator o! an under)ater !leet in t&e region, Singapore+s !our Sormen>class

    !rom S)eden )ere delivered *et)een '7 and 200', preceded *y etensive upgrading to

    adapt to t&e tropical operational environment )o OQstergtland>class *oat )ere

    su*seuently added to t&e :epu*lic o! Singapore avy+s H:"A -Singapore Hrders 2

    S)edis& Su*marines, 20051, intended to replace t&e original !our *oug&t initially as !or

    training, operational eperience and (no)ledge accumulation purposes -class !ast attac(

    su*marines -Oietnams :ussian :estoc(ing, 20'21

    Alt&oug& it can *e argued t&at some o! t&ese nations )it& competing interests in t&e Sout&

    %&ina Sea -S%S1 are reacting to %&ina+s rising regional domination, t&ese acuisition

    processes still !all s&ort o! t&e arm race criteria as t&e rivals &ave not eplicitly e&i*ited any

    pu*lic displays o! &ostilities or resentment to)ards eac& ot&er -#oo, 20'01 In !act, %&ina &as

    *een using diplomatic c&annels via t&e ASEA :egional 8orum -A:81 plat!orm to engage

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    )it& mem*er nations to pursue its claims over t&e Spratly Islands and its EEB in t&e S%S

    -aylor, 20'', p '01

    3 #and Plat!orms

    &e purc&ase o! land )eapon plat!orms, in t&e !orm o! main *attle tan(s -

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    more an indicator o! military competition+ rat&er t&an evidence o! somet&ing amounting to

    an arms race

    Alternatively, some &ave argued t&at internal !actors rat&er t&an eternal pressures can lead to

    t&e arms procurement, suc& as !or reasons o! national prestige to signal t&e arrival o! a

    particular nation onto t&e international arena or to sym*olise alliances -Spear $ %ooper,

    20'01 A case in point is t&e pride o! &aving t&e !irst 30

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    8igure 2 6 %ompeting %laims in S%S-Source6 %laire aylor,(ilitary alance in Southeast Asia,-#ondon6 ouse o! %ommons #i*rary, 20''1, p21

    Hne o! t&e most contentious issues in t&e region is t&e dispute involving various SEA

    countries as )ell as t&e regional po)er&ouse %&ina regarding competing claims over

    territories in t&e S%S as s&o)n in 8igure 2 &e Spratly and Paracel islands are regarded *y

    "eiing as integral parts o! %&ina+s territory o)ever, "runei,

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    -part o! t&e Spratly Islands1 in '74 and

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    o)ever, in contrast to t&e unresolved issues over t&e Spratlys and Paracels in t&e S%S, t&is

    dispute &as *een settled amica*ly t&roug& preventive diplomacy in t&e !orm o! ar*itration in

    t&e International %ourt o! Nustice in 200F -Sovereignty over Pedra "ranca.Pulau "atu Pute&


  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    region -"all, '1 Hn an international level, most SEA countries2are already parties to t&e

    Htta)a reaty or %onvention on t&e Pro&i*ition o! t&e /se, Stoc(piling, Production and

    rans!er o! Anti>Personnel Personnel

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


    !or coordination o! military e!!orts to tac(le issues suc& as umanitarian Assistance and

    Disaster :elie! operations -&ayer, 20071 &e 8PDA as a security !rame)or(, overlaps )it&

    ot&er security structures, does not compete )it& t&em, and contri*utes to regional security

    -@&oo, 20001G


    In summary, t&is paper &as eplained t&roug& de!initions and t&e comparison o! military

    spending and plat!orm procurements t&at t&e recent arms acuisitions are not arms racing in

    t&e strictest sense *ut more o! maintenance and arms competition )it&in t&e arms dynamic


    Alt&oug& t&e paper re!utes t&e eistence o! an arms race in SEA, it also recogni;es t&at t&ese

    arms dynamics may contri*ute to regional insta*ility *y eploring some o! t&e current

    desta*ili;ing territorial disputes in SEA t&at may *e !uelled *y suc& acuisitions and

    descri*ed t&e con!idence>*uilding measures, arms control treaties and security cooperation

    t&at &ave put in place to mitigate arms competition and rising tensions

    o conclude, alt&oug& military spending and procurement are increasing, t&e measures to

    limit arms dynamics in t&e region currently seem to *e )or(ing, ensuring regional sta*ility in

    SEA &ere!ore, t&e recent arms acuisitions are not arms races and )ill pro*a*ly not lead to

    desta*ilisation o! t&e region

  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment



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  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


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  • 7/29/2019 ADSP Essay Assignment


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